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DERR-1993-015341 - 0901a06880541f42
PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT DOE ID NO.: MS-00025-RS ADDRESS: 516 CIRCLE DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 JULY 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 SCANNED , nr»p-|qq3-0|534l TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00025-RS SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00025-RS 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00025-RS Beginning 148.67 feet south and 339.22 feet east of the center of Section 36, T33S., R23E., Salt Lake Base Meridian; south 74 degrees 05 minutes west 128 feet, north 22 degrees 16 minutes west 142.843 feet, east 173.52 feet, south 98.7 feet to beginning, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: 516 Circle Drive Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory March 10, 1989 RUST Geotech Inc. October 3, 1989 Sonderegger Construction P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah May 8, 1990 May 22, 1990 Interior: Exterior: 0 cubic yards 79 cubic yards 193 square meters (m2) June 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00025-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 18 cubic yards of contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 18 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 79 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 8 inches to 18 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00025-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during May 1989, as described in the final REA dated October 1989. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 11 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 24 jjR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in three composite soil samples ranged from 2.1 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 6.2 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0065 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00025-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 516 Circle Drive, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 jjR/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 11 //R/h to 16//R/h. Annual average was 0.0065 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background1 in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 2.1 pCi/g to 6.2 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 15 //R/h. The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00025-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-SJW:06-08-93 MS-00025.RS WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00025-RS Address: 516 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A less-than sign (<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Area Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample O/R/h) Ticket No. Meas. Method * Radium-226 (pCi/g) Potassium (pCi/g) Thorium (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 14 - 24 14 - 19 13 - 18 MNZ 634 MNZ 635 MNZ 636 AL AL AL 6.2 ± 0.9 3.5 ± 0.5 2.1 ± 0.3 < 0.3 1.1 ± 0.3 18.0 ±3.9 1.3 ±0.3 17.9 ±3.8 1.1 ±0.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 7 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00025-RS Address: 516 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Radtrak® Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm2 Radon Concentration (pCi/L) Working Level 3142692 3142031 3142676 09-12-90 09-12-90 09-12-90 09-17-91 09-17-91 09-17-91 11.5 11.1 10.4 1.35 1.30 1.22 0.0068 0.0065 0.0061 Annual Average: 0.0065 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 8 10 12 14 T—i—i—r 16 i—r 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 i—i i j—\—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—r WEST FIFTH SOUTH STREET 7l 12-15 24 0 12 0 V-1 16-17 fc o RDC or 3 GARAGE CO to ONE STORY FRAME HOUSE O to RDC L a: O to DRWE CIRCLE NO. DATE SCALE IN FEET Y 2.0 40 UORTH i—i—i—i—r LEGEND ALL DEPTHS'IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN; pR/H ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER .20....:. .10....:...0.....: ^ : RMOO029V 06/16/93 TMT/82* THIS DRAWING. PREPARED FOR THE DECONTAMINATION AND DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS i NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT.: OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. 10 J L 12 I I I I I I I I I I I I I L 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 J L 28 [AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED IAREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION IPOST-I-REMEDIAL ACTION: EXPOSURE-- BOUNDARY"OF EXCAVATION CONTAMINATION RATE RANGE AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF ICONTAMIN ATI ON"':'i VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER ;AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE :POST-I-REMEDIAL ACTION I RADON DECAY-PRODUCT [CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME ;OF RE3MEDIAL ACTION EXTEP.IOR FIGURE =2.1 EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCE—MAN. HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEYOR SURVEY DATE VERIFICATION 30 BY CK. A.E. APP. NO. DATE CK. A.E. APP. 40 4 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO ENttT SUBMITTED'. 516 CIRCLE DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 DATE APPROVAL DOE 32 34 I DOE ID NO. MS-00025-RS B00025-VW 1 OF 1 36 38 40 4 DOE ID NO.: MS- OQQ&>^-~~ 'V^V-S Property Address :3\ l<? 5^cJ-\txV"^OSv lAg\Saa&Ci VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech. Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m3. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. s—- In-situ [ ] Lab(f><] Interior gamma is < 20 /uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] CM [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ 1 [ 1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN l>0 t ] [ ] tX] [ ] t 1 tvi t ] t ] [/] [ ] [ ] [ ] / hfl / t l [ ] [ ) M COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. inn SFCERT1 FED •llllllll SFMS-89062 DOE ID NO.: MS- CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. '21 iarry A. Pe Decontamiination and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. Date DOE EVALUATION [yj Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination and Decoi Certification Official Department of Energy ss ioriiny Program Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 MAY 2 61993 Jacob W. Gatrell Office of Environmental Restoration Southwestern Area Programs Division U.S. Department of Energy EM-451/GTN/D-247 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Gatrell: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Mary J. Wilson Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: MS00062 Location Address: 316 South 1st East Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Monticello. Utah 84535 Attachments DOE ID NO.: MS-00062-RS 1.3 summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00062-RS Parcel No. M-55, Block 8, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 316 South First East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Estate of Eva B. Black Residential Simple (RS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory October 14, 1988 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. March 29, 1989 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah June 23, 1989 September 15, 1989 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: *1SVcubic yards \"486\ square meters (m2) February 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00062-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 316 South First East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Standards Applicability Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 pR/h above background.* Ranges were 12 uR/h to 14 juR/h for the basement of Building 1, and 14 /iR/h to 22 pR/h for the ground floor of Building 2. Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Annual averages were 0.0134 WL for Building 1, and 0.0109 WL for Building 2. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 ma. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m*. Soil sample results ranged from 1.3 pCi/g to 2.7 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 15 fuR/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00062-RS ADDRESS: 316 SOUTH FIRST EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 FEBRUARY 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 * Harry X". Perry ' Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action . 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00062-RS 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00062-RS Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00062-RS Parcel No. M-55, Block 8, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 316 South First East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory October 14, 1988 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. March 29, 1989 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah June 23, 1989 September 15, 1989 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 115 cubic yards 486 square meters (m2) February 1993 DOE ID NO.: MS-00062-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 59 cubic yards of contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 12 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 115 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 36 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00062-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during October 1988, as described in the final REA dated March 1989. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 20 pR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in five composite soil samples ranged from 1.3 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 2.7 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing annual averages, the RDCs were 0.0134 working level (WL) for Building 1, and 0.0109 WL for Building 2 (Appendix Table 3.2). Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location in the basement of Building 1, and the location on the ground floor of Building 2 (the lowest habitable level of each structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00062-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 316 South First East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Applicability Certification Data Summary Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 /iR/h above background.* Ranges were 12 pR/h to 14 /iR/h for the basement of Building 1, and 14 /iR/h to 22 //R/h for the ground floor of Building 2. Radon Decay-Product Concentrat ion: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Annual averages were 0.0134 WL for Building 1, and 0.0109 WL for Building 2. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m3. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/ above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m3. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.3 pCi/g to 2.7 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately[l5 /uR/h **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately|2 pCi/g 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00062-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00062-RS Address: 316 South First East Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (juR/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l 13 - 20 V-2 13 - 16 V-3 14 - 17 V-4 14 - 19 V-5 14 - 17 MNK 475 AL MKQ 905 AL MKQ 906 AL MKQ 907 AL MKQ 908 AL 2.1 ± 0.3 17.7 1.3 ± 0.2 ; 18.2 1.7 ± 0.3 , 18.7 2.5 ± 0.4 J 18.0 2.7 ± 0.4 i 19.8 ± 3.0 1.0 ± 0.2 ± 3.0 1.0 ± 0.2 ± 3.1 1.0 ± 0.2 ± 3.0 0.9 + 0.2 ± 3.2 1.0 ± 0.2 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 7 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00062-RS Address: 316 South First East Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Radtrak* Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm' Radon Concentrat ion (pCi/1) Average Working Level (WL) 1652385 1652211 1650005 3315814 3315668 3315632 11-13-89 11-13-89 11-13-89 09-18-91 09-18-91 09-18-91 BUILDING 1 12-12-90 12-12-90 12-12-90 22.1 25.4 24.0 BUILDING 2 10-05-92 10-05-92 10-05-92 21.8 22.3 22.3 2.47 2.85 2.70 0.0124 0.0143 0.0135 Annual Average: 0.0134 2.14 2.20 2.20 0.0107 0.0110 0.0110 Annual Average: 0.0109 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement locations. MM-SJW:01-07-93 MS-00062.RS WS REV052592 8 12 14 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 — T—i—i—r 16 18 i—r-r 20 22 24 T—i—rr 26 28 i—i—r 30 32 i—i—r 34 36 38 : SOUTH FIRST EAST STREET ..: .. v-4 14-1» V-3 l/l • LU. LLL 14-17 V-4 6 X 6 I-......6 14-19 \ 14-16 0 AK12 36 *-(A V-4 15-17 15 u-ie :—v BUILDING 1 ONE STORY FRAME W/ BASEMENT is. v-s 12-14 12 14-17 V-1 ROC -J LL 13-20 Si *5 LU Q 12 V-2 13-16 12 /*• V-1 V-1 : BUILDING 2 V ONE STORY BLOCK HOUSE: 13-20 13-20 I RDC T ! O 14-22 : J 15-17: I :..[HX6 12 -SCALE:IN FEET Ci X fe- o z + X: .20. .io. p. j jo j .40 i i ;.. :Moooeir ei/WiJ mi :•:::••:: 10 J L I I I I J I 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 32 THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE DECONTAMINATION AMD DECOUMISSIPNIHO PROGRAM, IS FOR THE SOLE JJSE OF THC U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND (TJ CONTRACTORS. IT IS..., NOT A LAND SURVEY PUT, UTIUTY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NO? TO (C RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILOINO. OR OTHER fWIWRK ."MMRYfHtm. mtt.:\ : i I I I I I I I L 40 42 44 46 48 60 1 1 1 1 f "1 1 1—T—T 0 Iv.-.vl -iv.-.vj- 12-15 12 v-l 16-17 •i i i i i i I ! — ••I i i i i i i" jLEGEND j ALL DEPTHS IN: INCHES j i j.. ALL EXPOSURE: RATES IN pR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER; j j AVERAGE! DEPTH OF ASSESSED CCjNTAMINATIOljl .AREA OF:ASSESSED CONTAMINATION j j - POrST-RltMEDIA;L ACTION EXjPOSUljiE-RAjrE RAljJGE "BC-UNDARY OF EXCAVATION i i i i — AVERAGE: EXCAVATED iDEPTH FOR YHE DEPOSIT; OF CONTAMINATION j VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE -AREA jDENTIFIER j ..AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE j POfST-REMEDlAi ACTION RATION D!ECAY-|PRODUCT .CWCENTRATIOfl. MEASURE^ENT.LpCATj^N • _ ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF:REMEDIAL ACTION: I : : i i i i t i i ' — RADI o pojGi eAT: TCS 4 B V I UT" j ! EXTERIORIEXTENT OF CONTAMINATION j W.T.WMM1 M. tlftVltM SOS* IST" .1 ci. *x *»* rn*. mat mtmmomt «. e* .... U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OHAND JUWCTION mO«CT» OffKV COLORADO SI ESKi HUM? Si "8? 316 SOUTH FIRST EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH GtoUch, tne. 3=1 rare*—US-0DDB2-RS + 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 •MO «1 Dl/E ID NO.: MS-00070-RS Property Address: 432 South First East Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. pf Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is ^ 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is s= 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is ^ 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] m I 1 I 1 m [ 1 [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] IX! I 1 I 1 [ ] \/l I ] [ ] I ] [/J COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. llilllllllH limn SFCERTlFED SFMS-00078 DdE ID NO.: MS-00070-RS RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. Date DOE EVALUATION EnvironmentaflRestoration Program Certification Official Department of Energy Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00070-RS ADDRESS: 432 SOUTH FIRST EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 JULY 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 p Hapry A. Perry Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00070-RS SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00070-RS MS-00070-RS Parcel No. M-14-1; The SE4 of Lot 4, Block 3, Monticello Townsite Survey, Plat A, County of San Juan, State of Utah 432 South First East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory January 25, 1990 RUST Geotech Inc. August 30, 1990 Sonderegger Construction P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah May 8, 1991 May 31, 1991 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 126 cubic yards 316 square meters (m2) July 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00070-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 49 cubic yards of contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 12 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 126 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 12 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00070-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during June 1990, as described in the final REA dated August 1990. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 14 microroentgens per hour Ot/R/h) to 24 jjR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in three composite soil samples ranged from 3.5 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 4.6 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0052 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00070-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 432 South First East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 14 //R/h to 15 fjR/h. Annual average was 0.0052 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background1 in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background1 in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 3.5 pCi/g to 4.6 pCi/g. •The background exposure rate is approximately 15 //R/h. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00070-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-SJW:07-09-93 MS-00070.RS WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00070-RS Address: 432 South First East Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A less-than sign (<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l 14 - 24 NAB 988 AL 4.6 ± 0.6 24.6 ± 3.4 0.8 ± 0.3 V-2 14-20 NAB 989 AL 4.1 ± 0.6 23.7 ± 3.3 0.9 ± 0.3 V-3 14-20 NAB 990 AL 3.5 ± 0.5 24.9 ± 3.4 < 0.2 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 7 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00070-RS Address: 432 South First East Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Radtrak® Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm2 Radon Concentration (pCi/L) Working Level 3463071 3463043 3463059 01-07-92 01-07-92 01-07-92 01-06-93 01-06-93 01-06-93 10.3 8.9 10.9 1.06 0.92 1.13 0.0053 0.0046 0.0057 Annual Average: 0.0052 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 8 14 40 12 16 18 20 30 32 34 38 10 22 24 26 28 36 + 30 LEGEND ALL DEPTHSIN INCHES .. ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN 28 28 uR/h ® ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER <D AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION cr (D 26 AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION 26 [v.-.vt 15-17 EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST-REMEDIAL ACTION 12-15 0 0 BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE CONTAMINATION DEPOSIT OR 12 24 24 V-1 SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER VERIFICATION SOIL AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE 16-17 or 15-17 co POST-rREMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT ROC CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION .; ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME - ONE STORY - FRAME HOUSE W/CRAWL SPACE : 22 22 tO < V-3 V-2 Lu ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT DF REMEDIAL ACTION 14-20 14-20 CO 14-15 ; O ; A : X 20 20 ZD o CO RDC 18 18 12 12 12>---. SH ED V-1 15-17 14-24 mm 16 16 IOLOGIGALL AS 4 RAD Bu LT FIGURE 2JL EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 14 14 NO. DATE REVISIONS BT CK. A.E. APP. NO. DATE REVISIONS BV CK. A.E. APP RESIDENCE—NO. OF OCCUPANTS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO NON-RESIDENCE —MAN* HRS./WK DESIGNE DAT fa 12 THIS DRAWING. PREPARED FOR THE DECONTAMINATION AND : DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE ° U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS E NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT; OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND :IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING. OR. OTHER : - FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. 12 INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEYOR DRAWN SCALE IN FEET 7-7" 432 SOUTH FIRST EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 7-ti Y CHECKED 3.-IS PROJ. ENG.: SUBMITTED APPROVAL DATE APPROVAL DOE DATE 20; 10; o; 20; Y ; RM00070V 07/15/93 TUT/629 40--NORTH SURVEY OATE TIME DOE ID NO. MS-00070-RS MKT VERIFICATION DATE I 1 l I I I I J owe NOJ—Q00070—V1 10 SHT 22 24 20 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 12 14 16 18 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 W2sm Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00070 Location Address: 432 South 1st East Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 432 SOUTH 1ST EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00070) AR. Jones January 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix ESrmODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews : 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 432 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00070) 5 v ACKNOWTJErXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and G.S. Stowe and M.K. Jensen for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1991, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 432 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix 2 During 1991, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at 432 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all rontamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 432 South 1st East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Dociiment Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 49 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 12 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 126 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 12 inches deep were removed from a 316 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 3 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. « 4 y * 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 14 to 15 /iR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 14 to 24 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 3 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 3.5 to 4.6 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed 226Ra concentrations from 3.4 to 5.0 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three Alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from January 7,1992 to January 6, 1993). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0052, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 432 South 1st East Street, Monticello Utah (MS00070) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.' (cm) XI NAB-988 >15 5.0 4.6 X2 NAB-989 >15 3.7 4.1 X3 NAB-990 >15 3.4 3.5 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. REFERENCES Abramiuk L N.et aL1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00070, Address: 432 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, July 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. X DOE ID NO. : MS- DO 0 9 % ~ ffS Property Address: PVfl SquAh Yf}/r(J EccS>i ^iVee" VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech. Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [XJ Interior gamma is < 20 pR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]' txi IX) [ J [ ] t i [ ] txi [ ] [ i t J [ ] [ ] [ ] 00 U.S. Department of Energy (DQEi YES NO NOT TAKEN IXJ [ ) t ] [)0 [tf [ ) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] { ] I ) [ } [ 1 [ ] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Harry A. Perj#7 Date Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION [V] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Date Certification Official Department of Energy PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00098-RS ADDRESS: 248 SOUTH THIRD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 MAY 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Harry Perry Program Director Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey . 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00098-RS SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the. potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost- type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. DOE ID NO.: MS-00098-RS 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: MS-00098-RS Legal Description: Beginning 223 feet north of the SE corner of Block 11, Monticello Townsite Survey; west 60 feet, north 132 feet, east 60 feet, south 132 feet to the point of beginning, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category.: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: 248 South Third East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory June 19, 1990 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. January 4, 1991 Sonderegger Construction P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah April 29, 1991 May 31, 1991 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 73 cubic yards 220 square meters (m2) May 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00098-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 36 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 73 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 48 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00098-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during August 1990, as described in the final REA dated January 1991. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (pR/h) 24 fiR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in nine composite soil sample ranged from 2.5 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 11.2 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). Areas V-4 through V-9 were removed and verified as portions of Areas V-l, V-3, V-4, V-8, V-9, and V-10 under MS-00199-RS, the property to the west. 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0079 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location in the basement (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00098-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 248 South Third East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 A/R/h above background.* Range for the basement was 12 //R/h to 15 pR/h. Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Annual average was 0.0079 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 2.5 pCi/g to 11.2 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 16 jyR/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00098-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00098-RS Address: 248 South Third East Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A less-than sign (<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (^R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l 14 - 17 V-2 14 - 17 V-3 13 - 24 V-4** 17 - 20 V-5** 17 - 19 V-6** 17 - 19 V-7** 14 - 19 V-8** 14 - 19 V-9** 15 - 22 NAE 970 AL NAE 971 AL NAB 985 AL NAE 963 AL NAE 968 AL NAE 969 AL NAB 978 AL NAB 979 AL NAB 980 AL 4.4 ± 0.3 20.4 4.3 ± 0.3 17.8 2.5 ± 0.2 24.3 9.4 ± 0.7 18.6 8.3 ± 0.6 18.6 8.2 ± 0.6 17.9 5.6 ± 0.4 15.1 5.0 ± 0.3 23.5 11.2 ± 0.7 23.1 + 2.2 1.0 ± 0.1 ± 2.0 1.0 ± 0.1 ± 1.7 < 0.2 ± 2.1 0.6 ± 0.1 ± 2.1 1.3 ± 0.2 ± 2.1 < 0.2 ± 1.1 0.9 ± 0.1 + 1.7 < 0.2 + 1.6 < 0.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *AL = Analytical Laboratory **Areas V-4 through V-9 were verified as portions of Areas V-l, V-3, V-4, V-8, V-9, and V-10 under MS-00199-RS. 7 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-0.0098-RS Address: 248 South Third East Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Radtrak* Detector Radon Average Detector Tracks Per Concentration Working Number Start Date End Date mma (pCi/1) Level (WL) 3468165 01-08-92 3463070 01-08-92 3468104 01-08-92 01-06-93 15.7 01-06-93 14.7 01-06-93 17.1 1.53 0.0077 1.53 0.0077 1.67 0.0084 Annual Average: 0.0079 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. MM-DNM:04-09-93 MS-00098.RS WP51 REV033092 8 Y • SCALE IN FEET: .2.0. .10 Q 2.0. ^ ;' RU00&98V 04/26/93 TUT/329 J L .40. IF ;NORTH THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE DECONTAMINATION AND: DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM. IS FOR THElSOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A:LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT,; OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT ANDUS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING. OR? OTHER : . FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES....: (6) AVERAGE 36 V-3 V-9 13-24 15-22 mm V-8 n 14-19 •:•::•:•:•:•:•/: ;•:•./ iv.-.vj V-7 48 24 t SHED 12-15 14-19 VH ill : V-6 12 17-19 V-3 10 V-1 13-24 16-17 >l:.v:o:-/ V-1 777 14-17 If-:/ RDC LLL OF V-5 :15-17 17-19 \\ 6 O : V-2 i— 14-17 RDC QC IE CO ONE STORY : FRAME HOUSE W/BASEMENT co 6 >: < OC \ ZJZ f • * * 12-15 V-4 X 17-20 ZD o 15-17 CO —e-e-e-ocr-o-i V-3 EXTERIOR 7* 13-24 HO. OATE REVISIONS LEGEND. T r ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE:RATES IN pR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER! DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION i- POST—REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE:EXCAVATED DEPTH: CONTAMINATIONi FOR THE DEPOSIT: OF VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE - POST—REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME REMEDIAL ACTION i RADIOLOGICAL. AS-4BHIIUT ElMEEJZZL'' EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION J I I L 10 12 14 16 J L 18 J I I L 20 22 24 26 J L_ 28 RESIDENCE—NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIOENCE—MAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEYOR SURVEY OATE VERIFICATION 30 CK. A.E. APP. NO. OATE CK. A.E. APP. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO JCllfM £3i 248 SOUTH THIRD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 32 Geotech, Inc. ~34 APPROVAL DOE MS-00098-RS 3-B00098-V1 SHTI QF1 36 38 4C OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JAN 2 8 1994 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group MS00098-RS 248 South 3rd East Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Location Number: Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 248 SOUTH 3RD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00098-RS) A.R. Jones January 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 248 South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00098-RS) 5 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and M. K. Jensen and G. A Pierce for technical reviews. ix ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1991, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 248 South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix 4 * RESULTS OF THE JJNDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 248 SOUTH 3RD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00098-RS)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1991, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at 248 South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure trie removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. Tlie Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 248 South 3rd East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified mill tailings 6 to 36 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 73 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 48 inches deep were removed from a 220 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative in the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 3 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for verification areas VI through V3. Areas V4 through V9 soil samples were taken and verified as portions of Areas VI, V3, V4, V9, V9, and V10 under MS00199-RS, the property to the west. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 12 to 15 /iR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 24 ^R/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 3 excavated areas and portions of 6 verification areas from MS00199. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 2.5 to 11.2 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 4.0 to 8.0 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three Alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from January 8, 1992 to January 6, 1993). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the TechVOps-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0079, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m* area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn Average annual radon proge- 0.03 WL progeny ny concentration (including background) (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 248 South 3rd East Street, Monticello Utah (MS00098-RS) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech • No." No.b (cm) XI NAE-970 >15 4.0 4.4 X6 NAE-969 >15 8.0 8.2 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00098-RS, Address: 248 South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, May 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DEC l 8 1996 PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00100-CS ADDRESS: 333 SOUTH SECOND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 DECEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Ha/ry A. Pern/ Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00100-CS SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), which determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00100-CS 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: MS-00100-CS Parcel No. M-64; Lots 1, 3, and 4, Block 10, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 333 South Second East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Commercial Structure (CS) Not applicable; historical inclusion by the DOE Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor for Phases I and II: Pre-Construction Conference Record for Phase I: Pre-Construction Conference Record for Phase II: Notice of Final Completion Inspection for Phases I and II: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: June 8, 1984 RUST Geotech Inc. January 28, 1987 Bayless & Bayless, Inc. 435 East 1st Street Pueblo, Colorado July 14, 1988 August 1, 1988 September 29, 1988 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 9,074 cubic yards 12,340 square meters (m2) December 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00100-CS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b). Interior assessed Area A (concrete masonry wall) was excluded from remedial action based on gamma exposure rates and pre-remedial radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements that did not exceed the EPA standards, as discussed in the REA. Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment (excluding assessed Area A) identified 2,272 cubic yards of contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 96 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 9,074 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 120 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00100-CS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation during October 1985, as described in the final REA dated January 1987. An additional radiological survey was conducted by Rust Geotech Inc. during April 1988. Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b show the extent of assessed contamination and identify the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 microroentgens per hour (jjR/h) to 68 yR/h (Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b). Elevated exposure rates in Area V-17 were associated with material under the footing of the building. This material was not removed because it did not cause the interior gamma exposure rates to exceed the EPA standards. Elevated exposure rates in Areas V-24, V-82, V-88, and V-109 were associated with materials at the bottom of the excavation that did not exceed the EPA standard. The results of analyses for radium-226 in 148 composite soil samples ranged from 0.4 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 14.7 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0184 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1a shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). The RDC measurements were not taken in the area of highest gamma exposure rates because of the unsuitable environment inside the smoke room. 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00100-CS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 333 South Second East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 /vR/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 12 ji/R/h to 29 //R/h. Annual average was 0.0184 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above backgroundT in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall nol exceed 15 pCi/g above backgroundt in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 0.4 pCi/g to 14.7 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 16 /yR/h. fThe background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00100-CS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figures: Figure 2.1a Interior and Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT Figure 2.1b Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-SJW:07-06-93 MS-00100.CS WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00100-CS Address: 333 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A less-than sign {<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Area Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample (//R/h) Ticket No. Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 V-20 V-21 V-22 V-23 V-24 V-25 V-26 15 - 18 15 - 23 12 - 17 12 - 14 14 - 18 14 - 18 13 - 14 13 - 15 13 - 15 13 - 15 13 - 15 12 - 14 14 - 23 14 - 24 14 - 17 14 12 - 61 18 - 21 17 - 19 18 - 21 18 - 24 18 - 23 17 - 21 17 - 68 18 - 21 18 - 21 MNK 601 MNK 602 MNK 603 MNK 604 MNK 605 MNK 606 MNK 607 MNK 608 MNK 609 MNK 610 MNK 611 MNK 612 MNK 613 MNK 614 MNK 615 MNK 616 MNK 617 MNK 618 MNK 619 MNK 620 MNK 621 MNK 622 MNK 623 MNK 624 MNK 625 MNK 501 AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 7.0. 2.9 2.5 2.7 2.1 2.2 1.8 0.7 1.0 2.3 2.3 1.1 6.8 1.6 1.5 1.1 1.5 2.0 1.8 1.0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.4 18.4 19.5 18.3 17.2 17.1 15.5 14.6 13. 17. 15. 14. 14.0 16.1 .9 .2 .7 .2 15 16 16 17 17 17 16 18 17.1 17.4 18.2 17.4 15.4 3.6 3.7 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.1 3.0 3.0 3.4 3, 3, 3, 3, 3. 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.5 3.4 0.2 0.7 1.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 0.8 1.1 1.1 ± 1.0 ± ± + 1.1 1.2 1.1 0.2 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.4 0. 0. 0. 0. 0, 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 *AL = Analytical Laboratory 7 Table 3.1 (continued) Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00100-CS Address: 333 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-27 V-28 V-29 V-30 V-31 V-32 V-33 V-34 V-35 V-36 V-37 V-38 V-39 V-40 V-41 V-42 V-43 V-44 V-45 V-46 V-47 V-48 V-49 V-50 V-51 V-52 V-53 V-54 V-55 V-56 V-57 17 - 19 18 - 28 18 - 26 16 - 23 17 - 19 18 - 24 16 - 19 18 - 21 19 - 28 17 - 19 15 - 17 16 - 18 18 - 24 18 - 21 18 18 - 28 17 - 19 16 - 17 16 - 21 18 - 24 15 - 19 16 - 19 15 - 18 15 - 16 13 - 16 15 - 17 18 - 20 16 - 24 16 - 18 16 - 19 16 - 18 MNK 502 MNK 503 MNK 504 MNK 505 MNK 506 MNK 507 MNK 508 MNK 509 MNK 510 MNK 511 MNK 512 MNK 513 MNK 514 MNK 515 MNK 516 MNK 517 MNK 518 MNK 519 MNK 520 MNK 201 MNK 202 MNK 203 MNK 204 MNK 205 MNK 206 MNK 207 MNK 208 MNK 209 MNK 210 MNK 211 MNK 212 AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL- AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 0.9 2.0 1.6 1.3 1.0 1.8 2.5 1.2 2.5 1.9 0.4 1.3 4.0 1.8 1.4 2.8 1.0 1.0 2.4 3.1 3.0 1.0 1.7 1.5 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.3 0.3 17.0 17.4 17.7 16.3 16.8 16.7 16.2 15.8 17.3 16.3 18.0 17.1 13.8 13.3 16.5 16.2 17.0 16.0 15.4 14.9 14. 15. 17. 12. 13. 15. 14.8 15.4 16.3 15.9 16.8 ,2 .0 .5 .9 .9 .5 3.3 3.5 3. 3. 3. 3, 3.1 3.4 3.4 0.9 1.3 1.4 1.3 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.4 1.1 0.9 1.4 1.3 1.1 1.4 1.5 1.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 1.1 ± 0.9 ± 1.1 ± *AL = Analytical Laboratory 8 Table 3.1 (continued) Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00100-CS Address: 333 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-58 V-59 V-60 V-61 V-62 V-63 V-64 V-65 V-66 V-67 V-68 V-69 V-70 V-71 V-72 V-73 V-74 V-75 V-76 V-77 V-78 V-79 V-80 V-81 V-82 V-83 V-84 V-85 V-86 V-87 V-88 15 13 18 16 15 15 14 15 15 17 16 15 15 15 14 15 16 16 15 15 15 15 14 16 16 13 14 14 15 13 17 21 18 29 28 17 16 20 18 18 24 24 17 17 16 16 16 22 24 18 16 17 16 16 24 35 16 17 18 19 16 41 MNK 213 MNK 214 MNK 215 MNK 216 MNK 217 MNK 218 MNK 219 MNK 220 MNK 221 MNK 222 MNK 223 MNK 224 MNK 225 MNK 126 MNK 127 MNK 128 MNK 129 MNK 130 MNK MNK MNK 131 132 133 MNK 134 MNK 135 MNK 136 MNK 137 MNK 138 MNK 139 MNK 140 MNK 141 MNK 142 MNK 143 AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 2.5 2.0 .2 ,8 1.8 1.5 0.4 0.3 0.9 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.3 3.3 4.5 5.6 2.2 2.3 1.5 1.6 2.7 1.5 5.1 14.7 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.7 1.4 13.4 0.8 2.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 2.0 17.0 17.7 15.4 16.3 16.1 17 20 19 17 14 12.9 15.0 18.4 17.1 15.4 14.5 10, 16, 15, 12, 14, 17, 14, 3.4 3.4 3.3 3.3 3.3 4.0 4.4 4.3 17.8 16.0 13.3 12.0 17.3 17.4 18.3 15.3 3.9 3.9 3.6 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.0 3.4 3.3 4.2 4.2 4.1 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.2 0.8 0.8 1.3 1.2 0.9 1.8 1.0 1.1 1.4 1.1 1.3 0.9 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 1.1 ,2 .9 .9 ,9 ,3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0. 0. 0, 0. 0, 0. 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 < 0.3 *AL = Analytical Laboratory 9 Table 3.1 (continued) Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-001OO-CS Address: 333 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-89 V-90 V-91 V-92 V-93 V-94 V-95 V-96 V-97 V-98 V-99 V-100 V-101 V-102 V-l 03 V-104 V-105 V-106 V-107 V-108 V-109 V-110 V-lll V-112 V-113 V-114 V-115 V-116 V-117 V-118 V-119 15 13 14 13 14 15 16 15 14 14 13 13 14 15 14 13 14 15 13 14 15 14 13 13 13 13 15 15 14 14 13 18 20 18 16 17 18 18 17 21 18 16 16 17 21 18 16 17 16 15 17 37 17 16 16 17 16 19 20 18 19 16 MNK MNK MNK MNK MNK MNK 144 145 146 147 148 149 MNK 326 MNK 327 MNK 328 MNK 329 MNK 330 MNK 331 MNK 332 MNK 333 MNK 334 MNK 335 MNK 336 MNK 337 MNK 338 MNK 339 MNK 340 MNK 341 MNK 342 MNK 343 MNK 344 MNK 345 MNK 346 MNK 347 MNK 348 MNK 349 MNK 350 AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 3. 6, 1, 1. 1. 3, 3. 12. 5. 2. 1. 1. 3. 3. 2.6 1.8 4.9 2.3 2.0 3.1 1.5 3.8 1.7 14 2 7 1 0.6 1.0 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.6 1.9 0.9 0.4 17.7 ,4 ,4 ,5 .6 ,4 ,3 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.3 2.1 0.5 1.1 0.3 17.7 17.0 15.8 16.9 20 13.7 15.1 17.4 15.4 15.1 17.1 14.6 15.2 14.8 16. 14. 17. 14. 3 ± .3 .3 .3 ,7 15.8 14. 14. 16. 15.4 17.8 17.4 13.8 16. 15. 14. 13. 4, 4, 3. 3. 4. 4, 3. 0.2 1.3 4.1 4.2 4.2 3.8 4.1 3.8 3.2 3. 3. 3. 3, 3.1 3.2 1.0 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.4 1.1 1.1 3.1 3.2 3.7 1.2 0.7 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 10 Table 3.1 (continued) Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-001OO-CS Address: 333 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-120 V-121 V-122 V-123 V-124 V-125 V-126 V-127 V-128 V-129 V-130 V-131 V-132 V-133 V-134 V-135 V-136 V-137 V-138 V-139 V-140 V-141 V-142 V-143 V-144 V-145 V-146 V-147 V-148 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 15 15 16 15 16 17 13 13 13 15 15 14 13 13 13 13 13 16 14 13 19 16 21 16 16 16 17 18 20 21 24 28 21 26 26 17 19 18 24 19 20 16 15 15 19 17 20 18 28 24 MNK 351 MNK 352 MNK 353 MNK 354 MNK 355 MNK 356 MNK 357 MNK 358 MNK 359 MNK 360 MNK 361 MNK 362 MNK 363 MNK 364 MNK 365 MNK 366 MNK 367 MNK 368 MNK 369 MNK 370 MNK 371 MNK 372 MNK 373 MNK 374 MNK 375 MNK 580 MNK 581 MNK 585 MNK 521 AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 1.2 1.7 1.5 1.1 0.7 0.6 2.0 2.0 2.9 3.7 5.5 4.2 1.9 1.7 1.9 3.0 2.2 5.3 6.2 2.9 1.8 1.1 1.8 1.6 2.5 3.0 1.5 1.7 4.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.6 0.9 0.6 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.8 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 15.2 15.6 14.0 15.0 13.8 13.0 13.3 13.1 12.9 .1 .4 .6 11. 14. 18. 16.4 17.5 19.3 18.3 17.7 17.5 16.9 15.8 14.4 18.5 15.6 16.4 10.2 19.1 19.6 16.8 19.3 4.0 4.1 3.1 3.2 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.8 3.0 2.9 3.9 3.5 0. 0. 1.1 3.9 4.0 3.9 3.7 4.3 3.8 3.9 3.4 4.3 4.2 4.0 3.7 0.9 0.8 1.3 0.7 0.2 0.7 1.1 0.8 1.4 0.7 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.2 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. .2 .3 .3 .3 .2 .2 ,3 ,3 .2 .3 2 ,4 ,2 .3 ,3 ,3 1.1 0.2 0.6 ± 0.3 ± 0.3 ± 0.3 ± 0.3 ± 0.3 ± 0.2 See Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b for the verification areas. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 11 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-001 OO-CS Address: 333 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Track Etch® Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm2 Radon Concentration (pCi/L) Working Level 526495 526235 526251 01-18-89 01-18-89 01-18-89 01-18-90 01-18-90 01-18-90 25.7 33.3 25.2 3.37 4.35 3.32 0.0169 0.0218 0.0166 Annual Average: 0.0184 See Appendix Figure 2.1a for the measurement location. 12 I I i i I 2« i i i i i i 1 i T —r SOUTH THIRO EAST STP£-; 3 /- 123 125 12* 13-21 5-2S 17-26 J- I 7 EH 0 v-10 13-21 v-25 EH V-95 *-sa 109 Y-60 V-4fi V-J9 '-32 -IB tf- 1 16 S-24 : a-18 S-22 I7-Z4 tB-29 18-20 ia-2« ia-2* ia-2i 15-20 9-24 on EH EH EI EH EH 36 /< 3-T B 601 H2J 0 v- l 2* 3-ia rf~96 -39 V-32 V —C T V-S4 V- 10J V-AO -19 I 10 rs-'9 ©\ 3-17 6-32 15-18 1S-2* 6-28 14-Ifl S-24 18-Z* 15-19 18-21 a-zt I 7-19 14-17 4-ia \ P2 LTH 0© . 36 ^ 3o rav tf-27 I7-1» /-97 U-20 0 V-59 14-2 43 V 13-16 15-18 13-17 3-17 3-16 s-ta 16-19 ia-2t 19-21 00 EH EH '2 121 43 . / f 36 / © 0 1 19 V-I 12 M-16 13-16 V-53 V-29 /-42 V-9 105 N 14-17 15-16 S-17 18-28 8-28 '9-18 ia-24 14-18 14-18 V-49 • 0 0 0 EH \ EH 16-19 13-18 13 / 12 /• v-106 v-29 '2 \ V-49 V-92 V-B5 V-64 /-5 V-SO V-4J v-3« 13-17 V-78 13-16 18-26 13-16 13-16 14-18 13-15 14-20 6-l» 13-16 17-19 17-19 18-23 13-17 • EH EH EH •.EH 13-15 ©© ra 1 M -100 V-86 V-30 V- 107 Y-79 V-65 v-58 V-31 rf-37 U-16 13-21 13-16 14-17 15-19 13-16 16-23 13-15 14*16 15-18 15-21 U-16 16-17 13-IT 17-21 E3 EH 12 ' V 36 48 k_3 MATCh LINE FIGURE 2.1a F.G'JRE 2 lb FIGURE 2.13 fa NOT TO SCALE « V*t\9)J\00OlV»i043'Bffv 01<:»(14' J I 1 ! L SCALE IN FEET I I I I I ' I I 20 10 0 ' ' I © <D i—i i i 12-15 I I I I I ' ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RA-JS IN uR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE OEPTH OF ASSE3SE0 CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION PCST-REUEOIAL ACT;ON EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BCUNCARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEOIAL ACTION J L HOC*** (S f0* 'MC SOU USC OF TMC U.S OCP**ruC<«T OF S.*iiQf ANO iTS C3NTJUCT0I1S iT is HOT A 1>ND Su*vC »W. UTtlirv i.X4dOM P(J»r. 0* OTNE* lyPAOVCuCMT SUAVC »WT **o if SOT ro ac *cuco UPON POM TMC csr*8L<SHuesr of FCICC. tuiLOiNc. o* OTHEA FUTUBC >U^AOVCUCNT UNCS ' ) I t I I L RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1b EXTE=?iOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION IT CK A C. AP» NO Q*rC •T CK ».C. *»° U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CRANO JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLOAAOO 1* 333 SOUTH SECCNO EAST STREET MONTICEL'-O. UTAH MKT GIOTECH INC 0*11 • xJ COC 0 -0 ws_ooioo-cs OwC HO 3-0444-V2 ' 52 I I I I 26 ~r~ 23 -r i i i r —i 36 ~r 38 —i 40 ~~i I I I 46 ~~i 43 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I M4'CH LINE F:GURE 2 lb 32 0© x:C© 50] EH V-S7 -53 V-43 13-16 s -1 a JX61I20 s-ta 3-19 / - 108 5-1 7 5-21 1 22 5-13 0 EH EH EH EH EH 13-19 i-MJ 139 /-US /ISO /-I 3* 3-17 «-2Q 13-19 3-1 7 s-:o 36i f EH '-13 155 J-l« S-2« EH i4-ia t V-I 36 13-15 I3-'B T . — L SGXl 12 0 ~ ©©^ /- 10 V- 16 ©0 TT3 n -_L_ U-1S 12 V- 1 7 V-3 v-i i V-6 12-61 r 1-15 13-13 v-3 4-18 V-7 12-17 V-i © 12-14 13-14 EH M-15 14-16 'ra 1 / 1 1 V-T2 108 1 I 12-14 12-15 [96] . [96) 18-24 v-2 15-17 n-2 16-17 18-24-^- ONE STORY 9L0CK BUILDING 12-29 14-16 [<2 5-19 EH v-i 7 1-0© lEH I X2' 12-51 v-l 7 15-16 0© Li±J\ 0© /t3 3 OTP L . 7T7 SOUTH SECONO EAST STREET LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN (iR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE 90UN0ARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA ICSNT|F|FR AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST-REMEDIAL ACTION RAOON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUNO AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION HEIGHT IN INCHES OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATED CONCRETE MASONRY WALL ASSESSED AREA A (CONCRETE MASONRY WALL) WAS EXCLUDED FROM REMEDIAL ACTION FIGURE 2.1b r FIGURE 2.1a NOT TO SCALE 11*1111 I I I I I I ! I 1 I I l f 1 1 i THIS 3*>«'NC. Mt»**£0 ton TM£ CMVIAOIUCNTAL *CSTO*AT:C* Pf)OC*>w. "S *0* TM« SOU USC 0' TMC U S DCPARTMCNT 3r CN£«C *NO ITS CONTHACTOHS H* i5 NOT A u>NO Su«v£r *u»T. UTILtrt LOCATION »t>T. 0* OTMCR IMHOVCWCNT SU*V(T »L»T AMD IS NOT TQ |C ftCLlCD UPON PON 'MC CSTABLISHME^' OP PCNCC. •UH.O'NC. 0* OTHf* PUTUAC IUV^OVCUCNT LhES I I I I J I I !_ RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE ?.1n INT^lQP AND EXTERiQP EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION NO. t 0*t£ ) RC'^.OnS '-»l set->«*»-«»1 /«« >T C* [ A £ kpp HO 0*TC >f j C« * C. A^B U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRANO JUNCrtON pitojccrs orncc. coioiuoo 12 333 SOUTH SECOND EAST STREET MONTICELLO. UTAH GEOTICH INC Mi-CJI OO-CS > 7; 72 HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 333 SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00100-CS) A. R. Jones July 1996 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by LOCKHEED MARTIN ENERGY RESEARCH CORPORATION for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-96OR22464 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES .. 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 4 CONCLUSION 4 REFERENCES 7 iii LIST OF TABLES 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 5 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 333 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS001 OO-CS) 6 iv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and M. J. Wilson-Nichols and N. F. Kirby for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radio- activity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1988, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 333 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. All deficiencies noted in the initial review have been resolved with the revised completion report. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL 1993). ix 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 333 SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00100-CS)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various govern- ment agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with na- tive grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south ofthe city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to dis- posal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform reme- dial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive ma- terial resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (U.S. DOE 1990b). •The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Grourjjjyhjf^^ Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-96OR22464 with Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation. 2 During 1988, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a meat processing plant located at 333 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Labor- atory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 333 South 2nd East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available doc- umentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) in- dicates the property was remediated as evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards and the DOE guidelines (DOE 1990a). Excess residual radioactive materials were present, thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 2272 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 96 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 9074 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 120 inches deep, were removed from a 12,340 nrarea. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling the exca- vated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer of the ground level of the structure, a surface scan of the exterior, and soil sampling. Samples repre- sentative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 148 excavated verification areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. —. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been sub- tracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the structure ranged from 12 to 29 uR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 12 to 68 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the 148 exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed mRa concentrations to range from 0.4 to 14.7 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these samples and performed a confirmatory analysis which showed ~6Ra concentrations of 1.2 to 12 pCi/g. These values are below the EPA standard value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface. Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. As a result of a meeting between the RAC and IVC on May 26, 1994, anomalous readings, defined as >30% above the average of the excavation, will be investigated to show compliance to the DOE Hot Spot guideline. This property was remediated before this procedure change. The IVC observed that 44 verification areas exceeded 30% of the excavation average. The IVC will allow a correlation developed by the RAC to estimate 226Ra concentrations based on gamma exposure rates. The highest anomalous reading of 68 uR/h on this property using the RAC's correlation yields a 226Ra concentration of 60 pCi/g. This area is described as a point source, therefore, an area of 1 m2 is assumed. This value is well below the Hot Spot guideline for a 1 m2 subsurface area (150 pCi/g). The second highest anomalous reading of 61 uR/h, associated with material left in place around the building footer, yielded a ^Ra concentration of 52 pCi/g. Since the area of the footer is <8.5 m2, this value also does not exceed the Hot Spot guideline (Table 1). The remaining anomalous areas are less than 41 uR/h, which yields a 226Ra concentration of 29 pCi/g (Table 1). This value is also below the Hot Spot guideline of 25 m2 for sub- surface samples, when assuming the maximum area of 25 m2. 4 Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were deter- mined by the Alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three alpha- track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from January 18, 1989 to January 18, 1990). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0184, which is below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based on the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verifi- cation assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. All deficiencies noted in the initial review have been identified by the RAC and corrected in the revised completion report as discussed in meetings between Geotech and ORNL on March 22, 1995 and February 28, 1996. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 5 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of 226Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Radionuclide con- centrations in soil for Hot Spot areas Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum Permissible con- centration of Ra226 in soil above background level, for areas less than 25 m2 Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) Ra concentrations, in any surface or subsurface area less than 25 m2, is below the guideline by a factor of (100/A)*, where A is the area of the elevated region 0.03 WL (DOE 1990a) 6 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 333 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS001 OO-CS) ORNL sample No." Geotech sample No.* Depth (cm> ^6Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech XI X13 X24 X37 X45 X52 X68 X76 X89 X96 X107 X124 X139 X148 MNK 601 MNK 613 MNK 624 MNK512 MNK 520 MNK 207 MNK 223 MNK 131 MNK 144 MNK 327 MNK 338 MNK 355 MNK 370 MNK 521 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 4.2 3.9 6.6 1.2 2.2 1.9 4.9 1.9 3.9 12.0 1.9 1.2 2.9 4.0 .7.0 5.0 6.8 0.4 2.4 1.9 5.6 1.9 3.8 12.4 1.9 0.7 2.9 4.3 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. 4 Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 7 REFERENCES Geotech 1993. Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS001 OO-CS, Address: 333 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, December 1993. ORNL 1993. Environmental Technology Section (Formerly Pollutant Assessment Group) Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/R2, September 1993. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. U.S. DOE 1990a. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. U.S. DOE 1990b. Monticello Mill Tailings Site Declaration for the Record of Decision and Record of Decision Summary. U.S. Department of Energy, Grand Junction Projects Office, Grand Junction, Colorado. DEC 18 PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION DOE ID NO.: MS-00102-MR ADDRESS: 417 SOUTH SECOND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 SEPTEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 FOR FOR by RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 5 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 6 4.0 APPENDIX 7 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00102-MR SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), which determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00102-MR MS-00102-MR Parcel Numbers M-4 and M-4-3, Block 1, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 417 South Second East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Major Residential (MR) Not applicable; historical inclusion by the DOE June 8, 1984 RUST Geotech Inc. May 28, 1985 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah September 8, 1987 September 30, 1987 Interior: 25 cubic yards Exterior: 702 cubic yards 1,904 square meters (m2) September 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00102-MR 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of interior and exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 675 cubic yards of contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 18 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 727 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 60 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00102-MR 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation during October 1984, as described in the final REA dated May 1985. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the exterior excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the exterior verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Interior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 16 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 19 //R/h for the remediated crawl space, and 15 //R/h to 18 //R/h for the ground floor (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 16 //R/h to 47 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). Elevated exposure rates in Areas V-20 , V-21, V-22, and V-24 were associated with residual radioactive material left in place to avoid causing permanent damage to mature trees. Elevated exposure rates in Area V-26 were associated with residual radioactive material left in place because of safety considerations related to the depth and stability of the excavation. Elevated exposure rates in Area V-23 were associated with material at the bottom of the excavation that did not exceed the EPA standards. Elevated exposure rates in other areas were caused by material left in place in adjacent verification areas. The results of analyses for radium-226 in five composite soil samples of these areas ranged from 18.3 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 43.1 pCi/g. The 100 m2 area averages ranged from 4.9 pCi/g to 14.9 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). Areas V-20, V-21, V-22, V-24, and V-26 also met the hot spot criteria, as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. The results of analyses for radium-226 in 20 remaining composite soil samples ranged from 1.7 pCi/g to 15.9 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.3). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00102-MR 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0047 working level (WL) for the house (Appendix Table 3.4). Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). RDC measurements were not taken in the trailer house due to excessive ventilation caused by no permanent foundation. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00102-MR 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 417 South Second East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Ranges were 16 //R/h to 19 //R/h for the remediated crawl space, and 15 //R/h to 18 //R/h for the ground floor. Annual average was 0.0047 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background1 in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above backgroundt in anyl 5-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.7 pCi/g to 15.9 pCi/g. Other soil sample results, averaged over 100 m2 areas, ranged from 4.9 pCi/g to 14.9 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 16 //R/h. TThe background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00102-MR 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Calculations of Average Radium Concentrations Over 100 m2 Areas Table 3.2 Hot Spot Calculation Results Table 3.3 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.4 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Interior and Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-JEK:06-18-93 MS-00102.MR WP51 REV053193 7 Table 3.1 Calculations of Average Radium Concentrations Over 100 m2 Areas DOE ID No.: MS-00102-MR Address: 417 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah (CpXAp) + [Crx (1,076-Ap)] Cav9 = 1,076 Radium-226 concentration in pCi/g averaged over a 100 m2 (1,076 ft2) area. Radium-226 concentration in pCi/g of the residual radioactive material left in place. Area in ft2 of the residual radioactive material left in place. Radium-226 concentration in pCi/g for the remainder of the 100 m2 area, including excavated and unexcavated areas. Total area in ft2 over which the EPA guideline is applied. Where: C avg S - * : 1,076 = 8 Table 3.2 Hot Spot Calculation Results DOE ID No.: MS-00102-MR Address: 417 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Where: Shg = [Sgx (100/A)%] + Bkg Shg = Hot Spot Limit of radium-226 concentration in pCi/g. Sg = Authorized Limit of radium-226 concentration in pCi/g (Sg = 5.0 pCi/g for surface soil and 15.0 pCi/g for subsurface soils). 100 = Total areain m2 over which the Hot Spot Limit guideline is applied. A = Area in m2 of the hot spot. Bkg = Background radium-226 concentration in pCi/g (Bkg = 2.0 pCi/g for Monticello). A Sa Sha Radium-226 in Meas. Depth a a Hot Spot Area Area Method* (inches) (m2) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-20 AL 06 - 12 6.7 15.0 60.0 24.9 V-21 AL 06 - 12 9.3 15.0 51.2 43.1 V-22 AL 06 - 12 12.3 15.0 44.8 36.3 V-24 AL 12 - 18 3.4 15.0 83.3 19.3 V-26 AL 60 - 66 11.3 15.0 46.6 18.3 Therefore, the radium-226 concentrations in the hot spot areas do not exceed the Hot Spot Limits. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 10 Table 3.3 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00102-MR Address: 417 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A less-than sign (<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Area Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample (//R/h) Ticket No. Meas. Method* Radium-226 (pCi/g) Potassium (pCi/g) Thorium (pCi/g) EXTERIOR V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 16 - 23 16 - 21 16 - 23 16 - 31 17 17 16 17 17 18 19 19 18 19 18 18 17 17 19 27 23 36 29 25 27 47 29 21 29 25 29 21 21 29 MNH 538 MNH 539 MNH 540 MNH 541 MNH 542 MNH 543 MNH 544 MNH 545 MNH 549 MNH 550 MNI 151 MNI 152 MNI 153 MNI 154 MNI 155 MNI 156 MNI 157 MNI 158 MNI 159 AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 2.5 1.7 3.4 4.8 4.2 5.4 8.8 7.2 2.4 7.0 15.6 7.0 3.3 7.3 2.4 13.1 2.2 3.5 12.6 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.4 1.1 2.5 1.1 0.6 1.2 0.4 2.1 0.4 0.6 2.0 20.4 ± 3.3 19.4 ± 3.1 20.8 ± 3.3 19.7 ± 3.2 20.3 ± 3.2 19.4 ± 3.1 20.4 ± 3.3 20.8 ± 3.3 18.7 ± 3.8 17.3 ± 3.7 15.8 ± 3.5 16.3 ± 3.5 17.3 ± 3.7 15.5 ± 3.4 17.8 ± 3.6 ± 18.0 15.6 16.2 17.1 ± 3 ± 3 ± 3 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.7 0.9 1.6 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.9 1.2 1.1 1.4 1.1 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.1 0.6 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 11 Table 3.3 (continued) Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00102-MR Address: 417 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) EXTERIOR V-20f 25 - 44 MNI 160 AL 24.9 ± 3.9 19.3 ± 4.1 0.7 ± 0.3 V-21* 23 - 47 MNI 161 AL 43.1 ± 6.8 15.6 ± 4.1 < 0.6 V-22f 23 - 36 MNI 162 AL 36.3 ± 5.7 18.3 ± 4.1 1.7 ± 0.5 V-23 25 - 34 MNH 546 AL 15.9 ±1.8 17.9 ± 3.3 1.3 ± 0.3 V-24* 25-31 MNH 547 AL 19.3 ± 2.2 21.7 ±3.6 1.4 ± 0.4 V-26t 25 - 40 MNH 548 AL 18.3 ± 2.1 18.9 ± 3.4 0.7 ± 0.3 INTERIOR V-25 16 - 19 Not applicable See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *AL = Analytical Laboratory Composite soil samples of residual radioactive material left in place. 12 Table 3.4 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00102-MR Address: 417 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Track Etch® Detector Radon Detector Tracks Per Concentration Working Number Start Date End Date mm2 (pCi/L) Level 638994 12-21-87 01-18-89 639012 12-21-87 01-18-89 637148 12-21-87 01-18-89 8.5 0.88 0.0044 7.8 0.81 0.0041 10.7 1.11 0.0056 Annual Average: 0.0047 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 13 Table 3.1 (continued) Calculations of Average Radium Concentrations Over 100 m2 Areas DOE ID No.: MS-00102-MR Address: 417 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah CD AD cr cava EPA Meas. Depth v H Standard Area Method* (inches) (pCi/g) (ft2) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-20 AL V-21 AL V-22 AL V-24 AL V-26 AL 06 - 12 24.9 06 - 12 43.1 06 - 12 36.3 12 - 18 19.3 60 - 66 18.3 72 5.91 100 12.02 132 4.93 37 4.44 122 7.6s 7.2 17.0 14.9 17.0 8.8 17.0 4.9 17.0 8.8 17.0 Therefore, the averaged radium-226 concentrations do not exceed the EPA standard. *AL = Analytical Laboratory Weighted-area average, based on 313 ft2 of Area V-9 at 2.4 pCi/g, 522 ft2 of Area V-10 at 7.0 pCi/g, 80 ft2 of Area V-11 at 15.6 pCi/g, and 89 ft2 of Area V-18 at 3.5 pCi/g. 2Weighted-area average, based on 74 ft2 of Area V-10 at 7.0 pCi/g, 570 ft2 of Area V-11 at 15.6 pCi/g, 326 ft2 of Area V-12 at 7.0 pCi/g, and 6 ft2 of Area V-18 at 3.5 pCi/g. 3Weighted-area average, based on 478 ft2 of Area V-14 at 7.3 pCi/g, 411 ft2 of Area V-15 at 2.4 pCi/g, and 55 ft2 of Area V-17 at 2.2 pCi/g. 4Weighted-area average, based on 247 ft2 of Area V-3 at 3.4 pCi/g, 303 ft2 of Area V-4 at 4.8 pCi/g, 307 ft2 of Area V-5 at 4.2 pCi/g, and 182 ft2 of Area V-6 at 5.4 pCi/g. 5Weighted-area average, based on 214 ft2 of Area V-6 at 5.4 pCi/g, 245 ft2 of Area V-7 at 8.8 pCi/g, 278 ft2 of Area V-8 at 7.2 pCi/g, 7 ft2 of Area V-9 at 2.4 pCi/g, 77 ft2 of Area V-18 at 3.5 pCi/g, and 133 ft2 of Area V-19 at 12.6 pCi/g. 9 42 40 36 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 EAST FOURTH SOUTH STREET i— in o z o o LJ </l I V- O in a (12 12 V-16 18-29 V-21 V-20 V-19 V-26 V-5 V-3 23-47 25-44 19-29 25-40 17-27 16-23 6 X J ) SHED ® 18 V-1 1 V-10 <D 19-47 18-27 17-25 0 fir V-1 16-23 V-l 2 19-29 12 15 60 12 30 \\y.yr 12 15-18 48 12 15 12 12 ONE STORY HOUSE - W/CRAWL SPACE y SEE DETAIL A ' 12 © V-13 18-21 RDC 15 m ©. V-15 12 18-25 V- 1 4 15 12 19-29 15 z TRAILER 0 HOUSE V-22 V-17 V-17 V-6 V-B 23-36 17-21 17-21 17-21 17-23 18X12 17-29 V-4 V-2 16-31 16-21 V-24 V-23 V-7 25-31 25-34 16-36 L SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 RU0010ZV 09/23/93 Tut/529 j L 12 14 J l_ 16 40 18 NORTH THIS DRAWING. PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. 20 22 _J L 24 12 CRAWL SPACE (AXD 0 m V-25 16-19 DETAIL A NOT TO SCALE © <D m L__) LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /iR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION 12-15 POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION 12 v-i 16-17 AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE —RATE RANGE /CTN POST-REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT (5£S' CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION AREA WITH CONTAMINATION LEFT IN PLACE RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION M-tCIMM>ltM>m./l>. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CHAMO JUNCTION PROJECTS orrm. cotowoo '7-r raw. uk*. 417 SOUTH SECOND EAST ST. MONTICELLO. UTAH •«•- MS-00102-MR G BOTCH INC — 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 3-C439-V1 48 5C HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 417 SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00102-MR) A.R.Jones November 1993 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements . 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 4 REFERENCES 7 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 5 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 417 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00102-MR) 6 v ACXNOWLELXTMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and G. K. Stowe and M. K. Jensen for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1987, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 417 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. All deficiencies noted in an earlier review have been corrected in the revised completion report. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 417 SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00102-MR)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War U. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AO35-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. During 1987, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at 417 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 417 South 2nd East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 675 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 18 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 727 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 60 inches deep were removed from a 1904 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 26 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. An additional soil sample was collected from beneath the house. This result is not included in the completion report as supportive data for interior verification. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 15 to 19 /iR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 16 to 47 //R/h. Elevated gamma exposure rates in excavated areas are due to contamination left in place around trees and due to engineering concerns. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 26 excavated areas for this property, one of these areas being under the house (V25). In twenty of the remaining excavated areas, Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.7 to 15.9 pCi/g in the composite samples (VI through V19, and V23). ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.5 to 15.8 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g above the background value of 2 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface (Table 1). The remaining 5 exterior verification areas (V20, V21, V22, V24, and V26) contain contamination left in place due to engineering concerns and to prevent damage to trees. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed 226 Ra concentrations from 18.3 to 43.1 pCi/g in the composite samples. The confirmatory analysis by ORNL ETS showed 226 Ra concentrations from 14.7 to 35 pCi/g. These results were area averaged over 100 m2 and all fell below the 15 pCi/g guideline. A calculation was also performed to show conformance with DOE hot spot guidance. Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from December 21,1987 to January 18,1989). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the TechVOps-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0047, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. All deficiencies noted in an earlier review have been corrected in the revised completion report, as per the letter to Gretchen A. Pierce from Harry A. Perry dated September 30, 1993. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 5 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn Average annual radon proge- 0.03 WL progeny ny concentration (including background) (DOE 1990) Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 417 South 2nd East Street, Monticello Utah (MS00102-MR) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL sample No." XI X2 X3 X4 X5 X6 X7 X8 X9 X10 Xll X12 X13 X14 X15 X16 X17 X18 X19 X20 X21 X22 X23 X24 X26 Geotech sample No.* MNH-538 MNH-539 MNH-540 MNH-541 MNH-542 MNH-543 MNH-544 MNH-545 MNH-549 MNH-550 MNI-151 MNI-152 MNI-153 MNI-154 MNI-155 MNI-156 MNI-157 MNI-158 MNI-159 MNI-160 MNI-161 MNI-162 MNH-546 MNH-547 MNH-548 Depth (cm) ORNL Geotech >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 >15 2.1 1.6 2.7 4.1 3.4 4.6 7.1 6.1 1.8 5.9 10.2 5.0 2.6 6.2 2.2 8.2 1.5 2.6 11.4 22. 35. 27.7 15.8 14.7 15.8 2.5 1.7 3.4 4.8 4.2 5.4 8.8 7.2 2.4 7.0 15.6 7.0 3.3 7.3 2.4 13.1 2.2 3.5 12.6 24.9 43.1 36.3 15.9 19.3 18.3 An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00102-MR, Address: 417 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, September 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00102-MR Property Address: 417 South Second East Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is ^ 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21, Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ I IX) I ] [X] [ 1 I 1 DO [ ] I ] [ ] [ ] D<] [ ] D<] [ ] [ ] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. SFCERTI FED SFMS-00102 DOE ID NO.: MS-00102-MR RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. larry A. Bjefry 7 Date Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. DOE EVALUATION pO Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Environmental Restoration Program Certification Official Department of Energy 9 JJ *S~ Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION DOE ID NO.: MS-00126-MR ADDRESS: 548 CIRCLE DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 DECEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 FOR by RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY . . 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00126-MR SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00126-MR MS-00126-MR Parcel No. M-306; Lot 9, Upper Townsite Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 548 Circle Drive Monticello, Utah 84535 Major Residential (MR) Oak Ridge National Laboratory March 10, 1989 RUST Geotech Inc. April 23, 1990 Sonderegger Construction P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah June 11, 1990 July 7, 1990 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 173 cubic yards 293 square meters (m2) December 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00126-MR 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Interior assessed Area I (mortar in the rock fireplace) was excluded from remedial action based on gamma exposure rates that did not exceed the EPA standards, as discussed in the REA. Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment (excluding assessed Area I) identified 63 cubic yards of contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 24 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 173 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 30 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00126-MR 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during October 1989, as described in the final REA dated April 1990. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 43 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). Elevated exposure rates in Areas V-4 and V-7 were associated with residual radioactive material left in place in Area V-7 to avoid structural damage to the house and chimney. The result of analysis for radium-226 in one composite soil sample of this area was 34.8 picocuries per gram (pCi/g). The 100 m2 area average was 3.7 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). Area V-7 also met the hot spot criteria, as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. The results of analyses for radium-226 in six remaining composite soil samples ranged from 1.4 pCi/g to 2.1 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.3). The composite samples representing Areas V-4 and V-5 included soil samples taken from MS-00030-RS (Areas V-2 and V-3). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0123 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.4. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). The basement was uninhabitable. 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00126-MR 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 548 Circle Drive, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 12 //R/h to 32 //R/h. Annual average was 0.0123 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background1 in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background1 in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.4 pCi/g to 2.1 pCi/g. Another soil sample result, averaged over a 100 m2 area, was 3.7 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 14//R/h. The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00126-MR 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Calculation of Average Radium Concentration over a 100 m2 Area Table 3.2 Hot Spot Calculation Results Table 3.3 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.4 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Interior and Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-JEK: 12-09-93 MS-00126.MR WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Calculation of Average Radium Concentration over a 100 m2 Area DOE ID No.: MS-00126-MR Address: 548 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah (CpXAp) + [Crx (1,076-Ap)] Cav9 = 1,076 Where: Cava = Radium-226 concentration in pCi/g averaged over a 100 m2 a (1,076 ft2) area. Cp = Radium-226 concentration in pCi/g of the residual radioactive material left in place. Ap = Area in ft2 of the residual radioactive material left in place. Cr = Radium-226 concentration in pCi/g for the remainder of the 100 m2 area, including excavated and unexcavated areas. 1,076 = Total area in ft2 over which the EPA guideline is applied. CD AD Cr Cava EPA Meas. Depth v H a Standard Area Method* (inches) (pCi/g) (ft2) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-7 AL 06 - 12 34.8 54 2.1* 3.7 17.0 Therefore, the averaged radium-226 concentration does not exceed the EPA standard. *AL = Analytical Laboratory fWeighted-area average, based on 619 ft2 of Area V-3 at 2.1 pCi/g and 403 ft2 of background area at 2.0 pCi/g. 7 Table 3.2 Hot Spot Calculation Results DOE ID No.: MS-00126-MR Address: 548 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah Where: 100 A Bkg Shg = [Sgx(100/A)1/a] + Bkg Hot Spot Limit of radium-226 concentration in pCi/g. Authorized Limit of radium-226 concentration in pCi/g (Sg = 5.0 pCi/g for surface soil and 15.0 pCi/g for subsurface soils). Total area in m2 over which the Hot Spot Limit guideline is applied. Area in m2 of the hot spot. Background radium-226 concentration in pCi/g (Bkg = 2.0 pCi/g for Monticello). Area Meas. Method* Depth (inches) (m2) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) Radium-226 in Hot Spot Area (pCi/g) V-7 AL 06 - 12 5.0 15.0 69.1 34.8 Therefore, the radium-226 concentration in the hot spot area does not exceed the Hot Spot Limit. 'AL = Analytical Laboratory 8 Table 3.3 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00126-MR Address: 548 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A less-than sign (<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4f V-5f V-6 V-7* 14 14 14 14 14 13 18 24 20 20 35 18 19 43 MNZ 602 MNZ 603 MNZ 604 MNZ 605 MNZ 606 MNZ 607 MLT 217 AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 1 1. 2. 1, 1. 1, 34. 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 4.4 17.2 16.5 15.4 16.9 18.3 17.5 7.6 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.3 1.1 0.9 1.4 1.1 0.9 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *AL = Analytical Laboratory *The composite samples representing Areas V-4 and V-5 included soil samples taken from MS-00030-RS. *Composite soil sample of residual radioactive material left in place. 9 Table 3.4 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00126-MR Address: 548 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Radtrak® Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm2 Radon Concentration (pCi/L) Working Level 3142042 3142653 3142693 09-12-90 09-12-90 09-12-90 09-04-91 09-04-91 09-04-91 19.6 20.1 20.1 2.41 2.48 2.48 0.0121 0.0124 0.0124 Annual Average: 0.0123 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 10 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 1 12 14 1 6 "T~ 18 20 T 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 ~T~ 38 —r— 40 42 44 46 48 5( i—r 12-16 12-15 2-15 V-6 F X 6 310 13-19 E3—i ONE STORY FRAME HOUSE W/UNINHABITABLE BASEMENT 24 V-6 EX6J 8 13-19 air 18 GX6J15 s SEE DETAIL A v-3 14-20 12 12-15 24 15 24 v-i 12 30 4-24 D X 9 -<15 V-2 Q 15>/ 14-20 •v<1 5 GARAGE r. .7\ 10 D 6 V-5 V-4 14-18 14-35 12-14 24 15XB C X 6 V-7 18-43 <D rr-n I I 12-15 12 V-1 16-17 GROUND FLOOR 17-32 (RDC) DETAIL A NOT TO SCALE LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /iR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST—REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE —RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST-REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION AREA WITH CONTAMINATION LEFT IN PLACE ASSESSED AREA I (MORTAR IN ROCK FIREPLACE) - WAS EXCLUDED FROM REMEDIAL ACTION ASSESSED AREA H (WOOD SHELVES IN GARAGE) WAS REMOVED AND REPLACED SCALE IN FEET L 20 10 0 RU00126V .2/13/83 TyT/52» J L 12 14 16 20 18 40 20 fl J I L 22 24 26 28 THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ANO ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LANO SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. J L 30 32 34 _J L 36 38 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CUM JUNCTION MtOJCCTt Of riCC COLOOAOO 'rr eg; £53 548 CIRCLE DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH MOT MS-00126-MR GtWCH INCK~3-C00128-V1 — 1» 1 40 42 44 46 48 5C HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE B INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 548 CIRCLE DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00126) S.K. Mather January 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT vii INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIHCATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurment Analysis 3 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS 6 Gamma Measurements 6 Soil Sample Analysis 6 CONCLUSION 6 REFERENCES 8 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from 548 Circle Drive Monticello, Utah (MS00126) 5 LIST OF FIGURES 1 Property Map 7 v Aaa^OWLFJXrMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Restoration, Southwestern Area Programs. The author wishes to acknowledge M.K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and AR. Jones and G. A. Pierce for technical reviews. ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1990, RUST Geotech Inc., the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 548 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. All deficiencies noted in the earlier review have been corrected in the revised completion report. Procedures used by ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). vii 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 548 CIRCLE DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00126)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1990, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at 548 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination, backfilling with uncontaminated material, and restoration to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). When the excavation stage was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, by Geotech and by an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been designated the Independent Verification Contractor for the 548 Circle Drive site. This report describes the methods and results of the verification surveys. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 63 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 24 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 173 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 30 inches deep, were removed from a 293 m2 area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech over the ground-level of the residence ranged from 12 to 32 /zR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 12 to 43 uR/h. Elevated beta-gamma measurements were found in the garage on shelves that had contained ore samples. The measured values exceeded surface contamination guidelines for beta-gamma levels. Investigation of the ROD (record of decision) regulation's for the MVP project do not list surface contamination guidelines as an ARAR. Despite this loophole, the shelves were removed. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the 6 exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.4 to 2.1 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS was unable to obtain sufficient sample material to perform a confirmatory analysis. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Residual radioactive material located in area V- 7 was left in place to prevent structural damage to the fireplace and chimney. ORNL identified this area as a point source measuring 51 uR/h. ORNL was able to obtain a split sample for area V-7, which showed a ^Ra concentration of 34 pCi/g. This result, when averaged over 100 m2 and used in the hot spot calculation, is below the DOE guidelines for subsurface and Hot Spot guidelines. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three Alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from September 12, 1990 to September 4, 1991). The IVC was present during placement and retrieval of the detectors to verify the RDC measurements. The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0123, which is below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. The procedures and methods used to obtain the annual average WL are deemed adequate and the results accurate by the IVC. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to ^Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from 548 Circle Drive, Utah (MS00126) ""Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth No." No.* (cm) Confirmatory* ORNL* Geotech XI MNZ-602 >15 X2 MNZ-603 >15 X3 MNZ-604 >15 X4* MNZ-605 >15 X5* MNZ-606 >15 X6 MNZ-607 >15 X7 MLT-217 >15 VI V2 V3 V4* V5* V6 1.8 1.7 2.1 1.5 1.4 1.7 31.6 34.8 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.4 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by RUST Geotech Inc., and these samples were blended to form composite soil samples, which represent an average over verification areas. c ORNL was unable to obtain sufficient sample material to perform a comfirmatory analysis with the exception of verification area V-7. d Composite samples collected by ORNL from approximately the same excavated locations sampled by Geotech. * Composite samples from area V-4 and V-5 include soil samples from the adjacent property MS00030. 6 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Measurements taken by ORNL over the ground surface in the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 51 jiR/h (Figure 1). During the ORNL survey of the property the condition of the garage and the contamination left in place under the fireplace was noted and mentioned. The RAC stated that these items would be addressed in phase 2 in fiscal year 1991 but further investigation determined these items were outside the scope of work per program guidance. The Excavation Control and Verification Log dated 7/9/92 indicated that readings on the floor and shelves of the garage are at background levels. ORNL ETS has not been able to gain access to this area and will accept this log as verification of the garages radiological status. Soil Sample Analysis ORNL sampled 6 of the excavated areas prior to backfilling, collecting aliquots representative of those areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form 6 composite soil samples representative of an average over the exterior verification areas. ORNL's analysis of these composite samples showed ^Ra concentrations of 1.3 and 1.5 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of ORNL sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION The results of all Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post- remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that all deficiencies noted in an earlier review have been identified by the RAC and resolved as discussed in a meeting between Geotech and ORNL on October 15, 1993 and that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. x-\ ~ X-~ V6 /6 6pR/h SINGLE STORY FRAME HOUSE UJ V6 > or z V1 X ' LiR V3 DC 0\ V2 V5 V2 V4 00030 MS JfcL* 13-51 fiR/h 13-19 AiR/h 13-19 yLiR/h V4 V5 V6 VI I 13-17 //R/h V2 | 13-22 fiR/h vT| 1 3-36 //R/h EXPLANATION CONCRETE ASSESSED AREA OF CONTAMINATION EXCAVATED 21 AREA REMAINING CONTAMINATION RDC MEASUREMENT AREA IDENTIFIER & COMPOSITE SAMPLE IDENTIFIER OF B1 | AVERAGED AREA & BIASED SAMPLE -X- POINT SOURCE FEET 10 SO 3 6 METERS 30 MS00126 548 CIRCLE DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH Figure 1. Property Map ARJ 9/15/93 8 REFERENCES Abramiuk, LN. et al. 1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1992, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00126, Address: 548 Circle Drive, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, October, 1992. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for ihe Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00126-MR Property Address: 548 Circle Drive VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21, Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ 1 [X] [ ] [X] [ ] [ 1 [*] [ 1 t 1 [*l [ ] [ 1 M [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ 1 [X] [ ] [ ] [/] [ 1 [ 1 COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. SFCERTI FED SFMS-00126 DOE ID NO.: MS-00126-MR RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with application of supplemental standards per 40 CFR 192.21. Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. Date DOE EVALUATION [X] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with application of supplemental standards per 40 CFR 192.21. EnvironmentafRestoratiori Program Certification Official Department of Energy Date DOE ID NO.: MS-00132. Property Addresss: 97 North Second West Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. [X]* [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. [X] [ ] [ ] MUM In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] Program (Rev. 03/02/87). COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. llllllillll iiiiiiilH SFCERTI FED SFMS-00132 • 93 ENT RECORDS MANAG' f DOE ID NO.: MS-0013.- RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Harry A. Perry ^ Date Program -Manager RUST Geotech Inc. DOE UMTRA EVALUATION Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Environmental Restoratio Certification Official Department of Energy Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00132-RS ADDRESS: 97 NORTH SECOND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 AUGUST 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 •llilltllll •Illlllllll SFOCPLRPTS SFMS-00132 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00132-RS SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00132-RS 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00132-RS Parcel No. M-265; beginning at the NE corner of Lot 4, Block L, Monticello Townsite Survey; west 130 feet, south 150 feet, east 130 feet, north 150 feet to the point of beginning, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: 97 North Second West Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory January 25, 1990 RUST Geotech Inc. October 17, 1990 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah May 21, 1991 May 30, 1991 Interior: Exterior: 0 cubic yards 20 cubic yards 51 square meters (m2) August 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00132-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 16 cubic yards of contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 15 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 20 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 12 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00132-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during July 1990, as described in the final REA dated October 1990. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form a composite sample representing the verification area (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 11 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 28 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The result of analysis for radium-226 in one composite soil sample was 1.9 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0085 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location in the basement (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00132-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 97 North Second West Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the basement was 12 //R/h to 14 //R/h. Annual average was 0.0085 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above backgroundf in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background1 in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample result was 1.9 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 14 //R/h. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00132-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-DNM:08-03-93 MS-00132.RS WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00132-RS Address: 97 North Second West Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area ipR/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l 14-28 NAB 992 AL 1.9 ± 0.3 22.8 ± 3.2 0.8 ± 0.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification area. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 7 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00132-RS Address: 97 North Second West Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Radtrak® Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm2 Radon Concentration (pCi/L) Working Level 3468203 3468130 3468193 01-07-92 01-07-92 01-07-92 01-06-93 01-06-93 01-06-93 17.0 17.2 17.8 1.65 1.67 1.74 0.0083 0.0084 0.0087 Annual Average: 0.0085 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 8 10 30 28 - 26 - 24 - 22 - 20 - 18 - 16 14 - 12 - 12 14 16 20 22 24 10 26 28 I WEST FIRST NORTH STREET LLL LLL /// V-1 14-28 1 13-16 RDC 3-15 ONE STORY BRICK AND FRAME HOUSE W/BASEMENT Ul or V) 12-4 in Lu J o o r J Lu CO 1— o 13-16 SH ED 0 2 GARAGE 11-12 15 B X 6 12 Y 12 0 v-i 13-16 14-28 o 13-16 RM00132V 08/05/93 TMT/529 I 10 12 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 ® ® I 1 I I 12-15 12 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /u.R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST-REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. V-1 16-17 SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 40 NORTH 40 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON—RESIOENCE—MAN—KRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEY OATE VERIFICATION BY CK. A.E. APP. NO. OATE CK. A.C. APP. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO 8-13 MI 97 NORTH SECOND WEST ST. MONTICELLO, UTAH APPROVAL GIOTECH INC DATE I APPROVAL DOE DATE OOE.0NO. MS-00132-RS 3-B00132-V1s«T.1 or 1 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 SEP 2 ?, 1993 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00132 Location Address: 97 North 2nd West Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE B INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 97 NORTH 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00132) AR. Jones September 1993 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT vii INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIHCATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurment Analysis 3 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS 6 Gamma Measurements 6 Soil Sample Analysis 6 CONCLUSION 6 REFERENCES 8 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from 97 North 2nd West Street Monticello, Utah (MS00132) 5 LIST OF FIGURES 1 Property Map 7 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Restoration, Southwestern Area Programs. The author wishes to acknowledge G.A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and G.K. Stowe and M.K. Jensen for technical reviews. ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1991, RUST Geotech Inc., the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 97 North 2nd West Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). vii 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 97 NORTH 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00132)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1991, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at 97 North 2nd West Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination, backfilling with uncontaminated material, and restoration to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). When the excavation stage was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, by Geotech and by an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been designated the Independent Verification Contractor for the 97 North 2nd West Street site. This report describes the methods and results of the verification surveys. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 16 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 15 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 20 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 12 inches deep, were removed from a 51 m2 area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech over the ground-level of the residence ranged from 12 to 14 /iR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 14 to 28 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysts Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the exterior verification area. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed ^Ra concentrations of 1.9 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS was unable to obtain a soil sample to perform a confirmatory analysis. This value is below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three Alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from January 7, 1992 to January 6, 1993). The PVC was present during placement and retrieval of the detectors to verify the RDC measurements. The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0085, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. The procedures and methods used to obtain the annual average WL are deemed adequate and the results accurate by the rVC. Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Exposure to ^Rn progeny Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) Table 2 Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from 97 North 2nd West Street, Utah (MS00132) aRa concentration (pO/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth No." No* (cm) Confirmatory1 ORNL* Geotech XI NAB-992 >15 * 1.9 VI 1.9 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by RUST Geotech Inc., and these samples were blended to form composite soil samples, which represent an average over verification areas. e ORNL performed analysis on aliquots of the composite samples taken by Geotech (confirmatory). d Composite samples collected by ORNL from approximately the same excavated locations sampled by Geotech. ORNL was unable to obtain the composite sample taken by Geotech. 6 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Measurements taken by ORNL over the ground surface in the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 14 to 23 uR/h (Figure 1). Soil Sample Analysis ORNL sampled the excavated area prior to backfilling, collecting aliquots representative of those areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the exterior verification area. ORNL's analysis of this composite sample showed "^Ra concentrations of 1.9 pCi/g. This value is below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of ORNL sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION The results of all Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post- remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. t- WEST 1ST NORTH STREET -4 r i i RDC Lu cc <2 OQ^LU LL. CO Lu I oo0cpg or? LO L_ LU X < < En f r*-i 1TJLT--^_X^.^ V1 I 14-23 fiR/h X— EXPLANATION CONCRETE ASSESSED AREA OF CONTAMINATION EXCAVATED AREA REMAINING CONTAMINATION RDC MEASUREMENT AREA IDENTIFIER &c COMPOSITE SAMPLE IDENTIFIER OF AVERAGED AREA Sc BIASED SAMPLE LU LU CC \— CO CO LU CM I I— cc o N. 1 FEET 10 20 3 i METERS MS00132 97 NORTH 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH Figure 1. Property Mop ARJ 9/15/93 8 REFERENCES Abramiuk, LN. et al. 1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00132, Address: 97 North 2nd West Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, August 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00141-MR ADDRESS: 393 EAST THIRD SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 SEPTEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 ' HafryA. Perry Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00141-MR SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill taiiings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), which determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00141-MR MS-00141-MR Parcel No. M-605 of the Supplemental Plat in the NW4 of Section 31, T33S., R24E., Salt Lake Base Meridian, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 393 East Third South Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Major Residential (MR) Not applicable; historical inclusion by the DOE November 1, 1984 RUST Geotech Inc. May 9, 1986 Sonderegger Construction P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah October 7, 1986 October 28, 1986 Interior: 20 cubic yards Exterior: 528 cubic yards 2,120 square meters (m2) September 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00141-MR 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of interior and exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 375 cubic yards of contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 24 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 548 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 30 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00141-MR 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation during October 1985, as described in the final REA dated May 1986. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the exterior excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the exterior verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Interior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 18 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 20 //R/h for the remediated crawl space (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 15 //R/h to 25 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 17 composite soil samples ranged from 1.4 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 8.7 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0078 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00141-MR 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 393 East Third South Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Survey Results Range for the remediated crawl space was 18 //R/h to 20 //R/h. Since no elevated readings were detected, the ground floor was not scanned. Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Annual average was 0.0078 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above backgroundt in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above backgroundf in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.4 pCi/g to 8.7 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 16 //R/h. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00141-MR 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Interior and Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-JEK:08-11-93 MS-00141.MR WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00141-MR Address: 393 East Third South Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Area Exposure- Rate Range (//R/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Meas. Method* Radium-226 (pCi/g) Potassium (pCi/g) Thorium (pCi/g) V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-l 17 18 18 16 16 17 18 17 16 16 18 16 18 17 18 18 16 24 25 25 21 21 21 21 20 20 21 22 21 23 23 21 21 22 MMU 316 MMU 317 MMU 318 MMU 319 MMU 320 MMU 321 MMU 322 MMU 323 MMU MMU 324 325 MMU 326 MMU 327 MMU MMU 328 329 MMU 330 MMU 331 MMU 332 EXTERIOR AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL INTERIOR 4.3 8.7 4.6 2.2 3. 4. 3. 1. 1. 1. 3. 2.5 5.1 6.3 4.8 3.9 4.1 0.4 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 20.2 19.3 22.9 23.9 21.6 21.7 21.2 21.7 22.8 24.0 22.2 22.6 22.5 23.1 21.7 20.1 22.3 5.4 5.4 5.9 6.1 5.7 5.7 5.6 5.3 5.5 5.4 5.5 5.3 5.1 5.4 1.4 1.1 1.2 0.8 1.1 1.2 0.9 1.2 1.4 0.9 1.3 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 18 - 20 Not applicable See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 7 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00141-MR Address: 393 East Third South Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Radtrak® Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm2 Radon Concentration (pCi/L) Working Level 1254129 1255885 1254847 06-27-89 06-27-89 06-27-89 05-29-90 05-29-90 05-29-90 15.0 12.6 12.6 1.73 1.46 1.46 0.0087 0.0073 0.0073 Annual Average: 0.0078 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 8 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 1 6 14 12 10 1 40 42 44 46 48 51 V-1 1 V-10 V-l 2 16-21 16-20 18-22 18-23 16-22 V-15 V-l J 17-23 16-21 ® E 15-17 V-1 6 18-21 V-17 SHED 16-17 18-21 WOOD ADDITION 18-20 18-19 V-4 18-25 (£U<S> :--T R AIL E R H 0 U S E-X-M-^RDC): ®<5>LH I K6 SHED t T 16-17 f—r—V\ I G X 9 V-5 V-7 V-9 HX12J 8 24 16-21 17-21 17-20 V-3 30 18-25 V-6 V-8 V-10 V-1 3 V-2 V-1 16-21 18-21 16-20 17-24 16-21 18-20 SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 RU0014IV 09/20/BJ TUT/529 14 16 18 40 20 UJ UJ or i— i/i I h-=> O in a a: < ® <D rr-.n U_J 12-15 12 v-i 16-17 THIS DRAWING. PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ANO ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT ANO IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. i—r LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /iR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE —RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST-REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 llW tMTf 40 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY CHAMD JUNCTION PROJECTS OWCI. COLORADO Cute** ftf? I 4* 3& 393 EAST THIRD SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH I Ml |tfW«,MC GKJTBCH INC "•»• MS-00I41-MR »~— J-C1023-W 42 44 46 48 5C HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 393 EAST 3RD SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00141-MR) AR. Jones November 1993 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 (INTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION : 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 393 East 3rd South Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00141-MR) 5 v A<^OWIJ2LXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G.A Pierce for analysis of soil samples and G.K. Stowe and M. K. Jensen for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1986, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 393 East 3rd South Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confinmng the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. All deficiencies discovered in the initial review have been corrected in the revised completion report. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 393 EAST 3RD SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00141-MR)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1986, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at 393 East 3rd South Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 393 East 3rd South Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 375 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 24 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 548 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 30 inches deep were removed from a 2120 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, a "ground- level scan of the structure and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 17 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. An additional soil sample was collected from the crawlspace beneath the trailer. This result is not included in the completion report as supportive data for interior verification. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech in the crawl space of the residence ranged from 18 to 20 /iR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 15 to 25 fjR/h. SoH Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 18 excavated areas for this property, one being the excavation under the residence. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.4 to 8.7 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.5 to 8.9 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from June 27,1989 to May 29,1990). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0078, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. All deficiencies discovered in the initial review have been addressed in the letter dated September 30, 1993 from H. Perry to G. Pierce, Resubmittal of Property Completion Reports. These items are corrected and included in the revised completion report. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to ^Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 393 East 3rd South Street, Monticello Utah (MS00141-MR) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.* (cm) X2 MMU-316 >15 4.1 4.3 X3 MMU-317 >15 8.9 8.7 X4 MMU-318 >15 4.6 4.6 X5 MMU-319 >15 2.0 2.2 X6 MMU-320 >15 3.3 3.6 X7 MMU-321 >15 4.0 4.0 X8 MMU-322 >15 3.6 3.4 X9 MMU-323 >15 1.6 1.8 X10 MMU-324 >15 1.5 1.4 XI1 MMU-325 >15 1.8 1.9 X12 MMU-326 >15 3.4 3.5 X13 MMU-327 >15 2.4 2.5 X14 MMU-328 >15 4.9 5.1 X15 MMU-329 >15 5.9 6.3 X16 MMU-330 >15 4.6 4.8 X17 MMU-331 >15 3.8 3.9 X18 MMU-332 >15 4.1 4.1 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00141-MR, Address: 393 East 3rd South Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, September 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00141-MR Property Address: 393 East Third South Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is :< 20 jjR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21, Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ 1 [ 1 [X] IX] [ 1 [ ] IXI [ J I 1 [XI [ ] [ ] I ] [XI [ ] [ ] [ ] LX] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. SFCERTI FED SFMS-00141 DOE ID NO.: MS-00141-MR RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. ffarry A. Perry ~ Date' Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. DOE EVALUATION DO Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. 2? Environmental Restoration Program Date Certification Official Department of Energy PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS ADDRESS: 45 SOUTH SECOND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 SEPTEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 FOR by Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. > TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 45 South Second East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 14 //R/h to 15//R/h. Annual average was 0.0186 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above backgroundt in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above backgroundt in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 2.1 pCi/g to 3.1 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 15 //R/h. fThe background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 4 ' DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS Property Address: 45 South Second East Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] [X]* [ ] [ ] [ ] I ] [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ 1 Interior gamma is < 20 jjR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21 [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ 1 [ ] [ ) [ 1 [ ] [ ] [ 1 Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [ 1 [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ 1 COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. SFCERTIFED SFMS-00I57 PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS ADDRESS: 45 SOUTH SECOND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 SEPTEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 FOR FOR by Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination ... 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS MS-00157-RS Parcel No. M-175 - A portion of Lot 3, Block 21, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 45 South Second East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Not applicable; spillover inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor June 26, 1987 RUST Geotech Inc. May 2, 1988 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah October 12, 1988 October 26, 1988 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 122 cubic yards 612 square meters (m2) September 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 117 cubic yards of contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 122 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 6 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during November. 1987, as described in the final REA dated May 1988. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas {Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 18 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in seven composite soil samples ranged from 2.1 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 3.1 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0186 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 45 South Second East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 14 //R/h to 15 //R/h. Annual average was 0.0186 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background1 in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above backgroundt in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 2.1 pCi/g to 3.1 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 15 //R/h. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-JEK:08-19-93 MS-00157.RS WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00157-RS Address: 45 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 18 18 18 18 18 17 18 MNK 277 MNK 278 MNK 279 MNK 280 MNK 281 MNK 282 MNK 283 AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 3.1 2.7 2.4 2.5 2.9 2.3 2.1 0.5 0.4 0.4 17.1 18.8 19.1 18.4 18.4 19.1 18.7 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.7 1.1 ± 0.3 0.8 ± 0.2 ± ± 0.9 ± 0.3 1.3 ± 0.3 1.1 ± 0.3 1.3 0.8 0.3 0.2 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 7 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00157-RS Address: 45 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Track Etch® Detector Radon Detector Tracks Per Concentration Working Number Start Date End Date mm2 (pCi/L) Level 526451 02-09-89 01-19-90 526107 02-09-89 01-19-90 526474 02-09-89 01-19-90 27.8 3.88 0.0194 24.4 3.41 0.0171 27.5 3.84 0.0192 Annual Average: 0.0186 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 8 10 30 1 2 1 4 1 6 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 28 26 N N 24 22 20 LJ UJ LY. I— CO r— CO < LU o o LU CO ZD o CO N 18 N 1 6 1 4 12 Y 10 14-15 D El •'.'.QY.'H o 14-15 Q V-1 V-5 14-18 14-18 ONE STORY BRICK HOUSE 14-15 r V-2 (RDC) 4-18 ® • 6 I \ £E2 STORAGE SHED I 13-14 v-6 4-7 14-15 14-15 V-4 14-18 V-3 •a a 14-18 £7 V-7 14-18 SCALE IN FEET 0 20 09/20/93 TMT/529 40 20 10 RM00157V NORTH I 0 <D r- ~i I I 12-15 1 2 v-1 16-17 (RDC) LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN //R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST-REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM, IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RESIDENCE-NO. Of OCCUPANTS NON—RE5IOENCE—MAN—HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEY OATE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO TT tn 45 SOUTH SECOND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH GEOTECH INC OATE APPROVAL DOC OOE io NO. MS-001 57-RS DWC.NO. 3-B00157-V1 SHT1 -SL. 1 0 1 9 1 4 1 R 1 R 9D 99 OA OF, 99 7n A n HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 45 SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00157-RS) A.R. Jones November 1993 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION , 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 45 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00157-RS) 5 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and G. K. Stowe and M. K. Jensen for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1988, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 45 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. All deficiencies noted in the earlier review have been corrected in the revised completion report. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 45 SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00157-RS)* JUNTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Cbmmission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1988, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at 45 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 45 South 2nd East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 117 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 122 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 inches deep were removed from a 612 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 7 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 14 to 15 /zR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 18 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 7 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 2.1 to 3.1 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.6 to 2.7 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three Alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from February 9, 1989 to January 19, 1990). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Landauer Corporation, was 0.019, which is below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. All deficiencies noted in an earlier review have been identified by the RAC and resolved as provided in the letter dated September 30, 1993 from H. Perry to G. Pierce, Resubmittal of Property Completion Reports, and these have been corrected in the completion report. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2, Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 45 South 2nd East Street, Monticello Utah (MS00157-RS) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.* (cm) XI MNK-277 >15 2.1 3.1 X2 MNK-278 >15 2.1 2.7 X3 MNK-279 >15 1.6 2.4 X4 MNK-280 >15 2.7 2.5 X5 MNK-281 >15 2.4 2.9 X6 MNK-282 >15 2.2 2.3 X7 MNK-283 >15 1.6 2.1 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00157-RS, Address: 45 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, September 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS Property Address: 45 South Second East Street [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] LX] [ ] [ 1 [/] [ ] [ ] VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [/] [ ] [ ] P<] [ ] [ ] [][)<] [ ] [ ] [ 1 pa COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. SFCERTI FED SFMS-eei57 DOE ID NO.: MS-00157-RS RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. larry A. Retry Date Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. DOE EVALUATION [X] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. ErtVironmemal Restoration Program Certification Official Department of Energy 7 JJ ?r* Date PROPERTY COMPLEXION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00167-MR ADDRESS: 564 EAST CEMETERY ROAD MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 MARCH 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Harry/A. Perry Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Paoe 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action .' 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00167-MR 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00167-MR Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00167-MR Parcel No. M-597-1, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 564 East Cemetery Road Monticello, Utah 84535 Major Residential (MR) Not applicable; spillover inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor June 26, 1987 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. January 6, 1988 Sonderegger Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah September 17, 1988 September 17, 1991 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 430 cubic yards 2,070 square meters (m2) March 1993 DOE ID NO.: MS-00167-MR 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Interior assessed Area B (soil in the crawl space of the trailer house) was excluded from remedial action based on gamma exposure rates and pre-remedial radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements that did not exceed the EPA standards, as discussed in the REA. Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment (excluding assessed Area B) identified 511 cubic yards of contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 430 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 12 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00167-MR 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during July 1987, as described in the final REA dated January 1988. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 microroentgens per hour (/jR/h) to 26 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 25 composite soil samples ranged from 2.3 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 9.9 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0091 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00167-MR 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 564 East Cemetery Road, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Applicability Certification Data Summary Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background.* Range for the ground floor was 17 uR/h to 18 fiR/h. Radon Decay-Product Concentrat ion: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Annual average was 0.0091 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m*. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 2.3 pCi/g to 9.9 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 16 ^R/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00167-MR 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Interior and Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00167-MR Address: 564 East Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A less-than sign (<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Area Exposure- Rate Range (/iR/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Meas. Method* Radium-226 (pCi/g) Potassium (pCi/g) Thorium (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 V-20 V-21 V-22 15 16 16 14 14 16 15 16 14 15 16 15 16 16 16 15 14 15 16 15 15 15 22 20 20 18 18 18 18 20 17 19 20 18 19 20 19 20 18 20 20 22 26 22 MNM 701 MNM 702 MNM 703 MNM 704 MNM 705 MNM 706 MNM 707 MNM 708 MNM 709 MNM 710 MNM 711 MNM 712 MNM 713 MNM 714 MNM 715 MNM 716 MNM 717 MNM 718 MNM 719 MNM 720 MNM 721 MNM 723 AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 7.9 8.2 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.0 2.3 7.4 4.9 6.8 4.7 6.7 4.7 8.4 9.9 5.7 8.0 2 2 5 5 5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.4 1.1 0.8 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.3/^> 1.5^ 0.9 1.2 16.0 15.0 14.7 14.5 17.9 14.5 17.3 17.5 12.5 15.5 18.1 18.5 17.9 18.4 15.0 15.7 15.3 16.1 15.3 14.9 13.6 16.3 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.6 3.1 2.7 3.1 3.1 3.5 3.9 4.2 4.2 4.1 4.3 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.8 3.8 4.1 1.0 0.8 0.8 1.2 0.9 0.7 1.0 0.9 1.4 0.2 0.3 0.2 1.3 1.2 0.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.1 0.3 1.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 ± 0.3 *AL = Analytical Laboratory 7 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results (continued) DOE ID No.: MS-00167-MR Address: 564 East Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (pR/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (PCi/g) V V-23 17 - 21 MNM 724 AL 8.9 ± 1.4 15.9 ± 4.1 < 0.3 V-24 16 - 22 MNM 725 AL 5.9 ± 0.9 16.0 ± 4.0 0.8 ± 0.3; V-25 14 - 19 MNP 236 AL 5.0 ± 0.8 15.2 ± 4.0 < 0.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 8 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00167-MR Address: 564 East Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Radtrak* Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm2 Radon Concentrat ion (pCi/1) Average Working Level (WL) 3315589 3315559 3315816 09-04-91 09-04-91 09-04-91 10-04-92 10-04-92 10-04-92 19.6 20.5 17.6 1.86 1.94 1.66 0.0093 0.0097 0.0083 Annual Average: 0.0091 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. MM-VPF:01-15-93 MS-00167.MR WS REV052592 9 10 42 r~ 12 10 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 CEMETERY ROAD 46 48 V-25 V-5 V-10 16-18 14-1« 14-18 15-1* 14-17 u-i« t : : : : B B® 1 B B «©B « i i V-7 V-3 V-12 V-B m is-ie 15-18 i I I @B B M -i (EH a a V-2 17 B SEE DETAIL it-it 15-22 SHED V-25 V-17 v-ie 14-H 15-20 14-18 14-18 B V-1S V-1 5-22 16-1S B <3B V-23 >_ J16-20 I B 17-21 15-19 V-20 ED 15-22 E > V-22 • B 15-22 ill! V-21 •-24 15-2$ 16-22 :::=>> 5-19 15-19 -19 SCALE IN FEET 12 14 ?0 10 0 20 f.O 20 18 16 -15-19 NORTH 22 24 26 NOT; 28 30 •1V.YJ-" 12-15 12 29- TRAILER HOUSE AIL DETAIL A CRAWL SPACE LEGFND ED AVERAGE AREA1 OF f POSTj-F AREA DENTIFIER ASSESSED RATEsVluR/h DEPTH OF ASSESSED CON~AMINATION REMEDIAL AND CA CONTAMINATION ACTIO! !0F EXCAVAT ON • TEp..DEPTH.FO.RTHE.^PQS^IT.QF RANGE v-i SOIL SAMPLE AREA II TION:EXPCSURE-RATE 18-17 EXPOSURE -RATE IDENTIFIER .AI 'LD|^,ON RODUCT RADIOLOGTCAL'AS^B FIGURE 2.1 RANGE .TIME ACTION 50 111 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION "•I" l»-l-l»"« rMr\i.n\ 564 EAST CEMETERY ROAD MONTICELLO. UTAH 1 32 34 36 38 40 »3-cooit7-vt^TTT 42 44 46 48 50 DOE ID NO.: MS- OG>lk7 • rWTL, Property Address: Ef\<TT CFmgTg?j *ftaME> VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech. Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 ma. [X]* [ ] [ ] In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. [X] [ ] [ ] In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 f/R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [XI [ ] [ J The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. [X] [ ] [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] tx] [ ) Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning [ ] [ ] [>c] Program (Rev. 03/02/87). U.S. Department of Energy (DOB) YES NO NOT TAKEN 1*1 [ ] [ ] [ 1 [ ] [ ] f/1 t/3 [ 1 [ 1 [ ) [ 1 [ ] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. Hill SFCERT1 FED lilllill SFMS-00167 DOE ID NO. : MS- QQ \ (ol' ^ ^- CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Per rry Date :amination and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination and1 Decommission/ng^rogram Certification Official ^ Department of Energy Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JUN 2 31993 Donald N. Leske U.S. Department of Energy Grand Junction Office 2597 B 3/4 Road P.O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, -vit_AeJL Gretchen A. Pierce Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: MS00167 Location Address: 564 East Cemetery Road Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 564 EAST CEMETERY ROAD MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00167) S.K. Mather June 1993 Work performed by the POLLUTANT ASSESSMENTS GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 564 East Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah (MS00167) 5 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and A.R. Jones and G.K. Stowe for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1988, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 564 East Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The PAG found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the PAG are described in the Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1992). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 564 EAST CEMETERY ROAD MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00167)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Pollutant Assessments Group of the Health and Safety Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1988, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at 564 East Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 564 East Cemetery Road site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identifiedpll -yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of430'w of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 12 inches deep were~Temoved from a 2070 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 25 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements , taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 17 to 18 /iR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 12 to 26 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 25 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 2.3 to 9.9 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL PAG obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 5.0 to 8.9 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three Alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from September 4, 1991 to October 4, 1992). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the TechVOps-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0091, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface .03 WlA (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 564 East Cemetery Road, Monticello Utah (MS00167) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) X2 MNM-702 15-30 /^7A\ /S2\ X8 MNM-708 15-30 / 5.0 \ 6.7 \ X13 MNM-713 15-30 (6.0 / 7.4 X15 MNM-715 15-30 6.2 / / 6.8 X20 MNM-720 15-30 \ 8.9 / 9.9 , X23 MNM-724 15-30 V LiL2^ " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00167, Address: 564 East Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, March 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1992. Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00167-MR Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00167-MR Parcel No. M-597-1, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 564 East Cemetery Road Monticello, Utah 84535 Major Residential (MR) Not applicable; spillover inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor June 26, 1987 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. January 6, 1988 Sonderegger Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah September 17, 1988 September 17, 1991 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 430 cubic yards 2,070 square meters (m2) March 1993 DOE ID NO.: MS-00167-MR 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 564 East Cemetery Road, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Applicability Certification Data Summary Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentrat ion: Shall not exceed 20 /iR/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Range for the ground floor was 17 juR/h to 18 /iR/h. Annual average was 0.0091 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m3. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m*. < 5 pCi/g above background. 1/ Soil sample results ranged from 2.3 pCi/g to 9.9 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 16 pR/ **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00184-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A33230367816 SOUTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 JULY 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 H^fry A. Perry Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00184-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00184-VL .3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00184-VL Parcel No. A33230367816, Section Sf, T33S., R24E, Salt Lake Base Meridian, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah #>3£ Parcel No. A33230367816 South Main Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Oak Ridge National Laboratory October 23, 1989 RUST Geotech Inc. October 10, 1990 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah July 28, 1992 September 25, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 2,394 cubic yards 1,476 square meters (m2) July 1993 DOE ID NO.: MS-00184-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 1,595 cubic yards of contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 120 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 2,394 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 12 inches to 204 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00184-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during October 1989, as described in the final REA dated October 1990. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour O^R/h) to 59 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). Elevated exposure rates in Areas V-7, V-8, and V-13 were associated with the property adjoining the northeast and northwest inclusion boundary. The results of analyses for radium-226 in 18 composite soil samples ranged from less than 1.0 picocurie per gram (pCi/g) to 3.6 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite samples representing Areas V-12 and V-13 included soil samples taken from MS-00051-CS (Areas V-12 and V-13). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00184-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A33230367816, South Main Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from < 1.0 pCi/g to 3.6 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00184-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-KMA:06-21-93 MS-00184.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00184-VL Address: Parcel No. A33230367816, South Main Street, Monticello, Utah A less-than sign (<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Area Exposure-Rate Range (//R/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Meas. Method* Radium-226 (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12t V-131 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 13 - 18 14 - 21 13 - 19 15 - 19 13 - 16 13 - 19 16 15 13 15 15 15 14 15 13 14 15 15 51 51 17 18 18 18 59 18 17 16 19 19 NAU 067 NAS 761 NAS 762 NAS 763 NAS 764 NAS 765 NAS 766 NAS 767 NAN 803 NAN 804 NAN 805 NAN 806 NAS 778 NAS 779 NAS 780 NAS 781 NAS 782 NAS 783 OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS 1.1 2.8 1.2 1.0 1.0 2.1 2.2 2.7 1.6 2.7 2.1 2.5 2.5 3.5 2.7 2.0 3.6 2.1 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. OCS = Opposed Crystal System The composite samples included soil samples taken from MS-00051-CS. 7 44 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 SCALE IN FEET 16 14-16 V-S 13-U z V-i ll-l» 1 i y\ \ 204 V-i 13-17 V-C 1J-1S XHI6»12 © <D 12-15 v-i 14-15 1ESEMD. ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN ^R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST—REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE—RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANCE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 2 THIS DRAWINC. PREPARE© FOR THC OECOHTAUINATION ANB OECOMMISSIONINC PROCRAM. IS TO* THC SOU USC OF THC U S OEPARTMCNT OT ENERGY ANO ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS MOT A LANO SURVEY FLAT. UTIUTY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHCR IMPROVEMENT SURVEY RLAT AND IS NOT TO SC RELtEO URON TOR THC CSTARUSHUCNT OF FENCE, SUILOINe. OR OTHCR FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RCUOCNCi-HO. OF OCCUPANTS NON.RtilDtNCC-MAN.HRS.'WR. INSTRUMENT WO. tURVCVM VERIFICATION • V CK. A.C APR. NO. OATI OT CK. AC. APP. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJICTI OFFICE. COLORADO 2/ii. PARCEL A3323-036-781C SOUTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO. UTAH DATS 'AFPROVAL OOC 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 Gawrew INC 66 MS-00104-VL o»o. NO. 1-D00104-V1 68 70 72 7' HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs • (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A33230367815, South Main Street MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00184) A.R. Jones January 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A33230367815, South Main Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00184) 5 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and G.K Stowe, M.K Jensen and T. L. Holmes for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A33230367815, South Main Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A33230367815, South Main Street MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00184)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War n. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A33230367815, South Main Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A33230367815, South Main Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 1595 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 120 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 2394 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 12 to 204 inches deep were removed from a 1476 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 18 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior gamma exposure rate measurements, taken by Geotech, from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 59 /JR/h. SoH Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 18 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from <1.0 to 3.6 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.2 to 4.0 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Review of the property folio and completion report revealed three discrepancies: 1. The verification map indicates Vll, V12, and V13 overlap onto MS00051. These excavations would include soil samples taken from MS00051. The completion report fails to mention this information for area Vll. 2. The excavation control and verification log dated August 13, 1992 indicates the excavation verified as V7 and V8, was inaccessible and soil samples were taken using the bucket of a track-hoe instead of the usual composite method. 3. The Parcel No. and Legal description read A33230367816, Section 31, T33S., R24E., Salt Lake Base Meridian, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah. They should read as follows: A33230367815, Section 36, T33S., R23E, Salt Lake Base Meridian, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first IS cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A3323036781S, South Main Street, Monticello Utah (MS00184) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.6 (cm) XI X10 X17 X18 NAU-067 NAN-804 NAS-782 NAS-783 >15 >15 >15 >15 1.5 1.2 4.0 2.1 1.1 2.7 3.6 2.1 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00184, Address: A33230367815, South Main Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, July, 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section procedures manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. 4 r- OOE ID NO.: MS-00184-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A33230367815, South Main Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] MI] [ 1 [*1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [*] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [ 1 [X] [ ] [ ] [yl (Vacant Lot) [ ] tX] [ ] [ ] [ ] [VT COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. SFCERTIFED SFMS-00184 - DOE ID NO.: MS-00184-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with application of supplemental standards per 40 CFR 192.21. Date Harry A. P^rry ^ Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. DOE UMTRA EVALUATION [*] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with application of supplemental standards per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Certification Official Department of Energy Date 4 PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION DOE ID NO.: MS-00186-MR ADDRESS: 249 SOUTH SECOND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 SEPTEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 FOR FOR by Harry^A. Perry' Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. 4 ' * TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00186-MR SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), which determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00186-MR 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00186-MR Parcel No. M-70-2; beginning at the NW corner of Lot 2, Block 11, east 214.5 feet, south 89.5 feet, west 107.25 feet, north 29.5 feet, west 107.25 feet, north 60.0 feet to beginning, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: 249 South Second East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Major Residential (MR) Oak Ridge National Laboratory October 23, 1989 RUST Geotech Inc. March 29, 1990 Sonderegger Construction P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah May 21, 1990 June 14, 1990 Interior: Exterior: 0 cubic yards 549 cubic yards 1,376 square meters (m2) September 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00186-MR OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Interior assessed Area C (brick veneer on the house) was excluded from remedial action based on gamma exposure rates that did not exceed the EPA standard, as discussed in the REA. Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment (excluding assessed Area C) identified 180 cubic yards of contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 15 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 549 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 8 inches to 18 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. DOE ID NO.: MS-00186-MR 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during October 1989, as described in the final REA dated March 1990. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 24 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 15 composite soil samples ranged from 1.6 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 7.0 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0074 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00186-MR 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 249 South Second East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 12 //R/h to 28 //R/h. Annual average was 0.0074 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background7 in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.6 pCi/g to 7.0 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 14//R/h. The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00186-MR 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Interior and Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-JEK:09-15-93 MS-00186.MR WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00186-MR Address: 249 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area {//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 13 14 13 1 1 1 15 1 1 13 1 1 1 1 13 - 19 18 17 18 20 22 24 20 18 17 19 24 18 18 20 MNZ 641 MNZ 642 MNZ 643 MNZ 644 MNZ 645 MNZ 646 MNZ 647 MLT 201 MLT 203 MLT 204 MLT 205 MLT 206 MLT 207 MLT 208 MLT 209 AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 2.2 2.9 1.8 1.9 2.5 3.6 5.7 7.0 3.8 1.6 4.5 5.4 3.1 4.0 3.3 0.4 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.4 0.5 0.5 15.5 15.0 16.0 15.2 17.8 15.8 16.0 16.6 17.5 13.4 14.5 15.9 13.0 14.7 14.6 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.7 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.5 3.3 3.4 3.3 0.8 1.0 1.0 0.9 1.1 1.3 1.1 1.3 0.8 1.1 1.2 1.0 0.9 1.0 1.4 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 7 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00186-MR Address: 249 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Radtrak® Detector Radon Detector Tracks Per Concentration Working Number Start Date End Date mm2 (pCi/L) Level 3142710 09-12-90 09-17-91 3142005 09-12-90 09-17-91 3142684 09-12-90 09-17-91 14.6 1.72 0.0086 12.4 1.46 0.0073 10.7 1.26 0.0063 Annual Average: 0.0074 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 8 , 10 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 12 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 LU UJ OL r- Ul I— CO < O O LU CO X r— ID O CO © <D IT-vl L__J 12-15 12 v-i 16-17 LRDCJ Y 10 30 32 34 36 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN yuR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST-REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION 38 v-9 v-6 V-5 V-14 V-4 14-18 14-22 14-20 14-18 14-18 CO © © 15 15 15 1 2 15 (RDC) WW: \V.ttY.Y. 12 12 v:.o V-3 V-1 3 V-10 ONE STORY FRAME HOUSE 13-17 13-17 14-18 © 12 12 10 J 12-28 © 10 V-2 V-1 5 V-1 2 12 14-18 13-20 14-24 v^j;:;;::::;;:; 6 >-.\ 0 © 18 12 13-19 10 1 2 11 10 15 14-19 13 1 6 L_ 24 rs 4-20 40 ASSESSED AREA C (BRICK VENEER ON THE HOUSEj WAS EXCLUDED FROM REMEDIAL ACTION ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION RM00186V 09/30/93 TMT/529 20 10 NORTH SCALE IN FEET 20 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 40 THIS DRAWING. PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM, IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RESIDENCE-NO. Or OCCUPANTS HOH-RESI0E»CE-yA"-HR3./WH. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEY DATE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO 3K rr CHCCKTO^ PROJ. CNCtV 249 SOUTH SECOND EAST ST. MONTICELLO, UTAH APPROVAL GEOTECH INC APPROVAL 60C •BATT ootioNo. MS-00186-MR 1 n 1 ? 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 3-B00186-V1,MT.1 or 1 38 40 HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 249 SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00186-MR) A.R. Jones November 1993 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 249 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00186-MR) 5 v ACKNOWLEIXJJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and G. K. Stowe and M. K. Jensen for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and perfonning remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1990, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 249 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 249 SOUTH 2ND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00186-MR)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was perfoimed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc 2 During 1990, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at 249 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 249 South 2nd East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 180 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 15 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 549 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 8 to 18 inches deep were removed from a 1376 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 15 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 12 to 28 /iR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 24 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 15 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.6 to 7.0 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained 4 of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 2.5 to 3.6 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Confirmatory analysis for samples XI through XI1 was not possible due to insufficient sample material. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three Alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from September 12, 1990 to September 17, 1991). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0074, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table ,1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. Upon provision of additional information from H. Perry to G. Pierce dated September 30, 1993, Resubmittal of Property Completion Reports, and further review of the property folio and completion report ORNL is in agreement with the RAC's exclusion of the brick veneer from remedial action. The RDC measurement confirms no health risks are associated with the brick veneer. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 249 South 2nd East Street, Monticello Utah (MS00186-MR) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) X12 X13 X14 X15 MLT-206 MLT-207 MLT-208 MLT-209 >15 >15 >15 >15 3.2 2.5 3.6 2.8 5.4 3.1 4.0 3.3 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. ' Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. REFERENCES Abramiuk I. Ret al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00186-MR, Address: 249 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, September 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00186-MR Property Address: 249 South Second East Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 jjR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] t 1 [ 1 [X] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] DO [ 1 [ 1 [/] [ ] [ 1 [ ] 1X1 [ ] [ ] [ ] PCI COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. SFCERT i FED SFMS-00186 DOE ID NO.: MS-00186-MR RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. iarry A. Retry Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. Date f3oAS DOE EVALUATION IX] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Environmental Restora Certification Official Department of Energy on Program Date 1 AJ tr~ DOE ID NO.: MS-00238-VL Property Address: 116 East Third South Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] [>1 [ 1 I ] IX] I 1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [yj (Vacant Lot) [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] t ] [>] (Vacant Lot) [ 1 [/] [ ] [ ] IA COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. nmiiiiii SFCERTI FED SFMS-89009 DOE ID NO.: MS-00238-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. A arry Date Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc DOE EVALUATION [XI Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Environmental Restoration Program Certification Official Department of Energy 15 fti, Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00238-VL ADDRESS: 116 EAST THIRD SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 DECEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Harr A m Progr . Perry Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00238-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00238-VL MS-00238-VL Parcel No. M-60; the W2N2 of Lot 3, Block 9, Monticello Townsite Survey, County of San Juan, State of Utah 116 East Third South Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Oak Ridge National Laboratory January 25, 1990 RUST Geotech Inc. July 16, 1990 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah August 4, 1992 September 25, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 299 cubic yards 1,362 square meters (m2) November 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00238-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 12 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 299 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 12 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00238-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during April 1990, as described in the final REA dated July 1990. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (/yR/h) to 23 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 16 composite soil samples ranged from 2.0 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 4.9 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite samples representing Areas V-15 and V-16 included soil samples taken from MS-00361-RS. 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00238-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 116 East Third South Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 2.0 pCi/g to 4.9 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 OOE ID NO.: MS-00238-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-JEK: 10-04-93 MS-00238.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00238-VL Address: 116 East Third South Street, Monticello, Utah Area Exposure-Rate Range (//R/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Meas. Method* Radium-226 (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15f V-16f 14 15 15 14 15 15 14 15 15 14 14 15 15 15 15 13 19 20 20 19 18 19 19 19 18 19 19 23 18 19 18 17 NAU 247 NAU 248 NAU 249 NAU 250 NAU 251 NAU 252 NAU 253 NAU 254 NAU 255 NAU 256 NAU 257 NAU 258 NAU 259 NAU 260 NAV 967 NAV 968 OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS 2.8 3.7 4.9 2.6 3.2 3.0 2.2 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.4 4.4 2.0 4.7 2.8 2.5 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System 'The composite samples representing Areas V-15 and V-16 included soil samples taken from MS-00361-RS. 7 10 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 - 1 6 14 12 Y 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 EAST THIRD SOUTH STREET UJ or i— co co < CO or LL. o co 14-16 SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 RM00238V 11/19/93 TMT/529 40 NORTH 28 /// V-4 14-19 J. © © (12 V-1 1 V-10 14-19 14-19 V-7 73 14-19 V-1 2 •\ V-3 4-6 © 15-23 15-20 © Q.w.o V-2 m 15-20 V-1 3 V-6 ©: :::© mm 15-18 V-9 15-19 15-8 2 19 V-1 6 );—» V-5 14-19 V-14 15-19 15-18 © V-1 5 V-1 6 15-18 13-17 30 ® <D I 1 L_ _J 12-15 12 V-1 16-17 32 34 36 38 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN fj,R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 40 - 28 - 26 - 24 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM, IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS HON—RESIDENCE—MAN—HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRANO JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO •JK 1 16 EAST THIRD SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH APPROVAL GKOIKM INC DATE I APPROVAL DOE T6vfT DOE ID NO. MS-00238-VL D"c wo 3-B00238-V1 gHT 1 „ 1 30 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE RO. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. MAR 8 01994 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil and exterior gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: Location Address: MSQ0238-VL 116 East 3rd South Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Owner Address: Tenant Name: Vacant lot Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 116 EAST 3RD SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00238-VL) A. R. Jones March 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CDNTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 116 East 3rd South Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00238-VL) 5 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and J. R. Sauvage and T. L. Meyer for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 116 East 3rd South Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 116 EAST 3RD SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00238-VL)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War IL Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at 116 East 3rd South Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 116 East 3rd South Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 223 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 12 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 299 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 12 inches deep were removed from a 1,362 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the 16 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 23 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 16 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 2.0 to 4.9 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed 226Ra concentrations from 2.3 to 3.7 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn Average annual radon proge- 0.03 WL progeny ny concentration (including background) (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 116 East 3rd South Street, Monticello Utah (MS0Q238-VL) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) X2 NAU 248 >15 3.7 3.7 X9 NAU 255 >15 2.3 2.7 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00238-VL, Address: 116 East 3rd South Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, December 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remeaial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. "DOE ID NO.: MS-00243-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A000000D002B, South Third East Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21, Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] M [ 1 I 1 [XI [ ] [ ] [ ] [ I [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [XJ (Vacant Lot) [ 1 DO [ 1 [ ] [ ] [>4 COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. lilllllllll IliiHI SFCERTI FED SFMS-89029 DOE ID NO.: MS-00243-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. DO Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. Date DOE EVALUATION Date Certification Official Department of Energy PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00243-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A000000D002B SOUTH THIRD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 SEPTEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Harry Perry Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification * 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00243-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00243-VL 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00243-VL Beginning at a point 76.5 feet north of the SW corner of Block D, Monticello Townsite Survey, east 172 feet, north 10.5 feet, west 172 feet, south 10.5 feet to point of beginning, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: Parcel No. A000000D002B South Third East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. March 17, 1992 DLB Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 40513 Grand Junction, Colorado August 17, 1992 September 25, 1992 Interior: Exterior: 0 cubic yards 39 cubic yards 168 square meters (m2) September 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00243-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 39 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 7 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00243-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during April and May 1991, as described in the final REA dated March 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 19 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in two composite soil samples were 2.8 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) and 4.2 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00243-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A000000D002B, South Third East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results were 2.8 pCi/g and 4.2 pCi/g. The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00243-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-KMA:08-12-93 MS-00243.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00243-VL Address: Parcel No. A000000D002B, South Third East Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 15-19 NAN 447 OCS 4.2 V-2 15 - 19 NAN 448 OCS 2.8 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 10 30 12 1 4 1 6 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 28 26 24 LU LU LY I— CO I— CO < LU Q or ZD o co V-2 15-19 6 XC 13-16 6 X C V-1 15-19 22 20 18 - 16 1 4 1 2 Y © © I I 12-15 12 V-1 16-17 NORTH RM00243V 09/15/93 RTB/242 —^ X 10 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN ^R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 40 THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM, IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCC-MAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEY DATE A.E. APP. NO. DATE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO PROJ. ENGR. SUBMITTED Si •M3 PARCEL NO. A000000D002B SOUTH THIRD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH GEOTECH INC DATE I APPROVAL DOE "DAfr DOEioNo. MS-00243-VL owe.NO. 3-B00243-V1 SHT 1 „ 1 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. NOV S 0 1: 1993 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: Location Address: MS00243-VL A000000D002B South 3rd East Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Owner Address: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A000000DOO2B, SOUTH 3RD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00243-VL) AR. Jones November 1993 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIHCATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of Geotech soil samples from A000000D002B, South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00243-VL) 5 v ACXNOWIJEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen and and G.K. Stowe for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A000000D002B, South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A000000D002B, SOUTH 3RD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00243-VL)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War EL Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a Vacant lot located at A0O00O0D002B, South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A000000D002B, South 3rd East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 28 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 39 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 7 inches deep were removed from a 168 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of exterior gamma scans with a scintillometer, and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of two excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas by Geotech, prior to backfilling ranged from 15 to 19 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were two excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 2.8 to 4.2 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS was unable to obtain a percentage of these soil samples to perform a confirmatory analysis. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionucb'de con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn Average annual radon proge- 0.03 WL progeny ny concentration (including background) (DOE 1990) Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from AOO0OO0DO02B, South 3rd East Street, Monticello Utah (MS00243-VL) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.* (cm) XI NAN447 >15 c 4.2 X2 NAN448 >15 c 2.8 a An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. h Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 0 ORNL was unable to obtain these samples. REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00243-VL, Address: A00000OD002B, South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, September 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-0027i-r?S Property Address: 216 West Center Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Enerov (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is <, 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [yi [ ] [ ] W [ } [ i [ ] [VI [ i [ ] [ ] IYO COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. illinium SFCERTI FED lilllllllli SFMS-00274 DOE ID NO.: MS-002. »S RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. marry A. Pe/fy ^ Date Mans Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc DOE EVALUATION iWP Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. EnviroTTfnental Restoration Pn Certification Official Department of Energy Date KM1 93 PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00274-RS ADDRESS: 216 WEST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 AUGUST 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy if( AUG 2 0 1993 j|| by " • RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 HanVA. Perry ^ Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. Illlllllllll iiiiiiiinig SFOCPLRPTS SFMS-80274 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement .... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00274-RS SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00274-RS 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00274-RS Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block L, Monticello Townsite Additional Survey; west 130 feet, north 70 feet, east 130 feet, south 70 feet to the point of beginning; except and reserving a right-of-way for vehicle and pedestrian travel over the following described portion of said tract of land: beginning 130 feet west of the southeast corner of Lot 1 of said Block L, north 70 feet, east 10 feet, south 70 feet, west 10 feet to the point of beginning, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: 216 West Center Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory May 30, 1990 RUST Geotech Inc. October 17, 1990 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah May 20, 1991 May 29, 1991 Interior: Exterior: 0 cubic yards 3 cubic yards 7 square meters (m2) August 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00274-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 2 cubic yards of contamination, 12 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 3 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 12 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00274-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during August 1990, as described in the final REA dated October 1990. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form a composite sample representing the verification area (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 17 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The result of analysis for radium-226 in one composite soil sample was 1.7 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0060 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location in the basement (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00274-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 216 West Center Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the basement was 12 //R/h to 14//R/h. Annual average was 0.0060 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background1 in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample result was 1.7 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 14 //R/h. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00274-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-DAG:08-02-93 MS-00274.RS WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00274-RS Address: 216 West Center Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A less-than sign (<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l 13-17 NAB 991 AL 1.7 ± 0.3 23.5 ± 3.3 < 0.1 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification area. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 7 Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00274-RS Address: 216 West Center Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Radtrak® Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm2 Radon Concentration (pCi/L) Working Level 3468200 3468163 3468209 01-07-92 01-07-92 01-07-92 01-06-93 01-06-93 01-06-93 12.2 12.1 12.5 1.18 1.17 1.23 0.0059 0.0059 0.0062 Annual Average: 0.0060 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. 8 10 30 12 14 16 20 22 24 i—r 26 28 30 32 34 36 1—r 38 40 30 28 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 Y 10 v-1 13-17 12 3-15 13-15 J RDC ONE STORY BRICK HOUSE W/BASEMENT 13-15 12-14 o 13-15 L "777" 777 WEST CENTER STREET "777- SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 RM00274V 08/06/93 TMT/529 40 NORTH UJ UJ LY. i— ID I— tn LU o o LU in X I— LY. O THIS DRAWING. PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. ® <D I 1 L__l 12-15 12 V-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN ^R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST-REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION 26 24 22 20 18 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 16 RESIOENCC-NO. OT OCCUPANTS NOH-HESIOEHCE-HMI-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEY OATE VERIFICATION CK. A.E. APP. NO. OATE CK. A.C. APP. 14 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO DESIGNED £21 Vk3 216 WEST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 APPROVAL GEOTECH INC BATE I APPROVAL DOE TKTF" OOEIONO. MS-00274-RS DWC.NO. 3-B00274-V1lHT.1 „ 1 10 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 t OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81S02 OCT 19 1993 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the ^Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Department of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: Location Address: MS00274 216 West Center Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Owner Address: Attachments RECORDS MANAPEMENT HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE B INDEPENDENT VERTFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 216 WEST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00274) A.R. Jones October 1993 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT vii INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurment Analysis 3 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS 6 Gamma Measurements 6 Soil Sample Analysis 6 CONCLUSION 6 REFERENCES 8 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from 216 West Center Street Monticello, Utah (MS00274) 5 LIST OF FIGURES 1 Property Map 7 v ACKNOWIJEIXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Restoration, Southwestern Area Programs. The author wishes to acknowledge M.K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and G.K. Stowe and M.K. Jensen for technical reviews. ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1991, RUST Geotech Inc., the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 216 West Center Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and con&ming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). vii 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 216 WEST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS0Q274)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment ofthe Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AO05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1991, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at 216 West Center Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination, backfilling with uncontaminated material, and restoration to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). When the excavation stage was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, by Geotech and by an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been designated the Independent Verification Contractor for the 216 West Center Street site. This report describes the methods and results of the verification surveys. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documenta- tion adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contarnination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 2 yd3 of mill tailings 12 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 3 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 12 inches deep, were removed from a 7 m2 area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech over the ground-level of the residence ranged from 12 to 14 /iR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 17 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the exterior verification area. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed ^Ra concentrations of 1.7 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS was unable to obtain this soil sample or perform a confirmatory analysis. This value is below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three Alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from January 7, 1992 to January 6, 1993). The IVC was present during placement and retrieval of the detectors to verify the RDC measurements. The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0060, which is well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. The procedures and methods used to obtain the annual average WL are deemed adequate and the results accurate by the IVC. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first IS cm of soil below the surface; IS pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon progeny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) Table 2. Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from 216 West Center Street, Utah (MS00274) ^Ra concentration (pCi/gl ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth No.* No* (cm) Confirmatory5 ORNL'' Geotech XI VI NAB-991 >15 1.7 1.3 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. ' Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by RUST Geotech Inc., and these samples were blended to form composite soil samples, which represent an average over verification areas. ' ORNL performed analysis on aliquots of the composite samples taken by Geotech (confirmatory). d Composite samples collected by ORNL from approximately the same excavated locations sampled by Geotech. Soil sample not available for confirmatory analysis. 6 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Measurements taken by ORNL over the ground surface in the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 15 to 22 uR/h (Figure 1). Soil Sample Analysis ORNL sampled the excavated area prior to backfilling, collecting aliquots representative of those areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the exterior verification area. ORNL's analysis of this composite sample showed a ^Ra concentrations of 1.3 pCi/g. This value is below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of ORNL sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION The results of all Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post- remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. NORTH 200 WEST STREET or< om i—\ LdLd VI • •.••»•• .-• VTI 15-22 ^R/h 1— 111 UJ or 1— o; LU LU o I— t/) LU mi EXPLANATION CONCRETE ASSESSED AREA OF CONTAMINATION EXCAVATED AREA REMAINING CONTAMINATION MEASUREMENT AREA IDENTIFIER & COMPOSITE SAMPLE _ IDENTIFIER OF Bl I AVERAGED AREA & BIASED SAMPLE J ^1 L r FEET 9 10 0 1 3 METERS 80 MS00274 216 WEST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH Figure 1. Property Mop 8 REFERENCES Abrarniuk, LN. et aL 1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ- 10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00274, Address: 216 West Center Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, August 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section procedures manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS- frhZ,<jrZSRS Property Address: M A//MLTH THittfr lo&ST STU-CI VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech. Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 mJ. [X]* [ ] [ ] In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 ma. (X] [ ] t ] In-situ [ ] Lab Interior gamma is < 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. l*C] [ ] [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. [X] [ ] [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] [vj [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning [ ] [ ] [xT Program (Rev. 03/02/87). U.S. Department of Energy <DOE, YES NO NOT TAKEN [XJ [ 1 ( ] IX) 0^ '[X] [ 1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] ( ] [ ] [ ] ( ] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. llillllllll SFCERTI FED •ill SFMS-00282 DOE ID NO. t MS- DO^Z.^vS CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Wo Pe rry 7 Date Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Certification Official Department of Energy Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00282-RS ADDRESS: 64 NORTH THIRD WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 JANUARY 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy JAN 22 1993 RECORDS MANAGEMENT by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 A. Perry Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. IIII1I111H SFOCPLRPTS 111 SFMS-02282 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00282-RS 1.0 SUNMART 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00282-RS 1.3 Suaaary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00282-RS Parcel No. M-263: beginning at the W4 corner of Block L, Monticello Townsite Survey, Plat A; east 80 feet, north 107.25 feet, west 80 feet, south 107.25 feet to place of beginning; also beginning at the W4 corner of Block L, Monticello Townsite Survey, Plat A; north 107.25 feet, west 36 feet, south 107.25 feet, east 36 feet to the place of beginning, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construct ion Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: 64 North Third West Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Oak Ridge National Laboratory April 3, 1990 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. October 10, 1990 Sonderegger Construction P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah October 30, 1990 November 7, 1990 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 5 cubic yards 17 square meters (m2) January 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00282-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 2 cubic yards of contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 5 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 8 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00282-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during August 1990, as described in the final REA dated October 1990. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form a composite sample representing the verification area (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 20 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The result of analysis for radium-226 in one composite soil sample was 2.6 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was 0.0271 working level (WL), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.2. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00282-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 64 North Third West Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Certification Data Summary Standards Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background.* Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 12 uR/h to 15 uR/h. Radon Decay-Product Concentrat ion: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Annual average* was 0.0271 WL. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m*. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample result was 2.6 pCi/g. *The background exposure rate is approximately 14 uR/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00282-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00282-RS Address: 64 North Third West Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Exposure- Soil Rate Range Sample Meas. Radium-226 Potassium Thorium Area (^R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l 15-20 NAG 250 AL 2.6±0.2 22.8 ± 1.6 1.0+0.1 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification area. *AL = Analytical Laboratory 7 I Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00282-RS Address: 64 North Third West Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Radtrak* Detectors Radon Average Detector Tracks Per Concentration Working Number Start Date End Date mm2 (pCi/1) Level (WL) 3160977 12-12-90 01-07-92 3169169 12-12-90 01-07-92 3160941 12-12-90 01-07-92 48.1 5.59 0.0280 47.0 5.45 0.0273 44.9 5.19 0.0260 Annual Average: 0.0271 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. MM-VPF:12-28-92 MS-00282.RS WS REV052592 8 14 12 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 V-1 LEGEND 15-20 ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN fiR/h ® ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION j - 26 POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE B0:0 N DARY OF EXCAVATl0N •!~~ rr ® •v.-.vj 12-15 o GARAGE 12-13 13-15 AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION 2 24 i— 13-15 V-1 VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE cr 16-17 in i POST-REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION RDC CO 22 • UJ a ® tr. ONE STORY STUCCO HOUSE 12-15 x x 20 or o c Z 3-15 © RDC 18 13-15 rr LOO I CAL AS^BUI LT RADIO f FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION V-1 15-20 REVISIONS NO. OATE REVISIONS Br CK. A.E. APP. NO. OATE BV CK. A.E APP RESIDENCE-NO- OF OCCUPANTS U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRANO JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO rs NON-RESIDENCE—MAN-HRS.'WK DESIGNED r2: SCALE IN FEET 64 NORTH THIRD WEST STREET INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEYOR DRAWN PREPARED FOR W DEcWTAMiNATiON'ANO: THIS ()RAWING, rr m MONTICELLO. UTAH Y DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM, IS:FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ARD ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A: LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE REUED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER : FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. 1 I I I I I L CHECKED PROJ. ENC 20 40 20 10 APPROVAL SUBMITTED OATE APPROVAL OOE DATE NORTH SURVEY OATE T ME ^ RM00282Y 12/22/92 T329 J i j OOEIONO MS-00282-RS Geotech, Inc VERIFICATION DATE owa.NO3_B00282_v1 . - 28 14 12 12 16 18 26 30 32 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 MAR Bl Jacob W. Gatrell Office of Environmental Restoration Southwestern Area Programs Division U.S. Department of Energy EM-451/GTN/D-247 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Gatrell: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Mary J. Wilson Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: MS00282 Location Address: 64 North 3rd West Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 64 NORTH 3RD WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00282) S.K. Mather March 1993 Work performed by the POLLUTANT ASSESSMENTS GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CDNTENTS UST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 64 North 3rd West Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00282) 5 v ACXNOWLEIXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M.K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and A.R. Jones and G.K. Stowe for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1990 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 64 North 3rd West Street, Monticello, Utah. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The PAG found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the PAG are described in the Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1992). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 64 NORTH 3RD WEST STREET MO^^^CELLO, UTAH (MS00282)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Pollutant Assessments Group of the Health and Safety Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1990, Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at 64 North 3rd West Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 64 North 3rd West Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 2 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 5 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 8 inches deep were removed from a 17 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. A sample representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of one excavated area was collected and blended to form a representative composite soil sample for the verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 12 to IS /iR/h. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 15 to 20 //R/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected a soil sample representative of the excavated area from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. The sample was blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the one exterior verification area. Geotech's analysis of the sample showed a ^Ra concentration of 2.6 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL PAG obtained this soil sample and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations of 2.5 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed three Alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the residence located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from December 12, 1990 to January 07, 1992). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the TechVOps-Landauer Corporation, was 0.027, which is below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) F«j* reZ<l Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 64 North 3rd West Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00282) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth No." No/ (cm) ORNL Geotech XI NAG-250 15-30 2.5 2.6 a An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. DOE ID NO.: MS-00398-VL Property Address: 215 South Second West Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Enerov (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] [X]* [ ] [ 1 [XI [ 1 [ 1 [X] [ ] [ 1 [>0 [ 1 [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is <, 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] fcfl (Vacant Lot) [ 1 [X] [ ] [ ] M (Vacant Lot) [X] [ ] [ ] [/] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [yQ COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of oamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. DOE ID NO.: MS-00398-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. [Xl Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. Date DOE EVALUATION Environmental Restoratidn Program Certification Official Department of Energy Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00398-VL ADDRESS: 215 SOUTH SECOND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 OCTOBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 HahV'A. Perry ' Program Manager TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SLHVJMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00398-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Inclusion Survey Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00398-VL 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00398-VL Parcel No. M-118; beginning at the NW corner of Lot 3, Block 15, Monticello Townsite Survey, Plat A; south 66 feet, east 100 feet, north 66 feet, west 100 feet to beginning, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: 215 South Second West Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Oak Ridge National Laboratory June 18, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. October 21, 1991 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah July 28, 1992 August 26, 1992 Interior: Exterior: 0 cubic yards 2 cubic yards 4 square meters (m2) October 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00398-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY N 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 2 cubic yards of contamination, 18 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 2 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 12 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00398-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during August 1991, as described in the final REA dated October 1991. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, an individual soil sample representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation was collected (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 20 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The result of analysis for radium-226 in one individual soil sample was 1.5 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00398-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 215 South Second West Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample result was 1.5 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00398-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-JEK: 10-04-93 MS-00398.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00398-VL Address: 215 South Second West Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range Ot/R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 18-20 NAT 851 OCS 1.5 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification area. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 10 30 12 1 4 1 6 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 30 28 28 26 24 22 20 18 - 16 - 14 12 Y 10 UJ or i— to \— tn UJ o o UJ co o co WEST SECOND SOUTH STREET LLL r o 12-13 i ^ 12-13 -7^ o o 4. - 1 12 V-1 18-20 SHED 12-13 J rr SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 RM00398V 10/07/93 TMT/529 40 NORTH THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM, IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. ® <D I 1 I I 12-15 12 V-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN yuR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE 26 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RESI0CNCC-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON -RESIDENCE -UAH -MRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. VERIFICATION BY CK. A.E. APP. NO. OATE CK. A.E. APP. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRANO JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO 9^ *>-lh 215 SOUTH SECOND WEST ST. MONTICELLO, UTAH APPROVAL GEOTECH INC DAT? I APPROVAL OOC •Bffr OOEIONO. MS-00398-VL owe.NO. 3-BQQ398-V1 «„,. 1 „ 1 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 10 12 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JAN 2 81994 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00398 Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: 215 South 2nd West Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Tenant Name: Vacant Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 215 SOUTH 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00398) A. R. Jones January 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 215 South 2nd West Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00398) 5 v ACKNOWJ^DGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and M. K Jensen and G. A. Pierce for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or contairiing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and perfonning remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 215 South 2nd West Street, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 215 SOUTH 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00398)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War EL Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). '"The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at 215 South 2nd West Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, mcluding soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaniinated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 215 South 2nd West Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 2 yd3 of mill tailings 18 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 2 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 12 inches deep were removed from a 4 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. A single soil sample representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated area was collected. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not'been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to bacldllling ranged from 18 to 20 /iR/h. SoH Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected an individual soil sample representative of the excavated area from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed a ^Ra concentration of 1.5 pCi/g in the sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of this soil sample and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed a Ra concentration of 2.8 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) Table 2, Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 215 South 2nd West Street, Monticello Utah (MS00398) Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.fr (cm) XI NAT 851 >15 2.8 1.5 An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. REFERENCES Abramiuk L N.et aL1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00398, Address: 215 South 2nd West Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, October 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. Tii'^ page, rec'6 'i-f/S^fy DOE ID NO.: HS- OdH M 7 ~ l/Z- Property Address: (o\ EfoST fiftSI ^SOUTU £T$.€€~\ VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ fX] Lab ( ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 ma. In-situ [ ] Lab [xr] Interior gamma is < 20 /jR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]' [ 1 [ ] [ 3 t ] [ 1 ( ] [ ] ( 1 [ 1 [ J [X] (Vacant Lot) [ 1 [X] (Vacant Lot) ( ] [X] U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN £X0 t ] t 1 t J ( J ty]£ [ ] [ ) M ^ M COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. SFCERTIFED SFMS-00447 DOE ID NO. : MS- c/ 7 CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. ( ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. arry A 7 Pepffy / '. Date Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. 2///M DOE EVALUATION Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. -T ( z:o ( ?3. Date .Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Certification Official Department of Energy )0 0c£f? PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00447-VL ADDRESS: 61 EAST FIRST SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 FEBRUARY 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 \993 FEB Harry'A. Perry*"" Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. llllllllll SFOCPLRPTS min SFMS-09023 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: HS-00447-VX 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Reaedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00447-VL 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: MS-00447-VL Legal Description: Parcel No. M-189-1: beginning north 89 degrees 11 minutes west 154.5 feet from the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 23, Monticello Townsite Survey; north 89 degrees 11 minutes west 149.5 feet, north 00 degrees 49 minutes east 139.5 feet, south 89 degrees 11 minutes east 89.5 feet, north 00 degrees 49 minutes east 75 feet, south 89 degrees 11 minutes east 131.5 feet, south 00 degrees 49 minutes west 104.5 feet, north 89 degrees 11 minutes west 71.5 feet, south 00 degrees 49 minutes west 110 feet to point of beginning, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: 61 East First South Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion recommended by the Remedial Action Contractor October 10, 1991 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. December 30, 1991 Sonderegger Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah June 4, 1992 June 19, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 1 cubic yard 2 square meters (m3) February 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00447-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 1 cubic yard of contamination, 12 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 1 cubic yard of residual radioactive material, 6 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00447-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Reaedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during October 1990, as described in the final REA dated December 1991. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, an individual soil sample collected at grid coordinates 278377 represented the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation. Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 18 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The result of analysis for radium-226 in one individual soil sample was 2.8 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00447-VL 3.2 Recoaaendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 61 East First South Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentrat ion: Certification Data Summary Standards Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m3. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m3. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample result was 2.6 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00447-VL APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00447-VL Address: 61 East First South Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (juR/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l** 15 - 18 NAN 608 OCS 2.8 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification area. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System ••Individual soil sample collected at grid coordinates 278377. MM-VPF:01-13-93 MS-00447.VL WS REV052592 • * 10 12 16 14 18 24 26 20 22 32 34 38 40 46 28 42 48 30 60 + 42 40 40 38 38 X 36 36 v-i IS-1B 34 34 14-17 32 32 30 30 14-17 28 28 IN i*R/h AL. ® ASSESSES AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE. DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMIN, CuNTAMI NATION PT/.Yl |Y.\vj 26 . AREA OF ASSESSED AMINATION 26 POST-REMEDIAL ACTEON EXPOSURE-RATE BO!aNDAl|rOFEXCAvkT(ON AVERAGE: EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEP ^SHEDc 12-15 12.-1; EH-DEPOSIT OF 24 24 VERIFICATION AND EXCAVAT v-i DENTIf IER i RANGE— U-17 14-17 22 22 20 20 18 18 16 16 JICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1" RADIOLOGICA EAST FIRST SOUTH STREET EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 14 14 SCALE IN FEET 12 81 EAST MONTICELLO. UTAH 12 rr 1.9 .9. 23 NpRTH 00447-V1^,1 ,1 14 46 48 10 12 16 20 22 24 42 44 50 34 36 40 26 28 30 32 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 APR 2 9 1993 Jacob V. Gatrell -Office of Environmental Restoration Southwestern Area Programs Division U.S. Department of Energy EM-451/GTN/D-247 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Gatrell: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987). This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the ^Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Mary^J. Wilson V Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: Location Address: MS00447 61 East 1st South Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Monticello. Utah 84535 Attachments OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 APR 2 9 1993 Jacob V. Gatrell Office of Environmental Restoration Southwestern Area Programs Division U.S. Department of Energy EM-451/GTN/D-247 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Gatrell: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Mary^J. Wilson *' Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: Location Address: MS00447 61 East 1st South Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Monticello. Utah 84535 Attachments HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 61 EAST 1ST SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00447) S.K. Mather April 1993 Work performed by the POLLUTANT ASSESSMENTS GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 61 East 1st South Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00447) 5 v ACKNOWI£LXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and A. R. Jones and G. K. Stowe for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc., the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 61 East 1st South Street, Monticello, Utah. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The PAG found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the PAG are described in the Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1992). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 61 EAST 1ST SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00447)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the US. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Pollutant Assessments Group of the Health and Safety Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at 61 East 1st South Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 61 East 1st South Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 1 yd3 of mill tailings 12 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 1 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 inches deep were removed from a 2 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of a gamma scan of the exterior and soil sampling. A sample representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layer of one excavated area was collected and blended to form a representative composite soil sample for the verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 12 to 18 fjR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected a soil sample representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layer. This sample was blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the one exterior verification area. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed a ^Ra concentrations of 2.8 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL PAG obtained this soil sample and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed a ^Ra concentration of 1.4 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 61 East 1st South Street, Monticello Utah (MS00447) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No.a No.* (cm) XI NAN-608 15-30 1.4 2.8 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. REFERENCES Abramiuk L N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00447, Address: 61 East 1st South Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, February 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1992. Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual ORNLyTM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. 1 TATs ptoe. rtcJd /Z.//W97 DOE ID NO. : MS- dO^l/Slo "\ A . Property Address: ^Cs t=A5>T Gt=A>~g/2. ^iXgg" VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 mJ. In-situ [ ] Lab fX} Interior gamma is < 20 fjR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. SFCFRT1FFD ccMC.QQ/mfi [X]* [ ] [ ] LX], ( ) ( ] ( J [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [>L (Vacant Lot) t ] [ ] tX) ( ] [ ] - (Vacant Lot) IZ/I*/<?7 DOE ID NO : MS- OOA-% ~ VL CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. ( ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. farry A. Perry Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. Date DOE EVALUATION p>-3 Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination and Decommj.ssa.onmg Program Certification Official Department of Energy •7f-Z.of?l Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00456-VL ADDRESS: 80 EAST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 FEBRUARY 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy mm by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 FEB ^9 1993 RECORDS MANAG&f Harry^T. Perry'' Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. Minium iinpiuiii SFOCPLRPTS SFMS-09023 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Paoe 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00456-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00456-VL 1.3 Stuurj of Reaedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Parcel No. M-194: beginning Monticello Townsite Survey, 194.5 feet, east 50 feet to State of Utah MS-00456-VL at the northeast corner of Lot 3, Block 23, south 194.5 feet, west 50 feet, north the point of beginning, County of San Juan, Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: 80 East Center Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion recommended by the Remedial Action Contractor October 10, 1991 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. December 30, 1991 Sonderegger Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah June 4, 1992 June 19, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 3 cubic yards 12 square meters (m3) February 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00456-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUNMART 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 1 cubic yard of contamination, ranging from 12 inches to 18 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 3 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 6 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00456-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during October 1990, as described in the final REA dated December 1991. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form a composite sample representing the verification area (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 20 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The result of analysis for radium-226 in one composite soil sample was 2.7 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00456-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 80 East Center Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Certification Data Summary Standards Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m3. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m3. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample result was 2.7 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00456-VL APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT Table 3.1 PoBt-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00456-VL Address: 80 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (uR/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 15 - 20 NAN 609 OCS 2.7 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification area. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System MM-VPF:01-13-93 MS-00456.VL WS REV052592 7 12 18 20 10 14 16 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 38 40 36 44 46 48 50 42 + 42 I I 1 1 1 40-40 EAST CENTER OI 38 V 36 14-17 34 32 30 28 V-1 AS iESSE) AREA IDENTIFIER 15-20 DEPTH OF ASSESSED ASSESSED CONTAMIN, AVERAGE DEP1 AREA OF ASSE CONTAMI4ATION 14-17 AMINATION. 26 12-15 EXPOSURE-RATE ACTION OF VATION ATED DEPTH FOR HE DEPOSIT OF 24 T.O^LEX»^TEDRE^R v-i 22 20 7 18 12-1 METAL SHED 16 AL AS FIGURE'2"1 OF CONTAMINATION EXTERIOR 14 rs SCALE FEET 60 MONTICEULO. UTAH 12 US* 3i 4.0 20 10 0 20 NORTH + 22 38 42 44 46 4b 50 10 14 16 18 20 24 26 30 32 34 36 28 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 APR 2 9 1993 Jacob W. Gatrell Office of Environmental Restoration Southwestern Area Programs Division U.S. Department of Energy EM-451/GTN/D-247 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Gatrell: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Mary^J. Wilson V ' Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: Location Address: MS00456 80 East Center Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Owner Address: Attachments HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 80 EAST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00456) S.K. Mather April 1993 Work performed by the POLLUTANT ASSESSMENTS GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 80 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00456) 5 v ACXNOWLETXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and A. R. Jones and G. R. Stowe for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc., the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 80 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The PAG found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the PAG are described in the Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1992). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 80 EAST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00456)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the US. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Pollutant Assessments Group of the Health and Safety Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at 80 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 80 East Center Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 1 yd3 of mill tailings 12 to 18 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 3 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 inches deep were removed from a 12 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of a gamma scan of the exterior and soil sampling. A sample representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layer of one excavated area was collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for the verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 12 to 20 /zR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected a soil sample representative of the excavated area from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. This sample was blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the exterior verification area. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed 226Ra concentrations of 2.7 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL PAG obtained this soil sample and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentration of 1.7 pCi/g. This value is below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 80 East Center Street, Monticello Utah (MS00456) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.' (cm) XI NAN-609 15-30 1.7 2.7 An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. h Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00456, Address: 80 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, February 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C ORNL, 1992. Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. "Dii's f*y«- rcc'd /z.^ DOE ID NO. : MS- frbHS9-\/L Property Address: M OJP-kST(L(L ST£.££7 VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab ( ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ ( ] Lab [><} Interior gamma is < 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. [X]* [ ] [ ] CXI L El I ) 1*1 ( J [ 1 IVh t 1 M t ] t ) [X] C ] [ ] [X] (Vacant Lot) t ] [ 1 [X] [ 1 [ ] [XI (Vacant Lot) [ ] [XT [ ] 1 1 IX1> 1 1 3t^ SFCERT1FED SFMS-00459 12 DOE I DNO.: MS— OQA^I - CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. 3arry A. Pe^ry7 Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. Date DOE EVALUATION (XI Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Certification Official Department of Energy "7 / ^frZ Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00459-VL ADDRESS: 64 EAST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 FEBRUARY 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy FEB 1993 by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 i1-*f <n *«/^*"nn •ij-rf4 Harry A. Perry Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. Ililllllllll SFOCPLRPTS mini SFMS-09023 MAR 19 1993 RECORDS MANAG&T TABLE OF CONTENTS Section E&SS. 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00459-VL 1.0 SUNMART 1.1 Baal* for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00459-VL 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: MS-00459-VL Parcel No. M-195: Lot 4, Block 23, Monticello Townsite Survey, Plat A, except the following: beginning at the northeast corner of said Block 23, south 170 feet, west 55 feet, north 170 feet, east 55 feet to the point of beginning, County of San Juan, State of Utah Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: 64 East Center Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion recommended by the Remedial Action Contractor October 10, 1991 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. December 30, 1991 Sonderegger Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah June 4, 1992 June 19, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 3 cubic yards 14 square meters (m2) February 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00459-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUNMART 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified 3 cubic yards of contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 15 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 3 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 6 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00459-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUNMART 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during October 1990, as described in the final REA dated December 1991. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form a composite sample representing the verification area (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 14 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 18 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The result of analysis for radium-226 in one composite soil sample was 3.1 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00459-VL 3.2 Rec ndation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at 64 East Center Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Applicability Certification Data Summary Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background. Not applicable: vacant lot. Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Soil sample result was 3.1 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00459-VL APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT Table 3.1 Poet-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00459-VL Address: 64 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (uR/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 15 - 18 NAN 607 OCS 3.1 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification area. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System MM-VPF:01-13-93 MS-00459.VL WS REV052592 7 42 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 12 14 16 16 20 22 ~! !—! ! ! !—r—n—r 24 26 28 30 ~! ! !—I—I—I—r 32 34 36 1—! n—r 38 4Q 42 ~i—!—i—i n~~ 44 EAST CENTER STREET• ! /// : I i i j_ j -14-17 i.... •••I V-1 14-17 15-18 •••I ...i. V-l •••I 15-18 0 15 14-17 2-15 12 114-17 V-1 8-17 i • -14-17 14-17 I i rs 46 48 ~l 1 1 1 •i i i- '•I I •I I •I I 0£GJIHQ ALL DEPTHS IN; INCHES j ALL EXPOSURE;RATE? IN pR/h ASSESSEb AREA IDENTIFIER! AVERAGE! DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION . AREA OFASSESSED CONTAMINATION j j POjST-REMEDIAt ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RAN ' BojuNDAtiY' OF EXCAVATION ' IIj! i i i i i i AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT: •CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE:AREA IDENTIFIER...! ANO EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE RAdlOLObrCAtAS Btnd "|'-FIGURE 2.1"??j ! EXTERIOR lEXTENT OF CONTAMINATION MltOfNCl-M. W &CCU»A»TI SCALE IN FEET ,;...2Q..;...1.ft..;....p...: L.2Q..I I..40.. 'NORTH" THIS ORAW1HO. PREPARED fOR THC: DECONTAMINATION AND pCCOMMSSIONINC PROGRAM. 13 FOR THC SOLE USE OF THC ..U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ANO ITS CONTRACTORS. (T IS.. NOT A LutO SURVEY PLAT; UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER: IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PUT AND * NOT TO tt RELIES UPON ' FOR THE:ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. SUIL01NO. OR OTHER ,.FUTURE.fcPRqVE.MENT LINES, j | J L RU004SIV 01/lt/U TUt J i i L 12 14 i i i i I I i » J L J L kdk.UUMl-iUk.HmiJ'Ur- mlTllUMINT NO. iMMrtTON ' 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 J L tlHI ' •f CC A.*. AM MO. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY QUMO JUNCTION MOJKCTS Off ICE, COLOAAOO MtkHfTIO' w 64 EAST CENTER STREI MONTICELLO. UTAH INHBvC IO.TI |....<IMI BH im it us— Q«oUch, Inc. 38 40 42 44 46 5^1 1....1 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 APR 2 9 1993 Jacob W. Gatrell Office of Environmental Restoration Southwestern Area Programs Division U.S. Department of Energy EM-451/GTN/D-247 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Gatrell: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Mary J. Wilsorf Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: MS00459 Location Address: 64 East Center Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 APR 2 9 1993 Jacob W. Gatrell Office of Environmental Restoration Southwestern Area Programs Division U.S. Department of Energy EM-451/GTN/D-247 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Gatrell: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Mary J. Wilsori Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: Location Address: MS00459 64 East Center Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Owner Address: Attachments HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 64 EAST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00459) S.K. Mather April 1993 Work performed by the POLLUTANT ASSESSMENTS GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS UST OF TABLES v ACKN O WLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 64 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00459) 5 v ACXNOWI£LX3MENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and A. R. Jones and G. K. Stowe for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc., the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 64 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The PAG found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the PAG are described in the Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1992). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 64 EAST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00459)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War IL Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Pollutant Assessments Group of the Health and Safety Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at 64 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 64 East Center Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 3 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 15 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 3 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 inches deep were removed from a 14 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of a gamma scan of the exterior and soil sampling. A sample representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of one excavated area was collected and blended to form a representative composite soil sample for the verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 14 to 18 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected a soil sample representative of the excavated area from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. This sample was blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the single exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed ^Ra concentrations of 3.1 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL PAG obtained this soil sample and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed 226Ra concentrations of 2.6 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- Maximum permissible con- 5 pCi/g averaged over the centrations in soil centration of ^Ra in soil first 15 cm of soil below the above background levels, surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- averaged over a 100-m2 area raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 64 East Center Street, Monticello Utah (MS00459) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) XI NAN-607 15-30 2.6 3.1 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. REFERENCES Abramiuk L N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00459, Address: 64 East Center Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, February 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1992. Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00689-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A00200000130, Meadowlark Lane VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] L*l [ ] [ ] [ 1 [ ] IM [ ] I ] [X] [ ] [ ] [A (Vacant Lot) [ i iy\ I ] MM IX] [ ] I ] M COMMENTS: #The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. SFCERTI FED 1111111111 SFMS-09030 DOE ID NO.: MS-00689-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. [A] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. Date DOE EVALUATION Date Certification Official Department of Energy PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00689-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000130 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 DECEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 <£4 Harr Perry A. Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00689-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00689-VL MS-00689-VL Lot 13, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000130 Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 31, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. July 27, 1992 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah May 25, 1993 July 19, 1993 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 247 cubic yards 751 square meters (m2) December 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00689-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 247 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 20 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00689-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during May 1991, as described in the final REA dated July 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 23 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in eight composite soil samples ranged from 1.3 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 4.0 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00689-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000130, Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.3 pCi/g to 4.0 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00689-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-KMA: 12-09-93 MS-00689.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00689-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000130, Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range U/R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 13 - 19 NAY 648 OCS 2.3 V-2 14 - 23 NAY 641 OCS 3.0 V-3 13 - 21 NAY 642 OCS 4.0 V-4 13 - 18 NAY 643 OCS 2.9 V-5 13-16 NAY 644 OCS 3.0 V-6 13 - 18 NAY 645 OCS 1.3 V-7 14 - 18 NAY 646 OCS 3.9 V-8 13 - 21 NAY 647 OCS 2.2 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 10 30 12 1 4 1 6 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 - 16 - MEADOWLARK LANE /// ::::©::::::rri:::::: V-8 6 . 13-21 20 7.| V-7 V-1 14-18 13-19 13-16 V-6 13-18 \ K V-4 13-18 x.v.v V-2 X V-3 V-5 14-23 :::\ 13-21 \ 13-16 Ld < _) or < o Q < L±J O to i— CO or ® <D rv/.vi LV.-.vj 12-15 12 V-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /xR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION - 22 - 20 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 1 4 12 Y 10 X o SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 RM00689V 12/20/93 TMT/529 40 THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM, IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIOENCE-UAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEY OATE VERIFICATION A.E. APP. NO. DATE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO OATE |«-T5 3L l2-«?3 PARCEL NO. A00200000130 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH GEOTECH INC DATE APPROVAL DOE DOEIONO. MS-00689-VL DWO.NO. 3-B00689-V1 SMT 1 „ 1 10 12 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY MANAGED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE RO. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 APR 2 8 1994 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil and exterior gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: Location Address: MS00689-VL A00200000130/Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Owner Address: Tenant Name: Vacant lot Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE B INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A0fJ2ofJ0O)130/MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00689-VL) J. R. Sauvage April 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CXDNTENTS LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT vii INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIHCATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS 6 Gamma Measurements 6 Soil Sample Analysis 6 CONCLUSION 6 REFERENCES 8 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from A00200000130/Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah (MS00689-VL) 5 LIST OF FIGURES 1 Property Map 7 v ACXNOWLEJDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Restoration, Southwestern Area Programs. The author wishes to acknowledge T. L. Meyer for analysis of soil samples and A. R. Jones and G. A. Pierce for technical reviews. ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1993, RUST Geotech Inc., the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000130/Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). vii 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000130/MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00689-VL)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1993, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000130/Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination, backfilling with uncontaminated material, and restoration to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). When the excavation stage was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, by Geotech and by an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been designated the Independent Verification Contractor for the A00200000130/Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of the verification surveys. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 149 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 247 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 20 inches deep, were removed from a 751 m2 area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 23 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the eight exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.3 to 4.0 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.6 to 2.8 pCi/g, These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to ^Rn Average annual radon proge- 0.03 WL progeny ny concentration (including background) (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from A00200fJ00130/Meadowlark Lane, Utah (MS00689-VL) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth No. No.6 (cm) Confirmatory' ORNL Geotech V9* NAY 648 >15 4.1 2.3 V3d NAY 642 >15 4.1 4.0 V6d NAY 645 >15 2.9 1.3 V& NAY 647 >15 4.2 22 XI" NAY 648 >15 2.8 23 X5a NAY 644 >15 1.6 3.0 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by RUST Geotech Inc., and these samples were blended to form composite soil samples, which represent an average over verification areas. c ORNL performed analysis on aliquots of the composite samples taken by Geotech (confirmatory). d Composite samples collected by ORNL from approximately the same excavated locations sampled by Geotech. ' ORNL's V9 is the same area identified by the RAC as VI. 6 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Measurements taken by ORNL over the ground surface in the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 14 to 22 uR/h (Figure 1). Soil Sample Analysis ORNL sampled V3, V6, V8 and V9 of the excavated areas prior to backfilling, collecting aliquots representative of those areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form 4 composite soil samples representative of an average over the exterior verification areas. ORNL's analysis of these composite samples showed ^Ra concentrations of 2.9 and 4.2 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of ORNL sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION The results of all Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post- remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4-19/iR/h ^——* ^ ^ * d . f. .« •. n 7777. 77, YA YA V9 V8 '/s Y; V2 4-22MR/h V7 V3 ED 4-18uR/h 4-16^R/h V5 A\ 7A V6 4-17/uR/h V6 4-17uR/h V7 V3 i V2 5-19LiR/h V4 5-20^R/h V9 V5 Z EXPLANATION fV';Vs-:l Concrete Assessed contamination /^/l Excavated //l area Remaining contamination ED RDC Measurement Area idnetifier & Composite sample __ Identifier of j B1 | averaged area & Biased sample FEET 0 10 20 30 40 0 3 6 9 12 METERS MS00689 A00200000130/ MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH Figure 1. Property Map JRS 4/5/94 8 REFERENCES Abramiuk, LN. et al. 1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00689-VL, Address: A00200000130/Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, December 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00690-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A00200000150, Meadowlark Lane VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is ^ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). . [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] W [ ] U i/\ [ 1 [ ] [ ] [ 1 I ] I ] [X] [ ] [ ] l>4 (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] [ 1 [ 1 [X] I ] [ ] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. llllllllll SFCERTI FED lllllllll SFMS-09030 DOE ID NO.: MS-00690-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. [X] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. Date DOE EVALUATION Date Certification Official Department of Energy PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00690-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000150 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 DECEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00690-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00690-VL MS-00690-VL Lot 15, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000150 Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 31, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. July 27, 1992 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah May 25, 1993 July 19, 1993 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 91 cubic yards 329 square meters (m2) December 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00690-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 91 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 8 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY DOE ID NO.: MS-00690-VL 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during May 1991, as described in the final REA dated July 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 20 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in four composite soil samples ranged from 1.6 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 1.9 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00690-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000150, Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.6 pCi/g 1.9 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00690-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-KMA: 12-08-93 MS-00690.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00690-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000150, Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 13 - 17 NAW 441 OCS 1.6 V-2 14 - 20 NAW 442 OCS 1.7 V-3 13 - 16 NAW 443 OCS 1.6 V-4 13 - 17 NAW 444 OCS 1.9 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 10 30 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 30 28 26 24 22 - 20 18 - 16 MEADOWLARK LANE /// r 13-16 V-4 13-17 V-3 13-16 0 13-16 V-2 13-16 iy 14-20 V-1 13-17 •:< 6 > • 8 J L. © rv.-.vi iv.-.vj 12-15 1 2 v-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN //R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 28 26 - 24 22 20 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 18 16 1 4 12 10 Y cn o 20 10 RM00690V 12/14/93 TMT/529 J I SCALE IN FEET 20 J L 40 THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM, IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON—RESIDENCE—MAN—HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. VERIFICATION BY CK. A.E. APP. NO. DATE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO XA-DATE AT 73 PARCEL NO. A00200000150 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH GEOTECH INC APPROVAL DOE OOE io NO. MS-00690-VL owe.NO. 3-B00690-V1 SHr 1 or 1 14 12 10 10 12 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY MANAGED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE RO. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 APR 2 8 199+ Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil and exterior gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretcnen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00690-VL Location Address: A00200000150/Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Vacant lot Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT AfJ0200000150/MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00690-VL) A. R. Jones April 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000150/Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00690-VL) 5 v AOOSiO\vlJ3DGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge T. L. Meyer for analysis of soil samples and M. K. Jensen and E. M. Pilz for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1993, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000150/Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000150/MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00690-VL)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1993, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant land located at A00200000150/Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000150/Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 66 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 91 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 8 inches deep were removed from a 329 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the 4 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 20 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were four excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.6 to 1.9 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.8 to 2.6 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first IS cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to ^Rn Average annual radon proge- 0.03 WL progeny ny concentration (including background) (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A002Q()UU0150/Meadowlark Lane, MonticeDo Utah (MS00690-VL) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech ' sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) XI NAW 441 >15 1.8 1.6 X2 NAW 444 >15 2.6 1.9 An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00690-VL, Address: A00200000150/Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, December 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00691-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A00200000160, Meadowlark Lane VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). RUST Geotech Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] U.S. Department of Enerov (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN l)Q I } [ ] [ 1 [ 1 [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [XI (Vacant Lot) [ ] fXl [ 1 [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] tx] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. ililllllllll SFCERTI FED 111 SFMS-09044 IN 7 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00691-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. A arry Date Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. DOE EVALUATION pO Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Environmental Restoration Program Certification Official Department of Energy 13/L, fiS- Date7 PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT DOE ID NO.: MS-00691-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000160 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 NOVEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00691-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00691-VL MS-00691-VL Lot 16, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000160 Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. November 21, 1992 Crowley Construction, Inc. East Route Monticello, Utah May 18, 1993 July 19, 1993 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 131 cubic yards 659 square meters (ma) November 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00691-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 131 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 6 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00691-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during June 1991, as described in the final REA dated November 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 24 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in eight composite soil samples ranged from 1.5 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 4.7 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00691-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000160, Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.5 pCi/g to 4.7 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00691-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-MRW: 11-01-93 MS-00691.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00691-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000160, Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (/;R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 15 - 24 NAZ 288 OCS 3.5 V-2 14 - 20 NAZ 289 OCS 2.6 V-3 14 - 19 NAZ 290 OCS 2.2 V-4 13 - 18 NAZ 291 OCS 1.9 V-5 14-17 NCC 080 OCS 1.5 V-6 14 - 17 NCC 081 OCS 1.8 V-7 13 - 17 NCC 082 OCS 4.7 V-8 13 - 17 NCC 083 OCS 2.2 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. •OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 10 30 12 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 30 28 26 24 22 20 - 18 1 6 1 4 1 2 UJ z < _i cr < o Q < Y NORTH MEADOWLARK LANE /// 13-16 24 © 3-16 20 © V-7 / ^ 13-17 /© V-5 4-7 0 V-4 13-18 © :© V-8 13-17 V-6 4-17 13-16 ^20LCL SCALE IN FEET 20 40 THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RM00691V 11/16/93 KWP/831 —— X ® ® r~ ~i L__J 12-15 1 2 V-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /xR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 28 26 - 24 - 22 - 20 - 18 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION - 16 10 RESIDENCE-NO. Of OCCUPANTS NON—RESIDENCE—HAN—HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEY DATE VERIFICATION Br CK. A.E. APP. NO. DATE CK. A.E. APP. 14 tt U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO KM PARCEL NO. A00200000160 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 GEOTECH INC DATE I APPROVAL DOE DOE io NO. MS-00691-VL QWO.NO. 3 — B00691 —V1 SHT 1nr 1 10 1 n 1 9 1 A 1 fi 1 R 9D 99 94 9fi 9R "SO -*i9 ^4 4D OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRANO JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 FEB 2 S1994 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00691 Location Address: AOO200OOO160/ Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Vacant Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000160/ MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00691) A R. Jones February 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000160/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00691) 5 v ACXNOWI£LXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and J. R. Sauvage and T. L. Holmes for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1993, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000160/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000160/ MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00691)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War IL Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). ""The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1993, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000160/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000160/ Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 112 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 131 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 inches deep were removed from a 659 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of a surface gamma scan with a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 8 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 24 /iR/h. Sofl Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 8 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.5 to 4.7 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 3.6 to 5.6 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) J I 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000160/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00691) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) XI NAZ 288 >15 3.6 3.5 X7 NCC 082 >15 5.6 4.7 ° An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00691, Address: A00200000160I Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, November 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00692-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A00200000180, Meadowlark Lane VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is =s 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is :£ 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). RUST Geotech Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ 1 [ 1 [X] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN [Xl [ 1 [ ] lX] t 1 I 1 [ ] [ 1 [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [XJ (Vacant Lot) [ 1 M [ ] [ 1 [ 1 [X] [ ] [ ] [>J COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. iiiiiiiiinii SFCERTI FED SFMS-89044 DOE ID NO.: MS-00692-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. farry A. Pe/fy Date Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. DOE EVALUATION [)(] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Environmental Restoratio' Certification Official Department of Energy Program Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00692-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000180 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 NOVEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00692-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00692-VL MS-00692-VL Lot 18, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000180 Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. November 21, 1992 Crowley Construction, Inc. East Route Monticello, Utah May 18, 1993 July 19, 1993 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 17 cubic yards 86 square meters (m2) November 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00692-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 17 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 6 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00692-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during June 1991, as described in the final REA dated November 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form a composite sample representing the verification area (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 microroentgens per hour (j/R/h) to 17 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The result of analysis for radium-226 in one composite soil sample was 2.0 picocuries per gram (pCi/g), as indicated in Appendix Table 3.1. 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00692-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000180, Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample result was 2.0 pCi/g. •The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00692-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-MRW:11-02-93 MS-00692.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00692-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000180, Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range fo/R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 13 - 17 NCB 809 OCS 2.0 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification area. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 10 30 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 30 28 26 24 22 — 20 - 18 16 - 1 4 12 Y MEADOWLARK LANE /// /// r i 12-16 12-16 12-16 L ® NORTH SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 40 THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM, IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RM00692V 11/15/93 KDF/B33 —— X 10 J L 0 I I 12-15 12 v-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /xR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 28 26 24 22 20 18 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 16 RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON—RESIDENCE—MAN—HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. 1 4 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO E?t= II, PARCEL NO. A00200000180 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 APPROVAL GEOTECH INC. APPROVAL DOE OATE DOE ID NO. MS-00692-VL DWG.N0. 3-BQQ692-V1 «MT 1 nr 1 10 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRANO JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 FEB £ 31994 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the ^Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00692 Location Address: A00200000180/ Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Vacant Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT AOQ2000001807 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00692) A R. Jones February 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000180/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00692) 5 v ACKNOWLFJXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and J. R. Sauvage and T. L. Holmes for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1993, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000180/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A0020000018Q/ MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00692)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War TJ. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). '"The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1993, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000180/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verily the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A002000001807 Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 17 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 17 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 inches deep were removed from a 86 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of a surface gamma scan with a scintillometer, of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated area were collected and blended to form a representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 17 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected a soil sample representative of the excavated area from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layer. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed a ^Ra concentration of 2.0 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of this soil sample and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed a ^Ra concentration of 3.1 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech sofl samples from A00200000180/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00692) 22*Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) XI NCB809 >15 3.1 ZO " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. 6 Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00692, Address: A00200000180I Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, November 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00693-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A00200000190, Meadowlark Lane VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. [X]* [ ] [ ] [>] [ 1 [ 1 In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. [X] [ ] [ ] [)d I ] [ ] In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is <, 20 /yR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] UO (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [VJ (Vacant Lot) [X] [ ] [ ] [%] [ ) [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] DO COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. Illllllillll lIHllilil SFCERTI FED SFMS-09044 < f DOE ID NO.: MS-00693-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. 7 larry A. Perry Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc Date DOE EVALUATION DO Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. storation F Environmental Restoration Certification Official Department of Energy 1S~ Program Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT DOE ID NO.: MS-00693-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000190 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 NOVEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 t V TABLE OF CONTENTS Section page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00693-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00693-VL MS-000693-VL Lot 19, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000190 Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. November 21, 1992 Crowley Construction, Inc. East Route Monticello, Utah May 18, 1993 July 19, 1993 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 20 cubic yards 101 square meters (ma) November 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00693-VL OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 20 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 6 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. DOE ID NO.: MS-00693-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during June 1991, as described in the final REA dated November 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 12 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 17 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in two composite soil samples were 1.5 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) and 2.4 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00693-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000190, Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 /yR/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Resglt? Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results were 1.5 pCi/g and 2.4 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00693-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-MRW: 11-02-93 MS-00693.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00693-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000190, Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 13 - 16 NCB 807 OCS 1.5 V-2 13 - 17 NCB 808 OCS 2.4 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30•—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—r 30 32 34 36 38 40 30 28 26 24 22 - 20 18 16 - 14 12 10 MEADOWLARK LANE X5 r 12-16 V-2 13-17 © L 12-16 NORTH SCALE IN FEET 1 12-16 © V-1 13-16 0 J 20 10 0 20 40 Y THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM, IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RM00693V 11/12/93 KWP/831 —— X © <D r —i i I 12-15 12 v-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /xR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 28 26 24 22 20 18 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 16 RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCE-MAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. VERIFICATION BY CK. A.E. APP. NO. BY CK. A.E. APP. 14 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO $1 PARCEL NO. A00200000190 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 1 2 APPROVAL GEOTECH INC APPROVAL DOE OOEIDNO. MS-00693-VL owe.NO. 3-B00693-V1 SHT 1 „ 1 10 10 12 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 FEB Z11934 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00693 Location Address: A00200000190/ Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Vacant Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A0020norj0190/ MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00693) A R. Jones February 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIHCATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000190/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00693) 5 v AOCNOWLFJXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and J. R. Sauvage and T. L. Holmes for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive matenal resulting from mill operations. During 1993, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000190/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDOTENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000190/ MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00693)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War U. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). ""The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1993, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000190/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000190/ Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 21 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 20 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 inches deep were removed from a 101 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of a surface gamma scan with a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of two excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 17 /iR/h. Sofl Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the two exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations of 1.5 to 2.4 pCi/g in the composite samples. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of this sample and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed a ^Ra concentration of 1.2 to 1.5 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Exposure to 222Rn progeny Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000190/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00693) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.* (cm) XI NCB 807 >15 1.2 1.5 X2 NCB 808 >15 1.5 2.4 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00693, Address: A00200000190I Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, November 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. f 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00694-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A00200000200, Meadowlark Lane VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] [X]* [ ] [ 1 [XI [ 1 [ I Ra-226 is ^ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. [X] [ ] [ ] [*] [ ] [ ] In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is :S 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [Vi (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] M (Vacant Lot) [X] [ ] [ ] [XI [ 1 [ ] [X] [ ] [ 1 [XI COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. •iiiiiiiii miiiiiiiiii SFCERTI FED SFMS-09944 DOE ID NO.: MS-00694-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. ftfl Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Date Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. DOE EVALUATION Certification Official Department of Energy 1 PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00694-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000200 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 NOVEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Harry A. Perry Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Pgqe 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Adtion 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00694-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00694-VL MS-00694-VL Lot 20, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000200 Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. November 21, 1992 Crowley Construction, Inc. East Route Monticello, Utah May 18, 1993 July 19, 1993 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 82 cubic yards 413 square meters (m2) November 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00694-VL 2:0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 82 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 6 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00694-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during June 1991, as described in the final REA dated November 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 17 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in five composite soil samples ranged from 1.4 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 1.8 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00694-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000200, Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.4 pCi/g to 1.8 pCi/g. •The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS- 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-MRW: 11-02-93 MS-00694.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00694-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000200, Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 13 - 16 NCB 802 OCS 1.7 V-2 14 - 17 NCB 803 OCS 1.8 V-3 14 - 16 NCB 804 OCS 1.8 V-4 13 - 16 NCB 805 OCS 1.4 V-5 13-16 NCB 806 OCS 1.6 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. •OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 10 30 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 1 6 14 12 - MEADOWLARK LANE /// r o 13-16 13-16 © V-2 V-3 14-17 14-16 0 © is V-1 13-16 V-5 13-16 © © 13-16 13-16 Y NORTH SCALE IN FEET or i— tn i— tn < LU or O Li_ => O tn ® <D i i 12-15 20 10 0 20 RM00694V 11/12/93 KWP/831 —- X 10 J L 40 J L THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. 12 V-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /xR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 28 — 26 - 24 22 20 18 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 16 RESIDENCE-NO. Of OCCUPANTS NON—RESIDENCE—MAN—HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEY DATE BY CK. A.C. APP. 1 4 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO mi PARCEL NO. A00200000200 MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 APPROVAL GEOTECH INC APPROVAL OOE DOE ID NO. MS-00694-VL DWC.NO. 3-B00694-V1 SMT 1 or 1 10 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRANO JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 F£B * S1994 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group MS00694 A0020OOOO20O/ Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Vacant Location Number: Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: Tenant Name: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A«r2O000O2O0/ MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00694) A R. Jones February 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACXNOWLELXJMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000200/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00694) 5 v ACXNOWJLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and J. R. Sauvage and T. L. Holmes for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1993, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000200/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000200/ MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00694)* INTRODUCnON The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). ""The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1993, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000200/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000200/ Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 80 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 82 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 inches deep were removed from a 413 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of a surface gamma scan with a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 5 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 17 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the five exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed ^Ra concentrations of 1.4 to 1.8 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of this soil sample and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentration of 1.9 to 2.7 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn Average annual radon proge- 0.03 WL progeny ny concentration (including background) (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A0020000020(y Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00694) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) X2 NCB 803 >15 2.7 1.8 X5 NCB 806 >15 1.9 1.6 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. h Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00694, Address: A00200000200/ Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, November 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00695-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A00200000230, First South Meadowlark Lane VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is ^ 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ 1 [X] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] [ 1 [ ] [X] [*l [ ] [ ] [ ] [ I [rf [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] 1*1 (Vacant Lot) [ 1 [-4 [ ] [ ] [ ] [JXl COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. •iiiiiiiiH innniiniiH SFCERT1 FED SFMS-09044 DOE ID NO.: MS-00695-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. [A] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. Date DOE EVALUATION Date Certification Official Department of Energy PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00695-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000230 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 NOVEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Waxxyk. Perry Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00695-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00695-VL MS-00695-VL Lot 23, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000230 First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. November 21, 1992 Crowley Construction, Inc. East Route Monticello, Utah May 18, 1993 July 19, 1993 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 146 cubic yards 733 square meters (m2) November 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00695-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 146 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 6 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00695-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during June 1991, as described in the final REA dated November 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 21 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in eight composite soil samples ranged from 1.4 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 3.3 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00695-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000230, First South Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 ma. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.4 pCi/g to 3.3 pCi/g. •The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00695-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-MRW:11-02-93 MS-00695.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00695-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000230, First South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 15 - 21 NCC 013 OCS 2.4 V-2 14 - 18 NCC 014 OCS 2.4 V-3 14 - 21 NCC 015 OCS 2.6 V-4 14 - 20 NCC 016 OCS 1.4 V-5 13-18 NCC 017 OCS 3.3 V-6 13 - 18 NCC 018 OCS 2.7 V-7 14 - 19 NCC 019 OCS 3.3 V-8 13 - 19 NCC 020 OCS 2.1 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. •OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 10 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 12 - NORTH Y 14 1 6 18 20 22 © © V-6 s 13-18 ©/{si V-5 V-8 13-18 13-19 V-4 V-7 14-20 14-19 <D: V-2 V-3 14-18 14-2 MM © 13-16 © v-1 L /rr /// FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE SCALE IN FEET 24 26 28 20 10 0 20 40 THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM, IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RM00695V 11/16/93 KWP/831 —- X _! I I L .I L 30 © <D 12-15 12 v-1 16-17 32 34 36 38 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN //R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 40 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCC-UAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUVENT NO. SURVEY DATE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO ^5 PARCEL NO. A00200000230 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH GEOTECH INC DATE APPROVAL DOE DOE ID NO. MS-00695-VL DWG.HO. 3-B0Q695-V1 SHT 1 nr 1 10 12 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRANO JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 FEB 2 0199* Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00695 Location Address: A00200000230/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Monticello. Utah 84535 Tenant Name: Vacant Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000230/ 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00695) A R. Jones February 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LEST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000230/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00695) 5 v ACKNOATVI^IXTMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and J. R. Sauvage and T. L. Holmes for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1993, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000230/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200M0230/ 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00695)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War U. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1993, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000230/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000230/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 133 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 146 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 inches deep were removed from a 733 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of a surface gamma scan with a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 8 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 21 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the 8 exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed a ^Ra concentration of 1.4 to 3.3 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of this soil sample and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed a ^Ra concentration of 2,9 to 3.6 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000230/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MSO0695) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.' (cm) X2 NCC 014 >15 3.6 2,4 X6 NCC 018 >15 2.9 2,7 b An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00695, Address: A00200000230/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, November 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00696-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A00200000240, First South Meadowlark Lane VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 /yR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] LX] [ 1 [ 1 [/] [ ] I 1 [ 1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [tf (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ 1 [ 1 [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] M COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. lllliillN SFCERTI FED •III SFMS-09044 DOE ID NO.: MS-00696-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. A arry Date Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. DOE EVALUATION [A Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. A Environmental Restoration Program Certification Official Department of Energy Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00696-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000240 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 NOVEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00696-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00696-VL MS-00696-VL Lot 24, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000240 First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. November 21, 1992 Crowley Construction, Inc. East Route Monticello, Utah May 18, 1993 July 19, 1993 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 180 cubic yards 873 square meters (ma) November 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00696-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, ranging from 6 inches to 12 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 180 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 12 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00696-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during June 1991, as described in the final REA dated November 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 21 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 11 composite soil samples ranged from 2.1 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 7.5 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00696-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000240, First South Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 //R/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 2.1 pCi/g to 7.5 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00696-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-MRW: 11-02-93 MS-00696.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00696-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000240, First South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 13 - 19 NCC 021 OCS 2.4 V-2 15 - 19 NCC 022 OCS 4.7 V-3 15 - 21 NCC 023 OCS 4.2 V-4 13 - 18 NCC 024 OCS 2.7 V-5 15 - 21 NCC 025 OCS 4.6 V-6 15 - 20 NCC 026 OCS 7.5 V-7 15 - 19 NCC 027 OCS 3.8 V-8 14 - 18 NCA 288 OCS 2.7 V-9 15-18 NCA 289 OCS 2.1 V-10 15 - 19 NCA 290 OCS 3.6 V-ll 15 - 20 NCA 291 OCS 2.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System 7 10 30 i— 12 1 4 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 1 4 12 - Y NORTH •V V-2 V-4 V-3 15-19 3-8 15-21 © ©0 © © V-6 V-5 V-7 15-20 15-21 15-19 B© 12 © © V-8 V-1 1 V-9 V-10 14-18 15-20 15-18 15-19 1 2 :>© 1 2 16-20 I 12)- - • 6 • • . J •r T7T FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE SCALE IN FEET 20 10 0 20 40 , THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RM00696V 11/16/93 KWP/831 —— X 10 J L J L I 1 I I 12-15 1 2 V-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN ^R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 28 26 24 22 20 18 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 16 RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCE-UAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. A.E. APP. NO. DATE CK. A.E. APP, 14 te: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO H/ff life PARCEL NO. A00200000240 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 GEOTECH INC "BATE" APPROVAL DOE DOE ID NO. MS-00696-VL DW8N03-B00696-V1 SHT.1 or1 10 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRANO JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 FEB 2 S199* Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group MS00696 A00200000240/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Monticello. Utah 84535 Tenant Name: Vacant Location Number: Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000240/ 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00696) A R. Jones February 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000240/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00696) 5 v ACKNOWIJELXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and J. R. Sauvage and T. L. Holmes for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1993, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000240/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000240/ 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00696)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1993, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000240/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000240/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 170 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 12 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 180 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 12 inches deep were removed from a 873 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of a surface gamma scan with a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 11 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 21 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the 11 exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of this sample showed ^Ra concentrations of 2.1 to 7.5 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of this soil sample and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations of 5.8 to 6.0 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Exposure to ^Rn progeny Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A0020TJ000240/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00696) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech " sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.* (cm) X3 NCC 023 >15 6.0 4.2 XI1 NCA 291 >15 5.8 2,3 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Properly Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00696, Address: A0020000024011st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, November 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. 3 DOE ID NO.: HS Property Address: First Soutu iy\e.adouilAtK /.<t«e_ Pcrcei Mo.: f^OOZOOdOOZlO VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech. Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab { ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 ma. In-situ [ ] Lab fx;] Interior gamma is < 20 ^R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]< I ] [ ] [ 1 [ ] t ] [ ] t J [ 1 [X] (Vacant Lot) t J tX] (Vacant Lot) JXJ [ ] U.S. Department of Enerov fDOEl YES NO NOT TAKEN l<] t 3 t J t 3 t i [yj t 3 t i r^j [ J tf) t 3 ( 3 t 3 CX [ 1 [ J f<J COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the ranoe of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. am SFCERT1 FED gnniiiiii SFMS-00697 DOE ID NO.: MS- frOk'll - \< U CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. arry Irfy 7 Date Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION tj<] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination and Decommi.ooiqning Program Date Certification Official Department of Energy MAR 4CL RECORDS MANA&MENT PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00697-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000270, FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 MARCH 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 2^: Harry''A. Perry Program Director Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. iininiiii SFOCPLRPTS llllllllill SFMS-09043 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action . 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00697-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Reaedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost- type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Reaedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construct ion Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00697-VL MS-00697-VL Lot 27, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000270, First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. April 3, 1992 DLB Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 40513 Grand Junction, Colorado August 31, 1992 October 28, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 205 cubic yards 1,028 square meters (ms) March 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00697-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 205 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 6 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00697-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-ReMdial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during May 1991, as described in the final REA dated April 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 17 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 12 composite soil samples ranged from 1.0 picocurie per gram (pCi/g) to 3.1 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00697-VL 3.2 Rec mdation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000270, First South Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 pR/h above background. Not applicable: vacant lot. Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m3. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m». Soil sample results ranged from 1.0 pCi/g to 3.1 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00697-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00697-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000270, First South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (uR/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 14 - 17 NAW 361 OCS 2.5 V-2 13 - 17 NAW 362 OCS 2.0 V-3 13 - 17 NAW 363 OCS 3.1 V-4 13 - 15 NAX 684 OCS 1.2 V-5 13 - 17 NAX 685 OCS 2.0 V-6 13 - 16 NAX 686 OCS 1.0 V-7 14 - 16 NAX 687 OCS 1.0 V-8 13 - 16 NAX 688 OCS 1.6 V-9 13 - 16 NAX 689 OCS 2.0 V-10 13 - 16 NAX 735 OCS 1.4 V-ll 13 - 17 NAX 736 OCS 1.8 V-12 13 - 16 NAX 737 OCS 1.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System MM-JEK:03-08-93 MS-00697.VL WP51 REV032293 7 10 24 QO 34 38 40 -+ 26 18 16 14 + 14-15- V-1 14-17 JJJ. FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE •••:•:•:•:-:< e >;•;•;•;•;•: ..Hi V-4 13-15 is: V-8 13-16 6 \ V-7 14-16 i t v.*.* i v*.*.*/ % V-5 13-17 •; V-10 13-16 mm 12-15 12 26 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN yR/h. ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER: AVERAGE :DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION ...j j POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION ':::: AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION - - - VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE • ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION . 24 22 20 18 RADIOLOGICAL^ AS4BiyiUT !-FIGURE 2.T EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 16 .:..SCALE IN. FEET :20 .:.10 .:.0 ..:.. RM0Oft97V 03/08/93 T529 i i i L 14 16 i 20 40 •THIS DRAWING. PREPARED: FOR THE DECONTAMINATION AND ..^DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE :U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND;ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS :NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT; UTILITY :LOCATION PLAT. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO^BE RELIED UPON[ ...[FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER . :FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. 18 22 24 1 NO. DATE RESIDENCE—NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIOENCE—MAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEYOR SURVEY OATE VERIFICATION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO £31 4> 3 93 PARCEL NO. A00200000270 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LN. MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 APPROVAL APPROVAL DOE MS-00697-VL 26 30 32 34 3-BQQ697-V1«HT1 ™ 1 36 38 GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JUN 2 31993 Donald N. Leske Grand Junction Office U.S. Department of Energy 2597 B 3/4 Road P.O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, i Gretchen A. Pierce Pollutant Assessments Group MS00697 A0020000027Q 1st South Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Monticello. Utah 84535 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. Location Number: Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: Attachments HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200W0270,1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00697) S.K. Mather June 1993 Work performed by the POLLUTANT ASSESSMENTS GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIHCATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000270, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00697) 5 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A Pierce for analysis of soil samples and M.K Jensen and AR. Jones for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000270, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The PAG found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the PAG are described in the Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1992). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000270, 1st SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00697)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War IL Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Pollutant Assessments Group of the Health and Safety Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A002000(X)270, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000270, 1st South Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 205 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 205 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 inches deep were removed from a 1,028 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 12 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 17 uR/h. SoH Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 12 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.0 to 3.1 pCi/g in the composite samples. ORNL PAG obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.6 to 2.8 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers > 15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. One minor discrepancy was noted in that the DOE inclusion letter was not located in the folio. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to ^Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000270, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00697) ^"Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.* (cm) X3 NAW-363 15-30 2.8 3.1 X5 NAX-685 15-30 1.6 2.0 XI1 NAX-736 15-30 1.8 1.8 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00697, Address: A00200000270, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, March 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1992. Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual. ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. f f * DOE ID NO. , MS— nbAlA - VL- Property Address: F>'rS"t ^ovtly tA%_Gc$Q^\*f£ L&V*SL-~* VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech. Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 ma. [X]* [ ] [ ] In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m*. £>J [ ] [ ] In-situ [ ] Lab fx] Interior gamma is < 20 pR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] fx] [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] £xj [ 3 tx] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] (Vacant Lot) U.S. Department of Enerov (DOE! YES NO NOT TAKEN bC] f ] [ ] t 3 [ ] [ ) [ 1 [ } [ ] [ 1 [ 1 ( ] C ] I*] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. SFCERTI FED SFMS-00698 RECORDS MANAGEMENT DOB ID NO.: MS- OQ(o^% " V CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. 3/r?M Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION \£\ Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination and Decommissiprr^ng1 Program Date Certification Official Department of Energy MAR 19 1993 RECORDS MANAGEMENT PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00698-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000280, FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 MARCH 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 ' Harr#} Perry Program Director Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. minium SFOCPLRPTS lillllilll SFMS-09043 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00698-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost- type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 SuauMiy of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00698-VL MS-00698-VL Lot 28, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000280, First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. April 3, 1992 DLB Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 40513 Grand Junction, Colorado August 31, 1992 October 28, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 200 cubic yards 1,004 square meters (m3) March 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00698-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUNMART 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 200 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 6 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00698-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Reaedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during May 1991, as described in the final REA dated April 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 18 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 11 composite soil samples ranged from 1.2 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 2.4 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00698-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000280, First South Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentrat ion: Standards Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m*. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.2 pCi/g to 2.4 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00698-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BDILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00698-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000280, First South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (uR/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 13 - 16 NAX 738 OCS 2.0 V-2 13 - 17 NAX 739 OCS 1.3 V-3 14 - 17 NAX 473 OCS 1.9 V-4 13 - 16 NAX 474 OCS 2.4 V-5 13 - 16 NAX 475 OCS 2.1 V-6 14 - 16 NAX 476 OCS 1.2 V-7 13 - 17 NAX 477 OCS 2.4 V-8 13-16 NAX 478 OCS 1.9 V-9 14-17 NAX 479 OCS 1.4 V-10 13 - 16 NAX 480 OCS 1.5 V-ll 13-18 NAX 481 OCS 2.1 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System MM-JEK:03-08-93 MS-00698.VL WP51 REV032293 7 10 12 14 ) i—i—i—r 16 i—r 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—r FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE i—i—i—i—r 4 28 Y • SCALE IN FEET 20 X; 20 ..10 629\DWC\RM006»8V 03/16/93 TMT J I I L J L /// /// jjj- 15-16 : i V-4 V-8 13-16 13-16 :SVv.-V-.V.< 6 >: : 2 V-11 13-18 V-3 V-7 15-16 13-17 4-17 V-10 13-16 15-16 V-2 V-6 14-16 13-17 6 Xv.v.v.v; 6;)/.-.-.-.-.v77.^ V-5 V-9 V-1 14-17 13-16 13-16 40 THIS DRAWING,' PREPARED FOR THE DECONTAMINATION AND DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM, IS:FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER .FUTURE. IMPROVEMENT. LIMES.. .: NORTH J I I L I I I L J L 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 26 LEGEND • ® • ....©.... 12-15 ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN juR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION 24 22 12 AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION v-1 16-17 VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 20 RADIOLOGie "FIGURE 2:1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 18 16 RESIDENCE —NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCE —MAN-HRS. WK INSTRUMENT NO. [SURVEYOR SURVEY DATE VERIFICATION 14 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO rr 3-m PARCEL NO. A00200000280 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LN. MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 DATE APPROVAL DOE MS-00698-VL 3-RnnfiaR-vi SHT1 QF1 30 32 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JUN 2 ? 1993 Donald N. Leske Grand Junction Office U.S. Department of Energy 2597 B 3/4 Road P.O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: MS00698 Location Address: A002OO0O028O 1st South Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000280,1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00698) S.K. Mather June 1993 Work performed by the POLLUTANT ASSESSMENTS GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIHCATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000280, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00698) 5 v ACIOJOWIJEDGMEJNTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and M.K. Jensen and A.R. Jones for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive matenal resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000280, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The PAG found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the PAG are described in the Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1992). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A0020000028a 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00698)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Pollutant Assessments Group of the Health and Safety Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000280, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000280, 1st South Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 200 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 200 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 inches deep were removed from a 1004 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 11 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 18 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 11 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.2 to 2,4 pCi/g in the composite samples. ORNL PAG obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.7 to 2.7 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. One discrepancy was noted in that the DOE inclusion letter was not located in the folio. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn Average annual radon proge- 0.03 WL progeny ny concentration (including background) (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000280, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00698) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.* (cm) X4 NAX-474 15-30 1.9 2.4 X7 NAX-477 15-30 2.7 2.4 Xll NAX-481 15-30 1.7 2.1 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et aL1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00698, Address: A00200000280, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, March 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1992. Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual. ORNI/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. » 1 DOE ID NO.: MS— QA6W"V^- Property Address: flr*,j So-utlx MeAg/ouoUrtC LiU,e_ Parcel »JO- ^OOZ000003ZO VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech. Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 ma. In-situ [ ] Lab b^ Interior gamma is < 20 /jR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [ ) ( ] [ 1 [ ] [ ] t ) [X] (Vacant Lot) t ] [X] (Vacant Lot) 1x3 [ J U.S. Department of Energy (DOE! YES NO NOT TAKEN tf) I 1 11 [£] [ ] [ ] [ ) [ 3 Ifi ii i ) iyj [ ] ifi I ) I 1 I 1 Ixi 11 i 1 ff) COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the ranoe of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. al background. 93 ENT 11111111 SFCERTI FED RECORDS MANAGE SFMS-08699 DOE ID NO.: MS— O Q £ ^ ~ V- CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: {XJ Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. arry ry Decont at ion am V/7/f] and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. Date DOE EVALUATION pQ) Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. A Decontamination and Decoi Certification Official Department of Energy issioning Program Date RECORDS MANA PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00699-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000320, FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 MARCH 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Har^iy A. Perry- Program Director Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. llllllllll mining SFOCPLRPTS SFMS-09043 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification . 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00699-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost- type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Suaaary of RMedial Action DOG ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00699-VL MS-00699-VL Lot 32, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000320, First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. April 3, 1992 DLB Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 40513 Grand Junction, Colorado August 31, 1992 October 28, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 85 cubic yards 254 square meters (ra2) March 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00699-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 85 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 10 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Iteas During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00699-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during May 1991, as described in the final REA dated April 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 21 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in five composite soil samples ranged from 1.1 picocurie per gram (pCi/g) to 3.3 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite samples representing Areas V-l and V-5 included soil samples taken from the bottom of the excavation at MS-00700-VL (Areas V-3 and V-4). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00699-VX 3.2 Race nidation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000320, First South Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background. Not applicable: vacant lot. Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 HL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Soil sample results ranged from 1.1 pCi/g to 3.3 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00699-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00699-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000320, First South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Area Exposure-Rate Range (uR/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Meas. Method* Radium-226 (pCi/g) V-l** V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5** 13 - 21 15 - 18 13 - 17 14 - 18 16 - 18 NAV 727 NAV 728 NAV 729 NAV 730 NAV 731 OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS 1.3 2.8 1.7 1.1 3.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS - Opposed Crystal System **The composite samples included soil samples taken from MS-00700-VL. MM-JEK:03-08-93 MS-00699.VL WP51 REV032293 7 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JUN 2 31993 Donald N. Leske Grand Junction Office U.S. Department of Energy 2597 B 3/4 Road P.O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Dear Hr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: MS00699 Location Address: A00200000320 1st South Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000320,1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00699) S.K. Mather June 1993 Work performed by the POLLUTANT ASSESSMENTS GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000320, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00699) 5 v ACXNOWI^DGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and M.K. Jensen and AR. Jones for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000320, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The PAG found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the PAG are described in the Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1992). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000320, 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00699)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Pollutant Assessments Group of the Health and Safety Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000320, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000320, 1st South Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 51 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 85 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 10 inches deep were removed from a 254 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 5 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 21 uR/h. SoH Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 5 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.1 to 3.3 pCi/g in the composite samples. ORNL PAG obtained these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.4 to 3.3 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. One discrepancy was noted in that the DOE inclusion letter was not located in the folio. Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000320,1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS0Q699) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) XI NAV-727 15-30 1.8 1.3 X2 NAV-728 15-30 3.2 2.8 X3 NAV-729 15-30 1.4 1.7 X4 NAV-730 15-30 2,1 1.1 X5 NAV-731 15-30 3.3 3.3 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00699, Address: A00200000320, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, March 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1992. Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. 14 jFIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE • J LLL1 in 16-18 14-15 SCALE IN FEET i LLL V-1 13-21 :<1 V-2 10 10 14-18 16-18 14-15 .20 .. 10 0 RM00699V 03/09/93 TS29 20 40 NORTH THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE DECONTAMINATION AND : DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM. IS FOR THE:SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS: NOT A LAND SU&VEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT; OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND:IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILplNG. 0R: OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. _L 14 18 24 J L ® 12-15 12 36 38 40 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN u.R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER! ' AVE RAGE. DEPTH 0 F ASSESS ED CONTAMINATION AREA OF.ASSESSED.CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION ' AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER ! AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE I ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL. ACTION.;. — 26 24 22 20 18 RADIOLOGICAL FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 16 RESIDENCE —NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCE —MAN-HRS. WK INSTRUMENT NO SURVEYOR SURVEY DATE VERIFICATION CK A E APP. NO 1 DATE • V CK A.E. APP. 14 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO J ETC SUBMITTED !?|| PARCEL NO. A00200000320 is 12 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK MONTICELLO, UTAH LN. £ Geotech, Inc. OATE APPROVAL OOE MS-00699-VL 30 32 1W° NCS-B00699-V1 SHT1 OFI 36 38 40 DOE ID NO.: MS - 00700L- Property Address: 'fW'bt SoutV. M^QgjptjUr< L<Wtfi ftrcsi uo.; AoozoooooSSO VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech. Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 ma. [X]* [ ] [ ] In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m». M [ J t ] In-situ [ ] Lab &<-] Interior gamma is < 20 ^R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. [ J Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] M I 1 [X] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] (Vacant Lot) U.S. Department of Enerov (DOE! YES NO NOT TAKEN [)Q [ 3 t 3 I ] [ } [ ] [ 1 [ ] [ ] [ J [ ] [ ] [ i COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showino that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the ranoe of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on 1 exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above norma]? Illlllll U£93 ^ECC^OS MANAGEMtN SFCERTI FED Illlllll SFMS-00700 DOE ID NO.: MS— QOl OO ~ V L. CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. /Harry A. PerryDate Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION 1^} Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination and Decoi Certification Official Department of Energy ffsT ninq Program Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR 1/iAR 19 1993 RECORDS MANAGE&EOT MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00700-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000330, FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 MARCH 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Harry A. Perry Program Director Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. •Illlllll SFOCPLRPTS SFMS-09043 TABUS OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00700-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost- type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00700-VL MS-00700-VL Lot 33, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000330, First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. April 3, 1992 DLB Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 40513 Grand Junction, Colorado August 31, 1992 October 28, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 92 cubic yards 276 square meters (m2) March 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00700-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 92 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 10 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00700-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUNMART 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Surrey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during May 1991, as described in the final REA dated April 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 21 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in four composite soil samples ranged from 1.2 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 3.3 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite samples representing Areas V-3 and V-4 included soil samples taken from the bottom of the excavation at MS-00699-VL (Areas V-l and V-5). 4 DOB ID NO.: MS-00700-VL 3.2 Recc nidation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000330, First South Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background. Not applicable: vacant lot. Radon Decay-Product Concentrat ion: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m*. Soil sample results ranged from 1.2 pCi/g to 3.3 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00700-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BOILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00700-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000330, First South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Area Exposure-Rate Range (uR/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Meas. Method* Radium-226 (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3** V-4** 15 15 13 16 19 18 21 18 NAV 725 NAV 726 NAV 727 NAV 731 OCS OCS OCS OCS 1.2 1.3 1.3 3.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System **The composite samples included soil samples taken from MS-00699-VL. MM-JEK:03-08-93 MS-00700.VL WP51 REV032293 7 SCALE IN FEET X 20....:10 ; 0 RMOt)700V 03/0»/»3 Tj529 .20 I 12 22 24 i FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE r?^p.nTYii^rrTy.Tir^n?»i 10 V-1 10 V-2 15-1 10 15-18 15-18 15-18 15-18 15-18 10 10 40 NORTH 18 THIS DRAWING. PREPARED FOR THE DECONTAMINATION AND: DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM. IS FOR THE:SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS: . NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT; OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND:IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER . FUTURE .IMPROVEMENT. LiNES.....! 28 © ® 12-15 12 40 jLEQENP ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN fiR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATiON '; AVERAGE1 EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ••• ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL..ACTION.-... RAdlO^ FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION NO DATE RESIDENCE —NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCE —MAN-HRS WK. INSTRUMENT NO SURVEYOR SURVEY DATE VERIFICATION 30 CK A E APP NO OATE SY CK. A.E APP. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO ,..*,! PARCEL NO. A00200000330 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LN MONTICELLO. UTAH Geotech, Inc. DATE APPROVAL DOE MS-00700-VL 26 24 22 20 18 16 12 32 DWG NCS-B00700-V1 SHTI QF1 36 38 40 GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 JUN 2 21993 Donald N. Leske Grand Junction Office U.S. Department of Energy 2597 B 3/4 Road P.O. Box 2567 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Dear Hr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the ^Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: MS00700 Location Address: A002000Q0330 First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. Property Owner: Owner Address: Attachments HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000330, 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00700) S.K. Mather June 1993 Work performed by the POLLUTANT ASSESSMENTS GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 (X)NTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIHCATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000330, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00700) 5 v ACKNOWLELXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G.A Pierce for analysis of soil samples and M. K. Jensen and A.R. Jones for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992 RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000330, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The PAG found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the PAG are described in the Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1992). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000330, 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00700)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Pollutant Assessments Group of the Health and Safety Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000330, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000330, 1st South Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 55 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 92 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 10 inches deep were removed from a 276 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 4 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 21 uR/h. SoH Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 4 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.2 to 3.3 pCi/g in the composite samples. ORNL PAG obtained these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.2 to 3.3 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. One discrepancy was noted in that the DOE inclusion letter was not located in the folio. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000330,1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00700) 226Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) XI NAV-725 15-30 1.2 1.2 X2 NAV-726 15-30 1.2 1.3 X3 NAV-727 15-30 1.8 1.3 X4 NAV-731 15-30 3.3 3.3 An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00700, Address: A00200000330, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, March 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1992. Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual. ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS^. Property Address: F»*vfrt Soo^TU AlgQdoi^lttTk* LAM fftrcel Wo. i .A0O20OO0O34O VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech. Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 ma. [X]* [ ] [ ] In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 ma. K4 [ ] [ ] In-situ [ ] Lab p*g Interior gamma is < 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] (Vacant Lot) M t J U.S. Department of Energy (DOB1 YES NO NOT TAKEN If [ i t } [ i ( ] [ ] [ ] [ i [ i [ i [ i 1 ) tf6 COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the ranoe of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. SFCERTIFED SFMS-99843 .0 DOE ID NO.: MS- 0070/ ~ VI- CHEM-NTJCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION Should be certified by the Department of Energy. ( ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination dnd-'Decommissioning Program Date Certification Official Department of Energy PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00701-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000340, FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 APRIL 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Harrv^A. Perry Program Director Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OP CONTENTS Section £age 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action .... 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00701-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost- type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00701-VL MS-00701-VL Lot 34, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000340, First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. April 3, 1992 DLB Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 40513 Grand Junction, Colorado August 31, 1992 October 28, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 43 cubic yards 131 square meters (m>) April 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00701-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 43 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 10 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00701-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during May 1991, as described in the final REA dated April 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 19 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in three composite soil samples ranged from 1.6 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 2.3 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite sample representing Area V-3 included soil samples taken from the bottom of the excavation at MS-00702-VL (Area V-l). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00701-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000340, First South Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background. Not applicable: vacant lot. Radon Decay-Product Concentrat ion: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Not applicable: vacant lot. Lqnd Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m*. Soil sample results ranged from 1.6 pCi/g to 2.3 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00701-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00701-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000340, First South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (uR/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 14 - 19 NAX 830 OCS 1.6 V-2 14 - 18 NAX 829 OCS 2.3 V-3** 15 - 18 NAX 828 OCS 1.9 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System **The composite sample included soil samples taken from MS-00702-VL. MM-JEK:04-02-93 MS-00701.VL WP51 REV032293 7 10 l—r FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE 16-19 i ! M ! •yi t »N'yi ^^^^^n^iSSS S^^^^^" 1**1* T' >/.\v.\v.V/.v.v.\V.v.v. -.V.V.-.V TT V-3 15-18 10 12 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN fiR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER! AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION j j POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION :j! AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION : : : VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE - ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME .OF REMEDIAL ACTION - 26 -24 SCALE IN FEET: x: 20! 10 : 0.: RM00701V 04/14/93 TMT/529 20 J L 12 16 16-19 13-15 13-15 13-15 40 NORTH THIS d.RAWING, ;PREPAR£0 FOR THE DECONTAMINAtlON AND: DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM. IS FOR THE: SOLE USE OF THE -U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS:• • • NOT A:LAND SURVEY PLAT. imUlY LOCATION PLAT; OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND: IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER . FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES....: J L 18 24 J L 26 28 18 r"""lFIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 16 RESIDENCE—NO. OF OCCUPANT! HOM-RESIOENCE-MAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT HO. SURVEYOR SURVEY DATE VERIFICATION •Y CK. A.E. APP. NO. DATE BY CK. A.E. APP. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORAOO rr SUBMITTED: *1 4^3 PARCEL NO. A00200000340 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LN. MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 32 Geotech, Inc. ~34 APPROVAL DOE MS-00701-VL 36 38 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JUL 2 91993 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce Pollutant Assessments Group MS00701 A00200000340 1st South Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Location Number: Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: Attachments HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION, Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000340,1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00701) S.K. Mather July 1993 Work performed by the POLLUTANT ASSESSMENTS GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS UST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000340,1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00701) 5 v ACKNOWIJEIXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and M. K. Jensen and A. R. Jones for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000340, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The PAG found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the PAG are described in the Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1992). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000340, 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00701)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). ""The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Pollutant Assessments Group of the Health and Safety Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000340,1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000340, 1st South Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 26 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 43 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 10 inches deep were removed from a 131 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 3 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable.DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 19 uR/h. SoH Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 3 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.6 to 2.3 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL PAG obtained two of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.9 to 3.0 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Tabic 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. One discrepancy was noted in that the DOE inclusion letter was not located in the folio. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn Average annual radon proge- 0.03 WL progeny ny concentration (including background) (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech sofl samples from A00200000340, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00701) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) XI NAX-830 15-30 1.9 1.6 X2 NAX-829 15-30 * 2.3 X3** NAX-828 15-30 3.0 1.9 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. Requested split sample not obtained from the remedial action contractor. The composite sample included soil samples taken from MS00702. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. Net al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00701, Address: A00200000340,1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, April 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1992. Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS- 0 O 2- ~ V U Property Address: F»Vst Spi/flx MtadoidkrK LOHUL. Parcel No,: AODZ000003SO VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech. Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. [X]* [ ] [ ] In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 ma. MMM In-situ [ ] Lab ><g Interior gamma is < 20 uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] >< t 3 [XJ (Vacant Lot) t 1 [X] (Vacant Lot) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE! YES NO NOT TAKEN [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ) t ] t ] t i [ i [ ] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the ranoe of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of oamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. illllllllll Illlllll SFCERTI FED SFMS-09043 ,0. DOE ID NO.: MS- QOIOZ - V >- CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. 7 Date Irry A7 Perry " ~~ Date Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION ty£) Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination anchDecommissioning Program Date Certification Official Department of Energy PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00702-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000350, FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 APRIL 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Harr Prog 'A. Perry fam Director Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. TABLE OF CONTENTS SgctJ-on £aSL£ 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00702-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basic for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost- type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00702-VL MS-00702-VL Lot 35, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000350, First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. April 3, 1992 DLB Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 40513 Grand Junction, Colorado August 31, 1992 October 28, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 121 cubic yards 364 square meters (ma) April 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00702-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 121 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 10 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.t MS-00702-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., during May 1991, as described in the final REA dated April 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 19 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in seven composite soil samples ranged from 1.2 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 2.4 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite sample representing Area V-l included soil samples taken from the bottom of the excavation at MS-00701-VL (Area V-3). The composite samples representing Areas V-5, V-6, and V-7 included soil samples taken from the bottom of the excavation at MS-00703-VL (Areas V-l, V-2, and V-3). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00702-VL 3.2 Race •ndation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000350, First South Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 /iR/h above background. Not applicable: vacant lot. Radon Decay-Product Concentrat ion: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Soil sample results ranged from 1.2 pCi/g to 2.4 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOB ZD NO.: MS-00702-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00702-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000350, First South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (uR/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l** 15 - 18 NAX 828 OCS 1.9 V-2 14 - 19 NAX 827 OCS 2.0 V-3 14 - 19 NAX 826 OCS 2.4 V-4 15 - 17 NAX 825 OCS 1.4 V-5*** 15 - 18 NAX 824 OCS 1.7 V-6*** 14 - 17 NAX 823 OCS 1.2 V-7*** 13 - 19 NAX 822 OCS 1.5 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System **The composite sample included soil samples taken from MS-000701-VL. ***The composite samples included soil samples taken from MS-00703-VL. MM:JEK:04-02-93 MS-00702.VL WP51 REV032293 7 10 on 40 i—i—i—i—i—r FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE V-1 V-7 15-18 13-19 ® V-3 10 10 V-2 14-19 6 h\ 14-19 .tF 12-15 10 10 10 ; (E) ; v:::v::::-: V-4 12 15-17 V-6 16-18 V-1 14-17 16-17 • < 6 )• 10 V-5 15-18 10 15-18 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE:RATES IN /iR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER: AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION j POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION\ "j AVERAGE;EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION ; VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE • ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 26 24 18 SCALE IN FEET .:. 20 : 10 :• 0 20 12 RM00702V 04/34/93 TUT/529 14 15-16 40 18 .——*- NORTH 20 15-16 THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE DECONTAMINATION AND: DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THg U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS:... NOT ALAND SURVEY PLAT. UTIUTY LOCATION PLAT; OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND:IS NOT T0 BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING. OR OTHER .FUTURE..IMPROVEMENT.LINES... 24 28 AS^BUIOT 'FIGURE 2.1" EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCE—MAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEYOR SURVET DATE VERIFICATION BY CK. A.E. APP. NO. DATE BY CK. A.E. APP. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO DESIGNED: SUBMITTED: PARCEL NO. A00200000350 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LN. MONTICELLO. UTAH £ Geotech, Inc. "34 APPROVAL DOE MS-00702-VL "S-B00702-V1 ,HT1 OFI 38 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JUL 2 91993 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil, indoor radon daughter concentration, and indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely Gretchen A. Pierce Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: Location Address: MS00702 A00200000350 1st South Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000350,1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00702) S.K. Mather July 1993 Work performed by the POLLUTANT ASSESSMENTS GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS UST OF TABLES v ACKNOVrTJEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000350, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00702) 5 v ACKNOWLEIXJMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and M.K. Jensen and A.R. Jones for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000350, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The PAG found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the PAG are described in the Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1992). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A0O20OOO0350, 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00702)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Pollutant Assessments Group of the Health and Safety Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A0O20O000350, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A002O0000350, 1st South Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 73 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. During the actual removal process, a total of 121 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 10 inches deep were removed from a 364 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 7 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken by Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 19 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 7 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.2 to 2.4 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL PAG obtained four of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.3 to 3.0 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. One discrepancy was noted in that the DOE inclusion letter was not located in the folio. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn Average annual radon proge- 0.03 WL progeny ny concentration (including background) (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000350, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00702) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) X3 * NAX-828 15-30 3.0 1.9 X2 NAX-827 15-30 1.8 2.0 X3 NAX-826 15-30 1.6 2.4 X4 NAX-825 15-30 1.3 1.4 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. The composite sample included soil samples taken from MS00701. The composite samples included soil samples taken from MS00703. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00702, Address: A00200000350, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, April 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1992. Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00703 . Property Address: Parcel No. A00200000360, First South Meadowlark Lane VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. [X]* [ ] [ ] b<] [ 1 [ 1 In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is ^ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. [X] In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] [ ] [ 1 [<] [ ] [ ] [ ] IX] [ ] [ ] [)Q (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] M (Vacant Lot) [X] [ ] [ ] DC] [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [<] Program (Rev. 03/02/87). COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal ba 1II1III111N SFCERTI FED Illlllll 8 DEC Q a 1993 >0S MANAGEMENT SFMS-00703 DOE ID NO.: MS-0070C RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. C/z/<tl Date on and Decommissioning Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. DOE UMTRA EVALUATION \& Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontaminatidfrand Decommissioning Program Date Certification Official Department of Energy PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00703-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000360, FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 JUNE 1993 if u— Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning i • Department of Energy by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Harr>y A. Perry RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. II1II11111IR SFOCPLRPTS •Illilllll SFMS-09043 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification . 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00703-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost- type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00703-VL MS-00703-VL Lot 36, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000360, First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. April 3, 1992 DLB Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 40513 Grand Junction, Colorado August 31, 1992 October 28, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 281 cubic yards 845 square meters (m3) June 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00703-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 281 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 10 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00703-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during May 1991, as described in the final REA dated April 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 19 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 14 composite soil samples ranged from 1.0 picocurie per gram (pCi/g) to 2.8 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite samples representing Areas V-l, V-2, and V-3 included soil samples taken from MS-00702-VL (Areas V-5, V-6, and V-7). The composite samples representing Areas V-ll, V-12, V-13, and V-14 included soil samples taken from MS-00704-VL (Areas V-l, V-2, V-3, and V-4). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00703-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000360, First South Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background. Not applicable: vacant lot. Radon Decay-Product Concentrat ion: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m3. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m3. Soil sample results ranged from 1.0 pCi/g to 2.8 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00703-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00703-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000360, First South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Area Exposure-Rate Range (uR/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Meas. Method* Radium-226 (pCi/g) V-l** V-2** V-3** V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll*** V-12*** V-13*** V-14*** 13 14 15 14 15 14 15 15 15 14 13 15 15 15 19 17 18 19 19 18 18 18 19 18 15 17 16 18 NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX 822 823 824 821 820 819 818 817 816 815 100 098 389 388 OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS 1.5 1.2 1.7 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.3 1.7 2.6 1.0 2.2 2.8 1.8 2.4 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS » Opposed Crystal System **The composite samples included soil samples taken from MS-00702-VL. ***The composite samples included soil samples taken from MS-00704-VL. MM-JEK:05-03-93 MS-00703.VL WP51 REV032293 7 10 Y i 10 12 14 16 T 18 T 20 "T 22 24 i—r 26 T 28 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE X7T.: V-11 V-1 V-4 V-10 13-15 3-19 14-19 14-18 10 10 10 10 nv.vi 12-15 V-5 V-2 15-19 14-17 15 19 12 V-12 10 10 V-1 10 15-17 16-17 10 10 V-6 14-18 5 18 V-13 10 10 15-16 6 10 0 15 18 10 V-14 V-3 15-16 • 10 15-18 15-18 V: 30 32 SCALE IN FEET: J L 12 20 10; o; RM00703V 05/18/93:TMT/328: 20:. 40: I I I L 14 16 18 NORTH : _J L 20 THIS DRAWING-, PREPARED FOR THE DECONTAMINATION AND DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM. IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS • NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLA*. OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT:SURVEY:PLAT AND IS NOTTO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FE^CE. BUfLDING. OjR OTHER: FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. 22 J L 24 34 36 38 T" 40 -4 LEGEND 28 ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /uR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER; AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION .-j j POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ' BOU NDARY' OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE 26 24 RAQIOLOGICAIi AiS-fBliJIUT -FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 22 20 18 16 J I I L NO. DATE RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS HON-RESIDENCE-MAN-HRS WK INSTRUMENT NO SURVEYOR SURVEY DATE VERIFICATION BY CK. A.E. APR NO OATE 14 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO PARCEL NO. A00200000360 RM ENG FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 DATE APPROVAL OOE HURTOBOIKN INC MS-00703-VL 26 28 30 32 34 NC3-B00703-V1 «HT1 OF1 36 38 40 4 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 AUG 3 0 1993 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, CO 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce Pollutant Assessments Group Location Number: MS00703 Location Address: A00200000360. 1st South Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000360,1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00703) A.R. Jones August 1993 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000360, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00703) 5 v ACKNOWI^IXJMEJNTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K Jensen for analysis of soil samples and S. K. Mather and M.K Jensen for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000360, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000360, 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MSO0703)* IJNTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000360, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000360, 1st South Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 168 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 281 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 10 inches deep were removed from a 845 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 14 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 19 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 14 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.0 to 2.8 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL PAG obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.5 to 3.0 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first IS cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to mRn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000360, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00703) aRa concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) X4 NAX-821 >15 1.5 2.2 X7 NAX-818 >15 2.8 Z3 X9 NAX-816 >15 3.0 2.6 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00703, Address: A00200000360, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, June 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00704 • Property Address: Parcel No. A00200000370, First South Meadowlark Lane VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION RUST Geotech Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is ^ 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is ^ 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] f/J [ ] [ 1 [ } t 1 [ ] b4 [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] bC] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [ ] v<3 COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. „ ^ DLU 0 •• 1S93 •1111111111 milium %^s5fe SFCERTI FED SFMS-00704 DOE ID NO.: MS-00704 RUST GEOTECH INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. UJ Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamfnation and Decommissioning Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. Date DOE UMTRA EVALUATION DBCtfntamination and Dei Certification Official Department of Energy i *Q ^ am Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00704-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000370, FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 JUNE 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by RUST Geotech, Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 ' HarryA. Perry Program Director RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. nun SFOCPLRPTS mini SFMS-09043 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 2&3S. 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00704-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost- type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00704-VL .3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00704-VL Lot 37, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000370, First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. April 3, 1992 DLB Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 40513 Grand Junction, Colorado August 31, 1992 October 28, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 326 cubic yards 983 square meters (m2) June 1993 DOE ID NO.: MS-00704-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 326 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 10 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00704-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during May 1991, as described in the final REA dated April 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 18 ^R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 17 composite soil samples ranged from 1.1 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 2.8 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite samples representing Areas V-l, V-2, V-3, and V-4 included soil samples taken from MS-00703-VL (Areas V-ll, V-12, V-13, and V-14). The composite samples representing Areas V-14, V-15, V-16, and V-17 included soil samples taken from MS-00705-VL (Areas V-12, V-13, V-14, and V-15). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00704-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000370, First South Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background. Not applicable: vacant lot. Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 HL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 mJ. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m*. Soil sample results ranged from 1.1 pCi/g to 2.8 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00704-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00704-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000370, First South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Area Exposure-Rate Range (uR/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Meas. Method* Radium-226 (PCi/g) V-l** V-2** V-3** V-4** V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12 V-13 V-14*** V-15*** V-16*** V-17*** 13 15 15 15 14 14 15 15 13 13 14 14 14 13 13 14 14 15 17 16 18 17 16 16 18 18 17 16 17 16 15 16 16 16 NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX 100 098 389 388 099 385 386 387 384 383 382 381 380 376 377 378 379 OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS 2.2 2.8 1.8 2.4 1.9 1.3 1.7 1.2 1.4 1.8 2.6 2.0 1.6 2.5 1.4 1.1 1.4 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS » Opposed Crystal System **The composite samples included soil samples taken from MS-00703-VL. ***The composite samples included soil samples taken from MS-00705-VL. MM-JEK:05-03-93 MS-00704.VL WP51 REV032293 7 12 14 16 32 34 36 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE v. 10 •10 10 SCALE IN FEET X i 20.:.. 10 .:... 0 •: RM$0704V 0^/03/93 jTMT/S29 \ I j j L 20 10 10 10 15-16 10 10 V-13 14-16 • i v.- 10 : 10 40NORTH J L THIS DRAWING.: PREPARED FOR THE DECONTAMINATION ANP: DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM, IS TOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U:S,. p.EPARTM.ENT OF^.ERGY.ANp. US .C0NJRAQT0RS, fl )S.... NOT A: LAND SURVEY PLAT. UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE, BUILDING. OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. J L 12 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN nR/b ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER^ AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION j POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION':: AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE •• 28 26 24 22 20 18 RAD^ ^FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 16 RESIDENCE-NO. Of OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCE —MAN-MRS WK INSTRUMENT NO SURVEYOR SURVEY DATE VERIFICATION BY CK A.E. APR. NO OATE 14 BY CK. A.E. APP U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO EMS SUBMITTED: 31 PARCEL NO. A00200000370 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 RUCTowracH DATE APPROVAL OOE MS-00704-VL "3-B00704-V1SHT1 OF1 12 14 18 24 28 30 34 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2S67 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 SEP 2 £ 1993 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00704 Location Address: A00200000370. 1st South Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000370,1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00704) A.R. Jones September 1993 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIHCATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000370, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00704) 5 v ACKNOWLELX/MENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M.K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and S.K Mather and M.K Jensen for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000370, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000370, 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00704)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A002(XXKX)370, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A0O20O0O0370, 1st South Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 196 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 326 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 10 inches deep were removed from a 983 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 17 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 18 uR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 17 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.1 to 2.8 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.7 to 2.0 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to ^Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000370,1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00704) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.4 (cm) X9 NAX-384 >15 1.7 1.4 X12 NAX-381 >15 2.0 2.0 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00704, Address: A00200000370, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, June 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993, Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. 4-3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00705 Property Address: Parcel No. A00200000380, First South Meadowlark Lane VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Ra-226 is <; 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is ^ 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is < 20 fjR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is ^ 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program (Rev. 03/02/87). RUST Geotech Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN IX]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [] [] [X] U.S. Department of Enerov (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN ty] [ J [ 1 [] [] [X] [ ] [ ] M (Vacant Lot) [] [] [X] [ ] [ 1 IM (Vacant Lot) [ 1 [ ] t ] [ ] iy$ COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. ffl Ililllllllll SFCERTlFED Illlllll SFMS-00705 DEC 0~ 1993 RECORDS MANAGEMEN' DOE ID NO.: MS-0070L RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. f-X Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. Date DOE UMTRA EVALUATION Certification Official Department of Energy Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00705-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A00200000380, FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 JUNE 1993 Prepared for Decontamination and Decommissioning Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Harry^A. Perry Program Director RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. SFOCPLRPTS Illlllll SFMS-09043 TABLE OP CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY ..... 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00705-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost- type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Decontamination and Decommissioning Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00705-VL MS-00705-VL Lot 38, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A00200000380, First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84S35 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 9, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. April 3, 1992 DLB Unlimited, Inc. P.O. Box 40513 Grand Junction, Colorado August 31, 1992 October 28, 1992 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 358 cubic yards 1,079 square meters (m3) June 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00705-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 358 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 10 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00705-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during May 1991, as described in the final REA dated April 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (uR/h) to 16 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 15 composite soil samples ranged from 1.1 picocuries per gram (pCi/g) to 2.5 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The composite samples representing Areas V-12, V-13, V-14, and V-15 included soil samples taken from MS-00704-VL (Areas V-14, V-15, V-16, and V-17). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00705-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A00200000380, First South Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Decontamination and Decommissioning Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standards Survey ResultB Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background. Not applicable: vacant lot. Radon Decay-Product Concentrat ion: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m3. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m*. Soil sample results ranged from 1.1 pCi/g to 2.5 pCi/g. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00705-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00705-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000380, First South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Area Exposure-Rate Range (uR/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Meas. Method* Radium-226 (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12** V-13** V-14** V-15** 15 13 13 13 14 13 13 14 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 16 15 16 16 15 15 16 16 15 16 16 15 16 16 16 NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX NAX 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS OCS 1.9 1.7 1.2 1.5 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.7 2.1 2.0 2.3 2.5 1.4 1.1 1.4 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *OCS = Opposed Crystal System **The composite samples included soil samples taken from MS-00704-VL. MM-JEK:05-03-93 MS-00705.VL WP51 REV032293 7 10 28 30 34 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE: 10 SCALE. IN FEET 20 10 0. 20. ^ ;-RM00705V 05/07^93 TMT/S29 i i i i L 12 14 16 V-12 13-15 V-13 13-16 10: V-14 14-16 10 10 • 15-16 - 10 V-11 13-16 1 o r. 10 10 10 10 :.\iv. 10. 10 :.y::.v— i-i- 10 10 '.'.'I. 10 ;;.v.j. 40. 18 THIS 0RAWING,: PREPARED FOR THE DECONTAMINATION AND- DECOMMISSIONING PROGRAM. IS TOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS — NOT A: LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT; OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. • • 24 26 © 12-15 12 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES . ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN /iR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION j POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION': AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE •- ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION: 28 26 24 22 20 -FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION RESIDENCE—NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCE—MAN-HRS.'WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEYOR SURVEY DATE VERIFICATION SY CK. A.E. APP NO OATE • Y CK. A.E. APP U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORAOO DRAWN SUBMITTED: PARCEL NO. A00200000380 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH Gaoracn INC OATE APPROVAL DOE MS-00705-VL 32 34 3-B00705-V1SHT1 OF1 36 38 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 SEP 2 3 1993 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group Location Number: MS00705 Location Address: A00200000380. 1st South Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000380,1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00705) A.R. Jones September 1993 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000380, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah (MS00705) 5 v AOQSIOWIJEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and S.K. Mather and M.K. Jensen for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1992, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000380, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000380, 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00705)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). *The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. 2 During 1992, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A(X)2fJ0000380, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the A00200000380, 1st South Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 215 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 358 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 10 inches deep were removed from a 1079 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 15 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 16 yuR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 15 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.1 to 2,5 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.1 to 2.0 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to ^Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from A00200000380, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello Utah (MS00705) ^Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No* (cm) X5 NAX-369 >15 1.1 2.0 X10 NAX-374 >15 1.5 2.0 X12 NAX-376 >15 2.0 2.5 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. b Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00705, Address: A00200000380, 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, June 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. DOE ID NO.: MS-00723-VL Property Address: Parcel No. A00200000120, First South Meadowlark Lane VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department RUST Geotech Inc. Of Energy (PQE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is i 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is rs 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [X] Interior gamma is <. 20 //R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is £ 0.02 working level or, at most, 0.03 working level. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and Environmental Restoration Program (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ 1 [ 1 IX] (Vacant Lot) [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [X] M [ 1 I 1 [>] [ ] [ 1 [ 1 [ 1 [ ] I 1 [X] I ] [ ] 1*1 (Vacant Lot) [ ] l>] I 1 [ ] [ ] [>1 COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials that were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates that do not exceed 30 percent above normal background. • SFCERTI FED ililllllllll SFMS-09030 DOE ID NO.: MS-00723-VL RUST GEOTECH INC. RECOMMENDATION Based on the RUST Geotech Inc. evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Harry A. Pe/ry Date Program Manager RUST Geotech Inc. DOE EVALUATION L*i Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Environmental Restoration Program Certification Official Department of Energy Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-0O723-VL ADDRESS: PARCEL NO. A002OO000120 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 DECEMBER 1993 Prepared for Environmental Restoration Program Department of Energy RUST Geotech Inc. has been granted authorization to conduct remedial action under the Environmental Restoration Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency "Standards for Cleanup of Land and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Materials from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites," 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. by RUST Geotech Inc. P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Program Manager TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Pajjg 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00723-VL SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project was accepted into the Environmental Restoration Program with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, mill tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction- related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The Environmental Restoration Program adopted the "Standards for Remedial Actions at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) for all cleanup activities under the MVP Project. These standards were prepared by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Remedial Action Contractor. The DOE reviewed these evaluation results and determined that the property contained mill tailings (residual radioactive material) exceeding the EPA standards. The Remedial Action Contractor was notified of the inclusion of this property into the Environmental Restoration Program and was authorized by the DOE to conduct remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: DOE ID NO.: MS-00723-VL MS-00723-VL Lot 12, Meadowlark Acres Subdivision, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah Parcel No. A0O20O00O120 First South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor December 31, 1991 RUST Geotech Inc. July 27, 1992 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah June 1, 1993 July 19, 1993 Interior: 0 cubic yards Exterior: 192 cubic yards 962 square meters (m2) December 1993 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00723-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior residual radioactive material (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected area was resurveyed for possible remaining residual radioactive material and, upon attaining satisfactory results, was backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a physical condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The radiological assessment identified contamination, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of approximately 192 cubic yards of residual radioactive material, 6 inches deep. The differences in the extent of assessed contamination and actual residual radioactive material removed are shown on Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action No unanticipated items were encountered during the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the remedial action activities conducted on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00723-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 . Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by RUST Geotech Inc. during May 1991, as described in the final REA dated July 1992. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of assessed contamination and identifies the area recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A surface gamma scan with a scintillometer was conducted after the removal of residual radioactive material and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. These samples were blended to form composite samples representing the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 microroentgens per hour (//R/h) to 22 //R/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for radium-226 in 11 composite soil samples ranged from 1.0 picocurie per gram (pCi/g) to 8.2 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00723-VL 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residua! radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23), as indicated in the Certification Data Summary below. Therefore, the property located at Parcel No. A0O20O0O0120, First South Meadowlark Lane, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the Environmental Restoration Program guidelines, and the appropriate records should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 #vR/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Not applicable: vacant lot. Not applicable: vacant lot. Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background * in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Soil sample results ranged from 1.0 pCi/g to 8.2 pCi/g. •The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00723-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT MM-KMA: 12-07-93 MS-00723.VL WP51 REV053193 6 Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-O0723-VL Address: Parcel No. A00200000120, First South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Meas. Radium-226 Area Range (//R/h) Ticket No. Method* (pCi/g) V-l 15 - 21 NAY 649 OCS 6.0 V-2 15 - 21 NAY 650 OCS 6.7 V-3 15 - 21 NAY 651 OCS 8.2 V-4 15 - 21 NAY 652 OCS 5.1 V-5 15 - 21 NAY 653 OCS 4.0 V-6 15 - 22 NAY 654 OCS 6.5 V-7 15 - 21 NAY 655 OCS 4.6 V-8 15 - 19 NAY 656 OCS 5.3 V-9 14 - 19 NAY 657 OCS 3.6 V-10 14 - 18 NAY 658 OCS 1.0 V-ll 13 - 18 NAY 659 OCS 2.2 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. *0CS = Opposed Crystal System 7 10 30 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 v-3 V-2 V-4 15-21 V-6 V-9 V-8 15-21 15-21 15-22 14-19 15-19 •A V-1 15-21 © © < or < o © < I O CO to IX © 15-21 28 i—i—r 30 32 34 36 38 40 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 Y SOUTH THIRD EAST STREET v-7 15-21 SCALE IN FEET oc o 20 10 0 20 40 THIS DRAWING, PREPARED FOR THE ENVIRONMENTAL RESTORATION PROGRAM, IS FOR THE SOLE USE OF THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY AND ITS CONTRACTORS. IT IS NOT A LAND SURVEY PLAT, UTILITY LOCATION PLAT, OR OTHER IMPROVEMENT SURVEY PLAT AND IS NOT TO BE RELIED UPON FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF FENCE. BUILDING, OR OTHER FUTURE IMPROVEMENT LINES. RM00723V 12/08/93 KWP/712 —— X 10 10 12 14 1 6 18 20 22 24 26 28 © <D rv/.vi QY.Vj 12-15 12 V-1 16-17 LEGEND ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE RATES IN fxR/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION POST-REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINATION NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 28 26 - 24 22 20 18 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 16 RESIOEHCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS HON-RESIOCHCE-UAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEY OATE VERIFICATION BY CK. A.E. APP. NO. DATE CK. A.E. APP. 14 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO PARCEL NO. A00200000120 FIRST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH APPR6VAL 12 GEOTECH INC THTr APPAOVAItktt BATE- DOEIONO. MS-00723-VL owe.NO. 3-B00723-V1 SHT 1 „ 1 10 30 32 34 36 38 40 GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE RO. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 MAR s 01994 Donald N. Leske Project Manager, Monticello Projects U.S. Department of Energy P. 0. Box 2567 Grand Junction, 81502 Dear Mr. Leske: Radiation levels at the property identified below do not exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on an independent verification review of the Remedial Action Contractor's completion report. This recommendation is based upon the Independent Verification Contractor's assessment of the 226Ra concentration in the soil and exterior gamma exposure rate at this property. Therefore, this property is recommended for certification by the U.S. Depart- ment of Energy. Sincerely, Gretchen A. Pierce MVP/IVC Project Manager Environmental Assessment Group MS00723-VL A00200000120/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Monticello. Utah 84535 Vacant lot OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS INC. Location Number: Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: Tenant Name: Attachments HEALTH SCIENCES RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE B INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT A00200000120/ 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00723-VL) A. R. Jones March 1994 Work performed by the ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT vii INTRODUCTION 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS 6 Gamma Measurements 6 Soil Sample Analysis 6 CONCLUSION 6 REFERENCES 8 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soil samples from A002000001207 1st South Meadowlark Lane Monticello, Utah (MS00723-VL) 5 LIST OF FIGURES 1 Property Map 7 v 1 RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT AOQ200000120/ 1ST SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00723-VL)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War U. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 1959 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1,1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as Gil material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). "The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Environmental Assessment Group in the Environmental Technology Section of the Health Sciences Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc. ACJKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Environmental Restoration, Southwestern Area Programs. The author wishes to acknowledge M. K. Jensen for analysis of soil samples and T. L. Meyer and G. A. Pierce for technical reviews. ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1993, RUST Geotech Inc., the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at A00200000120/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The ETS found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by ETS are described in the Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1993). vii 2 During 1993, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a vacant lot located at A00200000120/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamina- tion, backfilling with uncontaminated material and restoration to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). When the excavation stage was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, by Geotech and by an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Environmental Technology Section (ETS) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been designated the Independent Verification Contractor for the A00200000120/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane site. This report describes the methods and results of the verification surveys. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 174 yd3 of mill tailings 6 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 192 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 inches deep, were removed from a 962 m2 area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. GEOTECH SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Exterior surface from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 22 uR/h. Sofl Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form a composite soil sample representative of an average over the 11 exterior verification areas. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.0 to 8.2 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL ETS obtained a percentage of these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed 226Ra concentrations from 2.6 to 10.4 pCi/g, These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideline value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of 22SRa in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first IS cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to 222Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL and Geotech analyses of soQ samples from A00200000120/ 1st South Meadowlark Lane, Utah (MS00723-VL) ^Ra concentration (pCi/p) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth No." No .* (cm) Confirmatory0 ORNL** Geotech V10 NAY 649 62 6.0 Xll NAY 650 10.4 6.7 V12 NAY 651 9.1 8.2 V15 NAY 654 6.2 6.5 V17 NAY 656 4.5 53 X20 NAY 659 2.6 2.2 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. h Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by RUST Geotech Inc., and these samples were blended to form composite soil samples, which represent an average over verification areas. e ORNL performed analysis on aliquots of the composite samples taken by Geotech (confirmatory). d Composite samples collected by ORNL from approximately the same excavated locations sampled by Geotech. 6 ORNL SURVEY RESULTS Gamma Measurements Measurements taken by ORNL over the ground surface in the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 14 to 23 uR/h (Figure 1). Soil Sample Analysis ORNL sampled 4 of the excavated areas prior to backfilling, collecting aliquots representative of those areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. These samples were blended to form 4 composite soil samples representative of an average over the exterior verification areas. ORNL's analysis of these composite samples showed 226Ra concentrations of 4.5 and 9.1 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of ORNL sample analyses are given in Table 2. CONCLUSION The results of all Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post- remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. VIC- 'S <7 VI V1 7 V1 V1 V19 N V 4 V1 V1 VI V10 V20 V1 1 V1 z V V14 s V15 V16 V17 V18 V19 V20 SOUTH 3rd EAST STREET EXPLANATION Concrete Assessed area of contamination Excavated area rZ-Z-Z- Remaining contamination RDC Measurement Area identifier & Composite sample Identifier of Averaged area & Biased sample LU < or < O Q < LU o CO to 14- 23 /uR/h 16-23 fiR/h 16- 23 /tiR/h 15- 23 /uR/h 15-22 /iR/h 17- 23 /u.R/h 15-22 /iR/h 15-19 /xR/h 14-17 /zR/h 14-17 ^R/h 14-16 /iR/h _J 1 0 0 1 FEET 9 10 3 METERS eo MS00723 A00200000120\ 1st SOUTH MEADOWLARK LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH Figure 1 . Property Map 7 This page (7) is for the property map. 8 REFERENCES Abramiuk, LN. et al. 1989. Monticello Remedial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Faculties Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00723-VL, Address: A0020000012011st South Meadowlark Lane, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, December 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1993. Environmental Technology Section Procedures Manual. ORNL 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado. HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION Waste Management Research and Developments Programs (Activity No. EX 20 10 40 1) RESULTS OF THE TYPE A INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 316 SOUTH 1ST EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00062) S.K. Mather May 1993 Work performed by the POLLUTANT ASSESSMENTS GROUP Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction, CO 81502 managed by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC05-84OR21400 CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS vii ABSTRACT ix INTRODUCTTON 1 PROCEDURES 2 Objectives 2 Document Reviews 2 VERIHCATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION 3 Gamma Measurements 3 Soil Sample Analysis 3 Radon Measurement Results 3 CONCLUSION 3 REFERENCES 6 iii LIST OF TABLES 1 Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation 4 2 Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 316 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah (MS00062) 5 v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Research for this project was sponsored by the Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects, U.S. Department of Energy. The author wishes to acknowledge G. A. Pierce for analysis of soil samples and A.R. Jones and M.K. Jensen for technical reviews. vii ABSTRACT In 1980 the site of a vanadium and uranium mill at Monticello, Utah, was accepted into the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE's) Surplus Facilities Management Program, with the objectives of restoring the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, disposing of or containing the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and performing remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. During 1989, RUST Geotech, the remedial action contractor designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property at 316 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory was assigned the responsibility of verifying the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and confirming the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The PAG found that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. Procedures used by the PAG are described in the Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual (ORNL, 1992). ix RESULTS OF THE INDEPENDENT VERIFICATION OF RADIOLOGICAL REMEDIAL ACTION AT 316 SOUTH 1ST EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH (MS00062)* INTRODUCTION The mill at Monticello, Utah, was built in 1942 by the U.S. government through the Defense Plant Corporation to provide vanadium during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. In 1948 the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) obtained the mill and operated it under contract through 19S9 to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. In 1961 the mill tailings piles were leveled and graded, covered with rock and soil, and seeded with native grasses. During 1974 and 1975, the ore stockpiles were removed from the site, and the mill foundations were buried. The Monticello mill site is a 78-acre tract along Montezuma Creek, south of the city of Monticello, in San Juan County, Utah. The site is bordered on the south and southeast by land held by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management. Other boundaries are the city of Monticello and private property. During the AEC era, the mill processed approximately one million tons of uranium ore. Vanadium and uranium were the only substances extracted in the milling process. Other constituents of the ore remained in the tailings and were not separated prior to disposal. During the years of active mill operation, the mill tailings were normally moist, so erosion was minimal. However, throughout the mill's operating period, area residents used these tailings as fill material and as aggregate in mortar and concrete. Under the authority of the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) initiated the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) in 1978 to ensure the safe caretaking and decommissioning of government facilities that had been retired from service but still had radioactive contamination. In 1980 the mill site at Monticello was accepted into the SFMP, and the Monticello Remedial Action Project (MRAP) was established to restore the government-owned mill site to safe levels of radioactivity, to dispose of or contain the tailings in an environmentally safe manner, and to perform remedial actions on off-site (vicinity) properties that had been contaminated by radioactive material resulting from mill operations. The Monticello mill site and the tailings remain in the custody of the DOE Grand Junction, Colorado, Projects Office. In 1983 remedial actions for vicinity properties were separated from MRAP with establishment of the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) Project (Abramiuk 1989). ""The verification of remedial action was performed by members of the Pollutant Assessments Group of the Health and Safety Research Division at Oak Ridge National Laboratory under DOE contract DE-AC05-84OR21400 with Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc 2 During 1989, RUST Geotech Inc. (Geotech), the remedial action contractor (RAC) designated by DOE, performed remedial action on the vicinity property that is the subject of this report, a private residence located at 316 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah. The remedial action plan required excavation of all exterior contamination. When the excavation was completed, the property was resurveyed, including soil sampling, to ensure the removal of all contamination, backfilled with uncontaminated material, and restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action (Geotech 1993). The DOE adopted a policy to assign an independent contractor to verify the data supporting the adequacy of remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been assigned the responsibility of this task at the 316 South 1st East Street site. This report describes the methods and results of that verification. PROCEDURES Objectives The objectives of the verification activities were to confirm (1) that available documentation adequately and accurately describes the post-remedial-action radiological conditions of the entire property that is to be certified and (2) that the remedial action reduced contamination to below applicable DOE guidelines (DOE 1990). Document Reviews Review of the property completion report prepared by Geotech (Geotech 1993) indicates the property was evaluated by DOE on the basis of Environmental Protection Agency standards (DOE 1990) and that excess residual radioactive materials were present. Thus it was appropriate to designate this property for remedial action. The pre-remedial-action survey performed by Geotech identified 59 yd3 of mill tailings 6 to 12 inches deep. However, during the actual removal process, a total of 115 yd3 of contaminated earth and uranium mill tailings, 6 to 36 inches deep were removed from a 486 m2 area. A post-excavation survey was performed by Geotech prior to backfilling of the excavated areas. This survey consisted of gamma scans with a scintillometer, ground-level and basement scans of the building and a surface scan of the exterior and soil sampling. Samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of 5 excavated areas were collected and blended to form representative composite soil samples for each verification area. 3 VERIFICATION OF REMEDIAL ACTION All measurements presented in this report are gross readings. Background radiation levels have not been subtracted. Similarly, background concentrations have not been subtracted from radionuclide concentrations in soil samples. Applicable DOE guidelines for protection against radiation are given in Table 1. Gamma Measurements Gamma exposure rate measurements taken by Geotech at the ground-level of the residence ranged from 12 to 14 uR/h for building 1 and 14 to 22 uR/h for building 2. Exterior surface gamma measurements taken from the excavated areas prior to backfilling ranged from 13 to 20 /iR/h. Soil Sample Analysis Prior to backfilling, Geotech collected soil samples representative of the excavated areas from the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers. There were 5 excavated areas for this property. Geotech's analysis of these samples showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.3 to 2.7 pCi/g in the composite sample. ORNL PAG obtained these soil samples and performed a confirmatory analysis, which showed ^Ra concentrations from 1.3 to 2.8 pCi/g. These values are below the DOE guideline value of 15 pCi/g for soil layers >15 cm below the surface (Table 1). Results of Geotech and ORNL soil sample analyses are given in Table 2. Radon Measurement Results Radon decay-product concentration (RDC) measurements for this site were determined by the alpha-track method. To monitor radon levels, Geotech placed two sets of three Alpha-track detectors on the ground floor of the two buildings located on this property for a period of approximately one year (from 11/13/89 to 12/12/90 and 09/18/91 to 10/05/92). The average annual working level (WL) of radon progeny concentration, as determined by the Tech./Ops-Landauer Corporation, was 0.0134 for building 1 and 0.0109 for building 2, these are well below the 0.03-WL guideline given in Table 1. CONCLUSION Results of Geotech soil sample analysis and confirmatory split soil sample analysis by ORNL show that radionuclide concentrations are within applicable DOE guidelines. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data, which are confirmed by the verification assessment data, these radiological measurements fall below the limits prescribed by DOE guidelines. It is concluded that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. 4 Table 1. Applicable guidelines for protection against radiation Mode of exposure Exposure conditions Guideb'ne value Radionuclide con- centrations in soil Maximum permissible con- centration of ^Ra in soil above background levels, averaged over a 100-m2 area 5 pCi/g averaged over the first 15 cm of soil below the surface; 15 pCi/g when ave- raged over 15-cm-thick soil layers more than 15 cm below the surface Exposure to ^Rn progeny Average annual radon proge- ny concentration (including background) 0.03 WL (DOE 1990) 5 Table 2. Results of ORNL analysis of Geotech soil samples from 316 South 1st East Street, Monticello Utah (MS00062) 'Ra concentration (pCi/g) ORNL Geotech sample sample Depth ORNL Geotech No." No.* (cm) XI MNK-475 >15 2.0 2.1 X2 MNQ-905 >15 1.3 1.3 X3 MNQ-906 >15 1.7 1.7 X4 MNQ-907 >15 2.6 2.5 X5 MNQ-908 >15 2.8 2.7 " An X-type sample is a split of the sample taken by the remedial action contractor. * Soil samples representative of the bottom 15-cm (6-in.) soil layers of the excavated areas were taken by Geotech, and these samples were blended to form a composite soil sample, which represents an average over one of the verification areas. 6 REFERENCES Abramiuk I. N.et al.1989. Monticello Remeaial Action Project Site Analysis Report, GJ-10, prepared by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation, Grand Junction, Colorado, for the U.S. Department of Energy, Surplus Facilities Management Program, Richland, Washington. Geotech 1993, Property Completion Report for Monticello Vicinity Property Remedial Action for DOE ID NO: MS00062, Address: 316 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah 84535, Geotech, Grand Junction, Colorado, Feburary 1993. U.S. DOE 1990. Verification and Certification Protocol for the Office of Environmental Restoration, Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Programs and Decontamination and Decommissioning Program, Revision 3, November 1990. U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, D.C. ORNL, 1992. Pollutant Assessments Group Procedures Manual. ORNL/TM- 6645/RI Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Grand Junction, Colorado.