HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-1992-014783 - 0901a06880541617SCANNED • DFRR ~~ W2-om^8a OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81S02 JAN 0 8 1992 Location Number: MS00010 Location Address: A0015000047A Date of Issue:. Survey Date: Monticello. Utah 84535 January 1992 September 16. 1991 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP-MVP project based on outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: •Owner Information- Owner Namefsi: -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*) 12-15 fiR/h 17 pR/h 15 /iR/h None Soil Sample Sample Depth Number (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration (PCi/g) , Sample Area Jk Net Estimated m2 .« Area-weighted . (pCj/g) SI Comments: 0-15 1.1 >100 <1.5 Inclusion/survey Contractor DOE Evaluator 7 t ~- .... o •o 1 2-1 5/xR/h 118 /O 0 GARDEN 12-15/2R/h HOG S1 SHE MS00010 A0015000047A PARKVIEW DRIVE MONTICELLO, UT i FEET o s ia o I METERS Figure 1. Property Map SKU/GKS 8/16/91/AHJ 11/6/S1 Figure 2. Location MS00010, looking south at the front of the property. • Location Number fflSCCO /O VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE; Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20X above background averaged over 100 m2 22SRa is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [/ l) i) U M [] [] ti [) [] [] 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number 1775 GOG^O Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room [] [ Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20Z above background in all rooms [ ] [] Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL [] [] Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL [] [] Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL [11] Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] n [] [] Other: *Data vere not taken because: [•^J^TJata were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number fUsocO 10 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [ ] exceed [if do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. 1-2-9 7. Date C A. Little//Ph.D. / I Inclusion Survey Contractor \J Location Number /tfSOCGIG 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number XflSCOClQ 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRAND JUNCTION OFFICC P O. BOX :S67 OPERATED SY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81SC2 Jacob tf. Gatrell Office of Environmental Restoration Southwestern Area Programs Division U.S. Department of Energy EM-451/GTN/D-247 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Gatrell: MAD ? •: ^a? Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [x] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [x] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-D0E/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] 226Ra concentration in the soil [x] indoor radon daughter concentration [] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C. A/ Little7? Ph. D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00032 Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: 48 (AKA 64) West 1st North Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Location Number /7)Z0003J VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over , •100 a2 [] M Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20Z above background averaged over 100 m2 t^T (] 22«Ra is >5 pCI/g above background in top 15 ca layer averaged over 100 a2 [] [ 2SeRa is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm-layer averaged over 100 a2 22eRa is > Hot Spot Guideline [] (] [] [] [] {] (1 [] (] i [} (1 0 U {) [] [] (] Location Number /USDOC 3 71 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE> Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20Z above background in all rooms "Grab sampleraTiotv-daughter concentration is >0704vL~~ Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [] [} (1 \/ I] it* U ( ] [ ] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Other: •Data vere not taken because: [*^Data vere not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property ovner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number plSOOD 3 2 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the^ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed J^l/ao not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Little'J Ph.D. / Date Inclusion Survey Contractor • Location Number /?)5CCO3% 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator Date '3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Location Nuaber /flSCGO 3 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00032 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00032 48 (AKA 64) WEST 1ST NORTH STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-rVC Project Manager A. R. Jones March 1992 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MSOO032 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00032 48 (AKA 64) WEST 1ST NORTH STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring ks condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS00032 was conducted on May 17, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a single family residence. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988), the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. AU measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. * Location Number. MS00032 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A report on this property was submitted to DOE on September 3, 1990. DOE requested that RDC measurements be taken. This report is being submitted with the RDC data. A complete gamma scan of this property revealed background gamma exposure rate ranges of 13- 15 uR/h outdoors and 12-14 uR/h indoors. One region of elevated gamma exposure rates were detected indoors and labeled Region 1 (Table 2). A soil sample, shown as SI in Figure la, yielded a net estimated area-weighted average ^Ra concentration of <1.5 pCi/g (Table 3). This value is less than the DOE guideline of 5 pCi/g for surface soil averaged over 100 m2. Outdoors, the exterior brick had a gamma exposure rate of 15- 16 uR/h on contact Radon daughter concentrations were measured in Region 1 and the annual average working level of 0.0068 does not exceed the DOE guideline of >0.02 WL. FINDINGS Location Number: MS00032 SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [ ] EXCEED [x] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is < background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 ^Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Location Number: MS00032 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 48 (AKA 64) West 1st North Street Monticello, UT 84535 Residential, simple 1,800 m2 1 Two story brick and frame house with crawlspace Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Same P.O. Box 902 Monticello, UT 84535 Same Location Number: MSOO032 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening: Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 uR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 17 uR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-15 uRTh HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG): 15 uR/h LOCATION OF HOG: General POINT SOURCE •: None NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE* •: 0 uR/h * Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n 2 ••Formula used: °AW = i=l GiAi 100 where: GAW = the area-weighted exposure rate in [uR/h] Gi = net average exposure rate in [uR/h] (°i • °Gross - background) *i = area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 • threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00032 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG) IN CONTAMINATED REGION: LOCATION OF HIG: POINT SOURCE*: ESTIMATED AREA OF INDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION/ROOM**: House 13 uR/h 16 uR/h 12-14 uR/h 1:99 \iBJh 99 uR/h Region 1 None 1: 1 m2 I: 9.2 uR/h •Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n E "Formula used: x = i=l GiAi 9.3 where: x = area-weighted gamma exposure rate [uR/h] Gi = net gamma exposure rate in [uR/h] 'S = area of deposit in [m2] 9.3 = threshold area in [nr Location Number: MS00032 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Soil Sample Concentration Sample Region Depth (pCi/g) Number Sampled (cm) (Canalysis) Representative (biased) Sampling Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* (PCi/g, CAW) Hot Spot Guideh'ne" (PCi/g) Si BKGD 0-15 1.9 MOO <1.5 N/A 2 •Formula used CAW = i=l GAiDi (100) (.15) where: CAW = area-weighted ^Ra concentration in [pCi/g] °i = net ^Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and (Ci = canalysis - background) *i = area of region that sample represents in [m2] Di = thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 • threshold thickness in [m] **Shg - Sg* (100 m2/A),/2 where: Shg = the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg = the Authorized Limit for a specific site (pCi/g) A = the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A)1/2 is the Hot Spot multiplication factor Location Number: MS00032 Table 3. Extended Survey Results (continued) Indoor Extended Data Radon Monitoring Summary RDC Annual Average RDC Repon Room Date (WL) (WL." 1 Fireplace 10/16/90- 0.0060 10/28/91 0.0075 0.0070 0.0068 Formula used: WL = fWLR) (Rn) 100 where: WL = Working Level WLR = .5 (WL ratio as per VPMTM assuming 50% equilibrium) Rn • Average ^Rn concentration in pCi/I as reported by vendor. ••Annual average (WL) determined bv: Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Terradex Track EtchR Tvpe SF Air Monitors 89' -X X X -X -X- x x x x x — X 1 3-1 5/xR/h HOG 13-1 5,uR/h Exterior Brick H 15-16 fxR/h TWO STORY BRICK AND FRAME HOUSE n V\ 'ST") f— 13-15/xR/h x I I X I X X < CN X X X I 02 1? i r FEET 15 0 3 METERS 30 10 MS00032 48 (AKA 64) WEST 1ST. NORTH S" MONTICELLO, UT 35' WEST 1ST NORTH STREET Figure 1a. Property Map 12-14/iR/h HIG TWO STORY BRICK AND FRAME HOUSE 0 100/xR/h <^D2> N MS00032 48 (AKA 64) WEST 1ST. NORTH ST. MONTICELLO. UTAH or k 2 S os t.a Figure 1b. Property Map *1 Hgure 2. Location MS00032, looking north at the front of the property. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRANO JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JUN 011992 Jacob W. Gatrell Office of Environmental Restoration Southwestern Area Programs Division U.S. Department of Energy EM-451/GTN/D-247 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Gatrell: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [x] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [x] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/Al-050601), Appendix A, and/or [x] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] 226Ra concentration in the soil [x] indoor radon daughter concentration [] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C A. Little, Ph. D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00637 Location Address: 249 Silverstone West Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Same Location Number ^^OOf^Tj VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 a2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20Z above background averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 ca layer averaged over 100 a2 22flRa is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 ca layer averaged over 100 a2 22sRa is > Hot Spot Guideline M [] [] [] I) [] I) I ) [] U ll U [) i) [) U [) I) [] (] U (] (] • 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number ^500C 3 } Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO U.S. Departaent of Er.errv (DOS) guana is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20X above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 VL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 VL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 VL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 VL Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [ 1 tK [] [] [] (1 [] U MT [ ] 0 n (] (] (] (] i] ti [] Other: *Data vere not taken because: [*"] Data vere not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property ovner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location, Number WSOO Cp ?? 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels vhich [] exceed \pf/&Q not exceed the DOS guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Inclusion Survey Co Date Contractor Location Kuab«r /71S0OI* 3? 3. DOS EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number /WS&Od'S'/' 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOS APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Sased on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this, property.should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOS Evaluator Date Location Number MS00637 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00637 249 SILVERSTONE WEST LANE MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C A Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-IVC Project Manager A R. Jones May 1992 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00637 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00637 249 SILVERSTONE WEST LANE MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its, condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS00637 was conducted on September 21, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a single family residence. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementa- tion Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988), the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS00637 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma radiation survey was conducted on this property. The general background gamma exposure rate range was 13-16 uR/h indoors and outdoors. One region of elevated gamma was detected indoors and labeled Region 1 (Figure lb), and consists of emanation from a chimney base. Radon daughter concentration meters were placed in the basement behind the wood stove and yielded an annual average working level of 0.014. This does not exceed the DOE guideline of 0.02 WL. Outdoors, one region of elevated gamma was detected and labeled Region A (Figure la). Region A is around the base of the chimney. Soil samples S1A and SIB do not exceed the DOE Hot Spot guidelines or surface and subsurface soils guidelines averaged over 100 m2 (Table 3). This property is on the list "Properties worked on by Bunker Construction, Masonry Contractor during the years 1975 through 1985." . Location Number. MS00637 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [ ] EXCEED [x] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: ^Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m: 'Ra is < 15 pCi/g above background in subsurface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m: Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Location Number: MS00637 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: 249 Silverstone West Lane Monticello, UT 84535 PROPERTY CLASSIEICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: Residential, major 800 m2 1 Single story frame house with base- ment Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Same P.O. Box 1133 Monticello, UT 84535 Same * • Location Number: MS00637 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 uR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 17 uR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-16 uR/h EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: A: 36-51 uR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) IN CONTAMINATED REGION: 51 uR/h LOCATION OF HOG: Region A POINT SOURCE None ESTIMATED AREA OF OUTDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: A: 1.5 m2 NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION**: A: <1.0 uR/h * Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. ** Formula used: • G.A. GAW • 52 — AW tx 100 where GAW = the area-weighted exposure rate, uR/h Gj = net average exposure rate, uR/h (gross minus background) A; = area of region involved, m2 100 = threshold area, m2 Location Number: MS00637 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG) IN CONTAMINATED REGION: LOCATION OF HIG: POINT SOURCE*: ESTIMATED AREA OF INDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION/ROOM**: House 14 uR/h 17 uR/h 13-16 uR/h 1: 36-54 uR/h 54 uR/h Region 1 None 1: 3.6 m2 1: 12 uR/h * Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. ** Formula used: 'AW tX 9.3 where OAW A- 9.3 area-weighted gamma exposure rate, uR/h net gamma exposure rate, \iR/h area of deposit, m2 threshold area, m2 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Location Number: MS00637 Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary ^Ra Soil Sample Concentration Sample Region Depth (pCi/g) Number Sampled (cm) (Canalysis) Representative (biased) Sampling Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* CpCi/g, CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** (PCi/g) S1A A 0-15 1.2 SIB A 15-30 52 S2 BKGD 0-15 1.4 1.5 1.5 >100 <1.5 <1.5 <1.5 41 122 N/A Formula used: where -AW i-i C.AA (100)(0.15) Q 100 0.15 = area-weighted ^Ra concentration, pCi/g = net ^Ra concentration, pCi/g (gross minus background) = area of region, m2 = thickness of sample, m = threshold area, m2 = threshold thickness, m Shg = Sg* (100 m2/A) 1/2 where Shg Sg A = the Hot Spot Limit, pCi/g = the Authorized Limit for a specific site, pCi/g = the area of the Hot Spot, m (100/A)1/2 is the Hot Spot multiplication factor Location Number: MS00637 Table 3. Extended Survey Results (continued) Radon Monitoring Summary Indoor Extended Data Repon 1 Room Basement Date 12/5/90- 2/4/92 RDC cm 0.0130 0.0150 0.0125 Annual Average RDC 0.014 Formula used -AW CAPi (100)(0.15) where CAW C, A, Ds 100 0.15 = area-weighted ^Ra concentration, pCi/g = net ^Ra concentration, pCi/g (gross minus background) = area of region that sample represent, m2 = thickness of sample, m = threshold area, m2 = threshold thickness, m ** Annual average (WL) determined by: Oak Ridge National LaboEttdrv TvpgiSBe^iTiMdnitors 90' in OT 1 3-16/xR/h I • 1 STORY FRAME HOUSE W/BSMT •<>•'•" / S1 ® • 36-51MR/h S2 HOG I 13-16/zR/h SILVERSTONE WEST JIL nr MS00637 249 SILVERSTONE WEST LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH 0 1 METERS Figure 1a. Property Map 13-1 6/xR/h 1 STORY FRAME HOUSE W/BSMT 1 3-1 6/zR/h © 36-54uR/h HIG JL MS00637 249 SILVERSTONE WEST LANE MONTICELLO, UTAH a 2.5 5 0 .5 1.3 UETERS Figure 1b. Property Map MEU/BJK 9/21/80, ARJ3/2V92 m MPr w ^9 Hgure 2. Location MS00637, looking east at the front of the property.