HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-009522 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144830 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4830 Telephone (801) 536-4200 • Fax (801) 536-4211 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4284 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF DRINKING WATER Tim Davis Director SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor June 29, 2023 Joseph Hawkes Logan City Water System 450 North 1000 West Logan, Utah 84321 Subject: System-Specific Minimum Sizing Standards, 2023 Renewal Logan City Water System, System #03010, File #11545 Dear Joseph Hawkes: Based on the water use data submitted to the Division of Water Rights (DWRi), the following system-specific minimum sizing standards have been set for Logan City Water System: Peak Day Source Demand (gal/day/ERC) – 1,424 gal/day/ERC Average Annual Demand (gal/yr/ERC) – 259,028 gal/yr/ERC Equalization Storage (gal/ERC) – 708 gal/ERC Fire Storage (gal) – 3,240,000 gal These standards are effective as of the date of this letter. A summary of the water use data and calculations used to set the minimum sizing standards are attached for your reference. The Division plans to evaluate these standards every 3 years, or upon request. Water System Background Logan City Water System (the System) is a community water system located in Cache County. The System serves a population of approximately 55,450 people based on 2022 data reported to DWRi with about 9,410 residential and 1,094 commercial connections. The System currently operates five active sources, four wells and one spring and seven storage tanks. Joseph Hawkes Page 2 of 3 June 29, 2023 Minimum Sizing Standard Background Per Utah Code 19-4-114, the information needed for the Division of Drinking Water (the Division) to set system-specific minimum sizing standards may be based on water use data submitted to the DWRi, or alternatively, a community water system can submit an engineering study to the Division if the water system’s water use data is not representative of future use or the water system does not yet have actual water use data. Actual water use data was available through DWRi, and an engineering study was not submitted to the Division for review. Therefore, the Division analyzed the submitted DWRi water use data and sent a draft summary of the resulting system-specific minimum sizing standards to your office on April 3, 2023. Your office replied on June 7, 2023 to verify the draft sizing standards are representative. Therefore, the Division is setting the system-specific minimum sizing standard for Logan City Water System. Water Use Data Definitions Peak Day Source Demand is the total flow into a public water system to meet the demand of the water system on the day of the highest water consumption in a calendar year. Average Annual Demand is the total quantity of drinking water flowing into a public water system within a calendar year. Total Equivalent Residential Connections (ERCs) term represents the number of residential service connections and the number of equivalent residential connections for non-residential connections (commercial, industrial, institutional connections). Minimum Equalization Storage requirement is a volume that is equivalent to the amount of water needed to meet the average day culinary demand for public water systems. Equalized storage per ERC is calculated by dividing the Average Annual Demand per ERC data by the number of operational days in a year. Fire Storage was set based on information from the Logan Fire Department on April 14, 2020. Storage Capacity Based on your system’s storage facilities and the storage minimum sizing requirement established in this letter, your system is deficient in the minimum storage capacity requirements. A deficiency of V031 will be added to the System’s IPS report due to lacking less than 20% of the required storage capacity without taking into account the fire flow. This is a minor 15-point deficiency and has no associated timeline to come into compliance. An updated IPS report is available at https:\\waterlink.utah.gov. Please contact Jennifer Yee at (385) 515-1501 or jyee@utah.gov for questions related to the System’s IPS report or deficiencies. Joseph Hawkes Page 3 of 3 June 29, 2023 Source Capacity The Division has documentation of established safe yields for all of your system sources. Using total system-wide safe yields and the source minimum sizing requirement established in this letter indicates your water system is compliant with minimum source capacity requirements. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Dani Zebelean, of this office, at (385) 278-5110, or Michael Newberry, Engineering Manager, at (385) 515-1464. Sincerely, Michael Newberry, P.E. Engineering Manager DZ/mrn/mdb Enclosures 1. Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Drinking Water Minimum Sizing Standards Summary Report cc: Ben Harker, Bear River Health Department, bharker@brhd.org Joseph Hawkes, Logan City Water System, joseph.hawkes@loganutah.org Derek Holmstead, Logan City Water System, derek.holmstead@loganutah.org Dani Zebelean, Division of Drinking Water, dzebelean@utah.gov Jennifer Yee, Division of Drinking Water, jyee@utah.gov Ted Black, Office of the State Fire Marshal, tblack@utah.gov DDW-2023-033489 Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Drinking Water Minimum Sizing Standards Date Standard Effective: Wed Jun 28 10:45:05 MDT 2023 Peak Day Source Demand per ERC (gal/day): 1,424 Average Annual Demand per ERC (gal/year): 259,028 Equalization Storage per ERC (gal): 708 LOGAN CITY WATER SYSTEM PWS ID: UTAH03010 Admin Name: JOSEPH GLEN HAWKES Address: City, State, Zip: , Phone: 435-716-9626 Email: joseph.hawkes@loganutah.org System Type: Community Population: 48,174 MINIMUM SIZING STANDARD MINIMUM SIZING STANDARD CALCULATIONS VARIABILITY Data from these reporting years: 2020, 2021, 2022 Peak Day Source Demand per ERC (gal/day): 1,424 Average Annual Demand per ERC (gal/year): 259,028 Equalization Storage per ERC (gal): 708 x x x (1 + 0.0) (1 + 0.0) (1 + 0.0) = = = 1,424 259,028 708 DWRi WATER USE DATA REPORTED Equalization per ERC (gal): 708 Existing Storage (gal): 11,400,000 ERCs: 19,322 Required Storage w/o Fire Flow: 13,679,976 Required Fire Storage (gal): 3,240,000 Required Storage w/Fire (gal): 16,919,976 Storage Deficiency: 5,519,976 Storage Deficiency (%): 0.0 Storage Deficiency Peak Day Source Demand per ERC (gpm): 0.99 Existing Source Capacity (gpm): 23,151 ERCs: 19,322 Required Resource Capacity (gpm): 19,129 Source Deficiency: 0 Source Deficiency (%): 0.0 No Source Deficiency Year Peak Day Source Demand (gal/day) Average Annual Demand (gallons) ERCs Peak Demand per ERC (gal/day) Avg Annual Demand per ERC (gal/year) Equaliza tion Storage per ERC (gal) OP Days 2022 21,946,852 4,108,133,897.4 19,322 1,136 210,113 576 365 2021 22,473,943 4,332,143,425.86 17,851 1,259 240,000 658 365 2020 24,685,918 4,554,960,339.66 17,335 1,424 259,028 708 366 Variability:0.115 0.0 0.0 0.0 Year Peak Month Average (gal/day) Peak Month Average per ERD (gal/day) Ratio of PD/ERC to Peak Month Avg/ERC 2022 20,299,781 1,051 1.08 2021 20,716,975 1,161 1.08 2020 20,321,119 1,172 1.21 CAPACITY CALCULATIONS FOR STORAGE CAPACITY CALCULATIONS FOR SOURCES SYSTEM STORAGE AND SOURCE INVENTORY Storage ID Storage Name Effective Volume (GAL) ST001 GOLF COURSE 3 1,000,000 ST002 GOLF COURSE 4 1,000,000 ST003 CASTLE HILL RESERVOIR 500,000 ST004 QUAIL BLUFF RESERVOIR 250,000 ST005 CLIFF SIDE RESERVOIR 1,000,000 ST006 G C RES 6-9 (4 CELLS)5,650,000 ST007 HILLCREST RESERVOIR 2,000,000 Storage Totals: 11,400,000 GAL Source ID Source Name Flow Rate (GPM) WS002 CROCKETT AVE#1 WELL 5,400 WS003 200 E CENTER WELL 5,000 WS004 700 N 600 E WELL 3,400 WS005 WILLOW PARK WELL 4,000 WS001 DEWITT SPRING 5,351.1 Source Totals: 23,151 GPM