HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-009492DDW_SANITARYSURVEY New conversation My groups Recent groups All groups Favorite groups Starred conversations Conversations 99+ Approved 99+ Pending People Members Pending members Banned users About My membership settings Group settings 0 views dwadmin@utah.gov <dwadmin@utah.gov> to ddw_sanitarysurvey@utah.gov, rfranklin@utah.gov, CLINTALLEN2016@yahoo.com, lfreeman@wasatch.utah.gov, dhill@wasatch.utah.gov, clintallen2016@yahoo.com I would like to thank all involved for helping in conducting this sanitary survey of your drinking water system. The Utah Division of Drinking Water's Improvement Priority System (IPS) Rule, R309-400, rates public drinking water systems. Points are assigned based on non comp if not corrected within the time frame specied in this report. Community systems that exceed 150 points will be rated as Not Approved if corrections are not made (N Deciencies associated with inactive facilities show up on the accompanying Deciency Report to act as a tracking tool and reminder but are considered "pending" an active in the future, the pending deciencies will also become active. Your IPS report is available at waterlink.utah.gov and should be updated within a few days. Attached are copies of the completed survey questions and resulting Deciency Report, as well as the Capacity Calculations spreadsheet. Whenever a signicant deciency has been identied during a sanitary survey you must consult with the Division of Drinking Water regarding the appropriate correctiv signicant deciencies must be corrected within 120 days of the date of completion of the survey or the system must enter into a corrective action plan with the Divis (correction action) you must notify the Division and provide documentation of that correction within 30 days of the completing the correction. Failure to do so will resu We encourage you to take the necessary actions to correct the noted deciencies. Once the deciencies are corrected, please coordinate with our oce at ddwips@u number in all your correspondence to our oce. **** For further correspondence, hit Reply All and remove dwadmin@utah.gov, as it is not monitored. ****  2023 UTAH2600…2023 UTAH2600…Wallsburg 2023 … Reply all Reply to author Forward 2023 UTAH26009 | WALLSBURG TOWN WATER SYSTEM Sanitary Survey - Results Groups Conversations Search conversations withi…