HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-007555:E.R IS Emergency Response and Training Solutions 30 April 24 Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response & Remediation 195 North 1950 West Box 144840 Salt Lake City , UT 84116 Stephanie McGinnis samcginnis@ utah .gov RE: Corrective Action Final Report Responsible Party: Schneider National 310 I South Packerland Drive Green Bay, WI 54313 Incident Description: 40-gallon Diesel Fuel Release Incident Time/Date: 1745 ET/2 Feb 24 Incident Location: Interstate 80 East near Exit 1158 Incident City, State: Salt Lake City, UT Incident County: Salt Lake Utah DEQ # 16879 ERTS Project # 198466 To Whom It May Concern , ~©CgO WCg [ID MAY 1 0 2024 Environmental Response & Remed iation The following serves as a final report detailing environmental cleanup and remediation activities for the incident that occurred at the above referenced location on 2 Feb 24 . Please see the site map attached (Appendix I). Incident Background: On 2 Feb 24 , at I 803 ET, Schneider National called ERTS to report a spill of nonregulated antifreeze that was released on I-80 in Salt Lake City, UT, heading northbound near mile marker 115B . The caller stated that Vehicle #21375 released the material because of a mechanical failure and impacted the soil in a ditch . It was later confirmed that approximately 40 gallons of diesel as well as 13 gallons of coolant were released to the roadside soil. This release was caused by a vehicle accident. Emergency Response: On 2 Feb 24 , Schneider National retained Emergency Response and Training Solutions (ERTS) to manage and oversee environmental operations. ERTS dispatched Environmental Restoration out of Salt Lake City, UT to conduct cleanup operations. ERTS 11231 Phillips Industrial Blvd. Bldg. 1, Ste 300 • Jacksonville, FL 32256 • USA phone number: 440.349.2700 I fax number: 440.349.6713 ertsonline.com E-ERTS Emergency Response and Training Solutions Regulatory Notifications: Pursuant to Utah Administrative Code, R3 l 5 , Rules 315-9-1, 315-9-4, on 2 Feb 24 , at 2036 ET , ERTS contacted the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), and Operator Libby received the call and provided number 16879 to this incident. Please see the attached Utah Initial Report (Appendix 2). Corrective Action: On 2 Feb 24, at 2005 ET , Environmental Restoration (ER) arrived on site and assessed the impact area. ER stated that the vehicle was in an accident , and it released approximately 40 gallons of diesel as well as IO gallons of coolant. The impact was to the roadside soil and measured I Oft by 250ft. There were no stonn drains impacted . ER secured the heavy area with poly sheeting and used dry oil to dam up the area to ensure that the area did not spread . There was no waste removed from the site on this day . On 15 March 24 , Environmental Restoration ( ER) returned to perform the excavation. When first arriving , the crew marked the impacted area . The area measured 620ft long by 25ft wide and depth ranging 6in to I ft where it was wet. The team worked from north to south removing all impacted soil using a skid steer and placing all impacted waste into dump trucks for transport to a disposal site . The excavation continued under the southwest viaduct. Any free-standing diesel or water was removed using a vac truck . Microblaze was applied to the excavation area . All areas were backfilled and compacted to state spec road base. The crew placed topsoil on the area in the northern section for vegetation to grow back. ER used a plate compactor or flat surface per UDOT expectations to bring the area back to its original condition . All on-site work was completed on 16 March. Please see the confirmation sample analytical report in (Appendix 3) and the attached provided site photos (Appendix 4). Waste Disposal: Environmental Restoration (ER) transported a total of 174.09 tons of non-hazardous impacted soil on 15 , 16 , and 20 of March to ET Technologies in Salt Lake City UT for proper disposal. On 15 Mar 24 , a total of 467 gallons of non-hazardous impacted water to Sump & Trap in Salt Lake City UT for proper disposal. Please see the attached disposal documents (Appendix 5). Conclusion and Recommendations: The release has been completely remediated and no evidence was found that suggests any significant environmental impact remains on the site. ERTS suggests that this project be closed , and no further remedial action be taken . ERTS and Schneider National appreciate your assistance in this matter. If you have any questions regarding this project , please do not hesitate to contact me at 813 .391.7322 . Respectfully , ~ T i7uddo-n. Adam D . Touchton Project Manager Em ergen cy Respon se and Training Solution s ERTS 11231 Phillips Industrial Blvd. Bldg. 1, Ste 300 • Jacksonville, FL 32256 • USA phone number: 440 .349.2700 I fax number: 440.349.6713 ertsonline.com '.:ERTS Emergency Response and Training Solutions Appendix 1 Site Map ERTS 11231 Phillips Industrial Blvd. Bldg. 1, Ste 300 • Jacksonville, FL 32256 • USA phone number: 440.349.2700 I fax number: 440.349.6713 ertsonline.com N =ER'TS 0 Street Name : Interstate 80 E near Exit 1158 City , State : Salt Lake City , UT County: Salt Lake County ERTS Alert #: 198466 State Ref. # 16879 NRC Rpt. # N/A :ER IS Emergency Response and Training Solutions Appendix 2 State Initial Report ERTS 11231 Phillips Industrial Blvd. Bldg. 1, Ste 300 • Jacksonville, FL 32256 • USA phone number: 440.349.2700 I fax number: 440.349.6713 ertsonline.com Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Bus. Hours: 801-536-4100 Report Spills 24/7/365: 801-536-4123 Report Number 16879 ENVIRONMENTAL INCIDENT REPORT -SALT LAKE CITY --DIESEL & ANTIFREEZE RELEASE Report Taken By: liberty Coe Date/ Time Reported : 2/2/2024 18 :40 REPORTING PARTY DATES AND TIMES Reporting Party: Kurt Company: ERTS Date & Time Discovered : 2/2/2024 17 :45 Lead Agency: DWMRC RESPONSIBLE PARTY Name: Schneider Address: 1010 Legacy View St Salt Lake City INCIDENT LOCATION Incident Address : Nearest Town : -Please Select - Highway: 1-80 UTM: (E) 415767 (N ) 4513376 First Responders Notified? No INCIDENT SUMMARY Title : Dispatch Manager Phone: (801) 580-6681 Agency Contact: Deborah Ng Phone: (800) 558-6767 County : SALT LAKE Mile Marker: 115 Land Owner : Private A tractor trail ran off the road causing a release of 40 gallons of diesel and 10 gallons of anti freeze onto the soil. Spill will be excavated but crews have placed a pol y sheet and absorbent on the spill to prevent it from migrating until excavation can be preformed . Incident occurred near the 115B exit. No storm drains or waterways were impacted . CHEMICAL(S} REPORTED IMPACTED MEDIA NOTIFICATIONS MADE Soils -Please Select -N/A -Unknown Diesel 40 Gallons Antifreeze 10 Gallons Media Media Other N/A Agency Contact DWMRC Deborah Ng Salt Lake County Kevin Okleberry HD Land Use Waterway Name Near Water Distance NRC Rpt. # Highway/Roadway N/A N/A N/A Phone Date Time By Active? (385) 499-0837 2/2/2024 18 :55 Liberty Coe (801) 580-6681 2/2/2024 18 :55 Liberty Coe Incident notification reports are prepared by DEQ staff using information provided by the reporting party. The information is considered preliminary and is subject to revision. The reported incident and associated details may or may not be valid Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Bus. Hours: 801-536-4100 Report Spills 24/7/365: 801-536-4123 NOTIFICATIONS MADE ACTIONS TAKEN Agency UDOT Date Contact group email Agency Phone Action Report Number 16879 Date Time 2/2/2024 19 :00 By Liberty Coe Action Details Active? Incident notification reports are prepared by DEQ staff using information provided by the reporting party . The information is considered preliminary and is subject to revision . The reported incident and associated details may or may not be :ERTS Emergency Response and Training Solutions Appendix 3 Analytical Report ERTS 11231 Phillips Industrial Blvd. Bldg. 1, Ste 300 • Jacksonville, FL 32256 • USA phone number: 440.349.2700 I fax number: 440.349.6713 ertsonline.com pee Analytical · ANALYTICAL REPORT March 25 , 2024 ACCOUNT: Environmental Restoration LLC Sample Delivery Group : Samples Re ceived Proj ect Numb er: Description: Report To : L1716358 03 /19 /2 024 Tru ck Spills Ro bert Perkin s 2140 N. Red wood Rd Ste 10 Salt Lake City , UT 84116 Entire Report Reviewed By : /-},L 1l ~ I /1 c ·) J _ _, Jo r dan N Zito Project Manager Results relate only to the items tested or calibrated and are reported as rounded values. Thi s test report shall no t be reproduced, except in full. wrthout written approval of the laboratory Where applicable, sampling conducted by Pace Analytical Nat ional is pe rformed per gurdance provrded in laboratory standard operating procedures ENV-SOP-MTJL-0067 and ENV-SOP -MT JL-0068. Where sampling co nducte d by the cus tomer , results relate to the accuracy of the rnformation provi ded, and as the samples are received . PROJECT : SDG : Environmental Restora tion LLC L1716358 DATE/TIME: 03/25 /24 16 :22 PAGE : 1 o/13 ■ QJ TABLE OF CONTENTS Cp: Cover Page T c Ta bl e of Conte nt~ Ss : Sa mple Summary Cn : Case Narrative Sr : Sample Results ER0202 L 1716358-01 ST0315 L 1716358-02 Qc . Qual ity Control Summary Total Solids by Method 2540 G 2011 Se mi -Volatil e Organic Compound s (GC) by Method 8015 GI : Glossary of Terms Al Ace rnl 1t ;i t1 0 11 s & L occ1t 10 11:, Sc: Sample Chain of Custody AC COUNT Environmental Res tora tion LLC PR OJ ECT : SDG : L1716358 DATE /TIM E 03/25/24 16 :22 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 10 11 12 E] ■ ~ l4 cn l ~ E] E] □ E] PAGE : 2 of 13 SAMPLE SUMMARY Co ll ect eu Dy ER0202 L1 716358 -0 1 So li d 01euo Ortiz Method Batch Dilution Pre paration date/time Total Solids by Method 2540 G-2011 WG2249536 03119/24 1245 Semi -Volatile Organi c Compounds (GC) by Method 8015 WG2250896 03 123 124 1646 C ·,11 0ncu 111 ST 0 315 L171 6 358-0 2 So lid [, ,•c,, O·t, Method Batch Dilut ion Prepa rat ion date/time To tal So lids by Method 2540 G-20 11 WG2249536 03 /19/24 1245 Semi -Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Method 80 15 WG2251689 03/22/24 08 :15 ACCOUNT: PROJECT : SDG : Environmental Restora tion LLC Lt716358 Coll tllcd Udtt t l ilt Rect, ,ed ddtt t,n1e 03/16 /24 14 00 03/19 124 08 .00 Analy sis Analys t Loca tion dat e/tim e 0311912 4 12:52 CMB Mt. Ju liet, TN 03/24 /24 2126 KAP Mt. Juli et, TN (oll1'<.t00 rJ at P ln11 rct: ;NI rJa l (• t•Pl(' 03 16'74 1~ Q,.J 03 '1 9 2-1 08 iJO Analy sis Analyst Location date/time 03/19/24 12:52 CMB Mt. Juli et, TN 03/22 /24 17 :17 KKS Mt. Ju liet . TN DATE/TIME : 03 125 /24 t6:22 EJ □ ■ l4 cn I E] E] E] □ E] PAGE : 3 of13 CASE NARRATIVE All samp le aliquots were received at the correc t temperature, in the proper con t ainers, with the appropr iate preserva tives, and wi t hin me th od specifie d ho lding times, un less qua lified or notated within the report. Where applicab le, all MDL (LO D) and RDL (LOO) values reported for environmenta l samp les have been corrected for the di lut ion factor used in the ana lysis . All Method and Batch Qua lity Contro l are within es tablished cri teria except where addressed in this case narrative , a non -confo rmance form or proper ly qua lifi ed w ith in the samp le resu lts . By my digita l signature be low, I affi rm to the best of my know ledge, al l problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as havi ng th e potentia l to affect the quali ty of the data have been identifie d by the labora tor y, and no information or data have been knowingly wit hheld t hat wou ld affec t the quality of the data . /-\.L (2 ~ I j C) Jordan N Zito P roject Ma n a ger S amp le D elivery Group (SDG ) Na rrative Analysis was performed from an improper container for the following samples . Lab Sample ID L 1716358-01 L 1716358-02 ACCOUNT: Env1ron me nta l Restora tion LLC Project Sample ID ER0202 ST0315 PROJECT : Method 8015 8015 SDG : L1 716358 DATE/TIME : 03/25/2 4 16 22 PAGE : 4 of13 r I ] i □ ~ ■ ER0202 Collected d a t e/time : 03 /16 /24 14 :00 Total Solids by Method 25 40 G-2011 Analyte Tota l So lids Result ~ % 88 .1 SAMPLE RESULTS -01 L 1716358 Dilution Anal ysis da te I time 03/19/20 241252 Batch WG2249536 Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (GC) by Me t hod 8015 Result Analyt e mg/kg TPH (GC /FID ) High Fr action ND /S) o-Terphenyl 45.4 ACCOUNT Environmental Restora tion LLC ~ RDL Dilution An alysis mg /kg date/ time 4.00 03 /24 12024 2126 180-148 03/24/20 24 21.26 PROJECT : SDG : L1 716358 Bat ch WG2250896 WG2250896 DATE/TIME : 03/25/24 16:22 E] □ EJ E] □ PAGE : 5 of 13 ST0315 Collected date /time : 03 /16 /24 14 :00 Total So lid s by Method 2540 G-20 11 Analyte To tal Sol ids Re su lt ~ % 93.1 SAMPLE RESULTS -02 L1716358 Dilu tion An aly sis da te / ti me 03/19/2024 12 52 Batch WG2249536 Semi-Vola til e Organic Compounds (GC) by Meth od 8015 Resu lt ~ RDL Dilut ion An alysi s Analyte mg /kg mg /kg date / time TPH (GC /F ID ) Hig h Fraction ND 4.00 03/22 /2024 1717 (S) o-Terphenyl 84.8 18.0-148 03/22/202 4 1717 ACCOUNT: PROJECT : SDG : Environme ntal Rest orat ion LLC L1716358 ~ WG2251689 WG2251689 DATE/TI ME : 03/25/24 16 :22 EJ PAGE : 6 of 13 WG2249536 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Tot a l S o lids b y M e th o d 2540 G -20 11 (MB) R4O4 75 9 5-1 03/19/24 12 :52 An alyt e Tota l So li ds MB Res ult % 0.00 400 MB~ MB MDL % MB RD L % (OS) L1 716398-O1 03/19/24 1252 , (DU P) R4 O47595-3 03/19/24 12:52 Analyte Tota l So lids Origina l Resu lt DUP Res ult % 89 .8 % 89.7 (LCS) R4O4 7 595-2 03/19 /24 1252 An alyt e Tota l So lid s Spik e Amoun t LCS Res ult % 50 .0 % 50 .1 Dilut ion DUP RPD LCS Rec. % 100 % 0.0626 Rec. Limit s % 90.0 -1 10 DUP Qualifie r L1716358 -01 ,02 DUP RPD Limits % 10 LCS Qu alifi er AC CO UNT : PROJE CT: Environmental Restoration LLC SDG : L1716358 DATE/TIME : 03/25/24 16:22 PAGE : 7 of 13 r.7 ~ □ ~ EJ 0 ■ EJ □ E] WG2250896 S e m i-V o l a t i l e O r gan i c Compo u nd s (GC ) by M et h od 8 0 1 5 1---: '' (M B) R4 0 49344-1 0 3/2 4/24 1653 MB Res ult Analyt e mg/kg TPH (GC/FID) High Fr action u /5) o-Terphenyl 41.0 r,j (LCS) R404 9 344-2 03/24/24 17 06 An alyt e TPH (GC/FID) High Fracti on (S) o-Terphenyl 7" Sp ike Amount mg/kg 50 .0 MB Qua l ifi er LCS Result mg /kg 28.7 _, . -,~ MB MDL mg /kg 0 .7 69 LCS Rec. % 57:4 410 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY MB RDL mg/kg 4.00 180-148 Rec. Lim its % 50 .0-15 0 18.0-148 ~~ C' • I\! L 1716358 -01 LCS Quali fi er ry,ic;'J (OS) L1716575-02 03/2 4/24 17 :1 9 , (MS) R404934 4-3 03/2 4 /2 4 17:32 • (MSD ) R404934 4-4 03/2 4/24 17 :4 5 Spike Amount Origina l Res ult MS Result MSD Res ult MS Rec. MSD Rec . Dil ution Rec. Lim its MS Qu alifi er Ana lyte mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg % % % TPH (GC /FID) High Fra ction 47.6 9.93 32 .5 91.3 47 .4 171 1 50.0 -150 /S) o-Terphenyl 24.4 76.3 18.0-148 ACC O UN T: PR OJE CT: SDG: Environmental Re storation LL C L17 16358 MSD Qu ali fi er RP D Of, 95 .0 DATE/TI M E: 03/25/2 4 16:22 RPD Lim it s % 20 PAGE : 8 of 13 r:7 LJ □ 0 1•cn I ~ ■ EJ □ ~ WG2251689 S e mi-V o lati l e O rg ani c C o mp o und s (GC) by M e thod 8015 (MB ) R40 4902 7-1 03 /22/2 4 16:28 An alyt e TPH (GC/FID) High Fraction (SJ o-Terphenyl MB Res ult mg/kg u 91.9 (LCS) R4049 027-2 03/22/2 4 1640 Spik e Am ount An alyte mg/kg TPH (GC/FID ) High Fraction 50 .0 (SJ o-Terphenyl ~ ,c 1 MB~ MB MDL mg/kg 0.769 LCS Resu lt LCS Rec. mg /kg % 40 8 81.6 89 .9 ,,,,...,,,_.-. \,1 1 I QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY MB RDL mg/kg 4.0 0 18.0-148 Rec. Lim its % 50 .0-150 18.0 -148 rv,c .y' L 1716358 -02 LCS Qua li fier s 1< I iv1c,n (OS) L17 16700-0 4 03/22/24 1652 • (M S) R4 049027-3 03/22/2 4 17 0 4 • (M SD ) R4 0 49027-4 03/22/24 17 17 Sp ik e Amount Orig inal Resu lt MS Result MSD Resu lt MS Rec. MSD Rec. Dil uti on Rec. Li mits MS Qu al ifi er Ana lyte mg/kg mg /kg mg/kg mg /kg % % % TPH (GC /FI D) High Fraction 49 .0 13.8 36 .6 34 .1 46.5 41 6 1 50.0 -150 (SJ o-Terphenyl 76.9 68 .9 18.0-148 AC COU NT: PR OJECT : SD G: Environmental Restorati on LLC L17 16358 MSD Qu ali fier RPD 0,,, 7.07 DATE /TIME : 0 3/2 5/2 4 16:22 RPD Lim its % 20 PA GE: 9 of 13 lr7 LJ □ EJ B ~ ■ E] □ ~ GLOSSARY OF TERMS Guide to Reading and Understand ing Your Laboratory Report The informat ion below is desig ned to better exp lain th e var ious terms use d in you r report of ana lytical resu lts from th e Laboratory. Th is is not intended as a comprehensi ve explanat ion , and if you have add itiona l questions please contac t yo ur p roj ect repres entati ve. Resul ts Disc laimer -Informat ion that may be provided by the customer, and conta ined wi th in this re port, includ e Pe rmit Li mits, Pr oj ect Name , Samp le ID, Samp le Matrix. Samp le Pr eservation. Field Bl anks. Fie ld Spik es. Fie ld Dup li ca tes. On-Si te Data . Samp ling Coll ec ti on Dat es /Tim es. and Sampli ng Loca tion . Resu lts relat e to the accuracy of th is inform ation provided, and as the sampl es are received. Abbrev iat ions an d Defi ni tions MD L ND RDL Re c. RPD SDG (S) u Ana lyt e Dilutio n Lim its Or igin al Samp le Qualifie r Res ult Unc erta inty (Rad iochem istry) Case Narrative (Cn) Qua li ty Co ntrol Summary (Qc) Samp le Chai n of Custody (Sc) Sam p le Resu lt s (Sr) Sa mp le Summary (S s) Qualifi e r J3 J5 J6 Meth od Detection Limit Not detected at the Report ing Limi t (or MDL where appli cab le). Repo rt ed Detection Limi t. Recovery. Re lati ve Percent Difference. Sample Del ive ry Group Surrogate (Su rrogate Standa rd) -Analyte s added to every b lan k, sam p le, Labora tory Contro l Samp le/Duplic ate and Matrix Spike/Duplicate: used to eva lua te analytica l efficiency by measuring recovery. Su rrogates are not ex pe cted to be detected in all environmental media. Not detected at the Rep o rt ing Limi t (or MDL where applicable). Th e name of the part ic ular compound or ana lysis performed . Some Analyse s and Me thods wi ll have mu lti p le analyt es reported . If the samp le matri x co ntains an interfering mate rial , th e samp le preparation vo lume or weight values di ffer from th e standard , o r if concen trat ions of analytes in the sam p le ar e hig her th an the high es t limit of conce ntra tion tha t the laboratory can accurately report, th e sample may be diluted for ana lysis . If a va lue different than 1 is us ed In th is fie ld, the res ult repo rt ed has already been corrected for this factor. These are the tar get% recovery ranges or% difference va lue th at the labora tory has his tori ca ll y determined as no rm al fo r t he me thod and ana lyte being reported Su ccessful QC Samp le ana lysis wi ll targe t all ana lytes recovered or dupli ca ted w ithin these ranges. The non-spike d samp le in the p rep batch used to determ ine the Relative Percent Diffe ren ce (RPD ) from a q uality contro l sample . The Or iginal Sam ple may not be inclu ded wi th in th e repo rte d SDG. Th is co lum n provides a letter and/or nu mber desi gnat io n that cor responds to additiona l informa tio n concern ing th e resu lt reported. If a Qua lifier is pres ent . a defin ition p er Q ua lifi er is provided w ith in the Glossa ry and Defi n itio ns page and pote ntially a discussion of possible im plications of th e Qua li fier in th e Case Na rra tive if app lica b le. The actua l analyt ica l fin al resu lt (correc ted for any sample specific characte ristics) reported fo r your samp le. If there was no meas urab le resu lt returned for a sp ecific ana lyte , the resu lt in th is co lumn may state "N D" (Not Detected) or "BDL" (Below Detectab le Leve ls). The in form at ion in the resu lts co lumn shou ld always be accompan ied by either an MDL (Method Detection Limit) or RDL (Re porting Detec tion Lim it) tha t defines th e lowes t va lue that the laboratory cou ld d etect or report for this analyte . Confidence level of 2 sigma . A brie f dis cuss ion about the inc luded samp le resu lts. inc lu ding a d iscussion of any no n-conformance s to p ro toco l observed either at samp le rece ipt by th e labora tory from the fie ld or during the analyti ca l pro ce ss. If p resent, there will be a section in the Case Narrat ive to di scuss th e mea nin g of any data qua lifi ers used in the report . Th is section of the report inc lude s the results of the labora tory qua lity co ntrol ana lyses required by procedure o r ana lytica l me thods to assi st in eva luati ng the va lidity of the resu lt s reported for your samp les. Th ese an alyses are not being performed on your samp les typica ll y, b ut on laboratory gene rated mater ial. Th is is the document cre ated in the field when your samp les were initia ll y collected . This is used to verify the time and da te of co ll ection. the pe rson co ll ecting the samp les . and the ana lyses th at the labora tory is requested to perform. Th is chain of custody also docume nts all persons (ex cludin g commercia l shippers) that have had cont ro l or possession of th e samples from th e time of collectio n u ntil de livery to the laboratory fo r analysis. Th is section of your report wi ll provide the resu lts of all testing performe d on you r samp les . These result s are provided by samp le ID and are separated by the analyses performed on each sam pl e. T he heade r line of eac h ana lysis se ction fo r each sa mp le wi ll provide th e na me and method number fo r the ana lysis reported Th is section of the Analyt ical Report defines the specific ana lyses p erformed for each samp le ID , inc luding the dates and times of p re paratio n and /or ana lysis . Description Th e assoc iated batch QC was ou tside the estab lis he d qua li ty con tr o l range for prec isi on. The samp le matr ix interfered with the ab ility to make any accura te determi nat io n: spike va lue is h ig h. The samp le matrix interfere d with the ab ility to make any accurate deter mination ; spike va lue is low. E] ACCOUNT: PROJ ECT : Envuonmental Res toration LLC SDG : L1 716358 DATE/TIME : 03 /25 /24 16 22 PAGE : 10 of 13 ACCRED IT ATIONS & LOCATIONS ' . , I ~ ! • i r J 1 I.. Alabama 40660 Nebra ska Ala ska 17-026 Nevada Arizona AZ 0612 New Ha mpshire Arkansas 88-0 46 9 New Jersey-NELAP Califo rnia 2932 New Mex ico 1 Colo rad o TN 00003 New York Connecticut PH -0197 North Carolina Fl orid a E87487 North Carolina ' Georgia NELAP North Carolina 3 Georgia' 923 North Dakot a Id aho TN00 003 Ohio--VAP Illinois 200008 Oklahoma Indiana C-TN -01 Ore gon Iow a 364 Pennsylvania Kansas E-10277 Rhode Isla nd Kentucky '' KY90010 Sou th Carolina Ken tucky 2 16 South Dak ota Loui si ana Al30792 Tennessee 1 4 Loui siana LA018 Texas Maine TN00 003 Texas 5 Maryland 324 Utah Massachusetts M-T N003 Vermont Michigan 9958 Virginia Minneso ta 047 -999-395 Washington Mi ssissi ppi TN 00003 Wes t Virginia Missouri 340 Wisconsin Montana CERT0086 Wyoming A2LA -ISO 17025 1461.01 AIHA-LAP ,LLC EMLAP A2LA -ISO 17025 5 1461.02 DOD Canada 1461.01 USDA EPA -Crypto TN 00003 'Drinking Water 2 Underground Storage Tanks 3 Aq uatic Tox iC1ty 'Chemical/Microbiological 5 Mold 'Wastewa ter n/a Accred it ati on not applicable • Not all ce rti fications held by th e labora tory are applicable to th e results reporte d in the attached report . • Accred itation is only applicabl e to th e test methods specifie d on each scope of accreditation held by Pace Analytical. ACCOUNT : PROJECT : SDG : Environmental Restora t,on LLC L1716358 NE -OS-15-05 TN 00003202 1-1 2975 TN 002 TN00003 11742 Env375 DW21704 41 R-140 CL0069 9915 TN 2000 02 68-02979 LA000356 84004002 n/a 2006 T1 04 704245-2 0-18 LAB0152 TN 00003 202 1-11 VT2006 110033 C847 233 998093910 A2LA 100789 1461.01 P330-15-00234 DATE/TIME : 03/25/24 16 :22 PAGE 11 of 13 B □ E] l4 cn I ~ [J EJ ■ j9sc I B1ll1n g Information : Analysis / Container/ Preservat ive Compan y N :-im!.!/ AJ<l ri:~~: 1::M : (at)ft'el1h/ Re ':;tuf c..f; 0 ~ < Pre) 1..i J.{1 IV RN \v ·.>':i} Q Q.1 <;' ~l,/(/6 )0. ,..,l e?.., Ch~ Rep ort t o · t'y le ( Email To: -· ':) (-' t ProJec t Descr i pt ion : I City/S tate 4LG l)\ Please Circle · J~TuC~ ,_.) r ; I 15 Collected · PT ~ CT P ;1~ ~ o:, 7,bB; Cli ent Proiect # Lab Proj ect # 0 hone: Col lec te d by (pro m ): S1t e/fa c11itv ID# P.O ." n, el1 _.'.) :J f h1 Colle cted by (s ig nature): Rush? (Lab M UST Be No t 1f1ed) Quote# .Pro ?() __ Sam~ Dav _ f rv e D•v _Ne-11,tOay _ S Day (R•d Only) D•te Resul ts Needed Immediat ely y ✓ _Tw o Day _ 10 Day (Rad Only) No . Packed o n Ice N --_Th,.., D•v of ~o I Com p /G rab . I D~pth _ I ~n !rs Sa m p le ID Matrix• Dat e Time 1 ----.. -----. ---- 1c:R'..i ,J2 C ~_) 3//fo i~.10 I X sr 0 ~is c.. 5S ?J/1 10 1~10 I X ·------~ ----- • Matrix; Remar ks: SS • Soil AIR ·All f -rilter pH ___ Temp ___ GW • Groundwater 8 • Bi oa -;say WW -Wastewater Flow Other ------OW · Drinking Water Samples returned via: OT -Other UPS FedEx Courier Tracking fl ,,i1 ------I Rel 1nqu,shed b y: (S1 gnat u r~) Date : Ti me : RJllS1t~:~ Trip Blank Received : Ye~~I P-/-ri' °J 2'/1~ ll4 I 2,27 HCL MeoH ~ (,,-"" TBR Rel in Aui,lhe7_: (Signature ) Date : Tun e : I ~eived by :"(S1gnature : TemPiP41·c Bonl•s Rec•ived : /If. . . _:__ C?1..J c_;_ ,_; 's-f "A /; AlrJ I t7 '<X> l.otD z_ RE'!l'nqu ished b y : (Signat ure) Dat'e: Time : ;1il·vedr;,la:, 1 by :tJ?SI a~ _ ;t~l~u Time: . . . I. vlJIJ. --,.._c:,,.,::;-,.. I Ctialn of CL1s1orly Pag• --L of-+ ~ce · tO LE ADVANCING SC l1:NCE I I J06"i l f'Q.)/\()f'llld A,,toon l ,u1 ... ,. r N H 1)} j "iow f..l'>-1'3111 !»ll S& Ah JI)() 7b f \tt'ilf !.ubm1tll 111M • umplit vl1 thh ch.,n ofcv11oJ ~ ron r.1 1tur~ ... i.:m ,.l~t'fll 1rw! .l a'.'t'j'bUCC' vi l ht-P.c::c 1 f't m, .1 nJ \,1nJ 1don.1 found ti hnf"·/1 1n tu.p.1 cc bhl ,,vn i hubf\/pu• \U ndu d•IUTTU pd' (soG# ~11)/./~Cf> F047 - Acctnum: (tJV~~( Template : Prelogin : PM::So<~f\ -i~~o PO: Shippl!(i Via: qem,uks Sample II {I.ab oniy) --0( --oZ- .. -------,_ .... _, Sda.21 ~ Bf~ei~t ~b eQ tJi~t coc S,;,al Pre sent/Intac t.: NP ~Y N COC Sign e d/Accu r a te: -~N Bott.le• ar r ive intact : ~N Co rrec t bott les u •ed: ~N s u.f t,c i ent ,·o l\ll!le s ent: ~N I! Appllcable . ; . VOA t8%0 Head3pdc~: ...:._t,_N Pre:ie 1vat.ion c o n·1tc t/Che c ked: y N RAD Screen <O. s mR/hr, '(:.Y -N If preservation required by Login: Oate1 r~ +\J Hold: I {N;on~itl~ NC~ I ✓ DT 1!24 ~ ::E:.R IS Emergency Response and Training Solutions Appendix 4 Site Photos ERTS 11231 Phillips Industrial Blvd. Bldg. 1, Ste 300 • Jacksonville, FL 32256 • USA phone number: 440.349.2700 I fax number: 440.349.6713 ertsonline.com . ' 1 { • '. ~ ; ,· - • : '_ ; I ~~ •. r, 1 . ' , .. •1 ~ - , . I .• ,. , ·· · , , · - I '· " ' ' :ERTS Emergency Response and Training Solutions Appendix 5 Disposal Documentation ERTS 11231 Phillips Industrial Blvd. Bldg. 1, Ste 300 • Jacksonville, FL 32256 • USA phone number: 440.349.2700 I fax number: 440.349.6713 ertsonline.com NO N - H A Z A R D O U S WA S T E ~ ~ -< - 4 - r - O> -n :i , .. ~ »o - . a z> : t ~ - - l - . l 0 , r ;; . ;' f t ~ (l er • :: ~~ i ~ "' c n r , , .. r~ ~ ~ I ll ~ I ~ ' ~g q n, r, 1 115~ . 1 Q I I f f J f ! I u; ~ j 1~ i 1- l ~i f ~ ( i f . 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TECHN<)L()(,IES I NON -HAZ ARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST :.. .t 'I ··,~ •-4f H A ~.,-,'-'l ' •~,; r l ~~~A T I 1•, t. • ,c. • • ) \. j I I ( ' j , I ~-~ ~. , ... \ .... E T TECHNOLOGI E S INC r.c.·,: ru r;f ~~rr;AT •( ~. r,,·E ,A . i 'ti."-t VA .. L~ y _M~~l i.. t ( rl w •. l(1C' sc11:·~ 18 ~'1 9;·i ~OE,~ ',A,.,,.. A,-.f (.1: IJ iA i.-, f,1,1 ' r.,4 ti.. , .. -., "i -·.c I .J J t.J./LL 1. /. V ti ,,.-,r .:.,;'/31-.i Lr CODE. • '•A' '",'-::,()11 TAT,( .1 . Cf; 1 tF 'C A i 1()~ .-ft'1 'r I .. it . P i e .v<ic!p Gao~. ~'.t,>i.J n.-1 "'" Se,t,or ~; ""'"re collae1 d f •on" H1 • Wast11 ;';e nfHa1o f.-. ,.,,~ • ~f+ct,O" 3 ol 11·11,; <10<:uM fi .,l Nr. c thar ~.i os!::t"'lc~ ,. w ,l s,.,. •· •• -➔~·, o:r-~• ~u ', fl ~ 11, ,rx_;uo ttd ,n h1~ shipment re ,r,e b@st of m •l'le w 1>d<Jt-'.hft ,nfo•mat ,ori g,ven ,r. th.,, '.4a n•1P 5'. •~ ,l ·,..,~ a•,f'! .-.c., ,·,,•~ oec;. • r ,1,,-,,-• • •••,i:. wac.tfl ma1e,,a 1 , turihfW .11 now li&oge •&c~•P1 at lhto ..,1 r, ")~('' 1'0 f""l r-·, Wa s:l' l1 t'rp•a•r •~. oca te <: ,-. s ~cr,~,r -~ ,H ,f- r, ,:;ri 1PPI NG 0ESCR PTION C O Ml A I IM(f\ CO DES --.,A STE YP£ CODES , E. :,c ;:,·q ON "1F WA S TT W TERIA .. S I, • I ' t • L ,it /l _, ,N1'_~ 't • t _J'.)f ..Q -J •:f l\l,:M!Hi• I n l OT A, 0.JAN T .• y b~ Git, lbs 1 ----------------+-------+-------· ..,,""'l...;;.~;;;..~_(.;;;._'_E:$.;;;...._(_j ____ G_•_l_s_ 1,t,. ll t 1 ~.11 /. ,. l I _, • I T\~ ) Et~'~ L~ .__ f , . /i ➔ l b G al ..... ;,, "'~ t-w , .. ~W"'! ... '\.1 1 ►"-... 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AKr A LLE '( LA~o~ L- E-C3) W • '.L,o S()lJh~ 18 0 1 9 .·~ ~Of~ S A l T , A Fr ,·,. u ·AH A'11 0 4 3 ___ J 2 ✓ 'tJ Z ~ CC.>DE I le.__~, kt L) _ ;)~o E ~--j ._,,•..:../ ~_j __ ,· 0 1-10 E •i.v. ,,:_, ,q l ,. T I (. C : ;, 'IF '(Ai •o ~ ( .,.., 'Y •r 11'. I P1 8 W d 'i l ().)()1 ~ I ~ '+>(j ;)t, r \tit _,.,.(11 0 •1 ~J I w a re coll9Cfed trom 1he Waste G ent1ralor -s 11~,~ r • :,en.or J (11 ,~ ~ do<.urr\(ol 'l'. N , --rr, r ,,.,t)!,l.)f\C or 'N d It< !•r ,.. ,1~, C t"to' ',vL.rU,~. arit, ,nc,uO t,0 ,n this sh1pme n1 To '"· 51 of my know lo()(Jt< ~'" n n, .... ,a,,o g,.,.gr, ,r ,,.,., ~-"•1~s, ,, Ii ,, u .. ,t f'l"I "'' l ,1 ,I 8 (j(;C,.(' 1Jl 1(1f' ; •1 ,,,,,,.,ltl m f 1i,I tun~ , C no wleoga, 1P1 ot "'" ,t,,c, rTJ 8 ,,1 •·c·~ ! tt Wi~! r; .. ,, ... • 1l , ,, oc.u,,d ,-. ~. d•'.)~ 1 '11:lc.Jv" t.M f _J )~~-' f i '---h .. / (.._,JI / ------'-• :;:, Vf-R SIG A TuRE 5 SHIPPING OE SCRIPTK>N r_ . T AA(l((A WASU YPl COOES G a l(t1C ►l1 N • AoC•l o '"'la Z)e sc•1p1,on~ or Spe c 1a1 H~nd •flg ,ns1·A••~/•s t , " 1,!r , • r }l -r .:.:.1,, 1 , 111.J'--l t.. "'1l ,., ,d !•.,.ii , .... ..-t--. , .. "d ... , .,_ (0""l .,.,\ (•I t "' '"""' Q,.. ..,_,v •MI ,It ,-4 I.\. d. .. 't \J.tt''-'1Dtll1 •!lllh o, L, \J(.., \"1•(#.; ,..._ ~.-,..a.._; a.1 • c-.. ... , I ,c•• •v 1•,1n .. 1io• l'I. I ~""'•· ,.,. O'Q ~, r ~L al~ .. I.,... ,, ..... ,V•' t n .. Q"••.,.,~.,. •• ,. '"\I .•• ,.,,,~ •. ~· .. .-,,,,. l'le! , .. .... ◄_,-lfT"' .. "' W;t_•.'lf 1l11 f,r,..-, ~ •·* l • tiAJ•,OC.· . ..,, WA."l'• r-41-f""'\laf"" ~ 4 1.illl!JC J""1i. 41, ., ( f ~~ Pt;• f & l't . ~ • ''OW I 1 .... ,◄.j --, ... ..--: ~ C '\OflMl •• ~U'' •• .o1it1 •• '~lift !~--... -~---.... t l """ l1QwitJII:! h t~ ·-~"l(:j 1 9'\ , ... , ~· ~t o,, .. '1 • ' .. ~ :·, .... ~""I I .1.•• ..... l' .. ~"'M l l • ~,.._, ,, ""4 ··<14.Q ......... -• ~ t .. , i.,•lh•• atg rN tc 1->•• • •••• cft •rg ■ or I, "-~• ""on11' 11 , r,.i _a nn":"'' 'or ■'lt•n ey c oll•cl1on l ••t tor O•l•~Q"'*"' a cl OUl'I II 1.. ,4 J (l .,_ff ,'/)// ,·•,,,Ill 1 ,11 ,-_ .. r1 ,,,.,(! h, ~.,._~--..,:;_J.._!. J.j ,.•J .. \ .l I .', :. (__ /..} I.• ; I • ._•. ~ -=---- J.:,:LK~~ 1,-:.., J l( Galt t .1·•· ,, . > ·,•1, .,. t Ol"Od"'P _r-2,., S /•..'• l.. .._L \.. r n"1.Qdry Pr1C.• on s ------+------- _ _,. _________ ~>-------- ~,f;P<."'t~ M1i A g ·01.5 NO N-HAZARDOUS W A STE MANIFEST E.T. TECH <lLC><,IES I E T ECHNO L OGIES I NC ~,0 LS REG( EnATIOf'· $' F SA. 7" LA,<E A1 .... EY AND~:.~ ii~,◄o ·w , 3c•o SOJT t-< ,s o , 1 !1 ~3 20 . S Ai T L A E c :rv UT AH 841 0 4 ( '1 .. ,\,".,' '.f (~t~1 [HAT , .R .~'.1' .~;");~MAT 11 l ~J ,: •.: ::.,l •,->c, • •;r;i,.U C: '4-{{ / ~~ JI_\_ -:.. ~·/ 1 l :IJ/( {~_ L...-1 u .... r b. f -.. L.1.r"1 1/"~: '•: 3 1 CI ' t.·~ '-'\_,I I, L.,,, ~ :~n f ·)'-/ ? L.i PHONE .;.;>.J / 'l~;,,:j X,_.:_; , , ; t-..; t r; l,. r_,Q PH O Nf Z;::, CU DE PHONE: 'H A~1 •,PO PTA 11(.)f\ C f-~-r F 1(A T10 ~ N,i <;I~ o .. u:1 I!>' 1o .. 1 .. dt>H•t >W r, r.atOf ~l ,~tflod , ~"c 1,o r ') o ! this 00(..,,'1"14!1'11 No oth ,H :,i.1 oslJHl O• r .t Vlo cl!>I .. f,ri ,., a n .,. o tt-ti• ",,(: ,r , ~ .. ar9 ,r.:; ,;d..O 11'1 th,s stupmen1 To the 51 o1 my 11now "<le)e 1 e ri101 mat1ol"I g ,vP " ,., l'l•!> Man,f11s1 ·•a,, .J af"1 11 cc ,,.,,.-dti~ ri pt o r ,-,,.,,. ,r;a"itff "!'ii er,-1 1 furtri , ac w le-dg , .e ,pt 01 t h~ _h,p rr,~,,1 f r0rr !r'I W ~If! lJ '"P'ato•s ocat9d •r S t •l)f" ~ .J v P C O NT AIH fR COD(S f • f)l.,.Mf' I .O 'HER WUTE lPl COOES ! 7J ,: { ~, '1lLL ~ ...-,-~~..:::__i~~~~~ f ~\ --· -_________________________ __.,,.~. ~5cBC Aod,t1c,..a1 Descnpt,om, or Speoa , i-1and 1nq 1ns1•.A. c "l~ 1 . .-,il :1,, t _i-:, • -J. .i..J ·) ·,../t I K< t ,,y I ,,, .. '•·(l ,i ,1t. • ,I • t-tit>\,,.,.,.,. 1 ►111 ,...,. ra,,1...-o · ·•"' rv--<1 {.>''..,..,..•••';ti\ am a,c r. ,,. •• ,, -~"•t-• •c,o,,• 1:1. p•oo,i,, "" w •~ ...,.,..,. a"<l ar• c:--..,- : ~· • c•-.0 ~ O" '1 ,• ,,.n -,::,,.Y-by "1"'".., <J'0-0 ,.~ 'C· Ill~• ·C&t>li I _,.,. '.1'Alt1> I • l 0C QO.,,.,l'\,...,,l& '"'v l .. (Jri\ 'Jl'I e,..-,,.., l"e! 1"9 ..... ~ .. • ,l! ~"!11> ~· .... , ""''' tJ\, , .... l)la ► lf&,a J t t/11 '11< ....... , ~~u •,11 ,c,~ ... .,, •• ( ~ II P Ar' ,.._ i ,.,., • ' I .. ~ ''""• lo u.... I K ...... , uc•1·tl•~pn,.., .t or••.,~" J •.,.,~~a,;;"-"'"•"' ~,"" o t,oa·,s '.Cl'I,~ ,.~ • ..-..., 1-, •M 'f l)ln r..-a tJr..~•119' Ill&~ 1 --0~::,eaa ..-,ll f• •. d =~ • ~..a~· .J .. Q ,;a 'll('r ... 1W " ...... ,40" .... llf " .. L f'W •,.,H,•· ag •H l u pr, • 1a1a ~ti 11 11 ■ ol I ~ , IM ' ,-,on111 • a, pe , a .,n,,,.., fe r •"•'''"• coll •C1 1on I••• for O•l ,nqu ■I"\ •Cf oun tt C'", ..... l ,h .• /t : I ·'····A' I• r ,·r1 111 •~P,'J.,}\.l~t.Ji,,~.(~ ,"It ........ 1t''' H 1 r , , 1 fl l ~. • • fJ • ,J ', 'f l , I t • I P M I ltu4 a ccounll I l-0 d a y e I r:.. ?mp.an-r (.()mi:,_.n, O a1s Prica.1 on I u .•• .f , ~.: .... --+----------r------ 'I';\, -~ .. I • I t, • ,') 3 ~ ;;;;_ ~ ~ 7 5 Gals Lb, Gal E.T. TE C HN<)L()(,IES I C. NO N -HAZARDOUS W A S TE MANIFEST E T TE CH NOLOGIE S I NC '.,Oil ~1 R[(-;( EnA ,rn . s :H :.>A .. r LAKf VA l l [ Y LA N(11 • .• ~V:K•W iJL 10SJuTi-, 1lH.1,9 'J Of,', SA~ p L AK[ C ITY L'1 A.H fi4'C'J4 .'I.,. c·,. E ";E.",i ri A : ( H~, '1 , .. ,. ,-,1;i M 1 1\ ,~. ,i \F_ ;-;f. -r n r, ' 'iJ~Jl.L J_,._ ~ I . \ '. ~j -~[I'\.._ J3.l-JL-.. .,; t,r rH~l T(\~ I /\✓l\h•_, Ji,/ ;. I' 11-;: '.'., 31... '/ V A•r ~JJ.,-- <.,•A . t '1r.. '" 1/..__ f ~ .,le /, / ~(-~ ( Ur ' :> C C.1C.1E 5 'f .)j __:y . _ P~ONc. ~;/ 'f ic; ?t_:_J_:_,. l •P C\...JDE 4 -~M,,..,Pf)i-ll A Tlt } C.! ;1•1r1CATION (.(;l~1i,,r,,,:1•111Nc1r.1 .. (JclOi~ 1!,'Pdhf;'(•ltllf ,'•~(110n~f w •t•coUe c1 <1ftomthe W1111 eGen ·, Ilk') 5 • '.,~c!,or-3 C> tr,~ n t Ne :ith ,tr Jbstal"lCfl o , wastt1 fi ,. ~-.-r,t uit· , Y',1' ... ., a111 ,r,civct a ,n th1t 1 h1p n, To 1r,e bft'.lil of my 11.1'\0~ t-()Q~ lht, in•o•"1a lio11 g,v~ri ,n t h,s Ment l 8S11 d lt,J .. a nr1 i\((l,'Jl fl 09(,(' pl •;r ·' '.t"f, WdS1 tl 'Ntl ttr,a t i fu r1 h e r acknowleoge rece,p ol 1h ~"''' "1 ,,. ••orr1 l"\8 W aste (1trnto 1a10,~ oca f fl{j ,.. :,M.T !O ri ~i atlO,e CO NT .t lff (A COO(S WAST{ TYP E COO£S •111 · 11 .,tl '• ·I 6 '",[ ,E n A T()~ S Ct R"7 1F 1C A T 10N l sO~ER Ci<.C 2 ( L-, -Ll Gi l t Lb t G1 1, M ..0-, 1(1(• • !',ti" 1"41 .::i:,n;ert OI ,.11 \ (!YltV-.->1 ■r • '.,, """ 4tr ,· •,1 ·'" Or.t ? !la.l a txr.• i:-f :)TIC ..... ~-.• i:,o ~~ ,,.I"._ lll 'l. ■t e C... ;,eclL.a ,.,.,,.., A "CI ~ anll .,. "'all I oa:l\ ., • ·.:Y-..JltO" 't,• ,. -~po,. l>'f "-v"•, ac,;:,,c~ ·r ~~·l"JIC>I• I at()a ·a ~• • a-.; 1or , ac-..,,...., 141. "Q .. •~ • .,,,,,., !:.n•", ,.,_, l1ltl "" _,... •"<JI• • d1,1"X, ,1 l ·~ a .. •.. ~ • .,. 1.ta~ H ;•"I){• .. ~ 'N • i.1111 ~.._., 4aQ , ... ,'VA .. ■ 4 ,1 ( I q P a ~ , • & ,'t-' 8 I•~ I e enc, I ec.~ • ,.., ... ,. -11 ~ ....... ,-4 .a: \-• .,,..~ 'o, •• J~ .it! ,,.,. '.-..;;,I', •◄ e A ....... , ... ~ ~ '• •~ttl --.,, I ' ' ... , -t·, ll(i " •"<I soeoa•""""' "'a,.a r - ..... ~ '' .... ~~ -. c...,, 'i\•<il \/a,;ev ~Cl W Uif' 1,4:t A.;i,ger-.... • (' "'' , .... -1,.., ~•-10 p ■, • •••• c h ••Q• ol 1 ~ , pe r mo n it-J," ,,._, ~"""'Y l o• al l p M I C,v • •c,<,un,, , lC d a y • ■fl ■r a .. c,.f 1n11o c ■1 ■nel ••-■n.C,l e a P(;•n e ., toll•c ltor-, ••• IOI d •li n q w e n, ■C<Of "'' L 1 1"-_-µ'S...-/J 1 (''r1 1t',. I r \·1' I -i. ( ,. ~ •• ,11.. "' r p/1 ,ltt>d B, J:J..1 i(.,.Jt.!.. },/ r .·r •, :; c.. I.,.. "-..I ,-ornc,;in, J_.A ! 1 r ''1 !.._'~I,., THI!; O ~1'10N f(J R n HtCl VS ( O H l 't' kepre s ri l at,_.• P r,c a, 0" -----------+----------+-- -------------+--------- E.T. TECH <>L<><,I .J S I NQN .. HAZARDOUS W A STE MANIFEST J ll'vA STE GE~E RA 70A(Si ! FORMf i 10",, .,r ~~! C:.AT :~H~' :.>..LL \,..} lt .J.-ltt i:J 1...LL'-~ .y .:J Nt qA, T(1R < I l. ; -~ E T TECH NOLOG IES INC SOtl C: A[G FRAilO"-S ;H SA~ T LA"-t V A ' E Y LAN!)~· .. E,o .·w W 1100 SOUTH 18011 973 206~ S.A~' LAKF CITY UT H R4'0-I :.y iht'iS j J L / ,,.A'r l '\../:..f 1 P ::oo r Z !P CODE PHONE ---~--PHONE ,_ • qM .. SPOR r AT 10N CF RTIF"ICA TION c e,My 1 <1! the wa.-.1 .. :0,1<1 /s ) I, r I<•...., ;•~ <.1,on 51 w r• c:oflected from the Wn1• GorNtr~tot~ hsrec ,,, ~@>Cho'· 3 ol thi s oocuri nt No oth9r s.ubstanc or ~asre !•of" any othe• sc.1r(e!. are included ,n this shapn,ent To th e be st of my know ,edge . t\e 1nlo•mat1on g ,ven 1"1 tr-1s ... 41,....fest •s a t1 L1 e:, and ac c..r.lt~ desrr ,pt 0'" !")I !l')f4 wa~t 'Tlat•r,aJ I furt"1er • no edge receipt of 1he ship• ..-.Rri! f•cm th Waste Gen~rarors tocatAd ,,., S&ct1on 3 above PAr-.Y AM[ i -.L __ t ~~~ f'_l _ 1..-. -c:- ~1 HIPPtNG DESCRIPTION :-if srA 1PT :ON or WASTE MATERIALS I' l Aor:M1ona1 Des«:r,p11ons or Spec.al Handling tnsiruct•Ol"ls I 1' J\ dd I I. ; J:. -'.," -T <.I ~ ). . ' I l 4 t:. ( ,I I l 1)'- ! 1 , 1'11.1,. 1·\' v d . 1 1111, Ho1u l,•<1 6 .,OERATOASCEATIFICATtO DATE J • OMR /(_ TOT ~NTIYY £(.:... ( ( l) '- -o7 '6, ll(I') 1'eat1•• , • .., l l'lot ((ltllW't\ oi t C~,Q'".....,., II'• 1 ... , &,-J Ill(,'; 'il ··~ ,flcl a:,O,,,• )'f I)' $'11~ 'IQ ....,.. 1/'0 .,. , peol4l0 ,.,--.s lll'O IIIOelec) a,lC ••• ,,. I lbt Get, Lb, G a lt . patY\ •'· pe• :orc,r.,o,-l-0' 1t ,1n<1 l)O" o,, -9 , aa:o-d "w \Q ~~ OL:)141 I flOe• ~, 41 •~ LOta 110-.,rr•"a. •~--••t,._ ' .,,,, c en•"r "'81 !'-II ,., • .,_ ~ we 1,o1 • , d.J 'tln" '#3."!,'■ u oei.r.ao th r'lil l..llar ►t.&1.-,J()us Wr.J• n~· ~ ... -ar<>A~ •'°l'.l • • ( i R Pa A~ £ ,'t-1 .,. •~"°""I ro 11m • ana I a;~ t ,.., Ii r ..-,c -;1 ·ao•n•Cl •'i0<£a-r<l,O''• .. ~•aJ' Soo,-Heg•""'l4tir,•, • ~aie,c-,,.\ r T«+i~le\ 1...: 1 111w • 1ooe,tor e,a1SCJOYuiwoc-..,ng .._~,P«)&'~Cf'i41,V-• ,,,., I!°'••«: !:'v "'' ~ l ilka ,/1,~ s.i l'Yul• ~U"l<ICIY""lt"'.: O· r. , ,..,,,i,,., eo •-10 p-. • ~1 • ,urge ol t ~, pe , month .,n pe , ■1'11\ul'OI ! 10, al l 0 •1 dv• a ccount • 110 cla.y ■ .,.., CS.It •• '""olc ■/ e nd r••oAe«,la •1t u •r,ey cot lec l•on '••• 101 O••:~~•nr •i,=oul'lls ,,·1..-1 ,J,.1.j f :, f _ ,'~,1,-Al r,p , (f'r ,1..-d~,~-r\..lJ N~,•,~"\ /Ji~l _,.1 (<-_.,r,,,., .1 t,. • l t /4 1, 11..1 ~ { •rt1 f1◄•l'1 f \t romt,arry •"I I THIS POA l'IO M r o ,. on !Ct USt O Nt y 1.,· --0 0 {) 00 . --------------+-------/i "~ kt I f ',(,,a,.ft0 .1~.t t,II T.N ~ J.A_,}Gfl-'~)"f' J-i_ ··-·---LJ~---Oa1e Poe •ion 'l-4.JLI' • rv / A E.T. TECH OL(><.IES I C. No . 3237h9 NON •HAZAROOUS W ASTE MANIFEST E T ECH NOLOGIES I NC so ns R[GE E Ario , ~1rF SAL -. A E-VAL L t Y LAND~ 1, &:,Jc w 100 sour~ ,so, 1 973 io 6 S .A ~ LAl<:f Cl Y U ,AH 4i04 J ~A ~, H Ct,.,., r~A iO~<S 1 i ·FORM/ r 1c,.", : , : • f !l h 1 ()C-1 , _; !: ~{,_l _t j ~ / _ ' • • _(.;-, ·' (. j \_ _l, l/ .-,~ ~F RA TGA • T'I' PHO 't /IP COOE 4 '~AN SPORT A T 10 1". C[ q T rtC A ~ 10 ~ c e'1 •'y I a! h(I N Ste oadt S ! i-Slt>d l:>f!lo ..-. '.-. e-c tio r. !I, were collected from the Waste GeMtrato, Hnec 1• ~ttcl10r 3 of th,s documt,r,• o1h~i -.ub~tan.-11 ,;,, was l i 1 n"-ct ny ot l!' ~ .,r ,~:i. i:lr11 'l<'.:lt,-o 9d m this sh,p n1 To 1he t:>@&1 ot my know 1e<Jge the 1ntorr,iat1on g , en ,., this Man-l est ,s a 1,, a"IO accurat& oescr pt,o,.. ~1 •r•t-wasl a1t1hal l 1or1h•, ac.tlnGw l eoge rece,P4 of the s •r.► "l nt from th Wast Gen@rators ocated :"" S ,on 3 j 11a PANY .AME r{ __ 1 J-' "RM SPOR f.A C I L-JI Jo'.~ :lR ,VE q ~AME (Ptuse P,,nt 1 ( 1 \ -:--f _-.,,,,:: -DATE 5 DES CRIP110 or WAS Tf MATEA TOT Al OVA~ l IT Y Aoa,:1or~I Descr1pl1on~ o• Spec1 I handling 1nstrvct=o'1s r #-- J .__ ,'-'; <j_,// /.i ll-(__ c.,f j L'i •" "'"' o •·• .,_. 1.._ cnrter•i o': c-1 etfJ 1.,u, • . _ ••·• a...a, 1 • • :iv i.J ' ,..,,oo,~ ~ aro .,. c • ,,•::>p,r 'O"O •!(Y"lc,,t·an'l;>,o':,Y ,;j"I • ,•a:O'C "•'O~Ol:)l•I~., S •• • ura• • ,1 1,o,,s ''u,.,_c.,,,t,, II!,..... .. l'l'lal "'d..'~"1••~ •~as .,,._, ~ 0,-v-~r H •"Xl.,\ W •• .,_r ,AQ.,,,...-' ~~·Miv-a •C f ~ A p,_,. I :i't:' r, ~ ~ l lt'lelO IIMe . ~ 18[~1 t.1 .,..'\;.,..·ac 'o, o,~poe..1 ,,. ,a o-•• ., • .-• tt-~ Sool'I l-leQr.,•1«,~ ~,~. 111.c 1,y t ' T .,...,"OClO,_ 1-, -o •-o i>e. lot'"" o~~-ng .._,a!' <C"flC by "'t I ~•• 11.,..,. ~c! ~ 18 "-Ag~.-,• ~,< "'• Lbs G a ls • •ur1P1 e r "°' .. to pe,y ••• ,. l!l'lt ,gw of I~ .... JM I fflOntt-,n r· •"!'""'l lo, .,, P M I c,.,. eccounl t 110 da y ■ afte r CM! ., ll'IYOC•) &I'd , .... f\161• I ••to•n•y collec11c,11 fut 101 dtl11\qu t l'lt •~c °t'"'' { ,1 \. L t' I ;, l/ , ', • I ,t \ t.'I'-~/ ·~j•· 't' 1 t f , ·,•"ll~I-IA'(,f◄ 1 r4'n ,t•~ H~ '...h...JNJ ;~f !f .J !,•}~._ ,,,.. r-<....=1~-'-.. ___ Como,n, ~Jc •At',' ''- . •,t ,◄,. •c,1, ~ , ,.r,,1 •a '·h .• •. t I ◄ t. 1 ,-la 1 ••rf1 1 (l t1 f lHIS PO~ TIOM FOR OHICf US£ O Nl V Ciass ~ ~If. -,3 13 r, E.T. TECH <> O<,IES I E T TECH NOLOGIES INC c.c,1l c A F' Gt NF HA, 1O~ c:, re C. No . 323771 NO N-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST S A L ~ l AKl V LLf V l .AN ()i IL.~ 60 3C W l300 S OUTi-4 (8 01 1 973 2065 S A T ; AK E Lf T Y U; M◄ 8 4 ,04 J 3 15 W,AS f E C:~ER AT.9 R1.S J ~ F~r: T1(,N 1 ·• 1 '· ,t "'Jf t;A \ JR ' -__A...L~k' . /.1'A~.,,..~l l,r:t c/_t\r -r (.; f,.f q4 T()A ? 2 5t ·A•t AJJ8E SS .s: ,, •' J 7 P C C>D f PH ON E Z IP CODE ______ PHONE: 4 • 4 M-,5 PORT A 1'1 (;1\ Cf RT IF IC A T! c en 11)· rl'i a '. t he wa !'! loao<s ; l1s19d oe~o \llW f 5 ec t,on 5 1 were COftK1ed from the Wast• G enerat or~ hgted '1 St.ct,-0r-3 ot th,s oocu me 111 other subs1a nc e 01 w a~1e lr o rr any 011-&r Sl)ur ,~s are in.el uded 1n th,s sh ipment To the best of my kno-, eoge 1he ,n1<Ymat,o g ,ven ,n 11'\,i Ma~•es t ,5 a tr e a l"d accura 1e de'i.Cr ,p t ,or of !N i 11\11&18 ma ter,al I funhef ackncn11,l900• receipt of the s ,p m8 n1 f•om t • Waste G en.-r at o rs !OC ated ,n S e<:1 ,o n 3 a vi! :;11 VE A SIGNA U AE DA 1f 5 SHI PP ING DESCRIPTION CO MTAINEA C0D£9 A • SI.MP T'AJCK B -FWo' C . TANKlR C • RARAlLS WASTE TYP£ CODES G . KITCH(N p H ,SJ.f(JP U P I ; YA.t(;, DESC R1CT IO Of" WA STE MA TEi=l l ALS I •l 1· ,-, I '-l ~ 1rJ ..:., I i f/L/1 \'• Acl d1 1 ona ! Descnpt,on~ or S pec 1a.l Hand••ng 1ns1iuc t 11::i ...,s '.1 1.• :\{!d r~ ',', J -~ .. /,{ ~,s ::-it/t liL...C 0( 'I i>~l\__ l , ol I p,( )1 I ':,~.i •d l 1111 ,' t f.H :lf·<I E. d)U,4f> 1: K ,. SOI. WASTl TYPE K L • OTHER TOTAl QUAN TI TY l.) 01 l bs Galt •• et,,f •• ,.,_ ,._ c.on,.,-,~ ol '"" C"'"'11 Q",.,_.,, ••• 1,Hy a,,o c-.... ..., ..-.c7'1:•1 a t;,ove o, II"~ ~,,pp ro;1 'Wtl'4I ano ar• c-..'«J. ----2 1"1 ar11a!A. ano llilleleo a,-.a .,. ,n rac-J, ' ~"){,W ,.cna ~..,.. !o, t f a r-~P(I"' ~ "aQ ., aa:orc,, .. ~ IO ~ aw.11 ! .,., .. St.al it a1'J I ., ~..,...,,.... l ■IQ u lafO"II ·~ ,.,,,., N .... "'..,_. ..,. .,. '!Cl I '•A!Nfl,h,., ~-U rwf, I>, •11,jt l)la,. HAJaf0<,,,1 WM,:• .... l'\ag.t,.....,... ~~·• .. 111,v~~ .-W, 41 C ( ~ U "'•" ;,y, t, ~ • A!i ......,..,.., l>C)f'P' II~ ICI l ill'\e ltl'ltJ l II:~,,,. ,.., .. ,. " d ... 'ijj"l,1 ' to , c,~~, a"lj.•o< •• ~· al lr>e ~ M tflil•"W ■'<O" !-.~• ~( .r. '>v . 1 !11,c:"°"'<l<CIQ>M , .. , IIQ •-,,. ~ b a> CICMA•"'Q .,.. .,.,a,0.::.1 cfW,V-• ..., ~,,,,.~ec r,., , ... ~ 1.111t• 'll'lll,..,. 11\'M t• Mla'"·~r · 1:-0,n.:1• r u ,tfle l aQ t H 10 p ~ • 1-1• c--.10 ■ Of 1 \ ... pe • W.O fllh \l h per a r,tt uml .lo, ,;1 O•' d .11,,,n ,y coll•t ltOf'I •••• to , d ■l t, ... n, •4jf ~" It .:.'•'-'/·" l-"': b. _,:. f" ',I ~H H A T(;fi • C N 1 <j fh :.J.Lj \11..Lru. I /Vt.~ f J( i • "( ... , ,i ••• l ◄.t.,,. )I< ~ ( (•r,,,11,11 fh ,. ,., HA re." 1 r .. ,,,1 o ~'v - ,->,: ,.-!: We~t-t T re Weigh1 --I V ,,.. ~ < -0 .~. 'n f; ' \._1 \ \_ c:" I I 1 11if. nos P C ATI O N roR OFF ICE U S E. O NL y I <' ~t>1We,g h1 l Class -:} ::, ""~· -, Lt C I "· ,~.s--i --- Pnc &'-Y on Pr'Ce ----- -. --"i'rl : ... ! , • (~'C i,t,, A.111 .A c~ A; r,n ,•·J tJ·'W ~ I ·~x-:i.. ~ ·r 1.~:c ' (.,, ~-.. );,. I J A /,~ / r . -:. ' ·~ ..: I (' • E.T. TECH OLOGIES INC. No .323774 NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST E.T. TECHNOLOGIES INC . SOILS REGENERATION SITE SALT LAKE VALLEY LANDFILL 6030 W. 1 lOO SOUTH (80\) 973 -206.5 SALT LAKE CITY . UTAH 84104 1 . DATE SH IPPED J I /l, ~-2_~'i;t;;;;..._...,:2:.:..-_..:.DA~T.:.E.:..:.R:.:E C:.:E,;.:.1VE:.:0:....:;.;;.;~3;;;;;;..;,.' ;!ii_::{;,~;;,;;' ;:;4;;!)(~------ l WASTE GENERATOR(S) tNFORMATION : / / GENERAT~ 1 ~[d_'--neiat, ,. rv~-t:ONl ADDRESS S:.artb.--+fh.-......c;.;...;&~c...s..L ... GM ...... ilf,,l,,-...~D&..y ____ _ c ,rv -~..f1.-thy =. -··---~--srArE \.vt, z ip cooe SLf3L ~ PHONE 3l'l-'lo3---¾,K GENERATOR 2 ___ _ ______ ADDRESS _____________________ _ CITY _________________ STATE ____ ZIP CODE _____ PHONE GENERATOR 3 ADDRESS ----------------------- CITY ___________ STATE ___ _ ZIP CODE _____ PHONE 4 . TRANSPORTATION CEATIFICATfON : I cettity tf'lat the waste load(s) bsted below (Sect on 5) were collected from the Wute GeneratorsCst.d ,n Section 3 of this documenl No other substance or waste from any otl"l•r sources ate tndoded 1n ttus shtpmenl . To the best ol my know- ledg•. the 1nf0,mati0" given 1n tin Man.lest ,s a true and aocvrate deset1pt1on of the waste matem1I I fut1h•r acknowtedge receipt of the ship- m nt from the Waste Generators tocated in Sectaon 3 above DRIVER SIGN.A TURE 5. SHIPPING DESCArPTION CO .. TAINUI CODES: A.Sl.MPff\.OC B.RAlil C.TN«ER 0sBAAAEL.S E •°'-"AP F .. O~A WAITE n,1 COOIS: GaKITCHEHSUMP H119<)P9JMP I ■ YAPIJ SUMP J ■ SEPTC I SEWAGE DESCR IPTION Of WASTE MATERIALS WASTHOOE.t CONlAINER PAOFI.EMJlelA £ Ada11onal 0escr1pt1ons or Speoal HancUtnq lnsr,uct•9~1 , '-" f•rv S,te Address · :;:-'1£)-IV .5 5tJ. Ir L414-Cdy '/'II/G, Date Proces sed · Time Hauled . 6 . GENERA TOR 'S CERTIFICATION : -lHIS P~TtON FOA OfFICI USE ONl ¥ - WASTE T"t'PE _ l•OlHEA TOTAl OUAHTITV Gatt . lbt . Galt. Stgn alur • of E T. Representati_.e : __ __________ __.,.L_<:; _____ l _...)_'2 ___ Dale · ....... 3..._-_/ ___ <;. __ :<... ____ ..... :/_· __ _ __ ..:.,_ _________ T_ate_W_e_agh_t _ __,,..._--N-.,-w-.-9-ht---,---a~as.s----r--""".P::-nca/T-~0-n-I 1€50~ • I s ---- 2) J) ~ AP£),. /-{], <3 nv 010 E.T. TECHNOLOGIES INC. \ 1}1tf' No .323775 NON-H AZARDOUS WA STE MANIFEST E.T . TECHNOLOGIES INC . SOtLS REGENERATION SI TE SALT LAKE VALLEY LANDF ILL 603-0 W . 1300 SOUTH (B01) 973 -2065 SALT LAKE cIrv . UT AH 84, C)4 J DA tf SH IPP ED _ 3 2 . DA. TE AECEIVED ___ J___, WA$TE GENEAATOR(S) INF OAMf TION / GENER~TOA , S cAJ\..e a~-. N ttiDM/ ADORF;ss S._oofl_, PtUL.er:la.tftl De Ct TY ~JL,. 8a" -~---~--~--·--STATE vJ:l . Z IP CODE 51/. ?/3 PHONE :Jt't-'to?,~~ GE N RA.TOR 2 __ __!__ _____________ ADDRES S _____ _ ------------------ ------------CITY GEN ERA.TO R 3 ___ . ____ STATE _________ ZIP COOE _____ PHONE _____ _ AO ORESS CI TY _______________ STATE ZIP CODE _____ PHONE ____ _ 4 . TRANSPORT.A TlON CERT IFICA HON: I certrly that the waste load(s> hsted below (Section 5) were 00hcled from the WU1e Generau:n listed ,n s.ct.on 3 of this doo.un.nt No other substancfl or wHlt from any oth..-sources a,e included"" this sh ipmtnt. To the bnt of my know · •~. t~ iniorm&tion given m thtS M nttest ,s a true and accurate de,cr1pt 1<>n of the wa.st• matenal I turthef ac::ktlowtedge receipt of the s.hip- nMtnt from th• Wasf ■ Generators located tt1 Section 3 above _ 1 RANsPoRTER COMPANY N AME &/4 £ r \11.leS t__ / /t,,,,,~ ;r,:,., 12 C.~;;r: DRIVE A NAME (Please Print) /1 ( ~) _f v~ --1 ;/ ~~ DRIVER SIGNATURE 5 SHIPPING DESCRIPTION CO NTAINER CODES : A • Sl.MP TA.CK B •FW.f C ■T.,_ER 0 ■8AAAELS E ■OlMP f.Q'MR WA.St( TYP( CODH : G C KTTC>EN a.MP H • 9-fOP SUl,,tP I • YAM 9.JMP J • SEPTC I SEWAGE K ■ !Ol. l ■OlHEA DESCRI PTION OF WASTE MATERlA LS WASTE COOl/ CONTAINER WASTI PA0fU ltf.Jli&:~ TWE tOTAI.. QUANTITY E I( Gals . lbt . Cat,. Ad<honat 0.SCflpOo"8 01 SpecilJ Handling lnstructrot'\s Site Add,essq:-&1-=t2l5 fftlf LA'-t c;Jy Date Processed: T,me Hauled : 6 GENE RATOR 'S CERTIFICATION : I ....,~ oeoare IIW (M CO'Ql'ICI OI COl'I~ at• IIJI¥ and ~.,., dMt.J1t,ed allaw• c,,, ~ ~"V Nine M:I .. ~ ..... ...-S. INI .... and.,. __ ....... !,, proper c-c,roliQn kw transoor tit'~ acr.ordffl(I to~ f ---. • .,., tonal ~-.... ~--1 IUIWW ewtity .. ,,. .... ,,..... o.ae-,..,.. .. PO • 'wnlOCllUI • clelMd by 1r,e uut, Hazal'OOUI W.-ie ~••~rd .0 CF A Par.~ 6 2151 , • .,---, ~ lilla to llffla, end I a:te& I 400 M ....... II -~ to, dllpou.l &'14o ,._UH• h Solll ~-l()tl S.• ~.,,. f T Ted'"~-It'( I .-10 ,-, to,• ---•,pr~.._ Md~ Nl'dlnQ dWa-• -~ t,y t,-,. S. l.Alke ..,__..,. SCIINO wu .. ~ Counoi •norney 4>o11Kll0t1 , .... tot d•ll u •nt ~ "'* 0 r ~ ~ ,,.,,,,,..ln(l.. I ' .................... , .......... , ,., ..... --,. ,.. if,;~ .. _, ---· ··---.. ·-· ... -- GENERATOR 1 -.Certified By-......... ~---· ~----.Ai.fw.:.....IL .... Tr!ie LI\\ C~ny g.;_ ~orut otf L4<__ GE -NE.A.A TOfi 2 -Cot1Jfie d a.,. ___ ___ __ _ _____ 7~ _________ Company ________ _ fif-NER .t.TO R ~ --Ce,,14 1ed By _________ _ Tic~ ___ , ______ C~y ________ _ -l'HtS PORTION FOA OF S ◄gnature of E T Representative : ::::::::::=-7 Price/Ton 1 1 J/ .J.J:) E.T. TECHNOLOGIES INC. No .32377( NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST E.T. TECHNOLOGIES INC . SOILS REGEN ERATK>N SrTE SALT LAKE VALLEY LANDF ILL 6030 W . 1300 SOUTH (801) 9 73 -2065 SALT LAKE CITY , UTAH 84104 , . DATE SHIPPED .3 I J(,, I 2.~ 2 . DATE RECEIVED d ' /7 '4 3 . WASTE GE ERA TOR(S ) INFORMf, TtON . GENERATOR 1 5rb,A(ri ck£ . Na t't(l/1/ ADDRESS So;)(~ ro.tll.wltl':tl c1rv {'7ree-,c. E-~-------STATE~ zIP coo£ 5'131 3 GENERATOR 2 _____ ___ ________ ADDRESS CI TY_______________ STATE _____ Z IP COOE _____ PHONE _____ _ GENERATOR 3 ADDRESS ____________________ _ CrTY ________________ STATE _____ ZIP CODE ______ PHONE _____ _ 4 TRANSPORTATION CERTIFCATION : I cettity that the waste load(s) l'Sled btfow (Section 5) wer e coHected tom the W ■sle Generators ~sted In Secbon 3 of this document. No other substanc-e o, wast• from any otne, sources are 1nclumd in this shi pment. To the be-sf of n,v ktlOW• ledge, th• information given i n this Manifest is a ttl.>4J and accurate descrtphcn of th• wast• matenal I furth« adlno~• ,aoe1p1 of ttwl ship- ment from the Was te G.n.,ato,s located in Section 3 above 5 CONT A•NUI CODl-9: A a SI.MP T1'4.CC B • RM' C. TAH<ER 0-B4ARELS E • DlMP F • Oll-lER WAS TE TYPE COOis: G • KJTCHEN SlJW> H ■ 9◄0P 9.JMP I ■ VIIJICJ 9.JMP J ■ SEPTIC I SEWAGE K-SOl. L ■OlMER 0 ESCA IPTION Of= WAST£ MATERlALS WA.UE COOEI CONTAINER WASTE PAOfll.EMJl.eER T'\'PE TO TAL QUANTITY Adotional Oescnptlons ot Sp«aal Handling IMtruct10ns Sit e Addr ess ::P'oO-~z, s .S1.Jr ~k:c c, .. ~ tJ1it."'-~'II/{/ D ate Processed ,me Hau led : E <Qii:7 Get,. L G•l1 . Lbs . G•I•. 6 . GENERATOR 'S CERT IFICATIO 1 ) 2 ) I l'let.0, ~ I me ~-of ltllS CON~fflet'I .,. fut, and~ .., ~ llbOw'9 I», P,QPII S,....1"19 "-"'• #Cl We~ padt,ea , ,,,,.,._., ~ -.-0, Wld .. WI. *"'2• 11'1 c,roC)et ConcNIIO!'I fOr trenspc,,, by Plignwey lilXOfdlng 10 eppi.caole f ..-.i, Sitll end l«. pwmffltn&el ,.,..._. I~~ fWU "'--Ill • .,_..,,.,..,__,. h 'IOI a "&ranJOvt -141 M defined by 11'1 Ulal\ ~..uous W1111• ~ Aligulal!OI'& ana 40 C.F Ft Patt 2'50 I i!II,. • ~ lrrOffl 111N lo~ Md ·~ !t\11 ·-.... ■ dMig"lted !ot ckPoUI r4.l0t -•-vs•. IN Soll A.aener■,on SIi• oc,etWed by £ l . f ~-ttllt . I IQtM 10 !MIY 11W • ~, ...... aNI SPIQal ~ CNtgM M •Ullbl~ by ll'le Sall UILe v__,. Solcl Wale Mal...,_,, COunc:il 1 fu'1 1'1.r .. , .. t• par• a.t• irtt.tg• af t _5 • ,-r ...,.""'~ J.,;.h ,-r 111111 I lot all P•• ~ ec~• (>0 ..,, .,.., .._ •• •-•••J ■M ,. .. ....,._ / euo rn•r1cofl.c:llot1 IH• for d•ll ",J'"l 11cco u~1., ~~~ /f ,, ~ rt!A f/J,d,IJl'o,tN/1/i GE NERA OR , -c.,,,. .. d By .::}~--!{· r;..,,_ T, l!',.d!.L _____ Company _ ~)..f,tull./:"11 L/✓ G fNE RA lOR '2 -Ce•1•11f'd By ____ _ -~----T,~ ________ Comp.iny ________ _ G { l RA i OA 3 • Cen,t,ed Sy ___ • ---~ ________ Company __ ___,.__ Sagnalure of E.T. Rep,nenlahve ~OAT ION FO Gross Weeght Price/Ton C} \I E.T. TECHNOLOGIES INC. NON-HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST E .T. TECHNOLOGIES INC . SOI LS REGENERATION SI TE SALT LAKE \I.ALLEY LANDFILL 6030 W 1300 SOUTH (801) 973 -2065 SALT LAKE CITY . UTAH 64 104 1. l DATE SH IPPED ___ _3_, ?(~ ·~4 - WAS TE GENEAA10R(S) INFOAMATION GE N ERAT Oq »~~r ~fj,,,,/_ 2 . DA TE. R[C E IVED ADDAESS ~./4 ~.r7b-~ 4-'- CITY 62 «err --------STATE ~/ Z fP CODE 53"'3/ 3 PHONE~~~ GENERATOR 2 ___________ ADDRESS ----------------------CITY -----------S1ATE _____ ZIP CODE _____ PHONE ------ GENERATOR 3 _______ ADDRESS --------------------- CT'f' _________________ STATE _____ ZI P CODE _____ PHONE _____ _ 4 . TAANSPORTAT!ON CERTIFICA TION: I cer,,ty lhat the waste k>ad(s) lt&ted btllow (Sect,on 5) were cdlect.ct from the Wute O..,.,,aton list ed ,n Secbon 3 of thi$ document . No oth subst1nce 01 waste from •nv othe, sources•• •nc:tuct.d in th••~-To the bet1 of my know· Jedg•. th e infotmation giYen ,n th is Manife i-5 a true and KaJ,at• dncttptton of the wasae matenal . I tunher aau-owtedga rec»ipt of tt.. shcp- mem from th• Wall• O.n•rator located if" Section 3 aboY• TRANSPORTER COMPANY NAME >-~~L~-~~~~:;:z _________________ _ j R,VER NAME (PIHH Print) -~~~~'£i!=!:::::..et!:'a,~1- DRIVER S IGN AT URE '-1 DATE 5 SHIPPING DESCRIPTION CONTAtN(III COOH : A • SLMP 111.JCK e .AAU C ■T~ Oa6ARRELS lO OUiW F ■OnER WAIT'l TYH CODlS; G. ICITQEN SUMP Ha9iOPSLJIF l aY~SJMP J•SEPTC I SEW~ rK}SOI. l •OTMER DESCRIPTION OF WASTE MA TERIAL.S WAS TE C00EJ CONT AWER WMTE TOTAL 0UANTITY PAOF1l.£ ~ m:iE ~-e;'-7!_..,--r ~--~/ ,a,// 7 s--,, w-,c; - Addbonal O.!ICfiptiona or SpeaaJ Handling ln$trucb0ns Si t e Add ress : J -fl> -~ Z'-/ -S-5 ~ & ~ rv~fo Date Processed : Time Hauled : EE-k :2.3<Jd-D G~ Lb1 . G•••· Lbe . G1l1 . 6 GENERATOR'S CERTIFICATION : 2 ) ,,_.,, --.,,_ thac:GnWIII O,lt,a~ 1nt~ Md ~--daa1bldlDOWe, plor-, ~ ,_,..91d wtc:iladal.. ,...._,...._._....._..IN .. -'II...,_. II'~ c.ondlJon to, lrwtspo,1 iii,,.,_., ec:adrr,v IQ -,ICable ,.-..,_, 5-1• Mid Local~ .... !IN. t IUIIIW CllllilJ N .. _ --~ ...... ftlll a '-1~-• .. ..__,0,,fttUWl~W_,.Mllol., • .-11~.,-,.oCFRPa.,N0 &261.a~"---1ollffle.Wler:tra •--•1---• del~ to, dttoowl a"CIJOt r.-v1e • mie S081 ~#-l()r'! SIi • ..,._ o, f T 1-,.. c c; II . Inc 1 ... ,o PIii' tw ""dllpll-...ecuas:; .... 91d .,_.....,. __ • •laill4~ by t PI• Sall l.AM v.,.,, Sok! wa. ~er,!~ I ,w,.e.., .. , .. te pay• let• c~ ef 1 S' P9f MOftffl (1 ... pet H ftllfl!} tlH atl pNt Ma MNUIII• (,0 llef ■ .... , _... af •-.-.} ~ ......... a41DM.)'IC ■ll ■c Ue-tt , ••• ,., N lh,ca-1•111 ~.. ~ ~ I? GENERATOR 1 -C•nihed By~~...-,/' ,zykrk Tltl. -~---·-'----CC>fflf)efty ~-=:..-------~-- Gl t.J f RATO f~ z -Cet1'1,od a .,. ----------------r .... -----------~r --------- ·------Company ________ _ -THIS PORTION ,oA OFflCE USE OHl Y - Date : 3 -~0-~ ~ T.,.w.q-ir Price $ ltV /4