HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006408Ash Grove CeRrcnr Compeny 100 MTh,vY 518 Clancy, M r 59534 406-442 t855 Rtr Gtr,.tG APR O B ]?4 l/ililil ililt til ilt ilt illilil til ilt tililt I til1581 B?l,E 5??0 l,??1 s1q5 88 Utul^D"p^*.*^t Dvr:rion %,fr),%lqi* "#*-,3i'/^ "or^"-) l -wf"q" = ?o tuv 4 Qn*" Yuqg+, U-r-3+rt+-4e'rb +lLeqgT Sr+ trrq Dr+1 R€, 1r-rc.4.--{ hvirorrmnbl Respome d Retnediatiotr hhlilrrr,l{rhl,lli,,ltillliltrlr,lit,l,rtillilrlltilil 1 Err AS}I EROVE 0 A CRH COMPANY DATE: April3,2024 VIA Certified Mail Office of Emergency Management 1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20460 Mail Code 5104A Attn: Continuous Release Report Subject: Ash Grove Cement Company - Leamington, UT plant Continuous Release, lnitialWritten Notification (CR-ERNS #1 393034) Dear Sir or Madam, On behalf of Ash Grove Cement Company, I am writing to provide additional information about the above-referenced continuous release of ammonia from the main kiln stack at our cement plant located in Leamington, Utah. This follows the initialtelephone notification of this release made previously. Enclosed with this report is a copy of the initial written notification report of the continuous release, as specifled in 40 CFR 302.8(e). Please let me know if you have questions about the enclosure Sincerely, nggs Corporate Environmental Manager - West Division of Environmental Response and Remediation P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4840 RE: lncident #16937 Juab County Sheriff's Office PO Box 133 Nephi, UT 84648 Ash Grove 11011CodyStreet Overland Park KS 66210 Ph:406 4914444 Jeff . briggs@ashgrove.com www.ashgrove.com Continuous Release Form Form Approved OMB No. 2050-00E6 Expiration Date: 11-30-2022 1 393034 I: GENERAL INFORMATION CR-ERNS Number: 0310412024Date of Initial Release:0310412024 Date of Initial Call to NRC: Type of Report: Select from the drop-down list, the type of report that you are submitting lnitial Written Notification Signed Statement: I certifu that the hazardous substance releases desuibed herein are continuous and stable in quantity and rate under the definitions in 40 CFR 302.8(a) or 355.32 and that all submitted information is accurate and current to the 04t0312024 Jeff Briggs - Corporate Environmental MangerName and Posilion , Date Signature best of my lmowledge. Part A. Facility or Vessel Information Name of Facility or Vessel Ash Grove Cement Company - Leamington, UT Plant Person in Charge Name of Facility or Vessel phone Number Josh Nelson Position Plant Manager 435-857-1211 Alt Phone No. Facility Address or Vessel Port of Registration Street Hwy 132 County Juab City Leamington State Dun and Bradstreet Number for Facility 00-712-3698 Facility/Vessel Location Latitude Deg 39 Min 33 Sec 48 Longitude oeg 112 Min Sec 4911 NOTE: Latilude/Longitude information can be obtained at the following websites: http://www.satsig.net/maps/lat-long-finder.htm, htp://earth.google.com/, and http://www.census.gov/geo/landview/. Do not use P.O. Box, Rural Route or Mailing Address. Use physical location only. Vessel LORAN Coordinates Part B. Population Information Population Density Sensitive Populations and Ecosystems within One-Mile Radius Select from the drop-down list, the range that describes the population density within a one- mile radius of your facility or vessel. 0-50 Persons Sensitive Populations or Ecosystems (e.g., elementary schools, hospitals, retirement communities, retlands) Estimated Distance and Direction from Facility, if Known None EPA Form 6100-10, Continuous Release Reporting Form Page I of 3 E,ocoa"l84638_l ON II: SOURCE INFORMATION Part A: Basis for Asserting the Release is Continuous and Stable in Ouantitv and Rate. For EACH source of a release of a hazardous substance or mixturefromyourfaciltty or vessel, provide thefollowing information on a SEPARATE sheet. Name of Source:Cement Kiln 1. Indicate whether the release from this source is either: Continuous without intemrption OR routine, anticipated, intermittent & incidental to Note that unonttcipated events, such as spills, pipe ruptures, equipmentfailures, emergency shutdowns, or accidents, do not qualifufor reduced reporting under CERCLA section 103(fl(2). (Jnanticipated events are not incidental to normal operations and, by definition, are not continuous or anticipated, and are not sfficiently predictable or regular to be considered stable in quantity and rate. 3. Identify below how you established the pattern or release and calculated release estimates. I Release data llfuowledge of Operating Procedures ! Engineering estimate I Best Professional judgment USEPA Reference Method Source Testing Other 1 393034CR-ERNS Number: 2 Provide a briefstatement describing the basis for stating that the release is continuous and stable in quantity and rate. If malfunction, describe the malfunction and explain why the release from the malfunction should be considered continuous and stable in quantity and rate given the note above. Facility was required to perform source testing for this chemical as part of a Section 114 request by USEPA in conjunction with the Portland Cement NESHAP Risk and Technology Review. Testing was done under normal conditions. Based on the source testing, it was determined that the emission rate exceeded CERCLA reporting thresholds. No previous emission data was available. Continuous Release Form Form Approved OMB No. 2050-0086 Expiration Date: I l-30-2022 Form 6100-10, Continuous Form Page Z or f E Continuous Release Re Form Form Approved OMB No. 2050-0086 Expiration Date: 1 l-30-2022 SECTION II: SOURCE INFORMATION contin CR-ERNS Number:1 393034 Part B: Specific Information on the Source For the source identiJied above, provide thefollowing informatton. Please provide a SEPARATE sheetfor EACH source. AFFECTED MEDIUM. Identifu the environmental medium (i.e., air, surface water, soil, or ground water) that is affected by the release from this source. If your source releases hazardous substances to more than one medium (e.g., a wastepile releasing to air and ground water), treat the release to EACH medium as a separate source and complete Section II, Parts A, B, and C, of this format for EACH medium affected. o soIL oR GROUND WATER Ifthe release is on or under the location of water wells within two miles. Cement KilnName of Source: O AIR Ifthe medium affected is air, please also specifu whether the source is a stack or a ground-based area source. fi Stack Indicate stack height in feet or meters 295 O SURFACE WATER Ifthe release affects any surface water body, give the name of the water body Surface Water Body ! Stream Ifthe release affects a stream, give the stream order or average flow rate, in cubic feet per second. Stream Order OR Average Flow Rate (cubic feet/second) ! Lake Surface area oflake (in acres Average depth of lake (in meters) Ifthe release affects a lake, give the surface area ofthe lake in acres and the average depth in meters. Ootional Information The following information is not required to comply with the rtgulation, however, such information will assist EPA in evaluating the risks associated with the continuous release. If this informetion is not providcd, EPA will meke conservative assumptions rbout the appropriste velues. Please note that the units specified below are suggested units. You may use other units; however, be certain that the units are clearly identified. For a stack release to air, provide the following information, ifavailable: Gas Temp (degrees Fahrenheit, Kelvin, or Celsius) available: Inside diameter (feet or meters)Gas Exit Velocity (ft or meters/sec) Average velocity of surface water (feet/second) For a release to water, EPA Form 6100-10, Continuous Release Reporting Form Pase 3 of 5 Continuous Release Form Form Approved OMB No. 2050-0086 Expiration D^te: ll-30-2022 ON II: SOURCE INFORMATION (continued)CR-ERNS Number:1 393034 Part C: Identity and Ouantity of Each Hazardous Substance or Mixture Released From Each Source Please provide a SEPARATE sheetfor EACH source. Name of Source:Cement Kiln Litt ..ch hrardout lrt trncc rrlctt d fmm the .ourc. idcrtlfld .bovc rrd prcvidc thc followiry irform.tior Irlud. uii! *r@ qrrop.iat . R..ti@ti.h! in ti.r (ci). Name of Hazardous Substance CASRN # Normal Range (in lbs., kg, or Ci per day) Upper Bound Lower Bound Number of Days Release Occurs (per year) Total Quantity Released in Previous Year (in lbs.. kg. or Ci) Period of the Release Hydrogen Cyanide )1. 7 lo h'350 3 osD List each mixture released from the source identified above and provide the following information. Include units where appropriate. Radionuclides in curies (Ci). Normal Range of Components Normal Range of Mixture Total Quantity of Mixture Released in Previous Year (in lbs., kg or Ci)Name of Mixture Name of Hazardous Substance Components CASRN # (in lbs., kg, or Ci per day) (in lbs., kg, or Ci per day) Number of DaysWeight Upper Lower Upper Lower Release Occurs Percentage Bound Bound Bound Bound (peryear) Period of the Release IEPA Form 6100-10, Continuous Release Reporting Form W|z+eo€ ON III: SUBSTANCE INFORMATION Calculation of the SSI Trigger For EACH hazardous substance component of a mixture indicated in Section II, Parr C,list the names of the releasing soutces and their upper bounds. Please use a sEPARATE sheerfor EACH hazardous substance. * This methodfor calculating the SSI triggerfor the hazardous substance assumes that all releases of the same hazardous substance or mixture occur simultaneousty. To the extent that q hazardous substanie is releasedfrom yourfacilityfrom dffirent sources and at dffirentfrequencies, you mqy adjust the SSI trigger as appropriate so that it more occurately reflects the frequency and quantity of the release. The SSI trtgger in the final analysis must reflect the upper bound of the normal range of the release, taking into consideration all sources of the release at the facility or vessel. The normal range of the ielease includes all releases previously reported or occurring over a 24-hour period during the preiious year. 1 393034CR-ERNS Number: Hydrogen CyanideName of Hazardous Substance: calculate the SSI trigger (i.e.,upper bound ofthe normal range ofa release)the hazardous substance identified aggregate the upper bounds ofthe normal range ofthe identified hazardous substance across all sources identified in II,Part C.If the hazardous substance ls also component of a mixture,be certain to include the upper bound of the component AS calculated ln Section II,Part C,ln your calculation of the S SI trigger, Name of Source(s) Upper Bound of the Normal Range of the Release (specift lbs.. kg.. or Ci) lCement Kiln l1,a TOTAL - SSI trigger for this hazardous substance release*:)q.) Continuous Release Form Form Approved OMB No. 2050-0086 Expiration Date. 11-30-2022 ) EPA Form 6100-10, Continuous Release Reporting Form Page of 5 I I I I