HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-009346MIDvALLEY ESTATES WITER
luly 17,2024
Brandi M. Smith
Utah Division of Drinking Water
Environmental Scientist / Enforcement Department
195 N 1950 W
SLC, UT 84116
JUL 2 6 202t
Dept of Errvaorunental QualitY
DMston of Drinking Water
Dear Ms. Smith:
Subject: Consumer Confidence Report for Midvalley Estates Water Co 11015
Enclosed is a copy of Midvalley Estates Water Company Consumer Confidence Report. It
contains the water quality information for our water system for the calendar year 2023.
We will deliver this report to our customers by posting a notice of the availability of the report
on our August 2024 water bill, posting it on our website, sending a copy to those who request
one and allowing inspection ofthe report at the water system office.
If you have any questions, please contact me at (435) 565-1667
Admin. Assistant
4819 NonrH 2800 Wesr CeoRR Clry, UreH 84721
PUoNB (435) 865 -1667
DEQI Drinking Watar
Consumer Confidence Data Report
2023 JUL 2 6 202t
Dcut. of Erwironmental guaUtY
bivision ot Drinldng WaierMID VALLEY ESTATES UTAII11O15
tbls tePort prowicle1 you*ater syste, with tbe required EPA Tanquage, alata tab7e, atefTnitTons, violatioh iDfonbtton, anct
Bource vater cleBctiptions xhat are rcqutred in youz anntaf consuner Coltidence Report (cCR). In orate, to tueet all of thelequl.reflents of the CCR, you nt9t incTude the tollowTnq aclditional infornatlon lf lx pettains to your water systea:
' Tne rcpozx nust include the telePhone nunbet of the oenet. operatot, ot designee of the co nDnixy iatet systenot a.talTtTohal ihfomation concernlng xh. taport.
' h connunltiea rith a Targe ptoportion of non-Engllsh apeakTng ft'idents. as deterrnlred by the Prinacy Agency,the rePozt nust coatain Tnfotnation ii the appropzlate language (st regardinq the inpottance of the rcport or
contaln a teTePhone nutibar or adclresa rr:ere Euc|eaidents nay contact the ay1ten to obtain a translaxeat copyot the zepoft anavor a9gi6tance ln the appropriaxe Tanguaqe.
' Ibe rePort nudt Tnclude Tntatnation drout oppottunttles tor public partlclpatlon 7n declsions tnat ,nay affectthe qualTty ot the vater (e.9., xlne aid place af lsq)7arly scheduTed boait neetings),. It yort $ata! eyeten Pvrchasas vater fron another source, you ais .aquii€d to lnclude the cDzreht CCR yeat's
Req)Tatecl CanEanlharts Detecred Eabfe ttofi your source ater svpply,
' If your waxer Eyste,lr hacl any violatlon9 durlng tlra current CCI Calendar year, you aze tuquized to jrclude a,
e4rla,ratloh ot the correctiw action tat en by the uatez systen.
' It yout water ayatem ie goinq to use t,le CCR to de.llve! a Pub7Lc Notltlcation. you nust lnclrcte the fdl
PubTic notTce ard !etu!, a copy of the CCR ,nd Public Not.lce vlxh rDe Itiblic Notic' Cattiflcatlon Earm, thls 76in acldltTon to the copy and certLtlcatlon tor required by the CCR Rule.
' ?h. req)Trenen|-5 on ho$ to nake xhie report avaifab)a to your cuBtdne$ ara ln R3O9-225-7 atht'tb:l/tptds.ptzh d^vt o, you aay contrct th6 Diviston of Drlnklnq wacet at (801) 536-Q0A.. If you hat,a qu€stlora arout thl.g tapozt a],d the CCR req)lzanants please contact the CCR nanager, Colt Snith,at (801) 535-4155 or acanitheutuh.gov.
' In addj.tlon to the Tntornatton providcd belov you n$c aJso include in your CCR a lTsx ot cu.rent signilTcant.laflciencTeg, the alata you trt.7an to have then corrected, t?re dat6 they t€re ldeatltled, and how you pTan to tix
' If your syEten has 5*-70* or graater than 1,000 co,lsvmor' vho aft non-EngTlsh spealer6 ti6, thtu report nust
be provtalecl 7n that co non Tanguage.. you nay subnix a copy of the CCR and the certificatlon letter xo ddereportseutah.gov,
For more information regardinq this report contact:
Phone: 435-8 65-1 657
Source of Drinking Water
Run Date:07/17/2024 16:29:191 Ratlng: Approved UTAH|1015 MID VALLEY IES Page 1 of 5
DEolDttt'ldll,vr.bt i- Tbe sources of drinking ,ate! fo! our ;ysteln lnclude Ctrc! trr. .g?Ir.c.bl. .ousc. ttp.. to{ toirt !y!tE: ttv.!t, lal..,
.ts.&., to!&r r...!16lr., .trdng., rtrd r.11!). As rat€! travels over the surtace of the land or thlougb the glound, it
disEolves natulally-occulrlng nlnela]s and, in some cases, radioactlve naterial, and can pickuP substances resultjng fron the
pleBence of anihals o! trom human activity.
- contaninanta that nlay be presen! ln source water incluale;
1. t{icrobial contamihants, iuch as viruses and bactelia, xhlch may com€ flo|n 3era9€ treatnen! plants, E€PEic systems,
aglicullural livestocx ope!aLtons, and wrldtife.
2. horgahlc contaninants, such as satte and netats, v.hlch can be naturally-occurflng or result ftotA urban stom sater
!uno!f, rndusLlla1 o! domeslic waslcBaLer dischargeE, otl and gas ProducLion, mlnlng, or falming.
3. Pesticid€s and herblcldes, rrhlch nay cone fron a valiety of sources such aE aglicuttu!€, urban slom wate! runoff, and
reEidential uaes.
4. Organlc chemtcal contaninants, incluallng Eldrhettc and wolatile o.ganlc ehsnlcals, $htch are by-produclB of lnduEtrlal
processes and petroleum producllon, and can atso come flom gas statlohs, ufban storm rratF! lutlo!f,, and septic systems.
5. Radioactiv€ contarinants, nhich can be naluralLy-occulrirg or be the result of oI1 and gAB produclion and mlning
Drlnking rrater, lncluding bottled waie!, nay .easonalrly be exp€cted to contaln at least small amounls of sone conlatnlhants.
The plesence of contatninants doe6 no! nece6saEify tndicate that wate! poses a heallh rlsk. More informatlon about
contami.ants and potential health effecrs can be obtained by calllng lhe EPA8 gaie Dlinking giate! Hotline al (800) 426-4?91.
rn order to ensure that tap nate! is safe to dlink, EPA prescribea legulatlons yhich llml! the amount of certain contaminants
ln waler provialed by publlc water syatens. FDA regulalions establlsh llmlts tor cortaninants in botll€d Bater rhich nust
provide the same protection for pull1c health. Sone people rnay be more vulnerable to conlarninants 1n drinking water than the
gen€ral PoPUlatlon-
IlNnuno-compronised persona such aB persons irith cance, undergoing chemotheE.Py, Peteons Bho have undergone orga. transplanta,
people with HIV/AIDS o! other lmnune systen disord€ls, sohe elderly and inf,ants cah be partlcularly at rlsk fron infectlons.
These people should seek advice about dllnking Bater from their health cale ploviders. EPA/CDC quldetines on applopriate
rnGans ro lessen the risx of infeetion by crlptosporldlun and other rniclobial contanlnanls are available fron the safe
Drl.king rtate! Hotline (800) 425_4791.
If present, elevated tevels of lead ean caus€ serlous health ploblen3, especially for pregnant wonen and young chlldlen, Lead
in dlinklng *ate! ls pri,nalily fron materials and componerts associated with se ice llnes and hone Plurblng. We cannot
contlol the valiety of materials used 1n plr4lDing cohponents. flhen you! rater has been 5ilting for sevelal houts, you can
nlninize the potential tor Lead exposule by f1u6hin9 your tap fo! 30 s€conds to 2 rninute6 bef,ore uslnE waler fo! drinkiag or
cookj.lg. If you are concerned abou! lead i:r your irater, you tnay rish to have your {ater tested, Infolmatlon on Iead 1n
dlirking vrate!, testing tnethods, and EtepE you can take to ninimize expo6ure i3 avatlable fron the safe Drlnking $at.!
Hotline or at http: //www.epa.gov/safewater/Iead.
JUL 2 6 202r
Dcpt. 0[ Environmental Quality
DMsion of Drinking Water
Run Date: 07/17/2024 16:29:19 | Ratlng: Approved UTAH1101 5 MID VALLEY ESTATES Page 2 of 5
c(IaSIItt BT trall Drrtrlttoia
IE tb. lo:.brr.ag t bl. you rtll llna !r!y t rD. lnd rDb!.virtlo!. tou itghr Eot b. f.rttlr! rtth. ro !.lp yog b.tt tu|.Lratrad th6!.'--- rrrva plovld.d Ul. loUoel8g &tlnlttoar:
troa-D.t ct! (ID) - Laboratoly anatysls lndtcates that the constitu€nt is not presenr.
D/Lor - algD - Fo! water systens that have nultiple sources o! vrater, the Utah Divislon of Dlirktng rater has given eate!
aystems lhe oPtion of listing the test r66u1ts of the constituents in one tablE, instead of, hultipte tables. To accompliEhthis, the losest and high€st values detecteal in the nultlple recorded in the sahe space in !h€ report ta.ble.
t rtt P.t &iuioa (PEr, ot IrUiEt !. F! ltt ! (!E/f) - one part per nlllion corresponds to one mtnure ln two years o! asInsle penny in $ 10,00 0.
Pr!t. P.l blllion (ppb) or gcloEr.r. t-. ltt ! (uqll) - one part per bi].]-ion correspondg ro one ndnure tn 2,ooo yeals, or aslnEle penay in S10,000,000,
P.!t t,.t ttl'r.ltoo (nPt, o! r.DofE.!. I,.E llt ! (r.nog!r./r, - one part peE tritllon coEesponcts to one ndnure tn 2,Oo0,OOOyears, or a single penny 1n 510,000r000r000.
Parts per guadrillion (ppq) or Picogrsrrs per liter (picograme /L) - one part per quadrillion
2,000,000,000 years or one penny in $10,000,000,000,000.
Picocuries per liter (pCi/f.) - Picocuries per li-ter is a measure of the radioactlvity in water.
ldillireos per year (mren/yr) - Measure of radiation absorbed by the body.
corresponds to one minute in
Ullllod rib.tr ftc! llt t oarr.) - Itilllon fibe!6 pe! liter is a Ineasule of the presence of asbestos fibelE thar ale longe! rhant0 mlcromet€rs.
rq,b.I.@trtc Eurbidity UrLt (mo) _ Nephelometrlc tulbidity uni.r 1s a neaEule of the clarlry of wate!. Turbjdlry tn excess of5 NTU is lust noticeabLe to the average pelson,
Actlolr L.v.l (Ar,) - The concentration of a contaminaDt whlch. lf exce€ded, triggers treatnent or other
L.rjht! Coo}_irnrat I'.vtl (lf!) - th! "Ma:<imun AUowed' (MCL) iE the hlghest f.v.l of a contanlnant that i6 allored 1ndlinking {ater. uCI,s are set as close to lhe IICIGE as f€asible using the best available lreatnent tschno}ogy.
rortEt. Co||r--ru't L.r.I Co.I (tlgta) - The 'Goa1'(UCLG) is the lev€l o! a contaminant tn dllaklng pare! beton rrhtch rhere iEno Xnorn or exp€cted rlak to health. MC,,GS allow for a nargln of Eafety.
Drt - Because of lequiled sarnP1itrg line franes j.,e, yeaEly, 3 yeals, 4 yearE and 6 yeaEs, sartPltng dates may seem our-.tated.
rbiv.!. (lr- Because sone chemlcats are not useal or stoEed in areas alound drinking vrater !ou!ce!, aome sate! sysrems havebeen given waivers that exempt them from havj-ng to take certain chemical samples, these waivers
Water Source ProtecLion Plans.
are also t d to Dri nking
il It(d:I
JUL 2 6 202r
DepL of Envirorunental Quality
IES DMslon of hnkirg Water page 3 of E
Run Date: 07/17/2A24 16:29:191Ratlng: Approved l.lTAHl1015 MtD VALLEY
DEQI Drinking Watar
Source llater Information JUL 2 6 2021
Source Water Name n^^r ^r F-simnmental OualltV Type Of Water Source ID
MID VALLEY ESTATES WELL Otvision of Orrnhng Watrr GW ws001
TCR Tables
Coliform Bacteria Year Sarn1>led + Sam1)l€ Count MCLG MCL Vi.olation Likely Source of Contanination
Coliform Bacteria 2023 1 0 5 N Naturallv present in the environment.
Contaminants Year Saq>Ied f 9arple Count MCLG Violation Likely Source of Contanination
E. coll 2023 0 No goals None N Human and animal fecal waste
Lead And
Regulated Contaminants
tikely Source of ContaminationYear Sampled MCLG
tilee # Sites
Over AI"Violation
Copper 2023 1.3 1.3 0.074 0 N Erosionpreserva ofri natural deposits; Leaching from wood
vesi Corrosion of household plumbing systems.
Lead 0 ppb N Corrosion of household plumbing systemsi Erosion of
natural deposits.2023 15 0
Inorganic Contaminants Year Saq>led Loxest
Lsvcl IiCLG MCL Units Violation Likely Source of, Contanination
Arsenic 2022 6.1,6. r.0 10 ppb N
Erosion of natural deposits;
orchards; Runoff from glassproduction wastes.
Runoff from
and electronics
Barium 2022 0.016 0.016 2 2 ppm N
Discharge of drilling wastes; Discharge
from metal refineries; Erosion of natural
deposits .
Fluoride 2022 0 .286 0.286 4 4
Erosion of natural deposits; Water additive
which promotes strong teeth; Discharge from
fertilizer and aluminum factories.
Nitrate 2023 0.541 0.541 10 10
Runoff fseptic t
rom fertilizer usei Leaching from
anks, sewage; Erosion of natural
Selenium 2022 0.8 0.8 50 50
from petroleum and metal
s,' Erosion of natural deposits;
from mines.
Run Date:07/17/2024 16:29:191 Rattng: Approved UTAH11015 MID VALLEY ESTATES Page 4 of 5
DEQI Drinking Water
Sodium 2022 39.L72 39.LL2 s00 None pPm N
Discharge from petrol-eum and metaLrefineries; Erosion of natural deposits;
Discharge from mines.
Suf fate 2022 193.585 193.685 1 000 1000 ppm N
Erosion of naturai- deposits; dlscharge fromrefineries and factories; runoff from
landfills, runoff from cropland
Totaf Dissolved So]-ids (TDS)2022 41 5 416 2000 2004 ppm N Erosion of natural deposits
Lead and Copper Year Sam;rled Lowest
Lewel MCLG MCL Unit,s Violation Likely Source of Contaroination
Copper 2023 0 0.087 1.3 1.3 ppm N
Eroslon of natural deposits; Leaching from
wood preservat.ives; Corroslon of householdplumbing systems.
Lead 2023 0 L.29 0 15 ppb N Corrosion of household plumblng systems;Erosion of natural deposits.
Contaminants Year Sarqlled IrOWeet
Level MCLG MCt Unitg Violation Likely Source of Contarnination
Alpha emitters 2022 '7 .3 ??0 15 pCi/L N Erosion of natural deposits
Combined Radium 226/228 2022 0. 16 0.16 0 tr pCi/L N Erosion of naturaf deposits.
Radium 226 2A22 0.05 0.05 0 5 pci/L N Erosion of natural deposits
Radium 228 2022 0.11 0.11 0 5 pci/L N Erosion of natural- deposits.
Turbidity Year Saqlled Lowegt
Level MCLG MCI.Units Violation Likely Source of Contamination
Turbiditv 2022 0.19 0.19 0 0.3 NTU N SoiI runoff.
Violations Tab1e
Ground t{ater RuIe
Violation f,y1re Determinated Def,iciency
JUL 2 6 202t
DepL of Environmental Quality
DMsion of Drlnking Water
Run Date: 07/17/2024 16:29:191Rating: Approved |JTAH11015 MtD VALLEY 7ES Page 5of 5