HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-009310Trail Canyon Reside nce Assocration P.O. BOX 1406, HUNTINGTON, UTAH 84528 (435) 687-50s7 July 2,2024 The Compliance Section Utah Division of Drinking Water P 0 Box 144830 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4830 Re: Consumer Confidence Rcport, Trail Canyon water System, System #08043, Emery Coung, Utah To Whom lt May Concern, Enclosed is a copy of thc Consumer Confidence Report covering the 2023 calendar year, along with the notice sent to all of our consumers. A copy of the enclosed CCR was mailed or hand-delivered to all consumers. lf you have any questions, call me at (S01 ) 857- 0399. Sinccrcly, Charles Reynolds, PE Water System Manager Enclosure (s) D Dcd. d Erwiror*rBmf Araftv Oi,hlon cf Oridd,E Watsf ' /,,t-ez"- 05 20, Trail Canyon Consumer Confidence Report Notice AIl Canyon Water Trai l- Users r Enclosed is a copy of the Annual Consumer Confidence Report for the calendar year of 2023. This report summarizes the results of water quality tests performed during 2023 on the drinking water used and consumed by the Trail Canyon residents. lf you have any questions call me at (80'l) 857-0399. Sincerely, Charles Reynolds, PE President D Degt d Environmental Qualitv Dlvhlon of Drinldng Water ' n TRAIL CANYON RESI DENTS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONSUIVIER CONFIDENCE REPORT JANUARY _ DECEMBER 2023 The information in this report is bascd on thc groundwater quality samples taken from the Trail Canyon Culinary Water system. GENERAL This is an annual report on the quality of water delivered to the homes by the Trail Canyon Residence Association. This report nrccts tlrc rcquirements of the Federal Safe Drinking Water ACT (SDWA), re-authorized by congress in 1996, for "Consumer Confidence Reports." This report contains valuable information pertaining to the sourcc of our water, its constituents, and the health risks associated with any contaminants. All drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be expected to contain at least a small amount of contaminants. Source water assessmont information is on file with Charles Reynolds and will be available upon request. Some people may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water then the general population. lmmuno-compromised persons such as persons with cancer undergoing chemotherapy, persons who have undergone organ transplitnts, people with HIVIAIDS or other immune system disorders, some elderly, and infants can bc ;>articularly at risk from infections. These people should seek advice about drinking walL;r lror:r t|roi,. ;roalth care providers. EPA/CDC guidelines on appropriate means to lesson the risk of infcction by cryptosporidium are available from the environmental protection agency's safe drinkinq walcr hotline (800-426-4971). rflG:I D W dExwhonsrent* auaftty Ehftmd0{t'XtrgtiYahr - For additional information, qoitt!.t! Clj,rrt':s Rcvnolds at (801) 857-0399 Water Qualitv Data Microbiological - This monitors for potentially harmful microorganisms that may be naturally occurring or introduced by humans. Total coliform is an indicator that a potentially harmful bacteria may be present in the water. Coliform Bacteria - Bacteri a samples were collected monthly during 2023. AII samples showed no detectable limlts of Cotiform bacteria. Nitrate/Nitrite- This is a potential contaminate caused by runoff from fertilizer use or leaching from septic tanks. lt can occur naturally in some soil deposits. A sample was collected on February 3,2023, the following table lists the parameter test results. This Nitrate sample did not exceed the minimum contaminant level in our drinking water. PARAMETER UNITS MCL NO2+NO3 5 Leacl I,4CL Copper Location I 0 a Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 Location 5 II This Nitrate sample CirJ not excr-.ed thc minimunr cont:rrrin;rrrt lr;vel in our drinking water. . Lead and Copl)or - l'4etals wlrich may occur as a rcsult of wear in household plumbing. Samples are collected every 3 years fronr honres where plumbing pipes have a high potential for prorlucing these metals. 5 Samples were collected in 2022. None of the samples exceeded the maximum contaminant levels for Lead or Copper. The results of e:rch s:rrnDlc are shown in lhe follorving table. Sample #Lead 0 015 0ii 0.0203 0.{)034 0l .i 0.0.545 {i(}19? 0.()037 () 0 0l .i irl.i 0ept d$t\erirffitH $ality ll.hhndtlhl&gVWr MAX DETECTED 0.617 Copper MCL 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 D o _ rrlr I TJNITS -1- I 0 KEY TERMS NOTSETBYEPA -i'l r rr: " ''r!ii:r eonl:rrninzrnt lr:vr:l r-.st;rl '::;lrr: I {. mg/L -lMilligrrr'r :r i),,: :l.ri'(;taris i)cr million) * pg/L -MiCroglr' ''l1(i i ' '' li"rr' f l1,rrl1; llcr lliliirirr) MCL _MaXimUm CO,. , I ,,,.-,!.,,.,r rl.).)y:,1rrrr:,,r_,. , ,,t l.VCl pefmittedWithOUt adversely affecting tl : ':r iiirf rrlrr,,qr; , ' ,1 ,lLr . l llept.d Env*qlrnemtal euality Divition of Dilnkirq Watr - Dfl