HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2015-005570 - 0901a06880529561cl010-00?57D SQG/CESQG COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION Date of Inspection: Facility: Facility Address: County: EPAID# Latitude I Longitude: Generator Status: Number of Employees: Arrival I Departure Time: Weather Conditions: Report Prepared By: Names of Inspectors: LHD Notifications I Date: Facility Notification I Date: Applicable Rules: CREDENTIALS March 23,2015 Superior Cleaners 24 West 100 North Logan Utah, 84321 Bear River UT0000326801 41.733272-111.835538 CESQG 10 1:25 p.m. to 2:30p.m. 4SOF, Raining Alex Pashley Patrick Sheehan Alex Pashley Patrick Sheehan Bear River Health Department by voice Message Unannounced R315: R315-5, R315-13, R315-16 and R315-9 of the Utah Administrative Code On March 23, 2015 the inspection team (team) met with and presented credentials to Steve Wheeler. Page 1 of9 PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) was to evaluate the Facility's waste management practices for compliance with R315 of the Utah Administrative Code (the Rules), Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act 19-6-101. FACILITY DESCRIPTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS Superior Cleaners (Superior) is a dry cleaning and laundry facility. Superior has been at its current location for approximately 90 years. Superior has an EPA ID number and is notified as a CESQG. Superior has two dry cleaning machines. One machine uses perchloroethylene (PERC) and the other uses petroleum distillates for cleaning solvents. The petroleum based cleaning machine is original equipment and may be 90 years old. Mr. Wheeler stated that the petroleum based cleaning machine uses soap to clean clothes and petroleum to rinse the clothes. The petroleum based cleaning machine generates no waste solvent or sludge because, the washed clothes, which are damp with the petroleum cleaner, are removed from the washer and placed into the drying room (see photo), where the petroleum is evaporated and vented outside. The PERC machine generates about 15 gallons of waste sludge per month from the built in PERC recycling still. The recycled PERC is reused over and over. New PERC is added to the system, as it is lost during the washing and recycling process. The waste sludge contaminated with PERC is transferred and accumulated in a 55-gallon hazardous waste drum, and later picked up AET Environmental for disposal. Spent filters from the recycler are replaced about monthly. After removal, they are placed into the drier and the PERC is evaporated from them. Once dried, Mr. Wheeler tears them apart, places them outside to dry some more, and eventually throws them into the garbage. The inspectors recommended that he place the filters into his hazardous waste drum. The PERC machine also generates a PERC recycling still separator water. It is accumulated in a 5-gallon plastic bucket. Once full, the separator water is placed in a drying room located at the back of the facility. The drying room is a heated and enclosed room which is vented to the outside. The inspectors recommended that he look into purchasing an evaporator/mister with carbon filters for his separator water. Mr. Wheeler indicated that he had some hazardous waste manifest, but they were at his home. He was requested to find them and send copies to the Division. He was also requested, to obtain a copy of the SDS for the petroleum based dry cleaning solvent and send to the Division. Page2 of9 If only the waste sludge and filters are counted in the monthly generation rate, Superior is a CESQG; however, if the separator water is counted in the monthly generation rate, it might put Superior into the SQG category. However, based on letters from EPA (see attached), the separator water should not be counted in the generation status. COMPLIANCE STATUS: R315-5 Hazardous Waste Generator Requirements 5- 1. I I Determination of Whether a Waste is a Hazardous Waste Filters, separator water, and petroleum from clothes may be a hazardous waste. 5-1.12 EPA Identification Numbers UT0000326801 5-2.20 Manifest Not required of CESQG, however, Mr. Wheeler indicated that he had them at his home. They were not reviewed during the inspection. 5-3.30-3.33 Packaging. Labeling. Marking. and Placarding 5.3.34 Accumulation Time AET Environmental picks up his wastes after he has filled his 55- gallon drum. Container Management OK Tank Management N/A Preparedness and Prevention N/A 5-4.40 Recordkeeping No records were reviewed as they were not available during the inspection. 5-4.41 Biennial Reporting N/A 5-4.42 Exception Reporting N/A 5-4.43.1 Additional Reporting R315-13-l LandDisposalRestrictions 13-1 Land Disposal Restrictions N/A Standards for Universal WasteR315-16 Page 3 of 9 R315-9 Spill Response N/A FOLLOW.UP ACTIONS: Inspector Signature: lnspector Signature: ATTACHMENTS: l. Photos 2. SQG Checklist SQG Evaluation Form March25.2015 Superior Cleaners- Front of the Store Page 4 of 9 S,olid waste dumpsters located behind Superior Cleaners Solid waste dumpsters located behind Superior Cleaners Page 5 of 9 Hazardous waste PERC container Page 6 of 9 Petroleum Cleaning Machine - rrytrf.rt PERC Dry Cleaning Machine PageT of9 Waste Sludge Cleanout Tray. Drying room used to dry clothes washed with the Petroleum machine, and to evaporate the separator water, and recycler filters. Page 8 of 9 Inside view of drying room. Page 9 of 9 Le4R)aeJ Fnou' ') n-, 5-pe,r lorr Cle*ate-v! Lq ftu. t {r 6r >J h ftvl bl{ Material Safety Data Sheet CHEMICAL PRODUCT & COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 24-Hour Emergency Phone Number 989-636-440O PrOdUct: DOWPER* SOLVENT Product. Code: 25202 Effective Datet 04/1,2/02 Date Printedt 12/26/02 The Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI 48674 CusLomer Information Center: 800-258-2436 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Tetrachl-oroethvlene 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW************************************************************************ * Col-orless liquid. Irritatinq odor. Toxic fumes are rel-eased in ** fire situations. Causes skin irritation. Harmful- if inhaled. ** Can cause death if too much is breat.hed. Clear all personnel ** from area. Wear ful} protected equipment. Contain liquid to ** prevent. contamination of soi1, surface water or ground water. ************************************************************************* POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS (See Section 11 for toxicological data. ) EYE: May cause pain. May cause slight transient (temporary) eyeirritation. Vapors may irriEaLe the eyes at about 100 ppm perchloroethylene . SKfN: Short single exposure may cause skin irritation. prolonged or repeated exposure may cause severe skin irritaLion, even a burn. Repeated contact may cause drying or flakingof skin. A single prolonged exposure is not like1y to resultin the material being absorbed through skin in harmfulamounts. Did not cause allergic skin reactions when testedin guinea pigs. INGESTION: Single dose oral toxicity is considered to beextremely 1ow. Sma11 amounts swallowed incidental t.o normal (Continued on page* OR (R) TNDICATES , over) TRADEMARK OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPA}JY Page: 1 MSD: 000190 cAS# 000127 -]-8-4 99.92 2 A MATERTAL SAFETY Product: DOWPER* SOLVENT Product Code: 25202 Effective Date : O4/L2/OZ DATA SHEET PAGE: 2 Date Printedz 72/26/02 MSD: 000190 handling operations are not likely to cause injury; swallowing amounts larger than that may cause injury. If aspirated(liquid enters the lung), may be rapidly absorbed t.hroughthe lungs and result in injury to other body systems. INHALATION: In confined or poorly ventilated areas vapors canreadily accumul-ate and can cause unconsciousness and death.Dizziness may occur at 200 ppm perchloroethylene; progressively higher levels may also cause nasal irritation, nausea, incoordi-naEion, drunkenness; and over 1000 ppm, unconsciousness anddeath. A single brief (minutes) inhalation exposure to l-evels above 5000 ppm perchloroethylene may be immediately fat.aI. Based on structural anal-ogy and/or equivocal data in animals, excessive exposure may potentially increase sensitivity t-oepinephrine and increase myocardial irritability (irregular heartbeats) . Alcoho} consumed before or after exposure mayincrease adverse effects. SYSTEMIC (OTHER TARGET ORGAN) EFFECTS: Signs and symptoms ofexcessive exposure may be central nervous system effect.s andanest.hetic or narcotic ef f ects. Observations in animals incl-udel-iver and kidnev ef f ects. CANCER INFORMATION: For hazard communication purposes under OSHA Standard 29 CFR Part 1910.1200, this chemical- is listed as apotential carcinogen by IARC and NTP. Perchloroethylene has been shown to increase t.he incidence of tumors in certain st.rains of mice and rats. Ot.her long-term inhalation st.udiesin raLs failed to show tumorigenic response. Human data arelimited and have not est.ablished an association betweenperchloroethylene exposure and cancer. Perchloroethyleneis not beliewed Lo pose a measurable carcinogenic risk to man when handled as recommended. TERATOLOGY (BfRTH DEFECTS): Birth defects are unlikely. Exposures having no effect on t,he mother should have no effecton the fetus. Did not. cause birth defects in animals; other effects were seen in the fetus only at doses which caused toxic effects to the mother. REPRODUCTIVE EFFECTS: In laboratory animal studies, effects onreproduction have been seen only at doses that produced significant toxicity to the parent animals. In animal studies, has been shown not to interfere with fertility. 4. FIRST AID (Continued on page 3)* OR (R) INDICATES A TRADEMARK OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPA}IY MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE:3 Product: DOWPER* SOLVENT Product. Code: 25202 Effective Date: o4/12/Oz Date Printed:- 12/26/02 MSD: 000190 EYE: Flush eyes wit.h plenty of water. SKIN: Wash off in flowing water or shower. INGESTION: Do not induce vomiting. Call a physician and/ortransport to emergency facility immediately. fNHALATION: Remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, oxygen should be administered by qualified personnel. Call a physician or transport to a medical facility.. NOTE TO PHYSICIAN: Because rapid absorption may occur t.hroughIungs if aspirated and cause systemic effects, the decision of whether t.o induce vomiting or not should be made by aphysician. If lavage is performed, suggest endotracheal and/or esophageal conLrol-. Danger from lung aspiration must be weighed against toxicity when considering emptying t.he stomach.If burn is present, treat as any thermal burn, after decontaminat.ion. Exposure may inerease "myocardialirritability". Do not administer s)rmpathomimetic drugs unlessabsolutely necessary. No specific antidote. Supportive care. Treatment based on judgmenE of the physician in response toreactions of the patient. 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES FLAMMABLE PROPERTIES FLASH POINT: None METHOD USED: TCC, TOC, COC AUTOIGNITION TEMPERATURE: None available. FLAMMABLE LIM]TS LFL: None. UFL: None. HAZARDOUS COMBUSTION PRODUCTS: Hazardous combustion products mayinclude and are not limited to hydrogen chloride. Hazardous combustion products may include tsrace amounts of phosgene, chlorine. OTHER FLAMMABILITY INFORMATION: This material does not burn.Container may vent and/or rupture due to fire. Vapors'are heavier than air and may travel a long distance and accumulatein low lying ares. Violent steam generation or eruption may (Continued on page 4 , over)* OR (R) INDICATES A TRADEMARK OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPAIIY MATERIAL SAFETY PrOduCt: DOWPER* SOLVENT Product Code 25202 Effective Date : 04/L2/OZ DATA SHEET PAGE: 4 Date Printed: 12/26/02 MSD:000190 occur upon application of direct waEer stream. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: This material- does not burn. ff exposedto fire from another source, use suitable ext.inguishing agentfor t.hat f ire. MEDIA TO BE AVOIDED: Do not use direct water stream. FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Keep people away. IsolaTe firearea and deny unnecessary entry. Contain fire run-off ifpossible. Fire water run-off, if not contained may causeenvironmental damage. Do not use direct water sLream- Thismaterial does not burn. Fight. fire for other material thaE. isburninq. PROTECTIU" ,OUTPMENT FOR FIRE FIGHTERS: Wear positive-pressuresel-f-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and protective fire f ighting clothing (incl-udes fire f ighting hel_met, coat, pants,boots, and gloves. If protection equipment is not avail-ab1eor not. used, fight fire from a protected l_ocation or safedistance. For protection equipment in post-fire or non-fireclean up situations, refer to t.he rel-evant sections. 6 - ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES (See Section 15 for RegulatoryInformation) PROTECT PEOPLE: Clear all personnel from area. Do not breathe' vapors. Ventilate area of leak or spilI. Wear proE.ective equipment incl-uding positive pressure self contained or airsupplied breathing apparatus. Fol1ow confined space entryprocedures: ASTM D-4276 and OSHA (29 CFR 1910.146). PROTECT ENVIRONMENT: Cont.ain liquid to prevent contamination ofsoil-, surface water or ground water. Material is heavier thanwater and has limit.ed water solubiIit.y. ft will collect on thelowest surface. CLEAI'IUP: For large spills: cont,ain liquid; transfer to properlyIabeled closed metal containers. For small spills: mop or soakup immediately. Place in properly labeled metal containers. 7 . HANDLING AI{D STORAGE HANDLING: To avoid uncont.rolled emissions vent vapor fromcontainer to storage tank. Do not eat, drink, or smoke inworking area. Refer to Exposure Controls/Persona1 Protection, (Continued on page 5)* OR (R) INDICATES A TRADEMARK OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY MATERIAL SAFETY Product: DOWPER* SOLVENT Product Code: 252O2 Effective Date : o4/L2/02 DATA SHEET PAGE: 5 Date Printed: 12/26/02 MSD:000190 Section 8, of the MSDS. Containers, even those t.hat have been emptied, can contain vapors. Do not cut, dri}l, grind, we1d, ornarfnrpl similar operations on or near empty containers. Vapors of this product are heavier than air and will collect in l-ow areas such as pits, degreasers, sLorage tanks, and oEher confined areas. Do not. enter these areas where vapors of thisproduct are suspected unless special breathing apparatus is used and an observer is present for assistance. STORAGE: Keep containers tightly cl-osed when not in use. For more Storage and Handling information refer to bulletin #100-06170. Store in a dry place. Do not store in aluminum, zinc, aluminum afloys and plastics. Product shoul-d not be packaged in aluminum aerosol cans or with finely divided aluminum or its alloys in an aerosol can. Product is denser than water. Design storage containers appropriately. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION ENGINEERING CONTROLS: Provide general and/or loca1 exhaust. ventilation to control airborne l-eveLs below Ehe exposure guidelines - Lethaf concenLrations may exist in areas with poor ventil-ation. PERSONAL PROTECT]VE EQUIPMENT EYE/FACE PROTECTION: Use safety glasses. If wapor exposure causes eye discomfort, use a fuII-face respirator. SKIN PROTECTION: Use protective clothing impervious to this material. Sel-ection of specific items such as faceshield, gloves, boots, apron, or full body suit will depend on operation. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: Atmospheric levels should be maintained below the exposure guideline. When respiratory protection is required, use an approved air-purifying or positive-pressure supplied-air respirator depending on the potential airborne concentration. For emergency and other conditions where the exposure guideline may be greatly exceeded, use an approvedpositive-pressure self-contained breathing apparatus or positive-pressure airline with auxiliary self-contained air supply. In confined or poorly ventilated areas, use an approved positive-pressure supplied-air respirator. EXPOSURE GUIDELINE(S) : Perchloroethylene (tetrachoroethylene) : ACGIH TLV is 25 ppm TWA, 1-00 ppm STEL, A3. OSHA PEL is 25 ppm. (Continued on page* OR (R) INDICATES 5 A , over) TRADEMARK OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY MATERTAL SAFETY Product: DOWPER* SOLVENT Product Code 25202 Effective Date. 04/12/02 DATA SHEET PAGE: 6 Date Printed. L2/26/02 MSD: 0001-90 PELs are in accord with t.hose recommended by OSHA, as in the1989 revision of PELs. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE: Colorl_ess Iiquid. ODOR: Irritating odor VAPOR PRESSURE: 13 mmHg @ 2OC VAPOR DENSITY: 5.76 BOILING POINT: 250F (121.1C) soLUBrLrTy rN WATER: 0.Or5 g/ 1009 25C SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 1.519 @ 25/ZSC 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVTTY CHEMICAL STABILITY: Stable under recommended storage conditions.See storage section. CONDITIONS TO AVOID: Awoid direct sunl-ight. or ulLravioletsources. Awoid open flames, werding arcs, or other hightemperature sources which induce thermal decomposicion. Highenergy sources such as welding arcs can cause degradationgenerating chlorine, hydrogen chloride and possiUfe phosgene,and should be avoided. INCOMPATIBILITY WITH OTHER MATERIALS: Awoid contact with metalssuch as: aruminum powders, magnesium powders, potassium,sodium, and zinc powder. A-void unintended contact with amines.Avoid contact. with strong based and strong oxidizers. Avoidprolonged contact with or storage in al-uminum or its alloys. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS : Hazardous decompositionproducts may include and are not Iimited to hydrogen chlorideand trace amounts of chlorine and phosgene. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATfON: WilI not occur. 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION (See Section 3 for potentiat HealthEffects. For detailed toxicologicat data, write or call theaddress or non-emergency number shown in section i-) sKrN: The LD50 for skin absorption in rabbits is > Lo g/kg. INGESTION: The oral LD50 for rats is > 5OOO mg/kg. (Continued on page* OR (R) INDICATES 7) A TRADEIVIARK OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPAIVY MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE:7 Product: DOWPER* SOLVENT Product Code: 25202 Effective DaLe o4/I2/02 Date Printed: 12/26/02 MSD: 000190 MUTAGENICITY (EFFECTS ON GENETIC MATERIAL): In viITo muLagenicity studies were negative. Animal- mutagenicity studies were negative. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION (For detailed Ecological data, write or cal-1 the address or non-emergency number shown in Section 1) ENVIRONMENTAL FATE MOVEMENT & PARTITIONING: Bioconcentration potential is low (eCf l-ess than 100 or Log Pow l-ess than 3). BioconcentraLion factor (BCF) is 49 in the bluegill. Bioconcentration factor(BCF) is 38.9 in the trout. Log octanol-/water partition coefficient (log Pow) is 3.4. Potential- for mobility in soilis medium (Koc between 150 and 500). Log soil organic carbonpartition coef ficient (1og Koc) is estimated to be 2.I-3.2. Henry's Law ConsLanL (H) is L.49E-O2 atm-m3/mol. Log air/water parti-tion coefficient (1og Kaw) is estimated to be -0.30 tp 0.37. DEGRADATION & PERSISTENCE: Biodegradation under aerobic conditions is below detectabLe limits. Theoretical oxygen demand (ThOD) is calculated to be 0.1-9 p/p. Biodegradation may occur under anaerobic conditions (in the absence of oxygen). Degradation is expected in the atmospheric environment within days to weeks. Biodegradation rate mayincrease in soil and/or wat.er with acclimation. ECOTOXICOLOGY: Material is moderately toxic t.o aquat.ic organisms on an acute basis (LC50 between 1 and 10 mg/L in most sensitive species). Acute LC50 for 'Japanese medaka or rice fish(Oryzias latipes) is I.6 mg/L. Acute LC50 for water flea(Daphnia magna) is 3.2-123 mg/L. Acute LC50 for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is 4.8-5.8 mg/L. AcuLe LC50 for sheepshead minnow (Clprinodon variegatus) is 8.0-52 .2 mg/t . Acute LC50 for American flagfish 'Jordenell-a floridae is 8.4- 2a mg/L. Acute LC50 for bLuegill (Lepomis macrochirus) is 13 mg/L. Acute LC50 for fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) is 1,3.4-23-8 mg/1,. Maximum acceptable toxicant. concentrat.ion (MATC) is 3.1 mg/L in American flagfish. 1-3, DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS (See Section 15 for Regulatory Information) DISPOSAL: DO NOT DUMP INTO AliY SEWERS, ON THE GROUND, OR INTO AM BODY OF WATER. A11 disposal methods must be in compliance with all Federal, State/Provincial and loca1 laws and regulations. (Continued on page I , over)* OR (R) INDICATES A TRADEMARK OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPA}IY MATERIAL SAFETY Product: DOWPER* SOLVENT Product Code: 25202 Effective Date : os/tz/02 DATA SHEET PAGE: 8 Dat.e Printed : L2 / 26 / 02 MSD:000L90 Regulations may vary in different locatj-ons. Waste character-izations and compliance with applicable laws are the responsi-bility solely of the waste generator. THE DOW CHEMICAL COttpaNy HAS NO CONTROL OVER THE MANAGEMENT PRACT]CES OR MANUFACTURING PROCESSES OF PART]ES HANDLING OR USING THIS MATERIAL. THE INFORMATION PRESENTED HERE PERTAINS ONLY TO THE PRODUCT ASSHIPPED IN ITS INTENDED CONDITION AS DESCRIBED TN MSDS SECTION 2(Composition/tnformation On Ingredients) . FOR UNUSED & UNCONTAMINATED PRODUCT, the preferred options in-cl-ude sending to a ricensed, permit.ted recycl_er, reclaimer,incinerator or other t.hermal destruction device. For additional information, refer to Dow Technical BuIletindiscussing considerations for t.his product. Burk Lit. No 100- 05170 . As a service to its customers, Dow can provide names ofinformation resources t.o help identify waste managementrcompanies and other facilities which recycJ-e, reprocess ormanage chemicars or prastics, and that manage used. drums.Telephone Dow's Customer fnformation Center at800-258-2435 or 989-832-1556 for further details. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (O.O-T. ) : For D.O.T. regulatoryinformation, if required, consult transportation regulatioirs,product shipping papers or contact your Dow representative. CANADTAN TDG TNFORMATTON: For TDG regulatory information, ifrequired, consult transportation regulations, product shippingpapers or cont.act your Dow representative. 15- REGULATORY INFORMATION (Not meant to be all-inclusive--select.edregulations represented) NorrcE: The information herein is presented in good faith andbelieved to be accurate as of the effective date shown above. However,no warranty, express or implied is giwen. Regulatory reguirementsare. subject to change and may differ from one location fo another;i! ]" the buyer's responsibility to ensure that its activities complywith federal, state or provincial, and Local laws. The folrowingspecific information is made for the purpose of complying with - numerous federal, state or provincial, and local laws-and regulations.See other sections for health and safety information. l=l==il3Y-:1:::==== MATERIAL SAFETY ProduCT: DOWPER* SOLVENT Product Code: 25202 Effective Date : o4/L2/02 DATA SHEET PAGE: 9 Date Printed: 72/26/02 MSD: 000190 REGULATORY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) SARA 313 INFORMATION: This product contains the fol-Iowing substances subject to the reporLing requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 312: CHEMICAL NAME CAS NUMBER CONCENTRATION PERCHLOROETHYLENE 000L27 -78-4 99 -9 SARA HAZARD CATEGORY: This product has been reviewed according to the EPA 'tHazard CaEegories" promulgated under Sections 311 and 3L2 of the Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1985 (SARA Title III) and is considered, under applicable definitions, Lo meet the following categories: An immediate health hazard A delayed healt.h hazard CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65: The comply with the California Safe of 1986: WARNING: This product contains California to cause cancer. following statemenL Drinking Water and chemical (s) known is made in order to Toxic Enforcement Act. Lo the State of TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT (TSCA): A11 ingredients are on the TSCA inventory or are noL reguired to be listed on the TSCA inventory. STATE RIGHT-TO-KNOW: The following product components are cited on certain state lists as mentioned. Non-listed components may be shown in the composition section of the MSDS- CHEMICAL NAME CAS NUMBER LIST (Continued on page 10) , over)* OR (R) INDICATES A TRADEMARK OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPAI{Y MATERIAL SAFETY ProduCt: DOWPER* SOLVENT Product Code 252O2 Effective Date : 04/12/02 DATA SHEET PAGE: 10 Date Printed . 1,2 / 26 / 02 MSD: 000190 REGULATORY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) PERCHLOROETHYLENE 000127-18-4 NJ1 N.I2 N,J3 PA1 PA2 PA3 N,J1=New rlersey Special Health Hazard Substance (present at greater thanor equal to 0.1?) . N.J2=New ,Jersey Environmental Hazardous Substance (present at. greaterthan or equal to 1.0?) . NJ3=New rlersey Workplace Hazardous Substance (present at greater thanor equal to 1.0?). PA1=Pennsylvania Hazardous Substance (present at greater than or equalto 1.0?) . PA2=Pennsylvania Special Hazardous Substance (present at greater thanor equal to 0.01?) . PA3=Pennsylvania Environmental Hazardous Subst.ance (present at. greaterthan or equal to 1.0?) . OSHA HAZARD COMMIINICATTON STANDARD : This product is a "Hazardous Chemical-rr as defined by the OSHA HazardCommunication Standard, 29 CFR 191-0.1200. COMPREHENSIVE ENV]RONMENTAL RESPONSE COMPENSATION A}TD LIABIL]TY ACT(CERCLA, or SUPERFUND) : This product contains t.he following substance (s) Listed as rHazardous Substances'r under CERCLA which may require reporting of releases: CaLegory: Chemical Name cAs#RQ ? in Product Perchloroet.hylene CANADIAIV REGULATIONS 000127-18-4 100 oo o wHMrs TNFoRMATToN: The canadian workprace Hazardous Materialsrnformation system (wHMrs) classification for this product is: Dl-B - poisonous substance defined by TDG regulations D2A - possible, probable or known human carcinogen according toclassifications by IARC or ACGfH (Continued on page 11)* OR (R) INDICATES A TRADEMARK OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPAI{Y MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET PAGE:11. Product: DOWPER* SOLVENT Product. Code: 25202 Ef fective Dat.e I 04/12/02 Date Printed. L2/26/02 MSD: 000190 REGULATORY INFORMATION (CONTINUED) D2B - eye or skin irritant Refer elsewhere in the MSDS for specific warnings and safe handling information. Refer to the employer's workplace education_progrl*. _ CPR STATEMENT: This product has been cfassified in accordance with t.he hazard criteria of the Canadian Control-l-ed Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS contains al-l- the information required by the CPR. HAZARDOUS PRODUCTS ACT fNFOnf,leffON, fhis product contains the following ingredients which are Control-l-ed Products and/or on the IngredienL Disciosure List (Canadian HPA section 13 and l-4): COMPONENTS: CAS # AMOUNT (Zw/w) TETRACHLOROETHYLENE OOO1,27 _18-4 99.9>" 16. OTHER INFORMATION HAZARD RATING SYSTEM: NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) RATINGS: Health 2 Flammability 0 Reactivitv 0 DISPOSAL OF CONTACT WATER: Process water in contact with solvent and/or water separators of cleaning or distillation equipment should be treated as hazardous wast.e. Do not discharge water from water separators to drain- GENERAL APPLICATION GUIDELINES : Dow does NOT recommend the use of this product in applications where: - soil or ground water contamination is likely (direct applications to the ground, sink drains, sewers, or septic tanks). - where over exposure is likely (small rooms or confined space,or where there woul-d be inadequate ventilation). - where skin contact is 1ike1y (adhesive tape remowal from skin or as hand cleaner to remove oils and greases). - where there i-s direct food contact. - where vapor concentrations would be in the flammable range. (Cont,inued on page 12) , over)* OR (R) INDICATES A TRADEMARK OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY MATERIAL SAFETY Product: DOWPER* SOLVENT Product Code: 25202 Effective Date : 04/IZ/02 DATA SHEET PAGE: 12 Date Printed: 12/26/02 MSD: 0001-90 - where disposal of wast.e would pose an enwironmental or healthrisk. - where chemicaL reactivity poses a danger (contact with strongalkali, or in areas where welding is done). MSDS STATUS: No revisions. Reviewed for canadian regulations. * OR (R) INDICATES A TRADEMARK OF THE DOW CHEMICAL COMPANY The rnformation Herein rs Given rn Good Faith, But No warranty,Express or rmpried, Is Made. consult rhe Dow chemicar companyFor Further Information. Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste P.0. Box f44880 Salt Lake City, Utah 841144880 Phone (801) 536-0200 Fax (8011536-0222 SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FACILITY INFORMATION FORM € Facility Name: j- 1'pCrrof C[z-^t^<r t EPA lD Number: i/T Street Address:2q v\, €-s k loo ,ila ,- ( h 9itv'/-Ja z-a zip: kTzz tcolntv:Contact Penson:( I-i*,*p .ru [r*... [o r^ TerbPhone #: oiE'T"6"Ef 1 @;t,Number of Employees:/o Date of Visit: 3- 23 )atf Evaluators: I A/.1(n'sttr-(^ t ,2-h-5 /,-- L*n Other Personnel: Waste Stream/Generation Process Estimated Generation Rate Per Month Hazardous Waste Gode 2 01 c,l---, t? V,.c,,h l"<* P<rr- + P-t*tv-rr,n ( t't t.! rr.,..\-\ Petg l " ss1l pira "nt'<L dtl rts-<- . l\ fr €nv-'G c{b.'.,t tlglha ftrut*.I- , r\ 5tet'-=h' Pui;,'b 5 w.bc. ff". ;..G d1 h i<tko* ba . v* * -rW .A , t. . l/z\ Yv-r\ i*' z o:.r. - + < {cf a.a-l i{ , l= ilt. r, Xo a-tD 5 o.*h1, S€no.- rl--s r r,o rfi t r l ot cr,t-al - q.Ct-. h. *-0 -<.r.f .-1 . d[o d-rrr.-n t tJt^ p:ro6el t n -t-4 w.o.' {h , Estimated Quantity of Hazardous Waste Generated Per Month l.-,.; tL{ n*f irca+'..- h.lbv ..i ;\t- <c"rhcx ( *rO'f;tt* / Lf lt +1 Date:)Lt ,bt{ RECEIVED BY: Name: Signature: Title: DSHW REPRESENTATIVE: Name: (Pdnted) Signature: Title: Environmentalscientist UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY WASHINGTON. D.C 2046A JUNE 2.1993 Mr. Wrlliam E. Fisher Intemational Fabricare Institute 12251 Tech Road Silver Spring, MD 20904 Dear Mr. Fisher, Thank you for your letter dated September 2, 1992, conceming separator water and the use of evaporators at dry-cleaning facilities. I apologize for not replying to your letter sooner. We appreciated the opportunity to exchange information at the meeting held on July 2, 1992. We leamed a great deal about this issue from the Intemational Fabricare Institute (IFI), and representatives of the Neighborhood Cleaners Association and the Textile Care Allied Trade Association (TCATA). Our staffalso benefited tom followup phone conversations with Mr. Manfred Wentz ofthe TCATA. In your letter, you inquired about the status under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) of orrsite evaporators for separator water generated at dry-cleaning facilities. In general, EPA Regions and authorized states answer inquiries about the implementation of the hazardous waste regulations, particularly questions pertaining to specific facilities. However, because this issue potentially affects dry cleaners nationwide, we believe that it is appropriate for us to address your questron. Based upon the information received from you, as well as other urterested parties, we feel that the separator water evaporators meet the defurition of "wastewater heatrnent unit" under RCRA. Tanks that meet the definition of wastewater treatonent unit are exempt from RCRA permitting under 40 CFR Sections 26a.l$)(6) and270.1(c)(2)(v). Therefore, these units would not require RCRA permits, provided the criteria forqualifymg as a wastewater teatonent unit ouflined rn 40 CFR Section 26AJ0 are met (see discussion below). The definition of wastewater treatnent unit corsists ofthree parts enumerated at 40 CFR Section 264.n. Firs! the evaporator unit must meet the definition of "tank" or "tank system" also found in Section 260.10. The descriptions you provided indicate these units are tanks. Second, the evaporator must be receiving and featrng or storing an tnfluent wastewater (or wastewater treatrnent sludge) that is a hazardous waste. We me assuming the separator water is hazardous waste either by application of the derived-from rule (e.g., derived-from F002), or the toxicity characteristic (e.g., perchloroethylene). Finally, the dry-cleaning facility must be subject to Sections 307(b) or 402 of the Clean Water Act; this includes wastewater teatrneff writs at facilities that l) discharge teated wastewater effuent into surface waters or into a Publicly-Owned Treatnent Works (POTW) sewer system, or 2) produce no treated wastewater effluent as a direct result of such requirements. We understand that some dry cleaners are FaxBack # 11749 ehminatrng discharges due to concerns over sewer pipe leakage, not CWA discharge limis per se. However, given the relatively small amounts of wastewater involved, we have concluded that this situation is similar enough to warrant eqml consideration under the wastewater heatnent unit exemptron. Please note that the wastewater treatnent unit exemption applies to the storage and/or treatnent of wastewater. not concenhated wastes. This exemption would not be available to anyone placing free- phase perchloioethylene, for example, rnto an evaporator. Thank you for your interest in solid and hazardous waste management. If you need fixther information, please contact Ross Elliott of my staffat (202)260-8551. Sincerely, Sylvia K. Lowrance, Director Office of Solid Waste cc: William SeiU Neighborhood Cleaners Association Manfred Wentz Textile Care Allied Trade Association FaxBack # 11749 e431.1ee4(01) United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.C. 20460 Office of Solid Waste and Emergenry Response June2,1994 Mr. Tony M. Margiotta Kleen-Rite, Lrc. 4444custine Avenue St. Louis, MO 63116 Dear Mr. Margiotta: Thank you for your letter dated February'18,1994, concerning the Hydro-Mist unit used in the treatment of wastewater at drycleaning facilities. I apologize f.or the delay in responding to your letter. In your letter you specifically requested a "letter of approval" from the U.S. EPA for the Hydro-Mist process. Let me begrn by clarifying that our office is not able to certify, endorse, or otherwise "approve" specific technologies, but we sometimes are able to provide information on how your technology would be regulated under the hazardous waste regulations, and I hope this will be helpful to you. The Office of Solid Waste (OSW) responded in writing to an inquiry last June regarding evaporator units and the applicability of the hazardous waste regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). In that letter dated June2,1993, ftorn Sylvia Lowrance to Mr. William Fischer (of the International Fabricare Institute), we stated that the evaporator units described to us by the drycleaning industry representatives met the definition of wastewater treatment unit WWru) in40 CFR 260.'1.0, and as such were exempt from federal hazardous waste permitting requirements per 40 CFR 2A.aG)$). Based uPon the information you provided to Mr. Ross Elliott of my staff over the telephone, it appears that you are interested in a determination as to whether or not the operation of the Hydro-Mist unit is comparable to other types of evaporator units, with respect to the federal hazardous waste regulations under RCRA. The principal issue requiring clarification is the mechanism by which the wastewater is eliminated: the Hydro-Mist unit uses an atomization or misting technique to eliminate drycleaning wastewater, while other types of RO 11840 wastewater evaporators use heat to evaporate the water. One of the conditions of the WWTU exemption is that wastewater meeting the definition of hazardous waste is "treated" in a tank. EPA defines "treatment" rather broadly under RCRA (40 CFR 260.10), but "evaporation" is not specifically defined. According to the information you provided, after treating the perchlorethylene-contaminated wastewater with carbon adsorptiory the Hydro-Mist unit uses an atomization process that releases the treated water into the ambient air in very small droplets, where evaporation of these droplets occurs. With respect to the definition of "treatment" as it would apply under the WWTU exemption/ we see no difference between the evaporation of water from a tank using elevated temperatures, and the evaporation of very small water droplets at ambient temperatures using an atomization technique. Therefore, provided the unit meets the other criteria for the WWTU exemption as outlined in S 260.10, the use of atomization would not preclude the unit from being eligible for the WWru exemption. Finally,I would like to point out that under Section 3006 of RCRA (42 U.S.C. Section 6926), individual States can be authorized to administer and enforce their own hazardous waste programs in lieu of the federal program. Please also note that under Section 3009 of RCRA (42 U.S.C. Section 6929) States retain authority to promulgate regulatory requirements that are more stringent than federal regulatory requirements. If a State agency authorized to implement the RCRA hazardous waste program does not recognize the wastewater treatment unit exemptiory or is regulating wwTUs more stringently or broader in scope than the federal program, the authority exists for that State to deal with the situation directly. I hope this information helps to clarify the issue you raised concerning your Hydro-Mist unit. If you have any questions, please call Ross Elliott of my staff at 202-260-8551. Thank you for your interest in the safe management of solid and hazariorr, **tu. Sincerely, Michael J. Peska, Chief Regulatory Development Branch Office of Solid Waste RO 11840