HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-009147Sanitary Survey - Deficiency Report PWS Number:UTAH22143 Deficiency Points:270 Survey Date:07/11/2024 Survey Name:BLUE SKY RANCH AND RESORT Surveyor:Julie Cobleigh Sanitary Survey Category: SM SDWIS Severity Code: Minor Deficiency Cross Connection and Operator Certification | DS001 | UTAH22143 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 35. Legally adopted authority statement Rule: R309-105-12(2)Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes a legally adopted and functional local authority to enforce the program (i.e., ordinance, bylaw, or policy). Notes:not available or does not have Deficiency Points: 15 Days until points become effective on IPS: 0 SDWIS Deficiency Description: M003 CCC-LACKS LOCAL AUTHORITY Sanitary Survey Category: SM SDWIS Severity Code: Minor Deficiency Cross Connection and Operator Certification | DS001 | UTAH22143 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 36. Documentation of annual public awareness and/or employee training Rule: R309-105-12(2)Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes providing public education or awareness material or presentations. Notes:no documentation Deficiency Points: 15 Days until points become effective on IPS: 0 SDWIS Deficiency Description: M004 CCC-NO ANNUAL PUBLIC EDUCATION OR AWARENESS Sanitary Survey Category: SM SDWIS Severity Code: Minor Deficiency Cross Connection and Operator Certification | DS001 | UTAH22143 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 37. Documentation of personnel trained to manage the program (COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEMS POPULATION 500 AND ABOVE REQUIRE A DDW CERTIFIED CCC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR. ALL OTHER WATER SYSTEMS REQUIRE AT A MINIMUM BACKFLOW 101 OR EQUIVALENT/ GREATER CCC TRAINING) Rule: R309-105-12(2)Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes an operator with adequate training in the area of cross connection control or backflow prevention. Notes:system needs a person with backflow 101 certification Deficiency Points: 15 Days until points become effective on IPS: 0 SDWIS Deficiency Description: M005 CCC-LACKS OPERATOR TRAINING Sanitary Survey Category: SM SDWIS Severity Code: Minor Deficiency Cross Connection and Operator Certification | DS001 | UTAH22143 DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 39. Does the water system have records of on-going enforcement activities? (test history, enforcement activities, hazard assessments) Rule: R309-105-12(2)Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes test history and documentation of on-going enforcement activities. Notes:no records Deficiency Points: 15 Days until points become effective on IPS: 0 SDWIS Deficiency Description: M007 CCC-LACKS ON-GOING ENFORCEMENT IMPLEMENTATION Sanitary Survey Category: SO SDWIS Severity Code: Minor Deficiency Wells | WS002 | OYSTER RIDGE WELL 88. Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead). Rule: R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv)Rule requires the discharge piping to be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item) Notes:sample tap is after the check valve on combined line going to iron removal filters Deficiency Points: 5 Days until points become effective on IPS: 0 SDWIS Deficiency Description: S023 NO SMOOTH NOSED SAMPLING TAP ON DISCHARGE PIPING Sanitary Survey Category: SO SDWIS Severity Code: Significant Deficiency Wells | WS004 | BLUE SKY RANCH WELL REPL-1 99. Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water system. (IF SOURCE IS NOT IN SYSTEM INVENTORY MARK "DEFICIENT") Rule: R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500- 9(2) and (3) R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. Notes:No Operating Permit Deficiency Points: 200 Days until points become effective on IPS: 120 SDWIS Deficiency Description: S001 UNAPPROVED SOURCE IN SERVICE Sanitary Survey Category: SO SDWIS Severity Code: Minor Deficiency Wells | WS004 | BLUE SKY RANCH WELL REPL-1 109. Well discharge line has a smooth-nosed sampling tap, which samples the well water before any chemical injection. (first item from the wellhead). Rule: R309-515-6(12)(d)(iv)Rule requires the discharge piping to be equipped with a smooth nosed sampling tap, a check valve, a pressure gauge, a means of measuring flow, and a shutoff valve. (smooth nosed sampling tap being the first item from the well head and the shut-off valve as the last item) Notes:sample tap is located after the check valve on the shared line with Oyster Well upstream of the iron removal filters Deficiency Points: 5 Days until points become effective on IPS: 0 SDWIS Deficiency Description: S023 NO SMOOTH NOSED SAMPLING TAP ON DISCHARGE PIPING