HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-008946Utah Department Of Environmental Quality Division Of Drinking Water Sanitary Survey Sanitary Survey General System Information Exception Granted: R30-510-7 | The system is currently more than 20% deficient in source capacity by using the 800/gallon/day/ERC standard calculation. The water system says they never run out of water. Site Visit Date Surveyor Name 07/12/2024 Melissa Noble SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER PWS ID: UTAH26011 Rating: Approved 10/23/2012 Active 1 Admin Contact (AC) [ eMail address is REQUIRED ] MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such be supplied to the Division. *First Name: JACOB SWEN *Last Name: ANDERSON *Organization: *Address: Redacted *City: HEBER CITY *State: UT *Zip: 84032 *Email: jacobsanderson2018@gmail.com *Phone: 801-358-5374 2 Legal Contact (LC) [ if no eMail address is available, enter NoeMail@utah.gov ] MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such be supplied to the Division. *First Name: *Last Name: *Organization: SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER *Address: PO BOX 384 *City: SALT LAKE CITY *State: UT *Zip: 84110-0384 *Email: AJANDERSON2004@msn.com *Phone: 801-358-5374 DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 1 of 19 Site Visit Info 3 Owner Contact (OW) [ if no eMail address is available, enter NoeMail@utah.gov ] MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such be supplied to the Division. *First Name: *Last Name: *Organization: SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER CO. *Address: PO BOX 384 *City: SALT LAKE CITY *State: UT *Zip: 84110-0384 *Email: jacobanderson2018@gmail.com *Phone: 4 Direct Operator in Charge (DO) [ if no eMail address is available, enter NoeMail@utah.gov ] MIN | 15pts | SM | G004 | R309-100-4(5) | Rule requires a person or organization be designated as the owner of the system and name, address and phone number of such be supplied to the Division. *First Name: JACOB SWEN *Last Name: ANDERSON *Organization: *Address: 4342 LAKE CREEK RD *City: HEBER CITY *State: UT *Zip: 84032 *Email: jacobsanderson2018@gmail.com *Phone: 801-358-5374 5 Does the system serve a Residential population?N 6 Does the system serve a Transient population? (A transient population is a rotating population that is served by a water system that does not remain in the jurisdiction of the water system for long periods of time. Examples of a transient population include, but are not limited to, campers at a campground, users of a highway rest stop, skiers at a ski resort, guests at a hotel, or patrons of a restaurant or a shopping center.) Y 6A Population - Transient 100 6B Operating Period (Start Date) - Transient 01/01 6C Operating Period (End Date) - Transient 12/31 7 Does the system serve a Non-Transient population? (A non-transient population is a population served by a water system that is the same population being served by the system for at least six months of the year, but is not a resident in the system. Examples of a non-transient population include, but are not limited to, employees of a restaurant, shop, or ski resort; teachers and students at a school, day-care center, or church; doctors, nurses, and other employees at a hospital or healthcare clinic.) N 8 Population - Wholesale :0 9 Residential Connections:56 10 Commercial Connections:0 11 Industrial Connections:0 12 Agricultural Connections:0 DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 2 of 19 Management and Operations 13 Date of Survey (First Day of Field Work)07/12/20204 14 Date of Survey (Last Day of Field Work) ** this should match the Date of Survey in the header ** 07/12/2024 15 Date final report sent to system (questionnaire, deficiency report and capacity spreadsheet) 07/15/2024 16 Water system representative present during the survey:Jacob Anderson 17 How much time was spent to prepare survey documents prior to field survey? (Round up to nearest quarter hour) 2 18 How much time was spent to complete the field survey (arrival to completion; include travel time between water system facilities)? (Round up to nearest quarter hour) 2.5 19 How much time was spent traveling from the office to system and back again at the end of the field survey? (Round up to nearest quarter hour) 2 20 How much time did it take to finish the Survey Report? (Round up to nearest quarter hour) 1 21 Did you survey multiple water systems in one trip? ... if yes, answer the following question(s) N 22 For a community water system with water sources that require power to produce sufficient flow, system is equipped with standby power option. SIG | 25pts | SO | S033 | R309-515-6(2)(a) | Rule requires a community water system without naturally flowing water sources, such as springs or flowing wells, to have one or more of the system's sources equipped for operation during power outages. To ensure continuous service when the primary power has been interrupted, a redundant power supply is required. A redundant power supply may include a transfer switch for auxiliary power such as a generator or a power supply service with coverage from two independent substations. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 23 There are no undocumented drinking water facilities (i.e. tanks, pump stations, treatment facilities, etc.) or recent modifications that have not gone through or in process of DDW review [LIST UNDOCUMENTED FACILITIES OR DESCRIBE MODIFICATIONS, IF APPLICABLE] [undocumented sources are covered in a different question] SIG | 50pts | SM | G001 | R309-100-5(2), R309-500-6, R309-500-9, R309-500-9(2) and (3) | Rule requires complete plans & specification for all public drinking water projects to be approved in writing by the Director. Any facility found that has not started DDW review shall be considered unapproved. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 24 Are there any individual home booster pumps installed in the distribution system (not for fire suppression)? SIG | 50pts | SM | M008 | R309-550-11(3) | R309-550-11(3) C 25 Does the system haul water?N 26 For a community system serving 100 or more connections, at least 2 water sources are available. SIG | 50pts | SO | TGR7 | R309-515-4(3) | Rule requires Community Water Systems serving more than 100 connections to have a minimum of two sources except where served by a water treatment plant. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. NA (Notes: NA) DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 3 of 19 Cross Connection and Operator Certification 27 Does system have a consecutive connection to another water system not listed in the SOURCE section of Waterlink Report? If yes, answer the following question(s) N 28 Does the system have a deficiency meeting the required source capacity? (USE SPREADSHEET FOR CALCULATIONS) *IF YES, SELECT CORRECT STATEMENT FROM THE FOLLOWING AND MARK "YES"; MARK ALL OTHER STATEMENTS "NO." N (Notes: lacks more than 20% required source capacity. There is an exception and the system is working with the Division to resolve this.) 28A System lacks up to 20% of required source capacity MIN | 15pts | SO | S091 | R309-510-7(1) | Rule requires a water system's source capacity to legally and physically meet the peak day demand and the average yearly demand. N 29 Does the system have a deficiency meeting the required storage capacity DUE SOLELY TO FIRE SUPPRESSION NEEDS? (USE SPREADSHEET FOR CALCULATIONS) *IF YES, SELECT CORRECT STATEMENT FROM THE FOLLOWING AND MARK "YES"; MARK ALL OTHER STATEMENTS "NO." Y 29A System lacks required storage capacity due to fire demand MIN | 15pts | FW | VF34 | R309-510-8(1)(b) | Rule requires a public water system to provide equalization storage volume (to meet average day demands for indoor and irrigation water use), fire flow storage volume (if equipped with fire hydrants for fire suppression or required by the local fire code official), and emergency storage (if deemed appropriate by the water system or the Director). Y (Notes: Fire authority says they will not bring a truck up to this system due to lack of space.) 30 Does the system have a deficiency meeting the required equalization storage capacity for indoor/outdoor demands (but not because of fire suppression needs)? (USE SPREADSHEET FOR CALCULATIONS) *IF YES, SELECT CORRECT STATEMENT FROM THE FOLLOWING AND MARK "YES"; MARK ALL OTHER STATEMENTS "NO." N 31 Does your water system have an Emergency Response Plan? REC | 0pts | SM | M001 | R309-105-18 | All suppliers are advised to develop contingency plans to cope with possible emergency situations. In many areas of the state the possibility of earthquake damage shall be realistically considered. Y 31A Does your Emergency Response Plan address cybersecurity? (required for systems over 3,300 population) MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for regulatory followup to address concerns. NA (Notes: smaller than 3,300 population) 31B Does your water system use any computers, laptops, phones, tablets, or any other computer systems to manage, operate, or maintain the PWS (SCADA or Industrial Control Systems)? This includes any water sources, treatment, distribution or any process related to operation function N 31C Does your water system use any computer systems in regular business operations such as accounting, billing, payroll, human resources, or management? Y 32 Legally adopted authority statement MIN | 15pts | SM | M003 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes a legally adopted and functional local authority to enforce the program (i.e., ordinance, bylaw, or policy). C 33 Documentation of annual public awareness and/or employee training MIN | 15pts | SM | M004 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes providing public education or awareness material or presentations. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 4 of 19 General Maintenance and Environment Distribution 34 Documentation of personnel trained to manage the program (COMMUNITY WATER SYSTEMS POPULATION 500 AND ABOVE REQUIRE A DDW CERTIFIED CCC PROGRAM ADMINISTRATOR. ALL OTHER WATER SYSTEMS REQUIRE AT A MINIMUM BACKFLOW 101 OR EQUIVALENT/ GREATER CCC TRAINING) MIN | 15pts | SM | M005 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes an operator with adequate training in the area of cross connection control or backflow prevention. C 35 Does the water system have detailed records of cross connection control activities? (inventories of backflow assemblies, devices, and air gaps installed within the system) MIN | 15pts | SM | M006 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes written records of cross connection control activities. C 36 Does the water system have records of on-going enforcement activities? (test history, enforcement activities, hazard assessments) MIN | 15pts | SM | M007 | R309-105-12(2) | Rule requires each public water system to have a cross connection control program that includes test history and documentation of on-going enforcement activities. C 37 Operator meets required level of certification for water system. ( IF NO CERTIFIED OPERATOR IS REQUIRED MARK COMPLIANT ) SIG | 50pts | OC | C001 | R309-105-11, R309-300-5(3) | Rule requires every community and NTNC water system and public water systems that utilize treatment/filtration to have at least one operator certified at the classified grade of the water system. Certification must be appropriate for the type of system operated (treatment and/or distribution). This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 38 Certified operator is within 1 hour travel time of water system. ( IF NO CERTIFIED OPERATOR IS REQUIRED MARK COMPLIANT ) MIN | 0pts | OC | C002 | R309-300-5(14) | Rule requires the operator to be within 1 hour travel time, under normal work and home conditions, of each drinking water system for which he is considered in direct responsible charge. C 39 Are there any visual indications of unsanitary conditions? SIG | 50pts | SM | M017 | R309-200-6, R309-105-18, R309-215-4(3) | R309-200-6 The Secondary Maximum Contaminant Levels for public water systems deals with substances which affect the aesthetic quality of drinking water. They are presented here as recommended limits or ranges and are not grounds for rejection. The taste of water may be unpleasant and the usefulness of the water may be impaired if these standards are significantly exceeded. R309-105-18 The Director or the local health department shall be informed by telephone by a water supplier of any "emergency situation". The term "emergency situation... R309-215-4(3) If the water fails to meet minimum standards, then certain public notification procedures shall be carried out, as outlined in R309-220. Water suppliers shall also keep analytical records in their possession, for a required length of time, as outlined in R309-105-17. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 5 of 19 General Disinfection TP003 - SPRINGS CHLORINATOR - Inactive (AB - ABANDONED) WS001 - WEST SPRING - Inactive (SD - SOLD/TRANSFERRED) 40 No unprotected connection between the distribution system and a source of contamination. (If there is an unprotected connection, describe the location in detail.) SIG | 50pts | DS | D009 | R309-550-5(11) | R309-550-5(11) C 41 Are air release/vacuum valves in the distribution system? ... if yes, answer the following question(s) N 42 Water system has a program to maintain, operate, or control the use of fire hydrants. REC | 0pts | DS | D012 | N/A | Fire hydrants provide a direct access to the water in the distribution system. In order to protect the quality and integrity of the water, fire hydrant access should be controlled. NA (Notes: NA) 43 Blow offs or air release valves are not directly connected to a sanitary sewer line. SIG | 50pts | DS | D013 | R309-550-6(5)(a), R309-550-6(6)(c) and (7)(a) | Rule states blow-offs or air relief valves shall not be connected directly to a sewer. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. NA (Notes: NA) 44 Blow offs or air release valves do not discharge below flood level in ditches or streams. SIG | 50pts | DS | D016 | R309-550-9(1) and (2), R309-550-13(2) | R309-550-9(1 & 3) NA (Notes: NA) 45 All water mains installed after 1995 that provide fire flow are at least 8 inches in diameter. MIN | 15pts | DS | D019 | R309-550-5(4) & (5) | Rule states that the minimum line size serving a fire hydrant lateral shall be 8-inch diameter unless a hydraulic analysis indicates that required flow and pressures can be maintained by 6-inch lines. C 46 Distribution system capable of providing minimum pressure of 20 psi at all service connections. SIG | 50pts | DS | D003 | R309-105-9, R309-550-5(1) | Rule states the distribution system shall maintain minimum pressures as required by R309-105-9 at all points of connection under all flow conditions. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 47 Was the water system constructed or new portions added after January 1, 2007? ... if yes, answer the following question(s) N 48 Water system follows AWWA disinfection procedures for new, repaired, or seasonal water mains and tanks. SIG | 25pts | MR | D018 | R309-550-8(10) | All new and repaired water mains and appurtenances shall be disinfected in accordance with AWWA Standard C651. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 49 How often do you periodically disinfect any or all parts of your water system (i.e. batch disinfection) other than for repairs or maintenance? SIG | 50pts | SM | G006 | R309-105-6(1)(a), R309-500-6 | R309-105-6(1) Approval of Engineering Plans and Specifications R309-500-6 Plan Approval Procedure. C 50 Does the water system still have physical access to this facility? Y/N Guidance: Answer NO if sold and no longer have security access or the facility is demolished and can not be inspected. N (Notes: Sold) DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 6 of 19 WS002 - EAST SPRING - Inactive (SD - SOLD/TRANSFERRED) Exception Granted: R309-515-7(e) | Spring Fencing not present for Mill Flat Lower and Upper Springs (WS002 and WS004), WS003 - MILL FLAT LOWER SPRING - Active 51 Does the water system still have physical access to this facility? Y/N Guidance: Answer NO if sold and no longer have security access or the facility is demolished and can not be inspected. N (Notes: sold) 52 Does the water system still have physical access to this facility? Y/N Guidance: Answer NO if sold and no longer have security access or the facility is demolished and can not be inspected. N (Notes: sold) 53 Is this facility Active or Inactive? (Active status means used on a routine/seasonal basis without long periods of inactivity and water quality samples are routinely collected)) A 54 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01 55 Operating Period (End Date)12/31 56 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water system. (IF SOURCE IS NOT IN SYSTEM INVENTORY MARK "DEFICIENT") SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) | R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 57 Area of equal or higher elevation within 50 feet of spring collection devices is fenced. MIN | 15pts | SO | SS02 | R309-515-7(7)(e) | Rule requires a stock-tight fence around the spring collection area. NA (Notes: There is an exception for this rule.) 58 Surface water runoff diverted away from spring by diversion channel or berm. MIN | 15pts | SO | SS03 | R309-515-7(7)(g) | Rule requires a diversion channel or berm, constructed immediately inside the fenced area, capable of diverting all anticipated surface water runoff away from the spring collection area. C 59 Spring box has a means to release overflow? MIN | 15pts | SO | SS23 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-13(1) | All junction boxes and collection boxes, must comply with R309-545 with respect to access openings, venting, and tank overflow. Lids for these spring boxes shall be gasketed and the box adequately vented. Y 59A Overflow screened with #4 mesh screen SIG | 25pts | SO | SS04 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-13(3) | Overflow pipes on junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and be screened with No. 4 mesh non-corrodible screens. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 7 of 19 59B Overflow has a minimum of 12 inch clearance above flood rim of receiving basin SIG | 25pts | SO | SS14 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545 | Overflow pipes on junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and discharge a minimum of 12 inches above the ground surface or rim of the receiving basin. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 60 Drain has minimum of 12 inch clearance above flood rim of receiving basin SIG | 25pts | SO | SS14 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545 | Overflow pipes on junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and discharge a minimum of 12 inches above the ground surface or rim of the receiving basin. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 61 Spring collection area graded and no evidence of water ponding or flow on surface? SIG | 25pts | SO | SS06 | R309-515-7(7)(i) | Rule requires the spring to be developed as thoroughly as possible to minimize the possibility of excess water ponding within the collection area. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 62 If a liner is present, spring liner integrity is maintained. SIG | 50pts | SO | SS19 | R309-515-7(7)(b)(iv) | If a liner is present, it shall be installed to assure its integrity. No sharp-edged stones or stones two inches or larger shall be located within two inches of the liner. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 63 No deep-rooted vegetation is within the 50 ft collection area. SIG | 25pts | SO | SS07 | R309-515-7(7)(f) | All deep-rooted vegetation within the fenced collection area shall be removed by a means not negatively affecting water quality. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 64 No roots seen in collection boxes and junctions. SIG | 25pts | SO | SS08 | R309-105-10(4)(a), R309-515-8(1)(a) | Spring collection areas shall be periodically (preferably annually) cleared of deep-rooted vegetation to prevent root growth from clogging collection lines. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 65 Is a spring collection box present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s) MIN | 5pts | SO | L014 | R309-515-7(7)(c) | Rule requires each spring collection area to be provided with at least one collection box to permit spring inspection and testing. Y 65A Spring box has shoe box type lid with 2 inch overlap around frame SIG | 25pts | SO | SS09 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-14 (2) | Access openings shall comply with R309-545 and be provided with a close-fitting, solid shoebox-type cover that extends down around the frame at least 2 inches. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 8 of 19 65B Spring box lid is gasketed SIG | 25pts | SO | SS10 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-14 (2) | Access openings shall comply with R309-545 and be provided with a cover furnished with a gasket between the lid and frame. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 65C Spring box lid does not show evidence of a vacuum. MIN | 5pts | SO | SS11 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-15 | Rule requires junction boxes and collection boxes to comply with R309-545 with respect to venting. Therefore, a junction or collection box requires a vent to be fitted with #14 mesh or finer non-corrodible screen, be fitted with a protective heavy-gauge screen or covering if 6 inches in diameter or greater, be down-turned and shielded to prevent the entrance of contaminants, be located and sized to avoid blockage during winter, and have the end of the vent discharge a minimum of 24 inches above the earth on buried structures. C 65D Spring box opening is at least 4 inches above the surface of the box or 18 inches above an earthen cover if the box is buried. MIN | 15pts | SO | SS12 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-14 (1), | Access openings shall comply with R309-545 and be framed at least 4 inches above the surface of the spring box roof at the opening or 18 inches above the ground surface on a buried spring box. C 65E Spring box lid is locked SIG | 25pts | SO | SS13 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-14 (3) | Access openings shall comply with R309-545 and the lids to the openings shall be locked. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 65F All openings/penetrations in the spring collection box are sealed. SIG | 50pts | SO | SS20 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-9(1) and (2) | All junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and shall have suitable watertight roofs and sidewalls that exclude birds, animals, insects, and excessive dust. All openings shall be kept to a minimum and be watertight. Pipes that may contain water of lesser quality than drinking water shall not penetrate the spring box. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 66 Is a spring box vent present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s) MIN | 5pts | SO | SS11 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-15 | Rule requires junction boxes and collection boxes to comply with R309-545 with respect to venting. Therefore, a junction or collection box requires a vent to be fitted with #14 mesh or finer non-corrodible screen, be fitted with a protective heavy-gauge screen or covering if 6 inches in diameter or greater, be down-turned and shielded to prevent the entrance of contaminants, be located and sized to avoid blockage during winter, and have the end of the vent discharge a minimum of 24 inches above the earth on buried structures. Y DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 9 of 19 WS004 - MILL FLAT UPPER SPRING - Active 66A Vent is down-turned. SIG | 25pts | SO | SS16 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-15(1) | All vents on junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and be downturned a minimum of 2 inches below any opening and shielded to prevent the entrance of contaminants. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 66B Vent has #14 or finer non-corrodible mesh screen and a protective screen/covering if 6-inch diameter or greater. SIG | 25pts | SO | SS17 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-15(4) and (5) | All vents on junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and be fitted with No. 14 or finer non-corrodible mesh screen. Vents 6-inch diameter or larger shall be fitted with additional heavy gage screen or substantial covering to protect the No. 14 mesh screen. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 66C End of vent has sufficient clearance to prevent ice/snow blockage or is at least 24 inches above the earthen cover SIG | 25pts | SO | SS18 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-15(2) and (3) | All vents on junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and shall be located and sized to avoid blockage during winter. The end of a vent on a buried spring box shall discharge a minimum of 24 inches above the ground. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 67 Spring has a permanent flow-measuring device. MIN | 5pts | SO | SS01 | R309-515-7(7)(h) | Rule requires a spring to have a permanent flow measuring device. C 68 Is this facility Active or Inactive? (Active status means used on a routine/seasonal basis without long periods of inactivity and water quality samples are routinely collected)) A 69 Operating Period (Start Date)01/01 70 Operating Period (End Date)12/31 71 Undocumented sources shall not be physically connected to the drinking water system. (IF SOURCE IS NOT IN SYSTEM INVENTORY MARK "DEFICIENT") SIG | 200pts | SO | S001 | R309-515-6(5), R309-515-7(4), R309-500-9(2) and (3) | R309-105-6(1) requires plans and specifications for all public drinking water projects to be approved in writing by the Director prior to the commencement of construction. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 72 Area of equal or higher elevation within 50 feet of spring collection devices is fenced. MIN | 15pts | SO | SS02 | R309-515-7(7)(e) | Rule requires a stock-tight fence around the spring collection area. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 10 of 19 73 Surface water runoff diverted away from spring by diversion channel or berm. MIN | 15pts | SO | SS03 | R309-515-7(7)(g) | Rule requires a diversion channel or berm, constructed immediately inside the fenced area, capable of diverting all anticipated surface water runoff away from the spring collection area. C 74 Spring box has a means to release overflow? MIN | 15pts | SO | SS23 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-13(1) | All junction boxes and collection boxes, must comply with R309-545 with respect to access openings, venting, and tank overflow. Lids for these spring boxes shall be gasketed and the box adequately vented. Y 74A Overflow screened with #4 mesh screen SIG | 25pts | SO | SS04 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-13(3) | Overflow pipes on junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and be screened with No. 4 mesh non-corrodible screens. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 74B Overflow has a minimum of 12 inch clearance above flood rim of receiving basin SIG | 25pts | SO | SS14 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545 | Overflow pipes on junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and discharge a minimum of 12 inches above the ground surface or rim of the receiving basin. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 75 Drain has minimum of 12 inch clearance above flood rim of receiving basin SIG | 25pts | SO | SS14 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545 | Overflow pipes on junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and discharge a minimum of 12 inches above the ground surface or rim of the receiving basin. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 76 Spring collection area graded and no evidence of water ponding or flow on surface? SIG | 25pts | SO | SS06 | R309-515-7(7)(i) | Rule requires the spring to be developed as thoroughly as possible to minimize the possibility of excess water ponding within the collection area. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 77 If a liner is present, spring liner integrity is maintained. SIG | 50pts | SO | SS19 | R309-515-7(7)(b)(iv) | If a liner is present, it shall be installed to assure its integrity. No sharp-edged stones or stones two inches or larger shall be located within two inches of the liner. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 78 No deep-rooted vegetation is within the 50 ft collection area. SIG | 25pts | SO | SS07 | R309-515-7(7)(f) | All deep-rooted vegetation within the fenced collection area shall be removed by a means not negatively affecting water quality. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 11 of 19 79 No roots seen in collection boxes and junctions. SIG | 25pts | SO | SS08 | R309-105-10(4)(a), R309-515-8(1)(a) | Spring collection areas shall be periodically (preferably annually) cleared of deep-rooted vegetation to prevent root growth from clogging collection lines. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 80 Is a spring collection box present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s) MIN | 5pts | SO | L014 | R309-515-7(7)(c) | Rule requires each spring collection area to be provided with at least one collection box to permit spring inspection and testing. Y 80A Spring box has shoe box type lid with 2 inch overlap around frame SIG | 25pts | SO | SS09 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-14 (2) | Access openings shall comply with R309-545 and be provided with a close-fitting, solid shoebox-type cover that extends down around the frame at least 2 inches. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 80B Spring box lid is gasketed SIG | 25pts | SO | SS10 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-14 (2) | Access openings shall comply with R309-545 and be provided with a cover furnished with a gasket between the lid and frame. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 80C Spring box lid does not show evidence of a vacuum. MIN | 5pts | SO | SS11 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-15 | Rule requires junction boxes and collection boxes to comply with R309-545 with respect to venting. Therefore, a junction or collection box requires a vent to be fitted with #14 mesh or finer non-corrodible screen, be fitted with a protective heavy-gauge screen or covering if 6 inches in diameter or greater, be down-turned and shielded to prevent the entrance of contaminants, be located and sized to avoid blockage during winter, and have the end of the vent discharge a minimum of 24 inches above the earth on buried structures. C 80D Spring box opening is at least 4 inches above the surface of the box or 18 inches above an earthen cover if the box is buried. MIN | 15pts | SO | SS12 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-14 (1), | Access openings shall comply with R309-545 and be framed at least 4 inches above the surface of the spring box roof at the opening or 18 inches above the ground surface on a buried spring box. C 80E Spring box lid is locked SIG | 25pts | SO | SS13 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-14 (3) | Access openings shall comply with R309-545 and the lids to the openings shall be locked. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 12 of 19 ST001 - MORGAN-SPENCER RESERVOIR - Active 80F All openings/penetrations in the spring collection box are sealed. SIG | 50pts | SO | SS20 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-9(1) and (2) | All junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and shall have suitable watertight roofs and sidewalls that exclude birds, animals, insects, and excessive dust. All openings shall be kept to a minimum and be watertight. Pipes that may contain water of lesser quality than drinking water shall not penetrate the spring box. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 81 Is a spring box vent present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s) MIN | 5pts | SO | SS11 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-15 | Rule requires junction boxes and collection boxes to comply with R309-545 with respect to venting. Therefore, a junction or collection box requires a vent to be fitted with #14 mesh or finer non-corrodible screen, be fitted with a protective heavy-gauge screen or covering if 6 inches in diameter or greater, be down-turned and shielded to prevent the entrance of contaminants, be located and sized to avoid blockage during winter, and have the end of the vent discharge a minimum of 24 inches above the earth on buried structures. Y 81A Vent is down-turned. SIG | 25pts | SO | SS16 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-15(1) | All vents on junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and be downturned a minimum of 2 inches below any opening and shielded to prevent the entrance of contaminants. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 81B Vent has #14 or finer non-corrodible mesh screen and a protective screen/covering if 6-inch diameter or greater. SIG | 25pts | SO | SS17 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-15(4) and (5) | All vents on junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and be fitted with No. 14 or finer non-corrodible mesh screen. Vents 6-inch diameter or larger shall be fitted with additional heavy gage screen or substantial covering to protect the No. 14 mesh screen. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 81C End of vent has sufficient clearance to prevent ice/snow blockage or is at least 24 inches above the earthen cover SIG | 25pts | SO | SS18 | R309-515-7(7)(d), R309-545-15(2) and (3) | All vents on junction and collection boxes shall comply with R309-545 and shall be located and sized to avoid blockage during winter. The end of a vent on a buried spring box shall discharge a minimum of 24 inches above the ground. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 82 Spring has a permanent flow-measuring device. MIN | 5pts | SO | SS01 | R309-515-7(7)(h) | Rule requires a spring to have a permanent flow measuring device. C 83 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 13 of 19 84 Storage tank capacity in gallons (from SDWIS; if different explain why in the comments) 117000 85 There are no undocumented drinking water facilities (i.e. tanks, pump stations, treatment facilities, etc.) or recent modifications that have not gone through DDW review SIG | 50pts | SM | G001 | R309-100-5(2), R309-500-6, R309-500-9, R309-500-9(2) and (3) | Rule requires complete plans & specification for all public drinking water projects to be approved in writing by the Director. Any facility found that has not started DDW review shall be considered unapproved. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 86 Ladders, ladder guards, platform railings, or safely located entrance hatches are provided. MIN | 15pts | FW | V004 | R309-545-18 | Rule requires ladders, ladder guards, platform railings, and safely located entrance hatches where applicable for water storage tanks and requires safety practices to conform to pertinent laws and regulations of the Utah Occupational Safety and Health Division. NA (Notes: access available without ladders) 87 Tank is vented. SIG | 25pts | FW | VL02 | R309-545-15 | Rule requires drinking water storage tanks to be vented. Overflows cannot be considered or used as vents. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 88 Are air vents present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)Y 88A Vent is either down-turned or shielded from contaminants (at least 2 inches below the bottom of the opening) SIG | 25pts | FW | V005 | R309-545-15(1) | Rule requires inverted vents on water storage tanks to be down-turned a minimum of 2 inches below any opening and shielded to prevent the entrance of contaminants. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 88B End of vent terminates at least 24 inches above earthen cover (buried tank) and is located and sized to avoid blockage during winter. MIN | 15pts | FW | V006 | R309-545-15(2) | For buried structures, the rule requires the end of the vent discharge to be a minimum of 24 inches above the earthen covering. C 88C Vent covered with #14 or finer non-corrodible mesh screen. SIG | 25pts | FW | V007 | R309-545-15(4) | Rule requires a water storage tank vent to be fitted with #14 mesh or finer non-corrodible screen and vents 6-inches or greater in diameter to be fitted with additional heavy gauge screen or substantial covering to protect the #14 mesh screen from vandalism or damage. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a compliance action plan approved by DDW. C 88D Vent 6-inch diameter and larger protected with additional heavy-gauge screen or substantial covering. MIN | 5pts | FW | V035 | R309-545-15(5) | Rule requires vents that are 6-inch diameter or greater to be fitted with additional heavy gauge screen or substantial covering, which will protect the No. 14 mesh screen against vandalism or damage. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 14 of 19 89 Are access openings present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s) MIN | 15pts | FW | VL03 | R309-545-14 and 14(1) | Rule requires drinking water storage tanks to be designed with reasonably convenient access to the interior for cleaning and maintenance. Y 89A Access opening framed at least 4 inches above roof surface or 18 inches above earthen cover. MIN | 15pts | FW | V008 | R309-545-14(1) | Rule requires tank access opening to be framed at least 4 inches above the surface of the roof, or on a buried tank, to be at least 18 inches above any earthen cover over the tank. C 89B Access opening shoe box type with at least 2 inches of overlap SIG | 25pts | FW | V010 | R309-545-14(2) | Rule requires the frame of an access opening to be provided with a close fitting solid shoebox type cover which extends down around the frame at least two inches and is furnished with a gasket(s) between the lid and frame. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 89C Access opening lid properly gasketed SIG | 25pts | FW | V009 | R309-545-14(2) | Rule requires the access opening to a tank to be furnished with a gasket between the lid and frame. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 90 Access opening locked SIG | 25pts | FW | V029 | R309-545-14(3) | Rule requires the lid to any access opening to have a locking device. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 91 Roof or wall penetrations sealed SIG | 100pts | FW | V017 | R309-545-6(1) and 545-9 | Rule requires openings in a storage tank roof or top, designed to accommodate control apparatus or pump columns, to be welded, gasketed, or curbed and sleeved and to have additional proper shielding to prevent vandalism. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 92 Area surrounding ground-level or buried storage tank is graded to prevent surface water from standing within 50 feet. SIG | 25pts | TR | V001 | R309-545-7(4) | Rule requires the area surrounding a ground-level or buried water storage tank be graded in a manner to prevent surface water from standing within 50 feet of the tank. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 93 Storage tank roof is sloped to prevent ponding MIN | 15pts | FW | V003 | R309-545-9(4) | Rule requires drainage of storage tank roofs to eliminate water ponding. C 94 Are there cracks in the walls or roof of the storage tank? (if yes, select only one of the following options) N DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 15 of 19 TP004 - SPRINGS HYPOCHLORINATOR -- Treatment General TP004 - SPRINGS HYPOCHLORINATOR -- Treatment - Chlorination General - Active 95 Is a tank overflow present? ... if yes, answer the following question(s) SIG | 25pts | FW | VL01 | R309-545-13 | Rule requires all storage tanks to be provided with an overflow that discharges at an an elevation between 12 and 24 inches above the ground surface or the rim of the receiving basin. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. Y 95A Overflow line discharges at least 12 inches above ground or the flood rim of receiving basin? SIG | 25pts | FW | V011 | R309-545-13 | Rule requires all water storage tanks to be provided with an overflow that discharges at an elevation between 12 and 24 inches above the ground surface or the rim of the receiving basin. C 95B Overflow line covered with #4 mesh non-corrodible screen SIG | 25pts | FW | V012 | R309-545-13(3) | Rule requires overflow pipes to be screened with #4 mesh non-corrodible screens installed at a location least susceptible to damage by vandalism. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 95C Overflow line connected or discharges to a sanitary sewer drain? SIG | 50pts | FW | V013 | R309-545-13(5) | Rule prohibits overflow pipes from connecting to, or discharging into, a sanitary sewer system. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 96 Are the drain line and overflow combined?Y 97 Is system required to provide primary disinfection of ground water source?Y 97A If yes, chlorine residual monitoring for primary disinfection sample location is after CT reaction volume? SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d) C 98 Is free chlorine residual monitoring conducted using grab samples or online chlorine analyzer? GR 98A If grab sampling, how frequently do you sample?daily 99 Chlorine residual measured at POE is always above minimum requirement (0.2 mg/L)? MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for regulatory followup to address concerns. C 100 Is online chlorine residual analyzer equipment checked for accuracy quarterly? R309- 525-25(4) MIN | 15pts | TR | TD75 | Standard Method 334.0 Determination of Residual Chlorine in Drinking Water Using an Online Chlorine Analyzer. [EPA 815-B-09-013 September 2009 Page 13] | Spare parts shall be provided and maintained for all chlorinators to repair parts subject to wear and breakage. C 101 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 16 of 19 102 Is system required to provide primary disinfection? Prompt - If system knows they are required to chlorinate based on water quality issues and/or knows they are required to provide a minimum CT then follow-up by DDW is needed. Y 102A If yes, no new connections have been added prior to approved first connection that would change the disinfection CT calculation. SIG | 50pts | TR | TD26 | R309-505-7(2), R309-520-4 and 6(4) | Point of application of disinfectants shall be at a location that will achieve the required disinfection CT prior to the first service connection. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 103 When chlorination is required, disinfection has operated uninterrupted during the past year while supplying drinking water. SIG | 50pts | TR | TD25 | R309-520-6 | Rule requires continuous disinfection of groundwater sources that do not consistently meet bacteriological quality standards, all surface water sources, and groundwater sources under the direct influence of surface water. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 104 Chlorine (gas & hypochlorite solution, tablets, granules, ) and chemicals used to generate chlorine solutions and chlorine dioxide meet ANSI/NSF 60. SIG | 50pts | TR | TD90 | R309-525-11(5), R309-520-6(2) | All chemicals added to drinking water, including chlorine, chloramines and chemicals used to generate hypochlorite solutions and chlorine dioxide, shall be certified as complying with ANSI/NSF Standard 60. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 105 If chemical dilution or dissolution is needed, cross-connection control is provided on water lines feeding solution tanks. SIG | 50pts | TR | TX07 | R309-525-11(2)(c), R309-525-11(9)(b)(i) to (iv) | Cross connection control shall be provided on make-up water lines feeding solution tanks. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. NA (Notes: does not dilute or dissolve to make chemical) 106 Water flow rate is measured to control chemical feed? SIG | 25pts | TR | TD79 | R309-525-11(7)(d)(ii) and (iii), R309-525-11(7)(a)(i) | Chemical feed rates shall be proportional to flows and a means to measure water flow rate shall be provided. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 107 Solution tanks and tank refilling line entry points are properly labeled to identify the chemicals MIN | 15pts | TR | TG03 | R309-525-11(8)(c)(vii) | Rule requires tanks to be properly labeled to designate the chemical contained. C 108 Free chlorine residual test equipment on-site or available? MIN | 15pts | TR | TD78 | R309-520-7(1)(j) | Rule requires chlorine residual test equipment available capable of measuring residuals to the nearest 0.1 mg/l in the range below 0.5 mg/l, to the nearest 0.3 mg/l between 0.5 mg/l and 1.0 mg/l and to the nearest 0.5 mg/l above 1.0 mg/l. C DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 17 of 19 TP004 - SPRINGS HYPOCHLORINATOR -- Hypochlorination (any type) - Active 109 Spare parts are available to replace parts subject to wear and breakage MIN | 15pts | TR | TD75 | Standard Method 334.0 Determination of Residual Chlorine in Drinking Water Using an Online Chlorine Analyzer. [EPA 815-B-09-013 September 2009 Page 13] | Spare parts shall be provided and maintained for all chlorinators to repair parts subject to wear and breakage. C 110 Is chlorine chemical dose rate adjusted due to different water demand flow rates and/or changing water quality? N 111 Is there a designated chlorine Point of Entry (POE) sample location? MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for regulatory followup to address concerns. C 112 POE is before first connection/customer? SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d) C 113 Chlorine residual records are maintained and available... if yes answer following SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d) Y 113A System is sampling distribution residuals throughout entire distribution system MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for regulatory followup to address concerns. C 113B Distribution chlorine residuals meet minimum concentration requirement SIG | 25pts | TR | T028 | R309-215 | R309-215 & R309-520-6(4)(d) C 113C "What is the maximum free chlorine residual measure? This value never exceeds 4.0 mg/L? " MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for regulatory followup to address concerns. C (Notes: 0.6 max) 113D System collects at least three distribution chlorine residual samples a week? MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for regulatory followup to address concerns. C 113E System is sampling distribution residuals in accordance with monitoring schedule MIN | 15pts | TR | TGR9 | R309-105-7, 8 & 18, R309-100 through 605 | Trigger for regulatory followup to address concerns. C 114 Treatment plant properly secured to protect the quality of the treated water. R309-520- 7(2)(f) SIG | 25pts | SM | A050 | R309-400-11 | If the water system does not comply with the directive, the Director may assess 25 to 200 points to the water system. Points shall be assessed based upon the severity of the non-compliance, the threat to public health and the underlying basis for the original directive. C 115 Daily operating records reflect chemical dosages and total quantities used SIG | 25pts | MR | TG20 | R309-105-14(3)(a) | Rule requires all water system using chemical addition or specialized equipment for the treatment of drinking water to regularly complete operational reports. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 116 Is this facility Active or Inactive?A DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 18 of 19 117 Solution tank is covered to minimize corrosive vapors MIN | 5pts | TR | TD64 | R309-525-11(8)(b)(iii) | Chemical solutions shall be kept covered. C 118 Where concentrated hypochlorite solutions (5% or greater) are handled in containers LARGER than 55 gallons: emergency eyewash station and a safety shower present SIG | 25pts | TR | TD66 | R309-520-7(3)(a)(i) | Where hypochlorite solutions are used at remote locations or in quantities of 55 gallons or less on site, safety showers are not required and alternative emergency eyewash may be provided. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. NA (Notes: smaller than 55 gal) 119 Where concentrated hypochlorite solutions are handled in containers of 55 gallons or LESS: some method of emergency eyewash provided (a full eyewash station and shower is not required) SIG | 25pts | TR | TD66 | R309-520-7(3)(a)(i) | Where hypochlorite solutions are used at remote locations or in quantities of 55 gallons or less on site, safety showers are not required and alternative emergency eyewash may be provided. This significant deficiency must be corrected within 120 days of notification or have a corrective action plan approved by DDW. C 120 Hypochlorite solution storage area is protected from excessive heat and direct sunlight MIN | 5pts | TR | TD67 | R309-520-7(3)(a)(ii) | States Storage and injection areas shall be designed to minimize the decay in strength of concentrated hypochlorite solutions from excessive heat or direct sunlight. C 121 Records are kept to minimize the use of decayed hypochlorite solution MIN | 5pts | TR | TD68 | R309-520-7(3)(b) | Rule requires the water system to provide an operational means, such as keeping records of the delivery date of the hypochlorite solution, to avoid the injection of significantly decayed hypochlorite solutions. C 122 Is there on-site generation of hypochlorite solutions? ... if yes, answer the following questions N 123 Is a hypochlorite tablet process used? ... if yes, answer the following question(s)N DEQ | Drinking Water Run Date: 07/15/2024 09:51:45 | Rating: Approved UTAH26011 SNAKE CREEK MUTUAL WATER page 19 of 19