HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-007137Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 1 MODULE IV CORRECTIVE ACTION FOR SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT UNITS AND SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE IV.A. SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT UNITS AND AREAS OF CONCERN IV.A.1. The Permittee shall implement the corrective action program, as required by UAC R315-264-101 and conditions of this Module, for each Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) specified in Table 1. IV.A.2. The Director may add SWMUs to those listed in Table 1 in accordance with the procedures for modification in UAC R315-124-5, based on additional information received by the Permittee, the Director, or any other knowledgeable source. IV.A.3. The Permittee may request modification of the list of SWMUs from Table 1 through the procedures in UAC R315-124-5. Supporting documentation shall accompany the request. IV.B. STANDARD CONDITIONS IV.B.1. Failure to submit the information required by Module IV or falsification of any submitted information, is grounds for termination of this permit in accordance with UAC R315-270-43. Any noncompliance with approved plans and schedules shall be deemed noncompliance with this permit and may be subject to enforcement action. IV.B.2. The Permittee shall sign and certify all plans, reports, notifications, and other submissions to the Director in accordance with Condition I.X. IV.B.3. The Permittee shall submit one copy of each plan, report, notification, or other submissions required by this module, to the Director. IV.B.4. The Permittee may submit a written request for extensions of the compliance schedule due dates specified in Table 2. The Director will provide a written approval or denial in response to such request. IV.B.5. All raw data, including laboratory reports, drilling logs, bench-scale or pilot-scale data, and other supporting information gathered or generated during activities undertaken pursuant to conditions in Module IV shall be maintained at UTTR or HAFB during the effective term of this permit. IV.B.6. Discoveries made during the course of groundwater monitoring, field investigation or environmental auditing, conducted in accordance with this module, or other facility activities that indicate that hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents have been released from a SWMU, shall be reported in writing as a Release Report, as specified in Table 2. Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 2 IV.B.7. The Permittee shall submit certain information, plans and reports to the Director for review and approval in accordance with the time frames specified in Table 2. The Director will provide the Permittee with written comments for any document that is not approved. The Permittee shall revise the documents per the Director's comments and resubmit the document within the timeframe specified by the Director. When the comments have been adequately addressed in a revised document, the Director will provide the Permittee with written approval. Subsequent changes to an approved document must be approved by the Director in writing. IV.C. SITE ASSESSMENT IV.C.1. The Permittee shall submit to the Director a Site Assessment Plan (SAP) in accordance with the schedule specified in Table 2. The SAP shall include data gathered during any previous investigations or inspections and other relevant data, including maps depicting: IV.C.1.a. All known past and present SWMUs, and IV.C.1.b. All known product and waste underground tanks, including past or present piping. IV.C.2. All maps shall be consistent with the requirements set forth in UAC R315-270- 14(b)(19) and be of sufficient detail and accuracy to locate and report all current and future work performed at the site. IV.C.3. The SAP shall include a history and description of ownership and operation, including a description of solid and hazardous waste generation, treatment, storage, and disposal activities at each SWMU. IV.C.4. The SAP shall include dates of past product and waste spills, type of materials spilled, amount spilled, location where spilled, and a description of the response actions conducted, including any inspection reports, technical reports or other reports generated as a result of the response. IV.C.5. The SAP shall include a list of relevant environmental documents and studies prepared for UTTR. IV.C.6. For each SWMU, the SAP shall summarize all possible sources of contamination. This includes all waste and product spill areas, and other suspected sources of contamination. For each source, the Permittee shall identify quantities of solid and hazardous wastes managed at the source. IV.C.7. The SAP shall provide a preliminary site conceptual model that includes a description of all potential migration pathways, including information on geology, Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 3 geomorphology, hydrogeology, geochemistry, water quality, meteorology, air quality and receptors. IV.D. RCRA FACILITY ASSESSMENT IV.D.1. The Director has conducted a RCRA Facility Assessment (RFA) of the Permittee’s site. The RFA includes the following: IV.D.1.a. File Review; IV.D.1.b. Employee interviews; and IV.D.1.c. Site Inspections. IV.D.2. The Director has compiled a RFA Findings Report. IV.D.3. The RFA Findings Report includes a topographic map of the facility indicating the location of all SWMUs identified. IV.D.4. The RFA Findings Report addresses the following: IV.D.4.a. Nature of facility operations; IV.D.4.b. Description of each SWMU; IV.D.4.c. Description of past and present operations at each SWMU; IV.D.4.d. Waste characteristics at each SWMU; and IV.D.4.e. Evidence of release. IV.E. RCRA FACILITY INVESTIGATION IV.E.1. The Permittee shall conduct a RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) to determine the nature and extent of known or suspected releases of hazardous waste(s) or hazardous waste constituents from the SWMUs listed in Table 1. The Permittee shall conduct the RFI in two phases, which shall be identified as Phase I (Release Assessment) and Phase II (nature and extent) RFI activities. The Phase I and Phase II RFI work plans shall detail investigation activities and objectives and shall be based on guidance in EPA Directive Numbers 9902.3-2A (RCRA Corrective Action Plan), 9502.00-6D (RCRA Facility Investigation Guidance EPA /530/SW-89-031, 4 Volumes), and current EPA guidance. IV.E.2. The Permittee shall submit a Phase I RFI Workplan (Field Sampling Plan), as specified in Table 2. The purpose of the Phase I RFI Workplan is to detail procedures for determining if contamination exists at each SWMU. The Phase I Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 4 RFI Workplan shall specify procedures to be used to establish site background levels for inorganic and organic constituents and in accordance with R315-101. Upon approval by the Director, the Permittee shall perform the Phase I RFI Workplan activities as specified in the approved work plan. The Phase I RFI Workplan shall, at a minimum, contain the following plans: IV.E.2.a. Description of Current Conditions; IV.E.2.b. Procedures for Site Characterization and Identifying Contaminant Source; IV.E.2.c. Identification of Potential Receptors; IV.E.2.d. Data Collection Quality Assurance / Quality Control Plan; IV.E.2.e. Data Management Plan; IV.E.2.f. Health and Safety Plan; IV.E.2.g. Waste Characterization; and IV.E.2.h. Phase I RFI Schedule. IV.E.3. The Permittee shall submit Phase I RFI Workplan Progress Reports as specified in Table 2. IV.E.4. The Permittee shall submit a Phase I RFI Final Report (Release Assessment Report), as specified in Table 2. This report shall describe activities conducted to fulfill the requirements of the approved Phase I RFI Workplan and shall be of adequate technical quality to evaluate whether a release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents has occurred at each SWMU. If the Phase I RFI Final Report satisfactorily demonstrates adequate site characterization, the Permittee may petition for no further action (NFA) as specified in Condition IV.H below, or risk-based closure, as specified in Condition IV.J below, for any SWMU. The Report shall identify SWMUs that require additional investigation under the Phase II RFI. IV.E.5. The Permittee shall prioritize each SWMU identified for additional investigation pursuant to preliminary indications of contamination, according to the SWMU's potential threat to human health or the environment. IV.E.6. The Permittee shall submit a Phase II RFI Workplan as specified in Table 2 for SWMUs requiring additional investigation. The purpose of the Phase II RFI is to characterize each SWMU by defining the nature and extent of contamination. Upon approval of the Phase II RFI Workplan by the Director, the Permittee shall perform the Phase II RFI Workplan activities as specified in the approved work Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 5 plan. The Phase II RFI Workplan shall, at a minimum, include the following plans and information: IV.E.6.a. Characterization of Environmental Setting and Summary of Phase I RFI; IV.E.6.b. Procedures for Identifying Nature and Extent of Contaminant Source; IV.E.6.c. Identification of Receptors and Revised Site Conceptual Model; IV.E.6.d. Data Collection Quality Assurance / Quality Control Plan; IV.E.6.e. Data Management Plan; IV.E.6.f. Health and Safety Plan; IV.E.6.g. Sampling and Standard Operating Procedures IV.E.6.g. Waste Characterization and Investigation Waste Management; and IV.E.6.h. Phase II RFI Schedule. IV.E.7. The Permittee shall submit Phase II RFI Workplan Progress Reports, as specified in Table 2. IV.E.8. The Permittee shall submit a Phase II RFI Draft Final Report as specified in Table 2. This report shall describe activities conducted to fulfill the requirements of the approved Phase II RFI Workplan and shall be of adequate technical quality to support the development and evaluation of subsequent documentation and the associated recommendation(s). IV.E.9. Based on the Phase II RFI Final Report, the Permittee shall recommend future management activities, in accordance with R315-101, which may include: 1) no further action, 2) closure by removal or treatment, 3) risk-based closure, or 4) site management/post closure care. IV.F. INTERIM MEASURES IV.F.1. If, during the course of any activity initiated in compliance with the conditions of this Permit, the Permittee or the Director determines that a release or potential release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents from a SWMU poses a threat to human health and the environment, the Permittee may request, or the Director may specify, interim measures. The Permittee or the Director may at any time during the term of this Permit identify and propose an interim measure. Interim measures shall be limited to measures designed to prevent or abate a potential or immediate threat to human health or the environment. Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 6 IV.F.2. The Director shall notify the Permittee in writing of the requirement to perform the interim measures. IV.F.3. Within 30 calendar days of receiving the written notification requiring the interim measures as specified in Permit Condition IV.F.1., the Permittee shall submit an Interim Measures Plan for approval. The Interim Measures Plan shall specify action(s) that shall be taken to implement the interim measure, including potential permit modifications and the schedule for implementing the required measures. The Interim Measures Plan shall include the following: IV.F.3.a. Time required to develop and implement a final remedy; IV.F.3.b. Actual or potential exposure of human or environmental receptors; IV.F.3.c. Actual or potential contamination of drinking water supplies or sensitive ecosystems; IV.F.3.d. The potential for further environmental degradation without interim measures; IV.F.3.e. Presence and concentration of hazardous waste, or hazardous waste constituents, in the soil that have the potential to migrate to groundwater or surface water; IV.F.3.f. Weather conditions that may promote the spread of contamination; IV.F.3.g. Risks of fire, explosion, or accident; IV.F.3.h. Other situations which may pose a threat to human health or the environment. IV.F.3.i. Objectives showing how the measure is mitigating a potential threat to human health and the environment and is consistent with and integrated into any long- term solution; IV.F.3.j. Data collection quality assurance and data management information; IV.F.3.k. Design plans and specifications, construction requirements, operation and maintenance requirements, project schedules, and final design documents; IV.F.3.l. Construction quality assurance objectives, inspection activities, sampling requirements, documentation; and IV.F.3.m. Schedule for submitting the following reports: progress reports, Interim Measures Plan, final design documents, draft interim measures report, and final interim measures report. IV.G. NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR AND ASSESSMENT OF POTENTIAL SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT UNITS Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 7 IV.G.1. The Permittee shall provide written notification to the Director within thirty (30) calendar days of discovering a potential SWMU. The notification shall include the location of the potential SWMU, the dates of its operation, and all available information regarding wastes identified or suspected. IV.G.2. The Permittee shall request modification of Table 1 to incorporate any potential SWMU in accordance with UAC R315-124-5, within 90 days of discovery. The request to incorporate any potential SWMU into Table 1 will constitute a Class 1 modification. IV.G.3. The Permittee shall submit a SWMU Assessment Plan for Director approval as specified in Table 2. The SWMU Assessment Plan shall, at a minimum, include the following: IV.G.3.a. Information concerning past and present operations of the unit(s); IV.G.3.b. Data Collection Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan; IV.G.3.c. Data Management Plan; IV.G.3.d. Any groundwater, surface water, soil (surface or subsurface strata), or air sampling and analysis data needed to determine whether a release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents from the SWMU(s) is likely to occur; and IV.G.3.e. A schedule for implementation of the SWMU Assessment Plan. IV.G.4. The SWMU Assessment Plan shall demonstrate that the sampling and analysis program is capable of yielding representative samples and must include parameters sufficient to identify migration of hazardous waste and hazardous constituents from the newly discovered SWMUs to the environment. IV.G.5. The Director will review the SWMU Assessment Plan and approve it or notify the Permittee of the SWMU Assessment Plan's deficiencies and specify a due date for submittal of a revised Plan. IV.G.6. The Permittee shall implement the approved SWMU Assessment Plan within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving written approval of the plan from the Director. IV.G.7. The Permittee shall submit a SWMU Assessment Report as specified in Table 2. The Report shall describe activities conducted to fulfill the requirements of the approved SWMU Assessment Plan, all results of the SWMU Assessment Plan, and shall be of adequate technical quality to support the development and evaluation of subsequent documentation and its associated recommendation(s). At a minimum, the Report shall provide the following information for each newly identified SWMU: Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 8 IV.G.7.a. The location of the SWMU identified on a map; IV.G.7.b. The type of the unit, including dimensions and a structural description; IV.G.7.c. The period during which the unit was operated; and IV.G.7.d. All solid or hazardous wastes that were or are being managed at the SWMU, including results of any sampling and analysis used to determine whether releases of hazardous wastes or hazardous waste constituents have occurred, are occurring, or have the potential to migrate or originate from the SWMU. IV.G.8. If the SWMU Assessment Report indicates the contamination was not sufficiently characterized during the SWMU Assessment investigation, the Permittee shall submit additional workplans as specified in Table 2 or other documents as requested by the Director to resolve data gaps IV.H. DETERMINATION OF NO FURTHER ACTIONS IV.H.1. Based on the results presented in the Phase I RFI Final Report or the Phase II RFI Final Report, the Permittee may submit a request for No Further Action (NFA) to the Director. The request may address individual SWMUs, groups of SWMUs, or all SWMUs. The request shall demonstrate that at least one of the following standards has been met: 1) all constituent levels are non-detectable using pre- approved analytical methods, 2) all constituent levels are below pre-approved background values, or 3) the total level of cancer risk to human health is equal to or below 1 X 10-6 for carcinogens and a Hazard Index of equal to or less than one for non-carcinogens, based on an approved risk assessment. The request shall also include an assessment of the soil-to-groundwater pathway and demonstration that residual levels of contamination do not pose a threat to groundwater. The request shall also include an ecological risk assessment that demonstrates there is no significant risk to ecological receptors. The risk assessment and evaluations shall be conducted in accordance with UAC R315-101. IV.H.2. The Director will review the request, and all other relevant information. If the Director determines that one of the conditions identified in Condition IV.H.1. has been met, the Director shall approve the request for NFA. If the Director denies the request, he will provide the Permittee with a written notice outlining the basis for the denial. IV.H.3. A determination of NFA in accordance with Condition IV.H.1., shall not preclude the Director from requiring further investigations, studies, or remediation at a later date if new information or subsequent analysis indicates a release or potential of a release from a SWMU. In such a case, the Director shall initiate either a modification to the Corrective Action Schedule of Compliance (Table 2) in accordance with Condition I.D. or rescind the determination of NFA. Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 9 IV.I. CLEAN CLOSURE BY REMOVAL IV.I.1. The Permittee may choose to close SWMUs by removing or treating hazardous waste and hazardous waste constituents to levels that meet the NFA requirements of Condition IV.H. If the Permittee chooses to close by removal and obtain a corrective action complete without control (CACWOC) determination, the Permittee shall submit, for review and approval, a Corrective Measures Study (CMS) that includes proposed sampling and analytical methods for verification of removal as specified in Table 2 and Condition IV.L. IV.J. RISK ASSESSMENT IV.J.1. The Permittee may choose to close SWMUs by assessing the risk to human health and the environment associated with any contamination that the Permittee proposes to leave in place. These risks shall be assessed in a Risk Assessment Report (RAR) prepared in accordance with UAC R315-101 and submitted to the Director for review and approval. The risk assessment for human health shall be conducted using one or both standard exposure scenarios (residential and actual) as needed to determine site risk management options. The RAR shall also include an ecological risk assessment that demonstrates the level of risk to ecological receptors. A request for a waiver from the ecological risk assessment requirement may be submitted to the Director and granted in accordance with the requirements in UAC R315-101-5(j)(3), if it can be shown that no biological community or significant ecological endpoints exist at the SWMU(s). IV.J.2. If the Director agrees through a review of the RAR that the risk to human health present at the site is equal to or less than 1 X 10-6 for carcinogens and the hazard index is less than or equal to one for non-carcinogens, using the residential and construction worker exposure scenario, and the effects on ecological endpoints are insignificant, then the Director may approve the request for a NFA. IV.J.3. If the Director agrees through a review of the RAR that the total carcinogenic risk to human health present at the site is greater than 1 X 10-6 but less than 1 X 10-4 using residential or actual land use conditions and the hazard index is less than or equal to one for non-carcinogens and any detrimental effects on ecological endpoints can be mitigated by site management, the site qualifies for risk-based closure or corrective action complete with controls (CACWC) and the Permittee shall submit a Post Closure Plan, as specified in Table 2. IV.J.4. If the Director agrees through a review of the RAR that the risk to human health present at the site is greater than 1 X 10-4 for carcinogens or the hazard index is greater than one, using the actual or future use exposure scenario, or any detrimental effects on ecological endpoints warrant corrective action, then the Permittee shall submit a Corrective Measures Study (CMS), as specified in Table 2. Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 10 IV.K. POST CLOSURE PLAN IV.K.1. The Permittee shall submit a Post Closure Plan, as specified in Table 2, for all SWMUs that meet the criteria of Condition IV.J.3. The Post Closure Plan shall propose appropriate institutional and engineering controls (e.g., monitoring, environmental covenant, site security, site inspections, vapor barriers, or post- closure care) as determined on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the criteria identified in UAC R315-101. The institutional and engineering controls may be reevaluated at a future date. IV.L. CORRECTIVE MEASURES STUDY (CMS) IV.L.1. Based on the results of the RFI, the Permittee shall submit to the Director, for review and approval, a CMS for all SWMUs that meet the criteria of Condition IV.J.4. IV.L.2. The purpose of the CMS is to develop and evaluate and propose corrective action alternatives that will satisfy the target clean up objectives. The criteria identified in UAC R315-101-1(c) shall be considered in the determination of appropriate corrective actions. The CMS, at a minimum, shall include: IV.L.2.a. Project Management Plan; IV.L.2.b. A summary of RFI information and data, as needed to prepare the CMS; IV.L.2.c. Proposed remediation goals or target cleanup objectives; IV.L.2.d. The corrective actions proposed to satisfy cleanup objectives; IV.L.2.e. Data Collection Quality Assurance /Quality Control Plan; IV.L.2.f. Data Management Plan; and IV.L.2.g. A schedule for implementation of the corrective action(s). IV.L.3. Upon approval of the CMS, the Permittee shall implement the corrective action(s) according to the schedule approved in the CMS. The Permittee shall furnish or retain all personnel, materials, and services needed to implement the CMS. IV.L.4. The Permittee shall submit CMS Progress Reports as specified in Table 2. IV.L.5. The Permittee shall submit a Corrective Measures Implementation Report (CMIR) as specified in Table 2. The CMIR shall be prepared in accordance with UAC R315-101-6(d). Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 11 IV.L.6. The Permittee shall request a corrective action completeness determination from the Director in accordance with UAC R315-101-6(e). IV.M. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS IV.M.1. The Permittee shall submit to the Director written semi-annual progress reports, as specified in Table 2, of any activities conducted pursuant to the conditions of Module IV. IV.M.2. The semi-annual progress reports shall contain: IV.M.2.a. A description of the work completed; IV.M.2.b. Summaries of all findings and all raw data; IV.M.2.c. Summaries of all problems encountered during the reporting period and actions taken or to be taken to rectify problems; and IV.M.2.d. Projected work for the next reporting period. IV.M.3. The Permittee shall maintain copies of other reports, drilling logs, and data at UTTR or Hill AFB during the effective period of this permit. The Permittee shall provide copies of all reports, logs, and data to the Director upon request. IV.M.4. The Director may require the Permittee to conduct new or more extensive assessments, investigations, or studies, as needed, based on information provided in reports or other supporting information. IV.N. MODIFICATION OF THE CORRECTIVE ACTION SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE IV.N.1. A request for modification of the final compliance dates specified in Table 2 may be submitted to the Director as a permit modification, in accordance with UAC R315-270-42. IV.N.2. Pursuant to UAC R315-124-5(a), the compliance schedules specified in Table 2, may be modified by the Director if it is determined that good cause exists for the modifications. IV.N.3. The Permittee shall use its best effort to secure all funds that may be required for implementation of the requirements in this Module, pursuant to the compliance schedule in Table 2. IV.N.4. Failure to obtain adequate funds or appropriations shall not in any way release the Permittee from its obligation to implement the requirements of this Module or any Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 12 other requirement of this permit, RCRA, the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act, or the Utah Hazardous Waste Management Rules. IV.N.5. If adequate funds are not available to implement the requirements of this Module or any other requirement of this permit, RCRA, the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act, or Utah Hazardous Waste Management Rules, the Director and the Board reserve the right to pursue any actions deemed necessary to protect human health and the environment, not excluding judicial recourse or termination of this permit. Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 13 Table 1. Module IV Solid Waste Management Units at the Utah Test and Training Range (SWMU List) SWMU AF Current Period of Number Site# Status Operation DESCRIPTION of SWMU 2 N002 S 1980s CBU Valley Disposal Trenches (live & spent munitions and debris), SMP (October 2014) 3 N003 C 1983 to 1995 Craner’s Munitions Pit (practice bombs) - NFA (January 2008) 4 N004 S 1972 to Present Oil/Water Separator at Eagle Tower (maintenance building), SMP (October 2014) 5 N005 T 1963 to Present Oasis “Dry” Municipal Landfill/Monofill Transferred to ongoing Solid Waste Permit July 2008) 6 N006 C 1963 to 1994 Oasis Wet Municipal Landfill, Transferred from RCRA Subtitle C to RCRA Subtitle D (March 1997), Closed under Subtitle D regulations (December 2007) 7 N007 T 1976 to 1983 Landfill #5 placed in separate Module V of Permit in May 2007 8 N008 C 1984 to 1990 Lithium Battery Deactivation Facility (Clean Closed (August 1999) 9 N009 S 1950 to 1991 TTU Residual Pits (Sedal Pass), SMP (October 2014) 10 N010 T 1950 to 1995 TTU Munitions Burn Pit (Site #3), Transferred to Module III of Permit (December 2007) 11 N011 T 1950 to Present TTU Operations Area (all OB/OD Pads) Transferred to Module III of Permit (May 2007) 13 N013 C 1968 to 1995 Oasis Sewage Lagoon, NFA (March 2008) 14 N014 S 1968 to 1992 Oasis Fire Training Area, SMP (October 2014) Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 14 SWMU AF Current Period of Number Site# Status Operation DESCRIPTION of SWMU 15 N015 S 1980 to Present Oasis MWR Yard (active operations site), SMP (October 2014) 16 N016 C 1980 to Present Oasis Target Yard (active operations site). NFA (September 2010) 17 N017E S 1988 to 1998 CBU Valley Detonation/Debris Craters (Great Balls of Fire), SMP (October 2014) N017W S CBU Valley Detonation/Debris Craters (Bunker), SMP (October 2014) 18 N018 C 1991 to Present Satellite Accumulation Site LM-34 (Oasis Propellant cuttings), NFA (January 2008) 19 N019 C 1991 to 1993 Satellite Accumulation Site TE-05 (Eagle, lead-acid batteries) NFA (January 2008) 20 N020 S 1991 to Present Satellite Accumulation Site TE-06 (Eagle Vehicle Maintenance building), SMP (October 2014) 21 N021 S 1991 to Present Satellite Accumulation Site TM-04 (Oasis, Inside MWR Yard), SMP (October 2014) 22 N022 C 1993 to Present Satellite Accumulation Site TU-02 (Oasis, Vehicle Maintenance), NFA (January 2008) 23 N023 C 1980 to1993 Satellite Accumulation Site TU-03 (Oasis, UST - used oil), Closed under the UST Program 24 N024 S 1988 to Present 90 - Day Accumulation Site TU-05 (Oasis, Old 90- day site), SMP (October 2014) 25 N025 T Renamed (37-47) Eagle Range Disposal Pits (Now SWMU’s 37 through 47) 27 N027-1 S 1962 to Present LM Missile Motor Test Pad #1 (active operations site), SMP (October 2014) N027-2 S LM Missile Motor Test Pad#2 (active operations site), SMP (October 2014) Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 15 SWMU AF Current Period of Number Site# Status Operation DESCRIPTION of SWMU 29 N029 C 1960s to 1995 M60 Firing Range, NFA (September 2010) 30 N030N S ? to Present HAG Munitions Pits North (live & spent munitions and debris), SMP (October 2014) N030M S HAG Munitions Pits Middle (live & spent munitions and debris), SMP (October 2014) N030S S HAG Munitions Pits South (live & spent munitions and debris), SMP (October 2014) 31 N031 C 1985 spill Oasis Sulfuric Acid Spill (above ground tank, 3,000gal spill) NFA (January 2008) 33 N033 S ? to 1995 CBU Valley Target Yard (saddle north of CBU Valley), SMP (October 2014) 34 N034E S 1980 to 1995 CBU Valley Craters East (munitions and debris), SMP (October 2014) N034W S CBU Valley Craters West (munitions and debris), SMP (October 2014) 36 N036E S 1950s to 1995 Target 22 Munitions Pits East (open & buried trenches), SMP (October 2014) N036W S Target 22 Munitions Pits West (open & buried trenches, SMP (October 2014) 37 N037 S 1975 to 1995 Disposal Pits by Main Bomb Circle #1 (formerly #M-1), SMP (October 2014) N037W S SWTAC Buried Tank, Vehicle Parts and Munitions (formerly M-2 and M-3), SMP (October 2014) 39 N039N S 1975 to 1983 North Strafe Run Pit (formerly M-7), SMP (October 2014) N039W S West Strafe Run Pit (formerly M-6), SMP (October 2014) 43 N043 S 1980s Bravo Munitions Pits, several buried trenches that are northwest of Bravo Gate (formerly # M-11), SMP (October 2014) 44 N044 S 1980 to 1990 Disposal Pits at Target #18 (formerly # M-12, 13 & 14), SMP (October 2014) Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 16 SWMU AF Current Period of Number Site# Status Operation DESCRIPTION of SWMU 48 N048N S 1960s to 1989 Big Papa Test Area Trench North (munitions and debris), SMP (October 2014) N048E S Big Papa Disposal Trenches East (munitions and debris), SMP (October 2014) N048W S Big Papa Test Area Craters and Burial Trench West (munitions and debris), SMP (October 2014) 60 N060 S 1969 to 1988 Little Papa Bomb Crater Debris Dump (propagation testing scrap, possible Unexploded Ordnance), SMP (October 2014) 61 N061 S 1969 to 1988 Little Papa Bomb Crater Debris Dump (spent flairs and other scrap), SMP (October 2014) 62 N062 S 1965 to 1975 HAG Munitions Trenches (buried and open, munitions, likely Unexploded Ordnance), SMP (October 2014) 65 N065 S 1960s to 1990s Target 24 Submunitions Trenches (open, west edge of target), SMP (October 2014) 67 N067 S 1964 to 1988 Munitions Trenches between targets 13 and 23 (open, munitions & target debris), SMP (October 2014) 71 N071 C No accumulation Smoky Sam Igniters (12 spent Smoky Sam igniters, used in place), Closed due to no accumulation (July 2008) 91 N091 C 1970s to 1992 Agent Orange Drum (25% full 55-gallon drum, removed in 1992), NFA (January 2008) 92 N092 S 1979 to 1986 Sink Valley Burial Trench (munitions & B-52 parts near Big Papa), SMP October 2014) 95 N095 C 1970s to mid-'80s CBU Valley Crater with Debris (open, munitions & debris), NFA (September 2010) Current Status Codes: A = SWMUs that are currently active in the corrective action process. C = Closed with No Further Action required (NFA). S = Included in and managed under conditions defined in the UTTR Site Management Plan. T = Transferred to another Module in the Permit or other Regulatory authority. Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 17 Table 2. RCRA Facility Investigation Compliance Schedule for Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) RFI Activity Due Date (calendar days) Submit Site Assessment Plan Within 30 days of newly identified potential SWMU. Submit Phase I RFI Workplan (Field Sampling Plan) Within 90 days of receipt of written request from the Director. Group I Field Sampling Plan submitted and approved . Group II Field Sampling Plan submitted and approved. Group III Field Sampling Plan submitted and approved. Group IV Field Sampling Plan submitted. Any newly identified potential SWMU. Submit Phase I RFI Draft Final Report (Release Assessment Report) Within 180 days of approval of the Phase I RFI Workplan. Group I Draft Release Assessment Report submitted. Group II Draft Release Assessment Report submitted. Group III Draft Release Assessment Report submitted. Group IV No Document Submitted. Any newly identified potential SWMU. Submit Phase II RFI Workplan Within 180 days of approval of the Phase I RFI Final Report. (If Phase I RFI indicates a need for a Phase II). Submit Phase II RFI Draft Final Report With 180 days of approval of the Phase II RFI Workplan. Submit Risk Assessment Report Within 90 days of approval of the Phase I or Phase II RFI Final Report. (If RFI indicates a need for a RAR) Submit Corrective Measures Study Work Plan Within 180 days of approval of the Phase II RFI Final Report or within 180 days of acceptance of the RAR. Submit Corrective Measures Implementation/Corrective Measures Implementation Report Within 180 days of approval of the Corrective Measures Study Work Plan. Submit Post Closure Plan If clean closure is not obtained, within 60 days of approval of the Corrective Measures Implementation Report or within 60 days of approval of the Phase II RFI or RAR if corrective measures are not required. Submit Progress Reports for field activities associated with SWMU Assessment, Phase I and Phase II RFIs, and Corrective Measures Implementations. Every June and December beginning from approval of an applicable activity and until the submittal of an applicable final report. Utah Test and Training Range Issued DRAFT Module IV - Page 18 Table 2. RCRA Facility Investigation Compliance Schedule for Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) (Continued) RFI Activity Due Date (calendar days) Submit Management Activity Report for approved Post Closure activities and inspections. Every December starting the first December after the approval of the Post Closure Plan. Submit Release Report Within 15 days of discovery. Submit SWMU Notification Within 30 days of identification of newly identified SWMU. Submit SWMU Assessment Plan Within 90 days of identification of newly identified SWMU. Submit SWMU Assessment Report Within 120 days of approval of SWMU Assessment Plan. Revised Documents Within 90 days after comments are issued.