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Module V – Page 1
V.A.1. The requirements of this Permit module pertain to Landfill 5.
The hazardous waste in Landfill 5 was excavated until waste concentrations in the
surficial soil were less than the industrial RSL. The soil excavations extended deep
into the landfill (sometimes greater than 20 feet below ground surface and it is
possible that waste concentrations exceed the industrial RSL threshold below the
measured surface.) Following excavation of the cells within the landfill, compacted
clean soil was used to fill the cells.
As waste was placed on the clean fill during the excavation operations, a cumulative
risk assessment was performed to confirm that the risk associated with the surficial
landfill soil was less than the industrial threshold. Finally, the surface of the landfill
was then returned to one that directs precipitation to outside of the cell and the entire
surface of the landfill was seeded with native vegetation. Additional work may be
needed to maintain this final cover surface.
V.B.1. The Permittee shall conduct all post-closure care activities in accordance with this
permit, in compliance with UAC R315-264-110.
V.B.2. The Permittee shall monitor the closed facility throughout the post-closure care
period in a manner that will ensure detection of subsidence, erosion channels,
ponding water, damage to the cover, or deterioration or malfunction of corrective
action systems. The Permittee shall maintain all monitoring equipment throughout
the post-closure care period, in compliance with UAC R315-264-310(b) and
specifications of this permit.
V.B.3. The Permittee shall maintain the fencing, gates, and warning signs that surround the
closed landfill and restrict unauthorized access to the facility, in accordance with
Condition V.C.
V.B.4. The Permittee shall prohibit any use of the property that may disturb the
monitoring system in compliance with UAC R315-264-310(b).
V.B.5. Maintenance of the cover and corrective action systems shall be conducted in
accordance with the respective Director-approved plans.
V.B.6. The Permittee shall protect and maintain surveyed benchmarks used in complying
with UAC R315-264-310(b)(6).
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Issued DRAFT
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V.B.7. The Permittee shall prohibit the use of groundwater impacted by the landfill.
V.B.8. The Permittee shall prohibit any use of this property without prior approval from the
Director except as to maintain the cover.
V.C.1. The Permittee shall comply with the following security conditions:
V.C.1.a. The fence with locking gates surrounding the closed facility on all sides, which
inhibits unauthorized entry, shall be maintained throughout the post-closure care
V.C.1.b. Signs that read "DANGER, UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL KEEP OUT" shall be
posted at the entrance gates and every 100 feet along the fence and shall be
maintained throughout the post-closure care period. The signs must be legible from
a distance of at least 25 feet in compliance with UAC R315-264-14(c).
V.C.1.c. The fence, locking gates, and signage shall be inspected annually throughout the
post-closure care period.
V.C.1.d. Damaged security equipment shall be noted in the inspection checklist and repairs
shall be completed as soon as practicable but no later than 72 hours after discovery.
If the remedy requires more than 72 hours the Permittee shall notify the Director,
before the expiration of the 72-hour period, of a proposed time schedule for
correcting the problem
V.D.1. The Permittee shall inspect the closed landfill annually and in the event of a major
storm or flood during the post closure care period. A major storm or flood is defined
as a storm with one-inch of precipitation or more over a 24-hour period. The
Permittee shall record the results of each inspection on the inspection checklist. All
records of inspections and remedial actions taken to correct problems discovered
during the inspections shall be retained in the operating record for at least five years.
Any deterioration or malfunction discovered by an inspection will be remedied in
compliance with the time frames specified in Condition V.C.1.d.
V.D.2. The Permittee shall inspect all groundwater monitoring wells during groundwater
monitoring events. Results of the inspection will be reported in the groundwater
monitoring event reports.
V.D.3. Upon discovering erosional features that are greater than six (6) inches, the Permittee
shall repair the cover in compliance with the time frames specified in Condition
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V.D.4. The Permittee shall inspect the Passive Soil Vapor Extraction System (SVE) as
required by the currently approved Operation and Maintenance plan or as requested
by the Director.
V.E.1. The Permittee shall maintain at the UTTR Facility for the duration of the post-
closure care period, the following documents and all amendments, revisions, and
modifications to these documents:
V.E.1.a. The post-closure permit application;
V.E.1.b. The closure plans;
V.E.1.c. Certification of closure;
V.E.1.d. Personnel training documents and records as required by UAC R315-264-16(d) and
this Permit;
V.E.1.e. Completed inspection checklists as required by this Permit;
V.E.1.f. Post-closure monitoring records, to include groundwater monitoring records,
groundwater monitoring reports and analytical results, as required by this Permit;
V.E.1.g. The operating record as required by UAC R315-264-73 and this Permit.
V.F.1. The Permittee shall monitor groundwater, as described in the Landfill 5
Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Plan (Attachment 18) , in a manner
compliant with UAC R315-101.
V.H.1. The groundwater protection standards (GPS) for each hazardous constituent that has
entered groundwater shall be the maximum contaminant level (MCL), or, if MCL is
not available, the tap water regional screening level (RSL).
V.I.1. General Requirements. The groundwater monitoring system shall consist of a
sufficient number of wells, installed at appropriate locations and depths to yield
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groundwater samples from the uppermost aquifer that represent the quality of
background water that has not been affected by leakage from the landfill.
V.I.1.a. All monitoring wells shall be constructed in accordance with the provisions in UAC
R315-264-97(c) and Condition V.I.2.
V.I.1.b. The groundwater monitoring program shall include sampling and analysis
procedures consistent with UAC R315-264-97(d) and (e) and the Landfill 5
Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Plan (Attachment 18).
V.I.1.c. The Permittee shall follow the requirements for measurement of the groundwater
surface elevation as defined in UAC R315-264-97(f).
V.I.1.d. The Permittee shall follow the requirements for establishing background water
quality for specified hazardous constituents and monitoring parameters as defined in
UAC R315-264-97(g).
V.I.1.e. The Permittee shall follow a Director approved analysis for statistical trend
evaluation, as described in the Landfill 5 Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Plan
(Attachment 18 ), to meet the requirement of UAC R315-264-97(h) in determining
whether background concentrations have been exceeded.
V.I.2. Well Location, Construction and Abandonment.
V.I.2.a. Well construction shall follow the techniques described in the Technical
Enforcement Guidance Document (TEGD), OSWER-9950.1, September 1986. All
monitoring wells shall be cased in a manner that maintains the integrity of the
monitoring well bore hole. This casing shall be screened or perforated and packed
with sand at the sample depth within the upper aquifer. Above the sampling depth,
the well bore shall be sealed to prevent contamination of samples and the
V.I.2.b. The Permittee shall construct and maintain new monitoring wells in accordance with
plans and specifications to be submitted to the Director for approval at the time of
permit modification under Condition I.D. The Permittee shall submit to the Director,
for written approval, the following: numbers, construction details, and locations of
all new wells prior to installation.
V.I.2.c. Additional groundwater monitoring wells shall be installed to maintain compliance if
subsurface conditions significantly change after permit issuance. Such changes may
include, but are not limited to, water level elevation or apparent flow direction
changes, or detection of organic constituents in a well. The Director may require the
Permittee to install and sample additional wells at any time during closure or post-
closure or compliance periods if new information or unforeseen circumstances reveal
a need for additional monitoring to protect human health and the environment.
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V.I.2.d. The Permittee shall submit monitoring well completion reports which include boring
logs, sieve analysis (grain size), standard penetration tests, analytical tests performed
on soils (e.g. Atterberg limits), the surveyed elevation to the exact point of
measurement (example: top of PVC cap) for the well, groundwater elevation at the
time of well completion, well development results including recharge rates, a cross
section or Fence diagram showing how the new well compares with adjacent wells,
and any other appropriate data. The report shall be submitted within 90 days after
completion of wells which are installed after permit issuance. All monitoring wells
constructed and installed after the issuance of this Permit, shall be immediately
sampled for the parameters specified in the Landfill 5 Groundwater Sampling and
Analysis Plan (Attachment 18).
V.I.2.e. The Permittee shall notify the Director within 72 hours when a well is no longer
properly functioning (including a marked change in pumping rate, presence of sandy
or silty materials, and cracked or broken casings) or when the Permittee intends to
close one or more wells associated with the landfill. The Director shall approve the
conditions for replacement or correction of improperly operating wells.
V.I.2.f. The Permittee shall determine the depth to the bottom of a groundwater monitoring
well any time a pump is removed for maintenance. This information shall be
recorded on well purging volume calculation sheets as required. If a problem is
observed, the Permittee shall follow the procedures described above in Condition
V.I.2.e. regarding notification and corrective procedures.
V.I.2.g. Abandonment of any monitoring well shall be accomplished in a manner that
prevents vertical movement of water and possible contaminants within the borehole
and annular space surrounding the well casing. The Permittee shall also comply with
Utah Division of Water Rights rules for well abandonment.
V.I.3. Sampling and Analysis Procedures
V.I.3.a. The Permittee shall maintain consistent sampling and analysis procedures in the
groundwater monitoring program that are designed to ensure reliable monitoring
results of groundwater quality below the waste management area. At a minimum,
the program shall include procedures and techniques for:
V.I.3.a.i. Sample collection;
V.I.3.a.ii. Sample preservation and shipment;
V.I.3.a.iii. Analytical procedures;
V.I.3.a.iv. Chain-of-custody control; and
V.I.3.a.v. Quality assurance and control.
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V.I.3.b. The sampling and analytical methods shall be appropriate for groundwater sampling
and accurately measure hazardous constituents in groundwater samples.
V.I.3.c. The Permittee shall use the following techniques and procedures when obtaining
samples and analyzing samples from the groundwater monitoring wells:
V.I.3.c.i. Samples shall be collected by the technique in the Landfill 5 Groundwater Sampling
and Analysis Plan (Attachment 18) and as required by UAC R315-264-97.
V.I.3.c.ii. Samples shall be preserved and transported in accordance with the procedures in the
Landfill 5 Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Plan (Attachment 18).
V.I.3.c.iii. Samples shall be analyzed using appropriate USEPA test methods and the
procedures specified in the Landfill 5 Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Plan
(Attachment 18 ). All major peaks greater than 25% of the peak height of the closest
internal standard will be identified using the latest NBS Library. The quantity of the
compounds represented by major peaks will be estimated based upon the closest
internal standard. Any major peak found during the analysis may become a target
V.I.3.c.iv. Reserved
V.I.3.c.v. Samples shall be tracked and controlled using the chain-of-custody procedures in the
Landfill 5 Groundwater Sampling and Analysis Plan (Attachment 18).
V.I.3.c.vi. In the case of sample breakage (i.e., during shipping, etc.), re-sampling shall be done
within seven (7) working days of the facility being notified of such an event.
V.I.3.d. The Director may request at any time all laboratory QA/QC documentation and
supporting data on any sampling event. The Permittee shall retain, either at the
laboratory or at the facility, the raw organic data for required sampling and analysis,
including gas chromatographic printouts, mass spectral analyses, and QA/QC
surrogate and spiking results, etc. These data shall be retained for a period of not
less than three (3) years at the laboratory or the facility.
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V.I.4. Groundwater Elevation
V.I.4.a. The Permittee shall determine the groundwater surface elevation in all monitoring
wells on an annual basis, or as requested by the Director. This data shall be
submitted to the Director in tabular form and on a contour map as part of each
groundwater monitoring report.
V.I.4.b. The Permittee shall determine the groundwater flow rate and direction in the
uppermost aquifer yearly. This information shall be submitted to the Director as part
of each groundwater monitoring report.
V.J.1. A passive soil venting well system with 11 vent wells was installed from 2008-2010
and used to remediate the vadose zone of volatile contaminants. This system was
modified in 2020 to total 30 vent wells. As the waste materials have been removed
and Landfill 5 is in post-remediation management, the active soil venting system is
no longer required. The soil venting wells will be capped. If the groundwater data
indicate a statistically significant increase in VOCs, the passive soil venting system
may be reinstated to mitigate the volatile contamination.