HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2019-014304 - 0901a06880b56f30ATK Launch Systems Inc. – Promontory September 2019 Module VI – Oxidizer Leaching Treatment of Energetic Wastes UTD009081357 MODULE VI– OXIDIZER LEACHING TREATMENT OF ENERGETIC WASTE VI.A. APPLICABILITY VI.A.1. The requirements of this permit module apply to the treatment of reactive and ignitable hazardous waste, EPA hazardous waste codes D001 and D003, by oxidizer leaching at the ATK Launch Systems – Promontory facility. The Permittee shall comply with R315-264 and all conditions of this Module and Permit. VI.A.2. The Permit conditions of this module allow treatment at the Hazardous Waste Management Unit, designated as the M-705L oxidizer leaching process, as designed and described in the drawings and specifications in Attachments 6 and 12. The M-705L oxidizer leaching process consists of a 600 gallon leach tank and ancillary equipment and piping. VI.A.3. The treatment of reactive or ignitable items or articles by the oxidizer leaching process at M-705L may be exempt from this Module if the items or articles can be legitimately recycled in accordance with R315-261. VI.A.4. This Permit has been developed in accordance with the applicable requirements of Title R315 of the Utah Administrative Code. All conditions in this Permit shall supersede conflicting statements, requirements, or procedures found in Title R315 of the Utah Administrative Code or the Attachments to this Permit. VI.B. PERMITTED AND PROHIBITED WASTE IDENTIFICATION VI.B.1. The Permittee may treat reactive and ignitable hazardous waste, EPA hazardous waste codes D001 and D003 at Building M705L by oxidizer leaching. The reactive or ignitable hazardous waste is generated from the following sources: VI.B.1.a. Production materials generated at the ATK Promontory facility that are contaminated with reactive or ignitable residues (e.g., flare grain-formers, gloves, other personal protective equipment, plastics, rubber and paper that were contaminated with reactive materials during the manufacturing process). VI.B.2. Only reactive or ignitable hazardous waste as defined by R315-261 may be treated in the M-705L oxidizer leaching tank. VI.B.3. The Permittee is prohibited from treating reactive or ignitable hazardous waste classes and compositions in the M-705L oxidizer leaching tank that are not included in Conditions IV.B.1. and IV.B.2. ATK Launch Systems Inc. – Promontory September 2019 Module VI – Oxidizer Leaching Treatment of Energetic Wastes UTD009081357 VI.B.4. The Permittee is prohibited from treating any reactive or ignitable hazardous waste by oxidizer leaching that does not have a designated waste profile. VI.B.5. The addition of hazardous waste codes to Conditions VI.B.1. and VI.B.1.a. requires a permit modification as specified in R315-124-5 and Condition I.D. VI.B.6. The Permittee shall comply with the waste compatibility requirements of Condition II.I. VI.C. GENERAL OPERATING CONDITIONS VI.C.1. The Permittee shall use appropriate controls and practices to maintain the integrity of the M-705L tank system and to prevent spills and overflows in accordance with the standards of R315-264-194. VI.C.2. In order to minimize the potential impacts to human health and the environment, the Permittee shall adhere to applicable provisions of Attachments 2 and 12 and the following Conditions: VI.C.2.a. Reactive and ignitable hazardous waste shall be managed in accordance with Attachment 12 and R315-262 until such time it is determined that it no longer exhibits the reactivity or ignitability characteristic; VI.C.2.b. The Permittee shall comply with the Waste Analysis Plan and operating parameters outlined in Attachment 1, Section 3.3.3 and Attachment 12, Section 12-3 to develop specific Waste Profiles and to determine when the reactive or ignitable hazardous waste being treated is no longer hazardous; VI.C.2.c. The Permittee shall comply with the requirements specified in the facility Contingency Plan (Attachment 4), when there has been a release at Building M-705L that threatens human health or the environment; VI.C.2.d. The Permittee shall take precautions to prevent accidental ignition or reaction of the reactive or ignitable hazardous waste and comply with the procedures specified in R315-264-17; VI.C.2.e. Treatment of reactive or ignitable hazardous waste by the oxidizer leaching process at M-705L shall only be accomplished by properly trained ATK personnel in accordance with the ATK Waste Profile #, the conditions of this Permit and its Attachments; VI.C.2.f. The Permittee shall post warning signs outside of the M-705L oxidizer leaching building to keep unauthorized personnel out; VI.C.2.g. The Permittee shall maintain the egress paths for the M-705L oxidizer leaching building as identified in Attachment 4; ATK Launch Systems Inc. – Promontory September 2019 Module VI – Oxidizer Leaching Treatment of Energetic Wastes UTD009081357 VI.C.2.h. The Permittee shall train all operators of the M-705L oxidizer leaching process in accordance with Condition II.H. and Attachement 3 of this Permit; VI.C.2.i. The Permittee shall maintain the integrity of the M-705L tank system and ancillary equipment through regular inspections and in accordance with the inspection schedule contained in Attachment 2 of this Permit. Inspection records shall be maintained at the facility; VI.C.2.j. The Permittee shall not operate the M-705L oxidizer leaching process without secondary containment as required by R315-264-193; and VI.C.2.k. If the electronic leak detection system is not operational, the Permittee shall conduct visual inspections of the secondary containment structure every day that the M-705L tank system contains hazardous waste. VI.C.3. Once the Permittee has determined that the oxidizer leaching treatment process is complete for a batch of contaminated production materials or class 1.3 propellants or explosives, in accordance with Sections 12-2 and 12-3 of Attachment 12, the wastewater shall be pumped to the wastewater treatment plant where it is treated and discharged in accordance with the Permittee’s current UPDES Permit #UT0024805. VI.D. RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTING VI.D.1. The Permittee shall record in the Operating Record the following: VI.D.1.a. The date a batch of contaminated production materials or class 1.3 propellant or explosive is placed in the M-705L treatment tank; VI.D.1.b. The quantity and description of contaminated production materials or class 1.3 propellant or explosive, including the Waste Profile #, placed in the treatment tank; VI.D.1.c. The laboratory testing results associated with each Waste Profile #; VI.D.1.d. The date the treatment process for each batch of contaminated production materials or class 1.3 propellant or explosive is complete such that all items in each batch are no longer reactive or ignitable in accordance with the Waste Profile #; VI.D.1.e. The date the wastewater is pumped out of the tank to the wastewater treatment plant; and VI.D.1.f. The waste determination of the treated production materials and any residue and the date they are removed from the tank. ATK Launch Systems Inc. – Promontory September 2019 Module VI – Oxidizer Leaching Treatment of Energetic Wastes UTD009081357 VI.E. CLOSURE VI.E.1. The Permittee shall close the Building M-705L oxidizer leaching treatment process in accordance with R315-264-110, R315-264-178, Permit Condition II.O. and the designated Closure Plan in Attachment 5 of this Permit.