HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-012581 - 0901a0688097b6c7December 19, 2018 8200-FY18-025 Scott T. Anderson, Director Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control ATTN: Jeff Vandel P.O. Box 144880 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Div of Waste Management and Radiation Control DEC 1 9 2018 -17-/-11W -20/0 -0 250 1 RE: Post-Closure Permit, ATK Launch Systems Inc. - Promontory Facility, EPA ID# UTD009081357, Additional Investigation Report for SWMUs 285 and 620 Dear Mr. Anderson, ATK Launch Systems Inc. Promontory facility is submitting with this letter a report of the additional investigation of two Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) called 2815 and 620. The investigation plan was discussed with Jeff Vandel during a site visit to both SWMUs. The work has now been completed with the details and results included in the report. If you have questions, or need additional information, please contact Paul Hancock at (435) 863-3344. Sincerely, Kris H Blauer, Manager, Environmental Services ATK Launch Systems, Inc. • P.O. Box 707 Brigham City, Utah 84321 • (801)250-5911 ) ) ) Div of Waste Management and Radiation Control ) DEC 1 9 2018 ) ) P3HW -2010-01 I ) ) 7) ) 3 ) ) 3 ) ) ) D Additional Investigation Report for ) Solid Waste Management Units 285 and 620 ) D D ATK Launch Systems Promontory Facility ) D D 3 D Prepared for: D Utah Department of Environmental Quality D Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control D D D D Prepared by: D D ATK Launch Systems Inc. D UTD00908 1357 D D D December 2018 D ) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Backgyound 2 2.0 ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION 3 2.1 SWMU 285 Investigation 3 2.2 SWMU 270 Investigation 4 3.0 SAMPLING RESULTS 5 4.0 CONCLUSIONS OF THE ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION 6 FIGURES FIGURE 1 SWMU #285 Sampling Locations FIGURE 2 SWMU #620 Sampling Locations ATTACHMENTS Attachment A Analytical Data Sheets Attachment B Field Notes NORTFMOP GRIANNAN ) SWMUs 285 and 620 Investigation Report ) ) During an October 17th 2018 inspection of Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) sites at the ) Promontory facility of ATK Launch Systems (ATK), two SWMU locations, 285 and 620, were ) visited by Jeff Vandel with the Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (the J Division). It was discussed during this inspection that additional sampling was proposed for ) these sites as each had one soil sample that exceeded the cyanide risk based standard. These ) results are found the August 2000 RFI Report1. Agreement was reached for the locations and depths for the additional sampling and that the sampling should proceed as agreed. This report details the sampling process and results of the additional investigation at both sites. ) 1.1 BACKGROUND ) SWMU 285 is associated a waste water discharge comprised of BAC cooling and water softening waste water with building M-570 at the ATK facility. This building was historically ) used as an employee change house for the HMX grinding area. An investigation of the soil at ) the discharge location was approved by the Division with the results included in the August 2000 RFI report. Two locations were sampled one at the point of discharge and another 44 feet down ) gradient at both the surface and 2 feet in depth. The surface sample at 44 feet reported a cyanide value of 178 mg/Kg with all other samples showing a non-detect. The residential Regional ) Screening Values (RSLs) for cyanide are 23 mg/Kg; therefore additional investigation was concluded in the RFI report. J SWMU 620 is associated with an old waste water discharge consisting of BAC cooling and boiler condensate from building M-702. It is noted in the 2000 RFI report that this flow was considered substantially identical to SWMU 285. This building was used as a dryer for HMX. ) Two soil locations were sampled one at the point of discharge and the other 25 feet down gradient at both the surface and at 2 feet in depth. Cyanide was reported in the 25 ft. surface sample at 175 mg/kg; with all other samples at non-detect. 3 1. Thiokol Propulsion RCRA Facility Investigation Report, August 2000 2IPage November 2018 ) ) 1.0 INTRODUCTION ) ) ) NORTHROP GRUNNIAIN „......„_________------....--.. ) SWMUs 285 and 620 Investigation Report 3 ) Both the 285 and the 620 flows were connected to the onsite wastewater treatment facility in ) ) 1995. ) ) ) 2.0 Additional Investigation ) The plans for additional investigation discussed with Jeff Vandel at both locations concluded that ) the previous sampling indicated that the cyanide contamination was limited to the surface ) samples. Agreement was reached that the additional sampling would be surface samples at three ) locations, one up gradient of the high sample point, one at the same location as the high value D 3 and one down gradient. It was also agreed, that the samples be collected at a depth of 3 to 6 ) inches after removing approximately two inches from the surface to account for sediment that ) likely covered the original sample surface. ) ) Proper sampling protocol was used. A stainless steel scoop was used and decontaminated ) between sampling locations with Iconox soap wash water and a distilled water rinse. New 4 oz. ) sample jars were used and samples were preserved at 4 degrees C and sent to ALS analytical a ) Utah certified laboratory for cyanide under a chain of custody. D 3 3 D 2.1 SWMU 285 Investigation D 3 The original investigation collected soil samples at the point of discharge and at the location D where the cyanide was detected at 44 ft. down gradient. On October 29, 2018 soil samples were 3 collected at 5.5 feet, 44 feet and 66 feet from the discharge point at a depth interval of 3 to six D inches. The 44 ft. and 66 ft. samples locations are on the downgradient side of culverts that went 3 under the two roads. A duplicate sample was collected at the 44 ft. location labeled 44A. The D sample locations are shown in Figure 1. 3 D D D 3 3 D 3lPage Novernber 2018 ) -. IVORTHROP GRUMMAN SWMUs 285 and 620 Investigation Report Figure 1 SWMU 285 Sampling Locations • • • • • • • * 4 II' 410 . • a" • 2.2 SWMU 620 Investigation • The original investigation collected soil samples at the point of discharge and at the location • where the cyanide was detected at 25 ft. down gradient. On October 29, 2018 soil samples were • collected at 10 feet, 25 feet and 30 feet from the discharge point, at a depth interval of 3 to six • inches. A duplicate sample was collected at 25 ft. labeled 25A. The sample locations are shown • in Figure 2. • • • • • • • • 4 I November 2018 Figure 2 SWMU 620 Sampling Locations Sample 25 tt Sample 10 ft. • • • • 3.0 SAMPLE RESULTS NORTHROP GRUMMAN SWMUs 285 and 620 Investigation Report • Results from the sample analysis showed that all of the samples at both SWMU locations were • less than detection limits for cyanide. The ALS analytical report is found in Attachment A. A • copy of the sampling field notes is found in Attachment B. • November 2018 SWMUs 285 and 620 Investigation Report 4.0 CONCLUSIONS OF THE ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATION Results of this additional sampling show that cyanide was not detected at these sites. This indicates that the previous cyanide detections were very limited in area and have since degaded or were possibly a false positive. ATK proposes that SWMUs 285 and 620 be designated as closed with no further action. Wage November 2018 Attachment A i Laboratory Report • • • ALS • ANALYTICAL REPORT • • Report Date: November 15, 2018 • Paul Hancock ATK Lanch Systems Phone: (435) 863-3344 • P.O. Box 98 Magna, UT 84044 E-mail: paul.hancock@orbitalatk.com • • Workorder: 34-1830598 • Project ID: 3H040.08.8200.0000 Purchase Order: MP00194613 • Project Manager Kevin W. Griffiths • Client Sample ID Lab ID Collect Date Receive Date Sampling Site • 620-10 1830598001 10/29/18 11/01/18 SWMUs 620 and 285 • 620-25 1830598002 10/29/18 11/01/18 SWMUs 620 and 285 620-25A 1830598003 10/29/18 11/01/18 SWMUs 620 and 285 • 620-30 1830598004 10/29/18 11/01/18 SWMUs 620 and 285 • 285-5.5 1830598005 10/29/18 11/01/18 SWMUs 620 and 285 • 285-44 285-44A 1830598006 1830598007 10/29/18 10/29/18 11/01/18 11/01/18 SWMUs 620 and 285 SWMUs 620 and 285 • 285-36 1830598008 10/29/18 11/01/18 SWMUs 620 and 285 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ADDRESS 960 West LeVoy Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah, 841 23 USA PHONE +1 801 266 7700 F AX +1 801 268 9992 AI S GROUP USA CORP. An ALS Limited Company • • • • • www.alsglobal.com RIGHT SOLUTIOrIS Page 1 of 5 Thu, 11/15/18 5:25 PM ENVREP-V4.8 • • ANALYTICAL REPORT Workorder: 34-1830598 Client: Northrop Grumman - Orbital ATK Propulsion Systems Project Manager: Kevin W. Griffiths Analytical Results Sample ID: 620-10 Lab ID: 1830598001 Matrix: Soil/Solid/Sediment Sampling Site: SWMUs 620 and 285 Media: 4 oz Amber Glass Jar Sampling Parameter: NA Collected: 10/29/2018 Received: 11/01/2018 Analysis Method - SW 9012 Preparation: Not Applicable Analysis: SW 9012A w/ Micro Dist, Soil Batch: EWC/7594 (HBN: 226950) Analyzed: 11/09/2018 17:11 Instrument ID: WET01 Percent Solid: 84.8 Report Basis: Dry Analyte Result (ug/g) MDL (ug/g) RL (ug/g) Dilution Qual Cyar ide ND 0.080 0.61 1 U Sample ID: 620-25 Lab ID: 1830598002 Matrix: Soil/Solid/Sediment Sampling Site: SWMUs 620 and 285 Media: 4 oz Amber Glass Jar Sampling Parameter: NA Collected: 10/29/2018 Received: 11/01/2018 Analysis Method - SW 9012 Preparation: Not Applicable Analysis: SW 9012A w/ Micro Dist, Soil Batch: EWC/7594 (HBN: 226950) Analyzed: 11/09/2018 17:12 Instrument ID: WET01 Percent Solid: 80.6 Report Basis: Dry Ana lyte Result (ug/g) MDL (ug/g) RL (ug/g) Dilution Qual Cyar ide ND 0.086 0.66 1 U Sample ID: 620-25A Lab ID: 1830598003 Matrix: Soil/Solid/Sediment Sampling Site: SWMUs 620 and 285 Media: 4 oz Amber Glass Jar Sampling Parameter: NA Collected: 10/29/2018 Received: 11/01/2018 Analysis Method - SW 9012 Preparation: Not Applicable Analysis: SW 9012A w/ Micro Dist, Soil Batch: EWC/7594 (HBN: 226950) Analyzed: 11/09/2018 17:12 Instrument ID: WET01 Percent Solid: 83.6 Report Basis: Dry Analyte Result (ug/g) MDL (ug/g) RL (ug/g) Dilution Qual Cyar ide ND 0.085 0.65 1 U Sample ID: 620-30 Lab ID: 1830598004 Matrix: Soil/Solid/Sediment Sampling Site: SWMUs 620 and 285 Media: 4 oz Amber Glass Jar Sampling Parameter: NA Collected: 10/29/2018 Received: 11/01/2018 Ana ysis Method - SW 9012 Pre mration: Not Applicable Analysis: SW 9012A w/ Micro Dist, Soil Batch: EWC/7594 (HBN: 226950) Analyzed: 11/09/2018 17:16 Instrument ID: WET01 Percent Solid: 90.6 Report Basis: Dry Analyte Result (ug/g) MDL (ug/g) RL (ug/g) Dilution Qual Cyanide ND 0.078 0.60 1 U • • • • Page 2 of 5 Thu, 11/15/18 5:25 PM ENVREP-V4.8 • • • • ALS • • Client: Northrop Grumman - Orbital ATK Propulsion Systems Project Manager: Kevin W. Griffiths ENVREP-V4.8 • • • Page 3 of 5 • Thu, 11/15/18 5:25 PM Workorder: 34-1830598 Analytical Results Sample ID: 285-5.5 Lab ID: 1830598005 Matrix: Soil/Solid/Sediment Sampling Site: SWMUs 620 and 285 Media: 4 oz Amber Glass Jar Sampling Parameter: NA Collected: 10/29/2018 Received: 11/01/2018 Analysis Method - SW 9012 Preparation: Not Applicable Analysis: SW 9012A w/ Micro Dist, Soil Batch: EWC/7594 (HBN: 226950) Analyzed: 11/09/2018 17:17 Instrument ID: WET01 Percent Solid: 86.3 Report Basis: Dry Analyte Result (ug/g) MDI.. (ug/g) RL (ug/g) Dilution Qual Cyanide ND 0.077 0.60 1 U Sample ID: 285-44 Lab ID: 1830598006 Matrix: Soil/Solid/Sediment Sampling Site: SWMUs 620 and 285 Media: 4 oz Amber Glass Jar Sampling Parameter: NA Collected: 10/29/2018 Received: 11/01/2018 Analysis Method - SW 9012 Preparation: Not Applicable Analysis: SW 9012A w/ Micro Dist, Soil Batch: EWC/7594 (HBN: 226950) Analyzed: 11/09/2018 17:19 Instrument ID: WET01 Percent Solid: 85 Report Basis: Dry Analyte Result (ug/g) MDL (ug/g) RL (ug/g) Dilution Qual Cyanide ND 0.085 0.66 1 u Sample ID: 285-44A Lab ID: 1830598007 Matrix: Soil/Solid/Sediment Sampling Site: SWMUs 620 and 285 Media: 4 oz Amber Glass Jar Sampling Parameter: NA Collected: 10/29/2018 Received: 11/01/2018 Analysis Method - SW 9012 Preparation: Not Applicable Analysis: SW 9012A w/ Micro Dist, Soil Batch: EWC/7594 (HBN: 226950) Analyzed: 11/09/2018 17:23 Instrument ID: WET01 Percent Solid: 89 Report Basis: Dry Analyte Result (ug/g) MDL (ug/g) RL (ug/g) Dilution Qual Cyanide ND 0.081 0.62 1 u Sample ID: 285-66 Lab ID: 1830598008 Matrix: Soil/Solid/Sediment Sampling Site: SWMUs 620 and 285 Media: 4 oz Amber Glass Jar Sarnpling Parameter: NA Collected: 10/29/2018 Received: 11/01/2018 Analysis Method - SW 9012 Preparation: Not Applicable Analysis: SW 9012A w/ Micro Dist, Soil Batch: EWC/7594 (HBN: 226950) Analyzed: 11/09/2018 17:24 Instrument ID: WET01 Percent Solid: 91.3 Report Basis: Dry Analyte Result (ug/g) MDL (ug/g) RL (ug/g) Dilution Qual Cyanide ND 0.080 0.62 1 u ANALYTICAL REPORT • • • ANALYTICAL REPORT 34-1830598 • • • ALS • • Workorder: Client: Northrop Grumman - Orbital ATK Propulsion Systems Project Manager: Kevin W. Griffiths Comments Workorder: 1830598 SW 9012 - The base cyanide reporting limit for soil field samples was reported at 50 pg/L, or 0.6 pg/g for a 0.5g sample, due to matrix issues. Quality Control: SW 9012 - (HBN: 226950) • Cyanide in the matrix spike had low recovery and cyanide in the matrix spike duplicate was not recovered. Matrix issues were suspected. Report Authorization (IS/ is an electronic signature that complies with 21 CFR Part 11) • Method Analyst Peer Review /S/ Christopher R. Hansen /S/ Kristie F. Bitner • SW 9012 11/13/2018 09:45 11/15/2018 09:47 • Solids/Moisture Determination /S/ Ilse J. Ovalle /S/ Jeff Ward 11/15/2018 17:01 11/15/2018 17:21 • • Laboratory Contact Information ALS Environmental Phone: (801) 266-7700 960 W Levoy Drive Email: alsIt.lab@ALSGlobal.com • Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 Web: www.alsslc.com 0 0 1111 Page 4 of 5 Thu, 11/15/18 5:25 PM ENVREP-V4.8 = ALS ANALYTICAL REPORT JP" Workorder: 34.1830598 Client: Northrop Grumman - Orbital ATK Propulsion Systems Project Manager: Kevin W. Griffiths General Lab Comments The results provided in this report relate only to the items tested. Samples were received in acceptable condition unless otherwise noted. Samples have not been blank corrected unless otherwise noted. This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without written approval of ALS. ALS provides professional analytical services for all samples submitted. ALS is not in a position to interpret the data and assumes no responsibility for the quality of the samples submitted. All quality control samples processed with the samples in this report yielded acceptable results unless otherwise noted. ALS is accredited for specific fields of testing (scopes) in the following testing sectors. The quality system implemented at ALS conforms to accreditation requirements and is applied to all analytical testing performed by ALS. The following table lists testing sector, accreditation body, accreditation number and website. Please contact these accrediting bodies or your ALS project manager for the current scope of accreditation that applies to your analytical testing. Testing Sector Accreditation Body Certificate Website Vb. Number Environmental PJLA (DoD ELAP) Utah (TNI) Nevada Oklahoma Iowa kk .111, Ali Ilk .111. 4111. Result Symbol Definitions MDL = Method Detection Limit, a statistical estimate of method/media/instrument sensitivity. RL = Reporting Limit, a verified value of method/media/instrument sensitivity. CRDL = Contract Required Detection Limit dlk Reg. Limit = Regulatory Limit. 411, ND = Not Detected, testing result not detected above the MDL or RL. < This testing result is less than the numerical value. dok ** No result could be reported, see sample comments for details. Qualifier Symbol Definitions U = Qualifier indicates that the analyte was not detected above the MDL. 411, J = Qualifier Indicates that the analyte value is between the MDL and the RL. It is also used to indicate an estimated value for tentatively identified compounds in mass spectrometry where a 1:1 response is assumed. B = Qualifier indicates that the analyte was detected in the blank. E = Qualifier indicates that the analyte result exceeds calibration range. P = Qualifier indicates that the RPD between the two columns is greater than 40%. -4/ Page 5 of 5 Thu, 11/15/18 5:25 PM ENVREP-V4.8 161,65/itt 111111111111111tilltliltilli Orbital ATK 1010404•4•101•1•Irt • to 01•00 01010i 01 0 1 fl 0 0 „ 1 ' Vl 1 „ p Propulsion Systems P.O. BOX 98 MAGNA, UTAH 84404 Environmental Lab Work Request iq3esn GENERAL INFORMATION 1 LAB: ALS - SLC COLLECTED BY: P. Hancock COMPANY: Orbital ATK PO # MP00194613 PROJECT NAME: 3H040.08.8200.0000 COLLECTION LOCATION: SWMUs 620 and 285 TITLE: ENVIRO ENG CONTACT: Paul Hancock 435-863-3344 EMAIL: paul.hancock orbitalatk.com M-53 PROJJD WPKG: 3HC30.03.3300.0000 MATERIAL SAMPLED: Soil 1 SAMPLE INFORMATION SAMPLE NUMBER DATE TIME METHOD BOTTLE PRESERVATIVE ANALYSIS REQUESTED NOTE 620-10 10/29/18 9:53 EPA Method, 9010B/9014 4 oz. - Total Cyanide 620-25 10/29/18 9:56 EPA Method, 9010B/9014 4 oz. - Total Cyanide 620-25A 10/29/18 9:58 EPA Method, 90108/9014 4 oz - Total Cyanide 620-30 10/29/18 10:01 EPA Method, 9010B/9014 4 oz - Total Cyanide 285-5.5 10/29/18 10:23 EPA Method, 90108/9014 4 oz - Total Cyanide 285-44 10/29/18 10:28 EPA Method, 9010B/9014 4 oz - Total Cyanide 285-44A 10/29/18 10:30 EPA Method, 90108/9014 4 oz - Total Cyanide 285-66 10/29/18 10:32 EPA Method, 9010B/9014 4 oz - Total Cyanide Report Basis: (Record 'X'' in applicable box) X As Received Dry Weight % Moisture NOTE: CHAIN OF CUSTODY ELINGUISHED BY RECEIV D BY DATE TIME Jr44N,J •• .. 1 V I / kg cr-S-0 Otedu;tAl 11-011 )1s.C.3— FORM FOA-0287 (REV 2-16A) PAGE 1 OF 2 ALS-SALT LAKE CITY-REIATED INFORMATION REPORT CRIR • COOLER OR CONTAINER INFORMATION CHECKLIST (Fill In or Circle) Client Name: Date/Time of Number of Coolers Project/Task/Site: %kW./ tAAWAll ifae4V Receipt 0 41 "e' It '41.- Received: I Condition of Coolers: Cooler Custody Seals: Container Custody eals: Ice Present (t2ant/b Intact/Brokene Unacceptable le/ . .,, t/NA . . .,. 0 elted/NA Temperature Control: Location Temp Are all temperatures project specific WA Headspace Taken: within guidelines? Present/Not Contro etween S , des Yes/No/NA Yes/No/NA Present/ Intact/B Itt o/NA 0., Present? pH Check Pedbrmed: Metals Yes/No/NA Cyanide Yes/No/NA Sulfide Yes/No/NA Ammonia Yes/No/NA Total Phenolics Yes/No/NA US — 418.1 Yes/No/NA COD Yes/No/NA TEN Yes/No/NA NO3/NO2 Yes/No/NA OE & Grease Yes/No/NA Total Phosphorous Yes/No/NA GI= A.B. Gamma Spec Yes/No/NA Cooler Riargizell DCL cmler No Tempt le °C Cooler Maid 4 DCL Cooler No, Temp, °C Cooler Relebrig pa Cooler No. Temp, °C 1 C18 ViCil— C18 7 C18 2 C18 °C 5 C18 °C 8 C18 °C 3 C18 °C 6 C18 Taken By: or II ei 1/1,1/1AWM:1-74Wr ( 1 li?' damAVott CLIENT-REIATED INFORMATION 0 Missing Cooler 0 Cooler Conditions 0 Missing Paperwork 0 Missing/Incorrect Bottle Labels 0 Missing Samples/Bottles El Broken/Leaking Samples 13 Incorrect Bottle Type 0 Cooler Temperatures Out ' of Range 0 Incorrect Preservation 0 pH Criteria Not Met 0 Residual Chlorine Present 0 Head Space in Bottles 0 Insufficient Sample Volume 0 Chain of Custody Problems 0 Other: BRIEFLY DESCRIBE THE PROBLEM AND WE ACTION TAKEN: vi vior WAitt 6 1 0WiteAregat, l e Client Notified? YES 13 No 0 Response Required Within 24 Hours PROJECT MANAGEMENT PROJECT MANAGER COMMENTS: ALS Project Manager: Returned to Sample Receipt by: Date: npatos Pitedkitais CRRLdoc Revised 01/0112018 Attachment B Field Notes as, ma, -•••• -••• -•••• ,I•Or ••••, •ia• ••••• ,111, .11h. 411, 41▪ , •Ulk •Uk 41, 41 h. 411, lir • • • APARMNOP GAILINIVAN • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2H November 2018 r (.4 24i • --)r a, • - • - 11 G,'Cr S U 62,0 Gd 144 -17O2, 44,- -Th-64 C. osi 3:111.43teep eet, eizik kcrifd.:“: ¡() -Qv.Ç loto 1>u-1- 43-1 mats:/ sto 2 C4 Pio (0 oc,-1 ,‘sg- 2s-44 A L lu Lef 1VA0..3 cc- 1 6,20 -25- ‘Zo- . 4 40— 4 4,) cak+- kif4i si I+ 1,45. At, PAGAN*, wosk j -12r , -7,ca SaPf a • 5, S r,evlota. Out ail 3 - " (30—Je AJ - vm.0.34 Sri tt,i, tvu,... 7`4 0*‘4 aN11 ACC vri'S -f voe,c) (4X1Pcled 41'1;2 40-t CN'tt rZ(4,-‘ - A S \ VW31.'54 40trOlki Aftat 674 4'4 V 001/44. el +A ifrA MA s ìI ok C.0L.tI1 L .34 Sit14.4( !;?. w• r (L. S. 40 (-0/ 4-2d+ vA-rif-) - LAN C J- Lis ss Go p Cp.I SWMUs 285 and 620 Investigation Report 27