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ATK Launch Systems Inc. - Promontory July 2, 2018 Post Closure Permit: UTD009081357
I.A. Purpose and Scope
The M-136 LTTAs, and Photographic Waste Discharge Sites at M-508 and M-636 are all Hazardous Waste Management Units (HWMUs) that
have been closed with waste in-place. Post-closure security and
maintenance requirements apply to these sites in accordance with R315-
264-14 and R315-264-110. The security and maintenance requirements of
this plan apply to the closed LTTAs and Photographic Waste Discharge
Sites as outlined below. I.B. Security
The work performed at the ATK Launch Systems, Promontory facility
primarily involves Department of Defense and NASA contracts; therefore,
comprehensive security agreement measures have been instituted. These security measures include both a twenty-four hour surveillance system and an artificial barrier around the facility to minimize the possibility of
unknown entry of livestock or personnel.
I.B.1. Surveillance System
Entry onto the facility is controlled at gates that are maintained by a trained security force. The security force also provides patrol, escort, and
other activities within the facility. All plant entrances are manned by a
minimum of one security officer twenty-four hours per day, every day. All
other gates are locked and only used when authorized by attending
Security. All employees entering the facility must show identification badges at the gate and wear them in plain sight throughout the day. All visitors and vendors are required to wear special identification badges.
I.B.2. Artificial Barrier
There are artificial or natural barriers surrounding the entire plant. The
primary barrier consists of a chain link and barbed wire fence. The chain link fence runs along Highway 83 until it runs into the gully formed by Blue Creek just west of building M-46. A natural barrier is provided by
the Blue Creek gully which is approximately 15 feet deep with near
vertical sides. This barrier extends for approximately 8,000 feet to a five-
foot, four-strand barbed wire fence. This fence extends to the north,
changes to chain link, and runs around the north end of the Plant. The chain link fences are seven feet high and topped with barbed wire. This
ATK Launch Systems Inc. - Promontory March 24, 2017 Post Closure Permit: UTD009081357
fence is continued by a five-foot, four-strand barbed wire fence, which
completes the primary barrier by encircling North Plant, Test, and Space
Operations. Plant III is encircled by a five-foot, four-strand barbed wire
fence and also has controlled access at the main entrance. Each hazardous
waste management area also has an artificial barrier as described in the
facility’s Hazardous Waste Storage Permit.
In addition to the barrier described above, a five-foot, four strand barb
wire fence surrounds the M-136 LTTAs. Access to the area is controlled
by a gate which is locked when no one is present.
I.B.3. Warning Signs Signs which read "DANGER, UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL KEEP
OUT" shall be posted at the entrance gates to the LTTA and every 100 feet
along the fence surrounding the LTTA and shall be maintained throughout
the post-closure care period. The signs must be legible from a distance of
at least 25 feet in accordance with R315-264-14(c). Signs which read “HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT UNIT –
RESTRICTIONS ON LAND USE APPLY” shall be posted at entrances
and every 100 feet around the designated area of HWMUs M-508 and M-
I.B.4. Activity and Use Limitations The Permittee has closed the M-136 LTTAs with waste in place and the
disposal areas have been capped. The M-508 and M-636 Photographic
Waste Discharge Sites have both been closed with residual contamination
remaining that exceeds standards for residential use. The Permittee has entered into Environmental Covenants with the Director
for the M-136 LTTAs and the M-508 and M-636 Photographic Waste Discharge Sites that establish their locations, the land use restrictions that exist at each and identify the contaminants that remain at the sites.
The Environmental Covenants run with the land and a Notice upon
Conveyance is required that informs any new owner of the land use
restrictions that apply to the sites. The Environmental Covenants were recorded with the Box Elder County Recorder and are included in this Attachment.
Based on an assessment of the human health risk associated with the
contamination remaining at the M-508 and M-636 sites, no soil shall be
removed from the surveyed confines of these areas. Use of the property at
ATK Launch Systems Inc. - Promontory July 2, 2018 Post Closure Permit: UTD009081357
the M-136 LTTA which will disturb the integrity of the caps, containment
system, or groundwater monitoring system is prohibited.
I.C. Maintenance
This section describes the maintenance requirements for the M-136
LTTAs and Photographic Waste Discharge Sites at M-508 and M-636
during the post-closure care period. These requirements are in accordance
with the State of Utah Hazardous Waste Management Rules R315-264-14,
R315-264-110 and R315-264-228.
I.C.1. M-136 LTTAs Post-Closure Maintenance Requirements
In accordance with R315-264-228, post-closure maintenance of the M-136
LTTAs consists of the three primary requirements outlined below:
I.C.1.a. The Permittee shall maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the final cover, or caps, including making repairs to the cap as necessary to correct the effects of settling, subsidence, erosion, or other events.
I.C.1.b. The Permittee shall maintain and monitor the groundwater monitoring
system (as directed by Module IV of this Permit).
I.C.1.c. The Permittee shall prevent run-on and run-off from eroding or otherwise damaging the final cover, or caps. Run-on and run-off at the M-136
Burning Grounds and LTTA caps are controlled by diversion, collection
ditches and trenches. Diversion ditches direct run-on around the M-136
area. Run-off is collected in a ditch on the west end of the area which
drains towards a level spreader, storm water dispersion area. The diversion and collection ditches shall be kept clean of debris and vegetation that may prevent adequate drainage. If debris or vegetation is
found in these structures during inspections that may result in inadequate
drainage, action shall be initiated within seventy-two (72) hours to clear
the drainage structures. The LTTA caps within the M-136 area are
included in the ATK Launch Systems zone of engineering control.
I.C.2. M-508 and M-636 Photographic Waste Discharge Sites Post-Closure Maintenance Requirements
Post-closure maintenance of the M-508 and M-636 sites shall consist of
the following primary requirements:
ATK Launch Systems Inc. - Promontory March 24, 2017 Post Closure Permit: UTD009081357
I.C.2.a. The Permittee shall maintain the warning signs and other security
I.C.2.b. The Permittee shall maintain and monitor the groundwater monitoring
system (as directed by Module IV of this Permit).
I.D. Inspection Requirements for the M-136 LTTAs
The Permittee shall inspect, throughout the post-closure care period, the
twelve M-136 LTTA caps, drainage ditches, security equipment and
groundwater monitoring system as directed by Modules II and III and
Attachment 2 of this Permit. All records of inspections and remedial actions shall be retained in the Operating Record, as indicated by Permit condition I.G.16. Repairs or corrective action for any deterioration or
malfunction discovered by an inspection shall be initiated within seventy-
two (72) hours except for damaged security equipment. As stated in
Permit Condition II.B.3., repairs to damaged security equipment shall
begin within twenty-four (24) hours. Repairs to security equipment shall be completed as soon as practicable, but not later than seventy-two (72) hours after the problem is discovered.