HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-010139 - 0901a0688090987cCivil PROOF OF PUBLICATION Div of Waste Management and Radiation Control OCT 1 9 2018 NOTICE Ari emergency hazardous Waste' permit (#UT-022-2018) has been issued to the ATK Launch Systems - Promontory facility, Box Elder County, Utah, authorizing ATK personnel 'to treat military flares that fail to ignite during airborne and-ground launch testing procedures. • This permit was effective on October 1, 2018 and expires on December 29,, 2018. Copies of the permit, are available for public inspeCtiOn,clyring normal business hpurs at the :Division' of' Waste Mahagement and Radiatibn Control, located on the 2nd floor of the Multi-Agency 'State Office 1:3Liilding, 10' Nforth '195p 1/,Vest, Salt Lake City, Utah. For fUrther infOrmation, please contact Jeff Vandel at (801,) 536=0257. In cOmplian6e with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (inCluding - --auxiliary cemmunicative , aids and services) 'Should, contact Kimberly Diamond-Smith, Office of Human Resources ,at (801)' 536-4285, Telecommunications Relay Service, 711, ,or by email at "kdiamondsmith@utah.gov". Published October 12, 2018 Ref. 'Ne. 1823024 STATE OF UTAH COUNTY OF CACHE, ss On this 12th day of October , A.D. 2018 personally appeared before me Jennifer Birch who being first being duly sworn, deposes and says that (s)he is the Principal Legal Clerk of the PNG Media LLC, publishers of The Herald Journal a daily newspaper published in Logan City, Cache County Utah, and that the Legal Notice, a copy of which is hereto attached was published in said newspaper for 1 issue(s) and that said notice also published on utahlegals.com on the same day(s) as publication in said newspaper Commencing on the following days: 10/12/2018 CeSIYUYIlliof A nudi Subs bed and sworA -'6efore me on thisl2th day of October , A.D. 2018 "71 ,Notary Public Commissioned in the State of Utah My Commission expires 10/18/2019 , Principal Legal Clerk NOTARY PUBLIC LAURIE JACKSON My Cornmission # 685300 My Commission Expires October 18, 2019 STATE OF UTAH mu, pu fA , “ “1 bddr WASTE MANAGEMENT RADIATION CONTROL Amount Paid: P.O. BOX 144880 Comments: SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114-4880 Ad #: 1823024 - Aging of Past Due Amounts Statement of Account 21.1111.Gtirf.111 N,,t Arttou.nt,Due , 221 • 30.Days 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 OvereftDay, 0.00 I Wino SW Period AtIvr,rt,,,,tr:C1,td1 Ntrin, 10/201:_, ';7.TE 117-dLI_GE1,1ELIT I ,I_Tf 11 C 2 11 F t rl Arrr tont D 11ittlappldt ut P 1ment 50.58 t.rr.rtNrr r tíru .00 221 30 Day .00 60 Days 1 DVel .00 .00 F...1,,,,r4m,,b,, 1 Memo Sill Oa 10/16/18 13111,1 Account Nuniber 363933 LAURI. Iff Advt.( 1-,011,It N,11[1,11 363933 CACHEVALLEYPUBLISHING C/0 ISJ PAYMENT PROCESSING CE PO BOX 1570 POCATELLO ID 83204 (435) 752-2121 Fax(435) 753-6642 Advertising Memo Bill Please Return Upper Portion With Payment D 11 Nr ,f tpt 1 RO tr n L 12 1 1 P . ripndd Uthr Ct .1m nt, ch -dd , A.0 ' tl F,Ht d 1 1n t, 1i111,t, Ftm l. FR, , 4r 1 r rt 21r N t At 1 d t .0/12/18 1823024 KACI MCNEIL 2X 24.00 1 LG NOTICE AN EMERGENCY HA 48.00 10.32 47.08 50.58 10/12 HJ HJWN CACHE VALLEY PUBLISHING (435) 752-2121 * UNAPPLIED AMOUNTS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE In.,o1c, 1823024 OdhodPeiod 10/2018 k 1 k RillodAuura NrrrrrLrr', ft.idNooe,e, 2 Advort r C ll ull RADI 363933 363933 WASTE MANAGEMENT