HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-008821 - 0901a068808cde06NORTHROP GRUMMAN Div of Waste Management and Radiation Control September 12, 2018 8200-FY18-021 SEP 1 2 2O18 Mr. Scott T. Anderson, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Dsi-014-2DIci -008 sZ Re: ATK Launch Systems Inc., EPA ID #UTD009081357, Semi-Annual RFI Progress Report for March 2018 to September 2018. Dear Mr. Anderson: Attached is the ATK Launch Systems Inc. Promontory Facility Semi-Annual RFI Progress Report for March 2018 to September 2018. If you have questions regarding this report, please contact Paul Hancock at (435) 863- 3344 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Kris H Blauer Manager, Environmental Services ATK Launch Systems cc: Erica Gaddis, Division Director, Utah Division of Water Quality ATK Launch Systems, Inc. • P.O. Box 707, Brigham City, UT 84302 • 435-863-3511 SEMI-ANNUAL RFI PROGRESS REPORT March 1, 2018 - September 1, 2018 ATK Launch Systems Promontory Facility 1. Description Of Work Completed SWMU 208 The September 2017 and March 2018 Semi-annual report contained detailed information on SWMU# 208. This is located at M-136 and was a shallow depression that was used to dispose of waste oils. This pit was designated as SWMU #208. As mentioned previously after this initial sampling a small plastic bag containing what appeared to be propellant was found in the excavated surface soil. It was later determined to be inert. It is believed that it was material remaining from previous burning of the pit. However, an internal safety concern was raised. As a safety precaution additional digging at the site was stopped until a protocol could be developed to account for the possibility of live material being present. Although this is unlikely, the project has been delayed until this can be resolved. This safety concern continues to be in place until a safe way to excavate is determined. Plant 3 Well 3A Treatment Summary Reports The treatment system at the Promontory Plant 3 well 3A has been monitored quarterly according to the UDWMRC approved plan. The plan includes a request that a summary of the previous year to date monitoring data be included in the September Semi-Annual report. This summary is found in Table 1. The treatment system removes TCE to below the 51i/L health based limit with a carbon replacement interval of every 6 + months. Water usage at Plant 3 has diminished with lower production. Therefore, ATK is finding that TCE removal extends significantly beyond the initial 6 month carbon replacement interval. In addition, perchlorate removal in the two septic tanks, M-201 and M-205, is being monitored for effectiveness. Samples showed some perchlorate detections in M-201 or M-205. These samples are collected from the septic tanks where biological treatment is in process and where conditions are present to remove perchlorate. The detections and subsequent non- detects demonstrate treatment is taking place. Table 1 Plant 3 Well 3A Quarterly Treatment Summary Sept 2017 — June 2018 For Perchlorate (C104-) and Trichloroethylene (TCE) Well 3A Carbon and Septic Tank Treatment Sampling Data (ug/L) Date Influent Carbon Effluent Septic Tanks Flow gal ( flow is average for period)* M-201 CLa4 M-205 CLa4 9/28/17 30.4 TCE 84 C104_ 0.4 TCE 83 C104_ U U 1,589,595 12/14/17 N S U TCE 89 C104_ 121 15 1,071,560 3/30/18 13.6 TCE 100 C104_ U TCE 94 C104_ U U 1,595,689 6/27/18 NS U TCE 80 C104_ U 55 2,468,711 U = < 4 ppb detection limit NS= Not Sampled * Totalizer meter appears clogged due to carbon, under repair, the flow is averaged based on pump times for the period. SWMU 553 2. In a May 23, 2018 letter the Division approved the corrective action plan for the removal of Cr (VI) contaminated soil at SWMU 553. Removal of the soil was first attempted on July 18, 2018 by hand due to the difficulty in accessing the location in the deep runoff channel Approximately 1 yard of soil was removed from each of the two locations. Follow-up sample analysis showed that there was contamination remaining. A large track-hoe that could reach into the deep storm channel was then used for soil removal on August 29, 2018. From observations it appeared that the grey colored soil that indicated contamination went back another one foot into the bank at each location. The track-hoe over excavated the site removing approximately 3 feet of the bank. Approximately 15 yards of soil were removed. Photographs of the work are in Figure 1. The soil was placed into a roll off bin for shipping to an offsite Subtitle C landfill. Confirmation samples were collected. Once laboratory results are obtained a report will be submitted. Figure 1 3. Summaries of All Findings The summaries of the corrective action work conducted on SWMUs during this reporting period are found in sections above. 3. Summaries of All Problems or Potential Problems Encountered During the Reporting Period There were no significant problems encountered during the reporting period. 4. Actions Taken to Rectify Problems No problems were identified. 5. Projected Work for the Next Reporting Period Plant 3 Well 3A treatment system will be ongoing through the next reporting period. Finalizing the report for SWMU #553 at building M-19A will be completed. There will be continuing work with UDWMRC closing other SWMUs currently under review and investigating additional SWMUs.