HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-007461 - 0901a068808924daGARY R, HERBERT
Lieulenant Gotentor
Department of
Environmental Quality
' Alan Matheson
Executire Direclor
Scott T. Anderson
ATK Launch Systems Promontory - Post-Closure Permit Reissuance
The Director of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control is seeking public comment
on an application from ATK Launch Systems, Promontory to renew its Post-Closure Permit. The
permit application has been reviewed by Division staffand a draft permit has beenprepared.
The post-Closure Permit directs the site management of surface impoundments that have been closed
and capped at the facility. Monitoring and corrective action of contaminated groundwater that has been
detected beneath the facility and the investigation and corrective action of numerous inactive waste
management sites are also activities that are directed by the Post-Closure Permit.
The public comment period on the draft permit will commence on August 3,2018 and end on
Septlmber 17,2018. A public hearing has been scheduled at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 5,
2018 atthe Brigham City Public Library, located at26EastForest Street, Brigham City, Utah.
The draft permit and associated fact sheet can be reviewed at the following locations:
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
Multi Agency State Office Building
195 North 1950 West. 2nd Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah
Brigham City Public Library
26 East Forest Street
Brigham City, Utah
For the public's convenience, an unofficial copy of the draft permit and fact sheet is available on the
Internet at "https://deq.utah.gov/public-notices-archive/waste-management-radiation-control-public-
Written comments willbe accepted if received by 5:00 p.m. on September 17,2018 and should be
submitted to the address below. Comments can also be hand delivered to the Division address above
and must be received by 5:00 p.m. on September 17,2018.
Scott T. Anderson. Director
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
Department of Environmental Quality
195 North I 950 West . Salt Lake CIty, IIT
Mailing Address: P O Box 144880. Salt Lake City, UT 841144880
Tetephone (80I) 536-0200. Fax (80I) 5364222.T D D (801) 5364284
Printed on 100% rccycled paper
P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake city, utah g4l l4_4gg0
comments can also be sent by electronic mailto: "dwmrcpublic@utah.gov,'. comments sent inelectronic format should be identified by pr.rtting trre rolrori,ing in the subject line: public comment onATK Launch systems, Promontory Dr#Permit. ail Jo."rln,, included in comments should besubmitted as ASCII (text) files or in pdf format.
under utah code Section l9-l-301.5, a person who wishes to chailenge a permit order may onry raisean issue or argument during an adjudicatory p.o.""ding that was raised during the public commentffi H1l Jff :Tif:fffrX l;H gn;;if.'[:j'$? ffi ;.
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For further information, contact Jeff Vandel of the Division of waste Management and Radiationcontrolat (801)536-0257' In compliance with the Americans with Disabiliiies Act, individuals withspecial needs (including auxiliary communicative aids unJ ."rui.rr) ,h;;h;;ni* ,<iruerly Diamond_i,illi;,qffi;:fJ#tffii,T;".,Xttr; D n6-428s, i"r."-o.,nunications nehy servi "" irt, or by
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ATK Launch Systems Inc. Promontory Facility
Draft Permit Reneusal Fact Sheet
ATK Launch Systems has submitted an application to the Division of Waste Management *i^Rudiu,lon
Control to renew its state Post-Closure Permit. The cunent permit was issued on September 20,2007.
ATK manufacturing activities consist of production and testing of solid rocket motor propellants,
assembly of rocket motor segments, rocket motor restoration and production of military flares. From
these operations, ATK generates treats and stores hazardous rvaste. ATK's Post-Closure Permit directs
the sitgmanagement ofiapped surface impoundments, the investigation and corrective action of waste
management iit.r, and the monitoring and corrective action of contaminated groundwater that exists at
the site. The facility is located in Box Elder County, approximately 30 miles northwest of Brigham
City, Utah on State Highway 83.
The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Controlhas completed its review of the permit
renewal application. A draft permit has been prepared and will be available for review during the public
comment period which begins on August 3,2018 and concludes on September 17 ,2018, at 5:00 p.m.
A public hearing to receive comment on the draft permit has been scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on
Widnesday, September 5,2018 at the Brigham City Public Library located at26East Forest Street,
Brigham City, Utah.
A fact sheet and the draft permit are available for revierv and copying during the public comment period
at the follorvins locations:
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
MultiAgency State Office Building
195 North 1950 West.2nd Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah
For the public's convenience, an unofficial copy of the fact sheet and the draft permit is available on the
Internet at: https://deq.utah.gov/public-notices-archive/waste-management-radiation-control-public-
Written comments willbe accepted if received by 5:00 p.m. on September 17,2018 and should be
submitted to the address below. Comments can also be hand delivered to the Division address above
and must be received by 5:00 p.m. on September 17,2018.
Brigham City Public Library
26 East Forest Street
Brigham City, Utah
Scott T. Anderson, Director
Division of Solid andHazardous WasteDepartment of Environmental eual ityP.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake city, utah g4l l4_4gg0
comments can also be sent by electroni. Tujlto: swpubli c@utah.gov. comments sent in electronicformat should be identified by putting the following i" ii. J"u:ect line: public comment on the ATKPromontory Draft Post-closure Perm]t. Atl docum"ents inciraea in comment, ,iorro be submitted asASCII (text) files or in pdf format.
Under utah code try $ I 9-l -301 .5, a person who wishes to challenge a permit order may only raise anissue or argument during an adjudicaiory proceeding that was raised du.ring the public comment period
ff.0#il::::T:1iilli:":fl::??:T,'fl:ti"n o;;;-';.""i",i"" to enabreihe directorto ru'y consider
For further information, contact Jeff Vandel of the Division of waste Management and Radiationcontrol at (801) 536-0257 ' In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals withspecial needs (including auxiliary ctmmunicative aids ano se.vices) should contact Larene wyss, officeof Human Resources, at (801) sia-qzu TDD (801) sza-iiiqor by emair at rwyss@utah.gov.
Prior to the clean water Act amendments of l^g7.?; AT!\'s predecessor disposed of hazardous waste intwelve surface impoundments located on the faciliiy. irt"r! ru.r"ce impoundments were closed withwaste in place and capped with impermeable coveri in Dqz. The impouno*.nt, u.. the primary sourcearea for groundwater contamination that has been detected beneath the facility.
ATK currently monitors, and is required to implement corrective action for, the groundwatercontamination that exists beneath tire facility. jn uoJition,^eir l, working on the investigation andcorrective action of numerous other waste management sites at the facility.
Site management of the capped surface impoundments, corrective action of waste management sites,and the monitoring and corrictive action ofcontamin""a g."""awater is administered by ATK,s post-closure Permit. The permit consists of six Modures and six Attachments.
Module I; standard conditions: Module I contains the standard permit conditions, outlined in UtahAdmin' code R3 15-270-30, that are required to u" in aiip..*i,r. These conditions includeenforceability' effect of permit, permit actions and duties'anJi.quir.rrnts. permit conditions regardingthe duty to apply for permit reissuance' as applicable, and fermit expiration are also included in ModuleI.
Module II; General Facility conditions: Module II contains the general facility conditions, whichinclude requirements for post-closure maintenance and monitoring, security, inspections, personneltraining, preparedness and prevention, contingency plans, .."oro keeping, liability and financial
assurance. Evaluation of these plans and procedures for the ATK facility was conducted prior to this
permit reissuance.
Module III; Use of Property and Post-Closure Care for the Surface Impoundments and
Photographic Waste Discharge Sites: Module III contains the requirements relating to land use
restrictioni, post-closure care and inspections of closed rn'aste management sites, cost estimates for post-
closure care, financial assurance and liability.
Module IV; Groundrvater Monitoring: Module IV specifies the requirements applicable to
groundwater monitoring including constituents and groundwater protection standards, wells and springs
to monitor, frequency of monitoring, monitoring procedures, record keeping and reporting.
Module lV of the draft permit:
Reduces the frequency of monitoring from semiannually to annually;
Clarifies the groundwater monitoring u'ell inspection requirements;
Clarifies the reporting requirements; and
tJpdates the Groundwater Protection Standard.
Module V; Post-Closure Groundwater Corrective Action: Module V identifies the requirements
associated with groundwater corrective action. These requirements include conditions for the
development of Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments, groundrvater florv and solute transport
models, corrective measures study and implementation, duration of corrective action and financial
assurance for corrective action.
Module VI; Corrective Action for Solid Waste Management Units: Module VI specifies the
requirements applicable to corrective action of waste management sites. These Permit Conditions
include identification of the sites, requirements for investigation of the sites, plans for corrective action,
determination of no further action. site management and reporting.
Module VI of the draft permit:
lJpdates the list of Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) that still require investigation or
corrective action;
Modifies the process for addressing SWMUs;
Clarifies the requirements for corrective action and site management; and
Clarifies reporting requirements.
The Attachments contain detailed information regarding the Permit Conditions that are presented in the
Modules. The Attachments included in the Draft Permit, and any significant changes from the existing
Permit that are proposed, are listed below:
UtA'{ C'lV!S'aj{ $a VinS?( t64NAGEl,,lElil A,,J!l FAOIA}lEtl CCiJTROL - FACT SH;ET
Attachment I - Securify and Maintenance plan
ATK has entered into Environmental covenants with the Division of waste Management and Radiationcontrol for the sites that have been closed atrhe facilirr, u", rr"u" land use restrictions. TheseEnvironmental covenants establish the locationr "r,rrJri,r., identify the contaminants that exist andidentify the land use restrictions that are in effect. The gnuiron*.ntar covenants have been added toAttachment l.
Attachment 2 - Inspection Schedules and procedures
ATK modified the Groundwater Monitoring System Annual Inspection checklist, which is includedwith this Attachment' The changes will make conductingthese inspections and reporting the resultsmore efficient.
Attachment 3 - Qualify Assurance Project Plan and Groundwater sampling and Analysis plan
The Quality Assurance and Groundwater Sampring and Anarysis have been updated.
Attachment 4 - Groundwater Monitoring System
one well has been added to the list of wells that comprise the groundwater monitoring system.
Attachment 5 - Monitoring wet compretion Report Requirements
Attachment 6 - Solid Waste Management Unit (SWMU) List
The list of swMUs has been updated to reflect progress that has been made on the investigation andcorrective action of SWMUs af the facilitv.