HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2016-012405 - 0901a0688065f3acOrbital ATK Div of Waste Managemen; August 22, 2016 and Radiation Control 8200-CY16-078 AU6 2 l 2016 Mr. Scott T. Anderson, Director ~D51W-20\y-D\?&> State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control 195 N.1950 W. P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Re: ATK Launch Systems-Promontory EPA ID number UTD009081357 Hazardous Waste Manifest Exception Report Dear Mr. Anderson: This letter accompanies information regarding a Hazardous Waste Manifest that was not returned within 45 days from Clean Harbors Environmental Services Inc., which is required by 40 CFR 262.42. ATK Launch Systems, Inc. shipped a load of hazardous waste, manifest #002709052, on April 20, 2016 to Clean Harbors in San Jose California. This shipment was then transferred to six different transporters before finally arriving at the San Jose facility on June 9, 2016 exceeding the 45 day requirement. Subsequently, the load of hazardous waste was rejected by the San Jose facility due to an internal profiling error within the Clean Harbors electronic profiling system. The shipment was then rerouted to the Clean Harbors Aragonite facility in Utah arriving June 20, 2016 for final disposal. Enclosed are copies of the original manifest, the new manifest generated by the San Jose Clean Harbors facility, and a manifest tracking history from Clean Harbors, Clean Harbors has been contacted and made aware of the profiling error. They agreed to correct the error to avoid its reoccurrence. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning this report. My telephone number is (435)863-2018 or you can contact Blair Palmer at (435)863-2430. Sincerely George Gooch, Manager Environmental Services Orbital ATK, Inc. • P.O. Box 707, Brigham City, UT 84302-0707 . 435-863-3511 Please print or tyie. (Form i for use on elite (12-pltch) typewriter.) uif 3. 2. Page 1 of 3. Emergency Response Phone A Manifest Tracking Number !t/vz.gfi'SW'r a09CS49?3 FLE UNIFORM WASTE 5. Generatoi' Ar IAZARDOUS M-Generator ®N«nb« MANIFEST | {Jl 1) Of(l f' ’ * C ~7 Name and Mailing Addressl (\i . r l ■V'/ffer#*' ■''' i ftv* Generator'sTTr, s •' . «/'T Sr'v H-i. i- ione. f, r r> I/: , J-rr y 4H., (lArvtv P- rft/*‘<£r -- — w»w — ■ »• ■ ■ — - ■ . ■ ■■<5p - *S c'4<« ^ T 11 Canary (tome —J " 7 "J 7 UAJWDNuite — /'7 a. , >•)•; CAi^/iAgh /V! L M*(\ A(\ 6J i ■) J 2 Company Name “*“* * s t. ransporle 7. Transporte TDesignater U S. EPA ID Number Taoiiiy Name and Site Address f'V ^ r Ll,+*rhf:' ’ z_/7 ?a jo ~: . ? >A/J v 5 ^ t t Ar-^rM, g^rn/l U.S. ERA ID Number 9a.HM 9b. 1 andF S. DOT Description (Including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, ID Number, acking Group (if any))10. Containers 11. Total Quantity 12. Unit WtTVbl.13. Waste CodesNo.Type / i.u w iftii.- . fg, Si- 9 t> F vtfrep P 2. 3. 4. § 14. Special H mdling Instructions and Additional Information{. (?< Kj'tlnT, ££6 * 'M "Hie H»‘f "l^ -fi-tify r'jjscfsrf -£?JvM (11 sin or 2 Ft A , 15. GENERATOR'! marked Exporte I certify ’S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby dedare that the contents of this consignment are foUy and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classified, packaged, ind labeled/placarded, and are in al respects In proper condition for transport acoordlng to applicable international and national governmental regulations. If export shipment and I am the Primary I certify that the contents of this consignment conform to the terms of Ihe attached ERA Acknowledgment of Consent tat the waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 26227(a) (VI am a large quantity generator) or (b) (if I amaamal I'voAl rVt,_L u i 'JjSt generator) is true. ------77— [Zl Export from U S. Roftofentry/didt _________________Date leaving U.S.: RonBi----Day----9eaF ht \> £ IZ ^ 16 InternationalShipmente U£«*US. Transporter stonature (lor exports only): 17. Transport! r Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials Transports!^"HonK----Day----755F Transporter rtSri' ^rintedflyped Name 18. Discrepar sy v.. r, !; W ° vj,.,. V^ i „ v,, /< m il 11 18a. fDiscrepancy Indication Space Quantity □'Type □ Residue □ Partial Rejection Manifest Reference Number. □Full Rejection 18b. Altemati Facility's 18c. Signatur i Facility (or Generator) Phoie: U.S.ERAID Number Month Day Year 1 I 1 of Alternate Facility (or Generator) 19. Hazarda Waste Report Management Method Codes (i.e., codes for hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recycling systems) ' . j-ksUO 20. Designal! d PrintedfTypetN E Facility Owner or Operator: Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by Ihe manifest except as noted In Item 18a --------------------------------------------------------Name ERA Fbrm 8700-te (Rev. 3-05) Previous editions are obsolete. jAHera.n LULu.'L y\ DESIGNATED FACILITY TO GENERATOR Dear Generator: RE: Revised Generator Copy of Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest A modification was made to the attached shipping documents subsequent to the generator copy being mailed from Clean Harbors San Jose to your facility. The attached manifest copy represents the finalized version of this shipping document, and should be kept for your records. Please note that these changes will appear on the manifest copy that has been or will be submitted to the Department of Toxic Substances Control. Please contact your customer service representative if you have any questions. Thank you, Clean Harbors San Jose LLC. 1021 BerryessaRd. San Jose, CA 95133 Rease print o type. (Form designed for use on elite (12-pitch) typewriter.)Form Approved. OMB No. 2050-0039 UNIFOR WAS! 5 Genera M. HAZARDOUS E MANIFEST nr1!; Marne and Mailir 1. Generator ID Number UTDC>M02rl 2.Paget of / 3. Emergency Response Phone e»: /if A-.a___ 4. Manifest Tracking Number 009064933 FLE Generate'sTTrar ^Ibc N/o. Hwy ' rOT&ftcrJCrrTnnc ofs Name and MaiSngAddrKS . ,4-TK Leu'V&. Sysferti xrpmorbixy P.o.pn 7*1 4*h: lUivIy P. Ttiff^r &rh, VI mip Mr 1 Company Name ^ 1 T H —— as'ERA ID Number-------------------------------------- C|^4-n HA^i&nrs M/f&zZfJ l^Liro 7. Transporter 2 Company Name I Fadity Name and Site Address (fla--/ ifr WvTtf h rk i^lc- «*{ U.S.EPA ID Number 9a. HM 9 a i. U.S. DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, D Number, td Packing Group (if any)) 10. Containers 11. Total Quantity 12. Unit WL/Vol.13. Waste CodesNo.Type X i.CM /$n v f r$~f p&jp. <f>0 otfs»f>P 2. 3. 4. Ul£d I Handling Instructions and Additional Informal------ f. iWf«r7^73 HI T^Je- *)eYe^ fafy rx-j^efcul -Go* 2-7P ?*£r2- . 15. GE5 ERATOR'S/OFFEROR’S CERTIFICATION: I heraby declare that Ihe contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classified, packaged, mart ad and labeledfplacarded, and are In all respects in proper condKkm for transport according to applicable international and national governmental regulations. If export shipment and I am the Primary E*p< rter, I certify that the contents of this consignment conform to the terms of the attached ERA Acknowledgment of Consent I cer ify that Ihe waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 262.27(a) (if I am a large quantity generator) or (b) (51 am a small mrantity generator) Is tree. r ~ ‘ ffonffi-----DSy-----T55T Transport it signature (lor exports only): □ Export lromU.S. 17. Trans) vter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials Name Trai-----Bay----SSST felfgl/6 Transport r Narne Signature 1 MorinCayYear 18. Discre rancy 18a. IDiscrepancy Indication Space Q Quan||ty □ Type □ Residue □partial Rejection Manifest Reference Number:_________________ □ Full Rejection 18b. Alterr ate Facility (or GeneratoO U.S.EPA ID Number Rhone: of Alternate Facility (or Generator)Month Day Year18c. 19. Hazar ous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i.s., codes for hazardous waste treatment disposal, and recycling systems) 1. 20. Deslgr ated Facility Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous materials covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 18a Prlnted/Ty red Name Month Day Year I i I ERA Form 87( 0-22 (Rev. 3-05) Previous editions are obsolete.DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE (IF REQUIRED) Approved. OMBfto. 20' iwi WWW Wll v>mw ^ it. piivuy1. Generator ID Number 2. Page 1 qlj 3. Emergency Response Phone i uiiiir\ppiuvcu. wivtu niu. /.vjuuuuocJ4. Manifest Tracking Number UTD009081357 % ^ i iJflA 4SS-8SS-SMS 002709052 FLEUNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 5. Generator's lame and Mailing Address P.O. BXK Phpne: 6. transporter li Sjmtmm Ine. - Pronoatory 707, Attn: Randy D. WuUamzM Company Name 9100 MO. BRZ 83 OoftLiuiA, Of 84307 XnoTfli U.S. ERA ID Number I MMD039322250 Company Name.j \/U* F8 U.S. ERA ID Number 1021 Facility's Phoiu IXC Swacars U.S. ERA ID Number 00)059494310 9a.9b. U.S and DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, ID Number, Group (if any))Drt .I/In/,racKing 10. Containers No.Type 11. Total Quantity 12. Unit Wt/Vol.13. Waste Codes g ui OK .830, want* Sulfnrla mold, 8, MIX DF 4500 14. Special Han lling Instruclions and Additional Information 1) VroCjila# GB519C73 (9x55) ; IM #: 137 *0f 15. GENERA! IR’S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION: I hereby dectere that the contents of this consignmant are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name, and are classified, packaged, marked an I labeled/placarded, and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable international and national governmental regulations. If export shipment and I am the Primary Exporter, I terrify that the contents of this consignment conform to the terms of the attached ERA Acknowledgment of Consent.I certify tha the waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 262.27(a) frf I am a targe qigprity-ggneratorjorfo) (if I am a agall quantity generator) is true. Genergtoaeffe y-s BBBJlgSJIBw----7Z^-----------------------------TP' 16. InternationalBhipments / D, c ' j^IGNAJEDFACILlfY TO DESTINATION STATE (IF REQUIRED) UNIFORM H; ((iZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 2] ■ ^eratoHD Number . ^ ___-ontinuation Sheet) .0^00^ 02>| 36^• 22. Page mW0&lFlj£ 24. Generator's Name mV- LaVaVvoW 25. Transporte c, im iavDOK U.S. ERA ID Number 26. Transportei jteT-'&cuvU. Uvl JTS. ERA ID Number 4 "firtjp-ooo s; ^27a. HM 27b. U.S and Pad DOT Description (induding Proper Shippsig Name. Hazard Class, ID Number, ing Group (if any)) 28. Containers (29. Total Quantity 30. Unit WtJVbl.31. Waste CodesNo.Type V '~y\\ —ft V) \ \ \ \ \I N Vs 32. Special Hanc ing Instructions and Additional Information ^^VtO/K 7083 35. Discrepancy .Wer^fip irar \°i la 36. Hazardous W^sle Report Management Melhod Codes (i e., codes for hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recycling systems) ________I____________________1__________________L s 1 EPA Form 8700-22A (Rev. 3-05) Previous editions are obsolete.DESIGNATED FACIliTY TO DESTINATION STATE (IF REQUIRED Please print or tyi e. (Fomi designed for use on elite 12-pitch) typewriter.)Form Approved. OMB No. 2050-0039 UNIFORM 24" H \ZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (lontinuation Sheet) 21. Generator ID Number Generator i Name *Affl/ LAMAdL X Company Name !2. 25. Transport! r 5 ^X’x'X^Y]26. Transport!'Company Name 27a. HM 27b. U.! andPai . DOT Description (including Proper Shipping Name, Hazard Class, ID Number, king Group (if any))28. Containers 29. Total Quantity 30. Un# WtATOI.31. Waste CodesNo.Type / L ) A / / 32. Special Hare lincptlfetructionsand Additional Information Printed/Typed Ni me 34.Tianaporter. Printedn-ypedt 35. Discrepancy __________OJ^ 1 1= \ fl Acknowtedgment of Receipt of Materials" N StVH fywitfJlh,— Month Day Year Month Bay Year1^ \l2-\Uo 36. Hazardous \4ste Report Management Method Codes fi.e., codes for hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recycling systems) ________I____________________I__________________L_ a 1 ERA Form 8700-22A (Rev. 3-05) Previous editions are obsolete.DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE {IF REQUIRED Fullnu r, Randy From: Sent: To: Subject: Creekmore, Jamie L <creekmore.jamie@cleanharbors.com> Tuesday, June 21, 2016 2:41 PM Lawrence, Chuck O; Fullmer, Randy; Palmer, Blair RE: Drum Shipped to San Jose Below i: the travel history of the drum: B Manifest Tracking History Hub Vendor Trailer Number Tracking UCF TR 6342 CR ucf TR 6342 REMV UCh SL0018 70106 MOVE ; UCF SL0018 70106 SHP AG SL0018 70106 MVPR AG SL0018 70106 REMV AG SL0018 70149 MOVE AG SLOOIB 70149 SHP PH SL0018 70149 REMV PHFI TR .FLOOR MOVE PH .SLOOIB 7 0149 MVPR PHh FLOOR REMV PHh SL0018 7 0149 MOVE PHK it _ SLOOIB 70149.........SHP AMZR :v SLOOIS 70149 SHP wx SLOOIB 70149 .......MVPR WI SLOOIS 70149 REMV mt TR FLOOR9 MOVE Wlh TR FLOOR9 REMV WIH at tr FLOOR?MOVE Wlh TR FLOOR?REMV WIF J;... .TR ,6424 MOVE WIH TR 6424 SHP .......BL TR 6424 MVPR BL TR 6424 SHP SJ li:;. tr 6424 PR Next Destination From: Sent: 1 To: Law Subjec: Safety PH SOFFELCl SOFFELC1 SOFFELCl ___SOFFELCl PATTERM1 . WEBSTEC4 WEBSTEC4 GEORGED1 JENKINB1 JENKINBl JENKINB1 SAENZCL1 AMZRIV WI SAENZCL1 . VOHANNA1 HEALYJ1 LOUIELZ BL SJ FERIAA1 _FERIAA1_ RAMOSM1 ■ RAMOSM1 RAMOSM1 RAMOSM1 HUNTERS3 HOUSEDl HEALYJ1 JUNGELD 1 ctivity Date 04/Z2/2016 08:27:28 AM 04/29/2016 05:21:29 PM 04/29/2016 05:21:29 PM 04/29/2016 08:02:44 PM 05/04/2016 10:16:13 AM 05/04/2016 10:16:15 AM 05/06/2016 11:09:49 AM 05/09/2016 03:04:31 PM . 05/09/2016 03:64:3.1 PM 05/09/2016 12:11:15 PM 05/11/2016AM 05/11/2016 04:38:00 AM 05/11/2016 03:47:01 PM 05/23/2016 01:18:17 PM 015/23/2016 01:30:01 PM 06/01/2016 08:23:17 PM 06/01/2016 08:23:17 PM 06/02/2016 07:27:49 AM 06/02/2016 .07.427:49 AM. . 06/07/2016 11:26:29 AM 06/07/2016 11:26:29 AM 06/07/2016 02:51:35 PM 06/08/2016 10:22:29 AM... 06/09/2016 10:49:36 AM 06/09/2016 04:41:42 PM Creekmore, Jamie L uesday, June 21, 2016 2:37 PM rence, Chuck 0; 'Fullmer, Randy'; 'blair.palmer@orbitalatk.com' Drum Shipped to San Jose Attached is the paperwork. Starts with Me: Live It 3-6-5 Jamie C -eekmore Technic il Services District Manager - Rockies Region Clean H arbors 2150 Nc rth 470 East Tooeie, UT 84074 (o) 435.543.4846 (c) 801.589.1640 i