HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2015-007849 - 0901a0688054cb5e7twn15 M;il - "Evalution" of ATKS Response to Cornments on tfe OEVOD HHRA Reporl 0Sl'/ W- eo 15 - 00'l f ,{q Jeff Vandel <jvandel@utah. gov> "Evaluation" of ATK's Response to Gomments on the OB/OD HHRA Report 1 message Jeff Vandel <jvandel@utah.gov> Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 1:14 PM To: "Palmer, Blai/' <blair.palmer@atk.com> Cc: Brad Maulding <bmaulding@utah.gov> Blair. Our "evaluation" of ATK's response to comments document is attached. Overall, the responses are good. There aren't many new comments and they generally ask for darifications or minor conections. The new comments are in red text. Mike also provided some revised text that we reoommend be added to the Unertainty Section of the report. We're hopeful that all of the revisions to the HHRA Report are made as discussed in the attached document so that we can finally approve it and move on. We'd like ATK to make the revisions to the HHRA Report with the "trac* changes" feature on showing changes in red-line, strikeout. Once this is done, please submit the reMsed report to us electronically. Thanks for your cooperation. Please call if you have any questions, Jeff DISCLAIMER: Statements made in this e-mail do not constitute the official position of the Director of the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. lf you desire a statement of the Directo/s position, please submit a written request to this office, on paper, induding documents relevant to your request. 61 Draft HHRA report comments with responses 070115-mss (l).docx" 126K tt@s://maif .google.corn/mail/r./CV?ti =2&ik=7?t,7c801e2&view=d&search=sert&lh=1ae4b0ac950e0f0&siml=14e4b0ac950e00 1t1 RESPONSE TO THE TECHNICAL RBVIEW OF THE OPEN BURN AND OPEN DETONATION HTJMAN HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT PREPARED BY ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS PROMONTORY, UTAH JUNE 2015 The following comments were generated based on evaluation of Open Burning and Open Detonation Human Health Risk Assessment for ATK Launch Systems in Promontory, Utah dated December 2014 (HHRA Report). GENERAL COMMENTS 1. The HHRA Report indicates that short-term l-hour (acute) hazard indices (HIs) for inhalation exposures exceed the Utah Depanment of Environmental Quality (DEQ) non-cancer target level of 1 at some receptor locations. Text discussions indicate the exceedances are driven by nickel. According to information presented in the Executive Summary and Section 9.1, Short-term Non-Cancer Hazards in Air-Methods, all acute HIs are below the Utah DEQ threshold of I if simultaneous open burning/open detonation (OB/OD) operations are restricted to sources A1, A2, and 43 at M-l36 and nickel is eliminated from calculation of the acute HI. Section 9.1 notes that the inclusion of nickel in the human health risk assessment (HHRA) is addressed in Section 10, Estimating Uncertainty for Human Health Risk Assessment. Because nickel is the risk driver for all acute HIs that exceed the Utah DEQ target level, it is important that the uncertainty discussion provides a technically sound and defensible argument for considering nickel a testing artifact, generated by the test equipment, and thus, not a chemical of potential concern (COPC). General Response: The section of the risk assessment that relates to the contribution of nickel and chromium to the short term, or acute, hazard index have been revised and supplemented to provide a more clear explanation of this issues, In addition, the hazards related to the assumption that all of the burning grounds are used at the same time have also been revised, specifically:o The emission rates for chromium and nickel, assuming that these metals come from AP-waste only, have been used to re-calculate acute hazards, and are significantly lower. The assumptions that all burning grounds are used simultaneously have been revisited and the hazards calculated using ATKs actual operational protocol, and the results are significantly lower. When these two modifications are combined, the hazard indices are below one. Therefore, these draft responses provide clarification on the emissions rates for chromium and nickel as well as revised Acute Hazard Indices based on revised emissions rates for both chromium and nickel (see Table 1 below). We have evaluated chromium and nickel emissions rates based on the suggestion from the DSHW, and adjusted those based on new analyses from ATK. These comments also prompted a discussion on which burning grounds would most realistically and efficiently be used at the same time. The Acute Hazard Indices presented here include a revised scenario, as explained below. The uncertainty analysis provided in Section 10 indicates that AP waste may contain up to 3.1 mg per kilogram chromium (Cr) and 29.1 nickel (Ni) (based on the Aprrl2OI4 analysis conducted by ATK, of the aluminum in AP waste). Therefore, Cr and Ni may be found in the emissions from ATKs process and so cannot be eliminated as COIs. The text indicates that if complete combustion were to occur, and there is little or no Cr and Ni in trash, lower levels of Cr and Ni would be expected than those calculated using the emissions factors from the 2OO7 test. If it were assumed that aluminum contains 3.1 mglkg chromium, AP waste and the aluminum is the source of all of the chromium in the waste (i.e., none in the trash), the feed material in the OBOD test, and material being processed, would contain between zero and 3.1 mglkg chromium for 85Vo AP waste (shown below). CrinAPwaste=3.Lryx!6 /mo' 1 r85\ -^ks 1oo( "'o /roo g )x(t*J = o'42"'s fks Evaluation: The units provided in parenthesis for the term 161100 are incorrect. The appropriate units wor"rld be mg of Cr per mg of wastes. For consistency, it is recommended that the units in parenthesis be eliminated from the equation. With 857oAP waste mixed with l5%o trash (assuming the trash contains no chromium) the waste would contain 0.42 mgkg chromium. The HI's based on an adjustment of chromium and nickel shown in Table I below were calculated based on the following assumptions: Chromium Using the equation and the emissions factor from the 2OO7 OBIOD test report (ATK, 2007; Table 8) for the 85Vo AP waste, l5%o trash, the amount of chromium released from the waste in the test can be calculated as follows: cr tnwaste = Emi.sst""t (H) x source (#) x uni.t correcti"onffi) cr - 2.0' 1s-s(tb /ru) *(#) x 3 1 x (#) x 106 = 8.4 (*n /un),, :8.4 (*n /un1 t,,r-'(un 1un) ' o.ru x 3.r. x 0.85 x 106Cr -- 2.0 x Where: 2.0x10-s (#) t, the emissions rate for chromium from 857o AP/lSVo trash, Or 2.0x10 t (g\\kg/9 ir I6Vo aluminum in the AP waste100 3J (ry\ is the chromium content in the aluminum in the AP waste\kg /E Ir the 85Vo AP waste in the test burn10q 10o is a conversion factor from kg to mg The resulting amount of chromium in waste from the OBOD emission is calculated to be 8.4 mglkg, which is greater than the amount estimated to be in the waste, based on the original feed material, which is 0.42 mglkg, also calculated in the 85VoAPlI5Vo trash scenario, indicating there is more chromium released than is available in the AP waste (assuming its only source is the aluminum in the AP waste). This emissions factor was used in the risk assessment, and based on the above calculation the HHRA assumes there is 20 times more chromium released than is present in the AP waste. If the emissions factor of 2.0x l0-5 lb Cr per lb of waste were adjusted to be consistent with the amount of chromium in the waste (from the analysis above) one would expect to have an emissions factor given by the following equation: - 0.42 - rlbt Cr Emi"ssons f actor = 2.0 x L0-5 t a+ = 9.5 x tO-'(*/ The emissions factor is calculated by multiplying by a factor of O.42+8.4, or 0.05. This factor of 0.05 for chromium was used in calculating the HI's presented in the Table I column titled "Adjusted Ni and Cr". Further, if the process is repeated for Ni, which is present in the aluminum in AP waste at a concentration of 29.1mgkg, and therefore present in85Vo AP/ISVo trash at the level of 4 mgkg, the same type of calculation shows that Ni is overestimated by a factor of 67 in the emissions factor compared with the Ni in the waste. The details of that calculation are provided below. Evaluation: While an equation illustrating thatO.42mglkg of Cr is present in the 85/15 waste has provided, no equation is provided to illustrate that 4 mg/kg of Ni is present in the 85/15 waste. Provide such an equation. Nickel Using the equation and the emissions factor from the 2007 OBIOD test report (ATK, 2007 ; Table 8) for the 85Vo AP waste, I5Vo trash, the amount of nickel released from the waste in the test can be calculated as follows: Ni. = 6.7 x Ni=6.7x Where: 6.7x10-s (#) t. the emissions rate for nickel fromSlZo APlllZotrash, Or 6.7x10-t (W\\ns) 76,* ir 16%o aluminum in the AP waste 29J (ry\is the nickel conrent in the aluminum in the Ap waste\kg / 9 i. theSSVo AP waste in the test burn10q l0o is a conversion factor from kg to mg The resulting amount of nickel in waste from the OBOD emission is calculated to be 265.2 mgkg, which is greater than the amount estimated to be in the waste. based on the original feed material, which is 4.0 mglkg, also calculated in the S5VoAPlI5Vo trash scenario, indicating there is more nickel released than is available in the AP waste (assuming its only source is the aluminum in the Ap waste). This emissions factor was used in the risk assessment, and based on the above calculation the HHRA assumes there is 67 times more nickel released than is present in the AP waste. If the emissions factor of 6.7x l0-s lb Ni per lb of waste were adjusted to be consistent with the amount of nickel in the waste (from the analysis above) one would expect to have an emissions factor given by the following equation: Ni Emissons factor = 6.7 x 10-s "#= 1.0 " rO-, (ff) The emissions factor is calculated by multiplying by a factor of 4.O+265.2, or 0.015. This factor of 0.015 for nickel was used in calculating the HI's presented in the Table 1 column titled "Adjusted Ni and Cr". Note that the calculations include the burning of sources M136 Al, A2, 43 and M225A. M225A was not originally included in the Acute Hazard Indices calculated using the sub sources M136 Al, A2, and ,A'3 in the draft HHRA, but after reviewing the burning history, it would be more efficient to be able to burn M225Aat the same time, and the relative contribution of M225A to the overall Hazard Index is verv small due to the small amount of material burned. N i tn waste - Emis sio* (H) x S ource (#) x unit c orrection (ry) (#) x Ze.t" (#) x 105 = 26s.2(^n /un) x 0.16 x 2e.t x 0.85 x 106 = 26s.2(^n /on) n-'(Ib/ru) x n-i(ns6n) Evaluation: Please ensure that the revised HHRA Report explicitly and consistently identifies the operating scenario(s) considered in each risk and hazard calculation in the text. In addition, ensure that all calculations and accompanying explanatory text provided in this general response are included in the revisions made to the HHRA Report. Table 1. Acute Hazard Indices Receotor Summed Hlall sources 1 Summed Hlfor M- 135 A and M-225 A2 Adjusted Ni and C13 Adams Ranch 2.9 L.4 0.4 ATK Ranch Pond o.2 0.1 2.9E-O2 Autoliv 4.3 2.2 0.5 Blue Creek 4.7 2.4 0.5 Boundary L 5.3 2.7 o.7 Boundary 2 2.3 1.2 0.3 Boundary 3 o.7 0.4 0.1 Boundary 4 0.8 0.4 0.1 Christensen Ranch 0.9 0.4 0.1 Holmgren Ranch 0.5 0.2 0.1 HowellDairy 0.3 0.1 3.5E-02 North Plant Main Adm 2.O 1.0 0.2 Penrose 0.3 0.1 3.4E-O2 South Plant Main Adm 3.8 1.9 0.5 Thatcher 0.3 o.2 4.4E-O2 t The Hl presented in this column assumes all sources and use the original amounts of chromium and nickel. These values are consistent with those presented in the draft HHRA.t These Hl are based on using only sources M136A1, A2, A3 and M225A and the original amounts of chromium and nickel. These values are shown for comparative purposes only, and will not be carried foruvard in the revised HHRA. t These Hl are based on using only sources M136 A!, A2,A3 and M225A and the adjusted amounts of chromium and nickel. The adjustment is based on the April 2015 chromium and nickel analytical results from ATK. Using the same logic applied for chromium and nickel, an adjustment will be made to the chronic risks and hazards, and those adjusted results will be presented in the revised HHRA. According to Page ES-2 of the Executive Summary, simultaneous oB/oD operations at M-136 andM-225 are prohibited by ATK Promontory operational safety protocols. However, these protocols are not provided in the text or appendices or listed in Section 1 1, References, of the HHRA Report. In addition, the HHRA Report does not indicate if the safety protocols are included in the RCRA permit application for the site. Response: The modeling protocol assumes processing occurs at all of the burning grounds simultaneously; however, limiting simultaneous burns to M-136: AI, A2 and A3, andM225A or a different combination of burn locations would limit exposure to COIs and comply with ATK's operational protocols. While these protocols are important to maintain the health and safety of ATK's employees, they are revised from time to time, and appending them to the permit might require a permit modification when small operational changes are made. This is a cumbersome and ineffective method of operating. It has been developed throughout the Air Dispersion Modeling Protocol, Air Dispersion Modeling Report, HHRA Protocol, and the HHRA Report that the burn scenarios for M-136 andM-225 are alternative and mutually exclusive. Meaning that any one of the M-136 scenarios A (A1, A2, A3), B, or C could occur once a day, and conversely that any one of theM-225 scenarios A or B could also occur once a day. ATK anticipates that this will be a permit condition and therefore operational protocols would not be necessary in the HHRA report or the RCRA permit. Table 1 also shows the results of adjusting the hazards to assume normal operating conditions at ATK, and the results indicate lower hazards. Evaluation: A narrative similar to the response above should be added to the revised HHRA report. The narrative shor"rld inclr-rde the following points:o The HHRA is based on ATK's actual operating protocols.o The HHRA addresses simultaneous operation of burn scenarios M 1364 (sub- scenarios 41,1.2, and .A3) andM225A.o ATK anticipates that permit conditions will be based on the combinations of burn scenarios demonstrated in the HHRA and ecological risk assessment (ERA) as protective of human health and the environment with other scenarios (M1368, M 136C, and M225B) treated as alternative and mutually exclusive options. Section IO.1.2.4, Chromium and Nickel in Waste, presents information intended to demonstrate that both metals are not associated with the waste streams treated by OB/OD at ATK Promontory but are artifacts of the facility-sponsored OB/OD emission tests conducted at the Dugway Proving Grounds. The same approach is used in addressing chromium and nickel. The following issues were identified as a result of the review of Section I0.I.2.4: o The discussion at the top of Page 73 indicates that the OD/OB test released up to 1300 milligramsper kilogram (mg/kg) of chromium. Based on the emission factor (1.3x10-'lb/lb) referenced to the OB/OD emission test report, the test could have released up to 13 mglkg. Response: The text has been revised by adding a calculation showing the derivation of 13 mglkg. The value of 1300 mg/kg was inadvertently included on page 73. Evaluation: Ensure that 1300 mg/kg is removed from the repoft text. o The discussion at the top of Page 73 indicates that the burn pans used in the tests contained 15 percent chromium in the steel. A reference to the information source for this parameter is not provided. Response: The text has been revised to add the citation to the chromium content of the test pans. The citation, ATK, 20I3b will be provided in Section 1 1 (References). o The discussion related to nickel in the second full paragraph on Page 73 references the percentage of aluminum and the amount of nickel in ammonium perchlorate (AP) propellant to (ATK, 2013b). Reference ATK, 20I3b is not listed in Section 11. References. Response: The citation will be provided in Section 11. . . The discussion in the second full paragraph on Page 73, the text states: "If it were assumed that aluminum [contained in AP Propellant] contains 20 mglkg nickel, AP waste would contain between zero and3.2mgkg." A reference to an information source supporting this assumption is not provided. Response: The text has been revised by adding a calculation showing where ATK determined the aluminum contains 29.I mg/kg nickel and the text has been revised to show how AP waste contains between zero and 4.0 mg/kg nickel. A nickel concentration of 4.0 mgkg was used in calculating the Acute Hazard Indices in Table 1 above. o The discussion in the second full paragraph on Page 73 indicates that the OD/OB test released up to 5800 milligrams per kilogram (mglkg) of chromium. Based on the emission factor (3.6x10-5lb/lb) referenced to the OB/OD tests report, the test could have released up to 36 mglkg. Response: The value of 5800 mg/kg was inadvertently included on page 73. Evaluation: Ensure that 5800 mg/kg is removed from the report text. o Section 1O.I.2.4 does not include a determination of the acute hazard associated with treatment of 3,2 mgkg of chromium in AP Propellant. Response: The text has been revised to include an analysis showing the potential impacts from the emissions of 3.1 mg/kg chromium.o Section IO.L2.4 does not include a determination of the acute hazard associated with treatment of the nickel emissions (e.g.,4.0 mg/kg of nickel) from AP Propellant (85:15). o Section I0.1.2.4 presents emission factors for chromium and nickel based on OB/OD test results of 1.3x10-5 and 3.6x10-s lb/lb, respectively. However, Table 2-I and Appendix A of the HHRA Report, and the ATK Launch Systems Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for the Evaluation of the Open Burning and Open Detonation Units at Promontory, Utah, dated August 2014 (HHRA Protocol) list emission factors of 2.0x10 s lb/lb for chromium and 5.8x10-t lbllb for nickel. Based on the information contained in the text and appendices of the HHRA Report, it is not clear why the values presented in Section 10.I.2.4 are less than those used in the HHRA. Response: Table 2-1 shows the chromium and nickel based on OB/OD test results of 2.0x10-s and 5.8x10-5 lb/lb, respectively, which are based on the emissions from 85 percent AP and 15 percent trash (ATK,ZOOJ , Table 8). These are the highest chromium and nickel levels found in any of the test runs conducted in 2OOl , and were used in the HHRA because they are the most conservative emissions factors available from these tests. The emissions rates used in the uncertaintv section (Section 10.t.2.4) are from the 100 Vo AP test burn. If it is assumed that the AP waste is the only source of chromium available, and there is no chromium in the trash. the amount of chromium available would be given by the following: Evaluation: The assumption that the AP waste is the sole source of chromium should be strengthened if possible. Provide a discussion that compares the chromium results for each of the waste streams addressed in the OB/OD tests and draws conclusions regarding the amount of Cr in the trash (e.g., the amount of trash in the waste stream does not appear to significantly impact the value of the Cr emission factors deterrnined during the OB/OD tests). cr - 2.0" 1s-s(tb /ra) *(#) x 3.2 x(#) x 105 = 0.4 (^n /un1 ,, Ni = 5.8 ,1s-s(tb1m) r(#) x ze.t" (#) x 106 : 26s.2 (^n /un) Evaluation: The above equation for nickel results in229.1 mg/kg and not 265.2 mg/kg. Review this equation and revise it for consistency with the equation for Ni presented in the General Response for estimating the amount of nickel released from the waste during the OB/OD tests. Where: 2.0x10 s (lb/lb) is the emissions rate for chromium from 85Vo AP/l5%o trash, Or 2.0x10-t (tgltg) And, 5.8x10r (lbnb) is the emissions rate for nickel fromS5Vo APll5%o trash. Or 5.8x10-t Ggtg) 16/100 is 16%o aluminum in the AP waste 20 (mg/kg) is the chromium content in the aluminum in the AP waste 85/100 is the 857o AP waste in the test burn 106 is a conversion factor from kg ro mg Evaluation: The emission factor cited above for nickel in85Vo AP/157a trash (5.8x l0 5.y does not agree with the value cited for nickel rn857a APll5%a trash (6.7x10 r1 as part of the General Response for estimating the amount of nickel released from the waste during the OB/OD tests. Review these two discussions and ensure that the appropriate emission factor is used for nickel. Please enslrre that the correct value is used in the revised HHRA repofi. The text will be revised to use the emissions factors from the HHRA. Evaluation: The intent of the sentence "The text will be revised to Llse the emission factors from the HHRA" is unclear. To eliminate confusion, the text of the HHRA should be revised to indicate the source (e.g., Class 1.3 wastes for 85/15 $'aste stream) of all cited emission factors. Revise Section 10.1,.2.4 to address each of these issues. Once all issues related to Section I0.1.2.4 are adequately addressed, the impact of chromium and nickel emissions on the calculated acute HIs for inhalation, the chronic HIs, should be reassessed and the HHRA Report revised accordingly. Response: The emissions factors agreed upon with the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste were used in the HHRA. The adjusted emissions factors for nickel and chromium are used to calculate Acute Hazard Indices that reflect a subtraction of what is believed to be chromium and nickel added to the emissions from the test pans. The results are provided above in Table 1. 2. Sections 3.6.I, M-136 Stations, and 3.6.2,M-225 Stations, reference Section 4, Compliance with NAAQS, of the HHRA Report for the criterial pollutant emission rates used in the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and Utah Toxic Screening Level (TSL) analyses. The emission rates were not found in Section 4.0. The emission rates were found in Sections 4.5.I ffables 4-2 and 4-3), and 4.5.2 (Tables 4-5, and 4-6) of the Air Modeling Report. To improve transparency and clarity in the HHRA Report, it is recommended that the 10 references to Section 4 in Sections 3.6.I and3.6.2 be modified to identify the tables in Sections 4.5.I and 4.5.2 of the Air Modeling Report as the source for NAAQS and air toxics emission rates. A reference citation should be provided for both documents as well. Revise Sections 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 to address this issue. Response: Sections 3.6.1 and 3.6.2 will be revised to include a reference to the Air Modeling Report. 3. The non-cancer HIs, ELCRs, and the average daily doses (ADDs) listed in Tables 9- 1 through 9- l8 are presented with two significant figures to the right of the decimal point. Tables ES-l through ES-3 list the acute (short-term) HIs with one significant figure to the right of the decimal point. Tables ES-4 through ES-6 list all ELCR values with one significant figure and all HIs with two significant figures to the right of the decimal point. In general, HI values appearing in the text of Section 9, Characterizing Risk and Hazard, are presented with two significant figures and ELCR values are presented with one. For consistency, it is recommended that calculated HI, ELCR, and ADD values be presented in the text and the tables supporting the Executive Summary and Section 9 with one significant figure to the right of the decimal point. A reference can be provided to Appendix D for those readers who wish to see the results expressed with additional precision. Scientific notation should be used for small values of HI if necessary. Revise the HHRA Report to address this issue. Response: The report will be revised to provide all of the numbers to one significant figure to the right of the decimal point. 4. In Section 5.1, Characterizing the Exposure Setting, at the bottom of page 39, it is stated "As shown on Table 4-4 in the TetraTech Air Dispersion Modeling Report (TetraTech,z0llb), the predominant wind direction is from northwest through northeast." Table 4-4 could not be found in the referenced document and it appears that the locations of maximum off-site and on-site summed risks and hazard indices (shown on Figure 9-9 of the HHRA Report) do not support the statement on predominant wind direction. These maximum locations are shown to be north and northwest of the M-136 Burn Grounds. Please revise the HHRA Report to address this issue. Response: The locations where maximum impacts occurred were taken from the Air Quality Modeling Report. The information in this report will be provided to correct discrepancies related to wind direction in the text. The locations of maximum off- site and on-site risks and hazard indices are consistent with past modeling and are believed to be correct. 11 Evaluation: [n revising the text of the HHRA report to address the issue raised in General Comment 4, ensure the revised discussion is explicit and consistent in describing wind directions as "blowing from" or "blowing toward." SPECIFIC COMMENTS 1. Executive Summary, Open Burn Open Detonation Human Health Risk Assessment for Promontory, Page ES-l: The second sentence of the first paragraph of the Executive Summary states "The location of the Promontory Facility is shown on Figure ES- 1." While the general location of the facility can be discerned from the figure, the exact location cannot be determined as the facility boundary is not included. Revise Figure ES-1 to include the facility boundary lines. Response: The facility boundary was added to Figures ES-l and 1-1. They are attached and will be included in the revised HHRA. 2. Executive Summary, Open Burn Open Detonation Human Health Risk Assessment for Promontory, Page ES-l: The last paragraph on Page ES-1 notes "Short-term risks are greater than one on-site due to nickel, but the source of this nickel is believed to be the test ignition wire and the tray used in the test." No additional information on the test and the source of the nickel is provided. The quoted discussion should be clarified to indicate that the Acute HI was greater than one; to identify the test referred to in the text; and to indicate that the impact of the nickel in the test ignition wire and burn tray is addressed in Sections 2, 9, and 10 of the HHRA Report. Revise the last paragraph on Page ES-1 to address these issues. Response: This comment is partially addressed in the responses to the General Comments, and to a greater extent in Section 10, the uncertainty section of the revised risk assessment. In the text we show that the AP-waste might have low (pat per million) levels of chromium and nickel in the aluminum that is in the propellant, but that these levels of chromium and nickel would lead to emissions that are far lower than actually measured in the emissions tests. The "extra" chromiqm and nickel are most likely due to the pans and igniters used in the OBOD test. Revised acute Hazard Quotients are calculated with and without the estimated level of chromium and nickel from the test. These tables show that when the extra chromium and nickel are removed the acute hazards are lower. and below one for all receptors. Further. ATK has demonstrated that the chromium and nickel released would be bound into small agglomerations of aluminum and so are not as bio-available as the toxicology test used to determine the potency of nickel for determining the L2 acute (1-hour) dose-response used to determine the HQ in the risk assessment. The supporting documentation is also provided in Section l0 of the HHRA. 3. Executive Summary, Open Burn Open Detonation Human Health Risk Assessment for Promontory, Page ES-6: The third paragraph on Page ES-6 indicates the results listed in Tables ES-5 and ES-6 are also shown on Figures EC- 3 and EC-4. However, Figures EC-3 and EC-4 were not included among the figures submitted with the HHRA Report. Also note that the HHRA Report does not include or reference Figure EC-z. Please ensure that Figures EC-3 and EC-4 are included with all subsequent submittals of the HHRA Report and that the figures associated with the Executive Summary are properly numbered. Response: . The sentence referring to Figures EC-3 and EC-4 will be deleted from the report. All of the relevant information is contained in Tables ES-5 and ES-6. 4. Section 2.5, M-136 Stations, PageTr, [n the first paragraph of this section, it is stated that six of the 12 stations located closest to the western property line (Stations I,4,7,8, 10 and 11) are modeled as six separate sources and Burn Stations 13 and 14 are modeled separately. Are Stations2,3,5,6,9 and 12 modeled as one source then? Please clarify this paragraph. Response: The paragraph has been modified to read: M-136 has 14 burn stations (1 through la) and any one of the following alternative and mutually exclusive scenarios could occur in these stations: o A1: OB in six of Burn Stations 1 through 12 at 16,000 pounds (lbs) in each station totaling 96,000lbs reactive waste weight per evento A2: 10,000 lbs reactive waste weight per event in Burn Station 13 o ,A,3: 16,000lbs reactive waste weight per event in Burn Station 14 o B: OB of 125,000 lbs of large rocket motors in Station 14o C: OD of 600 lbs reactive waste in Stations 13 and 14 each, totaling 1,200 lbs reactive waste weight per event At M-136 A1, burn stations I through 12 are clustered within 100 meters of each other. Six of the 12 stations are located closest to the western property line (Stations 1, 4, 7, 8, 10, and I 1) and six are further from the boundary. The six areas near the boundary are modeled as six separate sources and used in the HHRA because their use in the model is more conservative. The other stations (Stations 2,3, 5,6,9 and 12) are used by ATK but were not modeled as thev are further from the boundarv. Burn Stations 13 and 14 are modeled separately. 5. Section, Metals, Page Ll.: The second sentence of the second paragraph in Section indicates the stainless steel pans used in the OB/OD emission tests sponsored by ATK Promontory contained l5%o cbromium and I4Vo nickel. However, a reference is not provided for the source of these weight percentages. t3 Revise Section to include a reference citation for the source of the weight percentages for chromium and nickel in the burn trays used in the OB/OD tests. Ensure the information source is listed in Section I 1. References. of the HHRA Report. Response: The reference for the weight percentages will be added to Section 2.9.1). It is as follows: Type 316 stainless steel contains high levels of chromium and nickel. In type 316 steel, the chromium content is reduced from lSVo found in other formulations to 16%o, and the nickel content is increased fromSVo to lo-16%o, forming austenitic steel which also contains 2-3Vo molybdenum. (www.bosunsupplies.com) Ilvaluation: ln addition to the information provided in the response, the text of the HHRA report should also inch-rde a sentence that ties the cited values of chromium and nickel in type 3 l6 stainless steel to the pans used in the OB/OD tests. Fol example, a sentence stating that the pans used in the OB/OD tests were constructed of Type 316 stainless steel wor-rld address UDEQ's concern. 6. Section, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Page 17: The first paragraph of Section 2.1I.1.3 refers to indeno( I ,2,3-cd)pyrene as a "complex six (or more) aromatic ring" compound. However, indeno(1,2,3- cd)pyrene has five aromatic rings and six total rings. Revise Section 2.ll.L3 to indicate that indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene has five aromatic rings. Response: The paragraph has been revised to read: PAHs are a broad class of chemical compounds, ranging from two aromatic ring compounds, such as naphthalene, to complex six (or more) aromatic ring compounds such as benzo(ghi)perylene. In the next paragraph in this Section, it is indicated that fluoranthene, a three aromatic ring PAH with four total rings, was detected in the ODOBi test in 5 of 18 samples. In the following paragraph it is stated that no four ring PAHs were detected. Please clarify that no four, five or six aromatic ring PAHs were detected and ensure that the number of aromatic rings are used (as opposed to total rings) when PAHs are discussed in the report. Response: The text has been revised to read: For example, the two aromatic ring PAH naphthalene is detected in 16 of 18 samples, compared with three ring aromatic PAHs, phenanthrene (detected in 8 of 18 samples), and the three aromatic ring fluoranthene, (four rings total) was detected in 5 of 18 samples. Evaluation: In addition to the revision noted in the above response the text of the HHRA repofi should also be revised to clarify that no four, five or six aromatic ring l4 PAHs were detected. In addition, ensLlre that all discussion of PAH rings in the HHRA repoft are based on the number of aromatic rings and not the number of total rings. 7. Section 2.1L.1.3, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs), Page 19: The last paragraph on Page l9 begins "With the exception of small quantities of naphthalene and its alkylated sister compounds, emission products larger than the molecules in the EM were not found in the detonation and burn plumes." For clarity revise the quoted sentence to include a parenthetical definition of EM. Response: The sentence has been revised to read: With the exception of small quantities of naphthalene and its alkylated sister compounds, emission products larger than the molecules in the EM (Energetic Materials) were not found in the detonation and burn plumes. 8. Section 2.13, Category ElFlare Wastes, Page 23: In the last paragraph on page 23, it rs stated that "the toxicological information on many of these chemicals is unavailable, and the table befow shows information that is available." There isn't a table below this section showine this information. Should "table below" be changed to "Table 2-3"? Response: The text has been modified to read: The toxicological information on many of these chemicals is unavailable, and the information that is available is provided in Table 2-3. In addition, the last paragraph on Page 23 includes the sentence "Lead has been discussed previously." A discussion of lead, prior to Page 23, was not found in the HHRA Report. In addition, it is not clear why the quoted sentence has been included in Section 2.I3 as the discussion is focused on the metals associated with Category E/Flare Wastes that are not included in other waste streams at ATK Promontory (e.g., boron, bismuth, cesium, indium, iron, silicon, tin, zinc, and zirconium). Review the discussion in the last paragraph on Page 23 and determine if a discussion of lead is appropriate. If not, delete the quoted sentence from the text. Response: The sentence on lead has been deleted. 9. Section 2.14, Emission Factors, Page 262 The first sentence onPage 26 indicates that calculated soil lead concentrations were less than 400 mg/kg at all locations. It is recommended that this discussion be expanded to note that the analysis of lead in soils is detailed in Section 9.6,1-,ead in Soils. Revise the text to address this issue. 15 Response; The text has been revised to read: The risks are evaluated by comparing the Lakes model calculated soil lead concentrations to the US EPA default residential lead goal of 400 milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Lead has been shown to have neurological effects, and young children are particularly susceptible to the effects of lead. The US EPA evaluates lead using a bio-uptake model call the Integrated Exposure Uptake Bio-kinetic (IEUBK) model, which calculates potential blood lead concentrations based on exposure to media, food and water. The estimated blood lead levels are compared with acceptable blood lead levels for children. This model was used by the EPA to calculate a soil lead level below which no adverse effects on children would be expected. This acceptable soil lead concentration is 400 mg/kg (EPA, 2002). The calculated soil lead concentr.ations at all locations are well below (by a factor of several thousand) 400 mglkg and no further processing is necessary. More details on the soil lead concentrations and the comparison to the EPA's acceptable lead level are provided in Section 9.6. 10. Section 2.14, Emission Factors, Page 262 Page 26 includes an in-text table that lists emission factors for 2,3,7,8-TCDD as a single constituent and as a toxicity e'Quivalent (defined in the table as TCDD - TE). The vafues listed are results obtained from an analysis of the dioxin/furan emissions from 1.3-Class and 1.1- Class wastes treated by OBIOD at ATK Promontory. However, the details of the analysis of dioxin/furan emissions are not provided. In addition, note that the paragraph prior to the in-text table refers to the HHRAP when a reference to the HHRA is more appropriate. Revise the HHRA Report to include a summary of the dioxin/furan emissions analysis as an appendix. In addition, eliminate the reference to the HHRAP on Page 26 and replace it with a reference to the HHRA. Response: This section has been deleted and a revised section has been added. This section reads as shown below, and a new Appendix (Appendix B) has been added. The class of chemicals called dioxins is a mixture of similarly structured compounds or congeners, with many different congeners in the class. When selecting the emissions factors for this class of compounds the data were examined to determine which class of AP propellant (Class 1.1 or Class 1.3) would have the highest risk, and that Class was selected. This was achieved by multiplying the emissions (pound of dioxin per pounds of waste processed) for each class of dioxin and difurans by the 2,3,7,8-TCDD-Toxicity Equivalence Factor (TCDD-TEF) (shown in Table 2-4), and summing the results for all compounds in the class. The emissions factors for each class, the TCDD-TEF, the method used, and the results of the analysis are shown in Appendix B. Based on the calculation in Appendix B, the 1.3-Class propellant emissions factor has more dioxin risk than the 1.l-Class, and therefore the 1.3-Class emissions are considered the higher, and are used to represent emissions from ATK materials. T6 11.Section, Open Burning, Page 322 The discussion on Page 32 describes the procedure used to determine vapor cloud heights for specified combinations of the atmospheric stability class and wind speeds. This discussion mentions the 2013 air modeling protocol but does not include a formal reference to the document. Additional information on the procedure used and the results of the analysis are available in the Addendum to the Revised Air Dispersion Modeling Report for Open Burning and Open Detonation at ATK Launch Systems in Promontory, Utah dated June 2Ol4 (Air Modeling Report) and the HHRA Protocol. However, these information sources are neither identified nor referenced. To improve the transparency and clarity of the HHRA Report, it is recommended that the Air Modeling Report and HHRA Protocol be included in the discussion as sources of additional information. In addition. all three documents should be formally referenced. Revise Section to address this issue and ensure the 2013 Hybrid Air Modeling Protocol is added to Section 11, References. Response: This comment has been addressed by adding text at various locations throughout the HHRA, as described below. Section 1.4 has been revised to include the following: As a result of this guidance document, Lakes Environmental, Ontario, Canada developed a software product that calculated short-term hazards and long-term hazards and risks based on the equations and parameters in EPA, 2005 (Lakes, 2014). The Lakes risk assessment model was approved by EPA for incineration projects. However, dose-response and default exposure assumptions change from time to time, and this HHRA is based on a Utah DSHW protocol developed by ATK (ATK,2Ol4a). The HHRA protocol also incorporates EPA's most recent default exposure assumptions (EPA, 20I4a), dose-response information (EPA, 20I4b;EPA,20I4c), and other modifications that were approved by the Utah DSHW, as of November 2014, prior to conducting the HHRA. Evaluation: The ciause reading "and this HHRA is based on a Utah DSHW protocol developed by ATK (ATK, 20l4a)" should be revised to rcad "and this HHRA is based on a protocol developed by ATK (ATK, 2014a) which was accepted and approved by UDEQ DSHW." Section 3.3.I.1 has been revised to include the following: The CB&I (2}l4b) air modeling protocol (Section 4.2) describes the modeling process and the parameters used in the model related to the release height. And later in the text the followine has been added: I7 t2. The assumed conditions for this burn assumed the most conservative meteorological conditions (lowest dispersion) under normal operating conditions. The resulting vapor cloud heights are then applied to each of the other identical burn stations for that scenario. The results of the open burn model are used by the air dispersion portion of the model, and the output files are used by the Lakes risk model (Lakes, 2014) without modification. .Section, Open Detonation, Pages 33 and 34: The discussion at the bottom of Page 33 and continuing at the top of Page 34 summarizes the application of Equation 2-75 from Volume 2 of the OBODM User's Guide to calculate initial vapor cloud dimensions. This discussion is derived from the Air Modeling Report. However, the Air Modeling Report has not been identified or referenced in the discussion. Revise Section to identify and reference the Air Modeling Report as the source of the information contained in Section 3.4.L2. Response: The text has been revised to include the following: Based on the Utah DsHw-approved model developed for the project by CB&I (2014) and per AERMOD guidance.. ... In addition, citations WDTC, 1998a and 1998b, have been added for the OBODM users guide: WDTC, 1998a Open Burn/Open Detonation Dispersion Model User's Guide, Volume I,IJser's Instructions, DPG Document No. DPG-TR-96-008a, SERDP, U.S. Army Drrgway Proving Ground, Utah, February WDTC, 1998b Open Burn/Open Detonation Dispersion Model User's Guide, Volume II, Technical Description, DPG Document No. DPG-TR-96-008a, SERDP, U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground, Utah, February 13. Section 4.L, National Ambient Air Quality.Standards, Page 37 and Table 4-1, Criteria Pollutants Considered in NAAQS Compliance Demonstration, Page 109: The first paragraph of Section 4.1 references Table 44 to demonstrate that none of the NAAQS are exceeded as a result of OB/OD treatment at ATK Promontory. However, carbon monoxide (CO) and lead (Pb) are not listed in the body of Table 4- 1. Note 1 at the bottom of the table states: "This table is taken from CB&I's 2014, Air Quality Modeling Report. Carbon monoxide and lead NAAQS were not included because preliminary modeling...showed compliance with NAAQS." For clarity, transparency, and completeness in presenting risk- related information in the HHRA Report, Table 4-1 should be revised to list CO and Pb in the table body. [n addition, note I should be revised to indicate that CO and Pb information was taken from the CB&I Modeling Report and that compliance was demonstrated in the Revised Air Dispersion Modeling Assessment Report for Open Burn and Open Detonation Treatment Units at ATK Launch Systems dated July 2012." Revise Table 4-1 to address this issue. 18 Response: Table 4-1 was revised to provide the carbon monoxide and lead concentrations calculated by CB&I, and TetraTech, and citations to their work are provided in the table. T9 T,lnln 4-l Cnrrnnll Por,r,ur.lllrs CoNSTnERED rN NAAQS Covrpr,r.lNcn DnUoNSTRATToN Criteria Pollutant Source NAAQS averaging time Design Model Concentration Method of Determination of Design Value PM-IO (a)24-Hour 150 pg/m3 Sixth highest of 5 years of meteorological data PM-z.5 (a)24-Hour 35 pglm3 Average of first highest of 5 years of meteorological data PM-2.5 (a)Annual 12 pglm3 Average of first highest of 5 years of meteorological data Sou (a)l-Hour 75 ppb (195 pglm3) Five-year average ofthe 99th percentile (4th highest) of the annual distribution of dailv maximum l-hour average concentrations Soz (a)J-Hour 1,300 pglm3 Five-year average of 2nd highest (not to be exceeded once per year) Noz (a)l-Hour 100 ppb (189 pglm3) Five-year average ofthe 98th percentile (8th highest) of the annual distribution of dailv maximum 1-hour averase concentrations Noz (a)Annual 100 pglm3 Maximum over 5 years of meteorological data CO (a)l-Hour 40,000 pglm'A,verage of first highest of 5 years of meteorological lata (a)3-Hour 10,000 pg/m'Average offirst highest of5 years ofmeteorological data Lead (b)3-Month Rolling Average 0.15 pglm3 100ft percentile; maximum over 3 years of meteorological data Abbreviations: PM-10 = Particulate matter (10 micrometers in diameter) PM-2.5 = Particulate matter (2.5 micrometers in diameter) NO2 - Nitrogen dioxide. SO2 - Sultur dioxide. CO = Carbon monoxide ppb =- Parts per billion. Wdm' = Micrograms per cubic meter (a) From: CB&I, 2014b, Addendum to the Revised Air Dispersion Modeling Report for Open Buming and Open Detonation at ATK Launch Systems in Promontory, Table 9-l(b) From: TetraTech,2ol2b, Revised Air Dispersion Modeling Assessment Report for Open Bum and Open Detonation Treatment Units at ATK Launch Svstems. Table 3-69 and Table 3-71. 20 14. Section 4.1, National Ambient Air Quality Standards, Page 37 and Table 4-2, Criteria Pollutants Considered in NAAQS Compliance Demonstration, Page 110: The sentence of Section 4.1 references Table 4-2 to demonstrate that cumulative results for criteria pollutants do not exceed the NAAQS for OB/OD treatment at ATK Promontory. However, Pb is not listed in the body of the table. For clarity, transparency, and completeness in presenting risk-related information in the HHRA Report, Table 4-2 should be revised to list Pb in the table body. In addition, a note should be added to indicate that Pb compliance was demonstrated in the Revised Air Dispersion Modeling Assessment Report for Open Burn and Open Detonation Treatment Units at ATK Launch Systems dated July 2012." Revise Table 4-2 to address this issue. Response: Table 4-2 was revised to provide the carbon monoxide and lead concentrations calculated by CB&I, and TetraTech, and citations to their work are provided in the tables. The Table indicates that both carbon monoxide and lead concentrations are below the NAAQS. 2l Ttw"n 4-2 Rpsur,rs or Cumur,ATrvE lupncr ron M-136lNo M-225 Cnrrnnr,q. Por-r,urlNrs COPC Source Averaging Time Sub- source Rank Design Model Conc. @el^t) NAAQS @st^t) Percent of NAAQS Exceedance of NAAQS? (Yes/i.{o) PM-2.5 (a) 24-HR Ml36_A 25.00 35 1 l%o No M225_A st 1.48 -t)4.2 7o No Total 26.49 35 75.7Vo No Annual M136 A st 5.75 2 487o No M225_A 0.05 L O.4Vo.No Total 5.81 z 48.47o No PM-IO (a)24-Hr Ml36_A st 57.14 50 38.l%o No M225 A 3.6s 50 2.4Vo No Total 60.79 50 40.5Vo No Noz (a) l-Hr Ml36_A 64.01 89 33.9Vo No M225 A st 3.79 189 2.O7o No Total sl 67.80 89 35.9Vo No Annual Ml36_A sl 0.70 100 O.lVo No M225 A st 0.007 00 0.lVo No Total St 0.11 00 0.77a No Soz (a) l-Hr MI36 A st 5.00 95 2.6Vo No M225_A 0.30 95 0.2Vo No Total 5.30 95 2.7Vo No 3-HR Ml36_A st 1.67 300 O.lvo No M225_A 0.10 I 300 0.l%o No Total 1.11 300 0.lVo No CO (a) I-HR Ml36_A st 64.01 40,000 O.2Va No 'M225 A st 3.79 40,000 0.l7o No Total sl 67.80 40.000 0.8Vo No 8-HR Ml36_A SI 8.00 10,000 0.lVa No M225 A st o.47 10.000 0.l%o No Total st 8.48 10,000 0.lVo No Lead (b)3-Month M136, Sources 1-3 (comparable to Ml36_4) lt' 0.03 0. l5 2O7o No M136, Source 4 (comparable to Ml36_C) lr' 0.05 0. r5 33.3Vo No 22 Trnl-n4-2 Rrsur,rs or Cuuur,ATrvE Ivrpncr ron M-136lxu M-225 Cnrrnnra Por,r,urlNrs COPC Source Averaging Time Sub- source Rank Design Model Conc. @et^3) NAAQS Qtslrf) Percent of NAAQS Exceedance of NAAQS? (YeVNo) M225, Source I (comparable to M225_A) lr' 0.01 0.15 6.77o No Abbreviations: l-Hr = l-Hour 24-Hr = 24-Hov 8-Hr =8-Hour ltt =First Conc. = Concentration COPC = Chemical of Potential Concern PM-10 = Particulate matter (10 micrometers) PM-2.5 = Particulate matter (2,5 micrometers) NO2 = Nitrogen dioxide. SO2 = gulful dioxide. ppb = Parts per billion. Wglm3 = Micrograms per cubic meter Vo = Percent NAAQS = National Ambient Air Quality Standard Notes: (a) From: CB&I, 20l4b , Addendum to the Revised Air Dispersion Modeling Report for Open Burning and Open Detonation at ATK Launch Systems in Promontory, Table 9-l(b) From: From: TetraTech,20l2b, Revised Air Dispersion Modeling Assessment Report for Open Burn and Open Detonatioh Treatment Units at ATK Launch Systems. 15.Section 4.3, Quantitatively Estimating Acute Non-Cancer Hazard, Page 38: The last sentence in Section 4.3 indicates that COPC concentrations are compared to cal EPA PAC-I concentrations and DoD AERGL-I air concentrations. However, the discussion does not mention that the criteria used in assessing Acute Non-Cancer Hazard were identified and selected based on the hierarchy presented in EPA's 2005 HHRAP. For clarity, transparency, and completeness, revise Section 4.3 to indicate that acute inhalation exposure concentrations (AIECs) were identified and selected based on the hierarchy presented in Section 7.4.1 Existing Hierarchical Approaches for Acute Inhalation Exposure, of EPA's 2005 HHRAP. Response: The section has been revised to read as follows: In the ATK risk assessment protocol (ATK, 20I4a), was prepared to address potential short-term and long-term adverse health effects. Based on EPA's 2005 Incineration Guidance (EPA, 2005; Section 7), short-term ambient air concentrations are evaluated by comparison to short-term air criteria developed from short-term dose-response studies in humans and animals. The source of short-term criteria is selected based on 23 the following hierarchy, which is consistent with HHRAP Section 7.4.1 Existing Hierarchical Approaches for Acute Inhalation Exposure (EPA, 2005): l. CallEPA Acute Reference Exposure Levels (RELs) - the concentration in air at or below which no adverse health effects are anticipated in the general population, including sensitive individuals, for a specified exposure period (Cal EPA, 1999, or more recent version). 2. Acute inhalation exposure guidelines (AEGL-1) - "the airborne concentration of a substance above which it is predicted that the general population, including susceptible individuals, could experience notable discomfort, irritation, or certain asymptomatic non-sensory effects. However, the effects are not disabling and are transient and reversible upon cessation of exposure." (NOAA, 2OOl, or more recent version). 3. Level I emergency planning guidelines (ERPG-I) - "the maximum concentration in air below which it is believed nearly all individuals could be exposed for up to one hour without experiencing other than mild transient adverse effects or perceiving a clearly defined objectionable odor." (DoE 2001; SCAPA 2001, or more recent version). 4. Temporary emergency exposure limits (TEEL-I) - "the maximum concentration in air below which it is believed nearly all individuals could be exposed without experiencing other than mild transient adverse health effects or perceiving a clearly defined objectionablti odor." (DoE, 20OI1, SCAPA, 2OOl, or more recent version). 5. AEGL-} values - "the airborne concentration of a substance above which it is predicted that the general population, including susceptible individuals, could experience irreversible or other serious, long-lasting adverse health effects or an impaired ability to escape." AEGL-? values are to be used only if lower ERPG-I or TEEL-1 values are not available. (NOAA, 2001), or more recent version. In the evaluation of acute risk, (l-hour) modeled air concentrations were compared with the short-term (l-hour) air goal concentrations selected using this hierarchy (See 24 Section 8, and Table 8-2). The most recent sources of short-term air concentrations are available from Cal-EPA and the Department of Defense (DOD). Where these sources did not contain a short-term air goal, a surrogate value was developed based on carbon chain length, structure and class of chemical (using professional judgment) (see Section 8, Table 8-1). The list of l-hour acceptable air concentrations (Table 8- 2) was developed and presented to the Utah DSHW, who agreed with the use of these values. To determine the potential exposure to short-term emissions, estimates of acute (l-hour) hazards from air emissions are calculated. The estimated l-hour ambient air concentrations for all 2009 COPCs are generated from the air quality model and evaluated in the Lakes software (Lakes, 2014). The COPC concentration is compared with its California EPA (Cal EPA) PAC-I concentration (Cal EPA, 2OI3), if available, or the Department of Defense AEGL-I air concentration (DOE, 2012). This analysis is provided in Section 9-1 of this reporr. L6. Section 5.L.1, Current and Reasonable Potential Future Land Use, Page 41: This paragraph is confusing; it states.that "it is possible for the area within the facility boundaries to be deVeloped for residential or agricultural use if the facility is closed in the future." Then it states that "Therefore, future exposures are evaluated for a farmer and resident scenario at the point of maximum risk located off-site, and a future worker scenario (is) evaluated for the point of maximum risk located on-site." Please provide additional information to clarify why this approach was taken. Response: The text has been revised as follows: The current land use is considered in this risk assessment. In addition, while farmers or residents are not currently located within the facility boundaries it is possible for the area within the facility boundaries to be developed for residential or agricultural use if the facility was closed in the future. Risks would be estimated and reevaluated at some point in the future if the facility closed and on- site redevelopment took place. Therefore, future exposures considered in this HHRA include the evaluation of a farmer and resident scenario at the point of maximum risk located off-site, and a future worker scenario evaluated for the point of maximum risk located on-site. Section 5.1.2, Water Bodies and their Associated Watershed, Page 4l: It is stated near the end of this paragraph that "based on discussions with the Utah DSHW, this water body (Blue Creek) is unlikely to be significantly impacted by ATK's treatment operations." Please revise the text to indicate that, based on discussions with the utah DSHW, it was agreed to follow the HHRAp guidance. 17. 25 18. Response: The text in Section 5.1.2 will be revised as follows: There is a creek on the western side of the Facility, but the water is of poor quality because it has high total dissolved solids and minerals. It is a small stream that has eroded a channel approximately 2O feet deep where it runs across ATK property, making it largely inaccessible to cattle and humans. While the water in Blue Creek is potentially accessible by livestock approximately 5 months of the year in the fall and winter, it is not the only water source; ATK provides clean water to the ranches that water cattle in that area. As stated in Section 3.2 of the approved HHRA protocol, the HHRAP guidance recommends not evaluating ingestion of water by animals, because it is expected that the contribution of that pathway to the total risk is negligible compared to the contributions of the recommended exposure pathways for cattle which include ingestion of contaminated forage, silage and grain and incidental ingestion of soil. In addition, there are some small natural ponds formed from natural springs at the southern end of Promontory. These springs do not support game fish. Therefore, based on discussions with Utah DSHW concerning Blue Creek and the springs, the decision was made to follow the HHRAP guidance concerning the recommended exposure pathways. Section 5.3.4, Wildlife Areas, Page 43: It is stated in the second to last sentence of this paragraph, "Receptors would not consume wildlife from these areas and so there would be no indirect exposure." Why would receptors (hunters) not consume wildlife from these areas? Please explain this statement in the text or remove it. Response: Section 5.3.4 will be revised as follows: Prior to the development of the first HHRA protocol, the areas where hunting might occur were discussed and it was agreed with UDSHW that the risks would be de minimis. The wildlife areas near ATK are further away from the Facility than areas that are currently being evaluated for an assumed Resident or Farmer. Because the wildlife locations are further away exposure to COPCs released by the Facility will be further away, and so COPC concentrations (and risks) will be much lower. Therefore, the risks andhazards in wildlife areas would be negligible, and are not quantified. See Section 10.6 for further discussion. Evaluation: the infbrmation provided in ATK's response partially addresses the issue raised by UDEQ in Specific Comment 18. In addition to the information provided in the response regarding the relative location of potentially hunted game, justification fbr not quantifying exposures from ingestion of hunted game should be based on the potential percentage of diet that ingestion of game would represent for a resident or farmer that also hunts. Ensure that the revision to the HHRA Report addresses both the relative location of the hunted game and the percentage of diet that ingestion of gante rcpresents for a resident or farmer that hunts. 26 L9. Section 6.I.1, Mercury Wizard, Page 45: Section 6.1.1 explains how the Lakes software uses the percentage of mercury lost to the global cycle and the percentages of divalent mercury and elemental mercury deposited back to the earth's surface recommended in the 2005 HHRAP. However, the discussion does not identify the equations from the 2005 HHRAP used by the Mercury Wizard to calculate the concentrations of divalent and elemental mercury in soil. Revise Section 6.1.1 to specify the 2005 HHRAP equations used in performing the mercury calculations. Response: After consulting with the Lakes' risk assessment specialist about the Mercury Wizard, Sections 6.1.1 and 6.2w1ll be revised as follows: Within the Lakes software, there is a tool called the Mercury Wizard. The calculated emissions rate for mercury from Appendix A is entered into the model for each sub source (M136 Al, A2, etc), and then the model adjusts for the portion of mercury that is lost to the global cycle (5l.8Vo),the portion of mercury that is deposited as divalent mercury (48Vo), and the portion that is emitted as elemental mercury (O.2Vo). These percentages are consistent with the information presented in Chapter 2, Section Mercury of the HHRAP (EpA, 2005). The model then generates emissions factors for mercuric chloride and elemental mercury using those percentages, and those emissions factors are carried forward in the calculations of media concentrations and ultimately, non-cancer hazard quotients for mercuric chloride and methyl mercury. Section 6.2 below provides a discussion of calculating mercury concentrations in soil. And Section 6.2 will be revised as follows: The recommended equations for calculating soil concentration and soil losses of coPCs are presented in App. B Tables B-1-1 through B-1-6 (EpA, 200s; starring on page B-1) for land use areas. Note that the Appendix B equations contain adjustments for calculating mercury soil concentrations, and the Lakes model applies these necessary adjustments to account for each species of mercury, as described in Section 6.1.1 above. Section 6.4, Calculating COPC Concentrations in Beef and Dairy products, Page 48: The discussion at the top of Page 48 notes that Tables B-3-l through B- 3-11 of the 2005 HHRAP are used to determine the COPC concentrations in forage, silage, grain, and soil consumed by cattle. In fact, Table 8-3-10 presents the equation for calculating COPC concentrations in beef tissue and Table B-3-1 1 details the calculation of COPC concentrations in milk. These same equations are presented in Sections 5.4.4 (Equation 5-22) and 5.4.5 (Equation 5-24) of the 2005 HHRAP. Sections 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 note that Equations 5-22 and 5-24 are used to calculate COPC concentrations in animal tissue and milk, respectively. However, Section 6.4, Section 6.4.I, and Section 6.4.2 do not indicate that the equation in Table B-3-10 is identical to Equation 5-22 and the equation in Table B-3-11 is 20. 27 identical to Equation 5-24. To eliminate confusion in the text of the HHRA Report, revise the discussion at the top of Page 48 to indicate that the equations for calculating COPC concentrations in animal tissue and milk are presented in Appendix B and Sections 5.4.4 and 5.4.5 of the 2005 HHRAP. Response:Thediscussiononpage48willberevisedasfollows:@ thretrgh B 3 l l (EPA; 2005; starting en page B 88) eentain the equatiens used te is . The equations for calculating the COPC concentration in animal tissue and milk are presented in Appendix B and Sections 5.4.4 and 5.4.5 of the HHRAP (EPA, 2005). Evaluation: The response partially addresses the issue raised by UDEQ in Specific Comment 20. lt is recommendecl that the discussion of page 48 be revised to read: "Appendix B Tables B-3- I through B-3- I I (EPA, 2005 ) contain the equations used to deterrnine the COPC concentrations in forage, silage, grain and soil, this is consumed by beef and dairy cattle, and the resulting COPC concentration in Feed materials that will be consumed by beef cattle and dairy cattle. The equations for calculating the COPC concentration in animal tissue and milk are presented in Appendix B, Tables B-3-10 and B-3-l l, and in Equation 5-22 of Section 5.4.4 and Equation 5-24 of Section 5.4.5 of the HHRAP (EPA.2OO5).'' Section 6.5, Calculating COPC Concentrations in Pork, Page 492 Section 6.5 provides a reference to a discussion of biotransfer factors for animals; however a reference to the equation used to calculate COPC concentrations in pork is not provided. Revise Section 6.5 to include a reference to Table B-3-I2 of Appendix B in the 2005 HHRAP for the equation used to determine COPC concentrations in pork in the HHRA. Response: The discussion in Section 6.5 will be revised as follows: Once the COPC concentrations in feed are determined. the animal COPC tissue concentration can be calculated. The equation used to determine COPC concentrations in pork is - presented in Table B-3-12 of Appendix B of the HHMP (EPA, 2005). Section 6.6, Calculating COPC Concentrations in Chicken and Eggs, Page 49: Section 6.6 discusses the calculation of COPC concentrations in chicken and eggs and provides a reference to the appropriate biotransfer factors for chickens and eggs. However references to the equations used to calculate COPC concentrations in chicken and eggs pork are not provided. Revise Section 6.6 to include references to Table B-3-13 (eggs) and Table 3-14 (chicken) of Appendix B in the 2005 HHRAP for the equations used in the HHRA to determine COPC concentrations in egss and chicken. 21. ,,,, 28 Response: The discussion in Section 6.6 will be revised as follows: The equations used to determine COPC concentrations in eggs and chicken are presented in Appendix B Tables 8-3-13 (eggs) and 8-3-14 (chicken) of the HHRAP (EPA, 2005). 23. Section 6.8, Using Site-Specific vs. Default Parameter Values, Page 50: The' discussion in Section 6.8 notes that default (i.e., EPA-recommended parameter values for suitable for use when site-specific parameter values are not available) parameter values are used in all media concentration calculations except for the biotransfer factors for aboveground provide (BV"e) and forage (BVro.ue"). The text indicates "Those two values are reduced by a factor of 100, in accordance with HHRAP guidance (EPA, 20O5; App.A, Section A-2-2.I2.4,pages A-2-20 and A-2-21). Appendix A presents a discussion of the methodology used to' calculate those biotransfer factors..." For clarity, it is recommended that the quoted text be revised to read: "Those two values are reduced by a factor of 100, in accordance with HHRAP guidance (EPA, 2005). Appendix. A, Section A-2- 2.12.4, pages A-2-20 and A-2-21of the HHRAP guidance presents a discussion of the methodology used to calculate those biotransfer factors..." Revise Section 6.8 to address this issue. Response: The discussion in Section 6.8 will be revised as follows: Those two values are reduced by a factor of 100, in accordance with HHRAP guidance (EPA, 2OO5; 20 and z\ 2 2l). Appendix A, Section A-2-2.12.4, pages A-2-20 and A-2-2I presents a discussion of the methodology used to calculate those biotransfer factors. andjlt states that the methodology overestimates the BVu, and BV1o.ur" and that it is appropriate to reduce them by a factor of 100 for all organicq, with the exception of PCDDs and pcDFs. 24. Section 6.8, Using Site-specific vs. Default Parameter Values, Page 50: The last sentence of Section 6.8 indicates that site-specific values for BVu, and BVroraeq are predented in Appendix C. For clariiy, amend this sentencl to indicate these values are found in Appendix C of the HHRA Report. Response: The last sentence of Section 6.8 will be revised as follows: These values are presented in Appendix C of this HHRA report. 25. Section T.lr Inhalation Exposure Pathways, Page 51: Section 7.1 defines the parameter Cap as the COPC concentration in air. However, Section 7.1 does not indicate how C"i, is calculated. Revise 7 .I to reference Section 6.1, Calculating COPC Concentrations in Air for Direct Inhalation, of the HHRA Report for details regarding the calculation of Cui,. Response: 29 26. The discussion in Section 7.1 will be revised as follows: Cui, = COPC concentration in air @gl^t); see Section 6.1 for details on C6. Section T.2rlngestion Exposure Pathways, Page 53: The last paragraph of Section 7.2 indicates that the Lakes software calculates COPC intake values in accordance with HHRAP guidance. However, references to the equations used to calculate COPC intakes for direct and indirect pathways are not provided. To provide transparency and consistency in the presentation of information related to the HHRA, it is recommended that SectionT.2be revised to include references to the intake equations used in the HHRA, similar to the references provided in Section 6 for calculating COPC concentrations and Section 7.7, Breast Milk Exposure, for calculating the average daily dose (ADDinr-) of contaminated breast milk. Revise Section 7 .2 to address this issue. Response: The discussion in Section 7 .2 wtll be revised as follows: The equations for direct and indirect intake exposure pathways are not provided here, but can be found in the HHRAP Guidance Appendix C, Tables C-1-1, C-l-z, and C-1-3 (EPA, 2005) for COPC intake from soil, intake from produce, and intake from beef, milk, pork, poultry and eggs, respectively. EPA-2eOt 27. Section 7.2.1, Body Weight, Page 53: Section 7.2.1 notes that "The value of 80 kg [kilograms] is from OSWER Directive 9200.I-120, dated Feb. 6, 2OI4a;' For clarity, revise this sentence to read: "The value of 80 kg is from OSWER Directive 92C[..1 -I20 (EPA, 2014a) j' Response: The sentence will be revised as follows: The value of 80 kg is from OSWER Directive 9200.1 -120 (EPA, 2ol4a) dated+eb+,+efaa. 28. Section 7.5, Exposure Duration, Page 55: Sin referring to the value of the exposure duration for an industrial worker, Section 7.5 states that "This value is consistent with OSWER Directive 9200J-120, dated Feb. 6, 2014." For clarity, revise this sentence to read: "This value is consistent with OSWER Directive 9200.1 -l2O (EPA, 2014a) ;' Response: For clarity, the sentence will be revised as follows: This value is consistent with the OSWER Directive 92OO.I-120 (EPA, 20l4a) date'd+eh-.6,4e++ 29. Section 7.7, Breast Milk Exposure, Page 56: The formatting of the parameter definitions on Page 56 for the equation used to calculate ADD;ns-1does not conform to the formatting used in defining the parameters included in other equations presented in the HHRA Report (e.g., parameter definitions for the calculation of ingestion intakes, I, in SectionT.2,Page 52). For clarity and 30 consistency, revise the formatting of the parameter definitions on Page 56 to conform to the format used in other parts of the HHRA Report. Response: For clarity, the parameter definitions will be reformatted to be consistent with the rest of the report. 30. Section 9.1, Short-term Non-Cancer Hazards in Air Methods, Page 60: Hypothetical, on-site receptor locations are discussed in the last paragraph on page 60. These six locations were selected based on the annual prevailing wind direction and include four points located on the facility boundary, one point at Blue Creek at the western edge of the facility and one point at the ATK Ranch Pond which is located approximately seven miles south of the facility. Why are these receptor locations considered on-site in the HHRA Report? This same question would apply to Figures 9-2,9-5 and 9-6 and many of the Tables. 31 32. Response: The designation for the four boundary locations and Blue Creek will be changed from "on-site" to "boundary", and ATK Ranch Pond will be changed to "off-site" in order to more accurately reflect the location of these receptors. 31. Section 9.1., Short-term Non-Cancer Hazards in Air Methods, Page 61: The first complete sentence at the top of Page 61 states "None of these on-site locations have actual receptors..." These locations, which are referred to as on- site (four boundary points, Blue Creek, ATK Ranch Pond) could provide habitat for ecological receptors. Thus, it is recommended that the quoted text be revised to read: "None of these receptor locations have actual human receptors..." Response: For clarity, the sentence will be revised as follows: None of these receptor locations have actual human receptors.... Section 9.1, Short-term Non-Cancer Hazards in Air Methods, Page 61: The discussion at the top of Page 6l indicates that the hazard index (HI) calculated for Boundary 2 is both greater than and less than the target value of 1. It appears that the statement regarding Boundary Zbeing less than I should actually refer to Boundary 4. Review the discussion at the top of Page 61 and revise as necessary regarding the HI values obtained for the four boundary points. Response: For clarity, the discussion will be revised as follows: The HIs are less than one for Boundary 3, Boundary 4 and ATK Ranch Pond. Section 9.L, Short-term Non-Cancer Hazards in Air Methods, Page 6L: The second full paragraph on Page 6l indicates that a discussion regarding the presence of nickel in ATK Promontory waste streams is included in the uncertainty section. Due to the importance of the referenced discussion, it is recommended that the existing text be revised to state: "As discussed in Section l}.l.2.4,Chromium and Nickel in Waste, of the uncertainty discussion, nickel is not present in ATK's waste stream. . . " Revise Section 9. 1 to address this issue. Response: For clarity, the sentence will be revised as follows: As discussed in the uncertainty Section IO.I.2.4, Chromium and Nickel in Waste, nickel is not present in ATK's waste stream... Section 9.1, Short-term Non-Cancer Hazards in Air Methods, Page 61: The second complete paragraph on Page 61 indicates that the stainless steel pans used in the OB/OD tests were 1.4Vo nickeL However, no reference is provided for the source of this information. Revise this discussion to include a reference to the information sources that indicates the stainless steel pans used in the OB/OD tests 33. 34. 32 were I4Vo nickel. Ensure the referenced information source is included in Section 11, References, of the HHRA Report. Response: This is the same issue as comment #5. The same reference will be added to this section. 35. Section 9.1, Short-term Non-Cancer Hazards in Air Methods, Page 6L: In the fourth paragraph of this section, it is stated that "chlorine is not present in ATK's waste because it is a gas and ATK does not burn gas cylinders." Chlorine was detected in the ODOBi tests, and it is known that chlorine is part of the emissions generated through open burning. In addition, ATK is not making the case that chlorine is not present in the emissions. Therefore, why does the discussion in the previous paragraphs of this section include subtracting the hazard attributed to chlorine? If chlorine is present in the emissions, subtracting the hazard attributed to it would be inappropriate. Response: Chlorine was detected in the emissions from the OB/OD tests, and this is likely generated from chlorine-containing compounds, such as perchlorate in AP wastes. The text will be revised to make this clear. 36. Furthermore, in the fourth paragraph it is stated that aluminum chloride is likely the source ofchlorine. Should perchlorate be added to this discussion as a potential chlorine source? The following text has also been added: However, ATK does process waste that contains 16 percent aluminum, and ammonium perchlorate which contains chloride ion, which is likely to form chlorine gas and aluminum chloride in the combustion process. section 9.2rLong-term Non-cancer Hazards in All Media, Page62z The last sentence of the first paragraph of Section 9.2 refercnces EPA's 2005 HHRAp by stating: "The default approach used by EPA to assess the potential for health effects associated with this threshold relationship is set out in EPA (2005). For clarity, it is recommended that the sentence be revised to read "The default approach used by EPA to assess the potential for health effects associated with this threshold relationship is set out in Section 7.2, Quantitatively Estimating Noncancer Hazard, of the 2005 HHRAP (EPA, 2005)." Revise section 9.2to address this issue. Response: For clarity, the sentence will be revised as follows: The default approach used by EPA to assess the potential for health effects associated with this threshold relationship is set out in Section 7.2 Quantitatively Estimating Noncancer Hazard, of the HHRAP (EPA,2005) .... 33 38. 37. Section 9.2,Long-term Non-Cancer Hazards in All Media, Page 63: The discussion at the top of Page 63 states: "As described in Section 8, the DOE TEELS are used to evaluate 1-hour air concentrations." For clarity and transparency of the information presented in the HHRA Report, it is recommended that the quoted sentence be revised to read: "Acute inhalation exposure concentrations (AIECs) basedbn EPA's recommended hierarchy (EPA, 2005) are used to evaluate 1-hour air concentrations." This revised sentence should be followed by the types of AIECs used and references to the documents from which the values were extracted. Revise Section 9.2 to address this issue. Response: The information requested in this comment is provided in Section 8.1 Selection of Toxicological Parameters, which discusses the hierarchy used to select the acute criteria. The last sentence of the first paragraph of Section 8.1 of the HHRA report will be revised as follows: Dose-response values for these types of exposure are selected from the sources identified in Section 7.4.2 of the HHRAP (EPA,2005). Section 9.2.1, Quantitative Non-cancer Hazards for all COPCs, Page 63: The first paragraph reports "The highest HI is O,024 for Autoliv." This sentence should be revised to read: "The hishest HI is' 0.024 for Autoliv." Response: The sentence will be revised to correct the typo. Section 9.5, Hypothetical Future Scenarios, Pages 67 and 68: The discussion on Pages 61 and 68 addresses the risks and HIs calculated for the receptors associated with the locations of the maximum on-site and off-site modeled annual concentration, annual deposition, and one hour concentration. As indicated in the text, these locations are identified on Figure 9-9 and the results are listed in Table 9-17 of the HHRA Report. However, the results listed in Table 9-17 could not be verified because the results obtained from the Lakes software for these locations were not found in Appendix D, EstimatedHazards and Risks By Receptor (Section 9). Revise Appendix D of the HHRA Report to include the risk and hazard results obtained from the Lakes software for the points of maximum annual concentration, annual deposition, and one-hour concentration so that the results presented in Table-17 can be verified. Response: In order to allow for verification of the information that is presented in Table 9- 17, Appendix D will be revised to include a list of risks and hazards for the maximum on-site and off-site locations, listed by subsource and COPC, similar to what was already presented in Appendix D for the other receptor locations. The last sentence of the first paragraph of Section 9.5 will be revised as follows: The results are shown in Table 9-I7, and the details of the risks and hazards, listed by subsource and COPC, are provided in Appendix D. 39. 34 40. Section 10.1.1, Volumes and Types of Materials Processed, Page 70: The fourth sentence in this paragraph, regarding the burning of metals, could be more accurate. ATK does burn wastes that contain metals, although the metals may not make up a large percentage of the waste. Flare wastes in particular typically contain more metals than the other common wastes ATK treats and these weren't part of the test bundles that were prepared. Please revise the text accordingly. In addition, at the end of this section it is stated that flare wastes are "discussed below." Where is this discussion? Response: The following text will be added to Section 10.1.1: While waste profiles have changed over the years of operations, ATK prepared test bundles for the OB/OD testing that were believed to represent a range of possible waste streams. The waste bundles contained AP waste, which typically constitutes the major waste stream, and included wastes such as paper, wood, plastics, and propellants. The composition of these test bundles is provided in the Characterization of the OB/OD Emissions Report (ATK, 2OO9; see Table 1,2 and 3). These wastes may contain low levels of metals as trace components in trash, packaging, containers and housings, and metals were detected in the emissions from the OB/OD tests. As the materials processed by ATK have changed, more Flare wastes have been incorporated into the waste stream. Some unique metals are also present in proprietary flare wastes, and these were not contained in the OBiOD test bundles. The major metal additives present in these flares are identified specifically in Table 2-3, and are discussed below in Section Section 10.2.1, Air Quality Modeling, Page 75: Ar the bottom of this secrion, it is stated that "There are a number of components to the model, as discussed in Section 3, and the uncertainty associated with these components is summarized below." Where is this discussion? Response: The following discussion has been added to Section 10.2 Modeled Air Concentrations and Deposition: Evaluation: The response to Specific Comment 4l parlially addressed the issue raised. Howevet, it is recommended that the response be revised as presented below before it is added to Section 10.2. The suggested revisions are intended to preserve the intent of the discussion while clarifying several points made in the original response. The original OBODM air dispersion model was developed by the West Desert Test Center, Dugway, Utah (WDTC, 1998a), and was used by TetraTech in 20ll for project scoping. In 2014, the OBODM was used by CB&I Environmental & lnfrastructure, Inc. (CB&I) in conjunction with the air dispersion portion of the AERMOD model to take maximum advantages of advances in air dispersion 41. 35 modeling science. The approach used by CB&I, while less conservative than the TetraTech approach, better represents the process and is still considered conservative. However, in their modeling protocol CB&I stated the following concerning the OBODM: at this time, OBODM is not actively supported by its developers or by any regulatory agency. The models use meteorological data from the facility, and the protocol was approved by the Utah DSHW. There are a number of components to the model, as discussed in Sebtion 3. These include: emissions source parameters (such as, emissions rates and plume rise characteristics), air dispersion parameters, and depositional characteristics. The uncertainty associated with these components is summarized below. 10.2.1 Emissions Source Parameters Source emissions are estimated based on the amount of material processed (pounds per year) and emissions of compounds from the burning process (combustion by products, and products of incomplete combustion). The HHRA is based on the amount of material processed per year by ATK, and is provided in the modeling protocol. This amount is used in the HHRA and represents the maximum amount that may be processed by ATK under their permit. In the past few years ATK has processed significantly less material than allowed in the permit, and therefore, the actual emissions during those years were lower. Current and future operations will not exceed the permitted amount, and so the risk assessment is intended to represent an over-estimate of emissions and thus, provide a conservative estimate of risk. The emissions factors are discussed above in Section 10.1.2. ATK uses two burning grounds Ml36 andM225, and within each of these areas there are designated locations for processing different types and/or amounts of materials. M136 is the primary processing area, and it has three operational scenarios, M136-4, M136-8, and Ml36-C. Scenario M136-,4. is further sub- divided into Al , A2 and A3. ATK uses M136-A to process the majority of the AP-related waste, whereas M136-8 is used to process single motors, and M136-C is used to treat waste material through open detonation. The three scenarios are not used on the same day for safety reasons. It would be hazardous to employees to have all treatment scenarios contain materials for processing at the same time. The initial HHRA modeling protocol assumed all burning grounds scenarios would operate at the same time; however, the model assumed each source operates independently, and the results are summed together. This approach over- estimates risk, whereas adjusting for burn scenarios that cannot occur on the same day calculates risks that reflect the actual operating situation. 36 This issue of selecting specific subsources does not affect the chronic aspect of the risk assessment because it addresses long term exposures that are summed to evaluate combined exposures from multiple sources. The initial assumption of all treatment scenarios operating together would over- estimate the acute air concentrations because it combines estimated air concentrations from sources Ml36-A, Ml36-B and M136-C together, to give a summed potential air chemical concentrations at each receptor, when in fact this does not occur. Due to the operating conditions at M136, acute air chemical concentrations would come from processing at either M136-4, or M136-8, or M136-C and not from the sources added together. Based on discussions with the Utah DSHW, the initial protocol was modified to reflect actual operating conditions and not the hypothetical situation of all grounds operating together. Any permit associated with this risk assessment will reflect the actual operating condition(s) demonstrated to be protective of human health and the environment in the HHRA and ecological risk assessment (ERA). fi.22 Emissions Rates The emission rate is a combination of the emissions factor and the amount processed. The modeling protocol provides emissions at a unit rate in grams per second 1g/i), which is multiplied by the compound specific emission factor to give the amount released. ATK uses a batch process and emissions occur within a short period of time. There is some uncertainty; however, the use of conservative emissions factors selected in the modeling is designed to help provide results that tend to over-estimate exposure, and risk. When modeling short-term air chemical concentrations, the amount burned in a sinele batch will have a direct impact on potential exposure. Modeling was conducted by modeling single burns using a unit emissions rate in grams per second, and adjusting the air concentration by the emissions factor. The single burn uses conservative factors to give the highest air concentration for calculation of the short- term inhalation Hazard Index. This is more conservative for the estimation of acute risk because it is based on exposure and not the amount processed. When estimating the long-term (chronic) hazards and risks, the overall amount processed is more important because the summed accumulation of exposure is important, not one particular burn cycle. In the chronic case, the risks are based on the total amount processed, as discussed above. The OBODM is designed to model air emissions from open burning/open detonation process. There are a number of components to the model:o The location of the burning ground relative to the local terraino The type ofsource release (quasi-continuous or instantaneous)o The area of the source o The release height relative to the local topographyo The heat of combustion and associated plume rise 37 Some of these parameters can be measured with relative precision, such as the height of the burning grounds, and other may vary, such as the combustion temperature and the estimated plume rise. The more uncertainty present in a parameter, the greater the uncertainty in the final result. At the time of its development through the present day, the OBODM portion of the modeling approach is a listed EPA alternative air dispersion model, and is thought to be conservative. 'The combustion temperature is one of the key parameters in the model as it affects gaseous plume rise, and so affects the height above the ground where dispersion starts. At Promontory, the plume dimension and volume was verified through video monitoring, and the volume was found to be four to eight times the size of the burn pan. A volume of four times the burn pan was used, to be conservative. 10.2.3 Air Dispersion Parameters The AERMOD dispersion model was used by CB&I. This model calculated the dispersion of the gas cloud under the assumed meteorological conditions, and the associated theoretical air chemical concentration at the locations on a receptor grid. The following parameters were used in the model: o Emission rate of I g/s o Release height predicted from OBODM using five Wind Speed Categories covering a range of 3.0 mph - l5 mph o Initial volume source diameter 28.06 m (four times the size of the burn pan) o The events will occur only between the hodrs of 9:00 a.m. Mountain Standard Time (MST) and 6:00 p.m. MST o The wind'speed during the events will be between 3 mph and 15 mph o The Clearing Index during the events will be 500 or higher There is uncertainty in parameters, and the values were selected by CB&I to be conservative. The Stability Class was selected based on the available meteorological data to provide the lowest dispersion under ATK's normal operating conditions. The dispersion modeling conducted with AERMOD utilized hourly meteorological data files. Five years (1997 to 2001) of on-site meteorological data obtained from the site were used in the modeling entitled "Addendum Air Dispersion Modeling Report for Open Burning and Open Detonation at ATK Launch Systems in Promontory Utah" dated August 2014. The hourly meteorological data were obtained from the site in CD-144 format and included wind speed, wind direction, temperature, and barometric pressure monitored at the site along with concurrent ceiling height and opaque cloud cover from Hill Air Force Base. These data may not precisely represent the meteorological conditions at the facility, but are believed to constitute the best available representation of conditions at the burning grounds. For NAAQS and air toxics analysis, an off-site receptor grid was used to determine the maximum off-site ground level concentrations. The layout of the receptors was placed 38 along the property fence line at 100-m intervals. A Cartesian receptor grid starting from the properly line extended up to 10 km in all directions with a receptor grid spaced at 100-m intervals to a distance of 3 km from the facility and at 500-m intervals between 3 km and 10 km from the facility. This grid spacing was considered sufficiently small to represent the area. The uncertainty in the air modeling approach is discussed in CB&I's 2014 modeling report. The approach was considered to be sufficiently conservative by the Utah DSHW, who accepted the protocol in November 2014. In addition, the following text was added to Section l0 to clarify the chromium and nickel adjustments: Evaluation: The proposed addition to the text adequately addresses UDEQ's concern. For clarification, UDEQ has offered some editorial suggestions in the version of the proposed text presented below. Please note that locations for key ref'erences have been prcsented parenthetically in the revised text in red bold font. Chromium and Nickel - Acute Hazards Based on Adjusted Emissions The HHRA results (Section 9.0) are based on the assumption that the chromium and nickel emissions are due entirely to their presence in AP waste plus trash (85:15), and the highest of any emissions factors is selected to characterize emissions. As described in Section, elevated chromium and nickel levels may be from the OBOD test. It has been shown that chromium emissions may be over-estimated by some 20-fold (PLEASE PROVIDE A REFERENCE TO THE SECTION OF THE HHRA REPORT THAT PRESENTS THIS CALCULATION), and the emission and risks due to direct exposure should be correspondingly lower; the uncertainty can be quantified by adjustingthehazards by the factor of 0.05, as described in Section t0.1.2.4.I. Similarly for nickel, it has been shown that the emissions may be over-estimated by approximately 67-fold (PLEASE PROVIDE A REFERENCE TO THE SECTION oF THE HHRA REPORT THAT PRESENTS rHIS CALCULATION); thus, rhe uncertainty can be quantified by adjusting the hazards by the factor of 0.015, as described in Section Below is a discussion of the calculation of the acute hazards, using the adjustment factors of 0.05 for chromium and 0.015 for nickel. Acute Inhalation Hazard Ouotients Section 9.0 describes how the Acute Inhalation Hazard Quotients are calculated by dividing the modeled l-hour air concentrations by the short-term PAC-1 (1-hour) concentration provided in Table 8-2. The resulting quotients, called aHazard Quotient(HQ) for each individual COPC, are then added together for each receptor to give a Hazard Index (HI). These summed indices are shown in Tables 9-1,9-2 and 9-3 for on- site industrial workers, boundary/off-site locations where there are no receptors (hypothetical receptors), and off-site locations representing actual receptors, respectively. 39 The values were calculated assuming the following:o All sources (M136A, B, C,M225A and B) are burned simultaneously, and o The original assumptions for chromium and nickel were used, potentially overestimating the amounts present in waste by a factor of 20-fold and 67-fold, respectively. After discussions with ATK and UDSHW, these HQs were recalculated assuming the following:o Sources Ml36 A7, A2, ,{3 and M225A are burned simultaneously, and o The chromium amounts were adjusted by multiplying by a factor of 0.05, and o The nickel amounts were adjusted by multiplying by a factor of 0.015. The recalculated, summed indices are shown in Table 1O-1,10-2 and 10-3 fbr on-site industrial workers, boundary/off-site locations where there are no receptors (hypothetical receptors), and off-site locations representing actual receptors. The HIs are below one for all receptors and scenarios. The HIs range from 0.2 to 0.5 for the on-site workers as shown in Table 10-1. The HIs for the boundary/off-site hypothetical receptors are presented in Table 10-2, and range from 2.9E-02 to O.l; the latter of which is the maximum HI for the discrete receptors and represents a hypothetical receptor located at Blue Creek. The HIs range from 3.4E-02 to 0.4 for the actual, off-site receptors, as presented in Table 10-3. The Acute HQs for each individual COPC at each individual receptor are provided in Appendix F. lt can be seen from these tables that the HIs have been reduced significantly due to the reduction in the HQ for both chromium and nickel. Chromium and Nickel - Chronic Hazards and Risks Based on Adjusted Emissions Similar to the process described in the previous section, the chronic non-cancer hazards and excess lifetime cancer risks presented in Tables 9-4 through 9-I4,9-17 and 9-18, were originally calculated assuming the following: o All sources (Ml36A, B,C,M225A and B) are burned simultaneously, and o The original assumptions for chromium and nickel were used, potentially overestimating the amounts present in waste by a factor of 2O-fold and 67-fold, respectively. Applying the same logic that was used to adjust the chromium and nickel in the Acute Hazard calculations. the chronic risks and hazards were recalculated assuming the following: 40 . Only sources M136A(subunits Al, A2 and A,3) and M225A are burned simultaneously, and Evaluation: Tables l0-4 through 10-10 indicate that the revised calculations reflect simultaneous operation of burning scenarios M136,{ andM225A. Review the text and the tables and revise them for accuracy and consistency. The bullet point above has been revised on the basis that the information provided in the table endnotes is correct. o The inhalation risks due to chromium were adjusted by multiplying by a factor of 0.05. and o The inhalation risks due to nickel were adjusted by multiplying by a factor of 0.015. The chronic risks and hazards address long term exposures that are summed and evaluate combined exposures fiom multiple sources, therefore specific sub sources are not selected as they were in addressing acute hazards. Also, the chromium and nickel adjustment factors were only applied to the inhalation pathway. An example of the linear adjr"rstment made to the chromium inhalation risk is shown below. The values represent the Industrial Worker scenario at Autoliv, where inhalation is the only pathway via which workers are potentially exposed to emissions. Original Cr Inhalation Risk X Cr Adjustment Factor = Adjusted Cr Inhalation Risk l.5E-07X0.05 =7.7E-09 The original inhalation risk for chromium was multiplied by a factor of 0.05 to obtain the adjusted risk estimate. Similarly, the original inhalation risk for nickel was multiplied by a factor of 0.015 to obtain the adjusted risk estimate. L4E-09 X 0.015 =2.1F-lI Chromium was a risk driver for the inhalation pathway, so the chromium adjustment has a greater impact on the total risk than the nickel adjustment. A similar calculation was done for all of the receptor types (Adult and Child Farmer and Adult and Child Resident) for all of the discrete receptor locations. Also, the same calculation was performed for the non-cancer hazards. The results of the adjusted risks and hazards are presented in Tables l0-4 through 10-8. Tables 10-9 and 10-10 present the adjtrsted risks andhazards for the future scenarios at the maximum on-site and maximum off-site locations, respectively. The details of these adjusted chronic risk and hazard calculations are presented in Appendix F. 42. Section 10.5, Overall Risk Estimates, PageT9z The second paragraph of Section 10.5 states: "These and other uncertainties in the risk assessment process 4l will be examined in this section of the report." It is recommended that this sentence be eliminated from the text and replaced by a discussion of the impact of the uncertainties identified in the first paragraph of Section 10.5 on the overall risk and hazard estimates presented in the HHRA Report. Revise Section 10.5 to address these issues. Response: A sentence has been removed. Evaluation: Based on the response it is not clear which sentence will be removed from the text. Please ensure that Section 10.5 is revised to address the impact of the uncertainties identified in the first paraglaph of Section 10.5 on the overall risk and hazard estimates presented in the HHRA Report. 43. Section 10.6, Hunters at Salt Creek Waterfowl Management Area and Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge, Page 79: Near the bottom of page 79 it is stated that Figure 9-3 shows the location of the Salt Creek Waterfowl Management Area and Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. These areas are not shown on this Figure, but are shown on Figure 5-1. Please revise. Response: The text in Section 10.6 will be revised to correctlv reference Fieure 5-1 instead of Figure 9-3. T.lsI,n L0-L SHonr-TnRM (l-HouR) NoN-CANcER H.lzA,nn InorcBs Acrulr, ON-srrB Womrns, SuMwrrNc Ar,l COPCs wrrH ADJUSTED Cnnouruu AND NTcKEL Eutssroxs ro REMovE PoTENTTAL CoNTRTBUTToN FRoM THE STATNLESS SrEEL TnsuNc PnNs Receptor Location Hazard Index with Adjusted Nickel and Chromium Autoliv Facility 0.5 South Plant Main Buildins 0.5 North Plant Main Buildine 0.2 Hazard Indices calculated assuming sources M-136 Al, A2, A,3 and M-225 A are active at the same time. This scenario is more representative of actual operating conditions. Chromium was adiusted by a factor of 0.05, and nickel was adiusted by a factor of 0.015. 42 Tlnlr l0-2 SHonr-Tnnu (l-Houn) NoN-ClNcER H.l,zlnn lNnrcrs ron HyporrmrrcAl Bounolny/OFF-srrE Rncrprons (Rnsmnnrnr-/Flnunn) Sun,nun{c Ar,r, COPCs wITH ADJUSTED Cnnouruu lNu Nrcrnr, EurssroNs To Rnvrovn Pornxrrar, CoNrnrnurloN FRoM rnn Srntxr,nss Srnnr, TbsrrNc PlNs Receptor Location Hazard Index with Adjusted Nickel and Chromium Blue Creek 0.6 Boundarv I 0.7 Boundarv 2 0.3 Boundary 3 0.1 Boundarv 4 0.1 ATK Ranch Pond 0.1 Hazard Indices calculated assuming sources M-136 Al, A2, A3 and M-225 A are active at the same time. This scenario is more representative of actual operating conditions. Chromium was adjusted by a factor of 0.05, and nickel was adiusted by a factor of 0.015 Tlrr,n 10-3 Snonr-Trnu (l-HouR) NoN-caNcER HAZARD INDTCES FoR Acrulr, orr-srrn Rnctptons (RESIDENTIAL/TARMER) SUMMING ALL COPCs wITH ADJUSTED Cnnovrruu AND NICKEL EMISSIoNs ro Rnnrovn PornNtHL CoNTRTBUTToN FRoM THE STAtr.{LEss STEEL TESTING P,INs Receptor Location Hazard Index with Adjusted Nickel and Chromium Adams Ranch o.4 Christensen Ranch 0.1 Holmgren Ranch 0.1 Howell Dairv 3.68-2 Penrose 3.48-2 Thatcher 4.48-2 Hazatd Indices calculated assuming sources M-136 Al, A2, A3 and M-225 A are active at the same time. This scenario is more representative of actual operating conditions. chromium was 4djusted by a facor of 0.05, and nickel was adlusted by a factor of 0.015 Tlur,r 10-4 SUIuunn NoN-C.INcER HAZARD INDICES AND CANCER RIsKs FoR ALL CoPCs: ACTUAL ON-STTN INOUSTruIL RECEPToRs (ADJUSTED NICKEL AND CHRoMIUM) Receptor Name Industrial Worker Cancer Risk Industrial Worker Non-cancer HI Autoliv Facilitvu 2.08-08 2.38-02 43 TlsI,n 10-4 Suuvrno Non-Cmrcnn Hazlno luorcBs lNo ClNcon Rrsrs ron Ar.r. COPCs: Acrual, ON-srrn lNousrrulr, Rncprrons (Anlusrno Nrcrnr, AND Cnnovrruu) Receptor Name Industrial Worker Cancer Risk Industrial Worker Non-cancer HI North Plant Main Administration Buildinsu 7.tE-09 8.3E-03 South Plant Main Administration Buildins o l.7E-08 2.OE-02 'These chronic hazard indices and cancer risks were calculated assuming sources M-l36 Al, A2, .A,3 andM-225 A are active at the same time. This scenario is more representative of actual operating conditions. Chromium was adiusted by a factor of 0.05, and nickel was adiusted bv a factor of 0.015. 44 T.rnln 10-5 SuuruBo NoN-C,lNcBn H.lzrno INorcns pon Alr, COPCs: Acrual Orr-srrp Rncnpron (Aolusrnn Nrcrrr,lNo Cnnouruu) Receptor Name Resident Adult Chronic HI Resident Child Chronic HI Farmer Adult Chronic HI Farmer Child Chronic HI Adams Ranchu r.1E-02 t.7E-O2 t.7E-O2 1.78-02 Christensen Ranchu 5.0E-03 5.08-03 5.08-03 5.lE-03 Holmqren Ranchu 2.58-03 2.5E-03 2.5E-03 2.58-03 Howell Dairvu l.9E-03 r.9E-03 l.9E-03 1.9E-03 Thatchero l.8E-03 l.8E-03 l.8E-03 l.8E-03 Penroseu l.6E-03 l.6E-03 l.6E-03 l.6E-03 Maximum Off-site"4.8E-02 4.8E-O2 4.88-02 4.8E-O2uThese chronic hazard indices and cancer risks were calculated assuming sources M-136 Al, A2, 43 and M- 225 A are active at the same time. This scenario is more representative of actual operating conditions. Chromium was adjusted by a factor of 0.05, and nickel was adiusted by a factor of 0.015. Tlst,n 10-6 Suuuro NoN.C.INcER HAZARD INoTcBs FoR ALL COPCs: HvpornpucAr, RESTDENT AND FlrurBR Rncrprons AT BoUNDARy/oFF-srrE LocIrroNs (AuusrnD NICKEL AND CHRoMIUM) Receptor Name Resident Adult Chronic HI Resident Child Chronic HI Farmer Adult Chronic HI Farmer Child Chronic HI Blue Creeku 3.3E-02 3.38-02 3.38-02 338-02 Boundarv I 3.28-O2 3.28-02 3.38-02 3.3E-02 Boundary 2u t.2E-02 t.2E-02 t.2E-02 t.2E-O2 Boundarv 3u 3. 2E-03 3.28-03 3.28-03 3.28-03 Boundarv 4u 3.5E-03 3.5E-03 3.5E-03 3.5E-03 ATK Ranch Pond'r. rE-03 l.lE-03 l.lE-03 l.lE-03uThese chronic hazard indices and cancer risks were calculated assuming sources M-136 Al, 42, A3 and 225 A are active at the same time. This scenario is more representative of actual operating conditions. Chromium was adjusted by a factor of 0.05, and nickel was adiusted by a factor of 0.015. M- 45 TAsr,n L0-7 Suuuno Excnss Lrpnrrvrn CeNcon Rrsxs roR Alr, COPCs: llypornnrlcll RnsmENT AND Flnunn Rncnprons .lr BouNu.lny/Orr-srrn Loc.lrroNs (ADJUSTEn Nrcrrl aNo Cnnouruvr) Receptor Name Resident Adult Cancer Risk Resident Child Cancer Risk Farmer Adult Cancer Risk Farmer Child Cancer Risk Blue Creeku 2.9E-08 l.2E-08 2.8E-01 6.0E-08 Boundary lu 2.8E-08 l.1E-08 2.7E-O7 5.8E-08 Boundarv 2u t.lE-08 4.4F-09 l.lE-07 2.28-08 Boundarv 3u 2.8E-09 l.lE-09 2.78-08 5.88-09 Boundarv 4u 3.0E-09 r.2E-09 2.9E-08 6.3E-09 ATK Ranch Pondu 9.6E- l0 3.9E-10 9.5E-09 2.08-09 "These chronic hazard indices and cancer risks were calculated assuming sources M-136 Al,42, A3 and M- 225 A are active at the same time. This scenario is more representative of actual operating conditions. Chromium was adiusted by a factor of 0.05, and nickel was adiusted by a factor of 0.015. Tlnln 10-8 Suuurn Excess Lmnrrun ClNcrn Rtsrs FoR ALL COPCs: Acru.ql Orr-srrn RecBrron (AnJusrno Ntcxu AND CHRoMIUM) Receptor Name Resident Adult Chronic Risk Resident Child Chronic Risk Farmer Adult Chronic Risk Farmer Child Chronic Risk Adams Ranchu 1.58-08 5.9E-09 t.4E-07 3.0E-08 Christensen Ranchu 4.4E-09 t;7E-09 4.28-08 9.0E-09 Holmeren Ranchu 2.2E-09 8.8E-10 2.lE-08 4.68-09 Thatcheru 1.6E-09 6.4E-tO l.5E-08 3.3E-09 Howell Dairy"1.6E-09 2.0E-09 l.6E-08 5.78-09 Penroseu 1.4E-09 5.6E-10 l.4E-08 3.0E-09 uThese chronic hazard indices and cancer risks were calculated assuming sources M- I 36 A I , A2, A3 and M- 225 A are active at the same time. This scenario is more representative of actual operating conditions. Chromium was adiusted by a factor of 0.05, and nickel was adiusted by a factor of 0.015. 46 Tnnln 10-9 Suuuno Rrsrs lNo H.lzlRDS FoRAr,r, COPCs: Furunr Ou-srrr Wonxnn (Anlusreo Nrcrnr,.q,Nn Cnnourulr) Receptor Name Industrial Worker Cancer Risk Industrial Worker Non- cancer HI Maximum On-site 2.9E-08 3.3E-02nThese chronic hazard indices and cancer risks were calculated assuming sources M-136 Al, A2, A3 and M- 225 A are active at the same time. This scenario is more representative of actual operating conditions. Chromium was adiusted by a factor of 0.05, and nickel was adiusted bv a factor of 0.015. Tlnr,n 10-10 SuvTunn Rlsxs AND HAzARD INDIcES FoRALL COPCs: Furunn RnsronNr/tr'IRMER (Aulusrpu Nrcrcr, AND CHRoMTuM) Receptor Name Resident Adult Chronic HI Resident Child Chronic HI Farmer Adult Chronic HI Farmer Child Chronic HI Maximum Off-site 4.88-02 4.88-02 4.88-02 4.88-02 Receptor Name Resident Adult Chronic Risk Resident Child Chronic Risk Farmer Adult Chronic Risk Farmer Child Chronic Risk Maximum Off-site 4.3E-08 1.8E-08 4.OE-07 8.8E-08uThesechronichazardindicesandcancerriskswerecalculi 225 A are active at the same time. This scenario is more representative of actual operating conditions. Chromium was adjusted by a factor of 0.05, and nickel was adlusted by a factor of 0.015. 47