HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2015-005179 - 0901a068805231f1April23,2015 8200-FY16-0012 Mr. Scott T. Anderson, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Div~s!on of Solid and Hazardous Waste APR 2 3 2015 Orbital AT~fl> zo l5-00 s 17 ~ Re: ATK Launch Systems Inc., Promontory M-136 and M-225 Storm Water Management Plan Revision Promontory EPA ID #UTD009081357v- Dear Mr. Anderson: The Promontory M-136 and M-225 Storm Water Management Plan has been revised and is included with this letter. A March 14, 2013 letter from your office included comments on the Storm Water Management Plan, a response to these comments is attached and these comments have been incorporated into the revision. Please note that a response to the March 14letter regarding perchlorate concentrations in groundwater at M-136 was submitted in a December 3, 2013 letter to your office. If you have any questions regarding this plan please contact Paul Hancock at (435) 863- 3344. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fme ~nd imprisonment for knowing violations. Sincerely, k~Gtc~ ~rge E. eooch Manager, Environmental Services ATK Launch Systems Orbital ATK, Inc. • P.O. Box 707 Brigham City, Utah 84302 • DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE COMMENTS AND ATK -PROMONTORY RESPONSES TO THE M-136 and M-225 STORM WATER MANAGEMENT PLAN 1) Storm Drainage Design Calculations (M-136 and M-225)): It appears that the rational method is used in Section 2 and the pertinent calculations for the rational method are also documented at the beginning of Appendix A. However, at the end of Appendix A, the US Soil Conservation Service TR-55 method is being presented without any introduction in the main text. Please clarify. We also suggest presenting maps for areas M-136 and M-225, augmenting the existing Figures 2.12 and 2.2.1, clearly identifying with different colors the areal extents ofthe run-on and run-off catchment areas and the accompanying ditches (run-on) and infiltration areas (run-oft). Response: ATK has revised the storm drainage calculations for M-136 and M-225 using the Curve Number Method as this is believed to more accurately predict storm water run-on and run-off. The Storm Water Management Plan has been revised to incorporate these new calculations. The maps have been revised to include different colors to better delineate the run-on and runoff areas. 2a) Run-On for M-136, Rational Method: Please explain what the Time of Concentration (T_C) is for the 25-year storm event. For bare-packed soils and sparsely vegetated soils, as observed at the site, the literature recommends using a run-off coefficient between 0.2 and 0.4. Please explain your choice of 0.5 for the run-off coefficient. Response: As noted above, the plan has been revised using the Curve Number Method for run-on calculations. 2b) Run-On for M-136: A field visit revealed that at least one culvert entry was "squashed" and also blocked by vegetation, and did not appear to meet the minimum diameter opening requirement for a 25-year storm event. Please make sure the run-on control system is in good operating condition at all times. Response: The run-on and run-off culverts have been cleaned and repaired and the ditches have been re-graded as part of an ongoing maintenance program. 3) Infiltration Modeling using HYDRUS (M-136): While depth to groundwater is greater than 200 feet, bedrock appears to be closer to the surface in areas where groundwater monitoring well data is available (e.g., A-4, A-5, and D-6 with bedrock at a depth of about two feet at well A-5). In addition, it appears that bedrock in this area may be significantly fractured. This observation appears to invalidate the assumptions of the 1-D HYDRUS model, which assumes isotropic sandy loams, loamy sands, and sandy clays to 65 m bgs. The Richards equation, as implemented in HYDRUS, does not seem to be applicable for macropore flow conditions. Response: The appropriateness of using the HYDRUS model in fractured bedrock was researched and provided to the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste in a December 3, 2013 letter from ATK. In summary, this research found that fractured bedrock acts as a barrier to water movement from vadose zone soils, and therefore HYDRUS modeling is more conservative in this application. This research is also provided in the revised Storm Water Management Plan. 2o \5-oos t?9 Storm Water Management Plan for M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities DrbitaiATK ATK Launch Systems Promontory Facility Revised April2015 ZO!S-005\l\ Storm Water Management Plan for M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities OrbitaiATK ATK Launch Systems Promontory Facility Revised April2015 DTbital ATK) Storm Water Management Plan ATK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April 2015 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE 1.0 Executive Summary ......................................................................................... 1 2.0 Run-on /Run-off Control. ...................................................................... 1 3.0 Potential for Storm Water to Infiltrate to Groundwater. ................................... 3 4.0 Soil and Groundwater Monitoring ............................................................ 5 References ............................................................................................ 9 Figures Figure 2.1 M-136 Approximate Run-On Drainage Area Figure 2.2 M-225 Approximate Run-On Drainage Area Figure 2.1.1 M-136 Area Run-Off and Run-On Drainage Plan Figure 2.1.2 M-136 Burning Area Run-Off Drainage Channel A Cross Sections Figure 2.1.3 M-136 Burning Area Run-OffDrainage Channel B Cross Sections Figure 2.1.4 M-136 Burning Area Run-OffDrainage Channel C Cross Sections Figure 2.2.1 M-225 Burning Grounds run-On and Run-Off APPENDICES APPENDIX A Run-On and Run-Off Calculations for M-136 and M-225 APPENDIX B HYDRUS Modeling APPENDIX C Additional M-136 HYDRUS Modeling and Hydrus Modeling in Fractured Bedrock Research APPENDIX D M-136 Well Perchlorate Concentrations Statistical Trends APPENDIX E M-136 Refined Groundwater Modeling Orbital AT'tl> Storm Water Management Plan A TK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April2015 Storm Water Management Plan for M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities 1.0 Executive Summary This plan is written to fulfill requirements associated with the September 30, 2010, ATK Launch Systems Promontory Part 8 Permit, Module IV, Thermal Treatment of Energetic Wastes, section IV.H.4 for managing run-off precipitation. Storm water run-on and run-off is controlled by a combination of soil grading and drainage ditches. The terrain around M-136 and M-225 has been graded and drainage ditches surround the areas in order to minimize storm water run-on and run-off. The combination of controlling run-on and run-off, containing waste in water-tight burn trays, lack of precipitation, high evaporation rate and depth to groundwater (M136, 260 feet; M-225, 607 feet) prevents waste constituents from being released to the groundwater and or subsurface environment. Ongoing soil and groundwater monitoring are used to verify these controls are effective in preventing adverse effects to human health and the environment. 2.0 Run-on/Run-off Control 2.1 M-136 Run-on M-136 is located in the lower end of a major drainage, as shown on Figure 2.1 (Google Earth image). The run-off area contributing to the flow at the upper end of the burning ground is approximately 413 acres. In 1991 and 1992 extensive modifications were made to the M-136 burn grounds. This included a diversion ditch system at the upper end of M- 136. This system intercepts the run-off from above then channels it around the north side of the area where it then discharges into the natural channel of the adjacent drainage to the north of the burning ground. This system is shown on the drawing set in Figure 2.1.1 liP age Orbital AT'fl> Storm Water Management Plan ATK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April2015 Flows were calculated at the inlet end of the new ditch system (sta 0+00) for the 25, 50, and 100 year storms, each with a duration of 6 hours, using the Curve Number Method. Using a run-off curve number of 79 for the undisturbed area, the maximum flows were found to be 114, 168, and 234 cfs, respectively (see appendix A). The ditch dimensions are shown in the previously-cited Figures, and are adequate to handle this 0 100 of 234 cfs, as are the two culvert system (designated #1 and #2) shown. Run-off The M-136 burning ground run-off area comprises an area of about 55 acres. ATK elected to control this run-off by capturing it along the North and lower west side of the burning ground in a series of ditches and embankments. This ditch and embankment system is shown also in Figure 2.1 .1. The location of the main storm water accumulation area is designated as the "evaporation area" with potential overflow into the "infiltration area" on the figure. The run-off ditch system contains two culverts (designated #3 and #4). The ditch dimensions and the culvert dimensions are shown in the drawing set, and are of adequate size to carry the intended flows, based on the 100 year, 6 hour rainfall event which is 2.18 inches. The run-off calculation is conservative, since the steep side hill area to the southeast (about 20 of the 55 acres) was included in the run-off calculation. However, in reality, flow from this area will mostly follow an unimproved ditch along the south side of the burning ground, and not flow through the active portion of M-136. The storm drainage design confirmation calculations for M-136 are included in appendix A 2/Page Orbital AT'fl> 2.2 M-225 Run-on Storm Water Management Plan ATK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April2015 M-225 is located near the top of a drainage area, and consequently has only a small run-on area above it, as shown on Figure 2.2 (Goggle Earth image). This undisturbed area is approximately 18.4 acres. ATK has installed a diversion ditch across the uphill side of the burning ground, which connects to a ditch draining going downhill along each side of M-225, as shown in Figure 2.2.1. The peak run-on flow was calculated at the uphill side of the burning ground and found to be11.9 cfs, 17.2 cfs, and 23.8 cfs, respectively, for the 25, 50, and 100year, 6 hour precipitation events. The ditch sizing as designed will convey a flow of 21.0 cfs (See confirmatory calculations in Appendix A). Thus, the ditch will safely handle the peak flow from the 50 year event and nearly convey the peak flow resulting from the 100 year event. Run-off M-225 is a very small site (approximately 2.49 acres). The site itself is relatively flat and a large portion is covered with large gravel rip-rap, plus an additional shallow depression area has been graded along the downhill side of the active area inside the fence. The confirmatory calculations (see Appendix A) show that maintaining the shallow site depression at an average depth of 2.5 feet will be sufficient to contain all of the runoff resulting from the 100 year, 6 hour precipitation event. The entire area is subject to routine soil sampling. Consequently, it is concluded that run-off from the site will be adequately contained. 3.0 Potential for Storm Water to Infiltrate to Groundwater Waste is treated in water tight trays as described in Attachment 11 of the Permit. This section reviews the unusual scenario where waste would be in contact with the soil and then leach into the subsurface as a result of storm water with the potential to reach groundwater. 3IPage Orbital AT'fl> Storm Water Management Plan ATK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April 2015 3.1 Depth to Groundwater at M-135 and M-225 Based on Wells within the M-136 burn grounds, D-2, D-3, D4, D5, D6, the average depth to groundwater in the area is 260 feet. Depth to groundwater at M-225 is 607 feet based on well X-4 located at the south west edge of M-225. 3.2 Climate at the ATK Promontory Facility 41Page The climate at the ATK Promontory Facility is considered arid. The ATK Promontory North Plant weather station has manually recorded weather data since 1962 (48 years). The station shows the mean annual precipitation is 14.05 inches and the record daily precipitation is 2.45 inches. Another onsite weather station at M-245 maintains an electronic data base that meets EPA quality assurance criteria. Data from M-245 for the past 6 years (2005- 201 0) shows an average annual precipitation of 11.6 inches, and a maximum daily precipitation of 1.4 inches. Most precipitation occurs in the spring and fall. The average daily high temperature is 62.1 oF and the average daily low temperature is 32.6° F. The Pan Evaporation Rate is 67.9 inches per year. There are approximately 70 -80 'frost-free days in the area (WRCC 2011 ). 3.3 Infiltration Modeling Using Hydrus The finite-element model HYDRUS v4.14 was used to evaluate the potential for storm water to percolate to groundwater at the M-136 and M-225 burning grounds. This model is recommended by the U.S. EPA for use in these situations. (U.S. EPA) This modeling report is found in Appendix B. The run-off containment systems were designed to contain a 25 year storm event for both M-136 and M-225, which is equivalent to 2.4 inches in 24 hours. This is also equivalent to the Promontory record daily precipitation of 2.45 inches. A HYDRUS model run was conducted for both locations using the 25 year storm amounts. Other conservative simplifying assumptions were used, including 365 days with no evaporation, and no hysteresis. Orbital AT1> Storm Water Management Plan A TK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April 2015 Results of the modeling demonstrate that even with conservative assumptions, water from a 25 year storm event after 368 days would not migrate beyond 14.4 feet at M136 and 4.6 feet at M-225. Given the actual high evaporation rates, arid conditions, and depth to groundwater, the potential for storm water to leach into the groundwater at M-136 and M-225 is highly unlikely. Another HYDRUS model run was conducted assuming that all water from an average yearly rainfall for M-136 would be able to percolate into the subsurface. Results of this modeling demonstrate that with these very conservative assumptions it would still require 17.5 to 21 years for this wetting front to reach groundwater. Additional research was conducted on the applicability of the HYDRUS model to locations with relatively shallow fractured bed rock as found at M-136 and M-225. Earth Fax Engineering found a published study that demonstrate that fractured bedrock actually acts as a barrier to water moving from fine grained soils. Therefore, the HYDRUS model is more conservative in this application. This research and the additional HYDRUS modeling report are found in appendix C. 4.0 Soil and Groundwater Monitoring Monitoring of the soil and groundwater at M-136 and M-225 is conducted on a routine basis. The ATK Promontory L TTA Post Closure Permit, reissued in 2007, requires semi-annual monitoring of the Groundwater Management System at Promontory. The wells at M-136 and M-225 are part of this management system and are therefore sampled according to conditions in the permit. 4.1 M-136 DWell Monitoring SjPage The well system within the M-136 facility, (wells D-2, D-3, D-4, D-5, D-6) monitor constituents that are a result of wastewater disposal in the old Liquid Thermal Treatment Areas ( L TTAs). This is the primary source area for groundwater contamination at the Promontory facility. Therefore, contamination levels in these wells are typically much higher than wells at other locations at the facility. DTbital AT'tf> Storm Water Management Plan ATK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April2015 61Page Due to these high levels, the potential of detecting slight increases in concentrations that might be attributed to ongoing treatment is not practical. For example, perchlorate containing waste is the largest waste category treated at M-136. Perchlorate is also the most water soluble and also has the highest potential to leach to groundwater. However, there are already high levels of perchlorate found in the D wells. Being able to infer that changes seen in these high levels are significant and a result of ongoing treatment is problematic. Ultimately, the Post Closure Permit is managing this contamination and its impact on human health and the environment through the required Human Health and Ecological risk assessments. Additionally, as demonstrated with the HYDRUS modeling it is very unlikely that perchlorate resulting from normal ongoing treatment operations could reach groundwater. There is also a lack of reliable perchlorate data for these wells. Sampling of the D wells within the M-136 burn grounds began in 1985, with several additional sampling events between then and 1987. This provided sufficient information for the source areas and sampling was then focused on new wells being drilled to monitor the extent of the contamination. Therefore, after 1987, no groundwater samples were collected from the Dwells until2007. This recent sampling was in conjunction with a pilot test of a vegetable oil injection to treat the perchlorate and VOC contamination. As a result, there are two sets of data with a span of 24 years between them. This data is found in Table1. There are inherent problems in comparing the two data sets primarily because analytical methods have greatly improved over the years. This is particularly true for perchlorate which during the 1985-1987 time frame was not even a contaminant of concern. It was only analyzed due to its high water solubility and as an indicator or tracer of contamination movement. The problem is that the only method at the time that could detect perchlorate was based on an lon Select Electrode (ISE). The ISE instrument was intended for use in quantifying perchlorate in a laboratory setting with reagent grade water, not environmental samples with higher levels of additional ions in water and soils. These other ions, especially chloride, are known to cause Orbital ATK.} Storm Water Management Plan A TK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April 2015 71Page interferences with the method and as a result detection limits were high and precision and accuracy were low. These analytical problems are evident with a review of the old analytical data from 1985 to 1987. Perchlorate levels could vary almost over an order of magnitude in the same well from one month to the next and the variability was seen in all the wells. So the wells appear to be uniform in their variability and also reported at similar levels making it difficult to define any trend over this short time frame. The reported detection limit for this old data was apparently based on the instrument stated limits in clean water and not calculated for these samples. It was not until around 1994 that an ion chromatograph method was developed specifically for perchlorate which helped eliminate many of the problems inherent to the IS E. This method was then adopted by the EPA as drinking water method 314. Since that time the method has been improved for higher TDS water as found at ATK Promontory. Therefore, if comparing the two perchlorate data sets, it is important to realize that the IC method is best suited to quantify perchlorate values with precision and accuracy in ATK groundwater. Due to the lack of valid historic perchlorate values, since 2007 ATK has continued to monitor wells of interest including Dwells at the M-136 burn grounds through the Post Closure Permit sampling program to better quantify perchlorate and to track trends in groundwater below the M-136 burn grounds. The additional data and statistical trends for these wells through May 2014 are found in appendix D. The UDSHW requested additional groundwater modeling of theM- 136 area to better predict perchlorate movement and connections between wells. This modeling was completed by creating smaller grid spacing in the modeled zone to refine the modeling predictions. The results of the modeling predict a travel time and directions between wells and that water does tend to pool in the M-136 area and that contaminant slug flow would be anticipated. The refined groundwater model results are included in appendix E. Storm Water Management Plan ATK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April2015 4.2 M-225 Monitoring 8JPage At M-225, due to the great depth to groundwater (607 feet), and the difficulty in drilling wells in the highly fractured formations, only one up gradient well, X-4, has been successfully installed; this was completed in 1991. This well has seen slowly increasing levels of contamination over the years, but based on flow directions, it is coming from an up gradient source. Additionally, to determine the impact after many years of operation, soil samples were collected using deep soil borings at M-225 in 1991. These samples were collected within the old historic unlined burn pits and trenches. Results demonstrate that contamination in the soil was low and quickly attenuated at less than 8 feet. These results were submitted to the DSHW in a 1991 report entitled the M-225 Partial Closure Plan Report. This report was reviewed by the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste and the no further action closure of these historic sites was approved in a April 3, 2012 letter. The data in the report supports the HYDRUS modeling conclusion that potential contamination from the routine operation of the M-225 burn grounds would not move far into the soil column with storm water and therefore not contaminate groundwater beneath the facility. DTbital ATK) References Storm Water Management Plan A TK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April 2015 WRCC 2011. Western Regional Climate Center (WRCC), 2011. Accessed website on March 17, 2011. http://www. wrcc.d ri .ed u U.S. EPA. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1996. Soil Screening Guidance: Technical background Document. EPA/540/R-95/128. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. Washington, D.C. 91Page ., ca· c ; tn 8 7 6 H G I F l ... ~· E D c ' ·I B A 8 7 6 5 / _,., ... ) ...-"" . BURN STATION #4 .-,,/' -BURN STATI N #3 _fl .. ~·/ :'~•/ ;r ..----- 0 4 EVAPORATION AREA DRAINAGE AREA EXCAVATED EMBANMENT FOR RUN-OFF DRAINAGE CONTROL BURN STATION #2 2 REVISION HISTORY ZONE REV. DESCRIPTION DATE APPROVED f/0 J ADDEO RIP RAP AND EVAPORATION AREA B BOWCUTT 25 MAR 15 ------------------ 5 M-255 BURN GROUNDS SCALE: SEE GRAPHIC SCALE LEGEND -----CULVERT 0 WEll RUN-ON CONTROL RUN-OFF COtlfROl -X-X-FENCE ! t.IXXX.X.XKX I REFERENCE DWG. 4 DRAWING REFERENCE DRAWINGS X X THIS PRINT, AND THE INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY HEREON, IS THE PROPERTY OF ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC. AND MAY NOT BE USED, REPRODUCED. OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. PERMITIED REPRODUCTIONS IN WHOLE OR PART, INCLUDING BORROWER'S SHOP DRAWINGS, SHALL BEAR OR REFER TO THIS NOTICE. RETURN OF THIS PRINT SHALL BE MADE UPON RE EST. 3 2 30' 0 30' 60' 90' 120' w GRAPHIC SCALE DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING FOR DIMENSIONS NOT GIVEN SEE EPIC fOR COMPLDE APPROVAL RECORD A TU-ATK Launch Systems Inc. ~!_!!) ~~~~;~!r~~~~s~IJRING DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING APPROVALS DATE 13 OCT 05 8rlghllm City, Utah 84302 M-225 BURNING AREA RUN-OFF AND RUN-O N DRAINAGE PLAN FIGURE 2-2,1 REV 3 SHEET: 1 OF 1 Released 2015/03/26 H G F E D c B 8 I H 4530 4528 4526 -.,,. Ji522 4520 4518 G 4516 4514 4512 4510 4508 - <535 F 4531 4529 4527 4525 4523 4521 4519 4517 E 4544 4542 4540 r--4538 4536 4534 4532 4530 D 4528 4526 4524 4522 r-- 4551 4549 4547 c 4545 45.(3 4541 • 4539 4537 4535 4533 4531 4529 B A 8 I 7 35 25 15 35 25 15 35 25 " 35 25 15 + - 5~~5 5~~5 ~. 5~~5 0 15 25 35 15 25 35 15 25 35 15 25 35 -EXISTING - 7 I 4>21 4519 4517 4515 4513 4511 4509 4507 4505 4503 45<>1 6 I 5 I 4 U IT 0 35 25 15 15 25 35 NEW CONSTRUCTION 6 5 I 4 I 3 I ' DRAWING REFERENCE DRAWINGS X 2 ZONE REV. F /0 2 UPDATED ATK FORI.lAT ROBERTS & ENGOO!ZRS AND CONTRACTORS CHICAGO-SALT LAKE CITY I REVISION HISTORY DESCRIPTION sdti.EFER I ~ SEE EPIC FOR COMPLETE APPROVAL RECORD DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING APPROVALS DATE DATE N'PROVEO 8 BOWClll'T 25 MAA 11 2011/03125 BE BowciJit A TIC Launch ~Inc. FACIUTEB ENCiiNEERIH(J THIS PRI/ff, AND THE INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY HEREON, IS THE PROPERTY OF ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC. AND' MAY NOT BE USED, REPRODUCED, OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. PERI.!m£0 REPRODUCTIONS IN WHOLE OR PART, INCLUDING BORROWER'S 1~gr DRAWINGS, SHAI.l BEAA OR "E' 107 7"o 3 1 M1'36 G 3 2 I"EVz REFER TO THIS NOTICE. RETURN Of THIS PRINT SHALL BE MADE UPON RE UEST. SCALE: NOTED FED: X SHEEr: 1 OF 1 I 3 I Released 2011/03/25 H - G - F - E - D - c - B 8 H 4586 4584 -4582 4580 4576 457-4 G 4572 4570 4568 4566 35 25. 15 4593 4591 F 45119 4587 4581 r--4579 <577 4575 4573 35 25 15 E -4601 4599 r---4597 4595 4593 4591 4589 0 4587 4585 4583 4581 35 25 15 - 4608 4606 c 4604 4602 4600 4598 4596 4594 - 4592 4590 4588 35 25 15 B r-- A 0 A 2 0 0 5 .5 0 5 ~~~5 + I 15 25 35 15 25 35 15 25 35 7 4551 4549 4547 4545 4543 4541 4539 4537 4535 4533 .4582 4560 4558 .4556 <554 4552 4550 4548 4546 4544 4542 "" "" "' "' 4577 .4575 4573 4571 4569 4567 4565 4563 4561 ""' 4557 35 25 IS 35 25 15 35 25 15 -EXISTING -- I 6 I 4537 4535 4531 4529 4527 4525 4523 4521 4519 15 25 35 4517 35 25 15 4531 4529 4527 4525 4523 4521 4519 4517 4515 4513 4511 15 25 35 35 25 15 4539 4537 4535 4533 4531 4529 4527 4525 4523 4521 .4519 N 35 25 15 5 5 4543 -4541 4539 4 4537 4SJ5 4533 4531 4529 4527 452!> 4523 • 15 25 35 35 25 15 1.5 25 35 s-RIP RAP SEE PLAN FOR LIMITS (TYP) 15 25 35 15 25 35 s ' N 0 15 25 35 5 I 4527 4525 4523 4521 4519 4517 4515 4513 4511 4509 4507 J5 25 15 4527 4525 4523 4521 4519 4517 4515 4515 4511 4509 4507 35 25 15 4528 4526 .. 524 4522 4520 4518 4516 4514 4512 4510 4508 35 25 15 45:SD 4528 4526 4524 4522 4520 4518 4516 4514 4512 .4510 35 25 15 NEW CONSTRUCTION 4 4521 4519 .4517 4515 4513 4511 4509 4507 .4505 4503 15 25 JS 4501 4525 4523 4521 4519 4517 4515 4513 4511 4509 4507 4505 15 25 35 4526 4524 .4522 .4520 4518 .4516 4514 4512 4510 4508 4506 5 •5 15 25 3S 4526 4524 4522 4520 4518 4516 4512 4510 4508 15 25 35 4506 HORZ sc.o.L£: 1" '" 20' I 35 25 15 35 25 15 35 25 15 35 25 15 ON 5. 5 3 I 15 25 35 15 25 35 15 25 35 15 25 35 ORAMNGS 2 HbiUKT ZONE I REV. OAJI I APPROVED F /D 2 UPDATED ATK FORMAT 8 BOWCUTT 25 MAR 11 2011ro»61BE Bowoo1 4520 4518 4516 "" 4512 4510 4508 4506 4502 4500 4520 4518 4516 "" 4512 4510 4508 4506 .4502 4500 4520 4518 .4516 451< 4512 4510 4508 4506 4504 4502 4500 4520 4518 4516 "" 4512 4510 4508 .4506 4504 4502 4500 35 25 15 35 25 15 35 25 15 35 25 15 5 •5 15 25 35 0 ER L 15 25 35 15 25 35 p LOW UP 08.00 E 1:4 AT riRE BREAK M T FILL 15 25 35 ROBERTS & SCifAEFER I ~ ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS CHICAGO-SALT LAKE CITY Sf:\~~R~J~R ~~~:FE DO NOT SCALE THJS DRAWING APPROVALS DATE JUL 91 M 136 BURNING AREA RUN-OFF DRAINAGE CHANNE L B CROSS SECTIONS H G F E 0 c B - A H G E 0 A ( __ 8 RIP-RAP 8 1l = 35'07'28R R = 300.00' l = 183.91' I . I I! I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • 7 CXJ ()"j I I I 1/ II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II II I ; CULVERT jl \0 I I 18"111 GAL\1 METAL 6 II I I RUN-ON DRAINAGE CHANNEL "A" / ALIGNMENT ALONG NATURAL CHANNEL I I I \ I \ I \ I \ I ' I ' I '\ I ' I ' I ' A '< \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -=~' '--='"""'~ \ \ \ \ \ I I I I I I I I I I I M-136 BURN GROUNDS SCALE: SEE GRAPHIC SCALE 7 6 12 GA~UtXt~T cf~ DOUBLE 36R DIA X 50 FT LONG INVERT IN 4577.50 INVERT OUT 4574.50 I; 5 5 ,, 4 3 2 I I RUN-ON RUN-OFf DRAINAGE B BOWCUTT 05 NOV 1 J I I I I I I I ( \ \ \ I \ ,------ RUN-ON DRAINAGE: CHANJEL "A" ALIGNMENT ALONG NATURAL CHANNEL \ \ ' ' ' RIP RAP 4" THICK ASPHALT BOTH SIDES OF SLOTIED DRAIN 8" DEEP ROAD BASE OVAL CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CULVERT, 42" x 29" x .30' LG. LE GEND -----CULVERT 0 WEll SECTION SCALE• NONE \ RUN-Off DRAINAGE CHANNEL GRAOEO PIT RUN EMBANKMENT APPROX \8-HIGH / , ......... ,.........., // ~ CORRUGATED METAL PIPE CULVERT 1 2"~ x JO' LG. x 16 GA. SLOITEO DRAIN W/ 6" TALL SLOT A & G28 EARTH, UNDISTRUBED OR COMPACTED ------ ---.... -.... ---_ .... --- ..... ./:/.... -- / / ,....--::::.-' / / / / / .... ,.., .... _/.,., .... ___ ...,. -----~-::~:::::::::.-------::-------- DRAINAGE CHANNEL "c- NOT ES I. All CHANNEL EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENTS SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 3, I SIDE SLOPES. 2. 3, 4. s, 6, CHANNEL BANKS SHALL BE LINED WITH 6• Or 2-lNCH MINIMUM SIZE RIP-RAP AT ALL LOCATIONS AND DISTANCES SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE R!P RAP MATERIAL. EXCAVATION MATERIAL fR(]t~ THE DRAINAGE CHANNELS SHALL BE PLACED IN EMBANKMENTS ADJACENT TnJ THE CHANNEL ON THE SIDE Of THE CHANNEL SHOWN BY A SHADED LINE ON THIS DRAWING. AT ANY LOCATION WHERE THE EXIST ING ROADWAYS OR SITE TOPOGRAPHY DO ~OT ALLOW AN EMBANKMENT, THE EXCAVATED MATERIAL MUST DE DEPOSITED AT T~E SPOIL SITE DESIGNATED ON THIS DRAWING. BACKfiLL fOR ALL CULVE~TS SHALL BE NATIVE MATERIAL, fREE Of ROOTS OR OTHER ORGANIC MATERIAL HAXIIMUM ROCK SIZE SHALL BE 6 INCHES. BACKfiLL SHALL BE PLACED IN MAXIMUM HB INCH LifTS, AND EACH LifT COMPACTED TO 90% ASTM Dl557-70. MINIMUIM COVER FOR THE CULVERTS SHALL BE 12 INCHES. ALL DISTURBED AREAS CCWT AND fiLL) Of RUN-ON DRAINAGE CHANNEL 'A' SHALL BE RE-VEGETATED l¥l.CCORDING TO THE fOLLOW ING SPECifiCATION$: SEEDING MIXTURE BASED ON PURE LIVE SEED C PLS>• PURITY X GERMINATHON = PLS OI?TION »> LUNA PUBESCENT IJHEATGRASS HYCREST CRESTED W~EATGRASS NORDON CRESTED WHEATGRASS RANGER AlfALfA YELLOW SWEET CLOVER TOTAL SEEDS c PLS Ill/AD TIME Of SEEDING: METHOD Of SEEDING• 2 3 6 6 s s 3 2 2 3 1/2 112 1 112 1/2 112 12 t2 11 l/2 PLANTING AfTER OCT 15 BROADCAST SEED AND SET IN CHAIN OR SPIKE TOOTH HARROV SET AT STEEP ANGLE WORKED UP HILL DISTURBED AREAS Of THE RUN-OfF DRAINAGE CHANNEL SHALL NOT BE RE-VEGETATED ROBERTS & n sc~ GRAPHIC SCALE ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS CHICAGO-SALT LAKE CITY 6130 sc.olE: 1" • 100' DO NOT SCALE THIS DRAWING M-136 BURNING AREA H G F E 0 c B RUN-ON CONTROL RUN-OFf CONTROL FENCE RUN-OFF AND RU N-ON A DRAI NAGE PLAN t MXXX.X.XXX I REFERENCE DWG. 4 )> "C "C CD ::I c. ;c· )> Orbital AT«) Appendix A Storm Water Management Plan ATK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April2015 Run-on and Run-off Calculations for M-136 and M-225 EARTHFAX ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERS I SCIENTISTS PROJECT V{.[-)02'; -n PAGE l OF \2- COMPUTED ')B'IJ DATE 7 Jp_.. J1JJf CHECKED DATE M -1 ;,e::, Slb'i'-M w 1\-'T€ g_ MI\-N A:~t: M FrJT s ~STEM l)(~~~ ~n CbZI2c*~-ho { Gh~~ A) Nez ~ 4 r3 zc.. c >a p;J z. cf t:4s ~, .) ~{) ~ ---> L¥-cf 100-ft: ~to v.r ~ r.'t~.N.J ~0 .t~5 ~ 55 40oft ·-o ,--. , \fl.~ hi -{ 55,4oo ft-) { tOO M] G ) P VVO -~@13 i!c.Y t/-) 1 go ft.~-/zc /Ob L.- ~ 3o ,8 i)/o ~ hN+-f W,r~ h..V.W\h-..r : J ~£;~ ~ h ~i-~~ cs;o4k;-~ S.U ih~-J,..~ { ~ ~ ~cs Wtb siJ Surv~) 0tJ;> 7'1 (~~ -\,:> r~~1 -f~v ~~- ---~ ~tt-~>o' };ell_ 'tJ). 11~ i ~~~ = /.(p7 l {wke l::-k;s..J;I"N.[hr]) J. 0,% {S-t l)o.? L ~ l'}oo y •.r CN =-r \A. V\D tt CM Ne. rvJ. m 1...cr '/ ~ Bli3 wkrht.f ~ {y.') E ~ OF \Z-IIl -j02.1-f7 AG J V\ p 7 J~ .l)i) '+ PROJECT ...le.~~:o-DATE_.:_.::::..._----"'-.- COMPUTED PROJECT tAl..-)O;l)-J7 PAGE J OF }2. COMPUTED 1!Si" DATE '1 J~ dn J/-EARTHFAX ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERS I SCIENTISTS CHECKED DATE ell~~ ~z_1c.. ~j' v.JrrJ ~J (0 Cftp' venl (\-. I 0. 0 0 1 • ;2S-'r b~hr = ) )tf c-b ( 50-y,' &-h< o J bB-ch \ w ~ ... c.LJ o.J.f-4 /Oo~y, 6-hl : ;).34 ch Ch~~ ~uis~ { t{t.."ZI11N.l.. A) MAI'\·1 vvv, Y'-chZAA J cmrr ~ Jw-~ ~sv..~ ~ Mz..v~~<f's to v/-r-..t/1 (.(je_{, tlf (), D3o C. h.,,_.} '-1)''" C:-la ~ o2.1o I cJr {-ex~! I 00 -f 1 6-hr s-/.r..-. F lJ ChZ1'1~ ·,r ~~. {So-)'S 7 ot ~ czDc,) M-136 Runoff Prepared by {enter your company name here} Type II 6-hr 25-yr, 6-hr Rainfa/1=1.66" Printed 1/9/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03900 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 15: M-136 Watershed Runoff = 113.88 cfs @ 3.44 hrs, Volume= 11.572 af, Depth= 0.34" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 6-hr 25-yr, 6-hr Rainfall=1.66" Area (ac) CN Description * 413.000 79 413.000 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (fUsee) (cfs) 39.0 10,600 0.3080 4.53 Lag/CN Method, Page 1 M-136 Runoff Type II 6-hr 50-yr, 6-hr Rainfa/1=1.91" Prepared by {enter your company name here} Printed 1/9/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03900 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Summary for Subcatchment 15: M-136 Watershed Runoff = 167.83 cfs@ 3.43 hrs, Volume= 16.199 af, Depth= 0.4 7'' Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 6-hr 50-yr, 6-hr Rainfall=1. 91" Area (ac) CN Description * 413.000 79 413.000 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ftlft) (ftlsec) (cfs) 39.0 10,600 0.3080 4.53 Lag/CN Method, M-136 Runoff Prepared by {~nter your company name here} Type II 6-hr 1 00-yr, 6-hr Rainfa/1=2. 18" Printed 1/9/2014 HydroCAD® 10.()0 s/n 03900 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 15: M-136 Watershed Runoff = 233.70 cfs @ 3.42 hrs, Volume= 21.714 af, Depth= 0.63" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 6-hr 1 00-yr, 6-hr Rainfall=2.18" Area (ac) CN Description * 413.000 79 413.000 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ftlft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 39.0 10,600 0.3080 4.53 Lag/CN Method, Page 3 Project Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Input Data Channel A Trapezoidal Cha Manning's Form Discharge Mannings Coeff1c 0.030 Slope 073400 ftlft Depth 4.50 ft Left Side Slope 3 00 V : H Right Side Slope 3.00 V : H Bottom Width 2.00 ft M-136, Channel A Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel ': Results DISCharge Flow Area (~q~(j exc..uJs Jat;/OV' ~~ Wetted Perim1 11.49 ft Top Width 5.00 ft Cntical Depth 5.87 ft Critical Slope 0.027170 ftlft Velocity 16.56 fils Velocity Head 4.26 ft Specific Ener~ 8.76 ft Froude Numb• 1.65 Flow Type lupercritical g:l .. 117\burning ground surface runofflm-136 fm2 01122/14 03:03 08 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. EarthFax Engineering Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engmeer. Richard White FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 EARTHFAX ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERS I SCIENTISTS PROJECT 1.,{(,-jOl~-17 PAGE g OF I'}_ COMPUTED 1i'VJ DATE dJ-J2-\.-dQ/f CHECKED DATE Pe2-\~ ~ Czlv~zl-t_;.,._t (ChZM~S 'iS~ c._) 015-y, w -he = Lf~.l c:A b1J-,~-, h-~ bi-.-6--G-~- /00 -o.r, {o-h-r .. 7'1 f 2 c_-h, drzMJ ~z:~Jo::. 8'l. ~ c-fs {-.&u..vl~ IOO-y1 {r~r shr~ fU!z.l:) Cl,z;v,M ·,s ¥--~zi{ { ~ f J /L of2 ~ czfc_,) J M-136 Channel A runoff Prepared by {enter your company name here} Type II 6-hr 25-yr, 6-hr Rainfa/1=1.66" Printed 1/22/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03900 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 15: M-136 Channel 8/C Watershed Runoff = 46.11 cfs@ 3.14 hrs, Volume= 2.549 af, Depth= 0.56" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 6-hr 25-yr, 6-hr Rainfall=1.66" Area (ac) CN Description * 55.000 85 55.000 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ftlft) (ftlsec) (cfs) 19.4 2,300 0.0730 1.97 Lag/CN Method, Page 1 M-136 Channel A runoff Prepared by {enter your company name here} Type II 6-hr 50-yr, 6-hr Rainfa/1=1.91" Printed 1/22/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03900 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 15: M-136 Channel 8/C Watershed Runoff = 61.56 cfs @ 3.14 hrs, Volume= 3.345 af, Depth= 0. 73" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 6-hr 50-yr, 6-hr Rainfall=1.91" Area (ac) CN Description * 55.000 85 55.000 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 19.4 2,300 0.0730 1.97 Lag/CN Method, Paqe2 M-136 Channel A runoff Prepared by {enter your company name here} Type II 6-hr 1 00-yr, 6-hr Rainfa/1=2. 18" Printed 1/22/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03900 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 15: M-136 Channel 8/C Watershed Runoff = 79.24 cfs@ 3.14 hrs, Volume= 4.260 af, Depth= 0.93" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 1.00-30.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 6-hr 1 00-yr, 6-hr Rainfall=2.18" Area (ac) CN Description * 55.000 85 55.000 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ftlft) (ft/sec) ( cfs) 19.4 2,300 0.0730 1.97 Lag/CN Method, Page 3 Project Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For Input Data Channel 8/C Trapezoidal Cha Manning's Form1 Discharge Mannings Coeffic 0.030 Slope 018000 fUft Depth 3.50 ft Left Side Slope 3.00 V : H Right Side Slope 3.00 V : H Bottom Width 2.00 ft Results Discharge C~_) Flow Area 11.1 ft2 Wetted Perim1 9.38 ft Top Width 4 33 ft Critical Depth 3.13 ft Critical Slope 0.026666 tUft Velocity 7.43 fUs Velocity Head 0 86 ft Specific Ener~ 4 36 ft Froude Numb• 0.82 Flow Type 3ubcritical M-136, Channel B/C Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel g:l ... 117\burning ground surface runoff\m-136 fm2 EarthFax Engineering Inc 01/22/14 03:47:00 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Eng1neer: Richard White FlowMaster v6.0 [614b] (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 41° 41'4S"N 41° 40' 3" N 379800 N A Soil Map-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part (M-136 Drainage Area) 380300 380800 381300 381800 Map Scale: 1:22,200 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet. 0~----~3~00~====~~~--------------1~200~=============1~8~ 0~-----1~000~====~2~000~-------------~~=============~~~ Map projection: Web Mercator Comerroordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: VTM Zone 12N WGS84 382300 382800 uSDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey ~iiiii Conservation Service 383300 383800 384300 ~ 41° 41'45"N '!j 1/6/2014 Page 1 of 3 Soil Map-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part (M-136 Drainage Area) MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines CJ Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features ~ Blowout ~ Borrow Pit ~ Clay Spot (\ Closed Depression ~ •. • X, Gravel Pit . Gravelly Spot 0 Landfill A .. Lava Flow ~ Marsh or swamp Mine or Quarry @ Miscellaneous Water 0 Perennial Water '··.{' Rock Outcrop + Saline Spot .. Sandy Spot -6· Severely Eroded Spot <> Sinkhole ~) Slide or Slip .f!i Sodic Spot U5DA Natural Resources =::za=i Conservation Service § Spoil Area (• Stony Spot f1:. Very Stony Spot \? Wet Spot {\ Other ~-Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation +-+-+ Rails -Interstate Highways -US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1 :20,000. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part Version 6, Apr 7, 2011 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: May 2, 2011-Sep 24, 2011 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. 1/6/2014 Page 2 of 3 Soil Map-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol ABE BUG HpD MIE MIG MJG PwD ReA SGG SJG SvB ThB Totals for Area of Interest USDA Natural Resources "'iii Conservation Service Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part (UT602) Map Unit Name Acres inAOI Abela gravelly loam, 10 to 20 percent slopes Broad-Middle association. steep Hupp gravelly silt loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes Middle cobbly siltloam, 10 to 30 percent slopes Middle cobbly silt loam, 30 to 70 percent slopes Middle-Broad association, steep Pomat silt loam, 6 to 10 percent slopes Red Rock silt loam, 0 to 1 percent slopes Sandaii-Promo association. steep Sandaii-Rozlee association, steep Stingalloam, 1 to 6 percent slopes Thiokol silt loam, 1 to 6 percent slopes Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 76.8 70.7 72.7 136.0 55.3 225.5 60.4 9.8 29.2 1,307.1 59.9 74.2 2,177.5 M-136 Drainage Area Percent of AOI 3.5% 3.2% 3.3% 6.2% 2.5% 10.4% 2.8% 0.5% 1.3% 60.0% 2.7% 3.4% 100.0% 1/6/2014 Page 3 of 3 41° 41'45"N 41° 40' 3" N 379800 N A Hydrologic Soil Group-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part (M-136 Drainage Area) 380300 380800 381300 381800 382300 382800 Map Scale: 1:22,200 if printed on AlandSGlpe (11" x 8.5") sheet ------~~====~---------------=============~Mffeffi 0 300 600 1200 1800 ------~~====~--------------~~============~~! 0 1000 2000 4000 600:) Map projection: Web Men::ator Comer coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: VTM Zone 12N WGS84 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey '5iii Conservation Service 383300 383800 ~ 41° 41' 45" N ~ 384300 1/6/2014 Page 1 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part (M-136 Drainage Area) MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons D A D AID D B D B/D D c D C/D D D D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines " A ~ " AID ,....,; B -B/D ~ " c ... C/D ·-" D ~ " Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points [J A 0 AID B B/D USDA Natural Resources ~iiiii! Conservation Service [J [J c C/D D 0 Not rated or not available Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation -1-++ Rails -Interstate Highways -US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1 :20,000. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part Version 6, Apr 7, 2011 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1 :50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: May 2, 2011-Sep 24, 2011 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. 1/6/2014 Page 2 of4 Hydrologic Soil Group-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part M-136 Drainage Area Hydrologic Soil Group Hydrologic Soli Group-Summary by Map Unit-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part (UT602) Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating ABE Abela gravelly loam, 10 B to 20 percent slopes BUG Broad-Middle c association, steep HpD Hupp gravelly silt loam, 6 B to 1 0 percent slopes MIE Middle cobbly silt loam, c 10 to 30 percent slopes MIG Middle cobbly silt loam, c 30 to 70 percent slopes MJG Middle-Broad c association, steep PwD Pomat silt loam, 6 to 10 c percent slopes ReA Red Rock silt loam, 0 to B 1 percent slopes SGG Sandaii-Promo c association, steep SJG Sandaii-Rozlee c association, steep SvB Stingalloam, 1 to 6 B percent slopes ThB Thiokol silt loam, 1 to 6 B percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest USDA Natural Resources "'fiij Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey Acres lnAOI 76.8 70.7 72.7 136.0 55.3 225.5 60.4 9.8 29.2 1,307.1 59.9 74.2 2,177.5 Percent of AOI 3.5% 3.2% 3.3% 6.2% 2.5% 10.4% 2.8% 0.5% 1.3% 60.0% 2.7% 3.4% 100.0% 1/6/2014 Page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (AID, 8/D, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impeNious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (AID, 8/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher USDA Natural Resources "1iiiiii Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey M-136 Drainage Area 1/6/2014 Page 4 of 4 Precipitation Frequency Data Server http:/ /hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds _printpage.html ?lat=4 1.6856&1. 1 of4 ® . ' NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 1, Version 5 Location name: Tremonton, Utah, US* Coordinates: 41.6856, -112.4131 Elevation: 5101 ft* • source: Google Maps POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES Sanja Perica. Sarah Dietz, Sarah Heim, Lillian Hiner, Kazungu Maitaria, Deborah Martin, Sandra Pavlovic, lshani Roy. Carl Trypaluk, Dale Unruh, Fenglin Yan, Mchael Yekta, Tan Zhao, Geoffrey Bonnin, Daniel Brewer, U-Chuan Chen, Tye Parzybok, John Yarchoan NOM National Weather Service, Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aenals PF tabular L _ PDS-based_ point precipitation frequency estimates with 90<yo confid~nce ~ntervals (in_ in~hes) 1 _ c=:l _ Average recurrence interval (years) _ _ _ __ _ IUUI:liUI.'.I _ 1 -_I _ -2 l 5 [ 10 I 25 I_ 50 __ [ ___ 1 0~ --I _20_0 -I -500 --_il 1000 ~; 0.121 0.155 0.212 0.264 0.347 0.422 0.510 0.614 0.777 I 0.926 l '-'~I-IIII I _: (0.106~0 139)' (0.1_36_-0.178) (0.185-0.244) (0.229-0.304) (0.295-0.401 ), (0.350~0.491 )_ (0.4 13-0.599) (0.480-0.731) (0.580-0 947)i (0.663~1.15) ,~' 0.184 0.235 0.323 0.402 0.529 0.643 0.777 0.934 1.18 ; 1.41 I 'v-mm i (0.161-0.212) (0.207-0.271) (0.282-0.372) (0.349-0.463) (0.450-0.611) (0.533-0.747) (0.629-0.911) (0.7~0-1.11) (0.883-1 .44) I (1.01-1.75): ~ . 0.229 -0.291 Q.400 -0.499 0.655 0.797 0.963 1.16 1.47 -: .... 1.75 . I __ ·~~~'"'_ I (0.199-0.263) (0.257-0.336) (0.349-0.461) (0.433-0.574) (0.557-0.757) (0.661-0.926) (0.779-1.13) (0.905:1.38) (1.09-1.7_9) J (1:2~-2-~7): r:~: -0.30B O.J92 0.539 .. 0.672 .. -0.882 - --1.07 1.30 1.56 1.97 : 2.35 I .:>V"IIIIII ' (0.268-0.354) (0.346-0.453) (0.470-0.621) (0.583-0.773) (0.751-1.02) (0.890-1.25) (1 .05-1.52) : (1.22-1.86) (1 .47-2.41) i (1 .69:_2.93)' ~ 0.381 0.486 : 0.667 0.831 . 1.09 1.33 1.60 1.93 2.44 ' 2.91 l_uv·'"''' ; (0.332-0.438) (~.428-0.5~0) (0.582-0.768) (OnH.957) (0.929-1.26) (1.10-1.54) (1.30-1.88) (1.51-2.30) (1_ 82~2:98) i _(2.09~3.63): ·~ 0.488 0.614 0.804 0.977 1.25 1.50 1.79 2.13 2.67 :1 3.15 ·I. """r _: (0.438-0_.551) (0.548-0.694); (0:71_6-0.907) (0.862-1.10) (1.08-1 .42) (1 .27:1.72) ' (1 .48-2.D7) . (1.71:2.50) _ (2.03-3.2!J}__i (2.3_1_-3:87) i ~~ 0.574 0.716 : 0.907 1.08 1.36 1.60 1.89 2.23 2.76 ' 3.24 ' 'I .,.,. I (0.519-0.644) (0.649-0.805); (0.816-1.02) (0.968-1.22) (1.19-1.53) (1.38-1.82) (1.59-2.18) (1.82-2.60)_ (2.17-3.31 ); (2.45-3.96) j ~I 0.769 0.949 . 1.17 1.37 1.66 1.91 2.18 2.49 3.02 I 3.49 ~l O"lll -· 1(0.703-0.845) (0.866-1.05). (1.07-1.29) (1.24-1.52) (1 .48-1.85) (1.68-2.13) (1.89-2.46) (2.1 1-2.85) (2.49-3.53) i (2.80-4.15): ~I 0.986 . 1.22 1.49 1.73 2.07 2.34 2.64 2.96 I 3.44 i 3.83 ' I '"_~:·-:, (0.9?6-1.08), (1.12-U3) --(U~-1-~3) ' (1.57-1.89) ' (1.87-2.27) _(2.09:2.60) (2.32-3.95) _(2.55-3 34) : fZ-~9:3.95) .! (3.15:4.4~): ~ 1.21 1.50 1.83 2.11 2.50 2.81 3.13 3.47 I 3.93 i 4.29 ·I -''+"II'-I (1.11-1.32) (1_.37-1.64) (1.68-2.00) (1.93-2.31) (2.27-2.74) (2.54-3.08) (2.82-3.43) • (3.10:3.81) (3.48-4.33) I (3.76-4!5): ~I -1.37 -1.69 2.05 2.36 2.79 3.14 3.50 3.87 4.38 i 4.79 : ~.~-~~~--i (1.25-1.50) (1.55-1.85) (1 .88-2.25) (2.16-2.58)_ (2.54:3.05) -(2.8~-3-~3) : (3.:4-3.82)--(3.45-4.24) : _(3:86:4.82) j (~-~ 8-5 29) ~~-. 1.5o -. 1.85 :,II 2.25 2.59 3.o6 3.44 3.84 4.25 4.81 i 5.26 t ~~u_:'y _ : _ (1.37:1.64) (1.70:2:92) (2.06-2:46) (2.37-2.83) (2.78-3.34) (3: ~1-3.75) (3.45-4.19)_, (3.79-4.6~) 1 • (4.24-_~·?8)_) ~4.6!J·5.7!1)_f :l .~~day _l (1.5~~1378) (1.82~~2120) . (2}~~568) (2.52~~;08) (3_;;~3463) (3.33~~4508) (3.7~~4856) (41~~5304) (4.65;~5473! I (5.051·~:30)! [_ 7 -day_ :,' 1.95 2.41 2.94 3.39 4.01 4.49 5.00 5.52 ' 6.24 6.81 (1.77-2.15) (2.20-2.66)' (2.67-3.25) (3.07-3.73) (3.61-4.41) (4.02-4.94)' (4.46-5.50) .' (4.89-6.08) (5.47-6.89) j(5.?2-7.54); ' 1 1o.-day ___ ;:· 2.20 2.73 3.34 3.83 4.50 5.03 5.57 6.13 6.88 1 . 7.46 : (2.01_-2:4?)-(2.49-3.00) (3.04-3.66) (3._48-4.20) . (~.08-4.94) -(4.54-_5.52) . J5.00-6.12) _(~.47-6.73) ; (6.08-7.57). (6.54-8.23): 1 20-day i: 2.84 3.51 4.24 4.82 5.57 6.13 6.69 7.25 7.98 'I 8.52 . (2.60-3.09) • (3.21-3.82)_ (3.89-4.62) (4.40-5.24) (5.07-6.05) (5.57:_6.67)-. (6.06_-~.30)_ (6.53-7.92) . (7.14-8.7~)__) (7.58_-9.36): 1 30-day : 3.37 4.15 5.00 5.68 6.57 7.25 7.93 8.60 9.48 : 10.1 (3.08-3.67) (3.81-4.53) (4.58-5.45) (5.19-6.19) (5.99-7.17) (6.59-7.91) (7.18-8.66) (7.77-9.41). (8.50-10.4): (9.03-11 .2): 1._45_-d_ay_ ;. 4.17 5.14 6.13 6.90 7.88 8.60 9.31 10.0 10.9 : 11.5 (3.83-4.53) (4_.73-5.59) (5.63-6.65) (6.32:7.48) (7.20-8.55) (7.84-9.34) (8.45-10.1) (9.05-1 0.9) (9.78-11.9) ](10.3:12.6)_ 1 60-day .. 4.87 5.99 7.09 7.91 8.97 9.72 10.4 11.1 12.0 ' 12.6 (4.49-5.26) (5.53-6.48) (6.53-7.65) (7.28-8.54) (8.23-9.68) (8.90-10.5) (9.53-11.3) (10.1-12.0) (10.9-13.0) ! _(11.4-13.7) 1 Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top PF graphical 1/6/2014 4:24 Pl\ Precipitation Frequency Data Server http:/ /hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds _printpage.html ?lat=41.6856&1. 14 12 c: 10 .!:; ..., Cl. QJ 8 "0 c: 0 ·.;::; 6 r1l ..., a. u ~ 4 c.. 0 c: c: E E .;., 0 ,., 14 ~ 10 .c. a. QJ 8 "0 c: 0 ·.;::; 6 r1l ...... a. ·u QJ 4 .... c.. NOAA/N WS/OH D/HDSC ( 2 of4 PDS-based depth-duration-frequency (DDF) curves Coordinates: 41.6856, -112.4131 c: c: c: .... .... .... .... .... >->->. >. >. E E -~ .!:; .!:; .!:; -7 .!:; r1l r1l r1l r1l r1l r-!J rA ..0 N "'" "0 "0"0 "0 "0 .;., 0 0 ,., N r-!J rfl"'" ,.:. 0 ,., ,.., \0 ,., Duration Average recurrence interval (years) >. >. >.>. r1l r1l ruru "0 "0 "0"0 0 0 ~0 N ,.., '<t\0 Average recurrence 'merval tyoars) 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Duratton 5-Hlln -2-<Jay tO-m1n -3-<lay 15-mln -4-<Jay 30-rmn 7-day 00-111111 -10-oay -Ill -20-aay J-111 JG-day 6-hr 45--0ay 12-tu -cO-oay 24-hr Created (GMT): Mon jan 6 23:26:46 2014 Twin Falls , Burley. Maps & aerials Small scale terrain Blackfoot ,a Pocalello n )1 Roc Spnn• -~ lvlap data ©2014 Google, INEGI 1/6/2014 4:24 PJ\. Precipitation Frequency Data Server http:/ /hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds _printpage.html ?lat=41.6856&1.. Large scale terrain Large scale map ~~ .... 12km 2mi rv\lp da!a ©2014 Google 3 of4 116/2014 4:24PM Precipitation Frequency Data Server 4 of4 http:/ /hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds _printpage.html ?lat=41.6856&1 .. Back to TQP l&~rtrn~_Qf Commerce l',lsillonal Ocean1c andAtmosphenc Admm1strat1on Nat1ona1 Weather Servl(;_e QlfJS&_QIHydrologiC J&~t 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Questions?: HOS_G.Q\le.~l!Qns@noaa.gov 1/6/2014 4:24PM EARTHFAX ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERS I SCIENTISTS PRoJECT _tu-~~-jo_J.)_-_17 _ PAGE I oF f COMPUTED~ DATE 4 .JZ-_ :J-o/Y,. CHECKED DATE /VI-;l-~5 5TD~M W A-~ M /hl A4 e-M. 6JT S. '/SiEM l)r?-1~ ']2-?1V'\ Ch~Mlc.S ( 11ws;~ Chzm~) A-rez ~ 19-, ~ ?c. { w_ f2 2 of tl:t cJc -:') Av . JYt~. :::}4oo ft:)(1aa ft) 1 (,oa) 0 --o--~8-. 4zc )(£/-1,~ ftz(zc. ~ -; 17,5~h CN~71' (~iv r~~,~r~4-~ Nt-M~fc3~ 1 T~ 'i.J). T1 t--€-cJ C€r'-~~ === I, I.e> 7 L L=- ~ o .a-( S-r l) o,1 =-o. )0 ht T ;:; !9, n hf L EARTHFAX ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERS I SCIENTISTS ~h ~~ ot1°/u Mt-v~~rt's "'-~ o. 030 PROJECT 0L-)02S-1/ PAGE ) OF g COMPUTED 7!?d DATE q Jv,__ J-o-,~':'-- CHECKED DATE C~z.v,~ t:zt~Jo ~ d-1, 0 ch , TM s {?:J.. <..t.-Js ~ F"-f,_ (vw.df ~ fL,_ SJ~r, 1 h-~~ -eveJ-~ ~~ ~JJ ~~of ~ 1\Ju-y,w-hr~. l).;s ,s ~s,JJ/.e.J ~~ C'!.b 01 ot-tt;..t Die J M-225 Runoff Prepared by {enter your company name here} Type II 6-hr 25-yr, 6-hr Rainfa/1=1.63" Printed 1/9/2014 HydroCAD® 1 0. 00 s/n 03900 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 15: M-225 Watershed Runoff = 11.88 cfs @ 3.04 hrs, Volume= 0.492 af, Depth= 0.32" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.10-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 6-hr 25-yr, 6-hr Rainfall=1.63" Area (ac) CN Description * 18.400 79 18.400 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (fUft) (fUsee) (cfs) 9.7 1,300 0.1750 2.24 Lag/CN Method, Page 1 M-225 Runoff Prepared by {enter your company name here} Type II 6-hr 50-yr, 6-hr Rainfa/1=1.87" Printed 1/9/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03900 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 15: M-225 Watershed Runoff = 17.20 cfs@ 3.04 hrs, Volume= 0.687 af, Depth= 0.45" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.10-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 6-hr 50-yr, 6-hr Rainfall=1.87" Area (ac) CN Description * 18.400 79 18.400 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (tUft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.7 1,300 0.1750 2.24 Lag/CN Method, Page 2 M-225 Runoff Prepared by {enter your company name here} Type II 6-hr 100-yr, 6-hr Rainfai/=2.14JJ Printed 1/9/2014 HydroCAD® 10.00 s/n 03900 © 2011 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Summary for Subcatchment 1 S: M-225 Watershed Runoff = 23.78 cfs@ 3.03 hrs, Volume= 0.930 af, Depth= 0.61" Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Time Span= 0.10-20.00 hrs, dt= 0.05 hrs Type II 6-hr 1 00-yr, 6-hr Rainfall=2.14" Area (ac) CN Description * 18.400 79 18.400 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (fUft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 9.7 1,300 0.1750 2.24 Lag/CN Method, Page 3 M-225 Diverson Channel Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel Project Description Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For M-225 Trapezoidal Cha Manning's Form• Discharge Input Data Mannings Coeffic 0.030 Slope 029000 ft/ft Depth 1 . 50 ft Left Side Slope 1.30 V : H Right Side Slope Bottom Width Results Discharge Flow Area Wetted Perim• Top Width Crit1cal Depth 1.30 V: H 1.00 ft ~ 3.2 ft2 4.78 ft 3.31 ft 1.62 ft Cntical Slope 0.021372 ftlft Velocity 6.49 ft/s Velocity Head 0.65 ft Spec1fic Ener~ 2.15 ft Froude Numb· 1.16 Flow Type iupercritical ~~~ g:\ ... \17\burnmg ground surface runoff\m-136.fm2 01/22/14 04:11:48 PM © Haestad Methods, Inc. EarthFax Engineering Inc 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 USA Project Engmeer. Richard White FlowMaster vS.O [614b] (203) 755-1666 Page 1 of 1 EARTHFAX ENGINEERING, INC. ENGINEERS I SCIENTISTS PROJECT u ( -I Ol3-17 PAGE t OF _t---r-_ COMPUTED 1li}J DATE J_ff j""~ d/t) 1J CHECKED DATE GN ::.-g1) ~1.,\l''-off ~ ~ iJh~ ~h-rf"Y\1 { oVf£ &-Z/ez.-c! ;<.l/-0 ec) : ..).-5-Qf) lo-hr {r= u~3"~--=:> Q:: &.3r·,~ :: 3d-a\\ f.t J 5o-tr j (o-hr ( r; " 8-7 ") ~ ~ ~ 0 I q.g ~ i.f.""Soo ft' 1w-r, b-hr (I':: o1. 't./ '') __...,.. &. = o. bs-;"' :: 51 Do ft '3 )0.A't"v0ff ~ .-lte. ~a-d<oi"'s h ~ sou.._+f._-c.t.J<~ pct-r~ ~ M-;;.)..r-, ·,rr.~~ 5 v Vt +h wes+-of t/-.L ~kg gzti . A-ss u~ a o--~z of ~D I~ 4o,) m~ Yi 1u nA ~ 2. rn-Jc) Zle? w"l~ ?r.-2!-J.ef~ ~ft-ot ;l.S \";,P /u ~~ )o ~~~n ftt_ r111~.ft ~ ~ /OO -~1 0-hr S~rn.. 41° 38'28"N 41°3739"N 384500 ;:: N A Soil Map-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part (M-225 Drainage Area) 384700 384900 385100 385300 385500 Map Scale: 1:10,500 if printed on A landscape {11" x 8.5") sheet o~------1~50~====~3~00~--------------~~==============~~ereffi 0~----~500~=======1000~--------------~2~000~==============~3~ Map projection: Web Mercator Comer coordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: VWI Zone 12N WGS84 385700 385900 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey ~riiiiii" Conservation Service 386100 386300 386500 386700 1/9/2014 Page 1 of3 Soil Map-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part (M-225 Drainage Area) MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Map Unit Polygons Soil Map Unit Lines 0 Soil Map Unit Points Special Point Features w Blowout l&l Borrow Pit X Clay Spot (> Closed Depression X. Gravel Pit .. Gravelly Spot 0 Landfill fl Lava Flow '*' Marsh or swamp "it Mine or Quarry @ Miscellaneous Water 0 Perennial Water ..... / ... Rock Outcrop + Saline Spot ' . Sandy Spot ~-Severely Eroded Spot Q Sinkhole i~ Slide or Slip tJ Sadie Spot USDA Natural Resources ~iii' Conservation Service ~ Spoil Area 0 Stony Spot 63 Very Stony Spot \{ Wet Spot ,\ Other #. Special Line Features Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation +++ Rails -Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1 :20,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part Version 6, Apr 7, 2011 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1:50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: May 2, 2011-Sep 24, 2011 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. 1/9/2014 Page 2 of 3 Soil Map-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol SGG SHE SID Totals for Area of Interest USDA Natural Resources --za Conservation Service Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part (UT602) Map Unit Name Acres lnAOI Sandall-Premo association, steep Sandaii-Rock outcrop complex, 3 to 30 percent slopes Sanpete gravelly silt loam, high rainfall, 6 to 10 percent slopes Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 324.6 119.1 1.6 445.3 M-225 Drainage Area Percent of AOI 72 .9% 26.8% 0.4% 100.0% 1/9/2014 Page 3 of 3 41°3739~N 384500 " N A Hydrologic Soil Group-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part (M-225 Drainage Area) 384700 384900 385100 385300 385500 Map Scale: 1:10,500 if printed on A landscape (11" x 8.5") sheet o~------1~50======~300~--------------~~~===============?~ere~ o~----~soo======~l~ooo~------------~2~ooo==============~~ Map projection: Web Mercator Comer roordinates: WGS84 Edge tics: UTM Zone 12N WGS84 385700 385900 1 !iDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey · -· .. <>tion Service 386100 386300 386500 ~ 41° 38' 28" N ~ 386700 1/9/2014 Page 1 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part (M-225 Drainage Area) MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (AOI) Area of Interest (AOI) Soils Soil Rating Polygons DA D ND D 8 D 8/D D c D C/D D D D Not rated or not available Soil Rating Lines " A .. " ND 8 -8/D .. " c C/D ·-" D . " Not rated or not available Soil Rating Points D A D ND 8 8/D US!JA Natural Resources 'iii Conservation Service D c D C/D D D Not rated or not available Water Features Streams and Canals Transportation +++ Rails -Interstate Highways US Routes Major Roads Local Roads Background Aerial Photography Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were rnapped at 1:20,000. Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map measurements. Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov Coordinate System: Web Mercator (EPSG:3857) Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator projection, which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area. A projection that preserves area, such as the Albers equal-area conic projection, should be used if more accurate calculations of distance or area are required. This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s) listed below. Soil Survey Area: Survey Area Data: Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part Version 6, Apr 7, 2011 Soil map units are labeled (as space allows) for map scales 1 :50,000 or larger. Date(s) aerial images were photographed: May 2, 2011-Sep 24, 2011 The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. 1/9/2014 Page 2 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part M-225 Drainage Area Hydrologic Soil Group Hydrologic Soil Group-Summary by Map Unit-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part (UT602) Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres inAOI Percent of AOI SGG Sand all-Promo c 324.6 association, steep SHE Sandaii-Rock outcrop c 119.1 complex, 3 to 30 percent slopes SID Sanpete gravelly silt B 1.6 loam, high rainfall, 6 to 1 0 percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest 445.3 Description Hydrologic soil groups are based on estimates of runoff potential. Soils are assigned to one of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, C, and D) and three dual classes (AiD, BID, and C/D). The groups are defined as follows: Group A. Soils having a high infiltration rate (low runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist mainly of deep, well drained to excessively drained sands or gravelly sands. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. Group D. Soils having a very slow infiltration rate (high runoff potential) when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of clays that have a high shrink-swell potential, soils that have a high water table, soils that have a claypan or clay layer at or near the surface, and soils that are shallow over nearly impervious material. These soils have a very slow rate of water transmission. If a soil is assigned to a dual hydrologic group (AiD, B/D, or C/D), the first letter is for drained areas and the second is for undrained areas. Only the soils that in their natural condition are in group D are assigned to dual classes. USDA Natural Resources '7iiiF Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey 72.9% 26.8% 0.4% 100.0% 1/9/2014 Page 3 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group-Box Elder County, Utah, Eastern Part Rating Options Aggregation Method: Dominant Condition Component Percent Cutoff: None Specified Tie-break Rule: Higher USDA Natural Resources "Eiii Conservation Service Web Soil Survey National Cooperative Soil Survey M-225 Drainage Area 1/9/2014 Page 4 of 4 Precipitation Frequency Data Server http:/ /hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds _printpage.html ?lat=41.63 35&1 .. 1 of4 ~ \ml NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 1, Version 5 Location name: Corinne, Utah, US* Coordinates: 4 1.6335, -112.3732 Elevation: 4860 ft* • source: Google t.laps POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES Sanja Perica, Sarah Dietz, Sarah Heim, Lillian Hiner, Kazungu t.laitaria. Deborah t.lartin, Sandra Pavlovic, lshani Roy, Carl Trypaluk. Dale Unruh, Fenglin Yan. Mchael Yekta. Tan Zhao. Geoffrey Bonnin, Daniel Brewer, Li-Chuan Chen. Tye Parzybok, John Yarchoan NOM National Weather Service, Silver Spring. t.laryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aenals PF tabular ,l_ _ PDS-based point_precipitation frequency estima!es with 90% confidence intervals (in _inches)1 __ _ r:==:l __ Average recurrence interval (years) _ _ _ [UI_""~":I 1 _I _2 1 s _ 1 10 1 2s [ __ so __ l __ 1o~ _ l 20~---_[ __ s~o_ [~1o=_o~o_= __ l S-min ; 0.120 0.153 0.210 0.261 0.344 0.419 0.507 0.610 · 0.774 I 0.923 , _ _ ___ j (~.10~:0.138) (0.1_35-0:176) (0.18_3-0.242)' (0.227-0.~01) (0.292-0.398) (0.34H.488) (0.409-0.596) (0.476-0.729). (0.576-0.946) (0.659~1.15)' ~ 0.182 0.232 0.319 0.398 0.524 0.637 0.772 0.929 1.18 ! 1.41 I I U"l'llll : (0.159-0.210) (0.204-0.268) (0.278-0.367) (0.345-0.458) (0.445-0.606) (0.528-0.743) (0.623-0.907) (0.725:1 :11) (0.877-1.44)! (1.00-1.75) ~ o.226 o.2s7 o.39s ·· .. o.4s3 . . o.649 . o.791 -o.9s7 -1.1s 1.46 , 1.74 L 1 "="1 "_~ i ~~-1~7~0.260) (0.253-0.332). (0.34_5-o.455J (0.428-0.568) (0.552-0.751 > (0.655-0.921 > (o.112-1 :12). (0.898-1.38). (_1 o9-1.7~) ~ (1_.24-2:1.?> ~: 0.304 0.387 0.532 0.664 0.874 1.06 1.29 1.55 1.97 i 2.35 l_.>u•ruur _: (0.265-0.349) {0.341-0.447): {0.464-0.613) {0.576-0.766) __ (0.7_43-1.01) (0.882-1.24): _ (1.04-1.51) (1.21-1.85) (1.47-2.40) ! (1.68-2.93) J ~ 0.376 0.479 ' 0.659 0.822 1.08 1.32 1.59 1.92 2.44 ' 2.90 Luu-111111 _ ! <?·3~8:0.432) (0.422-0.?53)~ (~.575_:~·7?9) (~:713:0.948( (0.920-1.2~) . (1.0~-1.53) . (1.29-1.87) (1.50-2.29) (1.81-2.98) l {2.07~3:63) ~ ~ 0.480 ' 0.604 0.791 0.962 1.24 1.48 1.77 2.11 2.64 3.13 1. """I . : (0.43o-o.5_4_3>. (0.538:0.685)' (0.703~0.894) (0.847-1.09) (1_.07-1.40) (1.26-1 .70) (1.46-2.0?> (1.69-2.48) (2.01-3.1~} ! (2.28-3.85), ~I 0.564 0.703 . 0.892 1.06 1.34 1.58 1.87 2.20 2.73 I 3.21 ' 1 ., ... 1 : (o.5o9-0.633)(0.636:o.792)~ (0.8o2-1.oo) (0.951-1.20) (1.17-1.51) (1.36-1.80) (1.57-2.15) (1.80-2.58) . (2.1 4-3.28): (2.42-3.93): ~ o.754 o.93o 1.15 1.34 1.63 1.87 2.14 2.44 :I 2.97 ! 3.44 i I u·rrl : (0.690-0.829) (0.849-1.03): (1.05-1.27) (1.21-1.49) {1.45-1.81) (1.65-2.09) (1.85-2.42) : (2.07-2.8~) '1. (~.45-3.48) J (2.76_:-4.11)! ·~ 0.960 1.18 1.45 1.68 2.01 2.28 2.57 2.87 3.35 i 3.73 . '[ IL"Irf 1 (0.883-1.05) (1.09-1.29) ' (1.33-1.59) (1.5~-1.84) (1.81-2.21) (?.03-2.52) (2._25-_2.87) (2.48-3.25) (2.81 -3.85) ! (3.06-4.37); I 24_hr !.1 1.18 1.46 1.77 2.04 2.42 2.71 3.02 3.34 3.78 : 4.12 (1.08-1.29) (1.33-1.60) (1.63-1.95) (1.87-2.24) (2.19-2.65) (2.45-2.97) (2.71-3.31) (2.98-3:67) (3.33-4: 16) j (3.61-4.56)' I _2-da_ Y .~ 1.34 1.65 2.00 2.29 2.70 3.02 3.36 3.71 4.18 j 4.55 , -(1.23-1.47). (1 :51:~ .81 )__ (1.83:2.1_9) (2.09-2.51) . (2.4_5:2.95) (2.73-3.31) (3.02-3.68) ' (3.31-4.07) : -(3.6~-4:61) ' (3.98-5.0~)-: .1 ___ 3-da. y _II 1.46 1.79 2.17 2.49 2.94 3.29 3.65 4.03 4.55 , 4.95 _ _ (1.33-1.60) , (1.64-1.97) .: (1.99-2.38) · (2.28-2.73) (2.67-3.21) (2.97-3.~9). (3.28:4.00) (3.59-4.42) (4:01 :5.00) I (4.33-5.46) ~ '~d : 1.58 1.94 2.35 2.70 3.18 3.56 3.95 4.36 4.91 i 5.35 : -ay I I 1 ' ' (1.45-1.73) (1.78-2.13) ' (2.15-2.58) (2.46-2.95): (2.88-3.46) (3.21<3:88) (3.55_-4.31 )_ . (3.88:4.76) (4.33-5.38) J (4:6_8-5:89) I ;_~~y 1,1·. 1.87 2.31 I 2.81 3.21 3.78 4.22 4.67 5.13 5.76 i 6.25 (1.71-2.07) (2.11-2.56) (2.5_5-3.10) (2.92-3.54) · (3.42-4.16} (3.79-4.64) (4.18-5.15) (4.57-5.67) (5 09-6.38) 1 (5 48-6.9~) 1 1o-_day !. (1 :9~:;_32) · (2:;~~2\7) _,. (2.83~:;48) (3.33~~3297) (3.8~_~4464) (4.~~51 17) (4.65~~5° 70) (5.05~~6924) , (5.:~~64~8) I (6.06~~7454) 1_2~-d~y-j (2.:;~;93) (3.;~~:.6!) (3.:;~4°34) (4.1~~4391) . (4.75~~1.66) (5.2~-~6221) (5.66~~62 76) (6.~6;~7\1) (6.:~~8402) ; _(6.:~~8°54): 1 30-day . 1 3.21 3.96 4.75 5.38 6.19 6.80 7.41 8.01 8.78 1 9.36 (2.96-3.50) (3.64-4.31) (4.37-5.16) (4.94-5.84) (5.68-6.72) (6.22-7.39) (6.76-8.06) (7.28-8.72) (7.92-9.58) .: (8.39-10.2)_' 1 4s-~ay : (3.63~~4629) _(4.~~5828) (5.35~~6\5) (5.96;~78oo) (6.:~~:.96) {7.38~~8\6) (79~-~9335) (8.:;~1~.0). (9.;~~1~.8)1 (9.:7~-1~.4)_· 1 60-day !, 4.66 5.73 6.75 7.52 8.49 9.18 9.83 10.4 11.2 1 11.7 (4.31-5.03) (5.30-6.18) (6.24-7.27) (6.95-8.10) (7.83-9.15) (8.45-9.88) (9:03-10.6) (9.57-11.3) (10.2-12.1) ' (10.7-12.7) 1 Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval} will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound} is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top PF graphical 1/9/2014 9:36 A:tv Precipitation Frequency Data Server http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds__printpage.html?lat=41 .6335&l. 2 of4 ~ .c a. QJ "0 c 0 ·.;::; ttl ... c.. u QJ ~ u QJ .... c.. 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 c c E ·~ .;, 0 .... 12 10 8 6 PDS-based depth-duration-frequency ( DDF) curves Coordinates: 41.6335, -112.3732 c c c .... .... .... .... .... >->->. >->-E E ·~ .c .c ..c -7 ..c ttl ttl ttl ttl ttl N "" oD N ~ "0 -o-o "0 "0 .;, 0 0 .... N ,~ ,.:. 0 ...... (Y) \D ...... Duration 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 Average recurrence interval (years) >->->.>-ttl ttl ttl ttl "0 "0 -o-o 0 0 LAO N (Y) v\0 500 1000 A'lerage recurrence onterval (years I 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 Durat1on 5-mon 10-mon 15-mon JO-mln 60-m1n 2-tu 3-tll 6·tll 12-tlr 24-hr -- 2-<Jay :-<Say 4-<Jay 7 -<lay 10-oay 20-ddy JO-Oay 45-oay 60-<Jay NOAAJNWS/OHD/HDSC Created (Gr-IT): Thu jan 9 16:40:14 2014 Twin Falls Burley _ C Ut}' l~ ~,_o_o_kr_n __ .,...-.J' J.,~ SOml Back to ToJ> Maps & aerials Small scale terrain D IO'-'t'.IVVt Q Pocatello Q , J J Map data il:>2014 Google, INEGI 1/9/2014 9:36AM Precipitation Frequency Data Server 3 of4 http:/ /hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds _printpage.html ?lat=4 1.633 5&1. Large scale terrain h: 1 2 krn ( J' J( )'} J ~-~-. ---'----, 'J 2ml ( / d ~r ~· 12 krn 2mi Large scale map z ~ Map data <tl20 14 Google (~ Map data ~2014 Google 119/2014 9:36AM Precipitation Frequency Data Server 4 of4 http:/ /hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds _printpage.htm I ?lat=41.633 5&1. Back to Top US Department of c_ommerce Nal!Qmll. O,;~n1c and Atmosoheru;; P.dmJru.S.tfiltiOn Nat1onal Weather Secv!ce ~~ Hydrologic Deve!QP._~Qt 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 Questions?: HDSCw~nS@_nQ<~a.gQv 119/2014 9:36AM Orbital ATK.) Appendix B Storm Water Management Plan ATK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised Apri12015 M-136 HYDRUS Modeling Infiltration Modeling at the M136 and M225 Areas of the ATK Promontory Facility Utilizing HYDRUS 1. Model development The finite-element model HYDRUS v4.14 was used to evaluate the potential for perchlorate to percolate from the surface to the groundwater table. This model, which is recommended by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency1 for use in these situations, is based on standard soil physics concepts and is capable of modeling both flow and contaminant transport in the unsaturated zone. Version 4.14 of this public domain model was used, as downloaded from the Internet at http://www.pc- proqress.com/en/Default.aspx?h 1 d-downloads . 1.1 Rainfall infiltration model To increase the conservative nature of this estimate, it was assumed that all contaminants would travel at the same rate as water (i.e., no retardation of contaminants would occur). Under this assumption, only moisture flow was modeled. According to well logs from D-4 and D-6, the native soils in the area M-136 consist predominantly of sandy gravel. Groundwater occurs in the area at a depth of 228-272 feet. To simplify the simulations, a 20-meter thick unsaturated zone was assumed. The water table was assumed to be present below the bottom of 228 feet depth. The initial moisture profile was taken to be in equilibrium with the initial ground water level at 228 feet. The soil was modeled using a van Genuchten-Mualem single porosity model. As a conservative measure, hysteresis in the moisture response curve was ignored. A bottom boundary condition of deep drainage was assumed as the vertical drainage flux depended on the position of groundwater level. For the M-225 area, well log X-4 indicates that the native soils consist predominantly of silty sand from the ground surface to 70 feet. Groundwater occurs in the area at a depth of 607 feet. As used in the model for M-136, a 20-meter thick unsaturated zone was simulated for moisture infiltration. The ground water table was assumed to be present at a depth of 607 feet. The initial moisture profile was taken to be in equilibrium with the initial ground water level at 607 feet. Other options for soil structure and groundwater boundaries were the same as the M-136 model. A 25-year rainfall was modeled that consisted of a 24-hour event with a total rainfall depth of 2.4 inches during the storm. The 24-hour event rainfall event was followed by 364 days of infiltration (i.e., a model period of 365 days). Evapotranspiration was ignored both during the rainfall event as well as for the 365-day modeling period after the rainfall event, thereby resulting in a very conservative estimate of the depth to which rainfall would percolate in the soil profile. 1 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1996. Soil Screening Guidance: Technical Background Document. EPN540/R-95/128. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. Washington, D.C. In summary, assumed conditions were as follows: (1) 20 m unsaturated soil profile; (2) 365 days of modeled duration; (3) van Genuchten-Mualem single porosity model without hysteresis; (4) Soil type is sand; (5) Atmospheric boundary condition allowing for overland flow applied for upper boundary condition (see the above discussion); (6) Deep drainage at bottom boundary condition; (7) Initial moisture profile to be in equilibrium with the groundwater level. 1.2 Perchlorate penetration model Most literature observations suggest that the perchlorate ion may not be sorbed to soils due to its thermodynamic stability. To increase the conservative assumptions concerning the penetration depth of perchlorate from surface, it was assumed no absorption occurred between perchlorate and soil particles. Both chemical nonequilibrium and physical nonequilibrium can cause a large retardation of contaminants moving from the source zone, so that it takes a longer time to remove the contaminant from the source zone by infiltration. However, this study is focused on the penetration front. These two options do not have an effect on the penetration depth, so they were not considered in the model. The default setting for, soil bulk density was set to 1.65 g/cm3 and longitudinal dispersivity was set at 10 em. No change was made for flow computation. 2.0 Model results The result of the modeling effort is presented in the attached figures. Each figure contains two lines that depict the predicted depth of the wetting front after 1 day of rain and on the other figure after 365 days. These results are discussed below. Under the extreme condition of rainfall scenario with constant seepage through sandy soil followed by 368 days of infiltration without evapotranspiration, it is predicted that the wetting front will attain a maximum depth of 4.4 meters (about 14.44 feet) in the M-136 area. With a depth to groundwater of at least 228 feet, it is predicted that water infiltrating through the contaminated soil will not reach the water table. Due to finer sand in the M-225 area, the wetting front will only go to a maximum depth of 1.4 meters (about 4.6 feet). Compared to the groundwater depth at 607 feet, the model result shows that the contaminant at the ground surface could not reach to the ground water due to the 25-year storm event. Since the moisture will not reach the water table, neither will residual contaminants. In reality, water will percolate even less than predicted, since evapotranspiration will consume the vast majority of the moisture in the unsaturated zone. The conclusion is also proved by perchlorate transport models. The minimum concentration of perchlorate is predicted as 2.586x 1 o-7 j..Jg/L at the depth of 1.6 meter (about 5.25 feet) in M-225 area and no perchlorate can reach below that depth. At the same time, the minimum concentration of perchlorate is computed at 3.857x10-9 j..Jg/L at a depth of 4.6 meter (about 15.1 feet) in M-136 area. Hence, no significant potential exists for the soil-to-groundwater pathway to be complete at the two modeled areas under these conditions. Figures HYDRUS printout Figure 1. Profile information of soil moisture at the end of rain day and 365 days in M-136 0 +--,-------+----------~--------~----------4----------+----------+----------~------·~ E' ~ -200 -400 -600 -BOO £ -1000 15.. Q) 0 -1200 -1400 -1600 -1800 ·------ At the end of rain day 365 days -2000 +-~-------+----------~--------~---------4----------+-----------+--------·--r---------~ 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 Water Content[-] 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20 Figure 2. Profile information of soil moisture at the end of rain day and 365 days in M-225 0+-----------~+-------------+-------------+--------------... ~--.---------~~~--~--------~ E' £. -200 -400 -600 -800 ..c -1000 Q_ Q) 0 -1200 -1400 -1600 -1800 - At the end of rain day 365 days -2000 +-------------~------------r-------------~------------~------------~----------~ 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 Water Content[-] 0.20 0.25 0.30 Figure 3. Profile information of Perchlorate concentration at the end of rain day and 365 days in M-136 0 +-------~---------+--------~--------+-------~-----.--~A~tt=here=n~do=.f.=rn=in~da~y-.. ~.~~~~.~_=+~------~ 'E .2.. -200 -400 -600 -800 ..c. -1000 0. ~ -1200 -1400 -1600 -1800 365 days -2000 +-------~---------+--------~--------+-------~~-------+--------~--------+-------~ 0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 Perchlorate Concentration [ug/cm3] Figure 4. Profile information of Perchlorate concentration at the end of rain day and 365 days in M-225 'E ..2. 0 +-----------~-----------r-----------+----~~~~~=---------+---~==~==4-----------~ _At th,~"E!Il!l.:.l?!raln .day_-_ _ 200 365 days -400 -600 -800 .J::. -1000 15.. Q) 0 -1200 -1400 -1600 -1800 -2000 +-----------,_-----------r-----------+----------~r-----------+-----------~----------~ 0 50 1 00 150 200 250 300 350 Perchlorate Concentration [ug/cm3] )> "0 "0 CD ~ c. )(" 0 Orbital AT«/> Appendix C Storm Water Management Plan ATK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April 2015 Additional M-136 HYDRUS Modeling and HYDRUS Modeling in Fractured Bedrock Research May 8, 2013 Mr. Paul Hancock A TK Space Launch Systems PO Box 707 Brigham City, Utah 84302-0707 Subject: Potential for continued leaching of perchlorate from the surface to groundwater at M -13 6 Dear Paul: -------_.. ..... FI'-"'W r1 ,, • • ~~J .::-.:.. Earth Fax EarthFax Engineering, Inc. Engineers/Scientists 7324 So. Union Park Ave. Suite!OO Midvale, Utah 84047 Telephone 801-561-1555 Fax 801-561-1861 www.earthtax.com Pursuant to your request, we have evaluated the potential for continued leaching of perchlorate from the surface to groundwater at the M-136 burning ground. Our investigation involved modeling of flow in the unsaturated zone and an assessment of perchlorate concentration trends in groundwater at M-136. The results of this evaluation are presented below. HYDRUS Modeling We modeled flow in the unsaturated zone using the one-dimensional, finite-element model HYDRUS. In this model, we assumed that the underlying bedrock could be modeled as a continuous layer of either silt, loam, or sand. We did not model that portion of the site that has a clay cap, since those results would be more conservative than the remaining models. Under each of the modeled soil conditions, we assumed that the site would be subjected to rainfall for 60 days from each ofthe following events: • 50-year, 60-day event: • 1 00-year, 60-day event: • 1 000-year, 60-day event: 8.80 inches 9.44 inches 11.3 inches We obtained the appropriate precipitation amounts from the online National Weather Service Hydrometeorological Design Studies Center Precipitation Frequency Data Server for Utah (http://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds map cont.html?bkmrk=ut). We assumed that precipitation would fall at a constant rate during the 60-day period and modeled the advance of the wetting front for a period of 1 year thereafter. The minimum depth to groundwater at M-136 is approximately 230 feet (70.1 m), which depth was set as the lower limit of the HYDRUS model. The results ofthis modeling effort are presented in Attachment A and summarized in Table 1. As indicated, the maximum depth of the wetting front under the modeled conditions is 12.6 m (41.3 ft) under both the silt and sand assumptions one year after the beginning of the 1000-year, 60-day precipitation event. The maximum depth of moisture change (indicating some water movement in the unsaturated zone) is 19.6 m (64.3 ft) under the silt assumption one year after the beginning of the 1 000-year, 60-day precipitation event. With a minimum depth to groundwater at the site of230 feet, it is reasonable to conclude that leaching of perchlorate from the surface to groundwater at M-136 is not currently occurring. Paul Hancock May 31,2013 Page 2 Trends in Perchlorate Concentrations Groundwater samples are periodically collected by your staff from monitoring wells installed at the M-136 burning ground. Trends in perchlorate concentrations at those monitoring wells were evaluated using Sen's slope estimator, a method that selects the median slope among all lines through pairs of sample points. In this case, the samples pairs consisted of perchlorate concentration versus time. The resulting Sen's slope evaluation is presented in Attachment B. These data indicate that concentrations of perchlorate in groundwater are generally decreasing (wells C-2, D-2, and D-6) or not statistically trending (wells A-5, A-6, and D-5) in wells that are upgradient or cross gradient from the majority ofthe burning ground. Wells that are immediately downgradient from the burning ground (C-1 and D-4) are exhibiting increasing trends in perchlorate concentrations. With particular reference to data collected from wells D-6 and C-1, these data suggest that perchlorate is moving through the area as a slug. At D-6, perchlorate concentrations have generally decreased from a range of about 120,000 to 140,000 ug/L to a range of about 40,000 to 80,000 ug/L during the period of October 2007 through October 2012. During the period of May 2000 through October 2012, concentrations at C-1 (located about 500 feet downgradient from D- 6) have increased from a range of about 5,000 to 10,000 ug/L to a range of about 20,000 to 25,000 ug/L. In the past, perchlorate-contaminated water was disposed of at the burning ground. During the time that this water remained in surface sumps prior to burning, it infiltrated the underlying fractured bedrock and impacted the groundwater. However, disposal of contaminated water at the burning ground was ceased several years ago. Thus, the above-noted data (together with the HYDRUS model results presented above) indicate that groundwater has not received any direct inputs of perchlorate during the period of evaluation. It is therefore reasonable to conclude from the groundwater monitoring data that perchlorate is migrating beneath the burning ground as a slug of contamination rather than through the input of additional perchlorate from the surface. Please feel free to contact me or Kris Blauer of our office if you have any questions. Sincerely, Richard B. White, P.E. President Attachments Paul Hancock May 31, 2013 Page 3 Modeled Structure Silt Loam Sand TABLE 1 Summary ofM-136 HYDRUS Model 60-Day Precipitation Percolation Depth After 1 Year Return Period Amount Wetting Front Moisture Change (yr) (in) (m) (m) 50 8.80 11.2 18.2 100 9.44 11.9 18.2 1000 11.3 12.6 19.6 50 8.80 11.2 15.4 100 9.44 11.2 16.1 1000 11.3 11.9 16.8 50 8.80 10.5 11.9 100 9.44 11.2 12.6 1000 11.3 12.6 14.0 ATTACHMENT A HYDRUS Model Results 0.35 -10 -1010 -2010 --3010 E ~ .s:: Q. Q) 0 -4010 -5010 -6010 -7010 ,--- r-- 1--· -- ~ ..... Figure 1. Water content change with depth at different time periods (Silt; 50-yr, 60-day storm event} 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.4 - ------~ ~ 0.41 0.42 ---____., -- -- ·-··-------- -----·--------·- ·----·--- ~DayO ~ ---.-After 60 days -tr-After 1 year -··--- Water content (theta) -E ~ .c Q. 0.35 0.36 Figure 2. Water content change with depth at different time periods (Silt; 1 00-yr, 60-day storm event) 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.4 0.41 0.42 0.43 -10 +-~~----~-------+--------~--------~--------~------~------~~~+-------~ ~ --~~ -1010 1--------et---------------=::....:;Q,___ __ ·------------·--------------------·-------1 __._ ~ ~ ~·___........ -2010 ·---- -3010 -'---- ~ -4010 +---lii---------------------------- -5010 +---l~-------------------------·-----------r::::,:O_d_a-ys ____ 1- , ----.-After 1 year -6010 ~-------------------------------·------------------- -7010 L_~~---------------------------------------------------------------------J Water content (theta) E .£- ..c: .... c.. Cl) c 0.35 -10 -1010 -2010 - -3010 -4010 -5010 -6010 -7010 ~ ~ ··- ~ - - 0.36 Figure 3. Water content change with depth at different time periods (Silt; 1 000-yr, 60-day storm event) 0.37 0.38 0.39 0.4 0.41 ... - ~ ------- ·-·---- ------· --- 0.42 ~ --------·-.. -----·----- .. -~-·---- -+-Day 0 - {-_ ------After 60 days --.-After 1 year -- Water content (theta) 0.43 -- --- } 0 Figure 4. Water content change with depth at different time periods (Loam; 50-yr, 60-day storm event) 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 -10 +---------~~---------+----------~----------,_--------~+---------~r-~~~----~ ---1\.P_.f-_-____ -_:-~~~~--------~ -1010 +---------- -2010 ----···----------- --3010 ---------------- E -----------·--------------·---- ~ ..c: ..... c. Cl) Cl -4010 ------- -5010 ----------------------------------f------ --+-Day 0 -·------After 60 days --~~s;--After 1 year '---------------- -6010 +-------------------------------------f-----------------1 -7010 Water content (theta) E E. .t: -Q. 0 0.05 Figure 5. Water content change with depth at different time periods (Loam; 1 00-yr, 60-day storm event) 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 -10 +---------~--------~--------~---------+------~~----------~~~-~----~ -1010 -t-------K -2010 -----------·--··------------£1------------·- -3010 +--------·--------···---------- ~ -4010 -t--------------·---------------·--- -·--··---·----., -5010 +---------------------------·-----·---·---111-~DayO - -After 60 days -..-After 1 year -6010 +---------------------·-·----------~----------·-------j -7010 ~---------------------------------------------------~----------------------~ Water content (theta) E ~ .c ~ Q) Figure 6. Water content change with depth at different time periods (Loam; 1000-yr, 60-day storm event) 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 -10 ~--------~--------~------~-----------~---------~~---------------+-----~1~--~ K v-------1010 ----·----------- -2010 -····------------------------------------11-------------·---··----1 -3010 ~-------- Cl -4010 +-------------------·--- -5010 -1--------------------------·------------I--G -· -+-Day 0 --fill-After 60 days --..--After 1 year -- -6010 f---·-----------------------·----·---------11---·-------- -7010 L------------------------------------------------------4._ _________________ ~ Water content (theta) 0 Figure 7. Water content change with depth at different time periods {Sand; 50-yr, 60-day storm event) 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 -10~------+-------+---~=~~-------+------~~-~--~------~ -~ ~~ -2010 1--------··--------------J------------------· ------------------------- --3010 +---------------------llft----- E -----------·----------·-------- ~ £i c. Q) 0 -4010 1-----------------------u------------------------------------------1 -5010 1-----------------------f<l----------------- ·------ [ -=.--~::r060 days ---l!r-After 1 year -6010 +----------------------filii----·-------------------- -7010 Water content (theta) E ~ .r:. c. 0 0.02 Figure 8. Water content change with depth at different time periods (Sand; 100-yr, 60-day storm event) 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 -10 +-----------~--------~----~~~~-----------+-----------r--~~~----~----------~ ~- -1010 ----------- -2010 ------------------------------------------- -3010 -1------------------------------------------------ ~ -4010 --------------------lfl----------------------·---------------------- ,---------------- -5010 ---------·-----------u---------+----Day 0 -a-After 60 days -t-After 1 year '---·----~-- -6010 -------------------------- -7010 ~---------------------------&---------------------------------------------------~ Water content (theta) E ~ ..c ~ Q) 0 Figure 9. Water content change with depth at different time periods (Sand; 1000-yr, 60-day storm event) 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 -10 +---------+---------~---ft-=~~--------~--------~--~0~~~.-r--------~ ~ -1010 +--------------------------~ ---·------------·----··-----~~ -2010 +----·--------------; f------------------·------·- -3010 +-------·--------0-·· ·-------------------------- 0 -4010 f-------------------------·-·----------------------------.j -+-Day 0 -5010 ~----------------n------------------m-After 60 days ~After 1 year ·------- -6010 ~------ -7010 L----------------------~~----------------------------------------~ Water content (theta) ATTACHMENT B Results of Sen's Slope Estimator Evaluation HAZARDOUS A-9 s s A-3 WASTE ! _ ___:.: __ AREA LEGEND S MONITORING WELL M-136 s A-4 ~-5 s C-3 s A-8 s ~ EaiiAix ----~~~-~ Sample Date 412612000 9/20/2000 Concentration (mgll ) Groundwater Levels A-5 Perchlorate Sen's Slope" No Trend ·------- 4/1912001 10/16/2001 ----511312002 912512002 4/30/2003 ---~ 511012004 5/3/2005 518/2006 91612007 10118/2007 11/15/2007 6113/2006 ----9/2412008 6/22/2009 6128/2011 61712012 ____ ._. __ _ 10/3012012 2300 4291.46 3100 3800 3790 4180 4160 4780 6210 4360 3830 4720 3340 3290 2210 2310 2500 4291.21 4290.76 4290.22 4290 03 4289.75 4289.58 4289 03 4290.26 4291.21 429396 4293.96 4293.96 4292.91 4292.45 4292.03 4291.9 --------------- Sample Concentration Groundwater Date (!1.9/L) Levels ----·---9/27/2000 22000 4292.67 ----·---·------·· 4/26/2001 21000 4292.17 -----~ 10/18/2001 17000 4291 .94 5/15/2002 15000 4291.39 ------·--·~--···~~·~~·~ 4/2812003 13000 4291.48 ---" 5/12/2004 15500 4290.51 ------~~~-~~~-----~~• 5!312005 11800 4291.6 ----5/8/2006 32700 4295.08 ------10/8/2008 23100 4294.26 10/25/2011 21000 • -" -------- • • • •• -------•-- •• ,_ . ·f''it'l l.l i i ll l o,\~ ~~~ ~,'~ .. r "f ~li' ... ~\ ......... i · .;~· ~:" S;mp~Oilt: A-6 Perchlorate Sen's Slope· No Trend iDX , • ~""" -------~-------------_-_--t "" ~ ----------~ -~ :~»: ~ :: " c ::.:.x 8 " ~ !~X.: 0 ~ . .--• ---- --" ---.-- ---I ~" • • t • • Q.. ;.::« ~-------------------------+: 4:~.) ------"" _,;,_ ._, Sample Concentration Groundwater 1 C-1 Perchlorate Date (m~) Levels 511012000 6050 4290.01 9/19/2000 7800 4289.83 ·------------~~----------· 4/2412001 7300 ~---------------10/1512001 6430 5/15/2002 5770 4/30/2003 5/1212004 I 4/13/2005 4930 4670 6340 4289.17 4288.72 ____ , __ 4288.33 4288.22 4287.46 4288.41 6/14/2006 4293.76 .. 1011612007 ' 11800 14900 4293.18 4292.34 ' 11/15/2007 --14700 4292.34 ·----~--------6/16/2008 14900 4291.57 9123/2008 13800 4291.08 ----10/1412008 12600 4291.08 · 6116/2oo9r -195oo --429o:G3- ~-------· --------·-· ~ ---612812011 26300 9129/1911 ·--·-· 10127/2011 20800 ---------------------5130/2012 21500 ---·------10/30/2012 20600 4290.32 --------~~----- L__ Sample Date Concentration (m~) Groundwater Level , C-2 Perchlorate (fi) ·-----------5/11/2000 9/2512000 ---~-·-· 412412001 1012512001 5113/2002 9/2612002 ·----4/2812003 5/1012004 300 500 400 397 361 371 392 103 51312005 462 -------~---~-51812006 278 7/1912007 72 10/1812007 50 1111512007 44 6i131200B--20 9/2312006 6/1912009 38 64 6!28120 11 93 61712012 93 1013012012 84 4291 4290 4290 4289 4289 < ~ ;:: 4290 4288 4289 4293 4294 c ;:: I 5 ------~--v 4293 ~ 4291 4292 0 :E ~ Sen's Slope -Increasing Trend • .l ,,.fJ ·"I' l ll' ll if .l ''""£,"" "l. ~--.· .. \\> -.~" ' .. ~\..... ,,\':" V" "'(> ...... ~··" ,., ... -..$'! \ll\'' .;.• ,f!,..- iln;rli:uate Sen's Slope-Decreasing Trend e C:~~tU')::t,~ k ____ -------~~~.en -s~:: l:t'"''te • . .:.;:: • • • •.4!1 ·.:.::: Sample Date Concentration (ug!L) Groundwater Level --------------I 711912007 1260 4295.32 10/18/2007 ·---··-11112/2007 5110/2008 ---- 6/12/2008 9/12/2008 6/16/2009 6/28/2011 10/25/2011 61712012 235 888 706 588 4294.27 4294.27 429154 4293.54 476 4293.2 387 4292.9 731 4291.86 411 -L ~~~ 662 4292.27 Sample Date 07131/2007 10/15/2007 Concentration (mg/L) Groundwater Level 10/07/2008 ·----·· 108000 112000 115000 5/13/2009 124000 612/2010 135000 12/112010 130000 ----·----~-- 7/7/2011 150000 ·-----·-10/25/2011 139000 -----· 5/30/2012 149000 ~--·----10/30/20t2 157000 4297.43 4297.06 4295.19 4294.69 4293.44 4293.25 4294.65 -·---- 4294.45 D-2 Perchlorate 0 :2 jo))j -·---- • 0 - l ,:"' ~"'' ·' ,, D-4 Perchlorate • ,, \ ... ,~r::-,, Sen's Slope-No Trend --------------· '"' • --·-• ·""' ,·--""' I i•t l # ~.:':'' .'\c.'' .s-if"' ~· ,,~ ., ~·" .f: .;l " .. ' i~mp!oc (l.;lc Sen's stope-Increasing Trend .;:c:: ·----·----------------''" .ex: -~ >OOOC: • 0 0 ,. ln::---- o . 0 0 u . . :. ~ • 0. i;.x:--- :::x:. . .-' -~· ,, '\'• :Y ,< -------------,,,,, -·------·----------------..J --------------· "" .l .. ;~·,# _, .. ... ~ ... ' GflliUb·l~d.etl I (/;;IICutlltiOI!II;l -Su:f;1il.tttc -95'.UIIflb- -9S'•<.uf.lld Sample Date Concentration (mgiL) Groundwater Level , D-5 Perchlorate ------10115/2007 174000 4296.01 -----1010712008 206000 4294 02 511312009 162000 4293.48 ------612/2010 200000 4292.51 -----12/112010 168000 10/111911 -6/2812011 155000 4293 21 • ------10/2512011 244000 ------5130/2012 181000 1013012012 162000 4293.16 ----- ,¥ ! ~-<' ,,, , .. ,, Sample Date Concentration (mg!L) Groundwater Level D-6 Perchlorate --------·----· 10/1612007 128000 4294.83 ----12/11/2007 135000 4293.65 -----3/1012008 129000 4292.69 ___ ., 6112/2008 112000 4292.69 912412008 108000 4292.35 ---------511412009 91600 429184 ----------~~--------8/2312010 73400 429128 ---------·-----612812011 124000 429197 ----·~--------1012512011 104000 5130/2012 67600 10130/2012 41400 4291.72 • .,"·'~ -------·-----------·------ Sen's Slope-No Trend • • -·------- ~---- ,. ,, ,, ~-f"' ~"''' ~··S~ ~~ ·' ,~· .. ~~ l .,,. Slm~tDll~ Sen's Slope Decreasing -----------. , .. ~.-r • ,,,1'' May 8, 2013 Mr. Paul Hancock A TK Space Launch Systems PO Box 707 Brigham City, Utah 84302-0707 Subject: Appropriateness of HYDRUS to model flow in the unsaturated zone at M 13 6 Dear Paul: ----_.,_ ........ ....... ,. ,, ,, • • l'-1~ ...... ~:A Earth Fax EarthFax Engineering, Inc. Engineers jSc1en tists 7324 So. Union Park Ave. SUlte!OO Midvale. Utah 84047 Telephone 801-561-1555 Fax BOl-56l-lB6l www.earthiax com In comments received from the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, the agency has raised a concern regarding the appropriateness of using HYDRUS to model flow in the unsaturated zone at the M136 burning grounds at ATK's Promontory facility. In particular, the agency raised the concern of whether or not HYDRUS (which models flow in unsaturated soil) would be applicable in an area of fractured bedrock. The purpose of this letter is to address that concern. With respect to flow in unsaturated, fractured media, Preuss and Wang 1 refer to the "role reversal between fractures and matrix." These authors point out that "although the saturated permeability ofthe rock matrix is several orders of magnitude smaller than the saturated permeability ofthe fractures, it is likely that during desaturation, the effective permeability of fractures will become smaller than that of the matrix. An interesting consequence of this role reversal between fractures and matrix in transporting liquid is that water will tend to flow across the fractures at asperity contacts from one matrix block to another instead of flowing along the fractures. The flow lines may be expected to circumvent drained portions of the fractures .... The flow lines bypass the drained portions of the fractures, going from one matrix block to another normal to the fracture planes." This occurs due to the fact that the suction pressure (or capillarity) of the matrix is more negative than that of the fracture. As a result, the water cannot enter the fracture, effectively causing the fracture to serve as a barrier to flow in the unsaturated zone rather than a conduit of flow. Since the opposite condition occurs in the saturated zone, this may seem counterintuitive (and therefore has been termed as a "role reversal" by Preuss and Wang). This fact of soil physics is the reason that capillary breaks have been used to successfully isolate fine- grained waste from its overlying cover soil in some waste-isolation designs. Air also serves to block the flow of liquid in an unsaturated fracture. According to Preuss and Wang, "within a partially saturated fracture, the remaining water is held in sections with small apertures near the contacts, and the liquid phase may be surrounded by air. The presence of a relatively continuous air phase produces an almost infinite resistance to liquid flow parallel to the 1 Preuss, K. and J .S. Y. Wang. 2001. Numerical Modeling of Isothermal and Non isothermal Flow in Unsaturated Fractured Rock: A Review. pp. 19-32 in Flow and Transport Through Unsaturated Rock, Second Edition. Geophysical Monograph 42. American Geophysical Union. Washington, D.C. Paul Hancock May 8, 2013 Page 2 fracture plane. Therefore, as the fracture begins to desaturate, its effective permeability declines abruptly by many orders of magnitude as the pressure head decreases." It could be argued that the conservative assumptions ofthe M136 HYDRUS model (a 25-year, 24-hour precipitation event without the benefit of evaporation) would result in ponding that would cause the fractures to become saturated, thereby negating the "role reversal" ofthe unsaturated zone. However, citing Travis et al.,2 Preuss and Wang point out that under conditions of intense infiltration events, "slugs of water injected into fractures will penetrate into the [bedrock] only over short distances before being sucked into the matrix." Citing modeling work performed by Wang and Narasimhan3 in a fractured, unsaturated tuff, Preuss and Wang noted that "fluid flow in the fractured tuff column was nearly identical to simulation results for the same column without taking the fractures into account. As soon as the fractures are drained, the transport of fluid will be through the matrix and will be controlled by the characteristic curves of the matrix. At a given elevation, the pressure values in the fractures are nearly equal to the pressure values inside the matrix blocks. If the fracture pressures are the same as the matrix pressures, there is no need to model separately the fractures and the matrix." Given these factors, it is my opinion that the HYDRUS model adequately simulates flow in the unsaturated zone at Ml36. In fact, these factors point to the added conservativeness ofthe predictions made using HYDRUS. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this information. Sincerely, Richard B. White, P.E. President EarthFax Engineering, Inc. 2 Travis, B.J., S.W. Hodson, H.E. Nuttall, T.L. Cook, and R.S. Rundberg. 1984. Numerical Simulation of Flow ad Transport in Fractured Tuff. Materials Research Society, Symposium Proceedings. 26: I 039- 1047. Elsevier. New York. 3 Wang, J.S.Y. and T.N. Narasimhan. 1985. Hydrologic Mechanisms Governing Fluid Flow in a Partially Saturated, Fractured, Porous Medium. Water Resources Research. 21 ( 12): 1861-1874. ,.. "C "C CD ::::s c. )(' 0 Orbital AT'fl> Appendix D Storm Water Management Plan ATK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April2015 M-136 Well Perchlorate Concentrations Statistical Trends Orbital AT'tl> Storm Water Management Plan A TK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April 2015 C-1 Perchlorate Sen's Slope-Increasing Trend e Concentration (ug/l) 30000 --Sen's Estim.ate -95% Coni. Max 25000 20000 c 0 ~ c 15000 1J c 0 u ~ 10000 .2 .c ~ .. Q. • 5000 0 -·-# # ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ # # v v y ~ ~ ~ //~~////~~~f#~'l~~~~~/// Sample Date A-5 Perchlorate Groundwater Level Sen's Slope-No Trend 9S%Conf. Min. -Sen'sEstimate -95%Conf. Max -95%Conf.Min. 10000 4295 • 9000 4294 8000 4293 c 7000 0 -~ c 6000 g 4292 Qj > !l .. "' c 4291 .. 1;j 8 5000 .!l I! 4000 .!l .c • • " ., 4290 c " !:! ---·---!!) ~ • .. 3000 Q. • 4289 _._ .. • • • 4288 • • 2000 1000 4287 0 4286 r5> r5> ~., rS>" ~" &" &~ # .,~ .,.. ~ ~ <»' &> r!J> <!'> y ~.,, ~.,, ·"' ~~ ~//~#~,~###/#////~/// bo ~ 1), ~<;) " C) 1), " ....,.... '\.'Y -, -..; Sample Date Orbital AT~ D-5 Perchlorate 300000 250000 200000 • c 0 ·~ 150000 c ~ c 0 u .. ~ 100000 0 :c ~ .. 0. 50000 D-6 Perchlorate 160000 140000 120000 100000 c 0 -~ 80000 c .. " c 0 u .. 60000 ~ 0 :c ~ 40000 ~ .. 0. 20000 Sen's Slope-No Trend • ·~ -~ Sample Date Sen's Slope-Decreasing Sample Date Storm Water Management Plan ATK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April2015 y' 3723 3:.:. 205233 e Concentration (uBfl) -Sen's Estimate -95% Conf. Max -95%Conf. Min. I ~~l I • Concentration {ug/l) I I -Sen's Estimate -95% Conf. Max -95%Conf. Min. y · .S371x 1-155511 -•- Orbital AT'[/> ,---- C-2 Perchlorate 600 500 400 • • c • 0 -~ c 300 • :!: c 8 .. i! 200 0 :;: ~ .. Q. 100 0 Sen's Slope-Decreasing Trend • -,~ .,~ '~, --...~ • • Storm Water Management Plan A TK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April 2015 ----------------, • Concentration {ug/l) -Sen's Estimate -95% Cont. Max -9S%Conf.Min. • • • '{ U./31"11.• ')J~ 4r • ########~~~~~~~~~~~~ //~~~~~~~~~~~~#~#~~~ Sample Date f-----~---------- D-4 Perchlorate c 0 180000 160000 140000 12.0000 ·~ 100000 g c :!: 8 .. i! 0 :;: ~ ~ 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 --- ,,-s>' ,~~ ~' .s>' ~.;:; ~~~ ' ,,-s>"' ,~' ~~ Sen's Slope-Increasing Trend ,,_~-s> ,~ ,~ ~\'\o""'" ~"'c...,....., '"' ,,~ ,,~ ""~ '-J, .... ,.., ~''"' §• ,I ,,~ ~<::P ~ ~~ Sample Date y=-4326h .. l12866 ' 1':5 • Concentration (ug/l) -Sen's Estimate -95% Conf. Max -95%Conf. Min. ~0...,'\ ,;? ""~ ~~~ ~o\...,ro ~"' / )> "0 "0 CD :I Q. ;c· m Orbital AT'fl> Appendix E Storm Water Management Plan A TK Launch Systems Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Facilities Revised April 2015 M-136 Refined Groundwater Modeling M-136 Groundwater Modeling At the request Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, ATK tasked EarthFax Engineering to complete a refined modeling effort at the M-136 (burning grounds) area of the Promontory Utah facility. The request was for additional groundwater modeling predictions at the M-136 site. The existing model grid at the Promontory facility was set at a uniform spacing of200 ft by 200ft. This refined modeling included reducing the grid spacing in the M-136 area only to 25 feet by 25 feet. The intent of this change in grid spacing was to gain a more accurate portrayal of groundwater movement within the burning grounds and specifically between wells. The M-136 area is approximately 1,000 feet by 1,200 feet and would be covered by approximately 30 grids. The new grid spacing would put approximately 478 x 497 grid cells in the M-136 area. Grid spacing is shown on the attached Figure 1. The calibration goal for the refined model was to achieve similar results as the original model. In the original site model, the maximum acceptable Mean Average Error (MAE) was defined to be 10 feet. The maximum acceptable Root Mean Squared (RMS) goal was to be less than 5 ft. Both of these criteria were met. The Normalized Root Mean Squared value was higher than the target of 5%. This was caused by modeling the perched aquifer with the regional aquifer and it presented some challenges trying to achieve model convergence during calibration. Calculated vs. Observed Head for the model is shown in Figure 2. Figures 3 and 4 show calculated vs. observed concentrations of perchlorate and TCE. Following calibration of the tighter grid spacing at M-136, the model was allowed to run to determine a travel time from well D-5 to well D-4. At 100 days, the particles start to move from the D-5 region. At 390 days, they reach D-4. So the travel time is about 290 days from D-5 to D-4. Similarly, the water particles at D-6 begin to move at 290 days into the simulation. They quickly travel through the fractures toward C-1 and can reach there at 460 days. (The tracking particles would presumably not actually pass through well C-1 because fractures in the limestone would intercept the flow). The final particle track shows no particles at C-1. The travel time ATK Launch Systems Promontory UT M-136 Model Summary should be around 170 days. A particle track exercise was undertaken with the model to show flow paths in the M-136 area. The attached map shows the particle track for particles from the two aforementioned areas only with an overlay ofthe 2012 water surface showing flow paths. A TK Launch Systems Promontory UT M-136 Model Summary A TK Launch Systems Promontory UT FIGURE 1 M-136 Model Summary Calculated vs. Observed Head: Steady state • - ,· / • / / / - / // / ' / / / / I -4 .4351838E14 9.55648162E15 Observed Head (ft) Max. Residual: 2 .217592E16 (ft) at F -4!1 Min. Residual: 0.256 (ft) at EVV-511 Residual Mean : 3.400547E14 (ft) Abs. Residual Mean : 3.400547E14 (ft) / FIGURE 2 ATK Launch Systems Promontory UT • Layer #1 • Layer #2 a Layer #3 fi' v Layer #4 ' -*--95% confidence interval ----95% interval /; I 1 .95564816E16 Num. of Data Points : 97 standard Error of the Estimate : 2.532854E14 (ft) Root Mean Squared: 2.50487E1 5 (ft) Normalized RMS : 7 .2941 09E14 ( % ) Correlation Coefficient : -0.076 M-136 Model Summary Calculated vs. Observed Concentration: Time= 18980 days " //~ ~// ~// ,.," ·~· ' . --~--------------, Layer #2 : Conc001 • Layer #3 : Conc001 A Layer #4 : Conc001 95% confidence interval 95% interval -4.2 95.8 195.8 Observed Concentration (mg!l) Max. Residual: -16.144 (mgll) etA-S/CONCENTRATION Min. Residual: 0 (mgll) et FISH SPRING/A Residual Mean : -0.348 (mg!l) Abs. Residual Mean : 1 .546 (mg!L) ATK Launch Systems Promontory UT FIGURE 3 Num. of Deta Points : 84 Standard Error of the Estimate: 0.415 (mg!L) Root Mean Squared: 3.799 (mg!l) Normalized RMS : 1 .844 ( % ) Correlation Coefficient : 0.992 M-136 Model Summary Calculated vs. Observed Concentration : Time= 18980 days -0.42 9.58 Observed Concentration (mg!l) Max. Residual: 3.853 (mg!l) at A-2/A Min. Residual: 0 (mg!l) at M-63681/A Residual Mean : 0.031 (mg!l) Abs. Residual Mean : 0.394 (mg!l) ATK Launch Systems Promontory UT Figure 4 / / ;!' --~--------------, Layer #2 : Conc001 • Layer #3 : Conc001 8. Layer #4 : Conc001 95% confidence interval 95% interval 19.58 Num. of Data Points : 84 standard Error of the Estimate : 0.09 (mg!l) Root Mean Squared: 0.817 (mg!l) Normalized RMS: 6.333 (%) Correlation Coefficient : 0.905 M-136 Model Summary ------!-1--. • c -8 o· 6 . 293 POTENTIOM FIGURE 5 -I> fl.) .,_() fl.) "' EL PARTICLE TRACK A-3 • A D-1· • •B-9 -4 • C-4 B-10 • B-1