HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2015-002570 - 0901a068804f020aL/'HL.UIO Mall-Ke: l""romornory v1osure vost permn moomcauon cJO /6-00;J57 o Jeff Vandel <jvandel@utah.gov> Re: Promontory Closure Cost permit modification 1 message JeffVandel <jvandel@utah.gov> Wed, Jan 14, 2015 at 12:23 PM To: "Gooch, George" <George.Gooch@atk.com> Cc: "dmccleary@utah.gov" <dmccleary@utah.gov>, "Brad Maulding (bmaulding@utah.gov)" <bmaulding@utah.gov>, "Palmer, Blair'' <Biair.Palmer@atk.com> Hi George- I have had a look at your proposed changes to Attachment 5 and Module 2 and the cost estimate tables that were submitted back in September. Please see my comments in the attached documents. In regard to the revised closure cost becoming effective on July 30, 2015, won't the cost estimate need to change with the closure of M-47 and M-603 and the addition of the new storage building? We'll want to keep in mind that the Permit requires for any new HWMU being placed into operation, an updated facility closure cost estimate must be prepared for the new unit(s }, 60 days prior to waste being placed on or into the new unit. In addition, regarding the closure of buildings M-47 and M-603, Permit Condition III.J.2. requires that Closure Plans for each HWMU shall be submitted 180 days prior to beginning closure activities. Let's discuss these issues once you have had a chance to look at the attached comments. Thanks, Jeff DISCLAIMER: Statements made in this e-mail do not constitute the official position of the Director of the Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. If you desire a statement of the Director's position, please submit a written request to this office, on paper, including documents relevant to your request. On Sat, Dec 27, 2014 at 7:07PM, Gooch, George <George.Gooch@atk.com> wrote: .: Jeff & David, Please review these proposed changes and let me know your thoughts. I'm proposing to make changes to Module II and Attachment 5 to make requirements similar to what we're doing at Bacchus, and to make the change as a Class I modification. I'm also proposing to change the value for Promontory closure costs i effective as of July 30, 2015 to reflect the value in our September 30, 20141etter. I'll wait to submit this until i Dec. 31 5t in the event you have comments on it. Enjoy your time off work and thanks for the help. 3 attachments ~ ATTACHMENT 5 2014_rev 17 Dec 2014 (2).docx 1/? t: rTqncrxfflt rJrGlro rJctp€rmrr moqflcaon 96K IiODULE2 2014_revlsion_1 7Dec2014 (l).docx 40K Comments on Glosure Goet Esffmate Tables Submitted Sqptember 29.docx 15K lfiF'rrmail^ .v{am/mil/irill?ri=?ljt=72h7aflA{c2lviru=r*l,csaheca'*lfir€la- ^ ^-qfFf-l6tugciml=lr@ Itt . ll-rrl ATK Lauch S)stms Inc. - Promontort Module II - Gmral Faciliry Conditions u.P. II.P.1. \.P.2. u.P.3. II.P.4. II.P.5. II.Q. Modined !ceE!bcr?g,l_4 -," {-*t*-, ,":,r*, -*--_-l COST ESTIMATES FOR HVYMU CLOST]RE The Permittee's closure cost estinute for each HWMU shall be prepared and maintained at the faciliry in accordance with UAC R315-8-8 (40 CFR 2&.142 incorporated by reference) and Attachment 5. On the one year anniversary date of Permit issuance, the Permittee shall submit to theDirector for approval updated closure plans and detailed closure cost estimates for each trwMU at the ATK facility. The closure cost estimates shall identifu the costs,in current dollars, of the steps necessary to perform final closure for each-HWMU in accordance with UAC R315-8-9.9 and UAC R315-8-8 (40 CFR 2&.142 incorporated by reference). On the five year anniversary date of the submittal of the closure cost estirnates required by Condition ILP.2. above, the Permittee shall conduct a detailed evaluation of the closure cost estirnates for each HWMU and determine whether the annual adjustments for inflation have been adequate to update the closure cost estinntes. The Permittee shall submit a report on this assessment and if necessary, a modification of the Permit in accordance with condition I.D. to the Director 90 <iays after the report is submitted. The Permittee shall revise the closure cost estimate within 30 days after the Director has approved the request to modify the affected closure plan(s). ' For each new FIWMU placed into operation, an updated closure cost estirnte to thefacility must be prepared which includes the new unit, 60 days prior to waste being placed on or into the new unit. FINANCIAL ASSI.]RANCE FOR FACILITY CLOSURE Il.O.1 The Permittee shall demonstrate continuous compliance with UAC R315-8-8 blrproviding documentation offinancial assurance. as reguired by UAC R3l5-8-8. Changes in financial assurance mechanisms shall be approved b], the Director at least 60 days prior to such a chanee. On ten day notice from the Director. the Permittee shall direct any entitv that is responsible for payrnent of closure costs, to provide copies of documents demonstrating the status of the financial assurance mechanism. Il.O.2. By Julv 30 of each calendar year. the Permittee shall adjust the closure cost estirnate for inflation or submit the latest adjusted closure cost estimate for review and approval bv the Director. After approval. thq Permittee shall maintain the latest adjusted closure cost estimate in the operatine record. For any new HWMU beirig olaced into operation. an II.O.3. The Permittee shall revise the closure cost estimate whenever there is a change in the facilitv's closure plan that would chanse the cost estimate as required bv UAC R3 15-8- Oonrtrrat W!,lr Y/Srodee ATKvrntlo ba abb to ltorc h3L waSE in the w luilrtirtg? W'i[srt estinrte fd nci, building ie0act 6E Gsindc prqoicdlsst S€tsabq0tat i5 to bc ctrccti16July 30,20t5? Deleted: II.e.l Deleted: The Pemitte stull demoNuare cmtitruos fimcial assruce complimce by providing a third party fmmcial as$ruce cenifcation of at le6t tlrc mut of the clo$relpost{lo$rc cost estimtes established in Condition Il.P. The Pemirtee may sbstitute other instrumnts of fmmcia.l ssrmce prcvided the method, funding md wording requirerents of UAC R3l5-8-8 de followed md approved by the Dirstor.lt ll.Q.2. - The fmcial ssrmce dculmt shall be updated wilhin 60 days of the mual adjustnetrt for inflation or within @ days of the approval of a revisd clo$relpost{losre cost estimte in accordmce with UAC R3l5- 8-8. ATK LMch Systms lnc. - P|mmtory Module II - C@qal Feility Conditions II.R. II.R.1. II.R.2. II.R.2. tr.s. II.s.1. Modifi ed Dsmbq?9-l-4-, - : - -;;t-rTD0090E1357 De{eted: Jmuary, ILO.3. The Permittee shall revise the closure cost estimate whenever there is a chanse in the facilitv's closure plan that would change the cost estimatp as required by UAC R3l5-8- 8. LIABILITY REOUIREMENTS The Permittee shall demonstrate continuous conpliance with the liability requirements of U-A,C R315-8-8 (40 CB. 2eJ47(a) incorporated by reference). ttr6 peimittee shall have and maintain hazardous waste liability coverage for sudden accidental(rccurrences in the amount of at least one $1 million U.S. dollars per occurrence with an annual aggegate of at least $2 million U.S. dollars, exclusive bf legal defensecosts. The Permittee shall submiq an apploved certificate of hazardous waste liability insurance worded as required by UAC R315-8-8. The Permittee shall demorntrate continuous conpliance with the requirenrcnts of UACR3l5-8-8 (40 CFR 2&J47(b) incorporated by reference) to have and mainainliability co-verage for non-sudden acCidental oocrurences arising from operations ofthe two Hazardous Waste Management Units, designated as the M-136 and M-225 Therrnal Treatment Areas. Changes inliability coverage mechanisms shall be approved by the Director 60 daysprior to such a change. a,:,..,, ryq4P= .Agf,rx, qI owNER oR opERAroRs.FINANCIAL INSTITI.]TIONS The Permittee shall comply with the notification and financial requirements of UAC R315-8-8 (,+0 CFR 2&J48 incorporated by reference). ATK launch Systems Inc. - Promontory Attachment 5 -Closure Plan Modified Decembet-20-l_4 _ uTD009081357 Ddeted: Jmary CLOSURE PLAI\ AND FINAI\CIAL REQUIREMENTS This Closure Plan describes the steps that will be taken to close the hazardous waste management units (HWMUs) at the ATK Launch Systems Inc. - Promontory (ATK) facility. tlwMVs included in this document are: M-186; M-705S; E-501; M-l36;M-225;T-298; M-47, M-603 and 5-633. The Closure Plan was developed to comply with R315-8-7 and R3l5-8-9.9 of the Utah Administrative Code (UAC). UAC R3l5-8-7 incorporates by reference the requirements of 40 CFR 264 Subpart G. The closure cost estimates were made in accordance with UAC R3l5-8-8, which incorporatgs by reference the requirernents of40 CFR 264 Subpart H. All HWMUs in current operation are being managed in a manner that facilitates clean closure. Historical sites, such as the LTTAs do require post closure caro, and are covered in our Post Closure Permit. 1.0 Closure Plans [40 CFR 270.14(b)(13),270.23(s)(2), and 26a'Il2(t)(l) & (2) and UAC RIf l5-3, Rt15-81 This Closwe Plan identifres Ssfrhd q!9pq ry_"4p!_!_o ctsse C!_ofeg9 qp-q qg4lqgqt &qlltiqq, q_s identified above, at the end of their operating life. Copies of this plan will be maintained at the Promontory Facility. The closure plans will be followed as written, unless modification to the original plans have been submitted and approved by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (DSHW). Upon update/revision approval, revised pages or complete documents will be sent to all plan addressees. 1.1 Closure Performance Standards [40 CFR 264.lll and UAC R3f5.&71 Closure standards specified under RCRA are desiped to be protective of human health and the environment. These goals will be achieved by one of the following closure methods: . Clean closure - this method refers to residential risk based levels. Cleanup to residsntial risk based levels, as outlined in UAC R3l5-101, will be considered clean closure. Clean closure includes removal of all contaminants, or removal to the risk based level.. Site Management - closure where waste remains in place and specific post closure care is required. For the puiposes of estimating closure costs, it is assumed that all of the HWMUs will be "clean closed". Clean closure can be achieved by cleaning the units to background conditions or by meeting the clean closure equivalency as defined in UAC R3l5-l0l-6(cxl). All closures will assess real and reasonably likely impacts to human and ecological exposures. =1..'- ,-1,,1 I .::...1: ATK l:unch Systems Inc. - Promontory Attachment 5 - Closue Plan Modified Decembe!.2014 uTD00908t357 Deleted: Jmuary Preliminary remediation goals can be established prior to implementing any of the closure plans. Screening levels published by USEPA or site-specific risk based levels based on UAC R3l5- l0l-5.2 may be used. If contamination from hazardous waste or constituents is discovered at a HWMU above risk based goals, further investigation will be performed to determine the extent of the contamination. Based on the results of this investigation, a Corrective Measure Study (CMS) may be prepared for review and approval by the DEQ, prior to implementation. If investigation suggests that clean closure is not a practicable approach, a Site Management Plan will be prepared. Upon approval, the unit will be closed by implementing appropriate site management or post closure requirements. If this approach is necessary, the Post Closure Permit may be modified to provide post closure care for the sites that are not clean closed. 1.2 Partial Closure and Final Closure Activities [40 CFR 264.112(b)(l) through (b)(7) and UAC R-315-8-71 This plan is designed to accommodate both partial and final closure. The plan includes separate steps to close storage, consolidation & disassembly areas, and open burning/open detonation areas. ,.Qglqi&4]plgllL&LQlesing perdtted..&cilities have been submitted to.the Division. and are maintained as nart of the facility operatins record. Soil monitoring has been conducted at the M-I36 andM-225 bum grounds since 1991. Semi- annual groundwater monitoring is also conducted, in accordance with ATK's Post-Closure Permit. 1.3 Maximum Waste Inventory and Disposal Method [40 CFR 264.112(b\(3) and UAC rurs-8-71 The maximum inventory of hazardous waste onsite at any one time during the life of the facilities is based on permit limitations for inert facilities, and Quantity/Distance(QD) limitations for live materials, based on Department of Defense Explosive Safety Standar d, 4145.26M or a lesser designated amount. If storage capacities change, the Permit will be modified. These quantity limitations are listed below: M-186 (inert) M-705S (inert) ------ E-501 (inert) M-136 (live) M-225 (live) T-29B (inert) M-47 (live) M-603 (live) 5-633 (live) 400 ea.55 gallon drum equivalent 32 ea. 55 gallon drum equivalent 160 ea. 55 gallon drum equivalent 106,500 lbs I .3 / 20,000 lbs I . 1 55,000lbs 1.3 / l,500lbs 1.1 I ea. 55 gallon drum (pure) equivalent 300,000 lbs 1.3 / 21,000 lbs 1.1 120,000 lbs 1.3 / 8,000 lbs l.l 75,000 lbs 1.3/20,000 lbs l.l Coilnc||t pV3I! Should'!lans" be replaed with "cost cstieteaT' Daailed plru m *bmittcdwta it is d€cidcdto clo* a llWM{J. t eleted: Details for closing pmitted faciliries are provided in Tables I through 8. Cfirdft pval: Cmidq adding smthinglika Dcrailodpltr ftr closing €.i H!ilMUwill begubmincd in rcmdae with Pmit CmditionmJ2. ATK kunch Systems Inc. - Promontory Attachment 5 - Closure Plan Modified Drcembct 2014 uTD009081357 ATK treats reactive hazardous wastes on-site at the M-136 andM-225 open buming grounds. Wastewater is collected and treated on site and discharged through one of two UPDES permitted treatment facilities. All other hazardous wastes are transported by commercial carrier to fully permitted disposal or recycling facilities. 1.4 Schedule for Closure [40 CFR 264.112(b)(6) and UAC R3f 5-8-71 Section I .4. I of this plan provides an estimated closure schedule for all activities associated with implementation of this Closure Plan. If sample results indicate the need for additional investigation or a CMS, the schedule will be modified to accorffnodate the changes. Final closure will be certified by an independent professional engineer licensed in Utah. 1.4.1 Time Allowance for Closure [40 CFR 264.113(t) and (b) and UAC R315-8-7] Final closure is expected to be initiated within 30 days following shipment of the final volume of hazardous waste. If more time is required, a request will be submitted to the Director. All hazardous wastes will be removed or treated within 90 days of (1) plan approval, or (2) after receiving the final volume of hazardous waste, whichever is later. Final closure activities will be completed within 180 days of (l) plan approval, or (2) after receiving the final volume of hazardous waste, whichever is later. 1.4.2 Extensions for Closure time [40 CFR 264.113(a) and (b) and UAC R315-8-7] If closure activities cannot be completed within the time designated in this Closure Plan, a permit modihcation and request for additional time will be submitted to the DSHW. The request will state the reason for needed additional time and the status of the closure underway. It will also address any added measures that must be followed to minimize any threats to human health or the environment during the extension period. 1.5 Closure Procedures [40 CFR 264.112 and264.ll4 and UAC R315-8-71 All permitted treatment and storage facilities have been designed and managed to minimize possible contamination. This includes chemical resistant concrete coatings, blind containment sumps, regular inspections, regular maintenance, and prompt clean up of any spilled materials. These practices should greatly reduce the need for significant remediation efforts upon closure. 1.5.1 Soil and Groundwater Sampling Groundwater sampling is not covered under this plan. A groundwater monitoring program is currently in place as discussed above. Soil sampling should not be required for any ofthe permitted facilities, except for the two burn ground areas (M-136 and M-225) and 5-633. Soil samples will be collected within the top 12" of the surface.l Samples will first be collected al locations most likely to have been affected by waste management practices - as approved by DSHW personnel. Twenty soil samples will be collected at M-136, [welve soil samples will be collected atM-225 and eight soil samples will be collected at 5-633. These samples will be sent m Comms* Pvslr I don't think this lev€l of (bail is appropriate bre. Plee onsida omething like: Detailed wpling ples win be $bmitted in rcordrue with Pmit Condition IIIJ.2. Co|nm€nt [tv6l: cw6t cost €stimate indicates only 5 wpl* will be coll@ted. This k a chege we should dism. ATK l:unch System Inc. - Promontory Attachment 5 - Closure Plan Modified Decembe! 2014 uTD009081357 ffi to a State of Utah certified laboratory for analysis. Sample collection, preservation and handling methods will follow those outlined in the Waste Analysis Plan of this permit, and will be in compliance with all applicable SW-846 methods. All samples will be processed and analyzed by a Utah Certified Laboratory in accordance with R444-14-3(2) UAC. Analytical and extraction methods to be used are shown below. Sampling Equipment Decontamination Procedures All field sampling equipment will arrive on site pre-cleaned, and will be decontaminated following standard protocol and the waste analysis plan in this permit. A mobile decontamination station will be used to clean all sampling equipment that could come in contact with soil samples. Sampling Waste Management All waste generated from field sampling and decontamination operations will be managed in accordance with the current UAC R3l5 rules. Water used in the decontamination process will be sent to the M-705 wastewater treatment plant onsite, and discharged in accordance with UPDES permit requirements. Soils will be stored in UN containers pending lab results. Any soil determined to be hazardous waste will be managed appropriately. All non-aqueous hazardous waste generated by the sampling operation will be transported by a third party contractor off site to a fully permitted TSDF for disposal. Any waste determined not to be hazardous under EPA regulations will be sent via third party to a non-hazardous landfill for disposal. A field log will be maintained to track and identify all samples. This log will include sample numbers, dates, times, sample depth, samplers name, weather conditions, test methods and constituents for which to analyze. Health and Safety Procedures Soil and water sampling will be performed by trained and qualified personnel. A determination of appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to be used for this effort will be determined at the time of closure. PPE selection will be based on potential hazards as determined at the time ofclosure, and in consultation with tndustrial Hygiene professionals. Analytical and Exfraction Methods Parameter Analytical procedure Extraction Procedure Volatiles SW-846:82608 SW-846: 50308(w). 5035S Semi-Volatiles SW-846;8270C SW-846; 35 I OC(W), 3550(S) RCRA Metals SW-846:6010B SW-846; 3005A(W),747 lA(S) Mercury SW-846;7470N7471A SW-846:7470A(W). 747 lA(S) Explosives SW-846:8330 Modified SW-846: 8330 Modified Perchlorate EPA 314.0 EPA 314.0 ATK kunch Systems Inc. - Promontory Attachment 5 - Closue Plan Modified Decembei 2014 t1TD009081357 Soil sampling should only be required at the bum grounds, because of well maintained secondary containment and waste management practices during the entire life of all other permitted facilities. Protective clothing appropriate for the task will be used during removal of waste and during decontamination of containment areas for the permitted storage and treatment units. 1.5,2 Determining Cleanup Goals For the purposes of estimating closure costs, it is assumed that all of the HWMUs will be clean closed. Clean closure can be achieved by cleaning the units to background conditions or by meeting the clean closure equivalency as defined in UAC R3l5-l0l-6(cXl). All closures will assess real and reasonably anticipated potential impacts to human and ecological exposures. It is anticipated that the HWMUs will be clean closed and will not require post-closure care. 1.5.3 Site Cleanup Inventory Removal [40 CFR 264.112(bX3) and UAC R315-8-71 The maximum inventory of hazardous waste on hand at any given permitted facility is based on the maximum allowed under this permit, or a quantity - distance limit for explosives, imposed by the Department of Defense and ATK. These limitations are specified in Section 1.3 of this Closure Plan. Transportation and disposal costs of all hazardous waste during closure ofa facility will be based on hiring a third party. The transportation contractor will be licensed and insured, and the disposal facility will be a permitted facility. Reactive hazardous wastes may be open burned on site. Cost calculations for treatment, disposal and equipment decontamination will be based on maintaining an ATK staff sufficient to complete these efforts. Disposat or Decontamination of Equipment and Structures [40 CFR 264.112(b)(4), 264,112(e\, and 264.114 and UAC R:l 15-8-71 Decontamination of equipment and structures at the Promontory facilities will follow one of two plans. These plans cover the open burning units, and all other facilities. The open buming facilities use bum trays, pipes, concrete vaults or rocket cases to contain the waste to be treated. Most of the material burned is hazardous by characteristic only. Any waste that may be contaminated with, or contains solvents or hazardous healy metals is designated as a derived waste, and the ash collected for offsite disposal. Therefore, except for the derived trays, all ash in trays, vaults, cases, and on the ground around these units will be collected and disposed on-site. The burn trays will then be high pressure water washed and the rinsate collected for disposal. After the final rinse, a composite sample from the trays will be collected and analyzed at a Utah certified lab to verify proper tray decontamination. Each sample will include rinsate from 5 trays. Samples will be extracted and analyzed as described in I .5 ' I . m ATK kunch System Inc. - Promontory Attachment 5 - Closue Plan Modified Decenbet 2014 uTD009081357 All facilities except for M-136, M-225 and, 5-633 are designed with secondary containment. The secondary containment includes a concrete pad with curbing and blind sump to simplify cleaning. The containment pads and sumps are coated with a chemical resistant epoxy to prevent liquid migration through the concrete. Secondary containments are inspected daily; when in use, and maintained as needed. lAfter removal of all containerized waste, the containment pads will be high presswe water washed, and the rinsate will be collected for disposal. After the final wash, rinse water samples will be collected from each sump and characterized for disposal. Samples will be sent to a State certified laboratory for analysis. f .5.3.3 Closure Containers [40 CFR 264.178,264.112(b)(3). and 270.14(b)(E) and UAC R315-8-9.9, R315-807, and R315-3-5@Xf3)l Non-reactive hazardous waste requiring off-site disposal will be placed in a UN or a bulk USDOT authorized containers for offsite shipment to permitted disposal facilities. Empty containers will be cleaned in compliance with 49 CFR, and sent for disposal. 2.0 Closure Certification [40 CFR 264.tt5 and UAC Kf5-8-71 Within 60 days of completion of closure of each facility, ATK will submit a certification to the DSHW by registered mail, that the hazardous waste management facility was closed in compliance with this Closure Plan. This certification will be signed by ATK and an independent registered professional engineer licensed in Utah. Documentation supporting the engineer's registration will be provided upon request. 3.0 Closure Cost Estimate [40 CFR 264.1421 @!'!'laintainEd jn thegp=qrati!=rg.record. Closure cost estimates are.based on usine a third party except for the thermal treatment and disposal ofieaciive waite whiCh will be conducted on site.4.0 Financial Assurance Mechanism for closure t40 cFR 264.143 and Riil15-3091 ATK will maintain current lurancial assurance meeting the requirements outlined in the above referenced Federal and State regulations. ATK will provide documentation to DSHW supporting compliance with financial mechanism requirements. 5.0 Post Closure Plan If it is determined that a HWMU can't be clean closed, contaminants may be left in place, and a post closure or site management plan will be developed. Any proposal for post closure care or site management will be developed in accordance with UAC R315-8-7, UAC R3l5-g-g and 40 CFR 264 Subparts G and H, and will be submitted to the Director for approval. If this approach is necessary, the Post Closure Plan may be modified to provide post closure care for the sites that are not clean closed. m coanltEnt [ty4: ATK doe$'r plm to pr€sw wadt flors at M-47 od M{03 if I'm mt mistakq Wc might wilt to r€vie this laguagc to avoidpotatidpmitmod.t t r. Comment [tYtI3 Wewsld like to add: -Once apprcved by thc Dirwtor," ro rh€ begimirg of thisffi|lnc, Deleted: Closure costs are ilm{ized in Table 9. A detailed blmkdoM ofthese costs is orovided in Tables I rhrough 8. The entire estimate is based onhiring a third party, except for the thmal teatrnent md dislrcsl of reactive waste, which will be hmdled onsite.!l ATK Launch Systems Inc. Promontory Attachment 5 -Closure Plan Modifi ed lluct'rlb,e1, 20 I 4 urD00908 I 357 l-9-.!.!4.rq*o I I lt...lLU Deleted: Table lll Nl-136 Closure tlItem No. Cost Estimatel' 7: tU DdM €ooctl LU2rlmt.49:10:0OAl,l Table 1 M-136 Closure Cost Estimater Item No.Description Means No./Source Units Est. Quan.Unit Price TotalPrice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Site prep (ClH) Site prep (technician) Treat remaining waste Excavate contaminated soil Load soil and burned waste Haulwaste and soilto Clean Harbors Landfill disposal, waste and soil State disposalfee, waste and soil Steam clean burn pans Load rinsate Haul rinsate to Clean Harbors3 Landfill disposal, rinsate3 State disposal fee, rinsate3 Demolish pans Load pan debris Haul pan debris to Clean Harbors Landfill disposal, pan debris State disposalfee, pan debris Sample collection Sample analyses, metals Sample analyses, explosives Samole analvses. volatiles 33-22-0111x2 33-22-0112x2 ATK 17-O3-O231 17-03-0222 33-19-0221 33-19-72't4 Utah DEQ 33-17-0812 33-19-0103 33-19-0243 33-19-7214 Utah DEQ 17-02-0105 17-03-0222 33-19-0221 33-19-7263 Utah DEQ Site crew Chemtech-Ford Chemtech-Ford Chemtech-Ford hr hr tb hr hr truck-mi ton ton sf drum truck-mi drum ton cf hr truck-mi ton ton hr ea ea ea 20 40 106,500 20 8 1,050 50 50 1,000 5 350 5 1 2,000 4 350 50 50 40 20 20 20 83.44 50.96 0.25 105.63 68.13 2.50 169.45 32.50 0.39 4.87 2.26 145.00 28.00 0.14 68.13 2.50 169.45 32.50 65.00 210.00 210.00 250.00 1,669 2,O39 26,625 2,113 545 2,625 8,473 1,625 280 273 875 8,473 1,625 2,600 4,200 4,200 5.000 390 24 791 725 28 SUBTOTAL INFLATION ADJUSTMENT=1 .2042 75,196 90.536 Misc. costs as a percent of the inflation-adjusted subtotal: Mob/demob Eng i neeri n g/perm itting DSHW oversight Contingency 4,527 9,054 9,054 9.054 5 10 10 10 o/o o/o o/o Yo TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 122.225 Table 2 M-225 Closure Cost Estimater Item No.Descriotion Means No./Source Units Est. Quan.Unit Price TotalPrice 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Site prep (ClH) Site prep (technician) Treat remaining waste Excavate contaminated soil Load soiland burned waste Haulwaste and soilto Clean Harbors Landfill disposal, waste and soil State disposalfee, waste and soil Steam clean burn pans Load rinsate Haul rinsate to Clean Harbors3 Landfill disposal, rinsate3 State disposal fee, rinsate3 Demolish pans Load pan debris Haul pan debris to Clean Harbors Landfill disposal, pan debris State disposalfee, pan debris Sample collection Sample analyses, metals Sam ple analyses, explosives Sample analvses, volatiles 33-22-0111x2 33-22-0112x2 ATK 17-03-0231 17-03-0222 33-19-0221 33-19-7214 Utah DEQ 33-17-0812 33-19-0103 33-19-0243 33-19-72',14 Utah DEQ 17-02-0105 17-O3-O222 33-19-0221 33-19-7263 Utah DEQ Site crew Chemtech-Ford Cherntech-Ford Chemtech-Ford hr hr tb hr hr truck-mi ton ton sf drum truck-mi drum ton cf hr truck-mi ton ton hr ea ea ea 8 20 55,000 12 4 350 25 25 400 3 350 3 1 800 4 350 20 20 20 12 12 12 83.44 50.96 .025 105.63 68.13 2.50 169.45 32.50 0.39 4.87 2.26 145.00 28.00 0.14 68.13 2.50 169.45 32.50 65.00 210.00 210.00 250.00 668 1,019 13.750 1,269 273 875 4,236 813 156 15 791 43s 28 112 273 875 3,389 650 1,300 2,520 2,520 2,520 38.084 45,853 SUBTOTAL INFLATION ADJUSTMENT = 1.2042 Misc. costs as a percent of the inflation-adjusted Subtotal: Mob/demob Engineering/perm itting DSHW oversight Continoencv 5 10 10 10 o/o o/o o/o o/o 2,293 4,585 4,585 4,585 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 61,901 Table 3 M-47 Closure Cost Estimatel Item No.Descriotion Means No./Source Units Est. Quan.Unit Price Total Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 10 1'l 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Materials prep (ClH) Materials prep (technician) Load waste motor (crane) Haul motor to burning ground Off-load motor Handling evaluation/planning Motor handling Disposal at burning ground Sweep area Steam clean floor Load rinsate/sweepings Load drums Haulto Clean Harbors State disposalfee Sample collection Samole analvses. metals/exo 33-22-0111x2 33-22-0112x2 Crew SIWSM Crew COET2 Crew SIWSM Site personnel Site personnel ATK 33-22-0112x2 33-17-0812 33-19-0103 33-19-0103 33-19-0243 Utah DEQ 33-22-0112x2 Chemtech-Ford hr hr hr hr hr hr hr lb hr sf drum ea truck-mi ton hr ea 12 20I 16 8 80 40 300,000I 5,680 10 10 350 1 4 2 83.44 31.58 393.57 93.31 393.57 65.00 65.00 0.25 31.58 0.39 4.87 3.05 2.26 28.00 31.58 210.00 1,001 632 3,149 1,493 3,149 5,200 2,600 75,000 253 2,215 49 31 791 28 126 420 SUBTOTAL INFLAT]ON ADJUSTMENT = 1.2042 96,135 115.747 Misc. costs as a percent of the inflation-adjusted subtotal: Mob/demob Engineerin g/perm itting DSHW oversight Contingency 5 10 10 10 % o/o o/o o/o 5,787 11,575 11,575 11.575 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 156.258 Table 4 M-603 Closure Cost Estimater Item No.Descriotion Means No./Source Units Est. Quan.Unit Price Total Price 1 2 3 4 5 6I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Materials prep (ClH) Materials prep (technician) Load waste motor (crane) Haul motor to burning ground Off-load motor Handling evaluation/planning Motor handling Disposal at burning ground Sweep area Steam clean floor Load rinsate/sweepings Load drums Haul to Clean Harbors State disposalfee Sample collection Sam ole analvses. metals/exo 33-22-0111x2 33-22-0'112x2 Crew SIWSM Crew COET2 Crew SIWSM Site personnel Site personnel ATK 33-22-0112x2 33-17-0812 33-19-0103 33-1 9-01 03 33-19-0243 Utah DEQ 33-22-0112x2 Chemtech-Ford hr hr hr hr hr hr hr tb hr sf drum ea truck-mi ton hr ea 8 't2 8 12I 40 20 120,000 8 1,930 4 4 350 1 4 2 83.44 31.58 393.57 93.31 393.57 65.00 65.00 o.25 31.58 0.39 4.87 3.05 2.26 28.00 31.58 210.00 668 379 3,149 1j20 3,149 2,600 1,300 30,000 253 714 19 12 791 28 126 420 44,727 53,851 SUBTOTAL INFLATION ADJUSTMENT = 1.2042 2,693 5,385 5,385 5.385 Misc. costs as a percent of the inflation-adjusted subtotal: Mob/demob Engineering/perm itting DSHW oversight Continoencv 5 10 10 10 o/o % % o/o 72.699TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Table 5 M-186A Closure Cost Estimater Item No.Description Means No./Source Units Est. Quan.Unit Price Total Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Site prep (ClH) Site prep (technician) Load drums Hauldrums to Clean Harbors Landfilldisposal State disposalfee Truck washouUdecon Steam clean floor Rinsate sample collection Sample analyses, metals Sample analvses. exolosives 33-22-0111x2 33-22-01'12x2 33-19-0103 33-19-0243 33-19-72't4 Utah DEQ 33-19-031 1 33-17-0812 Site crew Chemtech-Ford Chemtech-Ford hr hr ea truck-mi drum ton ea sf hr ea ea 8 24 400 1,750 400 100 1 1,930 4 1 1 83.44 31.58 3.05 2.26 145.00 28.00 158.00 0.39 65.00 210.00 210.00 668 758 1,220 3,955 58,000 2,800 158 753 260 210 210 SUBTOTAL 68,991 INFLATION ADJUSTMENT = 1.2042 83,065 Misc. costs as a percent of the inflation-adjusted subtotal: Mob/demob Engineering/perm itting DSHW oversight Contingency 5 10 10 10 o/o % % o/o 4,153 8,307 8,307 8.307 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 112.138 Table 6 M-705S Closure Cost Estimatel Item No.Description Means No./Source Units Est. Quan.Unit Price Total Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 Site prep (ClH) Site prep (technician) Load drums Haul drums to Clean Harbors Landfilldisposal State disposalfee Truck washouVdecon Steam clean floor Rinsate sample collection Sample analyses, metals Samole analvses. exolosives 33-22-0111x2 33-22-0112x2 33-1 9-01 03 33-19-0243 33-19-72't4 Utah DEQ 33-19-031 1 33-17-0812 Site crew Chemtech-Ford Chemtech-Ford hr hr ea truck-mi drum ton ea sf hr ea ea 4 I 32 350 32 8 1 1,850 4 1 1 83.44 31.58 3.05 2.26 145.00 28.00 158.00 0.39 65.00 210.00 210.00 334 253 98 791 4,640 224 158 722 260 210 210 SUBTOTAL INFLATION ADJUSTMENT = 1.2042 7,899 9,510 5 10 10 10 Misc. costs as a percent of the inflation-adjusted subtotal: Mob/demob Engineerin g/perm itting DSHW oversight Continoencv % % o/o o/o 475 951 951 951 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 12,838 Table 7 E-501 Closure Cost Estimater Item No.Description Means No./Source Units Est. Quan.Unit Price Total Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I 9 10 11 Site prep (ClH) Site prep (technician) Load drums Haul drums to Clean Harbors Landfilldisposal State disposalfee Truck washouUdecon Steam clean pad Rinsate sample collection Sample analyses, metals Samole analvses. exolosives 33-22-011'l x2 33-22-0112x2 33-19-0103 33-19-0243 33-',t9-7214 Utah DEQ 33-19-031 1 33-17-0812 Site crew Chemtech-Ford Chemtech-Ford hr hr ea truck-mi drum ton ea sf hr ea ea 4 8 160 700 160 40 1 1,760 4 1 1 83.44 31.58 3.05 2.26 145.00 28.00 158.00 0.39 65.00 210.00 210.00 334 253 488 1,582 23,200 '1 ,120 158 686 260 210 210 28,501 34.315 SUBTOTAL INFLATION ADJUSTMENT = 1.2042 5 10 10 10 1,716 3,431 3,431 3.431 Misc. costs as a percent of the inflation-adjusted subtotal: Mob/demob Engineering/perm ift ing DSHW oversight Contingency o/o % % % 46.325TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Table 8 T -2gB Closure Cost Estimatel Item No.Description Means No./Source Units Est. Quan.Unit Price Total Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 10 11 12 13 Site prep (ClH) Site prep (technician) Extra drum for dilution Transfer and dilute hydrazine Load drums Haul drums to Clean Harbors Landfill disposal State disposalfee Truck washouUdecon Steam clean floor Rinsate sample collection Sample analyses, metals Samole analvses, exolosives 33-22-0111x2 33-22-0112x2 33-19-0402 Site crew 33-19-0103 33-19-0243 33-19-7214 Utah DEQ 33-19-031 1 33-17-0812 Site crew Chemtech-Ford Chemtech-Ford hr hr ea hr ea truck-mi drum ton ea sf hr ea ea 4 8 1 4 2 350 2 1 1 200 4 1 1 83.44 31.58 80.00 65.00 3.05 2.26 145.00 28.00 158.00 0.39 65.00 210.00 210.00 334 253 80 260 6 791 290 28 158 78 260 210 210 2,958 3,561 SUBTOTAL INFLATION ADJUSTMENT = 1.2042 Misc. costs as a percent of the inflation-adjusted subtotal: Mob/demob Engineering/perm itting DSHW oversight Continqencv 5 10 10 10 178 356 356 356 % o/o o/o o/o 4,807TOTAL ESTIMATED COST Table 9 5-633 Closure Cost Estimater Closure Cost Estimate Footnotes: I All cost estimates were provided by EarthFax Engineering, Inc., using Means 2005 Remediation Cost Data adjusted for inflation except as otherwise noted. Cost estimates assume using Level C PPE. 2 Subtotals multiplied by an inflation adjustment (1.204)based on July 2005 cost index of 151.6 from Means 2009 Heavy Construction Cost Data and July 2009 cost index of 182.5 from the Means web site. 3 Closure cost estimates are based on rinsate from M-l36 and M-zzsbeing shipped off-site for disposal. Rinsate from the other HWMUs will be treated on-site and discharged in accordance with the UPDES permit. Item No.Description Means No./Source Units Est. Quan.Unit Price Total Price 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Site prep (ClH) Site prep (technician) Disposal at Burning Ground Sample Collection Sample analyses, metals Sample analyses, explosives Sam ple analyses, volatiles 33-22-0111x2 33-22-0112x2 ATK Site crew Chemtech-Ford Chemtech-Ford Chemtech-Ford hr hr hr tb ea ea ea 4 8 75,000 I I I 8 83.44 50.96 0.25 65.00 210.00 210.00 210.00 334 253 18,750 520 1,680 1,680 1,680 SUBTOTAL 24,897 INFLATION ADJUSTMENT = 1.2042 29.976 Misc. costs as a percent of the inflation-adjusted subtotal: Mob/demob Engineerin g/perm itting DSHW oversight Contingency 5% 10% 10 o/o 10 o/o 1,499 2,997 2,997 2,997 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST 40,468 Teble 10 Summary of Closure Cost Estimetes Hazardous Waste ManaeemeNrt Unit Estimated Cost ($) M-l36 122.225 M-225 61.901 I.l47 t56.258 M-603 72,699 M-l86 lr2,l38 M705S 12.838 E-501 46.325 T29B 4,807, s-633 40,468 Total 629.6s9 Comments on Closure Cost Estimate Tables Submitted September 2912014 M-225 Closure Cost Estimate In the cost estimate submitted, the quantity of soil samples that will be collected and analyzed has been reduced from 12 to 5. What is the basis for this reduction? 5 samples may not be adequate to characterize theM-225 area and demonstrate that clean closure is appropriate for the site. Page 3 of the Closure Plan (Attachment 5) currently states that 12 samples will be collected during closure of M-225. M-47 Closure Cost Estimate Should landfill disposal costs be added to the M-47 Table under Item No. l5 ("Haul to Clean Harbors") for disposal of 10 rinsate/sweepings drums? M-603 Closure Cost Estimate Should landfill disposal costs be added to the M-603 Table under Item No. 15 ("Haul to Clean Harbors") for disposal of 4 rinsate/sweepings drums? M-186 Closure Cost Estimate Should the line items load rinsate/sweepings,load drums, haul to Clean Harbors, landfill disposal, and state disposal fee be added to the M-186 Table under Itern No. 8? Based on the cost estimates for other HWMUs at Promontory, it appears that these items are missing. In addition, it appears that sample analyses for VOCs should be added to the table under Item No. I 1. M-705S Closure Cost Estimate Should the line items load rinsate/sweepings,load drums, haul to Clean Harbors,landfill disposal, and state disposal fee be added to the M-705S Table under Itern No. 8? Based on the cost estimates for other HWMUs at Promontory, it appears that these iterns are missing. In addition, it appears that sample analyses for VOCs should be added to the table under Item No. I l. E-501 Closure Cost Estimate Should the line items load rinsate/sweepings, load drums, haul to Clean Harbors, landfill disposal, and state disposal fee be added to the E-501 Table under Itern No. 8? Based on the cost estimates for other HWMUs at Promontory, it appears that these iterns are missing. In addition, it appears that sample analyses for VOCs stould be added to the table under Itern No. 11. T-29B Closure Cost Estimate Should the line items load rinsate/sweepings, load dnrms, haul to Clean Harbors, landfill disposal, and state disposal f,ee be addd to the T-298 Table rmder Item No. l0? Based on:the cost estimates for other HWMUs at Promontory it appears that these iterns are missing. . In addition, what would be the appropriate analyses for the rinsate sample? Are analyses for metals and explosives needed for the rinsate sample atT-298? -