HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2013-005908 - 0901a068803c73f04770 S. 5600 W. P.O. BOX 704005 WEST VALLEY CITY. UTAH 84170 FED.TAX I.DM 87-0217663 801-204-6910 ^e&alt£akf®ribune MEDIAyge Deseret News NtftSfAFtR A © tN C * PROOF OF PUBLICATION CUSTOMER'S COPY DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE, SCOTT T ANDERSON PO BOX 144880 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114 9001350993 10/2/2013 Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste OCT 1 1 2013 DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE, 8015360200 0000910657 / Start 10/02/2013 End 10/02/2013 #UT-33-2013 PUBLIC NOTICE An emergency hazardous (#UT-33-2013) has been issued to the ATK Launcl 37 Lines 1.00 COLUMN 67.16 PUBLIC NOTICE An emergency hazardous (#UT-33-2013) has been Is-sued to the ATK Launch Sys-tems - Promontory facility. Box Elder County, Utah. The permit authorizes ATK per-sonnel to treat military flares that fail to ignite during air-borne and ground launch testing procedures. This permit is effective on September 30, 201 3 and ex-pires on December 28, 2013. Copies of the permit are available for public inspec-tion during normal business hours at rhe Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, locat-ed on the 2nd floor of the Multi-Agency State Office Building, 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, Utah. For further information, please contact Jeff Vandel at (801) 536 0257. In compli-ance with the American Disa-bilities Act, individuals with special needs {including aux-iliary communicative aids and services) should contact Brooke Baker, Office of Hu-man Resources at (801) 536-441 2 TDD (801 536-4414.. 910657 UPAXLT AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION AS NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY, LLC dba MEDIAONE OF UTAH LEGAL BOOKER, I CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED ADVERTISEMENT OF PUBLIC NOTICE An emergency hazardous WUT-33-2013) has been issued to the ATK Launch Systems - Promontory facility. Box Elder County. Utah. The permit authori FOR DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE. WAS PUBLISHED BY THE NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY, LLC dba MEDIAONE OF UTAH, AGENT FOR THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE AND DESERET NEWS, DAILY NEWSPAPERS PRINTED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WITH GENERAL CIRCULATION IN UTAH, AND PUBLISHED IN SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY IN THE STATE OF UTAH. NOTICE IS ALSO POSTED ON UTAHLEGALS.COM ON THE SAME DAY AS THE FIRST NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION DATE AND REMAINS ON UTAHLEGALS.COM INDEFINATELY. COMPLIES WITH UTAH DIGITAL SIGNATURE ACT UTAH CODE 46-2-101; 46-3-104. Start 10/02/2013 End 10/02/2013 PUBLISHED ON SIGNATURE :.o>. /IRGINIACRAfT ( jNotaryPubliaSrateof Utah > Commission* 581469 ) MyCommissionExpires January 12,2014 DATE 10/2/2013 THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT BUT A "PROOF OF PUBLICATION" PLEASE PAY FROM BILLING STATEMENT NOTARY SIGNATURE