HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2013-005493 - 0901a068803bc25e*ffiir\l')-rW7gJ--: .\k/'' ir State of Utah GARY HERBERT Govvmor GR.EG BELL Lieuten4nt Goremor Department of Environmental Quality Ananda Smidl Eeclttive Director DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE Scott T. Anderson Direclor Solid snd Hrz{rdousWaste Conrol Board Kelin IN{wIay, Chair Den.'].is Rtdi'rg, Vice I hair Eugene Cole, DiPH JefrCoombs, MPH, LEHS Ma* Franc Brett Mickelson Amanda Smith Shme whitneY Dwayne Woolley Scon T. Anderson Exeaih,e Secreary September 27,2013 George Gooch, Manager ATK Environmental Services ATK Launch Systems - Promontory P.O. Box 707 Brigham City, Ut^h 84302-0707 RE: Fall 201 3 Proposed Groundwater Monitoring List uTD009081357 Dear Mr. Gooch: The Division of solid and Hazardous waste has completed its review of ATK's proposed gtorurdwater sampling list for the fall of 2013. In accordance with Post-Closure Permit Condition IV.B.3., ATK's proposed sampling list is hereby approved. Thank you for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please call JeffVandel at (801) 536-0257 - Srlgerelr' - Scoft T. Anderson, Director Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste STA/JV/KK c: Lloyd C. Berentzen, MBA, Health Officer, Bear River Health Dept' Grant Koford, EHS, Environmental Health Director, Bear River Health Dept' Allen Lee, ATK Launch SYstems Paul Hancock, ATK Launch Systems \J I 95 No(h I 950 West ' Salt lake Citv, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144880'Salt Lake City, UT 841144880 Telephon; (801) 536:0200. Fax (801) 53fi222 'T.D.D. (t0l) 536-4414 r&ru.deq.ut!lh.4do Printed on l00p/o recYcled PaP€r DSHW-2013405493