HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2013-005192 - 0901a068803b28eeState of Utah GARYHERBERT Governor CRECBELL Liedcranl Golvrnor Department oI Environmental Quality AmandaSmith Enattive Director DTVFIONOF SOLIDAND IIAZARDOUSWASTE Scott T. fuidcrson Direclor 195 Norft 1950Wcsr.SalrkkcCty, UT Mailing Addrcs: P.O. Box 144880 . Sdt L&e City, UT 841tiH880 Tclcphorc (801) 53G@00 . Fu (801) s36sD.. T.D.D. (801) 53G44t4 aww.fuq.ulahgn hintcd on l0flo rccyclcd papcr Solid rnd Hazardous Wrstc Control Bolrd Kcvin lVfunay, Ciali Dcnnis Riding Vice4lsir Eugcne Colc, DrpH JcfiCoombs, MpH, LEHS Mark Fruc BrcnMic*clson AmandaSmith Sharc Whitrcy DrrayrrcWoollcy Scot T. Andcmon Exccrlr',iw&oetay September 4,2013 Pete Holmgren 13675 West Highway 102 Tremonton, W 84337 -9112 RE: GroundwaterMonitoringResults Connor and Fork Springs Dear Mr. Holmgren: On Jnne 25,2013 representatives of tbe Divjsion ofsolid and Hazardou Waste and ATK Launch Systems collected water samples from the Connor and Fork Springs. These springs bave been periodically sampled as part of ATK's groundwater monitoring Fogram. ATK is required to monitor groundwater due to contamfumnts that were released to the environment at the facility from past waste management practices. The two primary contaminants that have been observed at the ATK facility are trichloroethylene and perchlorate. The samples that were collected were analyzed for these compounds and molybdenum. The samples were analyzed for molybdenum due to the release of the metal at the ATK burn grounds which are located approximately one and tlreequarters miles northwest of Connor Spring. Trichloroethylene and perchlorate were not detected in either of the spring samples. Molybdenum, a naturally occurring metd in groundwater, was detected in the Connor Spring sample at2.6 ug/L (parts per billion). Based on USGS data for concentations of metals that occur naturally in groundwater, this concentation of molybdenum is within the range that can be expected for background. MolyMenum was not detected in the Fork Spring sample. These two springs were also sampled in the years 2001, 2002,2006 and 2010. Trichloroethylene and perchlorate have not been detected in any of the samples that have been collected. DSHW-20t3-005r92 Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Page2 In summary, it appears that Connor and Fork Springs have not been impacted by contarninated groundwater. ATK monitors other springs, located along Highway 83 (e.g. Prpe and Shotgun Spring). Perchlorate and low levels of tricNoroethylene have been consistently detected in these springs. Copies of the analytical results of the samples collected in June 2013 arc enclosed with this letter. If you have any questions, please call JeffVandel at (801) 53G0257. Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste STA\I\AIJM Enclosure c: Paul Hancoch ATK Launch SYstems Grant Kofond" EHS, Environmental Health Director, Bear River Health Depart Lloyd C. Berentze& MBA, Health Officer, Bear River Healttt Departnent Scott T. Anderson" Director DSHW-2or3{05192 UTAIT STATE DEPARTMENT OF IIEALTH DIVISION OF LABORATORY SERVICES Environmental Chemistry Analysis Report UDEQ - DSHW ATTN:Po BOx 144880 SAIJT tAKE CITY UT 84114-4880 80 1-536-0200 Lab Number: 201303161 Sample Type: 04 Cost Code: 355 Description: CONNOR SPRINGCollector! ary Site ID: Source No: 00 | Organic Review: iv::-=:1:-!?!-?-1!?-911--:1i::-----19:1-- I i::i::il*,3ili"Hi,," n. o7 /t5/zotg MicrobiologY Rewiew: TEST RESULTS: L-Sp. eond 418O umhes T-Molybdum 2.57 ug/L Pesehlorat. <4. O ug.1l QUATIFYING COMMENTS (") on test results: NO COMMENTS Trace lewels up to 0.2 ppb rnetals may be present in bottles END OF REPORT . UTAH STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTII DTVISION OF IJEBORATORY SERVICES. Environmental Chemi-stry Analysis RePort UDEO - DSHW ATTN: PO BOX 144880 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114-4880 801 -536-0200 Lab Nurnber: 201303162 Sample Type: 04 Cost Code: 365Description! FORK SPRINGCollector: iIV Site ID:Source No: 00 | Organic Revlew: Sample DaLez 06/25/2OL3 lirnc: 11:15 | Inorganic Review: 07/15/2013 ------------l Radiochemiatry Revievt: I Microblology Rewiew: I I TEST RESUI,TS: L-Sp. Cond 2060 unhos Perchlorat <4.0 vg/L T-MoIybdun <1 uglI QUALIFYING COMMENTS (*) on test results: NO COMMENTS Trace levels up.to 0.2 ppb metals may be present in bottles END OE REPORT Case Narrative Method: EPA 200.8 Client: DSHW Sample Preparation Method: EPA 200.8 Matrix: Water Sample #(s) : 201303 I6L-201303162 Analysis Date: 07, 09' 2013 Sample prepared by: Dave S. Sample analyzed by: Gabriela R AnFlvsis/Method: EPA method 200.8 was used for the analysis of these water samples for total metals Analysis using Inductive Coupling Plasma Mass Spectrometry GCP-MS). General Set Informatisn: Utair Public Health Laboratory received these samples for total metals analysis. The samples were analyzed within holding times. The results for the water samples were reported in ppb (micrograms per liter), except for Ba ppm (milligrams per liter). Samnle Prenaration: 50ml water sample was digested with nituic and hydrochloric acid following SOP. Method 200.8. Insirument Calibration: The ICPMS was calibrated as described in the SOP. Initial Calibmtiou aud Cdibration Verifieatisn: Th€ ICPMS was calibrated using a three points calibration cune and blank. The calibration curve was verified using a second source reference mateiial (SRM). The SRM result was within +l- l}Yoof the SRM target value. The calibration conelation coefficient was >0.995.The Method reporting level was verified by analyzing a check standard at or below the MRL concenhation for respective metals. Method Blank Analysis: An instnrment blank sample was prepared by using DI water and niftic acld. Th" blank r"sult was below the method-reporting limit (MRL). A Reagent blank @BLK) was prepared with DI water, nitric and hydrochloric acids and digested with sarnples. DBLK result was below MRL for all metals tested. LSM Analvsis: Matrix spike samples w{rs performed on different sample. Laboratorv X'ortified Blank Analysis: A Laboratory Fortified Blank and duplicate (LSB/LSBD) samples were analyzed with these samples. Miscellaneous Comments : Unified State Laboratodes: Public Health J E gB[.c,+EtEs.E 4431 South 2700 West ' Taylorsville, UT 841 19 :ra ttElILIfl Phone (801) s65t400'Fax (801) 965'2520- r r- Web: www.health.utah.gov/lab 08-15-2013 Case Narrative Laboratory Sample Numbers: 20 I 3 03 I 6 1, 201303 | 62, 20133 | 63 Inorsanic Methods Used Method Used: EPA 314.0 Method Used: EPA 120.1 Analyter Perchlorate Analyte: Conductivity All of the QA/QC associated with these methods by which these samples were analyzed, and within each individual analytical batch, are within acceptable limits, and meet all Laboratory criteria. These Inorganic samples were all run within holding times. Cost Code: f@ Send Report To: UDEQ - DSBW ATTN: PO BOX 144880 SAI.T I,AIG CITY UT 84114.4880 Date/Time Collected: OG /25/2OL31O 225 EPA I'{ETHOD 82608/624 GCIMS Purgeables Sample Matrix: Sampling SJ-te: Lab *: 201303161 UnLfled State Laboratory: Public Hea1th 4431 South 2700 WestTaylorswllle, Utah 84119 Collected By:Descrl-ption of Sahpllrig PoJ-nt:CONNOR SPRTNG Anarystt fu Date Receivedz gSJ25J29Ji Datse Analyzed: Benzene Carbon Tetrachloride 1, 2-Dichloroethane 1, 1-Dichloroethylene Para-Dichloroben zene 1, 1, 1-tr J-chloroethaneTr.LchloroethyleneVinyl Chloride o-DichlorobenzenecLs 1, 2-DLchloroethylenetrans 1r 2-Dichloroethylene 1, 2-Dichloropropane Ethylbenzene Monochloroben zene StyreneTetrachloroethyleneTotgcreXylenes (total) Dichloronethane ! t 2 t 4-TrLchlqrobenzene 7 t I t 2-TcLchloroettraneEthylene Dibromlde 1, 2-dibrorno-3-chloropropane 1 I 2 1 4-TrJ.methylbenzene 1, 2 r 3-Trichlorobenzene n-Propylbenzene n-Butylbenzene Napthalene Hexachlorobutadlene 1, 3, S-TrlrnethylbenzeneMethyl T-Butyl Ether MRL Results ug/L1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 ulf?+z.O U Resultsug/l' U U U U u U U U'u U U U U u u u.U U u U u',.f, "&rcw f, !li;Ii;3*Hi::il::F,. Chloroform Bromodichloromethane Chlorodibromomethane Br.omoformm-Dichlorobenzene 1r 1-Dichloropropene 1, 1-Dichloroetshane L t L, 2 | 2-Tetrachloroethane 1, 3-DlclrloropropaneChlorornethane Bromomethane t , 2 , 3-Tr Lctrlorgpropane t I I ,'L ,2-TetrachloroethaneChloroethane 2r2-DLch'Loropropaneo-Chlorotoluenegr-Chleroteluene Bromobenzene Dibromonethane p-Isopropyltoluene IsopropylbenzeneTert-butylbenzene Sec-butylbenzeneFluorotrLchloromethaneDlchlorbdlf luoromcthane Bromochloromethane lAL BEsrLLsug/t" UBL 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.01.0 1.01.0 UBII 1.01.0' 1.0 Results ug/L.u U u u U U u u U U U 1.0 L.0 L. 1.0 U u U U U U u U- Analyzed f,or bu! not detected 'J- Below MRLB- Found in blank Anarysis cerrirled "". 2J ZA- Dare:z/*s/,s Cost Code: 365 Send Report To: UDEQ - DSH9I ATTN: Po BOX 144880 SAIJT LAI(E CITY UT 84114-4880 EPA METITOD 82608/524 GC/MS Purgeables Samp1e Mat,rlx:Sampling Site: Lab #: 2OL3O3L62 Unified State Laboratory: Public Health4431 South 2700 WestTaylorsville, Utah 84119 Date/Time Collected: OG 125 / 2O13LL ztSCollected By: flIDescription of, Sampllng Point:FORK SPRTNG Analyst: R.CC Date Received: o6/25/2oL3 Date Analyzear ob lzTlal4 BenzeneCarbon Tetrachloride 17 2-Dichloroethane 1, 1-DichloroethyleneFara-Dlchlorobenzene 1, 1, 1-TrichloroethaneTrichloroethytene.Vlnyl Chloride o-Dichl.orobenzene .cis 11 2-Dlchloroethylenetrane 1r 2-Dlchloroethylene 1,, 2-Dlchloropropane EthylbenzineMonochlorobenzene Styrene Ietrachloroet,hyLene TolueneXylenes (total) Dichloromethane L , 2 , 4-Tr Lc,hlorobenzene t , L , 2-Tr LchloroethaneEthylene Dl-bronide 1, 2 -dLbromo-3 -chlor oprotrrane t 2 2 1.4-Tr Lnethylbenzene 1, 2, 3-Trlahlorobenzgne n-Propylbenzenen-Butylbenzene Napthalene Hexachlorobutadiene 1, 3, 5-TrlmethylbenzeneMethyl T-Butyl Ether l'{RL Results ug/T'1.0 U Chloroform1.0 U Bromodichloromethane1.0 U Chlorodibromomethane1.0 U Bromoform1.0 U m-Dlchlorobenzene1.0 U 1r 1-Dlchloropropene1.0 U 1,1-Dlchloroethane1.0 U 1,1,2r2-TetrachloroethaneX.0 U 1r3-Dichloropropane1.0 U Chloromethane1.0 U Bromomethane1.0 U tr?r3-Trichloropropane1.0 U l,!.tt 2-TetrachloroethaneX.0 U Chloroethane1.0 U 2,Z-DLehloropropane1.0 U o-Chlorotoluene1-0 U p-Chlorotolueoe-#ZO U Bromobenzenel.O e$;p'g U cis-lr3-Dlchloropropene1.0 - U trans-113-Dichloropropene1.0 U Dibromomethane1.0 u1.0 u MRL Results' ug/t' MRL Resultsug/I'1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0' u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1..0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 u1.0 ux.0 u 1.0L.0 1.. U p-IsopropyltolueneU IsopropylbenzeneU Tert-butylbenzeneU Sec-butylbenzeneU F]-uorotrichloromethaneU DichJ.orodifluoromethaneU Bromochlorornethane U MBL;01.0 ResuIF.sug/L U U U U U U U u- J- B- Analyzed for but not detected Below MRL Found in bLank Analysls Cert!.fied By:altu Dare: z/*s/,s Case Narrative Itethod: 82508 AaalysLs: Volatiles. by GC/MSganple f's: 201303161-201303154, 201303169-3]-70 General Set InfornatLon: There are 6 water samples in Ehls reporting group for multiple analytes. Samples 20130316L-3154 are requested for meLhod 8250 with extended parameters. Samples 201303159-3170 are requesEed for method 624 test. .' Method 9urmary: This is a GC/MS method for the determination ofvolatile organic compounds according to SW-845 Guidelines. One 5- mI of sample was spiked with Internal Standards, Surrog,ates and purged with helium. The extract was analyzed using an Agilent 5973 GC/MS system with elecEron impact ionization source and a quadrapole mass-f iLter decector. 9ample preparation: The sample aet was prepared using Mebhod 50308, purge and trap. ttoldlng Tlmes: Samp1e holding times were met for all of these r'raLer samples. DLlutLong: uo diluEion was preformed in this set. Metbod atrd sanple Qc data: A11 samples surrogate recoveries werenet internal standard and surrogate recovery criteria ondilution. Ms/MsD Analysls: Matrix spiking extract of samples for 82608 analytes was performed in this set (201303162). Twenty five (25) nI of sample was diluted to 100 ml before 25 ugll' of standard solutlon was spiked. All splked compounds are recovered in Ehe acceptable range. fnstrumeut QC: The instrument was tirned with 5 ng BFB. A 6 point calibration curve was used for 8260 analytes. The sEandard concentraEions srere 1,5,10,25,50 and 100 uS/L. Calibrat,ion was checked with standards at L and 25 ug/L. ExEended analytes vrere checked aE 5 and 50 ug/l. Lovr recoveries of Viny1 acetaLe_and high recovery of acetone were detected in csTD at 50 ug/L; Low recoveri.es of tsrans-l,4-Dichloro-2-butene and vinyl acetage ltas detected in CSTD at 5 ug/L. These analytes were not detected in any sample. Iaterf,erences: None.aoqRita Cheng V.Iuly 08, 20L3