HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2013-001770 - 0901a06880349e83r u o im -> Division of February 8, 2013 Solid and Hazardous Waste FEB 0 8 2013 Mr. Scott T. Anderson, Director (P-Old?" 0 0 {77 0 Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Re: Perchlorate Trend Charts for Selected M-136 Monitoring Wells EPA ID Number UTD009081357 Dear Mr. Anderson: ATK Launch Systems ("ATK") is providing perchlorate concentration trend charts for four wells (A-5, C-1, D-4, and D-6) at the M-136 facility at our Promontory Operations. These wells were identified in the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (the "Division") Operations and Maintenance report dated December 22, 2011. The Division requested that the analytical data be evaluated and that a statistical trend test be performed for each well. The Division subsequently agreed that additional monitoring should be conducted prior to the statistical analysis. The trend charts include the analytical results from the last half of 2012. These wells are down gradient of the closed Liquid Thermal Treatment Area that historically received waste water containing perchlorate. The trend charts show an increase in perchlorate concentrations in Wells C-1 and D-4, a decrease in perchlorate concentrations in Well D-6, and no trend in Well A-5. We are uncertain as to why two wells are showing an increasing perchlorate concentration trend and other wells in the same area do not. ATK will continue to sample these four wells on a semi-annual basis to determine if these trends are continuing. We would also be available for further discussion on this matter with Messrs. Gabert and Vandel. If you have any questions, please contact Paul Hancock at (435) 863-3344 or me at (801) 251-4643. Sincerely, Robert Ingersoll, Director Environmental Services ATK Launch Systems Cc: Helge Gabert Jeff Vandel ATK Promontory Selected M-136 Monitoring Wells Perchlorate Trend Charts February 2013 A-5 Perchlorate 2000 1000 Sen's Slope - No Trend • Concentration (ug/L) Sen's Estimate 95% Conf. Max 95% Conf. Min. y = 48.113xt 5066.8 y = 41.61Sx+3588.5 y = 3S.117x + 2110.3 /////////SS/////S/ Sample Date C-1 Perchlorate 30O00 Sen's Slope - Increasing Trend • Concentration (ug/L) ——Sen's Estimate 95% Conf. Max y = 977.87xtS312.4 —95% Conf. Min. y = 985.6x* 1704.7 y = 993.33x-1903 //////////////////// Sample Date ATK Promontory Selected M-136 Monitoring Wells Perchlorate Trend Charts February 2013 D-4 Perchlorate 180000 80000 f & 40000 20000 Sen's Slope - Increasing Trend y jf jf y ^ Sample Date y = 5347.3xt 107631 y = 5405.3x + 102171 y«S463.3x+96710 • Concentration (ug/l) Sen's Estimate 95% Conf M,ix 95% Conf. Min. D-6 Perchlorate 1 t Sen's Slope - Decreasing 40000 • Concentration (ug/L) Sen's Estimate 95% Conf. Max 95* Conf. Mil. y= 6289.7x» 161029 y = -6S86.3x* 140791 y = -6883x* 120552 / / / / / / / / / / s«