HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2011-014899 - 0901a068803940ab4770 S. 5600 W. P.O. BOX 704005 WEST VALLEY CITY, UTAH 84170 FED.TAX l.D.# 87-0217663 ©Matt fake $riburif MEDIA**<£ Deseret News PROOF OF PUBLICATION CUSTOMER'S COPY CUSTOMER NAME AND ADDRESS DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE, SCOTT T ANDERSON P.O. BOX 144880 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114 ACCOUNT NUMBER 9001350993 DATE 10/1 1/20I I FUND 1000 FA OATE ACCOUNT NAME IDCT 2 0 2011 DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE, U AH DIVISION UF SOLID 8 HAZARDOUS WASTE TELEPHONE 8015360200 ADORDER# / INVOICE NUMBER 0000732778 / SCHEDULE Start 10/11/2011 End 10/11/2011 CUST, REF. NO. Legal Ad CAPTION NOTICE The Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board has is SIZE 55 Lines 1.00 COLUMN TIMES MISC. CHARGES RATE AD CHARGES DEPT 430 UNIT APPR UNIT NAG DATE OBJ. CODE mi FUNCTION ve>/-3ur/if 7TT TOTAL COST 97.40 FIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION NOTICE J The Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous \ Waste Control Board has is-sued an emergency hazard- | ous waste treatment permit | (#UT-042-201 1) to the ATK Launch Systems — Promontory facility. This permit authoriz-es ATK personnel to treat, in accordance with the Utah Hazardous Waste Manage-ment Rules, military flares that fall to Ignite during air- borne and ground launch testing procedures. The per- mit is effective on October 3, 201 1 and expires on Decern- ; ber 31, 2011. Utah Admin-1 istrative Rules allow applka- j tion for an emergency permit if an Imminent and substantial | endangerment to human health or the environment is ; present. ATK personnel re- ' quested an emergency permit j to' treat flares in place at Promontory Point by open ( burning based on the deter- > minatlon that flares that fall < to ignite are unsafe to move due to the potential damage sustained from the Impact with the ground. The Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste has copies of the permit available for public inspection during nor- 1 mal business hours on the 2nd i floor of the Multi-Agency | State Office Building, 195 North LWe-W*tL,SaIt Lake City, /fox further information,; contahtjeff Vandel atleOT) 536-0239^__Ja-j»tflpliance with the American Disabilities ' Act, Individuals with special needs {including auxiliary communicative aids and serv- ices) should contact Brooke Baker, Office of Human Re-sources at 536-4412 (TDD 536-4414). 732778 UPAXLP -i AS NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY, LLC dba MEDIAONE OF UTAH LEGAL BOOKER, I CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED ADVERTISEMENT OF NOTICE The Executive Secretary ofthe Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board has issued an emergency hazardous waste treatment permit (#UT-042-20intot FOR DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE, WAS PUBLISHED BY THE NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY, LLC dba MEDIAONE OF UTAH, AGENT FOR THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE AND DESERET NEWS, DAILY NEWSPAPERS PRINTED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WITH GENERAL CIRCULATION IN UTAH, AND PUBLISHED IN SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY IN THE STATE OF UTAH. NOTICE IS ALSO POSTED ON UTAHLEGALS.COM ON THE SAME DAY AS THE FIRST NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION DATE AND REMAINS ON UTAHLEGALS.COM INDEFINATELY. Start 10/11/2011 End 10/11/201 PUBLISHED ON SIGNATURE 10/1 1/2011 6 ViRQINIA CRAFT ah January 12. 2014 THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT BUT A "PROOF OF PUBLICATION PLEASE PAY FROM BILLING STATEMENT : ft 0 Jlen Publishing Corporation P.O. Box 12790 • Ogden, Utah 84412-2790 Publisher of Standard-Examiner • StandardNET • Hilltop Times For billing questions call 801-625-4200 (TAX I.D. No. 34 1717883) 2il_ Advertising Invoice and Statement Billing Period -'"i-SKi 10/2011 23|y;-.i'^otal'Anwum.Du6i^;:^»^^g3i: 167.67 ; Current Net Amount Due 167.67 4|",Page Number^ 2|?:-j - :^^:;Advertlserreiient!Name;-'-'W UTAH DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUA •Unapplied Amount 22|;'ffffl^3u,PayVrta^:'- 00 SIMMS';.- -.Billing-.OateJisSvr 10/31/11 3|' ^Termsrof Payments 60 Days 00 6l^f:'..BHIed-Ac<fount Nuniber&^Sa 146989 '^QverlSO Days - 00 Advertiser/Client Number, j: 146989 UTAH DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUA PO"BOX 144880 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114-4880 Amount Paid: Comments: TO MAINTAIN A CURRENT ADVERTISING ACCOUNT, CALL TODAY TO MAKE A PAYMENT. FINANCE CHARGE OF 1.5% (18% ANNUALLY) ON ALL PAST DUE BALANCES Please Return Upper Portion With Paymeni Please Return Upper Portion \ 121131141* Oescrrptiorhpther.Gomments/Charges*^ 10>- ..V.Oate^.-11|^N8vrepaper'Reference SyiSAU'-Sfee':, ,17|^TimB»Run ;1_8|^:3*^Rate; iSI^'ross'Artibunt-;-. v'^^^^^Sioy^' L0/20/11 10/11/11 2748517 ' 3 468691 LEGAL BALANCE FORWARD CHECKS PAYMENTS CK# 9564528 PERMIT #UT-042-2011 11 SE 2X 44.0C 88'. 00 1. 84 167.67 368.46 -368.46 167.67 sour NOV 0 2 im JIAH OIVISIUIM ui & HAZARDOUS WAS'IT 2-011. 0Z37Jb TO MAKE PAYMENT OR IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT AND YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME BEGINS A-L CALL 801-625-4518; IF IT BEGINS M-Z CALL 801-625-4532. Statement Of Account - Aging of Past Due Amounts Due date: 11/30/11 21KCurrentNet-AiirtouritDue^ 22[;:gp-:;;: ;30 Days ajtai; :<m~£SQ Days j-y-Vljg: fOver aO.Daysifc;* 'Unapplied Amount 23j> .Total Amount Due - 167.67 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 167.67 ' UNAPPLIED AMOUNTS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 24| Invoice Number; ^Advertiser Infdmi'aBbn : 1|^J^rBining:Period;^i:^i^SS^^;.a^ L01114698!) 10/2011 6|^-^BIIl9d'Acc6uht!Nurnber 146989 7| lA'dvertiser/Cllerit Number?^ 2| ^Advertiser/Client Name;. 146989 ;:.i»Pr, UTAH DEPT OF ENVIRONMEN ) Proof of Publication State of Utah County of Weber NOTICE ' v The : Executive 'Secretary of ihe' Utah .'.Solid . and Hazardous Waste Control Board has issued an emergency hazardous waste treatment permit (#™T-WSoil) to the ATK - Launch .-• Systems. Promontory facility. This permit authorizes ATK personnel to treat, vin accordance with .Jhe Utah • Hazardous Waste, Management. Rues.Tnil itary- flares that fail to ignite during airborne and ground launch testim) Procedures. Theper-mit is effective on October^,. 2011 and. expires on '-Decmber ^31, 2011.. -Utah -Administrative Rules allow application for...an emCTgency _per-mit. if an imminenr and . substantial, endanger Sent to. human'health or; the environment js present. ATK ' personnel requested an ••emergen-cy-permit-to--treat flares., in place at Promon-tory Point by open -burning... based online.: ae e mination that flares 'hat ,faH to. ign^_are unsafe lo move due to the ^potential .damage sustained from ,Hie-JmpacU>vnm^he..orwnd..j The • Division of' Solid aiid. . Hazardous Waste has" copies of "the ;permit, available .for.^uWic inspection during normal business hours-.,on the 2nd floor of -the .Multi-Agency, Stale .Offce Building0 195. North >1«0,;W^ For 'further information;'-contact-iJeff. Vandei;ai (801) • • 536-0257. , .; ^^-'^'.^ifV ''V'^'.- ••' " : ft?i compliance' ^im^theX American % Disabilities Act ^individuals-with - special needs ^(including auxIliary™ communicative^.aids - and , services^ sh^ld-,rantactv'Brooke ..Baker Wi« o .^Human .Resources at ^536-4412:(TOP,,^'^'fti r Pub •October-:'ll^MlVxs^me'^asvalso^pub lished • online - at 'utahlegals.com;- according -to Section 45-1-101, Utah Code Annotated, begin-. nfngon:the first date, of ./publication -and for-al least 30 ,days ..thereafter. /;X?-:.^?;r?*™<*ft Susan Bennett being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That she/he is a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and not interested in the above entitled matter; that she/he is the principal clerk of the Standard Examiner, which is, and was at the times of publication herinafter mentioned a newspaper of general circulation in the counties of Weber, Davis, Box Elder and Morgan, State of Utah: printed and published daily therein at Ogden City, that the notice attached hereto: ISSUANCE OF PERMIT Was published in said newspaper 1 time First, on 10/11/2011 and last on That said notice was published in every number of the regular issue of the said newspaper at times of publication as above specified. Ju^ - Subscribed and sworn to before me on 10/11/2011 Notary Public Wk ANNE M. PAUL normPUBUC • STATE OF UTAH COMMISSION #604179 COMM. EXP. 01-15-2015 FUND DEPT 1000 UNIT 480 l/g5C0 FA AA) DATE \\->u APPR UNIT NAG ASM DATE OBJ. CODE FUNCTION kb7HU\£ for UTV 009031357 -<> 0 2 2011 UTAH DIVISION ui ' SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASH Department of Environmental Quality DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE Scott T. Anderson Director Amanda Smith Executive Director Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board Kevin Murray, Chair Kory Coleman., Vice-Chair Scott Bruce Jeff Combs, MPH, LEHS R. Ryan Dupont, Ph.D. Larry A. Ellertson Brian E. Brower GARYR. HERBERT' Brian E. Brower GREG BELL Lieutenant Governor Governor Brad Mertz Gary Mossor Kevin Murray Dennis Riding Dwayne Woolley Amanda Smith Scott T. Anderson Executive Secretary October 6, 2011 Newspaper Agency Corporation Legal Advertising Department PO Box 45838 Salt Lake City, UT 84145 Dear Sir/Madam: This letter constitutes authorization to publish the attached NOTICE in the Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret Morning News on Tuesday, October 11, 2011. Please send invoice and affidavit of publication to: Scott T. Anderson, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste P.O. Box 144880 x Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Sincerely,—. Scott T. Anderson, Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board STA/tjm Enclosure 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144880 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Telephone (801) 536-0200 • Fax (801) 536-0222 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 www. deq. utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper Department of Environmental Quality Amanda Smith Executive Direcior Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board Kevin Murray, Chair Kory Coleman., Vice-Chair Scott Bruce Jeff Combs, MPH, LEHS R. Ryan Dupont. Ph.D. Brian E. Brower State of Utah Larry A. Ellertson Brian E. Brower GARY R. HERBERT Governor DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE Scott T. Anderson Director Brad Mertz Gary Mossor Kevin Murray GREG BELL Lieutenant Governor Dennis Riding Dwayne Woolley Amanda Smith Scott T. Anderson Executive Secretary August 1,2011 Ogden Standard Examiner 332 South Ward Avenue Ogden, UT 84401 Dear Sir/Madam: This letter constitutes authorization to publish the attached NOTICE in the Ogden Standard Examiner on Tuesday, October 11. 2011. Please send invoice and affidavit of publication to: Scott T. Anderson, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 195 North 1950 West - Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144880 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 Telephone (801) 536-0200 • Fax (801) 536-0222 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper Sincerely, Scott T. Anderson, Executive Secretary Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board STA/tjm Enclosure NOTICE The Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board has issued an emergency hazardous waste treatment permit (#UT-042-2011) to the ATK Launch Systems - Promontory facility. This permit authorizes ATK personnel to treat, in accordance with the Utah Hazardous Waste Management Rules, military flares that fail to ignite during airborne and ground launch testing procedures. The permit is effective on October 3, 2011 and expires on December 31, 2011. Utah Administrative Rules allow application for an emergency permit if an imminent and substantial endangerment to human health or the environment is present. ATK personnel requested a emergency permit to treat flares in place at Promontory Point by open burning based on the determination that flares that fail to ignite are unsafe to move due to the potential damage sustained from the impact with the ground. s The Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste has copies of the permit available for public inspection during normal business hours on the 2nd floor of the Multi-Agency State Office Building, 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City. For further information, contact Jeff Vandel at (801) 536-0257. In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should contact Brooke Baker, Office of Human Resources at 536- 4412 (TDD 536-4414). TN201100943 She gait ffakfSribuiw MEDLA^fg Deseret News Remit to: P.O. Box 704005 West Valley City, UT 84170 Order Confirmation for Ad #0000732778-01 Client DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE Payor Customer Client Phone 801-536-0200 Payor Phone Account* 9001350993 Address SCOTT T ANDERSON.P.O. BOX 144880 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114 USA Fax 801-536^441 EMail tmontgomery@utah.gov Payor Account Payor Address Ordered By Terry DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS V 801-536-0200 9001350993 SCOTT T ANDERSON.P.O. BOX 14481 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84114 Acct. Exec mfultz Total Amount Payment Amt $97.40 $0.00 Amount Due Payment Method Confirmation Notes: Text: * jerry Ad Type Legal Liner $97.40 Tear Sheets 0 Ad Size 1.0 X 55 Li Proofs 0 PO Number Color <NONE> Affidavits 1 Legal Ad Product Salt Lake Tribune:: Scheduled Date(s): Product Deseret News:: Scheduled Date(s): Product sltrib.com:: Scheduled Date(s): Product utahlegals.com:: Scheduled Date(s): Placement Legal Liner Notice - 0998 10/11/2011 Placement Legal Liner Notice - 0998 10/11/2011 Placement Legal Liner Notice - 0998 10/11/2011 Placement utahlegals.com 10/11/2011 Position Public Meeting/Hear-ing Notices Position Public Meeting/Hear-ing Notices Position Public Meeting/Hear-ing Notices Position utahlegals.com Ad Content Proof Actual Size NOTICE TTe Execurlve Secrerary of rt* Unar. Sclid ar.d Hazordois Wasre Ccr.rrcl Beard rai is-aed ar. einerger.cy r.uiord- of! watre rreanr.err permit (SJI -04 2-201 1 ) -c ite A Tit Loircr Sysrerra -Prcmor'ery foclliry. TNi permit u.rrori7- « ATK penorrel ro Treat, ir occcrdarce wilt Ttie urar rlazordci'j Woce Maraye. merr Riles, milirory flares rrar full rc iur.ire dirir.y air 5crre trd yieird laircr testify prccedire:. Tie per mrr is effective or. October 2, 201 1 ard expire; or Decem-ber rj 1, 201 I . uar Adtnir - istratrve Roles allow appllca- ricr, fcr ar, ecteriiercy permit if ar. inmirert and SLCKTarrial erdar.jerruerr rc timar, realrr. or rr.e er.virermerr is preier.r. AT£ persotrel re-qtesred cir emeryercy peirrtit ro rrear flares ir, place at Prcmcr.rcry Poir.r by oper. biiT.Trrt bated or. rfce deter-mlrarfcr rt,aT flares TroT fail rc igr.ire are ir-safe ro ntove die TO Tre pcrertial damage sistaired from te impact wirr, rite (iroird. Tire Division of Solid ard iltrrardcLS waire l-as ccoies cf rte perrr.iT a/ailable fcr pi'bli: Irspecticr, dcrlr.cj ror- mal biurets rein or. rre 2rd (leer of rde AM Iri Acjer^v Stare Office Bvildirg, 1 95 Nor* 1 vSO Weir, Salr Lake Crry. For firtrer ir.fonrriaricr, cortocr Jeff vardel ar (601) 536-0257. Ir. compiler :e with The Americar. Disabilities Acr, Irdivldials wirr special reeds (rrclt.dir.cj crxiliary comfiiirlcarive aidi aid serv- ices) sroold cortar Brooke Baker, Office of Minor. Re scucet or 5C-6-441 2 (TDD SSe-«UJ. 7D277E ^PAZIP 10/06/2011 4:41:10PM 1 OGDEN PUBLISHING CORP ORDER CONFIRMATION Salesperson: LEGALS Printed' at 10/07/11 09:11 by dmailo Acct #: 146989 UTAH DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PO BOX 144880 SALT- LAKE CITY UT 84114-4880 Contact Phone: Fax# : Email: Agency: SHARON SCHOFIELD (801)536-0200 @utah.gov Status: N Stop: 10/11/2011 Times Run: *** Words: 246 Cost: 167.67 Ad #: 468691 Start: 10/11/2011 Times Ord: 1 LEGL 2.00 X 44.00 Rate: LEGAL Class: 30090 LEGALS Descript: UT-042-2011 Given by: EMAIL TERRI MONTGOMERY Created: dmail 10/07/11 09:08 Last Changed: dmail 10/07/11 09:11 PUB ZONE ED TP START INS STOP SMTWTFS SE A 97 W 10/11/11 1 10/11/11 SMTWTFS AUTHORIZATION Under this agreement rates are subject to change with 30 days notice. In the event of a cancellation before schedule completion, I understand that the ' rate charged will be based upon the rate for the number of insertions used. Name (print or type] NOTICE The Executive Secretary ot lhe Ulah Solid and Hazardous Wasle Conlrol Board has issued an emergency hazardous waste treatment permit (#UT-042-2011) to Ihe ATK Launch Systems Promontory facility. This permit authorizes ATK personnel lo treat, in accordance with the Ulah Hazardous Wasle Management Rules, mil-itary flares that fail lo ignite during airborne and ground launch testing procedures. The per-mit is effective on October 3, 2011 and expires on December 31, 2011. Utah Administrative Rules allow application for an emergency per-mit if an imminent and substantial endanger-ment to human health or the environment is present. ATK personnel requested an emergen-cy permit to treat flares in place at Promon-tory Point by open burning based on Ihe de-termination that flares that fail lo ignite are unsafe to move due to the potential damage sustained from the impact with the ground. The Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste has copies of the permit available for public inspection during normal business hours on Ihe 2nd floor of the Multi-Agency State Office Building, 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City. For further information, contact Jeff Vandel at (801) 536-0257. In compliance wilh Ihe American Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (including auxiliary' communicative aids and services) should contact Brooke Baker, Office of Human Resources at 536-4412 (TDD 536-4414). Pub.: October 11, 2011- Same was also pub-lished online at utahlegals.com, according to Section 45-1-101, Utah Code Annotated, begin-ning on the first date of publication and for at least 30 days thereafter. 468691 Name (signature) Page 1 of 2 Terry Montgomery - RE: Public Notice... From: "Legals Mail" <legals@standard.net> To: " 'Terry Montgomery''' <tmontgomery @ utah. gov> Date: 10/7/2011 9:12 AM Subject: RE: Public Notice. . . Approximate cost is $167.67. Document scheduled to run 1 time(s), October 11, 2011. Ad #4468691. Proof to come. Denise Mailo Standard-Examiner Legal Clerk 801-625-4399 Please send all legal correspondence to legals@standard.net From: Terry Montgomery [mailto:tmontgomery@utah.gov] Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2011 2:43 PM To: legals@standard.net Subject: Public Notice. . . Please publish the following notice in the Ogden Standard Examiner on Tuesday, October 11, 2011. (Thanks!) Please send invoice and affidavit of publication to: Scott T. Anderson, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 , NOTICE The Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board has issued ah emergency hazardous waste treatment permit (#UT-042-2011) to the ATK Launch Systems - Promontory facility. This permit authorizes ATK personnel to treat, in accordance with the Utah Hazardous Waste Management file://C:\Documents and Settings\Tmontgomery\Local Settings\te... 10/7/2011 Page 2 of 2 Rules, military flares that fail to ignite during airborne and ground launch testing procedures. The permit is effective on October 3, 2011 and expires on December 31, 2011. Utah Administrative Rules allow application for an emergency permit if an imminent and substantial endangerment to human health or the environment is present. ATK personnel requested an emergency permit to treat flares in place at Promontory Point by open burning based on the determination that flares that fail to ignite are unsafe to move due to the potential damage sustained from the impact with the ground. The Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste has copies of the permit available for public inspection during - normal business hours on the 2nd floor of the Multi-Agency State Office Building, 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City. For further information, contact Jeff Vandel at (801) 536-0257. In compliance with the American Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should contact Brooke Baker, Office of Human Resources at 536-4412 (TDD 536-4414). file://C:\Documents and Settings\Tmontgomery\Local Settings\te... 10/7/2011