HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2011-010065 - 0901a0688028527bProof of Publication State of Utah County of Weber NOTICE The Executive Secretary of the Utah .Solid and IHazardous Waste Control Board has issued a.n emergency hazardous waste treatment permit (#™T%42-2011) lo the ATK . Launch. Systems Promontory facility. This Permit authorizes ATK personnel to treat, in accordance with Itie Jtah Hazardous Waste Management. Rules, mil-ta?Y flares lhat fail to i9™te during airtjorne and ground launch testing procedures. The ()er-mil is eHective on October 3, 2011 and expires m December 31, 2011. Utah Administrative Rules allow application for an emergency per-mil if an imminent and substantia endanger-ment to human health or the environment is SleSent ATK personnel requested an emergen-cy permit to treat flares in place at Promon-torv Point by open burning based on t.he ae-terminallSn that flares that fail to ignMe are unsafe to move due lo the potential damage sustained from the impact with the ground. The Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste has copies of Ihe permit available for pubhc inspection during normal business hours on the 2nd floor of he Multi-Agency State omce Building 195.North .1950 West Sa^ Lake City For further information, contact Jeff Vandei at (801) 536-0257. In compliance with the Americari Disabilities Act Mviduals with special needs (indudina auxiliav communicative aids and services! should contact ^Brooke Baker, Office of Human Resources al 536-4412 (TDD 536-4414). Pub- October 11, 2011. Same was also pub lished online at utahlegals.corri, according .to Seclion 45-1-101, Utah Code Annotated, begin-ning on the first date of publication and for at least 30 days thereafter, 46«o9i Susan Bennett being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That she/he is a citizen of the United States, over the age of eighteen years, and not interested in the above entitled matter; that she/he is the principal clerk of the Standard Examiner, wliich is, and was at the times of pubhcation herinafter mentioned a newspaper of general circulation in the counties of Weber, Davis, Box Elder and Morgan, State of Utah: printed and published daily therein at Ogden City, that the notice attached hereto: ISSUANCE OF PERMIT Was published in said newspaper 1 time First, on 10/11/2011 and last on That said notice was published in ever)' number of the regular issue of the said newspaper at times of publication as above specified. Subscribed and sworn to befoi£ me on 10/11/2011 Notary Public ANNE M. PAUL Noruy PU8UC • snTE Of imH COMMISSION 4/604179 COMM. EXP. 0M5-2015 NOV 0 2 2011 UiAHDIVISlUi\i UP SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTt Ogden Publishing Corporation P.O. Box 12790 • Ogden, Utah 84412-2790 PuWii/ifrq/Stajidard-Examitier • SlandardNET • Hilltop Times For billiHgtp,rsiions call 801-^5-4200 (TAX I.D. No. 34-1717883} Advertising Invoice and Statement 21 • ia^vertiser/ClwntNamB^; -^ar m" IT^M^^A-^-^- 10/2011 UTAH DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUA 23|¥jSrotal'Ar)»ount Due' •*.* . Tgh •Unappliod Amount^SW, 3»Terms of Payment" •^ -.'•S. -'^ --^:^*;,*^?? 167.67 2"1| . • CunnentNet'Amount Due 22{%i ... 30 OaVs ^ai^'' ... •••":S5' -6«r90/Days^?- i^:<? 167.67 . 00 . 00 . 00 4p Page Number 1 5|- ^^-^Billing^DateF? • ; 6| Billisd^AccountNumbef, TIP* -AiJvertlser/Client Number ') 1 10/31/11 146989 146989 8r:"%:jfBifled-AccountNamrandfAddress^ :~ji0^^^'--—7"^ TTT ~ — UTAH DEPT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUA PO BOX 144880 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114-4880 Amount Paid: Comments: TO MAINTAIN A CURRENT ADVERTISING ACCOUNT, CALL TODAY TO MAKE A PAYMENT. FINANCE CHARGE OF 1.5% (18% ANNUALLY) ON ALL PAST DUE BALANCES Please Return Upper Portion With Payment .101 „,Oatc 11:' Newspaper.Refersnce^ 12|13|14|^»!-Oescription^ther CommentwCttargesj^ •SAU Size , 16|> Billed Units't^ ..." ... 17|,5<Times Runi 191 .Gross Amount .-^ |20| Net Amount LO/20/11 LO/11/11 2748517 3 468691 LEGAL BALANCE FORWARD CHECKS PAYMENTS CK# 9564528 PERMIT #UT-042-2011 11 SE 2X 44.oq 88 . 00 1.84 167.67 368.46 •368 .46 167.67 NOV 0 2 2011 JIAH DIVISIUIM uh S0L1[ & HAZARDOUS WASTF 20llC>Z37Jb TO MAKE PAYMENT OR IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR ACCOUNT AND YOUR NAME OR COMPANY NAME BEGINS A-L CALL 801-625-4518; IF IT BEGINS M-Z CALL 801-625-4532. Statement of Account - Aging of Past Due Amounts Due date: 11/30/11 21| CiiSeM NetAmountipue -f' 221? .^aaO'Days-S?;--^:. .-•^m' 60;Diys -.V,»*' •••I W-'-:'- . ,dver90Days' •Unapplied Amount • • 231 TbuH^AmoiintDue- *. • 167.67 0 . 00 0 . 00 0 . 00 167.67 * UNAPPLIED AMOUNTS ARE INCLUDED IN TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 24| Invoice Number., g- •-. • - -W... m- 'WH Advait^lnfomation . . ^ •. • C.: . * ' 101114698! 'l|fc*r«BilllnB^PenoaK^?li;:a*^??^=,.ij •6|^°%:Billed ATCOuntiNumbTr^ft 71 .'A'dvertlserycilenf NiimbeiM 21 • ,AWertlser/Cllenf Name«.. .-ME^rm^mi:: I^i 101114698! ) 10/2011 146989 146989 UTAH DEPT OF ENVIRONMEN