HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2011-007378 - 0901a06880254e724770 S. 5600 W. P.O. BOX 704005 WEST VALLEY CITY, UTAH 84170 FED.TAX LD.# 87-0217663 mitM^^ktmbum MEDL^^ Deseret News V rt'. 1I h 11. c o ^• t. ctuc-; CO A' toi*o»;tii".H.co^ PROOF OF PUBLICAT10>J .OtlLPtlKtwl.COv CUSTOMER'S COPY CUSTOMER NAME AND ADDRESS DIV OF SOLID/HAZARDOUS, DENNIS R. DOWNS P.O. BOX 144880 SALT LAKE CITY. UT 84114 ACCOUNT NUMBER 9001350993 DATE 7/19/201 ACCOUNT NAME DIV OF SOLID/HAZARDOUS, TELEPHONE 8015360200 ADORDERff / INVOICE NUMBER UTAH OIVISIUIM Ul- SOLII) & HAZAROOUS WASTE 0000708303 / SCHEDULE Start 07/18/201 End 07/18/2011 CUST, REF. NO, JUL 2 8 2 UT-024-2011 CAPTION NOTICE The Executive Secretary ofthe Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board has is SIZE 29 Lines 2.00 COLUMN TIMES RATE 4 MISC. CHARGES AD CHARGES TOTAL COST 102,44 NOTICE The Executive Secretary of ttie Utah Solid and Hozardous Waste Control Board has issued an emergency hazardous waste treatment permit (#UT-024-201 1) to the ATK Launch Systems - Promontory facility. This permit auttiorizes ATK personnel to treot, in accordance with the Utah Hazardous Waste Management Rules, military flares that fail to ignite during airborne and ground launch testing procedures. The permit is effective on July 1, 2011 and expires on Septem- ber 28, 2011. Utah Administrative Rules allow application for an emergency permtt if an imminent and substantial en-dangerment to human health or the environment is present. ATK personnel requested an emergency permit to treat flares in place at Promontory Point by open burning based on fhe determination that flares that fail to igiiite are'unsafe to move due to the potential damage sustained from the impact with the ground. The Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste has copies of the permit available for public inspection during normal business hours on the 2nd floor of the Multi-Agency State Office Building, 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City. For further information, contact Jeff Vandel at (801) 536-0257. In com- pliance with the American Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should contact Brooke Baker, Office of Human Re- sources at 536-441 2 (TDD 536-44 1 4). 708303 UPAXLP AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION AS NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY, LLC dba MEDIAONE OF UTAH LEGAL BOOKER, I CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED ADVERTISEMENT OF NOTICE The Executive Secretarv of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board has issued an emergency hazardous waste treatment permit f#UT-024-20n)<ot FOR DIV OF SOLID/HAZARDOUS. WAS PUBLISHED BY THE NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY, LLC dba MEDIAONE OF UTAH. AGENT FOR THE SALT LAKE TI^IBUNE AND DESERET NEWS. DAILY NEWSPAPERS PRINTED IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE WITH GENERAL CIRCULATION IN UTAH. AND PUBLISHED FN SALT LAKE CITY, SALT LAKE COUNTY IN THE STATE OF UTAH. NOTICE IS ALSO POSTED ON UTAHLEGALS.COM ON THE SAME DAY AS THE FIRST NEWSPAPER PUBLICATION DATE AND REMAINS ON UTAHLEGALS.COM INDEFINATELY. PUBLISHEDON Start 07/18/2011 End 07/18/201 SIGNATURE DATE 7/19/2011 D [ a SriTtt^ VIRGINIA CRAFT ;f'£S'!^ish y Sidte of Utah Commission # .5614159 My Commission Sxpiios J3iu:arv12,2014 THIS IS NOT A STATEMENT BUT A "PROOF OF PUBLICATION PLEASE PAY FROM BILLING STATEMENT