HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2010-054130 - 0901a068801e620aHAZARDOUS WASTE INSPECTION REPORT Dates of Inspection Facihty Facility Contact Notification Apphcable Regulations Type of Inspection Participants Time of Arrival Time of Departure Report Prepared by Facility Descnption September 15 and 16, 2010 ATK Launch Systems Inc - Promontory P O Box 707 Bngham City, UT 84302-0707 George Gooch, Compliance Manager Environmental Services (435) 863-2018 UTD009081357 Generator, TSD RCRA Hazardous Waste Storage Permit, UACR315 CEI Hao Zhu, DSHW JeffVandel, DSHW George Gooch, ATK Troy Wadsworth, ATK Jason Wells, ATK Blair G Palmer, ATK 15 September 2010 8 45 AM 16 September 2010 9 05 AM 15 September 2010 4 00 PM 16 September 2010 4 00 PM Hao Zhu ATK's predecessors first began operations at the ATK Launch Systems - Promontory (ATK) facility m 1956 ATK and its predecessors have been primarily mvolved m the production and testing of rocket motor propellants These activities have included the production and testing of motors for the Space Shuttle, the wash-out and reloading of Minuteman ICBMs, and many other projects for the Department of Defense (DOD) The ATK facility is a 20,000 acre site that is located in Box Elder County, approximately 30 miles northwest of Bngham City, Utah The closest inhabitants to the facility live approximately one mile to the west of the admmistration area on a cattle ranch The ATK plant is divided mto four major areas designated as Defense and Launch Vehicle (DLV), Administrative and Manufacturing Area (or Space), Test Area, and High Performance Propellant Development Area (or Plant III) There are approximately 675 buildings located on the four areas that comprise the ATK plant ATK's pnmary activities consist of motor production for the space program and defense contracts, and the production and testing of vanous types of military flares Currently, ATK is experiencing a reduction in these activities due to funding cuts and completion of contracts Waste Stream Management ATK generates, treats, and stores characteristic and hsted hazardous wastes as defined by R315- 2 of the Rules as a result of its manufacturing and demilitanzation activities ATK has RCRA Part B permits for hazardous waste treatment, storage, and post-closure care ATK treats reactive (and/or ignitable) hazardous wastes by open buming and open detonation at two separate sites at the facility ATK uses an electronic waste tracking system for all reactive wastes generated from each location After waste is generated, a generator will input waste into the database The waste is assigned a unique ID number to track throughout the entire process At this point, the Bum Grounds is notified through the databas^that the waste has been generated, and needs to be picked up The waste is then transferred to the burn grounds where it is scanned, given a log date, and assigned a station for buming Then, each item that is to be bumed on a given date is selected in the database When the selection is made, a bum date is assigned Following the bum, an inspection and cleaning operation is performed The clean date is recorded m the database as a part of the operating record ATK also receives hazardous waste from other ATK facilities located off-site for storage and/or accumulation at M-186 prior to shipping the waste off-site for treatment and disposal These ATK facilities include Space Systems, Case Refiarbishment Center (CRC), Composite Structures and Bacchus Reactive hazardous wastes are received from the Bacchus facility for treatment by open buming at the M-136 Bum Grounds ATK reclaims ammonium perchlorate (AP) from the propellant that is washed-out of rocket motors and from the wastewater treatment building M-705 After the propellant is washed out of the motors, it is put through a grinding process at M-705 The reclaimed AP that meets the product specifications is sold to other companies The reclaimed AP that does not meets the product specifications, e g containing metal or the objects, will then be designated as hazardous waste to be treated at the M-136 Bum Grounds ATK generates a large quantity of hazardous wastewater from various generation buildings which IS treated at its wastewater treatment plant at building M-705 Hazardous wastewater from the Bacchus facility is also transported to ATK for treatment The wastewater is shipped from Bacchus to Promontory by tanker tmck with hazardous waste manifest documentation Once received at the Promontory wastewater treatment plant, the wastewater is pumped into a holding tank At this point the wastewater is regulated by the Clean Water Act From the holding tank, the wastewater is mixed with wastewater generated on-site, treated, and then discharged to Blue Creek in accordance with ATK's UPDES permit Inspection Credentials, Purpose and Scope ATK was notified ofthe compliance evaluation inspection (CEI) on September 15, 2010 The Bear River Health Department was notified of the inspection and was invited to participate, but chose not to participate The inspection was imtiated on the moming of September 15th and concluded on the aftemoon of September 16th, 2010 It was explained to ATK personnel in the beginning of the inspection that the purpose of the CEI was to evaluate ATK's compliance with its RCRA permits and the Hazardous Waste Management Rules (the Rules) The scope of the inspection included a site walk-through of the hazardous waste management areas and a review of ATK's waste management documentation and operations Waste management areas include reactive and other hazardous waste generation locations, permitted storage area and bum grounds The scope of the inspection, the pre-inspection checklist (Attachment A), and an approximate schedule, was then discussed with ATK personnel In addition to discussing the scope of the inspection, George Gooch was asked some questions that were prepared pnor to the inspection to get current information on hazardous waste issues at the facihty M-26 Mixing Building Reactive wastes including AP and other propellant materials, and contaminated PPE/rags are generated in the mixing building ATK has implemented a waste minimization program at each of the waste generation areas The quantity of contaminated PPE/rags waste generated from each campaign has been reduced about 50% today from about eight years ago At the time of inspection, the building and floor appeared to be clean and in order No issues or concems were identified Mixing Building 90-day Dock On the dock located outside the building, there were two bags of hazardous waste propellant and flare waste material placed in the plastic containers The containers are used as a secondary containment for the flare waste magnesium which requires a desensitizing agent during storage At the time inspection, inspectors found that the system appeared effective to manage and track reactive waste from the time of generation to the time of treatment No concems were identified M-52/M-111 Inert Work Center The inert works building is used to manufacture, clean and pamt various products No reactive waste IS generated or managed at the building Waste solvents, paints, rags and other contammated materials are generated from the building, and further managed at the 90-day waste dock before they are transferred to the permitted storage area, M-186 At the time of inspection, there was one 55-gallon dmm of flammable liquids that is used as a satellite accumulation container, and one 30-gallon container with hazardous waste rags/debris contaminated with xylene and MEK that was generated from the waste dock area No issues were identified M-186 Hazardous Waste Storage The M-186 hazardous waste storage area is the primary, permitted storage facility at ATK Access to the facility is controlled by the gate at the entrance to the M-136 Bum Grounds An additional fence surrounds the storage area, and appropriate signs are posted on the fence at the entrance and other locations The facility is enclosed on three sides and has a roof The floor is sealed concrete, and is sloped towards collection sumps The inspection of the storage area included an examination of the containers, hazardous waste labels, the eyewash and shower stations, fire extinguishers, sumps, and grounds A copy of the contingency plan is kept on-site At the time of inspection, the following waste dmms were identified at the M-186 Storage Area (the number of dmms was approximately counted) 1) 28 55-gallon dmms labeled with DOOI and F003 codes 2) 18 55-gallon dmms of DOOI and other various wastes 3) Eight pallets of boxes containing pamt filters 4) Loose packs/lab packs of waste chemicals 5) One 3000 gallons of used oil tank that was usually emptied approximately every 12-14 weeks 6) Several boxes of universal waste labeled with used lamp in box stored m a storage shed All containers were closed and properly labeled No issues or concems were identified ATK conducts daily inspections of the storage area The inspection logs were reviewed The frequency of ATK inspections was discussed at the time of inspection ATK may propose to not inspect the area during the holidays/weekends or when not in use through a permit modification M-225 Burn Grounds The M-225 Bum Grounds are located at Plant III Access to Plant III is controlled and the Bum Grounds are enclosed by a fence with a locked gate Open Buming at M-225 is conducted much less frequently and at lower quantities than at M-136 Only hazardous wastes that are generated from development projects at Plant III are bumed at M-225 ATK manages a "derived from" bum tray that is reserved for treating reactive hazardous waste that also has a hsted code attached to It ATK containerizes the ash and debns removed from this tray and ships it off-site as hazardous waste At the time of inspection, the bum ground area and bum pans were clean and in good condition Partial closure was briefly discussed No concerns were identified T97A Testing Area 97 This area is used for static testing of product rocket motors No issues were identified T29B Hydrazine Dilution/Recycling After static tests, all hydrazine is recycled using special equipment manufactured by the United Space Alliance at T29B However, lab samples that are retumed from the lab are hazardous waste and are treated at T29B by dilution The diluted hydrazine is then shipped off site to the permitted Aragonite facility for treatment and disposal ATK currently generates approximately one 55-gallon dmm of diluted hydrazine per year If a spill occurs inside the building, the floor will be washed and wastewater will be transferred to the wastewater treatment plant through tank tmcks No concems were identified m the area M-55 Vehicle Maintenance Shop ATK has approximately 500 vehicles that are maintained at the facility vehicle maintenance shops At the time of inspection, oil fihers in drums, Safety-Kleen parts washers were found at the shop The shop appears to be clean and in order No concems were identified M-136 Burn Grounds The majority of ATK reactive hazardous wastes are open-bumed at the M-136 Bum Grounds Open buming is typically conducted once or twice each week at M-136 The Bum Grounds are located within ATK's secured area, and entry into the Bum Grounds is further controlled by a gate at the access road The Bum Grounds are equipped with video cameras, an alarm system, and a bunker from which bum events are monitored and controlled Open buming is mainly conducted in steel pans or trays Prior to burning, hazardous wastes (reactive and/or ignitable waste) are transferred to the bum pans/trays in variety of containers including super sacks, plastic bags, slids, and cardboard boxes and drums In accordance with ATK's Storage Permit, ATK is permitted to store solid reactive hazardous waste received from off-site for a period of 14 days in bum pans at M-136 Some of the containers of solid reactive hazardous waste contain desensitizing fluid This fluid is typically shingle oil or diesel Therefore, the Storage Permit states that the containment requirements of R315-8-9 6 apply to the bum pans for wastes received from off-site Wastes generated on-site are subject to the 90- day accumulation penod, but as stated above, open buming is generally conducted at least once a week Ash and debris removed from the bum trays is typically characterized as non-hazardous and is also disposed of in the Inddustrial Waste Treach (IWT) that is permitted by the solid waste branch of DSHW If a complete bum of hazardous waste is not accomplished, the waste is re- bumed using "donor" reactive material Due to the decrease in production at ATK in the past year, the volume of waste that was generated by ATK and treated at the bum grounds was also reduced During the inspection, the inspectors observed that a number of steel bum trays were laid on the ground upside down to avoid accumulation of precipitation The inspectors also observed that there were a few trays that contained waste that was ready to be bumed The area around the bum trays appeared to be clean with minor normal bum debris Periodic soil monitoring is conducted to evaluate the impact of OB/OD operations on the surrounding soil The soil monitoring was bnefly discussed during the inspection No issues or concems were identified Records Review The records for bum ground treatment and tray/pan cleaning, manifests, and waste analyses were reviewed Selected documents from the review are included in the Attachment 2 ofthis report In addition, training records for selected ATK employees were also reviewed (Attatchment 3) It appears that the training for these individuals is adequate No issues were identified with these records Hao Zhu Date Environemental Engineeer Attachment 1 Pre-inspection Checklist Pre-Inspection Checklist Facility ATK Launch Systems Inc Promontory Facility EPA ID # UTD009081357 Address ATK Launch Systems Inc Promontory Facility P O Box 707 Brigham City, UT 84302-0707 Type of Inspection Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) Date of InspecUon September 15 and 16, 2010 Team Leader Hao Zhu Team Members JeffVandel Pre-Inspection Conference -> t- iO Date <fl <M-1 to Time -6-^0 V Inspection Scope RCRA Compliance Evaluation Inspection with a review of hazardous waste management and documentation Open Buming Grounds - inspect the site, condition of bum trays, operatmg record for inspections, condition of drainage ditches surrounding bum grounds Hazardous Waste Storage - inspect the site, condition of containers, sumps, operatmg record for inspections X-ray Photograph Sites - inspect one or more of these sites to be determined in the field Wastewater treatment plants IVIachme Shop - inspect the site, waste management Garage - mspect the site, waste management T29B Hydrazine Treatment facility - inspect the site, look at records Waste Analysis records for wastes received from off-site. Waste Analysis records for annual evaluation of wastestreams Manifests - a number of manifests for wastes received and wastes shipped off-site Safety Equipment PPE Inspection Notification {indicate the contact and the date and time of contact) Facility George Gooch, ATK Launch Systems - Promontory, September 14, 2010,9 00 AM Local Health Department Mike Rhodes, 1-435-695-2069, September 14, 2010, 3 14 PM Team Leader Supervisor J^A^Q t^.Jl^x^ "t ^«^'^Tr lis of Operati*^ Selected Copi ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS - PROMONTORY (WASTE CONTAINER RECORD) GENERA TOR INFORMA TION FOR OFF-SITE PICKUP ONLY BLDG : M111 1 PRGR006 C/C :| 6540 | MANIFtSTW f^C : [ ATK iDWg, TH30201 OFF-SITE PROFILE :; WIP884358 SHIPPING INFORMATION UN/NAM^ ••••H UN1993 Shifting Name:^ .WASTE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, N.O.S. Technical Naiife'^:'' * (METHYL ETHYL KETONE.XYLENE) Class/Divi -^^ :\ 3 ifliM^:i im II m W RQ (DOOI) ERG#,H 128 | BMMfliO001.D007.D008,D018,D019,D021 ,D022.D028,D035,0036,D038,D039,D040,F001 ,F002,F003,F005 rl^:.;|-^iQTY: 400 |UM: j> M fyPE :[W Hazard Ci«le:|HW cp™»ii§r^.T1 COSr INFORMATION Disposal Cost: $125^ tl^nsfJS^brfl^^^ tbfafCobt. TRACKING INFORMATION Date Rec ' 8/27^010 | Storage Location:' M186| DATE SHII*: I SHIP MANIFESTV ' L CONSOLIDATION INFORMATION Nciv Tracking # Date Transferee! | QTYTrartsfered iUM Wednesday, September 15, 2010 ANSWER Page t Profile No. EPA.3- J Faciiity Name Address City, Zip Datc Op&ned WfP884358 COD980591184 VEOLIA ES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS L.L.C. 9131 E. 96TH AVE. HENDERSON, CO 80640 4/7/2003 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, PUMPABLE SLUDGE ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC. - Promontory P.O. BOX 707, M/S 301B BRIGHAM CITY, UT 84302-0698 EPAID#: UTD009081357 PROFILE*: WIP8843ri CONTAINER NUMBER 7708 SHIPPING INFORMATION UN2810 DOT ID: Shippincj Nane: WASTE TOXIC, LIQUIDS, ORGANIC, N.O.S. Technica! Names: ((CHROMIUM, ISOCYANATES) Hazard Class#: | 6.1 J Sub Hazard: PG#: 11 RQ RQ Codes:| (D009) ERG#: 1 153 EPA Codes: :D007,D009,U223 | C ONT SIZE . 55 Cont Type: ] DM Hazaird Code: \ HW TRACKING INFORMATION 'Pate Rec: | 8/3/2010 | Storage Location. ftateShjp: | ~ ~1 Ship "Manifest: Ml 86 CONTAINER CONTENTS 1 rTEM#!DATE REC IOENT# FBLDG • PRG ' DFSrPIF'TiON 'J^S*^ EPA NUMBER 1 mi2Bm 6S09 M113 H(m 67XX ADHESIVE, CONTAINS ETHYL 1 •1 DF NONE L CYANOACRYUVTE 2 )/5/2010 60000808 E506 A099 6131 HEXAMETHYLENE DliSOCYANATE 19 p DM NONE L 3 5/6/2010 MSDS E519 EO 33350 E-FILL 2901, CONTAINS NICKEL COBALT GRAPHITE AND CARBON 9 p DF NONE L 4 5/12/2010 MSDS M059 EO 6911 LAURYL METHACRYLATE 11 p GL NONE L 5 5/12/2010 MSDS M059 EO 6911 POLYESTER ACRYLATE 2 p GL NONE L 6 5/12/2010 5349 M059 EO 6911 HEXAMETHYLENE DliSOCYANATE 1 p DF NONE L 7 5/12/2010 MSDS M083 EO 3350 OCTAFLUORO-1 -PENTANOL 1 p GL NONE L 8 5 ^13/2010 MSDS M053 EO 3350 TOLYLENE 2,4-DIISOCYANATE 4 p GL U223 L 9 5/13C010 MSDS M053 EO 3350 GLYOXAL IN WATER 16 p GL NONE L 10 5/14/2010 57-704362 M043 910P 6912 CURED ADHESIVE. CONTAINS 10 p BA D007 S CHROMIUM 11 5/14/2010 57-590317 M043 91 OP 6912 CURED ADHESIVE, CONTAINS 1 p BA D009 s MERCURY 12 5/14/2010 57-590317 M043 91 OP 6912 ADHESIVE, CONTAINS MERCURY 1 p DF D009 L 13 5/14/2010 57-704362 M043 91 OP 6912 ADHESIVE, CONTAINS CHROMIUM 1 p DF D007 L 14 5/14/2010 MSDS M043 0088 6912 DIALLYL MALEATE 1 p GL NONE L 16 5/22/2010 9988 M585 EO 8660 DIMER DliSOCYANATE 3 p GL NONE L 15 5/22/2010 60002058 M585 EO 8660 DIMER DliSOCYANATE 4 p GL NONE L 17 5/24/2010 TSI 0425-4 E506 A099 6131 FLAME MASTER SEALING COMPOUND 1 p DF NONE L PART B CONTAINS, CRYSTALLINE SILICA 18 5/27/2010 TW5-12001-0C T023 EO 6924 M-BOND 200 PART B 1 p DF NONE L 19 6/9/2010 5238 M397 R006 6841 M-BOND GA 2 RESIN, CONTAINS 3 p GL NONE L EPlCHLOROHYDRIN 20 6 /9/2010 57-590502 M397 PKAB 6841 PR 1422 B-2 PART A ACCELERATOR, CONTAINS CHROMIUM 2 p DF D007 L 21 6/10/2010 WS26018 E517 EO 6740 ELASTOPOR, CONTAINS 4,4' 29 p DM NONE L DIPHENYLMETHANE DliSOCYANATE 22 6/10/2010 TSI 0220 E506 A099 6131 RTV 60, CONTAINS DiBUTYLTIN 1 p DF NONE L DILAURATE DF NONE 23 6| 10/2010 60004858 E506 A099 6131 FUMEMASTER CS 3802 PART B, CONTAINS DIBUTYLTIN DILAURATE 1 p GL NONE L ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS WC. - Promontory P.O. BOX 707, M/S 301B BRIGHAM CITY, UT 84302-0698 EPAID#: UTD009081357 PROFILE* : W1P884371 ITEM# DATE REC IDEMU!' BLOG PRG C/C 1 QTY UM "CT" '•-•""'EPA NOMBERS'--" • 25 6/22/2010 NO. 1075 E506 PKAB 6131 CONDUCTIVE ADHESIVE, CONTAINS ISOCYANATES 1 P DF NONE L 26 6/22/2010 TSI0303 E506 A099 6131 DOW CORNING RTV CURING AGENT, CONTAINS DIBUTYLIN DIACETATE 4 P DF NONE L 27 6/22/2010 60006569 E506 A099 6131 STEPANFOAM PART T, CONTAINS ISOCYANATES 4 P DM NONE L 28 6/22/2010 MSDS M043 R006 6912 ARALDITE 2042 PART A&B, CONTAINS ISOCYANATE, MERCURY 17 P DF D009 L 29 6/22/2010 MSDS M043 R006 6912 ARALDITE 2041 PART A&B, CONTAINS ISOCYANATE, MERCURY 1 P DF D009 L 30 6/22/2010 7319 M043 PKAB 6912 MAPO 1 P DF NONE L 31 6/23/2010 MSDS M043 R006 6912 PSR133 PHENOL/FORMALDEHYDE RESIN 2 P DM NONE L 32 6/23/2010 MSDS T04C PKAB 692X SERMETAL 750, CONTAINS CHROMIUM 2 P DF D007 L 33 6/23/2010 60008157 E506 A099 6131 SUPER BONDER FOR METAL 1 P DF NONE L 34 6/23/2010 MSDS T023 PKAB 6942 SOLDER PASTE, CONTAINS LEAD 1 P DF D008 L Total QTY (lbs): gotal Lab Pack Only (lbs): 160 WedAesd^i September 15. 2010 ANSWER Page 1 1 Profile No. EPA I0# Facility Name Address .. City, Zip t ; Date Opened I Waste Name WIPS84371 COD980591184 VEOLIA ES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS L.L.C. 9131 E. 96TH AVE. HENDERSON, CO 80640 4/7/2003 j CAN-DRUM, TOXIC 1 (LOOSEPACK) ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC. - Promontory P.O. BOX 707. M/S 301B BRIGHAM CITY, UT 84302-0698 EPAID#: UTD009081357 PROFILES : WIP884388 SHIPPING INFORMATION •DOT ir- Sliipping Name: Tecnnical Na;r.us|! Hazard Class EPA Ccdos : CONT SIZE : NONE NON HAZARDOUS. NON D.O.T. REGULATED SOLIDS (UNIVERSAL WASTE LAMPS) NA I Sub Hazard- NONE ] PG#: • NA RQ- j I RQ Codes:!" ERG«: 1 Cent Type: CW H.i/srd Cr.Jo UW TRACKING INFORMATION Date Rec: | 6/16/2010 Storage Location: M186 p-' Ship Manifest: CONTAINER CONTENTS DATfc HEC IDEN7# BLDG PRG C/C DESCRIPTION QTY }UM CT EPA NUMBERS --^ PS 1 6/16/2010 THNH1LP H007 PKAB 6440 UNIVERSAL WASTE LAMPS (210X8') 324 P GL NONE S (70X4') 2 6/28/2D10 THNH1LP M137 EO 6250 UNIVERSAL WASTE LAMPS (204X8') 465 P GL NONE S (132X4) 3 6/28/2010 THNH1LP M321 EO 6250 UNIVERSAL WASTE LAMPS (10X8') 40 P GL NONE S (18X4') 4 8/23/2010 THNH1LP E515 EO 8670 UNIVERSAL WASTE LAMPS (31X4') 21 P GL NONE S 5 8/30/2010 THNH1LP M068 EO 6250 UNIVERSAL WASTE LAMPS (31X4') 64 P GL NONE S (86X2') (1X3') Tolal QTY (lbs): I Total Lab Pack Only (lbs): 914 Wednesday, September 15, 2010 ANSWER Page 1 mjifeNo. • EPAID# Faciiity Name Address City, Zip Date Opened Waste Name WIP^84388 AZ0000337360 VEOLIA ES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS 5736 WEST JEFFERSON PHOENIX, AZ 85043 4/28/2003 UNIVERSAL WASTE LAMPS ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS - PROMONTORY (WASTE CONTAINER RECORD) GENERA TOR INFORMA TION FOR OFF-SITE PICKUP ONLY BLDG: j E512 t PRG :| EO ! C/C:] 6740 MANIFEST# REC ATK ID#: MSDS OFF-SITE PROFILE :l AP3010388 ] I SHIPPING INFORMATION EPA Codes: Cont Size: Comments: D001,D035,U159 : 55~1 QTY 350 UM: CONT TYPE:, DM I hazard Code^j HW UN/NA#:''liPiPw^ UN1193 Shipping Name: WASTE METHYL ETHYL KETONE Technical Names: Ciass/Div#: 3 Stifa. Hazard: | [ PG: i II RQ:| [RQ Codes: gRG*: 127 1 COST INFORMATION Disposal Cost- '~~ $48.0^ Transportation Cost: Total Cost: TRACKING INFORMATION Date Rec CONSOUDA TION INFORMA TION 8/5/2010 i Storage Location: DATE SHIP. J WPJIANiEESJ. [New Tracking # j Date Transfered QTY Transfered uwj 1 ^ Wednesday, September 15, 2010 ANSWER Page 1 Profile No. EPA IDS Facility Name 'Addre^H HKTzip Date Opened Waste Name j AP3010388 UTD981552177 CLEAN HARBORS ARAGONITE FACILITY 11600N. ARAGONITE ARAGONITE, UT 84209 3/20/2000 PURE METHYL ETHYL KETONE (MEK) ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS - PROMONTORY (WASTE CONTAINER RECORD) GENERA TOR INFORMA TION FOR OFF-SITE PICKUP ONLY BLDG. Mill ' PRG :j R006 C/C : 6540 f MANIFEST* REC: j ATK \D«: TH302D1 OFF-SITE PROFILE : WIP884358 SHIPPING INFORMATION UN/NA#: UN1993 Shipping Namo: Technical Names; .Class/Div#: WASTE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS, N.O.S. | Shipping Namo: Technical Names; .Class/Div#: (METHYL ETHYL KETONE.XYLENE) Shipping Namo: Technical Names; .Class/Div#: 3 Codes:! (DOOI) ERG#. 128 1 Cont Size: 55 | QTY: 400 MM-t, 1 p CONTTYPE; DM Hazard Ccoe: HW I Comments; COST INFORMATION Dbiposal Cost: $125.00} transportation Cost: Total Cost: TRACKING INFORMATION CONSOLIDATION INFORMATION Date Rec. i 8/27/2010 Storage Location: M186| New Tracking # 1 Date Transfered 1 QTY Transfered UM Wednesday, September 15, 2010 ANSWER Page 1 Profile No. ' EPA ID# 1 Facility Name Address City, Zip Date Opened Waste Name WIP884358 1 1 COD980591184 VEOLIA is TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS LLC. 9131 E. 96TH AVE. HENDERSON, CO 80640 4/7/2003 FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS. PUMPABLE SLUDGE '•:A'Si Please print or type (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) Fomi Approved OMB No 2050 0039 5 Generator's Name and Mailing Address ASK TftMfti^ SO Bes tti, WW Uavnk Of M044 Generator's Phone 801 2BO-8011 6 Transporter 1 Company Name UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 1 Generator ID Number Og3170027277 2 Page 1 of 2 3 Emergency Response Phone 801-251-3098 4 Manifest Tracking Number 002614582 FLE Generator's Site Address (if different than mailing address) SOOO 8an«h 8400 Wmmt Utat VaUflBT City, Uf 84044 us EPA ID Number I O1B000008981 7 Transporter 2 Company Name US EPA ID Number 8 Designated Facility Name and Site Address 8180 11 OS uigftaragr I PxcMntenr. Of 8431 Facility sPhore 4SB-8fS-S277 us EPA ID Number UfD0080813S7 9a HM 9b U S DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazanj Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) 10 Containers 11 Total Quantity 12 Unit Wt/Vol 13 Waste Codes 9a HM 9b U S DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazanj Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) No Type 11 Total Quantity 12 Unit Wt/Vol 13 Waste Codes X 1 moUBO, Wast* BoolBat me/torm, l.ic, MXZ 111898100009 3 DV 48 » D003 X 1 moUBO, Wast* BoolBat me/torm, l.ic, MXZ 111898100009 3 DV 48 » X 2 11M271, Wteto Cbaxgrnm, prrylUng, I.IC, 8«ai, ao (DOOS) 6 or 8183 P D003 X 2 11M271, Wteto Cbaxgrnm, prrylUng, I.IC, 8«ai, ao (DOOS) 6 or 8183 P X 3 aM>474, mmatm SdBstaao*, MMfileai.ym, M.0.8. (oeatalBS BO), I.IC, Mil B2002070120 60 or 2770 F 0003 X 3 aM>474, mmatm SdBstaao*, MMfileai.ym, M.0.8. (oeatalBS BO), I.IC, Mil B2002070120 60 or 2770 F X ^ 1M0499, mamtm VxcMllaBt, solid, l.SC, MIX, BB (D003) B00041M, 1X8804109, m889081S8 5 or 2014 P D003 X ^ 1M0499, mamtm VxcMllaBt, solid, l.SC, MIX, BB (D003) B00041M, 1X8804109, m889081S8 5 or 2014 P 14 Special Handling Instnjctions and Additional Infonnation Dual drlwr pgobsotlso addULtlMuil lnriiiMl I lil OB attMbod - PMI B&fmx ASK Doof 03383 15 GENERATOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately descnbed above by the proper shipping name and are classified packaged merited and labeled/placarded and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable international and national govemmental regulations If export shipment and I am the Pnmary Exporter I certify that the contents of this consignment confonn to the terms of the attached EPA Acknowledgment of Consent I certify that the waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 262 27(a) (if I am a large quantity generator) or (b) (if I am a small quantity generator) is tme Generator's/Olferor's Printed/Typed Name Signati Chris faUtSBborq ignaturafl ~TZ ~ Month L)ay Year 16 International Shipments • Import to U S • Export from US Transporter signature (for exports only) Port of entry/exit Date leaving U S 17 Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Matenals Tlrarjs«»(el fFrinted/ryped N*ie Month Day Year Yea Month Day Year Transporter 2 Pnnted/Typed Name 18 Discrepancy 18a Discrepancy Indication Space Q^g^diy • Type • Residue Partial Rejection ManfesI Reference Number • Full Rejection IBb Altemate Facility (or Generator) Facility s Phone US EPA ID Number 18c Signature of Altemate Facility (or Generator) Month Day Year 19 Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i e codes for hazardous waste treatment disposal and recycling systems) 14 OHO 14-0 HO 20 Designated Facility Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazarelous matenals covered by the manifest Pnnted/Jjjped Name ^ Tl 8700 22 (Rev 3-1)5) Previous editions are obsoli Signal Month Year \oi Iff\fo EPA Form 8700 22 (Rev 3-05) Previous editions are obsolete DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE (/<aZQUIRED) Please pnnt or type (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewriter) Form Approved OMB No 2050 0039 UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 1 Generator ID Number O»B0O1708028 2 Page 1 of 1 3 Emergency Response Phone 801-281-3088 4 Manifest Tracking Number 662614586 FLE ZBO. - 5 Generator's Name and Mailing Address KKK Lnadb, tattm P.O. mem 88; Attu. » MigM, Of. 84044-0088 Generators Phone 801 280—8811 B Transporter 1 Company Name Generator's Site Address (if different than mailing address) 8000 Soatlk 8400 Usst •iMt Vallsgr City, Of 84120 I, Zae. us EPA ID Number I €89000624247 7 Transporter 2 Company Name US EPA ID Number 8 Designated Facility Name and Site Address A9K TiSUHflh < 8160 II 08 U^mv 83 PranatoBPf Of 84307 Facililys Phone 43B-883-8277 ttoxT) us EPA ID Number UB)008081387 9a HM 9b us DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) 10 Containers 11 Total Quantity 12 Unit Wt/Vol 13 Waste Codes 9a HM 9b us DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) No Type 11 Total Quantity 12 Unit Wt/Vol 13 Waste Codes X 1 >A3082, •uwcdoos wasto, liqnid, n.o.s. (f002, f008), 8, POXZI 1 ff 40000 P P002 f008 X 1 >A3082, •uwcdoos wasto, liqnid, n.o.s. (f002, f008), 8, POXZI 1 ff 40000 P 2 2 3 3 4 4 14 Special Handling Instmctions and Additional Infonnation 1) naltfife is ostlaatad. • 03418, 171, PceCilo 1«88 - 3980231 Tacosik (801) 726-6803 15 GENERATOR S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately descnbed above by the proper shipping name and are classified packaged marked and labeled/placarded and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable intemational and national govemmental regulations If export shipment and I am the Pnmary Exporter I certify that the contents of this consignment conform to the terms of the attached EPA Acknowledgment of Consent I certify that the waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 262 27(a) (if I am a large quantty generator) or (b) (if I am a small quantity generator) is tme (ienerator's/Offeror's Printed/Typed Name Signature /j ~ »«n I r C Dnrt antnr/avit " Month Day Year 16 international Shipments • Import to U S • Export from U S Transporter signature (for exports only) Port of entry/exit Date leaving U S 17 Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Matenals Month Day Year Month Day Year Trai^rterl Pnnted/Typed Jjjme /fl J> 18 Discrepancy 18a Discrepancy Indication Space ^ Quantity Drype Aciic^l ux^yif 's^^^o cn Residue IHI Partial Rejection Manifest Reference Number • Full Rejection 18b Altemate Facility (or Generator) Facility's Phone US EPA ID Number 18c Signature of Altemate Facility (or Generator) Month Day Year 19 Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i e codes for hazardous waste tieatment disposal and recycling systems) 20 Designated Facility Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous matenals covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 18a Siopature Month Day Year \0^\l^\\0 EPA Form 8700 22 (Rev 3 05) Previous editions are obsolete DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE (IF REQUIRED) Please pnnt or type (Form designed for use on elite (12 pilch) typewriter) Form Approved OMB No 2050 0039 UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 1 Generator ID Number Of3170027277 2 Page 1 of 1 3 Emergency Response Phone 801-281-3088 4 Manifest Tracking Number 000268014 FLE 5 Generator's Name and Mailing Address 39K LBoncai aystasL PO aoK 88; Attn: Rob Ti Maffia Of 84044 Generator's Phone 801 280-8011 ik Generator's Site Address (if different than mailing address) SOOO Aoath 8400 Itast Wmmt Walloy City, Of 84044 6 Transporter 1 Company Name Lamiflh ( tOKf} US EPA ID Number I OtD008081387 7 Transporter 2 Company Name US EPA ID Number gl60 II 08 Facility s Phone Pg^ated Facility l^amejnd Sije Address ASK Laiinift ByscMMi (1 itory) US EPA ID Number -863-8277 00)008081387 9a HM 9b U S DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) 10 Containers 11 Total Quantity 12 Unit Wt/Vol 13 Waste Codes 9a HM 9b U S DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) No Type 11 Total Quantity 12 Unit Wt/Vol 13 Waste Codes X 1 UH0462, Wasto Artioios, o^piosivo, n.o.s., (Aamiw Parcdilorato, Alvaliwi^ l.ic, Pflll, •Q (D003) Mot liviloolvo Mass: 37,180 penads 1 CV 40664 P MOS X 1 UH0462, Wasto Artioios, o^piosivo, n.o.s., (Aamiw Parcdilorato, Alvaliwi^ l.ic, Pflll, •Q (D003) Mot liviloolvo Mass: 37,180 penads 1 CV 40664 P 2 2 3 3 4 4 14 Special Handling Instructions and Additional Infonnation 1) Pxofilaf 11122, nafll2, OBM 46 KofldMt 8hippod Por 49 ent 173.86(o) witb ignitor 6 aosslo - Pool 03420 15 GENERATOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately descnbed above by the proper shipping name and are classified packaged martted and labeled/placarded and are in all respects in proper condition for transport acconJing to applicable international and national govemmental regulations If export shipment and I am the Pnmary Exporter I certify that the contents of this consignment conform to the terms of the attached EPA Acknowledgment of Consent I certify that the waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 262 27(a) (if 1 am a large quantity generator) or (b) (if I am a small quantity generator) is true Generators/Offerer's Printed/Typed Name Cbris PalksBlboxg Signature / lAt Month Day Year p3 10^ I lo 16 international Shipments • Import to U S • Export from US Transporter signature (for exports only) Port of entry/exit Date leaving U S 17 Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Matenals Signature Month Day Year \ot \ox\io Transporter J Printed/Typed Name Transporter 2 Pnnted/fyped Name Sidhature Month Day Year 18 Discrepancy 18a Discrepancy indication Space Quantity • Type [HI Residue EZ! Partial Rejection Manifest Reference Number • Full Rejection 18b Alternate Facility (or Generator) Facility s Phone U S EPA ID Number 18c Signature of Altemate Facility (or Generator) Month Day Year 19 Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i e codes for hazardous waste treatment disposal and recycling systems) 20 Designated Faality Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous matenals covered by the manifest excepLaSnotdlmtBoi 18a Pnnjgimyped Name Signature Month Day Year \£>^m \/o EPA Form 8700 22 (Rev 3 05) Previous editions are obsolete DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE (IF REQUIRED) Please print or lype (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) lypewnter) Form Approved OMB No 2050 0039 UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 1 Generator ID Number Of3170027277 2 Page 1 of 1 3 Emergency Response Phone 801-281-3098 4 Manifest Tracking Number 002614588 FLE 5 Generators Name and Mailing Address A9K Laancli aystMM • PO BOK 98: £btn: Bcto Taxosik Magna Of 84044 Generator's Phone 801 280-8911 Generator's Site Address (if different than mailing address) SOOO Soath 8400 Wast •t Vailay City, Of 84120 6 Transporter 1 Company Name BB Hmdkiag US EPA ID Number I Otlt000006981 7 Transporter 2 Company Name US EPA ID Number 8 Designated Facility Name and Site Address AXK Laandh tsmfwmm { 8160 M OS Biglway 83 iton, Of 84307 . 4»-l toiy) US EPA ID Number Facilit/s Phone -863-S277 OID009081357 9a HM 9b U S DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) 10 Containers 11 Total Quantity 12 Unit WtA/ol 13 Waste Codes 9a HM 9b U S DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) No Type 11 Total Quantity 12 Unit WtA/ol 13 Waste Codes X 1 1310271, Wasto Cbaxgas, prepoUing, I.IC, POXX, BQ (D003) // c.o.r CW 4698 P DOOS X 1 1310271, Wasto Cbaxgas, prepoUing, I.IC, POXX, BQ (D003) // c.o.r CW 4698 P z 2 1M0474, wasto Bahotrancio, Bivlosiwa, M.O.8. (oentaias BMX), I.IC, POZI BX2002070120 16 DP 760 P DOOS z 2 1M0474, wasto Bahotrancio, Bivlosiwa, M.O.8. (oentaias BMX), I.IC, POZI BX2002070120 16 DP 760 P X 311M0499, Wasto PrqpoUant, solid, 1.3C, POIZ, BQ (0003) BX0004196, BX9904109, BX1999081B6 13 CW 4262 P DOOS X 311M0499, Wasto PrqpoUant, solid, 1.3C, POIZ, BQ (0003) BX0004196, BX9904109, BX1999081B6 13 CW 4262 P X 4 ON0477, wasto 8tfbs1-anoo, Bqplosivo, M.O.S. (ooBtains AsoBSklm Pai <lin<ii tl o, H—******* PONdar), 1.3C, POZI, BQ (DOOS) BX2002070118 10 CP 1619 jLitor C 0,f P DMS X 4 ON0477, wasto 8tfbs1-anoo, Bqplosivo, M.O.S. (ooBtains AsoBSklm Pai <lin<ii tl o, H—******* PONdar), 1.3C, POZI, BQ (DOOS) BX2002070118 10 CP 1619 jLitor C 0,f P 14 Special Handhng Instructions and Additional Information Dual drivor protootion sorvioo additional infomation on attaobod Oboot - Paul Payor ASK Doof 03419 15 GENERATOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately descnbed above by the proper shipping name and are classified packaged marked and labeled/placarded and are in all respects in proper condition for transport acconling to applicable intematonal and national govemmental regulations If export shipment and I am the Pnmary Exporter I certify that the contents of this consignment confonn to the tenns of the attached EPA Acknowledgment of Consent I certily that the waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 262 27(a) (if 1 am a large quantity generator) or (b) (if I am a small quantity generator) is tme SIgnatui I ( Generator's/Ofleror's Printed/Typed Name Chris Pallronihorg Month Day Year 16 international Shipments • Import to U S • Export (rom U S Transporter signature (for exports only) Portofentry/exil Dale leaving U S 17 Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Matenals & MnspOrter 1 Pnnted/Typed Name Month Day Year Transporter 2 Pnnted/Typed Name 18 Discrepancy 8a Discrepancy Indication Space Q Qygpdty • Type • Residue • Partial Rejection Manifest Reference Number • Full Rejection 18b Alternate Facility (or Generator) Faalilys Phone US EPA ID Number 18c Signature of Altemate Facility (or Generator) Month Day Year 19 Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i e codes for hazardous waste treatment disposal and recycling systems) iir0 (HO HOHo 20 Designated Facility Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous matenals covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 18a nanifest except as noted in Item 18a Signature ^ ^ ^ ~ I I DESIGNATED FACILITY TO Pnnteij(TyMfNartiB EPA Form 8700 22 (Rev 3 05) Previous editions are obsolete DESIGNATED FACILITY TO DESTINATION STATE (IF REQUIRED Month Day Year T^TE (IF REQUIRED ..I ^r type (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewnter) Fomi Approved OMB ^^ 2050-0039 niiruKM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 1 Generator ID Number UTD00q08l3b7 4 Manifest Tracking Number 000144064 VES 5 Generator's Name and Mailing Address Generator's Phone Ki*>*^^/V' ATK lAUNQ-l SYSTEMS INC P O SOX 707, (M/S 301B) BRtOHAM CtlV UT 8430P-0707 Generator's Site Address (if different than mailing address) ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC 9150 NORTH HWY 83 (M1fl6) 6 Transporter 1 Company Name VEOLIA es rCa^ttCAL -iSOLCfTtCiWC us EPA ID Number I H J D 0 8 0 6 3 1 3 6 9 7 Transporter 2 Company Name TRIAD THAfOKJRT INC US EPA ID Number 7 9 1 8 Designated Facility Name and Site Address Facility's Phone VEOLIA ts 7F-CMNICAL SK.tJ.nif Ll a <f1 il LAST QCTH AVE HENDEJFESCti CCt 306*3 US EPA ID Number 9a HM gb U S DOT Descnpbon (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) 10 Containers 11 Total Quantity 12 Unit mm 13 Waste Codes 9a HM gb U S DOT Descnpbon (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) No Type 11 Total Quantity 12 Unit mm 13 Waste Codes X lltW'»?iW WASTE AEfyvSa S, FlAMMABLF-.fFACH ^<aT 0 0 2 D M 0 0 4 9 A p CJ001 D0Qf7 D011 X lltW'»?iW WASTE AEfyvSa S, FlAMMABLF-.fFACH ^<aT 0 0 2 D M 0 0 4 9 A p 0006 OfK» 0016 X Q 1 4 O U Q :k St a Q p rooi pcm X Q 1 4 O U Q :k St a Q p ixn? X WASTE FL^s.MMABLf tKXWW, nat, {MtTHYl ET>«YLje KETC-ME KYLffS^ -sJl< Rt.^ (DOOB CX»»} 0 a t OQ.? ^ 1 p F001 poa^ R)05 X WASTE FL^s.MMABLf tKXWW, nat, {MtTHYl ET>«YLje KETC-ME KYLffS^ -sJl< Rt.^ (DOOB CX»»} 0 a t OQ.? ^ 1 p nxc Poa4 UOO? X WASTH FLAMMABLl" LW» HOS, Tf.l»C n n ^ (MFFHYL CTHVL KETONC XVLfchE) 5 )), SI RO 0 Q i QQSaQ p POOl foaa 1JQ02 X WASTH FLAMMABLl" LW» HOS, Tf.l»C n n ^ (MFFHYL CTHVL KETONC XVLfchE) 5 )), SI RO 0 Q i QQSaQ p FOOi FOB l«31 14 Special Handling Instmctions and Additional Infonnation ^-^ tfJO I2£i VViM4^1 72&9 7IM 741^7427 « ERG 1.« W 684 ifitJ 7.i14 -fl 131 WofJfU'lSiS 72fl9 2) ERTi »W aft4Jf» 72^ 725t> (^IftT 7 i4e,7410 ll- ER ^;;aivtas OJ(*w*ed tiv VESTS 15 GENERATOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately described above by the proper shipping name and are classified packaged, mart(ed and labeled/placaided and are in all respects in proper condition for transport according to applicable International and national govemmental regulations if export shipment and I am the Primary Exporter I certify that the contents of this consignment confonn to the tenns of the attached EPA Acknowledgment of Consent I certify that the waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 262 27(a) (if 1 am a large quantity gengtatoi^ ui (tJ)'(iHym a^Hiail quajtlmenerator) is tme Generator's/Offeror's Pnnted/Typed Name Month Day Year 16 international Shipments j | I llmporttoUS Transporter signature (for exports only) Export from US Portofenlry/exit Date leaving U S 17 Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Materials Transporter 1 Pnnted/Typed Name T 2 Pnnted/Typed Nam^ ) Signature Month Day Year 0\ \ Transporter: Signature 18 Oiscrepani Month I Day t Year 10 18a Discrepancy Indication Space Q Quantity miType J Residue Manifest Reference Number Partial Rejection • Full Reiection 18b Altemate Facility (or Generator) Facility s Phone US EPA ID Number 18c Signature of Altemate Faality (or Generator) Month Day Year 19 Hazanfous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i e codes for hazardous waste treatment disposal and recyding systems) /V/ ///'// 20 Designated Faality Owner or Operator Certificalion of receipt of hazardous matenals covered by the manifest except as noted in item 18a Pnnted/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year V J K Vn EPA Forni 8700 22 (Rev 3 05) Previous editions are obsolete DESIGNATED LITY TO GENERATOR Please pnnt or type (Fomi designed fbr use on elite (12 pitch) typewnter) Fonn Approved OMB No 2050-0039 UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Continuation Sheet) 21 Generator ID Number UT0 009081357 22 Page 2 Of 3 23 Manifest Tracking Number 24 Generatoi's Name 25 Transporter. Company Name US EPA ID Number 26 Transporter. Company Name US EPA ID Number 27a HM 27b us DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) 28 Containers 29 Total Quantity 30 Unit WtA/ol 31 Waste Codes 27a HM 27b us DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) No Type 29 Total Quantity 30 Unit WtA/ol 31 Waste Codes X 5. UM198C? WASTE FLAMMABLE LKXBDS, TLTWC, n aj. fMETHYL ETHYL KFTf 1^F XVLEWE) i ^ n» RO tbOGII 001 DF 00420 P FOOl RKU 0001 X 5. UM198C? WASTE FLAMMABLE LKXBDS, TLTWC, n aj. fMETHYL ETHYL KFTf 1^F XVLEWE) i ^ n» RO tbOGII 001 DF 00420 P F002 Ltm X iTi I dMISSB WASTV FI..AMMA0LE LO-PtCVU, TQWC no l» flblETHYLETVJYIL KtTC»« XYlfHEl 3«i1}, J5 Hf.> ooe XM Oi 12^ P root F003 11002 X iTi I dMISSB WASTV FI..AMMA0LE LO-PtCVU, TQWC no l» flblETHYLETVJYIL KtTC»« XYlfHEl 3«i1}, J5 Hf.> ooe XM Oi 12^ P Fooa FOO»j OOTil X 7 tWS1/5, Wf^STfc ^:J(L>DG: COWTAWING FlJ»M»IAeLE^ . tjiauiD nuLu (MFfffri. cmn KETONE f¥>mt,^^ 001 IM 00198 P pan FOOi DOOI X 7 tWS1/5, Wf^STfc ^:J(L>DG: COWTAWING FlJ»M»IAeLE^ . tjiauiD nuLu (MFfffri. cmn KETONE f¥>mt,^^ 001 IM 00198 P F002 RW5 noo7 X 9 UN1419 WASTE MAOHE3*L«« POWDER 4 S H RQ<naM} OOT U»1.«9J» \M 01090 P 0003 X 9 UN1419 WASTE MAOHE3*L«« POWDER 4 S H RQ<naM} OOT U»1.«9J» \M 01090 P U001 X 1 IINI 413 WASTE MW.W'^AWR.TWirrR, 4 1(4/1 « RQ 40001} DOT-SP 1^151/ IM 00165 caai X 1 IINI 413 WASTE MW.W'^AWR.TWirrR, 4 1(4/1 « RQ 40001} DOT-SP 1^151/ IM 00165 LttJI X lOlirUaiO. WASTE n^XICLOHO>">, ORGANIC aav <CXnCiM«Ln« liXTPHC«C>tDJr.#-TCYAHArEl bl « RfJ 001 TM 00192 P iKseo 0007 O0QS> X lOlirUaiO. WASTE n^XICLOHO>">, ORGANIC aav <CXnCiM«Ln« liXTPHC«C>tDJr.#-TCYAHArEl bl « RfJ 001 TM 00192 P cam X 11 lIHKta? WASTE CORHOaWF LK.V '»Dt». TOJOC, n ai. JSULFURJC «:«> AR-SE^aC.) 8(iS.1) » fKD»TT004) 001 Of 00480 P Doar 0022 X 11 lIHKta? WASTE CORHOaWF LK.V '»Dt». TOJOC, n ai. JSULFURJC «:«> AR-SE^aC.) 8(iS.1) » fKD»TT004) 001 Of 00480 P r.004 O021 • X 12LIW»r36, P«XYAfcil*ft?5, \>:xm O-TfWCiCaVE, ao 4. CTETHA£TrHVl.ENEPENT«^M{NF n»El>lrtENETR«A»4tWEl S H lU 0031 > P NC«F X 12LIW»r36, P«XYAfcil*ft?5, \>:xm O-TfWCiCaVE, ao 4. CTETHA£TrHVl.ENEPENT«^M{NF n»El>lrtENETR«A»4tWEl S H lU 0031 > P X rilW?735, PiLTLY;*M«WEr;v LtfX8n CXWRC^SIVE nos., (fl-ETRAETHYLE»«PEN) AMINE l^irrtENEYFttAMINtT II 001 Vf 00 lOf? P NONE X rilW?735, PiLTLY;*M«WEr;v LtfX8n CXWRC^SIVE nos., (fl-ETRAETHYLE»«PEN) AMINE l^irrtENEYFttAMINtT II 001 Vf 00 lOf? P X 14 NA30m OI>ffTR RE* JIS-ATEO SUEtSTANCES, LICASD rueii <1 1^TICMJ!.1I*--S mtlORt-TrniANFl 9 HI 00.^ 01000 P NONE X 14 NA30m OI>ffTR RE* JIS-ATEO SUEtSTANCES, LICASD rueii <1 1^TICMJ!.1I*--S mtlORt-TrniANFl 9 HI 00.^ 01000 P 32 Special Handling Instmctions and Additional Infbmdation S| pRG 131 W 40141 r*i7 «) ERG J il W-.3a4368 738 7 725^, rj»r 733S rij©,?4Da74J2 nE«O1WWfli23410rft1b 3}ERG 138 WJ9Q7Se6 7114 7115„ mti. 7117 7118 S)BRG13aW 7119 71.30 10} ERG ISi W384Ca71 r2S? 11) ERG 1S4 Wfll nj71 7315 12} ERG 153 W^©43«) 7249 7324 ^ S8W!aiSfe«! 1 ERG 15i W6943QD 7 338 14} ERG 171 W5&4361 729(2 7293 2 33 Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Matenals Pnnted/Typed Name Signature 1 Month Day Year 1 1 1 34 Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Matenals Pnnted/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 35 Discrepancy 36 Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i e codes for hazardous waste treabnent disposal and recycling systems) /-;./'// K 17 A/;(77 |. ///(// |. ///^/ ia 11 -//97 I 12 /-i^'/f I ///^// 14 ///// EPA Fomn 8700 22A (Rev 3 05) Previous editions are obsolete DESIGNATED FACILITY TO GENERATOR Please pnnt or type (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewnter) Form Approved OMB No 2050 0039 UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Continuation Sheet) 21 Generator ID Number UrD009081357 22 Page 3 of -i 23 Manifest Tracking Number 000144064VES 24 Generator's Name 25 Transporter. Company Name US EPA ID Number 26 Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number 27a HM 27b US DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) 28 Containers 29 Total Quantity 30 Unit Wt/Vol 31 Waste Codes 27a HM 27b US DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) No Type 29 Total Quantity 30 Unit Wt/Vol 31 Waste Codes nNON W^ARDOLIS f¥M DOT REG»-!LATED MAT1ERJAL 005 OM 012it3, P nNON W^ARDOLIS f¥M DOT REG»-!LATED MAT1ERJAL 005 OM 012it3, P ItlNLTN JWARW-HJS. NTJN PK^T HEGLJl.aTED UATERIAI 003 Cf 0231 ^ P f*TNF ItlNLTN JWARW-HJS. NTJN PK^T HEGLJl.aTED UATERIAI 003 Cf 0231 ^ P 32 Speaai Handling Instmctions and Addibonai infonnation I'S) Wtl87fl52 7.^72 7328; 7329 73Mt7331 16) VfSr887952 72741728et,/^10 33 Transporter Pnnted/Typed Name Signature 1 Month Day Year 1 1 1 34 Transporter Acknowledgmentof Receipt of Matenals Pnnted/Typed Name Signature 1 Month Day Year 1 1 1 35 Discrepancy 36 Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i e codes for hazardous waste treatment disposal and recycling systems) 1 EPA Fomi 8700 22A (Rev 3 05) Previous editions are obsolete DESIGNATED FACILITY TO GENERATOR Please pnnt or type (Form designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewnter) Forni Approved OMB No 2050 0039 UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST 1 Generator ID Number 1 f 1 n n <'s . • 5 Generator's Name and Mailing Generator's Phone v if' ^ " • Address 1 2 Page 1 of y Emergericy Response PtiOQ& , 4 Manifest Tracking Number •Ct^^M^^ 000144064 VES (tl..<< ,r' VI ; r ' -•-'1 I) ll I, Generator s Site Address (if different than mailing address) LAUNCH '-.sr^ I (-MS |i* 6 Transporter 1 Company Name US EPA ID Number 7 Transporter 2 Company Name US EPA ID Number 8 Designated Faality Name and Site Address 1 t • < , > f A-.f ' •• I*) • ll US EPA ID Number Facility's Phone <*•• * ' 9a HM 9b U S DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) 10 Containers 11 Total Quantity 12 Unit m/Vol 13 Waste Codes 9a HM 9b U S DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) No Type 11 Total Quantity 12 Unit m/Vol 13 Waste Codes X i . 1 "11 > X i . f tfi. X * iilTit^Ht 5 i^; ..J| vf t( ••i''-t\ fi.*(^U '\ ^ i ! t..» f »w X * iilTit^Ht 5 i^; ..J| vf t( ••i''-t\ fi.*(^U '\ ^ i ! t..» «w s 1 Wit ^ -M s Mf !lfvj ( li'^t « t !•••*• "^t «' t.'j • I i; 11- I , ( -vi' * jy. Mf !lfvj ( li'^t « t !•••*• "^t «' t.'j • I i; 11- I , 1 il 1 14 Special Handling instmctions and Additional Infomnation y , ^ , ^ H.MI,- • 15 GENERATOR'S/OFFEROR'S CERTIFICATION I hereby declare that the contents of this consignment are fully and accurately descnbed above by the proper shipping name and are classified packaged merited and labeled/placarded and are in ali respects in proper condition for transport acconling to applicable international and national governmental regulations If export shipment and 1 am the Pnmary Exporter 1 certify that the contents of this consignment confonn to the terms of the attached EPA Acknowledgment of Consent 1 certify that the waste minimization statement identified in 40 CFR 262 27(a) (if 1 am a large quantity generajpr)-ep^b)^U^am a jcaali quantity generator) it tme Signature ~y~ci Generator's/Offeror's Pnnted/Typed Name Month Day Year 16 international Shipments | | I llmporttoUS Transporter signature (for exports only) • Export from U S Port of entry/exit Date leaving U S 17 Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Matenals Transporter 1 Pnnted/Typed Name Signature 1 Month Day Year III' Transporter 2 Pnnted/Typed Name Signature 1 1 Month Day Year 1 1 I 18 Discrepancy 18a Discrepancy indication Space Q ^^^^^ • im Residue LU Partial Rejection Manifest Reference Number ED Full Rejection 18b Altemate Facility (or Generator) US EPA ID Number Facility s Phone 1 18c Signature of Altemate Faality (or Generator) Month Day Year 1 1 19 Hazartious Waste Report Management Method Codes (i e codes fijr hazanJous waste treatment dis posal and recycling systems) 1 2 3 4 20 Designated Faality Owner or Operator Certification of receipt of hazardous matenals covered by the manifest except as noted in Item 18a Pnnted/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 1 1 EPA Form 8700 22 (Rev 3 05) Previous editions are obsolete GENERATOR'S INITIAL COPY Please pnnt or type (Fomi designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewnter) Form Approved OMB No 2050 0039 UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Continuation Sheet) 21 Generator ID Number M 1 22 Page 23 Manifest Tracking Number 24 Generatoi's Name 25 Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number 26 Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number 27a HM 27b US DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazaid Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) 28 Containers 29 Total Quantity 30 Unit Wt/Vol 31 Waste Codes 27a HM 27b US DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazaid Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) No Type 29 Total Quantity 30 Unit Wt/Vol 31 Waste Codes ' ^\ \ f • ' r i H 1 *» *» : 3 i * ! >< i i * ! >< i ^ ' " 111 * f ^ ' " 111 * f 0 -J f - J . > 1 •• 1 ' V ( ' - J . > 1 •• 1 ' V ( ' f » ' , V ' 1 f » ' , V ' 1 ' " 4 [ • -ft J .. --v • ' " 4 [ • -ft J .. --v • [ • • V . ' • ' • [ • • V . ' • ' • 32 Special Handling instmctions and Additional Infonnation Pnnted/Typed Name Signature 1 Month Day Year 1 1 1 34 Transporter Acknowledgmentof Receipt of Matenals Pnnted/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 35 Discrepancy 36 Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i e codes fbr hazardous waste treatment disposal and recycling systems) \ \ L EPA Form 8700 22A (Rev 3 05) Previous editions are obsolete GENERATOR'S INITIAL COPY Please pnnt or type (Fomi designed for use on elite (12 pitch) typewnter) Fomi Approved OMB No 2050-0039 UNIFORM HAZARDOUS WASTE MANIFEST (Continuation Sheet) 21 Generator ID Number 22 Page 23 Manifest Tracking Number 24 Generatoi's Name 25 Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number 26 Transporter Company Name US EPA ID Number 27a HM 27b U S DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazari Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) 28 Containers 29 Total Quantity 30 Unit Wt/Vol 31 Waste Codes 27a HM 27b U S DOT Descnption (including Proper Shipping Name Hazari Class ID Number and Packing Group (if any)) No Type 29 Total Quantity 30 Unit Wt/Vol 31 Waste Codes t U ' > ' " ' t U ' > ' " ' 1 1 32 Speaai Handling Instmctions and Additional Infbrmaton 33 Transporter Acknowledgment of Receipt of Matenals Rnnted/Typed Name Signature 1 Month Day Year 1 1 1 34 Transporter Acknowledgmentof Receipt of Matenals Pnnted/Typed Name Signature Month Day Year 35 Discrepancy 36 Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (i e codes fbr hazardous waste treatment disposal and recycling systems) EPA Fomi 8700 22A (Rev 3 05) Previous editions are obsolete GENERATOR'S INITIAL COPY Land Disposal Restriction Notification Form Generator Name ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC EPA ID Number UTD009081357 Manifest 000144064VES This notice is being provided m accordance with 40 CFR 268 7 to inform you that this shipment contams waste restncted from land disposal by the USEPA under the land disposal restnction program Identified below for each contamer is the designation of the waste as a wastewater or non-wastewater, the Clean Water Act (CWA) permit status associated with the treatment/disposal facility, applicable waste codes and any correspondmg subcategones, list of any F001-F005 solvent constituents that are present m the waste, and any imderlymg hazardous constituents (UHC) that are present Container Number JE-1178643000-014 (1/ 1) WIP / Approval Code Form Designation / CWA Status Waste Codes (Subcategones) Constituents (FOOl - F005) UHCs Present Treatment Requirements Additional Notices 944971 / HENRPKAER001PTA Non-Wastewater / Non-CWA D001 (IGNITABLE CHARACTERISTIC WASTE, OTHER THAN LIQUIDS >=10% TOC (INCLUDES ALL IGN GASES, FLAMMABLE SOLIDS & OXIDIZERS)), DOOS, D007, DOOS (NONE), D011, DOI8, D035, D039. D040 None 1,1,1 TRICHLOROETHANE Restricted waste requires treatnnent to applicable standards Container Number JE-1178643000-009 (1/ 2) WIP / Approval Code Form Designation / CWA Status Waste Codes (Subcategones) F005) Constituents (FOOl UHCs Present Treatment Requirements Additional Notices 884369 / HENPTA884369 Non-Wastewater / Non-CWA DOOI (IGNITABLE CHARACTERISTIC WASTE, LIQUIDS >= 10% TOC PER 261 2 1(a)(1)), DOOS, D006 (NONE), D007. D008 (NONE), D009 (LOW MERCURY, TOTAL MERCURY <260 MG/KG THATARE NOT RESIDUES FROM RMERC), D011, DOI 8, DOI 9, D021, D022, D028, D03S, D036, D038, D039, D040, FOOl, F002, F003 (NONE), F004, F005 (NONE), U002, U009, U019, U031, U037. U044, U056, U0S7, U080, U112, U122, U140, U154, U1S9, U161, U169, U196, U211, U220, U226, U239 DISPOSAL SITE MONITORS FOR ALL CONSTITUENTS 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE Restricted waste requires treatment to applicable standards Container Number JE-1178643000-010 (1/ 3) WIP / Approval Code Form Designation / CWA Status Waste Codes (Subcategones) Constituents (FOOl - F005) 884369 / HENPTA884369 Non-Wastewater / Non-CWA DOOI (IGNITABLE CHARACTERISTIC WASTE, LIQUIDS >= 10% TOC PER 261 2 1(a)(1)), DOOS, D006 (NONE), D007, D008 (NONE), D009 (LOW MERCURY, TOTAL MERCURY <260 MG/KG THATARE NOT RESIDUES FROM RMERC), D011, DOI 8, DOI 9, D021, D022, D028, D03S, D036, D038, D039, D040, FOOl, F002, F003 (NONE), F004, F005 (NONE), U002, U009, UOl9, U031, U037, U044, U056, U0S7, U080, UII2, U122, U140, U1S4, U1S9, U161, U169, U196, U211, U220, U226, U239 DISPOSAL SITE MONITORS FOR ALL CONSTITUENTS Page 1 of 4 UHCs Present Treatment Requirements Additional Notices 1,1-DICHLOROETHANE Restricted waste requires treatment to applicable standards Container Number JE-1178643000-003 (1/ 4) WIP / Approval Code Form Designation / CWA Status Waste Codes (Subcategones) Constituents (FOOl - F005) UHCs Present Treatment Requirements Additional Notices 8843S8 / HENFLSAIRMFR Non-Wastewater / Non-CWA DOOI (IGNITABLE CHARACTERISTIC WASTE, LIQUIDS >= 10% TOC PER 261 2 1(a)(1)), DOOS, D006 (NONE), D007, D008 (NONE), D011, D018, D019, D021, D022, D028, D03S, D036, D038, D039, D040, FOOl, F002, F003 (NONE), FOOS (NONE), U002, U031, U0S6, U112, U1S9, U220, U239 ACETONE, BENZENE, N- BUTYL ALCOHOL, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE, CHLOROBENZENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOETHYL ETHER, METHYL ALCOHOL, METHYL ETHYL KETONE (MEK), METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, PYRIDINE, TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TOLUENE, 1,1,1 TRICHLOROETHANE, O- XYLENE NAPHTHALENE (CRUDE OR REFINED) Restricted waste requires treatment to applicable standards Container Number JE-1178643000-006 (21 5) WIP / Approval Code Form Designation / CWA Status Waste Codes (Subcategones) Constituents (FOOl - FOOS) UHCs Present Treatment Requirements Additional Notices 040141 / HENFLSAIR Non-Wastewater / Non-CWA D001 (IGNITABLE CHARACTERISTIC WASTE, LIQUIDS >= 10% TOC PER 261 2 1(a)(1)), DOOS, D006 (NONE), D007, D008 (NONE), D011, DOI8, DOI9, D021, D022, D028, D03S, D036, D038, D039, D040, FOOl, F002, F003 (NONE), FOOS (NONE) ACETONE, BENZENE, METHYL ALCOHOL, TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TOLUENE, 1,1,1 TRICHLOROETHANE, TRICHLOROETHYLENE, O- XYLENE 1,1- DICHLOROETHANE, METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE (NON F-LISTED) Restricted waste requires treatment to applicable standards Container Number JE-1178643000-002 (21 6) WIP / Approval Code Form Designation / CWA Status Waste Codes (Subcategones) Constituents (FOOl - F005) UHCs Present Treatment Requirements Additional Notices 884358 / HENFLSAIRMFR Non-Wastewater / Non-CWA DOOI (IGNITABLE CHARACTERISTIC WASTE, LIQUIDS >= 10% TOC PER 261 2 1(a)(1)), DOOS, DOOS (NONE), D007, D008 (NONE), D011, D018, DOI9, D021, D022, D028, D03S, D036, D038, D039, D040, FOOl, F002, F003 (NONE), FOOS (NONE), U002, U031, U0S6, UII2, U159, U220, U239 ACETONE, BENZENE, N- BUTYL ALCOHOL, CARBON TETRACHLORIDE, CHLOROBENZENE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, ETHYL ACETATE, ETHYL BENZENE, ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOETHYL ETHER, METHYL ALCOHOL, METHYL ETHYL KETONE (MEK), METHYL ISOBUTYL KETONE, PYRIDINE, TETRACHLOROETHYLENE, TOLUENE, 1,1,1 TRICHLOROETHANE, O- XYLENE NAPHTHALENE (CRUDE OR REFINED) Restricted waste requires treatment to applicable standards Page _2_ of _4_ Container Number JE-1178643000-004 (21 7) WIP / Approval Code Form Designation / CWA Status Waste Codes (Subcategones) Constiments (FOOl - FOOS) UHCs Present Treatment Requirements Additional Notices 623410 / HENPTABULK-AIR Non-Wastewater / Non-CWA DOOI (IGNITABLE CHARACTERISTIC WASTE, OTHER THAN LIQUIDS >=10% TOC (INCLUDES ALL IGN GASES, FLAMMABLE SOLIDS & OXIDIZERS)), D007, D008 (NONE), DOSS, FOOl, F002, F003 (NONE), FOOS (NONE) ACETONE, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, METHYL ETHYL KETONE (MEK), TOLUENE, 1,1,1 TRICHLOROETHANE, XYLENE (MIXED ISOMERS) None Restricted waste requires treatment to applicable standards Container Number JE-1178643000-015 (21 8) WIP / Approval Code Form Designation / CWA Status Waste Codes (Subcategones) Constituents (FOOl - FOOS) UHCs Present Treatment Requirements Additional Notices 80799S / HENPTA80799S Non-Wastewater / Non-CWA DOOI (IGNITABLE CHARACTERISTIC WASTE, OTHER THAN LIQUIDS >=10% TOC (INCLUDES ALL IGN GASES, FLAMMABLE SOLIDS & OXIDIZERS)), D003 (WATER REACTIVES PER 261 23(a)(2-4)) None None Restricted waste requires treatment to applicable standards Container Number JE-1178643000-016 (21 9) WIP / Approval Code Form Designation / CWA Status Waste Codes (Subcategones) Constituents (FOOl - FOOS) UHCs Present Treatment Requirements Additional Notices 807995 / HENPTA80799S Non-Wastewater / Non-CWA D001 (IGNITABLE CHARACTERISTIC WASTE, OTHER THAN LIQUIDS >=10% TOC (INCLUDES ALL IGN GASES, FLAMMABLE SOLIDS & OXIDIZERS)), D003 (WATER REACTIVES PER 261 23(a)(2-4)) None None Restricted waste requires treatment to applicable standards Container Number JE-1178643000-011 (2110) WIP / Approval Code Form Designation / CWA Status Waste Codes (Subcategories) Constituents (FOOl - FOOS) UHCs Present Treatment Requirements Additional Notices 884371 / HENPTA884371 Non-Wastewater / Non-CWA DOOS, D007, D008 (NONE), D009 (LOW MERCURY, TOTAL MERCURY <260 MG/KG THAT ARE NOT RESIDUES FROM RMERC), U080 None ARSENIC, N- BUTYL PHTHALATE, CADMIUM (METAL), 1,1,1 TRICHLOROETHANE, SILVER Restricted waste requires treatment to applicable standards Container Number JE-1178643000-001 (2/11) WIP / Approval Code 917671 / HENPTA917671 Form Designation / CWA Status Non-Wastewater / Non-CWA Waste Codes (Subcategones) D002, D004, D007, D021, D022 Page 3 of 4 Constituents (FOOl - FOOS) UHCs Present Treatment Requirements Additional Notices None ANTIMONY POWDER, BARIUM (ELEMENT), BROMOFORM, METHYLENE CHLORIDE, THALLIUM (METAL), SILVER Restricted waste requires treatment to applicable standards I hearby certify that all mformation m this and associated land disposal restnction documents is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and mformation Date Page 4 of 4 Veolia ES, Technical Solutions L.L.C. ADDENDUM TO MANIFEST TRACKING NUMBER: 000144064VES Manifest Pg/Ln GENERATOR : 441989 - ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS INC. EPA ID: UTD009081357 GEN DOC NUM DATE SHIPPED: 01/12/2010 WiP# WIP Description Approval # Physical State / Hazard Codes Waste Codes Container count & size Generator Drum ID Veolia Drum # PCB Container Number OOSD 1 944971 AEROSOLS-FLAMf\^ABLE HENRPKAER001P TA G/1 DOOI, DOOS, DOOS, D011, D035, D039, •007, DOI 8, •040 2x55 GAL 14 884369 CAN-^RUM FLAMMABLE (LOOSEPACK) HENPTA884369 L/T FOOl, F004, U009, U037, U057, U122. U159, U196, U226, •005, •008, •018, •022, •036, •040 F002, FOOS, U019, U044, U080, U140, U161, U211, U239, •006, •009, •019, •028, •038, FOOS, U002, U031, U0S6, U112, U1S4, U169, U220, •001, •007, •011, •021, •035, •039, 14x55 GAL 884369 CAN-^RUM FLAMMABLE (LOOSEPACK) HENPTA884369 LT F001, F004, U009, U037, U057, U122, U159. U196, U226, •005, •008, •018, •022, •036, •040 F002, FOOS, U019, U044, U080, U140, U161, U211, U239, •006, •009, •019, •028, •038, F003, U002, U031, U0S6, U112, U1S4, U169, U220, •001, •007, •011, •021, •035, •039, 1x55 GAL 10 884358 MIXE^ SOLVENTS (SLUDGE) HENFLSAIRMFR L/T F001, FOOS, U056, U220, •005, •008, •019, •028, •038, F002, U002, U112, U239, •006, •Oil, •021, •035, •039, F003, U031, U159, •001, •007, •018, •022, •036, •040 2x30 GAL 40141 MIXED ORGANIC SOLVENT HENFLSAIR UT FOOl, FOOS, •006, •011, •021, •035. F002, •001, •007, •018, •022, •036, F003, •005, •008, •019, •028, •038, 1x55 GAL 000144064VES - Addendum page # 1 Veolia ES, Technical Solutions L.L.C. ADDENDUM TO MANIFEST TRACKING NUMBER: 000144064VES GENERATOR : 441989 - ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS "pg/Ln^* V INC. 884358 Approval # EPA ID : UTD009081357 Physical State / Hazard Codes GEN DOC NUM DATE SHIPPED: 01/12/2010 MIXED SOLVENTS (SLUDGE) HENFLSAIRMFR L/T Waste Codes •039, ^040 FOOl, FOOS, U056, U220, •005, •008, •019, •028, •038, F002, U002, U112, U239, •006, •011, •021, •035, •039, F003, U031, U159, •001, •007, •018, •022, •036, •040 Container count & size 8x55 GAL Generator Drum ID Veolia Drum # PCB Container Number OOSD 623410 FLAMMABLE RAGS AND DEBRIS HENPTABULK-AIR SIT FOOl, FOOS, •008, F002, •001, •035 F003, •007, 1x55 GAL 807995 MAGNESIUM POWDER HENPTA807995 SIR D003, DOOI 5x30 GAL 15 807995 MAGNESIUM POWDER HENPTA807995 SIR •003, •OOI 2x20 GAL 16 10 884371 CAN-^RUM, TOXIC (LOOSEPACK) MISC. HENPTA884371 S/T U080, COOS, ^007, •008, •oog 1x55 GAL 11 11 917671 SPENT ORGANICS & METALS WITH ACI^ HENPTA917671 UC •002, ^004, ^007, •021, ^022 1x55 GAL 12 594360 CAN-DRUM, AMINES, COT ONLY (LOOSEPACK) HENPTA594360 S/-NONE 4x55 GAL 13 594360 CAN-^RUM, AMINES, DOT ONLY (LOOSEPACK) HENPTAS94360 S/-NONE 1x55 GAL 14 594361 TFE RELEASE AGENT HENPTAS94361 Ly-NONE 2x55 GAL 15 887952 CAN-DRUM, NON REG (LOOSEPACK) HEN S/-NONE 5x55 GAL 12 16 887952 CAN-DRUM, NON REG (LOOSEPACK) HEN Sl-NONE 3xCY^B0X 13 000144064VES - Addendum page # 2 * * * 62809 * * * ATK Launch Systems 9160 North Highway 83 Corinne, Utah 84302 * * * * ^nippii^Q * * *^ * * * AUTHORIZATION * *' C^3^)^5 -5277 REQUEST FARGET DATE 62809 1/26/2010 TO VEOLIA ES TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS LLC CONTACT Bob Wally (303)289-4827 9131 East 96th Ave Henderson CO 80640 SHIP VIA 3RD PARTY RMA n/a MODE GROUND CARRIER ^^<:::>C/j^ BOL ITEM REQUESTER Randy Fullmer CONTACT Randy Fulbner 5277 Special Instructions Mixed Drum Load EXPORT IMPORT CONTROL OFFICER DRIVER SIGN QTY UI DESCRIPTION 1^ LOCATION Plant PROGRAM OH PROJECT 940P TASK SS629 CONTRACT n/a PROPERTY COMPANY DECON NO SECURITY UNCL DR/TDR PO/AO ATK-36673 REC RPT n/a TRANSACTION Disposal HAZARD NO PAYING C/C 6291 TYPE PKG# SIZE LBS SHIP QTY 1 53 EA See Manifest Number 000144064VES 1 7259,7289 2 7255,7256,7257,7258,7269,7273,7290,7311,7318,7343 7383,7384,7415,7427 3 7314 4 7346,7410 5 7357 6 7387,7319,7253,7267,7338,7339,7409,7422 7 7316 8 7114,7115,7116,7117,7118 9 7119,7120 10 7252 11 7315 12 7249,7324,7325,7342 13 7388 14 7292,7293 15 7272,7328,7329,7330,7331 16 7274,7286,7310 Total Weight FORMFOP-0151 Page 1 of2 U S Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Easi Building PHH-30 1200 New Jorttey Avenu« Southeast Washinston OC 20SeO SPECIAL PERMIT AUTHORIZATION DOT-SP 11396 EXPIRATION DATE July 31 , 20^( GRANTEE ATK, Launch Systems Magna, UT In response to your August 21, 2008 applicatioln to DOT-SP 11396, ATK, Launch Systems is hereby status to DOT-SP 11396 m accordance with 49 for party status granted party § 107 107 CFR Copies of this special permit may be obtained by accessing the Hazardous Materials Safety Homepage at http //hazmat dot gov/ap app/special permits/spec perm index htm Photo reproductions and legible reductions of are permitted Any alteration of this special prohibited If you have questions regarding this action pl Office of Hazardous Materials Special Permits (202)366-4535 Issued in Washington DC on September 4, 2008 this special permit permit is ease call the and Approvals at for Theodore L Willke Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety November 14, 2007 U S Department of Transportation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Fast Building PHH30 1200 New Jofsoy Avenue S E Washington DC ZOSeo DOT-SP 11396 (TENTH REVISION) (FOR RENEWAL, SEE 49 CFR § 107 jl09) 1 GRANTEE (See individual authorization letter) 2 PURPOSE AND LIMITATION a This special permit authorizes the trknsportation m commerce of certain Division 2 1 and Division 2 2 materials in aerosol cans contained in strong outer gross mass not to exceed 400 kg to a disposal facility This special permit provides no relief from any Hazardous Materials Regulation (HMR) other than as herein specifically stated b The safety analyses performed in special permit only considered the hazards associated with transportation m commerce development c Unless otherwise stated herein, this consists of the special permit authorizat to the grantee together with this document special permit ion letter issued REGULATORY SYSTEM AFFECTED 180 49 CFR Parts REGULATIONS FROM WHICH EXEMPTED 4 9 CFR § 173 156(b) in shipped m accordance specified herein that aerosols not meeting ORM-D may be s with the requirements of this section, as BASIS This special permit is based on t Safety-Kleen Systems, Inc dated Septembe}c m accordance with § 107 109 of this and risks 106, 107 and 171- ne application of 1, 2004 submitted Continuation of DOT-SP 11396 (10th Rev ) 6 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (49 CFR § 172 101) j Page 2 November 14, 2007 Hazardous Materials Descripti on Proper Shipping Name Hazard Class/ Division Identi- fication Slumber Packing Group Aerosols, flammable, (each not exceeding 1 L capacity) 2 1 UU 1950 N/A Aerosols, non-flammable, (each not exceeding IL capacity) 2 2 UN 1950 N/A Aerosols, corrosive. Packing Group II or III (each not exceeding 1 L capacity) 2 2 [JN 1950 N/A Aerosols, poison, each not exceeding 1 L capacity 2 2 UN 1950 N/A PACKAGING AND SAFETY CONTROL MEASURES a PACKAGING - Packaging prescribed are contained in strong outer packagings bulk packaging requirements describeld § 173 24a for shipment to a disposal mass must be less than 400 kg aerosol cans conforming to non- in § 173 24 and facility Gross OPERATIONAL CONTROLS - Prevention of idled discharge of contents must be provi can must be shipped with protective protect valve stems, or if no prote available, the valve stem must be SPECIAL PROVISIONS accidental Each aerosol saps secured to ctive cap IS removed from the can A person who is not a holder of this receives a package covered by this reoffer it for transportation provi or changes are made to the package for transportation in conformance wi permit and the HMR special permit who cial permit may no modifications d It IS reoffered th this special spe ded an Continuation of DOT-SP 11396 (10th Rev ) 10 A current copy of this special permit maintained at each facility where ths offered or reoffered for transportatli c MARKING - Packaging must be marked on two sides m letters at least 2 inches high on a contrasting background, "DOT-SP 11396 " MODES OF TRANSPORTATION AUTHORIZED Moto|r vehicle and cargo vessel MODAL REQUIREMENTS A current copy of th must be carried aboard each cargo vessel packages covered by this special permit IS special permit used to transport 11 COMPLIANCE Failure by a person to compliy with any of the revocation of this by the Federal 419 U S C 5101 et following may result in suspension or special permit and penalties prescribed hazardous materials transportation law, seq All terms and conditions prescribed permit and the Hazardous Materials Parts 171-180 Persons operating under the terms of permit must comply with the security in Subpart I of Part 172 of the HMR, Registration required by § 107 601 et sec appllcable Each "Hazmat employee", as defined in § 1 a function subject to this special permit training on the requirements and conditi permit in addition to the training requi through 172 704 No person may use or apply this special permit, including display of its number, when the special permit has expired or IS otherwise no longer m effect Page 3 ovember 14, 2007 must be package is on in this special Regulations, 4 9 CFR this special plan requirement when appllcable when 71 8, who performs must receive ohs of this special red by §§ 172 700 Continuation of DOT-SP 11396 (10th Rev ) Page 4 November 14, 2007 Under Title VI Efficient Tran (SAFETEA-LU)- Reauthorizatio 1144 (August 1 materials tran "exemption" to permit to be g and up to four I of the Safe, Accountable, sportation Equity Act A Lejg 'The Hazardous Materials Sa n Act of 2005' (Pub L 109 0, 2005), amended the Fedena sportation law by changing special permit" and autho ranted up to two years for years for renewals Flexible, acy for Users fety and Security -59), 119 Stat 1 hazardous the term rizes a special new special permits 12 rations conducted the Hazardous specified m 49 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Shipments or ope under this special permit are subject to Materials Incident Reporting requirements CFR §§ 171 15 - Immediate notice of certain hazardous materials incidents, and 171 16 - Detailed hazardous materials incident reports In addition, the grantee(s) of this special permit must notify the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety, m writing, of any incident involving a package, shipment or operatiop conducted under terms of this special permit Issued m Washington, D C -V ^--r iJ' —- for Theodore L Willke Associate Administrator for Hazardous Material Address all inquiries to Associate Administr Materials Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Mater Aciministration, Department of Transportation, 20590 Attention PHH-31 I 3 Safety ator for Hazardous Lals Safety fJashmgton, D C Copies of this special permit may be obtained joy accessing the Hazardous Materials Safety Homepage at http //hazmat dot gov/sp_app/special_permits/sfcec_perm_index htm Photo reproductions and legible reductions of are permitted Any alteration of this special prohibited PO dl :his special permit permit is January 30, 2006 US Department 4oo seventh street sw of Transportation Washington D C 20590 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration DOT-SP 13192 (SIXTH REVISION) (FOR RENEWAL, SEE 49 CFR § 107 109) 1 GRANTEE (See individual authorization letter) 2 PURPOSE AND LIMITATION This special permit authorizes the transportation in commerce of certain hazardous materials m lab packs and non-bulk packages, and provides relief from segregation requirements and certain marking requirements subject to the packaging and safety measures prescribed herein This special permit provides no relief from the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR) other than as specifically stated herein 3 REGULATORY SYSTEM AFFECTED 49 CFR Parts 106, 107 and 171- 180 4 REGULATIONS FROM WHICH EXEMPTED 49 CFR §§ 172 203(i) (2) in that the flashpoint must be identified on shipping papers, § 172 301(c) in that the special permit number must be marked on each package, 173 12(b)(3) m that Division 6 1 Packing Group I and Division 4 2 Packing Group I materials are not authorized to be packaged in lab packs, 173 25(a)(2) in that each overpack must be marked and labeled, 173 25(a)(5) m that Class 8 Packing Group I and Division 5 1 Packing Group I may not be overpacked with any other material, 174 81, 176 83, 176 84 and § 177 848(c) in that certain hazardous materials must be segregated from each other in transportation, except as specified herein 5 BASIS This special permit is based on the application of Onyx Environmental Services LLC dated November 29, 2005 submitted in accordance with § 107 105 and the public proceeding thereon Continuation of DOT-SP 13192 (6th Rev ) 6 HAZARDOUS MATERIALS (4 9 CFR § 172 101) Page 2 January 30, 2006 Proper Shxppxng Name/ Hazardous Materials Description^'^ Hazard Class/ Division Identi- fication Dumber Packing Group Specific or generic proper shipping name for Division 4 1 materials, preceded by the word "Waste," if appllcable 4 1 As appro- priate As appro- priate Specific or generic proper shipping name for Division 4 2 materials, preceded by the word "Waste," if appllcable 4 2 As appro- priate As appro- priate Specific or generic proper shipping name for Class 8 materials, preceded by the word "Waste", if appllcable 8 As appro- priate As appro- priate Specific or generic proper shipping name, as appropriate, preceded by the word "Waste", if appllcable 6 1 As appro- priate I (Hazard Zone A) Cyanide materials capable of liberating hydrogen cyanide (HCN) when the material comes in contact with acid materials classed as Class or Division 3, 4 1, 4 2, 4 3, 5 1, 5 2, 6 1, 8, or 9, preceded by the word "Waste", if applicable As appro- priate As appro- priate As appro- priate Note 1 Except for Materials Poisonous by Inhalation, and Division 4 2 and 6 1 materials m Packing Group I, materials identified in § 173 12(b) (3) may not be transported under the terms of this special permit Note 2 Only waste hazardous materials may be packaged m lab packs Continuation of DOT-SP 13192 (6th Rev ) Page 3 January 30, 2006 7 SAFETY CONTROL MEASURES a PACKAGING - 1 Waste Cyanides - Waste cyanides, cyanide solutions or cyanide mixtures must be packaged in "Lab packs" as described in § 173 12(b)(2), containing no more than two kilograms (4 4 pounds) net weight per inner packaging, and no more than ten kilograms(22 pounds) net weight per outer packaging 2 Waste Spontaneously Combustible Materials - Division 4 2 materials m PG I must be packaged m lab packs as provided m § 173 12(b) (2) except that the outer packaging must be a steel or plastic drum meeting PG I performance level Only waste materials may be packaged in lab packs 3 Poison Materials - Division 6 1, PG I materials in Zone A (materials poisonous by inhalation) must be packaged as required by § 173 226(c) and must be further overpacked in a steel or plastic drum meeting PG I performance level 4 Corrosive Materials - Class 8 materials must be in authorized UN specification packagings not exceeding 208 liters (55 gallons) per package or "Lab packs" as described m § 173 12 (b) (2) Only waste materials may be packaged in lab packs 5 Waste Oxidizers and Organic Peroxides transported with Divison 6 1, PG I, Zone A material (i) Oxidizers Division 5 1 materials must be packaged m lab packs as provided m § 173 12 (b) (2), containing no more than two kilograms(4 4 pounds) net weight per inner packaging, and no more than ten kilograms (22 pounds) net weight per outer packaging (ll) Organic peroxides Division 5 2 materials must be packaged in lab packs as provided m § 173 12 (b) (2) and may contain no more than one kilogram(2 2 pounds) net weight per inner packaging, and no more than five kilograms(11 pounds) net weight per outer packaging, except that Type B Organic Peroxides are limited to no more than 5 kilograms (1 1 pound) net weight per inner packaging and no more than 2 5 kilograms (11 pounds) net weight per outer packaging Continuation of DOT-SP 13192 (6th Rev ) Page 4 January 30, 2006 (ill) The aggregate net weight of all Division 5 1 materials per shipment may not exceed 100 kilograms (220 pounds) and the aggregate net weight of all Division 5 2 materials or Division 4 1 self-reactive materials per shipment may not exceed 50 kilograms (110 pounds) b The transport vehicle may not contain any explosives, radioactive materials, or un-containerized hazardous materials in the same shipment c SEGREGATION A horizontal buffer of at least 4 feet must be maintained for separation between the following incompatible hazardous materials This buffer may be created by using other packages containing compatible hazardous materials or non-reactive freight or by other means of blocking and bracing the load In addition, each package covered by this special permit must be transported on pallets or otherwise raised at least 4 inches off the floor of the freight container, unit load device, transport vehicle or rail car (i) Division 4 1 or 4 2 materials and Class 8 materials (ll) Cyanides or cyanide mixtures and acids (ill) Division 6 1, PG I, Zone A materials and Class 3 or 8 or Division 4 1, 4 2, 4 3, 5 1 or 5 2 materials 8 SPECIAL PROVISIONS a A person who is not a holder of this special permit who receives a package covered by this special permit may reoffer it for transportation provided no modification or change is made to the package and it is reoffered for transportation in conformance with this special permit and the HMR b A current copy of this special permit must be maintained at each facility where the package is offered or reoffered for transportation c Lab packs placed on pallets and secured to the pallet with shrink-wrap need not comply with § 173 25(a) (2) except that two labels representative of each Hazard Class or Division for the materials contained therein must be visibly displayed on opposing sides Continuation of DOT-SP 13192 (6th Rev ) Page 5 January 30, 2006 d The provisions of § 173 25(a) (5) prohibiting Class 8, Packing Group I and Division 5 1, Packing Group I from being overpacked with any other materials are waived e The marking requirements of § 172 301 (c) are waived f When transported by cargo vessel, each shipping paper for a material with a flash point of 61°C or less must have an indication either that the flash point is below 23°C or that the flash point is not less than 23°C but not more than 61°C g Shipping papers displaying "DOT-E 13192" may continue to be used until October 1, 2007 provided the special permit remains valid 9 MODES OF TRANSPORTATION AUTHORIZED Motor vehicle, rail freight, and cargo vessel 10 MODAL REQUIREMENTS a A current copy of this special permit must be carried aboard each motor vehicle and cargo vessel used to transport packages covered by this special permit b Drivers and crew members must be instructed of the hazards involved in accidental mixing of cyanide with Class 8 acid materials 11 COMPLIANCE Failure by a person to comply with any of the following may result in suspension or revocation of this special permit and penalties prescribed by the Federal hazardous materials transportation law, 49 U S C 5101 et seq o All terms and conditions prescribed in this special permit and the Hazardous Materials Regulations, 49 CFR Parts 171-180 o Persons operating under the terms of this special permit must comply with the security plan requirement in Subpart I of Part 172 of the HMR, when applicable o Registration required by § 107 601 et seq , when appllcable Continuation of DOT-SP 13192 (6th Rev ) Page 6 January 30, 2006 Each "Hazmat employee", as defined m § 171 8, who performs a function subject to this special permit must receive training on the requirements and conditions of this special permit m addition to the training required by §§ 172 700 through 172 704 No person may use or apply this special permit, including display of its number, when this special permit has expired or is otherwise no longer m effect Under Title VII of the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU)- 'The Hazardous Materials Safety and Security Reauthorization Act of 2005' (Pub L 109-59), 119 Stat 1144 (August 10, 2005), amended the Federal hazardous materials transportation law by changing the term 'exemption' to 'special permit' and authorizes a special permit to be granted up to two years for new special permits and up to four years for renewals 12 REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Shipments or operations conducted under this special permit are subject to the Hazardous Materials Incident Reporting requirements specified in 49 CFR §§ 171 15 - Immediate notice of certain hazardous materials incidents, and 171 16 - Detailed hazardous materials incident reports In addition, the grantee(s) of this special permit must notify the Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety, in writing, of any incident involving a package, shipment or operation conducted under terms of this special permit Issued m Washington, D C for Robert A McGuire Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety Address all inquiries to Associate Administrator for Hazardous Materials Safety, Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation, Washington, D C 20590 Attention PHH-31 Continuation of DOT-SP 13192 (6th Rev ) Page 7 January 30, 2006 Copies of this special permit may be obtained by accessing the Hazardous Materials Safety Homepage at http //hazmat dot gov/sp_app/special_permits/spec_perm_index htm Photo reproductions and legible reductions of this special permit are permitted Any alteration of this special permit is prohibited PO dl Attachment 3 Selected Copies of Personnel Training Records 10 Name Tim Baumann Job Title Chemical Handler Position Descnption See Attachment 1 Job Competencies See Attachment "ATK Non-Exempt Level Chart" Training 1 Hazardous Waste Disposal, HAZWOPER not reqmred Frequency Annual Content As descnbed m Permit Attachment 3, "Content of the Program" Name Ricky Hansen Job Title Safety and Environmental Techmcian Position Description See Attachment 1 Job Competencies See Attachment "ATK Non-Exempt Level Chart" Training 1 Hazardous Waste Disposal, HAZWOPER not required Frequency Annually Content As descnbed m Permit Attachment 3, "Content of the Program" Name Kent Nielsen Job Title Engmeenng Techmcian Position Descnption See Attachment 1 Job Competencies See Attachment "ATK Non-Exempt Level Chart" Training 1 Hazardous Waste Disposal, Frequency Annual Content As described in Permit Attachment 3, "Content of the Program" Training 2 HAZWOPER imtial Frequency One time Content See Attachment 2 Training 3 RCRA /HAZWOPER annual Frequency Annual Content See Attachment 3 Attachment 1 Job Code M500 Job Title- Chemical Handler Performs a vanety of specialized tasks m the controlling and momtonng of chemical withm the company facility in accordance with federal, state and local regulations such as EPA Clean Water Act and DOT Toxic Substances Control Act Momtors chemicals, related eqmpment, and waste system mdicators, makes chemical and eqmpment adjustments to ensure proper system functiomng and chemical solution balance, removes and disposes of waste cheriucals, solvents and acids, mspects hazardous waste production and storage umts, maintains operational logs May momtor and venfy quality in accordance with statistical process or other control procedures Must have a good understanding of chemical (acids, bases, oxidizers, flammables, reducers, water- reactives) m a vanety of forms (liquids, solids, gases, sludges, slumes) and related mcompatibilities to prevent undesirable chemical reactions Work is performed m occasional hazardous working conditions are requires the use of specialized safety equipment and apparatuses Job Code. Z044 Job Title Safety & Environmental Technician Conducts tests and inspects working areas, machinery, equipment and working conditions for compliance with occupational safety and health and environmental regulations Momtors employee exposure to hazardous matenals and identifies potential hazardous conditions and controls to mediate environmental and safety nsk Ensures the vailability, readiness and proper use of required accident prevention procedures, safety and fire prevention equipment, protective clothing and devices, and first aid supplies Recommends and follows up to venfy the implementation of corrective actions Maintains records on environmental and safety inspections, and inventory of safety and fire equipment and devices Job Code K582 Job Title Engineering Technician Performs duties in the electronic, mechamcal, electromechanical, or optical areas Constructs, troubleshoots, calibrates, adjusts, tests, and maintams equipment, components, devices or systems Works firom schematics, engineering drawings, and written or verbal mstructions Operates related equipment, conducts tests and reports data in prescribed format, uses predetermined methods, sequences, and setups to inspect or test specific equipment or product, makmg adjustments, modifications, and replacements as directed ATK NON-EXEMPT LEVEL CHART JOB FAMILIES AD TE PD GRADES GFtADE7 GRADES GRADE 9 GRADE 10 BASIC SKILL INTERMEDIATE SKILL HIGH SKILL MASTER SKILL SPECIALIZED SKILL Skill Skills needed are very basic in nature normally acquired through general HS education and/or specialized education past HS such as an applicable certification or AA degree Must learn job skills and become familiar with company policies to complete assignments Skills needed are more speafic in nature nonmally acquired from 2 3 years of expenence and/or specialized education past HS such as an applicable certification or AA degree Full knowledge of the technical aspects of the position are normally acquired through 4-5 years of expenence and if applicable a certificate or 2-4 year education past HS Employee is considered a master of the skills in their area which is normally acquired through 6 10 years of experience and if appllcable a certificate or 2-4 year education past HS Considered an expert in a mora common skill set than one woukl find in a grade 10 As an expert inti specialized or niche skill set these skills are normally acquired through some sort of specialized education license or certificate and 8-10 years of specialized expenence Performs hands-on analysis and troubleshooting to assist management in decision making Supervision Required Immediate close supervision required with simple rules and detailed instruction for all work perfomied General supervision required and work IS normally checked by supervisor or lead but most wort< Is done independently Detailed instructions are given for new assignments Work IS generally performed under limited supervision No instmction is given on routine work but general instructions may be given for new assignments Work IS generally performed under minimal supervision Instruction is not usually required for tasks perfomned Work IS generally performed under minimal supervision Instnjction is not usually required for tasks performed Nature of work Performs straightforward tasks which require a basic understanding of a restricted field Follows procedural guidelines and does not deal wrth atypical situations or exceptions Positions are routine in nature and nomnally require little to no pnor expenence to perform Work Is manual repetitive strictly routine and standardized there is not room for deviations from Instructions Tasks and duties are varied in nature not stnctly routine Working knowledge of the technical aspects of the position May constitute a senior position in more routine areas such as janitonal secunty guard, reception or a junior level position in more complex areas such as technicians administrative Assistants, etc May deal with atypical situations or exceptions which a lower level employee may bnng to their attention Responsible for a wide range of varied tasks Work is not very roufine in nature Normally a career level for most positions but may be a lead over a large group of employees in more routine positions 1 Only a quarter (25%) of employees will have the skill level required to move into this level Most assignments may be completed without established procedures but within policies and company guidelines May perform project work that IS outside of the normal scope of the position Leads or coordinates small projects on their own This level is outside ofthe nonnal progression of non exempt employees Only 5% of employees will have the extensive speaalized high level skiU necessary for this grade May act as'a consultant to management Similar to skills used in an intermediate professional position but non-exempt due to lesser authonty or education Problem Solving Assistance Is required with decision making and problem solving Assignments require minimal problem resolution Requires some basic problem resolution Resolves routine questions of problems but refers more difficult or complex issues to higher levels Requires day to day problem solving that IS not routine in nature Projects may include complex problem resolution applying policies procedures and specific technical aspects of the area Projects require complicated problem solving directly related to the specialized skill set Technical proficiency Basics of computer skills - basic word processing or data entry Very little knowledge and basic technical skills standard computer skills such as MS Office suite or other basic software Fully proficient In computer and tool skills used in position such as MS Office suite and other software or appllcable machines or hand tools Fully proficient m computer and tool skills used in position such as MS Office suite and other software or applicable machines or hand tools Expert in applicable computer or tool skills used in position Leadership Does not provide leadership to other employees Usually does not provide leadership to other employees May act as a lead in positions that require only a basic skill level May act as a lead and provide guidance to other non-exempt employees Due to the highly specialized nature of the position the incumbent will often lead tram and mentor other employees Step from pnor level May be considered an apprentice or trainee Although this level could be considered entry level some positions will only exist at this level such as receptionist janitor mail clerk etc Employee must exhibit the ability to work without close supervision and begin to perform non routine work Employee must exhibit Ihe ability to work Independently without much instruction and deal with problems lhat may be out of the ordinary Employee must exhibit the ability to lead and coordinate projects or other employees full technical profiaency and the capacity to take on unusual assignments Some functions will be restncted firom this level Employee must exhibit some specialized or niche skill set for a special ATK business need In most cases, this position would not be hired externally diie to the ATK- specific'specialized skill set needed Attachment 2 HAZWOPER Initial Training Based on a review of Kent Nielsen's traming records and work expenence, he meets the 29 CFR 1910 120(e)(9) equivalent traming requirements for hazardous waste operations and emergency response (HAZWOPER) initial traming A trainmg record summary is attached 29 CFR 1910 120(e)(9) Equivalent training Employers who can show by documentation or certification that an employee s woric expenence and/or training has resulted in training equivalent to that training required in paragraphs (e)(1) through (e)(4) of this section shall not be required to provide the initial training requirements of those paragraphs to such employees and shall provide a copy of the certification or documentation to the employee upon request However certified employees or employees with equivalent training new to a site shall receive appropnate site specific training before site entry and have appropnate supervised field expenence at the new site Equivalent training includes any academic training or the training that existing employees might have already received from actual hazardous waste site work expenence Kent Nielsen Training Course .' ,' • Completion Dae • Respirator Fit Test - Full Mask (ILT) 10/13/2010 Respiratory Protection Annual Training (ILT) 10/13/2010 TEST-MSA SCBA Proficiency Trainmg (OJT) 10/13/2010 TEST-NASA Handling Team Tagline/Spotter Proficiency (OJT) 9/21/2010 Move Director - Proficiency (OJT) 9/20/2010 TEST-NASA Handling Team Crane Proficiency (OJT) 9/20/2010 TEST-NASA Handling Team Equipment Proficiency (OJT) 9/20/2010 TEST-NASA Handling Team Move Director Proficiency (OJT) 9/20/2010 Over 32 Ton Cranes Proficiency Operator Certification (OJT) 9/16/2010 Over 32 Ton Cranes - Proficiency SME Certification (OJT) 9/16/2010 Under 32 Ton Cranes - Proficiency Operator Certification (OJT) 9/16/2010 Under 32 Ton Cranes - Proficiency SME Certification (OJT) 9/16/2010 TEST Hytorc Torque Wrench TEOP 5312 (DRV) 8/9/2010 TEST T24 200 ton Gantry Crane TEOP-5304 (DRV) 8/9/2010 TEST T24 Nitrogen Heating System TEOP 5608 (DRV) 8/9/2010 TEST T97 200 ton Gantry Crane TEOP 5308 (DRV) 8/9/2010 TEST Water Deluge System T97 TEOP-5568 (DRV) 8/9/2010 TEST-Hazardous Waste Disposal (WBT) 8/3/2010 Crane Level 11 (ILT) 7/15/2010 Ladder Safety (WBT) 6/21/2010 ESE/ESD Awareness (WBT) 6/17/2010 Contamination Control Awareness (WBT) 5/9/2010 Emergency Action Awareness (WBT) 5/9/2010 Fire Extinguisher/Fire Safety (WBT) 5/9/2010 Move Director Refresher (WBT) 5/9/2010 Contamination & Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Control (OJT) 4/28/2010 Energetic Materials Safety (WBT) 3/29/2010 TEST NASA Handling Team Forklift Proficiency (OJT) 3/1/2010 Hearing Conservation Refresher Training (WBT) 2/19/2010 Hearing Conservation Annual Exam (MED) 2/10/2010 Permit Required Confined Space Awareness (WBT) 2/10/2010 Physical Examination (MED) 2/8/2010 Tie Down (WBT) 2/3/2010 New Crane Checklist (DRV) 1/27/2010 Permit Required Confined Space Test (ILT) 1/20/2010 Crane Level 1 (ILT) 1/14/2010 Rounding and Alignment Fixture Operation (OJT) 1/8/2010 T024 200-ton Gantry Crane Operation Proficiency (OJT) 1/8/2010 T097 200-ton Gantry Crane Operation-Proficiency (OJT) 1/8/2010 TEST-Hydrazine Safety Course (OJT) 1/8/2010 Safety Commitment Refresher (SA-D) 2010 (ILT) 1/4/2010 Material Storage and Inventory-User Level (DRV) 11/30/2009 Basic Respirator Training (ILT) 10/23/2009 Respirator Fit Test Full Mask (ILT) 10/23/2009 Respirator Fit Test Half Mask (ILT) 10/23/2009 TEST-MSA SCBA Proficiency Training (OJT) 10/23/2009 Move Director - Proficiency (OJT) 9/29/2009 Over 32 Ton Cranes - Proficiency Operator Certification (OJT) 9/29/2009 Over 32 Ton Cranes Proficiency SME Certification (OJT) 9/29/2009 TEST-NASA Handling Team Crane Proficiency (OJT) 9/29/2009 TEST NASA Handling Team Equipment Proficiency (OJT) 9/29/2009 TEST NASA Handling Team Move Director Proficiency (OJT) 9/29/2009 TEST NASA Handling Team Tagline/Spotter Proficiency (OJT) 9/29/2009 Under 32 Ton Cranes - Proficiency Operator Certification (OJT) 9/29/2009 Under 32 Ton Cranes Proficiency SME Certification (OJT) 9/29/2009 Basic Handling (WBT) 9/23/2009 Basic Powered Industrial Truck Operations (ILT) 9/15/2009 Egress Slide Proficiency (OJT) 8/24/2009 Ladder Safety (WBT) 8/3/2009 TEST-Hazardous Waste Disposal (WBT) 8/3/2009 Crane Level II (ILT) 7/16/2009 Rigging (ILT) 7/16/2009 Contamination Control Awareness (WBT) 6/11/2009 Egress Slide Awareness (WBT) 6/11/2009 Emergency Communication (WBT) 6/11/2009 Stamp and Warranty Refresher (WBT) 6/11/2009 Asbestos Basics (WBT) 6/4/2009 Contamination 8i Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Control (OJT) 5/29/2009 Move Director (ILT) 5/29/2009 SAFETY COMMITMENT - REFRESHER (SA-D) (WBT) 4/28/2009 Back Talk Back Injury Prevention (WBT) 4/2/2009 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (WBT) 4/2/2009 Hearing Conservation Initial Training (ILT) 3/10/2009 Drivable Forklift - Proficiency (ILT) 3/4/2009 TEST-NASA Handling Team Forklift Proficiency (OJT) 3/4/2009 Tie Down (WBT) 2/13/2009 Crane Level II (ILT) 2/11/2009 Rigging (ILT) 2/11/2009 Crane Level 1 (ILT) 2/10/2009 Eye Examination (MED) 2/10/2009 Hearing Conservation Annual Exam (MED) 2/10/2009 Physical Examination (MED) 2/10/2009 T024 200 ton Gantry Crane Operation-Proficiency (OJT) 2/10/2009 T097 200-ton Gantry Crane Operation-Proficiency (OJT) 2/10/2009 TEST Hydrazine Safety Course (OJT) 2/10/2009 OP E Compliance (ILT) 12/15/2008 Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire (MED) 11/20/2008 Field Joint Assembly Tool (FJAT) 11/10/2008 Manlift (ILT) 11/10/2008 T018 40-ton Bndge Crane Operation Proficiency (OJT) 11/10/2008 TEST MSA SCBA Proficiency Training (OJT) 11/3/2008 Basic Respirator Training (ILT) 10/28/2008 Respirator Fit Test - Full Mask (ILT) 10/28/2008 Respirator Fit Test - Half Mask (ILT) 10/28/2008 Deluge Pressure Pump (2U132410) Operation 10/27/2008 Basic Powered Industrial Truck Operations (ILT) 10/10/2008 Move Director Proficiency Operator Certification (OJT) 10/3/2008 Move Director - Proficiency SME Certification (OJT) 10/3/2008 Over 32 Ton Cranes - Proficiency Operator Certification (OJT) 10/3/2008 Over 32 Ton Cranes Proficiency SME Certification (OJT) 10/3/2008 JEST NASA Handling Team Crane-Operations 10/3/2008 TEST-NASA Handling Team Move Director Operations 10/3/2008 TEST-NASA Handling Team Tagline/Spotter Proficiency (OJT) 10/3/2008 Under 32 Ton Cranes - Proficiency Operator Certification (OJT) 10/3/2008 Under 32 Ton Cranes - Proficiency SME Certification (OJT) 10/3/2008 Basic Handling (WBT) 9/25/2008 frigging (ILT) 8/14/2008 Ladder Safety 8/11/2008 TEST Hazardous Waste Disposal 8/11/2008 Crane Level II (ILT) 8/7/2008 Rigging (ILT) 8/7/2008 Emergency Communication 6/26/2008 Contamination Control Awareness 6/24/2008 ESE/ESD Awareness (WBT) 6/24/2008 Move Director (ILT) 6/11/2008 CONTAMINATION CONTROL AWRENESS (FOD) (ILT) 6/10/2008 Contamination 8i Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Control (OJT) 6/10/2008 TRS PROCEDURAL DISCIPUNES 2008 (OJT) 6/5/2008 Simulator - Move Director 5/27/2008 Environment of Respect Refresher (WBT) 5/21/2008 Fall Protection Safety (ILT) 4/30/2008 ISO14001 Environmental Awareness 4/25/2008 SAFETV COMMITMENT - REFRESHER (SA D) 4/23/2008 PMH - Basic Propellant Safety ^ 4/3/2008 Spotter (ILT) f 3/20/2008 Crane Level 1 (ILT) 3/12/2008 Emergency Evacuation (WBT) 3/10/2008 Drivable Forklift - Proficiency Operator Certification (OJT) 3/7/2008 Drivable Forklift - Proficiency SME Certification (ILT) 3/7/2008 TEST NASA Handling Team Forklift Proficiency (OJT) 3/7/2008 Lockout Tagout Authonzed (ILT) 2/29/2008 Hearing Examination (MED) 2/25/2008 Physical Examination (MED) 2/25/2008 Energetic Materials Demonstration-Video (WBT) 2/21/2008 Permit Required Confined Space Awareness 2/21/2008 Pressure Vessel Awareness 2/21/2008 Sound Advice (Heanng Protection) 2/21/2008 Permit Required Confined Space Test (ILT) 2/6/2008 General Test Bay instructions 2/5/2008 T024 200-ton Gantry Crane Operation-Proficiency (OJT) 2/5/2008 T024 5 ton In-house Crane Operation-Proficiency (OJT) 2/5/2008 T024C Moveable Building Operation (OJT) 2/5/2008 T097 200-ton Gantry Crane Operation-Proficiency (OJT) 2/5/2008 TEST Hydrazine Safety Course (OJT) 2/5/2008 Simulator Crane Operator 1/4/2008 OP-E Compliance 12/21/2007 TEST-NASA Handling Team Tagline/Spotter Proficiency (OJT) 12/21/2007 TEST NASA Handling Team Equipment Proficiency (OJT) 11/15/2007 TEST-NASA Handling Team Crane Operations 11/14/2007 Move Director Proficiency Operator Certification (OJT) 11/13/2007 Move Director Proficiency SME Certification (OJT) 11/13/2007 TEST-NASA Handling Team Move Director Operations 11/13/2007 Basic Powered Industrial Truck Operations (ILT) 10/12/2007 Basic Handling 9/24/2007 Crane Level II (ILT) 9/5/2007 Rigging (ILT) 9/5/2007 Basic Respirator Training (ILT) 8/23/2007 Respirator Fit Test - Full Mask 8/23/2007 Respirator Fit Test Half Mask 8/23/2007 TEST-MSA SCBA Proficiency Training (OJT) 8/23/2007 Ladder Safety 8/7/2007 OP-E Compliance 8/2/2007 Crane Level 1 (ILT) 7/31/2007 Crane Level 1 (ILT) 7/31/2007 Emergency Communication 6/26/2007 Contamination & Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Control (OJT) 6/13/2007 Asbestos Awareness 5/30/2007 TEST Hazardous Waste Disposal 5/23/2007 Contamination Control Awareness 3/20/2007 Torque Wrench Operations, Basic (WBT) 3/20/2007 Drivable Forklift - Proficiency 3/6/2007 TEST NASA Handling Team Forklift Operator 3/6/2007 Safety Commitment (DRV) 2/21/2007 Eye Examination for Licenses (MED) 1/25/2007 Hydrazine Physical (MED) 1/25/2007 TEST RSRM Field Joint Leak Test Operations 1/25/2007 TEST-NASA Handling Team Crane Operations 12/8/2006 TEST-NASA Handling Team Equipment Proficiency (OJT) 12/8/2006 TEST-NASA Handling Team Move Director Operations 12/7/2006 MSA Hood Respirator (ILT) 11/15/2006 Basic Powered Industrial Truck Operations (ILT) 10/6/2006 Basic Handling 9/25/2006 Respirator Fit Test - Full Mask 8/2/2006 Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire 8/2/2006 AS9100/1SO9001 2000 Awareness (WBT) 7/13/2006 Asbestos Basics (WBT) 6/20/2006 Lockout Tagout-AII Other New Hire (ILT) 4/20/2006 TEST-RSRM Hydrazine Crew Training 4/11/2006 Back Talk Back Injury Prevention 4/3/2006 PMH Basic Propellant Safety 4/3/2006 Lockout Tagout;Affected 2/17/2006 Permit Required Confined Space Awareness 2/6/2006 ESE/ESD Awareness (WBT) 1/13/2006 Personal Protective Equipment (WBT) 11/3/2005 Safe Explosives Act (SEA) Acknowledgement (OJT) 8/2/2005 Permit Required Confined Space Test (ILT) 5/5/2005 Supervisor Safety Module 1-Supervisor Safety Expectations (WBT) 5/5/2005 Lockout Tagout-Authorized (ILT) 4/14/2005 Lockout/Tagout Authorized Proficiency (OJT) 4/14/2005 Lockout/Tagout Authorized Refresher (OJT) 4/14/2005 Heanng Examination - Licenses (MED) 1/10/2005 Basic Crane Operations (ILT) 11/29/2004 T024 Air Beanng Operations (2U126115) 11/8/2004 TEST Manlift Operations 7/12/2004 AHOPS- ATK Hazardous Operation Standards (WBT) 12/9/2003 TEST-TSCAPE Training 11/11/2003 TSCAPE Breathing Air System Operations (OJT) 11/11/2003 TSCAPE Suit Operating Procedure (OJT) 10/28/2003 Electncal Safety Video #234 8/12/2003 Fire Extinguisher Education Program New Hire (ILT) 8/12/2003 Hazard Communication (ILT) 8/12/2003 TEST-Emergency and Disaster Response Plan Training (OJT) 3/10/2003 TEST Hydrazine Safety Course (OJT) 3/25/2002 Environment of Respect - New Hire (ILT) 10/17/2000 Safety Improvement System Concepts and Responsibilities 3/16/1999 FA Contamination Control South 2/18/1999 TEST-Contamination Control 2/18/1999 FA Hazardous Waste Disposal (OJT) 3/26/1998 essential use exemption tea (ILT) 11/11/1997 NOZ Nozzle Environmental Awareness Module 1 6/12/1997 NOZ Nozzle Environmental Awareness Module 2 6/12/1997 NOZ Nozzle Environmental Awareness Module 3 6/12/1997 NOZ Nozzle Environmental Awareness Module 4 6/12/1997 NOZ Nozzle Environmental Awareness Module 5 6/12/1997 NOZ Nozzle Environmental Awareness Operator Recertification 5/12/1997 NOZ Nozzle Environmental Awareness SME Recertification 6/12/1997 Mishap Investigation 7/16/1996 Safety Training/Meetings 7/16/1996 Job Safety Analysis-Supervisor Safety Module 2 (OJT) 4/26/1996 Job Safety Observation-Supervisor Safety Module 2 (OJT) 4/2G/1996 Planning Procedure Revision 4/26/1996 Safety Inspections 4/26/1996 Hazardous Waste Disposal (OJT) 10/25/1994 Mix/Cast Calibrated Tool Use and Storage 4/13/1991 Ignitor Assembly Test 4/5/1990 Radiation Area Access (WBT) 6/1/1987 New Employee Orientation (ILT) 4/7/1987 Attachment 3 RCRA/HAZWOPER Annual Training Respirator Fit Test - Full Mask (ILT) 10/13/2010 Respiratory Protection Annual Training (ILT) 10/13/2010 TEST-MSA SCBA Proficiency Training (OJT) 10/13/2010 Pernnit Module V and Attachment 10 Review 9/8/2010 TEST-Hazardous Waste Disposal (WBT) 8/3/2010 Ladder Safety (WBT) 6/21/2010 Contamination Control Awareness (WBT) 5/9/2010 Emergency Action Awareness (WBT) 5/9/2010 Fire Extinguisher/Fire Safety (WBT) 5/9/2010 Move Director Refresher (WBT) 5/9/2010 Contamination & Foreign Object Debris (FOD) Control (OJT) 4/28/2010 Hearing Conservation Refresher Training (WBT) 2/19/2010 Permit Required Confined Space Awareness (WBT) 2/10/2010 Permit Required Confined Space Test (ILT) 1/20/2010 TEST-Hydrazine Safety Course (OJT) 1/8/2010