HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2011-006354 - 0901a06880233fd9HAND DELIVERED MAY 0 5 2011 UTAH DIVISION OF 5 May 2011 ""''^"'^ 8200-FY12-008 olOil-OllH^ Mr. Scott T. Anderson, Executive Secretary State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste 195 N.1950 W. P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Attention: JeffVandel Re: ATK Launch Systems-Promontory EPA ID number UTD009081357 Waste Characterization and Air Dispersion Modeling Protocol For Use in the Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments - Final Dear Mr. Anderson: ATK has completed the requested updates of the Waste Characterization and Air Dispersion Modeling Protocol. This Protocol is necessary to conduct the Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessments for our OB/OD operations. Table 3-2 and Appendix A of this Protocol will be submitted separately as business confidential information. Please contact me if you have any questions concerning this report. My telephone number is (435)863-8490 or you can contact Blair Palmer at (435)863-2430. Sincerely David P. Gosen, P.E., Director Environmental Services HAND DELIVERED TETRATECH MAY 0 5 2011 UTAH DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS WASTE CHARACTERIZATION AND AIR DISPERSION MODELING PROTOCOL FOR USE IN THE HUMAN HEALTH AND ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENTS ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS PROMONTORY, UTAH April 2011 HAND DELIVERED f.,'.Vl)5 2011 so. i:r;k™Ss WASTE TABLE OF CONTENTS mi 01IH3- SECTION PAGE NO LIST OF ACRONYMS ill 1 0 INTRODUCTION 1-1 2 0 30 40 11 GENERAL OVERVIEW 1-1 THIOKOL PROPULSION FACILITY DESCRIPTION 2-1 2 1 FACILITY OPERATIONS 2-1 22 TERRAIN AND SITE DESCRIPTION 2-1 23 TREATMENT UNIT LOCATIONS 2-2 2 3 1 M-136 Treatment Activities 2-2 232 M-225 Treatment Unit 2-3 WASTE CONSTITUENTS/EMISSIONS CHARACTERIZATION 3-1 3 1 WASTE CHARACTERIZATION 3-2 3 1 1 M-136 Treatment Unit 3-2 3 1 2 M-225 Treatment Unit 3-3 32 EMISSIONS CHARACTERIZATION 3-3 32 1 Class 1 3 Waste Emission Factors 3-4 322 Class 1 1 Waste Emission Factors 3-5 32 3 Category E Emission Factors 3-6 33 FINAL DISPERSION MODEL EMISSION FACTORS 3-7 AIR QUALITY MODELING METHODOLOGY 4-1 4 1 AIR QUALITY DISPERSION MODEL SELECTION 4-1 42 LAND USE ANALYSIS 4-3 43 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT 4-4 44 OB/OD TREATMENT SCENARIOS 4-4 44 1 M-136 Treatment Unit 4-7 442 M-225 Treatment Unit 4-9 4 5 TYPES OF DISPERSION MODELING 4-12 4 5 1 Gas Phase and Particulate Air Concentrations 4-12 452 Particle and Particle-Bound Phase Air Concentrations 4-12 4 5 3 Deposition Modeling 4-13 46 RECEPTOR NETWORKS 4-15 46 1 Discrete Receptor Gnd 4-16 462 General Receptor Gnd 4-17 47 METEOROLOGICAL DATA 4-18 47 1 Surface Data 4-18 472 Upper Air Observations (Mixing Height Data) 4-21 473 Meteorological Preprocessor 4-22 48 COMPARISON TO AIR QUALITY STANDARDS AND EXPOSURE CRITERIA 4-23 49 POST-PROCESSING ACTIVITIES 4-23 4 10 OBODM MODELING FILES 4-24 REFERENCES R-1 041108/P FINAL APRIL 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) APPENDICES A NASA LEWIS MODEL HEAT CONTENT CALCULATIONS B LAND USE ANALYSIS TABLES NUMBER 2-1 M-136 Risk Assessment Treatment Unit, Wastes Treated Treatment Limits, and Model Quantity 2- 2 M-225 Risk Assessment Treatment Unit Wastes Treated, Treatment Limits, and Model Quantity 3- 1 Reactive Waste Categones 3-2 Reactive Waste Group Profiles 3-3 Reactive Group G, Profile Number PR53 Reactive & Unstable Lab Waste chemicals / Burned List 3-4 Autoliv Waste Propellant Names and ATK Profile Numbers 3-5 1 3 Class Waste Matenal Conservative Emission Factors 3-6 1 3 Class Waste Matenal Corrected Emission Factors 3-7 1 1 Class Waste Matenal Emission Factor Data Set 3- 8 Category E Emission Factors for ATK Flare-type Wastes 4- 1 M-136 Source Parameters 4-2 M-225 Source Parameters 4-3 Summary of Deposition Modeling Parameters 4-4 5-Year Wind Rose Summary for the M-245 Meteorological Monitonng Station 4-5 Data Recovery Percentages for Cntical Vanables Monitored at the M-245 Meteorological Monitonng Station FIGURES NUMBER 2-1 Site Location Map 2-2 M-136 Burn Grounds Risk Assessment 2-3 M-136 Burn Grounds Risk Assessment 2-4 M-136 Burn Grounds Risk Assessment 2-5 Burn Pit, Typ Max Layout Risk Assessment 2-6 Burn Pit Detail nsk Assessment 4-1 Location of ATK Promontory M-136 and M-225 Treatment Units and Discrete Modeling Receptors 4-2 M-136 Treatment Unit 3 Kilometer General Receptor Gnd 100 Meter Increment 4-3 M-136 Treatment Unit 3 Km to 10 Km General Receptor Grid 500 Meter Increment 4-4 M-225 Treatment Unit 3 Kilometer General Receptor Gnd 100 Meter Increment 4-5 M-225 Treatment Unit 3 Km to 10 Km General Receptor Gnd 500 Meter Increment 041108/P FINAL APRIL 2011 LIST OF ACRONYMS AFB AMS AMSL AP ATK C CI CO CO2 COPC DEM DOE DPG DQL HCL HHRAP HMX ISCST3 Lbs IWT LSC MDI MIDAS NAAQS NASA NCDC NEW NOx NWS OB OBODi OBODM OD OSHA PM 2 5 Air Force Base Amencan Meteorological Society above mean sea level ammonium perchlorate ATK Launch Systems carbon chlonne carbon monoxide carbon dioxide chemicals of potential concern Digital Elevation Map Department of Energy Dugway Proving Grounds Daily Quantity Limit hydrogen chlonde Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol (HHRAP) cyclotetraethylenetetranitramme Industnal Source Complex Short Term 3 pounds Industnal Waste Trench linear shape charges method detection limit Munitions Items Disposition Action System National Ambient Air Quality Standards National Aeronautics and Space Administration National Climatic Data Center net explosive weight nitrogen oxides National Weather Service Open Burn Open Burn/Open Detonation Improved Open Burn/Open Detonation Dispersion Model Open Detonation Occupational Safety and Health Administration Particulates less than 2 5 microns in aerodynamic diameter 041108/P PM10 PSD PW100 PW85-15 PW65-35 QA/QC QD ODOBi RDX SCRAMS SLAMS SNL SVOC TB TNT TSL TWA UDAQ UDEQ UTAQ UDSHW USEPA USGS UTM VOC FINAL APRIL 2011 Particulates less than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameter Prevention of Significant Detenoration Process Waste 100% ammonium perchlorate Process Waste 85% ammonium perchlorate + 15% contaminated trash Process Waste 65% ammonium perchlorate + 35% contaminated trash quality assurance/quality control quantity distance Open Detonation Open Burn Improved Cyclotnmethylene tnnitramine Support Center for Regulatory Air Models State and Local Air Monitonng Stations Sandia National Laboratory semi-volatile organic compounds tnple base trinitrotoluene Toxic Screening Level time-weighted average Utah Department of Air Quality Utah Department of Environmental Quality Utah Department of Air Quality Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste United States Environmental Protection Agency United States Geological Service (USGS) Universal Transverse Medcator volatile organic compounds 041108/P IV FINAL APRIL 2011 1 0 INTRODUCTION ATK Launch Systems, (ATK) located 30 miles west of Brigham City, Utah, currently operates open burning (OB) and open detonation (OD) units for the treatment of hazardous waste propellants and propellant contaminated matenals These treatment units are M-136 and M-225 and are subject to RCRA 40 CFR 264 Subpart X permitting requirements for miscellaneous treatment units These units are currently operating as intenm status facilities The Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (UDSHW) is requinng ATK to conduct new human health and ecological nsk assessments in support of a new Subpart X permit application Before the human health and ecological nsk assessments can be conducted, an air dispersion modeling analysis must be performed to evaluate the air quality impact of the M-136 and M-225 treatment units The results of the air dispersion modeling analysis will be input into human health and ecological nsk assessment models to determine the nsk from the ATK OB/OD treatment units This document provides a discussion of the protocol that will be used to conduct the modeling analysis 1 1 GENERAL OVERVIEW This document contains a descnption of the air dispersion modeling protocol that will be used to conduct the air dispersion modeling analysis Before the modeling analysis is conducted ATK is required to submit and receive approval of the modeling protocol This dispersion modeling protocol has been developed on the basis of information received from ATK a March 13, 2002 meeting with UDSHW UDSHW comments from on the initial protocol submittal (September 2003) emissions testing of Class 1 3 materials that was conducted June 7 to 15 2006 at the Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) Open Detonation Open Burn Improved (ODOBi) test chamber facility subsequent follow-up technical comments from UDSHW, United States Environmental Protection Agency (U S EPA) modeling guidance, and to the extent possible the dispersion modeling methodology within the Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol (HHRAP) for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities (U S EPA September 2005) The document presents a proposed dispersion modeling protocol for addressing the air quality impact of the M-136 and M-225 treatment units within and beyond the facility boundary I he information presented within this protocol includes a discussion of the proposed air dispersion model modeling procedures, sources to be evaluated source parameters treatment scenanos, waste matenals and emissions characterization meteorological data, site-specific data, and any other information or assumptions pertinent to the modeling analysis 041108/P 1-1 FINAL APRIL 2011 2 0 ATK PROMONTORY FACILITY PROCESS DESCRIPTION The ATK Promontory facility is located in a remote area of west Box Elder County, Utah, approximately 30 miles northwest of Bngham City, and approximately 11 miles north of the Great Salt Lake (see Figure 2-1) The facility was purchased by Thiokol in 1956, with the exception of a 1,500-acre tract that was sold to the U S Air Force in 1958 and then repurchased in 1995 The facility has been held in its entirety since purchase Figure 2-1 shows the ATK property boundary, the location of the M-136 and M-225 treatment units Also located within the boundary of the Promontory facility is an on-site meteorological monitonng station, and the Autoliv facility (formerly Morton Inc) The Autoliv facility produces activators for automobile air bag restraint systems Autoliv operates as an independent commercial business and is not associated with ATK However waste explosive and propellant waste matenals generated at Autoliv, are treated by the Promontory facility at the M-136 treatment unit 2 1 FACILITY OPERATIONS Both hazardous and non-hazardous solid wastes are generated and managed at the facility Hazardous wastes generated at the facility include solvents, metals (pnmaniy aluminum), and reactive wastes including 1 1 propellant, 1 3 propellant propellant contaminated waste, reactive laboratory waste, waste solid rocket motors, propellant ingredients such as nitroglycenn, ammonium perchlorate, aluminum, cyciotetraethylenetetranitramine (HMX), and similar propellant explosive and pyrotechnic ingredients Reactive wastes are treated by open burning and open detonation at the M-136 Unit and the M-225 Unit The location of the M-136 and M-225 treatment units is shown in Figure 2-1 2 2 TERRAIN AND SITE DESCRIPTION The Promontory facility is located in the Blue Spnng Valley which is bounded on the east by the Blue Spnng Hills and on the west by Engineer Mountain and the Promontory Mountain ranges respectively (see Figure 2-1) Within the Blue Spnng Valley the terrain is charactenzed by topography that slopes down from the mountain crest at an elevation of approximately 6,050 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) toward the center of the Blue Creek Valley at an elevation of 4 250 feet AMSL As a result the surrounding environment extending out to 6 2 miles (10 kilometers) from both treatment units can be charactenzed as complex terrain Blue Creek is the only perennial stream in the valley drainage basin and is the closest water body to the M-136 treatment unit Blue Creek onginates some 15 miles north of the Promontory facility from a warm saline spnng, which flows along the western boundary of the facility (see Figure 2-1) 041108/P 2-1 FINAL APRIL 2011 The Promontory area is charactenzed as a very sparsely populated rural region, with pnmaniy dry farms and ranching activities Low growing perennial grasses and shrubs characterize the vegetation in the area The ecological habitat found at the Promontory facility includes many head of mule deer and large populations of vanous birds rabbit, and predator species 2 3 TREATMENT UNIT LOCATIONS ATK Launch Systems conducts open burning and open detonation of reactive wastes at two treatment units (1) the mam facility M-136, located centrally to the two mam manufactunng sites, and (2) M-225 located m a remote development location called Plant III The location of each treatment unit (m relationship to the Promontory facility boundary) is shown in Figure 2-1 Vanable scale drawings of the M-136 treatment unit are shown in Figures 2-2, 2-3, and 2-4 and for the M225 treatment unit in Figures 2-5 and 2-6 A detailed descnption of the treatment activities and waste profiles for M-136 and M-225 IS presented in Sections 3 1 and 3 2, respectively 2 3 1 M-136 Treatment Activities M-136 IS the pnmary treatment unit for conducting open burning at the Promontory facility Open detonation is also conducted at M-136 which is a secured fenced facility withm the mam facility fence The layout of the M-136 treatment unit (showing all burn stations) is provided in Figures 2-2 through 2-4 Typical reactive waste treatment at M-136 includes but is not limited to 1 1 propellant 1 3 propellant propellant contaminated waste reactive laboratory waste waste solid rocket motors propellant ingredients such as nitroglycerin ammonium perchlorate, aluminum, cyclotetraethyienetetranitramine (HMX), and similar propellant explosive and pyrotechnic ingredients Similar wastes are also received from Autoliv, other ATK locations, and on rare occasion from other Department of Defense/government facilities All wastes received from off-site sources such as Autoliv and other ATK sites are burned within 14 days Except for EPA waste numbers exempted by aile, reactive wastes with listed EPA waste numbers are identified, and isolated from other matenal enabling the ash to be collected and shipped offsite for disposal The M-136 Burn Grounds is compnsed of 14 burn stations Open burn treatment is conducted at all burn stations However open detonation treatment is only conducted at Stations 13 and 14 The burn stations are located in three general areas and are aligned in an east-west direction across the treatment unit The change in elevation between the three general areas is relatively minor (less than 20 feet per area) Burn Stations 1 through 12 are located in one treatment area that measures approximately 820 feet x 574 feet All Burn Stations are located within a 394-foot radius of the center of the area represented by 041108/P 2-2 FINAL APRIL 2011 the active burn stations Burn Station 13 is located approximately 820 feet due east of Burn Stations 1 through 12 Burn Station 14 is located approximately 820 feet due east of Burn Station 13 Open burning is conducted at ground level in burn trays Burning trays are constructed in several different sizes including, 4X10', 5'X16' 8'X8, and 8'X20' These trays are constructed to contain the propellant and withstand the intense heat from the open burning process They are made from steel plate A36 grade steel ranging thicknesses of 3/8 , Vz", % , and 1 inch Lids for the burn trays may be used dunng the wet weather months to keep moisture out of the trays If the trays are empty, they may also be turned upside down to avoid the collection of moisture in the empty trays If excess water exists in the burn trays, a sump truck is used to remove the water and it is taken to the M-705 wastewater treatment facility The trays may be lined with soil to facilitate burning operations, however, most trays do not contain soil The number of trays at each burn station vanes Bum stations 1 through 12 typically have 15 burn trays Burn Station 13 typically has six trays Burn station 14 is used to open burn motors Operation of station 14 is descnbed below Trays may be moved between stations as needed Open detonation is conducted at either Burn Station 13 or 14 Based on Quantity Distance (QD) limitations open detonation may be preformed aboveground or underground in a hole or pit depending on the item to be detonated The M-136 Burn Grounds also has three specially designed disposal units that are used to handle the disposal of rocket motor igniters small rocket motors, and other items that have the potential to become propulsive These disposal units are the Clamshell Disposal tray. Sandbox Disposal tray, and Small Motor Disposal vaults which are used to contain the propulsive force of the igniters and small rocket motors, but allow for safe disposal The Clamshell Disposal tray is used for the disposal of closed end rocket motor igniters, and other items that have the potential to be propulsive The Clamshell Disposal tray is a square welded box 1-inch thick A36 steel plate with a vented lid that enables the potentially propulsive items to be burned while safely containing the propulsive energy The Clamshell Disposal tray is portable and can be used at several burn stations ranging from 1 through 13 The Sandbox Disposal tray is used for the disposal of open-end rocket motor igniters and other items that have the potential to be propulsive It is constructed of 1-inch thick A36 steel plate welded into a square box that is filled with sand, and has four 1-mch thick steel tubes sitting on end in the sand The potentially propulsive items are placed in the tubes allowing the exhaust to vent out of the open end of the 041108/P 2-3 FINAL APRIL 2011 steel tubes Steel bars are then slid into the end of the exposed tubes to contain the igniters The Sandbox Disposal tray is portable and can be used at several burn stations ranging from 1 through 13 The two Small Motor Disposal vaults are constructed from a concrete 10x10 foot sump filled with sand The small rocket motors such as the STAR motor are placed into the sand with the aft end exposed perpendicular to the ground The motors are then burned with the propulsive force directed into the concrete sump and the sand These small motor disposal vaults are located at Burn Station 9 Large-scale obsolete rocket motors are open burned at Burn Station 14 The rocket motor is positioned near Station 14 and is offloaded by a mobile crane The obsolete motor is placed on sand or wooden blocks in Station 14 Systems of Linear Shaped Charges (LSC) are then placed on the rocket motor to split the rocket motor case, rendenng it non-propulsive allowing the open burning of the rocket motor while it IS still being burned within the existing rocket motor case This also allows the rocket motor case to act as the burn tray" for the burning propellant The flnng stanchions electncal circuits for each burn station are buned underground throughout the Burning Grounds Burn Stations 1 through 12 contain a multiple flnng stanchions (flnng posts) for each burn station Burn Stations 13 and 14 have a single flnng stanchion for each burn station The electncal components for the relays power supply, etc are located in Bunker M-136 A heavy steel pylon is located in each flnng stanchion containing the ignition wire This steel pylon is to protect the electncal equipment from the intense heat generated dunng the open burning event An electncal igniter is placed in a minimum of one tray for each flnng stanchion for the burn event Several safety interlocks are in place at M-136 to prevent inadvertent ignition of the system while operators are m the Burning Grounds Ignition of all the burning pans is completely remote and controlled by a system of switches in the M-136 control bunker Before initiating a burn the resistance of each circuit IS tested to ensure all of the connections have been made properly Pressing the system activation button initiates a warning siren A siren will sound for approximately 40 seconds and the ignition system is then armed and ready to fire The ignition switches located in the control bunker can then ignite the rows and stanchions that are selected Generally, all finng stanchions that contain waste to be burned are ignited consecutively with a delay between ignitions of finng stanchions The burn is observed and recorded in the control bunker via a closed circuit television system No entrance is allowed into the M-136 Burn Grounds dunng the burning process After a burn, a 16-hour waiting penod is normally required pnor to entenng the area in the Burnings Grounds where the burn was conducted Entrance is then permitted and a thorough check for abnormalities that may have occurred dunng the burn is done This check involves looking for reactive matenal that was not completely treated 041108/P 2-4 FINAL APRIL 2011 and may have left the burn trays dunng the burn event, or resulted from an unplanned detonation Any unburned reactive matenal is collected and placed in the nearest tray to be re-burned A forklift is then used to carry and dump the trays containing the burn ash to the Industnal Waste Trench (IWT) located in the far eastern end of the M-136 Burn Grounds If a burn event occurs at the end of the working week such as Thursday, the ash generally is not transported to the IWT until the beginning of the next workweek A forklift or a backhoe is used to carry the large-scale obsolete rocket motor cases for disposal in the IWT Table 2-1 presents a list of the M-136 treatment sources to be included in the dispersion modeling, the burn stations associated with each M-136 source, the reactive wastes treated by the each M-136 source, the treatment event quantity in pounds (lbs) to be used for each M-136 source in the dispersion modeling, the established Daily Quantity Limits (DQLs), the annual treatment quantity for each source, and the emission factors to be used in the modeling assessment for each M-136 source The maximum daily allowable treatment quantity limits per burn station at M-136 Burn Stations 1 through 12 (Source 1) is 106 500 lbs The maximum daily allowable treatment quantity limit at M-136 Burn Station 13 (Source 2) IS 50,000 lbs The maximum limit for treating motors at Burn Station 14 (Source 3) is 106,500 lbs per day The Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) has established these limits based on theoretical hydrochlonc acid (HCI) emissions OD of waste matenals is conducted at either Burn Station 13 or 14 (Source 4) Based on QD limitations, open detonation may be preformed aboveground or underground in a hole or pit, depending on the item to be detonated The maximum allowable daily treatment quantity for open detonation at Burn Stations 13 and 14 is 600 lbs per day The air dispersion modeling of each M-136 treatment source will be conducted using the Model Quantity" given in Table 2-1 Open burning may occur daily at M-136 However, treatment usually takes place 3 days a week (Tuesday through Thursday) dunng the afternoon hours when dispersion parameters are most favorable When wind velocity exceeds 15 miles per hour disposal by burning is not permitted This restnction is an internal wind speed set by ATK s Fire Department to avoid conditions that could promote a fast moving and spreading grass fire Disposal operations are normally conducted between the hours of 1000 and 1800 hours Waste matenal is delivered to the Burn Grounds and packaged in a vanety of containers and sizes including but not limited to super sacks, conductive/static dissipative bags and buckets The Bacchus waste IS received in conductive/static dissipative bags and cardboard/wood containers Autoliv waste is received in high-density polyethylene bags and cardboard containers 041108/P 2-5 FINAL APRIL 2011 Some waste matenals are desensitized with shingle oil diesel fuel, or tnacetin pnor to transporting to the M-136 Burn Grounds The requirement to desensitize is identified in the waste profile system This is done to ensure the safe handling of static sensitive matenals Matenal delivered to M-136 may be offloaded from the vehicle into the burn trays by hand, knuckle-boom- crane, or by forklift Dunng tray loading, the vehicle is parked next to the receiving tray, then the appropnate side rails on the trailer are lowered and the web belts are removed, if necessary allowing the matenal to be offloaded and placed into the bum tray The burn trays are inspected pnor to loading The burn tray inspection cntena includes (1) holes in the tray, (2) weld cracks, and (3) a minimum of 6-inches depth or wall height The inspection is documented in the Daily Propellant Log Trays that fail the inspection are removed from service The trays are also checked for hot spots from the previous burns Open burning of reactive waste at M-136 can be conducted at Burn Stations 1 through 13 However ATK's operating convention is to open burn reactive laboratory waste at Burn Station 13 although some laboratory wastes such as propellant test loaves may be burned at Stations 1 through 12 The amount of laboratory wastes treated at Burn Station 13 constitutes less than 1 percent of the total waste treated annually at M-136 Operation of Burn Station 14 has been descnbed previously 2 32 M-225 Treatment Unit The M-225 treatment unit receives small amounts of the reactive waste matenals from the Plant III propellant development area The waste containers are labeled and the matenal is stored in 90-day storage on the wastes docks and then transferred to M-225 for treatment The M-225 treatment unit is surrounded with an 8-foot high chain link fence The waste matenals are treated via open burning or open detonation Open detonation is conducted no more than once per day and generally occurs once every three weeks The layout of M-225 is shown in Figures 2-5 and 2-6 Table 2-2 shows a list of M-225 treatment sources to be included in the dispersion modeling, the burn stations associated with each M-225 source the reactive wastes treated by the each M-225 source the treatment event quantity in lbs to be used for each M-225 source in the dispersion modeling, the established Daily Quantity Limits (DQLs), the annual treatment quantity for each M-225 source and the emission factors to be used in the modeling assessment for each M-225 source The maximum daily quantity of waste that may be open burned (Source 1) at M-225 is 4,500lbs The maximum daily open detonation treatment (Source 2) quantity at M-225 is limited to 600 lbs per day The air dispersion modeling of M-225 treatment sources will be conducted using the Model Quantity given in for each M- 225 source shown in Table 2-2 041108/P 2-6 FINAL APRIL 2011 The burn trays at M-225 are inspected once a week The burn tray inspecfion cntena includes (1) holes in the tray, (2) weld cracks, and (3) a minimum of 6-inches depth or wall height The inspecfion is documented in the Daily Propellant Log Trays that fail the inspecfion are removed from service The trays are also checked for hot spots from the previous burns The M-225 treatment unit has the capability of using the sump truck to remove the excess water from the trays and have it treated at the M-705 hazardous wastewater treatment plant Within the M-225 Bum Grounds are four bum stafions with one burn stanchion in each stafion, and one tray per station Unlike M-136 operafions the trays at M-225 are not moved from one burn station to another Burn tray construction is comparable to those used at the M-136 Burn Grounds The trays may be lined with soil to facilitate burning operafions however most of the trays do not contain soil The M-225 treatment acfivifies are very similar to the operations at M-136 with only a few differences At M-225, treatment typically occurs less frequenfiy, and involves smaller quanfifies of waste matenal (600 pibs or less) Dunng a burn event, a burn tray is ignited and allowed to burn down and then the next tray is ignited This roufine is followed until all the trays have completed burning The re-entry waifing fime following a burn event at M-225 is 16 hours Open detonafion is conducted at a designated locafion within the M-225 fenced area (See Figure 2-6) Based on QD limitations, open detonation may be preformed aboveground or underground in a hole or pit, depending on the item to be detonated The M-225A building is the control bunker that contains the system for finng the igniters that are placed in the burn trays The finng system functions in the same manner as the M-136 treatment unit, which has been descnbed previously The reactive wastes treated by open burning at M-225 include neat double base (1 1) propellants and composite propellants (1 3), as well as, reactive contaminated matenals such as cloth and paper wipes metal containers plasfics, and propellant ingredients Reacfive wastes are collected in a vanety of containers and sizes including but not limited to super sacks and buckets lined with conducfive/stafic dissipafive bags that may contain desensifized ingredients that are the same as those used for wastes at M-136 With the excepfion of U S EPA, waste numbers exempted by rule, the ash resulfing from the treatment of reactive wastes at M-225 with listed EPA waste numbers, is collected and shipped for offsite disposal All other ash is sent for disposal in the M-136 IWT A sump truck is used to remove excess water in the burn trays The collected water is then taken to the M-705 wastewater treatment facility 041108/P 2-7 TABLE 2-1 M-136 RISK ASSESSMENT TREATMENT UNIT WASTES TREATED, TREATMENT LIMITS, MODEL QUANTITY, AND APPLICABLE EMISSION FACTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 Modeled Sources Burn Station(s) Treated Reactive Waste Categories Model Quantity Established Daily Quantity Limits Total Annual Burn Limit (lbs) Applicable Emission Factors For Wastes Treated At Each Source* Source 1 Open Burn 1 2,3,4,5,6,7, 8,9 10,11 12 A, B, C, D, E, F, G H 106,500 lbs 106.500 lbs/day • 1 1 pure propellant/contaminated matenal from all bum stations or • 1 3 pure propellant/contaminated matenal from all burn stations or • 50,000 lbs Reactive Category E/Flare Illuminate propellant/contaminated matenal from all burn stations 7 500 000 1 3 - see Tables 3-5 and 3-6 50.000 lbs/day • 1 1 pure propellant/contaminated matenal for one burn stafion or Source 2 Open Burn 13 A, B, C, D, E, F, G H 50,000 lbs • 1 3 pure propellant/contaminated matenal for one burn station or 50,000 lbs Reacfive Category E/Flare Illuminate propellant/contaminated material from all burn stafions or • Miscellaneous reacfive lab chemicals 496,400 1 3 - see Tables 3-5 and 3-6 TABLE 2-1 M-136 RISK ASSESSMENT TREATMENT UNIT WASTES TREATED, TREATMENT LIMITS, MODEL QUANTITY, AND APPLICABLE EMISSION FACTORS PAGE 2 OF 2 Modeled Sources Burn Station(s) Treated Reactive Waste Categories Model Quantity Established Daily Quantity Limits Total Annual Burn Limit (lbs) Applicable Emission Factors For Wastes Treated At Each Source* Source 3 Open Burn 14 A, B, C, D 106,500 lbs 106.500 Ibs/dav • 1 1 rocket motor or • 1 3 rocket motor 2,000,000 1 3 - see Tables 3-5 and 3-6 Source 4 Open Detonafion 13&14 C, D, G, H 600 lbs 600 Ibs/dav • 1 1 matenals or • 1,3 matenals 3,600 1 3 - see Tables 3-5 and 3-6 M136 Maximum Treatment Quantities 106,500 lbs 10,000,000 ' - ATK has agreed to use 1 3 OBODi emission factors for all M-136 modeled sources TABLE 2-2 M-225 RISK ASSESSMENT TREATMENT UNIT WASTES TREATED, TREATMENT LIMITS, MODEL QUANTITY, AND APPLICABLE EMISSION FACTORS Modeled Sources Burn Stations Reactive Waste Categories Model Quantity Established Daily Quantity Limits Total Annual Burn Limit (lbs ) Applicable Emission Factors For Wastes Treated At Each Source* Source 1 Open Burning 1,2,3,4 A, B, C, D, F G, H 4,500 lbs 4.500 Ibs/dav • 1 1 pure propellant/contaminated matenal from all burn stafions or • 1 3 pure propellant/contaminated matenal from all burn stafions 52,500 lbs 1 3-see Tables 3-5 and 3-6 or 500 lbs Reacfive Category E/Flare Illuminate propellant/contamin ated matenal from all burn stafions Source 2 Open Detonafion C D, G, H 600 lbs 600 Ibs/dav 600 lbs per day consisfing of • 1 1 article or • 1 3 arficle 2,500 lbs 1 3 - see Tables 3-5 and 3-6 M225 Maximum Treatment Quantities 4,500 lbs 55,000 lbs * - ATK has agreed to use 1 3 OBODi emission factors for all M-225 modeled sources PGH P:\GIS\THIOKOL\MXD\SITEMAPMXD 04/27/11 JEE IV- • • <t/. ,. ^Engineer, I • • Mountain': ''S, \ V •. Summit I • I .1* ^ , Golden Spike,t::_J National Historic f _ Site ,- H *• • Legend Treatment Unit I . Facility Boundary Major Roads Rivers and Streams DRAWN BY DATE J.ENGLISH 04/27/11 ^ TETRATECH CONTRACT NUMBER 01389 CTO NUMBER CHECKED BY DATE J. LUCAS 04/27/11 SITE LOCATION MAP ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS PROMONTORY FACILITY PROMONTORY, UTAH APPROVED BY DATE REVISED BY DATE SITE LOCATION MAP ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS PROMONTORY FACILITY PROMONTORY, UTAH APPROVED BY DATE SCALE AS NOTED SITE LOCATION MAP ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS PROMONTORY FACILITY PROMONTORY, UTAH FIGURE NO. 2-1 REV 0 INDUSTRIAL WASTE TRENCH SEE FIGURE 2-4 FOR ENLARGEMENT OF THIS AREA DRAINAGE (TYP) LTTA (TYP) DRAINAGE (TYP) SMALL ROCKET MOTOR DISPOSAL VAULTS BURN STATION BOUNDARY (REFERENCE ONLY) BURN STANCHIONS (TYP) 200 GRAPHIC SCALE 400 M136G42 DWG ATK Launch Systems Inc FACIUTIES ENGINEERING PO Box 70T m* UT40S32 Brigham City Ufh 84302 M-136 BURN GROUNDS RISK ASSESSMENT owe SHE B r'=2oo' Dmim m FIGURE 2-3 FENCE LINE BURN STATION BS-U WHOLE MOTOR BURN AREA EARTH BERM M136G42 DWG FEET 20* 40' GRAPHIC SCALE M^^FMJ^ ^TK Launch Systems Inc. FACILITIES ENGINEERING P 0 Box 707 ms UT40-552 Bngham City. Utah 84302 M -136 BURN GROUNDS RISK ASSESSMENT SIZ£ A SCALE r^2o' DRAWING NO FIGURE 2-4 REV ^LMIMKT TlCMYtTEM ATK Launch Syitams Inc ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES PO Box707msSSe Bngham City. Utah 84302 lvl-225 BURN GROUNDS RISK ASSESSMENT DWG Sl/t 5CALL 1 =60 DRAmC NO FIGURE 2-6 FINAL APRIL 2011 3 0 WASTE CONSTITUENTS/EMISSIONS CHARACTERIZATION In order to conduct a nsk assessment of ATK treatment operations, it is necessary to characterize the waste constituents and emission products of the formulations that are treated via OB and OD at M-136 and M-225 The pnncipal waste formulations treated at ATK include 1 1 and 1 3 class waste propellant matenals and flare wastes The waste constituents and emissions associated with these formulations have been charactenzed based on the following information • ATK detailed descnptions of reactive waste categones and associated reactive waste profiles - see Section 3 1 • ODOBI emission test results for Class 1 3 propellants - See Section 3 2 1 • Bang Box emission test results for Class 1 1 propellants - See Section 3 2 2 • ODOBI emission test results for military ordnance illumination cartndqes, which have similar composition to flare wastes - see Section 3 2 3 The potential for air emissions associated with ATK treatment operations can result from pretreatment treatment, and post-treatment activities Pretreatment emissions are very limited and pnmaniy related to the volatilization of some D003 type waste materials that are treated in burn pans All waste matenals are delivered to each treatment unit in bags or other closed containers and are placed in the bum pans The waste matenals remain in the bags or other closed containers , which prevents the wind dispersal of solid waste matenals pnor to actual treatment process The potential for post-treatment emissions are limited to wind dispersal of burn pan ash However, ATK utilizes operating procedures that greatly reduce or eliminate the potential for wind blown emission of solid matenals from the burn pans For example, the ash from treatment operations is collected following a treatment event as soon as conditions are considered safe The collected ash is either placed in a covered drum for offsite disposal or placed in an onsite landfill In addition, burn pan covers are used whenever conditions prevent cleanout in a timely manner In addition the pans are covered after clean out or turned upside down to prevent precipitation from collecting in the pans As a result, fugitive emissions from pre-treatment and post-treatment operations are considered insignificant and are not discussed in this protocol and will not be addressed in the dispersion modeling The remainder of Section 3 pertains to the charactenzation of emissions from ATK treatment events 041108/P 3-1 FINAL APRIL 2011 3 1 WASTE CHARACTERIZATION The reactive wastes open burned and open detonated at M-136 and M-225 are classified into company- defined reactive categones A through H which are descnbed in Table 3-1 In order to facilitate the safe handling of these reactive wastes, ATK further charactenzes these waste matenals into waste profiles, which are shown in Table 3-2 Table 3-2 identifies the profile reference number general descnption, and summary of profile constituents associated with each reactivity group Table 3-3 contains a separate waste charactenzation for reactive category G, Profile Number PR53, which contains reactive and unstable laboratory waste chemicals ATK has developed specific in-house handling and disposal instructions for each waste profile in order to avoid potential accidents from mishandling of these highly energetic matenals Table 3-4 presents the ATK profile reference numbers associated with Autoliv waste matenals within reactive category E • 3 1 1 M-136 Treatment Unit As descnbed in Section 2 3 1, the M-136 treatment unit is composed of 14 burn stations that are located in three general areas Figure 2-3 shows the layout of each treatment station Based on the treatment processes and relative location of the 14 burn stations the emission sources for M-136 can be represented by three separate treatment sources for OB and one source for OD The table below identifies the M-136 emission sources that will be evaluated in the air dispersion modeling analysis The table also identifies the burn/detonation stations and reactive waste categones that are treated at each source In summary, M-136 treats 1 1 and 1 3 class wastes and flare wastes associated with reactive category E M-136 Emission Sources Burn/Detonation Stations Reactive Waste Categories Treated Open Burning Source 1 1,2,3,4,5 6 7, 8 9 10, 11 12 A, B, C, D, E, F G, H (1 1 and 1 3 class wastes) Open Burning Source 2 13 A, B, C, D, E, F, G H (1 1 and 1 3 class wastes) Open Burning Source 3 14 A B C, D (1 1 and 1 3 class wastes) Open Detonation Source 1 13 & 14 C D, G, H (1 1 and 1 3 class wastes) 041108/P 3-2 FINAL APRIL 2011 3 1 2 M-225 Treatment Unit As descnbed in Section 2 3 2, the M-225 treatment unit is composed of four OB stations and one OD station Figure 2-6 shows the layout and relative location of the burn trays and OD pit Based on the two types of treatment processes, the emission sources for M-225 can be represented by two separate treatment sources The table below identifies the M-225 emission sources that will be evaluated in the air dispersion modeling analysis The table also identifies the associated bum/detonation stations and reactive waste categones that are treated at each source In summary, M-225 treats 1 1 and 1 3 class wastes and flare wastes associated with reactive category E M-225 Emission Source Burn/Detonation Stations Reactive Waste Categories Treated Open Burning Source 1 1 A B C, D E F G, H (1 1 and 1 3 class wastes) Open Detonation Source 1 1 C, D, G, H (1 1 and 1 3 class wastes) 32 EMISSIONS CHARACTERIZATION A review of ATK treatment operations for the annual penods 2006, 2007, and 2008 indicates that the overwhelming majonty (96 percent) of wastes treated at ATK have been associated with reactive category A, 1 3 class propellants The inset table below summanzes the treatment quantities for all reactive groups for the 3-year penod The 1 1 class propellants and Category E flare reactive groups constituted only about two and one percent, respectively, of the total wastes treated Reactivity Group Class Waste Total Waste (lbs) Percent of Total Burned A 1 3 16791730 96 31% B 1 3 15953 0 09% C 1113 242682 1 39% D 1 1 127530 0 73% E Flares 207296 1 19% F 1 3 43043 0 25% G 1113 6487 0 04% H 11,13 108 <001% Total 17434829 100 0% The emission factors being proposed by ATK for the treatment of 1 1 and 1 3 class propellants and category E flare are based on emissions testing of actual ATK waste matenals The emissions testing for 1 1 and 1 3 class propellants was conducted at the Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) Open Detonation 041108/P 3-3 FINAL APRIL 2011 Open Burn Improved (ODOBi) test chamber in Dugway Utah The emission factors associated with the emissions testing for 1 3 and 1 1 class propellants are discussed in Sections 3 2 1 and 3 2 2, respectively Emissions testing has not been conducted to charactenze emissions associated with the treatment of category E flare wastes which include ATK flares and Autoliv reactive wastes However ATK has identified another reactive waste item that has a similar chemical charactenzation in companson to the ATK category E flare wastes The emission factors for this item are found in U S EPA, AP-42 (U S EPA July 2009) ordnance specific emission factor guidance The AP-42 emission factors are based on open detonation emission testing of specific military ordnance (illuminating cartndges), which have ingredients similar to the wastes associated with ATK category E flares The emission factors being proposed for ATK category E flares and Autoliv waste are discussed in Section 3 2 3 3 2 1 Class 1 3 Waste Emission Factors Although the waste matenals treated at M-136 and M-225 include 1 1 and 1 3 class matenals, the majonty (96 percent) of wastes treated by ATK are 1 3 class wastes In 2006, ATK conducted emissions testing at the DPG to obtained emission factors for Class 1 3 matenals The ODOBi test chamber was used to determine emission factors for airborne compounds from three different compositions of Class 1 3 process waste (PW) matenals The tests were conducted from June 7 to 15 2006 Test results are presented in the report titled Sampling Results for Emission Charactenzation of Open Burning Waste Propellant Matenals (U S Army 2009) Emissions were measured from simulated OB events of the following three waste scenanos that are considered representative of 1 3 class propellant waste • PW100 100% ammonium perchlorate (AP) propellant . PW85-15 85% AP propellant + 15% trash • PW65-35 65% AP propellant + 35% trash The first matenal (PW100) was 100% Class 1 3 propellant The other two test matenals (PW85-15 and PW65-15) consisted of a mixture of Class 1 3 propellant blended with different percentages of matenals such as cloth paper paper wipes plastics, and cleaning items The PW85-15 trash sample was determined by conducting a 2-week-long survey of the types and quantities of contaminated waste coming from each live-area waste dock The 15% trash ration was based on an analysis of daily treatment data for the past 3 years This sample is intended to be representative of most of the Class 1 3 contaminated waste streams treated at the ATK The PW65-35 trash sample was determined in a similar manner 041108/P 3-4 FINAL APRIL 2011 It IS important to note that the 1 3 waste testing resulted in numerous analytical results being reported as non-detect or below background" Based on a re-evaluation of key aspects of the test, including non- detects, blank corrections and how background values were used, the UDSHW has determined that the inherent uncertainty associated with the emissions test and calculation of 1 3 emission factors needs to evaluated using two data sets that reflect the range of possible emissions based on the available data The first emission factor data set consists of a more conservative" data set uses the full method detection limit (MDL) for non-detected compounds and background and blank values have not been subtracted out from the test results Table 3-5 shows the 'conservative" emission factor data set, which represents the average emission factor for all three test scenanos (PW100, PW85-15, and PW65-35) The second set of emissions data represents a 'corrected" (less conservative) set proposed by ATK in which all non-detects are replaced with Vz MDL (or Vi EDL) and background/blank correction has been performed Table 3-6 shows the corrected" emission factor data set, which represents the average emission factor for all three test scenarios (PW100, PW85-15, and PW65-35) Using the two sets of emissions data to assess nsk will permit evaluation of the potential range in impacts of some of the uncertainties in the emissions data This proposal assumes that the nsk results of the conservative, or uncorrected data set will be evaluated and if emissions are acceptable, no further analysis is required If some of the emission factors in the conservative data set produce an unacceptable nsk and the 'corrected" data set does not, the nsk results will be reviewed to determine if using the less conservative estimate of emissions is justified The conservative" and corrected' emission factors presented in Tables 3-5 and 3-6, respectively, have been approved by the UDSHW for use in the ATK evaluation of Class 1 3 matenals 3 2 2 Class 1 1 Waste Emission Factors In September of 1997, samples representative of Class 1 1 explosive waste from the ATK Thiokol Bacchus facility were tested and charactenzed at the Dugway Proving Grounds Bang Box chamber Test results are provided in the report titled Draft Sampling Results for Alliant 'Slum" Emission Characterization (Radian, 1998) These waste matenals are considered representative of the 1 1 waste matenals treated at the M-136 and M-225 treatment units Each test sample weighed about 3 8 pounds The matenals tested included combinations of Class 1 1 propellants along with contaminated matenals such as cloth and paper wipes, plastics, and cleaning items as simulated in the 1 3 emission test scenanos The assumed combination of propellant and contaminated matenals was 65 percent and 35 percent respectively 041108/P 3-5 FINAL APRIL 2011 The 1 1 emission factors assigned half the detection level for all nondetect results A few semi-volatile and dioxin/furan compounds were tentatively, but not positively identified by mass spectroscopy These compounds were onginally considered non-detects, but were switched to full detects for conservatism The Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEFs) for dioxins/furans are based on the World Health Organization (WHO) recognized TEFs Table 3-7 shows the emission factors associated with the emissions testing for Class 1 1 matenals 3 2 3 Category E Emission Factors As indicated above, ATK has not conducted emissions testing for specific types of Category E waste matenals, which include ATK flare-type wastes and Autoliv wastes (reactive air bag waste) In the absence of test data, ATK has identified U S EPA, AP-42 (USEPA 2009) ordnance specific emission factors for a reactive item that has a similar chemical composition m companson to ATK specific Category E waste matenals identified above The AP-42 emission factors represent treatment of waste matenals based on the detonation of specific military ordnance items, pnmaniy illuminating cartndges, which have ingredients that are similar to the illuminants (flares) associated with Category E (see Table 3-1) ATK has conducted a review of the Munitions Items Disposition Action System (MIDAS) database and available AP-42 ordnance emission factors The review included a companson of ATK flare waste constituent data to constituent data available from the MIDAS database for the ordnance items found in AP-42 Section 15 3 for large cartndges Based on the review, ATK has identified emission factors for the M816, 81-mm Infrared (IR) Illumination Cartndge The constituent profile for the M816 Illumination Cartndge was found to be most representative of the ATK flare wastes Appendix A contains copy of AP-42 Section 15 3 22 which descnbes the characterization of M816, 81-mm Infrared (IR) Illumination Cartndge emissions The charactenzation of M816 emissions is based on open detonation emissions testing conducted at the Dugway Proving Grounds Utah Details regarding the testing are descnbed in the final test report titled Sampling Results for USAEC Phase IX Emission Charactenzation of Exploding Ordnance and Smoke!Pyrotechnic (URS 2008) and the document titled Detailed Test Plan for Phase IX Emission Characterization of BurningSmokelPyrotechnics and Propellants (U S Army, 2006) The primary emissions from the M816 81-mm IR Illumination Cartndge include carbon dioxide (C02) and particulate matter Cntena pollutants, hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), as defined by the Clean Air Act (CAA), and toxic chemicals are emitted at lower levels 041108/P 3-6 FINAL APRIL 2011 Table 3-8 presents emission factors associated with the treatment of the M816, 81-mm Infrared (IR) Illumination Cartndge for evaluation the treatment of Category E ATK flare-type wastes and Autoliv wastes The emission factors are in units of pounds of emissions lbs/lb of matenal detonated The emission factors in Table 3-8 were calculated from emission factors listed in AP-42 Tables 15 3 22-1 and 15 3 22-2 and applying correction a correction factor of 0 108 (1/9 25) to convert the emission factor units from Ibs/item to lbs/lb The weight of a single M816 81-mm IR Illumination Cartndge is 9 25 lbs 3 3 FINAL DISPERSION MODEL EMISSION FACTORS Sections 3 2 1 3 2 2, and 3 2 3 present emission factors for the treatment of 1 3 11 and category E wastes at M-136 and M-225 Although the emission factors for 1 3 and 1 1 matenals are based on actual ATK matenals emissions testing the emission factors for addressing impacts from the treatment of category E wastes do not represent actual ATK wastes, and are probably the best available at this time Discussions were conducted between ATK and UDSHW regarding the best approach to represent the maximum impact from all ATK operations and comply with UDSHW's desire to establish a lower and upper bound for ATK emissions It was determined that the 1 3 reactive propellant emission factors given in Tables 3-5 and 3-6 represent a conservative estimate of ATK emissions As a result it was agreed that ATK will use the maximum 1 3 reactive OBODi propellant emission factors given in Tables 3-5 and 3-6 for all emissions sources at M-136 and M-225, regardless of waste category, in order to establish conservation lower and upper bound for nsk assessment 041108/P 3-7 TABLE 3-1 REACTIVE WASTE CATEGORIES ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH Category Description A Class 1 3 Composite Propellant Without HMX, RDX, or CXM-3 These are the most common reactive wastes generated by ATK and are used m the production of rocket motors They meet, or are believed to meet the USDOT charactenstics of a class 1 3 explosive They are a composite propellant and are composed of one or more oxidizers, polymer binder and a fuel The oxidizer is predominantly ammonium perchlorate, but could also include potassium nitrate or ammonium nitrate The fuel used in this group is aluminum powder B Class 1 3 Composite Propellant With HMX, RDX, or CXM-3 This group is also a 1 3 or believed to be such, and is very similar to group A The pnmary difference between A & B is that B contains vanous nitramines such as HMX and RDX C Class 1 1/1 3 Nitrate Ester Containing Materials This group is generally classed as a double based 1 1 propellant It contains many of the same ingredients as group B, but can also include nitroglycerin (NG), nitrocellulose (NO) and a wider assortment of oxidizers A higher percentage of nitramines and NG & NO means a lower percentage of aluminum powder and oxidizer in these formulations This propellant is used to produce higher performance rocket motors D High Explosive Materials This IS the high explosive/high energy group The composition is vanable, but they are all classed as a 1 1 Some of the constituents in these formulations include vanous forms of nitro benzene, sodium nitnte/nitrate, aluminum, teflon, nitroguanidine and high percentages of nitramines such as HMX, RDX and CL-20 This matenal is used in warhead and other similar production E Class 1 3 Pyrotechnic, Illuminants, Metal Powders, or Autoliv ASP Products This group is typically classed as a 1 3, but could also be a 1 1 or 1 4 It includes pyrotechnics, illuminants, metals powders, and Autoliv reactive air bag waste The pnmary oxidizers include potassium perchlorate & nitrate, Strontium nitrate, sodium nitrate and ammonium perchlorate Pnmary metals include tin, indium, bismuth, magnesium, boron, cesium and aluminum In addition to air bag production, this waste stream is also generated from flare production and scraping of metal powder F Oxidizers (Does Not Include High Explosives Such as HMX, RDX, or CXM-3 This group accounts for a small percentage of our total waste, and pnmaniy includes ammonium perchlorate powder less than 15 microns This waste is typically generated through scraped production matenals G Development Material - R&D Lab Use Only / Indicate Suspected Category A-F This is the developmental matenals group and is generated in the laboratones through expenmentation, expired shelve life or from subscale production It covers small quantities for a wide range of chemicals These chemicals are explosives, water reactive or are chemically unstable and unsafe to transport on a public road H Unique Waste - Indicate Disposal Profile Number in Table 3-2 This is a category that composes a small quantity of unique wastes that do not fit into any other profiles The waste is generated from developmental work and subscale production Some of the predominant constituents include methanol and methylene chlonde used in poly oxetane production, and iron linoleate and other spontaneously combustible matenals TABLE 3-3 REACTIVE GROUP G, PROFILE NUMBER PR53 REACTIVE & UNSTABLE LAB WASTE CHEMICALS / BURNED LIST ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 1 OF 2 2,4,6-Trifluoronitrobenzene CAS # 315-14-0 2-Nitroethanol CAS # 625-48-9 Tetranitromethane CAS # 509-14-8 AcryloyI Chloride 96% CAS # 814-68-6 4-Nitrobenzenediazonium Tetrauoroborate CAS # 456-27-9 Iron Pentacarbonyl CAS # 13463-40-6 lodotrimethylsilane 97% CAS # 16029-98-4 Nitrosylsulfuric Acid, CA 95% CAS # 7782-78-7 1,4-Dioxane, 99+% CAS # 123-91-1 4-Nitroaniline CAS # 100-01-6 Sec-Butyllithium, 1 3M Solution In Cyclohexane CAS # 598-30-1 6,6-Dimethylfulvene, 99% CAS 2175-91-9 lodotrimethylsilane, 97% CAS # 16029-98-4 Methyllithium, low Chlonde, 1 6 M CAS # 917-54-4 In Diethyl Ether CAS # 60-29-7 Isoprene, 99% CAS # 78-79-5 Propargyl Alcohol 99% CAS # 107-19-7 Butyllithium, 2 5M Solution In Hexanes CAS # 109-72-8 Lithium Aluminum Hydnde, Powder, 95% CAS # 16853-85-3 Sodium Hydride, 60% in Mineral Oil CAS # 7646-69-7 Cyanuric Chlonde, 99% CAS # 108-77-0 Succinyl Chloride, 95% CAS # 543-20-4 Sodium Peroxide CAS # 1313-60-6 Diethlyzinc, 15 wt % (1 1m) Solution In Toluene CAS # 577-20-0 Silver Perchlorate Hydrate CAS # 14242-05-8 Ethyl magnesium Bromide, 3 Om Solution In Diethyl Ether CAS # 652-90-6 2,4-Dinitroanisole, 98% CAS #119-27-7 2,4-Dinitrophrnol CAS # 51-28-5 2-4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine, 97% Moistened With Water CAS # 119-26-6 Lithium Borohydride, 95% CAS #16949-15-8 Sodium Ethoxide, 96% CAS # 141-52-6 Triethyloxonium Tetrafluoroborate, 1 Om Solution In Dichloromethane CAS # 386-39-8 Boron Trifluoride Ethylamine Complex CAS # 75-23-0 Collodion, Flexible, U S P CAS # 9004-70-0 (Nitrocellulose) CAS # 60-29-7 (Diethyl Ether) Aluminum Iodide, Anhydrous, Powder, CAS # Aluminum 7429-90-5 CAS # Iodide 7553-56-2 Potassium Borohydride, 98% CAS #13762-51-1 Calcium Hypochlorite CAS # 7778-54-3 Potash, Sulfurated CAS # 39365-88-3 DodecaoyI Peroxide CAS # 105-75-8 Decahydronaphthalene, Anhydrous, 99+% CAS #91-17-8 Sodium Hypophosphite CAS # 7681-53-0 TABLE 3-3 REACTIVE GROUP G, PROFILE NUMBER PR53 REACTIVE & UNSTABLE LAB WASTE CHEMICALS / BURNED LIST ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 2 OF 2 Acrylic Acrylate CAS # 3667-52-5 Ammonium Iodide CAS # 12027-06-4 Potassium Iodide CAS # 7681-11-0 Potassium Tert-Butoxide CAS # 856-47-4 Ethyl Ether CAS # 60-29-70 Banum Azide CAS # 18810-58-7 Iminodiacetonitnle CAS # 628-87-5 Phosphours Tnchlonde CAS # 7719-12-2 2,5-Dimethyl-2,5-di-(benzoylperoxy) Hexane CAS #2618-77-1 PSAN CAS # 33363-00-7 (Zinc Diammine Dinitrate) CAS # 6484-52-2 (Ammonium Nitrate) Nickle (II) Perchlorate, Hexahydrate CAS # 13520-61-1 2 2'-Azobis(2-methylpropionitnle), 98% CAS # 78-67-1 Borane-tetrahydrofuran Complex CAS # 14044-65-6 Titanium (IV) Chlonde 99 9 % CAS # 7550-45-0 Tngonox ( Organic Peroxides / AlkyI Peroxides) CAS # 995-33-5 VUL-CUP 40KE ( Organic Peroxide) CAS # 25155-25-3 Hydrogen Peroxide 30% CAS # 7722-84-1 Lupersol 231 (Organic Peroxide) CAS # 6731-36-8 1,1-Di-(tert-butylperoxy) cyclohexane CAS # 3006-86-8 Varox DBPH 50 CAS # 78-63-7 ( Peroxide) Tert-Butyl Perbenzoate CAS # 614-45-9 Di-Cup 40KE CAS # 80-43-3 (Organic Peroxide) Varnox 130 XL CAS #1068-27-5 (Organic Peroxide) MEK Peroxide CAS #1338-23-4 Dibenzyl Peroxide CAS # 94-36-0 TABLE 3-4 AUTOLIV WASTE PROPELLANT NAMES AND ATK PROFILE NUMBERS ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH ATK Profile Number^ Propellant Name Reactivity Group PR65 Igniter Scrap Containing UIX 171 MIP 1152, and MIP 1191 E PR65 MIP-131 E PR38 Hybnd Propellant RT-85-3 A PR45 NOF Hybnd Propellant E PR69 TGS (MNP-352) uncoated & coated with PIP- 1215 igniter C PR65 PIP 1215 Igniter Material E PR39 FN-1089 Slurry in plastic tubes or in plastic jars C PR65 PIP-1215 Contaminated Wipes Filters, and Debns E PR44 LOVA Propellant D PR39 FN-1089 Booster cups C PR65 Spray-Coated Igniter Family (PIP-1259 PIP- 1272, PIP-1286, PIP-1287, PIP-1288) E PR65 PIP-1270 Igniters E PR64 Tall Igniter Family (Tali21 Tali 22) E PR79 Testing for ATK (propellant only, no pnmers) C 1 - See Table 3-2 for a descnption of ATK Profile Numbers TABLE 3-5 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CONSERVATIVE" MAXIMUM EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 1 OF 7 Analyte Maximum Emission Factor (lbs/lb) Particulates TSP 1 5E-01 PM10 1 2E-01 PM2 5 6 OE-02 Metals Aluminum 4 OE-02 Antimony 2 9E-05 Arsenic 5 5E-07 Banum 9 8E-06 Cadmium 6 lE-07 Chromium 2 OE-05 Cobalt 6 lE-07 Copper 2 5E-05 Lead 4 lE-05 Magnesium 8 2E-05 Manganese 9 4E-05 Mercury 7 4E-08 Nickel 5 8E-05 Phosphorus 1 lE-04 Selenium 1 6E-06 Silver 1 2E-06 Thallium 4 3E-06 Zinc 3 5E-05 Perchlorate 4 9E-07 SVOCs 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 5 5E-07 1,2,4-Tnchlorobenzene 6 5E-07 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 5 6E-07 1,3,5-Tnnitrobenzene 5 5E-07 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 6 2E-07 1,3-Dinitrobenzene 5 7E-07 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 5 8E-07 1 -Chloronaphthalene 5 5E-07 1-Naphthylamme 1 lE-05 2,3,4,6-Tetrachlorophenol 7 lE-07 2,4,5-Tnchlorophenol 1 4E-06 2,4,6-Tnchlorophenol 1 3E-06 2,4-Dichlorophenol 9 3E-07 2,4-Dimethylphenol 6 9E-06 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2 4E-05 TABLE 3-5 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CONSERVATIVE" MAXIMUM EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 2 OF 7 Analyte Maximum Emission Factor (lbs/lb) 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 5 5E-07 2,6-Dichlorophenol 5 5E-07 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 5 6E-07 2-Acetylaminofluorene 5 5E-07 2-Chloronaphthalene 5 5E-07 2-Chlorophenol 1 9E-06 2-Methylnaphthalene 3 6E-06 2-Methylphenol 3 3E-06 2-Naphthylamine 1 lE-05 2-Nitroaniline 5 5E-07 2-Nitrophenol 5 5E-07 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 8 lE-06 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine 5 5E-05 3-Methylcholanthrene 5 5E-07 3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol 2 2E-06 3-Nitroaniline 2 2E-06 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 9 5E-06 4-Aminobiphenyl 1 lE-05 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 5 5E-07 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 6 8E-07 4-Chloroaniline 6 6E-06 4-Nitroaniline 2 2E-06 4-Nitrophenol 3 6E-06 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene 5 6E-07 Acenaphthene 5 5E-07 Acenaphthylene 5 5E-07 Acetophenone 2 7E-06 Aniline 8 OE-06 Anthracene 5 5E-07 Benzidine 5 6E-05 Benzo(a)anthracene 6 4E-07 Benzo(a)pyrene 5 5E-07 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 2E-06 Ben2o(ghi)perylene 6 8E-07 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 8E-06 Benzoic acid 6 2E-05 Benzyl alcohol 3 8E-05 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 5 5E-07 bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether 6 lE-07 bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether 8 3E-07 bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 1 lE-05 Butyl benzyl phthalate 6 7E-07 Carbazole 7 OE-07 TABLE 3-5 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CONSERVATIVE" MAXIMUM EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 3 OF 7 Analyte Maximum Emission Factor (lbs/lb) Chrysene 7 OE-07 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 6 6E-07 Dibenzofuran 5 5E-07 Diethyl phthalate 8 OE-07 Dimethyl phthalate 5 5E-07 Di-n-butyl phthalate 1 lE-05 Di-n-octyl phthalate 3 7E-06 Diphenylamine 5 5E-07 Ethyl methanesulfonate 5 5E-07 Fluoranthene 5 9E-07 Fluorene 5 5E-07 Hexachlorobenzene 4 7E-06 Hexachlorobutadiene 8 lE-07 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 1 lE-05 Hexachioroethane 5 9E-07 Hexachloropropene 7 9E-07 lndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 5 9E-07 Isophorone 5 5E-07 Methyl methanesulfonate 6 OE-07 Naphthalene 1 4E-05 Nitrobenzene 6 2E-07 N-Nitro-o-toluidine 8 8E-06 N-Nitrosodiethylamine 5 5E-07 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 5 5E-07 N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 5 5E-07 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 5 5E-07 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 9 5E-07 N-Nitrosomethylethylamine 9 lE-07 N-Nitrosomorpholine 5 5E-07 o-Toluidine 7 OE-06 p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 5 5E-07 Pentachlorobenzene 5 5E-07 Pentachloroethane 5 5E-07 Pentachloronitrobenzene 5 5E-07 Pentachlorophenol 2 7E-05 Phenanthrene 7 OE-07 Phenol 2 4E-06 Pyrene 5 8E-07 Pyndine 8 lE-07 Dioxins/Furans 2,3,7,8-TCDD 2 3E-12 1,2,3 7,8-PeCDD 6 7E-12 TABLE 3-5 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CONSERVATIVE" MAXIMUM EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 4 OF 7 Analyte Maximum Emission Factor (lbs/lb) 1,2,3,4,7 8-HxCDD 3 5E-12 1,2,3 6 7,8-HxCDD 8 9E-12 1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD 6 lE-12 1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD 2 9E-11 OCDD 3 7E-11 2,3,7,8-TCDF 4 0E-11 1,2,3,7,8-PeCDF 8 OE-11 2,3,4,7 8-PeCDF 1 6E-10 1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 2 6E-10 1,2,3,6,7 8-HxCDF 1 6E-10 2,3 4,6,7,8-HxCDF 1 9E-10 1,2 3,7,8,9-HxCDF 1 2E-10 1,2,3,4,6,7 8-HpCDF 7 3E-10 1 2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 1 9E-10 OCDF 5 3E-10 Carbonyls 2,5-Dimethylbenzaldehyde 2 7E-05 Acetaldehyde 9 3E-05 Acetone 3 lE-05 Benzaldehyde 1 4E-05 Crotonaldehyde 1 4E-05 Formaldehyde 4 7E-05 Hexanal 1 4E-05 Isopentanal 1 4E-05 m,p-Tolualdehyde 1 4E-05 MEK/Butyraldehydes 1 4E-05 o-Tolualdehyde 4 OE-05 Pentanal 1 7E-05 Propanal 5 2E-05 HCI/CI2/NH3 HCI 1 8E-02 CI2 1 2E-02 NH3 3 2E-05 HCN 2 2E-05 VOCs TNMOC 9 4E-04 1,1,1-Tnchloroethane 8 9E-07 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 4 2E-07 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 7 3E-07 TABLE 3-5 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CONSERVATIVE" MAXIMUM EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 5 OF 7 Analyte Maximum Emission Factor (lbs/lb) 1,1-Dichloroethane 3 2E-07 1,1-Dichloroethene 4 3E-07 1,2,3-Tnmethylbenzene 4 2E-07 1 2,4-Tnchlorobenzene 1 3E-06 1,2,4-Tnmethylbenzene 5 2E-G6 1 2-Dibromomethane (EDB) 8 9E-07 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 4 8E-07 1,2-Dichloroethane 5 4E-07 1 2-Dichloropropane 3 7E-07 1,3,5-Tnmethylbenzene 2 OE-06 1,3-Butadiene 2 4E-05 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 4 4E-07 1,3-Diethylbenzene 5 OE-07 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 7 3E-07 1,4-Diethylbenzene 6 7E-07 1,4-Dioxane 6 4E-07 1-Butene 2 2E-05 1-Hexene 2 OE-05 1-Pentene 1 2E-05 2,2,4-Tnmethylpentane 2 3E-06 2,2-Dimethylbutane 8 8E-07 2,3,4-Tnmethylpentane 2 8E-07 2,3-Dimethylbutane 2 9E-06 2,3-Dimethylpentane 2 7E-06 2,4-Dimethylpentane 1 lE-06 2-Butanone (MEK) 3 9E-06 2-Ethyltoluene 4 5E-07 2-Hexanone 8 7E-07 2-Methylheptane 2 7E-06 2-Methylhexane 4 4E-06 2-Methylpentane 1 lE-05 2-Nitropropane 2 8E-06 2-Propanol 3 OE-07 3-Chloropropene 4 7E-06 3-Ethyltoluene 4 8E-06 3-Methylheptane 3 5E-06 3-Methylhexane 5 2E-06 3-Methylpentane 7 lE-06 4-Ethyltoluene 5 3E-06 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 7 OE-07 Acetone 2 4E-05 Acetonitnle 1 9E-05 Acetylene 9 4E-05 TABLE 3-5 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CONSERVATIVE" MAXIMUM EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 6 OF 7 Analyte Maximum Emission Factor (lbs/lb) Acrylonitnle 1 6E-05 alpha-Chlorotoluene 5 7E-07 Benzene 4 7E-05 Bromodichloromethane 7 8E-07 Bromoform 1 3E-06 Bromomethane 6 2E-07 Butane 1 8E-05 Carbon Disulfide 9 8E-06 Carbon Tetrachlonde 1 5E-05 Chloroacetonitnle 1 lE-06 Chlorobenzene 2 5E-06 Chloroethane 2 6E-07 Chloroform 6 lE-06 Chloromethane 1 4E-05 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 4 6E-07 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 3E-06 cis-2-Butene 1 7E-06 cis-2-Pentene 3 3E-07 Cumene 4 2E-07 Cyclohexane 2 5E-06 Cyclopentane 1 8E-06 Decane 1 7E-05 Dibromochloromethane 8 8E-07 Ethane 2 lE-05 Ethanol 1 6E-06 Ethene 1 8E-04 Ethyl benzene 2 8E-06 Ethyl ether 2 5E-06 Ethyl Methacrylate 1 6E-06 Heptane 7 2E-06 Hexachlorobutadiene 1 7E-06 Hexane 9 8E-06 Isobutane 2 8E-06 Isopentane 2 OE-05 m,p-Xylene 1 lE-05 Methacrylonitnle 4 9E-06 Methyl Acrylate 1 2E-06 Methyl Methacrylate 1 6E-06 Methyl tert-butyl ether 4 2E-07 Methylcyclohexane 6 lE-06 Methylcyclopentane 5 6E-06 Methylene chloride 7 lE-06 n-Butylchlonde 1 2E-05 TABLE 3-5 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CONSERVATIVE" MAXIMUM EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 7 OF 7 Analyte Maximum Emission Factor (lbs/lb) Nonane 1 3E-05 Octane 7 5E-06 o-Xylene 3 5E-06 Pentane 1 9E-05 Propane 8 7E-06 Propylbenzene 1 OE-06 Propylene 4 9E-05 Styrene 9 9E-07 Tetrachloroethene 2 5E-06 Tetrahydrofuran 9 OE-07 Toluene 1 9E-05 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 7 2E-07 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 6 lE-07 trans-2-butene 7 7E-06 trans-2-Pentene 1 7E-06 Tnchloroethene 9 4E-07 Undecane 1 2E-05 Vinyl chlonde 7 6E-06 CEM C02 7 20E-01 CO 6 40E-03 NOX 6 40E-03 S02 5 OOE-04 HCN - hydrogen cyanide SVOCs - semi-volatile organic compounds VOCs - volatile organic compounds HCL - hydrogen chloride NOX - nitrogen oxide S02 - sulfur dioxide CO - carbon monoxide C02 - carbon dioxide TNMOC - total non-methane organic carbon OCDD - 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin OCDF - 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-furan CL2 - chlorine NH3 - ammonia TSP - Total suspended particulates PMIO - particulate matter less than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameter PM2 5 - particulate matter less than 2 5 microns in aerodynamic diameter TABLE 3-6 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CORRECTED" EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 1 OF 7 Analyte Emission Factor (lbs/lb) Particulates TSP 1 4E-01 PMIO 8 6E-02 PM2 5 5 9E-02 Metals Aluminum 4 OE-02 Antimony 2 9E-05 Arsenic 3 OE-07 Banum 4 9E-06 Cadmium 3 1E-07 Chromium 2 OE-05 Cobalt 3 1E-07 Copper 2 5E-05 Lead 3 4E-05 Magnesium 2 9E-05 Manganese 9 3E-05 Mercury 3 7E-08 Nickel 5 8E-05 Phosphorus 1 OE-04 Selenium 1 7E-06 Silver 9 5E-07 Thallium 2 1E-06 Zinc 3 5E-05 Perchlorate 2 5E-07 SVOCs 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene 2 7E-07 1 2,4-Tnchlorobenzene 3 2E-07 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 2 8E-07 1,3 5-Tnnitrobenzene 2 7E-07 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 3 1E-07 1 3-Dinitrobenzene 2 8E-07 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 2 9E-07 1 -Chloronaphthalene 2 7E-07 1-Naphthylamine 5 5E-06 2 3 4 6-Tetrachlorophenol 3 6E-07 2,4,5-Tnchlorophenol 7 1E-07 2 4,6-Tnchlorophenol 1 31E-06 2,4-Dichlorophenol 9 3E-07 2,4-Dimethylphenol 3 5E-06 2 4-Dinitrophenol 1 2E-05 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 3 1E-07 2 6-Dichlorophenol 4 OE-07 2 6-Dinitrotoluene 5 6E-07 TABLE 3-6 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CORRECTED" EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 2 OF 7 Analyte Emission Factor (lbs/lb) 2-Acetylaminofluorene 2 7E-07 2-Chloronaphthalene 2 7E-07 2-Chlorophenol 1 9E-06 2-Methylnaphthalene 3 6E-06 2-Methylphenol 1 6E-06 2-Naphthylamine 5 5E-06 2-Nitroaniline 2 7E-07 2-Nitrophenol 3 9E-07 3 3'-Dichlorobenzidine 4 1E-06 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine 2 7E-05 3-Methylcholanthrene 2 7E-07 3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol 1 1E-06 3-Nitroaniline 1 1E-06 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 4 8E-06 4-Aminobiphenyl 5 5E-06 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 2 7E-07 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 3 4E-07 4-Chloroaniline 3 3E-06 4-Nitroaniline 1 1E-06 4-Nitrophenol 1 8E-06 7 12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene 2 8E-07 Acenaphthene 2 7E-07 Acenaphthylene 2 7E-07 Acetophenone 2 7E-06 Aniline 4 OE-06 Anthracene 2 7E-07 Benzidine 2 8E-05 Benzo(a)anthracene 3 2E-07 Benzo(a) pyrene 2 7E-07 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 6 OE-07 Benzo(ghi)perylene 3 4E-07 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 8 8E-07 Benzoic acid 6 2E-05 Benzyl alcohol 1 9E-05 bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane 2 7E-07 bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether 3 1E-07 bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether 4 2E-07 bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 5 5E-06 Butyl benzyl phthalate 3 3E-07 Carbazole 3 5E-07 Chrysene 3 5E-07 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 3 3E-07 Dibenzofuran 2 7E-07 Diethyl phthalate 4 OE-07 Dimethyl phthalate 2 7E-07 Di-n-butyl phthalate 5 5E-06 TABLE 3-6 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CORRECTED" EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 3 OF 7 Analyte Emission Factor (lbs/lb) Di-n-octyl phthalate 3 7E-06 Diphenylamine 2 7E-07 Ethyl methanesulfonate 2 7E-07 Fluoranthene 4 OE-07 Fluorene 4 2E-07 Hexachlorobenzene 4 7E-06 Hexachlorobutadiene 4 1E-07 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 5 5E-06 Hexachioroethane 3 OE-07 Hexachloropropene 3 9E-07 lndeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 3 OE-07 Isophorone 2 7E-07 Methyl methanesulfonate 3 OE-07 Naphthalene 1 3E-05 Nitrobenzene 3 1E-07 N-Nitro-o-toluidine 4 4E-06 N-N itrosod lethylam i ne 2 7E-07 N-Nitrosodimethylamine 2 7E-07 N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 2 7E-07 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 2 7E-07 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 4 8E-07 N-Nitrosomethylethylamine 4 5E-07 N-Nitrosomorpholine 2 7E-07 o-Toluidine 3 5E-06 p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene 2 7E-07 Pentachlorobenzene 3 OE-07 Pentachloroethane 2 7E-07 Pentachloronitrobenzene 2 7E-07 Pentachlorophenol 1 4E-05 Phenanthrene 7 OE-07 Phenol 2 1E-06 Pyrene 2 9E-07 Pyridine 4 1E-07 Dioxins/Furans 2 3 7 8-TCDD 1 3E-12 1,2,3 7,8-PeCDD 6 7E-12 1 2,3 4,7 8-HxCDD 3 4E-12 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD 8 9E-12 1 2,3 7,8 9-HxCDD 6 1E-12 1 2 3 4 6 7 8-HpCDD 2 9E-11 OCDD 3 7E-11 2,3 7,8-TCDF 4 OE-11 1 2,3 7 8-PeCDF 8 OE-11 2,3,4,7 8-PeCDF 1 6E-10 1 2,3,4,7,8-HxCDF 2 6E-10 TABLE 3-6 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CORRECTED" EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 4 OF 7 Analyte Emission Factor (lbs/lb) 1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF 1 6E-10 2,3,4,6,7 8-HxCDF 1 9E-10 1,2,3 7,8,9-HxCDF 1 2E-10 1,2 3,4 6 7 8-HpCDF 7 3E-10 1,2,3,4,7,8,9-HpCDF 1 9E-10 OCDF 5 2E-10 Carbonyls 2 5-Dimethylbenzaldehyde 1 4E-05 Acetaldehyde 7 5E-05 Acetone 1 5E-05 Benzaldehyde 7 3E-06 Crotonaldehyde 6 8E-06 Formaldehyde 4 OE-05 Hexanal 8 2E-06 Isopentanal 6 8E-06 m,p-Tolualdehyde 6 8E-06 MEK/Butyraldehydes 1 2E-05 o-Tolualdehyde 2 3E-05 Pentanal 1 2E-05 Propanal 3 8E-05 HC1/C12/NH3 HCI 1 8E-02 CI2 1 5E-03 NH3 2 2E-05 HCN 1 2E-05 VOCs TNMOC 81E-04 1 1,1-Tnchloroethane 4 5E-07 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 2 1E-07 1,1,2-Tnchloroethane 3 6E-07 1,1-Dichloroethane 1 6E-07 1 1-Dichloroethene 2 2E-07 1,2,3-Tnmethylbenzene 2 1E-07 1 2 4-Tnchlorobenzene 6 3E-07 1,2,4-Tnmethylbenzene 5 2E-06 1 2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 4 4E-07 1 2-Dichlorobenzene 2 4E-07 1,2-Dichloroethane 2 7E-07 1 2-Dichloropropane 1 8E-07 1,3,5-Tnmethylbenzene 2 OE-06 1 3-Butadiene 2 OE-05 1 3-Dichlorobenzene 2 2E-07 TABLE 3-6 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CORRECTED" EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 5 OF 7 Analyte Emission Factor (lbs/lb) 1 3-Diethylbenzene 2 5E-07 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 3 7E-07 1 4-Diethylbenzene 3 3E-07 1 4-Dioxane 3 2E-07 1-Butene 2 1E-05 1-Hexene 2 OE-05 1-Pentene 1 2E-05 2,2,4-Tnmethylpentane 2 3E-06 2,2-Dimethylbutane 4 4E-07 2,3 4-Tnmethylpentane 1 4E-07 2,3-Dimethylbutane 2 9E-06 2,3-Dimethylpentane 2 7E-06 2,4-Dimethylpentane 5 5E-07 2-Butanone (MEK) 3 9E-06 2-Ethyltoluene 2 2E-07 2-Hexanone 4 4E-07 2-Methylheptane 2 7E-06 2-Methylhexane 4 4E-06 2-Methylpentane 5 3E-06 2-Nitropropane 2 8E-06 2-Propanol 1 5E-07 3-Chloropropene 4 7E-06 3-Ethyltoluene 4 8E-06 3-Methylheptane 3 5E-06 3-Methylhexane 5 2E-06 3-Methylpentane 7 1E-06 4-Ethyltoluene 5 3E-06 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 3 5E-07 Acetone 2 3E-05 Acetonitnle 9 2E-06 Acetylene 7 4E-05 Acrylonitnle 1 OE-05 alpha-Chlorotoluene 2 8E-07 Benzene 4 4E-05 Bromodichloromethane 3 9E-07 Bromofonn 6 3E-07 Bromomethane 3 1E-07 Butane 1 8E-05 Carbon Disulfide 9 4E-06 Carbon Tetrachlonde 1 5E-05 Chloroacetonitnle 5 6E-07 Chlorobenzene 2 5E-06 Chloroethane 1 3E-07 Chloroform 61E-06 Chloromethane 1 4E-05 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 2 3E-07 TABLE 3-6 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CORRECTED" EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 6 OF 7 Analyte Emission Factor (lbs/lb) cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 1 3E-06 cis-2-Butene 1 4E-06 cis-2-Pentene 1 7E-07 Cumene 2 1E-07 Cyclohexane 2 5E-06 Cyclopentane 1 8E-06 Decane 1 7E-05 Dibromochloromethane 4 4E-07 Ethane 1 7E-05 Ethanol 1 6E-06 Ethene 1 5E-04 Ethyl Benzene 2 8E-06 Ethyl Ether 1 2E-06 Ethyl Methacrylate 7 8E-07 Heptane 7 2E-06 Hexachlorobutadiene 8 5E-07 Hexane 9 8E-06 Isobutane 2 8E-06 Isopentane 2 OE-05 m,p-Xylene 1 OE-05 Methacrylonitnle 4 9E-06 Methyl Acrylate 5 9E-07 Methyl Methacrylate 81E-07 Methyl tert-butyl ether 2 1E-07 Methylcyclohexane 6 1E-06 Methylcyclopentane 5 6E-06 Methylene Chlonde 71E-06 n-Butylchlonde 5 8E-06 Nonane 1 3E-05 Octane 7 5E-06 o-Xylene 3 5E-06 Pentane 1 9E-05 Propane 8 7E-06 Propylbenzene 1 OE-06 Propylene 4 3E-05 Styrene 9 9E-07 Tetrachloroethene 2 5E-06 Tetrahydrofuran 6 4E-07 Toluene 1 8E-05 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 3 6E-07 trans-1 3-Dichloropropene 3 OE-07 trans-2-butene 7 7E-06 trans-2-Pentene 1 7E-06 Tnchloroethene 9 4E-07 Undecane 1 2E-05 Vinyl Chlonde 7 6E-06 TABLE 3-6 1 3 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL "CORRECTED" EMISSION FACTORS (LBS/LB) ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 7 OF 7 Analyte Emission Factor (lbs/lb) CEM C02 6 9E-01 CO 4 7E-03 NOX 5 8E-03 S02 4 1E-04 HCN - hydrogen cyanide SVOCs - semi-volatile organic compounds VOCs - volatile organic compounds HCL - hydrogen chlonde NOX - nitrogen oxide S02 - sulfur dioxide CO - carbon monoxide C02 - carbon dioxide TNMOC - total non-methane organic carbon OCDD -1,2,3,4,6,7 8,9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin OCDF -1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-furan CL2 - chlonne NH3 - ammonia TSP - Total suspended particulates PMIO - particulate matter less than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameter PM2 5 - particulate matter less than 2 5 microns in aerodynamic diameter TABLE 3-7 1 1 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL EMISSION FACTOR DATA SET ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 1 OF 7 Analyte Average Emission Factor (lb/lb) Particulates PMIO 2 OE-02 Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) 7 1E-02 Metals Aluminum 2 5E-03 Antimony 9 6E-06 Arsenic 1 1E-07 Banum 3 9E-07 Beryllium 5 7E-09 Cadmium 4 7E-08 Chromium 3 OE-07 Cobalt 1 2E-07 Copper 1 2E-05 Lead 4 OE-06 Manganese 8 5E-07 Mercury 1 5E-08 Nickel 8 2E-07 Phosphorus 1 9E-05 Selenium 6 7E-08 Silver 8 2E-08 Thallium (L) 1 4E-07 Zinc 5 6E-05 SVOCs Acenaphthene 5 OE-08 Acenaphthylene 3 1E-06 Acetic acid 1 OE-05 Acetophenone 2 7E-07 Acetylaminofluorene -2 1 7E-07 Aminobiphenyl -4 1 2E-07 Aniline 7 3E-08 Anthracene 1 3E-07 Benzidine 8 OE-06 Benzo(a)anthracene 5 9E-07 Benzo(a)pyrene 7 7E-08 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 1 1E-06 Benzo(g h i)perylene 4 5E-07 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1 1E-06 Benzoic acid 3 2E-05 Benzonitnle 5 6E-06 Benzyl Alcohol 7 8E-07 Benzyl chlonde 1 6E-07 Bis (2-Chloroisopropyl) ether (Chloroisopropyl ether, Bis-1 2-) 8 8E-08 Bis(2-Ethylhexyl)phthalate 1 2E-06 Bromophenyl-phenylether,-4 1 1E-07 TABLE 3-7 1 1 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL EMISSION FACTOR DATA SET ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 2 OF 7 Analyte Average Emission Factor (lb/lb) Butylbenzylphthalate 1 5E-07 Carbazole 8 7E-08 Carene delta 3-3 5E-08 Chloro-3-methyphenol,-4 7 5E-08 Chloroaniline, 4-(Chloroaniline, p-) 1 5E-07 Chlorobenzilate 5 8E-08 Chloronaphthalene,-1 9 9E-08 Chlorophenol -2 4 8E-07 Chlorophenyl-phenylether,-4 6 OE-08 Chrysene 7 2E-07 Decanal 1 8E-06 Decane n-8 6E-05 Diallate 1 OE-07 Dibenz(a h)anthracene 1 OE-07 Dibenzofuran 2 1E-07 Dichlorobenzene 1,2- (Dichlorobenzene o-) 1 9E-07 Dichlorobenzene 1,3-(Dichlorobenzene m-) 1 9E-07 Dichlorobenzene 1,4-(Dichlorobenzene p-) 1 9E-07 Dichlorobenzidine 3,3'-1 4E-07 Dichlorophenol, 2 6-8 5E-08 Dichlorophenol, 2 4-1 4E-07 Diethylphthalate 2 4E-07 Dimethylaminoazobenzene, p-1 5E-07 Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene 7 12-7 2E-07 Dimethylbenzidine 3 3'- (ortho-tolidine) 4 8E-07 Dimethylphenethylamine, alpha alpha-1 9E-06 Dimethylphenol 2 4-7 8E-07 Dimethyl phthalate 3 5E-08 Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4 6-4 8E-07 Dinitrobenzene 1,3- (M-Dinitrobenzene) 3 8E-07 Dinitrophenol, 2,4-2 7E-06 Dinitrotoluene 2,4-1 2E-07 Dinitrotoluene 2,6-2 OE-07 Di-n-octylphthalate 9 1E-08 Diphenylamine, N,N-1 2E-07 Diphenylhydrazine 1 2-3 5E-08 Ethyl methanesulfonate 1 7E-07 Fluoranthene 2 6E-06 Fluorene 6 5E-07 Hexachlorobenzene 6 1E-08 Hexachlorobutadiene 3 3E-07 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene 2 3E-07 Hexachioroethane (Perchloroethane) 2 2E-07 Hexachloropropene 1 7E-07 lndeno(1,2 3-cd)pyrene 4 OE-07 Isophorone 1 5E-07 TABLE 3-7 1 1 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL EMISSION FACTOR DATA SET ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 3 OF 7 Analyte Average Emission Factor (lb/lb) Isosafrole 4 2E-07 Kepone 7 3E-07 Limonene, d-3 5E-08 Methyl furan, -2 2 4E-06 Methyl methanesulfonate 2 6E-07 Methyl phenol, 3-/Methyl phenol -4 2 6E-07 Methylcholanthrene, -3 6 7E-07 Methylheptane -2 2 4E-05 Methylnaphthalene, -1 6 3E-06 Methylnaphthalene -2 7 5E-06 Methylphenol, -2 (o-Cresol) 1 5E-07 Naphthalene 9 2E-05 Naphthoquinone, 1 4-2 7E-07 Naphthylamine -1 5 5E-08 Naphthylamine, -2 2 6E-07 Nitroaniline, -2 1 3E-07 Nitroaniline, -3 6 3E-07 Nitroaniline, -4 8 1E-07 Nitrobenzene 1 1E-07 Nitro-o-toluidine -5 2 8E-07 Nitrophenol -2 4 7E-06 Nitrophenol, -4 6 8E-07 Nitroquinoline-1-oxide -4 2 5E-06 Nitrosodiethylamine, N-1 2E-07 Nitroso-di-n-butylamine, N-1 6E-07 Nitrosomethylethylamine, N-5 6E-07 Nitrosomorpholine, N-1 3E-07 Nitrosopipendine N-1 3E-07 Nitrosopyrrolidine N-3 8E-07 N-N itrosodimethylamme 3 2E-07 N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 9 7E-08 Pentachlorobenzene 1 OE-07 Pentachloroethane 7 OE-07 Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) 5 8E-07 Pentachlorophenol 4 9E-07 Phenacetm 8 6E-08 Phenanthrene 3 2E-06 Phenol 3 OE-06 Picoline -2 3 6E-07 Pronamide 2 OE-07 Pyrene 2 3E-06 Pyndine 3 1E-07 Safrole 1 6E-07 Tetrachlorobenzene, 1,2,4,5-6 6E-08 Tetrachlorophenol, 2,3,4,6-4 1 E-07 Tetrahydrofuran 4 8E-07 TABLE 3-7 1 1 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL EMISSION FACTOR DATA SET ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 4 OF 7 Analyte Average Emission Factor (lb/lb) Toluidine, o-1 8E-07 Toluidine, p-2 8E-07 Tnchlorophenol 2 4,5-1 6E-07 Tnchlorophenol 2 4 6-1 5E-07 Dioxins/Furans HEPTACDD, 1,2 3 4,6,7,8- (1,2,3,4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) 2 9E-11 HEPTACDF, 1,2 3 4,7,8 9- (1,2,3 4,6,7,8-Heptachlorodibenzofuran) 5 OE-11 HEPTACDF (1 2,3,4 7 8 9-Heptachlonnated Dibenzofuran) 1 1E-11 HEXACDD 1,2,3,4 7 8- (1,2 3,4,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) 9 9E-12 HEXACDD 1,2,3,6 7,8- (1 2,3 6,7 8-Hexachlorodivenzo-p-dioxin) 9 1E-12 HEXACDD 1,2,3,7 8 9- (1 2 3 7,8,9-Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, 8 8E-12 HEXACDF 1 2,3,4,7 8- (1 2 3 4,7,8-Hexachlonnated Dibenzofuran) 4 OE-11 HEXACDF 1,2 3,6 7 8- (1,2 3 6,7,8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran) 1 5E-11 HEXACDF, 1,2,3 7,8 9- (1,2,3,7 8 9-Hexachlonnated Dibenzofuran) 1 8E-11 HEXACDF, 2 3 4,6,7 8- (2,3,4,6 7,8-Hexachlonnated Dibenzofuran) 7 4E-12 OCTACDD 1,2 3 4,6,7 8 9- (1,2,3 4 6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) 6 2E-11 OCTACDF, 1 2 3,4 6,7 8 9- (1,2 3 4,6,7,8 9-Octachlorodibenzofuran) 6 8E-11 PENTACDD, 1,2 3,7,8-(1 2,3,7,8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin) 3 2E-12 PENTACDF 1 2 3,7,8-(1,2,3,7 8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran) 6 1E-12 PENTACDF, 2 3,4 7,8- (2 3,4,7 8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran) 1 8E-11 TCDD, 2 3 7,8- (2,3,7 8-Tetrachloro Dibenzo-p-dioxin) 6 3E-11 TETRACDF 2,3,7,8- (2,3,7 8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran) 3 2E-10 Carbonyls Acetaldehyde 3 7E-06 Benzaldehyde 3 8E-05 Crotonaldehyde (Butenal, trans-2-) 3 2E-06 Furfural (Furaldehyde 2-) 7 2E-06 Heptanal 9 5E-06 Hexanal 8 8E-06 Pentanal 3 9E-05 Propionaldehyde (Propanal) 2 8E-06 HCI 1 4E-02 Chlorine 3 1E-05 VOCs Acetone 1 4E-05 Acetonitnle 8 6E-07 Acetylene 2 4E-04 Acrolein 8 6E-06 Acrylonitnle 8 1 E-07 Allylchlonde 9 6E-08 Benzene 1 2E-04 TABLE 3-7 1 1 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL EMISSION FACTOR DATA SET ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 5 OF 7 Analyte Average Emission Factor (lb/lb) Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 1 2E-07 Butadiene, 1,3-1 2E-07 Butane,1- (Butane n-) 2 2E-06 Butene, l-(Ethylethylene) 2 OE-06 Butene, cis-2- (butene, (Z)-2-,dimethylethylene) 1 4E-06 Butene, l-(butylene) 1 8E-05 Butene, trans-2-(butene,(E)-2-) 5 8E-06 Carbon Tetrachlonde 8 5E-07 Chlorobenzene 4 9E-07 Chlorobromomethane 4 3E-07 Chloroform (Tnchloromethane) 3 8E-07 Chloromethane (Methly chlonde) 8 1E-07 Cyclohexane (hexamethylene) 2 4E-06 Cyclopentane 6 8E-07 Cyclopentene 1 2E-06 Dibromoethane, 1,2- (ethylene dibromide) 2 4E-07 Dichlorodifluoro methane 1 OE-06 Dichloroethane 11-1 2E-07 Dichloroethane, 1,2- (Ethylene dichlonde) 1 2E-07 Dichloroethene, 1,2-1 2E-07 Dichloromethane (Methylene chlonde) 2 4E-04 Dichloropropane, 1,2-1 4 E-07 Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 2 2E-07 Dimethylbutane 2 2- (neohexane) 1 4E-06 Dimethylbutane, 2 3- (isohexane) 3 5E-06 Dimethylheptane 2 2-3 5E-08 Dimethylhexane 2 3-4 3E-06 Dimethylhexane, 2,4-2 4E-06 Dimethylhexane, 2,5-1 9E-06 Dimethylpentane, 2 3-1 4E-05 Dimethylpentane 2 4-5 2E-06 Dimethylpropane 2 2-3 5E-08 Ethane 5 8E-06 Ethyl Benzene 1 1E-05 Ethyl Chlonde (Chloroethane) 4 4 E-07 Ethylcyclohexane 3 5E-08 Ethylene (acetene) 1 7E-04 Ethylhexane, -3 2 OE-05 Ethyltoluene m-6 1E-06 Ethyltoluene o-3 9E-06 Ethyltoluene, p-8 2E-06 Heptane n-1 8E-05 Heptanone -2 1 5E-06 Hexane 6 OE-06 Hexanone -2 2 OE-06 Hexene -1 (butyl ethylene) 1 1E-05 TABLE 3-7 1 1 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL EMISSION FACTOR DATA SET ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 6 OF 7 Analyte Average Emission Factor (lb/lb) Hexene, cis-2-3 4E-07 Hexene, trans-2-6 4 E-07 Isoprene 5 1E-08 Methacrolein 1 6E-06 Methacrylonitnle 5 9E-06 Methyl ethyl ketone 7 5E-07 Methyl isobutyl ketone (4-methyl-2-pentanone) 8 2E-07 Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) 1 3E-05 Methyl-1-butene, -2 1 7E-06 Methyl-1-butene, -3 7 6E-07 Methyi-1-pentene, -2 3 5E-08 Methyl-1-pentene, -4 3 5E-08 Methyl-2-butene -2 (tnmethylethylene) 6 3E-07 Methyl-2-pentene -2 6 8E-07 Methyl-2-pentene cis-4-3 5E-08 Methylcyclohexane 1 2E-05 Methylcyclopentane 2 3E-06 Methylhexane -2 (isoheptane) 1 7E-05 Methylhexane, -3 2 2E-05 Methylnitnte 5 3E-06 Methylpentane -2 (isohexane) 7 3E-06 Methylpentane -4 7E-06 Methylpropanenitnle -2 8 7E-08 Nitromethane 9 2E-06 Nonanal 4 3E-06 Nonane N-3 7E-05 Octanal 5 5E-06 Octane N-8 4E-05 Pentane n- (pentane, i) 3 1E-05 Pentanone, -2 7 1 E-06 Pentene, -1 5 8E-06 Pentene, cis-2- (pentene (Z)-2-) 7 OE-07 Pentene, trans-2- (pentene, (E)-2-) 9 6E-07 Phenylacetylene 9 OE-06 Pinene alpha-3 5E-08 Pinene, beta-3 5E-08 Propane (dimethylmethane) 6 OE-06 Propanoic acid 6 1 E-07 Propene (methylethylene methylethene) 4 4E-05 Propylbenzene n- (propyl benzene, isocumene, Propylbenzine i-) 4 6E-06 Styrene 1 3E-06 Tetrachloroethane 1,1,1 2-2 1E-07 Tetrachloroethylene (Perchloroethylene) 2 4E-07 Toluene 2 8E-05 Tnchlorobenzene 1,2,4-2 3E-07 Tnchloroethane, 1 1 1-(Methylchloroform) 2 7E-07 TABLE 3-7 1 1 CLASS WASTE MATERIAL EMISSION FACTOR DATA SET ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PAGE 7 OF 7 Analyte Average Emission Factor (lb/lb) Tnchloroethane, 1,1,2-1 7E-07 Tnchloroethylene 1 7E-07 Tnchlorofluoromethane (Freon 11) 7 3E-07 Tnmethyl-1-pentene, 2,4,4-3 5E-08 Tnmethyl-2-pentene, 2,4,4-3 5E-08 Tnmethylbenzene, 1,2,4 2 5E-05 Tnmethylbenzene, 1,2,4- & sec-Butylbenzene 2 5E-05 Tnmethylbenzene, 1,3,5-1 9E-05 Tnmethylhexane, 2 2,4-9 7E-06 Tnmethylpentane, 2 2,4-2 OE-05 Tnmethylpentane 2 3,4-8 2E-06 Tnnitrobenzene 13 5- (TNB Tnnitrobenzene sym-) 2 9E-07 Undecanal 2 1E-07 Vinyl Chlonde (Chloroethene) 1 4E-07 Xylene, m-2 1E-05 Xylene m & p (m & p-dimethylbenzene) 2 2E-05 Xylene o-(o-dimethylbenzene, Dimethylbenzene, 1,2-) 1 3E-05 CEM Carbon Dioxide 1 1E+00 Carbon Monoxide 7 4E-03 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) NOx 5 1E-03 CEM - continuous emissions monitonng CS - 2-chlorobenzalmalononitnle HCN - hydrogen cyanide SVOC - semi-volatile organic compounds VOC - volatile organic compounds HCL - hydrogen chlonde NOX - nitrogen oxide S02 - sulfur dioxide CO - carbon monoxide C02 - carbon dioxide TNMOC - total non-methane organic carbon OCDD - 1 2,3,4,6 7 8 9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin OCDF -1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9-Octachlorodibenzo-p-furan CL2 - chlonne NH3 - ammonia PMIO - particulate matter less than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameter TABLE 3-8 CATEGORY E EMISSION FACTORS FOR ATK FLARE-TYPE WASTES ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH Analyte AP-42 Emission Factor^ ^ (lb/lb) Particulates PM 2 5 8 9E-03 PM-10 1 2E-02 Total suspended particulate 1 2E 02 Metals Arsenic 1 4E-08 Cadmium 2 8E-05 Manganese 4 IE 08 Zinc 4 6E-07 SVOCs Naphthalene 9 6E-08 2-Nitrophenol 2 4E 07 4-Nitrophenol 2 OE-07 Dioxin/Furans 1 2 3 4 6 7 8-Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 2 1E-12 1 2 3 4 7 8 9-Heptachlorodibenzofuran 1 2E-13 1 2 3 6 7 8-Hexachlorodibenzo p-dioxin 1 5E-13 1 2 3 4 7 8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran 1 9E-13 1 2 3 6 7 8-Hexachlorodibenzofuran 8 3E-14 1 2 3 7 8 9-Hexachlorodibenzofuran 9 4E-14 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9-Octachlorodibenzofuran 5 0E-12 1 2 3 7 8-Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin 7 7E-14 2 3 4 7 8-Pentachlorodibenzofuran 1 3E 13 Carbonyls Acetaldehyde 3 6E 06 Formaldehyde 1 8E-06 Propionaldehyde 1 1E-07 Ammonia 1 7E 06 VOCs Acetonitnle 1 3E-06 Acrylonitnle 3 9E-07 Benzene 3 2E 06 Chloromethane 1 6E 07 Ethylene 9 5E-06 Propylene 1 6E 06 Toluene 3 3E-07 Total nonmethane hydrocarbons 2 4E 05 1 3-Butadiene 1 1E-07 Explosives Nitroglycenn 3 OE-07 CEM Carbon dioxide 3 0E 02 Carbon monoxide 5 4E-04 Oxides of nitrogen 3 5E-04 Sulfur dioxide 6 OE-06 1 - Emission factors based on U S AP-42 Section 15 3 22 C484 MSI 6 81-mm Infrared Illumination Cartndge 2 - Emission factors units converted to lbs/lb based on the weight of a single C484 M816 81- mm Infrared Illumination Cartridge (9 25 lbs) using a conversion factor of 0 108 FINAL APRIL 2011 4 0 AIR QUALITY MODELING METHODOLOGY This section descnbes the methodology to assess the air quality impact of the M-136 and M-225 treatment units in the air dispersion modeling analysis To the extent possible the air dispersion modeling methodology is designed to follow the procedures recommended in the HHRAP guidance (USEPA, 2005) and direction received from UDEQ As a result, this protocol may include slight vanations from the HHRAP protocol Every effort has made to identify these vanations and to present supporting infonnation to justify the protocol The following components of the modeling protocol are discussed in this section Air Quality Dispersion Model Selection - Section 4 1 Land Use Analysis - Section 4 2 Surface Roughness - Section 4 3 OB/OD Treatment Scenanos - Section 4 4 Types of Dispersion Modeling - Section 4 5 Receptor Networks - Section 4 6 Meteorological Data - Section 4 7 Companson to Air Quality Standards and Exposure Cntena - Section 4 8 Post-Processing Activities - Section 4 9 OBODM Modeling Files - Section 4 10 4 1 AIR QUALITY DISPERSION MODEL SELECTION Air dispersion modeling will be conducted to evaluate the impact of emissions from the M-136 and M-225 treatment units It is important to note that the HHRAP guidance (USEPA, 2005) assumes the combustion source can be evaluated using the Industnal Source Complex Short Term 3 (ISCST3) dispersion model for nsk assessment evaluations However, ISCST3 is considered more applicable to sources associated with industnal facilities rather than OB and OD treatment operations The HHRAP (USEPA 2005) guidance also acknowledges that other dispersion models may be required on a case-by- case basis In the case of waste treatment activities at ATK Promontory a special model is needed to simulate the combustion cloud nse, and dispersion of OB and OD source releases OB treatment is considered a quasi-continuous source because the treatment event is usually complete within one hour OD is considered as an instantaneous source because treatment is completed within milliseconds ATK conducts both OB and OD treatment at M-136 and M-225 041108/P 4-1 FINAL APRIL 2011 The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) maintains a Support Center for Regulatory Air Models called SCRAMS The only SCRAM model that is specific to OB and OD treatment operations IS the Open Burn/Open Detonation Dispersion Model (OBODM) (Cramer, H E 2008) OBODM has also been identified by UDEQ as the model of choice for conducting the ATK air dispersion modeling analysis in support of the human health and ecological nsk assessments The most recent update to the model was issued in October 2008 (Version 1 3 24) OBODM IS specifically designed to predict the air quality impact of OB and OD treatment of obsolete weapons, solid rocket propellants, and associated manufactunng wastes The OB and OD treatment of waste propellants and propellant contaminated matenals at M-136 and M-225 can be classified as instantaneous events for OD treatment and as quasi-continuous events for OB treatment Because the model IS specifically designed for OB and OD treatment it can accommodate source-specific input data regarding treatment operations This allows the model to provide detail regarding the spatial and temporal vanation of emissions and meteorological conditions and enhances the model's ability to evaluate source impacts OBODM predicts the downwind transport and dispersion of pollutants using plume nse and dispersion model algonthms taken from existing USEPA approved dispersion models OBODM uses the heat content of the energetic matenal in plume nse equations to predict the buoyant nse of the plume The model IS also designed to use either empincal emission factors such as those denved in the Dugway Proving Ground (DPG) Bang Box™ or emissions predicted by a products of combustion model OBODM calculates peak air concentration time-weighted air concentrations and dosage (time-integrated concentration) for OB and OD releases It can also consider the effects on concentration and dosage of the gravitational settling and deposition of particulates OBODM can produce the same output as produced by ISCST3 for input into the nsk assessment process The capabilities and output products of OBODM include the following • Allows the calculation of air concentration based on a unit emission rate to preclude the use of multiple model runs for each contaminant of potential concern • Provides output results for specific sources or source groups to evaluate the nsk from each source or source group • Allows the user to evaluate single case or sequential, hourly, preprocessed meteorological databases ranging from one to 5 years 041108/P 4-2 FINAL APRIL 2011 • Allows the user to specify the hours of the day in which matenals are treated when using a sequential hourly meteorological database • Allows specific input for each source, receptor location, meteorological data, and ten-am features Source parameter data includes effective heat content, burn rate, total mass treated, and pollutant emission factors This feature allows the modeling analysis to be tailored to replicate treatment operations at M-136 and M-225 • As with ISCST3, OBODM can calculate vapor phase and particle phase air concentrations OBODM also calculates particle phase deposition based on particle size distnbution In this modeling analysis, vapor phase deposition will be calculated using the vapor phase air concentration and deposition velocity as recommended in Section 3 1 1 of the HHRAP (USEPA, 2005) Particulate deposition will be calculated using gravitational settling OBODM does not calculate wet deposition However, the wet deposition mechanism is not applicable at ATK because treatment is not conducted dunng precipitation events OBODM has additional features that make it well suited for use at ATK These features include • The topography in the immediate vicinity of ATK is characterized by significant changes in elevation commonly referred to as "complex terrain" OBODM contains a screening procedure for addressing air dispersion in complex terrain that is based on procedures used by the other USEPA approved dispersion models (i e , SHORTZ/LONGZ) • OBODM uses semi-empincal DPG dispersion coefficients, which directly relates OB plume and puff growth to atmosphenc turbulence and wind shear OBODM also uses the DPG vertical dispersion coefficient, which relates vertical OB plume growth to vertical turbulence intensity and includes the effects of entrainment dunng buoyant plume nse 4 2 LAND USE ANALYSIS Land use information is used for the selection of certain air dispersion modeling vanables These vanables include air dispersion coefficients and surface roughness The land use charactenstics surrounding a source of air emissions can be detemnmed from United States Geological Service (USGS) 7 5-minute topographic maps, aenal photographs or visual surveys of the area The land use classification for the area surrounding the M-136 and M-225 treatment units was determined from the Thatcher Mountain 7 5-minute (1 24,000 scale) quadrangle using the Auer method (Auer, 1978) as descnbed in Section 3 2 2 1 of the HHRAP guidance (USEPA, 2005) 041108/P 4-3 FINAL APRIL 2011 Using this method, areas are defined as either "rural' or urban' The Auer method establishes four pnmary land use types industnal, commercial, residential, and agncultural Industnal, commercial, and compact residential areas are classified as urban For air quality modeling purposes an area is defined as urban if more than 50 percent of the surface area within 3 km of the source falls under an urban land use type Otherwise, the area is determined to be rural A radius of 3 km beyond each treatment unit was inspected to define whether the area within 3 km is rural or urban according to Auers definitions This inspection resulted in a rural classification for both treatment units Next, the 3 km radius area was broken down into smaller areas (100 meters by 100 meters) Each small area was then classified either as rural or urban The total count of rural areas was greater than 50 percent surrounding each treatment unit As a result, the land use classification of ATK Promontory is rural for the M-136 and M-225 treatment units Results of the land use analysis are presented in Appendix B 4 3 SURFACE ROUGHNESS HEIGHT The surface roughness height (length) assumed for this modeling analysis is based on the methodology given in Section 3 2 2 2 of the HHRAP guidance (USEPA, 2005) The results of land use classification and a five-year wind rose for the ATK M-245 on-site meteorological monitonng station were used to calculate site-specific surface roughness heights for both treatment units Using the HHRAP guidance methodology all wind sectors were classified as desert shrub land Table 3-3 in the HHRAP guidance (USEPA, 2005) presents seasonal values of surface roughness for desert shrub land An annual site-specific surface roughness height of 0 26 was calculated for ATK based on the average of the four seasonal surface roughness coefficients 4 4 OB/OD TREATMENT SCENARIOS In order to calculate the air quality impact of OB and OD treatment operations, OBODM requires specific mfomriation regarding the charactenstics of the source of treatment emissions For example, OBODM requires input data indicating the type of energetic matenal being treated how it is being treated (OB or OD), the heat content burn rate of the matenal, the amount of matenal being treated, the size source, and the release height The following treatment scenanos will be evaluated in the air dispersion modeling analysis for ATK OB and OD treatment operations 041108/P 4-4 FINAL APRIL 2011 • OB treatment at M-136 • OB treatment at M-225 • OD treatment at M-136 • OD treatment at M-225 The M-136 Unit has 14 treatment stations OB is conducted at stations 1-14 OD is conducted at stations 13 and 14 All OB treatment is conducted in pans with the exception of Burn Station 14, which consists of a pad used for the OB of whole rocket motors The OD hole or pit is not covered dunng OD treatment Based on quantity distance (QD) limitations, open detonation may be performed above ground or underground in a hole or pit, depending on the item to be detonated The M-225 Unit has four burn stations and one detonation area The OD hole or pit is not covered dunng OD treatment Based on QD limitations, open detonation may be performed above ground or underground in a hole or pit, depending on the item to be detonated Although the OBODM model has the capability to model multiple source scenanos and locations in the same model run (must have same heat content) the model has a 100 receptor limitation per model run which necessitates numerous model runs to evaluate large receptor networks and precludes the modeling of individual M-136 treatment stations ATK will consolidate certain M-136 and M-225 OB treatment stations into a subset of source areas representing either all or part of the treatment unit USEPA guidance (USEPA, 1992) allows the merging of multiple emission points that are located within 100 meters of each other, if the emission points have similar release parameters A similar type situation exists for the area compnsed of burn stations 1 through 12 at M-136 (see Figure 2-3) For example burn stations 1-12 are all located within a 100-meter radius of the center point of the area compnsed of burn stations 1-12 A center point for this area can represent the treatment operations that are conducted at the burn stations 1-12 The burn stations in this area treat similar matenals and are assumed to have similar release parameters (e g , pan size, release height, and heat content) The proposed dimensions of the single emission point representing the merger of BS 1-12 IS discussed in Section 4 4 12 and shown in Table 4-1 ATK will treat stations 13 and 14 as separate emission sources because of the large separation distance (greater than 100 meters) from stations 1-12 and each other The source parameters for all M-136 sources are presented in Table 4-1 The proposed heat content values for modeling emissions from the treatment of reactive waste matenals was determined using the NASA-Lewis Thermochemical model NASA-Lewis Thermochemical model runs were completed for three compositions to simulate treatment scenanos, one composition burning pure 1 3 propellant and two compositions burning pure propellant and different percentages of waste 041108/P 4-5 FINAL APRIL 2011 matenals (PW85-15 and PW65-35) at ambient pressure as descnbed in Section 3 2 1 Decane was chosen as a substitute matenal in the model for the different percentages of trash mixtures since most waste matenals would be carbon- and hydrogen- containing matenals (diesel desensitizer, paper, wipes, polystyrenes plastics, support matenals, etc ), whose exact composition could vary Decane contnbutes no oxidative species (has no oxygen in the molecule) that would aid in better combustion, so it can be considered as a worst case representation The goal of the model calculations was to examine theoretical flame temperatures of the propellant and the mixtures The NASA Lewis model calculations are presented in Appendix A The first composition was pure propellant (PW100), the second composition was an 85 15 mixture of propellant and decane (to simulate PW85 15), the third was a 65 35 mixture of propellant and decane (to simulate PW65 35) The results of the NASA-Lewis model runs are shown in below 1 3 Class Material NASA-Lewis Model Output Parameter PW100 PW85 15 with Decane PW65 35 with Decane Flame Temperature, °F 4976 2950 2260 Heat Content, cal/g 2058 1870 1471 The table given below lists the Heat of Explosion which is the heat generated by the propellant when it is burned in an inert gas atmosphere using a bomb calonmeter This value would be conservative in companson to open burning since the testing was performed in an inert gas atmosphere (oxygen deficient) Heat of Explosion for 1 3 Propellants Sample ID Sample Description Heat of Explosion cal/g J770812 PW100 1 464 J770812 PW100 1,399 J770812 PW100 1,492 Average 1,452 J956002 PW100 1,442 J956002 PW100 1,365 J956002 PW100 1 449 Average 1,419 On June 3, 2009, ATK presented this data and information to the UDSHW Dunng this meeting, it was agreed that based on this data, a value of approximately 1400 was appropnate for a 1 3 propellant heat content value The 1 3 heat content value of 1,471 cal/g was chosen since it was the most conservative 041108/P 4-6 FINAL APRIL 2011 value resulting from the NASA-Lewis Model output, and it corresponded well with the test results from the bomb calonmeter As a result, ATK is proposing to use a heat content value of 1,471 cal/gm for all M-136 and M-225 emission sources As indicated in Section 3 3 ATK will use the 1 3 reactive propellant emission factors given in Tables 3-5 and 3-6 for all emissions sources at M-136 and M-225 (see Tables 2-1 and 2-2), The objective of the OBODM modeling analysis will be to evaluate all potential daily operating hours on an annual basis ATK conducts only one treatment event per day at both M-136 and M-225 OBODM will assume that one treatment event takes place each hour at each source within the range of potential daily operating hours, which is assumed to be between 1000 and 1800 hours As a result, the frequency of treatment events modeled will overestimate the expected operations at both M-136 and M-225 on an annual basis Post-processing of the modeling results will account for the maximum daily per event treatment quantity and the maximum annual treatment quantities proposed by ATK in Tables 2-1 and 2-2 The post-processing step is discussed in Section 4 9 A summary of the source parameters treatment quantities and other assumptions that will be used in the air dispersion modeling analysis for the M-136 and M-225 treatment units are presented in Sections 4 4 1 and 4 4 2 respectively 441 M-136 Treatment Unit M-136 IS the pnmary open burning treatment unit at ATK The M-136 treatment unit will conduct treatment of 1 1 and 1 3 class waste and Category E wastes Based on the maximum annual treatment quantities proposed in Tables 2-1 and 2-2 the M-136 units will treat 99 percent of the total ATK annual waste in companson to M-225 4 4 11 M-136 Source Parameters The air dispersion modeling analysis for the M-136 treatment unit will include the following four (4) sources groups • Source 1 - OB of 1 1 13 and Category E waste at stations 1 through 12 • Source 2 - OB of 1 1 13, and Category E waste at Station 13 • Source 3 - OB of 1 1 and 1 3 waste (including rocket motors) at Station 14 • Source 4 - OD of 1 1 and 1 3 waste at Stations 13 and 14 in a single area 041108/P 4-7 FINAL APRIL 2011 The proposed source parameters for the M-136 sources are given in Table 4-1 Table 4-1 also shows the proposed per event treatment quantities that will be used in OBODM for each M-136 source, as well as the proposed maximum annual treatment quantity for each M-136 source 4 4 12 Other Modeling Assumptions for M-136 OBODM will be setup to assume the following about treatment activities at M-136 • Assume that all M-136 sources are at the same base elevation as BS 1-12, Elevation = 4,587 feet in order to consolidate gravitational settling modeling due to the limited number of receptors that can be evaluated per run of OBODM The actual net elevation difference between the three M-136 treatment locations is only 36 feet (11 meters) Therefore, this assumption is not expected to affect the modeling results for M-136 • Include all four M-136 sources groups in single OBODM run Each Source will have a separate coordinate (x,y) location reflecting its relative position within M-136 and each source will be assigned to a source group to give the individual contnbution from each source to a receptor • The four source groups for M-136 will include the following - Source 1 - Burn Stations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 9 10, 11, and 12 OB treatment Source 2 - Burn Station 13 OB treatment Source 3 - Burn Station 14 OB treatment Source 4 - Burn Station 14 OD treatment • The burn pans used at M-136 Burn Stations 1-12 burn stations (Source 1) are not all the same size Because source group 1 represents a merger of Burn Stations 1-12, an average pan size has been was calculated for based on the existing burn pans sizes and the normal configuration of burn pans The typical pan sizes used at M-136 are 5'x 16 8'x 20', and 8'x 8 Currently seventy percent of the trays are 5'x16 When they burn the trays at Source 1 (BS 1-12) they are usually placed in a long row of 12 - 14 trays in the row When they burn the trays at Source 2 (BS 13) they typically use 3 small trays 3'x 7', and an 8 x 8 and then a 6 x 6' that are essentially arranged in a rectangular configuration There are no burn pans at Source 3 (BS-14) or Source 4 (BS-14) Based on the burn pan configurations descnbe above ATK is proposing the following revised dimensions for each M-136 source 041108/P 4-8 FINAL APRIL 2011 Source 1 - 224' x 5' (14, 5' x 16' trays in a row which is the maximum burn scenano for Source 1) Source 2 - 17' x 7 (an area that includes 3 small trays, 3'x 7' and an 8'x 8' and then a 6'x 6' which IS the maximum burn scenano for Source 2) • Release height for OB treatment at all M-136 source groups is 1 0 meter • OBODM will assume one treatment event per hour dunng the hours 1000 to 1800 The total annual treatment hours modeled for each M-136 source will be = 9 hours/day x 365 days/year = 3,285 hours/year • OB source release quasi-continuous (volume source) • OD source release instantaneous (volume source) • OBODM will assume that treatment days include all days of the year in order to calculate the worst- case 1-hour air dispersion factors at each receptor for each annual period • Dispersion modeling types for M-136 will include the following Gas phase air concentrations Particle phase air concentrations Particle-bound air concentrations Particle phase gravitational deposition Particle-bound phase gravitational deposition Gas phase deposition • Gas and particulate phase modeling will utilize a unit emission rate of 1 0 Ib/hr as recommended by the HHRAP (USEPA, 2005) • Particulate phase modeling will include particle size information to include gravitational settling (see Section 4 5) as recommended by HHRAP guidance (USEPA 2005) 4 42 M-225 Treatment Unit The M-225 Unit will treat small amounts of 1 1 and 1 3 class waste and Category E waste OB will be conducted in burn pans OD treatment of pure propellant will be conducted at one OD pit OD treatment consists of placing the waste matenal in a small, excavated pit that has a diameter of 1 5 meters The 041108/P 4-9 FINAL APRIL 2011 treatment pit is not covered with soil and is considered as a surface detonation Based on QD limitations, open detonation may be performed above ground or underground in a hole or pit, depending on the item to be detonated As shown in Figure 2-6, the M-225 burn pans and OD pit are located within a 200 foot x 500 foot rectangular area All M-225 treatment locations are within 60 meters of the center of this treatment area and there are no significant changes in elevation M-225 treatment activities at Source Groups 1 and 2 will be modeled separately for OB and OD treatment, respectively The source parameters for M-225 OB and OD treatment sources are summanzed in Table 4-2 4 4 2 1 M-225 Source Parameters The air dispersion modeling analysis for the M-225 treatment unit will include the following two sources groups and waste categones • Source Group 1 - OB of 1 1, 1 3, and Category E wastes • Source Group 2 - OD of 1 1 and 1 3 wastes The proposed source parameters for the M-225 sources are given in Table 4-2 Table 4-2 also shows the proposed per event treatment quantities that will be used in OBODM for each M-225 source, as well as the proposed maximum annual treatment quantity for each M-225 source 4 4 2 2 Other Modeling Assumptions for M-225 OBODM will be setup to assume the following about treatment activities at M-225 • Both sources (OB and OD) have the same coordinate and elevation elevation = 4,597 feet above mean sea level to consolidate gravitational settling modeling for both sources in a single model run • Include two M-225 sources groups in single OBODM run Each source group will have a separate coordinate (x,y) location reflecting its relative position within M-225 and each source will be assign to a source group to give the individual contnbution from each source to a receptor • The two source groups for M-225 will include the following - Source 1 - M-225 Burn Stations 1,2,3 4, and 5 for OB treatment Source 2 - Single OD treatment pit 041108/P 4-10 FINAL APRIL 2011 • Each source configuration is based on histoncal treatment information For OB at M225 Source 1, assume 5 18m x 1 83 For OD at M225 Source 2, assume 1 5 meter diameter pit • Release height for OB = 1 0 meters • Release height for OD = 0 meters (ground level) • OB source release quasi-continuous (volume source) • OD source release instantaneous (volume source) • Dispersion modeling types for M-136 will include the following Gas phase air concentrations Particle phase air concentrations Particle-bound air concentrations Particle phase gravitational deposition Particle-bound phase gravitational deposition Gas phase deposition • Gas and particulate phase modeling will be conducted using a unit emission rate of 1 0 Ib/hr as recommended by HHRA guidance (USEPA, 2005) • Assume 1 treatment event per hour • Assume treatment window mns from 1000 to 1800 The total annual treatment hours modeled for each M-225 source will be = 9 hours/day x 365 days/year - 3,285 hours/year Treatment days include all days of the year in order to calculate the worst-case 1-hour air dispersion factor for each source in each annual penod Particulate phase modeling will include particle size information to include gravitational settling (see Section 4 5) as recommended by HHRAP guidance (USEPA 2005) 041108/P 4-11 FINAL APRIL 2011 4 5 TYPES OF DISPERSION MODELING As indicated above in Sections 4 4 11 and 4 4 12 several types of dispersion modeling will be conducted for M-136 and M-225 in support of the HHRA These include model calculations of air concentrations and deposition associated with gas phase particle phase, and particle-bound air emissions The air dispersion modeling and HHRA will not address wet deposition because ATK does not conduct treatment operations dunng precipitation events The HHRA will address the dry deposition of particulate phase (gravitational settling) and gas phase (non-gravitational settling) pollutants from treatment operations at M-136 and M-225 The sum of these two deposition mechanisms is assumed to represent total dry deposition Therefore, the total annual dry deposition will be computed as follows Total Dry Deposition (pg/m^/yr) = gravitational settling + Non-gravitational settling (pg/m^/yr) Further information regarding each type of dispersion modeling is presented below in Sections 4 5 1 through 4 5 4 4 5 1 Gas Phase and Particulate Air Concentrations OBODM will be used to calculate air concentrations for treatment emissions in gas (vapor) phase OBODM will calculate peak concentrations, time-mean concentrations, and dosage (time-integrated) concentrations 4 5 2 Particle and Particle-Bound Phase Air Concentrations OBODM will be used to calculate concentrations for treatment emissions in particle phase OBODM will calculate peak concentrations, time-mean concentrations, and dosage (time-integrated) concentrations All particle phase modeling runs will use a particle size distnbution ATK has not conducted particle size distnbution testing of OB and OD emissions In addition, other representative particle size distnbution data for OB and OD of energetic matenals cannot be identified at this time As a result, ATK feels there is no representative available test data to determine separate particle size distnbutions for OB and OD treatment ATK will utilize a single particle size distnbution that will be generated by OBODM OBODM requires the user to enter the number of particle-size categones, mass-median diameter, and geometnc standard deviation of the particle distnbution A study conducted by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA 1973) investigated the particle size distnbution (but no standard deviation) for aluminum oxide particles from rocket propellants 041108/P 4-12 FINAL APRIL 2011 Aluminum oxides particles are a combustion product of the matenals treated at M-136 and M-225 based on Bang-box testing results The results of the NASA study indicate a mean mass aluminum oxide particle size of 12 3 micrometers (^m) However, it is important to note that ATK also treats contaminated waste matenals The combustion of these matenals is expected to result m larger particle size diameters and a higher mean mass particle size ATK is assuming that the mass mean-median diameter for both OB and OB treatment is approximately 30 microns As indicated in Section 3 2, 1 3 class waste materials constitute about 96 percent of the wastes treated annually at ATK The results of the ODOBi emissions testing of 1 3 class waste matenals detemnmed that the most abundant metal (particulate) m 1 3 emissions is aluminum Aluminum has a density of 2 7 g/cm^ Based on this available particle information, ATK is proposing the following assumptions for particulate deposition modeling with OBODM • A density of 2 7 g/cm^ will be assumed for particulate, which is based on ODOBi test results and is comparable to the DOE study (DOE, 1984) • A mass median particle diameter of 30 0 pm • A particle size standard deviation of 2 0 ^m in order to account for a reasonable measure of size distnbution vanability • OBODM will generate a particle size distnbution based on 10 particle size categones This is the OBODM model default • For the particle phase, OB and OD emissions will be modeled using the fraction of total mass for the assumed particle size distnbution Particle-bound deposition modeling will utilize the assumed particle size distnbution generated by OBODM and the calculated fraction of total surface area for each of the 10 particle size categones, which is shown m Table 4-4 4 5 3 Deposition Modeling The OBODM dispersion model can be used to provide deposition estimates (i e , the air to ground pathway) Deposition mechanisms for air releases can include the following 041108/P 4-13 FINAL APRIL 2011 • Gravitational settling of particulates • Nongravitational dry deposition of particulates and gases • Wet deposition of particulates and gases (not being evaluated in this protocol) Total deposition is the sum of the above mechanisms Gravitational Settling OBODM has the capability to calculate gravitational settling when run in the particulate phase mode (i e , all emissions are assumed to be particulates) The available emission factors from the OBODi Bang Box tests for particulates (including metals) are based on PMIO sampling Particle size distnbution information for those tests is not available The emissions based on PMIO would be expected to behave as a gas and not have significant gravitational settling Emissions greater than 10 microns would be expected to settle out on the ground at or near the OB and OD units Although the OBODM model has an option for gravitational settling it does not have the compatibility to calculate dry or wet deposition The OBODM model needs as input, particle size distnbution information, median particle size, and specific gravity for the calculation of gravitational settling velocity However, this OB/OD source-specific information was not available for the ATK modeling, therefore the following assumptions will be used as OBODM input for gravitational settling modeling • Assumed density of 2 7 g/cm^ for particulates, which is the density of aluminum Results from the OBODI testing indicate aluminum to be the most abundant metal in the OB and OD emissions • Assumed mass median particle diameter of 10 pm (based on NASA, 1973) • Assumed particle size standard deviation of 2 0 pm in order to account for a reasonable measure of size distnbution vanability • Utilize OBODM default loganthmic particle size and mass distnbution based on 10 particle size categones for particulate modeling • A separate particle bound mass distnbution was created using guidance found in Section 3 2 3 of the HHRAP (USEPA 2005) in support of the human health nsk assessment 041108/P 4-14 FINAL APRIL 2011 Dry Deposition Dry deposition (nongravitational) for particulates and gas emission is not calculated by OBODM However, OBODM modeling results for the "gaseous" phase (e g , assuming all of the emissions are in the gas phase) will be used to determine deposition rates (e g , micrograms of deposition per square meter of soil surface area) in flat and complex terrain This approach is consistent with OBODM guidance (page 17 of U S Army, Apnl 1998) and is considered to be conservative because the air concentrations calculated are nondepleted (e g removal of mass from the cloud as a function of downwind distance is not accounted for) A conservative deposition velocity of 0 03 meters/seconds (m/s) will be used for this assessment, which is the default value specified in the HHRAP (USEPA, September, 2005) guidance As a companson, the gravitational settling velocity for particles of 2 g/cm^ and 10 pm diameters is reported as approximately 0 01 m/s (DOE 1984, page 755) Dry deposition in flat and complex terrain will be calculated as follows Non-gravitational Dry Deposition (pg/m^) - Air Concentration (pg/m^) x Deposition Velocity (m/s) This approach is consistent with HHRAP (USEPA, September, 2005) and OBODM (U S Army Apnl 1998) guidance and is also considered to be conservative because the calculated air concentration is based on a non-depleted plume (e g , no mass has been removed for the treatment plume) Wet Deposition The OBODM model also does not have the capability to calculate wet deposition However this deposition mechanism is not applicable to the OBOD releases at ATK because treatment operations do not occur dunng precipitation events 4 6 RECEPTOR NETWORKS All receptors used in the ATK dispersion modeling analysis will be based on a Cartesian gnd system ATK IS proposing to use two types of receptor networks will be used in the analysis general and discrete A general receptor network will extend out to 10 km from each treatment units and will be used for locating the maximum on-site and offsite short term and long-term (annual) receptor locations The discrete receptor network will consist of special receptors that will support the human health and ecological nsk assessments The general and discrete receptor networks are discussed in Sections 4 6 1 and 4 6 2 respectively 041108/P 4-15 FINAL APRIL 2011 The Universal Transverse Medcator (UTM) coordinates and terrain elevations for all receptors and treatment units will be based on United States Geological Service (USGS) Digital Elevation Map (DEM) gnds of 1 24,000 at a resolution of 1 meter The website to access DEM files from the USGS is http //data qeocomm com/dem/demdownload html The GeoCommunity website has a partnership with USGS to provide the DEM data 4 6 1 Discrete Receptor Grid Discrete receptors are defined as special receptors that exist within, on, or beyond the ATK boundary and represent human and ecological exposure points These locations include on-site areas occupied by ATK employees, the facility boundary, nearby residential dwellings, the closest population center or town worker exposure at an offsite commercial businesses and ecological receptor exposure points The following is a list of discrete receptors that will be evaluated each treatment unit in the dispersion modeling analysis • The Adam's Ranch, which is the closest domestic dwelling to M-136 is located approximately 3 km south-southwest of M-136 • The Holmgren Ranch, which is the closest domestic dwelling to the M-225 is located approximately 2 km east-southeast of M-225 • Four facility boundary receptors that are selected based on the annual prevailing wind direction measured over a five-year penod (1997 through 2001) at the M-245 meteorological monitonng station • AutoLiv Facility This is an off-site commercial business located between the M-136 and M-225 treatment units • Chnstensen Residence This residential dwelling is located due north of ATK • Blue Creek perennial stream, which runs along the western boundary of M-136 • The Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge located about 10 5 km south-southwest of M-225 • The Salt Creek Waterfowl Management Area located 13 km east of ATK and 041108/P 4-16 FINAL APRIL 2011 • The Thiokol Ranch Pond, which is located approximately 14 km southwest of M-225 • The Howell Dairy Farm just north of the ATK northern property boundary • The Town of Penrose located approximately 7 miles southeast of M-136 • The Town of Thatcher located approximately 7 5 miles due east of M-136 • Two on-site discrete receptors to assess potential nsk to ATK workers that are not directly involved with the activities at the M-136 and M-225 treatment units The proposed new on-site receptors represent areas where most non-treatment related employees spend their time on-site The new on- site discrete receptors include the following North Plant Mam Administration Building and Mam Manufactunng Area- 2 5 miles north of M-136 and 6 7 miles north-northwest of M-225 South Plant Mam Administration Building and Mam Manufactunng area - 1 8 miles south of M-136 and 3 9 miles west-northwest of M-225 All discrete receptors listed above are shown in Figure 4-1 4 6 2 General Receptor Grid ATK IS proposing to use a general receptor gnd extending out 10 km from each treatment unit The general receptor gnd will include receptors spaced at 100-meter intervals from each treatment unit out to 3 km and receptors spaced at 500-meter intervals beyond 3 km out to 10 km ATK believes the 10 km general gnd extends far enough out from the treatment units to identify the location of maximum short- term and long-term on-site and offsite receptor locations associated with each treatment unit Due to the large separation distance between the M-136 and M-225 treatment units, separate general gnd systems are proposed for each treatment unit The proposed general gnd networks for the M-136 and M-225 treatment units are shown in Figures 4-2 through 4-5, respectively The general gnd extending from the M-136 and M-225 treatment areas out to 3 km includes on-site receptors At the request of UDSHW, these receptors will be used to evaluate on-site for OB/OD treatment unit workers The on-site receptors extend from beyond the M-136 quantity-distance (Q-D) arcs out to the facility boundary in all directions 041108/P 4-17 FINAL APRIL 2011 4 7 METEOROLOGICAL DATA The meteorological data requirements for OBODM are histoncal hourly averages of wind speed and wind direction atmosphenc stability class, air temperature, and urban or rural mixing height These meteorological parameters represent a combination of surface and upper air data and are available from several different sources including the National Weather Service (NWS), military installations or as part of an on-site measurement program The meteorological data used in an air dispersion modeling analysis should be selected based on spatial and climatological representativeness, as well as the ability of the data to charactenze the transport and dispersion in the area of concern Spatial and geographical representativeness is best achieved by using on-site meteorological data As a result, site-specific measured data is therefore preferred as modeling input (USEPA September 2000), provided appropnate instrumentation and quality assurance procedures are followed and the data is compatible with the requirements of the dispersion model 47 1 Surface Data ATK IS proposing to use five-years (1997 through 2001) of on-site meteorological data collected at the M-245 meteorological monitonng station ATK operates the on-site monitonng station approximately 1 5 km southwest of the M-225 treatment unit at an elevation of about 5,000 feet above mean sea level (amsl) The monitonng station is operated in accordance with the USEPA monitonng guidance for the collection of on-site meteorological data (USEPA, 2000) Table 4-5 shows the frequency distnbution of 16 wind direction sectors for each individual year and the average of all 5 years The monitonng station consists of a 10-meter tower that collects the following data at the 10-meter level Wind speed Wind direction Standard deviation of the honzontal wind (sigma theta) Temperature Relative humidity Barometnc pressure The wind speed, wind direction and air temperature are considered cntical parameters for input into OBODM However the M-245 station does not collect all required meteorological data for prepanng the meteorological input file necessary to run OBODM The data recovery percentage for all vanables monitored at Station M-245 dunng the five-year penod is shown in Table 4-6 The percentages shown in Table 4-6 represent data recovery after validation The data recovery percentage for all cntical model vanables was greater than 90 percent, which is recommended (USEPA, February 2000) in order to use 041108/P 4-18 FINAL APRIL 2011 on-site meteorological data in a regulatory modeling analysis With the exception of wind speed, wind direction, and temperature in 1999, the amount of missing data in each annual penod was in the range of one to SIX percent As a result, missing data does not constitute a significant portion of the meteorological database for the most cntical vanables The monitonng plan for the M-245 station includes quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) procedures to ensure that the data collected meets the standards of reliability and accuracy as required by USEPA (USEPA, February 2000) The QA/QC procedures implemented by ATK at this station include semi- annual audits and calibrations of instruments penodic site inspections, data validation and preventive maintenance Meteorological data collected at this on-site station has been approved by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) for use in pnor modeling analyses to evaluate the air quality impact of ATK OB and OD treatment operations The meteorological data collected at the M-245 station is recommended to be appropnate for use in this modeling analysis for the following reasons 1 Data recovery statistics for the 1997 to 2001 on-site meteorological database exceed USEPA minimum requirements for on-site data recovery 2 Each annual penod of data has been validated by an independent consultant 3 ATK IS located in a remote area of northern Utah As a result, the potential for finding additional local sources of hourly, climatological data that depict local climatology and satisfy the requirements of OBODM IS extremely low The nearest available source of validated hourly surface observation data (including sky condition) is located at Hill Air Force Base (AFB) in Hill, Utah Hill is located approximately 30 miles southeast of ATK The M-245 meteorological monitonng station is located 5 miles and 1 mile, respectively, from M-136 and M-225 treatment units and has been approved by UDEQ for use in pnor ATK modeling analyses 4 Because previous air dispersion modeling has not been conducted for treatment operations at M-136 and M-225, Hill AFB has not been used as a surrogate for missing meteorological data In addition to the meteorological parameters measured at the M-245 monitonng station, the meteorological preprocessor used to prepare the meteorological input file for OBODM requires hourly values of opaque cloud cover and ceiling height These parameters are not measured at M-245 Hourly values of opaque cloud cover and ceiling height are only available from 1^' class NWS reporting stations The closest I*" class reporting station to ATK is located at Hill AFB In addition to being the closest 1^' reporting station to ATK, Hill AFB and M-245 have climatological and topographical similanties that 041108/P 4-19 FINAL APRIL 2011 support of the selection of Hill AFB as a source of substitute data based on elevation, alignment of the terrain and valley at both locations and other conditions descnbed in Section 4 7 1 The use of surface data from Hill AFB will be addressed as a source of uncertainty in the air modeling report 5 The M-245 monitonng station is located on a hilltop southwest of M-225 This station has been sited in accordance with Prevention of Significant Detenoration (PSD) monitonng guidance (USEPA, 1987) and IS considered representative of the free stream wind flow that transports emissions from the M-136 and M-225 treatment units This station is also representative of the diurnal vanations in wind patterns that are charactenstic of mountain valley winds in the western United States (AMS 2002) In addition to the meteorological parameters measured at the M-245 monitonng station hourly values of opaque cloud cover and ceiling height are needed in order to preprocess the meteorological data for input into OBODM Hourly values of opaque cloud cover and ceiling height are only available from 1^ class NWS reporting stations These stations are usually operated by the NWS or the military The closest 1^' class reporting station to ATK is located at Hill AFB Hill AFB hourly observation data for opaque cloud cover and ceiling height are available from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) for the same 5-year penod as the ATK on-site data ATK is proposing to merge hourly observations of cloud cover and ceiling height from Hill AFB with M-245 station hourly data to develop the required surface data for input a meteorological data preprocessing program (PCRAMMET - see Section 4 7 3) As indicated in Table 4-7, there are varying percentages of missing data the M-245 five-year database The meteorological preprocessor program that will be used to prepare input files for OBODM requires a complete dataset for an entire year In other words, missing data values must be filled in with substitute data The substitute data is normally obtained from a nearby location that has similar climatological charactenstics ATK IS proposing to follow the guidance recommended by USEPA (USEPA, 2000) for the substitution of missing data Missing 1-hour penods of surface data will be substituted by interpolation of the previous and following hour's values For penods greater than 1-hour data will be substituted from the nearest representative hourly reporting station, which is Hill AFB In addition to reporting hourly cloud cover and ceiling height this station also reports hourly values of wind speed wind direction and temperature Due to Its same geographical location and similar topography setting. Hill AFB has been selected as a source of representative substitute data for missing data In addition to being the closest 1^' reporting station to ATK, Hill AFB and ATK have climatological and topographical similarities that support of the selection of Hill AFB as a source of substitute data 041108/P 4-20 FINAL APRIL 2011 • Hill AFB IS located at the base of a valley similar to ATK • The alignment of the complex terrain and valley at both monitonng locations is pnmaniy north to south • Hill AFB IS bounded by higher terrain (Wasatch Mountains) The ATK site is bounded by higher terrain (Spnng Hills) • Both ATK and Hill AFB are located between 25 to 30 miles northeast of the Great Salt Lake Any influence from the Great Salt Lake is expected to be similar at both locations • The amount of missing data from the M-245 station in each annual penod was in the range of one to SIX percent As a result, substitute wind speed, wind direction and temperature data from Hill AFB will not constitute a significant portion of missing meteorological database for the most cntical vanables 4 7 2 Upper Air Observations (Mixing Height Data) Upper air data, also known as mixing height data, is required to run OBODM Twice daily mixing heights available from upper air sounding stations are used by the meteorological preprocessor program to calculate hourly rural or urban mixing height data for input into OBODM Upper air sounding data is normally obtained from National Weather Service upper air reporting stations The number of upper air reporting stations in the western United States is very limited due to operational requirements and budgetary constraints, which play a key role in the determining where and how many stations are operated As a result, this condition limits the availability of upper air reporting stations near to a source The closest NWS upper station to ATK is located in Salt Lake City, which is about 80 miles south of ATK The next closest NWS upper air reporting station is located in Lander, Wyoming which is about 190 miles northeast of ATK Although considerable site-to-site vanability is expected for measurements taken close to the surface compared to upper air measurements, ATK believes the upper air sounding measurements from Salt Lake City are generally representative of a much larger spatial domain which includes the northern Utah valley It IS important to note that the PCRAMMET preprocessor program uses the Holzworth Method (USEPA 1996) to calculate twice-daily mixing heights With this method, the morning mixing height is calculated using the morning minimum surface temperature which occurs between 0200 and 0600 hours The afternoon mixing height is calculated using the maximum temperature observed from 1200 to 1600 hours As a result the surface temperature is an important factor in the mixing height computation routine ATK 041108/P 4-21 FINAL APRIL 2011 will use a combination of upper air data from Salt Lake City and surface temperature observations from M-245 and Hill AFB to produce twice-daily mixing heights Other cntical meteorological parameters used by PCRAMMET to calculate mixing height include cloud cover and ceiling height, which are only available from 1^' class NWS stations As indicated previously the M-245 station does not collect cloud cover and cloud ceiling height data As a result, it is necessary to obtain these parameters from another nearby location that is most representative of meteorological conditions at ATK Based on a review of 1*' class NWS stations near ATK, it is assumed that Hill AFB is a suitable choice for hourly meteorological parameters that are not available at M-245 m companson to other nearby NWS stations such as Salt Lake City for several reasons Hill AFB is geographically much closer to ATK and is assumed to be located beyond the urban heat flux influence of Salt Lake City In addition, the NWS Salt Lake City reporting station is located only 10 miles from the Great Salt Lake which is known to influence local climate Depending on the time of the year, the temperature of the Great Salt Lake can moderate local temperatures and affect the lake/valley wind system As a result, the use of cloud cover and ceiling height observations from Hill AFB is expected to be more representative of conditions at M-245 and will provide consistency in the calculation of stability class in the meteorological preprocessor 4 7 3 Meteorological Preprocessor The surface observation and mixing height data files for each annual penod will be preprocessed for input into OBODM using PCRAMMET (USEPA 1995b) as recommended in the HHRAP guidance (USEPA July 1998 and August 1999) The format of the PCRAMMET output file is compatible for use with OBODM The input requirements for PCRAMMET include hourly surface observations of year, month day hour ceiling height wind speed wind direction, dry bulb temperature, and opaque cloud cover in CD144 format The resulting output file from PCRAMMET contains hourly values of wind speed, wind direction, ambient temperature, stability category, rural mixing height, and urban mixing height Based on the results of the land use analysis in Section 4 2 rural mixing heights will be used in this modeling analysis As stated in Section 4 7 1, data recovery for the M-245 five-year database is greater than 90 percent to 100 percent for all input vanables, with the exception of cloud ceiling height and opaque cloud cover, which IS not collected at M-245 Substitute hourly cloud ceiling height and opaque cloud cover, for the corresponding annual penods will be obtained from Odgen AFB and inserted into the hourly on-site data files to develop a complete input file for PCRAMMET 041108/P 4-22 FINAL APRIL 2011 In the case of missing surface observations at the M-245 station current USEPA data substitution guidance (on-site guidance reference) using interpolation will be followed in the case of one-hour gaps In the case of lengthy (greater than 1 hour missing) missing data penods, surface observations from the Hill Air Force base will be used as substitute data The Hill AFB surface data is considered to be the most representative site for providing substitute data based on its location relative to ATK, climatology, location relative to higher surrounding terrain, and similar land use In the case of missing mixing height data, missing data will be substituted in accordance with USEPA guidance (USEPA 1992) 4 8 COMPARISON TO AIR QUALITY STANDARDS AND EXPOSURE CRITERIA As descnbed in Section 4 9, OBODM modeling results with be post-processed in conjunction with 1 3 emission factors presented in Tables 3-5 and 3-6 for used in the human health and ecological nsk assessments to determine the impact of emissions from M-136 and M-225 The post-processing activities will determine the maximum air concentrations and deposition rates at the maximum on-site and offsite receptors and all discrete receptors for 1-hour, 3-hour, 8-hour, 24-hour and annual averaging penods as required for the nsk assessments The calculated air concentrations will then be compared to all applicable state and Federal air quality standards occupational exposure cntena concentrations, and Utah TOXIC Screening Levels (TSLs), and serve as input for the nsk assessments Because the 1 3 emission factors given in Tables 3-5 and 3-6 in clued contnbutions from background dunng the emission test, the comparative analysis to applicable standards and TSLs will not consider the impact from background sources and delineate the contnbution from background sources and the contnbution from ATK OB and OD sources The applicable air quality standards/exposure cntena will include the cntena pollutants (National Ambient Air Quality Standards [NAAQS]) and Utah Toxic Screening Levels (TSLs) The State of Utah has adopted the NAAQS In the case of on-site air concentrations, 2008 Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) time-weighted-average (TWA) exposure concentration values will be used to evaluate ATK worker exposure at each treatment unit These TWA values are based on an 8-hour exposure penod 4 9 POST-PROCESSING ACTIVITIES The output from OBODM output files will require post-processing in order to calculate receptor concentrations and deposition values for all target analytes identified in Tables 3-5 and 3-6 The post- process activities to be used are summanzed below • Determine the location and value of the maximum. 1-hour and annual average air dispersion factors for on-site and off-site receptors in flat terrain and complex ten^ain from the general receptor gnds 041108/P 4-23 FINAL APRIL 2011 and all discrete receptors for each type of dispersion modeling and year of meteorological data Summarize the results in an Excel workbook • Calculate the 1-hour and annual average pollutant concentrations and deposition values The individual pollutant air concentrations will be calculated by multiplying the maximum 1-hour or annual air dispersion factor (pg/m^-lb/hr) x the pollutant specific emission factor (lb/lb) x treatment quantity per hour (Ib/hr) = pg/m^ Dry deposition (pg/m^) will be calculated by multiply the OBODM concentration (pg/m^) x the assumed settling velocity (m/sec) • Convert 1-hour concentrations into 8-hour and 24-hour concentrations for companson analysis to National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) short-term standards, OSHA exposure cntena, and Toxic Screening Levels (TSLs) that have been established by Utah Department of Air Quality The 1-hour air concentrations will be converted to longer averaging penods using USEPA guidance identified in the document Screening Procedures for Estimating the Air Quality Impact of Stationary Sources (USEPA, 1995) • Format OBODM modeling results for input into the IRAP-h and EcoView nsk assessment models 4 10 OBODM MODELING FILES At the conclusion of the air dispersion modeling analysis and human health nsk assessment, copies of the OBODM input and output files and model-ready meteorological data files will be provided to DSHW in electronic format on compact disc (CD) for review of modeling analysis 041108/P 4-24 TABLE 4-1 M-136 SOURCE PARAMETERS ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH Source Parameter Source 1 - OB Source 2 - OB Source 3 - OB Source 4 - OD Treatment Operations OB in Pans Bum Stations 1-12 OB in Pans Burn Station 13 OB in Pans Burn Stations 14 OB in Pans Burn Stations 14 Location Center of Burn Station Center of Burn Station Center of Burn Station Center of Burn Station Number of sources 1 1 1 1 Source Release Type Quasi-continuous Quasi-continuous Quasi-continuous Instantaneous Bum/Release Duration (OBODM calculated based on source type) 300 seconds 300 seconds 300 seconds Instantaneous Source Configuration Volume Volume Volume Volume Effective Release Height (m) 1 meter 1 meter 1 meter Ground level 1 3 waste heat content* 1,471 cal/g 1,471 cal/g 1 471 cal/g 1,471 cal/g Number of treatment events (per day) 1 per hour between 1000 and 1800 hours 1 per hour between 1000 and 1800 hours 1 per hour between 1000 and 1800 hours 1 per hour between 1000 and 1800 hours Number of treatment days assumed by OBODM (per year) 365 days 365 days 365 days 365 days Unit emission factor 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 OBODM Modeled Treatment Quantity/Event 106,500 pounds 50,000 pounds 106 500 pounds 500 pounds ATK Annual Maximum Treatment Quantity 7,500,000 pounds 496 400,000 pounds 2,000,000 pounds 3,600 pounds * - ATK has agreed to use 1 3 OBODi emission factors and 1 3 heat content values for all M-136 modeled sources TABLE 4-2 M-225 SOURCE PARAMETERS ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH Source Parameter Source 1 - OB Source 2 - OD Treatment Operations OB in Pans OD (Uncovered) Location Center of M-225 Unit Center of M-225 Unit Number of sources 1 1 Source Release Type Quasi-continuous Instantaneous Burn/Release Duration (OBODM calculated based on source type) 300 seconds Instantaneous Source Configuration Volume Volume Effective Release Height (m) 1 meter Ground level Source Diameter NA 1 5 meters 1 3 waste heat content 1 471 cal/g 1,471 cal/g Number of treatment events (per day) 1 per hour between 1000 and 1800 hours 1 per hour between 1000 and 1800 hours Number of treatment days assumed by OBODM (per year) 365 365 Unit emission factor 1 0 1 0 OBODM Modeled Treatment Quantity/Event 4 500 pounds 600 pounds ATK Annual Maximum Treatment Quantity 52,500 pounds 2,500 pounds * - ATK has agreed to use 1 3 OBODi emission factors and 1 3 heat content values for all M-225 modeled sources TABLE 4-3 SUMMARY OF DEPOSITION MODELING PARAMETERS ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH Parameter Gas Phase OBODM Run Particulate Phase OBODM Run Emission Surrogate CO2 Aluminum (density of 2 7 g/cm') Emission Factor 1 0 1 0 Non-gravitational dry deposition Yes (computed in post- processing step) No Gravitational settling No Yes Mean particle diameter -30 ^m Particle size standard deviation -20 Number of particle size classes -10 Cloud depletion No Yes OBODM Output Air concentration (ng/m^) Deposition rate (^g/m^) TABLE 4-4 5-YEAR WIND ROSE SUMMARY FOR THE M-245 METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING STATION ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH Direction Frequency/Wind Speed Group (m/sec) 5-Year Average DIRECTION 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 5-Year Average NNE 0 08 0 08 010 0 09 010 0 09 NE 0 07 0 10 0 09 0 12 oil 0 10 ENE 0 04 0 04 0 05 0 05 0 05 0 05 E 0 04 0 05 004 0 04 0 05 0 04 ESE 0 03 0 04 0 05 0 05 0 04 0 04 SE 0 05 0 05 0 06 0 04 0 05 0 05 SSE 0 05 0 06 0 04 0 06 0 05 0 05 S 0 03 0 03 0 04 0 07 0 02 0 04 SSW 0 02 0 01 0 01 0 02 0 01 0 01 SW 0 04 0 02 0 01 0 01 0 03 0 02 WSW 0 07 0 05 0 04 0 05 0 06 0 05 W 0 10 Oil 0 08 0 10 Oil 010 WNW 0 07 0 07 0 06 0 06 0 07 0 07 NW 0 11 0 08 0 09 0 07 0 07 0 08 NNW Oil 0 10 Oil 0 08 0 08 0 10 N 0 10 Oil 0 13 0 09 010 0 11 TOTAL 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 0 TABLE 4-5 DATA RECOVERY PERCENTAGES* FOR CRITICAL VARIABLES MONITORED AT THE M-245 METEOROLOGICAL MONITORING STATION ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH PARAMETER 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Wind Speed 95 99 91 99 98 Wind Direction 95 96 91 99 94 Temperature 94 99 91 99 94 After validation N Howell Dairy -l;-^'<. •1 >; •IK Christensen Ranch 1 376670, 4619479 378669 380669 382669 384669 386669 388669 390669 392669 394669 396669, 4619480 '-r 4617480 4615480 4613480 Blue Greek I Adams Ranch 4611480 4609480 : 1 ^ ;. • T : I. 4607480 -I I 4605480 1,1 I 4603480 1 4601480 j- ATK Ranch Pond Boundary #1 M-136 Autoliv Boundary #2 M-225 Jsear River Bird Refuge 376670, 4599479 1 : • '.1 378669 380669 382669 Penrose I Salt Creek Waterfow^l Management Area I Boundary #3 "Sl Holmgren Ranch Pond i f " I "n 384669 386669 • ...fA^ i -I: " 388669 4617480 4615480 I 4613480 4611480 ' 1. 4609480 ••r I \ 390669\- ^392669 [I, 1./ 394669]'g \ 396669, 4599480 Legend • Discrete Receptor Treatment Unit I ^ a Facility Boundary DRAWN BY K .MOORE DATE 12/3/09 8,000 1,000 5 Feet TETRATECH CONTRACT NUMBER CTO NUMBER CHECKED BY J. LUCAS DATE 4/14/11 APPROVED BY DATE REVISED BY K. MOORE DATE 4/4/11 SCALE AS NOTED LOCATION OF ATK PROMONTORY M-136 AND M-225 TREATMENT UNITS AND DISCRETE MODELING RECEPTORS PROMONTORY, UTAH APPROVED BY DATE FIGURE NO. 4-1 P:\GIS\THIOKOL\MXD\M136&M225_TREATMENT_UNITS.MXD 4/14/11 KM 1 * * • t' / i • • tl / jjg/Tggg 1 /• •' • M * /*>•••;] ' " -"""^ —.^ti.. • ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH CHECKED BY DATE J. LUCAS 01/11/10 COST/SCHEDULE-AREA Tetra Tech NUS, Inc. M-225 TREATMENT UNIT 3 KILOMETER GENERAL RECEPTOR GRID 100 METER INCREMENT ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH 01389 APPROVED BY FINAL APRIL 2011 REFERENCES Auer 1978 Correlation of Land Use and Cover with Meteorological Anomalies" Journal of Applied Meteorology, Volume 17, May 1978 Bulletin of ttie Amencan Meteorological Society (AMS) 2002 'A Climatological Study of Thermally Dnven Wind Systems of the U S Intermountain West Jebb O Stewart, C David Whiteman, W James Steenburgh, and Xindi Bian Volume 83 Number 5, Pages 699-708, May 2002 DOE, 1984 The Toxicological Effects of Non-nuclear Pollutants, Section 17-17, Particulates Department of Energy Publication Atmosphenc Science and Power Production, Office of Scientific and Technical Information, United States Department of Energy Hanna, S R , and P J Davis (1987) Guidelines for Use of Vapor Cloud Dispersion Models, New York Center for Chemical Process Safety, Amencan Society of Chemical Engineers Lakes Environmental, 2003a IRAP-h View Industnal Risk Assessment Program for Human Health Lakes Environmental, Ontano Canada Lakes Environmental, 2003b EcoRisk View Ecological Risk Assessment Program Lakes Environmental, Ontano, Canada NASA 1973 'NASA/MSFC Multilayer Diffusion Models and Computer Program for Operational Prediction of Toxic Fuel Hazards , Dumbald, R K Bjorklund, J R , H E Cramer Company for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama Kramer, H E 1997 Open Burn/Open Detonation Dispersion Model (OBODM) Users Guide", H E Cramer Company, Sandy Utah 84091-0411, and West Desert Test Center U S Army Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah, DPG Document No DPG-TR-96-008a July 1997 Radian International LLC 1998 Draft Sampling Results for Alliant 'Slum" Emission Charactenzation, Volumes 1, 2, and 3, Prepared for U S Army Dugway Proving Ground Dugway Utah, March 1998 Stewart, J O , et al A Climatological Study of Thermally Dnven Wind Systems of the United States Intermountain West' Bulletin of the Amencan Meteorological Society, Volume 83 Number 5, Page 669 May 2002 041108/P R-1 FINAL APRIL 2011 URS Corporation, 2005 'Human Health Risk Assessment in Support of Alliant Techsystems' Bacchus Works, RCRA Subpart X Activities", Magna, Utah, Final Report September 2005 URS, 2008 Sampling Results for USAEC Phase IX Emission Charactenzation of Exploding Ordnance and Smoke/Pyrotechnics, URS Group, Inc , Oak Ridge Tennessee, June 2008 U S Army Munitions Items Disposition Action System (MIDAS) Database System, website, https //midas dac army mil/, U S Army Defense Ammunition Center, McAlester Oklahoma U S Army, January 1992 Development of Methodology and Technology for Identifying and Quantifying Emission Products from Open Burning and Open Detonation Thermal Treatment Methods U S Army Armament, Munitions and Chemicals Command Rock Island, Illinois U S Army, 2006 Detailed Test Plan for Phase IX Emission Charactenzation of Burning Smoke/Pyrotechnics and Propellants, West Desert Test Center, U S Army Dugway Proving Ground Utah, Apnl 2006 U S Army 2009 Sampling Results for Emission Charactenzation of Open Burning Waste Propellant Matenals, Volume I - Summary Report Prepared for ATK Launch Systems, Promontory, Utah Prepared by U S Army Dugway Proving Ground U S Army 2009 U S Army Defense Ammunition Center (DAC) 2009 Munitions Items Disposition Action System (MIDAS) database, DAC McAlester, OK USEPA, 1987 Ambient Monitonng Guidance for Prevention of Significant Detenoration (PSD) Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Tnangle Park N C EPA-450/4-87-007, May, 1987, USEPA 1992 Technical Memorandum Procedures for Substituting Values for Missing NWS Meteorological Data for Use in Regulatory Air Quality Models' Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Tnangle Park, North Carolina, July 7, 1992 USEPA, 1995a User's Guide for The Industnal Source Complex Dispersion Models, Volumes I and II Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Emissions Monitonng, and Analysis Division, Research Tnangle Park North Carolina EPA-454/B-95-003a USEPA, 1995b PCRAMMET User's Guide Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Emissions Monitonng and Analysis Division Research Triangle Park, North Carolina October 1995 041108/P R-2 FINAL APRIL 2011 USEPA, 1997 'Procedures for Prepanng Emission Factor Documents , Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards Research Tnangle Park, North Carolina EPA-454/R-95-015, November 1997 USEPA 2000 Meteorological Monitonng Guidance for Regulatory Modeling Applications" EPA-454/R- 99-005, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Tnangle Park, North Carolina USEPA, 2005 Human Health Risk Assessment Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities", Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response EPA530-D-98-001A September 2005 USEPA, 2005 'Guideline on Air Quality Models" Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations Part 51, Appendix W November 2005 USEPA 2009 AP 42, Fifth Edition Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, Volume 1 Stationary Point and Area Sources Volume I, Chapter 15 Ordnance Detonation Section 15 3 22 Pages 15 3-99 to 15 3-102 041108/P R-3 APPENDIX B LAND USE ANALYSIS Export Controlled - Appendix B Figures B-1 and B-2 contains technical data within the definition of the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) and is subject to the export control laws of the U S Government Transfer of this data by any means to a foreign person, whether in the U S or abroad, without an export license or other approval from the U S Department of State is prohibited PGH P:\GIS\THIOKOL\MAPDOCS\MXD\M136_LAND_USE_ANALYSIS.MXD 04/27/11 JEE Treatment Unit Land Use Analysis Grid (100m) ij 3-l<m Buffer Zone I ^ J Facility Boundary DRAWN BY DATE J.ENGLISH 04/19/11 Tt TETRATECH CONTRACT NUMBER CTO NUMBER CHECKED BY DATE J. LUCAS 04/27/11 3 KILOMETER RADIUS LAND USE ANALYSIS FOR ATK PROMONTORY M-136 TREATMENT UNIT PROMONTORY, UTAH APPROVED BY DATE REVISED BY DATE 3 KILOMETER RADIUS LAND USE ANALYSIS FOR ATK PROMONTORY M-136 TREATMENT UNIT PROMONTORY, UTAH APPROVED BY DATE SCALE AS NOTED 3 KILOMETER RADIUS LAND USE ANALYSIS FOR ATK PROMONTORY M-136 TREATMENT UNIT PROMONTORY, UTAH FIGURE NO. REV FIGURE B-1 0 PGH P;\GIS\THIOKOL\MAPDOCS\MXD\M225_LAND_USE_ANALYSIS.MXD 04/27/11 JEE