HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2011-003712 - 0901a0688020adb5RtCElVED 8200!FYt7-07T MAR 0 7 Mil UTAH Oiviisi^*'* Mr. Scott T. Anderson, Executive Secretary SOLID & ^'^^^^P^Q'^ State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality 2-^^ ^ • Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste 195 N. 1950 W. P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Attention: JeffVandel Re: ATK Launch Systems-Promontory EPA ID number UTD009081357 ATK Response to Division Comments on the Human Health Risk Protocol for OB/OD Operations Dear Mr. Anderson: This letter accompanies the response to comments from the Utah DEQ, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste, dated February 3, 2011. Also accompanying these documents are newly created tables in response to comments number 3 and 8, and an update of Table 2. Figure 1 has also been updated and is enclosed. This information is for use in the Subpart X permitting of the open buming and open detonation operations at the ATK Launch Systems Promontory Utah facility. Please contact me if you have any questions conceming this report. My telephone number is (435)863-8490 or you can contact Blair Palmer at (435)863-2430. Sincerely David P. Gosen, P.E., Director Environmental Services 2/28/2011 RESPONSES TO DIVISION COMMENTS DATED FEBRUARY 3, 2011 ON THE ATK HUMAN HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT PROTOCOL Evaluation of the Response to Division Specific Comment 4: The response partially addresses the original comment. The response indicates that additional onsite discrete receptors will be evaluated in the OD/OD HHRR and that these receptor locations represent areas where most non-treatment related employee spend their time onsite. Please clarify the specific current and future receptors that will be evaluated at these two additional locations (i.e., North Plant Main Administration Building and Main Manufacturing Area, and the South Plant Administration Building and Main Manufacturing Area). Additionally, please clarify if these additional locations fall within the maximum annual depositional area, and if not, indicate that (at a minimum) a future, hypothetical resident will be evaluated based on the exposure point concentrations from the maximum annual deposition area. ATK Response: The HHRA will address additional onsite discrete receptors to assess potential risk to ATK workers that are not directly involved with the treatment activities at the M-136 and M-225 treatment units. The additional onsite discrete receptors include the following: • North Plant Main Administration Building and Main Manufacturing Area- 2.5 miles north of M-136 and 6.7 miles north-northwest of M-225. • South Plant Main Administration Building and Main Manufacturing area - 1.8 miles south of M- 136 and 3.9 miles west-northwest of M-225. These additional receptors are expected to not fall within the maximum annual depositional area associated with either the M-136 or M-225 treatment units. As a result, a future, hypothetical resident and farmer will be evaluated based on the exposure point concentrations calculated by OBODM from the maximum annual deposition area. Evaluation of the Response to Division Specific Comment 5: The Division accepts ATK's response to this comment and, after further consideration, recognizes that a different approach to this issue is warranted. The Division originally asked ATK to include the Salt Creek Waterfowl Management Area and Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge as discrete receptors in the OB/OD HHRA in order to evaluate the potential for hunters to be exposed to constituents of concern via ingestion of contaminated game birds. This exposure pathway is not typically evaluated in HHRAs and standard default exposure assumptions for this pathway do not exist. The Division expects the incremental risk associated with the ingestion of game by hunters to be at least an order of magnitude less than other dietary exposure risk associated with a resident farmer (adult and child) scenario modeled at the maximum deposition location for target constituents. Instead of developing exposure assumptions for bird hunting for a quantitative assessment, the Division prefers that ATK address this potential exposure pathway qualitatively within the uncertainty analysis section of the risk assessment. In such a qualitative assessment, please address the following: • The potential for the Salt Creek Waterfowl Management Area and Bear River Migratory Bird Refugee to be impacted by open burning/open detonation operations at the two OB/OD sites at the Promontory facility. • Based on the nature and fate transport characteristics of the primary constituents: o Describe how (and to what degree) game species may be exposed to site constituents, o Do the primary constituents at issue have the capacity to bioaccumulate, bioconcentrate, or biomagnify? Please evaluate the significance of these phenomena, o Are any of these constituents preferentially sequestered in (edible) muscle tissue? • What is the relative contribution (excess incremental lifetime cancer risk or hazard) of risk associated with game species consumption by recreational hunters to the total residential human health risk (e.g., potential for order-of-magnitude change)? Please revise Section 3 of the HHRA Protocol as appropriate so that the qualitative assessment of this potential exposure pathway is addressed. As stated in ATK's original response to this comment, these 2/28/2011 conservative areas should be included as discrete receptors to be evaluated in the ecological risk assessment. ATK Response: Agreed. The Salt Creek Waterfowl Management Area and Bear River Migratory Bird Refugee will be listed as discrete receptors in Section 3.1 and included on the table being added as requested in the original Specific Comment 4 which will list the receptors being evaluated at the individual receptor locations. In addition, the text will be revised to discuss that a qualitative evaluation of risks will be presented in the uncertainty analysis section as requested above. Also, these receptors will be quantitatively evaluated in the ecological risk assessment. Evaluation of the Response to Division Specific Comment 8: The response partially addresses the original comment. While the response indicates that a table will be added that lists the receptors and exposure pathways that are being evaluated at each receptor location, the response does not clarify if the two additional receptors noted in ATK's response to Division Specific Comment 4 (i.e.. North Plant Main Administration Building and Main Manufacturing Area, and the South Plant Administration Building and Main Manufacturing Area) are representative of the maximally exposed individual (MEl). Future hypothetical adult and child residents/farmers should be evaluated at a location representative ofthe MEl. Please ensure that the OB/OD HHRA Protocol indicates that future hypothetical adult and child resident farmers will be evaluated at a location representative ofthe MEl. ATK Response: The two additional receptors (i.e.. North Plant Main Administration Building and Main Manufacturing Area, and the South Plant Administration Building and Main Manufacturing Area) are not expected to be representative of the maximally exposed individual (MEl). A general receptor network will extend out to 10 km from each treatment units and identify the location of the MEl for short term and long- term (annual) averaging periods. As a result, the future hypothetical adult and child residents/farmers will be evaluated at the location of the maximum concentration receptor location determined by OBODM. Evaluation of the Response to Division Specific Comment 15: The response addresses the original comment. The response indicates that the values in Table 3 will be checked and adequate justification will be provided for all values. This is acceptable; however, please ensure that Table 3 is updated to include parameter values from sources recommended by EPA's 2005 Human Health Risk Protocol for Hazardous Waste Combustion Facilities (HHRAP) (e.g., Baes et al. 1984), or from reliable site-specific sources. At a minimum, it appears that the average annual irrigation parameter should be increased from 30.54 centimeters per year (cm/yr) to within the range of 55 to 70 cm/yr as recorded by Baes et al. (1984) unless defensible site-specific data are available. ATK Response: Agreed. Defensible justification will be provided for any site-specific value and all site- specific values will be checked to ensure they fall within the range of default values recommended in the HHRAP guidance. TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF RECEPTORS AND EXPOSURE PATHWAYS ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH Exposure Pathway Ch i l d S u b s i s t e n c e Fa r m e r Ad u l t S u b s i s t e n c e Fa r m e r Ch i l d R e s i d e n t Ad u l t R e s i d e n c e Cu r r e n t I n d u s t r i a l W o r k e r Fu t u r e I n d u s t r i a l W o r k e r Ac u t e R i s k Inhalation of Vapors and Particulates x<^' X(2) X(3) X Incidental Ingestion of Soil x X x X X X Ingestion of Drinking Water from Surface Water Sources (4) (4) (4) (4) Ingestion of Homegrown Produce X X X X Ingestion of Homegrown Beef X X ingestion of Milk from Homegrown Cows X X Ingestion of Homegrown Chickens X X Ingestion of Eggs from Homegrown Chickens X X Ingestion of Homegrown Pork X X Ingestion of Fish (5) (5) (5) (5) Ingestion of Breast Milk X(6) x'^> ^(6) ^(6) Notes: 1 - Inhalation exposures will only be evaluated at off-site receptor locations. 2 - Evaluated for a worker at the AutoLiv facility, North Plant Main Administration Building and South Plant Main Administration Building. 3 - Evaluated for a worker at the location of the maximum on-site impact. 4 - Surface water in the area is not suitable for use as a drinking water source. 5 - Fishing does not occur in the area due to general poor surface water quality, intermittent surface water flow in the vicinity of the treatment units, and lack of game fish in local water bodies. 6 - Ingestion of breast milk is evaluated only for dioxins/furans. TABLE BEING ADDED IN RESPONSE TO COMMENT 3 TABLE X EXPOSURE ASSUMPTIONS ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH RECEPTOR Resident Adult Resident Child Farmer Adult Farmer Child Industrial Worker ~ Units All Exposures Averaging time for carcinogens 70 70 70 70 70 yr Averaging time for noncarcincgens 30 6 30 6 25 yr Exposure duration 30 6 30 6 25 yr Exposure freguency 350 350 350 350 250 day/yr Body weight 70 15 70 15 70 kg Time period at the beginning of combustion 0 0 0 0 0 yr Length of exposure duration 30 6 40 6 25 yr Inhalation Inhalation exposure duration 30 6 40 6 25 yr Inhalation exposure freguency 350 350 350 350 250 day/yr Inhalation exposure time 24 24 24 24 8 hr/day Drinking Water Fraction of contaminated drinking water 1 1 1 1 0 ~ Consumption rate of drinking water 1.4 0.67 1.4 0.67 0 Uday Incidental Ingestion of Soil Fraction of contaminated soil 1 1 1 1 0 — Consumption rate of soil 0.0001 0.0002 0.0001 0.0002 0 kg/d Ingestion of Poultry Fraction of contaminated poultry 1 1 1 1 0 — Consumption rate of poultry 0 0 0.00066 0.00045 0 kg/kg-day FW Ingestion of Produce Fraction of contaminated produce 1 1 1 1 0 — Consumption rate of aboveground produce 0.00032 0.00077 0.00047 0.00113 0 kg/kg-day DW Consumption rate of protected aboveground produce 0.00061 0.0015 0.00064 0.00157 0 kg/kg-day DW Consumption rate of belowground produce 0.00014 0.00023 0.00017 0.00028 0 kg/kg-day DW Ingestion of Beef Fraction of contaminated beef 1 1 1 1 0 — Consumption rate of beef 0 0 0.00122 0.00075 0 kg/kg-day FW Ingestion of Eggs Fraction of contaminated eggs 1 1 1 1 0 ~ Consumption rate of eggs 0 0 0.00075 0.00054 0 kg/kg-day FW Ingestion of Milk Fraction of contaminated milk 1 1 1 1 0 — Consumption rate of milk 0 0 0.01367 0.02268 0 kg/kg-day FW Ingestion of Pork Fraction of contaminated pork 1 1 1 1 0 ~ Consumption rate of pork 0 0 0.00055 0.00042 0 kg/kg-day FW DW - Dry weight of soil or plant/animal tissue. FW - Fresh weight (or whole/wet weight) of plant or animal tissue. TABLE BEING ADDED IN RESPONSE TO COMMENT 8 TABLE X SUMMARY OF ON-SITE RECEPTORS ATK PROMONTORY, UTAH Receptor Boundary #1 Boundary #2 Boundary #3 Boundary #4 M-136 Maximum On-site M-136 Maximum Off-site M-225 Maximum On-site M-225 Maximum Off-site AutoLlv Facility North Plant Main Administration Building and Main Manufacturing Area South Plant Main Administration Building and Main Manufacturing Area On-Site Worker X X X X X Child Resident X X X X X X X X X X X Adult Resident X X X X X X X X X X X Child Farmer X X X X X X X X X X X Adult Farmer X X X X X X X X X X X X - Indicates that the receptor will be quantitatively evaluated at this location. Exposure pathways being evaluated for each receptor are listed on Table 2. PCH P.dSirHlOKOLWXDVTReATWENT_UHIT3_BMXD Q2f20/U JEE \m0^M^'i\''ii'- Treatment Unit O Discrate Receptoi I I 10 km Radius Q ^ Q Facility Boundary DRAVm BY J. ENGLISH DATE 02^/11 TETRATECH CONTRACT NUMBER 01369 CTO NUMBER CHECKED BY J. ENGLISH CMTE 02/28/11 APPROVED sr SCALE AS NOTED LOCATION OF ATK PROMONTORY M-136 AND M-225 TREATMENT PLANTS AND DISCRETE MODELING RECEPTORS PROMONTORY. UTAH APPROVED BY