HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2010-035779 - 0901a068801a981cHAND DELIVERED ;ioio. o,3i3^9 JUN 3 0 2ora R7nnFvnnn UTAH DIVISION OF 8200-FYl 1-013 SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE Mr. Scott T. Anderson, Executive Secretary State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality •^Uj\f 9 n on«n Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste ^^'^ 195 N.1950 W. ^^VlSmifJ^OF P.O. Box 144880 ''^^QUALITY Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Attention: Jeff Vandel Re: ATK Launch Systems-Promontory EPA ID number UTD009081357 Lines of Evidence for Sources of Chromium and Risks at ATK Promontory Monitoring Wells Dear Mr. Anderson: ATK has been researching the sources for chromium found in many of the monitoring wells at Promontory. While our past research into the cluster of wells at an old photographic drain field by building M-508 has demonstrated a source for chromium due to old disposal practices, no disposal source was known for the remainder of the many wells where some high levels were detected. The attached report provides information we have collected that shows a strong correlation to the corrosion of the 316 stainless steel used in construction of the wells and the source of the chromium. With this evidence of the corrosion of the wells, the form of the chromium and also the risks can be determined. We believe this information will be helpful in the groundwater risk assessment currently being conducted at Promontory. If you have any questions conceming this report please contact Paul Hancock at (435)863-3344. Sincerely David P. Gosen, P.E., Director Environmental Services HAND DELIVERED JUN 3 0 2010 UTAH DW\SI0r4 OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE Lines of Evidence for the Source of Chromium and Risks at ATK Promontory Groundwater Monitoring Wells. June 2010 Lines of Evidence. Sources of Chromium and Risks At ATK Promontory Monitoring Wells June 2010 Lines of Evidence for the Source of Chromium and Risks at ATK Promontory Groundwater Monitoring Wells, Data from sampling several of the ATK Promontory groundwater monitoring wells has shown higher levels of total chromium. In the process of performing a human health and ecological risk assessment on the Promontory groundwater contamination, the question has arisen regarding the source ofthe chromium and if the chromium represents a risk to human health. Data has been collected to answer these questions. What is the source of the high chromium found in the wells? While the small cluster of monitoring wells at the old RCRA closed M-508 photographic drain field has been investigated and known to have been a source for chromium disposal, other nionitoring wells have been found with higher levels with no known disposal source. This report documents investigation into those wells. Moniioring well construction at Promontory started in 1986. At this time, the EPA requirement was to use stainless steel for monitor well screens and pumps as it was believed to be inert to solvents or other contamination that may be found in the water. As a consequence, a large number of wells at Promontory were constructed with 316 stainless steel screens and pumps in these early years. This changed in later years to PVC screens. However, even these PVC wells were constructed using 316 stainless steel screen centralizers and connectors. One of the primary ingredients in 316 stainless is chromium at 16 to 18 percent. Molybdenum is also used at 2 to 3 percent. The following observations have been made of stainless steel corrosion in the Promontory monitoring wells. • While sampling the wells with stainless steel screens, the purge water typically has a high amouni of particulate whh a rusty red appearance, clearly indicating corrosion. The samples are not Hltered prior to collection in nitric acid fixed bottles for analysis. • Dedicated stainless steel pumps in the wells have stopped fiinctioning after a few years and when pulled they are highly corroded. The corrosion has been identified as the cause ofthe pump malfiinction. • Down-hole camera views ofthe wells show that the stainless sleel screens are corroded which in some cases has necessitated redevelopment and cleaning of the screens to bring them back into flill service. A comparison was made ofthe analytical data between the wells constructed with PVC screens with wells containing stainless steel screens. From this data it is evident that 1 I Page Lines of Evidence, Sources of Chromium and Risks At ATK Promontory Moniioring Weils June 2010 corro-sion ofthe stainless steei is the source of the high chromium and molybdenum. This compaiison is found in Attachment 1. Graphs were made showing chromium analytical data over time for several oflhe stainless steel wells. This data shows that in most cases, after 2008 there was a significant increase in chromium reported. This correlates lo a new no-purge sampling technique called the Hydrasleeve that was implemented in 2008 resulting in higher amounts of rust particles in the sample. These graphs are in Attachment 2. The cause ofthe corrosion oflhe stainless sleel is believed lo be the chloride content of the water and possibly iron fouling bacteria. Does the chromium in the wells represent a risk to human health? Chromium exists in two forms, either chromium III or chromium VI. Chromium VI is known to be toxic and is also mobile. Dr. Marvin Hawkins, an ATK chemist who specializes in corrosion, was consulted regarding the stainless steei corrosion in the wells. Attachment 3 is a memo from Dr. Hawkins describing why the corroding welis at Promontory are in the form of cliromium IH and an explanation oflhe extreme conditions required to convert chromium III to chromium VI. From Dr Hawkins memo, the literature shows that the type of chromium lhat forms the passivation layer in stainless steel is chromium III, thus the corroded stainless steel particles contain chromium III. Chromium VI formation requires highly oxidizing and acidic conditions. ORP measuremenls for several wells and pH ranges including all welis demonstrate that these conditions are not feasible in groundwater at Promontory. Anachment 4 contains the ORP values and pH ranges. The EPA Regional Screening Level for May 2010, has a tapwater chromium III (insoluble salts) screening level of 55,000 fig/L. The highest chromium reported in the Promontory wells is 49,000 |ig/L. Given these multiple lines of evidence. ATK believes that the risk from chromium found in the corroding wells is negligible as it is in the stable form of chromium III, not mobile, and could only be ingested if the wells were used as a drinking water source. Even then, if routinely used for drinking water, regular pumping ofthe well would greatly reduce the amount ofthe corroded particles that accumulate. 2 I P a ge Lines of Evidence, Sources of Chiomium and Risks At ATK Promontory Moniioring Wells June 2010 significant increase in chromium reported. This correlates to a new no-purge sampling technique called the Hydrasleeve that was implemented in 2008 resulting in higher amounts of rusl particles in the sample. These graphs are in AUaclunent 2. The cause of the corrosion of the stainless steel is believed lo be the chloride content of the waler and possibly iron fouling bacteria. Does the chromium in the wells represent a risk to human health? Chromium exists in two forms, either chromium 111 or chromium VI. Chromium VI is known lo be toxic and is also mobile. Dr. Mar\'in Hawkins, an ATK chemist who specializes in corrosion, was consulted regarding the stainless steel corrosion in the wells. Attachment 3 is a memo from Dr. Hawkins describing why the corroding wells at Promontory are in the form of chromium III and an explanation ofthe extreme conditions required to convert chromium III to chromium VI. From Dr Hawkins memo, the literature shows that the type of chromium that forms the passivation layer in stainless steel is chromium 111, thus the corroded stainless steel particles contain chromium III. Chromium VT formation requires highly oxidizing and acidic conditions. ORP measurements for several wells and pH ranges including all wells demonstrate that these conditions are not feasible in groundwater at Promontory. Attachment 4 contains the ORP values and pH ranges. The EPA Regional Screening Level for May 2010^ has a tapwater chromium III (insoluble salts) screening level of 55,000 |ig/L. The highest lotal chromium reported in the Promontory wells is 49,000 fig/L. Given these multiple lines of evidence, ATK believes that the risk from chi omium found in the corroding wells is negligible as il is in the stable fonn of chromium 111, not mobile, and could only be ingested if the wells were used as a drinking water source. Even then, if routinely used for drinking water, regular pumping of the well would greatly reduce the amouni ofthe corroded particles that accumulate. 2|Page o 3" 3 o 3 Attachment 1 Comparison of Metals Concentrations in Wells Completed with Stainless Steel and PVC Groundwater Chromium and Molybdenum Concentrations (/Jg/L) in Stainless Sleel and PVC Wells at Promontory WeH Number Stainless Steel Wells Weil Number PoJv>'inyJ Chloride Wells Chromium Molybdenum Chromium Molybdenum A-10 20600 636 G-1 5 0.5 A-2 163 0.5 G-2 73 0.5 A-3 323 19.5 G-3 5 0.5 A-6 5 0.5 G-4 5 0.5 A-7 5 0.5 G-5 5 0.5 A-8 24 I I G-6 105 0.5 A-9 7880 455 G-7 5 0.5 B-1 9520 356 G-8 12 0.5 B-IO 5 0.5 H-I 5 0.5 B-3 10700 467 H-IO 5 0.5 B-4 8910 422 H-2 5 0.5 B-5 3730 122 H-3 5 0.5 B-6 7290 556 H-4 5 0.5 2170 250 H-5 850 0.5 B-8 10500 856 H-6 5 0.5 B-9 293 0.5 H-7 5 0.5 C-I 948 61.1 H-8 24 0.5 C-5 6440 266 H-9 5 0.5 C-6 5 53.6 J-I 5 4.1 C-7 7130 174 J-2 1 i 0.5 C-8 10500 701 J-3 5 0.5 D-l 5 0.5 J-4 5 0.5 D-3 5 38.8 J-5 5 0.5 D-4 39 2.3 J-6 5 0.5 D-5 458 8.8 J-7 5 0.5 E-I 8050 166 J-8 5 0.5 E-iO 49000 2740 M508-I 109 0.5 E-2 32500 2390 M508-2 120 9.03 E-3 3490 184 M 508-3 513 4.4 E-4 6650 258 M 508-4 252 3.2 E-5 30100 2560 M508-BI 156 0.5 E-6 8270 949 M636-B1 5 0.5 E-8 5 0.5 P-1 5 26.3 E-9 2810 99.8 P-2 5 1.6 J F-l 13300 1020 P-6 5 0.5 F-3 16100 814 P-7 92 0.5 F-4 521 0.5 P-8 42 7.58 LF-I 5130 291 P-9 22 0.5 LF-2 I 1300 1080 X-5 14 0.5 LF-3 8350 605 LF-4 4550 388 X-4 32 7.98 Average Concentration 7502 464 64 2 > a 3" 3 <D 3 Well C-8 12000 10000 Ol c o n c 0) u c o u E £ o 8000 6000 4000 2000 Chromium Date WeU A-10 25000.000 20000.000 Ui 3 C o 4-' C3 \- c o o c o o E 3 E o o 15000.000 10000.000 5000.000 0.000 Chromium Date 1000 900 800 Well C-1 "5) 700 o C 0 o a o o 600 500 400 300 200 Chromium 100 o 9? Ol 2? C-J 9? Ol OT 9? Id 9? in OT OT to at OT OT CO 9? CO OT OT OT OT o o o o o o csl o CSJ o o ro o o o m O lit g g to o o o CO o CM C-J n4 cy CM c^ r-J OJ r-J CM CM CM CM CSJ CM C'J CSJ (SJ CM CM CSJ rsj r-J CM CM CM rj fM CM CM CM CM tn — LO — is '-ID in in in m in tn — tn in in m Date Well E-1 9000 8000 ^ 7000 Ui 3^ C O *<3 ra 4-1 c o u c o O E 3 E o 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1QQ0 1- lfl ^ Date Well E-2 35000 Chromium 04rvicMrMCNCsirMCMCsif~Jf^fMcs(CMtMcsirM 1- in »- m m tn in r. T- m m m 1- m •- Date Well B-6 aooo 7000 6000 Ui c o ra c 0) o c o O E 3 E o 5000 - 4000 3000 2000 1000 Chromium ^ r-- r- — ^ ^ r-^ I- r- o o o o o g CSJ g CM g CO g ro O g g g in g ta o CD g t~-o g CO g to g CO CO CO CO CO CO CO CO m CO ;= ^= r~ Date Well E-4 7000 -- 6000 Oi 3 C o *i3 ra 5000 c Q> O 4000 c o o E 3 1 o o 3000 2000 lOOO Chromium CM CM CO n OTOTOTOTOTOTOiOojOTOT m in CD ID CO CO OT OT OT OT OT OT OT OT O CM rsj CO CO in m ID (D OlOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOlOTOTOlOTOTOTOTOTOTOT CSJCSIrMrgrjrgCMtMCMCMCMCMrMCSJCM C^rgojOJCMCMCSJCMCSIfSICNCMCMr-ICMCSJryCSI '~inT-m--mT-m.-inT-in--m'-ir)^^in r-jrMCMCMC\j(M<MrjrsicM T-m»-mT-in^in^^un 5Mr^(sjf-jcsjy£MCM Date 25 Well A-7 Chromium Date Well E-6 9000 8000 ^ 7000 6000 Ul c o ra +i 5000 E 3 E o o 4000 3000 2000 1000 Chromium o«-»-rMcsjco<oi3--*mintDior~r--tDooOTcn OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTCJ) OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOT O 1- 1-tsj CM CO CO IT) m to to cslrMrMr^J(M<^Jr-JrsJcMr^^c^Jl^JCMc^J CO CO CTl rsi IN CSJ CM m m in 1- m in lO T- in 1- in in 1- lo in r~ in r- \n m T- in Date Well E-5 35000 30000 O) 25000 c o '•3 15 20000 c u c o O 15000 E 3 E o Chromium 10000 5000 o —1— CM CN CO CO T in m CD CD CO CO OT OT O o CM CM CO CO Tl-Tl-m in —1— CO (D CO —1— CO OT OT CD OT OT 01 OT OT OT OT OT cn OT OT OT OT OT OT Ul Ol O o o o o O O o o o O o o o o o o o o OT OT cn OT OT OT OT OT OT OT OT OT OT OT OT OT OT OT OT o o o o o O a o o O O o o O o o o o o OT CM CM CM CM CM CM CM r-l r-l r-J CM CM CM CM r-J CSJ CM CM (M in»-m'-in-— m'-in--i-in'-in'.-in — lO"-in 1- m 1-^ m in ^ m ^ Date Well C-6 300 250 Dl 3 C g ra c <u u c o o E 3 E o 200 150 Chromium 100 a OT OT 9? CM OT rM OT CO CO OT OT OT OT m OT lO OT iD g CD OT OT r~ OT CO OT TO OT OT OT OT O OT g O O g g CN g PM CN csi CM CV CM CM CM CN CM CM CM CM (M rsj CJ csi CN CM CO CSJ CM CN CM CM ru CN CM i-M CM CM CM CJ CM CM CM CN CN CM CM CM CN CM CM CM CO CO CO CN to t-J to CJ CO CM CO CM CO CJ CO rsi CO IN CM CO CJ CJ C^ CO Date Well E-10 60000 50000 0) c o U c o a B 3 £ o o 40000 30000 20000 10000 Chromium Date Well LF-2 12000 10000 Dl C o ra i_ •J c 0) u c o o E 3 £ o 8000 6000 4000 2000 Chromium | c3cocDmrMincoi-vf-.orocDOT(NmcO'-'vr~ocotDOTCMmcO'^Tr--ococoOTfMincO OOOO'-T-T-tNtNfsJC0C0C0C0Tl-iT.^inmintDC0CDCDr^P--l— COCOCOOTCJJOTOTOOO OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTCOOTOTOTCJIOTOTOTOOO ^i---«-i-T-^i-^^T---->---T---^T-^^^i-i-T-T-^^T-i-r-^.,---'-tsjcir-l Date Well B-7 2500 2000 D) 3 C O ra c 0} u c o o £ 3 E o o 1500 - 1000 500 Chromium oOi--— cNCjcofOTj-'^mmcDcDh-h-cocDOTOT OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOT OTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOTOT T -V tn ur> to O00O0OOCD0C3OOO00O00 oooooooi^oooooooooo (NCMCNCNr-JlNCMCNCNCMrMCMrMCNCNCJCMCSI T- 1^ ^ 1^ — i^--r^ >- 1— r~ ^ ^ 1^ ^ IS. ^ Date > o 3" 3 o 3 CO ATK Memorandum Launch Systems LWI-FY11 -D0274 P.O. Box 707 Brigham City, UT 84302-0707 Date: June 10, 2010 From: Marvin Hawkins Subject: Ground Water Chromium (+6) Intrusion From Organization: Analytical Research Corrosion of Stainless Steel Well Screens To: Paul Hancock M/S: 242 CC: ping Li. Michael Killpack, Frank Bares Extension: 8476 LWI: n/a Procedure: n/a Proj./Task: N214-SU18W Instrument ID: n/a SDG: Reviewed By: Frank Bares Introduction Wells that are drilled for either water production or ground water monitoring, contain screens to restrain sand and rocks from entenng the pump zone. These screens are often nnanufactured from 316 stainless steel or other corrosion resistant materials such that they will remain intact as long as possible. If the screen material is stainless steel, it may contain chromium and other alloying materials that increase corrosion resistance. It is the chromium content that is of interest in this memorandum as it has been considered a potential environmental contaminant (as CZ^} being dispersed into the ground water due to corrosion of the stainless steel screens. Evaluation A limited literature search^"" has provided information to evaluate lhe potential dissolution and dispersal of Cr^^ from the screens as they corrode in the ground water. The concentration of the chromium in the base 316 stainless steel alloy is between 16 and 18%V This is a significant amount of chromium but it is added to the alloy as elemental chromium not as the hexavalent species. The 316 stainless steel is resistant to chloride (Cl") attack in potable water up to concentrations of 1000 ppm^ and 400 ppm in sewage sludge^. Typical oxidation of the elemental chromium would take it to the trivalent Cr*^ oxide state which is stable (-0.744 V EMF") and not as significant environmental concern as the toxic Cr*^ species. Indeed the premise of the Palmer et. al. paper^ is that the existence of the Cr"^^ can be mitigated and passively remediated due to time and exposure to ground water and soil/rock. In order to convert Cr'^ to Cr*^, it requires between 1.232 and 1.350 volts (1232 and 1350 mV respectively) EMF depending on the chromium specie being considered. In addition, it requires a strongly acidic environment. If the environment is neutral or basic it will not further oxidize* Conclusion The corrosion of the stainless steel screen is most likely associated with chloride attack of the alloy. The Cl' attacks the oxide layer and improves the solubility ofthe oxides. This weakens the passivating oxide layers of the iron and chromium. Some of the wells at ATK are probably exposed to higher chlonde levels due to the proximity to the Great Salt Lake and nominal salinity of local ground waters. The resulting chromium (and iron) oxidation products, red/brown rust, will be the Cr203 oxide (and Fe203) which are stable in soil and ground water and poses a much reduced risk relative to the hexavalent Cr species. If there is oxidation to the Cr*^ species the natural attenuation and reduction of the hexavalent species will produce the more benign trivalent species^. Therefore, the risk of environmental exposure of hexavalent chromium into the ground water is unlikely and if produced will attenuate rapidly and should not be considered an extreme risk. In addition it is not recommended to remove or replace the existing screens and placement of 316 stainless steel screens into future wells should not be considered an environmental exposure. Marvin Hawkins, Ph.D. References 1. The "AZo Journal of Materials Online".. AZoM™.com Pty. Ltd., WWW.AZOM.com, ASTM /\240/A240M. 2. Palmer, C. D., Puis, R. W., 1994. Natural Attenuation of Hexavalent Chromium in Groundwater and Soils. EPA Ground Water Issue, EPA/540/5-94/505. 3. Bradford, S. A. Corrosion Control, Second Edition, p 207. 4. Lide, R. R. Editor-in-Cheif, CRC handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 76'^ Edition, 1995-1996, p 8-22. > o 3" 3 CD Attachment 4 ORP results for various Promontory wells and springs Well ORP (mV) Date DO (mg/l) pH range in wells Is 7.2 to 7.6 T-2 -16.5 Jun-07 6.3 A-1 195.7 Jun-07 8.3 - C-3 -49.3 Jul-07 1.71 To convert Cr III to Cr VI, It takes 1.350 Volts or in ORP vernacular it takes 1350 mV. In addition it takes a very strongly acidic environment. If it is neutral or basic it would not convert. -D-2 116 Jul-07 7.12 To convert Cr III to Cr VI, It takes 1.350 Volts or in ORP vernacular it takes 1350 mV. In addition it takes a very strongly acidic environment. If it is neutral or basic it would not convert. -C-2 4.4 Jul-07 3.32 To convert Cr III to Cr VI, It takes 1.350 Volts or in ORP vernacular it takes 1350 mV. In addition it takes a very strongly acidic environment. If it is neutral or basic it would not convert. - D-6 211 Jul-07 6.51 To convert Cr III to Cr VI, It takes 1.350 Volts or in ORP vernacular it takes 1350 mV. In addition it takes a very strongly acidic environment. If it is neutral or basic it would not convert. - D-3 -149 Jul-07 0.36 To convert Cr III to Cr VI, It takes 1.350 Volts or in ORP vernacular it takes 1350 mV. In addition it takes a very strongly acidic environment. If it is neutral or basic it would not convert. - C-1 -41 Jui-07 7.5 To convert Cr III to Cr VI, It takes 1.350 Volts or in ORP vernacular it takes 1350 mV. In addition it takes a very strongly acidic environment. If it is neutral or basic it would not convert. - A-5 17.1 Sept. 2007 8.89 - D-4 -43.6 Jul-07 8.74 T-1 442 Jun-07 2.48 D-6 280 Jun-07 0.6 J-1 -20.3 Sept. 2009 M-636 -22.9 Sept. 2009 M-508-1 -23.7 Sept. 2009 M-508-2 -5.7 Sept. 2009 M-508-B1 3.2 Sept. 2009 M-508-3 -3.1 Sept. 2009 M-508-4 -2.1 Sept. 2009 J-8 -23.5 Sept. 2009 J-2 31 Oct. 2009 J-3 27.9 Oct. 2009 M-114 23 Oct. 2009 J-4 11.2 Oct. 2009 M-39 62 Oct. 2009 J-6 43.2 Oct. 2009 J-5 39.1 Oct. 2009 H-5 144 Oct. 2009 H-6 101.1 Oct. 2009 EW6 -47.2 Oct. 2009 H-l -211.6 Oct. 2009 H-2 19.1 Oct. 2009 H-3 -132 Oct. 2009 H-4 35.1 Oct. 2009 H-7 114.8 Oct. 2009 H-8 104.3 Oct. 2009 H-9 18 Oct. 2009 H-10 -48.9 Oct. 2009 X-5 -32 Oct. 2009 Shotgun -5.5 Oct. 2009 pipe -42.6 Oct. 2009 Fish -49.5 Oct. 2009 Horse -43.1 Oct. 2009 1