HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2006-001697 - 0901a0688013a379HAND DELIVERED FEB 0 9 2006 UTAH DIVISION OF C;QL1D& HAZARDOUS WASTE GROUNDWATER FLOW AND CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODEL REPORT FOR THE ATK THIOKOL PROMONTORY FACILITY ATK Thiokol, Inc. Promontory Facility Promontory, Utah December 2005 Prepared by EarthFax Engineering, inc. 7324 South Union Park Ave. Suite 100 Midvaie, Utah 84047 Phone: 801-561-1555 Fax: 801-561-1861 www.earthfax.com EarthFax ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION 1-1 CHAPTER 2 - SITE HYDROGEOLOGIC FRAMEWORK 2-1 2.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY 2-1 2.2 STUDY AREA STRATIGRAPHY 2-1 2.2.1 Manning Canyon Shale 2-1 2.2.2 Oquirrh Formation 2-2 2.2.3 Quaternary Units 2-2 2.3 MODEL GEOLOGIC FRAMEWORK 2-3 2.4 STUDY AREA GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE 2-4 2.4.1 Mapped Faults 2-4 2.4.2 Faults Identified by Geophysical Survey 2-5 2.5 STUDY AREA HYDROGEOLOGY 2-6 2.6 GROUNDWATER QUALITY 2-9 CHAPTER 3 - GROUNDWATER FLOW MODEL 3-1 3.1 HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING 3-1 3.2 FLOW MODELING SOFTWARE 3-3 3.3 MODEL EXTENTS AND GRID 3-3 3.4 MODEL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS 3-4 3.5 PARAMETER ZONATION 3-5 3.5.1 Specific Storage and Specific Yield 3-5 3.5.2 Hydraulic conductivity 3-5 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 3.5.3 Recharge 3-6 3.5.4 Discharge 3-7 3.6 GROUNDWATER FLOW MODEL CALIBRATION 3-8 3.6.1 Calibration Process 3-8 3.6.2 Calibration Targets 3-10 3.6.3 Calibration Results 3-12 CHAPTER 4-CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODEL 4-1 4.1 LOCATION AND BACKGROUND 4-1 4.2 TRANSPORT PARAMETERS 4-1 4.3 SOURCES AND SINKS 4-2 4.4 CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODELING SOFTWARE 4-4 4.5 GRID 4-5 4.6 INITIAL CONDITIONS 4-6 4.6.1 Time Period 4-6 4.6.2 Source 4-7 4.7 PARAMETER ZONATION 4-7 4.8 CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODEEL CALIBRATION 4-8 4.8.1 Methods 4-8 4.8.2 Results 4-9 CHAPTER 5-SIMULATION AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 5-1 5.1 SIMULATIONS 5-1 5.2 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS PROCEDURE 5-1 5.3 GROUNDWATER FLOW MODEL SENSITIVITY 5-2 5.4 CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODEL SENSITIVITY 5-3 iii EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) CHAPTER 6 - REFERENCES 6-1 TABLE 2-1 TABLE 3-1 TABLE 3-2 TABLE 4-1 TABLE 4-2 TABLE 4-3 TABLE 4-4 TABLE 5-1 TABLE 5-2 LIST OF TABLES Monitor Well Sampling Results Summary of Representative Hydraulic Conductivities Differences in Observed and F'redicted Water Levels Differences in Observed and F'redicted Concentrations for Perchlorate Differences in Observed and Predicted Concentrations for TCE Differences in Observed and Predicted Concentrations for TCA Differences in Observed and Predicted Concentrations for DCE Results of Groundwater Flow Model Sensitivity Analysis Results of Contaminant Transport Model Sensitivity Analysis FIGURE 1-1 FIGURE 2-1 FIGURE 4-1 FIGURE 4-2 LIST OF FIGURES Site Location Map Generalized Geologic Cross-Section Calibrated TCA Plume Layers 2 and 3 Calibrated DCE Plume Layers 2 and 3 APPENDIXA LIST OF APPENDICES VLF Survey IV EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 PLATE 1-1 PLATE 2-1 PLATE 2-2 PLATE 2-3 PLATE 2-4 PLATE 3-1 PLATE 3-2 PLATE 3-3 PLATE 3-4 PLATE 4-1 PLATE 4-2 LIST OF PL/VTES Model Setting and Well Locations Geologic Setting Potentiometric Surface 2003/2004 Total Dissolved Solids Concentration Contaminated Area and Contamination Sources Model Domain, Grid and Boundary Conditions Model Layer 2 Hydraulic Conductivity Zones Model Layer 3 Hydraulic Conductivity Zones Calibrated Steady State Potentiometric Surface Calibrated Perchlorate Plume Layers 2 and 3 Calibrated TCE Plume Layers 2 and 3 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 GROUNDWATER FLOW AND CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODEL REPORT FOR THE ATK PROMONTORY FACILITY CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION The ATK Thiokol Inc. (ATK) Promontory facility is located approximately 90 miles northwest of Salt Lake City, Utah and 30 miles v/est-northwest of Brigham City, Utah (see Figure 1-1). The facility was first established In 1956 to develop rocket propulsion systems. Shortly thereafter, the Air Force Plant 78 (Strategic Operations) and the High Performance Propellant Development Area (Plant 3) were built. The facility has operated continuously since its establishment. During the first 20 to 30 years of the facility's existence, wastes such as spent solvents and off-spec propellants were disposed of in unlined ponds and sumps or simply dumped on the ground, as was the common practice at the time. As a result of these disposal practices, groundwater became contaminated at various locations within and adjacent to the plant boundaries. ATK began conducting detailed groundwater quality assessments in 1985, with initial investigations focusing on the Burning Grounds area (M-136). Subsequent investigations focused on groundwater contamination emanating from the leach field west of the Administration Building, from the motor cleanout facility northeast of the Manufacturing Area, and from other areas of the site. Since beginning groundwater investigations, ATK and its predecessors have installed over 120 monitoring wells, observation wells, and piezometers. Additionally, some off-site privately owned wells and springs have been monitored to assist in delineating the extent and magnitude of groundwater contamination in the area. Monitoring results indicate the presence of chlorinated solvents and perchlorate at concentrations of potential concern within groundwater beneath the ATK facility. These contaminants have also been detected beyond the facility boundaries. To assist in determining the fate of groundwater contaminants in the area, and to provide input data for future remediation decisions, a groundwater flow and contaminant transport model has been 1-1 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 developed for the ATK Promontory facility (see Plate 1-1 for the model setting). This report, which was prepared to present the methods and results of this modeling effort, is divided into six chapters, including this introduction. Chapter 2 discusses the hydrogeologic framework that served as the physical basis of the flow and contaminant transport models. The development and calibration of the groundwater flow and contaminant transport models are presented in Chapters 3 and 4, respectively. Chapter 5 discusses the model sensitivity analyses. References cited in this report are listed in Chapter 6. 1 -2 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 CHAPTER 2 SITE HYDROGEOLOGIC FRAMEWORK 2.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY The area surrounding and adjacent to the ATK Promontory facility lies within the Cenozoic Basin and Range physiographic province, which is characterized by north-trending block-faulted mountain ranges separated by broad valleys (Miller et al., 1991). The exposed strata ofthe area lie in the hanging wall of the Wlllard and Absaroka thrusts (Crittenden, 1988). Blue Creek Valley, in which much of the Promontory facility is located, was formed prior to Pleistocene time. Alluvium was deposited within the valley and its tributaries in the form of alluvial fans and piedmonts along the valley margins and alluvial plains in the valley floor. Lake Bonneville subsequently covered the valley during Quaternary time, leaving unconsolidated lacustrine sediments in the valley bottom and shoreline features in the adjacent hills. General geologic conditions within the study area are shown on Plate 2-1. 2.2 STUDY AREA STRATIGRAPHY 2.2.1 Manning Canyon Shale The Manning Canyon Shale outcrops in the eastern portion of the study area within the Blue Spring Hills. In this area, the formation is divided into a lower member and an upper transitional member. The lower member is of Pennsylvanian and Upper Mississippian age and consists mainly of medium- to coarse-grained sandstone, erosionally-resistant quartzite, and interbedded shale and siltstone. The overlying transitional member is of lower Pennsylvanian age and consists predominantly of interbedded siltstone, quartzite, and limestone. This member transitions upwards into the Oquirrh Formation (Miller et al, 1991). The thickness of the Manning Canyon Shale is probably greater than 3000 feet within the study area. 2-1 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 2.2.2 Oquirrh Formation Within the study area, the Oquirrh Formation is divided into a lower limestone member of Middle to Lower Pennsylvanian age, a middle bioturbated limestone member of Lower Permian to Upper and Middle Pennsylvanian age, and an upper thinly bedded member of Lower Permian age. The lower limestone member is exposed in; the Blue Spring Hills on the east side of the study area, the Engineer Mountain on the west side of the study area, and the northern Promontory Mountains on the southwest side of the study area. Fine- to medium-grained calcarenite predominates in this member, but quartzose (and less commonly arkosic) sand is intermixed with limey sand locally and in places forms calcareous sandstone beds. Cherty limestone is common, as are coarse bioclastic beds containing crinoid debris, bryozoans, fusulinids, corals, gastropods, and brachiopods. The limestone member is exposed in the hanging wall of the Blue Springs thrust, where it has an erosional top. The limestone member's estimated thickness is greater than 2700 feet at Engineer Mountain (Miller et al., 1991). The bioturbated limestone member of the Oquirrh Formation lies in the footwall of the Blue Springs thrust. It consists of arenite containing quartz and feldspar detrital and calcite grains. Beds commonly show burrows, with non-burrowed beds having parallel and cross lamination. The member grades upward into thinner limestone beds with an increasing proportion of detrital grains. The bioturbated limestone member is estimated to be 5500 feet thick in the study area (Miller et a!., 1991). The thinly bedded member of the Oquirrh Formation is exposed along the eastern flank of the Blue Spring Hills and consists primarily of silicified siltstone. It is about 4500 feet thick in the study area (Miller et al., 1991). 2.2.3 Quaternary Units Quaternary deposits are exposed on the surface of low-lying portions throughout the study area. These deposits are primarily alluvial and lacustrine, consisting of fine- to coarse- 2-2 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 grained sediments that include marl, sand, silt, and gravel that originated in the adjacent mountains (Miller et al., 1991). 2.3 MODEL GEOLOGIC FRAMEWORK Approximately 125 well logs covering areas within and south of the facility (Plate 1-1) were used to develop the geologic framework of the model area. Most of these wells were installed by ATK and its predecessors to collect data from specific points of interest (e.g., areas of past waste disposal, etc.). A limited number of wells were installed by ATK with the objective of filling data gaps to better understand general hydrogeologic conditions within the study area. Other wells in the area were installed by local landowners or resource developers. The groundwater flow model uses "layers" to represent vertical zones of similar subsurface conditions. Data collected from wells and outcrops in the area indicate that four easily identifiable layers exist in the study area (see Figure 2-1): • Unconsolidated fine-grained sediments, • Unconsolidated coarser-grained sediments, • Fractured bedrock, and • Unfractured bedrock These data also indicate that two aquifer systems occur in the area. A "regional aquifer" exists uniformly through the area, flowing in both unconsolidated alluvial/lacustrine deposits and fractured bedrock. While this regional aquifer is unconfined through most of the area, it becomes confined near the southern portion of the facility due to the presence of fine-grained sediments near the surface (see Figure 2-1). In addition, one or more "perched aquifers" exist beneath the eastern side of the facility, where static water level differences are approximately 100 to 300 feet higher than would be expected based on adjacent data collected in the regional aquifer. Groundwater is perched in these areas either because fractures here do not extend vertically to the regional aquifer or 2-3 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 because flow barriers exist where less permeable units are situated (due to faulting or initial deposition) beneath more permeable units. Available well logs were reviewed to determine the depth to bedrock at each well. These data, combined with surface elevations in areas of bedrock outcrops, were contoured to delineate the elevation of the bedrock contact (i.e., the boundary between Layer 2 and Layer 3) throughout the facility. In areas where wells are too shallow to encounter competent bedrock, the depths ofthe wells were noted to ensure that the estimated bedrock elevation in those areas was appropriate. Cross sections generated during previous investigations (Sergent, Hauskins & Beckwith, 1988; Chen Northern, 1992a) were also utilized to visualize and define the depths and approximate horizontal location of bedrock contacts. Professional judgment was used in some areas to establish the slope of the bedrock surface and the thickness of unconsolidated materials due to the absence of wells in the area. Many wells in the southern portion of the model area are known to be under confined conditions (see Plate 2-2). In this area, a layer of very fine-grained material (clay and silt) overties the coarser unconsolidated deposits and hinders groundwater in the regional aquifer from rising to its potential (or head). The bottom of this fine-grained layer (i.e., the boundary between Layer 1 and Layer 2), known as an aquitard, was delineated from the well logs and cross sections. The aquitard was assumed to continue south toward the Great Salt Lake. 2.4 STUDY AREA GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE 2.4.1 Mapped Faults As indicated on Plate 2-1, the study area is highly faulted and fractured. Geologic structures in the area include three main types of faults: thrust faults, high-angle normal faults, and low-angle normal faults. Thrust faulting occurs in the eastern portion of the study area within the Blue Springs Hills. The Blue Springs Thrust dips gently westward at most locations and is marked by silicified and brecciated sandstone that may be as much as 60 feet thick (Miller etal., 1991). 2-4 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 High-angle normal faults have been identified throughout the eastern portion ofthe study area, based on stratigraphic offsets noted on the surface and recorded in the lithologies of onsite wells. Within the study area, these high-angle normal faults are found primarily west and south of the Blue Springs Thrust fault. These steeply-dipping faults are pooriy exposed and are probably linked kinematically with underlying low-angle normal faults (Miller et al., 1991). Miller et al. (1991) identified at least two low-angle normal faults on the west flank of the Blue Springs Hills in the eastern portion of the study area. The approximate normal stratigraphic separation on these westward-dipping faults is 3000 feet. East-striking segments of the faults may represent lateral ramps or dismemberment by younger, east-stnking faults (Miller et al., 1991). 2.4.2 Faults Identified by Geophysical Survey EarthFax conducted a very-low frequency C^'LF) electromagnetic survey in the eastern and southern portions of the study area to help better define local fracture patterns that may influence groundwater flow and contaminant transport. This survey method measures the characteristics of electromagnetic fields generated by long-distance navigation transmitters in the VLF band, and draws conclusions based on spatial variations in those characteristics. Since conductive structures near the ground surface affect the direction and strength of the electromagnetic field associated with the transmitted radio signal, these structures can be located by measunng changes in the properties of the field. Additional information regarded the theory and interpretation of VLF data is provided by Klein and Lajoie (1980), Paterson and Ronka (1971), and Phillips and Richards (1975). Field measurements within the study area were made by means of an Abem Wadi VLF receiver tuned to the Seattle, Washington and Annapolis, Maryland transmitters. Fifteen VLF traverses were conducted at the locations shown on Plate 2-1. Traverse lines OOOON, 0200N, 0400N, 0600N, 0800N, and 1200N are located north of Highway 83, near Shotgun Spring and Pipe Spring at the southern portion of the Promontory facility. These lines were positioned to 2-5 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 determine the location of north-south fracture systems that have been inferred and that may be avenues for the transport of contaminants to these: off-site springs. Additional traverse lines (0200W and OOOOW) were oriented north-south through the same area of the facility above the springs to identify east-west trending faults. The traverse locations were placed to avoid electromagnetic interferences due to power lines, steel pipelines, railroad tracks, etc. Stations were spaced every 100 feet along each traverse line. Traverse lines were also run through an area east of the central portion of the Promontory facility to verify faults inferred by Sergent, Hauskins & Beckwith (1988) and Miller et al. (1991). Finally, two traverse lines (OOOOS and 0150S) were run in an area where a perched aquifer has been identified. Results of the VLF survey, which are provided in Appendix A, were used to delineate fault orientations in the evaluated areas of Plate 2-1. Based on this survey and previous investigations, it is apparent that fault and fracture systems in the area are both extensive and highly interconnected. As is typical in the region, two sets of essentially orthogonal fracture systems are evident within the study area: one running approximately north-south and the other trending approximately east-west. Information discussed subsequently in this report indicates that these faults act as important conduits for groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the area. 2.5 STUDY AREA HYDROGEOLOGY Given the extensive faulting and folding, hydrogeologic conditions in the area are complex. North-south and east-west trending faults and fractures and the long low-angle normal fault that passes through the Manufacturing .A^rea appear to have a significant influence on groundwater flow and contaminant migration. This influence has occurred not only because of the secondary porosity resulting from fractures and solution cavities, but also the potential creation of flow barriers as less permeable units have been displaced into zones adjacent to more permeable units. 2-6 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 A map showing the potentiometric surface within the study area, based on autumn 2004 water-level measurements, is presented on Plate 2-2. This map portrays conditions in both the regional and the perched aquifers. The existence of the regional aquifer beneath the perched aquifer(s) was verified at well J-4, which was drilled and completed in a manner that allowed the perched aquifer to be sealed off while monitoring the underlying regional aquifer. A review of static water-level data indicates that the potentiometric surface does not exhibit significant seasonal variation. However, water levels do reflect changes in general climactic conditions, such as a falling trend dunng periods of extended drought. Groundwater inflow to the area is primarily from the upper reaches of Blue Creek Valley as well as recharge in the Blue Spring Hills and Engineer Mountain. As noted previously, site data suggest that the regional aquifer exists beneath most ofthe facility, while at least one, if not more, perched aquifers exist in the east-central portion of the study area. Hydraulic gradients in the regional aquifer west of the Blue Spring Hills range from approximately 0.0006 ft/ft to about 0.1490 ft/ft. The hydraulic gradient of the apparent perched aquifer(s) ranges from about 0.0018 ft/ft to 0.05 ft/ft. Plate 2-2 and regional data presented by Etolke et al. (1972) indicate that the ultimate direction of groundwater flow beneath the site is southward towards the Great Salt Lake. Groundwater discharge from the area is from a combination of underflow towards the lake and several springs along the southern extent of the Blue Spring Hills. The springs occur at these locations because (1) groundwater flow in fractured bedrock is forced to the surface when it encounters lower-permeability valley sediments and/or (2) groundwater discharges to the surface from deeper high-pressure zones at the edges of the block-faulted mountains. A major task of the modeling effort was to determine the pathway that contaminated groundwater follows to reach the springs. There is evidence that adjacent springs are highly influenced by different primary sources. For example. Pipe Spring and Shotgun Spring are only 400 feet apart but they discharge at different elevations and have substantially different dissolved solids and contaminant concentrations, as discussed in Section 2.6. 2-7 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 Groundwater flows beneath the facility primarily in fractured bedrock and unconsolidated sediments. As noted in Figure 2-1, it is common for groundwater to flow from fractured bedrock into unconsolidated sediments, and then back into fractured bedrock. For instance, groundwater In the northern two-thirds of the Manufacturing Area flows primarily through fractured bedrock. Beneath the west side of the Manufacturing Area, south of well F-1 and north of well E-3, groundwater flows through unconsolidated alluvial sediments. At well E-3 groundwater again enters fractured bedrock. This variable pattern occurs to some degree in other areas of the site. The slope of the potentiometric surface in the vicinity of the Burning Grounds (between wells C-6/C-8 and B-4/F-1) is significantly less than that in adjacent areas immediately up- and downgradient. This decrease in slope is likely caused by a combination of a local increase in the hydraulic conductivity (due to an extremely fractured fault zone or solution cavities) and the presence of a downgradient groundwater flow barrier. Chen-Northern (1992a, 1992b, and 1992c) and Bolke and Price (1972) suggest that an up-faulted ridge of limestone on the downgradient edge of this area, trending northeast to southwest across Blue Creek Valley, acts as a low-conductivity barrier. However, Plate 2-2 indicates that the hydraulic gradient does not increase until groundwater flows back into the unconsolidated materials at and downgradient from wells F-1 and E-9. A review of hydraulic conductivity data obtained from site monitoring wells (discussed further in Section 3.1) indicates that this steepening of the potentiometric surface occurs in an area of lower conductivity alluvial deposits. Furthermore, the hydraulic gradient between wells B-3 and B-4, on either side of the up-faulted ridge of limestone, is nearly flat. Hence, the apparent downgradient "barrier" to groundwater flow is actually an area of lower conductivity sediments rather than the up-faulted ridge of limestone proposed by others. Perched zones exist on the east side of the facility as indicated on Plate 2-2. The farthest north well of this zone (M636-B1) has a static water level that is approximately 300 feet higher than that of wells completed in the regional aquifer immediately to the west. Moving south, the static water level of the perched aquifer(s) drops more rapidly than in wells west of this zone. At well TCC-2, the difference in head between the perched aquifer and the regional 2-8 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 aquifer is approximately 70 feet. At some point south of TCC-2, the perched aquifer intersects the regional aquifer. Thus, the perched aquifer is a source of recharge for the regional aquifer. 2.6 GROUNDWATER QUALITY Groundwater quality data obtained from wells and springs in the study area provide valuable insights to groundwater flow patterns and potential contaminant migration pathways. Plate 2-3 shows total dissolved solids (TDS) concentrations of groundwater in the study area, based on local data collected by ATK and regional data portrayed by Bolke and Price (1972) and Hood (1972). As indicated, TDS concentrations are lowest beneath the Blue Spring Hills and Engineer Mountain, while groundwater flowing into the study area from the upper reaches of Blue Creek Valley contains relatively high TDS concentrations. Bolke and Price (1972) indicate that these elevated upgradient TDS concentrations occur due to inflow from saline springs and irrigation return flows in areas north of the boundary of Plate 2-3. The southward increase in TDS concentrations noted on Plate 2-3 is due to the influence of the Great Salt Lake and upwelling of warm, saline groundwater along the southern margins of the block-faulted mountains (Bolke and Price, 1972; Hood, 1972; Murphy and Gwynn, 1979). Local variations in TDS concentrations may serve as an indicator of the source of groundwater at a specific location. This becomes an important aid when modeling conditions at uncontrolled discharge points such as the springs in the southern portion ofthe study area. For instance, despite their close proximity. Shotgun and Pipe Springs exhibit very different TDS concentrations (i.e., approximately 7200 and 4500 mg/l, respectively [see Plate 2-3]). As a comparison, well H-9 (completed in unconsolidated deposits near the two springs) has a TDS concentration of 8850 mg/l, while monitoring wells J-15 and J-6 (completed in bedrock upgradient of the springs) have TDS values of 1220 and 2510 mg/l, respectively. The lower TDS concentrations in wells J-5 and J-6 are considered representative of groundwater near the springs within the fractured bedrock of the Blue Spring Hills, while that of well H-9 is considered indicative of groundwater within the unconsolidated fill in the vicinity of the springs. Although water issuing from both springs is undoubtedly a mixture of groundwater from the Blue Spring Hills to the north and the unconsolidated fill to the south, the higher TDS concentration of 2-9 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 Shotgun Spring suggests that it is comprised primarily of groundwater in the valley. The primary source of Pipe Spring, on the other hand, appears to be groundwater flowing through fractures in the Blue Spring Hills, with a lesser contribution (relative to Shotgun Spring) from the valley aquifer. The TDS concentration at Fish and Horse Springs ranges from about 6000 to 7000 mg/l, while that in the adjacent monitoring well (H-10) has a TDS value of 13,300 mg/l (see Plate 2-3). Although TDS data are unavailable upgradient of these springs, geologic conditions similar to those described above suggest that discharge from Fish and Horse Springs is likely composed of a significant percentage of groundwater from the Eilue Spring Hills. The distribution of contamination also improves the understanding of groundwater flow patterns in the area. Plate 2-4 portrays the extent of groundwater contamination based on recently-measured concentrations of perchlorate, trichloroethylene (TCE), trichloroethene (TCA), and dichloroethylene (DCE) in the study area. The contaminant data used to generate this map are provided in Table 2-1. This plate also notes the surface expression of fault locations from Plate 2-1. Given their dip angles, the low-angle normal faults shown on Plate 2-4 typically intercept groundwater 1000 to 2000 feet west and south of their surface expressions. Water quality data collected from the site indicate that groundwater contamination emanates from source areas and generally follows pathways suggested by the potentiometric surface map. However, the influence of geologic structure on contaminant migration is also evident. For instance, no source areas are known to exist in areas that would be defined from the potentiometric surface map as being upgradient of wells G-6 and G-8. However, TCE and perchlorate contamination occurs at these wells. Thus, it appears that contaminants reach these locations via flow along high-angle normal faults and the low-angle thrust fault that passes through areas of contamination northwest of the wells. Similar conclusions can be reached regarding the influence of geologic structure on contaminant migration in other areas ofthe site. It was concluded above that groundwater at Shotgun Spring is derived mostly from the adjacent unconsolidated valley deposits, while Pipe Spring flow is derived primarily from faults 2-10 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 and fractures in the Blue Spring Hills. This conclusion is confirmed by the contaminant data presented in Table 2-1. The most recently measured perchlorate concentration in Pipe Spring is 0.343 ppm, while that at Shotgun Spring is 0.0203 ppm. This order of magnitude difference suggests that a greater proportion of flow in Pipe Spring is comprised of* contaminated groundwater that flows through faults and fractures in the Blue Spring Hills. 2-11 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 CHAPTER 3 GROUNDWATER FLOW MODEL 3.1 HYDROGEOLOGIC SETTING As previously noted, the Promontory facility exists in an area of relative hydrogeologic complexity. Groundwater occurs in both consolidated and unconsolidated deposits. Faulting and fracturing has creating secondary porosity and flow barriers, and both perched and non- perched conditions as well as confined and unconfined aquifers exist at the site. Hence, an important initial step in the development of the groundwater flow and contaminant transport model was to define hydrogeologic conditions sufficiemtly to justify model development. Uncertainty always exists when defining subsurface conditions. However, within the constraints of time and budget, the hydrogeology of the model area was characterized through: • Installation of and evaluation of data collected from multiple monitoring wells; • Review of data generated from past tests to determine the hydraulic characteristics of the groundwater system; • Evaluation of all geochemical data collected from the site; and • Review of additional hydrologic data available from the area. Geologic data obtained from all local monitoring wells, observation wells, and other borings were evaluated, along with similar data from nearby, off-site water wells, oil and gas wells, etc. Surface outcrops of the various geologic formations were also assessed, including observations of natural outcrops as well as exposures in road cuts. Results of past geologic investigations and aerial photographs of the area were also reviewed. Using these data, a geologic framework for the site and adjacent areas was developed. Assessments were made of the lateral extent of strata and aquifers, the presence of hydrogeologic boundaries, bedrock structure, strata and aquifer thicknesses, etc. Conclusions reached in this investigation were used to define the physical characteristics of the modeled system, including a delineation of the faults and other conditions that provide preferential pathways or barriers for groundwater flow. The study of available data also defined the media through which groundwater was flowing (i.e., fractured bedrock vs. unconsolidated deposits). 3-1 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 Based on this evaluation, four layers were defined for the model (see Figure 2-1). The topmost layer (Layer 1) represents the confining layer that exists only in the southern portion of the model domain where the ground surface is relatively flat. Layer 2 represents the unconsolidated material in the Blue Creek Valley and in the mouths of the tributary canyons. Layer 3 represents the fractured bedrock that conveys the majority of groundwater through the study area. Layers 2 and 3 represent the regional aquifer. Depending on location groundwater may be conveyed only in Layer 2, only in Layer 3, or in both Layers 2 and 3. Layer 4 represents unfractured bedrock underiying the model domain. The purpose of this layer is to represent recharge to the Layer 3 aquifer from the unfractured bedrock and to provide more stability during model runs. The bottom of Layers 1 and 2 was defined as discussed in Section 2.3. The top and bottom of Layer 4 were set at a constant elevation representing the bottom of the model domain. All wells that ATK has access to, with a few exceptions, have been evaluated for hydraulic conditions through the performance of slug and/or pumping tests. This testing provided data concerning the hydraulic characteristics of the media. Two long-term pumping tests (greater than 24 hours) have been conducted at the site. One of the pumping tests, conducted with well B-6 as the pumping well, showed no anisotropy. The other pumping test, conducted near the M-136 burning grounds with Well T-2 as the pumping well, showed strong anisotropy. These pumping tests were used to define anisotropic and storage conditions at the site. A summary of hydraulic conductivity values obtained from the testing program is presented in Table 3-1. Groundwater sinks to be accounted for in the model include the springs at the south end of the Blue Spring Hills. The flows from these springs, which were measured in the fall of 2004, were used during the development and calibration of the groundwater flow model. 3-2 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 3.2 FLOW MODELING SOFTWARE The hydrogeologic complexity of the Promontory site limits the available software packages that can be used to adequately model the area. In many parts of the facility there is evidence that the bedrock is extremely fractured and behaves more like a porous medium than fractured bedrock. However, there are also some faults and dominant fractures that behave more as individual line sources or barriers. Added to this complexity is the need for the model to handle a water table that crosses multiple model layers (i.e., areas where groundwater flows from fractured bedrock into unconsolidated sediments and then back into fractured bedrock), without becoming numerically unstable. Although a finite-element model may be appropriate in an area of such complex hydrogeology, there are insufficient data to justify the use of such a model. For instance, there are no data defining the physical characteristics of individual fractures conveying groundwater. Hence, the finite-difference model Visual MODFLOW was used for this project (Waterioo Hydrogeologic, 2004). MODFLOW was originally developed by the U.S. Geological Survey and is widely accepted and understood. A uniform grid was defined in an effort to minimize numerical instability associated with steep topographic and potentiometric surface slopes. 3.3 MODEL EXTENTS AND GRID The model area covers an area approximately 7.6 miles by 10.6 miles. The model extents can be seen on Plate 3-1 along with the general features of the model area. The model extents were set to ensure that imposed stresses applied to the interior of the model system do not reach the boundaries. On the south, the model extent was set at a distance at least 1 mile beyond the southernmost spring of interest (Horse Spring). The northern boundary is approximately 2 miles north of the northern facility boundary. The western model extent was set neariy 2 miles beyond the western facility boundary while the eastern model extent is approximately 1 mile 3-3 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 east of the easternmost facilities. The model e>;1ents were established to avoid boundary effects and do not represent any hydrogeologic or physical divide. The model grid shown on Plate 3-1 consists of 200 columns and 280 rows, with each grid having a uniform length and width of 200 feet. The regular grid spacing was set to improve the stability of the model. Given the large area being modeled, the grid spacing used is relatively small. Although smaller grid spacing may be desired during contaminant transport modeling, the defined grid is as tight as reasonable given the amount of data available and the desire to limit model run times. 3.4 MODEL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Two types of boundaries were defined in the* flow model - constant-head boundaries and no-flow boundaries (also referred to as inactive cells). The boundary conditions defined for the model can be seen on Plate 3-1. Constant-head boundaries are set to a known head value to represent sources of recharge or discharge, thus allowing better calibration of the flow model. In the area of the perched aquifer noted on Plate 2-2, these constant-head cells accounted for the influence of the perched aquifer on the regional aquifer, without having to separately model the perched aquifer. Hence, the groundwater flow model discussed herein focuses on the regional aquifer. Cells defined as inactive represent areas within the model grid where no data exist and where the area is not of interest or does not affect an area of interest. Limiting the active area to only areas of interest increases the computational efficiency of the model. Constant-head cells were assigned along all boundaries of the model. A sufficient number of wells exist within the vicinity of the Manufacturing Area and Burning Grounds to accurately allow head values to be assigned to the constant head cells in these areas. However, the head values outside of these areas are based on fewer wells. Fortunately, in many cases these constant head cells, whose accuracy is less certain, are over a mile away from areas of interest. The size of the model area was chosen to minimize the effect of this uncertainty on the areas of concern. 3-4 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 3.5 PARAMETER ZONATION The parameter inputs required by the model include hydraulic properties (hydraulic conductivity and aquifer thickness), recharge values, specific storage and yield, and well or spring discharge rates. Hydraulic conductivity, specific storage and yield, and recharge were discretized into zones, while other parameters were input on a cell by cell basis. Since the actual parameter distributions are far more complex than the model has the power to replicate, and probably far more complex than can be measured, zones were used to group similar values together A comprehensive discussion of the model calibration procedure is presented in Section 3.6. It should be noted that the initial input parameters were modified within reason during calibration using an iterative process until satisfactory results were obtained. 3.5.1 Specific Storage and Specific Yield The specific storage coefficient of the confined portion of the regional aquifer was estimated based on the aquifer material. Included with Visual MODFLOW is a program called Envirobase which is a database of aquifer and chemical properties. Envirobase identifies publications where aquifer and chemical properties have been published and lists the published data. Using Envirobase, a range of values for the specific storage in fractured limestone, fine sand, and clayey silt were identified. The range of values used in the model was from 1.0 x 10'^ to 9.144x10"^, which varied by model layer. The specific yield used in the model for the unconfined portions of the regional aquifer ranged from 0.006 to 0.22, as estimated using Envirobase. As with the specific storage coefficient, the specific yield was varied by layer. 3.5.2 Hydraulic Conductivity The hydraulic conductivity was determined from well data collected from ATK reports as well as slug testing conducted for this modeling elTort. The measured hydraulic conductivity 3-5 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 values for the wells are summarized in Table 3-1. Measured hydraulic conductivity ranges from 0.05 to 775 ft/day. These data were used to obtain an initial distribution of hydraulic conductivity values, which were modified during calibration. The range of hydraulic conductivity values assigned to various layers was 0.05 to 1600 ft/day. Higher hydraulic conductivities were derived primarily during calibration to represent fracture zones. Final hydraulic conductivities for Layers 2 and 3 are presented on Plates 3-2 and Plate 3-3, respectively. Areas of higher hydraulic conductivity are found where faults and/or fracture zones acts as major conduits of groundwater flow and contaminant migration. The hydraulic conductivity for Layer 1 was set at 0.05 ft/day and that of Layer 4 was set at 0.1 ft/day. 3.5.3 Recharge Recharge was modeled by assigning specified flux cells to simulate recharge at rates ranging from 0 to 20 inches/yr. The majority of the model area has no recharge. This assumption is based on the low annual precipitation rate and high evapotranspiration rate. Areas with no recharge are deep unconsolidated materials which typically have low hydraulic conductivities near the surface. A recharge of 3 inches/yr was used to simulate precipitation into the uppermost active layer of the model in areas with shallow soils over fractured bedrock. These areas are typically located on the slopes of the Blue Spring Hills. The value of 3 inches/yr was determined during calibration. A comparison of the potentiometric surface map presented on Plate 2-2 and the elevation of Blue Creek indicates that Blue Creek is probably a losing stream for most of its length in the model area. Thus, Blue Creek is a source of recharge. A recharge rate of 20 inches/yr was determined during calibration for the area immediately under Blue Creek. Some upward recharge from the deep unfractured bedrock was simulated by the addition of layer 4 and the use of constant head boundaries. Recharge was kept constant throughout the calibration time period since a steady state condition was assumed. 3-6 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 3.5.4 Discharge The only discharge points included in the model were the five springs on the south end of the Blue Spring Hills. The flow rate from these springs was measured during the fall of 2004 as follows: • Shotgun Spring 2,570 gallons per minute (gpm); • Pipe Spring 590 gpm; • Fish Spring 650 gpm; • Horse A Spring 300 gpm; and • Horse B Spring 515 gpm. The springs were modeled as wells with specified discharge rates based on the measured flow. This simulation assumed a screened interval beginning at the bottom of Layer 1 and extending down into Layer 4. The long screened interval allowed groundwater from Layers 2 and 3 to supply water in the same manner as the unconsolidated material and fractured bedrock supply water to the spring. The hydraulic conductivity zones around the wells were varied during calibration to encourage more or less water to be produced from each layer, thereby matching flow and contaminant conditions. For example the hydraulic conductivity zone around Pipe Spring in Layer 2 was reduced to encourage more flow from Layer 3 and thus directing more of the contamination in Layer 3 tO' discharge to the spring. The hydraulic conductivity zone around Shotgun Spring in Layer 2 was increased to encourage more flow from Layer 2. During calibration of the groundwater flow model the aquifer properties such as hydraulic conductivity were varied until the potentiometric surface in the vicinity of the springs resembled the measured potentiometric surface. The discharge rates were not varied with time since the flow model was calibrated assuming steady state conditions. 3-7 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 3.6 GROUNDWATER FLOW MODEL CALIBRATION During calibration of the groundwater flow model, modifications were made to the initially-assumed aquifer parameters (hydraulic conductivity values, recharge, and hydraulic conductivity distribution) until the steady-state potentiometric surfaces and fluxes matched field- measured values within a pre-established range of error. Finding these values is known as the inverse problem, where the objective is to determine parameter values and hydrologic stresses from information about the potentiometric surface. A groundwater flow model can be calibrated for steady-state or transient conditions. Steady-state flow occurs when, at any point in an aquifer, the magnitude and direction of the flow velocity are constant with time. Transient flow occurs when, at any point in an aquifer, the magnitude or direction of the flow changes with time (Freeze and Cherry, 1979). As is typically the case, this model was calibrated to represent the more simplified steady-state flow conditions. The initial potentiometric surface represented on Plate 2-2 was considered representative of steady-state flow conditions since this surface does not appear to change seasonally. 3.6.1 Calibration Process Once the model grid, boundaries, and parameters were established, the first objective was to get the model to converge on a solution. Fortunately, the relatively small grid spacing initially minimized convergence problems. However, as the calculated potentiometric surface more closely matched the measured potentiometric surface, convergence was more difficult. Initially the model converged with a maximum head change between iterations of 0.1 foot. However, by the final calibration run, the maximum head change between iterations was at least 2.75 feet. These later convergence problems occurred because of the very steep hydraulic gradients in the Manufacturing Area and in the vicinity of well LF-4 in the northern part of the model domain. The steep gradient in the Manufacturing Area also occurs in a location where groundwater flow is transitioning from flow in fractured bedrock (Layer 3) into unconsolidated deposits (Layer 2) with a much lower hydraulic conductivity. Hence, the target maximum head 3-8 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 change between iterations of 0.1 foot feet stated in the work plan (EarthFax Engineering, 2004) was not achieved. Nonetheless, multiple simulation runs demonstrated that the flow model solution was stable and, therefore, acceptable. After achieving convergence upon a solution, two methods are available to define model parameters for calibration - manual trial-and-error adjustment of parameters and automated parameter estimation. The initial predicted potentiometric surface was close enough to the measured potentiometric surface that the trial-and-error adjustment of parameters was considered adequate to calibrate the groundwater flow model. The manual trial-and-error calibration method is an iterative process where the input data are varied, within a reasonable range, until the goodness-of-fit criteria (Section 3.6.2) are achieved. If, after a model run, the initial and predicted water levels do not adequately match, the model input parameters are altered manually, until the error between the measured and predicted potentiometric surface is acceptable or no more improvement can be made without significantly increasing the complexity of the model. The calibration process is time-consuming because parameter values are typically known only at a few nodes, and even those estima1:65s are uncertain. It is important to note that individual calibration techniques may produce non-unique solutions when different combinations of parameters yield essentially the same head distribution (Anderson and Woessner, 1992). Wide variations in the magnitude ofthe input hydraulic parameters have been measured at the site (see, for instance. Table 3-1). In addition, while field hydraulic tests provide data representative of an area within a few feet to a few tens of feet from the well being tested, the model examines hydrostratigraphic blocks with side lengths of 200 feet (an increase of one to two orders of magnitude beyond that of the field tests). Also, in most areas outside the Manufacturing Area and Burning Grounds, the lack of wells results in large areas with only very limited data. Thus, in making the transition from the localized database of field tests to the "global" database of the model, direct comparisons with field data from a particular location are not always possible. 3-9 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 In the case of hydraulic conductivity, care was taken during model calibration to ensure that the magnitudes of the hydraulic conductivity zones were within the range of values measured in the adjacent area with the exception of conductivity zones assigned to represent fractures. Although no wells have been completed directly in a significant fracture, the hydraulic conductivity of zones representing fractures could be determined from calibration. To the extent possible, hydraulic conductivities assigned to model grids were within one order of magnitude of the hydraulic conductivity of any well completed in that grid. However, in some areas, such as the Burning Grounds, it was not possible to maintain this general rule of thumb and still achieve the desired calibration target. Such high variability in such a short distance is further evidence of the hydrogeologic complexity of the site. 3.6.2 Calibration Targets Four criteria were identified in the work plan (EarthFax Engineering, 2004) as a measure of the goodness-of-fit achieved by model calibration. These criteria were to: 1. Approximate the shapes of the measured potentiometric surface, 2. Minimize the differences between measured and predicted water levels, 3. Achieve convergence of the modell with a maximum head change between iterations of less than 0.1 feet, and 4. Achieve an approximate mass balance between inflow to and outflow from the steady-state model, with a mass balance error of less than ± 1 percent. Comparisons of the measured and predicted potentiometric surfaces provide a general idea of the spatial distribution of error in the calibration. This criterion was used only as a general guide during calibration and as a method for visually verifying predicted flow patterns. The primary criterion for calibration was to minimize the differences between the initial and predicted water levels. The average difference was quantified over the model area using the following methods described by Anderson and Woessner (1992): 3-10 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 The mean absolute error (MAE) is the mean of the absolute value of the differences in measured and simulated water levels. MAE = \-}^\{hn,-h.)i\ n —• i=\ where n = number of calibration values hm = measured water Isivel hs = simulated water level The normalized root mean squared (NRMS) error is the average of the squared differences in measured and simulated water levels divided by the maximum head difference over the model domain. NRMS = -\J^{hm-hs)^ 0.5 '(Maxhead - Minhead) where the variables are defined above. The maximum acceptable MAE was defined in the work plan to be 10 feet. The maximum acceptable NRMS was defined in the work plan to be less than 5%. Both of these criteria were easily met. The actual calibration results will be discussed in the following section. It is important to note that the error equations defined above can only be used to evaluate the average error in the calibrated model. The spatial distribution of the differences between the initial and simulated water levels cannot be ignored. Contour maps of this distribution were prepared during the calibration process to assess its progress. Where large water-level differences occurred, hydraulic properties were modified, and the model was run again. Since the model uses an iterative method to solve the mathematical flow equations, a source of error known as the iteration residual error is introduced. An error criterion is specified to judge the model convergence. This error criterion controls the size of the iteration residual error and influences the number of iterations required to achieve a solution within the error 3-11 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 tolerance. The residual error can be minimized by selecting appropriately small values for this error criterion. Anderson and Woessner (1992) suggest that the error criterion for the predicted heads be one to two orders of magnitude smaller than the level of accuracy desired in the head results. Based on this recommendation, a conservative closure criterion of 0.1 foot was identified in the work plan for the model. The water balance produced by Visual MODFLOW compares the total simulated inflows and outflows. The water balance is used as a check on solution accuracy and as a way of identifying errors made during model design (e.g., errors in hydraulic conductivity will affect the inflow and outflow rates at the model boundaries). An error criterion of less than 1% in the water balance was selected for the flow model. 3.6.3 Calibration Results Due to the large number of pages associated with each run of the model, these printouts are not reproduced in this report; however, model input and output computer files associated with all runs are available on the disk accompanying this report. The calibrated steady-state potentiometric surface for the regional aquifer is presented in Plate 3-4. A comparison of this map with Plate 2-2 (measured potentiometric surface) indicates that the final calibrated steady-state potentiometric surface reasonably resembles the measured water levels and flow patterns. Table 3-2 presents the difference between measured and calculated head values at wells throughout the study area. Differences between the elevation of the predicted steady-state and measured potentiometric surfaces are greatest in areas where the natural hydraulic gradient experiences a rapid change in magnitude and direction within a relatively small area. This condition exists in the Manufacturing Area and in the vicinity of well LF-4. The shapes of the potentiometric surfaces and flow directions, however, were generally represented in these areas by the model. 3-12 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 It is difficult to precisely mimic the natural potentiometric surface in areas of steep natural gradient and rapidly changing flow direction. The Mean Average Error (MAE) (identified as absolute residual mean in the Visual MODFLOW statistics package) for the calibrated steady-state model is 2.84 feet. In addition, the Normalized Root Mean Square (NRMS) error for the calibrated model is 3.84%. These results are well below the target values of 10.0 feet and 5%, respectively, identified in the work plan. It can be noted that Ritchey (1996), states that the normalized root mean square should be less than 5%. The NRMS for this model is 3.84%, which is well below this standard. The NRMS takes into account the maximum variation in head over the model area. By using the NRMS as a criterion, the greater difficulty in calibration of a model with steep hydraulic gradients is taken into account. The mass balance error of the calibrated model was less than 0.002%. This error was well within the pre-established error criterion of ± 1% identified in the work plan. The positive value indicates that slightly more inflow than outflow is predicted by the model. In general, the majority of the inflow results from underflow across the model boundaries. The majority of outflow is through the springs at the south end of the Blue Spring Hills, with a lesser quantity as underflow toward the Great Salt Lake. The steady-state model converged with a maximum drawdown of 2.75 feet on the final iteration. This is well above the target identified in tlie work plan, as discussed in Section 3.6.1. However, the flow model solution was stable and all other calibration targets were achieved easily. Thus, the calibrated model is considered an acceptable representation of actual conditions in the study area. 3-13 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 CHAPTER 4 CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODEL 4.1 LOCATION AND BACKGROUND The primary purpose of this model is to reliably simulate contaminant migration in groundwater beneath and downgradient of the ATK Promontory facility. The area of current greatest interest for the contaminant transport model is the springs at the south end of the Blue Spring Hills, since discharge from these springs is uncontrolled and flows to off-site areas. The contaminants of concern are perchlorate, TCA, TCE, and DCE, with perchlorate and TCE having already been detected in some of the springs. The model will allow future decisions to be made regarding the efficacy of on-site remediation alternatives and off-site resource management. To improve computational efficiency, only potentially contaminated areas were evaluated by the transport model even though groundwater flow was considered throughout the entire model domain. To minimize the effect of uncertain boundary conditions in the area of concern, the flow model covered an area much larger than was actually needed for the transport model. All of Layers 1 and 4 were set as inactive for transport as well as large areas of Layers 2 and 3. 4.2 TRANSPORT PARAMETERS The following parameters and the range of values appropriate for each parameter, if applicable, were utilized for contaminant transport modeling: • Molecular diffusion is the process by which ions or molecular constituents in a solution (i.e., perchlorate, TCE, TCA, and DCE) move under the influence of molecular activity from areas of high concentrations towards areas of lower concentration. The range of values used for the molecular diffusion coefficient during this model calibration was 9.1 x 10"^ ft^/day to 5.0 x 10"^ ft^/day. These values were obtained from a review of published literature regarding the contaminants of concern. • The retardation factor is a coefficient that represents how the movement of the plume will be retarded by adsorption of the contaminant onto the solids within the aquifer. The retardation factor is calculated in the model based on other model inputs. • Dispersivity is a factor used to account for the spreading of a contaminant in the aquifer by mechanical processes. Longitudinal dispersivity accounts for spreading in the flow 4-1 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 direction and horizontal transverse dispersivity accounts for spreading perpendicular to the flow direction. The acceptable range for longitudinal dispersivity is 1 to 50 ft (Zheng and Bennett, 1995). The acceptable range of horizontal transverse dispersivity is 0.05 to 0.5 times the longitudinal dispersivity. • Effective porosity. Porosity is defined as the volume of the voids divided by the total volume of the medium (Freeze and Cherry, 1979). Effective porosity is the percentage of the total volume that is available for flow. The acceptable range of effective porosities was determined to be between 5% and 20%, based on data provided by Freeze and Cherry (1979) and Envirobase. • Bulk density is the mass of dry soil per unit volume of the soil. The representative bulk density value used for the model is 48.13 Kg/ft^, as determined from a review of Envirobase. • The first-order reaction rate is the rate at which a contaminant is removed from groundwater by first-order degradation mechanisms (e.g., biodegradation or volatilization). It has also been referred to as the decay rate. Monitoring has demonstrated that perchlorate has been degraded in the Manufacturing Area and down-gradient of the leach field. A decay rate of 0.00065 day'^ was determined through calibration for the area down- gradient ofthe leach field. Degradation in the Manufacturing Area has been very active in the past but the substrate providing nutrients to the degrading bacteria has been exhausted and the rate of degradation is currently reduced. Visual MODFLOW does not allow the decay rate to be varied with time and a singe decay rate cannot accurately represent the current condition with respect to degradation. Thus a decay rate was not used for this area. In an effort to model the changing degradation rate, the source concentrations were varied with time. Areas outside the Manufacturing Area and leach field did not have any evidence of perchlorate degradation. The degradation of TCE was modeled in the same way as was perchlorate. The decay rate determined during calibration for the area downgradient of the leach field is 0.0003 day"\ The degradation of TCA was modeled using RT3D (Waterioo Hydrogeologic, 2004) which can model the degradation of TCA into DCE. The decay rate of TCA into DCE was either 4.5 x 10"^ or 1.5 X 10'^ day"\ depending on location. The higher decay rate was in the area between the Burning Grounds and Manufacturing Area. The lower decay rate was assigned to all other areas. Due to the relatively substantial depth to groundwater in the study area, all degradation was assumed resultfrom bacterial degradation and not from volatilization. • The fraction of organic carbon is the mass of organic carbon per unit mass of soil. No soil samples from the aquifer have been analyzed for its organic carbon content. The fraction of organic content was assumed to be 1% for Layer 2 and 0.1% for Layer 3, based on professional judgment. 4.3 SOURCES AND SINKS During calibration, all contaminants were assumed to enter the model from constant concentration cells. Constant concentration cells were set near sumps, surface impoundments, septic systems, and buried waste sites identified to be significant sources of contamination. The identified sources and the contaminants typical of those sources are noted on Plate 2-4. These 4-2 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 sources were identified based on a review of plant records and the results of groundwater monitoring. Four sources of perchlorate were defined in the model. The sources at Plant 78 and Plant 3 are sumps. The source at the Burning Grounds resulted from waste disposal in unlined ponds. The leach field source results from disposal of perchlorate in sinks, toilets, etc. in the Manufacturing Area. One site (the Burning Grounds) was identified as the primary source of TCA contamination within the model domain. TCA entered the groundwater at this location from the disposal of solvents in unlined ponds. Since the source of DCE is the degradation of TCA, ultimately the DCE source is also the Burning Grounds. Seven sites were modeled as the primary sources of TCE contamination. The site with the highest source concentration is the Burning Grounds, followed by the leach field and sumps at Plant 78. Lower concentration sources include an old landfill, a barrel storage area in the Manufacturing Area, a sump in Plant 3, and a sump for the E585 laboratory. Another source of perchlorate (and possibly TCE) contamination is an area west of Building M115/M174 where off-specification boosters-, were washed out. Contamination from this source initially occurs in a perched aquifer east ofthe Manufacturing Area, and flows from there to the regional aquifer. When calibration of the transport model began, a constant concentration source was defined to represent the contamination from the perched aquifer. However, during calibration it was noted that the source concentration for the perched aquifer was orders of magnitude lower than the contaminant concentrations originating in the Burning Grounds. Since constant concentration cells can add or remove mass from the model, this difference in constant concentration values between resulted in the unreasonable situation of removing contaminant mass from the Burning Ground source rather than allowing this mass to migrate downgradient. Thus, although the perched aquifer is a source of contamination, it was not included in the model. The impact ofthe contaminated perched aquifer on the overall situation is limited in comparison to that which originates within the Burning Grounds and elsewhere at the site. 4-3 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 The model has five mechanisms to remove contaminant mass from solution - biodegradation, discharge at springs or wells, volatilization, sorption, and discharge at model boundaries. Biodegradation removes contaminant mass by transforming the contaminant into other compounds. The model accounts for biodegradation and volatilization through the first- order reaction rate. Due to the depth of groundwater, volatilization is likely not occurring. It was assumed that the decay rate is first-order process since no data are available to show othenvise. The decay rate was discussed in more detail in Section 4.2. Contaminated groundwater that flows to a spring is removed from the model. Furthermore, any mass reaching a model boundary will flow from the model and be removed. Contaminant mass in solution, which is adsorbed onto organic matter in the aquifer, becomes immobile. The first four above-mentioned mechanisms all remove mass permanently. However, ifthe contaminant concentration in the aquifer gets sufficiently low, the contaminants sorbed to the organic matter will re-enter solution, thus becoming mobile again and becoming a source of contamination. The model accounts for both sorption and re-solution of contaminants. 4.4 CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODELING SOf-TWARE Contaminant transport in groundwater within the study area was modeled using MT3DMS and RT3D Version 2.5 (Waterioo Hydrogeologic, 2004). MT3DMS is a modular, three-dimensional transport model for simulation of advection, dispersion, and chemical reactions of dissolved constituents in groundwater. MT3DMS estimates the behavior of a groundwater contaminant plume by numerically solving the partial differential equation that describes transport of contaminants in groundwater. The MT3D users manual (Zheng, 1994) presents this partial differential equation and defines terms found in the equation. RT3D is similar to MT3DMS, but specifically evaluates the degradation of a contaminant into other compounds. RT3D was used to model the degradation of TCA into DCE. MT3DMS and RT3D offer six solution techniques to solve the advective-dispersive-reactive partial differential equation. The six solution techniques are: 4-4 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 • The method of characteristics (MOC); • The modified method of characteristics (MIMOC); • The hybrid method of characteristics (HMOC), which combines the strength of MOC for eliminating numerical dispersion with the computational efficiency of MMOC; • Upstream finite difference; • Central finite difference; and • Third-order-total-variation-diminishing. The solution technique used is dependent on the conditions that MT3DMS and RT3D are to be run under. For example the MOC, MMOC or HMOC are better for problems where advection is the dominant transport mechanism. The upstream finite difference solution technique was used for this model because it minimi2:ed numerical instability. MT3DMS and RT3D are written with a modular structure similar to that used by MODFLOW. They include a main program and several independent subroutines called modules. The modules are grouped into packages that deal with certain features such as advection, dispersion, and reaction. MT3DMS and RT3D must be run in conjunction with a block-centered finite-difference flow model such as MODFLOW. MT3DMS and RT3D retrieves groundwater flow information from the groundwater flow model output and incorporates these flow data into the contaminant transport model. As with the flow model, the software package Visual MODFLOW was used to create the input files needed by MT3DMS and RT3D. Visual MODFLOW includes features that were also used to aid in interpreting the model results. Visual MODFLOW generates contours from the saved the concentration data from the MT3DMS or F?T3D run, which allows visual comparison of model results with measured values. 4.5 GRID The flow model grid was used for the contaminant transport model with the exception that the area evaluated for the contaminant transport model is significantly smaller than the area covered by the flow model. The larger area for the flow model is required because the flow model boundaries were set far enough away from the area of interest to minimize boundary influences. The area covered by the contaminant transport model is not limited by these 4-5 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 conditions so a smaller area was modeled to promote computational efficiency. The grid spacing (200 ft x 200 ft) remained the same for the transport model as was used for the flow model. 4.6 INITIAL CONDITIONS The contaminant transport model was run in transient mode to allow predictions of changes in concentrations with time. Hence, it was necessary to specify the initial or starting conditions, including the time period to be modeled, the source cell locations, and initial cell concentrations. A contaminant plume can be modeled from the time of the spill or from intermediate stages of plume development. If the model begins at the time of the spill, only the concentration of the source cells needs to be specified. If the model begins at an intermediate stage of plume development, the concentration of the cells which define the plume at that time need to be specified. This model assumed a starting point at the estimated time of the release. 4.6.1 Time Period No specific information is available concerning the exact time when a contaminant was entered groundwater at a source. However, some general information indicates when processes that produced the wastes were started. Solid rockejt production began at this facility in 1956. Since perchlorate is a component of solid rockest fuel, it was assumed that perchlorate contamination of groundwater began at approximately the same time as production of solid rocket motors. The transport model for perchlorate was calibrated for a time period between 1956 and the forth quarter of 2004, which is approximately 48 years or 17,520 days. The time period that TCE was first used is not well defined. However, the assumption was made that groundwater contamination by TCE began in the mid to late 1950s. The transport model for TCE was calibrated assuming a time period of 17,520 days (48 years) for three sources (Burning Grounds, leach field, and drum storage). A time period of 16,790 days (46 years) was assumed for the remaining sources. TCA was first used at the site in 1974. The transport model for TCE/DCE was calibrated assuming a time period of 10,950 days (30 years). 4-6 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 4.6.2 Source As mentioned above, sources of perchlorate, TCE, and TCA contamination were modeled using constant concentration cells. The location and concentration of constant concentration cells was determined based on the location of sumps, surface impoundments, bulk waste sites, and septic systems known or expected to have handled the contaminants. The concentrations assumed for these cells were determined based on results of groundwater sampling in downgradient wells. The source concentration was assumed to be slightly higher than the adjacent groundwater concentration to account for dilution. The concentrations of most constant concentration cells were generally held steady over the calibration period. However, the constant concentration cells for the Burning Grounds were varied to reflect increasing and decreasing degradation rates as discussed in Section 4.2. 4.7 PARAMETER ZONATION MT3DMS and RT3D allow the user to define zones for porosity, bulk density, retardation factor, first order degradation rate, and dispersivity. The other model parameters, such as molecular diffusion and the ratio of longitudinal and horizontal transverse dispersivity, can oniy be specified for an entire model layer. Although MT3DMS allows bulk density to be varied spacially, a single value was used for entire model area. The decision to not vary bulk density spacially during calibration was made because no data were available to justify any spatial variations. The other parameters were varied spacially. Generally, spatial variations were limited to distinctions between the unconsolidated and consolidated layers ofthe model. For example the dispersivity in the Layer 2 was set at 4 feet while that in Layer 3 was set to 60 feet. Some exceptions were made in localized areas of the facility where contaminant behavior suggested increased degradation of the contaminant was occurring. 4-7 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 4.8 CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODEL CALIBRATION 4.8.1 Methods During calibration of the contaminant transport models, initially-assumed transport and aquifer parameters were varied until the desired results were achieved. MT3DMS and RT3D were run for the above-noted calibration periods and parameters were varied until the models predicted roughly the same plume extents as seen in the forth quarter of 2004. During calibration, five transport parameters and one hydraulic parameter were varied. Transport parameters which were varied were the decay rate, the source concentrations and locations, the retardation factor, dispersivity, and effective porosity. The groundwater flow model was refined by varying hydraulic conductivity values during calibration of the contaminant transport models. The general discussion in this section can be applied to the calibration of all of the transport models unless noted otherwise. The objective of contaminant transport model calibration is different than for groundwater flow model calibration. For the groundwater flow model, the predicted potentiometric surface is matched as closely as possible to the measured surface while maintaining an approximate mass balance between groundwater inflow and outflow. The primary objective of the contaminant transport model calibration is to match the measured concentration in the springs and secondarily to approximate the extent of the contaminant plumes with a mass balance discrepancy of less than 1.0%. Since a primary focus of this modeling exercise was to determine future impacts on the springs, the greatest effort was made to match measured concentrations in the springs. Another goal of contaminant transport model calibration was to approximate the plume's interior concentrations as close as possible to measured values. In the eariy phases of model calibration, it became evident that it would not be possible to match the concentrations measured at all of the obseivation points. With limited knowledge about the size and orientation of fractures, only a few geologic structures affecting groundwater flow could be modeled. It should also be noted that although a 200-ft x 200-ft grid is small relative to the area being modeled it is still orders of magnitude larger than the fractures controlling groundwater flow. Thus, the transport model will predict contamination spreading farther laterally than is measured in some areas while underestimating the spread of the plumes in other areas due to unidentified structures. 4-8 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 The flow model had the greatest effect on the behavior of the contaminant plumes. In areas that the potentiometric surface could not be matched well, the contaminant plumes were predicted to travel in areas known to be clean or predicted to have a much higher concentration. Fortunately these problems were encountered in interior areas of the model domain and not in the vicinity of the springs. 4.8.2 Results The calibrated plumes are presented on Plates 4-1 and 4-2, as well as Figures 4-1 and 4- 2, with each plate or figure representing a different contaminant. Note that the plume on the correct layer must be viewed when comparing measured to predicted concentrations. For example, the concentration in Layer 3 around well E-1 is much higher than measured. However, this well is completed in unconsolidated material (Layer 2) where the concentrations are lower. Tables 4-1 through 4-4 present the measured and calculated concentrations at the wells. The concentrations of the measured and modeled plumes agree well at the springs. However, the measured and modeled concentrations at the wells in interior areas do not match neariy as well due to problems previously discussed. The assumptions made during calibration resulted in more contaminant mass being estimated to be in the aquifer than measured values would suggest. The larger amount of contaminant mass at the beginning of simulations results in a more consen/ative estimate of future plume behavior. The primary focus of matching the concentrations at the springs has been achieved to an acceptable level. The secondary goal of matching plume extents and interior concentrations was met to a lesser extent. The mass balance errors were 0.01% and -0.02% for the perchlorate, and TCE models, respectively. A negative mass balance error denotes that more mass is leaving the system than is entering. All of these mass balance errors are well below the acceptance criterion of 1.0%. Hence, the contaminant transport models are considered reliable indicators of conditions within the model domain. 4-9 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 A mass balance error is not available for the TCA/DCE model due to the use of RT3D to model the degradation of TCA into DCE. RT3D does not create a mass balance output file due to the difficulties in estimating the mass of degradation daughter products. For example, the degradation of TCA produces not only DCE but also other compounds. Depending on the type of degradation (i.e., aerobic or anaerobic), carbon dioxide and water may be produced during degradation as well. Thus, a mass balance error cannot be produced for the TCA/DCE model. 4-10 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 CHAPTER 5 SIMULATION AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS 5.1 SIMULATIONS Once the model is calibrated, it can be used to predict groundwater and plume behavior in the future based on various management strategies. One of the primary reasons these models were developed was to provide data to be used to evaluate those management alternative, which have not yet been determined. Thus, no simulations have been run at this time. When they are run, they will be discussed in separate report. 5.2 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS PROCEDURE The purpose of a sensitivity analysis is to quantify the uncertainty in the calibrated model caused by uncertainty in estimates of aquifer parameters, stresses, and boundary conditions (Anderson and Woessner, 1992). Sensitivity analyses on the models were performed by varying the magnitude of the hydraulic conductivity, recharge, longitudinal and transverse dispersivity, porosity, bulk density, molecular diffusion coefficient, decay rate, and the activity coefficient. The parameter values were increased and decreased to determine the effect on the model results. Sensitivity analyses were perfonned on the calibrated steady-state groundwater flow model and the TCE contaminant transport model. Sensitivity was not performed on the calibrated TCA/DCE or perchlorate models since the sensitivity of the TCE- model was assumed to be representative of the other models. The sensitivity analysis was first run on the parameters affecting the groundwater flow model. Following the sensitivity analysis for the groundwater flow model, a sensitivity analysis was run on the parameters affecting the TCE contaminant transport model. Since the flow model results are an input to the contaminant transport model, the parameters that the flow model was most sensitive to were also tested to see their effect on the contaminant transport model. 5-1 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 The sensitivity of the models to variations in the parameter values was determined by numerically comparing the calibrated model output with the output following parameter variation. The RMS, normalized RMS, water balance, and miaximum residual over the model area were used for comparison purposes for the groundwater flow model. The RMS, normalized RMS, standard en-or of the estimate, and maximum residual over the model area were used for comparison purposes for the contaminant transport model. The standard error of the estimate and RMS were determined using the difference between the observed and calculated heads or concentrations. The magnitude of the change betv;een the modified and calibrated statistics indicates the relative sensitivity of the model to changes in that parameter. 5.3 GROUNDWATER FLOW MODEL SENSITIVITY A summary of the sensitivity analysis of the giroundwater flow model is contained in Table 5-1. As expected, the groundwater flow model is most sensitive to changes in hydraulic conductivity and recharge. The flow model is least sensitive to changes in storage. The Visual MODFLOW package does not readily allow the thickness ofthe aquifer to be varied. Therefore, a check of sensitivity to aquifer thickness was not conducted. The sensitivity of the flow model to changes in the hydraulic conductivity appears to be greatest when the conductivities are decreased (see Table 5-1). Hydraulic conductivities modified between 50% and 150% of the calibrated values produce minimal changes in the maximum residual of the predicted head. During calibration of the flow model, it was observed that the model was not as sensitive to changing all of the hydraulic conductivity zones by the same proportion as it was to changing the hydraulic conductivity of one or two zones in the Manufacturing Area. It appears that the relationship between the hydraulic conductivity zones is more important than the actual value of the hydraulic conductivity within the zone. As indicated previously, the calibrated hydraulic conductivities fall within the range of values determined from the field tests performed for this investigation, with exception of the zones defined to represent faults and/or fractures. In addition, the goodness-of-fit criteria for the modeling effort were met during calibration. This indicates that, although the model is sensitive to 5-2 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 variations in the hydraulic conductivity, there is a high degree of confidence in the calibrated results. The flow model has a moderate sensitivity to the rate of recharge, being slightly more sensitive to an over-estimation of recharge than an under-estimation of that parameter (see Table 5-1). No field data are available for comparison ofthe recharge values. However, in comparing the degree of resemblance between the calibrated and initial potentiometric surfaces, the calibrated magnitudes ofthis parameter are considered appropriate for the model. 5.4 CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODEL SENSITIVITY A summary ofthe sensitivity analysis ofthe contaminant transport model is presented in Table 5-2. The mass balance for the contaminant transport model is not discussed in Table 5-2 because it does not provide information on the sensitivity. As indicated, the transport model is highly sensitive to source concentrations and porosity. This was expected since a large portion of the contaminated groundwater is in the immediate vicinity of the constant concentration cells. Concentrations within these cells were reduced or increased by up to 50% during the sensitivity analysis. Hence, the large error seen can partially be attributed to the mere presence of the constant concentration cells. The sensitivity to changes in porosity can be explained by the significant impact porosity has on groundwater flow velocities. This model is an advection-dominated model and, as such, changes in porosity would be expected to have a large impact. The calibrated source concentrations are considered reasonable when taking into account the goal of this model. The assumed source concentrations are equal to or higher than concentrations measured in adjacent wells. Hence, the model is considered to be a reasonably conservative indicator of existing and simulated conditions. The porosity values used are also considered reasonable based on a comparison ofthe assumed values with published literature. 5-3 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 The contaminant transport model is not as sensitive to hydraulic conductivity as the groundwater flow model. As discussed in Section 5.3, the hydraulic conductivities are within the range of measured values for the area with the exception of zones representing faults and/or fractures. This indicates that, although the transport model is somewhat sensitive to hydraulic conductivity, there is a high degree of confidence in the calibrated values. As discussed in Section 5.3, experience during calibration indicates that the model is far more sensitive to changing the hydraulic conductivity value within individual zones than to changing all of the zones by the same proportion. The transport model is not substantially sensitive to changes in bulk density and activity coefficient. Thus, sorption does not appear to have a significant impact on plume behavior. The transport model is somewhat sensitive to changes in the reaction rate (decay rate). The model is more sensitive to decreases in the reaction rate than to increases. The decay rate is a minor part of this model since it is being applied only in areas where degradation of the contaminant is expected. The areas where the decay rate was used are limited to the Manufacturing Area and downgradient of the leach field. Since this parameter does not affect a large area, it is expected that the model would be only minimally sensitive to its variation. The transport model is moderately sensitivity to longitudinal dispersivity. The calibrated dispersivites are consistent with research results presented in the literature and, therefore, considered appropriate. The transport model is not sensitive to changes in molecular diffusion. Variations of plus and minus 50% caused no changes in model predictions. When looking at the sensitivity analysis results for the contaminant transport model, it should be noted that, in many cases, there were little or no site-specific data on which to base parameter estimates. In some of these cases, values from the literature were used. In others, parameter values were estimated based solely on calibration. To counteract this potential deficiency, parameters estimated during calibration were valued to give conservative results. 5-4 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 CHAPTER 6 REFERENCES Anderson, M.P. and W.W. Woessner. 1992. Applied Groundwater Modeling. Academic Press, Inc. San Diego, California. Bolke, E. L. and D. Price. 1972. Hydrologic Reconnaissance of the Blue Creek Valley Area, Box Elder County, Utah. Utah Department of Natural Resources Technical Publication No. 37. Salt Lake City, Utah. Chen-Northern, Inc., 1992a. M-136 Ground Water Modeling Study Blue Creek Valley Model. Submitted to Thiokol Corporation. Salt Lake City, Utah Chen-Northern, Inc., 1992b. M-136 Ground Water Modeling Study Data Review and Model Calibration. Submitted to Thiokol Corporation. Salt Lake City, Utah Chen-Northern, Inc., 1992c. M-136 Ground Water Modeling Study Evaluation of Remedial Alternatives. Submitted to Thiokol Corporation. Salt Lake City, Utah EarthFax Engineering Inc., 1991. Results of Long-Term Pumping Tests Associated with the M- 136 Burning Grounds. Submitted to Thiokol Corporation. Salt Lake City, Utah EarthFax Engineering Inc., 2001. Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Model, Bacchus Works. Submitted by ATK to the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. Salt Lake City, Utah EarthFax Engineering Inc., 2004. Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport Model Workpian for the ATK Promontory Facility. Submitted by ATK to the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste. Salt Lake City, Utah. Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry. 1979. Groundwater. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Hood, J.W. 1972. Hydrologic Reconaissance of the Promontory Mountains Area, Box Elder County, Utah. Utah Department of Natural Resources Technical Publication No. 38. Salt Lake City, Utah. Klein, J. and J.J. Lajoie. 1980. Electromagnetic Prospecting for Minerals. Chapter 6 in R. Van Blaricom (ed.). Practical Geophysics for the Exploration Geologist. Northwest Mining Association. Spokane, Washington. Miller, D.M., M.D. Crittenden, and T.E Jordan. 1991. Geologic Map of the Lampo Junction Quadrangle, Box Elder County, Utah. Map 136. Utah Geological Sun/ey. Salt Lake City, Utah. 6-1 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. i& ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 Murphy, P. and J.W. Gv^nn. 1979. Geothermal Investigations at Selected Thermal Systems of the Northern Wasatch Front, Weber and Box Elder Counties, Utah. Report of Investigation No. 141. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Salt Lake City, Utah. Paterson, N.R. and V. Ronka. 1971. Five Years of Surveying with the Very Low Frequency Electro Magnetics Method. Geoexploration. V. 9, no. 1, pp. 7-26. Phillips, W.J. and W.E. Richards. 1975. A Study of the Effectiveness of the VLF Method for the Location of Narrow-Mineralized Fault Zones, Geoexploration. V. 13, no. 4, pp. 215-226. Ritchey, J. D. and J. O. Rumbaugh. 1996. Subsurface Fluid Flow (Ground-Water and Vadose Zone) Modeling. American Society for Testing and Materials. Sergent, Hauskins and Beckwith. 1988. Report for Geohydrologic Investigation M-136 Facilities Area Morton Thiokol, Inc. Box Elder County, Utah. Submitted to Morton Thiokol, Inc. Waterioo Hydrogeologic Inc. 2004. Visual Modflow Suite. Ontario, Canada. Zheng, C. and G.D. Bennett. 1995. Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling. Van Nostrad Reinhold. New York, New York. 6-2 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 TABLES EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 2-1 MONITOR WELL SAMPLING RESULTS Well A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 . A-9 A-10 B-1 B-2D B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 B-10 C-1 C-2 C-3 0-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 Perc. Conc. (mg/e) ND 0.027 0.516 1.500 4.790 13.000 ND 18.500 4.220 0.139 1.140 32.700 48.000 57.000 0.201 36.900 0.290 0.687 0.014 3.020 4.930 0.392 50.800 ND 24.000 0.0094 0.050 ND ND ND ND 23,000 49.000 40.000 11.700 22.000 0.239 0.058 0.056 Sample Date 06-28-94 04-22-03 04-24-03 11-21-00 04-30-03 04-28-03 05-08-03 10-24-01 05-13-02 05-07-03 05-29-03 10-08-02 05-10-01 05-08-01 10-17-02 10-17-02 10-16-02 10-17-02 04-24-03 11-06-02 04-30-03 04-28-03 11-12-02 08-05-89 11-01-99 05-01-03 11-12-01 05-12-03 12-08-88 06-23-88 08-27-87 08-18-87 08-18-87 08-18-87 08-18-87 05-14-01 10-09-02 10-21-02 10-21-02 TCE Conc. (mg/£) 3.300 0.0033 3.530 7.100 1.660 0.068 ND 5.900 1.830 0.0044 5.020 2.800 3.630 1.170 0.325 1.990 0.120 0.044 0.990 0.027 0.974 1.140 3.880 0.0041 2.210 0.0068 0.0071 ND 0.057 13.020 12.000 5.900 ND 0.330 4.400 0.820 0.037 0.129 0,172 Sample Date 06-28-94 04-22-03 04-22-03 11-21-00 04-30-03 04-28-03 05-08-03 10-24-01 05-13-02 05-07-03 05-29-03 10-08-02 05-10-01 10-17-02 10-17-02 10-17-02 10-16-02 10-16-02 04-24-03 11-06-02 04-30-03 04-28-03 11-14-02 11-28-90 10-24-01 05-01-03 11-12-01 05-12-03 08-16-89 06-23-88 08-18-87 08-18-87 08-18-87 08-18-87 08-18-87 10-22-03 10-09-02 10-15-03 10-14-03 TCA Conc. (mg/£) 1.500 ND 0,482 2.450 1.140 ND ND 2.530 1.340 ND 1.910 1.240 1.070 0.122 0.266 0.223 0.0037 0.0042 0.079 ND 0.475 0.198 1.850 ND 1.070 0.0042 0.0016 ND ND 7.000 6.700 ND ND 0.013 7.700 0.123 0.006 0.015 0.010 Sample Date 06-28-94 04-22-03 04-23-03 11-21-00 04-30-03 04-28-03 05-08-03 10-24-01 05-13-02 05-07-03 05-29-03 10-08-02 05-10-01 10-17-02 10-17-02 10-17-02 10-16-02 10-16-02 04-24-03 11-06-02 04-30-03 04-28-03 11-14-02 11-28-90 10-24-01 05-01-03 11-12-01 05-12-03 08-16-89 06-23-88 08-18-87 08-18-87 08-18-87 08-18-87 08-18-87 10-22-03 10-09-02 10-15-03 10-14-03 DCE Conc. (mg/e) 0.130 ND ND 0.686 0.165 ND ND 0.673 0.154 ND 0.735 0.380 0.536 0.089 0.503 0.135 0.0053 0.0019 0.050 ND 0.130 0.061 0.209 ND 0.267 ND 0.0006 ND ND 0.117 ND ND ND 0.002 ND 0.066 0.0023 0.0083 0.019 Sample Date 06-28-94 04-22-03 04-22-03 11-21-00 04-30-03 04-28-03 05-08-03 10-24-01 05-13-02 05-07-03 05-29-03 10-08-02 05-10-01 10-17-02 10-17-02 10-17-02 10-16-02 10-16-02 04-24-03 11-06-02 04-30-03 04-28-03 11-14-02 11-28-90 10-24-01 05-01-03 11-12-01 05-12-03 08-16-89 06-23-88 08-18-87 08-18-87 08-18-87 08-18-87 08-18-87 10-22-03 10-09-02 10-15-03 10-14-03 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 2-1 (Continued) MONITOR WELL SAMPLING RESULTS Well E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 E-9 E-10 F-1 F-3 F-4 G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4 G-5 G-6 G-7 G-8 BC-2 BC-3 LF-1 LF-2 LF-3 LF-4 P-1 P-2 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6 H-7 H-8 H-9 H-10 Perc. Conc. (mg/e) 0.030 0.230 35.600 0.0903 3.380 14.300 49.200 2.260 0.030 0.207 48.3 ND 0.024 0.021 0.0831 ND 0.020 ND ND 0.532 ND ND ND ND 0.0047 ND 2.240 0.0042 0.0069 ND ND ND 0.0678 ND ND ND ND ND ND Sample Date 10-21-02 10-23-02 10-09-02 10-26-04 09-22-04 06-02-03 11-06-02 10-24-02 11-06-02 09-28-04 09-28-04 09-28-04 05-28-02 09-28-04 10-13-04 06-06-02 06-09-03 08-20-01 10-10-02 10-13-04 10-13-04 10-13-04 06-07-94 05-21-03 05-20-03 05-20-03 05-21-03 05-21-03 05-28-03 09-30-04 10-11-04 10-11-04 10-11-04 09-30-04 09-30-04 10-11-04 10-11-04 10-12-04 10-12-04 TCE Conc. (mg/e) 0.027 0.079 1.630 0.020 2.370 1.110 2.420 0.077 0.018 0.0135 2.140 0.0882 0.012 0.0586 0.0162 ND 0.0072 ND ND 0.0471 0.0025 J 0.0027 J 0.003 0.183 0.0077 0.213 0.487 3.640 0.562 0.0338 0.0154 0.0076 J 0.0064 J 0.0202 0.0385 0.0040 0.0039 0.0230 0.0338 Sample Date 10-14-03 10-14-03 10-09-02 10-26-04 09-22-04 06-02-03 10-22-03 10-15-03 11-06-02 09-28-04 09-28-04 09-28-04 10-13-03 09-28-04 10-13-03 06-06-02 06-09-03 08-20-01 10-10-02 10-13-04 10-13-04 10-13-04 06-07-94 05-21-03 05-20-03 05-20-03 06-05-03 05-21-03 05-28-03 09-30-04 10-11-04 10-11-04 10-11-04 09-30-04 09-30-04 10-11-04 10-11-04 10-12-04 10-12-04 TCA Conc. (mg/e) ND 0.0023 0.179 ND 0.0168 0.599 0.344 0.0094 ND 0.001 J 0.257 0.0048 J ND 0.0116 ND ND 0.0048 ND ND 0.0075 J ND ND ND 0.0079 ND 0.0042 0.372 0.110 0.011 0.0016 0.0007 J ND ND 0.0008 0.0015 J ND ND 0.0012 J 0.0016 J Sample Date 10-14-03 10-14-03 10-09-02 10-26-04 09-22-04 11-12-02 10-22-03 10-15-03 11-06-02 09-28-04 09-28-04 09-28-04 10-13-03 09-28-04 10-13-03 06-06-02 10-29-02 08-20-01 10-10-02 10-13-04 10-13-04 10-13-04 06-07-94 05-21-03 05-20-03 05-20-03 06-05-03 05-21-03 05-28-03 09-30-04 10-11-04 10-11-04 10-11-04 09-30-04 09-30-04 10-11-04 10-11-04 10-12-04 10-12-04 DCE Conc. (mg/e) ND 0.0053 0.167 0.0014 J 0.342 0.136 0.170 0.0073 ND ND 0.230 0.0038 J ND 0.0186 ND ND ND ND ND 0.0066 ND ND ND 0.012 0.019 0.162 0.598 0.399 0.022 0.0019 J 0.0011 J ND ND ND 0,0019 J ND ND 0.0014 J 0.0019 J Sample Date 10-14-03 10-14-03 10-09-02 10-26-04 09-22-04 06-02-03 10-22-03 10-15-03 11-06-02 09-28-04 09-28-04 09-28-04 10-13-03 09-28-04 10-13-03 06-06-02 10-29-02 05-01-02 10-10-02 10-13-04 10-13-04 10-13-04 06-07-94 05-21-03 05-20-03 05-20-03 06-05-03 05-21-03 05-28-03 09-30-04 10-11-04 10-11-04 10-11-04 09-30-04 09-30-04 10-11-04 10-11-04 10-12-04 10-12-04 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 2-1 (Continued) MONITOR WELL SAMPLING RESULTS Well J-1 J-2 J-3A J-3 J-4 J-5 J-6 J-7 J-8 EW-6 X-4 M-114B1 M39-B1 M-5081 M-5082 M-5083 M-5084 M-508B1 M-636B1 TCC2 TCC3A TCC6 TCC8A Fish Spring Shotgun Sp Pipe Spring Horse Spr Perc. Conc. (mg/e) 0.495 0.00706 ND ND 0.014 0.0067 0.0104 0.182 0.0583 9.710 0.190 0.0499 2.740 ND 0.0158 0.0492 0.0168 0.0128 0.0858 0.851 0.038 ND ND 0.00471 0.0203 0.343 ND Sample Date 11-02-04 11-08-04 10-26-04 10-26-04 01-13-05 05-09-05 05-09-05 05-18-05 01-13-05 11-14-02 10-10-02 10-19-04 10-19-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-19-04 05-19-03 10-30-02 05-13-03 05-13-03 10-15-04 10-15-04 10-15-04 10-15-04 TCE Conc. (mg/e) 0.221 0.0012 J 0.0259 ND 2.540 0.0049 0.0038 0.0359 0.0439 0.092 0.040 0.0289 0.0451 0.0343 0.362 2.670 4.900 0.637 0.0136 0.422 0.0087 ND 0.0012 0.0048 J ND 0.005 J ND Sample Date 11-02-04 11-08-04 10-26-04 10-26-04 01-13-05 05-09-05 05-09-05 05-18-05 01-13-05 10-27-03 11-03-03 10-19-04 10-19-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-19-04 06-05-03 10-30-02 05-13-03 05-13-03 10-15-04 10-15-04 10-15-04 10-15-04 TCA Conc. (mg/C) 0.0085 J 0.0009 J 0.0004 J ND ND ND ND 0.0026 ND ND ND ND 0.0147 ND 0.006 J 0.0168 0.0155 0.008 J ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Sample Date 11-02-04 11-08-04 10-26-04 10-26-04 01-13-05 05-09-05 05-09-05 05-18-05 01-13-05 10-27-03 11-03-03 10-19-04 10-19-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-19-04 06-05-03 10-30-02 05-13-03 05-13-03 10-15-04 10-15-04 10-15-04 10-15-04 DCE Conc. (mg/e) 0.0119 ND ND ND ND ND ND 0.0025 ND 0.031 ND ND 0.0063 J ND 0.0161 0.0553 0.068 0.0241 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND ND Sample Date 11-02-04 11-08-04 10-26-04 10-26-04 01-13-05 05-09-05 05-09-05 05-18-05 01-13-05 10-27-03 11-03-03 10-19-04 10-19-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-18-04 10-19-04 06-05-03 10-30-02 05-13-03 05-13-03 10-15-04 10-15-04 10-15-04 10-15-04 Notes: 1) 2) 3) "ND" indicates no detection. A "J" in the concentration column indicates that the contaminant was detected below the minimum qualification limit. This indicates that the contaminant is present but that the reported concentration may not be accurate. The reported concentration represents the sampling results from the most recent representative sampling event. EarthFax Engmeering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 3-1 SUMMARY OF REPRESENTATIVE HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITIES Well No. A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-8 A-9 A-10 B-1 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 C-1 C-2 C-3 Hydraulic Conductivity (ft/day) 730 27 54 410 190 360 775 145 15 33 2.73 39.82 0.75 470 4.85 3.11 2.6 52 510 30.5 Hydraulic Conductivity Range (ft/day) '^^ 23-31 42-75 350-470 120-260 310-410 650-900 120-170 13-17 26-41 2-3.4 35.28-44.35 0.3-1.1 4.2-5.5 37-70 26-35 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 3-1 (Continued) SUMMARY OF REPRESENTATIVE HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITIES Well No. C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 D-1 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-7 E-8 Hydraulic Conductivitv (ft/day) • 560 4.3 18 250 3.45 54 552.5 2.93 0.55 0.26 92.4 39.2 89.55 114.05 14.45 23.15 4.95 0.55 10.9 Hydraulic Conductivity Range (ft/day) <'^ 470-650 15-30 210-290 1-5.9 445-660 36.2-42.2 87.0-92.1 100.9-127.2 13.0-15.9 22.2-24.1 4.9-5.0 0.5-0.6 10.7-11.1 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 3-1 (Continued) SUMMARY OF REPRESENTATIVE HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITIES Well No. E-9 E-10 F-1 F-2A F-2B F-2C F-3 F-4 G-1 G-2 G-3 G-4 G-5 G-6 G-7 G-8 BC-2 BC-3 BC-4 BC-5 Hydraulic Conductivity (ft/day) 0.5 30.7 16.37 2.31 2.07 0.07 3.73 63.73 16.69 41.38 2.05 40.58 29.43 62.76 7.01 0.34 12 10 1 92 Hydraulic Conductivity Range (ft/day) <"' 30.2-31.2 16.13-16.60 2.20-2.41 1.68-2.46 0.052-0.087 3.67-3.79 62.15-65.30 16.26-17.12 38.61-44.14 1.91-2.18 37.96-43.19 27.62-31.23 57.82-68.44 6.85-7.16 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 3-1 (Continued) SUMMARY OF REPRESENTATIVE HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITIES Well No. BC-6 LF-1 LF-2 LF-3 LF-4 P-1 P-2 P-3 P-5 P-6 P-7 P-8 P-9 H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6 H-7 Hydraulic Conductivity (ft/min) 9 4.66 1.6 5.07 21.25 0.3 17 63.5 6 24 37.5 38 32 0.66 1.38 4.17 298.73 6.78 1.41 55.43 Hydraulic Conductivity Range (ft/day) <"' 3.08-6.23 4.80-5.33 16-18 62-65 29-46 0.62-0.69 1.29-1.46 269.86-327.60 5.21-8.35 54.79-56.07 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 3-1 (Continued) SUMMARY OF REPRESENTATIVE HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITIES Well No. H-8 H-9 H-10 J-1 J-3 J-4 J-5 J-6 J-7 J-8 EW-1 EW-6 X-4 M-508-1 M-508-2 M-508-3 M-508-4 M-508-B1 TCC-2 Hydraulic Conductivitv (ft/day) • 1.39 0.11 0.05 0.4 0.05 10.36 311.69 149.4 0.11 0.11 7 108.66 11.5 5.6 3.15 3.4 3.29 0.45 0.9 Hydraulic Conductivity Range (ft/day) <"' 0.34-0.46 5.14-15.58 203.76-419.62 138.66-160.13 0.06-0.15 0.06-0.15 5.45-5.75 3.38-3.42 2.74-3.83 0.45-0.46 0.46-1.33 (a) The hydraulic conductivity range identifies the results of all testing of the well i.e. the results of a slug and bail test conducted at the same time. EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 3-2 DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED WATER LEVELS Well ID A-1 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 BC-1 BC-2 BC-3 BC-4 BC-5 BC-6 Initial Water Level (ft) 4290.16 4288.71 4290.20 4290.48 4290.27 4290.29 4288.76 4289.40 4289.93 4288.41 4272.94 4266.24 4265.82 4274.44 4241.57 4263.88 4264.55 4262.83 4258.24 4262.60 Predicted \'^/ater Level (ft) 4287.16 4287.78 4288.07 4287.83 4287.03 4287.32 4288.30 4286.77 4286.47 4285.54 4277.85 4266.16 4265.68 4275.13 4241.92 4263.56 4265.74 4260.64 4262.73 4260.64 Difference (ft) -3.00 -0.93 -2.13 -2.65 -3.24 -2.97 -0.16 -2.63 -3.46 -2.87 4.91 -0.08 -0.14 0.69 0.35 -0.32 1.19 -2.19 4.49 -1.96 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 3-2 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN INITIAL AND PREDICTED WATER LEVELS Well ID C-1 C-2 C-3 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 D-2 D-3 D-4 D-5 D-6 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-8 E-9 E-10 EW-1 Initial Water Level (ft) 4287.19 4287.40 4289.22 4290.47 4290.21 4289.29 4290.15 4289.43 4291.49 4291.58 4290.23 4288.68 4275.76 4269.44 4265.41 4264.41 4262.76 4262.79 4265.60 4290.21 4287.97 4260.42 Predicted Water Level (ft) 4286.89 4286.87 4287.03 1287.08 4289.36 4290.56 4292.85 4287.83 4287.00 4287.17 4287.20 4286.84 4284.08 4266.46 4265.10 4264.33 4263.80 4263.31 4268.38 4281.77 4287.47 4254.36 Difference (ft) -0.30 -0.53 -2.19 -3.39 -0.85 1.27 2.70 -1.60 -4.49 -4.41 -3.03 -1.84 8.32 -2.98 -0.31 -0.08 1.04 0.52 2.78 -8.44 -0.50 -6.06 EarthFax Engmeering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 3-2 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN INITIAL AND PRIEDICTED WATER LEVELS Well ID EW-3 EW-4 EW-5 EW-6 F-1 F-3 F-4 G-1 G-2 G-3 G^ G-5 G-6 G-7 G-8 H-1 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6 H-7 Initial Water Level (ft) 4262.32 4267.05 4263.99 4265.49 4288.21 4277.40 4266.04 4266.11 4265.72 4262.79 4262.89 4259.62 4258.98 4258.05 4268.34 4263.77 4264.24 4265.02 4265.73 4263.71 4263.76 4266.53 Predicted V\/ater Level (ft) 4264.57 4267.30 4263.70 4265.66 4285.37 4280.55 4266.82 4266.37 4265.80 4260.08 4259.43 4259.24 4257.33 4257.38 4260.32 4266.67 4268.31 4269.6 4270.70 4263.18 4263.27 4273.39 Difference (ft) 2.25 0.25 -0.29 0.17 -2.84 3.15 0.78 0.26 0.08 -2.72 -3.46 -0.38 -1.65 -0.67 -8.02 2.90 4.07 4.58 4.97 -0.53 -0.49 6.86 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 3-2 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN INITIAL AND PREDICTED WATER LEVELS Well ID H-8 J-1 J-4 J-5 J-6 J-7 J-8 LF-1 LF-2 LF-3 LF-4 M-508-1 M-508-2 M-508-3 M-508-4 M-508-B1 P-1 P-8 P-9 X-4 Initial Water Level (ft) 4278.04 4346.87 4269.01 4258.18 4257.70 4330.91 4327.69 4297.83 4301.76 4296.65 4297.00 4344.41 4344.22 4345.43 4346.09 4345.39 4341.77 4349.91 4343.99 4253.93 Predicted Water Level (ft) 4281.57 4332.74 4267.81 4256.01 4258.91 4323.95 4325.75 4300.40 4301.65 4299.47 4316.94 4339.64 4340.17 4340.97 4341.66 4340.67 4343.10 4343.89 4343.26 4255.52 Difference (ft) 3.52 -14.13 -1.20 -2.17 1.21 -6.96 -1.94 2.57 -0.11 2.82 19.94 -4.77 -4.08 -4.46 -4.43 -4.72 1.33 -6.12 -0.73 1.59 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 4 1 DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR PERCHLORATE Well ID A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 BC-2 BC-3 Observed Concentration (ppm) 4.79 13.00 0.00 18.50 4.22 1.14 32.70 48.00 50.30 0.201 36.90 0.29 0.687 0.0038 0 Predicted Concentration (ppm) 57.0039 0.0531 0.2349 12.1530 0.0036 0.0389 18.1771 68.1312 46.0962 0.1816 36.2159 0.8818 0.5142 0.0118 0 Difference (ppm) 52.2139 -12.9469 0.2349 -6.3470 -4.2164 -1.1011 -14.5229 20.1312 -4.2038 -0.0194 -0.6841 0.5918 . -0.1728 0.0080 0 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 4-1 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR PERCHLORATE Well ID C-1 C-2 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-8 E-9 E-10 EW-6 F-1 F-3 F-4 G-1 G-2 Observed Concentration (ppm) 4.93 0.392 24.40 0.0094 0.05 0 22.00 0.239 0.059 0.066 0.029 0.181 0.0903 3.38 14.30 10.90 55.50 0 0.03 0.207 48.30 Predicted C:oncentration (ppm) 19.4757 6.7519 4.1573 0.0001 0 0 20.7877 0.3909 1.0412 0.1359 0.0115 0.0009 55.5696 0 0 0.0837 39.5793 5.6318 49.9971 0.5138 42.6721 Difference (ppm) 14.5457 6.3599 -20.2427 -0.0093 -0.0500 0 -1.2123 0.1519 0.9822 0.0699 -0.0175 -0.1801 55.1793 -3.3800 -14.30 -10.8163 -15.9207 5.6318 49.9671 0.3068 -5.6279 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 4-1 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR PERCHLORATE Well ID G-3 G-4 G-5 G-6 G-7 G-8 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6 H-7 H-8 J-1 J-4 J-5 J-6 J-7 J-8 LF-1 Observed Concentration (ppm) 0 0.022 0.0121 0.034 0 0.025 0 0 0.0678 0 0 0 0 0.495 0.014 0.0067 0.0104 0.182 0.0583 0.532 Predicted C/oncentration (ppm) 0 0 0.0567 0.0002 0 0.0076 0 0 0 0.0050 0.0013 0 0 0.5337 1.1437 0.1203 0.1425 0.0135 0.0590 0 Difference (ppm) 0 -0.022 0.0446 -0.0338 0 -0.0174 0 0 -0.0678 0.0050 0.0013 0 0 0.0387 1.1297 0.1136 0.1321 -0.1685 0.0007 0.5320 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 4-1 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR PERCHLORATE Well ID LF-2 LF-3 M-508-1 M-508-2 M-508-3 M-508-4 M-508-B1 P-1 P-8 P-9 X-4 Fish Spring Shotgun Spr. Pipe Spring Horse Spring Observed Concentration (ppm) 0 0 0 0.0158 0.0492 0.0168 0.0128 0 0.0042 0.0069 0.179 0.0047 0.0203 0.343 0 Predicted Concentration (ppm) 0 0 0.0198 0.0066 0.0082 0.0037 0.0051 0 0 0 0.0798 0.0076 0.1070 0.3398 0.0029 Difference (ppm) 0 0 0.0198 -0.0092 -0.0410 -0.0131 -0.0077 0 0.0042 0.0069 -0.0992 0.0029 0.0867 -0.0032 0.0029 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 4-2 DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR TCE Well ID A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 BC-2 BC-3 Observed Concentration (ppm) 1.66 0.068 0 5.90 1.83 5.02 2.80 3.63 1.17 0.325 1.99 0.12 0.044 0.0011 0 Predicted eaoncentratlon (ppm) 0.9155 0.0134 0.1802 4.0011 0.0030 0.0009 0.8580 4.1763 1.7669 0.9645 0.3022 0.1023 0.0084 0.0168 0 Difference (ppm) -0.7445 -0.0546 0.1802 -1.8989 -1.8270 -5.0191 -1.9420 0.5463 0.5969 0.6395 -1.6878 -0.0177 -0.0356 0.0157 0 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 4-2 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR TCE Well ID C-1 C-2 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-8 E-9 E-10 EW-6 F-1 F-3 F-4 G-1 G-2 Observed Concentration L (ppm) 0.974 1.14 2.21 0.0068 0.0071 0 0.82 0.037 0.129 0.172 0.027 0.079 0.022 2.37 1.11 0.092 2.42 0.077 0.018 0.0135 2.14 Predicted Concentration (ppm) 0.8838 0.3803 1.6109 0 0.0201 0.0104 0.7975 0.0074 0.0052 0.0060 0.0007 0.0002 1.2388 0.0007 0 0.0162 0.5187 0.0915 0.6226 0.0075 2.1723 Difference (ppm) -0.0902 -0.7597 -0.5991 -0.0068 0.0130 0.0104 -0.0225 -0.0296 -0.1238 -0.1660 -0.0263 -0.0789 1.2168 -2.3693 -1.1100 -0.0758 -1.9013 0.0145 0.6046 -0.0060 0.0323 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 4-2 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR TCE Well ID G-3 G-4 G-5 G-6 G-7 G-8 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 H-6 H-7 H-8 J-1 J-5 J-6 J-7 J-8 LF-1 Observed Concentration (ppm) 0.0882 0.0012 0.0586 0.0162 0 0.0072 0.0154 0.0076 0.0064 0.0202 0.0385 0.004 0.0039 0.221 0.0054 0.0038 0.0125 0.0439 0.0471 Predicted Concentration (ppm) 0 0.0001 0.0012 0.0002 0 0.0003 0.0003 0.0109 0.0135 0.0172 0.0066 0 0.0007 0.1912 0.0020 0.0018 0.0102 0.0357 0.0496 Difference (ppm) -0.0881 -0.0011 -0.0574 -0.0160 0 -0.0069 -0.0151 0.0033 0.0071 -0.0030 -0.0319 -0.0040 -0.0032 -0.0298 -0.0034 -0.0020 -0.0023 -0.0082 0.0025 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 4-2 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR TCE Well ID LF-2 LF-3 M-508-1 M-508-2 M-508-3 M-508-4 M-508-B1 P-1 P-8 P-9 X-4 Fish Spring Shotgun Spr. Pipe Spring Horse Spring Observed Concentration (ppm) 0.0025 0.0027 0.0343 0.362 2.67 4.9 0.637 0.183 3.64 0.562 0.04 0 0 0.005 0.0048 Predicted (Concentration (ppm) 0 0 1.3676 2.1818 0.9410 2.4015 2.3409 0 2.9439 0.0005 0.0361 0.0002 0.0019 0.0053 0.0028 Difference (ppm) -0.0025 -0.0027 1.3333 1.8198 -1.7290 -2.4985 1.7039 -0.183 -0.6961 -0.5615 -0.0039 0.0002 0.0019 0.0003 -0.0020 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 4-3 DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR TCA Well ID A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 B-1 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 BC-2 C-1 C-2 C-5 C-6 C-8 E-1 E-2 Observed Concentration (ppm) 1.14 0 0 2.53 1.34 0 1.07 0.122 0.266 0.223 0.004 0.0042 0 0.475 0.198 1.07 0.004 0 0.123 0.037 Predicted (Concentration (ppm) 4.6276 0.0027 0.0010 0.0444 0.0015 0.0007 9.7097 1.6311 0.1043 0 0 0 0 1.4706 0.6610 0.0152 0 0 0.1081 0 Difference (ppm) 3.4876 0.0027 0.0010 -2.4856 -1.3385 0.0007 8.6397 1.5091 -0.1617 -0.223 -0.004 -0.0042 0 0.9956 0.4630 -1,0548 -0.0040 0 -0.0149 -0.0370 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 4-3 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR TCA Well ID E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-8 E-9 E-10 EW-6 F-1 F-3 F-4 G-1 G-2 G-4 G-5 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 Observed Concentration (ppm) 0.015 0.01 0 0.0023 0 0.043 0.599 0 0.344 0.0094 0 0.001 0.257 0 0.0116 0.0007 0 0 0.0008 Predicted Cioncentration (ppm) 0 0 0 0 0.0298 0 0 0 0.0742 0.0015 0.0089 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Difference (ppm) -0.0150 -0.0100 0 0.0023 0.0298 -0.0430 -0.5990 0 -0.2698 -0.0079 0.0089 -0.001 -0.257 0 -0.0116 -0.0007 0 0 -0.0008 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 4-3 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR TCA Well ID H-6 H-7 H-8 Pipe Spring Observed Concentration (ppm) 0.0015 0 0 0 Predicted Concentration (ppm) 0 0 0 0.0007 Difference (ppm) -0.0015 0 0 0.0007 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 4-4 DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR DCE Well ID A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 B-1 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 BC-2 C-1 C-2 C-5 C-6 C-8 E-1 E-2 Observed Concentration (ppm) 0.165 0 0 0.673 0.154 0.735 0.536 0.089 0.503 0.135 0.005 0.002 0 0.13 0.061 0 0 0 0.066 0.0023 Predicted Concentration (ppm) 0.7382 0.0003 0.0002 0.0072 0.0002 0.0003 0.9957 0.4382 0.0907 0 0 0 0 0.2248 0.0312 0.0016 0 0 0.0750 0 Difference (ppm) 0.5732 0.0003 0.0002 -0.6658 -0.1538 -0.7347 0.4597 0.3492 -0.4122 -0.135 -0.005 -0.002 0 0.0948 -0.0297 0.0016 0 0 0.0090 -0.0023 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 4-4 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR DCE Well ID E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E-8 E-9 E-10 EW-6 F-1 F-3 F-4 G-1 G-2 G-4 G-5 H-2 H-3 H-4 H-5 Observed Concentration (ppm) 0.0083 0.019 0 0.0053 0 0.0342 0.136 0.031 0.17 0.0073 0 0 0.23 0 0.0186 0 0 0 0 Predicted Concentration (ppm) 0 0 0 0 0.0480 0 0 0 0.0439 0.0019 0.0109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Difference (ppm) -0.0083 -0.0190 0 -0.0053 0.0480 -0.0342 -0.1360 -0.0310 -0.1261 -0.0054 0.0109 0 -0.23 0 -0.0186 0 0 0 0 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 TABLE 4-4 (Continued) DIFFERENCES IN OBSERVED AND PREDICTED CONCENTRATIONS FOR DCE Well ID H-6 H-7 H-8 Pipe Spring Observed Concentration (ppm) 0 0 0 0 Predicted Concentration (ppm) 0 0 0 0.0006 Difference (ppm) 0 0 0 0 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Faciltiy Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 5-1 RESULTS OF GROUNDWATER FLOW MODEL SENSITIVITIY ANALYSES Parameter Multiplier RMS (ft) Normalized RMS (%) Water Balance (%) Maximum Residual (ft) STORAGE (Sy/Ss) 0.5 0.8 0.9 i.o<^) 1.1 1.2 1.5 4.161 4.161 4.161 4.161 4.161 4.161 4.161 3.841 3.841 3.841 3.841 3.841 3.841 3.841 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 19.934 19.934 19.934 19.934 19.934 19.934 19.934 RECHARGE 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.0<^> 1.1 1.2 1.5 4.143 4.132 4.127 4.161 4.120 4.117 4.107 3.825 3.814 3.810 3.841 3.803 3.800 3.791 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.003 0.003 20.067 20.167 20.200 19.934 20.266 20.299 20.399 (a) Water balance discrepancy for the calibrated flow model provided for reference. EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Faciltiy Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 5-1 (Coinitinued) RESULTS OF GROUNDWATER FLOW MODEL SENSITIVITIY ANALYSES Parameter Multiplier RMS (ft) Normalized RMS (%) Water Balance (%) II Maximum Residual (ft) HORIZONTAL HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY 0.5 0.8 0.9 i.o(^) 1.1 1.2 1.5 7.424 4.532 4.261 4.162 4.130 4.160 4.380 6.853 4.532 3.933 3.841 3.812 3.840 4.043 0.003 0.003 0.010 0.003 0.010 0.003 0.003 20.495 19.867 19.910 19.938 19.967 19.990 20.039 (a) Water balance discrepancy for the calibrated flow model provided for reference. EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 5-2 RESULTS OF CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODEL SENSITIVITIY ANALYSES Parameter Multiplier 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.5 Normalized RMS (%) RMS (ppm) HORIZONTAL HYDRAULIC CONDUCTIVITY 18.822 17.491 17.241 17.208 17.371 18.421 1.111 1.032 1.017 1.015 1.025 1.087 Maximum Residual (ppm) -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 MOLECULAR DIFFUSION 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.5 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.5 17.165 17.165 17.165 17.165 17.165 17.165 1.013 1.013 1.013 1.013 1.013 1.013 BULK DENSITY 17.165 17.165 17.165 17.165 17.165 17.165 1.013 1.013 1.013 1.013 1.013 1.013 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 5-2 (Continued) RESULTS OF CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODEL SENSITIVITIY ANALYSES Parameter Multiplier Normalized RMS (%) RMS (ppm) Maximum Residual (ppm) ACTIVITY COEFFICIENT (FRACTION ORGANIC CONTENT) 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.5 17.165 17.165 17.165 17.165 17.165 17.165 SOURCE CONCEh 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.5 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1 ''•^ 1.013 1.013 1.013 1.013 1.013 1.013 JTRATION 20.055 1.183 17.847 17.418 17.096 17.212 18.618 REACTION RATE (D 17.374 17.185 17.168 17.171 17.184 17.246 1.053 1.028 1.009 1.016 1.098 EECAY RATE) 1.025 1.014 1.013 1.013 1.014 1.017 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 -5.02 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December, 2005 TABLE 5-2 (Continued) RESULTS OF CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODEL SENSITIVITIY ANALYSES Parameter Multiplier 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.5 0.5 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.2 1.5 Normalized RMS RMS (ppm) POROSITY 21.092 17.767 17.292 17.259 17.461 18.175 LONGITUDINAL DISPEF?SIVITY 17.568 17.307 17.233 17.101 17.043 16.896 1.037 1.021 1.017 1.009 1.006 0.997 Maximum Residual )m) 1.244 1.048 1.020 1.018 1.030 1.072 -5.011 -5.018 -5.019 -5.019 -5.020 -5.020 -5.019 -5.019 -5.019 -5.019 -5.019 -5.018 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. • ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility Groundwater Model Report December 2005 FIGURES EarthFax Engineering, Inc. Bear Lake Miles H h 0 10 20 30 • iS FIGURE 1-1. SITE LOCATION MAP EarthFax '^- Ground Surface Potentiometric Surface Layer 1 Confining Cloy i[^ ^ Layer 5 Fractured Bedrock Layer 4 Unfractured Bedrock ^over / Uhconsolidated Deposits NOT TO SCALE FIGURE 2-1. GENERALIZED HYDROGEOLOGIC CROSS-SECTION • • EarthFax G: \UC954\05\DWG\FIG4-1.DWG / BASE "MAP TAkEN/^OM^v^SGS 7.5 MtKy-fE MAp SERIE'^EAWPO JUNqjfoN (jt'972^THATCHeR-M.pUNTAIN"^'SW4lSg6), THATCHER MOUfsiTAIN il972)rAND, PUBUC "^OOTING GRc|uND^^1T9?2)^ LEGEND Y///////X INACTIVE AREA PREDICTED TCA IN LAYER 2 (mg/l) A-10 MEASURED TCA PLUME EXTENT (DASHED WHERE INFERRED) 0' 2000' MONITORING WELL PREDICTED TCA IN LAYER 3 (mg/l) kwJ FIGURE 4-1. CALIBRATED TCA PLUME IN LAYERS 2 AND 3 G: \UC954\05\DWG\FIG4-2.DWG BA^ MAlf TAkBLH JUNCJION t!l?72), " .FROM USG^7.5 MINUTE MSP-^RIK LAMPO THATCHER MOqNTAH^ SW (1966)r THATCHER AfcinX Dl IDI ir* eiir»rtiTif>r> /^oru ikino /•imo\ ._^ MOUNVAIN (1*3(72). AND\PUBUC ShtQatf^g Gt^OUNDS (1972). LEGEND \///////A INACTIVE AREA PREDICTED DCE IN LAYER 2 (mg/l) A-10 MONITORING WELL PREDICTED DCE IN LAYER 3 (mg/l) MEASURED DCE PLUME EXTENT (DASHED WHERE INFERRED) 0' 2000" • • FIGURE 4-2. CALIBRATED DCE PLUME IN LAYERS 2 AND 3 ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 APPENDIX A VLF SURVEY EarthFax Engineering, Inc. South Test Area E-W Profile: 0200N I Q. 80 T 70- 60- 50 40 ao- ao- 10- Filter depth = 60 ft -30-L In-phase Quadrature X J" inn v^ Distance (m) South Test Area W-E Profile: OOOON Filter depth = 60 ft 30- *—1—I 300 -50 Distance (m) In-phase Quadrature South Test Area S-N Profile: OOOOE Filter depth = 60 ft 30 4 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 -1^^—I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 -50-' 200 250 300 .^^ Distance (m) In-phase Quadrature South Test Area N-S Profile: 0210W 50 T <D W W I- £ -50 H 1 1 1- Filter depth = 60 ft <—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I 300 -40-- -50-^- Distance (m) In-phase Quadrature South Test Area E-W Profile: 0600N 20- -I—(—I I Filter depth = 60 ft -I—'—I soo C^-100 (0 Q. -20-- -30-L In-phase Quadrature 400 Distance (m) South Test Area W-E Profile: 0400N 20T 10-- >p I—I—I—I—t-C^-ioo Filter depth = 60 ft H I—I -•r H ' 1 1 1 1 1 ^T 1 1 1 1 I—I 1 1 1 ' 1- a a. c 400 500 -30-^- In-phase Quadrature Distance (m) Burn Area W-E Profile: OOOOS 40- 30 Filter depth = 60 ft /' ' / ""v 'i TOO <D (0 (0 -40 -SO-" Distance (m) In-phase Quadrature Burn Area E-W Profile: 01508 Filter depth = 60 ft 40- -10 -20-" -I 1 1 1 1 1 1—rl 1 ^ 100 200 300 400 -I ' •;—' ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 ^ - - 700 Distance (m) In-phase Quadrature Test Area S-N Profile: OOOOW Filter depth = 60 ft 1100 -30 Distance (m) In-phase Quadrature Test Area N-S Profile: 0200W Filter depth = 60 ft 40 T 30-- r' 20-- 10-- \—I—I—:rl—I 1 1 1—I 1000 1100 (D in (D a. -10-- -20-- -30-- -40-- -50-- -60-L Distance (m) In-phase Quadrature Radio Tower S-N Profile: 1000W Filter depth = 60 ft 10x H—I—I—I—I I I—I I I I I I I I 1, I—I I I—I I I—I I I—I I I I I I I I I—I—h-l—I—I—I—I—I—I—I—I I I I I I I I—l-H 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 a> M ro -10 Q. -30-L Distance (m) In-phase Quadrature Radio Tower N-S Profile: 0800W 40-r 30-- 20-- g, w ro 0 OL I c -10-- -20-1- -30-- -40 J- Filter depth = 60 ft -I—I—1—1——I—^ 240 In-phase Quadrature 380 Distance (m) Radio Tower S-N Profile: 0400W 30 T 20 ^ 10-- Filter depth = 60 ft -10-- -20-L Distance (m) In-phase Quadrature 250 Radio Tower N-S Profile: 0200W Filter depth = 60 ft 20-r 10-- iS 0 <—I 300 s -10-- -20-- -30-^- Distance (m) In-phase Quadrature Radio Tower S-N Profile: OOOOW Filter depth = 60 fl 40 (D (0 ro .c \—I—' 1 1—I 300 -40 Distance (m) In-phase Quadrature South Test Area E-W Profile: 1200N Filter depth = 60 ft 20x 10-- 100 Distance (m) -50 J- In-phase Quadrature Test Area W-E Profile: 0800N Filter depth = 60 ft 40 i 1 1—I 1 1 1- 800 900 -40 Distance (m) In-phase Quadrature ATK Thiokol Inc. Groundwater Model Report Promontory Facility December 2005 PLATES EarthFax Engineering, Inc. 31 / / 1-; .,.--1 V V S 33 34 ] '-•--^l ) / ! ,.p \ (;:/ / V '1 TV t '•:: l ,j—- V - '\-r -^., ^ ; \ V:.V V \_:. • /<f "•A CH V^ ,1! \ \ ^ :y^- \ I !' — ./' o I, ,Tr !?•> {'•SQ^il s^fpp/xp • -p^^p'i(p--' .••'>''?'^^•'^"^/ CisDosa' M-^fepfeEj ..-.. I "-I *- '^'iA-/ \ P < ) r M50i.? •'iJSO© "^^QM. W508-^ M508-21 / ^ 7 / vyyp / f '-.y P A :. •• \ '^^^^^•'\p.y \:--' y / \ \ \ ^^•' p • / V .' •^' ' I •V ! pp 1%. { P ~~MJ^~ .y r"--n N _^ V D '. rn U), ' TCC8A TcfcB PLAISH78 J.1 J. l/''. "A -I .>'-i'i ,' • ?:T Pt ./' ./ .&^' .A •^- ^ A. ~^5'6 >^y— ip [' ) I f !•<• Pi 4 v; ' PP )<<'{ \ \ P .J-7 J ^••5... •-ir^^;;— 1^—iif^-''' ~'''-p: "^ •-•••• .Pl 1 / ^• r : \ /•'.' / y iPi.9 4 '/•' I ',' '<.. /'• ll ..' I ,'/ \ /r-p il "' '• JM. ~-^.L '/ II V-'N-^ II iV ' ->.// 11 / I \^ / J •^VCyfavcl I '^•J' /•' 'U^'«4 (1, .';•' /? 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(/) -\ 'v---..;,^Sprfttf Silt (' T^k **^>,»V.'a1et Turik ^^w, ;.?v. .^i^.y • ^^j •t^(o -, I :-,4290;2 4570' A-1 ! 13 i I '' ~) • • <^ ' »•''' ••' U/ e ."• 0 V 1 1 >- 1 • 1 I 1 ( • 1- 1 290. .A-2 B-g y. •• ' 4290.a'».'>i ^,^„ , ; ,; 4290,5 p-l 4289:2 ^* 4290J - a--i ^ •4560' ^A-10 - ^[ \.-,1b' •.«>43 ^; I ; I . I? --i-^^ •• •I V kr Pr \ { t • : y . c-5 .: N. •BURNlhTC GROUNDS \ 4288 4290 i4287.97/ 4289.93 . ' $^: «?«* 5»?< c/> Apriitfi /^C-7 ; ..: / / •4289.29 0^:^>.. i .7" •'-•'.. iiprinffs. '.<'.S.? "J»fr 1 ./,-*--l^fl«n^/ ..d;^ 5«5»' 4280 > X / / / ' •.•—-•-.^iV-L ._/ -•:-! 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AND PUBLIC SHOOTING GROUNDS. REVISION DATE BY a^ra EarthFax Engineering, Inc. '^ \^ Engineers/Scientists EarthFax PLATE 2-2 POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE 2003/2004 ATK THIOKOL INC. DRAWN BY: KHB APPROVED BY: RBW CHECKED BY: LDJ | DATE: 10/26/05 DWG DATA:UC954\05\clwg\PLATE 2-2.DWG .,..:. A \. ypmyp y'yypkypyy 'm yyy my-p'ppm mmmmypppywipmmyppP'p^ ....^mpppyyppppppppspyix^^ : pmmyymyyyym^Bm^mymypp mmm^ •^yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy^^ mm-»m..tmpPmKPmys«msimmpmYLPtMs :"••..• '<•: • ''>..:-•-. •:•:•/'''!/ •••'••.•'••.•:-.'•-•:•• ^. v VKO^ 5^^^Q^ )^\^^ ^^ A^^^ >0^-&^' K^t^ AO^ NV ^' )\S0^^ ^^ soO' y^^ co^' ,ct^" v^^^' .^NO^ (?' i^\^ ^^00 0 <c ^ooO P9' >ro ^0 ..M^O :ir<^ 34 ) ..^i _.. -t \ '^ rrig.-? SDosa .-1' . ' • \ I I ; /'• --i^T M33B LANDFltt' ^./^W (TCE) ... •-., ] .,.^., ..,-" •. ' I ' . I . • . ,. ---'•'-' .yi.y •'.. i y .5^ ^ /' ~\' - 1 .-• I F- 1 > r . 'i I •• • i ' I, DRUM I. 'I .//: • I iGE AREA • '' ,'••'. ••-"'' / .. -'- -U E519 LABQRATQRY SUWlPi^ I (PERCHLORATE AND TOE) \ H I \ \ I •'y^.6^0' '*07P ;•' " • -.1''. '\ • '' , ' 'SpHng^ I / \ i y- \(/) / ' ? ' E585 LAPORATORYSqWIRn • (P^OWLORAlfAimTCE)'^^ /\[\ i i' \ ^ ^^ •- ^'.' Z^''' ^ < ^- - ^ ) \ m ^ ) •\ 3 \ ^ y \ I !•• / py / .•••'- - -^ '•;• 'y^. y>v ; / ^ p/py^.' ^ __ ,/ p ypy ., -1- k >• i"< ll VT- •X • ^. yyy (LM-2\ \'''>.. .py\ I • • )••;. I \ yy^^s^;^ .'•i'"'Gravel •'•••'•^•p^i - \ ,''^\ •Water Tank '1< '"- s ^ I. "- J-\ ,(' ( •TT> \ KT !\A'^ :v (ft \ 1 n /' y X" - 5( -l.J' --T ""•- ;^ ^jyji 'P \ 7 (/ '' • . -ypyp yi tyy y pyypp:yy'^ y,, -BUItDI^TG 115\A/AStiQUT .^F^ERChyjDf^TE)/ . - V^ \ \ I I (PEFiCHLORA[r£: TQg ANO^GAJ ' ,' I '•'-'-'-^ ^ ^^' J y \p-\ ] ;• ' I 1 w ^[Spring . ''^\ ^F y"f^:' P' •'.' //J 3C >x lilikDRAINFIELD- (iPEReaiDRATE AND JC • m- y yM .^.^ y P- '-•r— ,^,«/ell F a u s t Valley. fll-/a ^'•1 .G*»v«l;- "•:; •Pit''* h 1 -^-^ ". . ^ \2 Vl •- . I'. 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I .)^' -^Pit^- • "' • i y <-/, ^«|:-" • • • • i->^J^ y y-'- y ^^. ,*<i "VJ LEGEND A-10 m MONITORING WELL APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF CHLORINATED SOLVENT AND PERCHLORATE CONTAMINATION PLUMES APPROXIMATE EXTENT OF PERCHED AQUIFER 0' 1500' HIGH ANGLE NORMAL FAULT (DASHED WHERE INFERRED) -9 y- LOW ANGLE NORMAL FAULT (DASHED WHERE INFERRED) f f— THRUST FAULT (DASHED WHERE INFERRED) NOTES: BASE MAP TAKEN FROM USGS 7.5 MINUTE MAP SERIES LAMPO JUNCTION (1972), THATCHER MOUNTAIN SW (1966), THATCHER MOUNTAIN (1972). AND PUBLIC SHOOTING GROUNDS (1972). REVISION DATE BY s^^s EarthFax Engineering, Inc. 'ff' ^^ Engineers/Scientists EarthFax PLATE 2-4 GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION PLUMES AND POTENTIAL SOURCE AREAS ATK THIOKOL INC. DRAWN BY: SWF APPROVED BY: KHB CHECKED BY: LDJ I DATE: OCT 2005 DWG DATA: G: \UC954\05\DWG\ PLATE2-4.0WG 1. ..y .f'-.H.' '.-' ^"i '^--r^' ' .y^^^;:^_^, y • '^ .^ [I.L .<& I.L li. . UJI.I :i l.l. .III. Jll .III III:.. 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