HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2006-002880 - 0901a0688013e873Changes to the original draft Quality Assurance Project Plan for Emission Characterization of Open Burning Waste Propellant Materials. 1) CS ortho-chlorobenzylidene malono-nitrile removed from page iv (List of Abbreviations) ^^j^p DELIVERED Page 13-2 APR 2 7 2006 131 Field Changes . UTAH DIVISION OF 13.1 Field Changes SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE The URS PM is responsible for all invesfigafive acfivifies. In this role, the URS PM at times will adjust the field program to accommodate project-specific needs. When it becomes necessary to modify this program, the URS PM will notify the ATK PM and URS QAO. 13.2 Laboratory Data The laboratory will report the types of out-of-control occurrences, how these occurrences are documented, and who is responsible for correction and documentafion. Generally, corrective acfion will be inifiated by out-of-control events such as: poor analysis replication, poor recovery, instrument calibration problems, blank contamination, etc. Appropriate laboratory personnel will initiate correcfive acfion at any fime during the analytical process when deemed necessary based on analytical judgment, method requirements, or when QC data indicate a need for action. Corrective actions may include, but are not limited to: Re-analysis Calculation checks Instrument recalibration Preparation of new standards/blanks Re-extracti on/di gesti on Dilution Application of another analysis method Additional training of analysts The following items must be documented for out-of-control incidents so that correcfive action may be taken to set the system back "in control." These items will typically constitute a corrective action report that is signed by the laboratory director and the laboratory QA contact: • Where the out-of-control incident occurred, • When the incident occurred and was corrected. • Who discovered the out-of-control incident, • Who verified the incident, and • Who corrected the problem. The laboratory will be responsible for re-sampling and re-analysis costs associated with gross failure to meet laboratory QA/QC objecfives. In consultafion with the Environmental Contractor Project Chemist, wither the Environmental Contractor PM or the QAM may inifiate a request for corrective action. The invesfigafion report (typically the Letter Report of Findings) will address the status and results of the sampling and associated QA/QC process for each data generation activity. The report will typically address and document the following QA/QC items: Measurement system performance and data quality. This secfion of the report will present the assessment of precision, accuracy, and completeness in relation to the specified field and laboratory data acceptance criteria and data assessment procedures. • Audit findings and correcfive action measures. This section of the report will present the effecfiveness ofthe data QA program and implementafion, and include a summary of findings and observations resulfing from audits, as appropriate. • Final laboratory QA assessment. This section of the report will present a summary of the laboratory results and performances based upon the data validafion process. • The roufine evaluafions of data quality described throughout this QAPP will be documented and filed along with the data in the project files. A summary of data quality and the results of checking the sample data against the quality assurance objecfives will be presented in the final report that presents and summarizes the data generated. Reporting nonconformances and field changes to management is discussed in Section 13. An effective QC program should include fonnal and frequent reports to management and technical staff of progress in the on-going implementation of the QC plan. At a minimum, the following parties should receive updates on project status: 1) ATK Project Manager; 2) URS PM; 3) URS QAO; and 4) other technical staff. Table A.6, Appendix A List of Analytes, page A 4 has been removed. Table A.6 is now Other Target Compounds. Table A.6 Energetics Target Analyte List (EPA SW-846 Draft Method 8330/8095). Energetics 1,3-Dinitrobenzene 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene Nitrobenzene Nitroglycerine 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2,6-Dinitrotoluene 2-Nitrotoluene 4-Nitrotoluene 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene Tetryl 2-Amino-4,6-dinitrotoluene 4-Amino-2,6-dinitrotoluene RDX" PETN" HMX' 3-Nitrotoluene "Cyclolrimelhylenetiinitramine; Penlaerylhritoleielranilrale; 'Cyclotetramethylene tetranitramine. PRELIMINARY DRAFT QUALITY ASSURANCE PROJECT PLAN for EMISSION CHARACTERIZATION OF OPEN BURNING WASTE PROPELLANT MATERIALS Prepared for: ATK Launch Systems Promontory Facility Brigham City, Utah Prepared by: URS Corporafion 8181 East Tufts Avenue Denver, Colorado 80237 April 2006 Preliminary Draft TABU OF CONTENTS Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Project Description 1-1 1.1 Background 1-1 1.2 Testing Approach Summary 1-1 1.2.1 Open Detonafion Open Buming Improved Tesfing Chamber 1-1 1.3 Test Procedures 1-2 Project Organization and Responsibility 2-2 2.1 ATK Launch Systems 2-3 2.2 URS Project Manager 2-3 2.3 URS Quality Assurance Officer 2-3 2.4 URS Technical Specialist and Field Support Staff 2-4 2.5 UTAH Department of Environmental Quality 2-4 2.6 Analyfical Laboratories 2-4 Quality Assurance Objectives for Measurement Data 3-1 3.1 Intended Data Usage 3-1 3.2 General Quality Assurance Considerafions 3-1 3.2.1 Precision 3-1 3.2.2 Accuracy 3-2 3.2.3 Representafiveness 3-2 3.2.4 Comparability 3-2 3.2.5 Completeness 3-2 3.2.6 Sensifivity 3-3 Sample Selection and Collection 4-1 4.1 Sampling Methods 4-1 4.1.1 Total Suspended Particulate 4-1 4.1.2 Particulate Metals Analysis 4-1 4.1.3 PmlOandPm2.5 4-2 4.1.4 Carbonyls 4-2 4.1.5 Semivolatile Organic Compounds 4-2 4.1.6 Dioxins/Furans 4-2 4.1.7 Volafile Organic Compounds and Tracer Gas Analysis 4-3 4.1.8 Hydrogen Chloride/Chlorine Analysis 4-3 4.1.9 Continuous Emission Monitoring 4-3 4.2 Sampling Preparafion, Quality Control, and Measurement 4-3 4.2.1 Calibrafion of Field Instrumentafion 4-3 4.2.2 Preparation of Sampling Equipment and Containers and Field Decontaminafion 4-4 4.2.3 Field Blanks, Duplicates, Splits, and Quality Control 4-4 4.2.4 Preservation, Transportation, and Storage of Samples 4-5 C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGSMEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ i URS Preliminary Draft TABIi OF CONTENTS 4.3 Documentation 4-5 Sections Sample Analysis 5-1 5.1 Field Operafions 5-1 5.1.1 Sample Container Labeling 5-1 5.1.2 Sample Custody (Custody Seals, Chain-Of-Custody, and Analysis Request) 5-1 5.2 Laboratory Operafions 5-1 Section 6 Laboratory Calibration Procedures and Frequency 6-1 Section? Analytical Procedures 7-1 Section 8 Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting 8-1 8.1 Data Reducfion 8-1 8.2 Data Validafion 8-1 8.2.1 Field Data Validafion 8-1 8.2.2 Laboratory Data Reduction and Review 8-2 8.2.3 Independent Review 8-3 8.3 Data Reporting 8-8 Section 9 Field and Laboratory Quality Control Checks 9-1 Section 10 Performance and System Audits 10-1 Section 11 Preventive Maintenance 11-1 11.1 Field Equipment 11-1 11.2 Laboratory Equipment 11-1 Section 12 Data Assessment Procedures 12-1 12.1 Precision 12-1 12.2 Accuracy 12-1 12.3 Completeness 12-1 12.4 Representativeness 12-2 12.5 Comparability 12-2 Section 13 Corrective Action 13-1 13.1 Field Changes 13-2 13.2 Laboratory Data 13-2 C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGE\LOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 11 URS Preliminary Draft TABIE OF CONTENTS Section 14 Quality Assurance Reports to Management 14-1 Section 15 Miscellaneous 15-1 15.1 Tumaround Time 15-1 Section 16 References 16-1 List of Tables Table 1-1 Sampling Analysis Method Lists Measurement Quality Objectives Maximum Reporting Limits by Analytical Method Table 3-1 Table 3-2 Table 3-3 Lisfing of Letters of Instructions for Smoke, Pyrotechnics, and Exploding Ordnance Tests Table 4-1 Sample Preservations and Holding Times Requirements List of Figures Figure 1-1 ODOBi Test Facility at DPG Figure 2-1 Project Organizational Chart List of Appendices Appendix A Lists of Analytes Appendix B Letter of Instructions C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 111 URS Preliminary Draft List Of Abbreviations ATK ATK Launch Systems CDD chlorinated dibenzodioxin CDF chlorinated dibenzofuran CEM continuous emission monitor CFR Code of Federal Regulations CI2 chlorine CO carbon monoxide COC chain of custody CO2 carbon dioxide CVAAS cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy DNPH 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine DoD U.S. Department of Defense DoT U.S. Department of Transportafion DPG U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground DQO Data Quality Objecfive DStrW Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste ECD electron capture detector EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency FID fiame ionization detecfion GC/MS gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy HCl hydrogen chloride HMX octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetrani tro-1,3,5,7-tetrazoci ne HpCDD Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin HPLC high-performance liquid chromatography HRGC high-resolufion gas chromatography HRMS high resolution mass spectrometry HpCDF Heptachlorodibenzofuran HxCDD Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin HxCDF Hexachlorodibenzofuran lAW in accordance with ICAP inductively coupled argon plasma LCS laboratory control sample LOl letter of instrucfion MDL method detecfion limit MS/MSD matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate URS C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSXGOGCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 1V Preliminary Draft List Of Abbreviations NEW net explosive weight NOx nitrogen oxides OB open buming ODOBi Open Detonafion Open Bum-improved OCDD octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin OCDF octachlorodibenzofuran PARCC precision, accuracy, representafiveness, comparability, and completeness PeCDD pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin PeCDF pentachlorodibenzofuran PETN pentaerythritoltetranitrate PM Project Manager PM2.5 particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns PMio particulate matter smaller than 10 microns PUF polyeurethane foam plug QA quality assurance QAO Quality Assurance Officer QC quality control QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RDX hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-l,35-triazine REC record of environmental consideration RL reporting limit RPD relative percent difference RSD relative standard deviation SDG sample delivery group SFG sulfur hexafluoride SO2 sulfur dioxide SOP standing operating procedure SRM standard reference material SVOC semivolafile organic compound TCDD tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin TCDF tetrach I orodi ben zof uran TIC tentatively identified compound TM Task Manager TSP total suspended particulate [matter] URS C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GO0CHGBLOCAL SETTINGSXTEMPGRARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ V Preliminary Draft List Of Abbreviations ^ URS sampling and analysis contractor (formerly Radian Int.) UV ultraviolet VOC volafile organic compound WDTC West Desert Test Center URS C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ VI Preliminary Draft SECTIONONE Project Description 1.1 BACKGROUND ATK Launch Systems (ATK) operates several facilifies within the State of Utah for the production of solid rocket motors. Rocket motors are produced for a variety of customers and generally contain either Class 1.1 or Class 1.3 propellant as defined by the Department of Transportation (DoT). As part of these facilities, ATK operates three different sites for open buming (OB) of explosive waste generated during production of these motors. These open bum units are currently managed as interim status Resource Conservafion and Recovery Act (RCRA) units with preparafions underway for obtaining full RCRA Subpart X permits. The Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste (DSHW) requires human health and ecological risk assessments as part of the Subpart X permitting process. Understanding emissions from these units is a necessary component for the risk assessment process. In 1997, ATK commissioned the U.S. Army to test Class 1.1 materials at the BANGBOX facility located at the Dugway Proving Grounds in westem Utah. Materials tested included Class 1.1 propellants along with contaminated materials such as cloth and paper wipes, plastics, and cleaning items. The tests detennined emission factors for airbome pollutants produced when these materials are bumed. These emission factors are used with air dispersion modeling to help determine downwind impact from open buming. ATK sfill requires emission factors for the other major class of propellant (Class 1.3) produced at the Utah facilities. Addifional characterization tests are planned in the near future for Class 1.3 materials at the Dugway facilifies. This Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is to provide the quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) required to identify and quanfify emissions from open buming of these materials. 1.2 TESTING APPROACH SUMMARY This Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) is to provide the quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) required to identify and quanfify the emissions resulting from the open buming of three test materials using the Open Detonafion Open Buming Improved (ODOBi) tesfing chamber. Three test materials will be studied. The first material will be 100% Class 1.3 propellant. The other two test materials will consists of a mixture of Class 1.3 propellant blended with different percentages of materials such as cloth, paper, paper wipes, plasfics, and cleaning items. 1.2.1 Open Detonation Open Burning Improved Testing Ciiamber The ODOBi site is located in the west desert area of the West Desert Test Center/Dugway Proving Ground. The ODOBi test facility, shown in Figure 1-1, includes a test chamber with a removable stack. The ODOBi test chamber and stack are made of 2.54-cm (1-in) and 0.63-cm (0.25-in) thick steel, respecfively. The chamber consists of top and bottom sections that, when bolted together, give an ellipsoidal shape and a volume of approximately 36 m'^. An altemate configuration is to replace the stack with a ventilafion cover. The venfilafion cover is basically a ^JKM C:\D0CUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHGBLDCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 1 - 1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONTWO Project Organization and Besponsidiiity framework of angle iron designed to keep shrapnel from the test within the chamber and prevent overpressure by releasing the gases at the fime of deployment. Test items are placed in the chamber or suspended in the center and remotely inifiated. Sample probes are inserted into the test chamber to convey the combusfion products to sampling trains and instruments for identificafion and quantificafion. There are 21 sampling ports in the chamber wall. The ports are used for manual method sampling: two ports for sampling TSP, one port for PM10/PM2.5, two ports for SVOCs, two ports for dioxins/furans, two ports for HCI/CI2, and one port for VOCs, carbonyls and tracer gas sampling. One port is used for confinuous monitoring of CO, CO2, NOx, and SO2. An addifional port has been installed for tracer gas injection. The sample media is located immediately outside the chamber. An electrical firing circuit remotely deploys the test items and releases the SFG tracer gas. After sampling has concluded, the chamber door is opened to release the remaining gases. The chamber is then prepared for the next test. 1.3 TEST PROCEDURES Confinuous air analyzers will be used on-site to monitor each test bum. Addifional air emissions samples will be collected and ship off-site for analytical tesfing. Detonafions will be performed using various conventional means, depending on the test item characterisfics. The quantity of material will be chosen to achieve a net explosive weight per trial. The ATK materials to be tested are placed in the center of the chamber. The tracer gas is released into the chamber immediately after the deployment of the items. Samplers to measure total suspended particulate (TSP) matter, metals, particulate matter smaller than 10 microns (PMio), particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns (PM2.5), SVOCs, dioxins/furans, HCl and CI2 are located just outside the chamber (except PM10/PM2.5, which is inside the chamber) and connected to the chamber by short probes. The sampling rate is monitored and recorded. Two other probes convey gases from the chamber into two separate manifolds located in a bunker adjacent to the test chamber. One manifold distributes the gases to the continuous analyzers (NOx, CO, CO2, SO2, and HCl), and the other manifold distributes gases to the VOCs, tracer, and carbonyls sampling lines in the bunker. UACM C:\D0CUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GO0CHGBL0CAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 2-2 Preliminary Draft SECTIONTWO Proiect Organization and Responsibiiity The project organizafion chart is shown in Figure 2-1. 2.1 ATK LAUNCH SYSTEMS The ATK Launch Systems (ATK) Project Manager is responsible for the contracting of URS, Inc. and will oversee and approves work performed by URS in support of the Emission Characterizafion of Open Buming Waste Propellant Materials Project. 2.2 URS PROJECT MANAGER The URS Project Manager (PM) is responsible for overall project management, including planning, communication with clients and regulators, coordinafion of data acquisition/field acfivities, the health and safety of project participants, and implementafion ofthe project quality assurance (QA) program as given in this QAPP. The PM works directly with, and is advised by, the URS Quality Assurance Officer (QAO) in the implementation of this plan. Additional responsibilifies include engineering capabilifies, safety, and test report preparafion. 2.3 URS QUALITY ASSURANCE OFFICER The URS QAO communicates with the URS PM, and Task Managers (TMs) on project QA and additionally has direct reporting access to the Corporate QA Officer on quality-related matters. The QAO is responsible for the development, implementafion, and maintenance of the comprehensive project QA program. The QAO communicates with all levels of program and project management to assure that a quality product is prepared for submittal. Specific responsibilifies ofthe QAO are as follows: • Prepare the project-specific QAPP and provide QA/guidance to the TMs in the development of any required task-specific instmctions. • Respond to QA needs, resolve problems, and answer requests for guidance or assistance. • Review audit and nonconformance reports to determine areas of poor quality or failure to adhere to established procedures. • Confer with an audited enfity on the steps to be taken for corrective actions and track nonconformance until correction. Confer with the URS PM to resolve an inadequate corrective action. • Maintain, with the concurrence of the ATK PM, URS PM, URS Health and Safety Manager the authority to stop work on any task where a critical situation requires slopping work to prevent further discrepancies, danger to personnel, loss of data, or other problems. • Establish and maintain a filing system (including LOIs and SOPs) and all correspondence between ATK and URS for auditing purposes. ^JJCM C:\D0CUMENTS AND SETTINGSXGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGSVTEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-05\\ 2-3 Preliminary Draft SECTIONTWO Project Organization and Responsibiiity • Serve as the official contact for all QA matters with the ATK Project Manager. • Provide training on QA policies, procedures, and methodology as required. 2.4 URS TECHNICAL SPECIALIST AND FIELD SUPPORT STAFF URS will provide the technical specialists as required to prepare and finalize the test plan, the health and safety plan (describes the dufies and responsibilities of the assigned URS Health and Safety Manager) and test report in accordance with the contract and this QAPP. URS will also provide the test personnel required to execute the approved test plan. 2.5 UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Will provide regulatory oversight of the program, and will review and provide comments on the test plan, QAPP, and test report. 2.6 ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Commercial laboratories will analyze sample media after testing. As of this version of the QAPP the specific labs have not been identified. The listing of the required analytical testing and associated methodologies are provided in Table 1-1. UKS C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GO0CHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 2-4 Preliminary Draft SECTIONTHREE Quaiity Assurance Obiectives for Measurement Data The overall QA objective for this project is to develop and implement procedures for obtaining and evaluafing data that meet the DQOs to assure or confirm that the required decisions can be made at a specified and acceptable level of uncertainty. The procedures defined in this QAPP and Letter of Instmcfions are established to assure that field measurements, sampling methods, and analytical data provide infomnation that is comparable and representative of the actual field conditions, and that the data generated are technically defensible. The analyfical QA objectives are defined in terms of sensifivity and the PARCC parameters of precision, accuracy, representafiveness, completeness, and comparability. The primary goal of this QAPP is to define procedures that assure the quality and integrity of the collected samples, the representafiveness of the results, the precision and accuracy of the analyses, and the completeness of the data. Data that meet the QA objecfives and goals will be deemed acceptable. Data that do not meet objecfives and goals will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to ascertain usability. 3.1 INTENDED DATA USAGE To achieve project DQOs, this QAPP and associated LOIs are designed to assure that a sufficient number of samples will be collected using technically valid scienfific procedures. Utilization of the QAPP requires implementation of procedures for obtaining and evaluating data in a manner that will result in a quanfitafive or qualitafive representation of the PARCC parameters. The parameters of precision, accuracy, and completeness provide a quantitative measure of the quality of the data collected using the ODOBi. The parameters of representafiveness and comparability utilize documentafion ofthe ODOBi and laboratory procedures to qualitafively evaluate the data. Specificafion of required sensifivity levels is also an integral component of obtaining data that will safisfy the DQOs. Following the collection and analysis of the samples, a determinafion will be made whether the DQOs established for the data-collecfion effort were satisfied. 3.2 GENERAL QUALITY ASSURANCE CONSIDERATIONS Data quality indicators are defined in terms of the PARCC parameters in the following subsections. The assessment of the data quality indicators is necessary to determine data usability. The established precision and accuracy limits are listed in Table 3-1. The laboratory must meet the QC acceptance criteria presented in Table 3-1. The method duplicate (MD), matrix spike (MS), and matrix spike duplicate (MSD) limits given in Table 3-1 will be used for data verificafion. The method detection limits (MDLs) and reporting limits (RLs) for each analytical method to be contracted by an off-site commercial laboratory are provided in Table 3- 2. 3.2.1 Precision Precision is a measure of mutual agreement among replicate (or between duplicate) or co-located sample measurements of the same analyte. The closer the numerical values of the measurements are to each other, the more precise the measurement. Precision for a single analyte will be expressed as a relafive percent difference (RPD) between results of field duplicate samples, mCS C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GO0CHGBLOCAL SETTINGSXTEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 3- 1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONTHREE Quaiity Assurance Objectives for Measurement Data laboratory duplicate samples, or MSD samples for cases where both results are sufficiently large (i.e., > five times the RL). Otherwise, the absolute difference between the results is compared to a factor of the RL (the RL is used for nondetect results). In addifion, the lab will assess precision by conducting roufine instrument checks to demonstrate that operafing characterisfics are within predetermined limits. 3.2.2 Accuracy Accuracy is a measure of bias in a measurement system. The closer the value of the measurement agrees with the true value, the more accurate the measurement. This will be expressed as the percent recovery of a surrogate, LCS analyte, MS analyte, or of a standard reference sample. 3.2.3 Representativeness Representativeness is a qualitative parameter that expresses the degree to which sample data accurately and precisely represents characteristics of a population, parameter variafions at a sampling point, or an environmental condifion. The design of, and rafionale for, the sampling program (in terms of the purpose for sampling, selecfing the sampling locafions, the number of samples to be collected, the ambient conditions for sample collecfion, the frequencies and fiming for sampling, and the sampling techniques) assures that the environmental condition has been sufficiently represented. 3.2.4 Comparability Comparability is a qualitafive parameter expressing the confidence with which one data set can be compared to another. Data sets will be considered comparable only when precision and accuracy are considered acceptable during data validation. Sample data will be collected and reported in order to be comparable with other measurement data for similar samples and sample condifions. This goal will be achieved through following standard procedures to collect and then analyze representative samples and through reporting analytical results in appropriate and consistent units. Each analytical procedure selected from among the acceptable opfions will be used for all investigative analyses, unless rafionale is provided for any alteration. In essence, comparability will be maintained by consistency in sampling conditions, selecfion of sampling procedures, sample preservafion methods, analyfical methods, and data reporting units. 3.2.5 Completeness Completeness is a measure of the number of valid measurements obtained in relation to the total number of measurements planned. The closer the numbers are, the more complete the measurement process. Completeness will be expressed as the percentage of valid or usable measurements to planned measurements. An objecfive of the field-sampling program is to establish the quanfity of data needed to support the invesfigafion. This will be achieved by obtaining samples for all types of analyses required at each individual location, a sufficient volume of sample material to complete the analyses, samples that represent all possible contaminant situafions under investigation, and samples at critical data locations, such as mCS C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 3-2 Preliminary Draft SECTIONTHREE Quaiity Assurance Objectives for Measurement Data background and control samples. The overall completeness goal for investigafive acfivifies is 80% for each sampling event. The effect of any rejected data on project objecfives will be evaluated in order to assess the need for recollection or reanalysis of these samples. 3.2.6 Sensitivity To evaluate the ufility of the data for comparison to numeric standards or screening it is important that the sensifivity ofthe methods ufilized is acceptable. This QAPP specifies the use of routine and commercially available U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) approved analytical methods. In general, these methods provide the necessary level of sensitivity. Table 3-2 and 3-3 provide the required RLs relative to the numeric standards and/or screening criteria to be used for data collected under this QAPP. mCS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGSXTEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 3-3 Preliminary Draft SECTIONFOUR Sampie Seiection and Coiiection Air emissions samples generated from buming the ATK test materials using the ODOBi test chamber will be collected on-site and shipped off-site for analyfical testing. The ODOBi test chamber and stack are made of 2.54-cm (1-in) and 0.63-cm (0.25-in) thick steel, respecfively. The chamber consists of top and bottom secfions that, when bolted together, give an ellipsoidal shape and a volume of approximately 36 m". An altemate configuration is to replace the stack with a ventilafion cover. The venfilafion cover is basically a framework of angle iron designed to keep shrapnel from the test within the chamber and prevent overpressure by releasing the gases at the time of deployment. Test items are placed in the chamber or suspended in the center and remotely inifiated. Sample probes are inserted into the test chamber to convey the combustion products to sampling trains and instruments for idenfification and quanfification. There are 21 sampling ports in the chamber wall. The ports are used for manual method sampling: two ports for sampling TSP, one port for PM10/PM2.5, two ports for SVOCs, two ports for dioxins/furans, two ports for HCI/CI2, and one port for VOCs, carbonyls and tracer gas sampling. One port is used for continuous monitoring of CO, CO2, NOx, and SO2. An additional port has been installed for tracer gas injection. The sample media is located immediately outside the chamber. An electrical firing circuit remotely deploys the test items and releases the SFo tracer gas. After sampling has concluded, the chamber door is opened to release the remaining gases. The chamber is then prepared for the next test. All field-sampling methods that will be used during these tests are based on EPA methodologies [see letters of instmction (LOIs) in Appendix B for references to corresponding methods]. However, in order to be used in the ODOBi test chamber, some procedure modifications are needed (e.g., remote operation and relafively short sampling period). Target sampling fimes for each type of sampler are presented in the LOIs. 4.1 SAMPLING METHODS A general summary of methods to be used to support this invesfigation is provided in the following subsections and presented in Table l-l. A list of the target analytes is presented in Appendix A. 4.1.1 Total Suspended Particulate The concentrafion of Total Suspended Particulate (TSP) is determined gravimetrically in accordance with (lAW) 40 Code of Federal Regulafions (CFR) 60 (see DPG LOI-101 in Appendix B) Method 5. Each filter is weighed before and after testing to determine the net weight gain of particles. The concentrafion of the TSP is the mass of particles collected on the filter divided by the volume of air sampled, corrected to standard temperature and pressure condifions. 4.1.2 Particulate Metals Analysis The quartz/glass-fiber filter used for the determinafion of TSP will also be used for the determination of particulate metals. After the filter is weighed to determine the TSP mCd CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGSWEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 4-1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONFOUR Sampie Seiection and Coiiection concentrafion, the enfire filter will be digested with concentrated acid lAW EPA Method 29 (see DPG LOI-107 in Appendix B). The digestate will be analyzed for mercury, using cold vapor atomic absorpfion spectroscopy (CVAAS) modified Method 7470/7471 and all other metals by inducfively coupled argon plasma (ICAP) emission spectroscopy lAW Method 6010 (DPG LOl- 107 in Appendix B). Appendix A presents the list of target metals. 4.1.3 PMIO AND PM2.5 PMio and PM2.5 will be sampled by using two cyclones and a filter lAW 40 CFR 51 Method 201A (see DPG LOI-304 in Appendix B). The sample is collected from the chamber using a short probe. The gases then pass through two cyclones in series. The first cyclone removes particles larger than 10 microns. Particles that pass through the first cyclone, but not the second, are between 10 and 2.5 microns. PM2.5pass through the second cyclone. Each fracfion will be measured gravimetrically. The concentrafion of PMio and PM2.5 will be computed as the mass of collected particles in each range, divided by the volume of air sampled, corrected to standard conditions. 4.1.4 Carbonyls The concentrafion of formaldehyde and other TO-11 carbonyl compounds will be determined lAW EPA Compendium Method TO-11 A (see DPG LOI-109 in Appendix B). A sample stream of gas will be drawn through tubes that contain sorbent and are coated with 2,4-dinitrophenyl- hydrazine (DNPH). The tubes will then be capped and shipped to the laboratory for analysis, using high-performance liquid chromatography with an ultraviolet absorption detector. The VOC method (see DPG LOI-104 in Appendix B) will be used to quanfify other aldehydes. 4.1.5 Semivolatile Organic Compounds Semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) are measured based on the procedure in SW-846 0010 (see DPG LOI-301 in Appendix B). Sorbent cartridges for the determination of SVOCs in air will be analyzed based on SW-846 Method 8270C (see DPG LOL301 in Appendix B) plus tentafively identified compounds (TICs). The samples are collected by using a combinafion quartz filter/adsorbent cartridge. The cartridge contains XAD-2 polymeric resin beads. After sampling, the filters and adsorbent cartridge will be extracted with solvent. The effiuent is then analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) equipped with mass spectrometry (MS) detecfion. TICs will be reported when the response of the compound is equal or greater than 10 percent of the response of the associated intemal standard and the mass spectra library match of the TIC compound is greater than or equal to a hit quality index factor of 90 or greater. Hard copy TIC reports and spectra will be placed in the appropriate data package. 4.1.6 Dioxins/Furans Dioxins/furans are measured based on the procedure in 40 CFR 60 Method 23 (see DPG LOl- 301 in Appendix B). Sorbent cartridges for the determination of dioxins/furans in air are analyzed based on SW-846 Method 8290 (see DPG LOL301 in Appendix B). The samples are collected using a quartz filter and adsorbent cartridge. The cartridge contains XAD-2 resin mCS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOGCHGBLGCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-08\\ 4-2 Preliminary Draft SECTIONFOUR Sampie Selection and Coiiection beads. After sampling, the filters and adsorbent cartridge are extracted with solvent. The effluent is analyzed by high-resolution GC (HRGC) equipped with high-resolufion MS (HRMS) detecfion. Appendix A presents the target isomers for this determination. 4.1.7 Volatile Organic Compounds and Tracer Gas Analysis Gas samples collected in 6-L canisters will be analyzed for volafile organic compounds (VOCs) by using a GC and multiple detectors as described in EPA Compendium Method TO-14A (see DPG LOI-104 in Appendix B). Most compounds will be identified via GC/MS full scan. Light hydrocarbons (e.g., acetylene, ethane, ethylene, and propane) will be idenfified using GC/fiame ionizafion detection (FED). The target analytes are listed in Appendix A. Total nonspeciated VOCs will be determined by using appropriate secfions of EPA Compendium Method TO-12 (see DPG LOI-104 in Appendix B). A GC with an electron capture detector will be used to analyze for the tracer gas SFo in gas samples collected in LO-L canisters. 4.1.8 Hydrogen Chloride/Chlorine Analysis HCI/C12 will be measured by using the EPA Method 26 sampling train (see DPG LOI-108 in Appendix B). Gas will be bubbled through dilute solutions of sulfuric acid and sodium hydroxide in series. The HCl is absorbed in the sulfuric acid solufion, while the CI2 passes through and is absorbed by the sodium hydroxide solufion. The chloride concentrafion in the liquid solutions will be measured with an ion chromatograph. For test items that contain significant amounts of chlorine, the particulate filter from the sampling train will be recovered and sent to the laboratory for analysis. The filter will be extracted using deion-ized water and the chlorine concentration will be measured with an ion chromatograph. HCl will also be measured using CEMS as described in secfion 4.1.9. 4.1.9 Continuous Emission Monitoring Real-time emissions of NOx, CO, CO2, SO2, and HCl will be measured using CEMs (see DPG LOl-106 in Appendix B). Chamber gases will be continuously recirculated through a manifold in the bunker adjacent to the test chamber. A small slipstream will be pulled from the manifold into each analyzer. Mulfipoint calibrations will be performed on each instrument before the test series to verify that response is linear. As needed, zero and upscale calibration standards will be used to check for analyzer drift and bias (at least twice per day). The analyzer outputs during sampling will be stored by the data acquisifion system. 4.2 SAMPLING PREPARATION, QUALITY CONTROL, AND MEASUREMENT 4.2.1 Calibration of Field Instrumentation Prior to actual sampling, all field instruments will be calibrated to assure that accurate and reliable measurements are obtained. Calibrafion procedures and criteria for sampling equipment are based on the sampling methods in Appendix B. For sampling trains, this primarily applies to gas sample volume. For CEMs, UKM CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\OAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 4-3 Preliminary Draft SECTIONFOUR Sample Seiection and Collection this primarily applies to concentration drift and span. For all analyfical measurements, the range ofthe instmment calibrafion is specified to encompass the range of probable experimental values. This approach ensures that all results are based upon interpolafive analyses rather than extrapolafive analyses. Calibrafions are designed to include, where practicable, at least four measurement points evenly spaced over the range. This practice minimizes the probability that false assumpfions of calibrafion linearity will be made. In addifion, it is common practice to select, when pracficable, at least one calibrafion value that approximates the levels anficipated in the actual measurement. Typically, calibration frequency is dictated by the need to demonstrate the stability of the calibration value over the course of measurements. Sampling media such as polyurethane foam (PUF) plugs, Summa Canisters, sorbent traps, filters, will be provided by the corresponding commercial laboratories performing the contracted sample analyses. 4.2.2 Preparation of Sampling Equipment and Containers and Field Decontamination Calibrafion procedures and criteria for sampling equipment are based on the sampling methods in Appendix B. For sampling trains, this primarily applies to gas sample volume. For CEMs, this primarily applies to concentration drift and span. For all analytical measurements, the range of the instmment calibration is specified to encompass the range of probable experimental values. This approach ensures that all results are based upon interpolative analyses rather than extrapolafive analyses. Calibrafions are designed to include, where pracficable, at least four measurement points evenly spaced over the range. This pracfice minimizes the probability that false assumpfions of calibrafion linearity will be made. In addition, it is common pracfice to select, when pracficable, at least one calibration value that approximates the levels anticipated in the actual measurement. Typically, calibration frequency is dictated by the need to demonstrate the stability of the calibrafion value over the course of measurements. Sampling media such as polyurethane foam (PUF) plugs, Summa Canisters, sorbent traps, filters, will be provided by the corresponding commercial laboratories performing the contracted sample analyses. 4.2.3 Field Blanl<s, Duplicates, Splits, and Quality Control QC checks of both field sampling and laboratory sample analysis will be used to assess and document data quality and to identify irregularities in the measurement process that need correction. QC samples will be employed to assess various data quality parameters such as representativeness of the environmental samples, the precision of sample collecfion and handling procedures, the thoroughness ofthe field equipment decontamination procedures, and the accuracy of laboratory analysis. To evaluate bias and contamination from field collecfion procedures, blanks will be prepared from distilled or deionized water. In addifion to the field QC samples identified below, the analytical laboratory will use a series of QC samples as idenfified in the laboratory QA plan and specified in the standard analytical methods. The types of laboratory QC samples include method blank, LCS, MS, and laboratory duplicate or MSD. A LCS will be analyzed for each method and batch. mCS CADOCUMENTS AND SEmNGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGSNTEMPGRARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 4-4 Preliminary Draft SECTIONFOUR Sample Selection and Collection Analyses of QC samples will be performed for samples of similar matrix type and extracfion/analysis method and for each sample batch. To supplement the use of QC samples, the laboratory will generate and use control charts to assess performance on the QC samples. The following sections describe field QC samples that will be collected. Equipment Blanks Equipment decontamination rinsates will not be required because dedicated sampling equipment will be used. Field Replicates Each ATK test material will be bumed three separate times. As a result triplicate samples represenfing each sample will be collected and submitted to the off-site commercial lab for tesfing. These samples will be analyzed for all parameters idenfified in Table 1-1. Field Blanks Field blanks will be used to indicate the presence of extemal contaminants that may have been introduced into the samples during collecfion. Field blanks will be collected and analyzed for all parameters of interest. Field blanks will be prepared on site during the sampling event. At least one field blank sample will be analyzed for each group of samples of a similar matrix type per event (i.e., one field blank per investigation area per matrix analyzed). The field blanks will be handled and analyzed in the same manner as all environmental samples. Trip Blanks Trip blanks will not be prepared or analyzed specific to this investigafion. Performance Evaluation Samples PE samples will not be prepared or analyzed specific to this invesfigafion. 4.2.4 Preservation, Transportation, and Storage of Samples Preservafion requirements and associated holding fimes will be in accordance with QC requirements specified in Tables 4-1 to ensure sample integrity. Samples collected during this investigation will be either shipped to the laboratory via an ovemight carrier or will be hand delivered to analyfical laboratory if geographically possible. 4.3 DOCUMENTATION Field data measurements and observations will be recorded in field logbooks and the appropriate field forms. mCd CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\G00CHGDL0CAL SETTINGSNTEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\0LK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 4-5 Preliminary Draft SECTIONFIVE Sample Analysis The laboratory QA/QC procedures in this QAPP are intended to be minimum requirements. The selected laboratories to perform the work will meet, at a minimum, the requirements of this QAPP and the QA/QC requirements specified in the labs specific laboratory standard operating procedures (SOPs). Written documentation of sample custody from the time of sample collecfion through the generafion of data by analysis of the sample is recognized as a vital aspect of an environmental invesfigafion. As described below, sample custody applies to both field and laboratory operafions. Official custody of the sample and its corresponding documentafion will be maintained throughout the handling of the sample, from the time of collection, through preparation and analysis, and unfil sample disposal. 5.1 FIELD OPERATIONS 5.1.1 Sample Container Labeling Sample labels will be filled out in the field. Minimum requirements for information to be included on sample container labels are included in Test Plan. 5.1.2 Sample Custody (Custody Seals, Chain-of-Custody, and Analysis Request) For field operations, standard sample collection procedures have been developed for sample custody, labeling, analysis request, and tracking. All samples will be idenfified, labeled, and logged onto a COC form, as a part of an overall procedure designed to assure the integrity of the resulfing data. The record ofthe physical sample (locafion and fime of sampling) will be joined with the analytical results through accurate accounfing of the sample custody. 5.2 LABORATORY OPERATIONS All laboratories complefing chemical analyses will be required to maintain samples in a secure locafion with limited access from the time of sample receipt through sample disposal. Sample custody procedures within a laboratory will be dependent upon the laboratory quality assurance plan (QAP) and/or SOPs. The laboratory will be responsible for maintaining logbooks and records that provide an uninterrupted custody record throughout sample preparation and analysis. The general steps to be followed by the analyfical laboratory for sample receipt, sample labeling, and sample custody are: • Laboratory receives samples • A sample receipt checklist is filled out. The following items are documented on the checklist. - The temperature of the temperature blank (taken and recorded before the samples are unpacked), where applicable. Containers are checked for breakage/damage. mCS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\G00CHGBL0CAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 5-1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONFIVE Sample Analysis Preservative use (once the cooler is unpacked, all botfies are checked to ensure that the samples have been preserved properiy), where applicable. Agreement between bottle labels and the COC form. Verification that adequate sample volume for each analysis has been provided. • A lot number or sample delivery group (SDG) number is then assigned • The sample bottles are then labeled with the laboratory number • The sample bottle laboratory number labeling is verified • If any discrepancies were found during login, the laboratory PM will nofify the URS QAO. • The samples are placed in refrigerators if applicable. • After the final report has been issued, samples are moved to archive. UKM CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\0LK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 5-2 Preliminary Draft SECTIONSIX Laboratory Calibration Procedures and Frequency All laboratory instmments will be calibrated in accordance with the analyfical method requirements. All analytes reported will be present in the initial and confinuing calibrafions, and these calibrations will meet the acceptance criteria specified in the method, at a minimum. All results reported will be within the calibrated range. Records of standards preparation and instmment calibrafion will be maintained and submitted with the final data package. Calibration standards for all analyses shall be traceable to a certified Standard Reference Material (SRM) that idenfifies the chemical composition, purity, property, and expiration date. The inifial calibrafion will be checked at the frequency specified in the method using standard materials. Multipoint calibrafions will contain the minimum number of calibration points specified in the method. It is permissible to drop the highest and lowest concentrafion standards from the calibrafion as long as the calibration range is adjusted appropriately and as long as the adjusted calibration includes the minimum number of standards specified in the method. If the low point standard is omitted, the reporting limit for associated data must be adjusted accordingly. If linearity criteria cannot be met by dropping either the high or low point standard, the instrument must be recalibrated. URS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\0LK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 6- 1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONSEVEN Analytical Procedures Chemical analysis of samples for invesfigafive activifies will be completed using the methods (or equivalent methods with approval) listed in Tables 1-1. During the field activities, samples will be collected and preserved as described in Tables 4-1. Sample holding fimes fisted are calculated from the date and time of collection. For organic analyses for which there are mulfiple surrogate standards analyzed (e.g.. Methods SW-846 8270C, 8290) and one of theses surrogates fail to fall within surrogate recovery limits, results may be reported without reextracfion and/or reanalysis if all of the following criteria are met: • There must be objecfive evidence of sample matrix interferences (e.g., multiple interfering peaks visible on chromatograms, co-elufing peaks, documented evidence that extracts solidify before reaching final concentrafion volume, first hand observafion such as the presence of multiple phases, or results from earlier testing). The laboratory PM must contact the Environmental Contractor Project Chemist to relay the informafion and get approval to report without reanalysis. • Sun-ogate recoveries in LCSs and method blanks from the same extraction batch must be within surrogate recovery limits for an excepfion to be considered. • One of the two surrogates for gas chromatographic methods must meet the surrogate recovery limits, and the recovery for both must be greater than 10%. • No more than one surrogate compound can be out of surrogate recovery limits for either the acid or base/neutral fracfion for 8270C, and all surrogate recoveries must be greater than 10%. The methods do not and cannot include all analyfical situations. These additional criteria are provided as a means of applying technically justifiable evaluafion criteria in situafions where there is clear and documented evidence that a reextracfion and reanalysis will not improve the quality of the data. For SW-846 8000 series analyses. Method 8000B Secfions and 7.7 require that the data user must be provided with initial calibration and/or calibrafion verificafion data or a specific list of those compounds for which the relafive standard deviation (RSD) exceeded 20% and/or a list of those analyses that exceeded the 15% percent difference or percent drift limits. For analyses conducted under this QAPP, those compounds outside of these criteria and the actual values of the RSD and/or percent differences outside of these criteria shall be provided in the laboratory case narrafive. UKM CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\0LK448\QAPP DRAFT 031720a6.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 7- 1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONEIGHT Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting The following secfions describe the process of handling data in terms of data generation, checking, and formatted reports for both field sampling and laboratory analytical data. 8.1 DATA REDUCTION This secfion oufiines the methodology for assuring the correctness of the data reduction process. The procedures describe steps for verifying the accuracy of data reduction. Data will be reduced either manually on calculafion sheets or by computer on formatted printouts. The following responsibilifies will be delegated in the data reducfion process: • Technical personnel will document and review their own work and are accountable for its correctness, • Selected calculations will receive both a method and an arithmefic check by an independent checker. The checker will be accountable for the correctness of the checking process, • An intemal technical review will be conducted to assure the consistency and defensibility of the concepts, methods, assumptions, calculations, etc., and • The data reduction will be performed in a manner that produces accurate data through review and approval of calculafions. 8.2 DATA VALIDATION As appropriate and consistent with DQOs, decisions and recommendafions will be based upon validated data. The process through which data will be accepted, qualified, or rejected will be based upon specific data validafion criteria. These criteria are discussed in the following sections for both field and laboratory data. Personnel experienced with sampling and analytical protocols and procedures will perform the data validation in accordance with the established criteria and the intended use of the data. The screening data generated during this project will not be validated using EPA methodologies for data validafion. These data will be verified for contract compliance, holding time compliance (as applicable), QC sample frequency and results, and overall data quality. Data validafion qualifiers will not be applied to screening data. An overall data usability assessment will be made. Qualified chemists not involved with the actual generafion of data will conduct an analyfical data validafion for the definifive data. The data package will be validated using the criteria contained in EPA's Funcfional Guidelines (EPA 2002, EPA 1999) that are pertinent to the SW-846 analyfical method and the QA acceptance criteria contained in this QAPP. 8.2.1 Field Data Validation The purpose of the field data validation process is to evaluate the usability of field data that are collected or documented in accordance with specified protocols outlined in appropriate LOI. Field data documentation will be validated against the following criteria, as appropriate: UKS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGSNTEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 8-1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONEIGHT Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting Sample locafion and adherence to the plan Field instrumentation and calibrafion Sample collection protocol Sample volume Sample preservation Blanks collected and submitted with each respecfive sample set Duplicates collected and submitted with each respecfive sample set Sample documentation protocol Field COC protocol 8.2.2 Laboratory Data Reduction and Review Data reducfion is the process of converting measurement system outputs to an expression of the parameter that is consistent with the comparable objecfive idenfified in this plan. Reducfion of analyfical data will be completed in accordance with the off-site analyfical laboratory's Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) and SOPs. The first level of review, which may contain multiple sublevels, will be conducted by the analyfical laboratory that has initial responsibility for the correctness and completeness ofthe data. The laboratory data reviewer will evaluate the quality of the analyfical data based on an established set of laboratory guidelines (laboratory QAP and SOPs) and this QAPP. This person will review the data packages to confirm the following: • Sample preparation information is correct and complete • Analysis information is correct and complete • The appropriate laboratory SOPs have been followed • Analytical results are correct and complete • QC sample results are within established control limits • Blank results are within appropriate QC limits • Analyfical results for QC sample spikes, sample duplicates, initial and continuous calibration verifications of standards and blanks, standard procedural blanks, LCSs, and inductively coupled plasma (ICP) emission spectrometer interference check samples are correct and complete • Tabulafion of reporting limits related to the sample is correct and complete • Documentation is complete (all anomalies in the preparafion and analysis have been documented; holding times are documented) The laboratory will perform the in-house analytical data reducfion and QA review under the direcfion of the laboratory PM or designee. The laboratory is responsible for assessing data UKS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GO0CHGBL0CAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 8-2 Preliminary Draft SECTIONEIGHT Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting quality and advising of any data that were rated "preliminary" or "unacceptable," or were flagged with any other notafions that would caufion the data user of possible unreliability. Data reduction, QA review, and reporting by the laboratory will include the following: • • Raw data produced by the analyst are processed and reviewed for attainment of QC criteria as outlined in this QAPP, the laboratory QAP, and/or established EPA methods. The raw data will also be reviewed for overall reasonableness. The data reviewer will check all manually entered sample data for entry errors and will check for transfer errors in all data electronically uploaded from the instmment output into the software packages used for calculations and generafion of report forms. Based on these checks, the reviewer will decide whether any sample re-analysis is required. • The laboratory will review initial and confinuing calibration data, and calculafion of response factors, surrogate recoveries, MS/MSD recoveries, post-digestion (analytical) spike recoveries, intemal standard recoveries, LCS recoveries, sample results, and other relevant QC measures. • Upon acceptance of the preliminary reports by the laboratory data reviewer, the laboratory QA officer or designee will review and approve the data packages prior to the final reports being generated. The data reduction and the QC review steps will be documented, signed, and dated by the analyst and the laboratory project manager or designee. 8.2.3 Independent Review Secfion 8.2.2 describes the level of review ofthe analyfical data by the off-site laboratory that has generated the data. The second level of review and verificafion ofthe analytical data will be performed by data verification personnel independent of the laboratory generating the data. The purpose ofthis second level of review is to provide an independent review ofthe data package and will include a review of laboratory performance criteria and sample-specific criteria. The following subsections discuss the process for independent review of laboratory performance criteria and sample-specific criteria. The amount and level of data validafion will be based on the end use of the data and nature of the decisions that will be based on the data. Since the data review by the off-site analytical laboratory includes a thorough review of laboratory performance criteria (which are independent ofthe field samples being analyzed), the independent verification will include evaluation of QA/QC issues idenfified in the laboratory case narrafive. These QA/QC issues will be evaluated relative to the laboratory performance criteria (e.g., inifial calibrafion, confinuing calibration verificafion, LCS analysis, interference check sample analysis) to verify that the laboratory analyses are in compliance with method specifications. This will be conducted for 100% of data from the off-site laboratory. The review of laboratory performance criteria is discussed in Secfion The independent verification will also include a review of sample-specific criteria for 100% of the data packages for each analysis type for those parameters that are sample-related. The parameters include: holding times, surrogate recoveries, MS recoveries, field duplicate agreement, MSD and laboratory duplicate precision, post digesfion (analytical) spike recoveries, UKS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSXGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET F1LES\0LK44B\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOCVl-APR-06\\ 8-3 Preliminary Draft SECTIONEIGHT Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting ICP serial dilution analysis agreement, and qualification of sample data based on analytes reported as detected in blank analyses. All analytical data received from the laboratory shall meet the data package requirements specified in the URS terms and conditions contained in the lab contract. Fully validatable data packages will be submitted as appropriate. The laboratory will be contacted with regard to any missing or incorrect deliverables in the data packages noted during the validafion process. The data reviewer will document all subsequent submittals and resubmittals from the laboratory, recalculafions, and data reviewer correcfions. The data package will be reviewed for evaluation and compliance with method specificafions. Method non-compliances idenfified during the review, professional judgments used, and conclusions reached conceming usability of non- compliant data will be described in data verificafion and completeness reports. These reports will also describe the results of the sample-specific review and the impact on the quality and usability of the data. Review of Laboratory Performance Criteria Results not meeting method acceptance criteria are documented by the laboratory in the case narrative. The subsections below discuss how each of the laboratory performance parameters reported as not meeting acceptance criteria would be identified and documented in the data review report. The lab perfoiTnance parameters to be reviewed include: Initial Calibration The analyfical method shall be used to determine the QC acceptance criteria for inifial calibration for those methods covered under this QAPP. If the case narrative or data review process indicates that the inifial calibration for any analyte did not meet the acceptance criteria, it will be documented in the data review report. Initial and/or Continuing Calibration Verification The analyfical method will be used to determine the QC acceptance criteria for initial and continuing calibrafion verification for those methods covered under this QAPP. If the case nairafive or data validafion process indicates that the initial or confinuing calibrafion verification for any analyte did not meet the acceptance criteria, it will be documented in the data review report. Internal Standard Data The analyfical method will be used to determine the QC acceptance criteria for intemal standard area counts for gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) organic analysis and for intemal standard quantitation for methods covered under this QAPP. Intemal standard area counts are not a direct measure of the accuracy of the analysis. If the case narrafive or data review process indicates that the intemal standard data did not meet the acceptance criteria, it will be documented in the data review report. Dual Column Confimnation Results UKS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 8-4 Preliminary Draft SECTIONEIGHT Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting None of the specified analytical methods require second column confirmation as documented in this QAPP. Laboratory Control Sannple Analysis The analyte recoveries obtained for LCS analyses will be compared to analytical method requirements and to the acceptance range established by the contract laboratory. If the case narrative or data review process indicates that the LCS did not meet the acceptance criteria, it will be documented in the data review report. Inductively Coupled Plasma Interference Check Sample for Metals The analyfical method specifies the QC acceptance criteria for interference check sample (ICS) analysis for metals analysis methods covered under this QAPP. If the case narrafive or data review process indicates that the ICS did not meet the acceptance criteria, it will be documented in the data review report. Review of Method-Specific Requirements The data verificafion review will also include a review of method -specific criteria for all of the data packages for each analysis type for those parameters that are sample related. Data verification and completeness checks will be conducted and documented. No recalculation of results from the raw data or transcription error checking will be performed during the review of the sample-specific criteria. Other Itenns Identified in the Case Narrative If analytes identified in the case narrative are not covered by the subsections below and are found to be noncompliant, the data reviewer shall evaluate the problem based on method requirements. If the analyfical method does not specify requirements related to the criterion under evaluation, the data reviewer should utilize professional judgment to evaluate the effect of the reported item or condifion on the associated analyfical data. All uses of professional judgment shall be described in the report of the data validafion process. Blanks The results for background and ambient blanks, preparafion blanks, calibrafion blanks, and other blanks reported in the data package will be reviewed. If the case narrative or data review process indicates that the blank results could impact the associated sample results, it will be documented in the data review report. Preparation blanks are associated with all samples prepared with that sample (preparation batch). Confinuing calibrafion blank samples are considered to be associated with all samples in a given analytical mn. The highest confinuing calibrafion blank samples concentrafion will be used in the data review assessment process. UKS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGSNTEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 8-5 Preliminary Draft SECTIONEIGHT Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting Metals and Inorganic Analyses Metals data from ICP and other inorganic data will be evaluated for method compliance and will also undergo evaluafion or for following specific criteria: Holding times Duplicate sample analysis MS sample analysis MSD or laboratory duplicate precision Post digesfion (analyfical) spike recoveries ICP serial dilufions Field duplicate result agreement Holding Times Holding times and sample temperatures will be compared to the holding fime and sample temperature requirements contained in Table 4-1 of this QAPP. Results for analyses not performed within holding fime limits will be identified and documented in the data review report. Duplicate Sample Analysis Results for the duplicate sample (laboratory duplicate or MSD) will be compared to the criteria in Table 3-1. If the duplicate results for an analyte do not safisfy the applicable evaluafion criterion, results for that analyte in the sample that duplicate was performed on will be documented in the data review report. Matrix Spike Sample Analysis The analyte recoveries obtained for MS (or MSD) analyses will be compared to the acceptance range contained in Table 3-1 for cases in which the native sample concentrafion is less than four times the spike concentration, as specified in the EPA Funcfional Guidelines. When sample concentrations of an analyte are greater than four times the spiking concentrafion, the results are considered to be inappropriate for assessing accuracy. Data associated with MS recoveries that are outside the acceptance range will be idenfified and documented in the data review assessment report. Post-Digestion Spike Recovery The analyte recoveries obtained for post-digestion spike analyses will be compared to the acceptance range for accuracy in the analyfical method. Under some circumstances, laboratories will quantify results by the method of standard addifions to compensate for low post-digesfion spike recovery. As such, the low spike recovery would not indicate poor accuracy. However, if the result for the sample on which the post-digestion spike analysis was performed was not obtained by the method of standard additions and the post-digestion spike recovery was outside UKS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 8-6 Preliminary Draft SECTIONEIGHT Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting of the acceptance limits, the result for the sample on which the post-digesfion spike was run will be identified and documented in the data review assessment report. ICP Serial Dilution ICP serial dilufions are run to help evaluate whether or not significant physical or chemical interferences exist due to the sample matrix. When analyte concentrafions are sufficiently high (the concentrafion in the original sample is minimally a factor of 50 above the instrument detection limit) the results obtained for a five fold-dilution of the original sample are compared to the original results by means of a percent difference (%D). The %D is compared to a precision acceptance limit of ±15%. If the absolute value of the percent difference between the diluted and original result is greater than 15%, all results for that analyte in that SDG will be identified and documented in the data assessment report. Field Duplicate Agreement Criteria in Table 3-1 will be used to assess the reported results. If the criteria are not met for an analyte, all associated sample data will be idenfified and documented in the data review assessment report. Organic Analyses For organics by GC or GC/MS, the data will be evaluated for method compliance and will then also undergo evaluation for following specific criteria: • Holding fimes • Laboratory Control Sample • Surrogate spike results • MS/MSD analyses • Intemal standard recoveries for isotopic dilution GC/MS analyses • Tentafively identified compounds • Field duplicate result agreement The data reviewer should use guidance from EPA Funcfional Guidelines to address issues not covered by this QAPP. Holding Times The holding fimes will be compared to the holding fime requirements contained in Tables 4-1.. Results for analyses not performed within holding fime limits will be idenfified and documented in the data review assessment report. ^JKS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGSWEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 8-7 Preliminary Draft SECTIONEIGHT Data Reduction, Validation, and Reporting Laboratory Control Samples A laboratory control sample (LCS) is prepared by spiking an aliquot of the standard matrix with a known concentration of the analyte(s) of interest. The recovery of the target analyte (s) must be reported within a statisfical recovery limit(s) range. The QC acceptance recovery is stafisfically calculated based upon historical lab performance. Typically, QC acceptable limits are reported within 80-100 %. The purpose of the LCS is to monitor laboratory performance for a specific method. Surrogate Spike Results The surrogate recoveries obtained for each sample analysis for which surrogates were analyzed will be compared to the laboratory historical limits to assess trending and if the percent recovery is reported within the limits specified in Table 3-1. Results for analytes in the sample associated with surrogate recoveries outside the acceptance range will be idenfified and documented in the data review assessment report. Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike DupHcate Sample Analysis The analyte recoveries obtained for MS and MSD analyses will be compared to the acceptance range contained in Table 3-1 for cases in which the nafive sample concentrafion is less than four fimes the spike concentration. When sample concentrations of an analyte are greater than four fimes the spiking concentration, the results are considered to be inappropriate for assessing accuracy. Data associated with MS or MSD recoveries outside the acceptance range will be identified and documented in the data review assessment report. Field Duplicate Agreement Criteria in Table 3-1 will be used to assess the reported results. If the criteria are not met for an analyte, all associated sample data will be idenfified and documented in the data review assessment report. 8.3 DATA REPORTING Field measurements and observations will be recorded in field logbooks. Laboratory data will be recorded in the standard formats described in the Laboratory Statement of Work. UKS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 8-8 Preliminary Draft SECTIONNINE Field and Laboratory Quality Control Checks QC checks of both field sampling and laboratory sample analysis will be used to assess and document data quality and to idenfify discrepancies in the measurement process that need correction. Field QC samples are discussed in detail in Secfion 4.2.3. The analytical laboratory will use a series of QC samples as identified in the laboratory QA plan and specified in the standard analyfical methods. The types of laboratory QC samples include method blank, LCS, MS, and laboratory duplicate or MSD. A LCS will be analyzed for each method and batch. Analyses of QC samples will be performed for samples of similar matrix type and extracfion/analysis method, and for each sample batch. To supplement the use of QC samples, the laboratory will generate and use control charts to assess performance on the QC samples. URS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 9- 1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONTEN Performance and System Audits Performance or system audits will not be performed under this QAPP. ^JRS-\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 10-1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONELEVEN Preventive Maintenance 11.1 FIELD EQUIPMENT All field equipment and instmments used to generate data will be adjusted and maintained to operate within manufacturers' specificafions. Maintaining the necessary accuracy, precision, sensifivity, and traceability ofthe equipment helps assure that reliable measurements and representative data will be obtained. Methods and intervals of inspecfion and maintenance will be based on the type of equipment, stability characterisfics, required accuracy, intended use, and environmental factors (such as temperature, humidity, etc.). As appropriate, back-up equipment and crifical spare parts will be maintained in order to quickly correct equipment malfunction. As appropriate, inspection records and maintenance schedules will be maintained for instmments and equipment and will be stored in the project files. Equipment that is idenfified to be malfunctioning will be removed from operafion and tagged until repaired. 11.2 LABORATORY EQUIPMENT Guidelines for inspecfion and prevenfive maintenance of laboratory equipment will be established in the laboratory QAP. Essenfially, inspecfion and prevenfive maintenance will be implemented on a scheduled basis to minimize downfime and to assure accurate measurements from laboratory equipment. This program is designed to achieve results commensurate with the specified capabilities of equipment operation, thus generafing data of known quality without concem for misapplication. In addifion, back-up equipment and crifical spare parts will be maintained in order to quickly correct equipment malfuncfion. All equipment and instruments used to generate data will be adjusted and maintained to operate within manufacturers' specifications and the method requirements. Maintaining the necessary accuracy, precision, sensitivity, and traceability of the equipment helps assure that reliable measurements and representative data will be obtained. Methods and intervals of inspection and maintenance will be based on the type of equipment, stability characteristics, required accuracy, intended use, and environmental factors (such as temperature, humidity, etc.). Such an effort will be conducted by trained technicians using service manuals or through service agreements with a qualified maintenance contractor. In addifion, procedures will assure that equipment is properly used by trained personnel. Inspecfion and maintenance, schedules and records will be maintained for the equipment, as appropriate. Both equipment and equipment records will be located in a controlled access facility. Each instrument will be assigned a unique identificafion number to document and track usage and maintenance. Equipment that is identified to be malfuncfioning will be removed from operation until repaired. URS-\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGSXTEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 1 1 - 1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONTWELVE Data Assessment Procedures All data generated for the project will be assessed for accuracy, precision, completeness, representafiveness, and comparability. This section establishes the methods for calculafing accuracy, precision and completeness and for evaluafing representafiveness and comparability 12.1 PRECISION Precision examines the spread of data about their mean (Secfion 3.2.1). The spread represents how different the individual reported values are from the average reported values. Precision is thus a measure of the magnitude of errors and will be expressed as the RPD or the RSD for all methods. The lower these values are, the more precise are the data. These quantities are defined as follows: RPD(%) = 100 x |S-D| (S -I- D)/2 RSD(%) = (s/X)xlOO where: D = Concentration or value of an analyte in a duplicate sample S = Concentration or value of an analyte in a original sample X = Mean of replicate analyses s = Standard deviation 12.2 ACCURACY Accuracy measures the average or systematic error of an analytical method (Section 3.2.2). This measure is defined as the difference between the measured value and the actual value. Accuracy will be expressed as the percent recovery. This quantity is defined as follows: Recovery (%) = |SC-UC| x 100 KC where: SC = Measured concentration of an analyte in spiked sample or LCS UC - Measured unspiked concentration of an analyte (assume to be zero for LCS and surrogates) KC = Known concentration of an analyte added 12.3 COMPLETENESS Completeness establishes whether a sufficient amount of valid measurements were obtained (Secfion 3.2.5). The closer this value is to 100%, the more complete the measurement process. The overall project completeness goal is 80%. Completeness will be calculated as follows: Completeness (%) = V x 100 R where: V = Number of valid measurements (includes data qualified as estimated) R = Numberof planned measurements UACS'^^DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 12-1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONTWELVE Data Assessment Procedures 12.4 REPRESENTATIVENESS Representativeness expresses the degree to which data accurately and precisely represents the environmental condifion (Secfion 3.2.3). A statement on representativeness will be presented in data validation reports nofing the degree to which data represents the environment. 12.5 COMPARABILITY Comparability expresses the confidence with which one set of data can be compared to another (Secfion 3.2.4). A statement on comparability nofing the degree to which data meet the comparability goal will be presented in data validation reports. UMCS-^DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHOBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMP0RARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 12-2 Preliminary Draft SECTIONTHIRTEEN Corrective Action Provisions for establishing and maintaining QA reporting to the appropriate management authority will be insfituted to assure that early and effecfive correcfive action can be taken when data quality falls outside of established acceptance criteria. In this context, correcfive action involves the following steps: • Discovery of a nonconformance • Idenfification of the root cause of the problem and the responsible individual(s) • Discuss, plan and schedule correcfive/preventive acfion • Review the corrective action taken • Confirmation that the desired results were achieved It is the intent of the QA process to minimize corrective acfions through the development and implementafion of effecfive intemal controls. To accomplish this, procedures will be implemented as described in this section to acfivate a corrective action for each measurement system when acceptance criteria have been exceeded. In addifion, reviews and audits will be conducted on a periodic basis to check this implementafion. Results of QA reviews and audits typically identify the requirement for corrective action. When this occurs, a corrective action plan will be prepared to include: idenfificafion ofthe corrective acfion, organizafional level responsible for the action taken, steps to be taken for correction, and approval for the correcfive action. Acfivifies subject to QA and QC will be evaluated for compliance with applicable standard procedures. This includes both field and laboratory operafions as described in this QAPP and LOIs. A lack of compliance with these procedures will consfitute a nonconformance. The URS Quality Assurance Officer (QAO), or any URS project member who discovers or suspects a nonconformance, is responsible for initiating a nonconformance report (NCR). The QAO will be responsible for reviewing all audit and NCRs to determine areas of poor quality or failure to adhere to established procedures. The QAO will report nonconformances to the URS PM. The PM will assure that no additional work, which is dependent on the nonconforming acfivity, is performed until a confirmed nonconformance is corrected. The URS PM will be responsible for evaluafing all NCRs, conferring with the QAO on the steps to be taken for correcfion, and execufing the corrective acfion as developed and scheduled. Corrective acfion measures will be selected to prevent or reduce the likelihood of future nonconformances and address the causes to the extent identifiable. Selected measures will be appropriate to the seriousness of the nonconformance and realisfic in terms of the resources required for implementation. Upon complefion ofthe corrective acfion, the QAO will evaluate the adequacy and completeness of the acfion taken. If the acfion is found to be inadequate, the QAO and URS PM will confer to resolve the problem and determine any further actions. Implementation of any further acfion will be scheduled by the URS PM. If the corrective action is found to be adequate, the QAO will notify the URS PM of the safisfactory correcfive acfion and the completion of the audit. ^jiCS-:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSVGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\0LK44B\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 13-1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONTHIRTEEN Corrective Action 13.1 FIELD CHANGES The URS PM is responsible for all invesfigafive acfivifies. In this role, the URS PM at fimes will adjust the field program to accommodate project-specific needs. When it becomes necessary to modify this program, the URS PM will notify the ATK PM and URS QAO. 13.2 LABORATORY DATA The laboratory will report the types of out-of-control occurrences, how these occurrences are documented, and who is responsible for correction and documentation. Generally, corrective action will be inifiated by out-of-control events such as: poor analysis replicafion, poor recovery, instmment calibrafion problems, blank contamination, etc. Appropriate laboratory personnel will inifiate correcfive action at any fime during the analyfical process when deemed necessary based on analytical judgment, method requirements, or when QC data indicate a need for action. Correcfive acfions may include, but are not limited to: Re-analysis Calculation checks Instmment recalibrafion Preparation of new standards/blanks Re-extraction/digestion Dilufion Applicafion of another analysis method Addifional training of analysts The following items must be documented for out-of-control incidents so that corrective action may be taken to set the system back "in control." These items will typically consfitute a corrective action report that is signed by the laboratory director and the laboratory QA contact: • Where the out-of-control incident occurred, • When the incident occurred and was corrected, • Who discovered the out-of-control incident, • Who verified the incident, and • Who corrected the problem? The laboratory will be responsible for re-sampling and re-analysis costs associated with gross failure to meet laboratory QA/QC objecfives. In consultation with the Environmental Contractor Project Chemist, wither the Environmental Contractor PM or the QAM may initiate a request for correcfive acfion. URS-\D0CUMENTS AND SETTINGS\G00CHGBL0CAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 1 3-2 Preliminary Draft SECTIONFOURTEEN Quality Assurance Reports to Management The invesfigafion report (typically the Letter Report of Findings) will address the status and results of the sampling and associated QA/QC process for each data generafion acfivity. The report will typically address and document the following QA/QC items: Measurement system performance and data quality. This section of the report will present the assessment of precision, accuracy, and completeness in relation to the specified field and laboratory data acceptance criteria and data assessment procedures. • Audit findings and correcfive acfion measures. This section of the report will present the effectiveness of the data QA program and implementation, and include a summary of findings and observations resulting from audits, as appropriate. • Final laboratory QA assessment. This secfion of the report will present a summary of the laboratory results and performances based upon the data validation process. • The roufine evaluations of data quality described throughout this QAPP will be documented and filed along with the data in the project files. A summary of data quality and the results of checking the sample data against the quality assurance objecfives will be presented in the final report that presents and summarizes the data generated. Reporting nonconformances and field changes to management is discussed in Secfion 13. An effective QC program should include formal and frequent reports to management and technical staff of progress in the on-going implementafion of the QC plan. At a minimum, the following parties should receive updates on project status: 1) ATK Project Manager; 2) URS PM; 3) URS QAO; and 4) other technical staff. UKS-'^DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GO0CHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 14-1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONFIFTEEN Miscellaneous 15.1 TURNAROUND TIME Reporting of data will occur within the fime frames specified in the Work Orders to the laboratory. In case of any anticipated delays, the laboratory PM for the project will notify the Environmental Contractor Project Chemist. URS;:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\G0OCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 1 5- 1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONSIXTEEN References EPA, see U.S. Environmental Protecfion Agency. Headquarters, Department ofthe Army, Washington, DC, Technical Manual (TM) 9-1370-203- 34&P, Military Pyrotechnics, March 1996. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Washington, DC, Environmental Protection Agency Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste Physical/Chemical Methods (SW-846), Methods 0010, 8270, and 8290,, November 1986. U.S. Army Defense Ammunifion Center and School, Logisfics Review & Assistance Office, Savanna, Illinois, Hazard Classificafion of United States Military Explosives and Munifions, Rev. 11, February 2001. U.S. Army Defense Ammunifion Center, McAlester, Oklahoma, MIDAS Home Page, U.S. Army Developmental Test Command (DTC), Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, Test Authorization in the Test Resource Management System for West Desert Test Center (WDTC), U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), Utah, to perform Emission Products Characterization of Munifions Study (Phase IV), Test Project No. 8-CO-160- 000-067, 14 March 2001. U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), Utah, Detailed Test Plan, Emission Characteri- zation of Training Ordnance Phase I, II, III, & IV Smoke & Simulators in the BANGBOX™ Test Facilifies, DPG Document No. DPG-TP-98-026, March 1998. U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), Utah, Hazardous Waste Management Plan, Environmental Acfivifies, June 2000. U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), Utah, Record of Environmental Considerafion for Phase-V Emission Characterization for Exploding Ordnance and Smoke/Pyrotechnics (BangBox™ FY03) Tesfing at U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), Dugway, Utah. TRMS Number 8-CO-160-000-067, 30 July 2003. U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), Utah, Regulafion 350-104, Training and Certi- ficafion Program for Convenfional Ammunifion, Chemical Laboratory, and Chamber Test Facility Operafions, June 1996. U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), Utah, Standing Operafing Procedure (SOP) DP- OOOO-P-851, Rev. 4, Propellant Explosive and Pyrotechnic Thermal Treatment Evaluation Test Facilities (PEP-TTET) (BANG BOXES), 1 August 2005. U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), Utah, Standing Operafing Procedure (SOP) DP- OOOO-H-138, Rev. 6, Munitions Demilitarization - Open Buming of Propellant, Propellant Charges, Bulk Explosives (HMX or RDX), 4 June 2002. U.S. Army Dugway Proving Ground (DPG), Utah, Standing Operafing Procedure (SOP) DP- OOOO-G-139, Rev. 8, Munifions Demilitarizafion - Open Detonafion of Explosives, and Emergency Procedures, 13 December 2004. U.S. Army Environmental Center, Pollufion Prevenfion & Environmental Technology Division FY99 Annual Report, Innovative Technology Demonstration, Evaluafion and Transfer Acfivifies, Doc. No. SFlM-AEC-ET-TR-99070, January 2000. UI€S-\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGSNTEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 16-1 Preliminary Draft SECTIONSIXTEEN References U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1999. Final USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review. EPA 540-R-99-008, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, Washington, D.C. U.S. Environmental Protecfion Agency (EPA). 2002. Final USEPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Data Review. EPA 540-R-Ol- 008, Office of Emergency and Remedial Response, Washington, D.C. UDEQ, see Utah Department of Environmental Quality. USEPA QA/G-4. 2000. Guidance fro the Data Quality Objectives Process, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C, EPA/600/R-96/056. USEPA QA/R-5. 2001. EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans for Environmental Data Operations. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C, EPA/240/B-01/003. USEPA QA/G-5. 2002. EPA Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C, EPA/240/R-02/009. ^JICS-'iDOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ 16-2 Preliminary Draft Figures Preliminary Draft Figure M ODOBi Test Facility at DPG Preliminary Draft URS QA Officer Steve Baca, CQA Alliant Thiokol Project Manager Blair Palmer URS Project Manager John Carson Commercial Laboratories URS Administrafive URS Health & Safety Sally Miller, CIH URS Technical Specialists (i.e.. Chemists, Data Managers) URS Field Support Staff Figure 2-1 Project Organizational Chart ^''^^iminary Draft Tables Preliminary Draft Table 1-1 Sampling and Analysis Method Analyfical Target Sampling Equipment Sampling Method^ Analytical Method Laborator) TSP Particulate filter Method 5 in Appendix A of 40 CFR 60 Method 5 in Appendix A of 40 CFR 60 TBD Metals Particulate filter Method 5 in Appendix A of 40 CFR 60 Method 29 in Appendix A of 40 CFR 60; SW-846 Methods 6010/7470'' TBD PM,o/PM2 Cyclones/ particulate filters Method 201A in 40 CFR 51 with PMio and PM2.5 cyclones Method 201A in 40 CFR 51 TBD Dioxins/ Furans Modified Method 5 Method 23 in Appendix A of 40 CFR 60 SW-846 Method 8290" TBD SVOCs Modified Method 5 SW-846 Method 0010 SW-846 Method 8270" plus TICs TBD VOCs SUMMA canisters EPA Compendium Methods TO-12 and TO-14 EPA Compendium Methods TO-12 and TO-14 plus TICs TBD Tracer Compound (SF5) Canisters Grab GC/Electron Capture Detector TBD HC1/C12 Impinger Train Method 26 in 40 CFR 60 Method 26 in 40 CFR 60 TBD Carbonyls DNPH-Iaced sorbent tube EPA Compendium Method TO-11 A EPA Compendium Method TO-11 A TBD CO, CO2, NOx SO2, HCl CEM Methods 3A, 6C, 7E, and 10 in Appendix A of 40 CFR 60 Methods 3A, 6C, 7E, and 10 in Appendix A of 40 CFR 60 NA ''The sampling equipment and methods used during the tests will be indicated (see Appendix B for details). Method modifications will testing characteristics ofthe smoke chamber. "Analyses of TSP. '^Analysis of soluble TSP fraction. '^ Filter and adsorbent. NA: Not Applicable TBD: To be determined 3ased on standard methods, as be necessary to accommodate the Preliminary Draft Table 3-1 Measurement Quality Objectives Test Parameter TSP PM10/PM2.5 Metals VOCs Tracer Compound SVOCs Dioxins/Furans HC1/C12 Carbonyls NOx, CO, CO2, SO2, HCl Accuracy Objective 95 to 105% accuracy of flow and filter-weighing devices 95 to 105% accuracy of flow and filter weighing devices 75 to 125% recovery of post digestion matrix spike from filter 70 to 130% recovery of laboratory media spike (laboratory calibration check material, transferred into a canister, and analyzed with the field samples) 60 to 140% for polar compounds 80 to 120% recovery of laboratory media spike 40 to 120% surrogate spike recoveries 40 to 135% surrogate spike recoveries 85-115% recovery for matrix spike 70 to 130% recovery of media spike ±5% of span for zero and upscale bias checks Precision Objective RPD <25% for multiple runs on a single event RPD <25% for multiple runs on a single event <20% RPD for recovery of post digestion MS/MSD from filter <25% RPD for top ten peaks on laboratory duplicate analyses ±10% RPD for laboratory duplicate analyses <50% RPD for MS/MSD for all compounds <20% RPD for MS/MSD <25% RPD for MS/MSD <25% RPD for duplicate media spikes ±3% of span for zero and upscale drift checks CO = carbon monoxide CO2 = carbon dioxide Cl2 = chlorine HCl = hydrogen chloride HCN = hydrogen cyanide MS/MSD = matrix spike/matrix spike duplicate NH3 = ammonia NOv = nitrogen oxides PM2.5 = particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns PMio= particulate matter smaller than 10 microns RPD = relative percent difference SO2 = sulfur dioxide SVOC = semivolatile or ganic compound TSP = total suspended particulate [matter] VOC = volatile organic compound Preliminary Draft Table 3-2 Laboratory Method Detection Limits and Reporting Limits The contract lab will provide this information. Preliminary Draft Table 3-3 Listing of LOIs for Smoke and Pyrotechnics, and Exploding Ordnance Tests LOI Number 101 104 106 107 108 109 301 304 Revision Number 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 1 Revision Date 02 February 2005 02 February 2005 24 October 2005 02 February 2005 02 February 2005 02 February 2005 02 February 2005 02 February 2005 Test Chamber ODOBi ODOBi ODOBi ODOBi ODOBi ODOBi ODOBi ODOBi Title TSP Sampling and Analysis Procedure VOCs and Tracer Compounds Sampling and Analysis Procedure CEM Sampling and Analysis Procedure Particulate Metals Sampling and Analysis Procedure HC1/C12/NH3 Sampling and Analysis Procedure Carbonyls Sampling and Analysis Procedure SVOCs & Dioxins/Furans Sampling and Analysis Procedure PM2.5/PM10 Sampling and Analysis Procedure using Cyclones r^ ll Responsible Organization URS URS URS URS URS URS URS URS OEM = Continuous Emission Monitor €1:= Chlorine HCl = Hydrogen Chloride HCN = Hydrogen Cyanide NHj = ammonia ODOBi = Open Detonation Open Bum-improved PM23 = Particulate Matter < 2.5 microns PMio = Particulate Matter < 10 microns SVOC = Semivolatile Organic Compound TSP = Total Suspended Particulate Matter URS = sampling and analysis contractor (formerly Radian Int.) voc = Volatile Organic Compound Preliminary Draft Table 4-1 Sample Preservations and Holding Time Requirements Metals HC1/C12 SVOCs VOCs Dioxins/furans Carbonyls Tracer Compound Preservation None None 4°C None 4°C None None 1 1 Holding time Mercury - 28 days. All others- 180 days. 28 days Extract within 14 days; analyze within 40 days following extraction. 30 days. Extract within 14 days; analyze within 40 days following extraction. Extract within 14 days; analyze within 30 days following extraction. 30 days. HCl = hydrogen chloride pH = hydrogen ion concentration SVOC = semivolatile organic compound VOC = volatile organic compound Appendix A Usts Of Analytes Preliminary Draft Appendix A Lists of Analytes Table A.l. VOC Target Analyte List (EPA Compendium Method TO-14). 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethane 1,1-Dichloroethene 1,2,3-Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichloroethane 1,2-Dichloropropane 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 1,3-Butadiene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Diethylbenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1,4-Diethy Ibenzene 1,4-Dioxane 1-Butene I-Hexene 1-Pentene 2,2-Dimelhylbutane 2,3,4-Trimethylpentane 2,3-Dimethylbutane 2,3-Dimethylpentane 2,4-DimethyIpentane 2-Butanone (Methyl Ethyl Ketone) 2-Ethyltoluene 2-Hexanone 2-Methylheptane 2-Methylhexane 2-Methylpentane 2-Nitropropane 2-Propanol 3-Chloropropene VOCs 3-Ethyltoluene 3-Methylheptane 3-Methylhexane 3-Methylpentane 4-Ethyltoluene 4-Methy 1-2-pentanone Acetone Acetonitrile Acetylene Acrylonitrile alpha-Chlorotoluene Benzene Bromodichloromethane Bromoform Bromomethane Butane Carbon Disulfide Carbon Tetrachloride Chloroacetonitrile Chlorobenzene Chloroethane Chloroform Chioromethane cis-1,2-Dichloroethene cis-1,3-Dichloropropene cis-2-Butene cis-2-Pentene Cumene Cyclohexane Cyclopentane Decane Dibromoehloromethane Ethane Ethanol Ethene Ethyl Benzene Ethyl Ether Ethyl Methacrylate Freon 11 Freon 113 Freon 114 Freon 12 Heptane Hexachlorobutadiene Hexane Isobutane Isopentane Isoprene m,p-Xylene Methacrylonitrile Methyl Acrylate Methyl Methacrylate Methyl tert-butyl ether Methylcyclohexane Methylcyclopentane Methylene Chloride n-Butylchloride Nitrobenzene Nonane Octane o-Xylene Pentane Propane Propylbenzene Propylbenzene Propylene Styrene Tetrachloroethene Tetrahydrofuran TNMHC" Toluene trans-1,2- Dichloroethene trans-1,3- Dichloropropene trans-2-butene trans-2-Pentene Trichloroethene Undecane Vinyl Acetate Vinyl Chloride Vinyl Chloride 'Total nonmethane hydrocarbon. URS C:\D0CUMENTS AND SETTINGS\G00CHGBL0CAL SEmNGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOCVt-APR-06\\ A-1 Preliminary Draft Appendix A Lists of Analytes Table A.2. SVOC Target Analyte List (EPA SW-846 Method 8270). SVOCs 1,2,4,5- Tetrachlorobenzene 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine 1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,3-Dinitrobenzene 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 1-Chioronaphthalene 1-Naphthylamine 2,3,4,6- Tetrachlorophenol 2,4,5-Trichlorophenol 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol 2,4-Dichlorophenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol 2,4-Dinitrotoluene 2,6-Dichlorophenol 2,6-Dinilrotoluene 2-Acetylaminofluorene 2-Chloronaphthalene 2-Chlorophenol 2-Methylnaphthalene 2-Methylphenol 2-Naphthylamine 2-Nitroaniline 2-Nitrophenol 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine 3-Methylcholanthrene 3-Methylphenol & 4- Methylphenol 3-Nitroaniline 4,6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol 4-Aminobiphenyl 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol 4-Chloroaniline 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 4-Nitroaniline 4-Nitrophenol 7,12- Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene Acenaphthene Acenaphthylene Acetophenone Aniline Anthracene Benz(a)anthracene Benzidine Benzo(a)anthracene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(b)fluoranthene Benzo(ghi)perylene Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzoic acid Benzyl alcohol bis(2-Chloroethoxy)methane bis(2-ChIoroethyl) ether bis(2-Chloroisopropyl) ether bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate Butyl benzyl phthalate Carbazole Chrysene Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Dibenzofuran Diethyl phthalate Dimethyl phthalate Di-n-butyl phthalate Di-n-octyl phthalate Dinoseb Diphenylamine Ethyl methanesulfonate Fluoranthene Fluorene Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachloroethane Hexachloropropene lndeno( 1,2,3-cd)pyrene Isophorone Isosafrole Methyl methanesulfonate Naphthalene Nitrobenzene N-Nitro-o-toluidine N-Nitrosodiethylamine N-Nitrosodimethylamine N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine N-Nitrosodiphenylamine N-Nitrosomethylethylamine N-Nitrosomorpholine N-Nitrosopiperidine N-Nitrosopyrrolidine o-Toluidine Pentachlorobenzene Pentachloroethane Pentachloronitrobenzene Pentachlorophenol Phenacetin Phenanthrene Phenol Pyrene Pyridine Safrole URS C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\0LK44B\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ A-2 Preliminary Draft Appendix A Lists of Analytes Table A.3. Carbonyls Target Analyte List (EPA Compendium Method TO-llA). Carbonyls | 2,5-Dimethylbenzaldehyde Acetaldehyde Acetone Benzaldehyde Crotonaldehyde Formaldehyde Hexanal Isopentanal M,p-Tolualdehyde MEK/Butyraldehydes o-Tolualdehyde Pentanal Propanal Table A.4. Metals Target Analyte List (EPA Method 29). Metals Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Nickel Phosphorus Selenium Silver Thallium Zinc Table A.S. Dioxins/Furans Target Analyte List (EPA SW-846 Method 8290). Dioxins 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo- p-dioxin (TCDD) 1,2,3,7,8,9- Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 1,2,3,7,8- Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (PeCDD) 1,2,3,4,6,7,8- Heptachlorodibenzo-p- dioxin (HpCDD) 1,2,3,4,7,8- Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD) 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9- Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) 1,2,3,6,7,8- Hexachlorodibenzo-p- dioxin (HxCDD) Furans 2,3,7,8- Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF) 1,2,3,6,7,8- Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 1,2,3,4,7,8,9- Heptachlorod i benzofuran (HpCDF) 1,2,3,7,8- Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 2,3,4,6,7,8- Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9- Octachlorodibenzofuran (OCDF) 2,3,4,7,8- Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PeCDF) 1.2,3,7,8,9- Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 1,2,3,4,7,8- Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF) 1,2,3,4,6,7,8- Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF) UiRSc:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\GOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGSNTEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\OLK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ A-3 Preliminary Draft Appendix A Lists of Analytes Table A.6 Other Target Compounds Other Target Compounds Hydrogen Chloride Particulate Matter (TSP, PM,o, PM2.5) Chlorine CEM gases (CO2, CO, SO2, and NOx) CEM = continuous emission monitor CO = carbon monoxide CO: = carbon dioxide NO, = nitrogen oxides PM15 = particulate matter smaller than 2.5 microns PMIO = particulate matter smaller than 10 microns SO: = sulfur dioxide TSP = total suspended particulate matter URS C:\D0CUMENTS AND SETTINGS\G00CHGBL0CAL SETTINGS\TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\0LK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ A-4 Appendix B Letters Of Instruction Preliminary Draft Appendix B Letters Of Instruction This Appendix will include each full LOI identified below: LOI Number 101 104 106 107 108 109 301 304 Revision Number 3 3 3 4 3 3 1 I Revision Date 02 February 2005 02 February 2005 24 October 2005 02 February 2005 02 February 2005 02 February 2005 02 February 2005 02 February 2005 Test Chamber ODOBi ODOBi ODOBi ODOBi ODOBi ODOBi ODBi ODOBi Title TSP Sampling and Analysis Procedure VOCs and Tracer Compounds Sampling and Analysis Procedure CEM Sampling and Analysis Procedure Particulate Metals Sampling and Analysis Procedure HC1/C12/NH3 Sampling and Analysis Procedure Carbonyls Sampling and Analysis Procedure SVOCs & Dioxins/Furans Sampling and Analysis Procedure PM2.5/PM10 Sampling and Analysis Procedure using Cyclones =^ ^ Responsible Organization URS URS URS URS URS URS URS URS CEM = Continuous Emission Monitor Cl:= Chlorine HCl = Hydrogen Chloride HCN = Hydrogen Cyanide NH.i = ammonia ODOBi = Open Detonation Open Bum-improved PM;5 = Particulate Matter < 2.5 microns PMIO = Particulate Matter < 10 microns SVOC = Semivolatile Organic Compound TSP = Total Suspended Particulate Matter URS = sampling and analysis contractor (formerly Radian Int.) voc = Volatile Organic Compound URS CADOCUMENTS AND SETTINGSNGOOCHGBLOCAL SETTINGSNTEMPORARY INTERNET FILES\0LK448\QAPP DRAFT 03172006.DOC\4-APR-06\\ B-l