HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2006-002619 - 0901a0688013d940ATK ALUANT TECHSYSTEMS RECEIVED UIAH UIVIiilUlM Ol- SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE ATK Thiokol Inc. P.O. Box 707 Brigham City, UT 84302-0707 Tel 435 863-3511 Fax 435 863-2234 August 29, 2006 8200-FY07-040 Dennis R. Downs Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Department of Environmental Quality P. O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880 RE: ATK-Thiokol, Promontory EPA ID # UTD009081357 Response to Your Letter Dated August 17, 2006, Regarding More Detailed Information for Temporary Authorization Request, Dear Mr. Downs, ATK Thiokol-Promontory (ATK) appreciates your timely assistance in addressing our Temporary Authorization request. ATK has prepared this letter to address those items for which you requested additional information. R315-8-9.2,9.3 & 9.4 - All packaged waste received from off-site at the M-136 bum grounds will be containerized in one of the following USDOT approved or UN packages: • Cardboard box lined with plastic • Slid (Sona tube secured to a pallet and covered with plastic) with plywood shipping cover removed prior to placement into the bum tray • Fiber drum with or without plastic liner • < 119 gallon plastic box lined with a sling bag and banded to a pallet. Sling bag will be removed from the plastic box prior to placement into the bum tray. All ofthe above containers will be inspected for holes, cracks, gaps and general package integrity prior to placement into the bum tray. The containers will also be checked to verify proper closure, in preparation for storage. Containers found to be leaking or in poor condition, will be transferred to a good container to prevent leakage into the environment. All containers used for storage of energetic waste will be compatible with their contents. These containers will be closed at all times, except when adding or removing waste, and will be handled with care to avoid leakage. R315-8-2.6 & 9.5 - A weekly inspection form is attached to this submittal for your review. All items on this form will be inspected on the day waste is received, then once each calendar week. In addition to this inspection schedule, loading, unloading and roadway areas will also be inspected for signs of spillage each day waste is received. The weekly inspections will also look at labeling, closed containers and tray conditions. Trays in poor condition, which could lead to a release to the environment, will not be used. Any problems detected during these inspections will be noted in the comment section, and corrective actions noted on a subsequent inspection form. All tray numbers used for storage of off-site reactive waste is also noted on the inspection form. A copy of the inspection form for the brush truck with associated emergency equipment needed to contain brush fires is also included for your review. This form is maintained by the ATK Fire Department, while the weekly inspection records are stored in central files. R315-8-9.6 - All reactive waste received from off-site is in solid form. However, some of this waste may include various RCRA non-hazardous oils or water used to desensitize the energetic waste. Therefore, all steel trays holding liquid waste are closely inspected to make sure they are in good condition, and capable of containing free liquid. Upon inspection, any significant rainwater accumulation in the tray is removed before placement of the waste. The containment capacity ofeach tray greatiy exceeds the volume ofthe desensitizing liquid and provides enough capacity for a substantial rainfall event. Significant rainwater will be removed from the tray prior to use, and taken to our UPDES permitted facility for proper treatment and subsequent discharge. The open top design ofthe bum trays simplify the removal of liquid, without the need of sloped trays. The bum trays are constructed of 3/8" to 1" thick steel with minimum 12" high sidewalls. Each liquid tight tray is elevated on a beam or forklift channel, which helps prevent run-on. The waste covered under this Temporary Authorization does not contain any ofthe EPA codes specified in R315-8-9.6 (d)(1). R315-8-9.7 & 9.8 - Ail reactive waste shall be stored at least 50' from the facility property line. Precautions shall be taken to prevent accidental ignition by following ATK standard operating procedures (SOP's). These procedures help to protect energetic waste from exposure to sources of ignition include, but are not limited to: smoking, open flames, sparks, frictional heat, static, etc. SOP's also require that incompatible waste be placed into separate secure trays for storage and treatment. All containers, in which the waste is placed, will be clearly marked with the words "Hazardous Waste" and the date when storage at M-136 began. This labeling and dating practice will be followed for all waste received from off-site and not bumed within 24 hours. Thanks for your help in addressing this issue. If you have any questions or need additional clarification, please contact Gene Curtis ofmy staffat (435) 863-4479. Sijicerely, .^ /J^^^ David P. Gosen, P.E. Director, Environmental Services C: Jeff Vandel, DSHW THIOKOL FIRE PREVENTION EQUIPMENT INSPECTION RECORD ,:jDAiLY.VisuAL CHECKS Coolant Leaks Oil Leaks Pump Fuel Level Water Tank Leaks Water Tank Level Tires ^plLY^ji^^^HbN (EmCKSl Radio Fuel Lights Horn and Siren 1- P •2, :'•••= M .3f W' 4 .:li .5, 'M 6i & J-^ m ih i: TYPE OF EQUIPMENT Brush Truck ;9 M 10. m .11 ii; WEEKLY CHECKS Engine Oil Level (Sunday) Road Test (Sunday) Pump Oil Level (Thursday Swing) Pump Run Engine 15 min. (Thursd ay Swi ng) 12 m } 13' m J4 M 15, m WEEK ONE DAY INI. 16 i^i 17 m 18 m 19 m WEEK Two DAY INI. 20 m 21 21 :22. IT 23 23 WEEK THREE DAY INI. UNIT NUMBER 24 35 1 25 55; 26 |26 27 WEEK FOUR DAY INI. 28 28 29 M 30 P MONTH 31 341 WEEK FIVE DAY INI. YEAR •,-^.;,. „... ^REMARKS; •: ;*.-: .,w •• ^•' ••^' REMRI^:^:^W -^i REMAWCS , MoNTEiiA CHECKS Radiator Level (First Sunday Of The Month) Tire Pressure Checked & Filled (First Sunday Of The Month) DA^ INITIALS RE\L\RKS Front PSI | 1 BACK PSI 1 SUGGESTED TIRE PSI 80 1 MAINTENANCE & SERVICE DATE OUT TIME OUT DATE IN TIME IN TOTAL HOURS DOWN DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM OTHER EQUIPMENT ASSIGNED WITH BRUSH TRUCK WEEKLY CHECKS Station Back up Generator Oil Level (Thursday Swing) Station Back up Generator Run Engine 15 min. (Thursday Swing) Station Back up Generator Fuel Level (Thursday Swing) Station Back up Generator Battery Water Level (Thursday Swing) WEEK ONE DAY INI. WEEK Two DAY INI. WEEK THREE DAY INI. WEEK FOUR DAY INI. WEEK FIVE DAY INI. REMARKS EQUIPMENT INVENTORY ,SiSS 1 1 1 1 •1 7 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 m 1 3 3 4 8 1 3 3 IW 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 |Mi9ir^3bJiL»HliKHHI Set Master Keys (3 Keys) Can Of Matches Pair Binoculars Set Jumper Cables ifT^pBlfikgWMrM'liniMfM Shovels Pick Head Ax Polaskis Ax McCloed Rake Reserve Fuel Can (5 gallons) Drip Can Ice Chest (Check Ice and Drinks) 5 Gallons AAA Foam MriW^iHHi^SS^BBI' Chock Block Bladder Packs Emergency Shelters Canteens Radio Chest Carrying Case Drum wrench Goggles Wildland Packs ilsSSlersS^illiilKli Forestry Nozzle Combination Nozzle Spanner Wrench Pin Lug Wrench Water Jug Torch Kit Set Bolt Cutters 100'Roll Forestry Hose Hydrant Wrenches 1" Nozzle Tow Strap Lifepak 500 Defibrillator First Aid Kit Roll Caution Tape Foam Pack Headlamps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 io 11 12 13 14 15' • :- -:•• Y—'-'T ••••• -T *' 'f^ ••••; «•;• '•'* *-vM«v ." m m 1^ ES n^^nsi M i^fPHRHMWi ^ "^ ^mm 16 17 18 KlKUDiLil 19 20 21 22 W f ^•'"*" •;'•••. %:• 'v;g^;:A;jrf:-fr'' •ii;!.>a»''!Hf^'^**^!'-''•^S^-'- wm A,,-*-m m •"!.:• •vri.1 w il? cTi'.'^ Sl mmmm 1? m. mm 23 24 nm #?^ SIBB ffiEwhW m 25 m 26 27 28 mmm 29 "i 30 31 HH 'M^^s^m t.-rT.-^-f-*f^^T''^-l^ WEEKLY OFF-SITE WASTE STORAGE INSPECTION FORM M-136 BURN GROUNDS Trav numbers used for storage Transportation Corridor Roadway (spillage) '•^ Loading/unloading areas ''"^ Storage Containers Containers closed ' Container properly labeled ' Signs of leaks or spills Bum tray (holes, water, deterioration) ' Waste stream is consistent with manifest & profile Satisfactory i^--il.;?" •^•" '••• '•• Unsatisfactory - ^ ••• ••• -• ^••- •:• >•• ••^ - .-: Comments/Corrective Actions •" :•••' '•' •"• •'-' :•'•'• •.•' ** i^'^^:^m^-:!i^^;Vi-^.'.i*-' .^:.'f^. k.'::ti^'^'^sht.'t^.^ ^ .< . Signature: Date: Time: Inspect upon arrival, then each calendar week Requires comments/corrective action Daily inspection when in use Inspection form to be kepi at facility for 3 years