HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2006-001781 - 0901a0688013a66dATK ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS ATK Thiokol Inc. Tel 435 863-3511 P.O. Box 707 Fax 435 863-2234 Brigham City, UT 84302-0707 12 April 2006 8200-FY07-006 Mr. Dennis R. Downs, Executive Secretary State of Utah Q p Department of Environmental Quality fy^ ^T^j-i/L Division ofSolid and Hazardous Waste .^ . i CXr, 288 N. 1460 w APR H 2006 P.O. Box 144880 U IAH UIVISION OF Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE Dear Mr. Downs ATTENTION: Jeff Vandel Subject: Groundwater Contamination at Process Supply Well TCC3A, ATK Promontory Facility, EPA ID #009081357 Our office has been in contact with your staff regarding the contamination that has been monitored at the TCC3A process supply well. As you are aware, this well is the only water source for the small, remote research and development area called Plant 3. A recent letter from your office, dated March 27, 2006, requested information on how we will address this issue and the potential for human exposure. CuiTently, we are evaluating treatment options to remove the contamination. Details of the system are still in development and will be provided to your office along with a schedule as they are finalized. We anticipate that within the next 45 days more details will be resolved. As staled previously, bottled drinking water has been supplied to this site for many years. This was done initially because the natural TDS levels make it the water unpalatable. More recently, since 1998, with the increase of contaminates in the water, source areas have been labeled to designate them as non-drinking water sources. The other potential sources ofexposure are hand- washing sinks, a shower and emergency eyewashes. Human exposure to these contaminates in these situations has been evaluated with a conservative risk assessment. The results show that these levels do not present an unacceptable risk to human health. The risk assessment is attached. In the mean time we continue to caution employees at the location to minimize personal use of the water. The two septic drain fields at the site have been added to our SWMU list and will be investigated. For your information, we have been investigating the fate of the perchlorate and TCE in the two septic systems and initial results show that the perchlorate does degrade and we also see degradation of the TCE. These results will be shared with your office as they are finalized. If you have any questions regarding this information, please direct them to myself at (435) 863- 3344. Sincerely r Paul V Hancock, Manager Environmental Remediation April 12,2006 Paul Hancock Manager, Environmental Remediation ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory Facility P.O. Box 707 Brigham City, UT 84302-0707 Subject: Human-Health Risk-Based Concentration Goals for Well TCC3A Dear Paul: Pursuant to your request, I have evaluated the human-health risks of perchlorate and trichloroethylene ("TCE") as contained in water obtained from Well TCC3A at your Promontory facility. Data collected from this well since March 1989 have indicated the following concentrations of these constituents: EarthFax EarthFax Engineering, Inc. Engineers/Scientists 7324 So. Union Park Ave. Suite 100 Midvale, Utah 84047 Telephone 801-561-1555 Fox 801-56 M 861 wvrw.ecalhlax. com Date March 1989 September 1992 October 1992 December 1993 February 1996 May 1996 May 2001 October 2002 November 2005 Note: NS = not sampled Perchlorate (ug/L) NS NS NS NS NS NS 36 38 42.7 Trichloroethylene (ug/L) ND 0.85 ND 1.2 1.9 2.8 7.2 8.7 10.7 ND = not detected at method detection limit ll is my understanding that this water is used in the Plant 3 area for process purposes as well as showering and hand washing. It is further my understanding that access points to the water are labeled to indicate that it is not to be ingested. In a letter dated March 27, 2006, the Utah Division ofSolid and Hazardous Waste expressed concern regarding the potential impacts to human health due to showering and hand washing. Risk-based concentrations of perchlorate and TCE that are considered protective of human health under the showering and hand washing scenario were calculated using the following equation: C = -TRx BWxAT TVxCFxSAxKxETxEFxED where C = remediation goal at the specified risk level (mg/L) Paul Hancock April 12,2006 Page 2 TR = target risk level (dimensionless; TR = 10"^ excess individual lifetime cancer risk or a hazard index of 1.0 for noncancer risks) BW = adult body weight (kg) AT = averaging time (days) = 70 yr x 365 days/yr for carcinogens = ED X 365 days/yr for noncarcinogens TV = absorbed toxicity value = SF (for carcinogens) = 1/RfD for noncarcinogens CF = units conversion factor (10 L/cm-m^) SA = adult skin surface area (m^) Kp = chemical permeability constant (cm/hr) ET = exposure time (hr/day) EF = exposure frequency (day/yr) ED = exposure duration (yr) SF = oral cancer slope factor (mg/kg-day)"' RfD = oral reference dose (mg/kg-day) The showering scenario was considered more conservative than hand washing since it involves contact with more skin area for a longer period of time. Thus, the following exposure factors were assumed for these calculations (see U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2004): Adult skin surface area (SA) = 1.8 m Reasonable maximum exposure time (ET) = 0.58 hr/day Exposure frequency (EF) = 250 days/yr Exposure duration (ED) = 25 yr Based on these factors and appropriate reference doses and cancer slope factors, risk-based concentrations under a showering and hand-washing scenario were calculated as follows (see Attachment A): Perchlorate = 6,900 ug/L TCE= 210 ug/L Hence, current concentrations of these constituents in well TCC3A are considered protective of human health. 1 have appreciated the opportunity to provide this information. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, Richard B. White, P.E. President Paul Hancock April 12,2006 Page 3 References Cited U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2004. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund - Volume 1: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment), Final. EPA/540/R/99/005. Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. Washington, D.C. ATTACHMENT A Risk-Based Concentration Calculation PRGs FOR DERMAL PATHWAY Source: WATER Scenario: pHanp^hlngJnd^ls^^ Site: ?Promprftpy^Vyelfl3^^ Goveming equations: Cancer PRG: Noncancer PRG: where C = TR = HQ = BW = AT = SFo = RfDo = CF = SA = Kp = ET = EF = ED = Assumptions: Target risk (TR) = Target haz. quo. (HQ) = Body v^eight (BW) = Average lifetime = Skin surface area (SA) = Exposure time (ET) = Exposure freq. (EF) = Exposure dur. (ED) = PRG calculation: C = (TR X BW X AT) / (SFo x CF x SA x Kp x ET x EF x ED) C = (HQ X BW X AT X RfDo) / (CF x SA x Kp x ET x EF x ED) Concentration resultsing in the specified risk (mg/l) Target cancer risk (unitless) Target hazard quotient (unitless) Body weight (kg) Averaging time (days) = 70 yr x 365 for cancer risk, ED X 365 for noncancer risk Oral cancer slope factor (mg/kg-day)-1 Oral chronic reference dose (mg/kg-day) Units conversion factor (10 L/cm-m2) Adult skin surface area (m2) Chemical permeability constant (cm/hr) Exposure time (hr/day) Exposure frequency (days/yr) Exposure duration (yr) ai:00ET006 if^m iK®S tms-mm W'^. i:^mm ':!j;^^y% m'.o M^O^ 'm^o:- WM .^0f58i -S250i ''K25i Ref kg yr m2 hr/day days/yr yr •••-•1; 'P ^m 'M ^m i:2iS. Contaminant : Perch \6f3AeM^::i'S:'':'!^3^'f- ;Trlchl6retHyleneS:;Wf?^*^ ummmmmmmk \0m':S:^fWm^M^&^ ^:-m'f-m^m^^^&!^M W.\i:fW^k#M:MM^^ii ^•^m Ammimm^^ri^ :^w?^}K^^^W0m^ ^^M>:Mi^^:&iiMim ':^-':--^\-'y^: '-.rr:. '\-.''fr(-\'y:-T:^^^^ RfDo (mg/kg-d) ^:7;OOE;004: s6:00E^O03i mm^m^ mmwM-•tfe^-^ii^/Slift y;-.*-'?'^s.i^j mM^im^ mmm^i ^\-^^ix;-. F^^ri-^]^'-' Ref sm S4^' mm. mB avSi wm m'i;^ •km 'i-'"'ii-'!' SFo (mg/kg-d)-1 llliisiffi^fjj? i1S10Ei002; mmmim mm='m'i:i mm'S'.m mmmm umrmm mm=M^i •^Sli^Mii; ^:m^^mm Ref ''MK mtm ^mi ;,;••';•.•!. :..''j Wi'^-J g^W ilf:i ^Mk '•m Kp (cm/hr) i,saB0:0O1^ MfS0:O12i mm^m m&m!^i WM^f^'^I' ^WMify: mK'smm W^mMM ^mmmm 'Mmms. Ref ^m mm mm W^"} *8§ Mi; WL Mm vii;K m^r Noncancer PRG (mg/l) 6.9E+000 4.9E+000 Cancer PRG (mg/l) No SFo 2.1E-001 References: 1. RAGS Part A, EPA 1989 (EPA/540/1-89/002) 2. RAGS Part E. EPA 2004 (EPA/540/R/99/005) 3. National Research Council, "Health Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion", 2005 4. Withdrawn value requested by UDSHW in a letter to ATK dated 1 Nov 2005