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HAND DELIVERED DEC 2 2 2005 O5.of0&3 UTAH DIVISION OF c;ni in ;;, t-iA7flDnniig iA/rtcj£: SPECIFICATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF ONSITE NESTED MONITORING WELL GW-83 ATK Thiokol Inc. Bacchus Works West Valley City, Utah October 2005 Prepared by EARTHFAX ENGINEERING, INC. ^^S Engineers/Scientists TaT^bS Midvale. Utah \^k EarthFax HAND DELIVERED DEC 2 22005 ATK Thiokol Inc. xT^'kztSSPr^r GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus WorKs sbLlbTH«rREoUS WASTE °'='°'"™= Table of Contents Section Page LO SCOPE 1 L1 PURPOSE 1 L2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1 2.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS 2 3.0 SAFETY AND PROTECTION 3 3.1 GENERAL 3 3.2 DRILLING CONTRACTOR'S HEALTH AND SAFETY REPRESENTATIVE 4 3.3 EMERGENCIES 4 3.4 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 4 4.0 CLEANING UP 5 5.0 SUPERVISION OF WORK 6 6.0 GENERAL MATERIAL HANDLING AND STORAGE PROCEDURES 7 6.1 CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION 7 6.2 CASING AND SCREEN STORAGE AND PREPARATION 7 6.3 GRAVEL PACK MATERIALS AND STORAGE 7 6.4 GROUT MATERIALS AND STORAGE 8 7.0 DRILLING AND MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION 9 7.1 GENERAL 9 7.2 DRILLING 9 7.2.1 Drilling Methods 9 7.2.2 Sanitary Protection ofthe Borehole 10 7.2.3 Driller's Log 10 7.3 MONITORING WELL MATERIALS 10 7.3.1 Monitoring Well Casing 10 7.3.2 Monitoring Well Screen 11 I I I I I I 1 I I I i ^ ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 7.3.3 Gravel Pack Materials 11 7.4 MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION 11 7.4.1 Sanitary Protection of Wells 11 7.4.2 Screen and Casing Installation 12 7.4.3 Gravel-Pack Installation 12 7.4.4 Grout Installation 12 7.5 SURFACE PROTECTION 13 7.6 WELL DEVELOPMENT 14 7.7 GROUNDWATER SAMPLES 14 TABLE Table Paqe Table 7-1 Summary of Expected Depths and Material Requirements 15 APPENDIX APPENDIX A: Surrounding Weli Logs FIGURES Figure Figure 1. Location of Proposed Monitoring Well GW-083 ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 SPECIFICATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NESTED MONITORING WELL GW-83 ATK THIOKOL INC. LOSCOPE Ll PURPOSE This specification covers the drilling of one borehole and the potential construction of multiple monitoring wells within the borehole along the southeast portion of the Bacchus Works (Figure 1). This borehole is to be drilled as specified in this document using rotary methods. Depending on the strata encountered, wells may be completed in two isolated aquifers to allow better definition of local hydrogeologic conditions. The Drilling Contractor shall provide all of the goods and services called for in this specification, except as othenwise noted. L2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION From 1985 through the present, 73 onsite monitoring wells were installed at the Bacchus Works of ATK Thiokol Inc. (previously Hercules), Incorporated. Based on the results of the past drilling activities, the Bacchus Works Is underlain by unconsolidated sandy gravels, containing quartzite boulders, in various thicknesses. This material is generally saturated at depths ranging from a few feet to several tens of feet. Underlying the unconsolidated deposits is a silty clayey ash that generally marks the bottom of the shallow saturated zone. Previously installed monitoring well GW-047 is located approximately 1/2 mile west, GW- 059 is located approximately % south, GW-060 and GW-061 were drilled approximately Vi of a mile southwest of the proposed well. Monitoring well GW-075 is located approximately Vi of a mile northeast of the proposed well. A log of GW-047, GW-059, GW-060, GW-061, and GW- 075 are included in Appendix A. The stratigraphy of the proposed well may or may not be similar to that encountered in the GW-047, GW-059, GW-060, GW-061, and GW-075. ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 SPECIFICATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF NESTED MONITORING WELL GW-83 ATK THIOKOL INC. LOSCOPE 1.1 PURPOSE This specification covers the drilling of one borehole and the potential construction of multiple monitoring wells within the borehole along the southeast portion of the Bacchus Works (Figure 1). This borehole is to be drilled as specified in this document using rotary methods. Depending on the strata encountered, wells may be completed in two isolated aquifers to allow better definition of local hydrogeologic conditions. The Drilling Contractor shall provide all of the goods and services called for in this specification, except as otherwise noted. L2 BACKGROUND INFORMATION From 1985 through the present, 73 onsite monitoring wells were installed at the Bacchus Works of ATK Thiokol Inc. (previously Hercules), Incorporated. Based on the results of the past drilling activities, the Bacchus Works is underlain by unconsolidated sandy gravels, containing quartzite boulders, in various thicknesses. This material is generally saturated at depths ranging from a few feet to several tens of feet. Underlying the unconsolidated deposits is a silty clayey ash that generally marks the bottom of the shallow saturated zone. Previously installed monitoring wells GW-060 and GW-061 were drilled approximately VA of a mile southwest of the proposed well. Monitoring well GW-075 is located approximately VA of a mile northeast of the proposed well. A log of GW-060, GW-061, and GW-075 are included in Appendix A. The stratigraphy of the proposed well may or may not be similar to that encountered in the GW-060, GW-061, and GW-075. ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 2.0 DEFINITION OF TERMS Whenever used in this specification or in other contract documents associated herewith, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated, and these shall be applicable to both the singular and plural and masculine and feminine thereof: Drillina Contractor. The person, firm, or corporation with whom the Engineer has executed the agreement. The Drilling Contractor must be licensed by the Utah Division of Water Rights to drill water wells in the State of Utah. Engineer. EarthFax Engineering, Inc. and its duly authorized representatives. Owner. ATK Thiokol Inc. Proiect. The entire construction to be performed as provided in this specification. Subcontractor. An individual, firm, or corporation having a direct contract with the Drilling Contractor for the performance of any part of the work at the site. Work. Any and all obligations, duties, and responsibilities necessary to the successful completion of the project assigned to or undertaken by the Drilling Contractor under the contract documents, including the furnishing of all labor, materials, equipment, and other incidentals. ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 3.0 SAFETY AND PROTECTION 3.1 GENERAL The Drilling Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with this project. The Drilling Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury, or loss to (1) all employees of the Drilling Contractor on the project and other persons who may be affected thereby, (2) all materials or equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off site, and (3) other property at the site or adjacent thereto, including trees, shrubs, lawns, walks, pavements, roadways, structures, and utilities not designated for removal, relocation, or replacement in the course of construction. The Drilling Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, and orders of the Engineer or Owner, and any public body having jurisdiction for the safety of persons or property or to protect them from damage, injury, or loss. The Drilling Contractor shall erect and maintain, as required by the conditions and progress of the work, all necessary barricades, signs, flags, lights, and other safeguards to prevent injury to workmen and others on or about the construction site. Any barricades directed by the Owner or Engineer to be erected shall be equipped with a flasher-type light approved by the Owner. In conjunction with this project, the Drilling Contractor shall develop and implement a health and safety plan for use during performance of the work. Chlorinated solvents and perchlorate have been detected in wells 1-mile west of the proposed wells and may be a concern at the site; however, no data have identified contaminants in the area of the proposed wells. It is the responsibility of the Drilling Contractor to implement a plan which addresses the health and safety concerns for these possible constituents. Any questions regarding the available data for the site can be addressed to the Engineer. Neither the Owner nor the Engineer assumes responsibility for the health and safety of the Drilling Contractor or his employees during performance of the Work. ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 3.2 DRILLING CONTRACTOR'S HEALTH AND SAFETY REPRESENTATIVE The Drilling Contractor shall designate a responsible member of his organization at the site whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents and enforcement of health and safety plans. This person shall be the Drilling Contractor's superintendent unless otherwise designated in writing by the Drilling Contractor to the Engineer. This person shall be responsible for immediately reporting any violations of the Drilling Contractor's health and safety plan or other abnormalities to the Engineer's health and safety officer. 3.3 EMERGENCIES In emergencies affecting the health and/or safety of persons or the work on property at the site or adjacent thereto, the Drilling Contractor, without special instruction or authorization from the Engineer, is obligated to act, at his discretion, to prevent threatened damage, injury, or loss. He shall give the Engineer prompt written notice of any significant changes in the work or deviations from the contract documents caused thereby, and a change order shall thereupon be issued covering the changes and deviations involved. 3.4 PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Steel-toed boots, hard hats, safety glasses, and waterproof gloves shall be worn by all personnel within 25 feet of the drill rig at all times during performance of the Work contained in this specification. Splash proof goggles or a face shield shall be worn whenever a splash potential exists at the site. Gloves and other protective clothing shall be cleaned or replaced frequently as needed to prevent contact of hazardous materials with the skin. Respirators and other protective equipment shall be made available by the Drilling Contractor for use by himself and his employees when required by the health and safety plan. Such respirators and protective equipment shall be stored, maintained, and disposed of as directed by the Drilling Contractor's health and safety plan. ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 4.0 CLEANING UP The Drilling Contractor shall keep the premises free from accumulations of waste materials, rubbish, and other debris resulting from the work, and at the completion ofthe work at the well site, shall remove all waste materials, rubbish, and debris from and about that site as well as tools, construction equipment and machinery, and surplus materials, leaving the site clean. The Drilling Contractor shall restore to their original conditions those portions of the site not designated for alteration by the contract documents. All drilling and service rigs as well as temporary steel casings and drive shoes shall be thoroughly cleaned with steam prior to conducting any work on the borehole. Steam cleaning equipment will be provided by the Drilling Contractor and stored at a location designated by the Engineer for use by the Drilling Contractor. All potentially hazardous or toxic waste generated as a result of the drilling activities (not including drill cuttings) shall be containerized and stored in a location designated by the Engineer as a Hazardous Waste Storage Area. Such materials will be disposed of by the Owner. The Drilling Contractor shall provide personnel decontamination station for the field crew at the drilling location. The nature of this station shall be determined by the Drilling Contractor based on the health and safety requirements of the work. At a minimum, this station shall consist of a fresh-water washing station and a container for disposal of solid waste. If the work environment degrades based on the health and safety monitoring, the workstation will of necessity become more sophisticated. ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 5.0 SUPERVISION OF WORK The Drilling Contractor shall direct the work of his personnel as called for in the specification in an efficient manner with his best skills and attention. The work and services to be performed under this specification shall be subject to continual monitoring and inspection by the Engineer. Periodic inspection may also be performed by the Owner and representatives of the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste and the Utah Division of Water Rights. Such inspection will be for the purpose of determining technical compliance with this specification and other appropriate rules and regulations. ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 6.0 GENERAL MATERIAL HANDLING AND STORAGE PROCEDURES 6.1 CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATION Prior to setting up on the bore hole and following drilling of the bore hole, all equipment that may contact the interior of a bore hole or that may contact other equipment that will enter the bore hole (including, but not limited to, drill rods, bits, subs, sampling equipment, and tools) shall be thoroughly steam cleaned in an area designated by the Engineer. Any tools, drilling equipment, or sampling equipment that will be used down-hole and that is found laying on the ground after cleaning or is othenvise deemed by the Engineer to be contaminated shall again be steam cleaned prior to re-use. At the drill site, cleaned equipment shall be kept off the ground by storing on cleaned metal racks or trailers (not wooden pallets). 6.2 CASING AND SCREEN STORAGE AND PREPARATION Casing and screen used for monitoring well installation shall be stored at the site in a location designated by the Engineer and shall be protected by contamination through the use of a ground cover such as plastic or pallets. Prior to installation, all casing and screen shall be cleaned if not delivered clean in plastic from the manufacturer. Care shall be taken during installation of the casing and screen to prevent contamination of the materials following cleaning. Materials that are deemed by the Engineer to have become contaminated after cleaning shall be re-cleaned prior to installation in the borehole. 6.3 GRAVEL PACK MATERIALS AND STORAGE The gravel pack to be used in each monitoring well shall consist of clean, well-rounded, smooth, and uniform particles. The sand shall be siliceous, with a limit of 5 percent by weight of calcareous material. Not more than 2 percent of the filter material shall consist of thin, flat, or elongated pieces, as determined by hand picking. The filter shall be free of shale, clay, dirt, and organic impurities. ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 The filter material shall be delivered to the site in bags and shall be protected from weather and contamination until used. A location will be designated by the Engineer for storage of the filter material. 6.4 GROUT MATERIALS AND STORAGE A mixture of Portland cement (ASTM C150) and not more than 7 gallons of clean water per bag (94 pounds) of cement shall be used for grouting the annular space between the drill- bore hole wall and the well casing. The use of other admixtures to reduce permeability, increase fluidity, and/or control time of set must be approved by the Engineer prior to use. Water used for preparation ofthe grout shall be obtained from a potable-quality supply. The grout materials shall be delivered to the site in bags and shall be protected from weather and contamination until used. A location will be designated by the Engineer for storage of the grout materials. ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 7.0 DRILLING AND MONITORING WELL CONSTRUCTION 7.1 GENERAL All drilling information collected from the site during the performance of the Work is proprietary and is the property of the Owner. As such, this information shall not be divulged by the Drilling Contractor or his subcontractors to any entity other than the Owner or the Engineer. 7.2 DRILLING 7.2.1 Drilling Methods Drilling of the borehole shall be by the rotary method, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The borehole shall be drilled to the depth specified in the field by the Engineer and at a sufficient diameter to accommodate the anticipated two well casings, gravel pack, and grout seal, with a minimum thickness of 2 inches of grout around the permanent casing and couplings. No fluids shall be injected into the borehole during drilling other than clear water obtained from potable-quality supply unless specifically approved by the Engineer in the field. Anticipated total depth of the drill borehole is 350 feet. It shall be the responsibility ofthe Drilling Contractor to ensure that the borehole maintains alignment, plumbness, and roundness during installation. Temporary casing shall be driven during construction of each monitoring well to maintain borehole integrity. The diameter of this temporary casing shall be sufficient to accommodate the anticipated two well casings, gravel pack, and grout seal, with a minimum thickness of 2 inches of grout around the permanent casing and couplings, but not less than 12 inches. The temporary casing shall be driven by percussion or rotated by the rig unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. During drilling of each monitoring well, formation samples shall be collected by the Drilling Contractor in a manner chosen by the Drilling Contractor and approved by the Engineer. Formation samples must be collected at sufficient frequency and at sufficient increments of depth to permit a thorough evaluation by the Engineer of the lithologic properties of the ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 formations encountered during drilling of the borehole. At least one formation sample shall be collected each 5 feet and at any pronounced changes in lithology. The driller shall provide a maximum daily standby cost (with crew) based on an 8-hour working day. This cost shall be prorated on an houriy basis for the accumulated standby hours on any given workday. Standby charges will be allowable only on workdays scheduled by the Engineer. 7.2.2 Sanitary Protection ofthe Borehole At all times during the progress of the Work, the Drilling Contractor shall use reasonable precautions to prevent either tampering with or entrance of foreign material into the bore hole. 7.2.3 Driller's Log During all drilling and installation activities at the site, a daily, detailed driller's report shall be maintained and delivered upon request to the Engineer. The report shall give a complete description of all materials encountered, number of feet drilled, number of hours on the job, down time due to mechanical failure or other causes, feet of casing set, and other pertinent data as may be requested by the Engineer. Following completion of all drilling activities at the site, the Engineer will prepare the appropriate forms for submission to the Utah Division of Water Rights concerning the drilling and construction activities. These forms will be submitted to the Drilling Contractor for his signature and subsequent submittal to the Division as required by their regulations. The Drilling Contractor shall submit other documentation required by the Division at appropriate times. 7.3 MONITORING WELL MATERIALS 7.3.1 Monitoring Well Casing All permanent well casing shall be new Schedule 80 PVC. The PVC casing shall have a nominal inside diameter of 2 inches. The casing shall bear mill markings that will identify the 10 ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 material as that specified. Lengths of PVC casing to be used for bidding purposes are provided in Table 7-1. Actual completion depths and casing and screen lengths shall be determined by the Engineer based on borehole lithology and aquifer zone yields. All joints on the PVC shall be flush threaded. No solvent-welded joints will be permitted. 7.3.2 Monitoring Well Screen All monitoring well screen shall be of the continuous-slot, wire-wound design, reinforced with longitudinal bars. Each adjacent coil of wire shall be shaped in such a manner as to increase in size inward. The well screen shall be completely fabricated of Schedule 80 PVC with a nominal inside diameter of 2 inches. Based on past drilling in the area, it is currently anticipated 2 lengths, each 15 linear feet, of screen (total of 30 feet) will be required. The screen shall have an aperture of 0.015 inch or as specified by the engineer based on analyses ofthe cuttings. 7.3.3 Gravel Pack Materials For a screen aperture of 0.015 inch, the gravel pack shall consist of 16- to 30-mesh silica sand. This material shall meet the requirements of Section 14.5 ofthis specification. 7.4 MONITORING WELL INSTALLATION 7.4.1 Sanitary Protection of Wells At all times during the progress of the Work, the Drilling Contractor shall use reasonable precautions to prevent either tampering with or entrance of foreign materials into the wells. Upon completion of the installation activities, for each individual well In the borehole, the Drilling Contractor shall install a PVC slip cap to the top of each inner casing string to prevent pollutants from entering the well. 11 ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 7.4.2 Screen and Casing Installation It is currently anticipated that each well will be multiply completed with two strings of casing and screen. It is further anticipated that each string will consist of a 15-foot section of 2- inch diameter screen (capped at the bottom) with 2-inch diameter schedule 80 PVC blank casing extending from the top of the screen to the ground surface. The Engineer will specify actual screen and casing lengths in the field. The casing and screen shall be lowered into the borehole using the drilling rig or a service rig, utilizing clamps, elevators, or other mechanical devices as needed. Casing and screen shall be joined using the flush-threaded joints that are an integral part of the materials. The completed string of casing and screen shall be of sufficient length to extend from the desired depth to a point approximately 2 feet above the existing land surface. Centralizers shall be used to position casing in the borehole. Spacers shall be used to ensure that the casing and screen segments are separated to allow good completions. 7.4.3 Gravel-Pack Installation The gravel pack will consist of 16- to 30-mesh gravel and shall extend from a point approximately 2 feet below the bottom of each screened interval to a point approximately 5 feet above the top of each screened interval of the monitoring well strings. The gravel shall be installed using a tremie pipe. Approximately 2 feet of 70-mesh silica sand shall be placed on top of each 16- to 30-mesh gravel pack layer to serve as a barrier between the gravel pack and the cement grout. In the cases of the upper two well strings, 70-mesh silica sand shall also be placed below the bottom of the gravel pack with a thickness of approximately 2 feet. 7.4.4 Grout Installation Grout material shall be placed between the lower and upper-screened section, and above the upper-screened section. Grout between the lower and upper screened sections shall be allowed to cure for a period of at least 4 hours prior to placing the next overlying gravel pack. 12 ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 The grout shall be mixed in accordance with Section 13.4 of this specification. Grout material shall be emplaced using a positive displacement method such as pumping, forced injection by air pressure, or tremie installation. Grout shall be installed in the annular space between the inner casing and the borehole wall. The grout pipe shall have a minimum inside diameter of 1 inch and shall extend from the surface to the bottom ofthe zone to be grouted. Grout shall be placed from the bottom to the top in one continuous operation unless directed othenwise in the field by the Engineer. Where the grout extends into any temporary steel casing, this casing shall be pulled gradually as the grout is installed. However, in no case shall the temporary steel casing be pulled above the top of the existing grout level. The grout pipe may be slowly raised as the grout is emplaced but the discharge end ofthe grout pipe must be submerged in the emplaced grout at all times until grouting of a given section is completed. To the extent possible, the grout pipe shall be maintained full to the surface at all times until grouting of the entire specified zone is completed. In the event of interruption of grouting operations, the bottom of the grout pipe shall be raised above the grout level and shall not be re-submerged until all air and water have been displaced from the pipe and the pipe flushed clean with clear water. 7.5 SURFACE PROTECTION Following completion of grouting operations but prior to curing of the grout, a protective well cover with a diameter of not less than 10-inches shall be placed in the grout, extending to a point approximately 2 feet below the ground surface. A lockable, well cap shall be placed on the protective well cover to prevent unauthorized entry. The protective well cover shall be constructed of steel. Following installation of the surface protection and caps, a concrete pad shall be constructed around the well cover. This pad shall extend a minimum of 6 inches below and 4 inches above the ground surface. The pad shall be square (measuring three feet on a side) or round (measuring three feet in diameter). The surface of the pad shall be sloped away from the well cover to shed water. Foreign materials such as metal scraps, large cobbles, wood chips, etc. shall not be incorporated into the pads. 13 ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 7.6 WELL DEVELOPMENT Following completion of the grouting operations and installation of the surface protective casing and pad, the monitoring wells shall be developed by surging and bailing or pumping. The surging shall be done by either a solid or valved surge block. Fines drawn into the well shall be bailed or pumped out periodically before such accumulation reaches 10 percent of the submerged screen length. No development aids shall be used during development of the wells. Development shall continue until the water obtained from the well is visibly clear or as approved by the Engineer. 7.7 GROUNDWATER SAMPLES Periodic groundwater samples will be collected from the discharge hose on the drilling rig to screen for contaminants. Groundwater samples will be collected after sealing the zone above the zone to be sampled with the advanced casing. Water samples will be collected after allowing the water blown from the well to become clear. 14 ATK Thiokol Inc. Bacchus Works GW-83 Drilling Specification October 2005 TABLE 7-1 Summary of Expected Depths and Material Requirements for the Monitoring Wells Well GW-831 GW-832 Total Depth 200 350 Total Completed Depth 200 350 Tubular Goods (feet) Screen 15 15 PVC Casing 185 335 15 q: \uc1020\01\2005\proposed well.dwg 0" 500' FIGURE 1. PROPOSED MONITORING WELL LOCATION rjT ^Ai EarthFax ATK Thiokol Inc. GW-83 Drilling Specification Bacchus Works October 2005 APPENDIX A Surrounding Well Logs GEOLOGIC LOG X t- 0. iLl a 3 X a. < ir DESCRIPTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS — 20 » 0 0,0 0 0 (J O . 1. • <»* •» E- 40 E- 60 I •0,0 .• .<>o.<C>*-, ,c.-.o-.C ^« r,o.-.Q.( .•.©.•, ,0:-. 80 E-iOO ^; —120 ?:• .Oo' •.'o.Q\ t.96:r,ct .o.O.«„ *»7 Oh Tew 8" prolactlve casing Concrete pad Cobbly gravel Silty sand Sandy silt Sandy gravel Gravelly sand Silty sandstone 5" PVC blank Benseal - 70-mesh silica sand , ,?0-40 mesh silica sand ' stainless reducer 9T 94' - 4" stainless blank •4" stainless screen, 15 slot 125' TD=I25' EarthFax Engineering Inc. EarthFax PROJECT NO. c-20 • H y HERCULES BACCHUS WORKS WELL GW-47 TOP OF CASING ELEV. s 4,799.22 GROUND SURFACE ELEV.: 4.797.39 STRATIGRAPHIC LOG GW-4 7 0.0'-22.0': Cobbly gravel. 40% gravel, 20% cobbles and boulders, 20% sand, 20% silt with a trace of clay grading with depth to 70% gravel, 20% sand, 10% silt with clay. Gravel is rounded to subangular quartzite, sandstone, siltstone and andesite- latite. Sand is very fine to very coarse grained, rounded to subangular quartz and dark minerals. Carbonate coats on larger clasts. Silty matrix reacts strongly to HCl. Dark grayish brown (2.5Y 4/2), brown (lOYR 5/3) with depth. 22.0"-26.0': Silty sand. 45% sand, 45% silt, 10% clay. Sand is very fine and very coarse grained, rounded to subangular, quartz and dark minerals. Strong reaction to HCl. Light yellowish brown (lOYR 6/4) . 26.0'-41.0': Sandy silt. 60% silt, 25% sand, 15% gravel, grading with depth to 40% silt, 35% gravel, 15% sand, 10% clay. Sand as above. Gravel is subrounded to subangular quartzite and andesite- latite, many clasts have iron and manganese staining. Strong reaction to HCl. Light yellowish brown (10 YR 6/4). 41.0'-60.0': Sandy gravel. 40% gravel, 30% silt, 20% sand, 10% clay, grading with depth to 40% gravel, 30% sand, 20% silt, 10% clay. Gravel is subrounded to subangular quartzite, andesite-latite, sandstone, siltstone and limestone. Sand is very fine to very coarse grained, rounded to subangular quartz and dark minerals. Clayey silt matrix reacts strongly to HCl. Light yellowish brown {lOYR 6/4), pale brown (lOYR 6/3). 60.0'-118.0' : Gravelly sand . 50% sand, 20% gravel, 20% silt, 10% clay. Sand is very fine to very coarse grained, rounded to subangular quartz and dark minerals with some vitric ash. Gravel is subrounded to subangular quartzite, sandstone, limestone, andesite-latite and occasional tuff fragments. Clayey silt matrix reacts strongly to HCl. Light yellowish brown (lOYR 6/3), brown (lOYR 5/3). 118 . 0 '-125 . 0 ' : Silty sandstone. Sand is fine to medium grained, 50% angular vitric ash and 50% rounded quartz. Silt is vitric ash. Strong reaction to HCl. Pale brown (lOYR 5/3). GEOLOGIC LOG WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS TD=245' EarthFax Engineering Inc, EaiihFax PROJECT NO. c-20 a U HERCULES BACCHUS WORKS WELL GW~59 TOP OF CASING ELEV. s 4,907,08 GROUND SURFACE ELEV,= 4,905.07 STRATIGRAPHIC LOG GW-59 0.0'-3.0': Gravelly silt. 40% silt, 30% gravel, 20% sand, 10% clay. Gravel is subrounded to subangular, mostly quartzite, with some andesite-1 atite , siltstone, sandstone and limestone. Sand is very fine to very coarse grained, rounded to subangular quartz, with minor dark minerals. Larger clasts have carbonate coatings. Strong reaction to HCl. Very dark gray (lOYR 3/1). 3.0'-10.0': Silty sand. 35% sand, 30% silt, 30% gravel, 5% clay. Sand and gravel as above. Carbonate coatings on larger clasts are thinner than those above. Some sand and gravel particles are iron stained. Strong reaction to HCl. Very dark gray (lOYR 3/1) . 10.0'-44.0': Sandy gravel. 60% gravel, 30% sand, 10% silt, <5% clay grading with depth to 45% gravel, 35% sand, 15% silt, 5% clay. Gravel is subrounded to subangular, quartzite and andesite-latite with some siltstone, sandstone and limestone. Sand is very fine to very coarse grained, rounded to subangular quartz, with some dark minerals and mica. Sandstone and siltstone have minor manganese staining. Strong reaction to HCl. Brown (7.5YR 5/4). 44.0'-60.0': Gravelly sand. 55% sand, 25% gravel, 15% silt, 5% clay. Sand is very fine to very coarse grained (predominantly very coarse grained), rounded to subangular, quartz and dark minerals. Gravel is rounded to subangular quartzite, andesite-latite, limestone and some siltstone and sandstone. Sandstone and siltstone fragments have minor manganese staining. Strong reaction to HCl. Brown (7.SYR 5/4). 60.0'-86.0': 'Sandy gravel. 50% gravel, 30% sand, 15% silt, 5% clay. Same as interval 44.0'-60.0', but color is yellowish brown (lOYR 6/4). 86.0'-95.0': Silty sand. 55% sand, 30% silt, 10% gravel, 5% clay grading with depth to 45% sand, 30% gravel, 20% silt, 5% clay. Sand is very fine to very coarse grained (predominantly medium to fine grained), rounded to subrounded, quartz with dark minerals and vitric ash. Gravel is subrounded to subangular, quartzite and andesite-latite, with some siltstone and sandstone. Strong reaction to HCl. Brown (7.SYR 5/4) . GW-59 continued (page 2) 95.0'-211.0': Sandy gravel. 60% gravel, 30% sand, 10% silt, 5% clay, occasional cobbles and boulders. Gravel is subrounded to subangular quartzite and andesite- latite, with some siltstone and sandstone. Sand is very fine to very coarse grained, rounded to subrounded, mostly quartz with some dark minerals and vitric ash, mica, and calcareous nodules (approximately 0.04" diameter). Matrix reacts strongly to HCl. Yellowish brown (lOYR 6/4) to brownish yellow (lOYR 6/6). 211.0'-245.0' : Gravelly sand. 60% sand, 25% gravel, 10% silt, 5% clay. Sand is very fine to very coarse grained, rounded to subangular quartz with dark minerals, mica and vitric ash. Gravel as above, but sandstone is medium grained, poorly indurated, soft. Occasional carbonate nodules (approximately 0.04" diameter) . Clayey silt matrix reacts strongly to HCl. Yellowish brown (lOYR 6/4). GEOLOGIC LOG r *—" X H- OL Ui Q O 3 o I 0. < te. IS DESCRIPTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Concrete pod — 20 — 40 — SO - SO —IOO —120 — 140 —160 fii 7m ,»<>0-( .»,Oia o ^•"'••ZcP^ ,- O'oC °S.9--b i-.Q-.Q:' boon :ro-C t^^!^o i:oQ-.V :9:-o: — 100 — 20C Oh _ :-a? S^:o,Q-.°q 0 Tew Sandy gravel Sandy silt Sandy gravel Silty sand Sandy grovel Silty sandstone TD=202' 70-mesh silica sand 20-40 mesh silica sand 6" protective cosing Neat cement Stainless reducer 4" stainless blank 4" stainless screen, 15 slot 20? ^^ EarthFax ^^\^ Engineering Inc. M B EarthFax PROJECT NO. c-20 {>] HERCULES BACCHUS WORKS WELL GW-60 TOP OF CASING ELEV. s 4,860.37 GROUND SURFACE ELEV.: 4,857.87 STRATIGRAPHIC LOG GW-60 O.O'-IO.O': Sandy gravel. 65% gravel, 20% sand, 15% silt with trace of clay. Gravel is subrounded to angular, quartzite, sandstone, carbonates, volcanics. Moderate reaction to HCL. Boulders from 2'to 7'. Dark brown (lOYR 3/3). 10.0'-24.0': Sandy silt. 45% silt, 30% sand, 20% gravel, 5% clay. Gravel is angular to subangular. Sands are quartzite, carbonate, volcanics, chert. Mostly fine grained. Clay present as balls. Moderate reaction to HCL. Yellowish brown (lOYR 5/5). 24.0'-75.0': Sandy gravel . 65% gravel, 20% sand, 15% silt. Gravel is angular to subangular, quartzite, carbonate, volcanics. Sand is subangular to subrounded, fine grained, quartz. Moderate reaction to HCL. Pale brown (lOYR 6/3) . 75.0'-85.0': Silty sand. 85.0'-188.0': Sandy gravel , Volcanics make up a large percentage of gravels. 188.0'-202.0•: Silty sandstone with a trace of gravel. Gravels contain carbonate clasts, volcanics with phenocrysts, siltstone. Reddish color. GEOLOGIC LOG t ""^ X (-a. UJ a o 3 u X a. < ir DESCRIPTION WELL CONSTRUCTION DETAILS f. o •.•V i; P."«*," c -20 — 40 o ••• • • '-°^ -so -IOO —120 —140 h-.r<l •F-rt;^ •.iif^ Sandy gravel Gravelly sand Qh -160 -180 f&7^ Sandy gravel Gravelly sand with 45% - 75% sand Silty sand with gravel Siltstone 3 sandstone Tew .--. ---••*-*: Sandstone Siltstone a sandstone TD=20I.5' 8" protective casing Concrete pad -^ ra^ ^ g ^ g 5" PVC blank z I ^ I z 70-mesh silica sand 20-40 mesh silico sand - Neat cement' i -Neot cement I I g ^^ I g I I <y. ig i •stainless reducer •loy 4" stainlass blonk •rrr •I7S" -<ttS • 4" stainless screen, IS slot EarthFax r^X*! Engineering Inc. EarthFax PROJECT NO. c-20 HERCULES BACCHUS WORKS WELL GW-61 TOP OF CASING ELEV. s 4,884,29 GROUND SURFACE ELEV.: 4,881.79 STRATIGRAPHIC LOG GW-61 0.0'-15.0': Sandy gravel. 50% gravel, 30% sand, 15% silt, and 5% clay. Gravel is subangular to subrounded, mostly 1/4 -1" clasts: 40% quartzite (white and tan), 30% andesite-latite, and 30% siltstone, sandstone, and limestone. Silt and clay react strongly to HCl. Yellowish brown (lOYR 5/4) and pale brown (lOYR 6/3). 15.0'-25.0': Gravelly sand. 45% sand, 40% gravel, 15% silt, minor clay. Gravel as above. Fines are terrigenous with minor amounts of vitric ash. Fines react strongly to HCl. Pale brown (lOYR 6/3) and light yellowish brown (lOYR 6/4) . 25.0'-60.0': Sandy gravel. 60% gravel, 30% sand, and 10% silt. Gravel is mostly quartzite, with andesite-latite, siltstone, and carbonate. Boulders present at 37 to 41', and 46*. Sand is mostly quartz, with carbonate and vitric ash. Fines react strongly to HCl. Pale brown (lOYR 6/3), light yellowish brown (lOYR 6/4), and brown (lOYR 5/3). 60.0'-70.0': Gravelly sand. 45% sand, 40% gravel, and 15% silt, same as interval 15.0' to 25.0', but brown (lOYR 5/3). 70.0'-77.0': Gravelly sand. Same as above, but approximately 75% sand, 20% gravel, and 5% silt. Carbonate coats on larger clasts. Fines react moderately to HCl, Brown (lOYR 5/3). 77.0'-80.0': Sandy silt. 40% silt, 30% sand, 20% gravel, and 10% clay. Sand is angular to subrounded, mostly fine to medium grained quartz and dark minerals. Gravel is subangular to subrounded, mostly quartzite and limestone with minor amounts of sandstone. Clay fraction is altered vitric ash and forms clay balls in the bailed sample. Pale brown (lOYR 6/3). 80.0'-115.0': Silty sand. 75% sand, 15% silt, 7% gravel, and 3% clay. Sand is subangular to subrounded, primarily very fine to fine grained: 30% quartz and quartzite, 40% siltstone and sandstone, 15% tuff, and 15% dark minerals and carbonate, and a minor amount of medium to coarse grained sand which consists of lithic sandstone and tuffaceous silt- stone. Gravel is subangular to subrounded: 50% lithic sandstone, 30% sandy tuff, 10% tuffaceous siltstone, and 10% quartzite and limestone. Sand- stone fragments are a poorly to moderately GW-61 continued (page 2) lithifled volcanic lithic arenite. Clay balls are present in samples bailed from 77-85' and 105- 110'. Fines react moderately to HCl. Pale to very pale brown (lOYR 6/3-7/3), yellowish brown (lOYR 5/4-6/4 115.0'-150.0' 150.0'-175. 0 ' : Sandstone . 90% sand, 7% silt, and 3% gravel Sand is subangular to subrounded, primarily very fine to fine sand: 50% quartzite and quartz, 30% vitric ash, and 20% dark minerals; and medium to coarse sand which consists of reddish brown sandstone and siltstone, and white sandy tuff. Gravel is angular to subangular, reddish brown to brown sandstone and siltstone. Silt fraction contains quartz and vitric ash. Very pale brown (lOYR 7/3) to light gray (lOYR 7/2). 175. 0 '-201. 5 ' : Siltstone and sandstone . As above, but approximately 85% sand, 10% silt, and 5% gravel. Gravel is subangular to subrounded white vitric tuff (partially altered) and reddish brown very fine grained lithic sandstone and siltstone. The lower 6.5' of the interval contains a greater amount of siltstone than the upper 10'. Pale brown (lOYR 6/3), light yellowish brown (lOYR 6/4), brownish yellow (lOYR 6/6). GEOLOGIC LOG COMPLETION DETAILS o o i PUiiiP 40 60 80 ELEVATION AT TOP OF STEEL CASINa 4770.6T DESCRIPTION LOCKING WELL/ CAP 8-INCH STEEL SURFACE - CASINO 0 - 5' SILTY SAND TOPSOIL WITH GRAVEL AND BOULDERS; MINOR CLAY: DARK BROWN, S - 34- CLAYEY SILT WITH SAND AND GRAVEU MEDIUM BROWN, DARK REDDISH BROWN. AND BROWN. HAHKER3 ALLUVIUM 100. !• 34 -60" TUFFACEOUS SILTY SANDSTONE CVFT; 6 TO 10 % ORAVEL; GRAVEL CONSISTS OF IGNEOUS ROCK FRAGMENTS AND WHITE MICRITIC LIMESTONE LIGHT BROWN AND BROWNISH GRAY. CAMP WILLIAMS UNIT 60 - IS SANDY SILTSTONE; BROWN. 75 -105' SILTY SANDSTONE (VF) WITH 10 TO 20 % GRAVEU GRAVEL CONSISTS OF IGNEOUS ROCK FRAGMENTS; BROWN. 120 140 _ 160. 105 - laff MUDSTONE; MINOR SAND FROM tl5 TO IZO"; GREENISH GRAY. 4' 318 STAINLESS BLANK C7S-851 STATIC WATER LEVEL = 84.6' 12/13/90 FIRST WATER AT 98- 4' 15 SLOT 31S STAINLESS STEEL SCREEN (B5-T»n EarttiFax Engineering. Inc HERCULES INCORPORATED BACCHUS WORKS MONITORING WELL GW-75 Conglomerate Silty sand Siltstone / Claystone y ^ t» ^ Q . » •v . n'n".*,^ . ^ % Gravel Clayey sand Sand a gravel :.;-:,f;r:-,-^ ^r!(Piri^: :p!m Sandstone Sandy clay Sandy gravel with clay Sandstone 8 gravel Silty clay Sandy gravel with silt Sandstone 3 all mud matrix Sandy silty clay <» •. ,.«!'.f :«,|d ' " '. •'€,, ».|0| ^ ;•. • n ii «i «i « » • Silty gravel Silt Tuff Clay a gravel Clayey silt 1—r I I I . I Limestone Sand GEOLOGIC SYMBOLS PREPARED BY EarthFax Engineering Inc. DATE 11/88