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HAND DELIVERED MAR 3 0 2005 UTAH DIVISION OF SOLID &H/1ZARD0US WASTE RESULTS OF POST-EXCAVATION SAMPLING AT M-39 AND M-636 ATK THIOKOL, INC. Promontory, Utah March 2005 Prepared by i—• ^— EARTHFAX ENGINEERING, INC. V"\^ Engineers/Scientists L^^^^^i Midvale, Utah ikjr::-^i www.earthfax.com CBrtni 3X ATK Thiokol, Inc. Results of M-39 and M-636 Sampling Promontory, Utah March 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Paqe CHAPTER 1 -INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 - RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2 2.1 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS METHODS 2 2.2 ANALYTICAL RESULTS 2 2.2.1 M-39 2 2.2.2 M-636 3 2.2.3 Quality Assurance Samples 3 CHAPTER 3 - REFERENCES 8 LIST OF TABLES Table Paqe 2-1. Results of M-39 Soil Chemical Analyses 5 2-2. Results of M-636 Soil Analyses 6 2-3. Results of Duplicate Sample Analyses 7 EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol, Inc. Results of M-39 and M-636 Sampling Promontory, Utah March 2005 LIST OF APPENDICES A - Results of Soil Analyses B - Field Notes C - Results of Soil-Gas Analyses LIST OF PLATES 2-1. M-39 Soil Sample Locations 2-2. M-636 Soil Sample Locations iii EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol, Inc. Results of M-39 and M-636 Sampling Promontory, Utah March 2005 RESULTS OF POST-EXCAVATION SAMPLING AT M-39 AND M-363 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Between 1962 and 1982, ATK Thiokol, Inc. ("Thiokol," fonnerly Thiokol Corporation) discharged X-ray film development wastewater into shallow ditches adjacent to buildings M-39 and M-636 at their Promontory, Utah facility. Impacted soil at these sites were subsequently sampled, excavated, and disposed of off site in 1995. Following the collection of confirmatory samples, additional soil was excavated in specific areas to meet remediation goals (Thiokol, 1996). The Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste ("the Division") reviewed the data collected from the sites, following re-excavation, and determined that additional sampling was needed to confimn that remediation efforts at the sites had been adequate. A sampling and analysis plan (EarthFax Engineering, 2003) was submitted to and subsequently approved by the Division to cover that additional sampling. The purpose of this document is to present the results of the final confirmatory sampling at M-39 and M-636. Results of the sample analyses are discussed in Chapter 2, followed by a list of document references in Chapter 3. Appendices follow the text. EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol, Inc. Results of M-39 and M-636 Sampling Promontory, Utah March 2005 CHAPTER 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2.1 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS METHODS All soil sampling was performed in accordance with the approved plan. This included the following activities: Establishment of sampling grids over each site. Collection of three individual soil subsamples from within each grid. Combining the three individual subsamples to create one composite soil sample from the grid area. Analysis of all soil samples for cadmium, perchlorate, and silver. These analyses were performed by the Thiokol environmental laboratory. In addition to the collection of soil samples, soil-gas data were collected at M-39 to assess whether volatile organic compounds detected in an adjacent monitoring well originate from M-39 or from an upgradient source elsewhere at the facility. These data were obtained using passive soil-gas collectors, as outlined in Section 3.2 ofthe approved work plan. The collectors were analyzed in accordance with EPA Method 8260B by Beacon Environmental Services, Inc. (Bel Air, Maryland). 2.2 ANALYTICAL RESULTS 2.2.1 M-39 Composite soil samples were collected from the eight grids at M-39 noted on Plate 2-1, as required by the Sampling and Analysis Plan. Results of analyses of those samples are provided in Appendix A and summarized in Table 2-1. Field notes associated with sample collection are provided in Appendix B. No sample contained concentrations of the analytes of concern (cadmium, perchlorate, or silver) that exceeded the Preliminary Remediation Goals ("PRGs") for the site, assuming either a residential or industrial land-use scenario (compare with EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol, Inc. Results of M-39 and M-636 Sampling Promontory, Utah March 2005 EarthFax Engineering, 2003). Hence, the requirements of R315-3-1.1(e)(5) and (6) have been met for M-39 under the current industrial and potential future residential land-use scenarios. Soil-gas data were obtained from the 11 locations at M-39 noted on Plate 2-1. These data, which are presented in Appendix C, indicate that no volatile organic compounds exist in the shallow soil at M-39. Based on the data obtained from the soil and soil-gas sampling, it can be concluded that past excavation efforts were sufficient to remove the impacted soil at M-39. Hence, it is recommended that Thiokol petition the Division for closure of M-39 by removal, in accordancewith R315-101-6(c). 2.2.2 M-636 Composite soil samples were collected from the 41 grids at M-636 as noted on Plate 2- 2. Results of analyses of those samples are provided in Appendix A and summarized in Table 2-2. The associated field notes are included in Appendix B. Concentrations of cadmium and perchlorate at this site were all less than the residential and industrial PRGs (compare with EarthFax Engineering, 2003). However, concentrations of silver exceeded the residential PRG, but were less than the industrial PRG, at 14 ofthe 41 locations (see Plate 2-2). The requirements of R315-3-1.1(e)(5) and (6) have been met at M-636 under the current industrial land-use scenario. Based on this conclusion, it is recommended that Thiokol petition the Division for closure of M-636 by removal, In accordance with R315-101-6(c). Since the risk associated with a residential land-use scenario exceeds the criteria of R315-101 at some locations within M-636, unrestricted closure ofthe site may not be appropriate. Thus, it is recommended that deed notations be included in the petition for site closure once the site has been surveyed. 2.2.3 Quality Assurance Samples No cadmium, perchlorate, or silver was detected in any of the trip blanks, equipment blanks, or field blanks. Results of analyses of blind duplicate samples are summarized in Table EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol, Inc. Results of M-39 and M-636 Sampling Promontory, Utah March 2005 2-3. This evaluation was made using the relative percent difference ("RPD") as a measure of precision. A meaningful RPD could not be calculated for the perchlorate data since no concentrations exceeded the detection limit. With the exception of one low-concentration sample and its duplicate where the RPD was 25.0% (i.e., sample M636-16 and duplicate M636- 47), all cadmium data exhibited an RPD of less than 20%. Hence, the cadmium data can be accepted without qualification. Several of the duplicate silver analyses exceeded an RPD of 20%. The laboratory reviewed their data and found no in'egularities. Therefore, the data will be accepted with qualification. EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol, Inc. Promontory, Utah Results of M-39 and M-636 Sampling March 2005 TABLE 2-1 Results of M-39 Soil Chemical Analyses Sample Number Residential PRG<^^ Industrial PRG'^' M39-9-04-01 M39-9-04-02 M39-9-04-03 M39-9-04-04 M39-9-04-05 M39-9-04-06 M39-9-04-07 M39-9-04-08 Concentration (mg/kg) | Cadmium 24 130 1.79 3.21 11.1 0.9 J 0.4 J 0.4 J 0.4 J <0.2 Perchlorate 7.8 100 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.4 <0.1 Silver 390 4,900 140 189 232 131 47.1 34.4 109 49.4 *^^ Preliminary remediation goal from EarthFax Engineering (2003) EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol, Inc. Promontory, Utah Results of M-39 and M-636 Sampling March 2005 TABLE 2-2 Results of M-636 Soil Analyses Sample Number Residential PRG*^' Industrial PRG"" M636-9-04-01 M636-9-04-02 M636-9-04-03 M636-9-04-04 M636-9-04-05 M636-9-04-06 M636-9-04-07 M636-9-04-08 M636-9-04-09 M636-9-04-10 M636-9-04-11 M636-9-04-12 M636-9-04-13 M636-9-04-14 M636-9-04-15 M636-9-04-16 M636-9-04-17 M636-9-04-18 M636-9-04-19 M636-9-04-20 M636-9-04-21 M636-9-04-22 M636-9-04-23 M636-9-04-24 M636-9-04-25 M636-9-04-26 M636-9-04-27 M636-9-04-28 M636-9-04-29 M636-9-04-30 M636-9-04-31 M636-9-04-32 M636-9-04-33 M636-9-04-34 M636-9-04-35 M636-9-04-36 M636-9-04-37 M636-9-04-38 M636-9-04-39 M636-9-04-40 M636-9-04-41 Concentration (mg/kg) | Cadmium 24 130 1.64 1.8 1.78 2.23 0.9 J 0.9 J 2.89 2.02 3.58 0.6 J 5.03 4.29 1.32 0.8 J 1.23 0.9 J 1.68 1.9 2.87 3.83 2.1 1.74 1.48 6.33 5.81 4.55 5.36 5.31 4.41 5.83 6.09 10.9 5.9 5.28 1.1J 1.57 2.21 1.0 J 0.4 J 0.6 J Perchlorate 7.8 100 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.2 1 <0.1 Silver 390 4,900 23.2 31 15.2 128 398 575 386 71.1 148 655 45.1 29.9 18.4 46.7 901 1.46 135 46 121 ' ' /' 905 1 119 117 87.7 479 338 769 884 853 473 890 1380 704 696 284 172 218 93.8 15.3 20.7 37 0.46 J / ' • • '^' Preliminary remediation goal from EarthFax Engineering (2003) Note: Shaded cells exceed residential (but not industrial) PRG. EarthFax Engineering, Inc. a" (D I 3" TABLE 2-3 Results of Duplicate Sample Analyses '^' For brevity, all sample numbers In this table have omitted the interior numbers "9-04" '"' Relative percent difference (%) *'^' Not calculated due to non-detectable concentration in at least one of the samples T3> Sample Number*^* Initial Dup. Cadmium initial Dup. RPD"" Perchlorate Initial Dup. RPD"" Silver Initial Dup. RPD"" M-39 M39-02 M39-05 M39-10 M39-09 3.21 0.4 3.64 <0.2 -12.6 (c) <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 (c) (c) Q 189 47.1 CJ^ 32.3 -68.1 37.3 M-636 M636-03 M636-04 M636-13 M636-16 M636-23 M636-30 M636-33 M636-42 M636-46 M636-43 M636-47 M636-44 M636-48 M636-45 1.78 2.23 1.32 0.9 1.48 5.83 5.90 1.60 1.93 1.48 0.7 1.71 5.18 5.51 10.7 14.4 -11.4 25.0 -14.4 11.8 6.8 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) (c) 15.2 128 18.4 87.7 890 f 696~ 13.6 160 21.5 (ABB) •v ,- / 82.8 [ 455^ ( 63.5 1 11.1 -22.2 -15.5 -198.8 5.7 64.7 166.6 •^y-'\<'^ U •O. A 03 CD 0) Q. o tu =^3 O 3 cncQ ATK Thiokol, Inc. Results of M-39 and M-636 Sampling Promontory, Utah March 2005 CHAPTER 3 REFERENCES EarthFax Engineering, Inc. 2003. Sampling and Analysis Plan to Evaluate Areas of Potential Soil Contamination at M-39 and M-636. Project report prepared for ATK Thiokol Propulsion. Midvale, Utah. Thiokol Corporation. 1996. Closure of Photographic Waste Discharge Sites at M-39, M-114, M- 508, and M-636: Results of Investigative Phase. Report submitted to the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. Brigham City, Utah. EarthFax Engineering, Inc. :»3 i-^Tg?/ ATK Thiokol, Inc. Results of M-39 and M-636 Sampling Promontory, Utah March 2005 APPENDIX A Results of Soil Analyses EarthFax Engineering, inc. M-39 soil analytical results rii^r;?^«'Pr=!-'R: [0409020-01 L0409020-02 [0409020-03 0409020-04 6409020-05 0409020-06 0409020-07' 0409020-08 0409020-09 0409046-73 0409026-il 0409020-12 0409020-10 0409046-01 0409046-02 0409046-03 0409046-04 0409046-05 0409046-06 0409046-07 0409046-08 0409046-09 0409046-73 0409046-11 0409046-12 0409046-10 0409020-01 0409020-02 0409020:03 0409020-04 0409020-05 0409020-06 0409020-07 0409020-08 0409020-09 0409046-73 0409020-11 ' 0409020-12 0409020-10 rGUENllSAMeEE«IOil«CESjttiANAl!Xa^NAMg| M39-9-04-01 M39-9-04-02 M39-9-64-03 M39-9-04-04 M39-9-64-05 M39-9-04-06 M39-9-04-67" M39-9-04-08 M39-9-64-69 M39-9-04-10 rui39-9-04EB M39-9-04FB 'M39-9-04TB M39-9-04-01 M39-9-64-6'2 ^39-9-04-03 "" M39-9-04-04 M39-9-04-05 M39-9-04-06 M39-9-04-07 M39-9-04-08 M39-9-04-09 M39-9-04-10 M39-9-04EB M39-9-04FB M39-9-04TB M39-9-04-01 M39-9-04-02 M39-9-04-03 M39-9-04-04 M39-9-64-65 M39-9-04-06 M39-9-04-67" ' M39-9-04-08 M39-9-04-69 [Va M39-9-04-10 flif M39-9-04EB M39-9-04FB M39-9-04TB 601 OB 66iOB 60108 601 OB 661OB 601 OB 601 OB 601 OB 601 OB 601 OB 601 OB 601 OB 60108 EPA 314.0 EPA 314.0 EPA 314.01 EPA 314.0 EPA314.0 EPA 314.0 EPA 314.0 EPA 314.0 EPA 314.0 EPA 314.0 EPA 314.0 EPA 314.0 EPA 314.0 601 OB 601 OB 6010B 6"6i0B 661 OB 601 OB 601 OB 601 OB 6010B 601 OB 601 OB 601 OB 601 OB CADMIUM CADMIUM CADMIUM CADMIUM CADMIUM CADMIUM CADMIUM' CADMIUM CADMIUM CADMIUM CADMIUM CADMIUM CADMIUM PERCHLORATE PERCHLORATE PERCHLORATE PERCHLORATE PERCHLORATE" PERCHLORATE PERCHLORATE PERCHLORATE PERCHLORATE PERCHLORATE PERCHLORATE PERCHLORATE PERCHLORATE SILVER SILVER SILVER SILVER SILVER SILVER SILVER SILVER siLvER SILVER SILVER SILVER SILVER" mw^m-- Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd Cd' Cd " Cd Cd Cd Cd" Cd Cd CI04 CI04 CI04 CI04 cio4 CI04 ^ CI04 CI04 CI04 CI04 CI04 CI04 CI04 Ag Ag Ag_. 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Results of M-39 and M-636 Sampling Promontory, Utah March 2005 APPENDIX B Field Notes EarthFax Engineering, Inc. m jA^e^^Md^K ^^i \^''h^ ^xsli-ei I-? „ i ! M ^/^ I Tliiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure i W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El 'j SITE: M-39 _ - - , DESCRIPTION: Surface, M39-9-04^ 1 0 PARAMETERS METHOD i CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Date9/U/04 Time <^ ! "^-j;) Sampler X-^/p__^l^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-39 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M39-9-04-01 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Date 9/14/04 Time ^.'•^S' Sampler fV IT j pu- Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-39 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M39-9-04-02 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 60J0 ^ur" 1^1 smm i '''''''"'"' Time7>!r.^ Sampler ^^/pK> Tliiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-39 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M39-9-04-03 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^{Of W CrfiJHrC^-^ Date 9/14/04 Time ^ S^S Sampler f% L^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-39 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M39-9-04-04 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^^y C^-t^/^^^tis^ Date 9/14/04 Time / £? V dTD Sampler Pl/H-, Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: IB909 LWR#: El SITE: M-39 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M39-9-04-05 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 SvcsT <^/ Gi^/^-^A^^-^ Date 9/14/04 Time \0'. 0^ Sampler p/w> pt^ W0#: IB909 LWR#; El SITE: M-39 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M39-9-04-06 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^VL/'(^/ ^7C4^Xr^ Date9/14/04 Time /O ''0 Sampler T\^/^, / ) 1 luUKUL riiuiugiiipiiic VTitMc one v^iuauic W0#: 1B909 LWR#; El SITE: M-39 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M39-9-04-07 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^ILT ^/ G-Z^i/L^ Date 9/14/04 Time /6 '• f ? Sampler pl//^ I^ ^^ » • Tl i~y t ^-ii inioKoi I'notograpnic waste sue closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-39 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M39-9-04-08 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 /' Sicr U^/^AA^ZZ. Date 9/14/04 Time j^) ; / t^ Sampler P\JH / Q i, r Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-0r PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^)^X W'^ng- Date 9/14/04 Time lb'A\i ^"'"p'^'-fl/R/pi^ W0#: IB909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-02 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^) ^ TJ 6rm ^^ C Date 9/14/04 Time \^:A3 Sampler f\f^ rrti • 1. . 1 T»l_ - . .i.;_ •iXJ j._ c:*„ /""l 1 niOKUi rnoLUgrapiiii; vvaMe one ciusuic W0#; 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-03 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 /' u-r Date 9/14/04 Time fo: ^ Sampler '^ i^l^l Thiokol fhotograpnic waste sue Closure V;?0#: 1B909 LVvTl#:El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-04 PAT^ AMETERS ^^T'HQ^ CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Date 9/14/04 Time /c?;JI> Sampler fY)4 Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#:E1 Sn-E: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-05 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 %/Uf ^ 67^/^W^-^ Date 9/14/04 Time j () • <4 Sampler fW' Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-06 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^ii.\rl <:?je^//^_ Date 9/14/04 Time //; ^5 Sampler T\/H. QU^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-07 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 "^i^f^ G^yfl Date 9/14/04 Time \\\o^ Sampler fW^^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-08 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^JiU \ (^H^ Date 9/14/04 Time (^ 04 Sampler ?Vr+ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure • W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El i SITE: M-636 j DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-09 ' PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^1 zsgr \ <^d^^ Date 9/14/04 Time {['--ol/ Sampler f\}^ •/.' Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-10 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 f> L-T ^ ^rVJWU^ >J^ Date 9/14/04 Time //•. oT Sampler ' -p (^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#:E1 SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-11 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 5{LT j (^fA[/}zC-. Date 9/14/04 Time 11:^1 c? Sampler <'^'^^,^^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-12 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 3i <-:r 5j Q^>h^ Date 9/14/04 Time )(.-/^ Sampler ^V\-^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#; El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-13 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 $lM\ ^^ &fZA^^q_^ Date 9/14/04 Time j|; |"7 Sampler f^/l^^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#:E1 SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-14 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^iuT i&fA^^^ Date 9/14/04 Time t>Nlt^ /(' \Z ^^"^P'^'" pUL. Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-15 PARAMETFRS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^/i-ri ^(Lhf^-^ Date 9/14/04 Time [\: 1%, Sampler PV^^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#; 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-16 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 G^^e^-^ siu Date 9/14/04 Time \['V^ Sampler ^ y\^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-17 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 (^/^0H^;,i^ Date 9/14/04 Time \\ '-'^'^ Sampler ^^ r^l^ V Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure WO#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-18 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 i Date 9/14/04 Time 11:^ "2- Sampler p\/ t4 Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#-. IB909 LWR#:E1 SITE: M-636 . „ .. ,o DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-19 PARAMETERS 7^^^^ CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Date 9/14/04 Time ((•- gcf Sampler FNf f^ 5l LT y GiLA^tl^ ) OP^^^L \^ S(^ lU^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#; 1B909 LWR#; El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-20 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Gi^^erc \ Sicr Date 9/14/04 Time n;J7 Sampler ^"^ y^-C- Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-21 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Date 9/14/04 Time {i ^q^ Sampler f^^^v^^UJ sm TI-.'-I.-I Tll- _ i t. »-.r . rr. ^-ii Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure WO#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-22 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 C^/lA\JbL -^ ^vid Date 9/14/04 Time /4-'2l^ SamplerP^^ ^ pi/1^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#; 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-23 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Q^ ^'^z- ^^&tfm^ Date 9/14/04 Time [4:^9 Sampler 'P'-^ , u' Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-24 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^\ Lr) &pl^_ _ Date 9/14/04 Time imef^lj Sampler Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-25 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 w4^ Date 9/14/04 Time \i\^V Sampler J^'^V^)^ 5i cr \ (--^ ^"V^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-26 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^\L^,e^np ^^^'k^ Date 9/14/04 Time /455 SamplerP^ptM-^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-27 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Date 9/14/04 Time | ^Ot> Sampler ^^f^y_ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#; El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-28 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Date 9/14/04 Time j ^ 03 Sampler -^ p^^^ 61 LV/^i? (xr^jH^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-29 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^i ur ^twl (rRs<f^L^ Date 9/14/04 Time | 5^ 5 < Sampler ?^^ y-»^*^»w^u»Wl^^BWF»^-i^'J*^^^»^^itfVe»^^^»yr!1Bwwl{.--•: *-•'•.•.• Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-30 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Date 9/14/04 Time \C,^% Sampler ^^^ M i Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE; M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-31 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 &(Ks\\'t:i ^ .5-^ A-D /t^. J i LT' \P i2 ll J Date 9/14/04 Time /f;f3 Sampler ^ p^.^H Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure WO#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-32 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Date 9/14/04 Time i^i^ Sampler P^^ • CA^Jk-^m ^ SJWP> Q^ S\iT^ u:-<'l\ J m Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-33 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 -->\JM Date 9/14/04 Time \<^\ Sampler ^ _^i^ *5\a ^ t^cit r Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#; 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-34 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Date 9/14/04 Time \^Vj Sampler ^^^^^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-35 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Date 9/14/04 Time ' 5 '^'^ Sampler ^ ^ , fVH Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: IB909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Suiface, M636-9-04-36 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 o Date 9/14/04 Time f (^ ^ J Sampler / ^-^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-u36 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-37 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 ^w^r^ 9w9 <^^^- 9^ UJ SViX k ^-^'H^^ Date 9/14/04 Time '\<o'^5 Sampler ^ p>J^f^ m,.m.^fm»eamamKa \m\mt\\vw p»iaw^^^alg^5t;^-!• FH Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-38 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 Q<\Mii 4v4 SJS Date 9/14/04 Time K 3^ Sampler P^' c N^ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-39 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 t)L-/^ Date 9/14/04 Time \^\\ Sampler "^ ^^ ;+ Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure WO#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-40 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 5AA Date 9/14/04 Time I'^AS Sample r -V ^-sjW Thiokol Photographic Waste Site Closure W0#: 1B909 LWR#: El SITE: M-636 DESCRIPTION: Surface, M636-9-04-41 PARAMETERS METHOD CADMIUM, SILVER 6010 5A/V 6 Date 9/14/04 Time \^i^ Sampler \>^ (T-^^t^ ISAjnei^i^^^^T^/^ ^.BL(r^ pO-fi>l CATS"^ 4^ 5^ - 0^' 0'^ - c& J>oti,i c^TS^ •>> -> Mk^i>- O'i' Oi- 03 4Ah3L- 0^-6^ - IJ ^A?fe>- O^ -0/)- 2-3 /H^34 - 0-^-^^ ^3> "•;^ • s» c i ^^ ie^r C)A \t^(^o(L 6/^ QUt^r> J)^fvic&T^ J^^^rrTo^ /Zero&A^rz^^rD, Ik) PL, /<r/hr^ 120 M-31 Sii^c, ^^ M. 2-t?» i>4 ML^X^'^~^^ 0M:?tAc6^{rKri—jtr An- ^j, <^'^>4?^^r^ 5^_7*k^i.er^_._J_^^_. C^^'WT^i^ t,jf:_ ChoJjji?^ ($Ad~Q^ -ife-i-lr 4ti^ Ai^m- 4i>-S-5- io_a .^JLOlM _ M^oS- A/ «; . '* c .— .- --<, / hsii r.i> 1 ^m,: ATK Thiokol, Inc. Results of M-39 and M-636 Sampling Promontory, Utah March 2005 APPENDIX C Results of Soil-Gas Analyses EarthFax Engineering, Inc. Beacon H^vironmieatiBlServ'kes, Inc. 323 Williams $are?t, Ste. D Bel Air, lyOJ 21014 Analysis by EPA Metihod 82ti^ (Modil^ed) Clleat Sample ID: Project Number: Lab File ID: Received Dtatc: Analysis Date: Analysis Time: Units; COMPOUNDS Meth_Blk EMI715 40101213 10/12/2004 18:11 ng/trap Trip-l EM 17] 5 40101214 10/8/2004 10/12/2004 1«:42 ng/trap M3&-01 40101215 30/8/2004 10/12/2004 19:13 ng/trap M3.9-02 EM1715 40101216 ID/8y2004 10/12/2004 19:44 ng/trap M39-03 EM 1715 40101217 10/8/2004 10/12/2004 20:15 ng/trap I. I -Dichloroethene trdns-1.2-DichlorocUvene 1,1-Dichloroethane cis-1,2-Dichiorocthenc Cliloroform 1,2-Dichlorocthanc U.I -Trichloroethane Carbon Telrachloride Trichloroethene 1.1,2-Trichloroethane 1,2-Dibromoethane (EDB) Tetrachloroeihene Chlorobenzene Bromofonn 1.1.2,2-Teirach)oroeihane <25 <25 <25 <2.'i <25 <:25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <2.'i <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <2.^ <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <2.'; <25 <2.'5 M39-04 EM1715 40101218 10/8/2004 10/12/2004 20:46 ng/trap I.l-Dichloroethene inins-1.2-Dichlorocthenc 1,1 -Dichloroeihane ci.s-1,2-Dichloroethene Chlorofonn 1,2-Dichloroethime 1.1.1-Trichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride Trichloroethene 1.1.2-Trichloroethane 1,2-Dibromoethanc (EDB) Tetrachloroethene Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,1,2,2-Teirachloroeihane Client Sample ID: Project Number: Lab File ID: Received Date: Aralysis Date: Analysis Time: Units: COMPOUNDS <25 <25 <25 <25 <<"> <25 <i25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 M39-05. EM1715 40101219 IO/S/2004 10/12/2004 21:17 ng/trap ^5 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 • <25 - <25 M39.06 EMI715 4010 r220 10/8/2004 10/12/2004 21:48 r^g/trap <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 M39^7 EM1715 40101221 10/8/2004 10/1J2/2004 22:19 ng/trap <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <23 <25 <25 <25 <2.5 <25 <25 <25 <25 M39-08 EM1715 40101222 10/8/2004 10/12^004 22:50 ng/trap <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <r25 <25 <25 <25 <:25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 M39-0y EM1715 40101223 10/8/2004 10/12/2004 23:21 ng/irap <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 M39-10 EMI715 40101224 10/8/2004 10/12/2004 23:51 ng/trap <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 Resulis in nanoirrams (ng). J = Eslimated value below reported quantilation level. B = Detected in melhod blank. Pace 1 of .^ Beacon Eayiroiimeala] Servicies^ Inc^ 323 Williams Street, Ste. D Bel Air, MD 21014 Analysis by EPA Method 8260B (Modified) aient Sample ID: Project Number: Lab File ID: Received Date: Analysis Date: Analysis Tirae: Units: COMPOUNDS 1,1-Dichloroethene trans-1,2-Dichlorocihcnc l.l-Dichloroethane cis-1,2-Dichlorpcihene Chloroform 1,2-Dicbloroethane 1,1,1-Trichloroethane Carbon Tetrachloride Trichloroethene 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.2-Dibromocthane (EDB) Teirachloroothene Chlorobenzene Bromoform 1,12.2-Tetrachloroethane M39-11 EM 1715 40101225 10/8/2004 10/13/2004 0:22 ng/trap <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 FB-01 EM 1715 401G1226 IQ/8/20D4 10/13/2004 0:53 ng/trap <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 FB-02 EM1715 40101227 10/8/2004 10/13^004 1:24 ng/trap <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 FB-03 EM1715 40101228 J 0/8/2004 10/13/2004 1:55 ng/trap <25 <:25 <25 <25 <25 <25 -r-^S <25 <-''5 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 FB-04 EM17I5 40101229 10/8/2004 10/13/2004 2:26 ng/trap <25 <<•'! <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 Trip-2 EM 1715 40101230 10/8/2004 m/l.'5/2004 2:57 ng/trap <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 <25 UcsulLs in nanograms (ng). J = Estimated value below reported quanlitation level. B = Detecied in meiliod blank. PauL- 2 of 5 BOUNDARY OF AREA INVESTIGATED BY U.S.U. GRID STARTING POINT SITE M-39 - "WET" AREA LEGENP GRID NUMBER {•) 2 SOIL-GAS SAMPLE LOCATION B^^ EarthFax Engineering, inc. '^ "^^ Engineers/Scientists ^S^ Midvale. Utah ESrthFdX WTrw.earthfax.coni 0' 5' BASE MAP: DRAWING NO. M39VERI PROVIDED BY ATK THIOKOL, INC. DATE BY DATE BY DRAWN BY: KHB APPROVED BY: RBW CHECKED BY: RBW DATE: MARCH 2005 DWG DATA: G:\UC020\THIOKOL PHOTO LABS\ PLATE 2-1.DWG ATK THIOKOL, INC. PROMONTORY, UTAH FACILITY PLATE 2-1 M-39 SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS \ LEGEND 39 GRID NUMBER ^ b^ GRID WHERE SILVER CONCENTRATION EXCEEDS RESIDENTIAL PRG BUJ NOJ INDUSTRIAL PRG (SEE TABLE 2-2) s^R EarthFax Engineering, Inc. 'j^ "^^ Engineers/Scientists ^^^ Midvale, Utah Edrttf3X 'wvnr.earthfax.eom 0' 10' BASE MAP: DRAWING NO. M636VERI PROVIDED BY ATK THIOKOL. INC. cr DATE BY DATE BY DRAWN BY: KHB APPROVED BY: RBW CHECKED BY: RBW DATE: MARCH 2005 DWG DATA: G:\UC020\THIOKOL PHOTO LABS\ PLATE 2-2.DWG ATK THIOKOL, INC. PROMONTORY, UTAH FACILITY PLATE 2-2 M-636 SOIL SAMPLE LOCATIONS