HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2005-001958 - 0901a0688013b291ATK ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS Alliant Aerospace Company P.O. Box 98 Magna, UT 84044-0098 Tel(801| 250-5911 .lune 9. 2005 RECEIVED IJennis R. Dinvns Dcpailinenl of Environmental Quiilily Divi.sion ofSolid and Hazardou.s Waste 288 North 1460 West P.O. Box 144880 .Salt Lake Cily, Utah 84114-4880 Rc Revised Financial Assurance Coverage for ATK Thiokol UTAH DIVrSlON OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE Dear Mr. Downs: A'i'K Thiokol is in lhe process of renewing our financial assurance coverage in the amounts shown bekiw. Closuie and post-closure amounts were adjusled from the pievious year using an inflation mulliplier of 1,021. 'I'lie net piesent value for post-closure costs was adjusted using a discount value of .10. Revised closuie and post-closure cost estimates assured by the Letter of Credit in the amount of .$6,21.1.870 are shown below. EPA ID Number UTD009081357 UTDOO 170.^029 Facilily Name and Address ATK Thiokol- Promontory P.O. Box 707 Brigham City, UT 84302-0707 ATK Thiokol - Bacchus P.O. Box 98 Magna, UT 84044-0098 Closuie Cost $2,078,37 I $1,275,912 Post-Closure Cost $2,859,587 $0 A co|iy of Leiicc of Credit No. 216436002 issued by Caylon Corporate and Investmenl Bank for closure and post-closuie cosls is ailached along wilh a copy of the certificate of liability insurance for sudden accidental events issued by AIG Environmental. The AIG policy was issued for a 10-year period. A copy ofthe I.etier of Credit from US Bank for non-sudden accidental events will be provided after the July 10. 2005 loncwal dale. US Bank does nol issue the.se amendments until the dale ihey are scheduled to expire. If you have questions on this topic contact me at (801) 699-0319 or GeneCuilis at (435)863-4479. Sincerely, &)u^^i^i George Gooch Manauer, Environmental Services Blake Robertson. UTAH DEQ, Division ofSolid and Hazaidous Waste JeffVandel, Utah DEQ, Division ofSolid and Hazardous Wasle Bill Wallner, Utah DEQ, Division ofSolid and Hazaidous Waste Gene Curtis, ATK Thiokol Susan Jew, ATK Thiokol JUN-03-2005 09=53 TREASURY 952 351 3047 P.03 CSit CALYON CORPORATE AND INVESTMENT BANK CREDIT AGRICOLE GROUP ALLIANT TECKSYSTiMS INC. 5050 LINCOLN DRIVE EDINA, MN 55436 #»*•* NON-NEGOTIABLE **** Datei 19APR05 Seneficiary: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE, 288 NORTH 1460 WEST, SALT LAKE CITY, t7T 84116 Amendment No; 8 to our Standby Letter of Credit 216436002 THE ABOVE LETTER OF CREDIT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS, FIIRTHER TO Ot3R AMENDMENT NO. 7 DATED 04/1S/05. THE INCREASED AMOUNT OF USD 494,052.00 IS CORRECTED TO READ USD 493,992.00. THE NEW AVAILABLE BALANCE OF USD 6,213,870.00 REMAINS UNCHANGED. All other terms amd conditions remain unchanged. T-«'*-*"-mD N -'NE G 0 T I A B L E ***•» Very/t^uly y Calyon Corporate and Investment Bank New York Branch Calyon Buildfng, 1301 Avenue of the Americas, New KorU, New Yotk 10019-6022 Telephone: (212) 261-7623, Fax; (212) 459-3173. Telex: 62410/423494, SWlfT; CRLYUS33 JUN-03-2005 09:53 TREASURY 952 351 3047 P.04 C^ CALYON CORPORATE AND INVESTMENT BANK CREDIT AGRICOLE GROUP ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS INC. 5050 LINCOLN DRIVE EDINA, MN 55436 AtTfyC /t^O O^S **** NON-NEGOTIABLE **** t'HTr * * *••»•* •«-» • •*"* T ••-i-r»TV*"* *•* « -triTr- Date: 1SAPR05 Beneficiary: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF SOLID AND HT^ARDOUS WASTE, 288 NORTH 1460 WEST, SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 Amendment No: 7 to our Standby Letter of Credit 216436002 THE ABOVE LETTER OF CREDIT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS, AMOUNT INCREASED BY USD 494,052.00 NEW AVAILABLE BALANCE OF; USD 6,213,870.00 All Other terms and conditions remain, unchanged. '^'^^n O N ~Tj"'En3 O'T'T A'B LE **'*-*- ******************************************* Ver w'tru Calyon Corporate and Investment sank New York Branch Calyon Building, 1301 Avenue of the Ameiices, New Koili, New York 10019-6022 Telephone: (212) 261-7623, Fax; (212)459-3173, Telex: 62410/423494, SWIFT: CRLYUSSS TOTAL P.04 CS^ CALYON JUN-03-2005 09:53 TREASURY 952 351 3047 P.02 CORPORATE ANO INVESTMENT BANK CREDIT AGRICOLE GROUP ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS INC. 5050 LINCOLN DRIVE EDINA. MN 5543 6 **** NON-NEGOTIABLE **** . »**•**»* »^ ••»*** *_* *_^* * :*•_* **************** Date: 08MAR05 Beneficiary: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE, 288 NORTH 1460 WEST, SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84116 Amendment No: 6 to our Standby Letter of Credit 216436002 THE ABOVE LETTER OF CREDIT IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS, NEW EXPIRY DATE 13JUN06 THIS AMENDMENT IS A CONSEQUENCE QF THE AUTOMATIC RENEWAL CLAUSE OF OUR LETTER OF CREDIT. All Other terms and conditions remain unchanged. i^****y********************************* **** NON-NEGOTIABLE **** • -s **-*-*-* ***>i,* ll.-** y * »j.*.«.«Li».->-r** * r* »«**»«_»«* *__ vdr\/ trulyy^uB^, Calyon Corporate and Investment Bank New York Branch CatYon Building, 1301 Avenue of the Americas, New York, New Yoik 113019-6022 Telephone: (212) 261-7623, Fax: (212) 459-3173, Telex: 62410i'423494, SWIFT: CRLYUS33 Fib-OZ-04 13:26 Fror-A I G 312 B76 1336 T-065 P.002/003 F-637 OAZAXDOnS KA5TB FACZLirz CXRTIPICATB 07 I.IABII.ZrEY INStlRANCB 1. American Ihteniational Specialty lines iosuTBOce Coi^aoy (the "IhsuFar^, of 401 Plaza Three, Jersey Ciw, NJ 07311, hen^y certifies thai it has issued liability insurance covering bodily injuiy and property <i«nage to Alliant Techsystems (the "insured"), of 5050 Lincoln Drive. Edka, MN 55436-1097 in connection with the insuted's obligation to demonstrate finandal responsibility under 40 CFR 264.147. The covertge applies al: UTD001705029, ATK Aerospace Conmany, Inc., P.O. Box 98 Magna. UT S4044-0098 ror sudden accidental occunences. The limits ofliability are $1,000,000 per occuirence and $2,000,000 annual aggregate, exclusive of legal defense costs. The coverage is provided under policy nuniber PLS/CCC 476 31 30, issued on March 31,2000. The cflfcctivc date of said policy is March 31,2000. 2. Tbe Insurer ihrther certifies the foUowing with respect to tbe insurance described above: a. Bankruptcy or insolvency ofthe insured shall not relieve the Insurer of its obligations under this policy. b. The Insurer is liable &>r the payment of amounts within any deductible applicable to the policy with a right of reimbursement by the insured for any such psyment made by the Insurer. This provision does not apply with respect to that amount of any deductible for which covesmgc is demonstrated as specified in 40 CFR. 264.147. c. Whenever requested by the Executive Secretary of &e Board, the Xusuror agrees to fiimish to the Secretaiy, a signed duplicate original copy of the policy and aU endorsements. d. Cancellation ofthe insurance, whether by the insurer, the insured, a parent corporation providing insunmce on behalf of the owner or operator ofthe hazardous waste managmenet facility will be effective only upon written notice and only after the expiration of sixty (60) days after a copy of such written notice is received by the Executive Secretary ofthe Board Region in which the &cility is located. e. Any other tennination of the insurance shall be effective only upon written notice and only after the expiration of thirty (30) days after a copy of such written notice is received by the Executive Secretary of the Boaid Region in which the facility is located. I hereby certify tiiat the wording of this instrument is identical to the wording specified in 40 CFR 264.1 Sl(j) OS such regulation was constititfed on the date first above written, and that the Insurer is licensed to transact the business of insurance, or eligible to provide insurance as an excess or smphis lines insurer, in one or more States. ^\?:W> .'^^ tc =^ Sean P. Kenny Assistant Vice President, ATO Enviroranental - National Accounts Authorized Representative of American Intemationa] Specialty Lines hisurance Company 401 Plaza Three, Jers^ City, NJ 07311 F»H2-04 13:26 FroD-A I G 312 876 ttSS T>065 P.003/003 F-837 RXZASDOtiS W&STB FACrLXTT CERTIPICATK OF I.IABZLITY IKStTRAKCS 1. American International Specialty Lines Insurance Coinpany (the "lnsurcr*0, of 401 Plaza Three, Jersey City, NJ 07311, hcrel^ certifies that it has issued liability insurance covering bodily injury and property damage to Alliant Techwstems (the "insured"), of 5050 Liiwohi Drive, Edina, MN 55436-1097 in connection with the insured's obligation to demonstrate financial reroonsibility under 40 CFR 264.147. The coverage applies at IjrD009081357, ATK Aerospace Oraaiany. Inc., P.O. Box 707 Brigham City, UT 84302 for sodden accidental occurrences. The limits ofliability arc 51,000,000 per occuirence and $2,000,000 annual aggregate, exclusive of legal defense costs. The coverage is provided under policy number PLS/CCC 476 31 30, issued on Sq)tembar 30,2003. The effective date of said policy is March 31, 2000. 2. The Insurer fiirtha- certifies the following with respect to the insurance descnbed above: a. Bankruptcy or insolvency of the insured shall not relieve the Insurer of its obligations under tbis policy. b. The Insurer is liable for thejpayment of amounts witbin any deductible applicable to the policy witihi a right of reimbursement by the msuied for any such payment made by the Insurer. This prONO^on does not ^ply with respect to that amount of any deductible for which coverage is demonstrated as specified in 40 CPR 264.147. c. Whenever requested by the Executive Secretary ofthe Board, the Insurer agrees to fiimish to the Secretary, a signed diqihcate original copy ofthe policy and all endorsement. d. Cancellation ofthe insurance, whether by the insurer, the insured, a parent corporation jvovidiiig msmance on behalf of the owner or operator ofthe hazsdous waste managmenet &cility will be efiective only upon written notice and only after the expiration of sixty (60) days after a cony of such written notice is received by the Executive Secretaiy ot the Board Region in which the feciuty is located. e. Any other termination ofthe insurance shall be effective only i^n written notice and only afier the expiration of ttiirty (30) days after a copy of such written notice is received by the Executive Secretary of the Board Region in whicii the facihty is located. I hereby certify that the wording of tbis instrument is identioal to the wording specified in 40 CFR 264.151 (}) as such regulation was constituted on the date first above written, and that ihe Insurer is licensed to transact the business of insurance, or elig^lc to provide insuiancc as en excess or surplus hnes insurer, in one or more States. •S^^^ Sean P. Kenny Assistant Vice President, AIG Environmental — National Accounts Authorized Representative of American Intemational Specialty Lines Insurance Company 401 Plaza Three, Jersey Cily, NJ 07311