HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2005-001663 - 0901a0688013a2a0RfcCEIVED OLID & HAZARDOUS WASTf TREATABILITY STUDY WORK PLAN TO EVALUATE EX-SITU REMEDIATION OF PERCHLORATE-CONTAMINATED SOIL ATK THIOKOL, INC. Promontory, Utah June 2005 Prepared by ,^_. ^si EARTHFAX ENGINEERING, INC. ^^^V^ Engineers/Scientists W^^^i Midvale, Utah ^*7,-^ www.earthfax.com tdrUii 3X ATK Thiokol Inc. Perchlorate Soil Treatability Study Work Plan Promontory, Utah June 30, 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Paqe CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER 2 -TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION 2 CHAPTER 3 -WORK PLAN 3 3.1 TREATABILITY STUDY GOALS 3 3.2 TREATABILITY STUDY DESIGN 3 3.3 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 5 3.4 SAMPUNG AND ANALYSIS 5 3.5 DATA MANAGEMENT, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION 6 3.6 HEALTH AND SAFETY 6 3.7 RESIDUALS MANAGEMENT 6 3.8 REPORTS 7 3.9 SCHEDULE 7 CHAPTER 4 - REFERENCES 8 LIST OF TABLES Table Paqe 1. Sample Schedule and Analytical Parameters 9 2. Chemical Analytical Methods 9 LIST OF APPENDICES A - Determination of Preliminary Remediation Goal for Perchlorate B - Results of Prior Perchlorate Analyses EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Perchlorate Soil Treatability Study Work Plan Promontory, Utah June 30, 2005 TREATABILITY STUDY WORK PLAN TO EVALUATE EX-SITU REMEDIATION OF PERCHLORATE-CONTAMINATED SOIL CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ATK Thiokol Inc. ("ATK") and its predecessors have operated a rocket propulsion system manufacturing and testing facility since 1957 at Promontory, Utah, located approximately 70 miles northwest of Salt Lake City, Utah. During the first 20 to 30 years of facility operation, wastes such as spent solvents and energetics were disposed of primarily in unlined impoundments or directly to the ground surface. These disposal practices resulted in contamination of soil and groundwater at various locations within and adjacent to the plant boundaries. Extensive investigations of soil and groundwater contamination at the facility have occurred since 1985. Interim remedial measures have been implemented since that time to reduce the impacts of past operations on groundwater quality. Additional evaluations are currently underway or planned to further address groundwater-quality concerns in the area. To assist in future decisions regarding source soil remediation, ATK proposes to conduct a treatability study to evaluate ex-situ anaerobic bioremediation of perchlorate- contaminated soil. The purpose of this document is to present a work plan for the proposed treatability study. Although the soil is neither a CERCLA nor a RCRA waste, this work plan is organized in general accordance with treatability study guidelines outlined by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (1993) for CERCLA sites. EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Perchlorate Soil Treatability Study Work Plan Promontory, Utah June 30, 2005 CHAPTER 2 TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION Significant research has been conducted since the late 1990s on the ability of anaerobic bacteria to degrade perchlorate (see, for example, reviews written by Xu et al. [2003] and Coates and Achenbach [2004]). This work has resulted in the isolation of several perchlorate- reducing bacteria, all of which are facultative anaerobes or microaerophiles. As a group, these bacteria appear to be ubiquitous and phylogenetically diverse. Under anaerobic conditions, perchlorate serves as an electron acceptor during the oxidation of organic material and is reduced according to the following pathway: perchlorate -> chlorate -> chlorite -> chloride The rate-limiting step is the reduction of perchlorate to chlorate. Hence, the reduction of chlorate to chlorite and eventually chloride and oxygen is relatively rapid, thereby avoiding accumulation of chlorite as a toxic byproduct of biodegradation. Stoichiometrically, this reaction can be written as: CIO4" + 8H* + e- -> cr + 4H2 indicating that four moles of H2 are required to reduce one mole of perchlorate. Anaerobic conditions can be achieved through the addition of appropriate organic substrates to stimulate microbial growth. As these substrates are biodegraded, oxygen and other natural electron acceptors (e.g., nitrate, manganese, iron, etc.) are depleted, thereby promoting anaerobic degradation of contaminants. Typical substrates used to promote anaerobic biodegradation include alcohols (e.g., ethanol and methanol), low molecular weight fatty acids (e.g., lactate), carbohydrates (e.g., molasses, high-fructose com syrup, and cheese whey), vegetable oils, and agricultural wastes (e.g., compost and manure). EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Perchlorate Soil Treatability Study Work Plan Promontory, Utah June 30, 2005 CHAPTER 3 WORK PLAN 3.1 TREATABILITY STUDY GOALS The objective of this treatability study is to evaluate the efficacy of and organic substrate on promoting anaerobic biodegradation of perchlorate in soil at the ATK Promontory facility. The treatment goal for the study is a perchlorate concentration of 55 mg/kg, the preliminary remediation goal based on soil ingestion by a child under a residential land-use scenario (see Appendix A). The reference dose used for this determination was 0.0007 mg/kg-day as recently recommended by the Committee to Assess the Health Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion (2005). 3.2 TREATABILITY STUDY DESIGN Most experience with perchlorate degradation has focused on remediation of contaminated groundwater (Roote, 2001). However, recent efforts have also extended to remediation of vadose-zone soils, either in-situ or ex-situ (Cox et al., 2004). As in groundwater, soil remediation is achieved by providing an organic growth substrate in sufficient quantities to promote anaerobic conditions that allow bacteria to reduce perchlorate to innocuous byproducts. Approximately 60 to 70 yd^ of perchlorate-impacted soil to be used in the treatability study was previously excavated and placed on the asphalt surface adjacent to the E-501C material storage area. Analyses of three samples of this soil indicated perchlorate concentrations ranging from 150 to 906 mg/kg (see Appendix B). Field treatability studies are normally conducted following the performance of laboratory bench-scale investigations. However, given the relatively small quantity of soil that has been excavated, ATK has chosen to focus this investigation directly on field application. This treatability study will be conducted under the roof of the E-501C material storage area, an open- EarthFax Engineenng, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Perchlorate Soil Treatability Study Work Plan Promontory, Utah June 30, 2005 sided structure with a footprint of approximately 36 feet by 50 feet. Accounting for support beams in the interior of the structure, three biopiles can be constructed at E-501C, each covering an area of about 15 feet by 30 feet. Horse or cow manure will be used as the organic substrate for this study, depending on availability at the time of the test. Typical ratios of manure addition used previously by others to promote ex-situ anaerobic biodegradation of various contaminants in soil range from 10% to 90% ofthe final biopile volume (see Beul et al. [2003], Weeks et al. [2003], U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [1998], Inglis [2000], and Roote [2001]). Ratios of 20%, 40%, and 60% manure (by volume) will be used for this study. At these ratios, it is estimated that all of the stockpiled soil will be treated in the three biopiles. Manure will be mixed with the soil at the appropriate ratios on the adjacent asphalt surface using a front-end loader. Water will be sprayed during mixing to neariy saturate the soil (thereby reducing the initial oxygen content of the soil to the degree practical). The soil comprising each biopile will be sampled during mixing, as outlined in Section 3.4, to provide an indication of initial conditions. Two layers of 6-mil polyethylene sheeting will be placed on the concrete floor of the E- 501C material storage area beneath each biopile. Once the soil and substrate are mixed, the mixture will be placed on the sheeting, taking care not to drive on top of the sheeting. Temperature probes will be placed in the piles and attached to an on-site data logger to monitor pile conditions. Two- to four-inch diameter perforated PVC pipe will be laid along the top of each pile, with an unperforated riser connecting into the perforated pipe and extending at least 8 feet above the top of the biopile. This piping will serve to vent gases from the piles once anaerobic conditions are achieved. Each biopile will then be covered with 6-mil polyethylene sheeting and the top and bottom layers of sheeting will be glued together to create an airtight pile. A polyethylene boot will be used to seal the ventilation riser to the top cover. EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory, Utah Perchlorate Soil Treatability Study Work Plan June 30, 2005 3.3 EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS The primary equipment to be used in this treatability study will be a front-end loader. Water from the Promontory potable or firewater system will be used to moisten the soil during mixing. A data logger, with temperature probes, will be located on site to monitor pile conditions. Other materials to be used during biopile construction include manure, polyethylene sheeting, and PVC piping, all of which will be purchased off site. It is not anticipate that any other significant equipment or materials will be used during the test. 3.4 SAMPLING AND ANALYSIS Samples of the soil will be collected during initial mixing and periodically throughout the duration of the treatability study. Table 1 lists the anticipated sampling frequency and analytical parameters. All samples will be analyzed for perchlorate and chlorate (the contaminant of concern and its most persistent degradation byproduct) as well as pH (an indicator, during treatment, of the generation of organic acids from the anaerobic fermentation process). Selected samples collected during the study will also be analyzed for nitrate and sulfate (natural electron acceptors) as well as iron, manganese, and selenium (natural electron acceptors as well as trace elements important for the growth of perchlorate-reducing bacteria [Xu et al., 2003]). Samples submitted for analyses will be composites of at least four subsamples collected from each biopile. The initial subsamples will be collected using a stainless steel spoon at arbitrary locations during mixing ofthe soil following addition ofthe substrate, thereby accounting for dilution due to substrate presence. Subsamples from the constructed biopiles will be collected using a stainless steel bucket auger from two depths at each of two locations selected randomly within the biopiles. A slit will be made in the cover the allow entry of the auger. After sampling, the cover will be re-sealed with duct tape or other appropriate method. Subsamples from each biopile will be placed in a polyethylene bag or stainless steel bowl and thoroughly mixed. A composite sample will then be collected and placed in new glass jars. The sample will be kept on ice prior to delivery to the analytical laboratory. All sampling EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Perchlorate Soil Treatability Study Work Plan Promontory, Utah June 30, 2005 equipment will be decontaminated between piles using a Liquinox wash and a distilled-water rinse. Decontamination water will be containerized in a bucket and disposed of at the Promontory wastewater treatment plant. Samples will be analyzed according to the methods indicated in Table 2 by the Thiokol Environmental Laboratory located at Promontory. 3.5 DATA MANAGEMENT, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION All data collected during this treatability study will be maintained in both electronic and hard-copy fomnats. All field notes will be kept in log books and will detail methods, quantities, and site observations during biopile construction, operation, and sampling. Perchlorate data collected from the various piles will be evaluated graphically and statistically to determine the extent of degradation and variations between treatments. Final decisions regarding statistical analyses will be made once the data are obtained. Other information (i.e., temperature data, electron-acceptor concentrations, general site observations, etc.) will be evaluated as appropriate to help draw conclusions regarding the study. 3.6 HEALTH AND SAFETY Standard health and safety procedures appropriate for the site will be followed. As a minimum, these will include the use of Level D personal protective measures (i.e., steel-toed boots, hard hats, etc.) for all site personnel during biopile construction and sampling. Furthermore, site personnel involved in this treatability study will have received training in accordance with OSHA HAZWOPER requirements. Special care will be taken around moving equipment to ensure personnel safety. 3.7 RESIDUALS MANAGEMENT The soil and manure will be mixed on the asphalt surface adjacent to the soil stockpile, thereby minimizing the spread of contamination. The biopiles will be lined and covered. The quantity of water added to the soil during mixing will be sufficient to result in a visibly "wet" EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Perchlorate Soil Treatability Study Work Plan Promontory, Utah June 30, 2005 condition without significant free water. The covered area where the biopiles will be constructed consists of a concrete floor surrounded by concrete berms. Hence, contaminated water (if any) will not leave the site (either from runoff or leaching) during performance of the treatability study. Since water will be added to the soil as it is mixed, dust will not be generated during construction of the biopiles. Soil removed from the piles during sampling will either be retained for off-site analyses or will be placed back into the auger hole from which it was removed. The amount of water required to decontaminate the sampling equipment between biopiles will be kept to a minimum (i.e., 2 to 3 gallons per sampling event). Rinse and wash water used in decontamination will be containerized and disposed of at the Promontory wastewater treatment plant. No other wastewater will be generated during the treatability study. Once the treatability study is complete, soil that meets the treatability goal will be removed and disposed of at the Promontory M-336A sanitary landfill. Soil that does not meet the treatability goal will be re-treated as necessary until the goal is met. When a biopile is disassembled, all waste materials (i.e., cover, ventilation piping, and liner) will be disposed of at the M-336A sanitary landfill. 3.8 REPORTS A report describing the implementation and results of the treatability study will be prepared at the end of the project. 3.9 SCHEDULE Field work associated with the treatability study will begin as soon as possible after approval of the work plan. It is anticipated that biopile construction will be completed within one week. The duration of the study will be a function of the rate of degradation. EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Perchlorate Soil Treatability Study Work Plan Promontory, Utah June 30, 2005 CHAPTER 4 REFERENCES Beul, R.R., C. Lewis, and S. Baladi. 2003. The Use of Enhanced Bioremediation at the Savannah River Site to Remediate Pesticides and PCBs. WSRC-MS-2003-00659. Westinghouse Savannah River Company. Aiken, SC. Coates, J.D. and L.A. Achenbach. 2004. Microbial Perchlorate Reduction: Rocket-Fueled Metabolism. Nature Reviews Microbiology. Vol. 2, No. 7. pp. 569-580. Committee to Assess the Health Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion. 2005. Health Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion. National Research Council, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology. National Academy of Sciences. The National Academies Press. Washington, D.C. Cox, E.E., R. Borch, and S. Neville. 2004. Successful In-Situ Bioremediation of Perchlorate in Soil and Groundwater at Multiple Sites. 2004 Annual International Conference on Soils, Sediments, and Water. University of Massachusetts. Amherst, MA. Inglis, J. 2000. Anaerobic Bioremediation of Soil on Tribal Lands. EPA Tech Trends. August 2000. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C. Roote, D.S. 2001. Technology Status Report, Perchlorate Treatment Technologies, First Edition. TS-01-01. Ground-Water Remediation Technologies Analysis Center. Concurrent Technologies Corporation. Johnstown, PA. Available online at http://www.gwrtac.0rg/html/tech_status.html#PERCHLORATE. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1993. Guide for Conducting Treatability Studies Under CERCLA - Biodegradation Remedy Selection (Interim Guidance). EPA/540/R-93/519a. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. Washington, D.C. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 1998. An Analysis of Composting as an Environmental Remediation Technology. EPA530-R-98-008. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. Washington, D.C. Weeks, K.R., S.C. Veenstra, D.L. Hill, and B.J. Gregson. 2003. A Study of Treatment Options to Remediation Explosives and Perchlorate in Soils and Groundwater at Camp Edwards, Massachusetts. Remediation. Spring 2003, pp. 131-143. Xu, J., Y. Song, B. Min, L. Steinberg, and B.E. Logan. 2003. Microbial Degradation of Perchlorate: Principles and Applications. Environmental Engineering Science. Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 405-422. EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Promontory, Utah Perchlorate Soil Treatability Study Wori< Plan June 30, 2005 TABLE 1 Sample Schedule and Analytical Parameters Analytical Parameter Perchlorate, chlorate Nitrate, sulfate Iron, manganese, selenium PH Sampling Time'^' | Initial • • • • 2wk • • 4 wk • • 8wk • • • • Final • • • • '^' Sampling beyond 8 weeks will continue at 4 - to 8-week intervals, depending on degradation progress. All samples beyond 8 weeks will be analyzed for perchlorate, chlorate, and pH. Selected samples may be analyzed for the remaining parameters if needed to evaluate treatment progress. TABLE 2 Chemical Analytical Methods Analyte Perchlorate Chlorate Nitrate Sulfate Iron Manganese Selenium pH Method Number^^^ 314.0 Mod."" 300.0 Mod.^"' 9056 9056 6010B 6010B 601 OB 9045C MDU"' (nng/kg) 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.3 2.0 0.1 3.0 0.1 unit PQ|_(C) (mg/kg) 0.4 2.0 1.0 1.5 10 0.5 15 0.1 unit ^^' Method number from SW-846, except as noted ^"^ Anticipated method detection limit, statistically determined and subject to change '"^^ Anticipated practical quantitation limit, statistically determined and subject to change ^'^^ See www.epa.gov/safewater/methods/sourcalt.html ^®' See www.epa.gov/OGWDW/methods/epachem.html EarthFax Engineering, Inc. ATK Thiokol Inc. Perchlorate Soil Treatability Study Wori< Plan Promontory, Utah June 30, 2005 APPENDIX A Determination of Preliminary Remediation Goal for Perchlorate EarthFax Engineering, Inc. PRGs FOR INGESTION PATHWAY Source: SOIL Scenario: !«MREtTtMr;(ffiMt'J>iate^5?ifeabaiR^ }ii:m^m^ Site: Goveming equations: Cancer PRG: Noncancer PRG: where C = TR = HQ = BW = AT = SFo = RfDo = IR = Fl = EF = ED = 0 = (TR X BW X AT) / (SFo x IR x Fl x EF x ED) C = (HQ X BW X AT X RfDo) / (IR x Fl x EF x ED) Concentration resulting in the specified risk (mg/kg) Target cancer risk (unitless) Target hazard quotient (unitless) Body weight (kg) Averaging time (days) = 70 yr x 365 for cancer risk, ED X 365 for noncancer risk Oral cancer slope factor (mg/kg-day)-1 Oral chronic reference dose (mg/kg-day) Soil ingestion rate (kg/day) Fraction ingested (unitless) Exposure frequency (days/yr) Exposure duration (yr) Assumptions: Target risk (TR) = Target haz. quo. (HQ) =j Body weight (BW) = Average lifetime = Soil ingestion rate = Fraction ingested = Exposure freq. (EF) = Exposure dur. (ED) = PRG calculation: Noncancer PRG (mg/kg) 5.5E+001 No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo Cancer PRG (mg/kg) No SFo No SFo No SFo No SFo No SFo No SFo No SFo No SFo No SFo No SFo References: 1. RAGS Part A, EPA 1989 (EPA/540/1-89/002) 2. Supplemental Guidance for Soil Screening Levels, EPA 2002 (OSWER 9355.4-24) 3. Health Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion, NRC 2005 (Prepubiication copy) PRGs FOR INGESTION PATHWAY Source: SOIL Scenario Site: s'S3aitrd^j?,ia-m^Km:®;®inHiiffliiH^ ii!im^mmm^mm:r.f^^---'> •-:.'•••• • Governing equations: Cancer PRG: Noncancer PRG: where C = TR = HQ = BW = AT = SFo = RfDo = IR = Fl = EF = ED = C = (TR X BW X AT) / (SFo x IR x Fl x EF x ED) C = (HQ X BW X AT x RfDo) / (IR x Fl x EF x ED) Concentration resulting in the specified risk (mg/kg) Target cancer risk (unitless) Target hazard quotient (unitless) Body weight (kg) Averaging time (days) = 70 yr x 365 for cancer risk, ED X 365 for noncancer risk Oral cancer slope factor (mg/kg-day)-1 Oral chronic reference dose (mg/kg-day) Soil ingestion rate (kg/day) Fraction ingested (unitless) Exposure frequency (days/yr) Exposure duration (yr) Assumptions: Target risk (TR) = Target haz. quo. (HQ) =| Body weight (BW) = Average lifetime = Soil ingestion rate = Fraction ingested = Exposure freq. (EF) = Exposure dur. (ED) = PRG calculation: Contaminant 'Mfmo^^SSM^M y>i.',.' ..•:..•..•.,• i, -. ; • fe '•^'.- l'^:-".'.. ' . :• ^r.-n' •-..: - r.'v •• • ' - i4.iit^:-.=-*^kii..-_^..-. i.:i.: ;-.i-l-v. RfDo (mg/kg-d) Ref SFo (mg/kg-d )-1 Ref •^'mEfmm^[.^'^:' ^"' •"•^' : .• •"• "* . •—JT— ••••;p;-:v- ..,--.... - •.. •.. .:.:......-;.-•.•.;,-•.• ..-::• . . , . .... .:.:.'...C.l:.:...-.^.Z ..:.•' .• ..i^-^lc.-^L'^'^J!-.- ... :'. c-_;'--iJ.'i^ i-i:£r:fc^ ^ - . . . Noncancer PRG (mg/kg) 5.1E+002 No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo No RfDo Cancer PRG (mg/kg) No SFo No SFo No SFo No SFo No SFo No SFo No SFo No SFo . No SFo No SFo References: 1. RAGS Part A, EPA 1989 (EPA/540/1-89/002) 2. Supplemental Guidance for Soil Screening Levels, EPA 2002 (OSWER 9355.4-24) 3. Health Implications of Perchlorate Ingestion, NRC 2005 (Prepubiication copy) ATK Thiokol Inc. Perchlorate Soil Treatability Study Work Plan Promontory, Utah June 30, 2005 APPENDIX B Results of Prior Perchlorate Analyses EarthFax Engineering, Inc. C>^/7^e>fcP ENVIRONIVIENTAL LAB WORK REQUEST T^" THIOKOL ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY LWR No. E12465 TCT WOSKOHUCH K 9 'Jd /^ ffei^vg Cu^^/^^S H^^'l COSTCXNTCR /;i-7-^Y HELEN WARD, MS 3D1 ORGAN t2A'nON ^wv^'^&^r^IK e.-^W .^ef-\,-'^CtJ Sol SAMPLE INFORMATION SAMPLE .. / V ^ V 5 4. V 6. 1. 1. 9. 1 "^ ll- ll. DATE l^'-i-OH a-i'OH a-i'CH TYPE G 1/ i/ iy c LOCATION ^-5^/ Z?-iiV/ B-Soi TIME //;^ //.?? //^i TEST do^ CJo^ rJo^ _ REMARKS CHAIN OF CUSTODY RELINQUISHED BY /Jci^<L^UUy)^UA \ DATE a-1^ H TIME nsi RECEIVED BY y{^6i^^^^ DATE 19-7'OY 1 TIME (f^/ FOR LABORATORY USE ONLY 1 IMTE RZrOIITEO JlCNATintE CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Listing of Sample Information and Testing Requested Wednesday, December 15, 2004 TESTED FOR: ATK Thiokol: DLV Environnnentai Monitoring Thiokol Corp, UT 84322 ANALYZED BY: ATK Thiokol Propulsion Environmental Laboratory P.O. Box 707, M/S 245 Brigham City, UT 84302-0707 435-863-3732 435-863-8080 Contact Name: Project: Sample Delivery Group: Gene Curtis Misc. Environmental Testing - DLV 0412010 Page 1 of 4 Sample Delivery Group: 0412010 Sample No. Client No. Test Requested 0412010-01 Sample Description Received Collect Date/Time Matrix 12/07/04 12/7/2004 11:20:00 EPA 314.0 Perchlorate - lon Chromatography Soil 0412010-02 EPA 314.0 0412010-03 Perchlorate - lon Chromatography 12/07/04 12/7/2004 11:27:00 Soli 12/07/04 12/7/2004 11:33:00 EPA 314.0 Perchlorate - lon Chromatography Soil Certified By: Validity unknowr iifM4^. tpt^ W. Scott Fraser. Quality Assurance Officer 12/15/2004 Date This certifies that the following samples were analyzed using good laboratory practices to show the following results: Page 2 of 4 Listing of Results by Sannple Sample Delivery Group: 0412010 Cilont Sample ID: Sample Description: ATK-DLV - Perchlorate in Soil Laboratory Sample ID: 0412010-01 Date Sampled: 12/07/04 11:20 Test Parameter Result Units MDL Dilution EQL Factor Analvst Test Date Test Method: EPA 3U.0_ PERCHLORATE Perchlorata - lon Chromalography 150. mQ/kB 20 80 200 CWS I 12/10/04 Client Sample ID: Sample Description: ATK-DLV - Perchlorate in Soil Laboratory Sample ID: 0412010-02 Dato Sampled: 12/07/04 11:27 I TestMethod: Test Paramater 'EPA3U.d PERCHLORATE Result UnKs MDL Dilution EQL Factor Analvst Test Date Parchlorale • Ion Chromatographty 659, mg/kg 90 360 900 CWS 12/10/04 Client Sample ID: Sample Descriptton: ATK-DLV - Perchlorate In Soil Laboratory Sample ID: 0412010-03 DateSampIed: 12/07/04 11:33 Test Parameter Result Units MDL TestMethod: EPA 314.0 _ _ Perchlorate - lon Chromatoflraphy PERCHLORATE 906. mg*o 120 Dilution EQL Factor Analvst Test Date t80 1200 CWS 12/10/04 Page 3 of 4