HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2003-006194 - 0901a0688015759fATK ALLIANT TECHSYSTEMS Thiokol Propulsion Corp. Tel 435 8B3-3511 P.O. Box 707 Fax 435 863-2234 Brigham City, UT 84302-0707 20 August 2003 8200-FY04-ST035 Scott Anderson, Hazardous Waste Brancli Manager •« C V-/ fc I V t L Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste Departnnent of Environmental Quality AUG 22 '^OO.'j P. O. Box 144880 nw.iftn'^K-i'^-'H?'^ / Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 '^KiS o^T^"'"°^ ^"^* Dear Mr. Anderson Subject: Proposed Locations for Groundwater Monitoring Wells, ATK Thiokol Propulsion - Promontory Facility, # UTD009081357 ATK Thiokol Propulsion met with Mr. Jeff Vandel and Mr. Helge Gabert of your staff on August 7 and 18 to discuss the needs to install additional monitor wells to further Characterize our groundwater plumes. We propose to construct six or possibly eight wells depending on sampling results from the wells following installation. The proposed locations of these wells are illustrated on enclosed Figure 1. Two wells will be installed about 700 feet upgradient of Pipe Spring, which is contaminated with perchlorate and trichloroethene. If these wells intercept contamination in the fractured media above the spring, they will serve to provide information in advance of the plume migrating towards the spring. A third well will be constructed adjacent to existing well Ml 14-81. This well will be drilled deeper than the existing well, to determine if the regional water exists in this area. The target elevation for this well is approximately 4260', and is expected to penetrate more than one perched aquifer. Great care will be taken to case and seal the boring at each aquifer interval, but on occasion, seals in fractured media are not adequate, and aquifer constituents including contaminated media migrate uncontrollably. A fourth well will be installed about 1000 feet east of existing well TCC2, to determine the aquifer existence and properties on the eastern edge of the facility. The fifth well will be installed about 800 feet north of existing well M39-B1, and will provide information concerning migration of perchlorate from a suspected historical source area at the M115 washout facility. The sixth well will be installed downgradient of the trichloroethene plume on the north Proposed Locations for Groundwater Monitoring Wells ATK Thiokol Propulsion - Promontory Facility, # UTD009081357 20 August 2003 Page 2 end of the facility near building M-508, and will monitor extension of this plume towards regional water reported in wells TCC8 and LF-4. Seventh and eighth wells may be installed adjacent to the sixth, dependent upon the results obtained from installation of the sixth well. These two are not illustrated on Figure 1 because exact placement is not currently known. If you have questions or need additional information, please call John Holladay at 863-6895. Sincerely "'T^.J^ IQ^MJL6C^=^ P. V. Hancock, Manager Environmental Remediation Enclosures: PRDPnSED WELL LDCATIDN t ^ maim vC "g'*" H> ^r I— P*" iwaiig w ^ ^ ^ »" liSB Bgipz ^A """"g ^ W pM pfi IF"*** p n"" 1'*^ ngqi IftMB • »& pa iiffiT'Hr' ^ F> pm ngqM: I**!*' jMa PROPOSED WELL LOCATIONS AND PIEZIDMETRIC SURFACE MAP snoNG ana, swrr i or t rmr VK •OB • imr (j> 'cpMtUoc03.#iQ 4837' PROPOSED WELL LOCATION R ^A SE ^ -»— mx: PE 'n^** I* qiffi aL-|M- ^ ^ ^ a: sa ^ IZIjlBi 1^^ jWMJH ^ £ BBBCJHI Urn \mm ^MZi IBIBPK |MIM [• ^A ^ ^ IBE ™ |i» irww PROPOSED WELL LOCATIONS AND PIEZIOMETRIC SURFACE MAP snoNG lao, SWET e IF s TWM ma nani far OD - Mr prevtltocO^^u