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DSHW-2003-003177 - 0901a0688013b62c
ATK ALUANT TECHSYSTEMS Thiol(ol Propulsion Corp. P.O. Box 707 Brigham City, UT 84302-0707 Tel 435 863-3511 Fax 435 863-2234 21 July 2003 8200-CY04:ST025 Mr. Dennis R. Downs, Executive Secretary State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division ofSolid and Hazardous Waste 288 N. 1460 W. P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Dear Mr. Downs ATTENTION: JeffVandel DECEIVED M 2 3 2003 Ohj3iMysoii?ft'Kal.^JwMti Subject: Responses to DSHW Comments on ATK Thiokol Propulsion's April 25, 2003 Report on the Uptake of Perchlorate by Plants Adjacent to Contaminated Springs at the Promontory Facility - EPA ID #UTD009081357 RE: Utah DSHW Letter May 28, 2003, in Response to ATK Thiokol Propulsion's April 25, 2003 Report on the Uptake of Perchlorate by Plants Adjacent to Contaminated Springs at the Promontory Facility - EPA ID #UTD009081357 The Division ofSolid and Hazardous Waste (the Division) reviewed the ATK Thiokol Propulsion (Thiokol) report on the potential risk to human health from the ingestion of beef from cattle that have consumed vegetation and water contaminated with perchlorate and provided comments. Thiokol appreciates these comments and included with this letter a response to them. Also included is a revised report, which incorporates changes, suggested by the Divisions comments. Ifyou have any questions regarding this report, please direct them to myself at (435) 863-3344. Sincerely U(^J'- Paul V. Hancock, Manager Thiokol Responses to Utah DSHW Comments Utah DEQ letter May 29,2003 Thiokol responses in italicized print RE: ATK Thiokol Propulsion's April 25,2003 Report on the Uptake of Perchlorate by Plants Adjacent to Contaminated Springs at the Promontor} Facility' - EPA ID #UTD009081357 Dear Mr. Hancock: The Division ofSolid and Hazardous Waste (the Division) has reviewed the ATK Thiokol Propulsion (Thiokol) report on the potential risk to human health from the ingestion of beef from cattle that have consumed vegetation and water contaminated with perchlorate. Based on the information provided by Thiokol, potentiai exposure to humans via beef contaminated with perchlorate is likely below both the USEPA's interim and proposed perchlorate reference doses (0.0005 and 0.00003 mg/kg-day). However, there are some points, described in the following comments, that need to be addressed in order to make the information provided by Thiokol complete. The Division requests that Thiokol address these comments and resubmit the document. In addition, due to the high degree of uncertainty in this analysis, the investigation and conclusions should be reevaluated as new information becomes available. 1. The conclusion that a cattle to human exposure route is a very low probability of concem is dependent on an extremely limited dataset for perchlorate concentrations in plants. The sample results provided by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service may not adequately define the extent of perchlorate in vegetation. Future characterization efforts at Thiokol should include additional samples of vegetation. Thiokol will look at future characterization ofthe vegetation around these water areas. It is expected that an EPA method for perchlorate analysis in plants will be established to a.ssure the accuracy and precision ofthe values for this type of testing. 2. The vegetation and water samples were not collected or analyzed by the State of Utah as indicated by the text. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service provided the results. Please correct the text. This correction was made 3. Attachment 3. Beef Ingestion Rate. A beef ingestion rate of 0.813 g/kg-day fresh-weight (FW) was derived from data forthe U.S. population and may underestimate beef consumption for local ranchers. A more appropriate data set is likely the beef ingestion rate for home produced beef presented in Table 13-36 ofthe USEPA (1997) Exposure Factors Handbook. The 90* percentile consumption rate for homegrown beef is 2.54 g/kg-day FW and the mean is 1.07 g/kg- day FW based on weighted averages for ages 6 through 69 and adjusted for cooking and preparation losses. Please reevaluate the beef ingestion rate to ensure that the values used are conservative. Thiokol agrees that these homegrown beef values are a more accurate conservative assumption. These values have been incorporated in the ingestion portion ofthe calculations. 4. Attachment 3. Cattle Water Consumption. The proposed water ingestion rate for cattle is 15 gallons/day and may underestimate water consumption for the summer months. The Virginia Cooperative Extension (http://ww^.ext.vi.edu/news/periodicaIs/1 ivestock,'aps-99_09/aps- 01 lO.html) estimates water consumption for an 1100 Ib. cow at 90 F to be 17.6 gallons and a rule of thumb for water consumption is 1.5 gallons for every 100 lbs. The Michigan State University Extension Service estimates two gallons for every 100 Ibs (http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/imp/modaa/23310001 .html) for hot weather resulting in a daily consumption rate of 24 gallons for a 1200 lb. cow. A lactating cow may require nearly twice as much water as a non-lactating cow. The Utah State Extension Service notes that water intake increases with increasing TDS (http://extension.usu.edu/publica/aapubs/ah/beef28.pdf^. Please reevaluate the water consumption rate for cattle. Cattle are not on this range that includes the springs during the summer months. Due to the lack of feed in the summer, they are there only in the spring and fall when temperatures are much cooler and rain has caused new green growth suitable for grazing. From discussions with and information from Dr. Clell Bagley. USU Extension Veterinarian, we conclude thai the 15 gallons/day is conservative for the spring and fall months. The other factor that is important along with the temperature is the moisture content of the feed. Most water consumption testing in cattle was done assuming dry forage, but with grazing cattle(green forage) their water consumption is less. Thiokol believes thai the 15 gallons/day is conservative for this circumstance. The reference provided by Dr. Bagley is attached: this is an article by CF. Winchester and M.J. Morris, Joumal of Animal Science. August, 1956. 5. Attachment 3. Cattle Grass Consumption. The proposed grass consumption rate of 13.6 kg/day is equal to about 30 Ibs, not 19.4 lbs as listed (calculations are correct because they are based on 13.6 kg). This was corrected 6. Attachment 3. Please remove the "confidential" footnotes. This was removed 7. Attachment 3, p. 2. Total perchlorate intake for the cow is calculated by adding the intake from water and feed, not multiplying (results are correct; equation is incorrect). This was corrected 8. Attachment 3, p. 2. Please document how the perchlorate steady-state plasma concentration was calculated. Intertox used values calculated and sited in the reference, Goodman, G. 1998. Dose- equivalence tables for perchlorate: Estimation of oral dose levels equivalent to in vitro inhibitory concentrations and prediction of maximum plasma perchlorate concentrations in humans and experimental animals under various exposure conditions, based on a simplified model of elimination kinetics. Prepared by Intertox for American Pacific Corporation. September 1. 772/5 reference is now included in attachment 3 found in the report. 9. Attachment 4. Please document how the perchlorate concentration in the muscle was calculated. This attachment now includes a sample calculation that documents the steps used in the calculations. 10. What are local ranching practices for beef raised for personal consumption? Do local ranchers slaughter cattle without supplementing their feed with grain? Ranchers know the importance of grain fed cattle and the difference it makes in the quality ofthe beef For personal consumption, prior to slaughter the practice for local ranchers is to take cattle off the range and feed them grain for 90 days prior to slaughter. They take pride in being able to eat the best quality of beef they can produce. The text ofthe report has been updated to include this information. ns/IS/03 WKn 10:35 FAX 4_35797395i. USUVETSCI (SOOS 111 li ••a% •r{:f:. w -•' '-Q M ••:'.;-; Lo m l"' 51 ill'^ ffi^^'^ 1 ^-'^^ '^ ^'•'' V l^si 1. ^ B:}-,^ ^ ^^- • ^ '•'•^ •!!'••• ^ m |;,j<: ig"i PPi"^ H^ t ^& •'0'^ "i Wl^ ^^ r®fe MH^"^.' ^11 - ^^m WMw'ii pi WATKR l.\T.\KE R.ATKS OF CWTTLE C F. WlN'CKKSTER ^ ANO M. J. MoKRIS-• ^ U. S. Dipartment oj Agriciilture. TN areas of limited water supply, quantitative information on water -•• intake rates of farm animals is comparable in importaoce to in- fonnation on the animals" other nutrient requirements. Published data on water intake rates of various species of farm animals have been reviewed by various workers but apparently tables of water intake of cattle under a variety of conditions of ambient temperature, body SIM, and level of feed intake have not been compiled. The prediction of the water intake of a single animal or of a few head of cattle is not possible due to the wide difference that exist between the intake levels of indi- viduals, or even between the levels ingested by a given animal on consecutive days, under ajjparently like conditions. On the other hand, the probable intake of a large number of animals under a given set of conditions can be estimated with a fair degree of confidence. We began this study in response to requests by livestockmen, engineers and others for information for practical use on water consumption of herds of cattle. Because of the urgency of the need for information and the fact thai many persons have asked us to make available without delay any facts pertinent to the water requirements of catde, our estimates have been based upon such data as are presently available rather than upon exten- sive original data compiled over a period of years. Some terms describing the amounts of water ingested that must be defined before a discussion of the water needs of farm animals can be undertaken are the following: 1. "Water consumption" represents the "free water" drank by an animal. 2.''Total water intake" includes both the water drank and that contained by the feed. 3. "Water requirement" is the equivalent of the water from all sources, including that of metabolism, necessary to maintain the water balance. Sources of Infonnation Ritzman and Benedict (1924) observed that rate of water intake is a function of dry matter consumption and on the basis of this observa- ' Aniivial mid foultiy Htotuindry Ki'sciirch Branch, A.R.S., bellsvillc, Md. « Itlom«r!fal Strviccs, A.K.S , Hi-llsvillc, Mii. " Crutehil Ju'knowledKPmoiit. n\ numfraiu he1ptu\ ^uKKuLinits maile during tbe preparatiDD <A thk p»pfr. i.» due Jaseph K. Sykti. 1>!ilr>- Hiidundry Rcsearcti Branch, A.K.S., U.S.D.A., Bcltsvlllr, Mil. 722 lion I.( Howe:- inUkc >«p:er-it;.' Viirteiy had no theii: v Thmnt;. sidenit to sek'i pre\'ail amoun rea-son; "Most of a £.'1 many wluch of tho cow in ser\'ati associa or the servati Ala that a! Lcitch beconii who h-. tion th the sul of the here. Inc appeui given . tura 111 and !<; report: chamb of Cai P 1 Ml TLE -.iS- <'rniation on water importance to in- 'Its. Published data fmimals have been nf water intake of J'erature, body size, he prediction of the rattle is not possible "take levels of indj. a given animal on On the other hand, under a given set of onfidence. We began «igineers and others ion of herds of cattle on and tbe fact that fh„«t delay any facts - fStimates have been ther than upon exten- •^ome terms describi„j, «J before a discussion fit-a are the following- r-drankbyananimaj' "nk and that contained V dent of the water from ''^ y to maintain the wateriffl I. rate of water intafc^ Jie basis of Uiis observ^^ •)i.1<l« during Uie nr,ru,r.« USU VET SCI ^7f--re.,:tv-- -<',7eiT---r..r/\^^^ 't '^-'"b;ect either ^J'J.' ^^t''«at/o„ oT?'/''"•'^^•^ «f iS^^"-^"^^ ^" contrast ^yitu,. . ^^''''take v,lu ^^^''> ^^^^ bulk ^m^re, W/UJ:'^, ^^;«^or.,atio„ ,,,. ^, "" "''^ ^^ rev^ WED 10:39^A^357973959 m 724 WINCH KST I. li .\NO MoKiiis Indian cattle (Bus tndicus). The.se data plus a small amt>uiit of hitlierl* unpublished informatit)n on feed and water consumption of sume catlli' used in nutrition .studies nt Keltsvilk-. Maryland, comprise the basic daW u.sed in making our estimate.';. The last mentioned ^nMip <tf an!iiwl> consisted of «5 pairs of monozygotic twins including one pair each <'' steer and heifer Milking .Shoithorns .ind a pair of Hereford X Oucrn»fJ' heifers. Analytical Methods and Results To determine whether or not the ambient temperature-dry matter consumption-water intake relationship caii be used to estimate watw intake of cattle, the ratios of water intake per unit of dry matter in- gested at various ambient temperatures were calculated on the basis o» the data we have described. These calculations made apparent tht' existence of 2 distinct curves repre.'^enting water intake rates respectively of European and Indian cattle. Estimatio-1% oj Water Intake Rates The rate of water intake per unit of dr>' matter ingested remaiib relatively consUint fnjm around, 10" to 40° F. and then incteases wiUi ambient temperature at an accelating rate. In figure 1 are given mean values of total water intake in gallons per pound of dry matter ingested at 40° to 100" F. together with the standard deviations of the means as indices of the distribution of the datum points in relation to the mean values. With a single exception, the data used in the calculations coD- sisted of mean intake rates of indivitliials over a period roughly of one or two weeks. The exception was the information on beef cattle at 90" f- which was recorded originally as group data. In every case means were weighted regarding the numbers of individuals involved, but in calculat- ing the standard error at 90° il was necessary to treat each of tlw •• numbers representing seasonal means of groups of 4 to 10 beef aninmw as though they represented merely the intake of individuals. Perhaps the standard error would have been somewhat larger than that given for 90° in figure 1 if information on individuals instead of groups had been used. In addition to any other value tJiey may Imve, the standard devia- tions serve as a basis of judgment as to whether or not the dala consti- tute two distinct curves or one. The curves shown in figure i were obtained by fitting orthogon»i v [xilynomials (Fisher and Yates, 1948). This method is based on ibe 06/18/03 WED 10:42 FAX 4357973959 UStJ VET SCI f hitherto me cattle liisjc data animals • each of ?,uernsey ,- matter t« water atter in- basis of rent the leirtively WATER INTAKK oi^ CATTLK 725 assumption that the values of the dejwndent variable, V, are of equal weight, i.e., that the number of animals on which calculations are based is the same at each temperature. This was not true of the data used in calculating the polynomial equation for European cattle; these data were vemaue -W >i&fwiih ^ ^ 'Ji tnean^':^M ingestetj:;:^^ ie»xs& »s|M| 'e meanj^^^M •ni^ <:6ia:v|^H ot oi^^^H • '^^'' ^-^^A «s^we!«|'^| aicuUrt-^:H^| iiiiinals''-7i^ '^==*apa;:'S| "ven for.^.:^i^B •••^'^^tt^ffl d^^^l ''''^**^3H Iri^^HH ^'g.^>w^^H '-'U'iwmH KV; ' |fev'^ Hgp. \ ^P: •: ^^^^'-'' ^^^^'i'^' -' ^tev- ^^HE^^' ^Rl^' ^p^fe-. W^^'--K-.-B^:'.:- ^Kms'i'*--'- WM:l |K' Bpi? ^H|^ir.^^; ^^^^^n-^^'-^ GALLONS*" ZOO t,60 ».oo 0J5O European cottle (80s tourus) Indian cattia (Bos indicua) _L I 40 50 60 70 80 90 AMBIENT TEMPERATUHE ff) *!'»» «*>** OF our mtmit musng 100 ;iil|t}f« 1. Water int«k« expr«ss«d as a function of dry matter consumption and ambient temperature. -i7."^- -.,.••.': Ss-lS- •V.-.-. •HC'lt'. :li^9H A^^^^WMBI^^H ^msBI^^ ^^•KS^.I'. '&<.-i 06 /is/na WED 1ft-45 FAX 4357_9J:395i. TTSn VET SCI 121012 726 WlNCHKSTKH .\NO ifORRIS m?-: of unequal weight. Data recorded at 65, 75, 8S, and 95" F. are shown in figtire 1 but were not used in calculating the equations because ihtf inclusion would have meant that vahie.'i of the dependent variable wonw not have been given for equal intervals oi the independent variable That this does not detract greatly front the accuracy of the cur^-e?» evident from the fact that at 65° and 75° data on relatively only a small number of animals were recorded, while at 85° and 95° with the exce|>- tion of data on Indian cattle at the latter temjierature the mean poml* fall exactly on the curves. In addition to the water excreted in urine and feces and Ic-^t throupn evaporation, the water output of lactating cows includes, of course, the water of the milk, and, if the relationships concerned in the water intake of such cows are to be established, some method must be used to com- pensate for the water contained in the milk. Because the water requir™ for production of milk must be ingested in addition to water for the other physiological needs, an amount of water equal to this added rcquiremcn' must be subtracted from the total water intake of lactating cows if the intake of such animals is to be compared wilh that of nonlactating cattle. Leitch and Thompson (1944) estimated 87% of the milk, by weight, to be water. Following this precedent, we have subtracted 87'/< oi tw weight of the milk, produced, from the water ingested by lactating cow.":: the remainder is assumed to represent water intake for puiposes other than its inclusion in milk. Estimated total water intake rates of cattle of various classes and sizes are given in table I. While these estimates expressed as "total water intake" include the water contained by the feed, for practical purposes they also represent the water that animals drink when fed such "dry" rations as hay and grain. On such rations the difference between total water intake and the free water drank does not exceed 0.3 gallon a day unless the amount of feed consumed is as large as that consumed by a cow at a high level of lactation, and even when the feed intake « high the difference seldom exceeds half of a gallon. The estimated intake rates given in table 1 were obtained by multiplying tlie estimated daily dry matter intake by the calculated water intake rates per unit of dry matter shown in figure 1. Dry matter intake rates of cattle in all cate- gories given in table 1 e.xcept the first section of part 2 are those given by the National Research Council Committee on Nutritional Requite- jMH^^ttum* of Fariv '•MJ^^Pi^fJ^ matter int j^l^^p'^the table, i :^B|L «^^-Tempera VSH^^H^;;: . . CallDU of wal,-i -i^|- ^^»-^i ;B|;if: "•• pi .. JB^i-.. 'r Sl •• JF I ••'•J^3'-'- ••••a^fe'^' .••••^P|;t.-^ iwSF ^M? 1 E.\p daiU SiiUiTI br«ds lb. 1.0 t.4 1.2 O.S 1.1 1.4 Kfprr, 2,0 Sa«U: in 06/18/03 WED 10:47 FAI 4357973959 USU VET SCI M '*j i e I- d •T it ll' e. :fj le 1<1, • sAt-";- djF- en on. • Pd.":-;: i<t^;.-' ke-;::: ily.:>^ tfs;:;: ro-?'J WATER INTAKE OF CATTLE 727 ments of Farm Animals (Loosli et al., 1950 and Guilbert et al., 1950). Dry matter intake rates of animals in the first section of the second part of the table, namely "cattle on maintenajice rations," liave been esti- TABLE l.'T0T,\L DAILY WATER INTAKE" (Part I—r)ait>- CaUle) Temperature (Fahrcnholl) •IO" 70* 80" GaUoQS of witer per pound nl dry mjittcr Body weight £xpecte<l daily gaiu Small Large breeds breeds Dry injUtcr diiily Ib. Kal. Kill. pal. ifni. Heifers 100 200 400 600 AOO lODO 120D 400 800 noo 1«X» ?000 1400 bOO IOOO KOO 1400 1600 1.0 1.+ l.J 0.8 1.1 1.4 1,9 Basic O.S 1.6 I.S 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.2 2.0 2.2 inUli 1.8 5.4 0.9 13.i U.I 19.ft 21.6 11.4 20.8 16.2 19.8 24.3 27.9 12.6 14.4 16.2 18.9 20.7 Bulls Reprcductloo (add to basic intake durinu VMI 2 lo 3 mniilhs nf prrnnanry) J.O 2.0 7.2 2.7 2.M 3.3 3.9 4.S Basic IfiUke of laclalintr cows (not Including {illnwanrr fnr i>r(rflurir(Mi of ]nilk> At 70' and bclotv At 80' At 90° WD IOOO 1200 1400 12.6 14.4 16.2 18.9 20.7 ll.S 13.1 14.7 17.2 Ift.a 7.2 8.2 9.2 10.8 U.S 4.7 5.3 6.0 7.0 7.7 S.O S.S h.i 7.6 8.3 5.8 6.6 7.3 8.7 9.S 6.8 7.8 8.7 10.2 11.2 I^ctBtion (add to bmlc IntRVe lot each puund of tnllli) 3% (at 4% tat i'/c fal 6% fal 0.23 0.2S 0.27 0.30 0.24 0.26 0.29 0.31 0.26 0.29 0.32 0.34 0.29 0.32 0,3S 0.38 7.1 8.1 9.1 10.7 11.7 0.32 0.3S 0.39 0.43 90° 0.49 0.46 0.S4 0.62 0.88 ;r!il. Wll 0.7 2.0 3.7 J.O 6.3 7.3 R.O 4.2 7.7 6.0 7.3 9.0 0.3 includ 4.7 S.3 6.0 7.0 7.7 0.7 2.2 4.0 5.4 6.8 7.9 S.6 4.0 8.3 6.5 7.9 9.7 11.2 ng alli S.O 5.8 6.5 7.0 8.3 0.8 2.5 4.6 6.2 7.9 9.1 5.9 S.2 9.6 I.S 9.1 11.2 12.8 wailrf ft 5.3 6.6 7.5 8.7 9,S 1.0 2.9 S.3 7.3 9.2 10.7 11.7 6.2 11.2 8.7 10.7 13.1 15.1 r ielas.) 6.8 7.8 8.7 10.2 11.2 1.1 3..1 6.1 8.4 10.6 12.3 13.4 7.1 12,9 10.0 12.3 15.1 17.3 7.8 IJ.9 10.0 II.7 12,8 1.6 4.8 8.7 11.9 15.0 17.4 19.0 10,0 18.3 14.3 17.4 21.4 24.6 H.I 12.7 14.3 16.6 18.2 6.3 7.2 8.1 9.5 10.4 0.41 0.46 O.SI 0.56 •Y;.^ Igl013 nfi/18/03 WED. in-an FAI 43.^7973959 IlSCt VET SQL 728 \ViNCiii:srv;R AND MOURIS li'nllr ll<«ly wrinht III. 200 400 600 800 1(100 1200 1400 1600 ISOO 2000 400 500 600 600 700 sao 900 700 800 900 1000 BOO 900 JOOO 1100 1200 400 600 800 1000 600 800 IOOO 1200 1400 1600 18C0 T.^BLE 1. TOT.Al. (Part Tcmiuraluie (Kllinpiihiit) HI.-; llf WILUT iK*r iwiuiid of (Irv miilu'i Ksptcli'il daily iJiiifn Ib. 0,0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 t.O 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 o.s (WeiiihlK fiH 1.5 1.3 0.8 0.5 Dry nuiltfr diiily lb. Calile «n 3.3 S.4 7.2 8.8 10.4 118 13.2 H.i 15.8 17.0 DAILY WATKR i-Rccf Cattli?) W~ 0.i7 Ml. 50- 0.4U >.-jl. inflinteivancf mlion> '' 1.2 1.3 2.D 2.7 3.3 .1.8 4.4 4.9 5.4 5.8 6.3 Winlerlne wcaulinK csl 9.9 11.7 1.5.5 .3.7 4.3 s.o 2.2 2.9 3.5 4.2 4.7 S.3 5.8 6.3 6.8 \-n 4.0 4.7 5.4 WInit'rini! .vwirlinK cnlrlo 14.4 15.3 16.2 16.2 s.3 5.7 6.0 6.0 5.8 b.l 6.5 fi.5 WiiiliTiiiK iirr^iiunt helfiTs btninnlnx wl 18.0 18.0 16.2 16.2 WluKTlnx (Wriitllts fnr bi'gimiliyr wl 1.5 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.0 1.6 1.4 1.2 10 2.3 1.7 1 6 1.4 1 .0 0.0 0.0 19.8 IS.O 16.2 16.2 16.2 Hu. 10.8 14.4 17, I 18.9 14.4 13.3 18.0 19.8 21.« 23.4 23.4 INT.VKE' 60° 0.46 Kill, 1.5 2.5 3.3 4.0 4.8 5,4 D.l 6.7 7.3 7.8 4.5 5.4 6.2 (1.6 7,0 7.4 7.4 70'' 0.54 S.1I, 1.8 J.9 3.9 4,8 5,6 6.4 7.1 7.8 8.5 9.2 5..^ n.3 7.3 r.,s 8.3 8,7 8.7 inliT (vrlod; {Kiin^ a%'er»Ke fnr pcritid.l 6.7 6.7 6.0 6.0 nutturi.' pregnaiii 7.2 7.2 6.S 6.5 c cowa 8.3 .1.3 7.4 7.4 9.7 1.1 8.7 8.7 riter period: aninn awraaie for period) ^..^ 6.7 6.0 6.0 6 0 ifcr,>i and stters 4.0 5.3 6.3 7.0 nulln 5.3 5,7 6.7 7.3 8.0 8.7 8.7 • 7.9 7.2 6.3 6.5 6.5 4.3 5.8 6.8 7.6 5.8 6.1 7.2 7.9 8.6 9.4 9.4 9.1 S.J 7.4 7.4 7.4 5.0 6.6 7.9 8.7 6.6 7.0 8.J 9.1 9.9 10.8 10.8 10.7 9.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 5.8 7.S 9.2 10.2 7.S 8.3- 9.7 10,7 11.7 12.6 12.6 60- 0.62 Kill. 2.0 3.3 4.5 S.S 6.4 7.3 8.! 9.0 9.8 10.5 6.7 8.9 10.6 11.7 8.9 9.5 11.2 12.3 13.4 14.5 14.S -y "7** "f^ J.J - J.I «,: 10 « II > 15.0 9.5 lJ-7 150 16.6 12.7 13.5 1S.8 17.4 1*0 20 6 20.i i'^S^HUi Jm Jg •:^B| rylJIB -'^'^•S^Hu 9 '^^^^^B ' i-'-^HB '':,i^^H " ''^•n '' ^^Hl .~'i^^^H '-t^^B .'^^^H '^'^^1 "S •A • • .• •'^•• r'iij -\:^. >,-' , -'si 'i-^ • -^ ''M -•'v, '5 ;'. ••gi ' '/)h •:^l •• • -^^t •. . • '*!• ••^=••^1 v'^l ii •->'i • y%^ m •:l^^ :iW i K;;', Calloiu ivt T.-;ll pr" ftody K«n P^; •»tl«bt lii.il: W' *' w^ p.i Br''' ^'^ B^f;l 800 ^^^••; QQQ B|'^; ' • ^Wi?/ Rfcif--' E^;-; WX) j^g'^ 700 p.| j^^'" •• B|s$'." m^-- ^ B;-- IMO H^',^:;.'. ll(X> M^.;.. ijoo 9ii^'''''' ^^:V' Hp?. j^^;; IHfeiiC-. H^i «»-U0O KKL * ToLa) Minr-i R^l^ ^AnlmaU I'D ^^< K^-jr ^ml mated on 1 jfej gsuns (Wil ^^/' cattle itt ( |8^' 19SI), fi.«r ^P^' matter int 1^^^ matter int: HUPff iihown in f Bp- 90° F. A i j^p.^- matter wh H|^ figure. [K^ Water i HB^., nancy ma HJKf m^'- wms ' ^' nR/18/03 WED 10:52 FAI 4357973959 USU VET SCI iiois s.i 12.7 IS.O 16.6 12.7 13.S ts.n 17.4 19 0 20.1, 2rM> ..(••:;i! ••;.!^ -?!H •''3^ •r? :^'.S Jl*;: V.S t.- •.V. WATKK INTAKE OF CATTLK TABLli 1. (Cunlinueil} 729 Tpn>rcraiiir»- (Kubrcnhcitl 50" 90- 0.88 nal. 2.9 •V.(i B.3 1 7 9.1 1Q.4 11.6 12.8 13. V IS.O .... ''" .... '19 ''^ -•^ •'•^ ' '^a *I3M \'*^S • •'^^m "'•^^^^^M -.-.-''T-'^sBSm ' : ..V-'.Ci5^w| •..',-.^>aiB -•^ ."t'-^.i*ffii m W' r I-: fe>-' »•'• ' R-, • • • wer:i - K.'„' Wv ^^' KI''" Be:-': Htt.i^'-' ^K<!.''; Ki;^. IR^^' ^Bs^^r'ii'. w B^'^'ii' ^BQh'-^ HnP'-.'! ^PV I Gallorrsot waller jwr pound of dry mail i'r U.37 O.'O 0.46 11.54 (1 f,2 0.8.S Ikidy Eipei-if! iriuhl daily iraii- riry nuKer daily lb. Ih. nil. KnI. KUI. !inl. Kill. XHI. Falteniuc calves finl'^hnl a.? short yr»rling!i 400 SOO 600 JOO BOO 100 600 IOO SOO $00 WOO 1100 (00 900 1000 IIUD IKO 2.0 2,0 2.0 2.0 J.O 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.4 2.4 2-4 2.4 2.4 10.8 12.6 14.4 16.2 IS.O I.S. 9 ratu-nin 16.2 18.9 19.8 21.6 23.4 24.3 Fattening 21.« 23.4 24.3 26.1 2fi.l - Cuivs nuning calves, fira 70- and below 80* 90' 4.0 4.3 4.7 S.O S.3 5.8 6.0 6.5 'i.7 7.2 7.11 7.(J ioK (-null- 6,0 6.5 7.0 7.6 7.J 7.9 6.0 8.6 S.7 9.4 9.0 9.7 THild cattle 8.0 '8.6 8.7 9.4 9.0 9.7 9.7 10.4 9.7 10.4 SO 5.8 6.6 7.4 8.3 S.7 7,4 8. 7 '1.1 9.9 10.8 11.2 9,9 10.8 11.2 12.0 12.0 3..S 6.8 7 8 R." 9.7 in 2 8.7 10.2 10.7 11.7 12,6 13.1 11.7 12.6 13.1 14.1 M.l 6.7 7.ft 8.9 10.Q 11 2 11 7 10,U 11.7 12.3 13.4 14.5 15.1 13.4 14.5 15.1 16.2 16.2 9.S 11.1 12.7 14.3 IS.8 16.6 14.3 16.6 17.4 19.0 20.6 21.4 19.0 20.6 21.4 23.0 23.0 0.0 25.0 22.8 16.8 U.'I 12.6 U.S 17.9 16.2 gOtl'llOO : fTalal water Intake Includes both tbe ^'alet drank and clmt mntaincd by tlir feed. • »A«lauib that are neilhor ipiiniDg nor losing weight. mated on the basis of the feed intake of young cattle making no weight riafas (Winchester and Hendricks, 19S3). Dry matter intake rates of 1' <atUe ia constant temperature chambers (Ragsdale et al., 1950 and P 1951) figure 2, have been used to estiinate probable decline in dry ^•fiiatter intake with rising ambient temperature. It is assumed that dry liillterintake of nonlactating cattle like that of the Brown Swiss heifers i'^jwn in iigure 2 does not decline until the ambient temperature exceeds W F. A. further assumption is that the feed used was exactly 90% dry ^ aflttcr whereas dry matter levels of such feeds only approximate this Water intake during lactation and the last 2 or 3 months of preg- «nc)' way he thought of as consisting of 2 components,, namely one .ir.sSj • of] lai m m •ill • m w 'irV.-' nfi/18/03 WFn to:55 FAI 435I973959. USU VET SCI aoie ^ Iti :ii' 1 m s^' -^•' 730 U'INCUKSTICR AND MORRIS corresponding to the ba.sic requirement of the animal and another rep- resenting an added requirement due to the dfmaiids either of pregnancy or of lactation. The water intake rates given by table 1, part 1, ate POUNDS* LEGEND Indian coKle (Sot Intficut) a o haifirt, 4ry ISoniiwilil A « cwm, d'y ts anlmoltl • + coiM, laeiolinjIZflnimolj) EarttDtan eotrw (Sn tawi) • • haifan, *r^ (5 oniiioltl proiifmolt unlets « . «v,s,(.ciaf(n9<^„,„„.,„ [indicat*! 0 0 ea H»f»torii* • So dual ptir^oia Joodereiawd i.5,„.„„ ]t»»i X dsii^ »i»c« Htrelcra cc^ 129 ontitiaW 3 Brown Swiss halfert 40 (6co*«) 50 eo 70 eo 90 joo AMBIENT TEWPEBMURE TFV «ftr«- wr.-rt causoMiii cuir rr* i,poo POUMSS »aer niftrr tto Figure 2. Dry matter consumption as a function of ambient temperktute. Dry matter intake was assumed to vary with the 0.7 power of body weigfct. (See Winchester and Hendricks, 19S3). based partly upon dry matter (90';{; ol total ieed) given by LoosU ei al. (1950) table 1, the haiic water intake levels both of nonlactating and lactating cows given in our table being based partly on the dry matter content of the feed allowance for "maintenance of mature cows". Our basic allowances for pregnant cows differ from those ior: lactating ani- mals due to the differences between these 2 classes of animals in levels WED 10^58 FAI 4357973959 USU VET SCI WATKR INTAKE OF CATTLE 731 of feed intake a.'^ environmental teinperature rises, as shown by figure 2. The decline in feed intake of nonlactating cattle appears to begin only after the temperalure reaches 90° while intake of lactating cows begins 10 deirline at about 70° V. Our added allowance for the last 2 to 3 months of pregnancy corresponds to the increase in level of feed intake at that time. Similarly, our allowance for milk priwluction in addition to the b;i."^ic ration corresponds to Loosh's added feed allowances for milk, phis 0.87 lb. of water for each pound of milk. Water allowances for j.n)vviiig heifers are greater than tbe basic allowances for cows because thev lire based on the higher levels of feed allowed the growing animals as conH)ared with the basic allowances of Loosli el al. for mature cows, To obtain an indication as to how closely table 1 may predict water intake levels, estimated levels of intake were comjjared with actual intake levels of the animals used in this study. These estimated and actual water intake levels are given in table 2. As the table shows, the intake levels of any one of tbe small groups of animals concerned are seldom predicted exactly by table 1, but the estimated intake levels are (iiiite similar to actual intake except for some of those of the three Brown *;wss heifers. This difference is to be expected in view of the fact that these heifers consumed more water per pound of dry matter at 50° F. and above than did any other animals used in our study. Similarly. because the beef type animals on which information is available at 40° 10 60° F. consumed less water per pound of dry matter than tlie other tttimals studied, tbe levels estimated on the basis of the average of the Pi< iijiabe data we have used are greater than actual intake of these cattle. Bit is obvious that even though esiimates could be based on the intake ^g|p,(j of an extremely large number of animals, the actual intake of W^ividuals or small groups would necessarily be quite different in many P?ls^**5es ftom the estunates based on average levels, M. Dry matter intake rates of beef heifers used in feeding trials in " tlifomia give some indication of the level of such intake at 90° (Kelly 4/ 19SS), The heifers weighed around 800 or 900 lb. at tbe beginning iitithe trials and gauied 0,75 to I.S lb. a day for 71 to 84 days. The Si^ of 20 Ib. of dry matter per 1,000 lb. bodyweight per day ingested these heifers is about what they could be expected to consume under bie temperature conditions (Guilbert et al., 19S0), therefore, the Utt that they consumed this amount at 90° can be construed to be an cation that dry matter intake at this temperature was not very 1 from intake at lower temperatures. r;»' m w: 06/18mWED13^0lFA^3^9739|9 USUVETSCI -^}< ^'li- 732 •\ViNcin.;sTi;R AND MOHRIS J-M ^"r i m u H 8.- S? '.J - o .^ y .5 -; c = 1 -r S3 B • • - . WJ c . -fi e III .1:1 ^5 S S2S •32: •^5 ft <e •r in »o (rt Q \o ' t's •« <"k "-• f* o «*• »^ •- • — 4- IV. 0> — ^ O g^ ^ » M IS, <^k •-^ ^ ••'J r^ r.» ^ »-*. — * JS *- I*: •«• *" O »^ *^ «1 f". *-• ?^ses§ The of liifn, coniair pccteci I as fo) Wh.e are ab' galtoft small, and }rt rales n amtiuni with r? be uset' part 2, intake may w Free •*• 06/18/03,^WED 11:03 FAI 4357973959 USU VET SCI :.f WATEK INTAKE OF CATTLE 733 The information presented ia figure i and table 1 is given in terms of totai water intake which includes t)oth the water drank and the water contained in tbe feed. The amount of Jree water that cattle can be ex- pected to drink can bc calculated from the information given in table 1 as follows: Free uater conswrnptioo (eal.):;^total walcr (gal.)— tiji,; Wk. J water iu Ivvtl .-Xd'iily dry mvilivr inl.ikc in ]itmii;ls ';-; dry inatliT ia f«xl writrht of wfttiT in pviumi-i i)cr lutV.nti When the ration consists of hay, grain and similar 'dry' feeds that are about lO'/r. moislurej cattle ordinarily obtain only a third of a gallon or less of water a day from the rations. Because this amount is small, in practical situations tbe difference between total waier intake tai free water consumpiion often can be ignored and the water intake tttes given by table 1 used to represent free water consumption. The sfflount of water a 1,000 lb, animal may be expected to drink compared trtth estimated total water intake at 70° when growth "is normal may be used as an example. Under the section: "Heifers and steers", table 1, part 2, dry matter intake is estimated to be 18.9 lb, and total water intake IQ.2 gallons per day. Assuming that the feed is 10% water, we may estimate water consumption (free water drank) as follows: Free water consumption=10.2—^---^^—^— or 10 gallons per day, 0.345 In contrast with the small amount of water ingested in hay and grain, the water included in the feed when cattle are on pasture or consuming silage or other succulent feeds may amount to a large part of the ani- mals' water requirement. In order to estimate the animals' need for drififcii'g water while on succulent feeds, the moisture in the feed must be subtracted from the estimated total water intake. An example that aiustrates this point is the following: How much water will be drunkr^j;^ iherd of 100 dairy type heifers of 600 lb. mean body weight allowed ' hClOO Ib. of alfalfa plus 1,500 lb. of corn silage daily during a month when the mean temperature is 70" F.? If the hay is 10% and tlie silage 73^ moisture (Guilbert el <il., 19S0), the water in the feed amounts 'JO X 195 ^h. or 143 gallons. The difference between 730 gallons, the I-etinwted intake level given by table 1, and the 143 gallons of water %^ hy the feed is 587 gallons, the amount that the herd can be fspected to drink daily under the conditions de.scribed. :p^y Si ::':'^r fiS'i n«/iK/na WED ll:06-FAX_i357973959, HSU VET SCI 734 WiNCItlCSTKR AND MoHRIS \w •1 mv lr Water Intake During Caloric Maintenance Feeding To obtain an indication as to whether or not the ratio of water to dry matter intake is the .same at maintenance as at liberal levels <if f«d intake, we made use of data reported by Leitch and Thompson (1W4) that includes information on 12 steers on submaintenance, 15 on main-_ tenance and 23 on Hberal rations. By the method of analysis of variance we found no significant difference between the means of water intake per unit of dry matter ingested at the 3 different nutritional levels; dus finding confirms an earlier report of Ritzman and Benedict (1924)- The means with their standard errors are 0.38±.G.03 on submaintenance. 0.35±0.02 tm maintenance, and 0.34±0.0l gallon ot water per pounfl of dry matter on Uberal rations. In view of the fact tliat the relationship between dry matter and water intake levels, at least for practical purposes, appears to be inde- pendent of the level of feed consumption we have based our estimates of water intake of cattle on maintenance rations on the calculate water intake per pound of dry matter and probable dry matter intake of cattle on range forage consumed at a level corresponding to main- tenance. Information recorded recently by Bond (19SS) makes possible a compari-son of estimaied water intake of cattle on maintenance rations . with the recorded intake of 6 steers fed rations near the level of main- tenance in metabolism stalls. The records were obtained during 3 different ten day periotls when mean ambient temperature was near 40° F. Mean total water intake of the steers was 0.29 ±0.02 gallons per pound of dry matter. While this is 22% less than the estimated amount shown by table 1, this much difference is not unexpected ui view of the wide differences that exist between intake levels of in- dividuals. The fact that water requirements can be reduced by a reduction >n feed allowances can be put to practical use during brief periods of water shortage. For example, if the regular water supply for cattle in a dry lot were interrupted for several days so that it became necessary to carry the water to them, the amount of water to be transported could be reduced by limitation of feed intake. Effects uf Type of Ration on Water Intake Protein supplements heavily salted to limit the amounts of the supple- ment consumed increase water intake from 22% or less (Riggs ct at-, 1953) to 100% (Mcllvain, 1953). Salt added to the ration in an attempt to double the water intake (Kelly et al., 1955) resulted in increases of W^' ' ^-'.' W'-.- % •• • ^i^- !.'/••" i^?t • ••- w ^ - •-• EJ'f' • Wti.'. M^'-J'-'i ,•••• • Kro?'*"^-' ^^^!;-' • W0 j^^^V. . H^i'";. H^^i"' •• • !re''~'•"•'• • K(j^'.::' P?V'- ^jl',;-' pi- Hfifl* ••••.• aK/iiiJf • ^|/;;^.'' M&?;i\' IK^!>.. • K^''-''' ffiP''- IK^ "••••• ^^V'V' H^'' H^V"'' Mp--' K; n^f:.' B»V'-"--Mffij?'-'--- •' H^'-''!; • • ^SNf'''-'' ^1' HH^!.' BS^E^'' •^^ ' H^''--' ^^^z- • 1*; N o t ' s i; H 1! < ,-tn :'; Q ; « .1 O i u< , • W ll « !• U ; a ! ^ i o 1 td \\ i^ ; < V t « 1 h-I 1 t6 ^ 1 < *^ ^\ \ > P tA 1 n o y. < a: u H < ! ^ « 1 « i "-> 1 ca < f- 06/18/03 ,JJED 11:09 FAI 4357973959 USU VET SCI VVATEH INTAKE OF CATTLE 735 m\ 5| i I lil .2 >• 3^ f± -^ T f^ ©OOOOOOOOOOOO m ll SJ-iS If pi Ill £• i^; s (A, '«3-O'*OV3«^0v0*H»W)OO (SCNTTloO'+'-IDOOOt-lfDloO ;2 i-*060Tv!oc?*coiflLoo>ooj^j^ ,s .s .s. i2 a j2 >, >. >. >, fr. &. 2 2 c a a ll .?^'e-e'^-2-^-='-a-e § i S ^ 3S >i>»?^x>*Fji>v^>^li»^>.»? ^S] ^^s n t€ ti B3 WK tStS «• a «' rt' «• ' 3 fifi "«t•'HtpO^^^O^»t-l^ eol^t^eooo^CCoO 00<Nf'N'^i*>«^^ v. in VI »o >*i >o Vl *o ^ ^ 5 c e -^ ri ra nJ Bi I 1 ^, ;t, :S ON, ^OsOtO*0\0^0*O^CT»cccfi ^ ;^tr* fi? m4. m ^_^ nR/Mi/a^ WED 11:11 FAX 4357973959 USU VET SCI '•••vf^- • -siW '-fl -•"'•'• 736 WrNCHKSTER AND MoRRIS il •;:^; :;:^'r:V ^•:" 40 to 60% in waler consumption (table 3). This table also brings oul the interesting fact that while water intake by California Hcrefords ]«r unit of dry matter was greater when the water was uncixiled than when it was cooled .>o long xs ordinary rations were used, when highly salted rations were fed no more water was consumed in reliction to dr>' matter when the water was uncooled than when it was cooled. Water intalie and urine excretion rates are functions of protein intake. Steers on high protein allowances consumed 26% more water than did similar animals on low protein rations (Ritzman and Benedict, 1924). The fact that water intake is related to the protein level of the feed should be kept in mind when protein is supplied in liberal amounts. Whether or not the ratio of water intake to dry matter ingested varies with the ratio between energy and dry matter in a ration apparently is not known. The quality of the rations fed the animals on which our study is based did not influence water intake so far as we can determine. Therefore, even though differences of considerable magnitude existed l>etween rations consumed by the different groups of animals u[K)n which this study is based, in the absence of any reason for not doing so we have "pooled" the data. The effect of relative humidity on feed and water consumption of cattle was studied by Ragsdale et al. 11955). At temperatures below 75° F. the effect of humidity was found to be negligible. The frequency of drinking was greater above than below 75° and at temperatures above 75^ water consumption was somewhat less at high than at low levels of relative humidity. This apix-ars to have Iieen a reflection, in part, of lower intake of feed and, in part, of decreased moisture vaporiza- tion at high levels of humidity. Some individuals wasted considerable amounts of water at high ambient temperatures when the level of humidity was also high. Wind up to 9 miles per hour did not influence water intake of dairy animals (Brody et al., 1954). Unfortunately, no information on the effects of wind at velocities above 9 milts per hour on water intake of cattle have come to light. Waier Consiitnpt'ton I'ltttcriis Until the ambient temperature exceeds 80° F., cattle tend to do most of their drinking in the forenoon and late aftemoon and evening while very little wuter is consumed during the night or in the early mominK and early afternoon hours. At 90" F., the jieriods during which no water is consumed tend to be shortened and it appears that the animals then 06/18/03 WED 11:14 FAI 4357973959 USU VET SCI 21023 WATER INTAKE or CATTLE 737 briigs out Hcrefords ooled than ^en highly ion to dry I t'm intake. • than did ct, 1924). • the feed amounts. ted varies pparently vviiich our leter nolne. le existed. JOB which ing so we' nptjon of res betow ;:M freqiiencyv,;.,.^.^ iperaturcs,:]! aa at low :,i ection, in.^-^^*^ vaiporiza-i^ iisidiirabtet:^ level of':ii : al dawy :ij« >n on theljl bitake of uJ •>dt>mo«|^^ ling while; • moraing^^j^ tio water n-ials then tend to drink every 2 hours or oftener (Ragsdale ct al., 1950,1951). This behavior suggests that systems that are designed to supply enough water to meet bot weather demands on a continuous flow basis will be ample to meet the peak daily demand at 80° F. and below. Information on Water Consumption of Range Cattle Compared with the amount of d;<la available on water intake of cattle undt'r laboratijry condilions, information on water ctmsumption of range cattle is extremely .scanty. Table 3 gives dry matter and water TABLE 4. WATKR CONSUMKIJ BY DRY RANGE COWS " Temperature, mean, Preinpitation formorth roontii M^: m 42 44 44 45 4S ,« '.48 •SS ',59 6S te. O.S l.A 1.6 0.4 o.z 1.2 0.9 0.1 0.3 0.2 VIonth Jan. Dec. Feb. Jan. Feb. Mw, teb. M»r. Apr, May No, of cows 80 80 80 71 79 80 71 71 71 71 Body weight mean lb. 821 ass 647 6iS 807 714 597 581 662 70S Water consumption, daily i:al. 3.4 3.1 3.6 3.4 3.4 3.2 3.0 4.0 S.9 7.6 :iC. B. .Stanley (1938) and unpublished data. iiM^iake rates of beef cows at a mean ambient temperature of 90° F. S^ito hay alone, hay atid grain, and highly salted rations were fed. IPj-Wstcr consumptida of a herd of 70 to 80 Hereford cows in Arizona ;|?§--iias recorded by Stanl^r (1938) during a period of over 3 years. A pljr tOfljority of the cows were nursing calves part of the time, but fortu- fe-iistdy some data were recorded when the cows were dry; * these are K!^ :lriv?ii in table 4. No information on feed consumption of these animals piivis available and therefore a direct comparison with table 1 is impossible. pVitVater consumption frwn Decemtier to March, inclusive, was between I5 and 4 gallons a day, about the amount animals weighing around ^SiibO lb. may be expected to drink on a forage ration but little above P'^JiilB level of maintenance. Table 4 is of possible importance because it ^?^Jiii(jffS the quantities of water beef cattle actually drank under a given Wsk of conditions on the range. • Ciattlnl ackntnrledgement is Diado of oriKinal dala on water cDas(/nip(ioi1 ol range cattle, P (a ptaia detail th.in poblisbed Inlorhiatloa. received from E. B. Stanley. m mf m *'V 1 m if m ••••li; ••ill m'ir. n..,«/n.. WF.D ll:17LFAI_4357973959, USUVETSCI 738 WlNC-lIKSTICR ANII MoRRIS ::* • m m ^•• DisctnsioTi We have used the relationship between water intake and dry mattw consumption observed by Ritzman and Benedict (1924), as the basis of our estimates of water intake of beef cattle. The possibility "i making such estimates in this way was investigated earlier by Leitch and Thompson (1944) who concluded that such estimates could not be made satisfactorily. To determine how well the data employed by ^ leitch and Thompson agree with those employed by us, we have cal- culated the mean and standard error of suiA of their data as pertain to cattle watered at 8 hour intervals or oftener and presumably IJCP* at temperatures below 70" F. Mean total water intake of 136 indi- viduals per pound of dry matter ingested was found to be 0.45±0-0' gallon; about the same as that of European cattle sho^vn fay figure 1 at a temperature roughly midway between 50° and 70° F., the prob- able range of temperature within which the obsei-vations cited by Leitch and Thompson were made. Information on water intake of 4 individuals at 2 different ambient temperatures are included in the data reported by these workers. At 45° intake was 0.49d:0.0S and at 77° F. 0.66±0.03 gallon per pound of dry malter; these levels are somewhat higher than those of figure 1 but are in both cases about equally distant from the curve of mean intake of European cattle. With only these limited dala at their command, it appears obvious that Leitcli and Thompson could not do otherwise than conclude that estimates of water intake could not be based upon dry matter intake of cattle. The majority of the data on which our estimates are based were recorded when cattle were in chambers maintained at nearly constant temperatures while a minority were obtained under out-of-door tem- perature conditions. Information recoided under these two very different sets of conditions appear to be in good enough agreement, we believe, to justify the "pooling" of the data as we have done. Herefords at a temperature that fluctuated from 58° to 122°, with a mean of 90°, drank about the same amount of water per unit of dry matter ingested as did cows at a nearly constant temperature of 90°. The high level of water intake observed at 100° raises a question ai to whether or not this apparent intake approximates the water actually drank by the animals or the water ingested plus a large amount of wastage. The report of Ragsdale ct al. (1951) that at an ambient tem- perature of around 100° F. and a relative humidity of about 60% the water recovered from the manger.'J was less than a gallon per day sug- gests that only a small fraction is wasted, even at high ambient tera- 1 1 m w& p R-- ps": fel>-: i-^ W'-' i- piV, m p-1 ft; 1 i Kv lieratii 90^= i,s mean here (1 j:::;w;it :Simbic; digested i^Jibciss; : :and 4( : 100°, indiiH W.iter convei of drj lempc salt or is inft levels the at actual rang«» ; duced mattrr •1 Bend, V- . .••:P^ V^.Brodv. Wl : Ftebcv, illi Cuitbe al) . 1.1! ; ^i^ttBCr, •-.. at 1. • •••••• H • KclTv. 06/18/03 WED 11:20 FAI 4357973959 USU VET SCI WATER INTAKE OF CATTLE 739 dry matter .s the basis ssihility of - by Leitch i could not nployed by c have cal- '. as pertain mably kept f 136 indi- 0,45±0.01 by figure 1 ., the prob- •d by Leitch V individuals reported by 0.66±Q.03 higher than mt from the limited data mpson could intake could based were .rly constant 5f-door tem- •cry different , we believe, ^refords at a icHn of 90", liter ingested 1 question as ater actually ;«': amount of ambient tem- out 60% the per day sug- iiinWent tem- • -.Of-efe 'm -••;*1 . •.f^i, .-•SI ::.':M S:^ :1 Si •m peratures. On a long term basis, waler intake at temperatures above 90° is mainly of academic interest in the U. S. A. for the reason that mean monthly temperatures as high as 100° do not ordinarily occui here (U.S.D.A. Yearbook of Agriculture. 1941). Summary Water intake of cattle is a function of dry matter consumption and ambient temperature. When water intake per unit of dry matter in- gested was plotted' as tlie ordinate with ambient temperature as the abcissa. curves were formed that remained horizontal between about 10° and 40° F". then rose with rising temperature at an accelerating rate to 100°. Data on European cattle (Bos taunts) and Indian cattle (Bos itidicus) formed separate curves, of which the former is used to estimate water intake of cattle of the familiar breeds. A formula is used to convert water intake of lactating cows to levels comparable to those of dry animals under like condilions of body size, nutrition and air teinperature. Positive relationships that have been reported between salt or protein contents of rations are cited to indicate how water intake is influenced by these nutrients. Tables are given showing estimated levels of waler intake of cattle, the estimaied levels compared with the actual water intake levels used as the basis of this study, and actual intake of a limited number of beef animals under feed-lot and range conditions. Water requirements of cattle in feed lots can be re- duced during brief periods of water shortage by a reduction in dry malter intake. Literature Cited Bonti, James. 19SS, Studies on the utilization of liigh-prolcin corn by bcc£ cattle. PhD. Thesis, Univ. of 111., Urbana, III. /'Brody, Samuel, A. C. Ragsdale, H, J. Thompson and D. M. Worstell. 1954. Tlie ,,• effect of wind on milk pioductian, feed and water consumption and body n-eigbt in dairy cattle. Mo. Agr. Exp. Sta. Rcs. BuL S4S. fisher, R- A. nnd F. Yates. 1948. Statistical tables for biological, afc'ricultural ahd medical research, 3rU ed. Oliver and Boyd, London. Cuilbert, H. R., Paul Gerlaugh and L. L. Madsen. 19."iO, Recommended nutrient gllowances for beef cattle. National Research Council recommended nutrient allowances for domestlcc animals. No. IV. A/lltnet, N. R., C. F. Kelly and H. R. Guilbert. 1951. Water consumption of Hereford and Brahman cattle and the effect of cooled drinking water in a hot climate. J. Animal Sci. 10:742, Ittner, N. R., T. E. Bond and C. F, Kelly. 1934. Increasing summer gains of live- stock. J. Animal Sci. 13:867. Kellv, C. F., T. E. Bond and N. R. Ittiier. i95S. Wafer cooling for livestock in • / hot climates. Agr, Eng. 35:173. !• ';• i: •;( ] iV