HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2002-001388 - 0901a06880132418ATK^ "^^gg'vi* ALLIANT TECHSYSTEI^S ^^ |\(| AD 0 Q OOno Division of Solids Hazardous Waste Thiokol Propulsion Corp. •*" '^"'TCI*"iB98ff3F86lrhnmPrtf!if ftua/lf. P.O. Box 707 Fax 435 863-2234 Brigham City, UT 84302-0707 28 March 2002 8740-CY02-025 Mr. Dennis Downs Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid & Hazardous Waste P. O. Box 144880 Salt lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Attention: Jeff Vandel Dear Mr. Downs Subject: Hazardous Waste Permit Application Part A, UTD009081357 ATK Thiokol Propulsion - Promontory, submits this Part A Hazardous Waste Permit Application in compliance with R315-3 to request a re-issuance of our Part B Hazardous Waste Storage Permit. Please bill ATK Thiokol for any fees associated with this permit application. A revised electronic copy of our existing permit has been sent to Mr. Jeff Vandel of your staff for review. All modification of this permit have been highlighted for your convenience. We look forward to working with the State on this permit re-issuance process. If you have any question or need additional information, please contact Gene Curtis at (435) 863-4479. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system design to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment of knowing violations. Sincerely, -P^c S. E. Jev^ Director Environmental Services Please print or type with ELITE type (12 characters For EPA Regional UMOniy DataRocaivad Morth Day Yaw 1 i per inch in the unshaded areas only Fom Approved, OMB No. 2060.0034 Expires 10/31/02 aSA No. 0248-EPA-OT United States Gnvironmantal Protection Agertcy Washington. DC 20460 Hazardous Waste Permit Application Part A (Read the Instrucfiaa b^are starting} Faculty's EPA ID Numbar (Mark "X" In tha appropriate box) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ A. FIrat Part A Submission 1 a Facility's EPA ID Numbar U : T D ( } 0 9 ! 0 8 13 5 7 X a Ravisad Part A Submission (Amandmanli ) D. Secondary R} Number (Tfapp/teaMa; N : A \ \ : i i • IL Nama of Facility | A T K T H I 0 K 0 L p Rj 0 P P IH. Facility Location (Phyaical addraaa not P.O. Box or Routa Numbai) A.Straat R 0 : U ' r E U _ 8 3 2 41 ;M Straat (ConUnuad) 1 I i , : 1 I . L 1 R 0 MO^N^TO R.Y ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H E : S 1 CityorTown C 0 R : County Co«i« 0 013 ] B. Land Type (Enter code) ; P [ . 1 N N E N W j 0 state U T _ 1 F I - 1 5 ZipCode 1 8 4 3 0 7 ^_ ^ 1 County Nama 3 j 0 1 X E L D 1 E R' i C. Geograpliic Locatimi LATOVDE (Dagrees, 4 ! 1 3 9 mini/tes, a seconds) LONGITUDE (DegroBS, minutei 0 3 3 112 2 6 iSsecontia 0 1 1 ; 7 D. FacHity Exiatence Date Montli Day Yaar 10 17 19 5 7 FadHty Mailing Address ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| Creator P.O. Box P 0 :B 10 X i 7 0 7 J ^M / S 3 0 1 1 CityorTown B R I C ; H A M C I T Y : i stata U T Nama(lLas9 C U R; ' r I S __ Job Title P R. liN E : N1 G^ I N E- E R ^Irat) K E N N ZipCode 8 4 3 0 ' 2 - 0 7 0 7 JHHI^^^^^^^H E T H Piione Number (Araa Coda and Numtier) 4 3 5-|8|6 3 -;4 4 719 Contact Addreas (Saa Inatructiona) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^| A. Contact Address X B. Straat or P.O. Box i City or Tovm ! i i 1 ; ' 1 1. . state i i ZipCode i '• — J EPA Form 8700-23 (Rev. 1(V99) 1 of 7 - Please print or type with ELITE type (12 characters per inch) in the unshaded areas only Forni Approved, OMB No. 2050-0034 Expires 10/31/02 GSA No. 0248-EPA-OT I EPA ID Numriaar U T D 0 (Entar trom paga 1) 0 9 0 8 1 3 5 7 ^ VIL Operator Infonnation (See inatructiona) ^ A. Name ol Operator A T K T H I 0 K 0 L •. .:.'•' Secondary ID NumiMr (Entar from paga 1) N A m^HBI^HIiH^I^HIii^l^H 1 p R 0 P u L S I 0 N street or P.O. Box R 0 U T E U _ 8 3 2 4 M I L E CHy or Town C 0 R I N N E S State U T N W 0 F I _ 1 5 ZIP Coda 8 4 3 0 7 — Phone Numlier ^Area Cocfe and Aftimber) 4 3 5 — 8 6 3 — 2 2 VIH. FacUity Ownar (Sea Inatructiona) ^ A. Name ot Facility's Ljsgat Owner A T K A E R 0 S P 8 7 B. Oparator Tvoe P C. Clittige of Operator ttateClianged 1 Imflcator Utontti Day Yaar | Yes No X iMB^HIHHiHi^mil^Hi^H^I A C E C 0 M P A N Y I N C Street or P.O. Box | U T A H C E N T E R 2 0 1 S City or Town S A L T L A K E C I T Y M A State U T I N S T E 4 0 0 ZIP Code 8 4 1 1 1 — PiKNie Number (Araa Code and Numbari 8 0 1 — 2 5 1 — 2 5 3 6 IX. NAICS Codes 0" order of sfgnlflcanca: start In left ba First 3 3 6 4 1 5 B. Owner Type p ^SH^^I (D&scfiption) Propulsion Units and Parts Secof^ 1 (Description} (Enter coda) N B. PermK Numbar U T 0 0 2 4 8 0 5 Third C. Clianga of Ownar Date Changad Imflcator Month Dew Yaar Yea No X 0 4 2 0 2 0 IH^^^^H 1 0 1 IHIIHI^V (DesdpHon) 1 Fourth 1 (Description) I^I^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H C. Description WW Collection System & Treatment EPA Fonn 870O23 (Rev. IQSS) 2 ol 7 • Please print or type with ELITE type (12 characters per inch) in the unshaded areas only Form Approved, OMB No. 20S0-O034 Expires 10/31/02 QSA No. 0246-EPA-OT EPA ID Numiier ^nter from page 1) Secondary ID Number (Enter from page 1) UTD009081357 XI. Nature of Business (Provide a brief description) Produces rocket motor propulsion units for space, military, and commercial use; pyrotechnics for military and commercial use. Xll. Process Codes and Design Capacities A. PROCESS CODE - Enter the code from the list of proceas codes below that best describes each process to b« used et the lacility. Thirteen lines are provided lor entering codes. II more lines are needed, attach a separate sheet of paper with the additional Information. For 'other' processes (i.e., 099, $99, T04 and X99), describe the process (including its design capacity) in the space provided In Item Xlll. B. PROCESS DESIGN CAPACITY - For each code entered In column A, enter the capacity of the process. 1. AM OU NT - £nier t/ie amount In a case where design capacity Is not applicable (such as In a closure/post-ciosure or enforcement action) enter the total amount of waste for that process. 2. UNIT OF MEASURE - For each amount entered In column B(1), ertttr tfte code from the ttet ot unit measure codes below that describes the unit of measure used. Only the units of measure that are listed below ahould be used. C. PROCESS TOTAL NUMBER OF UNITS - Enter the total number of units uaed with the corresponding process code. PROCESS CODE PROCESS APPROPRIATE UNITS OF /MEASURE FOR PROCESS DESIGN CAPACITY D79 Undtrgroundb^edlon WMDhposI oao Lamm Dei LMndTraabnent 1X2 OcasnOsposal DS3 Surtacaknpountiment Diaptjsal D99 OOnrOafxisal Stssaaii sol Conialrter 502 TankStonge 503 Waste Pie 504 Surfscelmpoundment Storagt 505 Drip Pad 506 ContalnmentBuMing Storage S99 OlherStorage ICKtmaat: TOI TankTiealiitmit TtB Surfacalmpoundmant Treatment 703 kidnerator TW OltierTreatmeat TBO Boiler Gallons; Utns; Gallons Per Day; or Liters PerDay Acre4eet; Hectare-meter; Acres; Culjic Meters; Hectares; QMc YarHs Acres or Hectares Gallons Per Day or Uters Per Day GMons; Liters; CuUc Meters; or Culjlc Yards /inyUnttotUeasure Listed Below Gallons; Liters; OMC Meters; or Cubic Yards Gallons; Liters; Cubic Meters; or Cubic Yards Cubic Yarda or Cubic Meters Gallons; Liters; Cubic Meters; or Cubic Yards Gallons; Liters; Acres; Culiic Meters; Hectares; or CuUc Yards CuUc Yards orCiMc Meters /iny Unit of Measure Usted Below Gallom Per Day, Liters Per Dey; ShortTons Per Hour; Gallons Per Hour Liters Per Hour; Pounds Per Hour; Short Tons Per Day; Kilograms Per Hour Metric Tons Per Day; or Metric Tons Per Hour Gallons Per Day, Uters Per Day; ShortTons Per Hour Gallons Per Hour, Liters Per Hour Pounds Per Hour Stiort Tons Per Day; KUogrsms PerHour, Metric Tons Par Day; or Metric Tons Per Hour Short Tons Per Htxir Metric Tons Per Hour Gallons Per Hour Liters Per Hour Btu Per Hour Pounils Per Hour; Short Tons Per Day; Kilograms 1^ Hour Gallona PerDay; Liters Per Day; Metric Tons PerHour or Million Blu Per Hour Gallons PerOay.Uters PerDay; Pounds Per Hour Short Tons Per Hour Kilograms Per Hour Metric Tons Per Day; Metric Tons Per Hour Short Tons Per Day; Btu Per Hour Gallons Per Day; Liters Per Hour; or Million BtuPerHour GaHons; Uters; Gallons Per Hour Uters Per Hour BtuPerHour or Million BtuPerHour PROCESS CODE PROCESS APPROPRIATE UNrrS OF MEASURE FOR PROCESS DESIGN CAPACny TBI CemantKlIn TB2 UmeKlln Aggregate KBn Phosphate Kiln TBS ColttOven TBS BlastFumace 783 787 TBS 789 7W 781 79Z 733 794 mi X02 Smelting, MeMng, OrRelfnlng Fumace TItaniumDkadde CWoride QxMition RMCtor methane Reforming Fumace pulping Uquor Recovery Fumace Combustion Device Used In 77ie Recovery OfSuHur Values From Spent Sulfuric Add Halogen Add Fumaces OtherlndustrW Fumaces Utted In W CFR 1260.10 ConlalnmentBulldlng- Treatment l^lattHtPteus (SulsartiQ; OpenBumlng/Open ] 1 Gallons Per Day; Uters Per Day; Pounds Per Hour; Short Tons Per Hour; Kilograms Per Hour; Metric Tons Per Day; Metric Tons Per Hour; Short Tons Per Day; Btu Per Hour; Uters Per Hour; Kilograms Per Hour; or Million Btu Per Hour Detonation UechanlixIProcessIng X03 Themial Unit X04 X99 Geologic Repository Other Sul>partX Gallons Per Day; Liters Per Day; Pounds Per Hour; Short Tons Per Hour; Kilograms Per Hour; Metric Tons Per Day; Metric Tons Per Hour; Short Tons Per Day; Btu Per Hour; Gallons Per Hour Uters Per Hour; or Million Btu Per Hour Cubic Yards; Cubic Meiers; Short Tons PerHour Gallons Per Hour Liters Per Hour BtuPerHour Pounds Per Hour Short Tons Per Day, Kilograms PerHour, Metric TonsPerDay; Gallons Per Dey; Uters Per Dey; Metric Tons Per Hour or Million Btu Per Hour Any Unit of Measure Usted Below Stiort Tons Per Hour Metric Tons I'or Hour Short Tons Per Day; Metric Tons f^ Day; Pounds Per Hour Kilograms Per Hour Gallons Per Hour Uters Per Hour or Gallons PerDay Gallons Per Day; Uters Per Day; Pounds Per Hour Short Tons Per Hour Kilograms Per Hour Metric TonsPerDay; Metric Tons f^Hour Short Tonsil Day; Btu Per Hour or Million Btu Per Hour CutUc Yards; Cuttic Meters; Acre-leet; Hectare^neter Gallons; rr Uters Any Urat at Measure Usted Below UHrrOF UNIT OF MEASURE MEASURE CODE Gallons _ G Gallons PerHour £ Gallons Per Day U Uters L Liters PerHour H Liters Per Day V UNrr OF UNIT OF MEASURE MEASURE COOE Short Tons PerHour D Metric Tons PerHour W Short Tons PerDay N Metric Tons Per Dey 5 Pounds Per Hour _ J Kilograms PerHour R Million Btu PerHour X UNFT OF UNIT OF MEASURE MEASURE CODE Cubic Yerds Y Cubic Meters C Acres B Acre-feet A NetWares Q Hectare-meter .— -... F BtuPerHour _ / EPA Form 870023 (Rev. 1099) - 3 of 7 - Please print or type with ELITE type (12 characters per EPA ID Number ^nfer from page 1) U T D 0 0 9 0 8 1 3 5 7 inch) in the unshaded area: XILProcess Codes and Design Capabilities (ConOnued) ^m FXAMPUEFOR COMPLETING fTEM Xll (ahown in line number X-1 gallona. Une Numlter X 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 0 1 2 3 A Process Cocfe (FromHfbavel S s s s X X T S S S s s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 9 9 9 2 4 9 9 9 9 9 ! only Fonn/Approved, OMB No. 2050-0034 Expires 10/31/02 GSA No. 024S-EPA-OT Sacondary ID Number (Entar from paga 1) N A HHI^^^^HI^^^^^^^^I belo*^:A facility haa a atorage tank, which can hold.'i.Vt.788 a PROCESS DESIGN CAPACfTY 1. Amount (Speelty) 5 3 3 7 8 8 e 22,000 (M186) 8,000 (E501) 1,760 (M705) 40 (M136) 2,000 (M225) 15 (T029) 420 (M047) 240 (M107) 120 (M603) 240 (S616) 240 (M340) ZUnHOt Meeaure lEnfrcode) a G G G N N U N N N N N C Proceaa Total Number Of Unite 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 6 0 0 3 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 ForOmctaf Uae Only NOTE: If you need to llat more than 13 proceaa codes, attach an additional 8tieet(a) with the information In the aame format aaabove. Numtier tite lines sequeittlaUy, taking into accouirt any tinea that will lye used tor 'other'proeeaaea (I.e., D99, S99, 704 and X99) In Item XIIL Xlll. Other Processes (Follow Inatructiona from Itam Xll for D99, S99, T04 and X99 proce f «»<.«> ^H Une Number ^nt9f am kt —gm/xif X 1 1 A Process Code T 0 ' B. PROCESS DESIGN CAPACITY 1. Amount (SpeeHy) . zUmtOf Meeaure (EMH-cod.} C. Proceaa Total Number Of Unite 2 3 ^ 4 a ^^^^^^^1 D. Oeacriptlon Of Proceaa tn-sttu Vttrtflcatlon EPA Fonn 8700-23 (Rev. 1099) 4 of 7 Please print or type with ELITE type (12 characters per inch) in the unshaded areas only Fomi Approved, OMB No. 20SO-OOM Expires 1(V31A)2 GS^ No. 0248-EPA-OT EPA ID Number (Enter from page 1) Secondary ID Number (Enter from page 1) U 0 0 8 1 XIV. Description of hiazardous Wastes A. EPA HAZARDOUS WASTE NUMBER - Enter the four-digit number from 40 CFR, Part 261 Subpart D of each listed hezardous waste you will handle. For hazardous wastes which are not listed in 40 CFR, Part 261 Subpart D, enter the four-digit number(s) from 40 CFR, Part 261 Subpart C that describes ihe characteristics anil/or the toxic contaminants of those hazardous wastes. B. ESTIMATED ANNUAL QUANTITY - For each listed waste entered In column A estimate the quantity of that waste that will be handled on an annual basis. For each cheracteristic or toxic contaminant entered in column A estimate ttte total annual quantity of aii the non-listed waste(s) that will tte handled which possess that characteristic or contaminant. C UNIT OF MEASURE - For each quantity entered In column B enter the unit of measure code. Units of measure which must be used and the appropriate codes are: ENGLISH UNIT OF MEASURE CODE POUNDS TONS P T METRIC UNIT OF MEASURE CODE KILOGRAMS METRIC TONS K M If facility records use any other unit ot measure for quantity, the units of measure must i>e converted into one of the required units of measure taking Into eccount the appropriate density or specilic gravity of ttie waste. D. PROCESSES 1. PROCESS CODES: Fbr listed liazardous waste: For each listed hazardoiia waste etitered In column A select ihe code(s) from the list of process codes contained In Item XOA on pege 3 to Indicate how tlie waste wili be sbxed, treated, artd/or disposed of at the facHtty. For nori-llstedhazardotis waste: Foreachchamcteristkortoxiccxintannlrianteiitefed in coluinn A, s^ectthecode(s) from ttie list of process cotJescoiitained In Item Xll A. on page 3 to MKate all ttte processes tttat tirill be used to store, treat, and/or dispose of ell the non-listed hazartlous waates that possess that cliaracteriatk; or toxK contaminant NOTE: THREE SPACES ARE PROVIDED FOR ENTERING PROCESS CODES. IF MORE ARE NEEDED: 1. Enter the first two es described at>ove. 2. Enter '000' in the extreme right box of Item XtV-D(l). 3. Use additionai sheet, enter line numlxr from previoua stieet, and enter additional code(s) in Hem XIV-E. 2. PROCESS DESCRIPTION: If a code is not listed for a process that wilt tte used, descritte the process in ttte space provided on the form (D.(2)). NOTE: HAZARDOUS WASTES DESCRIBED BY MORE THAN ONE EPA HAZARDOUS WASTE NUMBER - Hazardous wastes that can be deecribed by more than one EPA Hazardous Waste Number shall tte described on the form as follows: 1. Select one of the EPA Hezardous Waste Numbers and enter It in column A. On the same line complete columns B, C and D by estimating the total annual quantity of the waste and describing all the processes to tte used to treat, store, and/or dispose of ttie waste. 2. In column A of the netd line enter the other EPA Hazardous Wasie Numlter that can lte used to descritte the waste. In column 0(2) on that line enter "Included with attove' and make no other entries on that line. 3. Repeat step 2 for each EPA Hazardous Waste Numlter that can tte used to describe the hazardous waste. EXAMPLE FOR COMPLETING TTEM XIV (shown in line numbers X-1, X-2, X-3, and X-4 below) - A facility wili treat and dispose of an estimated 900 pounds per year of chrome shavings from leather tanning and finishing operation, in addition, the Acility will treat and dispose of three non-listed wastes. Two wastes are corrosive only and there wiil lte an estimated 200 pounds per year of each waste. The other waste is corrosive and ignitable and there wiil lte an estimated 100 pounds per year of that waste. Treatment wili be In an incinerator end disposal will tie in a iandfilL Une Number A. EPA HAZARD WASTE NO. (Enter code) B. ESTIMATED ANNUAL QUANTITY OF WASTE C. UNfT OF MEASURE (Enter code) D. PROCESS (1) PROCESS CODES (Enter) (2) PROCESS DESCRIPTION (If a eode Is not entered in D(1)) S 4 900 400 100 0 2 Included With Above EPA Fomi 870023 (Rev. 10/99) • 5 of 7 - Please print or type with ELITE type (12 characters per inch) EPA ID Number (Enter from page 1) U T D 0 0 9 0 8 1 3 5 7 n the unshaded areas only Form Approved, OMB No. 20SO-0034 Expires 10/31/02 GSA No, 024B-EPA-OT Secondary ID Numtwr (Enter from page 1) XIV. Description of Hazardous Wastes (Continued; use additional sheets as necessary) j Une Numlter 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 A EPA Hazardoua Waste No. (Enter code) D D D F U P U P F D D D D D D U D U D U U U D D D D D D U D P D D 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2 2 7 3 0 3 5 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 7 2 8 2 2 8 5 1 2 1 2 2 8 7 5 8 3 9 6 7 8 9 1 6 3 4 2 0 9 B.Estknated Annuel Quantity ot Waste 2,500,000 2,000 1,500 C. Unit of Measure (Enter code) P P P ••••••••I D. PROCESSES (1) PROCESS CODES (Enter code) X X s 0 0 0 1 1 1 (2) PROCESS DESCRIPTION (If a code Is not entered in D(1)) Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above EPA Form 8700-23 (Rev. 10/99) - 6 ot 7 - A Please print or type with ELITE type 12 characters per Inch) In the unshaded areas EPA ID Number (Entar from page 1) U T D 0 0 9 0 8 1 3 5 7 Dniy Fom Approved, OMB No. 2050-0034 Expires 10/31/02 GSA No. 0248-EPA-OT Secondary ID Number (Enter from page 1) XIV. Description of Hazardous Wastes (Continued; Additional Sheet) 4d Una Number A. EPA Hazardoua Waate No. (Enter code) U P P P u u u u u D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D F F F F D D D D 2 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 0 0 1 4 6 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 5 5 6 2 9 9 0 9 5 6 7 8 9 1 8 9 1 2 8 5 6 8 9 0 1 2 3 5 1 7 9 5 B. Estimated Annual Quantity of Waste 60,000 1,000 C. Untt of Meaaure (Enter code) P P S^HHH^HHlHliH E. PROCESSES 1 (1) PROCESS CODES (Enter code) S s 0 0 1 1 (2) PROCESS DESCRIPTION (If a code Is not entered In E(1)) Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above EPA Form 870023 (Rev. 10/99) Please print or type with ELITE type (12 characters per inch) EPA ID Number YEnter from pa^ef) U T D 0 0 9 0 8 1 3 5 7 n the unshaded areas • . • • "•:•••• XIV. Description of Hazardous Wastes (Continued; Additional Sheet) Une :, Numtier A. EPA Hazardoua Waste No. (Enter code) D D D D D D D D D D D D F F F F D D D D D D n T) P D D D D D D D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 3 3 4 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 n 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 9 1 5 7 8 9 1 5 8 9 0 1 2 3 5 9 8 1 6 6 5 7 8 9 1 2 1 5 7 8 5 9 . B. Estimated^ Annual Quantity of Waste 20,000 2,000 7,000 C Unit of. Measure ' (Enter code) P P P only Form Approved, OMB No. 2050-0034 Expires 10/31/02 GSA No. 024B-EPA.OT SecondaryJD Number/Enter from pa^etl^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^IHH ^V" ?£.^PHOC£SS£S:" ^-•:>^••^'i•7>•^^^•=W^^^^^ • (1) PROCESS (XJDES (Enter eode) ; S s s 0 0 0 1 1 1 (2) PROCESS DESCRIPTION (If a code is not entered In E(1)) Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above EPA Form 8700-23 (Hev. 10/99) Please print or type with ELITE type (12 characters per inch) in the unshaded areas only EPA ID Number (Enterfrom page 1) U T D 0 0 9 0 8 1 3 5 7 Fom Approved, OMB No. 20KMXB4 Expiws 10/31/02 GSA No. 024B-EPA-OT Secondary ID Numijer (Enter frompagerl).. "; XIV. Description of Hazardous Wastes (Continued; Additional Sheet) Une Number A.£PA Hazardous WesteNo. (Enter code) D F F F F D D D D r> D D D F F D D U D D U u D F F F F D D D D D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 5 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 0 1 3 5 2 8 9 2 8 6 2 9 9 1 2 1 5 9 7 1 2 3 1 1 2 3 5 2 1 5 6 7 8 TB. Estimated Annual Quantity ; of Waste ; 12,000 5,000 1,000 200 500 10,000 5,000 500 7,000 500 8,000 3,000 8,000 C. Unit at; Measure - (Enter code) P P P P P P P P P P P P P ^^^^^^^^^^^miH • .••• E. PROCESSES V---..-H~~:-."-':'-A-^>-.f^.T^-t:{- 'I (l)PROCESS CODES (Enter code) ; S s s s s s s s s T S S s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 s 0 1 (2) PROCESS DESCRIPTION^ (tf a code is not entered In E(1)) Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above EPA Form 8700-23 (Rev. 10/99) please print or type with ELITE type (12 characters per i EffAlDHumbat (Enterfrom pagel) U T D 0 0 9 0 8 1 3 5 7 nch) in the unshaded areas only XIV. Description of Hazardous Wastes (Continued; Additional Sheet) Ut>e i Number A. EPA Hazardoua Waate No. (Enter code) D D D D D D D D D F F F F D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D F F F F D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 9 1 2 5 6 8 9 0 1 2 3 5 1 5 6 7 8 1 8 9 1 2 5 6 8 9 0 1 2 3 5 1 .B. Estimated Annual Quantity ; , of Waste 18,000 1,000 C. Unit of Measure - (Enter ^ code) f P , • •.•....•• .:.; Fom Approved, OMB No. 2050^1034 Expires 10/31/02 GSAN0.024S-EPA-OT Secondary ID Number/Enfer/irom paga'i) J } s^^^^^^^^^^^pm ,;••:;; IE.PROCESSES.; .• :^:X^-:^is\sif i^^:H|iv^ ] (1) PROCESS CODES (Enter code) •[ S s 0 0 1 1 P) PROCESS DESCRIPTION: (If a code is not entered in E(1)) Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above EPA Fcxm 8700-23 (Rev. 1099) Please print or type with ELITE type (12 characters per inch) in the unshaded areas EPA ID Number (Enter from page 1) U T D 0 0 9 0 8 1 . i 5 7 only Fom} Approved. OMB No. 2050-0034 Expires 10/31/02 GSA No. 024S-EPA-0T Secondary ID Number (Enter from pagel), XIV. Description of Hazardous Wastes (Continued; Additional Sheet) Une Numlter A. EPA Hazardous Waate No. (Enter coda) D D D D D D D D F F F F D D D F F F F D D D D F F F D F F F F D D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 3 3 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 8 9 5 6 8 9 0 1 2 3 5 1 1 5 1 2 3 5 2 7 1 5 2 3 5 1 1 2 3 5 2 8 B. Estimated Annual Quantity of Waste 2,000 3,000 1,000 8,000 1,000 2,000 1,000 8,000 3,000 C. Unit of Measure (Enter code) P P P P P P P P P ^''^^^^'^VffiHH E. PROCESSES ••••:•:•-::/-•. y:.:-:;-- ] (1) PROCESS CODES (Enter code) S S s s s s s s s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 P) PROCESS DESCRIPTION (If e code is not entered In E(1)) Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above Included above EPA Forni 8700-23 (Bev. 10/99) Please print or type with ELITE type (12 characters per inch) in the unshaded areas only Forni Approved, OMB No. 2050-0034 Expires 10/31/02 GSA Na. 0243-EPA-Or EPA ID Number (Entar from page 1) U T D 0 0 9 0 8 1 3 5 7 Secondary ID Number (Enter from pa^er; XIV. Description of Hazardous Wastes (Continued; Additional Sheet) Une Numtier A EPA Hazardoua Waste No. (Enter code) D D 0 0 0 0 2 8 B. Estimated Annual Ouantity of Waste 3,000 C. Unit Of Measure (Enter code) P iSHHHririH^HIIHHl E.PROCESSES • * 1 (1) PROCESS CODES (Enter code) S 0 1 1 (2) PROCESS DESCRIPTION (If a code Is not entered in E(1)) Included above EPA Form 8700-23 (Rev. 1099) Please print or type with ELITE type (12 characters per inch) in the unshaded areas only Form Approved, OMB No. 2050-0034 Expires 10/31/02 GSA No. 024S-EPA-OT EPA ID Number (Enter from paga 1) 0 0 0 8 Secondary ID Numl>er (Entar hom paga 1) N Attach to Ittla^aplksatlon a topograplilc map, or other equlvalerH map, tattle aree eidandltig to at heat one iiiUelieyorHl property ttounttarle^ The mepiiniatsttom the ttiMiie ttf ttm facUly,tlMk)calkm ttf eech ttf lla exiating atxl propttaadkitakeaiidtKacharga atructurea, each of lla hazmdoua waate treatment, stoiage, or diapoaai tadUlea, and each well when It li^aetafhMauttilergroixxL btdudeeBapringa, livers and aVier surface water ttotHee In thia map area. See inatniclktna for predae teqiAements. XVI. Facility Drawing All exiating fadlltlea muat Inclutle a acale drawing of the facility (See Inatructiona ftH nmre detail). XVII. Photographs Atf exMfng <tefWta mutf fricfudls photogreyi/is (^MrM or grouraMem^ tfi^ and disposaf areas; and sMas of ftjtuiv storaga^ ftvatrnent or dt^tosaf arees (toe <ruau^^ XVIII. Certiflcation(s) / certify under penalty of law that thia document and all attachmenta were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a aystem deaigned to assure that qualified personnel property gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted ia, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Owner Signature (-N Date Signed ^m/oi. Name and Official Title (Type or print) Jew, Director Owner Signature Date Signed Name and Official Title (Type or print) ?/z?/"^ Operator Signature Date Signed Name and Official Title (Type or print) S. E/Jew, Director Operator Signature Date Signed Name and Official Title (Type or print) XIX Comments MM»: MlMool1^M»adftxmltotheepplopdli»^AReg|klrl^tirStal»Offk)a.(Peiertolr1gb^K^onafortllorek}itxmliStl^ EPA Forni 870023 (Rev. 1099) 7 of 7 -