HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-007085Utalepartment of Environ mentalual ity Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste SQG Program o" nf. 5: SlxlilSJ [ector Salt Lake City, Utah 84f 14-4880 HAZARDOUS WASTE GENERATION EVALUATION FORM ,N Facility Name: fu-4a/V EPA ID Number:JTDOSI,&R'I8} StreetAddress: ,fO F 2& /Gitv: Zr* lzip: County: 1:fe4,Z I Contact Person: .zZl.{C 2V7/.U I Telephone #: 7dz-.*i Generator Status I ttumber of _Emplo_yg g-?: .A lOatgofVistt', /4A/ lnspectors: r$m,/* ^?a,fV t/J Other Personnel:/a Waste Stream/Generati on Process Generation Rate Per Month Hazardous Waste Code Properly Managed? Ga,a hhd4zA ./o,Z6/37,Fara/.,FaaF ilz..zf,;& z4>4' ,4a- zvttl ,-'r-.4ohha zarrt ,4zt/ z*a{c a7 Total Quantity of Hazardous Waste Generated Per Month 4/dary RESPONSE NECESSARY: YES NO / COMMENTS: RESPONSE DUE BY This compliance evaluation notes areas where your hazardous waste management practices may not meet the regulatory requirements of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Rules. lf a RESPONSE DUE DATE is indicated, you must take actions summarized in this audit in order to come into compliance and NOTIFY THIS OFFICE lN WRITING by the indicated date. Please be advised that if we do not receive written documentation of these corrective actions by the response due date you may be subject to further regulatory action, including administrative penalties. Please include your EPA ld number with your correspondence. lf you have further questions or would like to discuss these issues with the inspectors or their supervisor, you may contact them during business hours at (801) 538-6170. ltems that must be submitted may be mailed to the address at the top of this page. RECEIVED BY:TE Fb Mtuug{L-INSPECTOR: Name, printed:Name, Printed: Signature: Title: Date: WN I t ?-to Signature: Fage 2 Example of Employee Training Log (this is only an example and must be adapted specifically to your facility) XYZ Cqmnanv Emnlovee Training Log Date: Aprrl9,2002 Time: 10:00 am to 1l:00 am Discussion lead by: John Doe, Health and Safety Coordinator Topics Discussed l. Hazardous Waste Accumulation Time a. Do not store hazardous wastes for longer than 180 days on site. b. Label each container or tank with the words "Hazardous Waste." ll. Use and Management of Containers a. Maintain a log weekly on the hazardous waste containers; are the containers closed, labeled, dated and in good condition. If not, please contact the emergency coordinator in order to rectiff the problem. ru. Other topics as discussed a. b. Employee Name (Please Print) 1. Employee Signature 2. 3. 4. -5. Page 3 UTAH DEQ SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR EVALUATTON FORM Items that are marked "NO" on the line in the left hand column are not in compliance with the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Regulations and require your immediate attention. ltems marked "OK" meet the minimum requirements of the regulations. Items marked "NA" do not apply to your facility. -d.r. R3is-s-i.11 DETERMTNATToN oF wHETHER A wAsrE ts HAzARDous ACTION NEEDED: 2. R315.5.1.12 NOTIFICATION AND EPA HAZARDOUS WASTE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS a. lf you generate between 1 00 and 1 000 Kgs (200-22001bs) of hazardous waste per month or up to 1 Kg of acutely hazardous waste, you are classified as a Small Quantity Generator (SaG) and you must notiff the Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board and obtain an EPA ld Number. This is accomplished by notifoing the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste at (801) 538-6170. b. lf you are a small quantity generator, you must obtain an EPA ld Number in order offer hazardous waste for management to a transporter or to a treatment, storage and disposal facility (TSDF) that has an EPA ld Number. ACTION NEEDED: b. c. d. g, R315.5.2 MANIFESTS. Only use approved manifest form 8700-22 and 8700-22A when offering hazardous wastes for transport to a TSDF or use the manifesi of the state that the TSDF is located in, if required by that state. Designate another facility or instruct a transporter to retum wastes if they are undeliverable. Fill out all applicable sections of the manifest. Use a contractual disposal agreement only if a generation rate is less than 1000 Kg/month (SQG or less). Keep copies of contractual agreements for three years after service ends. ACTION NEEDED: t;: lAr. R31s-5,4.42 ExcEproN REpoR NG{/ a. lf TSDF does not retum generator's copy of manifest within 60 days, a generator must submit a letter stating so and a copy of the manifest to the Executive Secretary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board. ACTION NEEDED: &r. frt. R31s-5-4 RECbRD KEEPTNG Keep copies of manifests for three years. Keep all records, including determination of generation rates, waste characterization documentation, disposition, etc., for three years. ACTION NEEDED: 6. R315.5.3 PACKAGING, LABELING MARKING AND PLACARDING a. Package, label and mark waste in accordance with DOT 49 CFR prior to shipment. ACTION NEEDED: 7. a. b. c. R315.5-3.34 ACCUMULATION TIME \ Do not store hazardous wastes for longer than 18p days or 270 days, if applicable, without a permit. Do not exceed 6000 Kg of hazardous wastes stoied at your facility at any time. Mark the date the accumulation period began on each container of hazardous waste. Satellite accumulation containers are the exception. Label each tank and container with the words "HAZARDOUS WASTE" while it is being use to accumulate hazardous wastes. Designate and authorize an emergency coordinator (s) who is (are) readily available by some means at all times. Post the following information next to each telephone at the facility: name and telephone number of the emergency coordinator(s) location(s) or fire extinguishers, spill control equipment, fire alarms, telephone number of the local fire department (or equivalent emergency response for facility). Ensure that all employees are familiar with hazardous waste handling and emergency procedures. The emergency coordinator must respond appropriately to emergencies that have the potential of involving hazardous waste (s). ACTION NEEDED:1,r/z/ i// hdfe .fuzzr€t:R315.9 SPILL RESPONSE Take appropriate action to minimize threats to human health and the environment by notifying the Utah State Department of Environmental Quality at (801) 536-4123 or 1 (800) 572-6400 (24 hour number) if more than 1 Kg of acutely hazardous waste, 100 Kg of hazardous waste, 25 gallons of used oil or material which when spilled becomes hazardous waste, as specified in notify the National Response Center when applicable and provide the appropriate information listed in R315-9, in the spill report. ACTION NEEDED: Page 4 These are only examples that will help you to comply with the regulations. You must g{4p! the following information and it make specific to vour faciliry. SEE #10c Today's date: Letters to: Your Hospital Your local Police Department Your local Fire Department Dear Sir or Madame: In accordance with 40 CFR 265 Subpart C, it is required that we notify you that we generate hazardous waste(s). The waste(s) that we generate is (are) ...(examples might be: waste paints, paint sludges, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Acetone, other solvents, acids, bases, listed wastes, etc). We make every effort to properly manage our wastes, but in the event of an emergency we may require your assistance. In the event of an unforeseen emergency, you may be required to respond. Your name and title Your company name See #7 c and 7f IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY DIAL 911 EMERGENCY COORDINATOR IS CARL CAREFUL - EXT 2536 FIRE EXTINQUISHERS LOCATION MARKED ON THE WALL SPIL CONTROL EQUIPMENT LOCATED AT TIME CLOCK UNIYERSAL WASTE MERCURY CONTAINII\G LAMPS DATE: ta Page 5 UTAH DEQ SMALL QUANTITY GENERATOR EVALUATION FORM 0K ro.R31s-z-i0 pREpAREDNEss AND pREvENTToN I ., You must operate your facility in such manner that MINIMIZES the possibility of fire, explosion or any unplanned release. ! U. You must have the following preparedness and prevention equipment unless the wastes you store do not pose the hazards that the I equipment is designed to respond to: lnternal communications or alarm capable of instruction (such as an intercom), a device I capable of summoning outside emergency assistance (such as a direct alarm to the fire department or a telephone), portable fire I extinguishers, water a adequate pressure and volume to supply fire fighting needs, alarms and communication devices accessible to I to personnel where they are handling hazardous wastes. I c. You must maintain and test, where necessary, all communication systems; fire, spill r€sponse, decontamination and protective T equipment. I U. Make maintain aisle space to allow unobstructed movement of personnel and emergency equipment. I e, Make anangements with local fire, police and hospitals to respond to emergency situations at your facility. Maintain documentration l, notification letters, responses or lack of responses from these agencies. Y f, Document refusals by authorities to emergency anangements. ACTION NEEDED: ' - il rr.R31s-l3 LAND DrsposAL REsrRrcnoNs (LDR) I a. lf you treat your hazardous wastes to render them non-Land Disposal Restricted, you must develop and follow a written waste / analysis plan. This waste analysis plan must be based on a laboratory analysis of the waste and must contain all necessary elements I including frequency. The waste analysis plan must be submitted to the Executive Secretrary of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste I Control Board at least 30 days prior to treatment. I b. Maintain an assessment of LDR status on file for each hazardous waste generated at the facility. I c. A notice and certification that each waste is either land disposal restricted, or if it is restricted, that it is land disposable after treatment, must l, accompany each manifested shipment of hazardous waste. Y a, Maintain all LDR Documentation for five years after the waste is shipped off site. ACTION NEEDED: 0K n. R31s-i6 uNTvERSAL wAsrEs, FLUoREScENT LrcHT TUBES I a. High mercury fluorescent light tubes must be recycled or disposed as hazardous waste. Any broken tubes must be managed as a hazardous l, waste but can still be recycled. Do not dispose of tubes in the regular trash or in the dumpster. V b. Label either the waste tubes or container holding the tubes as "UNIVERSAL WASTE-MERCURY CONTAINING LAMPS". ACTION NEEDED: 13. R315.15 STANDARDS FOR USED OIL GENERATORS a. Use permitted used oil transporter, (name, address and telephone number of transporter). b. Storage tanks and associated piping in good condition and labeled "Used Oil'. c, Burn only their own used oil in vented space heater with a max. cap. of 0.5 million BTUs or in (>0.5 cap.heater). d. Hot drain punctured oil filters. Method of filter disposal. Discarded in trash or recycled. lf recycled, by whom? e. Clean up any used oil spills and any contaminated soil. ACTION NEEDED: ,ilL,^ orHER ACTIoNS NEEDED: 5/6/03 GNTAINER MANAGEMEIT LoG Page6 Date Inspector's Name Are containers labeled with the words IJ^AZARDOUS WASTE? Is accumulation date marked on all hazardous waste containers and is that date less than 180 days old? Are hazardous waste containers closed and are all bungs and bung rings secure? If any columns are marked NO describe what was done to bring the container into compliance? '!,t;l Yes No Yes No Yes No 20A6 Salt Lllke Valley Re Guideclin Recvcline Hotline 974-6902 lHiurr 8:00 a.m.Y:30 p.m. M-F) www.recycle.slco.org Alta Little Cottonwood Canyon Road Holladav -r Dan's Foods 2300 E. 3300 S. Harmon's 1300 E. 3200 S. Kearns Harmon's 4874W. 6200 S. Magna-Salt Lake City Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Facility 6030 W. California Ave. (1400 s.) Salt Lake City University Village 1950 E. Sunnyside Ave. Medic al Plaza University of Utah Rotary Glen Park 800 s. 2770 E. Jordan Park 900 w. 1000 s. Forest Dale Golf Course 237 5 S. 900 E. South Salt Lake Transfer Station s02 w. 3300 s. South Jordan Trans Jordan Landfill 10873 S. 7200W. Mon-Sat 7:00 am to 6:00 pm Please place recyclables inside the correct designated containers. Thank you for helping keep the surrounding areas clean. plastic 1 & 2, aluminum cans, corrugated cardbo ar d, newspapers, magazine s, paperboard, white and mixed ledger paper clear plastics 1 & 2,, steel and aluminum cans, cardbo ard, newspapers, magazines, brown glass bottles (north of store) clear plastics 1 & 2, newspapers, steel and aluminum cans (north of store) clear plastics | & 2, newspapers, steel and aluminum cans (west of store) clear plastic 1 & 2, steel and aluminum cans, magazines, corrugated cardboard, newspapers, paper, junk mail, paper back books, clear and colored glass bottles clear plastics | & 2, steel and aluminum cans, newspapers and magazines clear plastics 1 & 2, steel and aluminum cans, newspapers and magazines clear, green and brown glass bottles, corrugated cardboard 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. clear, green and brown glass bottles (south entrance) open dawn to dusk clear, green and brown glass bottles open dawn to dusk clear plastic I & 2, aluminum and steel cans, corrugated cardbo ard, clear glass (a11 paper items go in the newspaper bin) Mon - Sat 8:00 am to 5:00 pm clear plastic I & 2, steel and aluminum cans, corrugated cardbo ard, newspapers, all paper products. A11 loads must be tarped. Taylorsville Harmon's 5454 S. Redwood Rd Sandy Dan's Foods 2029 E. 7000 S. West Valle], City Harmon's 39ss w. 3s00 s. clear plastics I & 2, newspapers, steel and aluminum cans (west of store) clear plastics 1 & 2, steel and aluminum cans? newspapers and magazines clear plastics I & 2, newspapers, steel and aluminum cans (east of store) Gta$$..D,.rop;.off[ocfltflo'n,s Dan's Foods, 3300 S. 2300 E. - brown glass only Transfer Sta_tigq, 3300 S. 502 W. - clear glass only (Mon - Sat 8:00'a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) ') Forest Dale Golf Course,2375 S. 900 E. Jordan Park, 1000 S. 900 W. Rotary Glen Park, 800 S. 2770 E. Salt Lake Valley Landfill, 6030 W. California Ave. (1400 S.) Uinta Brewing Co, 1722 S. Fremont Dr. (237 5 W.) - brown glass only Curbside Salt Lake Count), s62-643s Midvale 567 -723s Sandv 568 -2999 Draner -I- 57 6-6sr2 Murrav 270-2440 Riverton 208-3 t44 South SaIt Lake 464-671r Recycling Salt Lake Citlr 53s -6999 collection questions 972-4234 South Jordan 254-37 42 West Jordan s69-s000 Bluffdale 2s4-2200 West lalley Cit.v 363-999s Check your local elementary schools grocery stores and for newspaper bins. Aluminum Can Recycling Buy-back Centers Custom Industries, 5400 W. Old Bingham Highway 280-3 502 Metro Group, 401 W. 900 S. 328-2051 Redwood Recycling, 6235 S. Redwood Road 266-7298 Utah Barrel & Scrap Inc., 850 S. 400 W. 596-2757 Utah Metal Works, 805 Everett Ave . (1450 N) 364-5679 Wasatch Metal,205 W. 3300 S. 484-35 I I Western Metals, 4221 W. 700 S. 97 5-9669 Reduce, Reuse, t en ecvcle Locations Weyerhauser 2590 W. 1500 S. Salt Lake City (e73-2082) Rocky Mt. Recycling South Plant 3110 s. 900 w. South Salt Lake (e72-0220) Redi-Therm Insulation 3061 S. 3600 W. West Valley City (e72-6ss r ) Rocky Mtn. Recycling 2950 W. 900 s. Salt Lake City (e73-0333) Recycled ltemp aluminurn cans, newspaper3, magazines, phonebooks, otTice peper, comlgated cardboard, white ledger papeq computer paper aluminum cans, corrugated cardbo ard,, newspapers, paper, office paper and computer paper, junk mail plastic 1 8L 2, brown glass newspaper$, phonebooks, books, magazines, paperboard, junk mail and all other fypes of paper, coffugated cardboard plastics 1 8L z,aluminum and steel cans, newspapers, corrugate{ cardbo ard, computer paper, white ledger paper, office paper, rnagazines, brown glass bottles .",,Ti.;{i*-*,,*,'ll'o'il,,Recyclia Hotline 97 4-6902 Recycle The Unusual Comnuters/All Electronics/Cell Phones - Stone Castle Recycling, 801-731-9444 or 309-7380 Lucency Corp., 790 W. 1760 S. Suite 5, 364-4733 Reusable Computers- Utah Tech Corps, 587 -9150 Computer for Kids, 569-9577 (businesses only) Packins Stvrofoam - Marko Foam, Directors Row (1100 S.) 2940 W., 972-1354 Packins Peanuts - Mail Boxes & Help -U- Mail, check your yellow pages for the closest location. Or call 1-800-828-2214 Good Cardboard Boxes - Salt Lake Box, 915 W. 2610 S . # 7 -8, 977 -8621 Tires - Tire Disposal & Recyclirg, 985 S. 800 W., 977-9010 Utah Tire Recyclers, 1398 N. Beck St.,364-7900 oir - Jiffy Lube, Pep Boys, NAPA, Checker Auto, Autozone, or Household Hazardous Waste Facilities*, or call 1-800-458-0145 Car Batteries - Standard Batteries, 1506 S. Redwood Road, 973-4614 Intermountain Battery 3662 S. Main St. ,266-7465 Stone Castle Recycling, 801 -731-9444 or 309-7380 Eye Glasses - Check with your local Lens Crafters, Gift of Sight Program Plastic Grocery Bags - Wal-Mafi, Harmon's and Albertson's Please don't forget Old clothes, appliances and other household products can be given to local charities or thrift stores to be used by others. For Electronic Recycling Events call 974-6902 for times and locations Close the Loop Support Recycling, Purchase Products Made From Recycled Material *Household Hazardous Waste 541-4078 . Household Hazardous Waste (paints, pesticides, oil, transmission fluid, antifreezq rechargeable batteries, fluorescent light tubes and other chemicals) can be dropped off (free) from Salt Lake Valley homes at the following locations: Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Facility located at 6030 W. California Ave. (1400 S.), Salt Lake City Open Monday thru Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Trans Jordan Landfill located at 10873 S. 7200 W. (Hwy U-111) Open Monday thru Saturday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Murray Public Works A.B.O.P located at 4646 5.500 W., Murray Only accepts Antifreeze, Batteries, Oil and Paint Open Monday thru Friday 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Small Business Hazardous Waste For price quotes and appointments on Small Business Hazardous Waste call (801) 541-4078. Free Landfill /Recycling Tours or Presentations To schedule a tour or presentation for a school, community, or scout group, contact the Recycling Information Office at the Salt Lake Valley Landfill (97 4-6902), or the Trans Jordan Landfill (5 69-8994). For Stormwater Questions call 468-2711 (www. sto rmwaterco alitio n. o rg) Every effort has been made to provide accurate inforrnation; however the recycling locations or the materials col- lected may change unexpectedly. The information provided in this guide does not constitute endorsements or rec- ornmendations for any specific recycling centcrs or practiccs. This publication is funded by disposal fees collected at the Salt Lake Valley Solid Waste Management Facility,6030 W. C'alitbrniaAve. (1400 S.) Salt Lake City. printed on 50o/o recycled paper using soy based ink$ *HilHILHillIJ;ffiJ; April - September 7:00 &.rn. - 10:00 a.m. 2"0 Thursday of each month Sandy Public Works- 8775 S. 700 W. 3'o Thursday of each month Holladay City- 4625 S. 2300 E. 4'n Thursday of each month Salt Lake City- 1800 S. 300 W. North-West Costco Parking Lot call 3 13 -67 45 for more information S,rpe$ IYA,sfg (tree branches, leaves, grass clippings) Satt Lake Valley Solid Waste Managernent Facility 6030 W California Ave. (1400 S.), 974-6922 Trans Jordan Landfitt 10873 S. 7200 W. (Hwy U-l11), 569-8994 Recycling Coalition of Ut ah www.utahrecycles.org