HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-008672July 3, 2024
Rulon Gardner
Mountain Green Mutual Water Company
4985 West Old Highway
Mountain Green, Utah 84050
Subject:After-the-Fact (ATF) Drilling, ATF Equipping, Operating Permit, Rollins Well #2 (WS002); Preliminary Evaluation Report and Drinking Water Source Protection Plan Conditional Concurrence;
Temporary Exception Granted to R309-600-13(2)(d); Temporary Exceptions to R309-515-6(4) and R309-600-13(3) No Longer Required; Mountain Green Mutual Water Company, System #15046, File
This Temporary Exception Expires on December 31, 2028.
Dear Rulon Gardner:The Division of Drinking Water (the Division) received your request for the Operating Permit for Rollins Well #2 from you on March 27, 2024. Division staff conducted
an onsite final inspection of this project on March 15, 2024.
After-the-Fact Well Drilling
This well was originally drilled in 2007 to serve as a new source for Cottonwood Mutual (System #15013) but was never equipped. This well will be owned and operated by Mountain Green
Mutual Water Company (MGMWC). This well will provide water to MGMWC’s 1MG tank (ST007) that currently also serves Cottonwood Mutual.
A Start Card was issued by the State Engineer and well drilling began on April 17, 2007. Armstrong Drilling Inc. (license #704) drilled to a depth of 180 feet. A 10-inch diameter steel
casing extending 18-inches above grade to 135 feet below grade. The 10-inch diameter type 304 wire wrapped slotted screen extends from 135 feet to 155 feet with a ¼-inch gravel pack
extending the rest of the depth below the screen. A 24-inch diameter steel casing was installed from grade to 14 feet deep. Mr. Jerry Bronicel of Water-Tight Consulting witnessed and
the materials and installation of the grout seal. The cement grout seal extends from 0 to 125 feet with a bentonite grout seal from 125 feet to 131 feet. The 24-hour pump test identified
a well yield of 247 gallons per minute (gpm). This well is identified as WS002 in the Division’s database.
After-the-Fact Well Equipping
Our understanding of the project is the equipping of the existing well with a 30 HP Grundfos Model 230S300-9 247 gpm pump and VFD. A shared pump control house used for this well and
for the proposed Rollins Well #1 (See file #13417) has also been reviewed and is included in this plan approval. The original plans stamped in 2008 by W. Lee Watkins of Hansen & Associates,
Inc. included a chlorination system. Per your review comment response, chlorination is not intended, and no equipment will be installed, nor is it approved with this plan approval.
We have received the following information for Rollins Well #2:
Certification of well seal.
Well driller’s report (well log).
Aquifer drawdown test results (step drawdown test and constant-rate test).
Plans and specifications for equipping the well.
30 HP Grundfos Model 230S300-9, 247 gpm at 329 feet TDH using 3-inch diameter steel column pipe.
4-inch diameter C900 DR-18 PVC well discharge piping.
Shared pump control house.
Baker Manufacturing monitor standard pitless adapter unit.
Evidence of O&M manual delivery.
As-built or record drawings.
Preliminary Evaluation Report (PER).
Recorded land use agreements.
Satisfactory bacteriological results as evidence of proper disinfection and flushing.
New Source Chemical Analyses of the well water.
We have determined that all conditions of operating permit issuance have been met. On this basis, an Operating Permit for Rollins Well #2is hereby issued as constituted by this letter.
You may now place Rollins Well #2 (WS002) in service in your water system.
Please maintain a copy of this letter with your permanent records for future reference.
The equipped well pump capacity of Rollins Well #2 is 247 gallons per minute (gpm). However, per the PER, the allowable pumping rate is 45 gpm. Thus, the safe yield of Rollins Well #2
is rated at 45 gpm. The safe yield of 45 gpm is the basis for determining the maximum number of connections that Rollins Well #2 can serve.If this Operating Permit changes any of your
monitoring requirements, the staff of the Water Quality Monitoring and Standards section will follow up to provide an updated monitoring schedule and inventory report to you. Please
contact Mark Berger, Water Quality Monitoring and Standards Section Manager at (801) 641-6457 for questions regarding the monitoring and reporting requirements for your water system.
Preliminary Evaluation Report and Drinking Water Source Protection Plan Conditional ConcurrenceA Preliminary Evaluation Report (PER) was prepared during 2007 prior to Well #2 being drilled
but was not submitted to the Division due to issues with obtaining land use agreements (LUA) from all landowners in zones one and two. The Division received a combined PER and Drinking
Water Source Protection (DWSP) plan on October 25, 2023, from your consultant, Loughlin Water Associates, LLC. The Division requested additional information via email on November 2,
2023. Your consultant provided revisions to the combined plan and a request for temporary exceptions to the sewer line rules (R309-515-6 and R309-600-13(3)) and the LUA rule (R309-600-13(2)(d))
on November 21, 2023. The Division reviewed the requests for exceptions to the sewer line rules (R309-515-6(4) and R309-600-13(3)) and agreed to grant exceptions to these rules via email
on December 1, 2023. The details are outlined in a subsequent section of this letter.For the exception requested to R309-600-13(2)(d) - Land Use Agreements, Letters of Intent, or Zoning
Ordinances, the Division deferred deciding until the Morgan County Commission concluded discussions on the possible enactment of a source protection ordinance. The Morgan County Commission
voted not to enact a source protection ordinance on February 21, 2024. As a result, your consultant prepared a revised request for exception to R309-600-13(2)(d) using a reduced pumping
rate of 45 gpm, which was submitted on March 13, 2024. The Division informally agreed to grant the exception via email on March 26, 2024. The details, including any conditions, are outlined
in a subsequent section of this letter. A revised PER/DWSP plan was submitted on April 4, 2024.We have completed our review of the combined PER/DWSP plan, stamped, and signed by William
D. Loughlin, P.G., and dated April 4, 2024, and found that the plan basically complies with the applicable portions of Utah’s Administrative Rules for Public Drinking Water Systems,
except for rule R309-600-13(2)(d). The Division conditionally concurs with this combined PER/DWSP plan, provided that the conditions explained below are addressed the next time an updated
DWSP plan is due and submitted to the Division. Please note that concurrence of the combined PER/DWSP plan is based on information you provided to the Division via email on June 7, 2024,
which indicated that the Rollins Well #1 and Rollins Well #2 will not be pumped simultaneously. If the two wells are ever pumped simultaneously, a revised DWSP plan will be required
within 180 days of the change.Conditions:MGMWC must provide a copy of the letter sent to the Morgan County Planning Department and County Commission informing them of the source protection
zones for Well #2, referenced in the exception request dated March 13, 2024. This letter should be included in the Recordkeeping section of the next updated DWSP plan.Temporary Exception
Granted to R309-600-13(2)(d)The Division received a request for an exception to R309-600-13(2)(d) – Land Use Agreements, Letters of Intent or Zoning Ordinances on November 21, 2023,
for seventeen (17) landowners in source protection zone two who refused to sign LUA. As stated in R309-600-13(2)(d), land use agreements, letters of intent, or zoning ordinances meeting
the requirements of R309-600-6(1)(p) must be in place before a public water system introduces a new source into its system. The Division deferred deciding on this request for an exception
until the Morgan County Commission concluded discussions on the possible enactment of a source protection ordinance. The Morgan County Commission voted not to enact a source protection
ordinance on February 21, 2024. The Division re-evaluated the November 2023 request and was unable to grant the exception due to the large number of landowners (17) who refused to sign
a LUA. As a result, your consultant prepared a revised request for exception using a reduced pumping rate of 45 gpm, which was submitted on March 13, 2024. The Division informally agreed
to grant the exception via email on March 26, 2024. You based your request for an exception on the following: At 45 gpm, MGMWC has signed and recorded LUA for five (5) of the seven (7)
landowners in source protection zone two. Parcels without LUA include #03-005-034-03 and #03-005-028.Granting an exception for Parcel #03-005-028 will not result in an unreasonable risk
to health because the property has been developed and is connected to the Mountain Green Sewer Improvement District (MGSID). Furthermore, the source protection zone two boundary extends
a very short distance (less than 30 feet) onto the south side of the property.Although the owner of Parcel #03-005-041 has thus far refused to sign a LUA, MGMWC continues to work with
and seek a LUA. Granting an exception for this parcel will not result in an unreasonable risk to health because of the following:Morgan County will require this undeveloped property
to connect to the MGSID for wastewater disposal and treatment when they develop.The Morgan County Land Use Development Code (the Code) identifies permitted, prohibited, and conditional
uses for the zoning districts. Morgan County reviews applications for all uses to determine if they meet specific criteria. Subchapter 155.337, Pollution Prevention, states that “…Any
use shall also be prohibited which emits or discharges liquids or solid material onto the soil or water in amounts which result in pollutants entering any water or drainage system in
amounts exceeding the standards prescribed by the state’s Committee on Water Pollution, or its successor agency.”MGMWC will write a letter to the Morgan County Planning Department and
County Commission to (1) inform them of the combined PER/DWSP plan and show the DWSP areas for Well #2, (2) identify the two parcels in zone two with unsigned LUA, (3) require that any
applicant for a potential pollution source in the source protection zone two control the pollution source by incorporating design standards to prevent contaminated discharges to groundwater,
and (4) ask that MGMWC be allowed to review every land use application in the source protection zone two of Well #2 to ensure that the development will incorporate adequate pollution
prevention measures.MGMWC will monitor all of the source protection zones of Well #2, including and especially the two parcels in zone two with unsigned LUA, and stay apprised of any
accidents or hazardous material releases that could contaminate the groundwater and activities or developments that may result in the installation of a pollution source.If a landowner
who refused to sign a LUA plans to install a pollution source within zone two, MGMWC will notify the Morgan County Planning Department and County Commission of their concern, and request
that the landowner control the pollution source through design standards.If an uncontrolled pollution source is installed within zone two, MGMWC will install one or more monitoring wells
between the pollution source and Well #2 to monitor for the groundwater contamination, and submit a groundwater monitoring plan to the Division for approval.On this basis, a temporary
exception to R309-600-13(2)(d) - Land Use Agreements, Letters of Intent, or Zoning Ordinances is hereby granted for Well #2, subject to the following conditions:This temporary exception
expires on December 31, 2028, when the first plan update is due.Exceptions granted by the Division include an expiration date to ensure the basis and conditions for granting the exception
are verified periodically and that drinking water quality remains protected. After receiving the request, the Division will determine whether the exception can be re-issued.You are required
to re-submit an exception request along with confirmation that all conditions outlined in this temporary exception have been fulfilled and obtain an exception renewal by December 31,
2028. Thereafter, renewal of this exception will be required every six (6) years coinciding with the schedule for updating the DWSP plan.You must provide a copy of the letter sent to
the Morgan County Planning Department and County Commission informing them of the source protection zones for Well #2, referenced in the exception request dated March 13, 2024. This
letter should be included in the Recordkeeping section of the next updated DWSP plan.This temporary exception may be rescinded any time if new evidence indicates that the conditions
of this exception are no longer being met or a public health risk exists due to this exception.Temporary Exceptions to R309-515-6(4) and R309-600-13(3) No Longer RequiredThe Division
received a request for temporary exceptions to rules R309-515-6(4) - Source Protection and R309-600-13(3) - Sewers Within DWSP Zones and Management Areas from your consultant on November
21, 2023. Rule R309-600-13(3) requires all sewer lines located in zones one and two of an unprotected aquifer to be constructed in accordance with R309-515-6. Rule R309-515-6 indicates
that sewer lines may not be located within source protection zone one or two, for a well completed in an unprotected aquifer, unless the sewer lines are specially constructed in accordance
with R309-515-6. The Division informally granted temporary exceptions to these rules via email on December 1, 2023. In March 2024, your consultant revised the delineation using a reduced
pumping rate of 45 gpm, which also reduced the size of source protection zone two. As a result, sewer lines are no longer located in source protection zones one or two. Therefore, temporary
exceptions to rules R309-515-6 and R309-600-13(3) are no longer required.Source Protection RemindersWe commend you for establishing a program to protect this source from present and
future contamination. The DWSP plan must be updated often enough to ensure it reflects current conditions in your protection zones.The due date for submitting the next updated DWSP plan
is December 31, 2028, and every six years thereafter.Please be aware that the source protection zones for this source have now been incorporated into the Division’s Geographic Information
System (GIS) database. In addition, these zones should now appear on the Utah Environmental Interactive Map, so long as this system is currently classified as Public in the Division’s
database. The Utah Environmental Interactive Map can be accessed by visiting enviro.deq.utah.gov. We encourage you to visit the map to confirm that the location of this source and the
source protection zones are accurate. If you need assistance with navigating the map or to report any discrepancies, please call (801) 536-4200 and ask to speak to source protection
staff.As stated in R309-600 and 605: Implementing DWSP Plans - Each Public Water System (PWS) shall begin implementing each of its DWSP Plans in accordance with the implementation schedule
within 180 days after submission if the plan is not disapproved. Be prepared to describe these efforts in your next update, which should include documentation of how the land management
strategies identified for existing and future potential contamination sources were implemented. Your updated plan will be disapproved, and 25 Improvement Priority System (IPS) points
will be assigned for failure to comply with this requirement. As stated in R309-600 and 605: Recordkeeping - As a DWSP Plan is executed, the PWS shall document any land management strategies
that are implemented. Please provide actual copies of memoranda of understanding, public education programs, bill stuffers, newsletters, or other correspondence documenting the implementation
of each land management strategy as it occurs, in this section of your updated plan. Please contact Deidre Beck at (385) 271-7046 or via email at dbeck@utah.gov if you have questions
or concerns about the review of your DWSP plan.
If you have any questions regarding this Operating Permit, please contact Cameron Draney, P.E., of this office, at (385) 271-7039, or Michael Newberry, P.E., Permitting and Engineering
Manager, at (385) 515-1464.
Russell Seeley, P.E.
Assistant Director
CLD/DLB/mrn/mdbcc: Scott Braeden, Weber-Morgan, Weber-Morgan Health Department, sbraeden@co.weber.ut.usRulon Gardner, Mountain Green Mutual Water Company, rulon@rcgardner.com
Cameron Draney, P.E., Division of Drinking Water, cdraney@utah.gov
William D. Loughlin, P.G., Loughlin Water Associates, LLC, bill@loughlinwater.com
Connor Smith, Loughlin Water Associates, LLC, Connor@loughlinwater.com
Sitara Federico, Division of Drinking Water, sfederico@utah.gov
David Kruse, Division of Drinking Water, dbkruse@utah.gov
Deidre Beck, P.G., Division of Drinking Water, dbeck@utah.govCDraney 15046 7404 ATF PA Drilling and Equipping Rollins Well #2 (WS008)