HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-008597 Final Remedial Investigation Report Operable Unit 1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Site Salt Lake City, Utah CONTRACT NO.: W912DQ -18-D-3008 TASK ORDER NO.: W912DQ19F3048 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Kansas City District Department of Veterans Affairs September 2ϯ, 2022 Table of Contents • Final Remedial Investigation Report i Table of Contents Executive Summary ....................................................................................................... ES-1 Site Overview ................................................................................................................................................................... ES-1 Work Summary ............................................................................................................................................................... ES-1 Physical Characteristics ............................................................................................................................................... ES-3 Nature and Extent of Contamination ..................................................................................................................... ES-4 Contaminant Fate and Transport ............................................................................................................................ ES-6 Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................................................................. ES-8 Summary and Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................... ES-9 Section 1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Purpose of Report ..................................................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Regulatory History and Authority ..................................................................................................................... 1-1 1.3 Report Organization ................................................................................................................................................ 1-2 Section 2 Site Location and Background ........................................................................... 2-1 2.1 Site Description ......................................................................................................................................................... 2-1 2.2 Site History .................................................................................................................................................................. 2-2 2.3 Previous Investigations .......................................................................................................................................... 2-3 2.3.1 SLCDPU Mount Olivet Irrigation Well Monitoring 1990–1997 ............................................... 2-3 2.3.2 EPA Soil Gas Investigation 1995–1996.............................................................................................. 2-3 2.3.3 UDEQ Site Investigation 1996–1999; EPA Monitoring Well Installation and Sampling 1998–2012 ................................................................................................................................................................ 2-4 2.3.4 USGS Groundwater Sampling 2004–2005 ....................................................................................... 2-4 2.3.5 EPA and UDEQ Site Investigation 2004–2005 ................................................................................ 2-5 2.3.6 VA Soil Gas Investigation 2007 ............................................................................................................. 2-5 2.3.7 SLCDPU Surface Water Springs Investigation 2010 .................................................................... 2-5 2.3.8 UDEQ ESS Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation 2011 .......................................... 2-5 2.3.9 VA Pre-RI Groundwater Sampling 2014, 2016 .............................................................................. 2-6 2.3.10 Previously Identified Potential Source Areas ............................................................................... 2-6 2.4 Previous Remedial Actions ................................................................................................................................... 2-7 2.5 Chemicals of Potential Concern .......................................................................................................................... 2-8 2.6 Potential Exposure Pathways .............................................................................................................................. 2-8 2.7 Screening Criteria and Interim Action Levels ............................................................................................... 2-8 Section 3 Study Area Investigation ................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Study Area Objectives ............................................................................................................................................. 3-1 3.2 Investigative Approach .......................................................................................................................................... 3-2 3.3 Drilling and Soil Sampling ..................................................................................................................................... 3-3 3.3.1 AOU1 Drilling and Soil Sampling 2014–2016 ................................................................................. 3-3 Drilling ............................................................................................................................................... 3-3 Soil Sampling ................................................................................................................................... 3-4 3.3.2 OU2 Drilling and Soil Sampling 2017–2018 .................................................................................... 3-4 Drilling ............................................................................................................................................... 3-4 Soil Sampling ................................................................................................................................... 3-4 Table of Contents • Final Remedial Investigation Report ii 3.3.3 Phase 1 OU2 Drilling and Soil Sampling 2019-2020 .................................................................... 3-5 Drilling ................................................................................................................................................ 3-5 Soil Sampling ................................................................................................................................... 3-5 3.3.4 Phase 2 OU1 Drilling and Soil Sampling 2020–2021 ................................................................... 3-6 Drilling ................................................................................................................................................ 3-6 Soil Sampling ................................................................................................................................... 3-6 3.4 Monitoring Well Installation ................................................................................................................................ 3-6 3.4.1 AOU1 Monitoring Well Installation 2015–2016 ............................................................................ 3-7 3.4.2 OU2 Monitoring Well Installation 2017–2018 ............................................................................... 3-7 3.4.3 Phase 1 OU2 Monitoring Well Installation 2019–2020 .............................................................. 3-8 3.4.4 Phase 2 OU1 Monitoring Well Installation 2020–2021 .............................................................. 3-9 3.5 Groundwater Sampling........................................................................................................................................ 3-10 3.5.1 AOU1 Groundwater Sampling 2015–2016 .................................................................................... 3-10 3.5.2 OU2 Groundwater Sampling 2017–2019 ....................................................................................... 3-11 3.5.3 Phase 1 OU2 Groundwater Sampling 2019–2020 ...................................................................... 3-12 Q4-2019 Groundwater Sampling Event ............................................................................ 3-12 Q2-2020 Groundwater Sampling Event ............................................................................ 3-12 Q3-2020 Groundwater Sampling Event ............................................................................ 3-13 3.5.4 Phase 2 OU1 Groundwater Sampling 2020–2021 ...................................................................... 3-13 Q4-2020 Groundwater Sampling Event ............................................................................ 3-14 Q1-2021 Groundwater Sampling Event ............................................................................ 3-14 Residential Groundwater Locations Sampling............................................................... 3-15 3.6 Hydraulic Testing ................................................................................................................................................... 3-15 3.6.1 Phase 2 OU1 Hydraulic Testing .......................................................................................................... 3-15 3.7 Surface Water Sampling ...................................................................................................................................... 3-16 3.7.1 AOU1 Surface Water Sampling 2016 ............................................................................................... 3-16 3.7.2 OU2 Surface Water Sampling 2018 .................................................................................................. 3-17 3.7.3 Phase 1 OU2 Surface Water Sampling 2019–2020 .................................................................... 3-17 3.7.4 Phase 2 OU1 Surface Water Sampling 2021 ................................................................................. 3-17 3.8 East Side Springs Soil Gas Sampling ............................................................................................................... 3-18 3.8.1 AOU1 Soil Gas Sampling 2015-2017 ................................................................................................ 3-18 3.8.2 Phase 2 OU1 Soil Gas Sampling 2020–2021 ................................................................................. 3-18 3.9 Source Area Soil Gas Sampling ......................................................................................................................... 3-19 3.9.1 OU2 Soil Gas Sampling 2018–2019 .................................................................................................. 3-19 3.9.2 Phase 2 OU1 Soil Gas Sampling 2021 .............................................................................................. 3-20 3.10 Indoor Air Sampling ........................................................................................................................................... 3-21 3.10.1 AOU1 Indoor Air Sampling 2015–2017 ....................................................................................... 3-21 3.10.2 OU2 Indoor Air Sampling 2018–2019 .......................................................................................... 3-22 3.10.3 Phase 1 OU2 Indoor Air Sampling 2019-2021 .......................................................................... 3-22 3.10.4 Phase 2 OU1 Indoor Air Sampling 2021–2022 ......................................................................... 3-23 3.11 Surveying ................................................................................................................................................................ 3-24 3.12 Investigation-Derived Waste .......................................................................................................................... 3-24 3.13 Deviations from the Work Plan and QAPP ............................................................................................... 3-24 3.13.1 AOU1 Deviations .................................................................................................................................... 3-24 3.13.2 OU2 Deviations ....................................................................................................................................... 3-28 3.13.3 Phase 1 OU2 Deviations ...................................................................................................................... 3-29 Table of Contents • Final Remedial Investigation Report iii 3.13.4 Phase 2 OU1 Deviations ....................................................................................................................... 3-32 Section 4 Physical Characteristics of the Study Area ......................................................... 4-1 4.1 Surface Features ........................................................................................................................................................ 4-1 4.2 Meteorology ................................................................................................................................................................ 4-1 4.3 Surface Water Hydrology ...................................................................................................................................... 4-2 4.3.1 Mount Olivet Reservoir ............................................................................................................................ 4-2 4.3.2 Red Butte Creek ........................................................................................................................................... 4-2 4.3.3 Liberty Park Pond ....................................................................................................................................... 4-3 4.3.4 East Side Seeps and Springs ................................................................................................................... 4-3 4.4 Geology .......................................................................................................................................................................... 4-4 4.4.1 Regional Geology ......................................................................................................................................... 4-4 4.4.2 Local Geology ................................................................................................................................................ 4-4 4.4.3 Geotechnical Characteristics .................................................................................................................. 4-5 4.5 Hydrogeology ............................................................................................................................................................. 4-6 4.5.1 Potentiometric Surfaces, Gradients, and Flow Directions ......................................................... 4-7 4.5.2 Recharge Zones ............................................................................................................................................ 4-9 4.5.3 Hydraulic Conductivity and Groundwater Velocity ..................................................................... 4-9 4.5.4 Water Quality .............................................................................................................................................. 4-10 4.6 Ecology ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4-10 Section 5 Nature and Extent of Contamination ................................................................. 5-1 5.1 Soil ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5-1 5.2 Soil Gas and Indoor Air (Source Area) ............................................................................................................. 5-1 5.2.1 Soil Gas ............................................................................................................................................................. 5-2 PCE ....................................................................................................................................................... 5-2 TCE....................................................................................................................................................... 5-3 cis-1,2-DCE ....................................................................................................................................... 5-3 Vinyl Chloride ................................................................................................................................. 5-3 5.2.2 Indoor Air ....................................................................................................................................................... 5-3 5.3 Groundwater ............................................................................................................................................................... 5-4 5.3.1 Contaminants of Interest ......................................................................................................................... 5-5 PCE ....................................................................................................................................................... 5-5 TCE....................................................................................................................................................... 5-7 Cis-1,2-DCE ...................................................................................................................................... 5-7 Vinyl Chloride ................................................................................................................................. 5-7 1,4-Dioxane ...................................................................................................................................... 5-7 5.3.2 Geochemical Conditions ........................................................................................................................... 5-8 Redox Conditions .......................................................................................................................... 5-8 Degradation By-Products and Other Indicators ............................................................ 5-10 General Chemistry ...................................................................................................................... 5-10 5.4 Surface Water ........................................................................................................................................................... 5-10 5.4.1 Contaminants of Interest ....................................................................................................................... 5-11 5.4.2 Geochemical Conditions ......................................................................................................................... 5-12 5.5 Soil Gas and Indoor Air (East Side Springs) ................................................................................................ 5-12 5.5.1 Soil Gas ........................................................................................................................................................... 5-12 PCE ..................................................................................................................................................... 5-13 Table of Contents • Final Remedial Investigation Report iv TCE .................................................................................................................................................... 5-13 Cis-1,2-DCE .................................................................................................................................... 5-13 VC ....................................................................................................................................................... 5-13 5.5.2 Indoor Air .................................................................................................................................................... 5-14 Non-Residential Structures .................................................................................................... 5-14 PCE in Residential Structures ................................................................................................ 5-15 TCE in Residential Structures ................................................................................................ 5-17 Cis-1,2-DCE in Residential Structures ............................................................................... 5-18 VC in Residential Structures .................................................................................................. 5-18 Section 6 Contaminant Fate and Transport ...................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Potential Sources of Contamination and Contaminant Characteristics ............................................. 6-1 6.2 Transport Processes and Potential Routes of Migration ......................................................................... 6-2 6.3 Contaminant Migration in Soil............................................................................................................................. 6-2 6.4 Contaminant Migration in Groundwater ........................................................................................................ 6-3 6.4.1 Groundwater Modeling Approach ....................................................................................................... 6-3 6.4.2 Numerical Model Features ...................................................................................................................... 6-4 Development of Conceptual Model ........................................................................................ 6-5 Selection of Numerical Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Simulation (Model) Codes ................................................................................................................................................ 6-5 Numerical Model Creation ......................................................................................................... 6-5 Groundwater Flow Model Calibration .................................................................................. 6-7 6.4.3 Historical PCE Transport Simulations ................................................................................................ 6-8 6.4.4 Projected PCE Transport Simulations ............................................................................................. 6-10 6.5 Contaminant Migration in Surface Water .................................................................................................... 6-12 6.5.1 Geochemical Evaluation ........................................................................................................................ 6-12 6.5.2 Stable Isotope Evaluation ..................................................................................................................... 6-12 6.6 Contaminant Migration in Vapor ..................................................................................................................... 6-13 6.6.1 Source Area ................................................................................................................................................. 6-13 6.6.2 East Side Springs ...................................................................................................................................... 6-14 6.7 Contaminant Persistence .................................................................................................................................... 6-14 6.7.1 Natural Attenuation Primary Line of Evidence - Plume Evaluation ................................... 6-15 Trend Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 6-15 Contaminant Mass Flux and Discharge ............................................................................. 6-17 6.7.2 Natural Attenuation Secondary Lines of Evidence – Assessment of Indirect Evidence ... 6- 20 Geochemical Conditions and Degradation Products ................................................... 6-20 Sorption .......................................................................................................................................... 6-21 Potential for Abiotic Degradation ........................................................................................ 6-21 6.7.3 Natural Attenuation Tertiary Line of Evidence - Direct Evidence Measured by Compound Specific Isotopic Analysis ......................................................................................................... 6-22 Section 7 Risk Assessment ............................................................................................... 7-1 7.1 Human Health Risk Assessment ......................................................................................................................... 7-1 7.1.1 Summary of the AOU1 HHRA ................................................................................................................. 7-1 7.1.2 Exposure Assessment ................................................................................................................................ 7-2 Conceptual Site Exposure Model ............................................................................................ 7-2 Table of Contents • Final Remedial Investigation Report v COPC Selection................................................................................................................................ 7-3 Exposure Parameters .................................................................................................................. 7-5 Exposure Point Concentrations............................................................................................... 7-5 7.1.3 Toxicity Assessment .................................................................................................................................. 7-7 Cancer Effects.................................................................................................................................. 7-7 Non-Cancer Effects ....................................................................................................................... 7-7 Toxicity Values ............................................................................................................................... 7-8 7.1.4 Risk Characterization ................................................................................................................................ 7-8 Risk Interpretation ....................................................................................................................... 7-9 Risk Conclusions ............................................................................................................................ 7-9 7.1.5 Uncertainty Assessment ......................................................................................................................... 7-14 7.2 Screening-Level Ecological Risk Assessment ............................................................................................. 7-14 7.2.1 Summary of the AOU1 SLERA .............................................................................................................. 7-15 7.2.2 Problem Formulation .............................................................................................................................. 7-15 Conceptual Site Exposure Model .......................................................................................... 7-15 Assessment and Measurement Endpoints ....................................................................... 7-16 7.2.3 Risk Characterization .............................................................................................................................. 7-16 Evaluation of Groundwater and Surface Water ............................................................. 7-16 Evaluation of Sediment and Soil ........................................................................................... 7-18 Evaluation of Soil Gas ................................................................................................................ 7-19 Evaluation of Metal COPECs ................................................................................................... 7-20 7.2.4 Uncertainty Assessment ......................................................................................................................... 7-20 Section 8 Summary and Conclusions ................................................................................ 8-1 8.1 Summary ...................................................................................................................................................................... 8-1 8.1.1 Nature and Extent of Contamination .................................................................................................. 8-1 8.1.2 Fate and Transport ..................................................................................................................................... 8-2 8.1.3 Risk Assessment .......................................................................................................................................... 8-3 8.2 Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................................. 8-4 8.2.1 Recommended Preliminary Remedial Action Objectives .......................................................... 8-5 8.2.2 Recommendations for Future Work ................................................................................................... 8-5 Section 9 References ....................................................................................................... 9-1 Table of Contents • Final Remedial Investigation Report vi List of Figures Figure 1-1 Site Location Map Figure 1-2 Site Features Figure 2-1 Historical Sampling Locations Figure 3-1 AOU1 Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Points and Piezometers and Soil/Sediment Sampling Locations Figure 3-2 Monitoring Well Network Figure 3-3 Residential Groundwater Sampling Locations Figure 3-4 Hydraulic Testing Locations Figure 3-5 Surface Water Locations Figure 3-6 AOU1 East Side Springs Soil Gas Sampling Locations Figure 3-7 OU1 East Side Springs Soil Gas Sampling Locations Figure 3-8 OU2 Source Area Soil Gas Sampling Locations Figure 3-9 OU2 Sunnyside Park Soil Gas Sampling Locations Figure 3-10 OU1 Source Area Soil Gas Sampling Locations Figure 3-11 OU1 Sunnyside Park Soil Gas Sampling Locations Figure 3-12 Indoor Air Sample Locations and Types Figure 4-1 Geologic Map Figure 4-2 Geologic Cross Section Figure 4-3 Conceptual Diagram of Topography, Surface Features, Geology and Hydrogeology Figure 4-4 Potentiometric Groundwater Surface Map - Shallow Aquifer Figure 4-5 Potentiometric Groundwater Surface Map - Deep Aquifer Figure 4-6 Hydraulic Conductivity in the Shallow Aquifer from Slug Tests Figure 4-7 Hydraulic Conductivity in the Deep Aquifer from Slug Tests Figure 5-1 Soil Sample Locations Figure 5-2A Tetrachloroethene in Soil Vapor Source Area – Buildings 6 and 7 Figure 5-2B Tetrachloroethene in Soil Vapor Source Area – Sunnyside Park Figure 5-3 Tetrachloroethene in Indoor Air Source Area – Buildings 6, 7, 13, and 20 Figure 5-4A Tetrachloroethene in Groundwater – Monitoring Wells Figure 5-4B Tetrachloroethene in Groundwater – Shallow Groundwater and Surface Water Figure 5-5 Tetrachloroethene in Groundwater Along Plume Center Figure 5-6 Tetrachloroethene in Soil Vapor East Side Springs Area Figure 5-7 Tetrachloroethene in Indoor Air East Side Springs Area Figure 6-1 Conceptual Site Model Figure 6-2 Tetrachloroethene in the Perched Zone Figure 6-3 Tetrachloroethene in the Shallow Aquifer Figure 6-4 Tetrachloroethene in the Intermediate Zone Figure 6-5 Tetrachloroethene in the Deep Aquifer Figure 6-6 Model Grid and Boundary Conditions Figure 6-7 Model Layers 1 and 2 Properties Figure 6-8 Model Layer 3 Properties Figure 6-9 Model Layer 4 Properties Figure 6-10 Simulated PCE Concentrations, September 2020 – Shallow Aquifer Figure 6-11 Simulated PCE Concentrations, September 2020 – Deep Aquifer Table of Contents • Final Remedial Investigation Report vii Figure 6-12 Simulated PCE Concentrations, September 2020 Continuous Shallow Aquifer Source Through 2015 – Shallow Aquifer Figure 6-13 Simulated PCE Concentrations, September 2020 Continuous Shallow Aquifer Source Through 2015 – Deep Aquifer Figure 6-14 Simulated PCE Concentrations, June 1990 – Shallow Aquifer Figure 6-15 Simulated PCE Concentrations, June 2004 – Deep Aquifer Figure 6-16 Simulated PCE Concentrations, June 2010 – Shallow Aquifer Figure 6-17 Future Conditions – Simulated 20 Year PCE Concentrations – Shallow Aquifer – Baseline: Average Conditions for Last Ten Years Figure 6-18 Future Conditions – Simulated 20 Year PCE Concentrations – Deep Aquifer – Baseline: Average Conditions for Last Ten Years Figure 6-19 Future Conditions – Simulated 20 Year PCE Concentrations – Shallow Aquifer – Scenario 1: Historic SLC-18 Pumping Figure 6-20 Future Conditions – Simulated 20 Year PCE Concentrations – Deep Aquifer – Scenario 1: Historic SLC-18 Pumping Figure 6-21 Future Conditions – Simulated 20 Year PCE Concentrations – Shallow Aquifer – Scenario 3: Proposed University Irrigation Pumping Figure 6-22 Future Conditions – Simulated 20 Year PCE Concentrations – Deep Aquifer – Scenario 3: Proposed University Irrigation Pumping Figure 6-23 Future Conditions – Simulated 20 Year PCE Concentrations – Shallow Aquifer – Scenario 2: Maximum (Water Right) SLC-18 Pumping Figure 6-24 Future Conditions – Simulated 20 Year PCE Concentrations – Deep Aquifer – Scenario 2: Maximum (Water Right) SLC-18 Pumping Figure 6-25 Future Conditions – Simulated 20 Year PCE Concentrations – Shallow Aquifer – Scenario 4: Proposed University Irrigation Pumping and Maximum (Water Right) Pumping at SLC-18 Figure 6-26 Future Conditions – Simulated 20 Year PCE Concentrations – Deep Aquifer – Scenario 4: Proposed University Irrigation Pumping and Maximum (Water Right) Pumping at SLC-18 Figure 6-27 Piper Diagram Surface Water and Groundwater Figure 6-28 Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotopes Figure 6-29A Vapor Intrusion Lines of Evidence Figure 6-29B Vapor Intrusion Lines of Evidence East Side Springs Area Figure 6-29C OU1 Indoor Air Sampling Spatial Coverage Figure 6-30 Summary of Tetrachloroethene Concentration Trends Analysis Figure 6-31 Summary of Trichloroethene Concentration Trends Analysis Figure 6-32 MW-14S Trend Chart Figure 6-33 MW-17S Trend Chart Figure 6-34 MW-02 Trend Chart and Statistical Analysis Figure 6-35 MW-04 Trend Chart Figure 6-36 MW-06 Trend Chart Figure 6-37 MW-12S Trend Chart Figure 7-1 Conceptual Site Exposure Model for Human Health Figure 7-2 Conceptual Site Exposure Model for Ecological Receptors Table of Contents • Final Remedial Investigation Report viii List of Tables Table 2-1 Historical Detections of Volatile Organic Compounds in Irrigation/Supply Wells Table 2-2 Summary of Remedial Investigation Planning Documentation Table 2-3 Summary of Historical and Remedial Investigation Activities Table 2-4 Groundwater Risk-Based Screening Levels and Maximum Contaminant Levels Table 2-5 Indoor Air Risk-Based Screening Levels and Removal Action Levels Table 2-6 Soil Risk-Based Screening Levels Table 3-1 AOU1 Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Point and Piezometer Construction Information Table 3-2 Monitoring Well Survey Data and Construction Information Table 3-3 Piezometer Replacement Information Table 3-4 Surface Water Sampling Locations Table 3-5 Soil Vapor Sampling Locations and Dates Table 3-6 Soil Vapor Probe Construction Information Table 3-7 Indoor and Outdoor Air Sample Locations and Dates Table 4-1 Geotechnical Results Table 4-2 Aquifer Zones and Q4-2020 Groundwater Elevations Table 4-3 Vertical Gradients Table 4-4 Slug Test Results Table 5-1 Tetrachloroethene and Trichloroethene in Soil Table 5-2 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Source Area Soil Gas Table 5-3 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Source Area Indoor Air Table 5-4 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Groundwater Table 5-5 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Push-Ahead Groundwater Samples Table 5-6 Geochemical Parameters in Groundwater Table 5-7 Dissolved and Total Metals in Groundwater Table 5-8 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Surface Water Table 5-9 Geochemical Parameters in Surface Water Table 5-10 Total Metals in Surface Water Table 5-11 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Soil Gas Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air Table 6-1 Physical and Chemical Properties of Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern Table 6-2 Simulated Water Budget, September 2020 Table 6-3 Groundwater Modeling Scenario Pumping Table 6-4 Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Results Table 6-5 Statistical Trends Overview Table 6-6 MW-02 Statistical Trends Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary Table 6-8 Mass Discharge Calculations Table 6-9 Soil Ferrous Iron Content Results Table 6-10 Soil Magnetic Susceptibility Results Table 6-11 Compound Specific Isotope Analysis Results Table 7-1 Human Health Receptor COPCs Selected for Quantitative Assessment Table 7-2 Overall Human Health Risk Assessment Conclusions for Site-related COCs Table of Contents • Final Remedial Investigation Report ix Table 7-3 Risk Summary for Hypothetical Future Residential Exposures to Groundwater Table 7-4 Risk Summary for Residential Exposures to Indoor Air Based on Measured Indoor Air Data Table 7-5 Risk Summary for Daycare Children Exposures to Indoor Air Based on Measured Indoor Air Data Table 7-6 Risk Summary for Indoor (Commercial) Worker Exposures to Indoor Air Inside VAMC Buildings Based on Measured Indoor Air Data Appendices Appendix A AOU1 Remedial Investigation Data Summary Reports and Supporting Information Appendix B OU2 Data Summary Reports and Supporting Information Appendix C Phase 1 OU2 Data Summary Reports and Supporting Information Appendix D Phase 2 OU1 Data Summary Reports and Supporting Information Appendix E Geologic and Hydrogeologic Supporting Information Appendix F Groundwater Model Report Appendix G Contaminant Persistence Supporting Information Appendix H Human Health Risk Assessment Appendix I Screening-Level Ecological Risk Assessment Table of Contents • Final Remedial Investigation Report x Acronyms and Abbreviations δ delta ≤ less than or equal to % percent ‰ per mil amsl above mean sea level AOU1 Accelerated Operable Unit 1 bgs below ground surface CDM Smith CDM Federal Programs Corporation CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act CH2M CH2M Hill, Inc. cis-1,2-DCE cis-1,2-dichloroethene CLP Contract Laboratory Program COC chemical of concern COPC chemical of potential concern COPEC chemical of potential ecological concern COVID-19 coronavirus disease 2019 CSEM conceptual site exposure model CSIA compound-specific isotope analysis CSM conceptual site model CTE central tendency exposure DNAPL dense non-aqueous phase liquid DO dissolved oxygen DPT direct-push technology DQO data quality objective DSR data summary report EA EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc. East Bench Fault East Bench Segment of the Wasatch Fault EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EPC exposure point concentration ER engineering regulation ESL ecological screening level ESS East Side Springs ESV ecological screening value ft/day feet per day foc fraction of organic carbon FSP field sampling plan g/day grams per day GIS geographic information system GW groundwater monitoring location HAPSITE Inficon HAPSITE® HHRA human health risk assessment HI hazard index HQ hazard quotient Table of Contents • Final Remedial Investigation Report xi HRS Hazard Ranking System IDW investigation-derived waste IHI IHI Environmental ITRC Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council IUR inhalation unit risk J result is estimated ka kiloannum (thousand years ago) LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory LOAEL lowest-observed-adverse-effect level MCL maximum contaminant level MDL method detection limit MFM minor field modification m3/kg cubic meters per kilogram mg/kg milligram per kilogram mg/kg day milligrams per kilogram body weight per day mg/L milligram per liter MGD million gallons per day MS matrix spike MSD matrix spike duplicate MW monitoring well NOAEL no-observed-adverse-effect level NPL National Priorities List NTU nephelometric turbidity units OU operable unit ORP oxidation reduction potential PCE tetrachloroethene PID photoionization detector PM Project Manager PVC polyvinyl chloride Q1 first quarter Q2 second quarter Q3 third quarter Q4 fourth quarter QA quality assurance QAM quality assurance manager QAPP quality assurance project plan RAL removal action level RAO remedial action objective RBSL risk-based screening level RfC reference concentration RfD reference dose RG residential groundwater sampling location RI remedial investigation RIWP remedial investigation work plan RL reporting limit Table of Contents • Final Remedial Investigation Report xii RME reasonable maximum exposure RPM Remedial Project Manager RSL regional screening level S/D shallow/deep SF slope factor SLCDPU Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities SLC-18 Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities drinking water well no. 18 SLERA screening-level ecological risk assessment SOP standard operating procedure SVOC semivolatile organic compound SVP soil vapor probe SW surface water sampling location TCE trichloroethene TCRA time-critical removal action TDS total dissolved solids TOC total organic carbon U not detected UANG Utah Army National Guard UDEQ Utah Department of Environmental Quality UF uncertainty factor USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USCS Unified Soil Classification System USFS U.S. Forest Service USGS U.S. Geological Survey VA U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs VAMC George E. Wahlen Veterans Affairs Medical Center VDEQ Virginia Department of Environmental Quality VC vinyl chloride VHA Veterans Health Administration VI vapor intrusion VIMS vapor intrusion mitigation system VOC volatile organic compound VURAM Virginia Unified Risk Assessment Model ZIST zone isolation sampling technology µg/L micrograms per liter µg/m3 micrograms per cubic meter ES-1 Executive Summary CDM Federal Programs Corporation (CDM Smith) was tasked to perform the remedial investigation (RI) for Operable Unit 1 (OU1) of the 700 South 1600 East Tetrachloroethene Plume Site located near the George E. Wahlen Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) under U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Kansas City District Contract No. W912DQ-18-D-3008, Task Order No. W912DQ19F3048. This RI report describes the nature, extent, fate, and transport of contamination as well as estimates of current and future potential risks to human health and the environment associated with tetrachloroethene (PCE) contamination present beneath the VAMC property and in areas hydraulically downgradient, extending to the East Side Springs (ESS) area. Site Overview The site is located in Salt Lake City, near the University of Utah and the front (west side) of the Wasatch Mountains. The VAMC operated a part time dry-cleaning operation in Building 7 that used PCE over a 6-year period in the late 1970s and early 1980s. During this period, dry-cleaning residuals were disposed of into the sanitary sewer. PCE was first detected in 1990 during sampling in an irrigation well at the Mount Olivet Cemetery. Following this initial detection, multiple investigations were conducted by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), resulting in listing the site on the National Priorities List (NPL) in 2013. A tri-party Federal Facility Agreement was signed on November 7, 2016, between the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the State of Utah, and EPA, regulating the site under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act. Historically, the site was divided into two operable units (OUs) to investigate potential impacts to the environment and downgradient receptors. Accelerated Operable Unit 1 (AOU1) was primarily focused on the immediate concerns related to vapor intrusion (VI) in the ESS area. OU2 was designated for investigation and delineation of the groundwater PCE plume and source area. In 2019, the VA combined the two OUs into a single OU, OU1. Work Summary Numerous investigations have been conducted to characterize the source of contamination and the potential threats to human health and the environment. Prior to listing the site on the NPL, investigations began in 1990 following the detection of PCE at a concentration of 32 micrograms per liter (μg/L) in the Mount Olivet irrigation well. For reference, the federal maximum contaminant level (MCL) for PCE in drinking water is 5 μg/L. Soil gas investigations began in 1995 by the EPA in areas surrounding the Mount Olivet irrigation well and on the University of Utah property. EPA then installed seven monitoring wells on and near the VAMC campus in 1998 and 1999. In 1998, four springs southwest of Mount Olivet Cemetery were sampled. UDEQ and EPA completed a site investigation in 2004. At that time, PCE was detected at municipal well SLC-18 at 2.23 μg/L and at the Mount Olivet irrigation well at 128 μg/L. The highest PCE detection was observed in MW-01S, at 278 μg/L. EPA prepared a Hazard Ranking Executive Summary ES-2 System (HRS) package to propose the site for inclusion on the NPL. The decision to list the site on the NPL was deferred to allow local officials to seek congressional funding to address the contamination. In July 2005, EPA sent a CERCLA Section 104(e) information request to the VAMC inquiring about their use of PCE. In response to EPA, the VA detailed the use of PCE in an on-site closed-loop dry cleaning system that discharged condensate from the distillation process to the sanitary sewer. In response to a crude oil spill in 2010 in nearby Red Butte Creek, surface water samples were collected at springs along the East Bench Fault. PCE was detected in these samples, launching a preliminary assessment and site investigation conducted by UDEQ in 2011. This investigation included surface water, groundwater, soil, and soil gas sample collection. UDEQ concluded that the former dry-cleaning operation at the VAMC campus was likely the source of the PCE contamination in the ESS area. In September 2012, EPA completed an HRS evaluation of the site that resulted in a score of 50. The site was listed on the NPL on May 24, 2013, with the VAMC named as a potentially responsible party based on the HRS evaluation. Following site listing, investigation activities were conducted at the former AOU1, former OU2, and after the two were merged, at OU1. These investigations generally include the following activities: ▪ Drilling and soil sampling – Drilling and associated soil sampling was completed from 2014–2016 (AOU-1), 2017–2018 (OU2), 2019–2020 (Phase 1 OU2), and 2020–2021 (Phase 2 OU1). ▪ Monitoring well installation – AOU1 monitoring well installation occurred from 2015–2016 and included installation of 34 temporary groundwater monitoring points. OU2 monitoring well installation occurred from 2017–2018 and included installation of monitoring wells MW-03R, MW-08, and MW-12 through MW-22. Phase 1 OU2 monitoring well installation occurred from 2019–2020 and included installation of monitoring wells MW-23 through MW-32 and MW-34. Phase 2 OU1 monitoring well installation occurred from 2020–2021 and included installation of monitoring wells MW-36, MW-37, MW-38, and MW-13L, replacement of two damaged well intervals at MW-30, and wells RG-01 through RG-11 (residential groundwater sampling locations) that replaced the temporary piezometers installed under AOU-1. ▪ Groundwater sampling – AOU1 groundwater sampling was completed in 2016 with the sampling of 44 temporary monitoring locations, 34 of which were abandoned immediately after sampling. OU2 groundwater sampling included push-ahead groundwater samples collected during monitoring well installation and sampling of existing and new monitoring wells in September–October and November–December 2018. Phase 1 OU2 groundwater sampling included push-ahead groundwater samples collected during monitoring well installation and sampling of existing and new monitoring wells during quarter four (Q4)- 2019, Q2-2020, and Q3-2020. Phase 2 OU1 groundwater sampling included sampling of existing monitoring wells during Q4-2020 and Q1-2021 and residential groundwater location sampling in April 2021. Executive Summary ES-3 ▪ Hydraulic testing – Hydraulic conductivity (slug) testing was conducted during Phase 2 OU1 on 27 locations within the monitoring well network, including wells screened in the shallow and deep aquifer zones. ▪ Surface water sampling – AOU1 surface water sampling was conducted in 2016 with collection of surface water samples from identified and accessible seeps, springs, sumps, and Red Butte Creek. OU2 surface water sampling was conducted in October and December 2018 at nine locations, six of which were previously sampled. Phase 1 OU2 surface water sampling was conducted between December 2019 and March 2020 at seven locations. Phase 2 OU1 surface water sampling was conducted in April 2021 at 11 locations. ▪ Soil gas sampling – AOU1 soil gas sampling was conducted in the ESS area from 2015–2017. Near-slab soil gas samples were collected along with open-field (collected greater than 5 feet from an occupied building foundation) soil gas samples. Phase 2 OU1 soil gas sampling was conducted in the ESS area in March 2021 at soil vapor points (SVPs) that were installed at four monitoring wells in 2020 and seven SVPs installed in 2021 at residential groundwater sampling locations. Source area OU2 soil gas sampling was completed in 2018–2019 at SVPs and Vapor Pin subslab sampling points on the VAMC campus and in Sunnyside Park. Source area soil gas sampling for Phase 2 OU1 was also conducted in 2021 at SVPs and Vapor Pin subslab sampling ports on the VAMC campus. ▪ Indoor air sampling – AOU1 indoor air sampling was conducted during multiple field events from 2015–2017, focusing on areas of highest VI potential while evaluating the spatial extent of potential VI impacts in the ESS area. OU2 indoor air sampling was conducted on the VAMC campus in January and February 2019. Phase 1 OU2 indoor air sampling was conducted in 2019–2020 at structures in the ESS area, some of which were previously sampled during the AOU1 sampling events. Phase 2 OU1 indoor air sampling was conducted in 2021 on the VAMC campus at a subset of locations previously sampled in 2019 in Buildings 6 and 7. Phase 2 OU1 indoor air sampling was also conducted at a subset of structures in the ESS area in summer 2021, and at additional structures in the ESS area and VAMC campus in March 2022. The following previous remedial actions have been conducted at the site: ▪ Time-critical removal action at residential home 0040-H, which consisted of installing a vapor mitigation system for indoor air. The action was taken based on AOU1 RI VI sampling results that exceeded an interim removal action level. Physical Characteristics The site is located in an urban, mostly developed area situated in the Wasatch Fault Zone, which separates the Salt Lake Valley from the Wasatch Mountains to the east. The site is bisected by the East Bench Segment of the Wasatch Fault (East Bench Fault) and the East Bench Fault Spur. The topography slopes to the west with a grade of 4 percent until reaching the East Bench Fault where it steepens to 10 percent. Seeps and springs are present alongside the scarp of the East Bench Fault. Other surface water features in the area include Mount Olivet Reservoir, Red Butte Creek, and Liberty Park Pond. Executive Summary ES-4 The surficial geology is mapped as alluvial fan deposits and lacustrine deposits, grading from coarse grained on the east to finer grained to the west. At the VAMC campus, groundwater was encountered generally from 185 to 200 feet below ground surface (ft bgs). Moving west and southwest, groundwater becomes shallower, with depth to groundwater at approximately 155 ft bgs to the west of the VAMC campus near Guardsman Way. In the ESS area, shallow groundwater was encountered at approximately 15 ft bgs to above ground surface (i.e., artesian conditions). The local aquifer system includes groundwater flowing through perched (near the VAMC campus and Sunnyside Park only), unconfined shallow, and semiconfined deep aquifer systems. Surface discharge of groundwater occurs through seeps and springs located east of the East Bench Fault and are cumulatively a significant component of the local water balance. Groundwater elevation data provides information to define the four aquifer zones identified at the site: perched zone, shallow aquifer zone, intermediate aquifer zone, and deep aquifer zone. A silt/clay semi-confining unit is present between the shallow and deep aquifer zones. Flow directions are generally east to west. Vertical gradients are typically strongly downward near the VAMC campus and dissipate along the east to west groundwater flow path. The East Bench Fault Spur is not a significant impediment to groundwater flow. However, the head difference across the East Bench Fault is approximately 112 feet, likely occurring abruptly because of the fault acting as a semipermeable barrier to flow. Hydraulic conductivity in the shallow aquifer zone generally ranges from 5 feet per day in the northeastern and southwestern areas of the site to 50 feet per day in the central area of the site. In the deep aquifer zone, there was not a significant difference in hydraulic conductivities east and west of the East Bench Fault Spur. In the northeastern and central area of the site, the deep aquifer hydraulic conductivity had a representative value of 45 feet per day. Nature and Extent of Contamination Two potential sources of contamination were identified: surface and near-surface releases of dry- cleaning condensate in the Building 6 and 7 area on the VAMC campus and subsurface release through the sanitary sewer line defect in Sunnyside Park. Because PCE degrades to trichloroethene (TCE), cis-1,2-dichloroethene, and vinyl chloride under anaerobic conditions, these compounds are included as preliminary chemicals of potential concern (COPCs). The chemical 1,4-dioxane is also included as a preliminary COPC as requested by EPA in a letter dated June 4, 2014, for the purpose of characterizing the nature and extent of contamination during the RI. Soil Soil and sediment samples were collected in the ESS area and from the VAMC campus, Sunnyside Park, and near the Mount Olivet Cemetery. PCE was detected in 21 VAMC area soil samples at low concentrations (less than 0.005 milligram per kilogram [mg/kg]). The highest PCE concentrations in soil were observed in borings advanced between Buildings 6 and 7, but these results were still well below the EPA screening level for residential soil (24 mg/kg). Executive Summary ES-5 Groundwater Groundwater monitoring has been ongoing during the AOU1, OU2, Phase 1 OU2, and Phase 2 OU1 investigations with collection of a total of 419 groundwater samples. Of those, 297 samples contained detectable PCE, and 165 samples exceeded the EPA’s MCL for PCE in groundwater (5 µg/L). The PCE groundwater plume originates west of Buildings 6 and 7, near the western edge of the VAMC campus, with the highest concentrations at MW-01S, MW-02, and MW-03RB (approximately 230 µg/L each). MW-01S and MW-02 are screened in the shallow aquifer zone, while MW-03RB is screened in the upper portion of the deep aquifer zone. PCE has been detected in Sunnyside Park shallow zone well MW-04, with current concentrations of approximately 50 µg/L, and in the perched zone well MW-29A, with a concentration of 11 µg/L, likely because of the release from the sanitary sewer. Low concentrations of TCE were detected at several wells at the site, ranging from 1 to 12 µg/L. Surface water The seeps and springs in the ESS area are due to the unconfined shallow aquifer intercepting ground surface within the area of steeply dipping topography east of the East Bench Fault. The shallow portion of the shallow aquifer surfaces and the deeper portion of the shallow aquifer is artesian; therefore, a substantial portion of the shallow aquifer discharges to the surface in the ESS area. A total of 96 surface water samples were collected from 55 locations. PCE was detected at 49 locations, with concentrations ranging from 0.13 J µg/L to 82 µg/L. Soil Gas and Indoor Air Source Area In the source area, a soil gas plume and subsequent potential for VI into indoor air in the Building 6 and 7 area is most likely due to dissolved PCE source mass in the vadose zone. The highest PCE concentrations in soil gas observed were collected beneath Building 6 on the VAMC campus, ranging from 19,641 to 46,000 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3, collected from VP-04). These elevated concentrations were observed at subslab vapor points in the vadose zone, showing that the soil to soil gas migration pathway is complete. Indoor air samples were initially collected from Buildings 6, 7, 13, and 20 in January and February 2019. No detections of PCE were observed in Buildings 13 and 20. The maximum indoor air PCE concentration observed in Building 7 was 4.76 µg/m3, below the industrial risk-based screening level (RBSL) for indoor air (47 µg/m3). Ten samples collected in Building 6 exceeded the industrial RBSL for PCE in indoor air; however, six of these samples were measurements of interior sources (chemical containers) in the brake and wheel cleaning area in the electrician shop, and the remaining four samples were of indoor air in or near the electrician shop. After removal of these containers, concentrations decreased to below the industrial RBSL. In September 2019 and March 2021, no indoor air samples collected from Buildings 6 and 7 exceeded the industrial RBSL for PCE, including a sample collected near the electrician shop. While the VI pathway may be complete at Buildings 6 and 7, it is likely insignificant. In the Sunnyside Park area, the soil gas plume is most likely due to the release of contaminated water from breaks in the sanitary sewer, at depths closer to the surface than groundwater. All Executive Summary ES-6 samples collected along the sanitary sewer had detections of PCE; however, no samples exceeded the industrial soil gas RBSL of 1,600 µg/m3 PCE. While PCE was detected in soil gas, the lack of overlying structures means the VI pathway is not complete at Sunnyside Park. East Side Springs The development of a soil gas plume in the ESS area is due to volatilization of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the groundwater plume and migration through the vadose zone; therefore, the area of interest for soil gas and indoor air impacts is defined by the proximity to and the concentrations within the groundwater plume, along with thickness of the soils above groundwater. Also, in the ESS area, contaminated groundwater daylights at the surface and is, at some locations, actively removed from basements using sumps or diverted from properties using French drains, water features, and constructed streams. In these cases, indoor air impacts may not be due to VI of soil gas but intrusion of groundwater and surface water. A total of 130 soil gas samples were collected in the ESS area, with 70 samples containing detectable PCE. Seven samples exceeded the residential RBSL for PCE in soil gas (360 µg/m3), with a maximum concentration of 4,400 µg/m3 measured at RG-08 in August 2021. A total of 111 structures have been sampled at the site. These include residences, businesses, schools, churches, and VAMC campus buildings. Of the 111 structures sampled, 84 are within the now-defined VI study area (EPA 2015). In total, 23 structures had at least one sample that exceeded the residential RBSL for PCE (11 µg/m3) or TCE (2.1 µg/m3), and 6 of those structures had at least one sample that exceeded the Tier 1 removal action level for PCE (41 µg/m3) or TCE (2.2 µg/m3). Two of these structures, 0040-H and 0197-H, had vapor mitigation systems installed as a time-critical removal action. For the other structures where a sample exceeded the RAL, corrective actions taken included floor crack sealing and filling a dry floor drain p-trap with water. Following corrective actions, concentrations of PCE were less than the RBSL (11 µg/m3) at these locations during subsequent confirmation sampling with SUMMA canisters. The structures with exceedances of the RBSL and Tier 1 removal action level are generally located in the vicinity of the intersection of 900 South and 1200 East, where groundwater becomes very shallow, the 50 µg/L PCE plume is present, and concentrations of PCE in soil gas exceed the residential RBSL. Contaminant Fate and Transport In the vadose zone, contaminant dissolved source mass migration is controlled by gravity and capillary mechanisms and forces. As contaminants have reached groundwater, contaminant transport mechanisms in the saturated zone (i.e., advection, dispersion, diffusion) move contaminants into areas downgradient from the source. As contaminants partition into the vapor phase (from either dissolved source mass in the vadose zone or the groundwater plume in the saturated zone), migration in the vapor phase occurs primarily via diffusion and advection. As contaminants in all phases (i.e., dissolved source mass in vadose zone, dissolved in groundwater, and vapor as soil gas) migrate through the subsurface, partitioning into pore water and sorption onto the soil matrix can occur. Because of the low measured concentrations of COPCs in soil, it is possible that at this point, all remaining source mass in the vadose zone has migrated to groundwater or volatilized to soil gas. However, it is also possible that the remaining dissolved source mass in the vadose zone has migrated laterally along boundaries (i.e., silt and clay layers). Executive Summary ES-7 Releases of PCE on the VAMC campus and Sunnyside Park likely migrated vertically as well as laterally to the west-northwest along clay layers and in perched groundwater and encountered the shallow aquifer west of Buildings 6 and 7 near MW-01S, MW-02, MW-03R, and in Sunnyside Park near MW-04. Downward migration of PCE from the shallow aquifer to the upper portion of the deep aquifer has occurred in the vicinity of MW-03R. After encountering groundwater, the PCE plume migrates west along the direction of groundwater flow. The East Bench Fault Spur does not appear to be an impediment to groundwater flow and contaminant migration; however, to the west of the fault spur, changes in hydraulic conductivity and topography cause groundwater flow direction and the PCE groundwater plume to shift to the southwest. The maximum concentration along the 1400 East transect was observed at MW-19 (89 µg/L). The maximum concentrations in the ESS area were observed at MW-13D (75 µg/L) and MW-13L (51 µg/L). Between the East Bench Fault Spur and the East Bench Fault, topography and horizontal groundwater gradients steepen significantly. Along the hillside between approximately 700 South and Michigan Avenue, groundwater intersects the ground surface, and seeps and springs are observed. The East Bench Fault is acting as a semipermeable barrier to flow. Groundwater flowing from the site is therefore laterally restricted at this fault, with groundwater both flowing through the fault and mounding up at the eastern face. This mounding results in surface discharges to springs and seeps and flowing artesian wells just east of the fault. Both the shallow and deeper portion of the shallow aquifer contribute to the surface water discharges observed in this area. A comprehensive groundwater flow and solute transport model was created and applied to support the OU1 RI. The modeling objectives were to improve the understanding of the fate and transport of the PCE plume under a range of potential hydrologic and hydraulic conditions, to assess historical flow and transport pathways associated with nearby public supply and irrigation well pumping, and to support the development of the conceptual site model and future remedy alternative evaluation. Historical simulations indicate that pumping at municipal supply well SLC- 18 was likely to have drawn in PCE from a VAMC campus source between 1997 and 2004, however, the PCE plume is not expected to migrate toward SLC-18 if SLC-18 is not operating and only irrigation pumping from the University of Utah and Mount Olivet Cemetery is occurring. Historical simulations also represented the current extent of the PCE plume and time line of plume development relatively well. Simulations under several future scenarios indicate that historical average SLC-18 pumping (average rate of 566 gpm between 1979 and 2004) deflects groundwater flow slightly toward the northwest but does not pull the PCE plume into SLC-18 at a concentration exceeding its MCL. If a significant increase in pumping occurs at SLC-18, a change in the deep aquifer zone groundwater flow field would occur with deep aquifer zone PCE mass drawn northwest toward SLC-18. Natural attenuation occurrence and potential at the site were evaluated using a three-tiered line- of-evidence approach: primary line of evidence (plume stability evaluation), secondary line of evidence (assessment of indirect evidence of attenuation), and tertiary line of evidence (direct evidence measured by compound specific isotopic analysis [CSIA]). Based on these assessments: Executive Summary ES-8 ▪ Total molar concentrations of PCE and TCE are decreasing, showing no significant trend, or stable. ▪ Contaminant mass flux and mass discharge estimates at transects across the plume suggest the source strength is relatively weak. The areas of the plume closest to the ESS area are experiencing the highest contaminant mass discharge. ▪ There is limited evidence for natural biodegradation, sorption, and abiotic degradation of VOCs in the plume. Degradation of PCE was not confirmed using CSIA, indicating that degradation is likely not occurring at any significant rate at the site. Risk Assessment A baseline human health risk assessment (HHRA) and screening-level ecological risk assessment (SLERA) were prepared to evaluate potential risks to human and ecological receptors from exposures to contaminated site media. The HHRA risk evaluation showed that the following exposure scenarios would not result in unacceptable risks: ▪ Exposures to chemicals in soil, sediment, surface water (i.e., seeps/springs and daylighting groundwater), and outdoor air for all receptor populations and all exposure scenarios ▪ Residential and outdoor worker exposures to chemicals in shallow groundwater during digging activities, such as a resident digging in a garden or an outdoor maintenance worker performing sprinkler line maintenance ▪ Inhalation exposures to volatiles in irrigation water (derived from deep wells), based on the expectation that volatiles would rapidly dissipate in outdoor air ▪ Consumption of homegrown produce that has been irrigated with seep/spring water, because accumulation of PCE and its daughter products into homegrown produce is unlikely ▪ Construction worker exposures to volatiles in trench air derived from shallow groundwater and/or soil gas ▪ Student and teacher exposures to indoor air inside schools The HHRA exposure scenarios which had potential to result in unacceptable risks are as follows: ▪ Exposures to chemicals in groundwater used for potable purposes in a hypothetical future scenario ▪ Current and future exposures to chemicals in indoor air in the ESS area, because of volatilization from shallow groundwater and entering structures through the VI pathway The SLERA risk conclusions are as follows: Executive Summary ES-9 ▪ Exposures to soils/sediments will not result in unacceptable risks to wildlife or to domestic pets that incidentally ingest soil/sediment or feed on aquatic and terrestrial organisms. ▪ No unacceptable risks are expected for terrestrial plants from exposures to organic chemicals in soil. ▪ There is the potential for aquatic organisms to have unacceptable exposures because of PCE exposures in sediment within site seep/springs or aquatic features in residential yards (e.g., small ponds). However, these locations are unlikely to represent pristine natural aquatic habitats, and effects from any site-related exposures are likely to be minor. Summary and Conclusions Two potential sources of contamination at the site have been identified: (1) surface and near- surface releases of dry-cleaning condensate in the Building 6 and 7 area on the VAMC campus, and (2) subsurface release through the sanitary sewer line defect in Sunnyside Park. The investigations completed during this RI have provided data to support evaluation of the sources and release mechanisms of PCE at the site, have identified and characterized sources of PCE in the vadose zone at Buildings 6 and 7 and Sunnyside Park, and have delineated the lateral and vertical extent of the chemicals of concern (COCs) for the site in groundwater. The primary contaminant in groundwater is PCE (maximum current concentrations of approximately 250 µg/L at MW-01S, MW-02, and MW-03R), with low concentrations of TCE (approximately 1 to 12 µg/L) present because of localized areas of PCE degradation or possible non-VAMC related sources. Historical transport simulations concluded that the PCE migration through the aquifer appears to be consistent with the observed site time line, and that municipal pumping at SLC-18 was likely to have drawn low concentrations of PCE from a source on the VAMC campus via the deep aquifer zone but likely did not have a substantial effect on the shallow aquifer zone plume. Trend analysis demonstrated that concentrations of PCE in groundwater are either decreasing or are stable throughout the plume, and evaluation of trends and mass discharge along the plume suggests that remaining source strength is relatively weak. Natural attenuation through chemical or biological processes (biodegradation, abiotic degradation) is likely not occurring at measurable rates. Physical attenuation processes, such as volatilization, discharge to surface, dispersion, and dilution, are likely contributing to the stable or reducing contaminant concentration trends observed at the site. The risk assessment identified two site-related COCs: PCE and TCE. During the RI, 1,4-dioxane was evaluated as a potential COPC but was detected only sporadically in groundwater; only two detections exceeded the EPA tap water screening level of 0.46 g/L. The detections of 1,4-dioxane occurred only in the ESS area and not at locations with the highest concentrations in the PCE plume closer to the VAMC campus. Therefore 1,4-dioxane in groundwater does not appear to originate from the site. Where present in indoor air samples, 1,4-dioxane is likely due to interior background sources; 1,4-dioxane should not be considered a COC for the site and further sampling for 1,4-dioxane is not necessary. Executive Summary ES-10 The exposure scenarios that had potential to result in unacceptable risks are as follows: ▪ Exposures to chemicals in groundwater used for potable purposes in a hypothetical future scenario ▪ Current and future exposures to chemicals in indoor air in the ESS area because of volatilization from shallow groundwater and entering structures through the VI pathway Currently, there is no potable use of contaminated groundwater at the site. If contaminated site groundwater were used as a potable source in the future by residents, unacceptable exposures have the potential to occur primarily because of inhalation exposures during domestic water use (e.g., during showering) and ingestion of drinking water. The VI pathway is complete for some structures in the ESS area. Only Property 0040-H (and possibly Property 0197-H) was identified as having indoor air concentrations that may result in unacceptable human health risk. Despite attempts to sample all residential properties within the ESS area where there is a higher potential for VI impacts, measured indoor air results are not available for all properties. Thus, it is possible there could be a few properties within the ESS area that have not been sampled where VI exposures may result in unacceptable risks. Based on the data collected during the RI and evaluated during the risk assessment, the following preliminary remedial action objectives (RAOs) are recommended to be used during the feasibility study: ▪ Groundwater: mitigate human exposure to site-related COCs in groundwater used for potable purposes (e.g., showering, drinking) at concentrations exceeding protective levels under a future scenario ▪ Groundwater: reduce the mass of site-related COCs in groundwater such that concentrations remain below MCLs at municipal extraction well SLC-18 during pumping at its maximum allowable rate ▪ Indoor air: mitigate exposure of building occupants in the ESS area to site-related COCs in indoor air derived from the VI pathway at concentrations exceeding protective levels ▪ Return the site to unlimited use/unrestricted exposure These preliminary RAOs will be refined as necessary during identification of applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements during the feasibility study. Final RAOs will be presented in the record of decision for the site. Additional data collection activities may be warranted to support remedial alternatives evaluation during the feasibility study and to evaluate additional structures in the ESS area for VI. These activities include collecting additional data to evaluate the extent of PCE in the upper portion of the deep aquifer zone and additional indoor air sampling in the ESS area focusing on areas where the greater than 50 µg/L PCE groundwater plume is most likely present, where PCE or TCE in soil vapor exceed the residential RBSL, and where the depth to groundwater is 20 feet or less. 1-1 Section 1 Introduction Under U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Kansas City District Contract No. W912DQ-18-D- 3008, Task Order No. W912DQ19F3048, CDM Federal Programs Corporation (CDM Smith) was directed to perform the remedial investigation (RI) for Operable Unit (OU) 1 of the 700 South 1600 East Tetrachloroethene Plume site. The site is located near the George E. Wahlen Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) in Salt Lake City, Utah (Figures 1-1 and 1-2). The VAMC operated a part-time dry-cleaning operation in Building 7 that used tetrachloroethene (PCE) over a 6-year period in the late 1970s and early 1980s. During this period, dry-cleaning residuals were disposed of into the sanitary sewer. PCE-contaminated groundwater is present beneath the VAMC property and in areas hydraulically downgradient, extending to the East Side Springs (ESS) area1 (Figure 1-2). The RI report has been prepared in accordance with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Guidance for Conducting Remedial Investigations/Feasibility Studies under CERCLA (EPA 1988). 1.1 Purpose of Report This report represents the final documentation for the RI and describes the nature, extent, fate, and transport of contamination associated with the site. This includes understanding the hydrogeologic features and natural attenuation processes that control contaminant fate and transport, as well as assessing the source area(s). It also provides estimates of current and future potential risks to human health and the environment based on data collected during the RI and from previous investigations. 1.2 Regulatory History and Authority The site was investigated under Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) authority after an initial detection of PCE in an irrigation well at the Mount Olivet Cemetery (Figure 1-2) in 1990 (UDEQ 2012). Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ)’s Division of Environmental Response and Remediation, under agreement with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), conducted a site inspection from 1996 to 1999 (UDEQ 2012). As a result of the site inspection, EPA returned to the site in 2005 to prepare a Hazard Ranking System (HRS) package to propose the site for inclusion on the National Priorities List (NPL) (EPA 2012). The decision to list the site on the NPL was deferred to 2006 to allow local officials to seek congressional funding to address the contamination (EPA 2012). In 2004, PCE was detected in municipal drinking water well SLC-18 (Figure 1-2) during sampling conducted by UDEQ and EPA (UDEQ 2012). In 2010, in response to an oil pipeline break near Red Butte Creek, water samples were collected by Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities (SLCDPU) from Red Butte Creek and springs and seeps emanating along the East Bench Segment ___________________________________ 1 The ESS area is the project-specific name for the area east of the Wasatch Fault where surface seeps and springs are present. The area understood to be the ESS spans a substantially larger geographical area than the groundwater plume. Unless specified otherwise, when the term ESS area is used herein, it is intended to mean the smaller extent within the ESS area where groundwater contamination is present. Section 1 • Introduction 1-2 of the Wasatch Fault (East Bench Fault) west of 1300 East Street. PCE was detected in several of the springs and seeps downgradient of the identified PCE plume. As a result of these detections, the site was placed in the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liabilities Information System in January 2011 (EPA 2012). Several additional investigations were performed to identify potential source areas and the nature and extent of PCE contamination (UDEQ 2012; MWH 2012). On September 18, 2012, EPA completed an HRS evaluation of the site pursuant to CERCLA that resulted in a score of 50. The site was listed on the NPL on May 24, 2013, with the VAMC named as a potential responsible party based on the HRS evaluation (EPA 2014a). A tri-party Federal Facility Agreement was signed on November 7, 2016, between the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), the State of Utah, and EPA (EPA 2016a), regulating the site under CERCLA. UDEQ is the designated single state agency responsible for applicable state programs to be carried out as part of the project and to ensure that environmental and public welfare interests of the State of Utah are addressed. VA is the lead agency responsible for implementing response actions under CERCLA at the site while UDEQ and EPA Region 8 provide regulatory oversight of the RI activities. 1.3 Report Organization This document is organized in the following sections and appendices: ▪ Section 1 – Introduction. Provides the report purpose and organization. ▪ Section 2 – Site Location and Background. Provides a discussion of the regulatory background of the site, general site setting, and previous investigations conducted at the site. ▪ Section 3 – Study Area Investigation. Presents the objectives of the RI and describes the RI field activities. ▪ Section 4 – Physical Characteristics of the Study Area. Discusses the regional and site physical setting, including surface features, meteorology, geology, hydrogeology, surface water hydrology, and land use. ▪ Section 5 – Nature and Extent of Contamination. Presents the results of the RI investigation and describes the nature and extent of contamination in affected environmental media. ▪ Section 6 – Contaminant Fate and Transport. Discusses the applicable mechanisms for contaminant transport and degradation. This section also presents the conceptual site model and numerical groundwater modeling results for the site. ▪ Section 7 – Risk Assessment. Presents a summary of the human health and ecological risk assessments. ▪ Section 8 – Summary and Conclusions. Provides a summary of the findings and conclusions for the investigation. Executive Summary 1-3 ▪ Section 9 – References. Provides a list of references used to prepare this report. 2-1 Section 2 Site Location and Background This section presents a general description and history of the site, previous investigations, and previous remedial actions. Additionally, the site preliminary chemicals of potential concern (COPCs), potential exposure pathways, and screening criteria are discussed. 2.1 Site Description The site is in Salt Lake City, near the University of Utah and the front (west side) of the Wasatch Mountains (Figure 1-1). The site is in a mixed commercial and residential area, and the major streets that bound it include 500 South to the north, Michigan Avenue to the south, 1100 East to the west, and Foothill Drive to the east (Figure 1-2). The Mount Olivet Cemetery, several schools, University of Utah athletics facilities, and residential neighborhoods are within the site. Future land use of the site is likely to remain similar to current conditions because of the well- established neighborhoods, parks, and schools. Surface topography in the area of the site generally slopes to the west-southwest, with surficial geology generally becoming finer-grained from east to west. The site elevation ranges from about 4,720 feet above mean sea level (amsl) near the suspected source area (Building 7) on the VAMC campus to about 4,380 feet near 1100 East and 900 South, which is near the western edge of the site (Figure 1-2). The East Bench Fault is located within the plume footprint near the western edge of the site, trending in a predominately north-south direction. Historically, the site was divided into two OUs to investigate potential impacts to the environment and downgradient receptors. Accelerated Operable Unit 1 (AOU1) was primarily focused on the immediate public health concerns related to vapor intrusion (VI) in the ESS area, a residential area generally bounded by 500 South and Michigan Avenue (north to south) and between 1300 East and 900 East (east to west) (Figure 1-2). OU2 was designated for investigation and delineation of the groundwater PCE plume and source area. However, in 2019, the VA determined, with regulatory approval, that AOU1 and OU2 will be combined into a single OU, OU1. This decision was based on three key RI-related findings, suggesting a connection between the contamination present in the ESS neighborhood with PCE contamination near Building 7 and the plume downgradient of the VAMC: 1. Identification of a potential PCE source at the VAMC campus near Building 7. 2. Indication, from the installation of monitoring well network transects, of a PCE plume that appears to originate near the VAMC campus. 3. Indication from further investigation of AOU1 that there is not a pervasive vapor intrusion risk to the public; therefore, it is no longer necessary to address VI risks under an accelerated OU. Section 2 • Site Location and Background 2-2 2.2 Site History The VAMC was constructed in the late 1940s on property that was formerly part of the Fort Douglas (U.S. Army) military post. A dry-cleaning facility on the VAMC property was operational in Building 7 from approximately 1976 through 1984. A single “closed loop” dry-cleaning system was operated, meaning the system contained a distillation process for the recovery of PCE at the end of each cycle. The condensate from the distillation process was emptied into a vitrified clay drain line attached to the sanitary sewer. This method of disposal was common practice in the 1980s (EPA 2012). Review of historical building construction drawings consisting of “as-built” drawings of the original buildings and plans for construction through the late 1960s, as well as historical photographs, indicate that gravel sumps, dry wells, a scale pit, an underground storage tank, and 55-gallon drum storage areas were present in the vicinity of the former dry-cleaning facility; however, there is no evidence that these features would have been associated with the dry-cleaning operations (Jacobs 2019a). Dry-cleaning condensate is composed of high concentrations of dissolved PCE; therefore, PCE product (i.e., dense non-aqueous phase liquid [DNAPL]) is not expected to occur at the site. PCE was first detected in 1990 during sampling of the Mount Olivet Cemetery irrigation well (UDEQ 2000). A follow-up site inspection, conducted by UDEQ’s Division of Environmental Response and Remediation, found PCE at SLCDPU Drinking Water Well No. 18 (SLC-18). Site investigations were conducted from 1996 to present to further refine the source and extent of groundwater contamination. These investigations and findings are further discussed in Section 2.3, and sampling results of the Mount Olivet Cemetery irrigation well and SLC-18 drinking water well (as well as other irrigation wells in the area) are presented in Table 2-1. As a result of these detections, the site was placed in the CERCLA Information System in January 2011. A preliminary assessment/site inspection was conducted by UDEQ’s Division of Environmental Response and Remediation in 2011, which determined that PCE and its breakdown products are present in spring water and shallow groundwater, thus posing a potential human health threat (UDEQ 2011). In September 2012, EPA released the HRS site score and determined the site was eligible for NPL designation. HRS documentation identified the sewer line originating from the VAMC campus as the source of the groundwater contamination and determined there was insufficient evidence to identify additional potential sources (EPA 2012). The site was listed on the NPL on May 24, 2013, with the VAMC named as a potential responsible party (EPA 2014a). The former AOU1 RI was performed to evaluate the potential for VI because of the shallow groundwater contamination in the ESS area. The investigation activities associated with the AOU1 RI were completed from 2014 through 2017. This investigation included indoor air sampling, soil gas sampling, surface water sampling of ESS seeps and springs and in Red Butte Creek, installation of monitoring wells within ESS, and groundwater sampling. The planning documents associated with the AOU1 RI are listed in Table 2-2 and further information for the investigation and the findings is presented in Section 3 (along with the more recent OU2 and OU1 investigations and findings). A time-critical removal action (TCRA) was implemented at one home within the ESS area and is further described in Section 2.4. Section 2 • Site Location and Background 2-3 Following the AOU1 RI, OU2 was designated for investigation and delineation of the PCE source area and groundwater plume, including the AOU1 contaminated groundwater. OU2 investigations began in 2018. However, in 2019, the VA determined that AOU1 and OU2 would be combined into a single OU, OU1. This decision was based on the three key RI-related findings described above. 2.3 Previous Investigations Because of the initial detection of PCE in 1990, numerous investigations have been conducted to characterize the source of contamination and the potential threats to human health and the environment. The historical investigations prior to the AOU1 and OU2 investigations are summarized below and are included on Table 2-3. 2.3.1 SLCDPU Mount Olivet Irrigation Well Monitoring 1990–1997 The initial discovery of PCE was in the Mount Olivet irrigation well (shown in Figure 2-1) in 1990 by SLCDPU at a concentration of 32 micrograms per liter (μg/L) (EPA 2012). This well was resampled in 1995 by EPA with detections of PCE, trichloroethene (TCE), and cis-1,2- dichloroethene (DCE) at 85, 1.3, and 2.8 μg/L, respectively. In 1997, PCE concentrations reached a peak of 184 μg/L and subsequent monitoring by EPA, UDEQ, and VA have shown decreasing concentrations since. Because of access restrictions, this well has not been sampled since 2016 (EA 2019). 2.3.2 EPA Soil Gas Investigation 1995–1996 EPA conducted soil gas investigations in 1995 and 1996 in response to the PCE detections at the Mount Olivet irrigation well. In 1995, soil gas samples were collected from 15 locations and analyzed using a portable gas chromatograph for volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as follows (E&E 1995): ▪ Seven locations surrounding the Mount Olivet irrigation well (Figure 2-1) ▪ One location near the University of Utah/former Utah Army National Guard (UANG) at the intersection of Guardsman Way and 500 South (Figure 2-1) ▪ Two locations at the U.S. Forest Service (USFS) helicopter pad on the southeast side of Guardsman Way (Figure 2-1) ▪ Five locations around the UANG maintenance buildings at the southwest end of Guardsman Way (Figure 2-1) Two of the soil gas samples (one located on the Mount Olivet cemetery property and one located near a UANG maintenance building) had results of 16 micrograms per cubic meter (µg/m3) PCE and 1 µg/m3 TCE. In 1996, soil gas samples were collected from three locations at approximately 5 feet below ground surface (bgs) using direct-push technology (DPT); they were analyzed by EPA SW-846 Method 8260 modified for gaseous VOCs as follows (UOS 1996): ▪ One composite sample from three locations near Building 7 on the VAMC campus Section 2 • Site Location and Background 2-4 ▪ Two samples adjacent to Red Butte Creek on the Fort Douglas Army Reserve Center ▪ One sample adjacent to Building 515 on the University of Utah property (Figure 2-1) The sample collected adjacent to Building 515 on the University of Utah property had detectable results of 49 µg/m3 of PCE and 3.4 µg/m3 of TCE. 2.3.3 UDEQ Site Investigation 1996–1999; EPA Monitoring Well Installation and Sampling 1998–2012 Under agreement with the EPA, UDEQ’s Division of Environmental Response and Remediation conducted a site investigation. This investigation included evaluation of the soil gas data EPA collected, groundwater sampling EPA conducted in 1998 and 1999, and spring water sampling in 1998. In 1998 and 1999, six monitoring wells (four individual wells and one nested shallow/deep well) were installed at the site by an EPA Superfund Technical Assessment and Response Team contractor (EPA-MW-01S, EPA-MW-01D, and EPA-MW-02 through EPA-MW-05). Although the sample naming convention for these wells originally included “EPA” at the start of the sample identification, this was removed during later investigations and will therefore be referred to using the updated sample naming convention. These wells were installed on and near the VAMC campus. Initial data from the wells in 1998 indicated PCE detections at MW-01S, MW-02, MW-03 and MW-04 of 320, 290, 11 and 190 μg/L, respectively (UDEQ 2000). MW-03 was abandoned in fall 1999 with the last reported sample indicating a PCE concentration of 7.1 μg/L. An additional monitoring well (MW-06) was installed in 1999 south of the VAMC campus. This well was sampled in January 2000 and February 2005 with no detections of VOCs (USGS 2005). Groundwater sampling of these wells continued by EPA and UDEQ through 2012. No detections of PCE were identified in MW-05 and MW-06, and MW-01S and MW-02 were found to consistently contain the highest PCE concentrations. Water level measurements taken during this investigation indicated a northwest hydraulic gradient for the shallow monitoring wells (MW-01S, and MW-02 through MW-06). Additionally, four springs located west to southwest of the Mount Olivet Cemetery were sampled in 1998: Our Lady of Lourdes Spring, Benson Spring, Smith Spring, and Bowen Spring (Figure 2- 1). Samples were analyzed for VOCs and there were no VOC detections. During this investigation, the source area(s) for the PCE contamination and the extent of the plume were not clearly identified. However, a sewer line originating from VAMC Building 7 which formerly housed a dry-cleaning facility (Figure 2-1) was identified as a potential source based on a 2003 survey that documented multiple physical defects in the sewer line. Defects included cracks, root penetrations, offsets, and sag in the pipe, and evidence of previous breaks and repairs to the clay pipe were noted (EPA 2012). 2.3.4 USGS Groundwater Sampling 2004–2005 On behalf of the EPA, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) conducted a groundwater survey in 2004 and 2005. This study included groundwater level measurement and sample collection from monitoring and supply wells. This included two samples from the Fountain of Ute well at two Section 2 • Site Location and Background 2-5 depths (140 feet and 260 feet), one sample from SLC-18, and samples from each of the EPA monitoring wells. No PCE was detected in the Fountain of Ute well (USGS 2005). PCE was detected in SLC-18 (0.2 μg/L) and in all EPA-installed wells except for MW-05 (EPA 2012). 2.3.5 EPA and UDEQ Site Investigation 2004–2005 In 2004, a site investigation conducted by UDEQ and EPA was performed to investigate potential PCE releases along the sewer line originating from VAMC Building 7. Soil samples were collected along the sewer line at 50-foot intervals at depths between 2 and 13 feet bgs between Building 7 and Sunnyside Avenue. No VOCs were detected in soil samples. Groundwater sampling was also completed at four wells (SLC-18, Mount Olivet Irrigation Well, MW-01D, and MW-05). PCE was detected in drinking water well SLC-18 at a concentration of 2.23 μg/L and the well was temporarily removed from service (UDEQ 2012). During this event, PCE was also measured in the Mount Olivet Cemetery irrigation well at a concentration of 128 μg/L (UDEQ 2012). Further groundwater sampling was conducted in October 2005 to collect samples from the EPA monitoring wells. The highest detection was observed in MW-01S at 278 μg/L. In July 2005, EPA sent a CERCLA Section 104(e) information request to the VAMC inquiring about their use of PCE. In response to EPA, the VA detailed the use of PCE in an on-site closed-loop dry cleaning system that discharged condensate from the distillation process to the sanitary sewer. As a result of the site investigation, EPA prepared an HRS package to propose the site for inclusion on the NPL. This package listed the suspected source of the contamination as the dry- cleaning facility in Building 7 at the VAMC. The decision to list the site on the NPL was deferred to 2006 to allow local officials to seek congressional funding to address the contamination. 2.3.6 VA Soil Gas Investigation 2007 In 2007, the VA conducted a soil gas investigation along the sewer line associated with the former dry-cleaning facility at Building 7 (Figure 2-1). Forty-eight passive soil gas samplers were installed at a depth of approximately 1 foot along the sewer line running south from Building 7 to Sunnyside Avenue. Three samples collected directly adjacent to the loading dock area of Building 7, where the sewer line exits the building, and one sample collected near Manhole 22658 in Sunnyside Park had detectable levels of PCE. All other samples collected were non-detect (IHI Environmental [IHI] 2007). 2.3.7 SLCDPU Surface Water Springs Investigation 2010 In 2010, approximately 800 barrels of crude oil was released from a Chevron pipeline into Red Butte Creek and Liberty Park Pond (Figure 2-1). As a result of this release, the SLCDPU sampled 11 surface water springs along the East Bench Fault to delineate the extent of crude oil contamination. PCE was detected in 6 of the 11 sampled springs, with concentrations ranging between 2.5 μg/L and 40.4 μg/L (EPA 2012). The area containing the surface water PCE detections was defined as the ESS area in subsequent investigations. The surface water detections were downgradient of the PCE plume at the site, and the groundwater plume was identified as a probable source of the surface water PCE contamination. 2.3.8 UDEQ ESS Preliminary Assessment and Site Investigation 2011 As a result of the 2010 springs sampling, additional sampling in the ESS was conducted by UDEQ in 2011. The results of these sampling events and the previous site investigations were Section 2 • Site Location and Background 2-6 summarized in the Site Investigation Analytical Results Report (UDEQ 2012). The sampling for this event included surface water/spring water, groundwater, soil, and soil gas sample collection. Three spring locations were sampled; two samples had detectable concentrations of PCE of 3.7 μg/L and 20 μg/L; and the third sample had TCE at 4.6 J μg/L. No other VOCs were detected in any of the samples. Ten groundwater samples were collected using DPT in the area of the contaminated springs. Two samples contained detectable PCE at 6.1 μg/L and 8 μg/L. TCE was detected in a third sample at 12 μg/L. Groundwater level measurements were collected at all locations and ranged from 6.5 to 10 feet bgs. Using DPT, two soil samples were collected with no detections of PCE or TCE and eight soil gas samples were collected from three locations with two detections of PCE at concentrations of 2.8 μg/m3 and 6.4 μg/m3. These locations were upgradient of the contaminated springs. UDEQ concluded that the limited PCE detections on the VAMC campus was likely the source of the PCE contamination in the ESS area. Following these investigations, the EPA released the HRS site score and determined the site was eligible for NPL designation. In 2013, the VAMC was identified as a potentially responsible party and the site was listed on the NPL. 2.3.9 VA Pre-RI Groundwater Sampling 2014, 2016 Prior to the start of the AOU1 RI, VA completed groundwater sampling in 2014 and 2016. In 2014, VA collected samples from the EPA monitoring wells and the University of Utah Well #1. The highest detection of PCE was collected from MW-01S (240 μg/L). PCE was not detected in the University of Utah Well #1 (FE 2014). In 2016, VA collected samples from the EPA monitoring wells, the University Well #1, SLC-18, and the Mount Olivet Cemetery irrigation well in April, July, and September. PCE was detected in the Mount Olivet Cemetery Irrigation Well (40 μg/L) and in four of the EPA monitoring wells (MW-01S/D, MW-02, and MW-04) ranging from 1.9 μg/L to 210 μg/L (EA 2017a). 2.3.10 Previously Identified Potential Source Areas The historical investigations described above did not definitively identify a source area, although the investigation findings suggested the likely source of PCE contamination was near Building 7 on the VAMC campus. Several other potential source areas were identified throughout the investigations and were summarized in the AOU1 RI (EA 2019). The sewer line from VAMC Building 7 which housed the former dry-cleaning facility (Figure 2-1) was identified as a potential source during the HRS investigation conducted at the site (EPA 2012). This conclusion was reached through multiple observations and investigations. In the early 1980s, SLCDPU employees observed discolored water and odors of dry-cleaner solvent during cleaning of the sanitary sewer line. EPA’s soil gas investigation in 1996, as described above, included a sample near Building 7 with results of 1.9 µg/m3 PCE. The sewer video survey conducted in 2003 by SLCDPU indicated multiple defects in the clay pipe including cracks, root penetrations, offsets, and a pipe sag. A soil gas investigation VA conducted in 2007 included the collection of soil gas along the sanitary sewer line; PCE was detected in four samples, three of which were collected where the sewer line exits Building 7. In December 2018, soil gas samples Section 2 • Site Location and Background 2-7 were collected adjacent to Buildings 6 and 7 and elevated concentrations of PCE as high as 3,129 μg/m3 were identified. Further investigations, described in this report, and these previous observations and investigations led to the conclusion of the former dry-cleaning operation likely being a primary source of PCE contamination. The former UANG vehicle maintenance facility (Figure 2-1) was also considered a potential source of the contamination. The facility is located east of the Mount Olivet Cemetery and was investigated in 1995 by EPA. Fifteen soil gas samples were collected in the vicinity of the facility with only one of the samples reporting a detection of 1 µg/m3 TCE. The former USFS helicopter pad is located near the northeast corner of the intersection of Sunnyside Avenue and Guardsman Way (Figure 2-1). This land has been converted to a University of Utah softball field and was sampled during the 1995 soil gas survey conducted by EPA. All soil gas results were below detection limits. 2.4 Previous Remedial Actions Based on the AOU1 RI VI assessment (which is described in Section 3), a TCRA was implemented at one home within the ESS area. Residential VI investigations began in 2015 following the VI screening protocol outlined in Appendix H of the AOU1 remedial investigation work plan (RIWP) (FE 2015a). Residential indoor air risk-based screening levels were developed in the Screening Action Memorandum (CH2M 2015) and were split into tiered removal action levels (RALs). Further discussion of the tiered RALs is provided in Section 2.7. During the 2016 VI investigations, the residence 0040-H exhibited PCE concentrations exceeding the residential Tier 1 RAL for PCE (41 μg/m3) in the kitchen and basement samples with concentrations of 59 J μg/m3 and 74 J μg/m3, respectively. Based on these exceedances, the installation of a vapor intrusion mitigation system (VIMS) was proposed in the action memorandum and detailed plans for installation were summarized in the Removal Action Work Plan (VA 2016, CTI 2016). Prior to commencing the TCRA, VA installed a temporary vapor filtration system. The VIMS was installed at the residence on November 18, 2016 (CTI 2017), replacing the temporary vapor filtration system. The VIMS consisted of an Amaircare 10000 whole house air purifier installed on the suction side of the house furnace. A vacuum-induced damper was added to the suction of the furnace as well. The air purifier consisted of two AirPura W600 whole house filter units with VOC filter packages, which include a 26-pound carbon filter, a HEPA barrier filter, and a pre-filter. Because of noise complaints from the homeowner, portable air purifying units were re-installed in the residence to reduce indoor air PCE concentrations in lieu of the whole-house air filter system. An amendment to the action memorandum (VHA 2021) has been approved to allow for implementation of alternative actions that may consist of active or passive approaches to mitigate VI. Specifically, these alternatives may require reduced noise and ongoing operation and maintenance, meaning they are less likely to be modified by homeowners. The proposed alternative actions include: ▪ Installation of subslab depressurization systems to remove contaminated soil vapor from beneath structures present above the plume Section 2 • Site Location and Background 2-8 ▪ Sealing openings in the floor slab and basement walls (cracks, drains, and other penetrations through the wall or slab) to reduce the potential for soil vapor to enter a structure ▪ Seal bare earth crawlspaces or basements using a plastic or flexible membrane barrier to reduce the potential for soil vapor to enter a structure Monitoring, maintenance, and evaluation of effectiveness of the actions taken at 0040-H to meet the RALs is ongoing. A subslab depressurization system and dewatering sump was installed at residence 0040-H in July 2021 to evaluate whether this system could be effective to mitigate VI (CDM Smith 2021o). In March 2022, two indoor air samples were collected in the basement at 0040-H. The subslab depressurization system was operating, but the indoor air filters were turned off to facilitate sampling. PCE results exceeded the Tier 1 RAL in the two samples collected in March 2022. The indoor air data from 0040-H and evaluation of the effectiveness of the subslab depressurization system will be presented in a separate report. 2.5 Chemicals of Potential Concern A preliminary list of site-related COPCs was developed during completion of the AOU1 RI, including PCE and its degradation product TCE. Additionally, cis-1,2-dichloroethene (cis-1,2-DCE) and vinyl chloride (VC) have been evaluated as they are also degradation products of PCE. The chemical 1,4-dioxane is also included as a preliminary COPC as requested by EPA in a letter dated June 4, 2014, for purposes of characterizing the nature and extent of contamination during the RI (EPA 2014b). The full list of COPCs will be determined in the risk assessment based on a comparison to risk-based screening levels (RBSLs) and is further described in Section 7. 2.6 Potential Exposure Pathways Identifying potential exposure pathways is driven by delineation of the extent of impacted soil, soil vapor, surface water, and groundwater in the plume and source areas. Potential exposures for the site include exposure to groundwater through drinking water, contact with surface water in residential areas, and contact with contaminated soil gas through VI. These potential exposure pathways and risks associated with them, as well as additional minor pathways, are further described in Section 7. 2.7 Screening Criteria and Interim Action Levels Screening criteria were specified in the quality assurance project plans (QAPP) for each OU at the site (FE 2015a for AOU1, CH2M 2018 for OU2, CDM Smith 2019a for Phase 1 OU2, and CDM Smith 2020d for Phase 2 OU1). Screening criteria (human-health RBSLs and federal drinking water maximum contaminant levels [MCLs]) in groundwater are presented in Table 2-4. Screening criteria (human health-based interim RALs and RBSLs) in indoor air and soil gas are presented in Table 2-5. Screening criteria (human health-based RBSLs) in soil are presented in Table 2-6. RBSLs represent a conservative estimate of exposure and are used as screening values to assess the need for further investigation and evaluation. RBSLs are derived for both cancer and non- cancer endpoints based upon a target cancer risk (TCR) of 1E-06 (or 1 in 1,000,000) and a target hazard quotient (THQ) of 1, respectively. The lower of the cancer or non-cancer values is selected Section 2 • Site Location and Background 2-9 as the final RBSL. The RBSLs for soil gas were based upon the indoor air RBSLs divided by the generic soil-gas-to-indoor-air attenuation factor of 0.03 (CH2M 2015). Interim RALs for indoor air were developed to assess the need for implementing interim removal actions (e.g., VI mitigation) prior to selecting and implementing CERCLA remedial action(s) (CH2M 2015). Tier 1 and Tier 2 RALs were derived using the same methods used for development of the RBSLs, with the exception of the selected TCR and THQ levels. The Tier 1 RALs were calculated using a TCR of 1E-05 (or 1 in 100,000) and THQ of 1. After confirmation of indoor air concentrations greater than the Tier 1 RALs, planning and implementation of interim action, such as a long-term mitigation, would be completed within six months. The Tier 2 RALs were calculated using a TCR of 1E-04 (or 1 in 10,000) and THQ of 3. After confirmation of indoor air concentrations above the Tier 2 RALs, implementation of a short-term mitigation action, such as installation of portable air purifiers, would be completed as soon as arrangements can be made with occupants, generally within a week. Planning and implementation of interim action such as long-term mitigation would be completed within 6 months. Screening levels applicable to ecological receptors are presented in Appendix I, the Screening Level Ecological Risk Assessment (SLERA). 3-1 Section 3 Study Area Investigation The RI for the site was initiated in 2015 to characterize the nature and extent of contaminants. Historically, the site was divided into two OUs to investigate potential impacts to the environment and downgradient receptors. AOU1 was designated based on the immediate public health concerns for residents of the ESS area related to indoor air inhalation exposure to PCE and its breakdown products. OU2 was designated for investigation and delineation of the groundwater PCE plume and source area. In 2019, AOU1 and OU2 were combined into OU1. The following sections describe the study area objectives, investigative approach, and investigative activities completed for the former AOU1, former OU2, and OU1. 3.1 Study Area Objectives Consistent with EPA’s Guidance on Systematic Planning Using the Data Quality Objectives Process (2006), a seven-step process was followed to define data quality objectives (DQOs) for each OU during the RI. These DQOs serve as the basis for designing a plan for collecting data of sufficient quality and quantity to support the goals of the RI. The identified outputs of the DQO process for AOU1 are presented in the RIWP for AOU1 (FE 2015a); the principal study questions are as follows: ▪ Does VI present a complete pathway to structures overlying AOU1 and is it significant? ▪ What is the lateral extent of AOU1 groundwater contamination that may result in a complete pathway and significant VI exposures in overlying structures? ▪ Are there potential unacceptable impacts to human health through direct exposure to AOU1 VOCs in surface water or soil? The identified outputs of the DQO process for OU2 are presented in the RIWP for OU2 (CH2M 2018); the principal study questions are as follows: ▪ What is the source(s) of the PCE plume identified by the 1998 EPA monitoring wells? Is there still sufficient mass of PCE in the vadose zone to act as an ongoing source of PCE in groundwater? ▪ What is the lateral and vertical extent of the PCE plume identified by the 1998 EPA monitoring wells? How far downgradient does the PCE plume extend? ▪ Are the PCE and daughter products measured in the ESS related to the PCE contamination plume identified by the 1998 EPA monitoring wells? ▪ What hydrogeological features control PCE fate and transport? If the PCE plume identified by the 1998 EPA monitoring wells extends to ESS, what factors control the plume in fault Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-2 zone/hillside? Does the entire plume discharge to the hillside or does some component continue deeper to the west? ▪ What is the nature of the hydraulic connection between the PCE plume and production wells (SLC-18, University of Utah wells, and Mount Olivet well)? ▪ Besides VI in AOU1, drinking water wells, or potential source-area soil and soil gas, are there other potential human or ecological exposure pathways? ▪ Collect data to support possible remedial technologies, including monitored natural attenuation, hydraulic containment, and bioremediation. Determine which natural attenuation processes are operating, and estimate the rate of degradation of PCE and daughter products formed. The identified outputs of the DQO process for OU1 are presented in the RIWP (CDM Smith 2020d) and the principal study questions are as follows: ▪ What hydrogeologic features control VOC fate and transport? ▪ What is the lateral and vertical extent of PCE and degradation products in groundwater downgradient from the source area? ▪ What is the mass discharge of PCE in groundwater at the source area and in the downgradient groundwater plume (i.e., mid plume and toe of plume)? ▪ How does natural attenuation change the concentrations of PCE and degradation products in the source area vadose zone and downgradient groundwater plume? ▪ Is there sufficient mass of PCE in the vadose zone in the source area to act as an ongoing source of PCE in groundwater? ▪ Would human exposure to site-related VOCs in the source area vadose zone via VI result in unacceptable risks? ▪ Would human exposures to site-related VOCs in groundwater within the plume area result in unacceptable risks? ▪ Would human and ecological exposures to site-related VOCs in surface water (i.e., springs, creeks, ponds, irrigation water) within the groundwater plume area result in unacceptable risks? 3.2 Investigative Approach To achieve the study area objectives identified in the planning documents, the RI investigative approach included: ▪ Monitoring well installation and groundwater sampling • Logging lithology during drilling completed at the site and the collection of geotechnical data to determine the hydrostratigraphic framework Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-3 • Installation of the monitoring well network to laterally and vertically delineate the PCE groundwater plume • Installation of monitoring wells along plume transects for the evaluation of mass flux/discharge • Time-discrete sampling of monitoring wells to evaluate concentration trends across the site • Measurement of water levels at all wells, including multilevel wells, to determine groundwater flow direction, horizontal gradients, and vertical gradients • Collection of multiple lines of evidence to evaluate natural attenuation, including concentration trends, geochemical parameters, concentrations of degradation products, compound specific isotopic analysis, fraction of organic carbon, magnetic susceptibility, and ferrous iron minerals ▪ Hydrogeologic testing, specifically slug testing, to measure hydraulic conductivity and determine groundwater velocity ▪ Soil and soil vapor sampling in the suspected source areas to evaluate the suspected release points and determine if an ongoing source to groundwater is present ▪ Shallow groundwater, surface water, and soil gas sampling in the ESS area to delineate the area of the site that could be susceptible to VI ▪ Indoor air sampling of buildings to determine the risks to occupants due to VI The following sections present further details on each of these investigative activities, and a summary is included in Table 2-3. 3.3 Drilling and Soil Sampling Drilling investigations at the site have been completed for grab groundwater sampling, soil sampling, monitoring well installation, and soil gas probe installation. Soil samples for VOC analysis, geotechnical parameters, and geochemical parameters were collected, and lithologic logs were completed to delineate VOC contamination and provide geologic and hydrogeologic site information. 3.3.1 AOU1 Drilling and Soil Sampling 2014–2016 The drilling and soil sampling activities for AOU1 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and Field Sampling Plan (FSP) for AOU1 (FE 2015a); a description of the soil investigation field activities is presented in Section 5.4 of the AOU1 Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019). Drilling Temporary groundwater piezometer locations (referred to as GW) were installed with a Geoprobe® DPT drill rig in February and April 2016. No soil samples were collected; however, Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-4 lithologic logs were completed at all locations (EA 2019). The temporary monitoring point location information is presented in Table 3-1. Soil Sampling Three surface soil/sediment samples were collected in May 2016 in conjunction with surface water sampling locations (Figure 3-1). Two soil samples (SS-09 and SS-26), co-located with surface water sampling locations along Sunnyside Avenue, were collected from seeps and springs with known detections of PCE (SW-09 and SW-26). The third soil sample (SS-01), that served as a baseline sample, was co-located with a surface water sample (SW-01) in which PCE was not detected. Surface soil samples were collected using dedicated stainless-steel spoons, homogenized in dedicated stainless-steel bowls, and aliquots for semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) and metals analysis via EPA Contract Laboratory Program (CLP) SOM02.3 and EPA CLP ISM02.3, respectively. Aliquots collected for VOC analysis via EPA CLP SOM02.3 were not homogenized to prevent volatilization; samples were collected with 5-gram core samplers. Soil samples were shipped to Chemtech, an EPA-designated CLP laboratory, for analysis. 3.3.2 OU2 Drilling and Soil Sampling 2017–2018 The drilling and soil sampling activities for OU2 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for OU2 (CH2M 2018); a description of the soil investigation field activities is presented in Section 5 of the 2018 OU2 Data Summary Report (DSR) (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B). Drilling The following drilling activities were completed: ▪ Installation of monitoring wells for plume delineation (along transects and in the ESS area), including MW-03R, MW-08, MW-12S/D, MW-13S/D, MW-14S/D, MW-15S/D, MW-16S/D, MW-17S/D, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20S/D, MW-21, and MW-22 (Figure 3-2) ▪ Installation of soil vapor probes (SVPs) for soil gas surveys Lithologic logs were collected from all monitoring well locations. Borehole locations that conflicted with underground utilities were adjusted prior to drilling. Boreholes were hand-augered until refusal (ranging from 2.3 to 8.3 feet bgs) at all locations on the VAMC campus because of concerns with underground utilities, while boreholes in Sunnyside Park were hand-augered to 5 feet bgs followed by DPT to total depth. Soil Sampling Geotechnical samples and soil samples for VOC analysis were collected during sonic drilling for monitoring well installation; and soil samples for VOC analysis were collected from hand auger and DPT borings during the soil vapor probe installation. Because of the difference in drilling methods, soil samples from hand-augered borings on the VAMC campus were collected as soil cuttings, and soil samples from DPT borings in Sunnyside Park were collected from the soil core. In both cases, soil samples were collected with EnCore® samplers as soon as possible to minimize volatilization once the soil was brought to the surface. All EnCore samples were collected and submitted for laboratory analysis for VOCs (EPA 8260C). Soil samples were collected from select Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-5 lithologic units at the monitoring well installation locations for the following geotechnical analyses: ▪ Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) soil classification (ASTM D2487) ▪ Moisture content (ASTM D2216) ▪ Dry bulk density (ASTM D7263) ▪ Fraction of organic carbon (foc) (ASTM D2974) ▪ Vertical hydraulic conductivity (ASTM D5084) ▪ Grain size analysis (Atterberg Limits by ASTM D4318, sieve analysis by ASTM D6913/D7928, and hydrometer by ASTM D422/D7928) ▪ Natural gamma and neutron logging was completed during the drilling of MW-08 and MW- 03R to provide additional information to facilitate monitoring well design. Natural gamma logs identify intervals with high clay content and neutron logs measure saturated porosity. 3.3.3 Phase 1 OU2 Drilling and Soil Sampling 2019-2020 The drilling and soil sampling activities for Phase 1 OU2 were completed under the RIWP and FSP for OU2 (CH2M 2018), the QAPP for Phase 1 OU2 (CDM Smith 2019a), minor field modification (MFM) #3 (CDM Smith 2019c) and Addendum A to MFM #3 (CDM Smith 2020a) to the FSP. A description of the drilling investigation field activities is presented in the Phase 1 Drilling DSR (CDM Smith 2021a, attached as Appendix C). Phase 1 OU2 drilling and soil sampling activities were conducted between March 12 and July 14, 2020, to evaluate subsurface conditions and vertically and spatially delineate the potential source area around Building 7, the potential release point identified during the soil gas investigation along the sanitary sewer line in Sunnyside Park, and define the plume boundary. Drilling Source area borings (MW-23, MW-24, MW-25, MW-26, MW-27, MW-28, and MW-29) and plume delineation borings (MW-30, MW-31, MW-32, and MW-34) were advanced in Phase 1 OU2 (Figure 3-2). Prior to drilling, the borehole locations on the VAMC campus were precleared by hydrovac excavation. The preclearing was attempted to a target depth of 15 feet bgs. Large cobbles and boulders led to refusal at all borehole locations. The depths of hydrovac excavation ranged from 8 to 14 feet bgs and were approved by VA prior to drilling. The boreholes were then drilled using Terrasonic 150 track-mounted mini-rotosonic drill rigs. Continuous soil cores were produced which were field screened using a photoionization detector (PID), photographed, and logged. Soil Sampling Soil samples were collected from the cores targeting the highest PID readings and submitted to EMAX Laboratory for analysis for VOCs (EPA 8260C). The lithologic logs, analytical results, and field screening data are provided in the Phase 1 OU2 Drilling DSR (CDM Smith 2021a, attached in Appendix C). Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-6 3.3.4 Phase 2 OU1 Drilling and Soil Sampling 2020–2021 The drilling and soil sampling activities for OU1 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for OU1 (CDM Smith 2020d). Phase 2 OU1 drilling activities were conducted between November 5, 2020, and April 16, 2021, to evaluate subsurface conditions in the ESS, vertically and laterally delineate the extent of the plume, abandon and replace existing temporary piezometers, and replace the A and B well zones of MW-30 that were damaged during installation in the Phase 1 OU2 investigation. Drilling Plume delineation borings (MW-36, MW-37, MW-38, and MW-13L) were advanced (Figure 3-2). A single borehole (MW-30R) was completed approximately 20 feet south of MW-30 to replace two zones damaged during the Phase 1 OU2 investigation. A Terrasonic 150 track-mounted mini- rotosonic drill rig was used to advance the borings. Continuous soil cores were collected and field screened using a PID. The lithology was logged, and photos were taken of the core intervals. No soil samples were collected for laboratory VOC analyses. The temporary piezometers that were installed during the AOU1 investigation (GW-11, GW-16, GW-20, GW-49, GW-50, GW-52, GW-59, GW-61, shown in Figure 3-1) were abandoned and (with the exception of GW-49) were replaced with groundwater monitoring wells screened in the shallow aquifer. A Geoprobe DPT drill rig with hollow stem auger capabilities was used to install the residential groundwater (referred to as RG) monitoring wells. Piezometer locations GW-10 and GW-53 were damaged/removed during road construction along 900 South. RG-01 and RG-08 were installed to replace GW-10 and GW-53, respectively. In addition to the nine piezometer locations, two additional monitoring wells (RG-05, RG-11) were installed at locations north of East High School where piezometers were not installed during the AOU1 RI. These locations are shown in Figure 3-3. At each existing piezometer location, the boring was hand-augured or cleared using a hydrovac to a minimum of 5 feet bgs prior to overdrilling. A DPT drill rig with 6.25-inch hollow stem auger capability was used to overdrill each boring to its maximum depth, as presented in Table 3-1. The two new well locations (RG-05 and RG-11), the damaged locations (RG-01 and RG-08), and RG-10 (relocated GW-61) were drilled with DPT to collect cores for lithologic logging, then augered to create the annulus for the well installation. The lithologic logs and field screening data are provided in the Phase 2 OU1 Drilling DSR (CDM Smith 2021h, attached in Appendix D) and ESS VI Lines of Evidence DSR (CDM Smith 2021m, attached in Appendix D). Soil Sampling No soil samples were collected during the Phase 2 OU1 investigation. 3.4 Monitoring Well Installation Monitoring wells have been installed during each phase of the investigation to delineate groundwater VOC contamination and provide geological and hydrogeological site information. The following sections provide further details on the monitoring well installation, construction details are provided in Table 3-2, and locations are presented in Figure 3-2. Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-7 3.4.1 AOU1 Monitoring Well Installation 2015–2016 The monitoring well installation activities for AOU1 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for AOU1 (FE 2015a); a description of the well installation field activities is presented in Section 5.4 of the AOU1 Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019). A total of 50 boreholes were advanced for temporary groundwater monitoring point installation using a Geoprobe DPT drill rig (Figure 3-1). Boreholes were advanced to first-encountered groundwater. The drill rig encountered refusal at six temporary groundwater monitoring point locations prior to reaching groundwater. These six boreholes (GW-02, GW-33, GW-35, GW-42, GW-57, and GW-58) were backfilled with native soil, and no temporary groundwater monitoring point was installed. Of the remaining 44 locations, 34 temporary groundwater monitoring points were installed, sampled, and abandoned, while 10 (GW-10, GW-11, GW-16, GW-20, GW-49, GW-50, GW-52, GW-53, GW-59, and GW-61) were installed and left in place to serve as temporary piezometers for future groundwater sampling (replaced by RG wells in 2021). Piezometer construction information is provided in Table 3-1. Temporary groundwater monitoring points were constructed with ¾-inch, schedule 40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) blank casing and 5-foot screens with 0.010-inch slot size. The filter pack was #10/20 silica sand, filled to 1 foot above the top of screen followed by a foot of bentonite chips that were allowed to hydrate naturally. The remaining annular space was backfilled with soil cuttings. 3.4.2 OU2 Monitoring Well Installation 2017–2018 The monitoring well installation activities for OU2 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for OU2 (CH2M 2018), and a description of the well installation field activities is presented in Section 5 of the 2018 OU2 DSR (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B). Twenty monitoring wells (MW-03RA/B/C/D, MW-08A/B/C, MW-12 shallow/deep [S/D], MW-13S/D, MW-14S/D, MW-15S/D, MW-16S/D, MW-17S/D, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20S/D, MW-21, MW-22) were installed to further define the lateral and vertical extent of contamination (Figure 3-2). Final well design was determined in the field based on observed lithology, push-ahead samples (MW-03R and MW-08 only)2, geophysical logging results (MW-03R and MW-08 only), and water levels. Some locations (MW-03RA/B/C/D and MW-08C) were installed as multilevel Zone Isolation Sampling Technology (ZISTTM) wells. Monitoring well construction information is presented in Table 3-2 and locations are shown in Figure 3-2. Wells in the ESS area (MW-12S/D, MW-13S/D, MW-14S/D, MW-15S/D, MW-16S/D, MW-17S/D, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20S/D, MW-21, MW-22) were constructed inside the drill casing with 2-inch-diameter Schedule 40 PVC casing and 2.5- to 10-foot 0.010-slot PVC screens. The filter pack was constructed using #20/40 mesh silica sand extending 1 to 2 feet above the top of the screened interval. Hydrated bentonite chips were installed above the filter pack to seal and backfill the borehole to approximately 3 feet bgs for the majority of the shallow wells. Four wells (MW-18, MW-19, MW-20D, and MW-20S) were backfilled with bentonite pellets to approximately 5 feet above the filter pack and bentonite grout to approximately 3.5 feet bgs. The bentonite grout was substituted for the neat Portland cement grout specified in the RIWP because of the driller’s concerns about potential damage to the PVC from the heat of hydration of the cement. Final ___________________________________ 2 Push-ahead groundwater samples were collected during drilling at monitoring wells MW -03R and MW-08, at vertical intervals of approximately 20 feet, to evaluate the vertical distribution of VOCs in the aquifer. Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-8 surface completions consisted of 8-inch steel vault flush-mount completions installed in high- strength concrete as specified by Salt Lake City. Wells closer to the VAMC campus (MW-03RA/B/C/D and MW-08A/B/C) were constructed inside the drill casing with 1-inch (ZIST intervals MW-03RA/B/C), 1.25-inch (ZIST intervals MW-03D and MW-08C), and 2-inch (paired monitoring wells MW-08A/B) Schedule 40 PVC casing. Screens consisted of 0.02-inch slot screens in 5- to 20-foot intervals. The filter pack was constructed using #10/20 silica sand (MW-03R) and #16/30 silica sand (MW-08) extending 1 to 2 feet above the top of the screened intervals. Size 3/8-inch coated and uncoated bentonite pellets were installed between each filter pack interval to seal the borehole between screen intervals. Bentonite grout was installed above the uppermost 3/8-inch bentonite chip interval to approximately 20 feet bgs. Neat cement grout was used to backfill the borehole from 20 feet bgs to approximately 3 feet bgs. Bentonite grout was substituted for Portland cement grout because of the driller’s concerns about potential damage to the PVC from the heat of hydration of the Portland cement. Surface completions consisted of 16-inch-diameter galvanized steel vault flush-mount completions (MW-03R and MW-08) in concrete (MW-03R) and high-strength concrete specified by Salt Lake City (MW-08). All installed wells were developed approximately 4 to 32 days after construction was completed. Well development for 2-inch wells that produced adequate water (MW-08A/B, MW-12S/D, MW-13D, MW-14D, MW-15S/D, MW-16S/D, MW-17D, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20S/D, MW-21, and MW-22) was completed using the bail, surge, and pump method until a minimum of five borehole volumes of water were removed and the final three consecutive water quality parameter measurements stabilized. Low-yield 2-inch wells (MW-13S, MW-14S, and MW-17S) were bailed dry three times. The ZIST intervals MW-03RA/B/C/D were developed by low-flow, and MW-08C was developed using the manufacturer-recommended air-lift development procedure. Development methods, total purge volumes, final water quality parameters, development logs, and photographs are included in the OU2 DSR (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B). 3.4.3 Phase 1 OU2 Monitoring Well Installation 2019–2020 The monitoring well installation activities for Phase 1 OU2 were completed under the RIWP and FSP for OU2 (CH2M 2018), the QAPP for Phase 1 OU2 (CDM Smith 2019a), MFM #3 (CDM Smith 2019c) and Addendum A to MFM #3 (CDM Smith 2020a) to the FSP. A description of the monitoring well installation is presented in the Phase 1 Drilling DSR (CDM Smith 2021a, attached as Appendix C). Between March and July 2020, boring locations from the OU2 Phase 1 investigation were completed as either multilevel or single-screen interval wells. Seven source delineation borings (including near the potential release point in Sunnyside Park) were completed in locations potentially downgradient of the source area. Four boring locations were completed as plume delineation wells. All monitoring well locations are shown in Figure 3-2. Monitoring well construction information is presented in Table 3-2, and locations are shown in Figure 3-2. Final well construction designs were determined based on a review of lithology, field Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-9 screening data3 and groundwater analytical results. Multilevel wells were installed as ZIST wells with a 1-inch PVC casing for each sampling depth. Single-screen conventional wells were also installed with 2- or 4-inch-diameter PVC casing. The screened interval consisted of a 0.02-inch slot screen in 10- to 30-foot intervals. The filter pack was constructed using #10/20 silica sand and extended 2 to 3 feet above the top of the screened intervals. The borehole was sealed between screen zones with hydrated 3/8-inch coated bentonite pellets and chips. The annular space was sealed from the top of the shallowest screen zone to within 3 feet bgs with bentonite grout. Each monitoring well location was completed at the surface with a flush-mounted well vault. The boreholes completed as 4-inch monitoring wells (MW-24, MW-27, and MW-28) were developed using a bailer and swab to remove sediment from the screened interval, then pumped until a minimum purge volume was reached, parameter stabilization occurred, and turbidity requirements were met. The ZIST wells were developed in accordance with manufacturer recommendations using a gas lifting method with compressed nitrogen to purge water and sediment from the well casing while simultaneously surging the well to remove sediment from the filter pack. The gas lifting method consists of lowering a stinger tube to approximately the center of the water column above the well screen, which delivers nitrogen to the water column and lifts the water in the well casing to the surface and into a tote. As ZIST wells have a receiver that restricts the placement of any objects into the well screen, surging refers to the agitation that occurs during gas lifting. Gas lifting continued at the wells until visible clearing of the extracted water. Water quality parameters were not measured during gas lifting because of the disturbance to the water during the process. ZIST wells with no observed sediment were purged with pumps appropriate for future sampling. During development at MW-30 zones A and B, pumps could not be placed to depth and excess sediment prevented sufficient development. A downhole camera was deployed in MW-30 zones A and B, and sediment was observed to the top of the screen, indicating the wells were damaged during installation. The MW-30 A and B zones were abandoned by grouting in place and replaced as described in Section 3.4.4. The MW-30C zone and the soil vapor point remain installed. 3.4.4 Phase 2 OU1 Monitoring Well Installation 2020–2021 The monitoring well installation activities for Phase 2 OU1 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for OU1 (CDM Smith 2020d). A description of the monitoring well installation is presented in the Phase 2 Drilling DSR (CDM Smith 2021h, attached as Appendix D). In November/December 2020 and April 2021, boring locations from the Phase 2 OU1 investigation were completed as single-screen interval wells or shallow/deep well pairs. Final well construction designs were determined based on a review of lithology and groundwater analytical results. Wells that were installed include plume delineation wells in the ESS area (MW-36, MW-37S/D, MW-38S/D, and MW-13L), replacement well zones A and B of MW-30, and monitoring wells (referred to as residential groundwater sampling locations [RG]) that replace the temporary ___________________________________ 3 Push-ahead groundwater samples were collected in the water-bearing zones at approximately 20-foot intervals. Push-ahead groundwater samples were collected for field screening by AQ Colortec and laboratory analysis for VOCs (EPA 8260C) (MFM# 3A). AQ Colortec is a colorimetric indicator of total chlorinated compounds, with a detection limit of approximately 10 µg/L. Field screening of all groundwater samples were below AQ Colortec detection limits. Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-10 piezometers installed under AOU-1, as described in Section 3.4.1. Monitoring well construction information is presented in Table 3-2, monitoring well locations are shown in Figure 3-2, and residential groundwater sampling locations are shown in Figure 3-3. The replacement A and B zones for MW-30R were installed approximately 20 feet south of MW-30 as two 2-inch conventional wells screened at approximately the same depths (from 240 to 250 feet bgs for the A zone and 280 to 290 feet bgs for the B zone). These wells were installed as 2-inch-diameter PVC well casings with 0.02-inch slot screens in 5-foot or 10-foot intervals. The filter pack was constructed using #10/20 silica sand and extended 2 to 3 feet above the top of the screened intervals. At locations where multilevel wells were installed, hydrated bentonite chips were installed between filter pack intervals to seal the borehole between intervals. Hydrated bentonite chips were installed above the shallowest sand filter pack interval to approximately 3 feet bgs. Each monitoring well location was completed at the surface with a flush-mounted well vault. MW-36 and MW-38 required a Salt Lake City-specified high-strength concrete batch mix for the surface completion because the locations were in the city right-of-way. The temporary piezometers installed under AOU1 (GW-10, GW-11, GW-16, GW-20, GW-49, GW-50, GW-52, GW-53, GW-59, and GW-61) were abandoned and all were replaced (with the exception of GW-49) with groundwater monitoring wells screened in the shallow aquifer near the water table (replacement wells designated as “RG” for residential groundwater). In addition to the nine piezometer locations, two additional monitoring wells (RG-05 and RG-11) were installed at locations north of East High School where piezometers were not installed during the AOU1 RI. Monitoring wells were installed as single two-inch diameter PVC wells with 0.010-slot screens in 5-foot or 10-foot intervals at similar depths as the piezometers. The filter pack was constructed using #10/20 silica sand and extends approximately 2 feet above the top of the screened interval. Each location was completed at the surface with a flush-mounted well vault. All monitoring wells were developed, a minimum of 48 hours after well installation, to remove fine grain sediment and to verify the monitoring well is connected to the aquifer. Development was completed by purging with a bailer to remove sediment from the screened interval then pumped until the minimum purge volume had been removed. Because of low recharge, parameter stabilization was not achieved, but turbidity requirements were met. 3.5 Groundwater Sampling A groundwater investigation was conducted during the RI to determine the extent of VOCs in groundwater associated with the former dry-cleaning operation on the VAMC campus. The following sections describe the groundwater sampling activities completed for the former AOU1, former OU2, and OU1. 3.5.1 AOU1 Groundwater Sampling 2015–2016 The groundwater sampling activities for AOU1 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for AOU1 (FE 2015a) and MFMs #3 – 16 (EA 2016a, 2016b, 2016c, 2016d, 2016e); a description of the groundwater investigation field activities is presented in Section 5.2 of the AOU1 Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019). Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-11 To assess the nature and extent of VOCs in shallow groundwater in the ESS area, temporary, small-diameter, groundwater monitoring points were installed (Figure 3-1). Information collected from these groundwater monitoring points was also used to better characterize the geology, hydrostratigraphy, and hydrogeology of the shallow aquifer. Groundwater sampling was conducted at the 44 temporary well points between February and April 2016 using a peristaltic pump and low-flow purging and sampling techniques as defined in the RIWP (FE 2015a). When the temporary well points did not yield sufficient water to pump or the groundwater elevation exceeded the peristaltic pump operating depth, a polyethylene bailer was used to purge and sample. During purging, the following water quality parameters were recorded: temperature, specific conductivity, dissolved oxygen (DO), oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), pH, and turbidity. Thirty-four of the temporary groundwater monitoring points were abandoned immediately after sampling, and 10 temporary monitoring points (GW-10, GW-11, GW-16, GW-20, GW-49, GW-50, GW-52, GW-53, GW-59, and GW-61) were left in place as temporary piezometers. The piezometers were sampled during three additional events that occurred in July 2016, September 2016, and August 2019 using the same techniques described above. Groundwater samples were submitted for analysis of VOCs (EPA CLP SOM02.3), SVOCs (including 1,4-dioxane) (EPA CLP SOM02.3), metals (total and dissolved) (EPA CLP Method ISM02.1), total dissolved solids (TDS) (EPA 160.1), anions (EPA 300.0), pH (EPA 150.1), and total alkalinity (EPA 310.1). 3.5.2 OU2 Groundwater Sampling 2017–2019 The groundwater sampling activities for OU2 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for OU2 (CH2M 2018), and a description of the groundwater investigation field activities is presented in the 2018 OU2 DSR and the Spring 2019 OU2 DSR (Jacobs 2019b and Jacobs 2019c, attached in Appendix B). To characterize the groundwater contaminant plume and determine the source, existing and new monitoring wells were sampled (Figure 3-2). Push-ahead groundwater samples were collected during drilling at monitoring wells MW-03R and MW-08, at vertical intervals of approximately 20 feet, to evaluate the vertical distribution of VOCs in the aquifer. Push-ahead groundwater samples were analyzed by a portable gas chromatography/mass spectrometer (Inficon HAPSITE® [HAPSITE]) equipped with a headspace sampling system. Duplicate samples from MW-03R were sent to ALS Laboratory with a 24-hour turnaround time, and 1 in 10 samples were sent to EMAX Laboratory for confirmation laboratory analysis for VOCs (EPA 8260C). The lithologic logs, analytical results, and field screening data are provided in the OU2 DSR (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B). The newly installed monitoring wells (MW-12S/D, MW-13S/D, MW-14S/D, MW-15S/D, MW-16S/D, MW-17S/D, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20 S/D, MW-21, and MW-22) were sampled in September–October and November–December 2018. Existing wells (MW-01S/D, MW-02, MW-03RA/B/C/D, MW-04, MW-05R, MW-06, and MW-08A/B/C) were also sampled in November–December 2018. All existing wells were sampled again in March and April 2019. Groundwater samples were collected using dedicated bladder or ZIST pumps and low-flow sampling techniques, as described in the QAPP (CH2M 2018). Field parameters were collected during purging to indicate stability prior to sampling, including temperature, pH, conductivity, turbidity, DO, and ORP. Groundwater samples were submitted for analysis of VOCs (SW8260C), SVOCs (SW8270D), 1,4-dioxane (SW8270D-SIM), metals (SW6020A), mercury (SW7470A), Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-12 pesticides (8081B), total organic carbon (TOC) (SW9060), TDS (SW2540C), anions (E300.0), and alkalinity (SM2320B). Additionally, groundwater samples were collected during both events and submitted to the University of Utah’s Stable Isotope Ratio Facility for Environmental Research for hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope analysis. 3.5.3 Phase 1 OU2 Groundwater Sampling 2019–2020 The groundwater sampling activities for Phase 1 OU2 were completed under the RIWP and FSP for OU2 (CH2M 2018), the QAPP for Phase 1 OU2 (CDM Smith 2019a) and MFMs #2and #3a to the FSP (CDM Smith 2019c, 2020b). Phase 1 OU2 groundwater investigation activities were conducted to assist in further characterization of the hydrogeology, temporal trends, and nature and extent of contamination. Three groundwater sampling events were conducted under Phase 1 OU2 and were completed in the fourth quarter (Q4)-2019, second quarter (Q2)-2020, and third quarter (Q3)-2020. Q4-2019 Groundwater Sampling Event The Q4-2019 synoptic water level and groundwater sampling event took place in December 2019 (CDM Smith 2020c, attached in Appendix C). Groundwater samples were collected from MW-01D, MW-02, MW-03RA/B/C/D, MW-04, MW-05R, MW-06, MW-08A/B/C, MW-12S/D, MW-13S/D, MW-14S/D, MW-15S/D, MW-16S/D, MW-17S/D, MW-18, MW-19, and MW-20S/D (Figure 3-2). All wells were sampled with dedicated bladder or ZIST pumps per the low-stress (low-flow) groundwater sampling standard operating procedure (SOP) included in the QAPP (CDM Smith 2019a), with the exception of MW-14D and MW-17D. MW-14D, which is an artesian well, was sampled using a permanent valve and gauge. MW-17D, which is seasonally artesian, was sampled using a peristaltic pump with tubing placed in the screened interval to purge the well. Water quality parameters were measured while purging to check for stabilization, including temperature, DO, pH, specific conductance, ORP, and turbidity. In accordance with the RIWP (CH2M 2018) and MFM #2 (CDM Smith 2019b), groundwater samples were submitted for analysis of VOCs (SW8260C), 1,4-dioxane (SW8270D-SIM), total metals (unfiltered) (SW6020A/ SW7470A), TOC (SW9060A), TDS (SW2540C), anions (sulfate, chloride) (E300.0), alkalinity (SM2320B), nitrate and nitrite (SM4500-NO3E), and dissolved gases (methane, ethane, ethene) (RSK-175). Additionally, ferrous iron was analyzed and measured in the field for each well. As outlined in MFM #2 (CDM Smith 2019b), groundwater samples were not collected for the analysis of organochlorine pesticides because there were no detections above the maximum contaminant level in the previous three rounds of sampling. Q2-2020 Groundwater Sampling Event The Q2-2020 synoptic water level and groundwater sampling event took place in June 2020 (CDM Smith 2021d, attached in Appendix C). Groundwater samples were collected from 26 existing wells (MW-01S/D, MW-02, MW-03RA/B/C/D, MW-04, MW-05R, MW-06, MW-08A/B/C, MW-12S/D, MW-13S/D, MW-14S/D, MW-15S/D, MW-16S/D, MW-17S/D, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20 S/D, MW-21, and MW-22) and 4 newly installed wells (MW-23C, MW-25C, MW-27, and MW-28) (Figure 3-2). All wells were sampled with dedicated bladder or ZIST pumps per the site- specific low-stress (low-flow) groundwater sampling SOP included in MFM #4 to the RIWP (CDM Smith 2020b). MW-14D, which is an artesian well, and MW-17 which is seasonally artesian, were sampled as described previously. Water quality parameters were analyzed continuously while Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-13 purging to check for stabilization, including temperature, DO, pH, specific conductance, ORP, and turbidity. In accordance with the RIWP (CH2M 2018) and MFM #2 (CDM Smith 2019b), groundwater samples were submitted for analysis of VOCs (SW8260C), 1,4-dioxane (SW8270D-SIM), total metals (unfiltered) (SW6020A/ SW7470A), TOC (SW9060A), TDS (SW2540C), anions (sulfate, chloride) (E300.0), alkalinity (SM2320B), nitrate and nitrite (SM4500-NO3E), and dissolved gases (methane, ethane, ethene) (RSK-175). Additionally, ferrous iron was analyzed and measured in the field for each well. Q3-2020 Groundwater Sampling Event The Q3-2020 synoptic water level and groundwater sampling event took place in September– October 2020 (CDM Smith 2021g, attached in Appendix C). Groundwater samples were collected in September 2020 from 30 existing wells (MW-01S/D, MW-02, MW-03RA/B/C/D, MW-04, MW-05R, MW-06, MW-08A/B/C, MW-12D, MW-13S/D, MW-14S/D, MW-15S/D, MW-16S/D, MW-17S/D, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20 S/D, MW-21, MW-22, MW-23A/B/C, MW-25A/B/C, MW-26A/B/D, MW-27, and MW-28) and 6 newly installed wells (MW-24, MW-29A/B/C, MW-30C, MW-31A/B/C, MW-32A/B/C, and MW-34B/C/D) (Figure 3-2). During the September mobilization, MW-23A/B/C and MW-24 were inaccessible because of construction activities, repairs were required to the pump deployed in MW-05R, and MW-30A/B were inaccessible because of damage. An October mobilization was completed to collect groundwater samples from MW-23A/B/C, MW-24, and MW-05R. All wells were sampled with dedicated bladder or ZIST pumps per the site-specific low-stress (low-flow) groundwater sampling SOP included in MFM #4 to the RIWP (CDM Smith 2020b). MW-14D, which is an artesian well, and MW-17, which is seasonally artesian, were sampled as described previously. Water quality parameters were analyzed continuously while purging to check for stabilization, including DO, pH, specific conductance, ORP, and turbidity. In accordance with the RIWP (CH2M 2018) and MFM #2 (CDM Smith 2019b), groundwater samples were submitted for analysis of VOCs (SW8260C), total metals (unfiltered) (SW6020A/ SW747020A), TOC (SW9060A), TDS (SW2540C), anions (sulfate, chloride) (E300.0), alkalinity (SM2320B), nitrate and nitrite (SM4500-NO3E), and dissolved gases (methane, ethane, ethene) (RSK-175), with exceptions listed in Section 3.13.3. Samples were collected and submitted for 1,4-dioxane by EPA Method 8270D-SIM for the following wells: MW-25A/B, MW-26A, MW-29A/B/C, MW-30C, MW-31A/B/C, MW-32A/B/C, and MW-34B/C/D. Additionally, samples were collected from the following wells for compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA): MW-02, MW-04, MW-08A, MW-14D, and MW-16S. Ferrous iron was analyzed and measured in the field for each well. 3.5.4 Phase 2 OU1 Groundwater Sampling 2020–2021 The groundwater sampling activities for Phase 2 OU1 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for OU1 (CDM Smith 2020d), and MFMs #1, #2, #4, and #5 to the OU1 FSP (CDM Smith 2020e, 2020f, 2021c, 2021e); a description of the groundwater investigation field activities is presented in the associated Phase 2 OU1 DSRs (Appendix D). Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-14 Phase 2 OU1 groundwater investigation activities were conducted to assist in the further characterization of the hydrogeology, temporal trends, and nature and extent of contamination. Two groundwater sampling events were conducted under Phase 2 OU1 and were completed in Q4-2020 and the first quarter (Q1)-2021. In addition, the replaced piezometers (designated “RG” for residential groundwater) were sampled in April 2021. Q4-2020 Groundwater Sampling Event The Q4-2020 synoptic water level and groundwater sampling event took place in December 2020 (CDM Smith 2021i, attached in Appendix D). Groundwater samples were collected from 37 existing wells (MW-01S/D, MW-02, MW-03RA/B/C/D, MW-04, MW-05R, MW-06, MW-08A/B/C, MW-12S/D, MW-13S/D, MW-14S/D, MW-15S/D, MW-16S/D, MW-17S/D, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20 S/D, MW-21, MW-22, MW-23A/B/C, MW-24, MW-25A/B/C, MW-26A/B/C, MW-27, MW-28, MW-29A/B/C, MW-30RA/B, MW-30C, MW-31A/B/C, MW-32A/B/C, and MW-34A/B/C/D) and 5 newly installed wells (MW-36, MW-37S/D, and MW-38S/D) (Figure 3-2). All wells were sampled with dedicated bladder or ZIST pumps per the site-specific low-stress (low-flow) groundwater sampling SOP included in the QAPP (CDM Smith 2020d). Artesian well MW-14D was sampled using a permanent valve and gauge. MW-17D, which is seasonally artesian, was sampled using a standpipe and a dedicated bladder pump, set at the midpoint of the screen. Water quality parameters were analyzed continuously while purging to check for stabilization, including temperature, DO, pH, specific conductance, ORP, and turbidity. In accordance with the RIWP (CDM Smith 2020d) groundwater samples were submitted for analysis of VOCs (SW8260C), total metals (unfiltered) (SW6020A/ SW7470A), TOC (SW9060A), anions (sulfate, chloride) (E300.0), alkalinity (SM2320B), nitrate and nitrite (SM4500-NO3E), and dissolved gases (methane, ethane, ethene) (RSK-175), with exceptions listed in Section 3.13.3. Samples were collected and submitted for 1,4-dioxane by EPA Method 8270D-SIM for the following wells: MW-26B, MW-30RA/B, MW-34A, MW-36, MW-37S/D, and MW-38S/D. Q1-2021 Groundwater Sampling Event The Q1-2021 synoptic water level and groundwater sampling event took place in March 2021 (CDM Smith 2021j, attached in Appendix D). Groundwater samples were collected from 42 existing wells (MW-01S/D, MW-02, MW-03RA/B/C/D, MW-04, MW-06, MW-08A/B/C, MW-12S/D, MW-13S/D-, MW-14S/D, MW-15S/D, MW-16S/D, MW-17S/D, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20 S/D, MW-21, MW-22, MW-23A/B/C, MW-24, MW-25A/B/C, MW-26A/B/C, MW-27, MW-28, MW-29A/B/C, MW-30RA/B, MW-30C, MW-31A/B/C, MW-32A/B/C, MW-34A/B/C/D, MW-36, MW-37S/D and MW-38S/D) and newly installed well MW-13L (Figure 3-2). All wells were sampled with dedicated bladder or ZIST pumps per the site-specific low-stress (low-flow) groundwater sampling SOP included in the QAPP (CDM Smith 2020d). MW-14D, which is an artesian well, and MW-17D, which is seasonally artesian, were sampled as described previously. Water quality parameters were analyzed continuously while purging to check for stabilization, including temperature, DO, pH, specific conductance, ORP, and turbidity. In accordance with the RIWP (CDM Smith 2020d) and with exceptions listed in Section 3.13.4, groundwater samples were submitted for analysis of VOCs (SW8260C) at all wells sampled, and for total metals (unfiltered) (SW6020A/ SW7470A), TOC (SW9060A), anions (sulfate, chloride) (E300.0), alkalinity (SM2320B), nitrate and nitrite (SM4500-NO3E), and dissolved gases Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-15 (methane, ethane, ethene) (RSK-175) at a subset of wells as described in MFM #5 (CDM Smith 2021e). Samples were collected and submitted for 1,4-dioxane by EPA Method 8270D-SIM for the following wells: MW-26B, MW-30RA/B, MW-34A, MW-36, MW-37S/D, and MW-38S/D. Residential Groundwater Locations Sampling In accordance with MFM #4 (CDM Smith 2021c), the residential groundwater sampling locations (Figure 3-3) were sampled in April 2021 using HydraSleeve™ samplers (CDM Smith 2021m, attached in Appendix D). Samples were analyzed for VOCs using EPA Method 8260C and water quality parameters (temperature, DO, pH, specific conductance, ORP, and turbidity) were recorded if there was sufficient volume. 3.6 Hydraulic Testing Hydraulic testing was completed on 27 wells within the source area, and on the hanging wall and footwall sides of both faults, to collect aquifer parameter estimates including hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity. These estimates are used in the calibration of the numerical groundwater model and mass discharge calculations. 3.6.1 Phase 2 OU1 Hydraulic Testing The hydraulic testing activities for Phase 2 OU1 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP (CDM Smith 2020d) and MFM #3 to the Phase 2 FSP (CDM Smith 2021b). Hydraulic testing was completed in February 2021 on the following wells: MW-01S, MW-02, MW-03RA, MW-03RB, MW-03RC, MW-04, MW-08A, MW-08B, MW-08C, MW-13S, MW-13D, MW-13L, MW-15D, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20S, MW-20D, MW-21, MW-22, MW-26B, MW-26C, MW-26D, MW-32A, MW-34A, MW-34B, MW-34C, and MW-34D (Figure 3-4). Well locations for hydraulic testing were chosen based on their location with respect to source area or fault lines, depth of screened interval, and aquifer zone (shallow or deep). Four wells were proposed for hydraulic testing, but attempts were unsuccessful because of insufficient surface seal with the pneumatic slug testing kit (MW-01D, MW-26A, MW-32B, and MW-32C). Hydraulic testing was conducted either mechanically or pneumatically. Mechanical hydraulic testing was completed by using two lengths of mechanical “slugs” of known volume, either for 2-inch-diameter wells or 4-inch-diameter wells. Two types of tests, falling head and rising head, were conducted using both lengths of slugs. Falling head tests included lowering the slug into the water column and observing the recovery or falling water level in the well. Rising head tests included pulling the slug out of the water column (after the falling head test is complete) and observing the recovery, or rising water level in the well. For 2-inch wells, the two slugs used had expected displacements of 12 inches and 24 inches.4 For 4-inch wells, the two slugs used had expected displacements of 11 inches and 17 inches.5 Six tests were completed at each mechanically tested well in the following order: 12-inch falling head displacement, 12-inch rising ___________________________________ 4 Midwest Geosciences slugs for use in 2-inch wells are tapered at either end to reduce splashing. The 1-foot displacement slug is 24.48 inches (2.04 feet) long and 1.63 inches in diameter. The 2-foot displacement slug is 45.6 inches (3.8 feet) long and 1.63 inches in diameter. 5 Midwest Geosciences slugs for use in 4-inch wells are tapered at either end to reduce splashing. The 0.92-foot displacement slug is 25.56 inches (2.13 feet) long and 2.8 inches in diameter. The 1.42-foot displacement slug is 39.48 inches (3.29 feet) long and 2.8 inches in diameter. Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-16 head displacement, 24-inch falling head displacement, 24-inch rising head displacement, 12-inch falling head displacement, and 12-inch rising head displacement. In the case of MW-13S, only four tests were completed because of long recovery times: 12-inch falling head displacement, 12-inch rising head displacement, 24-inch falling head displacement, and 24-inch rising head displacement. Pneumatic hydraulic testing was completed by attaching an air-tight fitting to the top of the PVC casing and increasing air pressure inside the well casing to an expected length of displacement, either 12 or 24 inches. A manual pump was used to pressurize the well casing, and a pressure gauge connected to the pneumatic kit was used to measure expected displacement (pressure in inches of water column). The pressure was released at once and the water level recovery was observed. All pneumatic tests were rising head tests, as it was not possible to pull a vacuum on the well casings with the pneumatic kit set-up. Pneumatic hydraulic testing was completed on all 1-inch wells: MW-03RA, MW-03RB, MW-03RC, MW-08C, MW-26B, MW-26C, MW-26D, MW-34A, MW-34B, MW-34C, and MW-34D. Pneumatic hydraulic testing was also completed at MW-02 because of the reduction at the surface from a 4-inch casing to a 2-inch casing, preventing the use of the appropriate-sized mechanical slug. In-Situ Level Troll 700 transducers with vented cables were used to collect the water level data during the tests. The data collected during each test at a well were combined into one graph and reviewed for coincidence. Based on the coincident plots, one test was chosen for analysis in AQTESOLV to estimate hydraulic conductivity and transmissivity. A description of the slug test analysis for each well is provided in the aquifer testing technical memorandum (CDM Smith 2021k, attached in Appendix D). 3.7 Surface Water Sampling Surface water sampling was completed during the RI to determine the extent of VOCs in groundwater emanating from seeps and springs in the ESS area. The following sections describe the surface water investigative activities completed for AOU1, OU2, and Phase 2 OU1. 3.7.1 AOU1 Surface Water Sampling 2016 The surface water sampling activities for AOU1 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for AOU1 (FE 2015a) and MFM #17 (EA 2016f); a description of the surface water investigation field activities is presented in Section 5.2 of the AOU1 Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019). In 2016, collection of surface water samples from identified and accessible seeps, springs, sumps, and Red Butte Creek within AOU1 was performed. Surface water and stormwater sampling locations are presented in Table 3-4 and in Figure 3-5. Several of the springs discharge to the municipal stormwater system; therefore, water samples were collected from selected Salt Lake City stormwater sewer manholes, located in and downgradient of AOU1, to determine if groundwater seepage and discharge from foundation drains is conveying VOC-impacted water to stormwater lines. The first 19 surface water and stormwater locations (SW-01 through SW-19) were located based on recommendations in the AOU1 RIWP (FE 2015a) with minimal repositioning where seeps and springs were not present on the property, if access was not granted from property owners, or to fill data gaps. Additional samples were collected from locations not identified in the work plan but were selected based on field observations. Samples were collected and analyzed in accordance with the AOU1 QAPP (FE 2015a) for VOCs and SVOCs Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-17 (EPA CLP SOM02.3), total metals (EPA CLP ISM02.3), anions (EPA 300.0), and TDS (EPA 160.1). A subset of samples was also analyzed for oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes at the University of Utah Stable Isotope Ratio Facility for Environmental Research. 3.7.2 OU2 Surface Water Sampling 2018 The surface water sampling activities for OU2 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for OU2 (CH2M 2018); a description of the surface water investigation field activities is presented in the 2018 OU2 DSR (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B). In October and December 2018, nine surface water locations were sampled, including six locations previously sampled and three new locations (one new spring discharge location and two locations in Red Butte Creek). Surface water sampling locations are summarized in Table 3-4 and shown in Figure 3-5. Samples were analyzed for VOCs (SW8260C), SVOCs (SW8270D and SW8270SIM), metals (SW6020A/SW7470A), pesticides (SW8081B), TOC (SW9060), TDS (SM2540C), anions (E300.0), and alkalinity (SM2320B). A subset of samples was also analyzed for oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes at the University of Utah Stable Isotope Ratio Facility for Environmental Research. 3.7.3 Phase 1 OU2 Surface Water Sampling 2019–2020 The surface water sampling activities for Phase 1 OU2 were completed under the RIWP and FSP for OU2 (CH2M 2018) and the QAPP for Phase 1 OU2 (CDM Smith 2019a). A description of the surface water investigation field activities is presented in the Vapor Intrusion Technical Memorandum (CDM Smith 2021f, attached in Appendix C). Seven surface water locations were sampled between December 2019 and March 2020. Grab samples were collected at all locations and analyzed for VOCs (8260B). Locations are summarized in Table 3-4 and shown in Figure 3- 5. 3.7.4 Phase 2 OU1 Surface Water Sampling 2021 The surface water sampling activities for Phase 2 OU1 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP (CDM Smith 2020d); a description of the investigation field activities is presented in the ESS VI Lines of Evidence DSR (CDM Smith 2021m, attached in Appendix D). In April 2021, 11 surface water locations were sampled, including eight locations previously sampled and three new locations. Surface water sampling locations are presented in Table 3-4 and in Figure 3-5. Surface water sampling consisted of flow rate measurements, water quality field parameter measurements, and collection and shipment of samples for analytical testing. Flow measurements were taken using a velocity meter or a bucket and stopwatch, depending on the field conditions at the measurement point. For example, some measuring points were a pipe which led into a stormwater drain; therefore, a bucket and stopwatch were used to obtain the flow rate. Other flow measurement points were in small streams where a velocity meter was used to collect readings at different locations within a transect of the stream to measure the total flow rate. SW-15 and SW-34 flow rates were measured at transects using a velocity meter, where depths were recorded, and multiple velocity measurements were taken across the width of the discharge. SW-08, SW-12, SW-16E, SW-39, and SW-53 were all discharging out of a pipe; therefore, a bucket was used to collect the discharge during a timed period to determine the flow. SW-166 flowed across a homeowner’s yard; the small flow channel was dammed, and a piece of gutter downspout was inserted into the dam to concentrate the flow. A quart container was used Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-18 to collect the discharge for a timed period to estimate the flow rate. SW-16I and SW-35 flow rates were estimated because low flows did not allow the use of either of the flow rate methods described previously. A flow rate was unable to be measured or estimated at SW-54 because of very low flow. Water quality parameters included pH, specific conductivity, temperature, ORP, DO, and turbidity. Analytical samples were collected for VOCs (SW8260C), total metals (SW6020A/SW7470A), dissolved gases (RSK-175), anions (E300.0), nitrate/nitrite (SM4500-NO3), TOC (SW9060A), and alkalinity (SM2320B). Ferrous iron was measured in the field. 3.8 East Side Springs Soil Gas Sampling Soil gas sampling in the ESS area was completed for AOU1 in 2015, 2016, and 2017, and for OU1 in 2021. Results from the sampling events have been used to delineate VOC contamination to determine the area susceptible to VI. 3.8.1 AOU1 Soil Gas Sampling 2015-2017 The soil gas sampling activities for AOU1 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for AOU1 (FE 2015a) and MFMs #3–13 (EA 2016a, 2016b); a description of the ESS soil gas investigation field activities is presented in Section 5.5 of the AOU1 Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019). Soil gas sample locations are presented in Figure 3-6 and Table 3-5. Near-slab (collected within 5 feet of the foundation of a structure) soil gas samples were collected in 2015, 2016, and 2017. Soil vapor probes were installed adjacent to structures where indoor air samples were collected, either 6 inches below ground surface, or at water table, whichever was shallower. All samples were collected with a vacuum pump in a Tedlar® bag and were analyzed by HAPSITE for a subset of VOCs: PCE, TCE, and cis-1,2-DCE. A second Tedlar bag was filled at all sample locations to field screen using a PID. Confirmation SUMMA® canister samples were collected at a subset of HAPSITE sampling locations. If possible, vapor probes were driven to 5 feet bgs and sampled again to further delineate contamination at depth. In 2015, open-field (collected greater than 5 feet from an occupied building foundation) soil gas samples were also collected and analyzed by HAPSITE or EPA Method TO-15/TO-15 SIM. These samples were collected at seeps and springs expected to be impacted by VOCs, and at locations adjacent to streets and sidewalks in AOU1. 3.8.2 Phase 2 OU1 Soil Gas Sampling 2020–2021 The soil gas sampling activities for Phase 2 OU1 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP (CDM Smith 2020d); a description of the investigation field activities is presented in the associated Phase 2 OU1 DSRs (CDM Smith 2021h, 2021m, attached in Appendix D). In December 2020, SVPs were installed at selected monitoring wells where elevated PID readings were observed in the subsurface vadose zone, or where coarse-grained intervals were encountered. Within the ESS area, the SVPs were installed at four monitoring wells: MW-32, MW-34, MW-37, and MW-38 (Figure 3-7). SVPs are 6-inch-long, double-woven, stainless-steel wire screens (0.0057-inch pore) with Swagelok® fittings connected to 0.25-inch, outer-diameter Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-19 Teflon-lined tubing. SVPs were installed within a 5- to 6-foot filter pack using #10/20 silica sand. Construction information is provided in Table 3-6. In April 2021, SVPs were installed in seven of the residential groundwater sampling locations (designated “RG”) where groundwater is present deeper than 10 feet bgs. Locations are shown in Figure 3-7, and construction information is provided in Table 3-6. SVPs were installed at a depth of approximately 5 feet bgs. The SVP consists of 6-inch-long, double-woven, stainless-steel wire screens (0.0057-inch pore) with Swagelok fittings connected to 0.25-inch outer-diameter, Teflon- lined tubing to the ground surface. The SVPs were installed within approximately 1 foot of #10/20 filter pack sand. In March 2021, soil gas samples were collected at four monitoring well locations with SVPs in the ESS area: MW-32, MW-34, MW-37, and MW-38 (Table 3-5 and Figure 3-7). In April 2021, soil gas samples were collected at seven new SVPs installed with RG wells in the ESS area: RG-01, RG-04, RG-05, RG-07, RG-08, RG-10, and RG-11 (Table 3-5 and Figure 3-7). In August 2021, soil gas samples were collected at four previously sampled SVPs installed with RG wells in the ESS area: RG-01, RG-04, RG-07, and RG-08 (Table 3-5 and Figure 3-7). Sampling was completed in accordance with the Phase 2 FSP of the OU1 RIWP. Soil gas samples were collected in 6-liter SUMMA canisters using 30-minute flow regulators and shipped to Eurofins Air Toxics laboratory for EPA Method TO-15/TO-15 SIM analysis. A minimum of three volumes of the sample tubing volume was purged from each soil gas probe using a vacuum hand pump prior to sample collection. Minimum purge volumes were calculated using the probe depth and tubing diameter. Prior to using the vacuum hand pump, a 1-liter Tedlar bag was filled and the number of pumps per 1 liter was calculated (70 pumps per 1 liter). This flow rate was used to determine time (or number of hand pumps) needed to complete minimum purge volume at each soil gas probe. 3.9 Source Area Soil Gas Sampling Soil gas sampling has been conducted in 2018, 2019, and 2021 on the VAMC campus and in Sunnyside Park to identify and delineate source(s) of PCE contamination. Samples were collected from previously installed and newly installed SVPs in both soil borings and monitoring well borings, and from Vapor Pins®. 3.9.1 OU2 Soil Gas Sampling 2018–2019 The soil gas sampling activities for OU2 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for OU2 (CH2M 2018), Modification #1 to OU-2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan (Jacobs 2018), and Addendum to Modification #1 to OU-2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan (Jacobs 2019a). A description of the investigation field activities is presented in the 2018 OU2 DSR (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B) and the source area investigation DSR (Jacobs 2019e and Jacobs 2019f, attached in Appendix B). In 2018 and 2019, SVPs and Vapor Pin subslab sampling ports were installed as follows: ▪ In the VAMC Buildings 6 and 7 area, because of underground utilities, SVPs (Figure 3-8) were installed by hand-auger until refusal (ranging from 2.3 to 8.3 feet bgs). Construction information is provided in Table 3-6. Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-20 ▪ Within VAMC Buildings 6 and 7, Vapor Pin subslab sampling ports (Figure 3-8) were installed in the basement and ground floor by drilling recessed ports following manufacturer’s recommendations. Construction information is provided in Table 3-6. ▪ Along the sewer line from the VAMC Buildings 6 and 7 to the Sunnyside Park area, SVPs (Figure 3-9) were by installed by hand-augering to 5 feet bgs followed by DPT advancement to total depths between 6 and 26 feet bgs. Construction information is provided in Table 3-6. In 2018 and 2019, soil gas sampling was conducted on the VAMC campus and in Sunnyside Park at locations listed in Table 3-5. Soil gas samples were collected using Tedlar bags and a purge pump or a lung box. Samples were screened in the field using a PID, and then analyzed with the HAPSITE for PCE, TCE, and cis-1,2-DCE concentrations. Approximately 10 percent of HAPSITE samples were confirmed with SUMMA canisters analyzed by EPA Method TO-15/TO-15 SIM (Table 3-5). 3.9.2 Phase 2 OU1 Soil Gas Sampling 2021 The investigation activities for Phase 1 OU2 were completed under the RIWP and FSP for OU2 (CH2M 2018) and the QAPP for Phase 1 OU2 (CDM Smith 2019a). A description of the soil gas investigation field activities is presented in the Source Area Soil Gas and Indoor Air Sampling DSR (CDM Smith 2021l, attached in Appendix D). In March 2021, 46 soil gas samples were collected on the VAMC campus (Table 3-5 and Figure 3-10) and in Sunnyside Park (Table 3-5 and Figure 3-11). Prior to sampling Vapor Pins in Buildings 6 and 7, each location was leak checked by adding distilled water at the surface and around the pin and purging with a vacuum hand pump. If no water was seen drawing down or into the hand pump, the Vapor Pin was assumed to be functional. All Vapor Pins sampled during this event were leak checked successfully. Prior to sampling SVPs (including all SVPs at monitoring well locations with the exception of MW-23), at least three times the volume of the tubing was purged from each SVP, using either a vacuum hand pump or an electric vacuum pump. Prior to using the vacuum hand pump, a 1-liter Tedlar bag was filled and the number of pumps per 1 liter was calculated (70 pumps per 1 liter). The electric vacuum pump had a flow controller set to 1 liter per minute for most locations. Minimum purge volumes were calculated using probe depths and tubing diameter. MW-23 was constructed with a 1-inch PVC SVP. In this case, minimum purge volume was three times the volume of the 1-inch PVC to the total depth of the SVP. An electric vacuum pump was used at this location and set to 2 liters per minute to increase the purge rate and reduce the purge time. Sampling was completed in accordance with the Phase 2 FSP of the OU1 RIWP. Soil gas samples were collected in 6-liter SUMMA canisters using 30-minute flow regulators and shipped to Eurofins Air Toxics laboratory for TO-15/TO-15 SIM analysis. Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-21 3.10 Indoor Air Sampling An indoor air investigation was conducted during the RI to determine the extent and magnitude of VOCs in indoor air associated with the site. The following sections describe the indoor air investigation activities completed for the former AOU1, former OU2, and OU1. Supporting documentation for indoor air sampling at individual structures is included in Appendix C. 3.10.1 AOU1 Indoor Air Sampling 2015–2017 The indoor air sampling activities were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, FSP, and VI Protocol for AOU1 (FE 2015a) and MFMs #3–13, and #18 (EA 2016a, 2016b, 2017c); a description of the VI investigation field activities is presented in Section 5.5 of the AOU1 Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019). VI investigations were conducted within AOU-1 in multiple field efforts during the period of 2015 through 2017, focusing on areas with the highest potential for VI occurrence while also evaluating spatial extent. Repeat sampling of some structures was completed to assess temporal variability. The VI investigation was a broad sampling effort that included areas where previous surface water sampling indicated the presence of PCE contamination and other locations where property owners agreed to indoor air sampling. A summary of the locations and type of VI sampling that was conducted is presented in Table 3- 7, in Figure 3-12, and further detailed in Table 5-10 of the AOU1 Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019). Indoor air sampling occurred between 2015 and 2017. These events consisted of indoor and outdoor air HAPSITE testing and SUMMA canister sample collection. Sampling was conducted in accordance with the VI protocol, as presented in Appendix H of the AOU1 RI (EA 2019). In general, this protocol includes identification of potential interior background sources, collection of negative and ambient pressure HAPSITE screening samples to characterize the indoor air space, positive pressure real time quantitative sample collection using a HAPSITE, indoor air sample verification using SUMMA canisters, and ambient outdoor background samples using a HAPSITE. HAPSITE samples were analyzed for PCE, TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, and VC, and SUMMA canisters were submitted for laboratory analysis for VOCs using EPA Method TO-15/TO-15 SIM. The 2015 VI investigation started in January and ended in April. This event included sampling 36 structures at multiple locations within the structures, including 30 private residences, four schools, a church, and an elderly care facility, as listed in Table 3-7. Some of the data collected during this event were qualified during data validation because field data collection was not completed in compliance with the AOU1 QAPP. As stated in Section 6.2.5 of the Final AOU1 RI report (EA 2019), these data are not usable for the risk assessment but can still be used to qualitatively evaluate the extent of VI or as a supporting line of evidence for other data. The 2016 VI investigation started in February and continued through June. This event included 16 residential structures and one school. Five of the residential structures sampled in 2016 had previously been sampled in 2015 (0003-H, 0011-H, 0017-H, 0018-H, and 0037-H). The team determined that a HAPSITE was not sufficiently sensitive for quantifying VC at concentrations Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-22 below the project screening level. In 2016, the field team removed VC from the HAPSITE calibration. The last round of sampling for the AOU1 field investigations took place during March and April 2017. This event included 8 new residential structures and 10 previously sampled residential structures. In the eight new structures, HAPSITE monitoring was conducted both with pressure cycling and under ambient conditions. In the 10 previously sampled locations, HAPSITE monitoring was conducted with no pressure cycling and 24-hour SUMMA sampling was completed. Both TO-15 and TO-15 SIM were used to analyze the SUMMA canister samples. 3.10.2 OU2 Indoor Air Sampling 2018–2019 The indoor air sampling activities for OU2 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for OU2 (CH2M 2018). A VI investigation was conducted in 2018 to assess the presence of vapor intrusion in Buildings 6, 7, 13, and 20 on the VAMC campus; a description of the indoor air investigation field activities is presented in the 2019 Indoor Air DSR (Jacobs 2019d, attached in Appendix B). A subsequent VI investigation was conducted in 2019 to assess the extent of VI in Building 6 and 7 (Jacobs 2019e and Jacobs 2019f, attached in Appendix B). A summary of the locations and type of VI sampling that was conducted is presented in Table 3-7 and in Figure 3- 12. The indoor air sampling followed procedures outlined in the AOU1 RIWP (FE 2015a) and MFM #18 (EA 2017c). In general, this included a building site walk to determine potential pathways and background sources, HAPSITE testing, pressure cycling, and 24-hour fixed indoor and outdoor samples collected by SUMMA canisters and submitted for analysis by EPA Method TO- 15/TO-15 SIM. Pressure cycling (specifically, negative pressure) is used to force “worst-case” scenario conditions and to replicate potential seasonal variation. In January and February 2019, indoor air samples were collected at Buildings 6, 7, 13, and 20 for analysis by HAPSITE. Following this initial testing, the building was screened for potential background sources and all identified sources were removed. These locations were then rescreened using a HAPSITE to determine where to collect laboratory confirmation samples. It was determined, based on non-detectable PCE concentrations in Buildings 13 and 20, to not collect laboratory confirmation samples in those buildings. In September 2019, a follow-up investigation at Buildings 6 and 7 was conducted to collect SUMMA canister samples for laboratory analysis by EPA Method TO-15/TO-15 SIM. A total of seven indoor air samples were collected from the main level in Building 6 (B6-IA01 through B6-IA06, and B6-IA09), and two indoor air samples were collected from the basement of Building 6 (B6-IA07 and B6-IA08). One outdoor air sample was collected from outside Building 6 (B6-OA02). Six indoor air samples were collected from the main level in Building 7 (B7-IA01 through B7-IA04, B7-IA06, and B7-IA07), and one indoor air sample was collected from the basement in Building 7 (B7-IA05). One outdoor air sample was collected from outside Building 7 (B7-OA01). 3.10.3 Phase 1 OU2 Indoor Air Sampling 2019-2021 The indoor air sampling activities for Phase 1 OU2 were completed under the RIWP and FSP for AOU1 (FE 2015a), the QAPP for Phase 1 OU2 (CDM Smith 2019a), MFM #19 to AOU1 RIWP and FSP (CDM Smith 2019d), and the revised VI protocol (CDM Smith 2019e). A description of the Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-23 indoor air investigation field activities is presented in the Vapor Intrusion Technical Memorandum (CDM Smith 2021f, attached in Appendix C). A summary of the locations and type of VI sampling conducted is presented in Table 3-7 and in Figure 3-12. The Phase 1 OU2 indoor air sampling investigation followed procedures outlined in the revised VI protocol (CDM Smith 2019a). Visual inspections of homes and interviews of property owners were conducted to obtain supportive information, such as potential background sources. A walk- through was then performed to identify where to locate the vapor sampling devices with the considerations listed in the revised VI protocol (CDM Smith 2019a). Sample collection included a 24-hour SUMMA canister in tandem with 3-week passive absorbent samplers during the heating season under normal conditions to provide a longer-term average exposure sample. Additionally, air samples were collected in Tedlar bags for HAPSITE screening to provide a rapid concentration level assessment at each location. SUMMA canister samples were analyzed for VOCs by modified EPA Method TO-15/TO-15 SIM. Radiello® passive absorbent samples were analyzed for VOCs by modified EPA Method TO-17. Outdoor air samples were collected using SUMMA canisters. The investigation during 2019–2020 was based on historical data collected during the AOU1 2015–2016 investigations, as described above. This included nine prioritized homes that had previously been investigated and five homes based on nearby soil gas concentrations found during the AOU1 RI. Of the 14 homes identified, 6 homeowners agreed to participate during the 2019–2020 investigation. An additional 24 homes also volunteered for participation based on public outreach efforts conducted by VA. The investigation was conducted over three, 3-week sampling periods: December 2019 to early January 2020, January 2020, and March 2020. A summary of the properties investigated and the dates of investigation are included in Table 3-7. 3.10.4 Phase 2 OU1 Indoor Air Sampling 2021–2022 The indoor air sampling activities for Phase 2 OU1 were completed under the QAPP, RIWP, and FSP for OU1 (CDM Smith 2020d) and the revised VI protocol (CDM Smith 2019e); a description of the investigation field activities is presented in the Source Area Soil Gas and Indoor Air Sampling DSR (CDM Smith 2021l, attached in Appendix D). The indoor air sampling investigation followed procedures outlined in the revised VI protocol (CDM Smith 2019e). An indoor source assessment was conducted prior to collecting indoor air samples and suspected indoor sources were removed prior to sampling. Sampling included the collection of 24-hour SUMMA canisters to be analyzed by EPA Method TO-15/TO-15 SIM. A subset of locations was selected from the September 2019 investigation of Buildings 6 and 7 for evaluation in March 2021. A summary of the locations and type of VI sampling that was conducted is presented in Table 3-7 and in Figure 3-12. In Building 6, one basement location (B6-IA08) and one main floor location (B6-IA06) were selected and sampled. In Building 7, one basement location (B7-IA05) and one occupied office space location (B7-IA02) were selected and sampled. Additional indoor air sampling was conducted in August 2021 at 10 residential structures. Of these locations, nine had been previously investigated and one home was newly investigated. The sampling followed procedures outlined in the revised VI protocol (CDM Smith 2019a). Visual inspections of homes and interviews of property owners were conducted to obtain supportive information, such as potential background sources. Sample locations within each home were selected based on prior investigation results, and a walkthrough was performed to confirm where Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-24 to locate the vapor sampling devices with the considerations listed in the revised VI protocol (CDM Smith 2019a). Outdoor air samples were also collected at four properties within the ESS area. Sample collection included a 24-hour SUMMA canister analyzed for VOCs by modified EPA Method TO-15/TO-15 SIM. An indoor air sampling event was conducted in March 2022 at 33 residential structures, one church, and one school to represent winter VI conditions in the ESS area. Of these locations, 6 residential structures had been previously investigated and 27 residential structures were newly investigated. Visual inspections of homes and interviews with property owners were conducted to obtain supportive information, such as potential background sources. Sample locations within each home were selected based on prior investigation results, and a walkthrough was performed to confirm placement of vapor sampling devices considering the revised VI protocol (CDM Smith 2019a). Additionally, indoor air samples were collected from two buildings on the VAMC campus (Building 20 and Building 32). Outdoor air samples were collected at five properties within the ESS area and at one location on the VAMC campus. Sample collection included a 24-hour SUMMA canister analyzed for VOCs by modified EPA Method TO-15/TO-15 SIM. 3.11 Surveying All permanent and temporary groundwater sampling locations installed during the AOU1 investigation were surveyed using horizontal North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83) and vertical control National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NAVD29). All new and existing permanent groundwater sampling locations were surveyed during the Phase 1 OU2 and Phase 2 OU1 investigation using NAD83 and vertical control North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), and survey reports are included in Appendix C and Appendix D. 3.12 Investigation-Derived Waste All investigation-derived waste (IDW) was handled according to procedures provided in the QAPP (FE 2015a for AOU1, CH2M 2018 for OU2, CDM Smith 2019a for Phase 1 OU2, and CDM Smith 2020d for Phase 2 OU1). All decontamination water, hydrovac water, and purge/development water was transferred to the holding tanks on the VAMC campus IDW yard. All excavated soils were either placed in lined roll-off bins or 55-gallon steel drums. All groundwater and soil IDW were characterized and determined to be nonhazardous and were disposed off-site at the Wasatch Regional Landfill in Tooele County, Utah. All general refuse was disposed of as municipal waste and placed in a dumpster located on the VAMC campus. 3.13 Deviations from the Work Plan and QAPP The following sections describe the deviations from the RIWP (and QAPP, FSP, and associated MFMs) for the former AOU1, former OU2, Phase 1 OU2, and Phase 2 OU1 during RI activities. 3.13.1 AOU1 Deviations ▪ A complete summary of deviations from the RIWP (and QAPP, FSP, and associated MFMs) and the impact on data usability are provided in Table 5-14 of the AOU1 RI Report (EA Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-25 2019). No negative impact on data usability was noted, and the data may be used as intended with the following exception: ▪ As presented in Section 6.2.4 in the AOU1 RI (EA 2019), some of the soil gas, indoor air, and outdoor air EPA Method TO-15/TO-15 SIM and HAPSITE data collected in 2015 were qualified during data validation because field data collection was not completed in compliance with the QAPP. In addition to the data validation, a third-party QA assessment was conducted by an independent contractor to determine usability of the data because of field and laboratory documentation discrepancies. The data evaluation for usability determined the data was not usable for the risk assessment but can still be used in defining the extent of vapor intrusion. Valid usable EPA Method TO-15/TO-15 SIM data for the risk assessment is available for 5 of the 36 structures sampled in 2015. Valid usable HAPSITE data for the risk assessment is available for 7 of the 36 structures sampled in 2015. All data generated during the 2016 and 2017 VI investigations were deemed usable to achieve project objectives. During the implementation of the RI field activities, the following field deviations occurred: ▪ Change in the sample naming convention for VI samples collected in 2015 and 2016. The RI compliant sample identifications are included in the report for cross reference (Table 5-15, EA 2019). This deviation does not impact data usability. ▪ Change in sample naming convention for groundwater, surface water, and soil. A parcel code and date code were not included in the sample identification. The sample identification included the “A” for AOU-1, the sample type “GW, SW, or SS” and a sequential number-01, -02, etc., with the exception of soil samples. Soil sample identification used a number that corresponded to the adjacent surface water sample number. The RI compliant sample identifiers are included in the report for cross reference (Table 5-15, EA 2019). This deviation does not impact data usability. ▪ Borings GW-01, GW-02, GW-04, GW-07, GW-08, GW-12, GW-13, GW-14, GW-21, and GW-25 were shifted from their proposed locations to either avoid underground utilities or to better define the PCE groundwater plume. This deviation does not impact data usability. ▪ Changes to the timing for collection of groundwater and surface water samples owing to access and availability of properties. This deviation does not impact data usability. ▪ Change to the number of manually installed groundwater monitoring points. Only two temporary groundwater monitoring points were manually installed (via hand auger). The remaining points were installed using DPT. All intended groundwater monitoring points were installed; there is no impact upon data usability. ▪ Depth to groundwater was not measured during purging of temporary groundwater monitoring points because of the small diameter of the well, preventing insertion of the water level indicator with the sampling tubing. Other parameters (i.e., pH, conductivity) were used to evaluate stability prior to sample collection, and because of the small capacity Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-26 of the monitoring points and annular space, there is high confidence that the water is representative of the aquifer. This deviation does not impact data usability. ▪ No pH data collected at GW-23 and GW-39 because of malfunction of the pH probe on the water quality meter. Data completeness goals were met, and there is no impact upon data usability. ▪ Samples were not collected for VOC screening at groundwater monitoring points GW-07 and GW-17 because of low groundwater yield. As the data completeness goal was met, there is no impact upon data usability. ▪ Surface water locations SW-01, SW-02, SW-03, SW-05, SW-07, SW-08, SW-09, SW-10, SW-13, SW-17, SW-18, and SW-19 were repositioned because of seeps and springs not being present as expected or denied property access. As all intended samples were collected, there is no impact upon data usability. ▪ Surface soil and surface water samples were not surveyed. The small parcel sizes allowed for physical description of the location that was later georeferenced using GIS. There is no impact upon data usability. ▪ Two surface water samples were analyzed for stable isotopes deuterium and oxygen-18 instead of 10 samples because of VA storage refrigerator malfunction. The intended samples were collected in 2018 during the OU2 investigation activities, and there is no impact upon data usability. ▪ It was determined that baseline surface soil/sediment data was necessary to serve as a reference, so one of the three planned surface soil/sediment samples was relocated to a location where PCE was not detected in the groundwater. This deviation does not impact data usability. ▪ Soil gas sampling was not performed at one location with indoor air RBSL exceedances (0022-S), three locations without indoor air RBSL exceedances but selected as additional VC concentration confirmation sites (0007-H, 0027-H, and 0036-H), and two locations where indoor air confirmation was requested by VA (0019-B and 0028-S). ▪ The initial agency-approved QAPP indicated that all indoor air samples would be analyzed using the full TO-15 method. The QAPP did not specify the laboratory method detection limits (MDLs) for Method TO-15, which were not adequate for several analytes. The inadequacy of the full TO-15 method was identified at the start of the field effort, and the combination TO-15/TO-15 SIM method was used and not the full TO-15 method for indoor air samples. Subsequent planning documents were corrected to reflect the requirement for the combination TO-15/TO-15 SIM method to meet project quantification goals. ▪ It was anticipated that a total of 50 open-field soil gas samples would be collected along street right-of-way and on residential properties near seeps and springs; however, because of close spacing of residences, the presence of landscaping and pavement, narrow right-of- way, refusal due to cobbles and clays, and the presence of utilities and trees, open-field soil gas samples were only collected at sites 0018-H, 0019-B, 0026-H, and 0031-S. As near-slab Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-27 and SVP soil gas samples were collected during later phases of the RI, project objectives were achieved. ▪ Near-slab soil gas sampling probes could not be installed at two sites, 0032-H and 0038-H, because of very shallow refusal on large cobbles. Data completeness goals were met, and there was no impact upon data usability. ▪ HAPSITE samples collected at 0050-H on March 23, 2016, were misidentified, indicating that the samples were collected at 0051-H in the 2016 Vapor Intrusion Investigation Field Data Report (EA 2018b). As the sample identifiers were corrected prior to the completion of the AOU1 RI report (EA 2019), there is no impact upon data usability. ▪ Section of the RIWP indicates indoor air samples would be collected from previously sampled structures in May or June timeframe. However, since groundwater elevations remain high in spring and cool weather months create the most conservative sampling scenarios, the samples were collected during cool weather months (March). ▪ In addition to deviations associated with the field activities, deviations occurred during the sample analyses at the CLP, EPA Region 8, and ALS Environmental laboratories. These deviations are as follows: ▪ 1,4-dioxane was analyzed using the CLP SVOC method SOM01.2. The validation of the data resulted in rejection of the 1,4-dioxane results in the groundwater samples because of the associated quality control data that indicated poor surrogate recoveries. At the time, this potentially presented a data gap for groundwater as EPA requested 1,4-dioxane to be included with the analysis; however, subsequent samples have been collected from the monitoring well network for 1,4-dioxane analysis. ▪ CLP laboratories implemented the more current versions of the CLP Statement of Work analytical methods for VOCs, SVOCs, and metals than were included in the QAPP. Methods SOM02.3 and ISM02.3 were used in lieu of SOM02.2 and ISM02.2; however, this does not impact the data quality or usability. ▪ Nitrate nitrogen was requested by EPA Method 300.0 for analysis of groundwater samples at the EPA Region 8 laboratory. The samples were analyzed using the correct method; however, the laboratory reported nitrate/nitrite nitrogen data. The data may be biased slightly high because of the inclusion of nitrite; the data is still usable to achieve project objectives. ▪ TDS analysis by Standard Methods SM2540C was requested of the EPA Region 8 laboratory; however, the laboratory reported the data by EPA Method 160.1. The data is still usable to achieve the project objectives. ▪ Alkalinity was requested to be analyzed at ALS Environmental using Standard Methods SM2320B; however, the laboratory analyzed the samples using EPA Method 310.1. This data is still usable to achieve project objectives. Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-28 3.13.2 OU2 Deviations A complete summary of deviations from the OU2 RIWP (and QAPP, FSP, and associated MFMs) and the impact on data usability are provided in the 2018 OU2 DSR (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B). No negative impact on data usability or project objectives was noted, and the data may be used as intended. During the implementation of the RI field activities, the following field deviations occurred: ▪ Several wells were moved to nearby locations for logistical or access reasons; the moved locations are still appropriate to meet project objectives. • MW-12S/D proposed location on McClelland Street near 800 South was moved because of overhead power lines at this location. MW-12S/D were moved to the south end of McClelland Street, 35 to 40 feet north of the intersection of McClelland Street and 900 South. • MW-16S/D proposed location at the corner of 800 South and Elizabeth Street was moved to accommodate business access in the area. MW-16S/D were moved approximately 140 feet north of the intersection of 800 South and Elizabeth Street. • MW-18 proposed location on the north end of the East High School parking lot was adjusted slightly north of its original location to maintain the planned spacing with the adjusted location of MW-20S/D. The well was also moved west into the green space adjacent to the parking lot as requested by the Salt Lake City School District. • MW-19 proposed location on the southwest corner of the East High School parking lot was moved north of its original location to accommodate the adjusted location of MW-20S/D. As with MW-18, this well was also moved west into the green space adjacent to the parking lot as requested by the Salt Lake City School District. • MW-20S/D proposed location immediately west of the East High School football stadium was adjusted northwest of its original location, into the green space south of the East High School parking lot. MW-20S/D was moved to avoid the steep slope and fenced area in the original location and to move the well closer to the East Bench Fault. • MW-22 planned location was moved south into the green space south of the intersection between 1400 East and 900 South. The location was adjusted to reduce impact to local traffic, provide a better workspace for drilling, and increase safety by providing larger buffer between the drill rig and residents in the area. • MW-08 was moved approximately 250 feet west of the originally proposed location at the southeast corner of Mount Olivet Cemetery to reduce the noise level in the cemetery, as requested by USACE after receiving feedback from VA and Mount Olivet Cemetery. MW-08 was moved to approximately 70 feet east of the intersection of 700 South and University Street. ▪ Planned monitoring wells MW-07, MW-09, MW-10, and MW-11 (CH2M 2018) were not installed during the OU2 investigative activities and were superseded by locations MW-34, Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-29 MW-30, MW-31, and MW-33 (CDM Smith 2019c) that were installed at similar locations during Phase 1 OU2 investigative activities. As the planned monitoring wells were installed at a later date, project objectives were met. ▪ The RIWP originally specified dry bulk density analysis (ASTM D2937) and vertical permeability analysis (ASTM D2434). These analyses were substituted for dry unit weight (ASTM D7263) and vertical hydraulic conductivity (ASTM D5084), respectively. Dry bulk density is typically used for fine-grained soils with known volume while dry unit weight can be used for more granular samples with irregular shapes. The hydraulic conductivity test was substituted for vertical permeability, as it is more suitable for the fine-grained soils that were the types of soil selected for testing. Although the tests are performed in a slightly different manner, the results are similar and the data meet project objectives. ▪ During monitoring well installation the Puregold® grout was substituted for the neat Portland cement grout specified in the RIWP because of the driller’s concerns about potential damage to the PVC from the heat of hydration of the cement. This deviation does not impact data quality or project objectives. ▪ Monitoring wells were developed approximately 4 to 32 days after construction of each well was completed. The RIWP specified that well development would be completed 48 hours to 7 days after construction was complete. The timeframe for well development was adjusted to increase efficiency for the drilling subcontractor. This deviation does not impact data quality or project objectives. ▪ Four SVPs (SG-08, SG-09, SG-11, and SG-19) were installed at depths less than the planned 5 feet bgs because of refusal while hand-augering. As the SVPs were installed at sufficient depths to delineate the soil gas plume, project objectives were met. ▪ One SVP (SG-16 on the VAMC campus) was not advanced or installed because of uncertainty in underground utilities caused by a surface obstruction that blocked the utility survey. There are sufficient other SVP locations to delineate the soil gas plume; this deviation does not impact project objectives. ▪ Eight HAPSITE soil gas samples (SG-24 through SG-31) were sampled using a purge pump, which biased VOC sample results high because of potential sample carry over/cross- contamination in the purge pump system and tubing. These results were qualified as estimated and should be considered conservative. As these conservative results were below the applicable screening levels, the data can be used as intended, and project objectives were met. ▪ Monitoring well intervals MW-03RD and MW-08C were not sampled during the Q4-2018 groundwater sampling event because pumps were not installed in the wells. As these wells were sampled during subsequent field events, project objectives were met. 3.13.3 Phase 1 OU2 Deviations During the implementation of the OU2 RI field activities, minor deviations from field procedures were encountered during drilling, well installation, and sampling. A complete summary of Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-30 deviations from the RIWP (and QAPP, FSP, and associated MFMs) and the impact on data usability are provided in the individual Phase 1 OU2 Data Summary Reports (CDM Smith 2020c, 2021a, 2021d, 2021g, attached in Appendix C). No negative impact on data usability or project objectives was noted, and the data may be used as intended. A summary of the deviations is as follows: ▪ VOC sample preparation and analyses were conducted within the method-specified holding times except for a few Encore samples, which were frozen approximately 40 minutes outside of holding times upon receipt at the laboratory. This situation occurred because the laboratory had additional safety precautions in place for sample receipt because of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This deviation does not impact investigation results or DQOs. ▪ Five additional Encore samples were frozen past the required hold time because of a FedEx shipping delay. This deviation does not impact investigation results or DQOs. ▪ Ten non-detect VOC analyte results were rejected during validation because of an exceedance of hold time. These results do not affect DQOs as they are not analytes of concern, and completeness goals were met. ▪ As an SVP was not available at the time of installation, a 1-inch ZIST PVC casing was installed in the vadose zone to act as an SVP at MW-23. This deviation does not impact investigation results or DQOs. ▪ Plume delineation well MW-33, planned north of MW-32, was determined to be unnecessary to delineate groundwater impacts and was not installed during the Phase 1 OU2 drilling event. During development at MW-30 zones A and B, there was difficulty getting the pumps to depth, and sediment prevented sufficient development. A downhole camera was deployed in MW-30 zones A and B, showing sediment to the depth of the screen, indicating the wells were damaged during installation. MW-30 zones A and B were replaced during the Phase 2 OU1 investigation activities, and project objectives were met. ▪ During development, only wells with measurable sediment accumulation were airlifted. Pumps were installed in wells without measurable sediment and were purged until water cleared. This deviation does not impact data usability. ▪ During development, water quality parameters were not measured during gas lifting because of the disturbance to the water during the process. As a result, well development forms were not completed during development of the ZIST wells. Development continued until the water was clear. Volume purged was recorded in the field logbook, and project objectives were met. ▪ During development, air lifting was performed at MW-32A followed by purging with a stainless steel Hurricane® submersible pump. A well development form was not completed during development of this well. Development continued until the water was clear. Volume purged was recorded in the field logbook, and project objectives were met. Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-31 ▪ The following deviations occurred during the Q4-2019 groundwater sampling event (CDM Smith 2020c, attached in Appendix C): • Groundwater elevation measurements were not completed at MW-14D and MW-17D. Both wells were artesian during the event. MW-17D was not fitted with a gauge at the time of the synoptic water level event, so a groundwater elevation measurement was not made. MW-14D is fitted with a gauge; however, during the synoptic water level event, the gauge displayed no pressure reading. As water level measurements at these locations were completed during subsequent events, project objectives were met. • MW-01S was not sampled, as the dedicated pump tubing was found to be detached, and the team was unable to retrieve the pump from the well. The pump was later retrieved and the well has been sampled during subsequent field events. The completeness goals for the Q4-2019 event were met; this deviation does not impact DQOs. • MW-21 and MW-22 were not sampled, as the dedicated pumps at these locations had malfunctioning bladders. The bladders were replaced and the wells were sampled during subsequent field events. The completeness goals for the Q4-2019 event were met; this deviation does not impact DQOs. • Samples at the following locations were collected prior to meeting the turbidity stabilization criteria: MW-03RB, MW-08C, MW-12S, MW-13S, MW-15D, MW-17D, and MW-20S. Turbidity at these locations was less than 50 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), but not within 10 percent; therefore, no impact upon data quality at those locations is expected. ▪ The Q1-2020 groundwater sampling event was not conducted because of travel restrictions in place as part of the COVID-19 pandemic. An additional groundwater sampling event was completed at a later date to meet project objectives. ▪ The following deviations occurred during the Q2-2020 groundwater sampling event (CDM Smith 2021d, attached in Appendix C): • Planned groundwater samples from the following locations were not collected: MW- 23A/B, MW-25A/B, and MW-26A/B/C/D. Samples were not collected because of pump malfunctions. The pumps were repaired/replaced and the wells were sampled during subsequent field events. The completeness goals for the Q2-2020 event were met; this deviation does not impact DQOs. ▪ The following deviations occurred during the Q3-2020 groundwater sampling event (CDM Smith 2021g, attached in Appendix C): • Water levels were not measurement in MW-15S/D (inaccessible because of parked cars) and MW-30A/B (damaged at the time of the sampling event). As water level measurements at these locations were completed during subsequent events, project objectives were met. Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-32 • Purge parameter stabilization criteria were not met at MW-05R (DO) and MW-14D (DO and temperature) prior to collection of groundwater samples. While sampling without meeting stabilization criteria may bias the VOC results low, as these wells were sampled during subsequent field events, this deviation does not impact DQOs. • There was insufficient water to collect a groundwater sample from MW-12S. As this well was sampled during previous field events and completeness goals for the Q3-2020 event were met, this deviation does not impact DQOs. • Because of damage in the screened interval, no samples were collected from MW-30A/B. As groundwater samples were collected from the replacement wells during subsequent field events, and completeness goals for the Q3-2020 event were met, this deviation does not impact DQOs. • Because of low flow rate and difficulties with the ZIST sampling system, groundwater samples for TDS and alkalinity analyses were not collected from MW-31A. As completeness goals for the Q3-2020 event were met, this deviation does not impact DQOs. • Because of difficulties with the ZIST sampling systems, a consistent flow of water to the surface could not be sustained during purging at a few locations: o MW-26B/D and MW-34A – groundwater samples for VOCs were collected without meeting purge parameter stabilization criteria. While sampling without meeting stabilization criteria may bias the results low, as these wells were sampled during subsequent field events, this deviation does not impact DQOs. o MW-26C – no groundwater samples were collected. As this well was sampled during subsequent field events, and completeness goals for the Q3-2020 event were met, this deviation does not impact DQOs. 3.13.4 Phase 2 OU1 Deviations During the implementation of the RI field activities, minor deviations from field procedures were encountered during drilling, well installation, and sampling (CDM Smith 2021h, attached in Appendix D). ▪ Source area well MW-35, planned northwest of Building 7, was not installed during the Phase 2 OU1 investigation. The sampling results of other source area wells installed during the Phase 1 OU2 investigation fully delineated the groundwater plume in this area, fulfilling project objectives. ▪ During well development, a PVC bailer and submersible pump were used at MW-13L instead of air lifting. A well development form was not completed during development of this well. Development continued until the water was clear. Volume purged was recorded in the field logbook, and project objectives were met. ▪ Airlifting at MW-34A was unsuccessful and development was performed with a Waterra® pump. As development objectives were met, this deviation does not impact DQOs. Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-33 ▪ Several ZIST wells installed during the Phase 1 OU2 investigation required further development. Well development forms were not completed during development of the ZIST wells. Development continued until the water was clear. The volume purged was recorded in the field logbook, and project objectives were met. ▪ During the Phase 2 OU1 drilling investigation, soil samples were not collected for total ferrous iron mineral samples as described in Section 3.3 of the FSP of the RIWP (CDM Smith 2020d). As all planned borings were expected to be outside the plume boundary (with the exception of the replacement well for MW-30, where ferrous iron mineral samples were collected during the installation of the original well), it was determined that the samples were not needed to meet project objectives. ▪ The following deviations occurred during the Q4-2020 groundwater sampling event (CDM Smith 2021i, attached in Appendix D): • Purge parameter stabilization criteria for turbidity were not met at MW-03RB/D, MW- 25A, and MW-29B prior to the collection of groundwater samples. Turbidity at these locations was less than 50 NTU, but not within 10 percent; therefore, no impact upon data quality at those locations is expected. No analytical result bias for dissolved VOCs, including chlorinated compounds (EPA 2005a), is anticipated to result from turbid water samples. This deviation does not affect DQOs or data usability. • As MW-13S was purged dry, a sample was collected the next day once sufficient recharge was observed without meeting purge parameter stabilization. This was an accepted deviation in the low-flow groundwater sampling SOP and does not impact data quality. • There was insufficient water to collect a groundwater sample from MW-12S. As this well was sampled during previous field events, and completeness goals for the Q4-2020 event were met, this deviation does not impact DQOs. • Because of a high amount of sediment, groundwater samples for VOCs were collected from MW-13L without collecting purge and geochemical parameters. While sampling without meeting stabilization criteria may bias the VOC results low and geochemical parameters were not collected during the Q4-2020 event, as this well was further developed and sampled during subsequent field events, this deviation does not impact DQOs. • Because of difficulties with ZIST sampling systems, a consistent flow of water to the surface could not be sustained during purging at the following locations: o MW-26C/D and MW-34B/C – Groundwater samples for VOCs were collected without meeting purge parameter stabilization criteria. While sampling without meeting stabilization criteria may bias the results low, as these wells were sampled during subsequent field events this deviation does not impact DQOs. Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-34 o No groundwater samples were collected at MW-26D. As this well was sampled during previous field events and completeness goals for the Q4-2020 event were met, this deviation does not impact DQOs. ▪ The following deviations occurred during the Q1-2021 groundwater sampling event (CDM Smith 2021j, attached in Appendix D): • Purge parameter stabilization criteria for turbidity (either less than 10 NTU or less than 50 NTU and within 10 percent) were not met at MW-14S and MW-23B. Turbidity at these locations was less than 50 NTU, but not within 10 percent; therefore, no impact upon data quality at those locations is expected. • Purge parameter stabilization criteria for turbidity and conductivity (within 10 percent) was not met for MW-08C. No analytical result bias for dissolved VOCs, including chlorinated compounds (EPA 2005a), is anticipated to result from turbid water samples. This deviation does not affect DQOs or data usability. • As MW-13S was purged dry, a sample was collected the next day once sufficient recharge was observed, without meeting purge parameter stabilization. This was an accepted deviation in the low-flow groundwater sampling SOP and does not impact data quality. • Because of a malfunctioning pump at MW-05R, groundwater samples could not be obtained. At MW-12S, there was insufficient water to collect a groundwater sample. As these wells were sampled during previous field events and completeness goals for the Q1-2021 event were met, this deviation does not impact DQOs. • Water level elevations could not be measured at MW-29A, MW-31A, and MW-34A, as the water levels were above the pump intakes but below the volume booster. As water level measurements at these locations were completed during previous events, project objectives were met. ▪ The following deviations occurred during the installation of the residential groundwater sampling locations, indoor air sampling of Buildings 6 and 7, soil gas sampling, and surface water sampling during the Q2-2021 events (CDM Smith 2021l, 2021m, and the Quality Control Summary Report attached in Appendix D): • During RG well development, documentation was completed in the field logbook rather than on field forms. Several locations had slow recharge; therefore, many of the locations were purged dry and then allowed to recharge. Since many of the locations were purged dry, parameter stabilization was not measured. After the minimum calculated purge volume was removed and the groundwater recharged, a bailer was pulled with the recharge water to visually examine the clarity. Development continued until the water was clear, volume purged was recorded in the field logbook, and project objectives were met. • Field parameters were only collected at RG wells with sufficient water present in the HydraSleeve following filling containers for laboratory analysis. As HydraSleeve and Section 3 • Study Area Investigation 3-35 surface water sampling do not require the collection of field parameters for the determination of stabilization during purging, field parameters were recorded in the field logbook and not on field forms. This deviation does not impact data quality or project objectives. • As the hollow stem auger cuttings from RG-06 (GW-50) were mixed and saturated because of the relatively shallow depth to water, photographic documentation of the cuttings was not completed. This deviation does not impact data quality or project objectives. ▪ The following deviations occurred during the March 2022 indoor air sampling events (see the Quality Control Summary Report attached in Appendix D): • The initial 24-hour SUMMA canister deployed at 0029-H did not collect adequate sample volume for analysis. The sample was recollected at a later date and there was no impact upon data quality or project objectives. • Sample identification discrepancies (due to both laboratory error and the field team’s failure to follow the sample name convention) occurred for several samples. The sample identification discrepancies were corrected and there was no impact upon data quality or project objectives. • Deviation from sample custody procedures occurred as one chain-of-custody was completed in something other than ink. The entries on the chain-of-custody were reviewed for accuracy, and the field team was notified. As a copy of the chain-of- custody that cannot be altered was included in the analytical laboratory data package, there was no impact upon data quality or project objectives. 4-1 Section 4 Physical Characteristics of the Study Area This section describes the physical characteristics of the study area, including surface features, meteorology, surface water hydrology, geology, and hydrogeology. 4.1 Surface Features The site is located on an alluvial fan formed from the erosion of the Wasatch Mountain front located approximately one mile to the east. The site topography slopes to the southwest with a grade of 4 percent until reaching the East Bench Fault, where it steepens to 10 percent (EPA 2012, UOS 1999, EA 2017b). The ground surface elevation at the VAMC campus is about 4,735 feet amsl. The approximate elevation of 1300 East, which runs parallel to the East Bench Fault in front of East High School, is 4,530 feet amsl. The elevation of Artesian Well Park at 800 South and 500 East located west and approximately 10,500 feet downgradient of the VAMC campus (Figure 1-2) is approximately 4,260 feet amsl (EA 2017b). The site is located in an urban, mostly developed area. The land area is approximately 75-percent residential, 5-percent commercial, 10-percent public or private schools, and the rest is publicly owned rights-of-way or parkland. The residential areas were generally developed in the early 1900s on land that was undeveloped open fields and farmland. The homes built since range from small homes with on-grade concrete slab foundations to large multi-story homes that are built into the steep hillsides of the fault scarp. Many of the homes have partially to fully below-ground basements that are finished as living spaces. Future land use is likely an urban, mostly developed area because of well-established neighborhoods, public and private schools, and the abundant public parklands (FE 2015a). 4.2 Meteorology Generally, the climate of the surrounding region is a semiarid continental climate with year- round rainfall (FE 2015a). Summers are typically dry and hot. Winters are mild with precipitation from mid-latitude cyclones. The average temperatures range from 27.9 degrees Fahrenheit (°F) in the coldest month of January to 77.9°F in July, the hottest month in the year. The annual average temperature is 52°F with an average daily temperature range of 23.3°F (Climatemps 2021). Meteorological data for this site was obtained from three nearby climate stations with data available through the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration’s National Centers for Environmental Information online database. The closest weather station to the site is at the University of Utah (approximately 0.6 miles from the VAMC campus). Data from this station is available through 1989, with an average annual precipitation between 1979 and 1989 of 21.2 inches per year. Section 4 • Physical Characteristics of the Study Area 4-2 The next closest weather station is at the Salt Lake Triad Center, approximately 3.5 miles to the northwest of the VAMC campus. Monthly rainfall totals are available for this weather station between May 1985 and May 2013. The average annual rainfall over that period was measured to be 16.4 inches. During the years when data were available at both the University of Utah weather station and the Triad Center station, annual average rainfall at the University was 20 percent higher than what was recorded at the Triad Center. This is expected as the University is approximately 550 feet higher elevation than the Triad Center. The third closest National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather station is at the Salt Lake City International Airport, approximately 7.5 miles northwest of the VAMC campus (and approximately 550 feet lower elevation than the University weather station). Monthly rainfall data are available for every year between 1979 and 2020 at this station, with an average annual rainfall of 15.6 inches per year over that period. During the years when data were available at both the University of Utah weather station and the Airport station, annual average rainfall at the University was 29 percent higher than what was recorded at the airport, which is expected owing to the elevation difference between the sites. The average annual relative humidity is 44.8 percent, ranging from 26 percent in July to 70 percent in January (Climatemps 2021). The wind data was obtained from the University of Utah weather station. The average historical data taken between 2013 and 2021 indicates wind direction from the northwest with average speed of 5 miles per hour and gusts of 7 miles per hour (Windfinder 2021). 4.3 Surface Water Hydrology The site is located in the lower Red Butte Creek subwatershed portion within the Jordan River Watershed (University of Utah 2016). Surface water features near the site include Mount Olivet Reservoir, Red Butte Creek, Liberty Park Pond, named springs, and multiple unnamed seeps and springs. 4.3.1 Mount Olivet Reservoir The Mount Olivet Reservoir is located adjacent to the Mount Olivet Cemetery property, near the northeast corner of the cemetery (Figure 1-2). The reservoir is lined and is supplied by diversions from Red Butte Creek and Emigration Creek. The diversion pipeline from the creek to the reservoir is oriented west-northwest along the south and western edges of the VAMC campus (FE 2015a, Taylor 2000). Occasionally, withdrawals pump the reservoir dry and sometimes reservoir overflow waters enter the city storm sewer system. The water from the Mount Olivet Reservoir has never been used for drinking purposes. 4.3.2 Red Butte Creek The closest surface water body to the site is Red Butte Creek, which travels from the northeast to southwest near the east side of the VAMC campus before traveling more westerly at a distance of about 1,500 feet to the southwest of the site in the ESS area (Figure 1-2). Red Butte Creek is a perennial stream with an average annual baseflow of 3.9 cubic feet per second based on USGS data from 1965 until 2020. Maximum average flow recorded was 12.5 cubic feet per second in 1983 and minimum flow recorded was 1.12 cubic feet per second in 1990 (USGS 2021). The peak flow of Red Butte Creek occurs in late April through June because of snowmelt and runoff from Section 4 • Physical Characteristics of the Study Area 4-3 the upper elevations and lower flow seasons are impacted by groundwater discharge entering the creek in the lower elevations of Red Butte Canyon (Ehleringer et al. 1992). Red Butte Creek is a losing stream as it flows across the primary and secondary recharge areas near the Wasatch Front, including the eastern portions of the site. In the East Side Springs area, groundwater discharges to Red Butte Creek through springs present in the area (SLCDPU 2010). Red Butte Creek receives surface water via both direct runoff and storm sewer discharges (EA 2017b). The headwaters of Red Butte Creek are located in the Wasatch Range. Red Butte Creek is divided into two subwatersheds, and the lower subwatershed flows near the site. The upper subwatershed is on USFS land and is designated a Research Natural Area closed to public access (EA 2017b). As Red Butte Creek exits the Wasatch Range through Red Butte Canyon, it enters the Salt Lake Valley. While the upper subwatershed is undisturbed, the lower subwatershed is within a fully urbanized area and flows through developed business and residential areas including the University of Utah campus, the VAMC campus, Sunnyside Park, and residential neighborhoods. Red Butte Creek then flows west-southwest through Miller and Liberty Parks toward Liberty Park Pond. Surface exposure of Red Butte Creek ends east of Liberty Park and the creek is diverted underground into the 1300 South conduit where water is conveyed to the Jordan River via an underground pipe that is about 4 miles long (Taylor 2000). Water from Red Butte Creek supports recreational areas such as the pond in Liberty Park (EA 2017b). 4.3.3 Liberty Park Pond Liberty Park Pond, which is supplied by Red Butte Creek, is in Liberty Park, approximately 2 miles downgradient and west of the VAMC campus (Figure 1-2). Liberty Park is the second-largest public park in Salt Lake City and is also the location of the Tracy Aviary and Botanical Gardens and the Museum of Utah Folk Arts. The pond is approximately 300,000 square feet and features two islands. In June of 2010, an oil pipeline rupture impacted Red Butte Creek, which in turn impacted the Liberty Park Pond; this resulted in the draining, dredging, and cleaning of the pond and the banks of Red Butte Creek (FE 2015a, EA 2017b). 4.3.4 East Side Seeps and Springs Seeps and springs are present alongside the scarp of the East Bench Fault, which is part of the Salt Lake City Segment of the Wasatch Fault Zone. Four of those springs have been named (Figure 1- 2): ▪ Our Lady of Lourdes Spring to the north-northwest of the ESS area and south of the Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic School and the Judge Memorial Catholic High School. This spring is not accessible to children at the school. ▪ Benson Spring in the north main area of the ESS ▪ Smith Spring in the central ESS area, on Alpine Place ▪ Bowen Spring to the south in the ESS area Many of these seeps and springs surface on residential properties near residential structures. Some of the seeps and springs are expressed as diffuse wet areas that form small trickling streams on slopes, while others have been altered by property owners to collect and channel Section 4 • Physical Characteristics of the Study Area 4-4 flowing water into landscape features (e.g., ponds, streams) or water collection systems (e.g., buried drains, sump pumps) (FE 2015a, EA 2017b). 4.4 Geology 4.4.1 Regional Geology The site is located near the eastern edge of the Salt Lake Valley. The Salt Lake Valley is within a north-south trending normal-fault bounded basin (graben) on the eastern margin of the Basin and Range physiogeographic province (DuRoss et al. 2014). The Salt Lake Valley is bounded by the Wasatch Range to the east, the Oquirrh Mountains to the west, the Traverse Mountains to the south, and the Great Salt Lake to the north (EA 2017b). The two Quaternary geologic features that produce the modern physiogeography at the site are the Wasatch Fault Zone and the Pleistocene Lake Bonneville (DuRoss et al. 2014). The Wasatch Fault Zone separates the Salt Lake Valley from the Wasatch Mountains to the east. The Wasatch Fault Zone has been divided into 10 segments, including the Salt Lake City Segment, which has been subdivided into three sections from north to south: Warm Springs Fault, East Bench Fault, and Cottonwood Fault (Personius and Scott 1992; McDonald et al. 2020). The site is bisected by the west and east spurs of the East Bench Fault (EA 2017b). Slip estimates on the East Bench Fault have been estimated from 0.5 millimeter per year (DuRoss et al. 2014) to 1 millimeter per year (Scott and Shroba 1985). Lake Bonneville, a predecessor to the Great Salt Lake, filled the Salt Lake basin from 30 kiloannum (ka) to 10 ka. The Lake Bonneville highstand (maximum shoreline elevation approximately 5,090 feet amsl) was approximately 18 ka. The Provo phase of Lake Bonneville occurred when elevation stabilized at approximately 4,760 feet amsl from 15 ka to 14 ka (DuRoss et al. 2014). 4.4.2 Local Geology The surficial geology at the site is mapped as alluvial fan deposits and lacustrine deposits (Personius and Scott 1992). The surficial geologic features are presented in Figure 4-1. The alluvial fan deposits are from aggraded stream and debris flow deposits likely sourced from Red Butte Canyon and Dry Creek Canyon (DuRoss et al. 2014). The alluvial fan deposits are described as clast-supported pebble and cobble gravel, occasionally with boulders, with a sand and silty sand matrix. The clasts may be subangular to rounded (Personius and Scott 1992). The lacustrine deposits may be either Lake Bonneville highstand or Provo phase deposits. The Lake Bonneville highstand deposits are predominantly silt and clay with some fine sand and fine gravel. The Provo phase deposits are clast-supported pebble and cobble gravel in a sand matrix with minor silt (Personius and Scott 1992). Overall, the surficial geology grades from coarse-grained alluvial fan/Provo phase deposits on the east, to finer-grained lacustrine deposits to the west. The topography of the site slopes to the west-southwest at an approximate grade of 4 percent, until the grade steepens to 10 percent near the East Bench Fault west of 1300 East, where springs and seeps emanate from the hillside (i.e., the ESS area) (EA 2017b). Section 4 • Physical Characteristics of the Study Area 4-5 Generally, the heterogeneity of the sediments in the area and similar lithologic descriptions of the alluvial and lacustrine phase deposits limit lithologic unit correlations across the site. As such, hydrostratigraphic unit determination and lithologic correlations were made through an evaluation of piezometric heads and other hydrogeologic observations. Select lithologic logs from borings across the site are presented in Figure 4-2. This figure also shows a semi-confining unit separating the shallow and deep aquifer that was identified through the evaluation of piezometric heads (further discussion of the aquifers and identification of the semi-confining unit is presented in Section 4.5). As the lateral extent of the semi-confining unit between borings is unknown, the semi-confining unit is shown as dashed. At the VAMC campus, the borings were generally coarse-grained dominated from 0 to approximately 200 feet bgs. From approximately 200 to 360 feet bgs, the lithology is fine-grained dominated (Appendix E). A perched groundwater zone was encountered at approximately 150 feet bgs in some of the borings near Buildings 6 and 7 (MW-23, MW-24, MW-25, MW-27, and MW-28) but was not encountered at MW-26. Groundwater was encountered at approximately 185 to 200 feet bgs in all of the borings around Buildings 6 and 7. West of the VAMC campus, the depth to groundwater is shallower with less gravel dominated sediments. MW-01 is coarse-grained dominated to 160 feet bgs with depth to water approximately 155 feet bgs (EA 2019). MW-34 is course-grained dominated to 95 feet bgs with the shallow groundwater encountered at 140 feet bgs (Appendix E). MW-32 and MW-08 are less gravel dominated where MW-18, MW-19, and MW-20S/D have fine-grained dominated shallow lithology (less than 20 feet bgs) with gravel dominated lithology to approximately 80 to 90 feet bgs. MW-20D was drilled into a clay unit from approximately 130 to 150 feet bgs (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B). In the ESS area, the lithology is less gravel dominated, and generally has sand and gravel lenses in clay and silt dominated units (MW-13S/D/L, MW-14S/D)(Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B and CDM Smith 2021h, attached in Appendix D). Shallow groundwater was encountered at depths ranging from 15 feet bgs to above ground surface (i.e., artesian conditions). Geophysical logging, specifically natural gamma and neutron logging, was completed at MW-03R and MW-08. Natural gamma logging can identify intervals with high clay content and neutron logging can determine the saturated porosity. The geophysical logs (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B) illustrate the heterogeneous nature of the sediments and were used in conjunction with push-ahead groundwater samples to determine the monitoring well construction for MW-03R and MW-08. The generalized geologic conceptual model for the site, including topography, locations of faults, observed semi-confining unit, and general grain size distribution is presented in Figure 4-3. Boring logs for the site are compiled in Appendix E. 4.4.3 Geotechnical Characteristics During the drilling investigation activities for OU2, samples were collected for geotechnical analyses, including USCS soil classification (ASTM D2487), moisture content (ASTM D2216), dry bulk density (ASTM D7263), fraction of organic carbon (foc) (ASTM D2974), vertical hydraulic conductivity (ASTM D5084), and grain-size analysis (Atterberg Limits by ASTM D4318, sieve Section 4 • Physical Characteristics of the Study Area 4-6 analysis by ASTM D6913/D7928, hydrometer by ASTM D422/D7928) (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B). Geotechnical results are presented in Table 4-1. Samples were collected from monitoring wells advanced across the site (MW-03R, MW-08, MW-12S/D, MW-13S/D, MW- 14S/D, MW-15S/D and MW-20D) at depths representing the varying observed lithologies. In general, the USCS soil classification agreed with the field classification, with a few minor exceptions. Observed lithologies were widely variable, and included lean clay, clay with sand and/or gravel, silt with sand and/or gravel, sand with silt and/or gravel, and gravel with silt, clay and/or sand. Vertical hydraulic conductivity was measured in eight samples, with the following results: ▪ 6.2 × 10-4 to 8.2 × 10-2 feet per day (ft/day) in lean clay ▪ 8.8 × 10-4 to 9.6 × 10-2 ft/day in lean clay with sand and silt ▪ 4.8 × 10-4 to 3.7 × 10-2 ft/day in sandy lean clay with gravel ▪ 6.0 × 10-4 ft/day in silty sand ▪ Twenty samples were analyzed for foc, with the following results: ▪ 0.0051 to 0.0074 in clay or silt ▪ 0.0016 to 0.0059 in sand with silt and/or gravel ▪ Less than 0.0001 to 0.0047 in gravel with silt, clay, and/or sand ▪ Water content was measured in 17 samples and ranged from 2 to 15.9 percent. Dry bulk density was measured in eight samples and ranged from 90.1 to 120.2 pounds per cubic feet. ▪ Sieve analyses on samples logged in the field as gravel contained approximately 30- to 60- percent gravel, 20- to 40-percent sand, and 15- to 40-percent fines. Samples logged in the field as clay and silt had approximately 0- to 20-percent gravel, 5- to 50-percent sand, and 35- to 95-percent fines. 4.5 Hydrogeology Regional hydrogeology has been described in detail in Waddell et al. (1987), Thiros (2003), and Wallace and Lowe (2009), and summarized in EA (2017b). Groundwater in the Salt Lake Valley occurs in alluvial fan and lacustrine deposits within perched, unconfined, and deep aquifers (EA 2017). The deposits are very complex and consist of multiple aquifers and semi-confining layers that are laterally discontinuous and internally heterogeneous (EA 2017b). Closer to the site, data collected and presented in the following sections describe the local aquifer system, where groundwater flows through perched, unconfined shallow and semiconfined deep aquifer systems from the base of the Wasatch Mountains towards the west/southwest and across the East Bench Fault. Surface discharge of groundwater through seeps and springs located to the east of the fault occur and are cumulatively a significant component of the local water balance. Section 4 • Physical Characteristics of the Study Area 4-7 Historically, water supply and irrigation well pumping have come primarily from the semiconfined deep aquifer deflected the groundwater flow toward these wells. 4.5.1 Potentiometric Surfaces, Gradients, and Flow Directions Historical groundwater elevations and the identified aquifer zone for all site monitoring wells are presented in Table 4-2. The most recent measured groundwater elevations (Q1-2021) are presented on the potentiometric groundwater surface maps (Figures 4-4 and 4-5). Vertical gradients were calculated using the approach described by EPA (EPA 2016b) and are presented in Table 4-3. The observed piezometric heads and aquifer distinctions are discussed below: ▪ Perched zone: This zone is situated above the water table; it exhibits significantly higher piezometric heads than what is observed at other wells. Site wells that exhibit this feature are MW-06 (screened 100 to 130 feet bgs) and MW-29A (screened 120 to 130 feet bgs). Perched head data have not been contoured. While MW-06 and MW-29A are the only site wells screened in the perched zone, a perched groundwater zone was observed during drilling in all borings advanced at VAMC Buildings 6 and 7 (except MW-26) at approximately 150–160 feet bgs. The assumed saturated thickness of the perched zone based upon the volume of water retrieved during drilling and observations of wet or saturated conditions in the soil cores near Buildings 6 and 7 was less than at MW-06 and MW-29 and was not sufficient to screen a monitoring well. ▪ Shallow aquifer zone: This zone extends to approximately 220 feet bgs at VAMC Building 7 and its vertical extents get shallower to the west as the ground surface dips. The shallow aquifer zone is contoured (using a 10-foot-contour interval) in Figure 4-4. • Groundwater flow directions are generally east to west, with horizontal gradients approximately 0.014 feet per foot along the 2,500 feet between MW-24 and MW-34. Over the next 1,000 feet between MW-34 and MW-18, the horizontal gradients are approximately 0.012 feet per foot. Between MW-13S and MW-14S (approximately 500 feet), horizontal gradients are an order of magnitude higher, at approximately 0.12 feet per foot. • An intermediate aquifer zone is present in the lower portion of the shallow aquifer zone (approximately 220 to 260 feet bgs) at wells near VAMC Building 7 including MW-23B, MW-25B, MW-26B, MW-29C, and MW-30A. The zone is characterized by heads that are slightly lower than those in the shallow aquifer zone. It is unclear how laterally extensive this zone is and whether it is bound by lower permeability units. Head data from this unit have not been contoured. ▪ Silt/clay semi-confining unit: This unit is present between the shallow and deep aquifer zones. This unit was identified through the evaluation of piezometric heads and lithologic logs from borings across the site. Head differences between the shallow and deep aquifer zones in September 2020 were 17.65 feet at MW-03R (as measured by the difference in heads between MW-03RA and MW-03RB) and 15.3 feet at MW-01 (as measured by the difference in heads between MW-01S and MW-01D). These head differences represent a vertical hydraulic separation between the two zones related to the presence of this semi- confining unit. Section 4 • Physical Characteristics of the Study Area 4-8 ▪ Deep aquifer zone: This zone sits below approximately 260 feet bgs at VAMC Building 7 and gets shallower to the west as the ground surface dips. The deep aquifer zone heads are contoured in Figure 4-5. • Flow directions are generally east to west. Horizontal gradients between MW-23C and MW-34C are approximately 0.002 feet per foot, and 0.013 feet per foot between MW- 34C and MW-13L. • Measured piezometric heads at MW-03RB/C/D are approximately 18 feet lower than in the shallow aquifer zone situated approximately 40 feet above and measured in MW- 03RA. These steep vertical gradients are indicative of hydraulic separation between the shallow and deep aquifer zones, likely because of the presence of the semi-confining unit between these two zones. • Heads at MW-03RB/C/D are nearly identical despite spanning nearly 100 vertical feet of the aquifer. This, along with inferences from the geophysical boring log, likely indicates the lack of significant and continuous aquitard units within the deep aquifer zone. Vertical gradients, which are typically strongly downward near the VAMC campus, dissipate along the east to west groundwater flow path (Table 4-3). While MW-34C/D and MW-32C are estimated to be screened in the deep aquifer zone, there is little distinction in heads between MW-34C/D and MW-32C and the shallow aquifer zone at MW-34A/B and MW-32A/B. West of MW-34, vertical head gradients shift upward within the shallow aquifer zone, with artesian conditions present in the deeper portions of the shallow aquifer zone at wells MW-17D and MW-14D, just east of the East Bench Fault. West of the fault, there is little distinction observed in heads between the shallow and deep wells installed at MW-12S/D and MW-15S/D. The vertical gradient and hydraulic distinction between the shallow and deep aquifers likely resumes further to the west, as evident by the flowing well at the Artesian Well Park. The head difference across the fault (as measured by the difference between heads at MW-14S and MW-15S) is approximately 112 feet. This head drop likely occurs abruptly across the fault, which is acting as a semipermeable barrier to flow. Groundwater flowing from the site is therefore laterally restricted at the fault, with groundwater both flowing through the fault and mounding up at the eastern face of the fault. This mounding results in both the approximately 112-foot head difference between MW-14S and MW-15S, as well as the surface discharges to springs and seeps just east of the fault. Measured water levels (Table 4-2) from 1998 to 2021 for the oldest wells (MW-01S/D, MW-02, MW-04, and MW-06) show that fluctuations in elevation of up to 12 feet have occurred in the shallow aquifer during this time period. Transducers have been recording water levels at select monitoring wells since 2017, including these locations (results are compiled in Appendix E). The data show that the largest observed groundwater elevation fluctuations between 2017 and 2021 were approximately 4 feet, with the largest fluctuations occurring in wells within the eastern portion of the site. The highest water level elevations (as observed in the transducer data for these locations) occurred in winter 2018 and 2020, and the lowest water level elevations Section 4 • Physical Characteristics of the Study Area 4-9 occurred in winter 2019 and 2021. This suggests that water level fluctuations are most likely due to variations in annual climate, and seasonal changes in elevation are minimal. The generalized hydrogeologic conceptual model for the site, including the locations of the springs and observed aquifer units, is presented in Figure 4-3. 4.5.2 Recharge Zones The deep aquifer is recharged in the primary recharge area, near the Wasatch Mountain Front. In the primary recharge area, the alluvial fan and lacustrine deposits consist of more coarse-grained materials, and any confining layers that are present are relatively thin (Anderson et al. 1994). Secondary recharge of the localized perched aquifers and shallow aquifer occurs in the secondary recharge area, where the alluvial fan and lacustrine deposits consist of more fine-grained materials (Anderson et al. 1994). The secondary recharge area borders the primary recharge area on the west. The site is primarily within both the primary and secondary recharge areas; however, a localized discharge area is present in the area of the East Bench Fault and the ESS area where artesian conditions occur (Anderson et al. 1994). Based on the observed vertical gradients, the groundwater discharging in the ESS area is from the deeper portions of the shallow aquifer zone. Based on the boundaries defined by the USGS, the northeastern area of the site is within the primary recharge area (including the Mount Olivet irrigation well and SLC-18), while the southwestern area of the site is within the secondary recharge area (Anderson et al. 1994). 4.5.3 Hydraulic Conductivity and Groundwater Velocity As described in Section 3.6, slug testing was completed at select monitoring wells. The summary of the data evaluation is provided in the aquifer testing technical memorandum (CDM Smith 2021k, attached in Appendix D), and the results are presented in Figures 4-6 and 4-7 and in Table 4-4. The calculated hydraulic conductivity and groundwater velocity are discussed below: ▪ Shallow aquifer zone: • In the northeastern area of the site that includes MW-01S, MW-02, MW-03RA, and MW- 04, slug test estimated hydraulic conductivities range from approximately 5 to 19 ft/day, with a representative value of 5 ft/day. Darcy velocities calculated by multiplying horizontal hydraulic conductivity by the horizontal gradient ranged from approximately 0.07 to 0.2 ft/day, with a representative Darcy velocity of 0.07 ft/day. Representative seepage velocity (which is the Darcy velocity divided by the effective porosity [assumed to be approximately 0.2]) can be approximated as 0.4 ft/day for this portion of the site. • In the central area of the site that includes MW-08A, MW-18, MW-19, MW-20S/D, MW- 21, MW-22, MW-32A, and MW-34A/B, slug-test estimated hydraulic conductivities range from approximately 10 to 200 ft/day, with a representative value of 50 ft/day. Representative Darcy and seepage velocities are estimated to be approximately 0.6 and 3 ft/day, respectively. These values are higher than what is observed at the other areas of the site and coincide with their locations west of (or very close to) the East Bench Fault Spur. These data indicate that shallow aquifer zone properties west of the spur Section 4 • Physical Characteristics of the Study Area 4-10 differ from those east of the spur. This distinction is consistent with surface geology mapping (EA 2017) that indicates an abrupt change in geologic unit at the spur. • In the southwestern area of the site that includes MW-13S/D, hydraulic conductivity ranges from 0.1 to 2 ft/day, with a representative value of 5 ft/day. Representative Darcy and seepage velocities are estimated to be approximately 0.6 and 3 ft/day, respectively. The representative values are likely more applicable to the deep portion of the shallow aquifer in this area (screened by MW-13D), as the hydraulic conductivity in the shallow portion of the shallow aquifer is approximately one order of magnitude lower. ▪ Deep aquifer zone: • In the northeastern and central area of the site, hydraulic conductivity derived from MW-03RB/C, MW-08B/C, MW-13L, MW-26C/D, and MW-34C/D slug tests ranged from 0.75 to 51 ft/day, with a representative value of 45 ft/day. The representative Darcy velocity is approximately 0.09 ft/day, with a representative seepage velocity of approximately 0.45 ft/day. • Unlike in the shallow aquifer zone, there was not a significant difference in hydraulic conductivities east and west of the East Bench Fault Spur. Determination of the representative values noted above was made following the calibration of the VAMC Groundwater Model. Through the calibration process, which is discussed in detail in the Groundwater Model Report included as Appendix F, the ranges of slug test-derived values were assessed in the context of the conceptual model, previously conducted hydraulic testing, regional groundwater flow fields, and piezometric head data. 4.5.4 Water Quality The chemical composition of groundwater in the Salt Lake Valley varies with location and depth, primarily because of variations in the composition of recharge sources and water-sediment interactions with changing lithology. TDS concentrations in the Salt Lake Valley are typically greater than 500 milligrams per liter (mg/L) because of water-rock interactions with easily eroded shale or water-sediment interactions with alluvial fan and lacustrine deposits (Thiros et al. 2010). Based on the State of Utah groundwater classifications (UDEQ 2019), groundwater in the area is classified as Class II—Drinking Water Quality Groundwater (TDS between 500 and 3,000 mg/L). Groundwater in the Salt Lake Valley is generally oxic with a neutral pH (Thiros et al. 2010). Groundwater and surface water quality are further evaluated in Section 6. 4.6 Ecology Most of the areas of the site have been substantially developed and are no longer natural conditions. The exceptions to this are parts of Dry Gulch and streamside areas of Red Butte Creek, which are outside of the site boundary, and very small private woodland properties. The Utah Bureau of Land Management maintains lists of sensitive wildlife and plant species for the state (UBLM 2018). Within Salt Lake County, there are no identified sensitive plant species. Section 4 • Physical Characteristics of the Study Area 4-11 The following sensitive wildlife species have been identified within Salt Lake County; however, as the site is significantly developed, presence of these species is likely limited: ▪ Fish • Least chub (Iotichthys phlegethontis) ▪ Amphibians • Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) • Western (boreal) toad (Anaxyrus boreas) ▪ Reptiles • Smooth green snake (Opheodrys vernalis) ▪ Birds • American three-toed woodpecker (Picoides dorsalis) • Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) • Black swift (Cypseloides niger) • Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorous) • Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) • Ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis) • Northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) • Snowy plover (Charadrius nivosus) 5-1 Section 5 Nature and Extent of Contamination A principal objective of the RI is to evaluate the nature and extent of the contamination and to assess impact to human health and the environment. This includes defining contaminant mass that may be acting as a continuing source of groundwater contamination and defining the extent of the contamination in soil, soil vapor, groundwater, and surface water. The following sections detail the nature and extent of contamination as determined by the RI investigations. 5.1 Soil As discussed in Section 3, and presented in Figure 5-1, three soil/sediment samples were collected in the ESS area and 298 soil samples were collected from 44 locations on the VAMC campus, Sunnyside Park, and near the Mount Olivet Cemetery. AOU1 soil investigation validation reports are provided in Appendix H-3 of the AOU1 Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019). OU2 soil investigation data validation reports are provided in Appendices I and J of the OU2 DSR (Jacobs 2019b, attached as Appendix B). Phase 1 OU2 soil investigation quality control summary reports are provided in Appendix J of the 2020 Drilling Investigation DSR (CDM Smith 2021a, attached as Appendix C). All data are usable to determine the nature and extent of contamination in soil. All soil and sediment samples were analyzed for VOCs; analytical results for PCE and TCE are presented in Table 5-1. Sample depths for sediment samples were 0 feet bgs and sample depths for soil samples ranged from 0.75 to 355 feet bgs. PCE was detected in 21 VAMC-area soil samples at low concentrations (less than 0.005 milligram per kilogram [mg/kg]), well below the RBSL for residential soil (24 mg/kg). The highest PCE soil concentrations were observed in borings advanced between Buildings 6 and 7. There were no detections of TCE, cis-1,2-DCE or VC. The three soil/sediment samples collected in the ESS area were also analyzed for SVOCs, 1,4-dioxane, and metals; there were no detections of SVOCs or 1,4-dioxane (EA 2019). 5.2 Soil Gas and Indoor Air (Source Area) The dry-cleaning facility on the VAMC property was operational in Building 7; it is likely the PCE condensate from the distillation process was emptied into a vitrified clay drain line attached to the sanitary sewer or that surface spills occurred in the immediate area. Therefore, the source area is considered the immediate area of Buildings 6 and 7, as well as along the sanitary sewer extending to Sunnyside Park. The development of a soil gas plume and subsequent potential for vapor intrusion in the Building 6 and 7 area is most likely due to residual PCE mass in the vadose zone; the groundwater plume is not present beneath the Building 6 and 7 source area. The development of a soil gas plume in the Sunnyside Park area is most likely due to the release of PCE-contaminated water from breaks in the sanitary sewer, at depths closer to the surface than groundwater. The following sections describe the nature and extent of preliminary COPCs in soil gas and indoor air in these two source areas. Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-2 5.2.1 Soil Gas As discussed in Section 3.9, soil gas sampling was conducted in 2018, 2019, and 2021 on the VAMC campus and in Sunnyside Park to determine the nature and extent of contamination in soil gas associated with the former dry-cleaning operations. Table 5-2 details the soil gas sample dates, locations, and analytical results for preliminary COPCs screened against the industrial soil gas RBSLs. Figure 5-2A and Figure 5-2B present the soil gas sample locations and sample type, color coded by the maximum PCE detection at each location. Samples were analyzed for VOCs using SUMMA canisters and/or HAPSITE. Detailed descriptions of the sampling results and data quality reports for all samples collected are presented in Appendix B, Appendix C, and Appendix D, which include the 2018 OU2 DSR (Jacobs 2019b), the expanded source area investigation DSR (Jacobs 2019e), and the 2021 Source Area Soil Gas and Indoor Air Sampling DSR (CDM Smith 2021l). All data are usable for determining the nature and extent of contamination in soil gas. Further discussion of migration of COPCs in soil gas is presented in Section 6.2. PCE Table 5-2 presents the concentrations of PCE in soil gas screened against the industrial RBSL (1,600 µg/m3). The highest detections for all sample locations in the Building 6 and 7 area are presented in Figure 5-2A. The highest PCE concentrations detected during the soil gas investigations were observed beneath Building 6. Concentrations of PCE from samples collected from VP-04, located in Building 6, ranged from 19,641 to 46,000 µg/m3. All samples collected at VP-15, which is located directly to the north of VP-04, exceeded the PCE industrial soil gas RBSL of 1,600 µg/m3, with a maximum concentration of 23,000 µg/m3. Two soil gas samples were collected at depths of 28 and 113 feet bgs from MW-27, and one sample was collected from MW- 23 at a depth of 130–140 feet bgs. MW-23 and MW-27 are located directly east of Building 6. Both samples collected in 2021 at MW-27 exceeded the industrial soil gas RBSL with a maximum of 39,000 µg/m3 at 28 feet bgs. Samples collected from MW-23 in March 2021 at a depth of 130–140 feet bgs had a PCE detection of 16,000 µg/m3. Other locations that exceeded the industrial soil gas RBSL for PCE include SG-03, SG-04, SG-05, SG-06, VP-16, VP-17, and MW-28. Out of these locations, SG-03, SG-04, SG-05, SG-06, and MW-23 are located between Buildings 6 and 7. VP-17 and VP-16 are located under Building 6. MW-28 is located further west of Building 6, near the loading dock for Building 7 and near the sanitary sewer line. PCE concentrations in this area ranged from 1,800 µg/m3 (VP-17, July 2019) to 5,300 µg/m3 (SG-05, July 2019). Two of the three samples collected from MW-28 exceeded the industrial soil gas RBSL for PCE, with concentrations of 2,200 µg/m3 at 48 feet bgs and 3,600 µg/m3 at 118 feet bgs. The shallow interval (24 feet bgs) had a PCE detection of 1,400 µg/m3. Additional soil gas samples collected on site that had elevated concentrations of PCE included SG-13 (1,600 µg/m3), located to the southwest of Buildings 6 and 7 along the sewer line; SG-08 (1,300 µg/m3); SG-09 (1,000 µg/m3); SG-11 (1,200 µg/m3), located near the loading dock for Building 7; and SG-04 (1,045 µg/m3), located between Buildings 6 and 7. Soil gas samples were also collected along the sewer line as it leaves the VAMC campus (SG-17 through SG-44); the highest detections of PCE for all sample locations are presented in Figure 5- Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-3 2B. Sample results are screened against both the industrial RBSL (1,600 µg/m3) and residential RBSL (360 µg/m3). All samples collected along the sewer had detections of PCE. No samples exceeded the industrial soil gas RBSL; however, the residential soil gas RBSL was exceeded at SG-33 (1,281 µg/m3), SG-34 (819 µg/m3), SG-35 (555 µg/m3), SG-36 (462 µg/m3), SG-41 (1,387 µg/m3), and SG-42 (1,110 µg/m3 at 12-13 feet bgs, 819 µg/m3 at 16–17 feet bgs, and 1,201 µg/m3 at 25–26 feet bgs). TCE Table 5-2 presents the concentrations of TCE in soil gas screened against the industrial RBSL (100 µg/m3). A total of 68 samples contained detectable TCE. Three samples exceeded the industrial RBSL for TCE in soil gas, all collected from VP-15 beneath Building 6. Other detections of TCE include VP-04 (maximum concentration 53.7 µg/m3), MW-27 (maximum concentration 52 µg/m3), and MW-28 (maximum concentration 6.6 µg/m3) located in the Building 6 and 7 area. TCE was also detected at MW-29 (maximum concentration 4.7 µg/m3) and SG-42 (maximum concentration 18.8 µg/m3) along the sewer line. cis-1,2-DCE There were minimal detections of cis-1,2-DCE in SUMMA canister samples collected during the 2018 and 2021 soil gas investigations. HAPSITE samples collected during July 2019 were not analyzed for cis-1,2-DCE. Most of the detections were noted in sample locations along the sewer line, with a maximum concentration of 11.3 µg/m3 at SG-29. Two sample locations on campus, MW-27 and MW-23, had concentrations of cis-1,2-DCE of 9 J µg/m3 and 6.7 J µg/m3, respectively, at the deep intervals (113 and 130 feet bgs). Vinyl Chloride There were minimal detections of VC during the 2019 and 2021 SUMMA canister sampling. HAPSITE samples were not analyzed for VC. No soil gas samples collected on site exceeded the industrial RBSL for VC (93 µg/m3). The only detections of VC were noted at MW-29 (maximum concentration 0.23 J µg/m3), MW-25 (0.039 J µg/m3), MW-24 (0.15 J µg/m3), and VP-14 (0.013 J µg/m3). 5.2.2 Indoor Air As discussed in Section 3.10, indoor air samples were collected from five buildings on the VAMC campus (Building 6, Building 7, Building 13, Building 20, and Building 32) to determine whether indoor air contamination was present. Table 5-3 details the indoor air sample dates, locations, and analytical results for preliminary COPCs screened against the industrial indoor air RBSLs. Figure 5-3 presents the indoor air sample locations and sample type, color coded by the maximum PCE detection. Samples were analyzed for VOCs using SUMMA canisters and/or HAPSITE. Detailed descriptions of the sampling results and data quality summaries for all samples collected are presented in Appendix B and Appendix D, which include the 2019 Indoor Air DSR (Jacobs 2019d) and the 2021 Source Area Soil Gas and Indoor Air Sampling DSR (CDM Smith 2021l). All data are usable to determine the nature and extent of contamination in indoor air. Buildings 13 and 20 were sampled in February 2019 using the HAPSITE. No samples had detectable PCE, TCE, or cis-1,2-DCE at either location; VC was not analyzed. Building 20 was Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-4 sampled again in March 2022 along with Building 32 using SUMMA canisters. All samples contained detectable PCE but none exceeded the residential RBSL for indoor air. No samples had detectable TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, or VC. Building 7 was sampled in January 2019, September 2019, and March 2021. No samples collected exceeded the industrial RBSL for indoor air for PCE (47 µg/m3). The maximum PCE concentration of 4.76 µg/m3 was measured at the hallway near room 1A15B (B7-IA-012). Location IA02, sampled in 2021 in the office in Building 7, had a PCE concentration of 2.3 µg/m3. The maximum TCE concentration of 8 µg/m3 was measured in the basement of Building 7 (B7-IA05), which exceeded the industrial RBSL. This area was subsequently screened using a HAPSITE in October 2019. One sample in the basement contained TCE at a concentration of 0.48 µg/m3, and TCE was not detected in two other samples. This location (B7-IA05) was sampled again in 2021, and TCE was detected at an estimated concentration of 0.081 J µg/m3. Cis-1,2-DCE was detected in one sample (B7-IA05) at 1 J µg/m3. There were no detections of VC in Building 7. Building 6 was sampled in January 2019, September 2019, and March 2021. Ten samples collected in January 2019 exceeded the PCE industrial screening level for indoor air (47 µg/m3) with a maximum PCE concentration of 9,358 µg/m3, and five samples exceeded the TCE industrial screening level for indoor air (3 µg/m3) with a maximum TCE concentration of 1,441 µg/m3. Of the ten samples that exceeded the screening level for PCE, six samples were measurements of suspected indoor sources (indicated by “NB” in the Sample Identification). The samples were collected near the brake and wheel cleaning area in the electrician shop. These potential sources were removed after the January 24, 2019, sampling event and several of the locations were resampled on January 30, resulting in lower indoor air concentrations. For example, the sample collected in the electrician shop on January 24, 2019, (B6-IA-015-01) with a result of 916 µg/m3 PCE and 7.13 µg/m3 TCE was resampled on January 30, 2019, after the removal of the potential indoor air sources. The results from resampling were 25 µg/m3 PCE and 2.5 µg/m3 TCE, which are below the industrial RBSLs. Table 5-3 and Figure 5-3 indicate the locations that were resampled after removal of indoor sources. No indoor air samples collected in September 2019 or in March 2021 exceeded the industrial RBSLs for PCE and TCE. The maximum PCE concentration was 4.4 µg/m3 and only two samples had TCE detections (0.15 J µg/m3 at B6-IA01 and 0.042 J µg/m3at B6-IA06). There were no detections of cis-1,2-DCE or VC in Building 6. 5.3 Groundwater As discussed in Section 3.5, groundwater monitoring events have been conducted as part of AOU1, OU2, Phase 1 OU2, and Phase 2 OU1 investigations to determine the nature and extent of contamination in groundwater associated with the former dry-cleaning operations on the VAMC campus. Groundwater samples collected during the RI were analyzed for VOCs, 1,4-dioxane, SVOCs, pesticides, and general chemistry. Detailed descriptions of the sampling results and the data quality summary reports are presented in the AOU1 Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019), 2018 OU2 DSR (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B), Phase 1 OU2 DSRs (Appendix C), and Phase 2 OU1 DSRs (Appendix D). All data are usable to determine the nature and extent of contamination in groundwater. Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-5 5.3.1 Contaminants of Interest Groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for VOCs during each groundwater monitoring event. Table 5-4 presents the concentrations of the preliminary COPCs: PCE, TCE, cis- 1,2-DCE, VC, and 1,4-dioxane. Detections are presented as bolded values and exceedances of the screening levels (MCL or RBSL, as applicable) are presented as highlighted values. The most recent results for all monitoring well locations were integrated to show the approximate extent of PCE in groundwater (Figure 5-4A). Figure 5-4B also presents the shallow grab groundwater and surface water samples in the ESS area. Furthermore, Figure 5-5 presents a cross section displaying the vertical extent of the groundwater PCE plume in the shallow and deep aquifers along the plume center. Additionally, Table 5-5 presents the concentrations of the preliminary COPCs (PCE, TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, and VC) in push-ahead groundwater samples that were collected during drilling. PCE During the AOU1, OU2, Phase 1 OU2, and Phase 2 OU1 investigations, a total of 419 groundwater samples were collected; 297 samples contained detectable PCE and 165 samples exceeded the EPA’s MCL for PCE in groundwater (5 µg/L). The exceedances ranged from 5.1 to 230 µg/L (Table 5-4). Prior to the RI, 36 groundwater samples were collected from the EPA monitoring wells (MW-01 through MW-06), 26 of which contained detectable PCE and 22 that exceeded the EPA’s MCL for PCE (Table 5-4). During the OU2 and Phase 1 OU2 drilling investigations, 85 push- ahead groundwater grab samples were collected from 13 locations (Table 5-5). PCE was detected in 36 of the push-ahead groundwater grab samples and exceeded the MCL in 13 samples. The locations with concentrations of PCE greater than 5 µg/L included the shallow and deep aquifer at MW-03R, the shallow aquifer at MW-08, MW-29, and MW-34, and the perched aquifer at MW-23, MW-27, and MW-29. The plume is bounded vertically and laterally to the east on the VAMC campus by MW-05R, MW- 23A/B/C, MW-24, MW-25A/B/C, MW-26A/B/D, MW-27, and MW-28 where there have been either low (less than 5 µg/L) or no detections of PCE. Detections of PCE during the most recent sampling included MW-25A (1.6 µg/L), MW-25C (1.1 µg/L), and MW-26C (0.79 J µg/L). The plume is bounded to the southeast by MW-06 (maximum detection of 0.48 µg/L), to the south by MW-31 (maximum detection of 0.73 J µg/L at MW-31A), and to the north by MW-30 (maximum detection of 0.35 J µg/L at MW-30C). The highest detections of PCE at the VAMC campus occurred at MW-03RA/B/C. PCE concentrations at MW-03RA, screened in the shallow aquifer, have remained above the MCL at a relatively constant concentration around 28 µg/L since 2019. At MW-03RB, screened in the deep aquifer as shown in Figure 5-5, consistently higher concentrations of PCE (170 to 230 µg/L) have been observed since the well was installed in 2018. The plume is vertically bounded in the deep aquifer at this location by MW-03RD, where PCE has only been detected once (0.18 J µg/L in March 2019). The highest detections of PCE downgradient of the VAMC campus have been observed at MW-01S and MW-02. Concentrations of PCE at MW-01S have varied from a high of 420 µg/L in 1998 to a low of 60 µg/L in 2016, with a concentration of 170 µg/L in 2021. PCE concentrations at MW-02 have varied from a high of 296 µg/L in 2005 to a low of 72 µg/L in 2016, with a concentration of Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-6 230 µg/L in 2021. A statistical analysis of the concentration trends is presented in Section 6.7.1. In this area, the PCE groundwater plume is bounded in the deep aquifer by MW-01D, which has been non-detect since December 2018. In the Sunnyside Park area (Figure 5-4A), PCE has been detected at MW-29A (most recent detection of 11 µg/L), MW-29B (maximum detection of 0.56 J µg/L), and MW-04 (most recent detection 42 µg/L and maximum detection of 190 µg/L in 1998). MW-29A is screened in the perched zone and MW-04 is screened in the shallow zone. The groundwater PCE plume in the Sunnyside Park area is vertically bounded by MW-29C, which is screened in the intermediate zone and has had no detections of PCE. There appears to be a gap in the greater than 50 µg/L PCE groundwater plume (Figure 5-4A) in the area of MW-34 and the Mount Olivet well, based upon the PCE concentrations at MW-34A (36 µg/L). Because of access limitations, the Mount Olivet well was most recently sampled in May 2016 (PCE was detected at 40 µg/L); however, as this well has four separate screened intervals extending from 175 to 463 feet bgs, that result is not included in the groundwater PCE contours. It is possible that variations in PCE source loading to groundwater or pumping at the Mount Olivet well have resulted in an area of reduced concentrations. Further discussion of contaminant migration is provided in Section 6.4. The PCE groundwater plume is vertically bounded at MW-34C/D (Figure 5-5), which are both screened in the deep aquifer and have had no detections of PCE. PCE concentrations greater than 50 µg/L again appear downgradient of MW-34, along the 1400 East transect at MW-08A, MW-18, and MW-19, where maximum PCE concentrations (68 J µg/L, 96 µg/L, and 89 µg/L, respectively), were observed in 2018. PCE concentrations at these locations have been decreasing; further evaluation of trends is presented in Section 6.3.1. The plume is vertically bounded at MW-08C along the 1400 East transect, as PCE was not detected at this location (Figure 5-5). The greater than 50 µg/L PCE groundwater plume is assumed to be continuous from the 1400 East transect into the ESS area (Figure 5-4A). PCE concentrations at MW-13D, which is screened in the deeper portion of the shallow aquifer, have consistently been above 50 µg/L. As presented in Figure 5-5, PCE concentrations in this area within the shallowest portion of the shallow aquifer are less than 50 µg/L (the maximum detection at MW-13S was 31 µg/L in September 2018) and PCE concentrations in the deeper portion of the shallow aquifer and the deep aquifer are greater than 50 µg/L (the maximum detections at MW-13D and MW-13L were 75 µg/L in September 2020 and 51 µg/L in March 2021, respectively). Other wells within the PCE groundwater plume in the ESS area include MW-14 and MW-16. PCE has been detected at both the shallow and deep intervals of MW-14, with MW-14D having higher detections ranging up to 37 µg/L during September 2018. Three of the eight samples collected at MW-14S have exceeded the MCL with a maximum of 10 µg/L in September 2018. PCE has also been detected at concentrations above the MCL during each sampling event at MW-16S, ranging from 20 to 28 µg/L. PCE has not been detected at MW-16D, indicating a vertical plume boundary at the northern edge of the PCE groundwater plume in the ESS area. The cross section (Figure 5- 3) shows that the shallow groundwater at both MW-14S and MW-13S has lower levels of PCE (6 µg/L and 14 µg/L, respectively), while PCE in the shallow groundwater at RG-08, RG-02, and Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-7 RG-03 is greater than 50 µg/L (Figure 5-4B). At MW-14D, which is an artesian well, the most recent detection of PCE was 33 µg/L. This suggests the deeper, more contaminated portion of the shallow aquifer is likely contributing to surface water, especially in this area, and explains the occurrence of PCE at concentrations greater than 50 µg/L at SW-166 and SW-35 (Figure 5-4B). Further discussion of the extent of PCE in surface water is presented in Section 5.4. The plume in the ESS area is laterally bounded to the north by MW-38S/D, to the west by MW-37S/D, MW-12S/D, and MW-15S/D, and to the south by MW-36 and MW17-S/D. Both MW-38S/D and MW-37S/D have not had any detections of PCE since installation in 2020. Low detections of PCE at MW-12S/D and MW-15S/D have occurred but have not exceeded the MCL and are often non-detect. MW-36 had one estimated detection of PCE in December 2020 (0.28 J µg/L). MW-17S/D have often had detections of PCE during sampling events; however, the detections have been under the MCL of 5 µg/L, ranging from 0.38J µg/L in MW-17S (December 2018) to 2.8 µg/L at MW-17D (March 2021). The PCE groundwater plume delineation is supported by surface water samples and shallow residential groundwater wells in the area as presented in Figure 5-4B and will be discussed further in Section 5.4. TCE Three TCE samples collected from the monitoring well network exceeded the MCL of 5 µg/L (Table 5-4). All three samples were collected from MW-14S during the December 2019, September 2020, and December 2020 groundwater monitoring events. TCE was also detected at concentrations less than the MCL at MW-02, MW-01S, MW-03RB, MW-13S, and MW-15S. Within the shallow residential groundwater monitoring network, three of the four samples collected from GW-059/RG-09 exceeded MCL for TCE, with a maximum concentration of 7.7 µg/L. The MCL for TCE was also exceeded at RG-06/GW-050 in three of the four samples collected, with a maximum concentration of 7.4 µg/L. Cis-1,2-DCE No groundwater samples collected exceeded the MCL of 70 µg/L for cis-1,2-DCE (Table 5-4). The highest detections were observed at MW-14S (3.2 µg/L, September 2020), MW-03RB (1.5 µg/L, March 2019), and GW-059 (RG-09) (3.9 µg/L, March 2016). Vinyl Chloride There were no detections of vinyl chloride throughout the monitoring well network and shallow residential groundwater monitoring network (Table 5-4). 1,4-Dioxane As 1,4-dioxane has historically been used as a solvent stabilizer, primarily for 1,1,1- trichloroethane, it is included as a preliminary COPC at the request of the EPA. Samples for 1,4-dioxane have been collected at 76 locations, and multiple samples have been collected at 41 locations. The following detections of 1,4-dioxane have been observed across the site (Table 5- 4): ▪ MW-13S in September 2018 (0.47 J µg/L) ▪ MW-14D in December 2018 (0.3 J µg/L) Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-8 ▪ MW-14S in March 2019 (0.23 J µg/L) ▪ MW-15S in September 2018 (0.18 J µg/L), December 2018 (0.21 J µg/L), and March 2019 (0.25 J µg/L) ▪ MW-17D in September 2018 (0.2 J µg/L) ▪ GW-052/RG-07 in July 2016 (2.7 µg/L) Because no MCL is established for 1,4-dioxane, results are screened against the tap water regional screening level (RSL) of 0.46 µg/L (EPA 2022b). Only two detections exceeded the EPA tap water RSL (MW-13S and GW-052/RG-07); however, the reporting limit for all samples collected prior to December 2018 and a few samples collected after December 2018 were greater than the RSL. Locations with higher detection limits and all locations with detections of 1,4-dioxane (with the exception of GW locations) have been sampled more recently with an adequate reporting limit. The detections of 1,4-dioxane occurred sporadically in the ESS area at concentrations near the reporting limit, and not at locations with the highest concentrations of PCE closer to the VAMC campus. There is also no evidence that the dry-cleaning operation at the VAMC used 1,4-dioxane- containing products such as 1,1,1-trichloroethane. 1,4-dioxane in groundwater does not appear to originate from the site. 5.3.2 Geochemical Conditions As described in Section 3.5, geochemical parameters, including total and dissolved metals, TOC, dissolved gases (ethene, ethane, methane), anions (sulfate, chloride, nitrate, nitrite), alkalinity, TDS, ferrous iron, and field parameters (conductivity, pH, temperature, turbidity, DO, ORP) were collected in groundwater samples. Results are presented in Table 5-6 (geochemical parameters) and Table 5-7 (total and dissolved metals). Geochemical parameters are used to assess conditions in groundwater, including general chemistry and redox conditions, and to evaluate conditions that facilitate PCE degradation. A more detailed discussion of the geochemical evidence for the potential of natural attenuation is provided in Section 6.7.2. Redox Conditions Nitrate/nitrite, sulfate, ferrous iron, DO, ORP, and methane are redox parameters used to evaluate the degree to which reducing conditions are established at a location. Reductive dechlorination of PCE and TCE to cis-1,2-DCE generally occurs under iron-reducing to sulfate-reducing conditions. Complete dechlorination to ethene and ethane typically occurs under sulfate-reducing to methanogenic conditions. Thus, understanding redox conditions provides key insight into the potential for anaerobic reductive dechlorination to occur at a site. DO is the most preferred terminal electron acceptor for use by microorganisms. If DO is present at concentrations greater than 0.5 mg/L, conditions are considered aerobic and aerobic microbial processes dominate (NJDEP 2012). If a source of organic carbon exists, microorganisms will consume available oxygen, resulting in anaerobic conditions. At DO concentrations less than 0.5 mg/L, conditions are considered anaerobic, and microorganisms will use nitrate as the terminal electron acceptor, followed by ferric iron, then sulfate, and finally carbon dioxide (NJDEP 2012). Conditions are considered nitrate reducing, and denitrification is the dominant microbial process when DO is less than 0.5 mg/L, nitrate is less than 1 mg/L, and measurable nitrite is Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-9 present (NJDEP 2012). Conditions are considered iron-reducing when DO is less than 0.5 mg/L and concentrations of ferrous iron are greater than 1 mg/L (NJDEP 2012). Conditions are considered sulfate-reducing when DO is less than 0.5 mg/L and concentrations of sulfate are less than 20 mg/L (NJDEP 2012). Conditions are considered methanogenic and methanogenesis is the dominant microbial process when methane concentrations are greater than 1 mg/L (EPA 2006b). Redox conditions at the site are predominantly aerobic, as demonstrated by DO greater than 1 mg/L at most locations (Table 5-6). Localized exceptions include MW-03RD, MW-14S, MW-17S, MW-23A/B, MW-30C, MW-31C, MW-36, and MW-37S, where DO was occasionally less than 1 mg/L (Table 5-6). Nitrate-reducing conditions may be present at MW-03RD, MW-14S, MW-23A, MW-30C, MW-31C, and MW-36, based on sporadic concentrations of nitrate less than 1 mg/L. Iron-reducing conditions may be present at MW-14S, MW-23A, and MW-31C, as indicated by intermittent concentrations of ferrous iron greater than 1 mg/L (Table 5-6). Sulfate ranged from 50 to 230 mg/L, suggesting sulfate-reducing conditions are not present. The highest concentration of methane detected at the site was 15 µg/L at MW-31C, indicating that methanogenic conditions are not present (Table 5-6). ORP is a measure of the redox state of groundwater and is an indicator of the relative tendency of the groundwater to accept or transfer electrons (NJDEP 2012). Lower ORP values generally represent more reduced conditions and can indicate areas where enhanced anerobic microbial processes are occurring. Recurrent negative ORP was observed at MW-03RB/D, MW-05R, MW- 08B/C, MW-14S, MW-15D, MW-17S, MW-23A/C, MW-30C, MW-31C, MW-32B/C, MW-36, and MW-37D (Table 5-6). In addition, redox conditions often control the mobility and subsequent concentration in groundwater of redox-sensitive metals such as iron, manganese, and arsenic. Under reducing conditions, these metals are transformed from their oxidized (and immobile) states to their more soluble, reduced forms (NJDEP 2012). In addition, many metals that are not redox sensitive are sorbed to iron and manganese oxyhydroxides, which may dissolve under reducing conditions, releasing sorbed metals. If site soil/sediments contain redox-sensitive metals, elevated concentrations of dissolved metals will be observed in areas with reducing conditions. Total and dissolved arsenic (Table 5-7) was detected at most locations at low concentrations (less than 2 µg/L); however, elevated concentrations (up to 14 µg/L) of total arsenic were observed at shallow GW locations in the ESS, specifically GW-010, GW-011, GW-014, GW-015, GW-020. Concentrations of total and dissolved manganese were typically less than 200 µg/L. Elevated concentrations of total manganese (up to 2,770 µg/L) were observed at MW-03RA/B/D, MW-08A/C, MW-13S, MW-14S, MW-15D, MW-17S, MW-23A/C, MW-26A, MW-29A, MW-30C, MW-31C, MW-34B/C/D, MW-36, and most shallow GW/RG locations. Concentrations of total and dissolved iron are highly variable across the site and over time at each location. Locations with recurrent elevated concentrations of total iron (greater than 500 µg/L) include MW-13S, MW-14S, MW-23A, MW-30C, MW-31C, and most shallow GW/RG locations in the ESS. As reducing conditions will generally cause an elevation in dissolved redox-sensitive metals, and elevations of redox-sensitive metals were observed only in the total fraction (i.e., not dissolved), variations in total metals across the site demonstrate variations in lithology and support the previous observation that conditions are aerobic. Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-10 Degradation By-Products and Other Indicators TOC and alkalinity can be used as general indicators of the amount of dissolved carbon within the system, which can increase the rate and extent of microbial activity. Reductive dechlorination is favored when concentrations of TOC are greater than 20 mg/L (EPA 2006b). TOC was generally low (less than 5 mg/L) except for MW-03RC/D, MW-08C, MW-13S, and MW-14S (Table 5-6). Increasing concentrations of alkalinity can be indicative of enhanced microbial activity (NJDEP 2012). Alkalinity was fairly consistent across the site and over time, ranging from 210 to 460 mg/L (Table 5-6). A key factor influencing both potential and rates of biotic and abiotic PCE degradation reactions is pH. Inhibition of the bacteria capable of complete reductive dechlorination to ethene (including Dehalococcoides and Dehalogenimonas) is generally observed at pH below 6 with complete inhibition at pH of 5.5 or less (NJDEP 2012). The optimal range of pH for microbial activity is 6 to 8 standard units. pH at the site varied from 6.3 to 7.7 standard units (Table 5-6). Ethene/ethane are the end products of complete microbial reductive dechlorination of PCE, TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, trans-1,2-DCE, and/or VC. Ethene was detected in MW-03RD, MW-08C, MW- 23A/B/C, MW-25C, MW-30C, MW-31C, and MW-34B/D at concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 8.8 µg/L. Ethane was detected in MW-08C, MW-23A/C, MW-31C, and MW-34B/C at concentrations ranging from 0.3 to 14 µg/L. Chloride is released into groundwater during the biodegradation of chlorinated ethenes, which can result in elevated concentrations of chloride. As chloride is also naturally occurring, increases in concentration because of biodegradation are only observed when the concentrations of chlorinated ethenes are in the parts per million range (NJDEP 2012). Because PCE at the site is below the parts per million range and chloride is greater than 100 mg/L, chloride cannot be used as an indicator of degradation. General Chemistry The chemical composition of groundwater in the Salt Lake Valley varies with location and depth, primarily because of recharge sources and water-sediment interactions (Thiros et al. 2010). Groundwater at the site is classified as Class II Drinking Water Quality Groundwater (TDS between 500 and 3,000 mg/L), which is consistent with the measured TDS at the site (Table 5-6). Based upon the concentrations of major cations (calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium) and major anions (sulfate, chloride, and bicarbonate), groundwater can be further classified using the dominant geochemistry (calcium sulfate type, sodium chloride type, magnesium bicarbonate type, sodium bicarbonate type, and mixed). Groundwater in all aquifers (i.e., shallow, deep, and perched) are predominantly mixed-calcium sulfate type. However, inputs from surface recharge to the shallow aquifer can be observed in elevated concentrations of chloride and sodium (Tables 5-6 and 5-7). 5.4 Surface Water As discussed in Section 3.7, surface water sampling has been conducted as part of AOU1, Phase 1 OU2, and Phase 2 OU1 investigations to determine the nature and extent of contamination in surface water. Surface water samples collected during the RI were analyzed for VOCs, metals, and geochemical parameters. A data quality evaluation is provided in the AOU1 Remedial Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-11 Investigation Report (EA 2019), 2018 OU2 DSR (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B), Vapor Intrusion Technical Memorandum (CDM Smith 2021f, attached in Appendix C), and the ESS VI Lines of Evidence DSR (CDM Smith 2021m, attached in Appendix D). All data are usable to determine the nature and extent of contamination in surface water. 5.4.1 Contaminants of Interest The analytical results for the preliminary COPCs (not including 1,4-dioxane) from samples collected during all surface water monitoring events are presented in Table 5-8. A total of 96 surface water samples were collected from 55 locations between February 2016 and April 2021. Of the 37 locations sampled once, PCE was detected at 32 locations and was not detected at 5 locations. Of the 18 locations sampled multiple times: ▪ PCE was consistently not detected at 4 locations (SW-16/SW-16E/SW-16I, SW-48, SW-51, and SW-52). ▪ PCE was consistently detected at 10 locations (SW-06, SW-12, SW-23, SW-34, SW-35, SW-39, SW-44, SW-47, SW-53, and SW-166). ▪ Declining PCE concentrations were observed at 2 locations (SW-15 and SW-50). ▪ Fluctuating PCE concentrations were observed at 5 locations (SW-06, SW-34, SW-35, SW-39, and SW-53). Because groundwater is known to discharge to the surface in the ESS area, the most recent concentrations of PCE in groundwater and surface water were integrated and the approximate extent of PCE is shown in Figure 5-4B. As surface water is not used for drinking water, MCLs are not applicable; however, as the surface water and groundwater results were integrated to show the approximate extent of PCE, MCLs are presented on Figure 5-4B and Table 5-8 for screening and demonstration purposes. Surface water samples that did not contain detectable PCE are located to the north of the PCE groundwater plume and south of the plume along Red Butte Creek. Surface water locations SW-10 and SW-24 (PCE was not detected at either location) are samples representative of stormwater upgradient of areas where surface water discharges—while they are located within the extent of the PCE plume, these samples are not indicative of groundwater discharge to surface water. Surface water samples that contain detectable PCE at less than 5 µg/L generally bound the PCE plume to the west and south; however, storm water (i.e., precipitation, run-off) may have been a substantial component of the sample volume at some locations, particularly SW-05, SW-30, and SW-36. Within the extent of the PCE plume, there are multiple surface water locations (SW-09, SW-11, SW-26, SW-27, SW-28, and SW-31) where PCE concentrations less than 50 µg/L are shown inside of the 50 µg/L isoconcentration contour. At these locations, groundwater may not be the dominant component. Geochemical parameters were collected at SW-26, SW-27, and SW-28, and discussed further in Section 5.4.2. Low-level concentrations of TCE were observed at 33 surface water locations; however, TCE concentrations did not exceed the MCL (5 µg/L) at any location. Low-level concentrations of cis- Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-12 1,2-DCE (less than 2 µg/L) were observed at 24 locations. VC was not detected in any surface water samples (Table 5-8). 5.4.2 Geochemical Conditions As described in Section 3.7, geochemical parameters, including total metals, TOC, dissolved gases (ethene, ethane, methane), anions (sulfate, chloride, nitrate, nitrite), alkalinity, TDS, ferrous iron, and field parameters (conductivity, pH, temperature, turbidity, ORP) were collected in a subset of surface water samples. Results are presented in Table 5-9 (geochemical parameters) and Table 5-10 (total and dissolved metals). Geochemical parameters are used to assess general chemistry and redox conditions and to evaluate whether groundwater was a significant component of surface water. A more detailed discussion of the contaminant migration due to groundwater-surface water interactions is provided in Section 6.2. In general, a similar range of concentration of total metals, TOC, chloride, and redox-sensitive parameters (nitrate/nitrite, dissolved gases, ORP) is present in surface water samples, compared to groundwater. Lower concentrations of sulfate, alkalinity, calcium, magnesium, and TDS can be observed in the surface water samples collected along Red Butte Creek (SW-47, SW-51, and SW-52). As discussed in the previous section, the contribution of groundwater at surface water locations where the observed concentrations of PCE conflict with nearby concentrations of PCE in groundwater can be evaluated using geochemical parameters. Locations that warrant evaluation and have appropriate data for this evaluation include SW-26, SW-27, and SW-28. Surface water locations SW-26, SW-27, and SW-28 are located in proximity to GW-011/RG-02. Geochemical parameters were collected at GW-011 in 2016. Concentrations of chloride, sulfate, TDS, calcium, and magnesium were similar at SW-26, SW-27, and SW-28 compared to GW-011; however, concentrations of aluminum, iron, and potassium were lower, and concentrations of sodium were higher. This suggests that lower concentrations of PCE at SW-26, SW-27, and SW-28 compared with GW-011/RG-02 are likely due to surface runoff contribution. 5.5 Soil Gas and Indoor Air (East Side Springs) The potential development of a soil gas plume in the ESS area would be due to volatilization of VOCs from the groundwater plume; therefore, the area of interest for soil gas impacts is defined by the proximity to the groundwater plume. The following sections describe the nature and extent of preliminary COPCs in soil gas and indoor air in the ESS area. As discussed in Section 3.13.1, during the AOU1 RI, it was determined that field data collection procedures were not in compliance with the AOU1 QAPP for some of the soil gas and indoor air samples collected in 2015. These data were qualified during data validation as not usable for the risk assessment; however, the data can be used to support other data in defining the extent of soil gas and VI impacts in the ESS area (qualitative use). These data are noted in Tables 5-11 and 5-12 and are included in Figures 5-6 and 5-7. 5.5.1 Soil Gas As discussed in Section 3.8, soil gas sampling was conducted in 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2021 to determine the nature and extent of the soil gas plume. Table 5-11 details the soil gas sample dates, locations, and analytical results for preliminary COPCs screened against the residential soil Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-13 gas RBSLs. Figure 5-6 presents the soil gas sample locations and sample type, color coded by the maximum PCE detection. Samples were analyzed for VOCs using SUMMA canisters and/or HAPSITE. Detailed descriptions of the sampling results and a data quality summary for all samples collected are presented in the AOU1 Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019), the AOU1 DSRs (FE 2015b; EA 2018; and CH2M 2017, attached in Appendix A) and Phase 2 OU1 DSRs (CDM Smith 2021h, 2021m, attached in Appendix D). Further discussion of migration of COPCs in soil gas is presented in Section 6.2. PCE A total of 130 soil gas samples were collected in the ESS area, resulting in 70 detections of PCE. Seven samples exceeded the residential RBSL for PCE in soil gas (360 µg/m3), with a maximum concentration of 4,200 µg/m3 measured at RG-08 in August 2021. Four of the seven samples that exceeded the RBSL were collected at 0053-H, ranging from 510 to 2,000 J µg/m3. The other samples that exceeded the RBSL were collected at RG-08 in April 2021 (570 µg/m3), located approximately 140 feet to the southeast of 0053-H, and 0017-H (431 µg/m3), located approximately 600 feet to the northeast of 0053-H. Additionally, the sample collected in 2015 from 0011-H, neighboring 0053-H, had a PCE concentration of 356 µg/m3. Although lower concentrations were noted in other areas in the ESS, the highest soil gas concentrations were centered around the intersection of 900 South and 1200 East. For the four soil gas locations sampled during April and August 2021, PCE concentrations were higher during the August sampling (Table 5-11). Concentrations of PCE were two to eight times higher in August compared to April. However, only location RG-08 exceeded the residential RBSL for PCE during either sampling event. TCE TCE was detected in 19 of the 130 soil gas samples collected in the ESS area. These concentrations ranged from 0.11 J to 21 µg/m3. Three samples exceeded the residential RBSL for TCE in soil gas (16 µg/m3). Two of the samples that exceeded the RBSL were collected from 0053-H in 2016 (21 µg/m3 and 18 µg/m3), and the third sample was collected from 0030-H in 2015 (17 µg/m3). The samples collected at 0053-H that exceed the residential RBSL for TCE correlate with the area containing the maximum detections of PCE in the ESS-area soil vapor. Cis-1,2-DCE Thirteen soil gas samples contained detectable cis-1,2-DCE with a maximum concentration of 2.8 µg/m3 at 0030-H. The sample at 0030-H correlates with the TCE RBSL exceedance observed in 2016 at this location. VC Eight of the 22 soil gas samples analyzed for VC contained detectable concentrations. None of the samples exceeded the residential RBSL for VC in soil gas (5.6 µg/m3), with a maximum concentration of 0.13 ug/m3 at both MW-34 and RG-10 collected by SUMMA canister in March and April 2021, respectively. Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-14 5.5.2 Indoor Air As discussed in Section 3.10, indoor air sampling has been conducted from 2015 to 2022 to delineate the area of the site that may be susceptible to VI and identify any properties that require an interim removal action. Table 5-12 details the indoor air sample dates, locations, and analytical results for preliminary COPCs screened against the residential indoor air RBSLs. Figure 5-7 presents the indoor air sample locations and sample type, color coded by the maximum PCE detection screened against the indoor air RBSL and Tier 1 RAL. Samples were collected for VOCs using SUMMA canisters, HAPSITE, and/or passive samplers. Detailed descriptions of the sampling results and data quality summaries for all samples collected are presented in the AOU1 Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019) and Phase 1 OU2 DSRs (CDM Smith 2021h, 2021m, attached in Appendix D). In 2015, HAPSITE samples were collected throughout structures at 36 locations, from January through April and in December. SUMMA canister samples were collected at 14 of those structures. Certain data from this event were qualified during data validation because the field data collection was not completed in compliance with the AOU1 QAPP. While these data were not used in the risk assessment, they may still be used to support the data collected from 2016 through 2020 in defining the extent of the vapor intrusion. In 2016, HAPSITE samples were collected within structures at 16 locations during the months of February, March, May, and June. SUMMA samples were collected at 9 of those locations in March and May 2016. In 2017, HAPSITE samples were collected within 18 structures during March and April. SUMMA samples were collected at 14 of those locations in March and April 2017. Some of the HAPSITE samples were collected during building pressure cycling. Pressure cycling (specifically, negative pressure) was used to force “worst-case” scenario conditions and to replicate potential seasonal variation. Pressure cycling study results may be considered to represent conservatively high results. From 2019 to 2021, under the Phase 1 OU2 investigation, samples were collected from 32 locations. HAPSITE samples were collected from all locations, excluding locations sampled in 2021. SUMMA and passive samples were collected at 30 locations (excluding 0045-S where only HAPSITE samples were collected, and locations sampled in 2021 where only SUMMA samples were collected). SUMMA samples were collected over a 24-hour period, while passive samples, placed adjacent to SUMMA canisters, were collected over an approximate 3-week period. Under the Phase 2 OU1 investigation, SUMMA samples were collected from 10 locations in August 2021 and 33 locations in March 2022, SUMMA samples were collected over a 24-hour period. Non-Residential Structures The sample identification suffix is the structure type designator; home (H), business (B), church (C), or school (S). Most structures included in the VI investigation were homes (Table 5-12); however, one business (0019-B), two churches (0020-C and 0366-C), and six schools (0021-S, 0022-S, 0028-S, 0031-S, 0045-S, and 0365-S) were also included. While businesses, churches, and schools are commercial properties, and it is appropriate to screen indoor air concentrations against commercial RBSLs, there is the potential for sensitive populations to be present at these structures. The business (0019-B) is an assisted living facility, there is a daycare in one school (0045-S), and there is the potential for a daycare at the churches (0020-C and 0366-C); therefore, the residential RBLSs were also used for screening (Table 5-12). Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-15 There were no detections of PCE, TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, or VC in indoor air within one church (0020- C) (Table 5-12). The other church (0366-C) contained PCE and TCE at low concentrations, less than their residential RBSLs, and cis-1,2-DCE and VC were not detected. PCE was observed at low concentrations (less than the residential RBSL of 11 µg/m3) at locations primarily in the basement of the business (0019-B). Low concentrations of cis-1,2-DCE were also detected at 0019-B. TCE and VC were not detected. There were no detections of PCE, TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, or VC at two of the schools (0021-S and 0028- S) except for one sample at 0021-S (PCE was 0.8 µg/m3). The maximum concentration of PCE observed in indoor air at 0022-S was reported in the maintenance storage closet (11.2 µg/m3) slightly in excess of the residential RBSL but less than the commercial RBSL. Other detections of PCE ranged from 0.8 to 8.4 µg/m3. TCE was observed in two samples at concentrations in excess of the residential RBSL (1.3 and 0.7 µg/m3). At the time of sampling, a stainless steel cleaning solution containing TCE and PCE was observed in the second floor maintenance storage closest (FE 2015b), suggesting these detections of PCE and TCE are due to indoor air sources. At 0031-S, RI activities were limited to soil gas sampling, but an independent contractor collected indoor air samples (IHI 2012). The independent contractor also collected indoor air samples at school located at 800 S and 1000 E. SUMMA canisters were deployed in basement locations on both campuses for 24 hours with analysis completed using EPA Method TO-15. There were no detections of PCE, TCE, or VC in any of the indoor air samples (IHI 2012). 0045-S was sampled in March 2016 and December 2019 (Table 5-12). During the March 2016 sampling, three rooms on the ground level were selected based upon the proximity to PCE- impacted groundwater for sampling under ambient, negative, and positive pressure. Other indoor air samples were collected from the four levels of the building. Under ambient conditions, PCE and TCE were only detected near the auto shop (PCE was detected in three samples ranging from 0.8 to 40 µg/m3 and TCE was detected in one sample at 1.3 µg/m3), where interior contaminant sources (i.e., brake cleaner) were positively identified. In two rooms that were sampled under negative and positive pressure, PCE, TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, and VC were not detected. In the third room sampled under negative and positive pressure, low level (less than the residential RBSL) concentrations of PCE were observed. During the December 2019 sampling, indoor air samples were collected under ambient pressure conditions. In proximity to the ground level auto shop (boiler room, HVAC room, auto shop chemical waste, auto shop chemical storage, sump room, and elevator), concentrations of PCE ranged from 0.9 to 11.2 µg/m3. Three samples out of a total of 126 samples exceeded the residential RBSL for PCE or TCE, and no samples exceeded the commercial RBSLs. 0365-S was sampled in March 2022. PCE was detected in all four indoor air samples, at concentrations well below its residential RBSL. TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, and VC were not detected. PCE in Residential Structures From 2015 to 2017, PCE was detected in 33 of 48 residential structures sampled, with an exceedance of the RBSL for PCE (11 µg/m3) observed during initial sampling at 10 structures Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-16 (Table 5-12), including 0011-H, 0017-H, 0018-H, 0023-H, 0037-H, 0040-H, 0051-H, 0053-H, 0054-H, and 0059-H. Subsequent sampling was completed at 25 structures, and PCE was detected in 19 of the structures at concentrations ranging from 0.037 to 74 µg/m3. PCE concentrations greater than the RBSL were observed in four structures: 0003-H, 0011-H, 0018-H, and 0053-H. Overall, during the 2015–2017 sampling events, a total of five structures had a concentration of PCE that exceeded the Tier 1 RAL in at least one sample: 0023-H, 0037-H, 0040-H, 0051-H, and 0059-H. The indoor air samples that exceeded the Tier 1 RAL for PCE are described below: ▪ In 2015, one sample collected at 0023-H within a covered basement sump (132 µg/m3). ▪ In 2015, one sample collected at 0037-H in the furnace room at floor level near a crack (88 µg/m3). ▪ In 2016, several samples collected at 0040-H in the basement and main level (43 to 153 µg/m3). ▪ In 2016, one sample collected at 0051-H in the mechanical room at floor level under forced negative pressure conditions (402 µg/m3). ▪ In 2017, one sample collected at 0059-H at the basement laundry room floor drain under forced negative pressure conditions (1,071 µg/m3). After confirming the PCE exceedances were a result of vapor intrusion at 0040-H, a TCRA was executed in accordance with an Action Memorandum (VA 2016) to install a vapor mitigation system. The PCE RAL exceedance at 0023-H (123 µg/m3) was from a sample collected inside a covered sump in the basement. Additional samples collected from rooms in the basement did not exceed the PCE RBSL. In addition to sampling under normal pressure conditions, the home was sampled under forced negative and positive pressures in an effort to replicate potential season variability and force worst-case conditions. Samples collected in the basement during pressure-cycling did not exceed the PCE RBSL. The PCE RAL exceedance at 0037-H (88 µg/m3) was from a sample collected at floor level in the basement furnace room near a crack. A breathing zone sample collected in the same room was below the PCE RBSL. A portable air purifier was provided to the resident until the floor crack was sealed in November 2016. The PCE RAL exceedance at 0051-H (402 µg/m3) was from a sample collected at floor level in the mechanical room near a crack while the house was under negative pressure (-10 pascals). A breathing zone sample collected in the same room, at the same pressure, was below the PCE RAL and under normal pressure conditions, the breathing zone PCE concentration was below the RBSL. A portable air purifier was provided to the resident until the floor crack was sealed in November 2016. The PCE RAL exceedance at 0059-H (1,071 µg/m3) was from a sample collected 2 inches above the floor drain while the house was under negative pressure (-10 pascals). A breathing zone Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-17 sampled collected in the same room, at the same pressure, was below the PCE RBSL. The floor drain p-trap was observed to be dry, so water was added, and the room was retested. PCE concentrations decreased at the floor drain (219 µg/m3) and in the breathing zone (0.96 µg/m3). PCE was not detected in the room under normal pressure conditions. Following corrective actions, concentrations of PCE were less than the RBSL (11 µg/m3) at these locations during subsequent confirmation sampling with SUMMA canisters. In the winter of 2019–2020, 10 structures sampled from 2015 to 2017 (0003-H, 0011-H, 0017-H, 0025-H, 0026-H, 0037-H, 0045-S, 0051-H, 0053-H, and 0059-H) were resampled along with an additional 21 new locations. All properties (with the exception of 0045-S where only HAPSITE sampling was completed) were investigated using HAPSITE, SUMMA, and passive sample collection. PCE concentrations exceeded the RBSL at 0011-H, 0018-H, 0026-H, and 0053-H, with the highest concentrations occurring at 0011-H (16 and 19 µg/m3 in the basement storage). Samples collected from new location 0091-H exceeded the RBSL (14 to 18 µg/m3 in multiple samples). PCE concentrations did not exceed the Tier 1 RAL in any sample. In August 2021, nine structures sampled in the winter of 2019–2020 were resampled, along with one additional new location (0102-H). PCE concentrations exceeded the RBSL at 0091-H, 0011-H, and 0018-H with the highest concentration occurring at 0011-H (19 µg/m3 in the basement storage). PCE concentrations in the nine homes that had been previously sampled were all the same or lower than concentrations measured during previous events in winter and spring seasons. PCE did not exceed the Tier 1 RAL in any sample. In March 2022, 33 residential structures were sampled, six of which were previously sampled. PCE concentrations exceeded the RBSL at 0064-H (13 µg/m3 in the living room), 0192-H (16 µg/m3 in the living room), 0197-H (23 µg/m3 in the basement laundry room), 0263-H (12.6 µg/m3 in the basement bedroom), 0274-H (12 µg/m3 in the basement living room), and 0336-H (16 µg/m3 in the basement storage room). PCE had not previously been detected at 0013-H or 0062-H but was detected during the March 2022 event at low concentrations (below the residential RBSL). At 0029-H, 0041-H, and 0146-H, PCE concentrations were lower than those previously measured. Figure 5-7 shows the locations with exceedances of the RBSL and Tier 1 RAL are generally located in the vicinity of the intersection of 900 South and 1200 East. TCE in Residential Structures From 2015 to 2022, TCE was detected at 50 of the 96 residential structures and exceeded the residential RBSL (0.48 µg/m3) at 10 structures (0003-H, 0017-H, 0018-H, 0023-H, 0040-H, 0098- H, 0166-H, 0193-H, 0194-H, and 0263-H). The Tier 1 RAL was exceeded at 0197-H. A TCRA was executed at 0040-H. Indoor sources of TCE were identified at 0017-H, 0023-H, 0054-H, 0059-H, and 0197-H. At 0197-H, suspected indoor sources were removed and additional samples collected in April 2022. TCE concentrations in four indoor air samples exceeded the Tier 1 RAL, with three samples exceeding the Tier 2 RAL. The highest TCE concentrations were on the upper level of the structure. A TCRA was executed at 0197-H, while evaluation of the TCE source is ongoing. Section 5 • Nature and Extent of Contamination 5-18 Cis-1,2-DCE in Residential Structures Cis-1,2-DCE was detected during 2015 at the following locations: 0001-H, 0002-H, 0003-H, 0004- H, 0008-H, 0010-H, 0014-H, 0015-H, 0017-H, 0025-H, 0029-H, 0033-H, 0036-H, and 0037-H. Detected concentrations ranged from 0.40 µg/m3 to 2.20 µg/m3 (at 0003-H). Cis-1,2-DCE was detected in 51 samples during 2016 at the following locations: 0041-H, 0047-H, 0052-H, 0053-H, 0055-H, and 0056-H. Detected concentrations ranged from 0.36 µg/m3 to 3.05 µg/m3 (at 0003-H). Cis-1,2-DCE was detected in two samples during the 2017 sampling event at the following locations: 0026-H and 0059-H. Detected concentrations ranged from 0.48 µg/m3 to 2.18 µg/m3 (at 0059-H). Cis-1,2-DCE was detected in five samples during 2019 at the following locations: 0003-H, 0018-H, and 0051-H. Detected concentrations ranged from 1.1 µg/m3 to 2.5 µg/m3 (at 0003-H). Cis-1,2- DCE was detected in 23 samples collected in 2020 at the following locations: 0011-H, 0018-H, 0059-H, 0091-H, and 0166-H. Detected concentrations ranged from 0.034 J µg/m3 to 11.2 µg/m3. During 2021, cis-1,2-DCE was detected in one sample at 0018-H, with a concentration of 0.2 µg/m3. In 2022, cis-1,2-DCE was detected in nine samples. The maximum concentration observed in 2022 was 0.69 µg/m3. An RBSL was not established for cis-1,2-DCE in indoor air. VC in Residential Structures A total of 33 samples from 14 locations were analyzed for VC in 2015; however, all results were below detectable limits. In 2016, 10 samples were analyzed for VC at the following locations: 0003-H, 0011-H, 0017-H, 0018-H, 0023-H, 0037-H, 0051-H, and 0053-H. VC was not detected in any of these 10 samples. In 2017, 14 samples were analyzed for VC in 11 locations. VC was detected in two of these samples, both at 0001-H in the basement living room. Concentrations ranged from 0.17 µg/m3 to 0.19 µg/m3 (an exceedance of the RBSL). In 2019, VC was detected in one sample at 0003-H at a concentration of 0.038 J µg/m3. VC was detected in nine of the SUMMA samples collected in 2020, but concentrations were not above the RBSL. VC was not analyzed in the HAPSITE or passive samples in 2020. During 2021, VC was detected in one sample at 0037-H, with a concentration of 0.016 J µg/m3, below the RBSL. VC was not detected in any samples collected in 2022. No samples analyzed for VC exceeded the Tier 1 RAL of 17 µg/m3. 6-1 Section 6 Contaminant Fate and Transport Evaluation of fate and transport of the preliminary COPCs is based on the conceptual site model (CSM), including site physical characteristics, source characteristics, results from contaminant investigations, and contaminant characteristics. This section provides a discussion of some of the components of the CSM (Figure 6-1), including contaminant source, migration routes (including the results of the groundwater model), and contaminant persistence. 6.1 Potential Sources of Contamination and Contaminant Characteristics The dry-cleaning facility on the VAMC property was operational in Building 7 from approximately 1976 through 1984. A single “closed loop” dry-cleaning system was operated, meaning the system contained a distillation process for the recovery of PCE at the end of each cycle. The condensate from the distillation process was emptied directly into a vitrified clay drain line attached to the sanitary sewer. This method of disposal was common practice in the 1980s (EPA 2012). Soil gas investigations in 2018 along the sanitary sewer identified a sewer line defect adjacent to Manhole 22658 in Sunnyside Park (Jacobs 2019b, attached in Appendix B). Review of historical building construction drawings and historical photographs indicate that gravel sumps, dry wells, a scale pit, an underground storage tank, and 55-gallon drum storage areas were present in the vicinity of the former dry-cleaning facility; however, there is no evidence that these features would have been associated with the dry-cleaning operations (Jacobs 2019a). Review of historical aerial photographs was unable to confirm locations of these features. Therefore, two potential sources of contamination at the site have been identified: surface and near-surface releases of dry-cleaning condensate in the Building 6 and 7 area on the VAMC campus and subsurface release through the sanitary sewer line defect in Sunnyside Park (Figure 6-1). Dry-cleaning condensate is composed of high concentrations of dissolved PCE; therefore, DNAPL is not expected to occur at the site. Because PCE degrades to TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, and VC under anaerobic conditions, these compounds are included as preliminary COPCs. The chemical 1,4-dioxane is also included as a preliminary COPC at the request of EPA. The physical properties of the preliminary COPCs are presented in Table 6-1. PCE has a low solubility; TCE and VC have a moderate solubility; cis-1,2-DCE has a high solubility; and 1,4-dioxane is completely miscible in water. PCE, TCE, and cis-1,2-DCE have a high vapor pressure and high Henry’s constant; VC has a very high vapor pressure and high Henry’s constant; and 1,4-dioxane has a moderate vapor pressure and low Henry’s constant. Each of the preliminary COPCs will migrate through soils in groundwater. In groundwater, VC volatilizes most readily into air of any of these compounds, while 1,4-dioxane will not readily volatize into air. Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-2 6.2 Transport Processes and Potential Routes of Migration The presumed source of PCE in groundwater is releases of dry-cleaning condensate into the vadose zone in the Building 6 and 7 area on the VAMC campus and near Manhole 22658 in Sunnyside Park. In the vadose zone, dissolved contaminant source mass migration is controlled by gravity and capillary mechanisms and forces. As contaminants migrate through the vadose zone, the dissolved source mass is retained by capillary forces and undergoes adsorption to clays and organic materials. The dissolved source mass will continue to move downward because of gravity and leaching by infiltrating water until a barrier is encountered and the contaminant is diverted laterally. Volatilization into air, migration with infiltrating water, and migration with encountered groundwater will deplete the remaining dissolved source mass in the vadose zone at the source areas and generate groundwater and soil gas plumes. Once contaminants have reached groundwater, contaminant transport mechanisms in the saturated zone (i.e., advection, dispersion, diffusion) move contaminants into areas downgradient from the source. Advection is the process by which chemicals are transported at the same velocity as the average linear velocity of groundwater (and is slowed by retardation, which varies based on the contaminant type). Dispersion in porous media is defined as the spreading of a chemical in groundwater as the water flows through the subsurface. This process allows for the dilution of the chemical as the contaminated groundwater mixes with unaffected groundwater along the dispersion front. Diffusion is the process whereby chemical compounds move from areas of higher concentration to lower concentration. In high-permeability zones, advection is the dominant process, while in low-permeability zones (e.g., clay layers), diffusion is the dominant process. Diffusion of contaminants into low permeability zones because of the concentration gradient between the low- and high-permeability zones results in “storage” of contaminants that can then act as secondary sources of contamination to more transmissive zones when concentrations decline and the concentration gradient between the low- and high-permeability unit reverses (a process known as back diffusion). As contaminants partition into the vapor phase (from either dissolved source mass in the vadose zone or the groundwater plume in the saturated zone), migration in the vapor phase occurs primarily via diffusion and advection. Advection processes in the vadose zone may result from barometric pumping because of natural variations in temperature and pressure that occur with weather changes. In deep vadose zones, density differences between VOC soil gas and air can also affect migration. As contaminants in all phases (i.e., source mass in vadose zone, dissolved in groundwater, and vapor as soil gas) migrate through the subsurface, partitioning into pore water and sorption onto the soil matrix can occur. As water level fluctuations and infiltration occur, porewater and sorbed mass can leach back into groundwater. The amount of sorbed-phase contamination on soil matrix is a function of the amount of organic carbon and clay present. 6.3 Contaminant Migration in Soil As discussed in Section 5.1, three sediment samples were collected in the ESS area and 298 soil samples were collected from 44 locations on the VAMC campus, in Sunnyside Park, and near the Mount Olivet Cemetery (Figure 5-1). The highest PCE soil concentrations were observed in Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-3 borings advanced between Buildings 6 and 7 at concentrations less than 0.005 mg/kg, which is three orders of magnitude below the RBSL for residential soil (24 mg/kg). It is possible that at this point, all remaining source mass in the vadose zone has migrated to groundwater or volatilized to soil gas. However, it is also possible that the remaining dissolved source mass in the vadose zone has migrated laterally along boundaries (i.e., silt and clay layers). A discussion of the extent of contaminants in soil vapor, plume stability, and evaluation of remaining dissolved source mass acting as a source to groundwater will be presented in Section 6.6 and Section 6.7, respectively. 6.4 Contaminant Migration in Groundwater The primary contaminant in groundwater is PCE, with localized concentrations of TCE (approximately 1 to 12 µg/L) possibly present because of localized areas conducive to anaerobic degradation. The PCE groundwater plume originates west of Buildings 6 and 7 near the western edge of the VAMC campus, with the highest concentrations at MW-01S, MW-02, and MW-03RB (approximately 230 µg/L) (Figure 5-4A). Any surface releases of PCE on the VAMC campus likely migrated vertically as well as laterally to the west-northwest along clay layers and in perched groundwater and encountered the shallow aquifer west of Building 6 and 7 in the vicinity of MW-01S, MW-02, and MW-03R. Downward migration of PCE from the shallow aquifer to the deep aquifer has occurred in the vicinity of MW-03R (Figure 5-5). Concentrations of PCE at MW-04 and MW-29 in Sunnyside Park are likely due to the release from the sanitary sewer, which traveled vertically and laterally along low-permeability layers and perched groundwater, ultimately migrating to the shallow aquifer west-northwest of the release location. After encountering groundwater, the PCE plume migrates west along the direction of groundwater flow. The East Bench Fault Spur does not appear to be an impediment to groundwater flow and contaminant migration; however, to the west of the fault spur, changes in hydraulic conductivity and topography cause groundwater flow direction and the PCE groundwater plume to shift to the southwest (Figure 5-4A). Between the East Bench Fault Spur and the East Bench Fault, topography and horizontal groundwater gradients steepen significantly. Along the hillside between approximately 700 South and Michigan Avenue, groundwater intersects the ground surface and seeps, and springs are observed (Figure 6-1). The East Bench Fault is acting as a semipermeable barrier to flow. Groundwater flowing from the site is therefore laterally restricted at this fault, with groundwater both flowing through the fault and mounding up at the eastern face. This mounding results in surface discharges to springs and seeps and flowing artesian wells just east of the fault. Both the shallow and deeper portion of the shallow aquifer contribute to the surface water discharges observed in this area. 6.4.1 Groundwater Modeling Approach A comprehensive groundwater flow and solute transport model (the VAMC Model) was created and applied to support the OU1 RI. The groundwater modeling is documented in the OU1 RI Groundwater Model Report, which is included as Appendix F of this document. The use of the VAMC Model for this project followed the approach documented in the final Groundwater Model Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) (CDM Smith 2021n). The QAPP outlined the methods for project oversight, data usage, and modeling approach, and was developed in accordance with EPA guidelines contained in Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans for Modeling (EPA 2002). Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-4 The objectives of the groundwater modeling tasks executed for the OU1 RI are to improve the understanding of the future fate and transport of the PCE plume under a range of potential hydrologic and hydraulic conditions, to assess historical flow and transport pathways associated with nearby public supply and irrigation well pumping, and to support the continued development and evolution of the CSM. Although there is not a regulatory requirement for groundwater modeling, it has been used in conjunction with other site information and professional judgment to meet these objectives. The following steps were completed to achieve these objectives: ▪ One groundwater flow model (the VAMC Model) was constructed based on regional and site data and previous studies and models. ▪ The VAMC Model represents historical conditions at OU1 and the surrounding vicinity by running in transient (time varying) mode from January 1, 1979, to September 30, 2020, using monthly stress periods. ▪ Hydraulic properties were estimated through a combination of historical and newly collected hydraulic testing data. ▪ The VAMC Model was calibrated to historical piezometric head data available from the USGS’s National Water Information System and the September 2020 synoptic round of piezometric head data documented in the DSR from Q3 2020 (CDM Smith 2021g). ▪ Model calibration was validated to the September 2011 aquifer performance test-derived drawdowns at three wells (MW-1S, MW-1D, and the Fountain of Ute irrigation well), as documented in the Hydrogeological and Groundwater Model Summary Report for SLC-18 (MWH 2012). ▪ PCE transport under historical flow conditions was simulated using the January 1, 1979, to September 30, 2020, transient flow field represented by the calibrated VAMC Model. ▪ Present-day PCE concentration data were interpolated onto the VAMC Model and used as a starting point to simulate the fate and transport of PCE under a range of prescribed future conditions. Site data were used to implement decaying sources of PCE for these simulations. While a detailed description of each of these steps is included in the Groundwater Model Report, the following sections highlight the key features and results of the modeling work. 6.4.2 Numerical Model Features The numerical groundwater flow and solute transport model creation and applications were completed following procedures described in the Groundwater Model Quality Assurance Project Plan (CDM Smith 2021n). The steps for creating and validating the VAMC Model are described in detail in the Groundwater Model Report (Appendix F) and summarized below. Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-5 Development of Conceptual Model The purpose of the conceptual model task was to synthesize the available data into an understanding of the water balance (flow inputs and outputs), groundwater flow directions and gradients, groundwater flow impediments (such as faults), and hydrostratigraphy of OU1 and surrounding areas before numerical modeling. The electronic regional model files from the USGS regional model described in Stolp (2007) were used to provide a framework for model structure, stratigraphy, boundaries, and water balance terms. Selection of Numerical Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Sim ulation (Model) Codes Model codes were reviewed and selected to meet the objectives of the project. It was determined that the groundwater flow and fate and transport modeling would be performed using MODFLOW-SURFACT, implemented within the Groundwater Vistas graphical user interface. MODFLOW-SURFACT is a proprietary version of the MODFLOW (McDonald and Harbaugh 1996) family of codes that has been used extensively in groundwater evaluations worldwide for more than 20 years. MODFLOW-SURFACT is well-documented and is an enhanced version of MODFLOW that includes a Newton-Raphson linearization approach to solving the governing groundwater flow equations. Numerical Model Creation The creation of the numerical model included the translation of the conceptual model into the numerical model representation, using the model code(s) selected. The VAMC Model domain, finite-difference grid, and boundary conditions are depicted in Figure 6-6. The model grid and layering are described below: ▪ The VAMC Model has uniform grid cell size of 150 feet by 150 feet and contains 128 rows and 128 columns covering a total area of 368,640,000 ft2, of which 52 percent (194,670,000 ft2) is the “active” area of the grid (only active cells are shown in Figure 6-6). The remaining 48 percent is inactive and not included in the model solution. ▪ The coordinate system of the model is NAD83 State Plane Utah Central, Feet. All elevations are in NAVD88 vertical datum. ▪ The model contains five computational layers as described below: • Model layers 1 and 2 represent the shallow aquifer zone. The top of layer 1 is the ground surface interpolated onto the model grid from digital elevation model data. The bottom of layer 2 is the inferred bottom of the shallow aquifer zone. The shallow aquifer zone was divided equally into two layers (layers 1 and 2) to represent vertical head gradients and artesian conditions within the shallow aquifer zone and to properly assign the drain boundary conditions to the springs. • Model layer 3 represents the silt/clay semi-confining layer between the shallow aquifer zone and deep aquifer zone. The position of this layer is based on lithologic logs and piezometric heads. The silt/clay semi-confining layer in the model is continuous and leaky, with hydraulic properties calibrated based on observed heads and head differences at monitoring wells. Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-6 • Model layer 4 represents the deep aquifer zone. Only one layer was used for the deep aquifer zone because of the limited vertical piezometric head differences across the zone. • Model layer 5 is designed to match the USGS Regional Model layer 4. This layer has lower transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity than the deep aquifer zone and extends to rock. The bottom of the model is assumed impermeable and coincides with the top of rock in the USGS Regional Model. The VAMC Model domain was aligned with natural site features where possible and positioned along estimated groundwater flow lines based on regional (USGS) piezometric head contour maps and recorded heads at long-term monitoring locations when natural features were not present. The lateral boundaries of the groundwater model are far enough away from OU1 such that the boundary assignments do not have a significant impact on the simulation of historical groundwater flow and transport pathways near SLC-18, springs east of the fault, and other potential receptors. Informed by the conceptual model, hydraulic testing, and model calibration, values of horizontal hydraulic conductivity (Kh), vertical hydraulic conductivity (Kv), specific yield (Sy), and specific storage (Ss) were applied to each cell in the model and presented below. ▪ Shallow aquifer zone: • Shallow aquifer zone properties are depicted for layers 1 and 2 (identical) in Figure 6-3. • In the area of the site east of the East Bench Fault Spur and a portion of the area west of the spur but east of the fault coincident with low Kh values at MW-13, Kh and Kv values were set to 5 and 0.05 ft/day, respectively. West of the spur, Kh and Kv values were set to 50 and 0.5 ft/day, respectively, except as noted. • West of the fault, Kh and Kv values were set to 15 and 0.15 ft/day, respectively. • Both horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities of the fault were set to 0.1 ft/day throughout all layers of the model. ▪ Silt/clay semi-confining layer: • Silt/clay semi-confining layer properties are depicted for layer 3 in Figure 6-4. • East of the fault, Kh and Kv values were set to 0.01 and 0.001 ft/day, respectively. • West of the fault Kh and Kv values were set to 15 and 0.15 ft/day, respectively. • Both horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities of the fault were set to 0.1 ft/day throughout all layers of the model. ▪ Deep aquifer zone: Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-7 • Deep aquifer zone properties are depicted for layer 4 in Figure 6-5. • East of the fault, Kh and Kv values were set to 45 and 0.45 ft/day, respectively. • West of the fault Kh and Kv values were set to 15 and 0.15 ft/day, respectively. • Both horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities of the fault were set to 0.1 ft/day throughout all layers of the model. • Unlike in the shallow aquifer zone, there was not a significant difference in hydraulic conductivities east and west of the East Bench Fault Spur. ▪ Deeper, lower transmissivity zone below the deep aquifer zone: • Kh and Kv values were set to 1 and 0.1 ft/day, respectively, both east and west of the fault. Specific yield (Sy) and specific storage (Ss) were set to 0.15 and 0.00001 throughout the model domain. The VAMC Model simulates saturated groundwater flow over the historical period of January 1, 1979, through September 30, 2020, using time-varying data and monthly transient stress periods. This simulation period is based on the availability of historical data and the current CSM. Groundwater Flow Model Calibration A groundwater flow model is calibrated to measured water level data to establish confidence in its ability to represent the aquifer system and to be used to meet the objectives of the project. The VAMC Model was calibrated to water level data available for the model simulation period of January 1, 1979, through September 30, 2020. A parameter sensitivity analysis was also completed as part of the calibration as detailed in the Groundwater Model Report. Detailed results of the model calibration are provided in the Groundwater Model Report. The water balance for the model stress period associated with September 2020 is shown in Table 6- 2. Water enters the modeled system via approximately 9.1 million gallons per day (MGD) of recharge and lost to the constant head boundaries to the west (7.7 MGD), the drains representing springs (1.3 MGD) and pumping wells (0.7 MGD). Storage increased 0.6 MGD from the previous stress period because of a decrease in pumping between August and September 2020. This water balance is for the September 2020 stress period within the transient model simulation. It, therefore, represents a snapshot in time in the simulation and not steady-state conditions. Sixteen additional simulations were conducted as part of the sensitivity analysis described in detail in the Groundwater Model Report. This sensitivity analysis focused on the quantitative goodness of fit of the model calibration with respect to changes in horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivity, conductance of the drains representing the springs, properties of the fault, University of Utah irrigation well pumping, and recharge. Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-8 6.4.3 Historical PCE Transport Simulations The historical movement of PCE released from potential source areas associated with the dry- cleaning operation was simulated for the period of January 1, 1979, to September 30, 2020, using the VAMC Model. This transient flow field includes the historical pumping record from SLC-18 and available pumping information for irrigation wells (Mount Olivet and University of Utah), as well as historical time-varying recharge to the system. The transient nature of the aquifer system means that PCE transport pathways were likely different when the PCE releases are presumed to have begun than they are now. The objectives of these historical PCE transport simulations are to estimate whether PCE released from suspected source areas likely impacted SLC-18, Mount Olivet Cemetery, and the ESS area as suspected and to provide another line of evidence to support the VAMC Model’s ability to represent the aquifer system. Iterative simulations were run using the historical groundwater flow field and variations on source strength, source location, and source duration to determine which combination resulted in the best match with the historical timeline and the present-day concentrations in the shallow and deep aquifer zones. The resulting simulation used a constant source of mass (as a prescribed concentration of 500 µg/L) for the full duration of the simulation spanning the middle portion of the vitrified clay sanitary sewer drain line within model layer 2 (shallow aquifer zone), as well as prescribed concentrations of 50 and 25 µg/L within model layers 2 and 4 at MW-03RA and MW- 03RB, respectively. The simulated September 2020 concentrations generated from this simulation are shown in Figures 6-10 and 6-11 for the shallow and deep aquifer zones, respectively. The use of a constant source of mass for the full duration of the simulation (through September 2020), as well as the simulated location in the shallow aquifer spanning the sewer line between Buildings 6 and 7 and Sunnyside Park, likely overestimate the plume mass and concentrations currently present in the area immediately west of the VAMC campus south of wells MW-02 and MW-03R. However, the simulation along this area represents a conservative approach to modeling the source strength and the historical migration of releases from two separate sources, which combine into a single plume just west of the VAMC and Sunnyside Park. An additional simulation was made with the constant source within the shallow aquifer zone along the drain line source term that was turned off in 2015 in the model. Under these conditions, simulated September 2020 PCE concentrations within the shallow aquifer zone just downgradient of the drain line provide a better match to those observed at MW-26A, MW-25A, MW-29B, and MW-04, as shown in Figure 6-12. The equivalent figure for the deep aquifer zone is shown in Figure 6-13. This alternate representation is less conservative with respect to mass loading from the drain source but has no bearing on September 2020 simulated concentrations at, and downgradient of, MW-01. Nor does it change the simulated PCE concentrations prior to 2015. ▪ These two representations complement each other, as the exact nature, timing, and location of the source(s) are uncertain. While the presence of a continuous source of PCE to the shallow aquifer zone has not been established, concentration trends within MW-02, MW- 03RA, MW-03RB, MW-01S, and MW-04 have been stable to slightly declining. This, combined with the relatively fast seepage velocities within the shallow aquifer zone, suggest that there may be a continuous, decaying source, perhaps in the vadose zone between the drain line and the higher concentrations observed at MW-03R, MW-02, and Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-9 MW-04. Regardless, the width of the shallow aquifer zone PCE plume, which includes PCE concentrations of 49 to 53 µg/L (as of December 2020) at (from south to north) MW-13S, MW-19, MW-18, and MW-08A is indicative of a source dispersed along the drain line. Historical PCE transport-modeled results were compared to the OU1 timeline and the following observations were made: ▪ PCE was first detected in 1990 at 32 µg/L during sampling of the Mount Olivet Cemetery irrigation well (UDEQ 2000). Concentrations measured at the irrigation well between 1990 and 1997 were between 32 and 184 µg/L during this time period. • Figure 6-14 shows simulated shallow aquifer zone PCE concentrations in June 1990. Simulated concentrations at Mount Olivet are within the 5–25 µg/L contour. While this is not a perfectly timed match, it indicates that the assumption of no (or limited) retardation used in the modeling simulations is likely valid, as sorption to aquifer materials would delay breakthrough of the PCE plume generated from a late 1970s source to arrive at the Mount Olivet well at a later date. ▪ PCE concentrations of 0.6 µg/L were detected at SLC-18 in 1997 and at 2.8 µg/L in 2004, which prompted the supply well to be shut down. • Figure 6-15 shows simulated deep aquifer zone PCE concentrations in June 2004. Simulated concentrations at SLC-18 are less than 1 µg/L, though simulated mass is present at the well at 0.1 µg/L or higher beginning around 1990. Consistent SLC-18 and University of Utah irrigation well pumping between 1979 and 2004 drew PCE to the northwest of the site and into these extraction wells in the deep aquifer zone. ▪ PCE concentrations of up to 40 µg/L were detected in seep and spring water discharging to the ESS area in 2010. • Figure 6-16 shows simulated shallow aquifer zone PCE concentrations in June 2010. Groundwater concentrations at ESS at this time are simulated to be as high as 25–50 µg/L, consistent with measured data. ▪ The overall timing of simulated PCE migration through the aquifer system appears to be consistent with the observed timeline, while the present-day PCE is relatively well represented within the existing monitoring well network. Using the baseline historical transport simulation, the following is surmised: ▪ SLC-18 was likely to have drawn in PCE from a VAMC source between 1997 and 2004, but the PCE plume is not expected to migrate toward SLC-18 if only irrigation pumping from the University of Utah and Mount Olivet Cemetery is occurring. ▪ Building 7 does not appear to be a source of PCE to the water table below it. Lateral migration of PCE could have occurred in the perched zone (not modeled) and contributed to a saturated zone source in the vicinity of MW-03R. ▪ If a late 1970s source release is assumed, the plume does not appear to have experienced significant sorption or retardation along its flow paths. Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-10 ▪ The silt/clay semi-confining unit does not fully prevent the downward migration of PCE from the shallow aquifer zone to the deep aquifer zone. Model results suggest PCE mass may be migrating west of the East Bench Fault; however, the monitoring wells west of the fault show very low or non-detected concentrations of PCE in the shallow groundwater. Additionally, PCE detections have not been reported at the wells at Artesian Well Park and Liberty Park (EA 2019). If PCE is migrating west of the East Bench Fault, it is likely present at very low concentrations predominantly in deeper groundwater intervals. Understanding this past migration better through modeling enhances the CSM and provides another line of evidence in support of the VAMC Model’s representation of the aquifer system. 6.4.4 Projected PCE Transport Simulations A range of future conditions were simulated to predict possible trajectories and discharges of the present-day PCE plume. The primary objective of these simulations was to create a means for comparison of the impacts of plausible future pumping on the PCE plume. As opposed to the historical transport simulations described in Section 6.4.3, the PCE projection simulations were conducted using simulated steady state groundwater flow fields. The potential future scenarios were simulated as steady state using the groundwater flow component of the VAMC Model. Pumping rates for SLC-18, University of Utah Well #1 and Mount Olivet Cemetery well are listed for each of these five simulations in Table 6-3. The simulations are presented below: ▪ Baseline Conditions: average (last ten years) pumping at University of Utah Well #1 and Mount Olivet and recharge; represents current conditions continuing into the future ▪ Scenario 1: Baseline recharge and irrigation pumping with SLC-18 pumping its historical (1979–2004) average rate ▪ Scenario 2: Baseline recharge and irrigation pumping with SLC-18 pumping its maximum extraction rate permitted under its water right ▪ Scenario 3: Baseline recharge and irrigation pumping, no SLC-18 pumping, increased University of Utah Well #1 pumping set based on the July 2018 irrigation pumping specified in Table 1 of White6 (2020) assuming 365 days ▪ Scenario 4: Baseline recharge and irrigation pumping, SLC-18 pumping its maximum extraction rate permitted under its water right, and increased University of Utah Well #1 pumping set based on the July 2018 irrigation pumping specified in Table 1 of White (2020) assuming 365 days The simulated groundwater flow fields for the baseline conditions simulation and scenarios 1–4 were used to simulate future PCE groundwater plume migration to evaluate the potential effect of pumping on the migration of the groundwater plume. The present-day PCE plume (CDM Smith ___________________________________ 6 The impact of the geothermal project evaluated in White (2020) was not included in the future simulation transport scenarios. The geothermal project assumes the water extracted is injected at an adjacent well, both screened in the deep aquifer zone, for a net-zero effect. Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-11 2021c) was interpolated onto the model and used as starting concentrations to simulate the fate and transport of PCE under potential future conditions in the scenarios described above. Sources of mass were added in the shallow aquifer zone layer 2 along the line between the greater than 5 µg/L concentration contour (Figure 4-1) south of MW-04 through the greater than 5 µg/L north of MW-03RA with prescribed source concentrations equivalent to the present-day concentrations. In the deep aquifer zone layer 4, a 25 µg/L prescribed concentration source was applied at and in the vicinity of MW-03R. All of these sources incorporated a first order decay rate of 10-4 per day, meaning that the source strength would diminish over time. The decay rate used was based on trend analyses of PCE concentration data within the most concentrated portions of the PCE plume. The PCE transport simulation results were evaluated by reviewing the simulated PCE plume extent and concentrations at 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, and 20 years. Figures showing the simulated head contours and PCE concentrations for each run are included in the Groundwater Model Report, with a subset included below. The results of these simulations are summarized below: ▪ Under baseline conditions, the PCE plume follows the trajectory observed over the last decade plus, with shallow aquifer zone PCE discharging to springs. Year 20 simulation results are shown for the shallow aquifer zone and deep aquifer zone in Figures 6-17 and 6-18, respectively. ▪ Historic average SLC-18 pumping simulated in Scenario 1 deflects groundwater flow slightly toward the northwest but does not pull a significant amount of the PCE plume into SLC-18. Year 20 simulation results are shown for the shallow aquifer zone and deep aquifer zone in Figures 6-19 and 6-20, respectively. ▪ Results are similar for Scenario 3, in which University of Utah Well #1 pumping is increased with SLC-18 not pumped. Year 20 simulation results are shown for the shallow aquifer zone and deep aquifer zone in Figures 6-21 and 6-22, respectively. Groundwater flow is deflected slightly toward the northwest, but the increased pumping does not draw a significant amount of the PCE plume toward the well. ▪ The significant increase in pumping at SLC-18 associated with Scenarios 2 and 4 results in a significant change in the deep aquifer zone groundwater flow field, with deep aquifer zone PCE mass drawn toward the northwest towards SLC-18 and University of Utah Well #1. Shallow aquifer zone heads are lowered under these conditions as well, with simulated Scenario 4 water levels at VHA Building 7 approximately 20 feet lower than baseline conditions. Year 20 simulation results are shown for the shallow aquifer zone and deep aquifer zone in Figures 6-23 and 6-24 for Scenario 2 and in Figures 6-25 and 6-26 for Scenario 4. By simulating a large range of potential future pumping conditions, the future projection simulations allowed for a comparison of the resulting PCE plume trajectories that can be used to better understand potential impacts to receptors. Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-12 The development and application of the VAMC Model has resulted in a better understanding of the water balance, the stratigraphy, the hydraulic properties, and the impacts of pumping on the site. These insights have been incorporated into the CSM, which along with the VAMC Model, will be a valuable tool in future phases of work at the site. Overall, the objectives of the modeling have been met. 6.5 Contaminant Migration in Surface Water The seeps and springs in the ESS area are due to the unconfined shallow aquifer intercepting ground surface within the area of steeply dipping topography between the East Bench Fault Spur and the East Bench Fault. The shallow portion of the shallow aquifer surfaces and the deeper portion of the shallow aquifer is artesian; therefore, a substantial portion of the shallow aquifer discharges to the surface in the ESS area. The concentrations of PCE and TCE in surface water are similar to groundwater in this area (Figure 5-4B). To determine the source of surface water, and therefore, examine contaminant migration from groundwater to surface water, a geochemical and stable isotope evaluation was completed as discussed below. 6.5.1 Geochemical Evaluation Based upon the concentrations of major cations (i.e., calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium) and major anions (i.e., sulfate, chloride, and bicarbonate), water can be classified by the dominant geochemistry (i.e., calcium sulfate type, sodium chloride type, magnesium bicarbonate type, sodium bicarbonate type, and mixed), as presented on a piper plot (Drever 2002). Groundwater in all site aquifers (i.e., shallow, deep, and perched) and surface water are predominantly mixed-calcium sulfate type. However, inputs from surface recharge to the shallow aquifer can be observed in elevated concentrations of chloride and sodium, which can also be seen in surface water (Figure 6-27). 6.5.2 Stable Isotope Evaluation Along with geochemical parameters and concentrations of preliminary COPCs, stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen were collected from groundwater and surface water. The isotopic ratio (delta value [δ]) given in per mil (‰) of a compound is measured relative to a standard, in this case Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water as follows: 𝛿= 𝑅𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑝𝑙𝑑− 𝑅𝑆𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 𝑅𝑆𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 × 1000 Hydrogen has two stable isotopes (1H and 2H); the isotopic ratio is known as δ2H or δD (deuterium). Oxygen has three stable isotopes (16O, 17O, and 18O); however, because of the higher mass difference and greater abundance of 18O versus 17O, the isotopic ratio is measured using the 18O/16O pair, known as δ18O. In all processes concerning evaporation and condensation, hydrogen isotopes are fractionated in proportion to oxygen isotopes. Therefore, hydrogen and oxygen isotope distributions are correlated in meteoric waters by the following relationship: 𝛿𝐶= 8 × 𝛿18𝑂+10 Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-13 This equation, known as the Global Meteoric Water Line (GMWL), is based on precipitation data from locations around the globe, and has an r2 value greater than 0.95. The slope and intercept of any Local Meteoric Water Line, which is the line derived from precipitation collected from a single site or set of “local” sites, can be significantly different from the GMWL. Natural processes can cause waters to plot off the GMWL. Water that has evaporated or has mixed with evaporated water typically plots below the meteoric water line along lines that intersect the meteoric water line at the location of the original unevaporated composition of the water. Stable isotope results for all groundwater and surface water samples are presented in Table 6-4 and plotted on Figure 6-28, along with the GMWL. The isotopic composition of surface water and groundwater samples are very similar; most are within a 1‰ range for δ18O. This indicates that groundwater and surface water are evolving along similar geochemical pathways and are likely hydraulically connected. Samples collected from Red Butte Creek in October 2018 are isotopically distinct, possibly because of a precipitation event during sampling. Similar concentrations of PCE and TCE, geochemistry, and isotopic composition provide lines of evidence that contaminant migration from groundwater to surface water is occurring in the ESS area. 6.6 Contaminant Migration in Vapor The preliminary COPCs that are VOCs (PCE, TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, and VC) are highly volatile, and volatilization from other phases into vapor is expected. As contaminants partition into the vapor phase (from either contaminant mass in the vadose zone or the groundwater plume in the saturated zone), migration occurs primarily via diffusion and advection. Advection processes in the vadose zone may result from barometric pumping because of natural variations in temperature and pressure that occur with weather changes. In deep vadose zones, density differences between VOC soil gas and air can affect migration. Vapors present in the vadose zone can migrate into overlying structures. The indoor air concentrations within a structure do not consistently correlate with concentrations in soil gas, as structure construction and ventilation significantly affect the completion of the VI pathway. As previously noted in Section 5.4 and 5.5, contaminant migration in vapor in the source area and along the groundwater plume exhibit several important differences. The following sections discuss contaminant migration in vapor in these areas separately. 6.6.1 Source Area The development of a soil gas plume and subsequent potential for VI into indoor air in the Building 6 and 7 area is most likely due to dissolved PCE source mass in the vadose zone. Depth to groundwater in this area is approximately 185 feet bgs and elevated VOC concentrations in groundwater were not encountered beneath the Building 6 and 7 source area. Elevated concentrations of PCE (greater than 10 times the industrial soil gas RBSL) in subslab vapor beneath Building 6 and in soil gas at all depths sampled within the vadose zone between Buildings 6 and 7 show that the soil to soil gas migration pathway is complete (Figure 5-2A and Table 5-2). Indoor air concentrations of PCE and TCE greater than the industrial RBSLs were detected in proximity to suspected indoor sources. Indoor air concentrations of PCE and TCE Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-14 during resampling after the suspected indoor sources were removed were below the industrial RBSLs (Figure 5-3 and Table 5-3). While the VI pathway may be complete at Buildings 6 and 7, it is likely insignificant. Further discussion will be provided in the risk assessment (Section 7). The development of a soil gas plume in the Sunnyside Park area is most likely due to the release of contaminated water from breaks in the sanitary sewer, at depths closer to the surface than groundwater. Elevated concentrations of PCE in soil gas (maximum 1,387 µg/m3) in proximity to the sanitary sewer break show that the migration to soil gas pathway is complete. However, as PCE concentrations do not exceed the industrial RBSL and there are no overlying structures, the VI pathway is not complete in this area. 6.6.2 East Side Springs The development of a soil gas plume in the ESS area is due to volatilization of VOCs from the groundwater plume and migration through the vadose zone; therefore, the area of interest for soil gas and indoor air impacts is defined by the proximity to and the concentrations within the groundwater plume. The shallower the groundwater, the more readily VOCs can volatilize at atmospheric pressure and the shorter the pathway to enter the atmosphere or overlying structures. Therefore, the thickness of the soils above groundwater (depth to groundwater) is a contributing factor to VI. Also, in the ESS area, contaminated groundwater daylights at the surface and is, at some locations, actively removed from basements using sumps or diverted from properties using French drains, water features, and constructed streams. In these cases, indoor air impacts may not be due to vapor intrusion of soil gas but rather by intrusion of groundwater and surface water. Figure 6-29A and Figure 6-29B show the extent of PCE in groundwater and surface water, depth to groundwater, and the concentration of PCE in soil gas. The black outline shows a vertical and lateral distance of 100 feet to the 5 µg/L PCE isoconcentration contour, which was used to define the study area for assessing VI (EPA 2015). Structures where indoor air samples have been collected are also shown in Figure 6-29A and Figure 6-29B. A total of 111 structures have been sampled at the site. These include residences, businesses, schools, churches, and VAMC campus buildings. Of the 111 structures sampled, 84 are within the now-defined VI study area. Figure 6-29C shows the locations within the VI study area where the VA has attempted to gain access to structures to collect indoor air samples during the RI. Multiple outreach campaigns have been conducted to obtain access for sampling, including holding public meetings, sending letters and postcards, going door to door, and using social media. Indoor air sampling was completed at all structures where access was granted. As can be seen in Figure 6-29A, the locations with exceedances of the RBSL and Tier 1 RAL are generally located in the vicinity of the intersection of 900 South and 1200 East. This is the area where groundwater becomes very shallow, the 50 µg/L PCE plume is present, and concentrations of PCE in soil gas exceed the residential RBSL. Further discussion of the VI pathway will be provided in the risk assessment (Section 7). 6.7 Contaminant Persistence Natural attenuation refers to a variety of physical, chemical, or biological processes that, under favorable conditions, reduce the mass, toxicity, mobility, volume, or concentration of contaminants in soil or groundwater. These in situ processes include biodegradation; dispersion; Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-15 dilution; sorption; volatilization; radioactive decay; and chemical or biological stabilization, transformation, or destruction of contaminants (EPA 1997). In assessing natural attenuation occurrence and potential, a three-tiered approach of site-specific information or lines of evidence are evaluated (EPA 1997): ▪ Primary line of evidence – Historical groundwater and/or soil chemistry data that demonstrate a clear and meaningful trend of decreasing contaminant mass and/or concentration over time at appropriate monitoring or sampling points. In the case of a groundwater plume, decreasing concentrations should not be solely the result of plume migration. ▪ Secondary line of evidence – Hydrogeologic and geochemical data that can be used to indirectly demonstrate the type(s) of natural attenuation processes active at the site and the rate at which such processes will reduce contaminant concentrations to required levels. For example, characterization data may be used to quantify the rates of contaminant sorption, dilution, or volatilization, or to demonstrate and quantify the rates of biological degradation processes occurring at the site. ▪ Tertiary line of evidence – Data from field or bench scale studies that directly demonstrate the occurrence of a particular natural attenuation process at the site and its ability to degrade the contaminants of concern (e.g., biological and abiotic degradation processes). ▪ The following sections discuss the lines of evidence of natural attenuation at the site. 6.7.1 Natural Attenuation Primary Line of Evidence - Plume Evaluation The evaluation of the groundwater plume, specifically contaminant trends and identification of areas where mass discharge is occurring, are important components of the primary line of evidence of natural attenuation. The following sections describe the statistical analysis for the evaluation of contaminant trends and the transect approach for the calculation of mass discharge. Trend Analysis Chemical concentration trends and plume stability were evaluated using the Mann-Kendall statistical test and Theil-Sen slope. Statistical evaluation of contaminated trends included the following chemicals: PCE; TCE; cis-1,2-DCE; trans-1,2-DCE; 1,1-DCE; VC; ethene; ethane; molar summation of these chemicals (sum of the molar concentration); and chloride. The Mann-Kendall statistical test evaluates the existence of significant monotonic concentration change (e.g., increase or decrease) with time by comparing more recent with all previously measured concentrations. The Theil-Sen slope evaluates the magnitude of the trend change by comparing medians of concentrations (Helsel 2020; ITRC 2013; Meals 2011; EPA 2009a; and Gilbert 1987). The Mann-Kendall statistical test uses statistics test value S (sum of sign differences) and standard deviation values computed from the concentration change to evaluate the existence of the trend by comparing it with a critical point value. If the critical point value is exceeded, a large positive S number indicates an increase in concentration trend over time, whereas a large negative S number denotes a decrease in the trend. The significance of the trend is determined by calculating the p-value (probability). The confidence level for each trend is calculated from the p- Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-16 value, where a significant trend is occurring when the p-value is less than 0.05 and the confidence level is more than 95 percent. For the Theil-Sen slope, data are paired up by date and the median slope is calculated for each data set. Then, median concentration and time of sampling are evaluated against the median of all the measurements (overall slope estimate Q) with a 95 percent confidence level (Helsel 2020; Meals 2011; EPA 2009a; and Gilbert 1987). This statistical analysis requires datasets of at least six data points. Less than six data points are not sufficient to perform the statistical evaluation and such outcome was indicated as “insufficient data” in the analysis output. If the dataset contained more than 50 percent non- detects, the trend analysis was suffixed with “>50% ND” and non-detected data were assigned one-half of the reporting limit value to ensure non-detects are lower than any detected values (USGS 2009). Statistical trends for all locations with sufficient data (i.e., at least six data points) for analysis are summarized in Table 6-5 and presented in Figure 6-30 and Figure 6-31, for PCE and TCE, respectively. All available historical data for PCE, TCE, and cis-1,2-DCE were compiled in time series trend charts for each monitoring well (Appendix G), and select charts are presented in this report. Significant decreasing trends with a confidence level exceeding 95 percent for PCE are observed at MW-01S, MW-04, MW-06, MW-08B, MW-18, MW-19, and MW-21. These wells are located within the eastern and central portion of the plume in the shallow aquifer, with many of these locations within the 50 µg/L isoconcentration contour (MW-06 and MW-21 are the exception). Significant stable PCE trends are observed at MW-03RA/B/C, MW-13D, MW-14D, MW-20D, and MW-22. MW-03R is located in the eastern area of the 50 µg/L isoconcentration contour, and the B/C intervals are in the deep aquifer. All other wells are located in the central and western area of the site within the deep portion of the shallow aquifer. No significant trend is observed at MW-01D, MW-02, MW-13S, MW-14S, MW-15S, MW-16S, MW-17D, MW-20S. A statistically significant increasing trend for PCE is observed at MW-17S, which is located at the southwestern edge of the plume where concentrations have been less than 1 µg/L. A statistically significant increasing trend for TCE is observed at MW-13S, where concentrations are less than 1 µg/L and possibly at MW-14S (Figure 6-31). As seen on the trend chart for MW-14S (Figure 6- 32), TCE and cis-1,2-DCE are within the same order of magnitude as PCE. MW-15S historically has similar trends; however, the latest results from March 2021 are at or near detection limits for TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, and PCE. The trend chart for MW-17S is presented in Figure 6-33; chart symbols differentiate between detects (solid) and non-detects (open) for each analyte. Although the PCE trend is increasing, PCE is the only detected COPC at MW-17S and detections are all below 1 µg/L. These results suggest that overall, the concentrations of PCE in the groundwater plume are decreasing or stable. Generally, PCE is the most substantial contaminant in all wells. Except at locations where PCE is composed of non-detected values, TCE and cis-1,2-DCE are one to two orders of magnitude below the concentrations of PCE. The remaining 42 well locations are predominantly composed of non-detected COPCs, with maximum detected concentrations less than the MCL (with the exception of MW-29 and MW- 34A/B). The summary in Table 6-7 does not include these locations where non-detected results precluded statistical analysis. Instead, these data sets can be found in Appendix G. Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-17 As shown in Table 6-6 and Figure 6-34, at MW-02, no statistically significant trend was observed for PCE based on data available from 1998–2021. However, when comparing historical data (November 1998 to July 2016) to more recent data (July 2016 to March 2021), there is a statistically significant decreasing trend until July 2016, and an increasing trend from July 2016 until March 2021 (Figure 6-30). The most recent PCE detection (230 µg/L) is still lower as compared with historical concentrations (290 and 296 µg/L in November 1998 and February 2005, respectively). Results from 1998–2000 are also available at MW-01S/D, MW-04, and MW-06. At MW-01S and MW-04, concentrations of PCE have maintained decreasing trends. The trend chart for MW-04 (Figure 6-35) shows recent concentrations have dropped below 50 µg/L. Historical data from 1998 and 2000 for MW-01D and MW-06, respectively, also show decreasing trends; however, these locations are impacted by elevated historical detection limits, as indicated by open symbols in trend charts (Figure 6-36 shows MW-06) and trend input “>50% ND” caveat for both wells (Table 6-5). At MW-12S, an apparent increasing PCE trend exists from February 2019 until June 2020 (Figure 6-37). To calculate a statistically significant value, at least one more VOC sample should be collected. However, the well has been dry since June 2020 and no additional samples could be collected. Both PCE and TCE concentrations were below 5 µg/L. Other inputs used for the statistical analysis, as well as a summation of chlorinated ethenes and daughter products on a molar basis, are presented in Table 6-7. Total molar concentration was calculated using only detected values. Generally, detected total molar concentrations are either decreasing, are showing no significant trend, or are stable. An increasing trend is observed only at MW-17S, as discussed above. Decreasing or probably decreasing trends are observed at 10 wells, no significant trend is observed at 7 wells, and a statistically stable trend is present at 6 wells. The statistical evaluation of degradation end products ethene, ethane, and chloride is not presented in Table 6-7; additional information is provided in Appendix G. There were limited detected concentrations of ethene and ethane to complete the statistical analysis. Chloride exhibited a stable, decreasing, or lack of trend at most locations. Increasing concentrations of chloride were observed at MW-04, MW-08B, and MW-15D. Contaminant Mass Flux and Discharge Determining the mass flux and mass discharge can help evaluate natural attenuation by providing an estimate of source strength, fate, and transport within the plume, and attenuation capacity of the aquifer (NJDEP 2012). Further, areas of the site where mass discharge is occurring can be identified to aid in the future evaluation of remedial alternatives for the site by quantifying impacts to receptors and delineating optimal treatment zones within the plume. In addition, repeating mass flux measurements at the same locations at points of time in the future allow for assessment of remedy progress. Mass flux is the amount of a chemical that moves through a defined surface area per time. The defined area is usually a portion of a plume cross section. Mass flux can be calculated using the following general equation (ITRC 2010): 𝐽=𝑞𝐶 Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-18 where q = groundwater flux (specific discharge or Darcy velocity) C = concentration of a chemical Mass discharge is the integrated mass flux estimate, or the sum of all mass flux measurements across all defined areas combined (the cross-section plane). Mass discharge describes how much of a chemical transfers through a defined cross section or from a source area. The general equation for mass discharge is: 𝑀=∫𝐽𝐴 𝐴 Where: J = spatially variable VOC flux, defined above A = area of the control plane Fate and transport of chemicals in the subsurface mainly depends on aquifer formation properties, which are often highly heterogeneous. Mass flux measurement is highly dependent on adequate data density because of this heterogeneity, which can cause a multitude of subsurface conditions and flow paths within a relatively small portion of the aquifer. While mass discharge is a tool to determine how much mass per unit of time leaves a source area, the approach requires adequate data density that also helps identify these aquifer heterogeneities and preferential chemical flow paths (i.e., hydraulic conductivity). Mass flux/discharge was calculated using the transect method that selects discrete sampling points along a transect across the plume area where the plume concentrations and groundwater flow is characterized. Sufficient groundwater sample locations must be sampled such that the plume is delineated laterally and vertically and the distribution of a chemical within the plume is established. Discharge velocity may be calculated for multiple defined areas along a transect of the entire cross section, depending on whether the same conductivity and gradient is applied throughout the entire cross section. Evaluation of hydraulic conductivity and gradient for each sample location may not be practical; however, the accuracy of the method may be limited if the same parameters are used across the entire cross section of a highly heterogenous aquifer. Regardless, the hydraulic gradient must be determined from a potentiometric surface map developed for a synoptic water level measurement event, and hydraulic conductivity must also be obtained from pump tests, slug tests, or passive flux meters before mass discharge can be calculated. Mass discharge was calculated in the shallow aquifer along three transects (Figure 5-4A): Guardsman Way Transect, 1400 East Transect, and ESS Transect. The monitoring wells along each transect were selected to laterally bound the plume as follows: the Guardsman Way Transect (MW-31A, MW-04, MW-02, MW-03R, and MW-30RA), the 1400 East Transect (MW-21, MW- 20D/S, MW-19, MW-18, MW-08A, and MW-38S/D), and the ESS Transect (MW-17S, RG-07, MW- Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-19 13S/D, RG-08, RG-02, RG-03, MW-16S, and RG-04). Vertically, the plume top was defined as the water table, and the plume bottom was defined as the bottom of the shallow aquifer (or the top of the semi-confining unit). At wells where slug tests were completed, the measured hydraulic conductivity was used (Table 4-4). If slug tests were not completed, a representative value for the area was used (Figure 4-6). The horizontal gradient for each area of the site was used as provided in Table 4-4. All inputs for the mass discharge calculations are provided in Table 6-8 for the Guardsman Way Transect, 1400 East Transect, and the ESS Transect. When using the Interstate Technology and Regulatory Council (ITRC) mass flux tool kit, the following steps are followed (ITRC 2010): 1. Characterize plume concentrations. Delineate the groundwater plume. 2. Characterize groundwater flow. Discharge velocity is calculated according to the following equation: 𝑞𝑖 = −𝐽𝑖𝑖𝑖 Where: qi = specific discharge of the aquifer (L/t, length per time) Ki = hydraulic conductivity at defined area i (L/t, length per time) ii = hydraulic gradient through transect at i (L/L, length per length) 3. Calculate mass flux. Mass flux is calculated based on the following equation: 𝐽𝑖 = 𝑞𝑖 𝐶𝑖 Jj = time-averaged contaminant mass flux (M/L2/t, mass per area per time) at measured point Cj = flux averaged chemical concentration in the groundwater (M/L3, mass per volume) at measured point qj = specific discharge of the aquifer (L/t, length per time) 4. Apply interpolation method. The nearest neighbor method was chosen as the approach to interpolate concentration, hydraulic gradient, hydraulic conductivity, and subsequent mass discharge calculations and analysis. 5. Calculate mass discharge through the transect. For each defined area within the transect, the mass discharge was calculated using the area of the zone and the calculated mass flux, and all individual mass discharges are summed for a total mass discharge determination for the transect. ▪ The current total mass discharge of PCE as determined by the ITRC Mass Flux Toolkit using input parameters presented in Table 6-8 was 37 grams per day (g/day) at the Guardsman Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-20 Way Transect, 143 g/day at the 1400 East Transect, and 117 g/day at the ESS Transect. Screenshots of the ITRC Mass Flux Toolkit calculations are presented in Appendix G. ▪ While the highest concentrations of PCE are observed along or near the Guardsman Way Transect (MW-01S, MW-02, and MW-03RA), the lowest mass discharge is observed in this area (37 g/day). The mass discharge estimate is an underestimation, as it does not include the portion of the deep aquifer in this area that contains higher PCE concentrations (MW- 03RB). Additionally, this area of the site has the lowest hydraulic conductivity and horizontal gradients, which result in a lower calculated mass discharge. ▪ The area of highest mass discharge (143 g/day along the 1400 East Transect) has the highest hydraulic conductivity, low horizontal gradients, and moderate concentrations of PCE. The ESS Transect (117 g/day) had low to moderate hydraulic conductivity, moderate concentrations of PCE, and the highest horizontal gradients. It is possible the mass discharge in this area is an overestimate, as many of the shallow groundwater sampling locations are within a low hydraulic conductivity clay layer that was not accounted for in the mass discharge calculations. ▪ The evaluation of mass flux and mass discharge help to show the combined effects of contaminant concentration and groundwater velocity on contaminant migration (NJDEP 2012). The area of the site with the lowest contaminant migration was along the Guardsman Way Transect, closest to the source area. This suggests that the source strength is relatively weak, and contaminant migration in this area is relatively low. Mass discharge along the remaining areas of the plume are similar, suggesting aquifer attenuation capacity at the site is low. The areas of the plume closest to identified receptors (i.e., the ESS area) are experiencing the highest contaminant migration, suggesting this area should be a focus of future remedial alternatives. 6.7.2 Natural Attenuation Secondary Lines of Evidence – Assessment of Indirect Evidence The following sections describe the indirect evidence of natural attenuation, including the observed geochemical conditions, concentration of degradation products, an evaluation of sorption, and the potential for abiotic degradation by iron minerals. Geochemical Conditions and Degradation Products Natural biodegradation of chlorinated solvents is well established in peer-reviewed literature and shown to occur under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. For PCE and TCE, the primary biotic degradation pathway is anaerobic transformation via reductive dechlorination where sequential transformation from PCE to TCE to cis-1,2-DCE (primary) or trans-1,2-DCE, VC, ethene, and/or ethane and chloride. Reductive dechlorination of PCE to TCE and cis-1,2-DCE generally occurs under iron-reducing to sulfate-reducing conditions, while complete dechlorination to ethene and ethane requires sulfate-reducing to methanogenic conditions. Under aerobic conditions, PCE is largely recalcitrant, while aerobic cometabolism can be significant for TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, and VC (Dolinova et al. 2017). Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-21 As presented in Section 5.2, geochemical conditions at the site are generally aerobic, with localized areas of reducing conditions where slightly elevated concentrations (greater than 1 µg/L) of degradation products (TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, VC, ethene, and ethane) are observed. These locations include MW-01S, MW-02, MW-03RB, MW-13S, MW-14S, GW-50/RG-06, and GW-59/RG- 09. If a source of organic carbon exists, microorganisms will consume available oxygen, resulting in anaerobic conditions. It is possible that elevated naturally occurring organic carbon is present at these locations because of the presence of clay layers. Anthropogenic sources (service stations, high school auto shop, small engine repair home business, etc.) of carbon in localized areas may have included historical releases of petroleum products at the site. The localized areas of reducing conditions are not prevalent enough to provide a line of evidence that substantial reduction in contaminant mass through anaerobic biodegradation is occurring; however, increases in daughter products may continue to be observed in groundwater and soil gas in localized areas of the site. Sorption Natural attenuation of contaminants in groundwater can occur because of sorption, which occurs almost exclusively onto the organic carbon fraction. The Natural Resource Conservation Service online soil report documents that expected foc in the area is low, with values ranging from 0.02 to 0.008 (NRCS 2021). Twenty samples were collected from 11 borings across the site for the analysis of foc. Detected values of foc ranged from 0.0016 to 0.0074 (Table 4-1). Given the generally low organic carbon content, natural attenuation of contaminants and retardation of plume migration because of sorption onto organic carbon is likely not extensively occurring at this site. Potential for Abiotic Degradation Abiotic degradation has been shown to occur under a variety of conditions because of mineralogy of the subsurface, specifically the iron mineral content (EPA 2009b). The overall degradation pathway is referred to as “biogeochemical transformation” (as the iron minerals may have formed as a result of both biological and chemical processes), and does not produce the intermediate byproducts associated with biodegradation (i.e., TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, VC, ethene, ethane) (NJDEP 2012). More reactive iron minerals such as mackinawite, magnetite, and iron sulfide have been shown to be effective in abiotically degrading VOCs such as chlorinated VOCs. Field methods for evaluating the mineralogical makeup of the soil or sediment are focused on screening these reactive iron minerals. One field method is magnetic susceptibility (Wiedemeier et al. 2017), which is a technique used to screen for the presence of magnetite. A magnetic susceptibility in the range of 1 × 10-6 cubic meters per kilogram (m3/kg) may indicate that abiotic degradation of PCE is occurring (EPA 2009b). Another approach is to estimate ferrous mineral content via simple, spectrophotometric-based ferrous iron measurements (Schaefer et al. 2018). Bench experiments have shown that measurable rates of degradation occur when ferrous iron content exceeds approximately 100 mg/kg (Schaefer et al. 2018). Sixteen samples were collected from 11 borings for ferrous mineral content analysis (Table 6-9). Ferrous iron concentrations ranged from 0.02 mg/kg to 0.75 mg/kg and was not detected in nine samples. Twenty discrete samples for magnetic susceptibility were collected from 10 borings, and screening with a magnetic susceptibility meter was completed at 1- to 2-foot intervals at 15 borings (Table 6-10). Magnetic susceptibility values ranged from 4.5 × 10-8 to 3.5 × 10-6 m3/kg; Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-22 however, values in the 1 × 10-6 m3/kg or greater range were only observed at two borings (MW- 29 and MW-13L). These results show that levels of ferrous iron and magnetite in the subsurface are relatively low across the site. There is limited evidence at the site for potential abiotic degradation of VOCs by iron minerals in the subsurface. 6.7.3 Natural Attenuation Tertiary Line of Evidence - Direct Evidence Measured by Compound Specific Isotopic Analysis The atoms of a particular element (e.g., carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine) must have the same number of protons and electrons; however, the number of neutrons can vary. When atoms differ only in the number of neutrons, they are referred to as isotopes of each other, and since isotopes differ in mass, they can be measured by mass spectrometer (EPA 2008). CSIA measures the ratio of 13C/12C (referred to as δ13C) defined relative to an established reference material and is expressed in per mil (‰) as follows: 𝛿13 𝐶= [ (𝐶13 𝐶12⁄)𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑝𝑙𝑑−(𝐶13 𝐶12⁄)𝑆𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 (𝐶13 𝐶12⁄)𝑆𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑑 ]× 1000 The deviation of the δ13C value of the sample from the standard reference material will be either negative or positive. The more negative the value, the more the sample is depleted in 13C relative to the 13C/12C content of the reference standard. Conversely, more positive values are considered enriched in 13C. CSIA can be used to evaluate the relevance of degradation processes for chlorinated ethenes in groundwater. Physical processes, such as dilution and/or dispersion, do not cause a measurable isotopic fractionation. During biodegradation, microorganisms preferentially use molecules with 12C as opposed to 13C, which causes the ratio of 13C/12C to increase or become heavy/enriched. In addition, the degradative daughter products (i.e., TCE and cis-1,2-DCE) are initially predominantly 12C and therefore, the δ13C is a relatively low value, or light. As the parent compound becomes depleted, microorganisms begin using 13C, and the daughter product becomes heavier. Once the reaction is complete and all chlorinated ethenes are converted to ethene, the 13C/12C ratio of the ethene reaches the same isotopic ratio of the original PCE parent compound, assuming ethene is the final transformation product, thereby conserving the isotopic mass balance. By comparing the isotopic signature of the parent compound with the degradation byproducts along the length of the plume, or as a function of time, changes in the combination of concentration and isotopic composition can be used to distinguish between physical and degradative processes. For the observed extent of fractionation to be considered significant, it must be greater than the total analytical uncertainty. For reliable interpretation, fractionation on the order of 2‰ is required for the positive identification of degradation (EPA 2008). Groundwater samples were collected from select wells for CSIA to evaluate attenuation of VOCs along the plume. Monitoring well locations (MW-02, MW-04, MW-08A, MW-14D, and MW-16S) were selected along the PCE plume groundwater flow path to compare upgradient and downgradient locations for evidence of degradation along the groundwater plume. As concentrations of daughter products at the site are below the detection limit for CSIA, only the isotopic composition of PCE was compared at upgradient and downgradient locations to evaluate the potential of degradative processes along the groundwater plume flow path. The greatest Section 6 • Contaminant Fate and Transport 6-23 difference in isotopic composition was observed between upgradient location MW-04 (-26.8‰) and downgradient location MW-14D (-25.0‰), for a difference of 1.8‰ (Table 6-11). As the maximum isotopic fractionation for PCE at the site is less than 2‰, degradation of PCE has not been confirmed using CSIA. This provides another line of evidence that natural attenuation due to biotic or abiotic degradation is not occurring at any significant rate at the site. 7-1 Section 7 Risk Assessment Historical disposal of PCE from a dry-cleaning facility in Building 7 on the VAMC campus has resulted in contamination of groundwater beneath the VAMC campus and in downgradient areas. PCE and its degradation products have been identified in groundwater at the site. Contaminated groundwater is present in shallow groundwater and in seeps and springs that daylight in the ESS residential neighborhood. Humans may come into contact with contaminated site media, including groundwater (non-potable under current conditions and possibly potable in the future), shallow soil, seep/spring surface water, and seep/spring sediment. VOCs in groundwater can volatilize into the interstitial spaces in the soil and can migrate and be released at the soil surface. If overlying buildings are present, vapors can contaminate indoor air. Exposures to volatile chemicals have the potential to cause a range of non-cancer and cancer effects in humans. Residents, students, daycare children, and workers within the contaminated groundwater area could be at risk of adverse health effects if excessive exposure to contaminated environmental media were to occur. Ecological receptors, including aquatic receptors such as small fish, aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic plants, terrestrial plants and soil invertebrates, wildlife, and domestic pets may also be exposed to contaminated site media. A baseline human health risk assessment (HHRA) and screening-level ecological risk assessment (SLERA) were prepared to evaluate potential risks to human and ecological receptors from exposures to contaminated site media. The results of the risk assessments are intended to help inform risk managers and the public about current and potential future risks at the site and determine if there is a need for remedial actions to protect public health and the environment at the site. The baseline HHRA is presented in Appendix H and the SLERA is presented in Appendix I. These risk assessments are briefly summarized below. 7.1 Human Health Risk Assessment The following sections provide a summary of the HHRA approach and risk conclusions. Detailed information on the HHRA is available in Appendix H. 7.1.1 Summary of the AOU1 HHRA The AOU1 RI provided an accelerated evaluation of VI arising from shallow groundwater contamination in the ESS area. The AOU1 RI investigation activities were completed from 2014 through 2017. This investigation included indoor air sampling, soil gas sampling, surface water sampling of ESS seeps and springs and Red Butte Creek, installation of monitoring wells within ESS, and groundwater sampling. A preliminary list of site-related COPCs was developed during completion of the AOU1 RI. This list included PCE and its degradation products TCE, cis-1,2- DCE, and VC. The chemical 1,4-dioxane was also included as a preliminary COPC as requested by EPA in a letter dated June 4, 2014, for the purpose of characterizing the nature and extent of contamination during the RI (EPA 2014b). Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-2 Other analytes were not included in the AOU1 HHRA because they were deemed as not site attributable. An HHRA was completed as part of the AOU1 RI. The scope of the AOU1 HHRA was primarily to assess the VI pathway for residents in the ESS neighborhood to determine the need for interim actions to mitigate exposures from VI. An evaluation of potential exposures to surface water, soil, and homegrown produce was also included in the AOU1 HHRA. The AOU1 HHRA concluded that potential exposures from these media were considered insignificant and no quantitative risk estimates were derived. The AOU1 HHRA relied primarily on indoor air and soil gas data collected between 2015 and 2017 as part of the AOU1 RI. During these investigations, one property (0040-H) was identified as having indoor air concentrations of PCE at concentrations greater than the established action level and required interim actions (VA 2016). Data for 36 properties evaluated during the AOU1 RI were assessed quantitatively in the AOU1 HHRA. For all properties, available indoor air data indicated the cancer risk estimates were within the acceptable risk range and non-cancer hazards were below the acceptable threshold, based on a current residential scenario and current and future commercial/school worker scenario. However, groundwater and soil gas data collected as part of the AOU1 RI showed the potential for VI exposures under a future residential scenario.7 While the AOU1 HHRA provided an initial risk characterization of potential exposures at the site, this accelerated risk assessment was intentionally limited in that it was focused on a specific subarea of the site (i.e., the ESS neighborhood), those exposure pathways that were likely to be key risk drivers, and only those chemicals that were site-attributable (i.e., PCE, TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, and VC) to identify where prompt action was necessary prior to completion of the final record of decision. Since the completion of the AOU1 HHRA, additional data have been collected that further inform the exposure assessment and support the need for possible remedial action. The baseline HHRA builds upon what was done as part of the AOU1 HHRA and provides a comprehensive risk characterization in support of the OU1 RI to evaluate potential human health risks from exposures due to contaminated groundwater. The baseline HHRA evaluates the full list of COPCs, assesses exposure scenarios not included in the AOU1 HHRA, and re-evaluates exposure scenarios where more recent data have been collected. 7.1.2 Exposure Assessment Exposure is the process by which humans come into contact with chemicals in the environment. In general, humans can be exposed to chemicals in a variety of environmental media (i.e., soil, sediment, water, air, or food), and these exposures can occur through three routes (i.e., ingestion, dermal contact, or inhalation). Conceptual Site Exposure Model The site is affected by PCE, which was historically disposed into the sanitary sewer in the 1980s by a dry-cleaning facility in Building 7 on the VAMC campus. PCE was likely released from the sewer line into the surrounding soil via cracks in the line. It is also possible that there were spills ___________________________________ 7 This future residential scenario was intended to address both new homes and existing homes without measured indoor air results. Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-3 on the ground surface in the vicinity of the building. These releases resulted in contaminated groundwater, which migrated over time from beneath the VAMC campus along with the alluvial flow into downgradient areas, including the ESS neighborhood. PCE and its degradation products are the primary contaminants of interest at the site. Site contaminants can migrate in the environment by several processes, including groundwater migration, volatilization from groundwater into soil gas, volatilization from soil gas into outdoor air or into buildings via vapor intrusion, daylighting of shallow groundwater in the form of seeps and springs, adsorption from groundwater to soil and sediment particles, uptake by homegrown produce, and wind transport or human disturbance of impacted soil/sediment particulates. The site consists of mixed commercial and residential uses, and the main receptor populations of interest that were evaluated are residents, students, daycare children, indoor workers, outdoor workers, and construction workers. Exposure pathways for these receptor populations include: ▪ Inhalation of indoor air impacted by VI originating from shallow groundwater ▪ Inhalation of outdoor air impacted by volatiles originating from shallow and daylighting groundwater ▪ Incidental ingestion, dermal contact, inhalation of air within trenches and excavation areas impacted by shallow groundwater (construction workers) ▪ Incidental ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation of air impacted by volatiles derived from surface water and sediment in seeps/springs ▪ Incidental ingestion, dermal contact, and inhalation of airborne soil and sediment particulates ▪ Ingestion of homegrown produce irrigated by seeps/springs ▪ Future potable use of groundwater: ingestion of groundwater as drinking water, dermal contact with potable groundwater, and inhalation of indoor air impacted by home use of potable groundwater Figure 7-1 presents the conceptual site exposure model (CSEM) that summarizes the exposure scenarios and populations evaluated in the HHRA. Not all exposure scenarios are likely to be of equal concern. Complete exposure pathways that have the potential to be important contributors to exposure are indicated by boxes containing a solid circle (⚫) and minor contributors are indicated by boxes containing an open circle (). COPC Selection COPCs are chemicals that exist in the environment at concentrations that might be of potential health concern to humans, as determined based on a comparison to conservative health-based screening levels, which are identified for further evaluation in a quantitative risk assessment. As noted previously, PCE and its degradation products (i.e., TCE, cis-1,2-DCE, VC) are the primary site-related contaminants of interest, and 1,4-dioxane was investigated as potentially site-related. However, in accordance with EPA guidance (EPA 2002), the HHRA evaluated exposures for all Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-4 chemicals in exceedance of risk-based screening levels, regardless of their source, to fully characterize potential health risks. Detailed tables showing the summary statistics for each environmental medium, the basis of the screening levels used in the COPC selection process, and the COPC outcome for each medium are presented in Appendix H. In brief, maximum concentrations for each chemical were compared to conservative default residential screening levels. Table 7-1 summarizes the list of chemicals in each medium selected as COPCs for further quantitative assessment. These COPCs are summarized below: ▪ Groundwater: SVOCs/VOCs: 1,4-dioxane, bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, 2-hexanone, benzene, bromodichloromethane, chloroform, cis-1,2-DCE, dibromochloromethane, ethylbenzene, PCE, TCE; Metals: aluminum, antimony, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, thallium, vanadium, zinc ▪ Soil Gas: SVOCs/VOCs: 1,3-butadiene, benzene, bromodichloromethane, chloroform, ethyl acetate, PCE, TCE ▪ Indoor/Outdoor Air: SVOCs/VOCs: 1,3-butadiene, benzyl chloride, 1,4-dioxane, 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2-trichloroethane, 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,2-dibromoethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloropropane, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, 1,4-dichlorobenzene, benzene, bromodichloromethane, bromomethane, carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, ethyl acetate, ethylbenzene, hexachloro-1,3-butadiene, isopropyl alcohol, xylenes (m-,p- and o-), methylene chloride; naphthalene; PCE; TCE; vinyl acetate; VC ▪ Soil/Sediment: Metals: arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, manganese, thallium ▪ Surface Water: SVOCs/VOCs: bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate, benzene, bromodichloromethane, chloroform, PCE, TCE. Metals: aluminum, antimony, arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, thallium, vanadium, zinc Potential risks from exposures to metals are presented and discussed in the HHRA (Appendix H); however, given that elevated metal concentrations are not expected to be attributable to the site, they are not discussed further in the RI. No organic COPCs were identified for soil/sediment, which means that risks are likely to be negligible for all receptor populations for all soil/sediment exposure routes. No further quantitative assessment of soil/sediment was performed in the HHRA. The list of COPCs for surface water (seeps/springs) and shallow (non-potable) groundwater were evaluated further in the HHRA. This was done because the COPC selection for these media were screened against the EPA residential tap water RSLs; however, this type of screening level is overly conservative because neither media is used for potable purposes. Refined screening levels for seeps/springs were developed using reduced exposure frequencies, exposure time, skin surface areas, and ingestion rates to approximate a more realistic seep/spring exposure scenario (e.g., adjusting the exposure frequency from a year-round residential tap water use of 350 days per year to a less frequent seep/spring contact scenario). Likewise, refined screening levels for Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-5 shallow groundwater were also developed specific to a digging scenario where shallow groundwater is encountered (e.g., a resident digging in a garden or an outdoor maintenance worker performing sprinkler-line maintenance). See Section 2.3.3 of the HHRA (Appendix H) for additional information on these refined exposure assumptions. Comparisons to these refined screening levels showed risks from exposures to seeps/springs are likely to be negligible for all receptor populations for all exposure routes and all COPCs. In addition, risks from contact with shallow groundwater during digging activities are likely to be negligible for both residents and outdoor workers for all exposure routes and all COPCs. However, because construction worker exposures during excavation activities have the potential to be higher due to the accumulation of volatiles derived from groundwater into trench air, exposures to shallow groundwater by construction workers were still assessed quantitatively in the risk characterization. All organic COPCs for groundwater, soil gas, and air were retained for further evaluation in the risk assessment. Exposure Parameters The risk assessment evaluates potential exposures for each receptor population for the relevant complete exposure pathways. Exposure estimates in the risk assessment do not seek to evaluate exposures for specific individuals. Rather, risk estimates are calculated for representative members of the exposure population, calculating risks based on both members of the population with “typical” levels of exposure and members of the population with “high-end” exposures. These two exposure estimates are referred to as central tendency exposure (CTE) and reasonable maximum exposure (RME), respectively. Risk management decisions for Superfund are typically based on RME estimates (EPA 1991). The HHRA employs standard equations to estimate the intake (or dose) of COPCs from receptor- specific parameters (such as body weight, exposure frequency, and duration), exposure pathway- specific parameters (such as intake rates), and chemical-specific parameters (such as absorption fraction). These inputs are combined with information on the exposure point concentrations (EPCs) to provide an estimate of the daily intake of each COPC for each exposure pathway, for each receptor population of interest. Exposure Point Concentrations An exposure area is an area where a receptor may be exposed to one or more environmental media over a specified period of time (e.g., lifetime). In general, receptors are assumed to move about at random within an exposure area. Based on the assumption of random exposure over an exposure area, risk from a chemical within an exposure area is related to the arithmetic mean concentration of that chemical averaged over the entire exposure area for the entire time frame of exposure. Since the true arithmetic mean concentration cannot be calculated with certainty from a limited number of measurements, EPA recommends that the 95 percent upper confidence limit of the arithmetic mean for each exposure area be used as the EPC when calculating exposure and risk at that location (EPA 1992). For Properties with Measured Air Data For properties with measured air data, initially, risk estimates were calculated based on the maximum concentration for each exposure area (property). For example, when evaluating Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-6 inhalation exposures to indoor air inside a residence, the EPC was set equal to the maximum concentration across all indoor air samples, regardless of sampling method. This provides a conservative estimate of exposures and allows for a first-tier evaluation of properties. If risks based on the maximum concentration were potentially unacceptable, the property-specific EPC was refined based on a review of the available data for that property. For Properties without Measured Air Data This site encompasses hundreds of properties, and although attempts have been made to sample as many residences, schools, and businesses as possible within the PCE plume extent, measured indoor air data is not available for every property. For properties without measured indoor air data, the available soil gas and shallow groundwater data were used qualitatively to evaluate the potential for VI exposures. Groundwater plume delineation maps for PCE (see Figure 6-29) and TCE were also developed to illustrate the boundary where potentially unacceptable risks to site- related contaminants could occur to target properties for future assessment during the remedial design. Construction Worker Exposures Because the depth to groundwater can be very shallow at the site, with groundwater present within several feet of the ground surface in some areas and daylighting in seeps/springs in other areas, construction workers have the potential to come into contact with shallow groundwater during digging activities. For construction workers performing activities within a trench, it is possible that vapors could occur within the trench. For the purposes of this exposure scenario, it is assumed digging activities could extend to depths of 10 feet bgs. Measured shallow groundwater data were used to assess exposures to construction workers from incidental ingestion and dermal contact with groundwater, and inhalation of trench air (impacted by volatiles derived from groundwater) using a transport model, which is contained within the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ) Virginia Unified Risk Assessment Model (VURAM v3.1) (VDEQ 2020). Even if construction workers do not come into contact with shallow groundwater during digging activities (i.e., in areas where groundwater is greater than 10 feet bgs), if contaminated soil gas is present, construction workers could also be exposed to volatiles that accumulate within a trench. Therefore, measured soil gas data were also evaluated using VURAM to assess trench air inhalation exposures. Because construction activities likely would be conducted within a smaller construction zone, exposures were evaluated on a location-by-location basis (i.e., a piezometer location or a well location). Hypothetical Future Use of Groundwater as Drinking Water Currently, there is no potable use of contaminated groundwater at the site. However, to inform risk management decisions, the risk assessment evaluated a hypothetical scenario in which deep groundwater is used as a potable source in the future. For this scenario, residential exposures and risks were evaluated on a well-by-well basis for the subset of wells that represent deeper groundwater. Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-7 7.1.3 Toxicity Assessment The objective of a toxicity assessment is to identify the types of adverse health effects that are caused by a particular chemical, and to determine how the appearance of these adverse effects depends upon exposure level. In addition, the toxic effects of a chemical frequently depend upon the route of exposure (oral, inhalation, and dermal) and the duration of exposure. The toxicity assessment process is divided into two parts—the first characterizes and quantifies the cancer effects of the chemical, while the second addresses the non-cancer effects. This two- part approach is employed because there are typically major differences in the time course of action and the shape of the dose-response curve for cancer and non-cancer effects. Cancer Effects For cancer effects, the toxicity assessment process has two components. The first is a qualitative evaluation of the weight of evidence that the chemical does or does not cause cancer in humans. For chemicals that are classified in Group A (known human carcinogen), B1 (probable human carcinogen, suggestive evidence of cancer incidence in humans), B2 (probable human carcinogen, sufficient evidence of cancer in animals), or C (possible human carcinogen) using EPA guidelines (EPA 1986), the second part of the toxicity assessment is to describe the carcinogenic potency of the chemical. This is done by quantifying how the number of cancers observed in exposed animals or humans increases as the dose increases. Typically, it is assumed that the dose- response curve for cancer has no threshold, arising from the origin and increasing linearly until high doses are reached. Thus, the most convenient descriptor of cancer potency is the slope of the dose-response curve at low doses (where the slope is still linear). This is referred to as the slope factor (SF), which has dimensions of risk of cancer per unit dose. Estimating the cancer SF is often complicated by the fact that observable increases in cancer incidence usually occur only at relatively high doses, frequently in the part of the dose-response curve that is no longer linear. Thus, it is necessary to use mathematical models to extrapolate from the observed high-dose data to the desired (but unmeasurable) slope at low-dose. To account for the uncertainty in this extrapolation process, EPA typically chooses to employ the 95 percent upper confidence limit of the slope as the SF. That is, there is a 95 percent probability that the true cancer potency is lower than the value chosen for the SF. This approach ensures that there is a margin of safety in cancer risk estimates. For inhalation exposures, cancer risk is characterized by an inhalation unit risk (IUR) value. This value represents the upper-bound excess lifetime cancer risk estimated to result from continuous lifetime exposure to a chemical at a concentration of 1 µg/m3 in air. Non-Cancer Effects Essentially all chemicals can cause adverse health effects at a sufficient dose. However, when the dose is sufficiently low, typically no adverse effect is observed. Thus, in characterizing the non- cancer effects of a chemical, the key parameter is the threshold dose at which an adverse effect first becomes evident. Doses below the threshold are considered to be safe, while doses above the threshold are likely to cause an effect. Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-8 The threshold dose is typically estimated from toxicological data (derived from studies of humans and/or animals) by finding the highest dose that does not produce an observable adverse effect, and the lowest dose which does produce an effect. These are referred to as the no-observed- adverse-effect level (NOAEL) and the lowest-observed-adverse-effect level (LOAEL), respectively. The threshold is presumed to lie in the interval between the NOAEL and the LOAEL. However, in order to be conservative (protective), non-cancer risk evaluations are not based directly on the threshold exposure level but rather on a value referred to as the reference dose (RfD) or reference concentration (RfC). The RfD is used to evaluate oral exposures (e.g., incidental ingestion of soil, ingestion of drinking water, and ingestion of dietary items) and is reported in units of milligrams of chemical per kilogram body weight per day (mg/kg day). The RfC is used to evaluate inhalation exposures and is reported in units of mg/m3. The RfD and RfC are estimates (with uncertainty spanning perhaps an order of magnitude) of a daily exposure to the human population (including sensitive subgroups) that is likely to be without an appreciable risk of deleterious effects during a lifetime. The RfD and RfC values are derived from the NOAEL, LOAEL, or benchmark dose by dividing by an uncertainty factor (UF) that reflects the limitations of the data used. If the data are from studies in humans, and if the observations are considered to be very reliable, the UF may be as small as 1. However, the UF is normally at least 10, and can be much higher if the data are limited. UFs are assigned to account for uncertainty arising from extrapolation of animal data to humans, the use of a LOAEL instead of a NOAEL, the use of less than chronic exposure, and other limitations in the available data (e.g., lack of reproductive data). Toxicity Values Toxicity values (RfD, RfC, SF, and IUR values) established by EPA are listed in the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) (EPA 2022a). Other toxicity values are available as interim recommendations from EPA's Superfund Technical Assistance Center operated by the National Center for Environmental Assessment. A toxicity value hierarchy was developed by EPA for use in site-specific risk assessments (EPA 2003a). This hierarchy provides an order of preference of toxicity values, with Tier 1 (IRIS) being the preferred source of toxicity information, if available, then Tier 2 (EPA Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Values), followed by Tier 3 (other sources, including non-EPA sources such as the California Environmental Protection Agency and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry). The EPA RSL tables include a summary of toxicity values derived from these sources using the tiered system described above. EPA maintains and updates these tables biannually (EPA 2022b). All toxicity values used in the HHRA were taken from the most recent version of the RSL tables (May 2022). 7.1.4 Risk Characterization The HHRA presents the detailed equations used to compute non-cancer hazards and cancer risks. The following sections describe how hazards and risks are interpreted and presents a summary of the overall risk conclusions for each exposure scenario. Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-9 Risk Interpretation The potential for non-cancer effects from a COPC is evaluated by comparing the estimated site- related exposure for a receptor over a specified time period to the RfD or RfC for that COPC. This ratio of site-related exposure to the safe exposure level is called the hazard quotient (HQ). If an individual is exposed to more than one chemical, a screening-level estimate of the total non- cancer hazard is derived simply by summing the HQ values across individual chemicals and exposure pathways. This total is referred to as the hazard index (HI). If the HI value is less than or equal to [≤] 1, non-cancer hazards are not expected from any chemical, alone or in combination with others. If the screening level HI exceeds 1, it may be appropriate to perform a follow-on evaluation in which HQ values are added only across chemicals that affect the same target tissue or organ system (e.g., the liver). This is because chemicals that do not cause toxicity in the same tissues are not likely to cause additive effects. The excess risk of cancer from exposure to a chemical is described in terms of the probability that an exposed individual will develop cancer because of that exposure. Excess cancer risks are summed across all carcinogenic chemicals and all exposure pathways that contribute to exposure of an individual in a given population. The level of total cancer risk that is of concern is a matter of personal, community, and regulatory judgment. In general, EPA considers excess cancer risks that are below 1E-06 to be so small as to be negligible, and risks above 1E-04 to be sufficiently large that some sort of remediation is desirable.8 Excess cancer risks that range between 1E-04 and 1E-06 are generally considered to be acceptable (EPA 1991), although this is evaluated on a case- by-case basis, and EPA may determine that risks lower than 1E-04 are not sufficiently protective and warrant remedial action. For vapor intrusion exposures, EPA guidance (EPA 2015) recommends the evaluation of multiple lines of evidence along with the risk calculations to help support (or refute) the exposure assessment and risk estimates. Overall risk conclusions are to be based on the weight of evidence, taking into consideration the strengths and weaknesses of each line of evidence. Risk Conclusions In the HHRA, conservative risk-based screening levels were used to identify COPCs. Health protective assumptions were used to estimate non-cancer hazards and cancer risks from exposures to COPCs for a range of human receptor populations. While the risk assessment evaluated exposures to all COPCs, only two volatiles are identified as being the main site-related chemicals of concern (COCs)—PCE and TCE. Although 1,4-dioxane contributes to total indoor air risks, as discussed in Section of the RI, review of the groundwater data shows 1,4-dioxane was only detected sporadically in the ESS area and not at the locations with the highest PCE concentrations in the groundwater plume closer to the VAMC campus. Thus, the presence of 1,4- dioxane in indoor air, like most of the volatile COPCs, does not appear to originate from the site and is likely because of interior background sources. ___________________________________ 8 Excess cancer risk can be expressed in several formats. A cancer risk expressed in a scientific notation format as 1E -06 is equivalent to 1 in 1,000,000 or 10-6. Similarly, a cancer risk of 1E-04 is equivalent to 1 in 10,000 or 10-4. For the purposes of this document, all cancer risks are presented in a scientific notation format. Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-10 Table 7-2 summarizes the overall risk conclusions of the HHRA. The following sections summarize the risk conclusions for each of the exposure scenarios evaluated quantitatively in the HHRA. More detailed information on the risk calculations and conclusions is presented in Appendix H. Minor Exposure Media and Pathways The risk evaluation showed that the following exposure scenarios would not result in unacceptable risks: ▪ Exposures to chemicals in soil, sediment, surface water (i.e., seeps/springs and daylighting groundwater), and outdoor air for all receptor populations and all exposure scenarios ▪ Residential and outdoor worker exposures to chemicals in shallow groundwater during digging activities, such as a resident digging in a garden or an outdoor maintenance worker performing sprinkler line maintenance ▪ Inhalation exposures to volatiles in irrigation water (derived from deep wells), based on the expectation that volatiles would rapidly dissipate in outdoor air ▪ Consumption of homegrown produce that has been irrigated with seep/spring water, because accumulation of PCE and its daughter products into homegrown produce is unlikely ▪ Construction worker exposures to volatiles in trench air derived from shallow groundwater and/or soil gas ▪ Student and teacher exposures to indoor air inside schools Hypothetical Future Exposures to Potable Groundwater Currently, there is no potable use of contaminated groundwater at the site. However, to inform risk management decisions for the site, risk estimates were calculated for a hypothetical scenario in which deep groundwater is used as a potable source in the future. For this scenario, risks were evaluated for a hypothetical residential exposure on a well-by-well basis for the subset of wells that represent deeper groundwater. Table 7-3 summarizes the risks for a hypothetical future residential exposure to potable groundwater. In this table, the cumulative non-cancer HIs and total cancer risks are presented for two groupings—“Based on Detects Only” and “Site-Related Only”—to illustrate the hazards/risks for the subset of groundwater COPCs that are expected to be site-related (e.g., PCE and TCE) to show the portion of the total exposure that is likely to be site-attributable. In this table, non- cancer HIs greater than 1 and cumulative cancer risks greater than 1E-04 are shaded in orange. Cancer risks within EPA’s acceptable risk range of 1E-06 to 1E-04 are shaded in green. If contaminated site groundwater were used as a potable source in the future by residents, unacceptable exposures have the potential to occur because of elevated concentrations of PCE. Two wells—MW-03R located near the VAMC and MW-13L in the ESS neighborhood—showed unacceptable residential risks from PCE, primarily because of inhalation exposures during domestic water use (e.g., during showering) and ingestion of drinking water. Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-11 While deep groundwater is not currently being used for potable use near the site, appropriate mitigation measures should be taken to ensure contaminated groundwater is not used in the future. Properties with Measured Indoor Air In total, indoor air samples with data suitable for quantitative risk evaluation have been collected at 86 residential properties, two schools9 (0045-S and 0365-S), one church (0366-C), and five VAMC buildings (Buildings 6, 7, 13, 20, and 32). For these properties, risks were evaluated on a property-by-property basis. Three sampling/analysis methods were employed to measure VOCs in air: in-field HAPSITE, SUMMA canisters, and passive samplers. There are pros and cons associated with each of these methods, with implications for the HHRA. Section 5.1.1 of the HHRA (Appendix H) provides a detailed discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of each method. Initially, screening level risk estimates were determined for each property based on the maximum indoor air concentration across all sampling methods (i.e., HAPSITE, SUMMA, and passive). Detailed risk calculations for each receptor population are presented in Attachment H.6 of Appendix H. The overall risk conclusions are summarized briefly below. Selected risk summary tables are presented below to provide the by-property risk estimates from inhalation of indoor air. In these tables, the cumulative RME non-cancer HIs and total RME cancer risks are presented for two groupings—“Based on Detects Only” and “Site-Related Only” —to illustrate the hazards/risks for the subset of indoor COPCs that are expected to be site-related (e.g., PCE and TCE) to show the portion of the total exposure that is likely to be site-attributable. This distinction is important because for many properties, many non-site-related chemicals were identified as potential risk drivers. In these tables, non-cancer HIs greater than 1 and cumulative cancer risks greater than 1E-04 are shaded in orange. Cancer risks within EPA’s acceptable risk range of 1E-06 to 1E-04 are shaded in green. Residential Exposures The risk evaluation of potential exposure to COPCs in indoor air shows that cumulative hazards/risks are biased high because of the contribution of non-detect COPCs with inadequate MDLs. As shown in Table 7-4, 12 residential properties have an RME non-cancer HI greater than 1 and/or an RME cancer risk greater than 1E-04. However, review of the list of risk drivers shows many of the volatile chemicals identified are not site-related, which suggests there are other indoor sources present inside many of these residences. If risk estimates are restricted to detected site-related COPCs only, only five properties (0040-H, 0051-H, 0054-H, 0059-H, and 0197-H) have potentially unacceptable exposures (see Table 7-4). Inspection of the indoor air datasets and collocated information on soil gas, outdoor ambient air, and groundwater for these four properties indicates the VI pathway is likely complete at nearly all properties. However, other indoor sources of both site-related COCs (PCE and TCE) and non- site-related volatiles were also noted at several of these properties. For Property 0040-H, indoor air concentrations of PCE and TCE were above the Tier 1 RAL and determined to primarily be due ___________________________________ 9 Refer to Section for more discussion on schools. Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-12 to VI; interim measures have been taken at this property to mitigate exposures (CTI 2017, VA 2021). For Property 0051-H, floor cracks were sealed to minimize the potential for VI. For both 0040-H and 0051-H, the risk estimates shown in Table 7-4 are based on pre-mitigation conditions. For Property 0054-H, pressure cycling results indicate elevated exposures were because of indoor sources and not VI. For Property 0059-H, risks are being driven by a single historical sample collected near a floor drain; risk estimates based on the most recent (and more representative) indoor air results shows there are no unacceptable risks. Portable air filters were provided to Property 0197-H as an interim measure pending further investigation of a suspected indoor TCE source. Despite the VI pathway being complete, with the exception of Property 0040-H and (potentially) Property 0197-H, there are no unacceptable human health risks from exposures to site-related COCs (PCE and TCE) under current conditions for all residential properties that have been sampled. Daycare Children Exposures Daycares are known to exist within the OU1 study area, including the daycare within one school, in VAMC Building 13, and on the University of Utah campus. Daycares may also be operating out of residential properties and churches in the study area. Maximum indoor air concentrations within the school daycare (School 0045-S) and the daycare inside VAMC Building 13 did not result in unacceptable risks for daycare children (see Table 7- 5). In the HHRA, it was assumed that any residential property could operate as a daycare facility in the future. The risk estimates indicate there is the potential that daycare children could have slightly elevated exposures to site-related COCs inside a few residences in the ESS area if they become daycare facilities in the future (see Table 7-5). However, if risks are mitigated for residents, this will also be protective of exposures to daycare children. Indoor Worker Exposures Indoor air samples have been collected from five on-site VAMC buildings, including Buildings 6 and 7, which are closest to the suspected PCE source location. No indoor air data is available for commercial properties within the ESS area because there are very few commercial properties located in the ESS area. Measured data for residential properties within the ESS area was used as a surrogate for concentrations inside commercial properties. Worker exposures to site-related COCs inside the VAMC buildings did not result in unacceptable risks (see Table 7-6). For Building 6, soil gas represents an ongoing potential source of VI for this building; however, indoor sources of PCE and TCE (e.g., battery and brake cleaners and lubricants) were also present. Subsequent indoor air sampling performed after these indoor sources were removed resulted in site-related non-cancer hazards less than 1 and cancer risk estimates below 1E-06. Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-13 For commercial properties in the ESS area, if commercial buildings have similar indoor air concentrations to the residential properties, there is the potential that indoor workers could have non-cancer hazards slightly higher than 1 because of site-related COCs inside a few buildings. Unsampled Properties Attempts have been made to conduct indoor air sampling at as many properties as possible within the ESS area, but there are unsampled properties within this area (Figure 6-29C). The risk results described above for the properties with measured indoor air data provide the most applicable information to estimate what potential exposures may exist inside unsampled properties within the ESS area. These risk estimates suggest that while VI may be occurring inside the unsampled properties, the majority of these properties are likely to have indoor air exposures that are within EPA’s acceptable risk ranges. However, it is possible there could be a few properties within the ESS area where VI exposures may result in unacceptable hazards. Property characteristics where VI may be occurring include properties in the ESS area where the basement has moisture issues due to the presence of shallow groundwater, with daylighting seeps/springs in the yard, where sump water is present and can directly volatilize into indoor air, where basement floor and/or foundation cracks are present, with bare soil crawl spaces, where sewer or underground utility lines enter through the floor or foundation without adequate sealant, and older homes that are less airtight than newer (or recently remodeled) properties. The presence of one or more of these property characteristics would tend to increase the potential for unacceptable exposures because of VI. However, because each home is unique, property-specific sampling of indoor air concentrations would be needed to determine actual indoor exposures. Plume Extents Available groundwater data and soil gas data can also be used to identify the areas where the potential for VI exposures is likely to be highest. The site soil gas data show the highest soil gas concentrations of PCE and TCE were within the ESS area and centered around Property 0053-H (see Figure 5-6 for PCE). PCE and TCE groundwater contour maps, and measured indoor air results, also support the conclusion that properties within the vicinity of the intersection of 900 South and 1200 East have the highest potential for VI concerns (see Figure 6-29B for PCE). The available indoor air data corroborate this conclusion and show that this is also the area where the highest indoor air exposures have been reported, including the four properties (0037-H, 0040-H, 0051-H, and potentially 0197-H) where interim measures were taken to address PCE and TCE that were attributable to VI. Correlations Between Media and Analytes To understand the potential relationships between the different COPCs in the different media types (indoor air, soil gas, and groundwater), regressions between various combinations were considered as presented in the figures in Attachment H.10 of the HHRA (Appendix H). As observed from the regression plots, weak or no correlations were observed between most COPCs in most media. These regressions were based upon the maximum concentration of the respective analyte in the respective media at each location. Thus, the weak correlations are likely because of the spatial and temporal variability in the concentrations at a location and limited occurrences Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-14 where COPCs were present in the same location in different media. The lack of correlation may also be because of property-specific differences that affect VI potential (e.g., presence of floor cracks, sump maintenance). While the lack of COPC detections in site media makes development of correlations challenging, the fact of limited occurrences is consistent with the conclusions that exposures are generally low at this site as indicated by the risk calculations. In addition to evaluating the relationship between COPC concentrations in different media, to understand the potential relationships between COPCs within a medium, regressions between various combinations of COPCs were considered. In summary, positive associations between PCE and TCE were observed for indoor air, soil gas, and groundwater, but these relationships varied by area (i.e., stronger correlations near the VAMC campus and weaker within the ESS area) partly because of the limitations mentioned above. The absence of strong relationships between the different media and analytes indicates it may not be possible to predict exposures at an individual location based on nearby measurements of indoor air, soil gas, or groundwater. Nevertheless, inspection of the larger datasets for these media show that the general area where these media indicate the potential for unacceptable exposures may occur does overlap in the ESS area, which shows there is a correlation between PCE and TCE in groundwater, soil gas, and indoor air when assessed for the larger ESS area. 7.1.5 Uncertainty Assessment Confidence in the quantitative evaluation of the risks to humans from environmental contamination may be limited by uncertainty regarding a number of key data items, including concentration levels in the environment, the true level of human contact with contaminated media, and the true dose-response curves for non-cancer and cancer effects in humans. This uncertainty is usually addressed by making conservative assumptions or estimates for uncertain parameters based on available data. The HHRA (Appendix H) provides a detailed discussion of the key uncertainties that affect the risk assessment. While attempts have been made to conduct indoor air sampling at as many properties as possible, one important limitation of the HHRA is the lack of measured indoor air data for all residential properties within the ESS area where there is a higher potential for VI impacts. Even so, the risk estimates suggest that, while VI may be occurring inside the unsampled properties, the majority of these properties are likely to have indoor air exposures that are within EPA’s acceptable risk ranges. Because of these uncertainties, the results of risk calculations are themselves uncertain, and it is important for risk managers and the public to keep this in mind when interpreting the results of a risk assessment. 7.2 Screening-Level Ecological Risk Assessment EPA developed an eight-step process recommended for conducting ecological risk assessments (ERAs) at Superfund sites under CERCLA (EPA 1997). Steps 1 and 2 of the ERA process include a screening-level risk evaluation to identify the contaminants, pathways, and receptors of potential concern. These steps are intentionally simplified and conservative, and usually tend to overestimate the amount of potential risk. This conservatism allows for the elimination of those factors that are not associated with risk, permitting subsequent efforts to focus on factors that are of potential concern. Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-15 The SLERA includes an initial screen to identify the chemicals of potential ecological concern (COPECs) for each receptor using the existing site data. The following sections provide a summary of the SLERA approach and risk conclusions. Detailed information on the SLERA is available in Appendix I. 7.2.1 Summary of the AOU1 SLERA A SLERA was completed as part of the AOU1 RI. The scope of AOU1 RI was primarily to assess the VI pathway for residents in the ESS neighborhood to determine the need for interim actions to mitigate exposures from VI. The AOU1 SLERA was intentionally limited, focusing only on potential ecological exposures to surface water and groundwater and the site-related chemicals of interest (i.e., PCE and its degradation products). The AOU1 SLERA concluded that exposure of aquatic organisms, plants, wildlife (birds and mammals), and domestic dogs to site-related contaminants in groundwater and surface water will not result in unacceptable risks. The AOU1 SLERA also concluded that potential ecological risks to aquatic receptors in the Jordan River, which is located several miles west of the site and could be potentially affected because of discharges to the river through the storm drain system, would be significantly lower than exposures at the site. 7.2.2 Problem Formulation Problem formulation is a systematic planning step that identifies the major concerns and issues considered in the SLERA and provides a description of the basic approach used to identify the potential risks that may exist (EPA 1997). Problem formulation usually begins by developing a CSEM that identifies sources of contaminant release to the environment, the fate and transport of contaminants in the environment, and exposure pathways of potential concern for ecological receptors. Based on the CSEM, ecological goals (i.e., assessment endpoints and measures of effect) are identified that form the basis of the ERA. Conceptual Site Exposure Model The site is a residential/commercial area; thus, the ecological receptors of interest include plants and wildlife species that are common in suburban areas as well as residential pets. Most terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems support a variety of ecological organisms that can be exposed to chemicals in the environment. It is not feasible to perform risk evaluations for all species potentially exposed; thus, representative receptor groups were selected for evaluation. These receptor groups included aquatic receptors (e.g., fish, aquatic invertebrates, aquatic plants, and early life-stage amphibians), terrestrial receptors (e.g., terrestrial plants and soil invertebrates), and wildlife (i.e., birds and mammals of various feeding guilds). For the site, burrowing animals are of particular interest because soil vapors derived from volatiles in groundwater have the potential to impact air within burrows. Representative species of birds and mammals are considered in the screening-level assessment and are expected to be adequately protective of domestic pets. Figure 7-2 presents the screening-level ecological CSEM for the site. As indicated in the CSEM, there are several complete exposure pathways by which ecological receptors may come into contact with site-related contaminants. However, not all are likely to be of equal concern. Complete exposure pathways that have the potential to be important contributors to exposure Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-16 are indicated by boxes containing a solid circle (⚫) and minor contributors are indicated by boxes containing an open circle (). Assessment and Measurement Endpoints Management goals are descriptions of the basic objectives that the risk manager at a site wants to achieve. The overall management goal identified for ecological health for the site is to ensure adequate protection of ecological receptors within the impacted areas of the site by protecting them from the deleterious effects of acute and chronic exposures to site-related contaminants of concern. “Adequate protection” is generally defined as the protection of growth, reproduction, and survival of local populations and communities. Assessment endpoints identify the ecological values to be protected (e.g., abundance and diversity of aquatic receptors). Assessment endpoints are directly related to the management goals and objectives determined for a site. Appropriate assessment endpoints are developed by risk assessors and often consider guidance from relevant regulatory agencies. Ecological risk-related remedial goals and objectives for the site include (EPA 2003b): ▪ Protection of aquatic receptors, such as small fish, aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic plants from site-related adverse exposures in ponds or water features fed by springs/seeps ▪ Protection of terrestrial plants and invertebrates from site-related adverse exposures in soils near springs/seeps and buildings where PCE releases and spills may have occurred ▪ Protection of wildlife from site-related adverse exposures to contaminated media within the PCE plume extent ▪ Protection of domestic pets from site-related adverse exposures to contaminated media on residential properties Measurement endpoints represent quantifiable ecological characteristics that can be measured, interpreted, and related to the valued ecological components chosen as the assessment endpoints (EPA 1997, 1992). In general, there are four basic categories of measures of effect that are useful in evaluating the assessment endpoints at a site: predicted risks (i.e., HQs), site-specific toxicity studies, in situ measures of exposure and effects, and site-specific community surveys. The measurement endpoints used in screening-level assessments are generally restricted to the predicted risks approach. 7.2.3 Risk Characterization The purpose of the screening-level risk characterization is to identify COPECs, exposure pathways, and receptors of potential concern. The results of this assessment are used to quantify the screening-level risk estimates, identify the chemicals that are likely to be key risk drivers, and determine if a more refined risk assessment is needed. Evaluation of Groundwater and Surface Water Several springs and seeps emanate along the East Bench Fault within the ESS residential neighborhood west of 1300 East Street. PCE was detected in several of the springs and seeps Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-17 within the downgradient portion of the PCE plume. Red Butte Creek also flows along the southern extent of the site. The SLERA evaluated the following water exposure scenarios – direct contact exposures by aquatic organisms residing in the seeps, springs, ponds, and other water features within the ESS area, direct contact (root) exposures by terrestrial plants near seeps/springs, and ingestion exposures by wildlife and domestic pets that drink or feed from these water features. Ecological receptor exposures under current conditions were assessed based on surface water data. Potential future ecological exposures were assessed based on groundwater data, as this data represents groundwater that could potentially daylight in the future. When performing the initial screen for ecological receptor exposures to surface water and groundwater, the exposure concentration was based on the maximum concentration of each analyte across all samples. The COPEC selection was performed separately for surface water and groundwater. Ecological screening values (ESVs) for the protection of aquatic receptors from direct contact exposures to chemicals in surface water have been developed by various regulatory agencies and derived from published scientific literature and experimental studies. The surface water ESVs for ecological receptors were compiled from the following sources: ▪ UDEQ water quality standards for state waters (UDEQ 2020) ▪ EPA national ambient water quality criteria for aquatic life (EPA 2020) ▪ Los Alamos National Laboratory ECORISK Database ecological screening levels (ESLs) for aquatic community organisms and wildlife ingestion (LANL 2021; version 4.2) ▪ Oak Ridge National Laboratory soil solution benchmarks for plant roots (Efroymson et al. 1997) The lowest ESV across all sources was selected for use in identifying COPECs for surface water and groundwater. The COPECs identified for further quantitative assessment in surface water and/or groundwater include VOCs (chloroform, PCE, and toluene), SVOCs (bis[2-ethylhexyl]phthalate and dimethyl phthalate), and metals (aluminum, arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, lead, manganese, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, vanadium, and zinc). ▪ Section below discusses the evaluation of the metal COPCs identified in surface water and groundwater. The SLERA (Appendix I) provides a detailed description of the refined risk evaluation for seep/spring water that was performed for each ecological receptor of interest. These refined risk evaluations support the following risk conclusions: ▪ Exposures to seeps/springs, both now and in the future, will not result in unacceptable risks to wildlife or to domestic pets that drink the water or feed on aquatic organisms. Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-18 ▪ No unacceptable risks are expected for terrestrial plants from exposure to organic chemicals in seeps/springs. ▪ Acute impacts to aquatic organisms from exposures to COPECs in seep/spring water are not expected. ▪ The potential exists for aquatic organisms to have unacceptable chronic exposures; however, the COPECs associated with these exposures are not site-related contaminants. PCE concentrations in surface water did not result in unacceptable aquatic receptor risks, and PCE concentrations in deep groundwater would be expected to attenuate below the chronic screening level prior to daylighting and therefore would not pose unacceptable risks. No further evaluation of ecological exposures to site-related contaminants in surface water is necessary. Evaluation of Sediment and Soil This section presents the screening-level evaluation of ecological exposures to chemicals in site sediment and soil. In the SLERA, the term “sediment” is used when describing materials that have been collected within seep/spring features and from the bottom of creek beds. The term “soil” is used when describing all other materials (e.g., collected from boreholes). The SLERA evaluated the following sediment and soil exposure scenarios – direct contact sediment exposures by aquatic invertebrates residing in the seeps, springs, ponds, and other water features within the ESS area, direct contact soil exposures by terrestrial plants, and ingestion exposures by wildlife and domestic pets (including both incidental ingestion of sediment and soil and ingestion of aquatic and terrestrial food items). When performing the initial screen for ecological receptor exposures to soil/sediment, the exposure concentration was based on the maximum concentration of each analyte across all samples. The COPEC selection was performed together for soil and sediment samples. ESVs for the protection of ecological receptors from exposures to chemicals in soil and sediment have been derived from published scientific literature and experimental studies and compiled in the LANL ECORISK Database (LANL 2021; version 4.2). The LANL ECORISK Database includes both sediment ESLs for the protection of aquatic invertebrates and aquatic invertebrate-feeding wildlife (i.e., bats and swallows) and soil ESLs for terrestrial plants, invertebrates, and terrestrial- feeding wildlife. The wildlife ESLs are protective of incidental soil/sediment ingestion and ingestion of food items. LANL derives both no-effect ESLs and low-effect ESLs. In the initial screen, the lowest no-effect soil/sediment ESL was used to identify COPECs and compute initial HQ estimates. The COPECs identified for further quantitative assessment in soil/sediment include VOCs (acetone and PCE), SVOCs (benzo[b]fluoranthene), and metals (antimony, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, manganese, mercury, nickel, selenium, silver, thallium, vanadium, and zinc). Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-19 ▪ Section below discusses the evaluation of the metal COPCs identified in soil/sediment. The SLERA (Appendix I) provides a detailed description of the refined risk evaluation for seep/spring water that was performed for each ecological receptor of interest. These refined risk evaluations support the following risk conclusions: ▪ Exposures to soils/sediments will not result in unacceptable risks to wildlife or to domestic pets that incidentally ingest soil/sediment or feed on aquatic and terrestrial organisms. ▪ No unacceptable risks are expected for terrestrial plants from exposures to organic chemicals in soil. ▪ There is the potential for aquatic organisms to have unacceptable exposures due to PCE exposures in sediment within site seep/springs or aquatic features in residential yards (e.g., small ponds). However, these locations are unlikely to represent pristine natural aquatic habitats, and effects from any site-related exposures are likely to be minor. No further evaluation of ecological exposures to site-related contaminants in sediment or soil is necessary. Evaluation of Soil Gas Wildlife inhalation exposures are usually considered to be minor in comparison to exposures from ingestion (EPA 2005b). However, for burrowing animals (e.g., rabbits), it is possible that animals could be exposed to relatively high concentrations of VOCs via inhalation if concentrations accumulate inside their burrows. Thus, exposure to soil gas was also evaluated quantitatively by using collected soil gas samples to estimate potential air concentrations that could be present inside underground burrows. When performing the initial screen for ecological receptor exposures to soil gas, the exposure concentration was based on the maximum concentration of each analyte across all samples. Toxicity data to assess inhalation exposures by wildlife is quite limited. The LANL ECORISK Database (LANL 2021) provides ecological screening level in air for a subset of VOCs. These screening levels are protective of burrowing mammal inhalation exposures and derived based on exposure assumptions for a Botta’s pocket gopher. The no-effect ESLs for air were used to identify COPECs for soil gas. Maximum soil gas concentrations of all chemicals are below their respective air-based ESVs; therefore, no COPECs were identified for further quantitative assessment in soil gas. These results show that inhalation of volatile chemicals in burrows is unlikely to result in unacceptable risks to burrowing animals. No further evaluation of burrowing animal exposures to volatile chemicals is necessary for the site. Section 7 • Risk Assessment 7-20 Evaluation of Metal COPECs Metals are naturally present in the earth’s crust and expected to be detected in water, soil, and sediment. Based on the site history, there is no expectation that elevated metal concentrations would be attributable to site-related impacts. Even so, in accordance with EPA guidance (EPA 2002), which states that COPECs that have both release-related and background-related sources should be included in the risk assessment, potential risks from exposures to metals are discussed in Attachment I.1 and I.2 of Appendix I to inform risk management decisions, but metals were not retained for further characterization in the SLERA. 7.2.4 Uncertainty Assessment There are a variety of sources of uncertainty in the SLERA that need to be evaluated and considered when making risk management decisions. The uncertainty assessment presented in the SLERA (see Appendix I) discusses the uncertainties associated with the HQ evaluations, including uncertainties that impact the exposure assessment, the toxicity assessment, and the risk characterization. Uncertainties can lead to either an overestimation or an underestimation of risk. However, because of the inherent conservatism in the derivation of many of the exposure estimates and toxicity values, risk estimates presented in the SLERA should generally be viewed as being more likely to be high than low. The conclusions presented in the SLERA should be viewed in light of these inherent uncertainties, and risk management decisions based on the risk assessment conclusions should be interpreted accordingly. 8-1 Section 8 Summary and Conclusions The overall objectives of the RI were as follows: ▪ Identify the sources and release mechanisms of PCE at the site, and describe the nature and extent of site-related contaminants in soil, soil vapor, groundwater, and surface water. ▪ Evaluate the fate and transport of site-related chemicals in the environment at the site. This includes understanding the hydrogeologic features and natural attenuation processes that control contaminant fate and transport, as well as assessing the nature, extent, and strength of the source area. ▪ Estimate current and future potential risks to human health and the environment based on data collected during the RI and from previous investigations. The following sections provide a summary of the RI results and describe how these objectives were met, present the site-related COCs and recommended preliminary remedial objectives, and provide recommendations for future activities. 8.1 Summary 8.1.1 Nature and Extent of Contamination The dry-cleaning facility on the VAMC property that was operational in Building 7 from approximately 1976 through 1984 is the primary source of PCE through two potential release mechanisms: surface and near-surface releases of dry-cleaning condensate in the Building 6 and 7 area on the VAMC campus, and subsurface release through sanitary sewer line defects in the vicinity of Buildings 6 and 7 and in Sunnyside Park. Infiltrating water has dispersed dissolved PCE through the vadose zone, which has migrated vertically as well as laterally to the west-northwest along clay layers and in perched groundwater. Volatilization of PCE from the dissolved phase has also led to formation of soil vapor PCE plumes in the vicinity of Buildings 6 and 7 and Sunnyside Park. The PCE plume is not present in the shallow or deep aquifer zones underlying Buildings 6 and 7 or the Sunnyside Park manhole potential release point. Dissolved PCE migrating through the vadose zone encountered perched groundwater and migrated to the west-northwest, before migrating downward and encountering the shallow aquifer west of Buildings 6 and 7 (in the vicinity of MW-01S, MW-02, and MW-03R) and in Sunnyside Park (in the vicinity of MW-04). Downward migration of PCE from the shallow aquifer to the deep aquifer has occurred in the vicinity of MW-03R. The primary contaminant in groundwater is PCE (maximum current concentrations of approximately 250 µg/L at MW-01S, MW-02, and MW-03R), with low concentrations of TCE (approximately 1 to 12 µg/L) present at a few wells because of localized areas of PCE degradation or possible non-VAMC sources. The groundwater PCE plume migrates west along the direction of groundwater flow. The East Bench Fault Spur does not appear to be an impediment to groundwater flow and contaminant Section 8 • Summary and Conclusions 8-2 migration; however, to the west of the fault spur, changes in hydraulic conductivity and topography cause groundwater flow direction and the PCE groundwater plume to shift to the southwest. Between the East Bench Fault Spur and the East Bench Fault, topography and horizontal groundwater gradients begin to steepen significantly. Along the hillside between approximately 700 South and Michigan Avenue, shallow groundwater intersects the ground surface and seeps and springs are observed in an area referred to as the ESS area. The East Bench Fault is acting as a semipermeable barrier to flow. Groundwater flowing from the site is laterally restricted at this fault, with groundwater both flowing through the fault and mounding up at the eastern face of the fault. This mounding results in surface discharges to springs and seeps and flowing artesian wells just east of the fault. Both the shallow and deep portion of the shallow aquifer contribute to the surface water discharges observed in this area. In the ESS area, PCE and TCE volatilize from the shallow groundwater to the vadose zone, with the potential to enter structures via the vapor intrusion pathway. The investigations completed during this RI have provided data to support evaluation of the sources and release mechanisms of PCE at the site, have identified and characterized sources of PCE in the vadose zone at Buildings 6 and 7 and Sunnyside Park, and have delineated the lateral and vertical extent of the COCs for the site in groundwater. 8.1.2 Fate and Transport A groundwater flow and solute transport model was used to evaluate the historical transport of PCE from the suspected source areas on the VAMC campus and Sunnyside Park. The primary objectives of the groundwater modeling were to assess historical flow and transport pathways associated with nearby public supply and irrigation well pumping and to improve the understanding of the future fate and transport of the PCE plume under a range of potential hydrologic and hydraulic conditions. Historical transport simulations concluded that the PCE migration through the aquifer appears to be consistent with the observed site timeline, and the model was able to represent the existing PCE plume relatively well. Municipal pumping at SLC-18 was likely to have drawn low concentrations of PCE from a source on the VAMC campus via the deep aquifer zone, but pumping likely did not have a substantial effect on the shallow aquifer zone plume extent or transport. The historical transport simulations also indicate that a significant portion of the PCE mass in the shallow aquifer zone discharges to the springs in the ESS area. Modeling of future scenarios indicates that a return to historical average pumping at SLC-18 is likely to pull a small amount of PCE toward the well in the deep aquifer zone, with greater amounts of PCE transported to the well if pumping at SLC-18 or University of Utah irrigation wells is increased to greater than historical averages. Trend analysis demonstrated that concentrations of PCE in groundwater are either decreasing or are stable throughout the plume, suggesting an ongoing source of PCE migrating from the vadose zone to groundwater is likely not present. The evaluation of mass discharge at multiple transects throughout the plume revealed that the lowest mass discharge measurement among the transects was along the Guardsman Way Transect (closest to the source area), suggesting that the remaining source strength is relatively weak. The evaluation of lines of evidence supporting natural attenuation through chemical or biological processes (biodegradation, abiotic degradation) revealed these processes are likely not occurring Section 8 • Summary and Conclusions 8-3 at measurable rates. Physical attenuation processes, such as volatilization, discharge to surface, dispersion, and dilution, are likely contributing to the stable or reducing contaminant concentration trends observed at the site. 8.1.3 Risk Assessment While the risk assessment evaluated exposures to all COPCs, only two volatiles are identified as being site-related COCs—PCE and TCE. Although 1,4-dioxane contributes to total indoor air risks at a few properties, detections of 1,4-dioxane in groundwater occur sporadically and are not correlated with the highest PCE concentrations at the site. Thus, the presence of 1,4-dioxane in indoor air is likely due to interior background sources; 1,4-dioxane should not be considered a COC for the site and further sampling for 1,4-dioxane is not necessary. The risk evaluation showed that the following exposure scenarios would not result in unacceptable risks: ▪ Exposures to chemicals in soil, sediment, surface water (i.e., seeps/springs and daylighting groundwater), and outdoor air for all receptor populations and all exposure scenarios ▪ Residential and outdoor worker exposures to chemicals in shallow groundwater during digging activities, such as a resident digging in a garden or an outdoor maintenance worker performing sprinkler line maintenance ▪ Inhalation exposures to volatiles in irrigation water (derived from deep wells), based on the expectation that volatiles would rapidly dissipate in outdoor air ▪ Consumption of homegrown produce that has been irrigated with seep/spring water, because accumulation of PCE and its daughter products into homegrown produce is unlikely ▪ Construction worker exposures to volatiles in trench air derived from shallow groundwater and/or soil gas ▪ Student and teacher exposures to indoor air inside schools The exposure scenarios which had potential to result in unacceptable risks are as follows: ▪ Exposures to chemicals in groundwater used for potable purposes in a hypothetical future scenario ▪ Current and future exposures to chemicals in indoor air in the ESS area because of volatilization from shallow groundwater and entering structures through the vapor intrusion pathway Currently, there is no potable use of contaminated groundwater at the site. However, to inform risk management decisions, risk estimates were calculated for a hypothetical scenario in which deep groundwater is used as a potable source in the future. If contaminated site groundwater were used as a potable source in the future by residents, unacceptable exposures have the Section 8 • Summary and Conclusions 8-4 potential to occur primarily because of inhalation exposures during domestic water use (e.g., during showering) and ingestion of drinking water. Indoor air samples have been collected from four on-site VAMC buildings, including Buildings 6 and 7, which are closest to the suspected PCE source location. Worker exposures to site-related COCs inside the VAMC buildings did not result in unacceptable risks. For Building 6, soil gas also represents an ongoing potential source of VI for this building; however, indoor sources of PCE and TCE (e.g., battery and brake cleaners and lubricants) were also present. The risk assessment indicates that while soil gas represents an ongoing source of vapor intrusion at Building 6, there is not an unacceptable human health risk to indoor workers at Building 6 because of site-related COCs (PCE and TCE). In Sunnyside Park, while a soil gas plume is present, PCE concentrations do not exceed the industrial RBSL and there are no overlying structures, meaning that the VI pathway is not complete in this area. In the ESS area, the area of interest for soil gas and indoor air impacts is defined by the proximity to and the concentrations within the groundwater plume. The shallower the groundwater, the more readily VOCs can volatilize at atmospheric pressure and the shorter the pathway to enter the atmosphere or overlying structures. Therefore, the thickness of the soils above groundwater (depth to groundwater) is a contributing factor to VI. Also in the ESS area, contaminated groundwater daylights at the surface and is actively removed from basements using sumps or diverted from properties using French drains, water features, and constructed streams. In these cases, elevated concentrations of VOCs in indoor air can also result from intrusion of groundwater directly into homes. The VI pathway is complete for some structures in the ESS area. The locations with exceedances of the RBSL are generally located in the vicinity of the intersection of 900 South and 1200 East, where groundwater becomes very shallow and discharges to the surface, the 50 µg/L PCE plume is present, and concentrations of PCE in soil gas exceed the residential RBSL. The risk assessment indicates that of the structures with indoor air data, only Property 0040-H (and possibly Property 0197-H) has indoor air concentrations that may result in unacceptable human health risk because of site-related impacts. Despite attempts to sample all residential properties within the ESS area where there is a higher potential for VI impacts, measured indoor air results are not available for all properties. Thus, it is also possible there could be a few properties within the ESS area that have not been sampled where vapor intrusion exposures may result in unacceptable risks. 8.2 Conclusions Because of current unacceptable risks to residents in the ESS area due to exposure to groundwater through VI and hypothetical future unacceptable risks to residents if groundwater was used for potable purposes, further action is warranted. The data collected during the course of the RI are adequate to characterize the nature and extent of impacts at the site. The following sections outline recommended preliminary remedial action objectives (RAOs) to be used to aid in remedy alternative evaluation during the feasibility study and recommendations for data collection during subsequent phases of the project. Section 8 • Summary and Conclusions 8-5 8.2.1 Recommended Preliminary Remedial Action Objectives Based on the data collected during the RI and evaluated during the risk assessment, the following preliminary RAOs are recommended to be used during the feasibility study. ▪ Groundwater: mitigate human exposure to site-related COCs in groundwater used for potable purposes (e.g., showering, drinking) at concentrations exceeding protective levels under a future scenario ▪ Groundwater: reduce the mass of site-related COCs in groundwater such that concentrations remain below MCLs at municipal extraction well SLC-18 during pumping at its maximum allowable rate ▪ Indoor air: mitigate exposure of building occupants in the ESS area to site-related COCs in indoor air derived from the vapor intrusion pathway at concentrations exceeding protective levels ▪ Return the site to unlimited use/unrestricted exposure These preliminary RAOs will be refined as necessary during identification of applicable or relevant and appropriate requirements during the feasibility study. Final RAOs will be presented in the record of decision for the site. 8.2.2 Recommendations for Future Work Several additional data collection activities may be warranted to support remedial alternatives evaluation during the feasibility study and to evaluate additional structures in the ESS area for VI concerns. ▪ PCE transport from the shallow aquifer to the deep aquifer: The extent of elevated PCE concentrations in the upper portion of the deep aquifer zone is not well understood, particularly in the vicinity of MW-02 and MW-03R near the VAMC and MW-13L in the ESS area. Additional data regarding PCE concentrations in the upper portion of the deep aquifer could improve the understanding of PCE transport between the shallow and deep aquifer and the lateral extent of these impacts. Improved understanding of PCE extent and migration in these areas will permit development of robust remedial alternatives in the feasibility study to address the recommended preliminary RAOs for groundwater. ▪ Extent of VI in the ESS area: While there has been substantial outreach and attempts to gain access to structures in the ESS area, there are still structures that have not been sampled for indoor air. There may still be structures with an unacceptable risk because of the concentrations of PCE and TCE in indoor air resulting from vapor intrusion, based on the presence of these chemicals in shallow groundwater, surface water, and soil vapor. Continued outreach and attempts to gain access to unsampled structures in the ESS should occur, with a focus on the areas in the vicinity of the intersection of 900 South and 1200 East, where the greater than 50 µg/L PCE groundwater plume is present, where PCE or TCE in soil vapor exceed the residential RBSL, and where the depth to groundwater is 20 feet or less. 9-1 Section 9 References Anderson, P.B., D.D Susong, S.R. Wold, V.M. Heilweil, and R.L. Baskin. 1994. Hydrogeology of recharge areas and water quality of the principal aquifers along the Wasatch Front and adjacent areas, Utah. USGS Water Resources Investigations Report 93-4221. Bowen Collins and Associates, Inc. (Bowen Collins). 2004. PCE Well Contamination Evaluation. Technical Memorandum. CDM Federal Programs Corporation (CDM Smith). 2021a. Data Summary Report Spring and Summer 2020 Drilling Investigation, 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume, Salt Lake City, Utah. Prepared for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. CDM Smith. 2021b. 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Preliminary Assessment – East Side Springs, Salt Lake County, Utah. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation. UDEQ. 2000. Mount Olivet Cemetery Plume Analytical Results Report, UTD981548985. Division of Environmental Response and Remediation. August. Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ). 2020. Virginia Unified Risk Assessment Model – VURAM User Guide for Risk Assessors. June. Veterans Affairs, Salt Lake City Health Care System (VA). 2021. Action Memorandum Amendment Request for Change in Scope of Work for Action Memorandum for Residence 0040-H, 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume, Salt Lake City, Utah. Section 9 • References 9-10 VA. 2016. Action Memorandum for Residence 0040-H within Accelerated Operable Unit 1: East Side Springs 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume, Salt Lake City, Utah. Waddell, K.M., R.L., Deiler, M. Santini, and D.K. Soloman. 1987. Groundwater Conditions in Salt Lake Valley, Utah, 1969–83, and Predicted Effects of Increased Withdrawals from Wells, State of Utah, Department of Natural Resources, Technical Publication No. 87. Wallace, J., and Lowe, M., 2009, Ground-water quality classification for the principal basin-fill aquifer, Salt Lake Valley, Salt Lake County, Utah: Utah Geological Survey Open-File Report 560, 80 p., 3 plates, scale 1:75,000. Windfinder. 2021. Monthly wind speed statistics and directions for U of U Mountain Met Lab. https://www.windfinder.com/windstatistics/university_of_utha_mountain_met_lab. Wiedemeier, T.H., J.T. Wilson, D.L. Freedman, and B.L. Lee. 2017. Providing Additional Support for MNA by Including Quantitative Lines of Evidence for Abiotic Degradation and Co-metabolic Oxidation of Chlorinated Ethylenes. ESTCP Project ER-201584. https://www.serdp- estcp.org/Program-Areas/Environmental-Restoration/Contaminated-Groundwater/Persistent- Contamination/ER-201584. Figures George E. WahlenVeterans AffairsMedical Center Figure 1-1Site Location Map OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 0.5 1Miles ¯ LegendGeorge E. WahlenVeterans Affairs MedicalCenter BoundaryStudy Area Boundary Map Area UTAH Legend W a s a tc h R a n g e Notes:OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroethene !.!( !( !( ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! i i i i ! Sunnyside Park East Side Springs ArtesianWell Park Universityof Utah Mt. OlivetReservoir CityReservoir EastBenchFault1 EastBenchFaultSpur2 East Bench Fault Spur2 East HighSchool Liberty Park Mt. OlivetCemetery VAMCBuilding 7 (formerdry cleaner location) Carmen BPingree Center Rowland HallSt Mark's School The McGillisSchool Judge MemorialCatholic High SchoolOur Lady of LourdesCatholic School Salt Lake CitySports Complex Our Lady ofLourdes Spring Benson Spring Smith Spring Bowen Spring SLC-18 University of Utah Well #1 Mt. Olivet Well University of Utah Well #2 MICHIGAN A V E F O O T H IL L D R GUARDSMAN WAY MICHIGAN AVE FOOTHILLDR 500 S 500 S 700 S 800 S 500 E 900 E 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 1300 S 900 S Red But te Cr ee k Figure 1-2Site FeaturesLegend !.Drinking Water Supply Well !(Irrigation Well i Spring Location Red Butte CreekSewer LineFault LineStudy Area Boundary Springs Area File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig1-2_SiteFeatures.mxd WAGNERA 10/15/2021 Map Area UTAH Notes:(1) Location of University of Utah Well #1 is approximate; well is located less than 100 feet east of Fountain of Ute. OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroetheneVAMC = George E. Wahlen Veterans Affairs Medical Center 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet ¯ &<&<&< &< &< &< &< &< !.!(!( !( !( ! ! ! ! ! ! i i i i ! Sunnyside Park University of Utah Well #2 University of Utah Well #1 Fountain of Ute Mt. Olivet Well East Side Springs ArtesianWell Park SLC-18 EPA-MW-01DEPA-MW-01S MW-02 EPA-MW-03R EPA-MW-04 EPA-MW-05R EPA-MW-05 EPA-MW-06 EastBench Fault1 EastBenchFaultSpur2 Our Lady ofLourdes Spring Benson Spring Smith Spring Bowen Spring LibertyPark Pond Former FortDouglas Base VAMCBuilding 7Former U.S. ForestService (USFS)Helicopter Pad Former Utah ArmyNational Guard Former Coast GuardMaintenance Shop 1300 S MICHIGAN AVE F O O T H IL L D R 500 S500 S 700 S 1300 E 900 E 1100 E 500 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 800 S 900 S R e d B u t t e C r e e k Figure 2-1Historical Sampling LocationsLegend &<Monitoring Well &<Abandoned Monitoring Well !.Drinking Water Supply Well !(Irrigation Well i Spring Location Red Butte CreekSewer LineFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig2-1_Historic_Sampling.mxd WAGNERA 9/23/2021 Map Area UTAH Notes:(1) Location of University of Utah Well #1 is approximate; well is located less than 100 feet east of Fountain of Ute. OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroetheneVAMC = George E. Wahlen Veterans Affairs Medical Center 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet ¯ ! ") ")") XW XW XWXW XW XW XW XW XW XW XWXW XW XW XW XW XW XW XWXW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XWXW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW i i i i !Sunnyside Park GW-001 GW-002 GW-003 GW-004 GW-005 GW-006 GW-007 GW-008 GW-009GW-010 GW-011 GW-012 GW-013GW-014 GW-015GW-016 GW-017 GW-018 GW-019GW-020 GW-021 GW-022 GW-023 GW-024 GW-025 GW-026 GW-027 GW-028 GW-031 GW-033 GW-035 GW-039 GW-040 GW-042 GW-043 GW-046 GW-048 GW-049 GW-050 GW-051 GW-052GW-053 GW-054 GW-055 GW-056 GW-057 GW-058 GW-059 GW-060 GW-061 GW-062 Our Lady ofLourdes Spring Benson Spring Smith Spring Bowen Spring E a st B ench F a ult1 East Bench Fault Spur2 YALE AVE S GUARDSMAN WAY SUNNYSIDE AVE 1300 E 1100 E 700 S 800 S 900 S East HighSchool SS-26 SS-01 SS-09 Red Butte Creek Figure 3-1AOU1 Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Point and Piezometers and Soil/Sediment Sampling Locations Legend XW Temporary GroundwaterMonitoring Point XW Temporary GroundwaterMonitoring Point/Piezometer XW Drilled to Refusal/No Groundwater ")Soil/Sediment Sampling Location i Spring Location !Landmark Red Butte CreekFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig3-1_Temp_GW_Monitoring.mxd WAGNERA 9/23/2021 5:29:11 PM Map Area UTAH Notes:GW = groundwater monitoring locationSS = soil/sediment sampling location 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet . !( &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<MW-13L MW-01SMW-01D MW-02 MW-03R MW-04 MW-05R MW-06 MW-08 MW-12SMW-12D MW-13SMW-13D MW-14SMW-14D MW-15SMW-15D MW-16SMW-16D MW-17SMW-17D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20SMW-20D MW-21 MW-22 MW-23 MW-24 MW-26 MW-27 MW-28 MW-29 MW-30C MW-31 MW-32 MW-34 MW-25 MW-38SMW-38D MW-37SMW-37D MW-36 MW-30RAMW-30RB SUNNYSIDE AVE 500 S VALDEZ DR WAHLEN WAY GUARDSMAN WAY 700 S 800 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S F O O T HIL L D R FOOTHILL DR Mt. Olivet Well E a s t B e n c h F a ult1 East Bench Fault Spur2 R ed B utte Creek Figure 3-2Monitoring Well NetworkLegend &<Installed during pre-RI investigation activities &<Installed during OU2 investigation activities &<Installed during Phase 1 OU2 investigation activities &<Installed during Phase 2 OU1 investigation activities !(Irrigation WellMonitoring Well Transect LineRed Butte CreekFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig3-2_Monitoring_Well_Network.mxd WAGNERA 9/23/2021 Notes1. Location IDs MW-07, MW-09, MW-10 and MW-11 were not used. MW-33 and MW-35 were not installed. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet .OU = operable unitRI = remedial investigation 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah PCE = tetrachloroetheneMW = monitoring well Sewer Line XW XW XW XW XW XW XWXW XW XW XW RG-11 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery SUNNYSIDE AVE GUARDSMAN WAY 900 E 800 E 1300 E 1100 E 700 S 800 S 900 S DOUGLAS ST RG-08 RG-03 RG-01 RG-02 RG-04 RG-06 RG-07 RG-09 RG-10 RG-05 E a st B e n ch F a ult1 East Bench Fault Spur2 R e d B u t t e C r e e k Figure 3-3Residential GroundwaterSampling LocationsXWResidential GroundwaterSampling LocationRed Butte CreekFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig3-3_Piezometer_Locations.mxd WAGNERA 9/23/2021 Notes:RG = residential groundwater sampling locationPCE = tetrachloroetheneOU = operable unit 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet . Legend &<&< &<&<&<&< &< &<&<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< EastBenchFault1 EastBenchFaultSpur2 East Bench Fault Spur2 MW-01SMW-01D MW-02 MW-03R-AMW-03R-BMW-03R-C MW-04 MW-08-AMW-08-BMW-08-C MW-13SMW-13DMW-13L MW-15D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20SMW-20D MW-21 MW-22 MW-26-AMW-26-BMW-26-CMW-26-DMW-32-AMW-32-BMW-32-C MW-34-AMW-34-BMW-34-CMW-34-D Guardsman Way Transect 1400 East Transect 500 S GUARDSMAN WAY F O O T HIL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R ed B utte Creek Figure 3-4Hydraulic Testing LocationsLegend &<Completed Slug Test Location &<Proposed Slug Test Location (unsuccessful)Monitoring Well Transect LineRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig3-4_Hydraulic_Testing.mxd WAGNERA 9/23/2021 Map Area UTAH Notes:OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroethene 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet . &<&<&< &< &<&< &< &< &< &< &< &< &< &< i i i i &< &<&< &<&< &< XW XWXW XWXW XW XW XW XWXW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XWXW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XWXW XW XW XW XW XW XWXW XW XW XW XW 1400 East Transect MW-01S/DMW-08 MW-16S/D MW-12S/D MW-13S/D MW-14S/D MW-15S/D MW-17S/D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20S/D MW-21 MW-22 700 S 800 S GUARDSMAN WAY 1500E F A I R V I E W A V E UNIVERSITY ST MICHIG A N A V E ELIZABETH ST 900 S 800 S SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S 1000 E G R E E N W O O D T E R HUBBARD AVE 1400 E BELMONT 900 E 1400 E LOWELL AVE DOUGLASST T HORNTON AVE DOUGLAS ST YALE AVE G R A N D S T HERBERT AVE 1200 E MICHIGAN AVE 1000 E MCCLELLAND ST MCCLELLAND S T LINCOLN ST YALE AVE 700 S GILMER DR 1300 E 1100 E BRIXEN CT WILLIAMS AVE MW-13L MW-38S/D MW-37S/D MW-36 SW-12 SW-08 SW-54 SW-16ISW-16E SW-34 SW-35 SW-39 SW-166 SW-53 SW-01 SW-04 SW-06 SW-07 SW-08 SW-09 SW-11 SW-12SW-13 SW-14SW-15 SW-16 SW-19 SW-21 SW-22 SW-23 SW-26SW-27SW-29 SW-30 SW-31 SW-33SW-34 SW-35 SW-36 SW-40 SW-41SW-42 SW-43 SW-44SW-46 SW-47 SW-48 SW-50 Our Lady ofLourdes Spring Benson Spring Smith Spring Bowen Spring SW-51SW-52 SW-47 SW-39 SW-06 SW-35 SW-48 SW-53 SW-34 SW-39 SW-15 SW-44 SW-50 SW-04 SW-166 E a st B e n c h F a ult1 East Bench Fault Spur2 Red Bu tte Cr eek Legend &<Monitoring WellSurface Water Sampling Locations XW AOU1 Surface Water Sample XW OU2 Surface Water Sample XW Phase 1 OU2 Surface Water Sample XW Phase 2 OU1 Surface Water Sample i Spring Location Red Butte CreekFault LineTransect Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig3-5_SW_Locations.mxd WAGNERA 9/24/2021 Notes:SW = surface water sampling locationOU = operable unitAOU = accelerated operable unitPCE = tetrachloroethene 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah Figure 3-5Surface Water Locations OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah . 0 250 500Feet ") ")D ")D ") ")D ")D ")D ")D ") ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ") ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")") ") ") ") ") ") ")") ") East Side Springs East HighSchool E a st B e nch F a ult1 EastBenchFaultSpur2 0003-H 0008-H 0026-H 0030-H 0040-H 0041-H 0047-H 0050-H 0051-H 0052-H 0053-H 0054-H0055-H 0056-H 0057-H 0058-H 0059-H 0060-H 0061-H 0062-H 0063-H 0045-S 0001-H 0002-H 0004-H 0005-H 0006-H 0007-H0009-H 0010-H 0011-H 0012-H 0013-H 0014-H 0017-H 0018-H 0019-B 0020-C 0021-S 0022-S 0023-H 0024-H 0025-H 0027-H 0028-S 0029-H 0031-S 0032-H 0033-H 0036-H 0037-H 0038-H GUARDSMAN WAY 700 S 1300 E 1100 E 800 S 900 S SUNNYSIDE AVE R e d B u t t e C r e e k Figure 3-6AOU1 East Side Springs Soil GasSampling Locations LegendSoil Gas Analysis Location and Method ")HAPSITE ")TO-15/HAPSITE ")D Qualified 2015 DataStreamsFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig3-6_ESS_SoilGas_AOU1.mxd WAGNERA 7/11/2022 Notes:1. Soil gas samples were collected between April 8th, 2015 and April 5th, 2017, using both a HAPSITE® for field screening and SUMMA® Canister for TO-15 laboratory analysis. OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroethene 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet ¯ ") ")D ")D ") ")D ")D")D ")D")")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ") ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ")D ") ")")") ") ") ")")") ") ") ") ") ") ")") ") 0015-H 0016-H 900 S 1100 E 1300 E 900 S Red Butte Creek &<&< &<&< &< &< XW XW XW XWXW XW XW ! East Side Springs East HighSchool E ast B e nch F a ult1 EastBenchFaultSpur2 MW-25 MW-32 MW-34 MW-37 MW-38 RG-01 RG-04 RG-05 RG-07RG-08 RG-10 RG-11 GUARDSMAN WAY SUNNYSIDE AVE 1300 E 1100 E 700 S 800 S 900 S R e d B u tt e Creek Figure 3-7OU1 East Side Springs Soil GasSampling Locations Legend &<Monitoring Well with Soil Vapor Probe XW Residential Groundwater SamplingLocation with Soil Vapor Probe !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig3-7_ESS_SoilGas_OU1.mxd WAGNERA 9/24/2021 Notes:OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroetheneRG = residential groundwater sampling location with soil vapor probeMW = monitoring well 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet ¯ VAMCBuilding 6 VAMCBuilding 7 VP-01 VP-02 VP-03 VP-04 VP-05VP-06 VP-07 VP-08 VP-09 VP-10 VP-11 VP-12 VP-13 VP-14 SG-03 SG-04 SG-05 SG-06 SG-07 SG-08 SG-09 SG-10 SG-11 SG-12 SG-13 SG-15 SG-14 SG-45 VP-21 SG-48 SG-49 SG-50 SG-51 SG-52 SG-53 SG-54SG-55 VP-15 VP-16 VP-17 VP-18 VP-19 VP-20 SG-60 SG-46 VP-22 Figure 3-8OU2 Source Area Soil GasSampling Locations Legend ")Soil Vapor Probe #*Vapor PinSewer LinePerimeter of Building 7 in 1981Underground Storage Tank or Foundation File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig3-8_SourceArea_SoilGas_OU2.mxd WAGNERA 8/20/2021 Notes:Soil gas probe SG-16 was not installed. SG = soil gas probeVP = vapor pin. Locations for vapor pins are approximate.VAMC = George E. Wahlen Veterans Affairs Medical CenterPCE = tetrachloroetheneOU = operable unit OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 50 100Feet ¯ VAMCBuildings 6 and 7 SG-01 SG-02 Sunnyside Park SG-44 SB-42 SB-43 SG-17 SG-21SG-22SG-23 SG-24 SG-25SG-26 SG-27 SG-28 SG-29SG-30SG-31 SG-32SG-33 SG-34SG-35 SG-36SG-37 SG-38 SG-39 SG-40 SG-41 SG-18SG-19SG-20 GUARDSMAN WAY SUNNYSIDE AVE R ed B utte Creek Figure 3-9OU2 Sunnyside Park Soil GasSampling Locations Legend ")Soil Vapor Probe ")Soil Vapor Probe Abandoned After SamplingRed Butte CreekSewer Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig3-9_Sunnyside_SoilGas_OU2.mxd WAGNERA 8/20/2021 Notes:1. Soil gas probe SG-16 was not installed. OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroethene OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 200 400Feet ¯ VAMCBuilding 7 VAMCBuilding 6 MW-27 MW-23 MW-25 MW-24 VP-14 VP-13 VP-12 VP-11 VP-10 VP-09 VP-08 VP-06 VP-04 VP-02 MW-28 SG-03 SG-04 SG-05 SG-06 SG-08 SG-10 SG-11 SG-13 SG-49 SG-50 SG-55 VP-15 VP-17 VP-19 SG-60 Figure 3-10OU1 Source Area Soil GasSampling Locations 0 25 50Feet !(Monitoring Well with Soil Vapor Probe ")Soil Vapor Probe #*Vapor PinSewer LinePerimeter of Building 7 in 1981Underground Storage Tank or Foundation J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig3-10_SourceArea_SoilGas_OU1.mxd WAGNERA 8/19/2021 7:16:01 PM Notes:SG = soil gas probeVP = vapor pin. Locations for vapor pins are approximate.VAMC = George E. Wahlen Veterans Affairs Medical CenterPCE = tetrachloroetheneOU = operable unit ¯OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah !(Sunnyside Park MW-29 SB-42 SB-43 GUARDSMAN WAY SUNNYSIDE AVE R ed B utte Creek Figure 3-11OU1 Sunnyside Park Soil GasSampling Locations Legend !(Monitoring Well with Soil Vapor Probe ")Multi-Depth Soil Vapor Probe Red Butte CreekSewer Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig3-11_Sunnyside_SoilGas_OU1.mxd WAGNERA 8/20/2021 Notes:OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroethene OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 200 400Feet ¯ !( !( !(!(!(!(!( !(!(!(!(!(!( !( !( !( !( !(!(!( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( !( "ççÐ) "ççÐ) "ççÐ) #*D #*D ")D ") #*D #*D "ççÐ)""ççÐU #*D "ççÐ) ")D #*D #*D ")D "ççÐ) #*D"ççÐ) ")D ""ççÐU ")D #*D #*D #*D ")D "ççÐ) "Ð) ")#* #Û* #* #* #* #*#* #* #* #* #* #*")#* #* #*"Ð) "Ð) &-"Ð) &-"ççÐ) &-"ççÐ) &-"ççÐ) &-"Ð) &-"ççÐ) &-") &-") &-#* %, %,%,%, %,%, %,%,%, %, %, %, %, %<,,, %, %, %,%,%, %, %, !( "Ð)"Ð) !( Building 13Building 20 0102-H Building 32700 S 1100 E 500 S 1300 E 800 S SUNNYSIDE AVE F O O T HIL L D R 900 S 0003-H 0011-H 0017-H 0018-H 0025-H 0026-H 0037-H 0051-H 0053-H 0059-H 0066-H 0069-H0071-H 0076-H 0091-H0098-H 0118-H0121-H 0122-H 0133-H0135-H 0137-H 0139-H 0146-H 0148-H 0153-H 0162-H 0166-H 0173-H 0174-H 0065-H 0001-H 0002-H 0004-H 0005-H 0006-H 0007-H 0008-H0009-H 0010-H 0012-H 0013-H 0014-H 0019-B 0020-C 0021-S 0022-S 0023-H 0024-H0027-H 0028-S 0029-H 0030-H 0031-S 0032-H 0033-H 0036-H 0038-H 0040-H 0041-H 0045-S 0047-H 0050-H 0052-H 0054-H 0055-H 0056-H 0057-H 0058-H 0060-H 0061-H 0062-H 0063-H 0064-H Building 6 Building 7E a st B e n c h F a ult1 East Bench Fault Spur2 0365-S 0381-H 0315-H 0263-H 0273-H0274-H 0277-H 0189-H 0192-H0193-H0194-H0195-H0197-H 0256-H 0225-H 0255-H 0230-H 0347-H0329-H 0172-H 0334-H0336-H 0072-H 0145-H 0366-C 0180-H 0302-H 0392-H 0395-H R e d B u t t e C r e e k Figure 3-12Indoor Air SampleLocations and Types 0 250 500Feet Legend Red Butte CreekFault LineSewer LineSample Analysis #*HAPSITE only !(SUMMA only ")HAPSITE and SUMMA %,HAPSITE, SUMMA, and Passive Sampler File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig3-12_Indoor_Air_Samples.mxd WAGNERA 7/11/2022/> OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah ¯ NotesOU = operable unitAOU = accelerated operable unitPCE = tetrachloroethene 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah Sampling Event "2015 (AOU1) "D Qualified 2015 Data "2016 (AOU1) "2017 (AOU1) "2018 (OU2) "2019-2021 (Phase 1 OU2) "2021-2022 (Phase 2 OU1) EastBenchSegmentofthe W asatch Fault1 EastBenchFaultSpur2 GUARDSMAN WAY F O O T HIL L D R 1100 E 500 S SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S Mt. OlivetCemetery VA Medical CenterBuildings 6/7 SunnysidePark Figure 4-1Geologic Map File Path: C:\Users\wagnera\Desktop\Fig4-1_Geologic_Map.mxd WAGNERA 5/10/2021 U.S. Geological Survey MiscellaneousInvestigations Series Map I-2106, 1992. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet ¯ Lacustrine, marsh, and alluvial deposits(Holocene to uppermost Pleistocene) Lacustrine sand and gravel related toregressive phase (uppermost Pleistocene) Lacustrine clay and silt related toregressive phase (uppermost Pleistocene) Lacustrine clay and silt related totransgressive phase (upper Pleistocene) Lacustrine clay and silt, undivided(uppermost Pleistocene) Stream alluvium 1 (upper Holocene) Stream alluvium related to regressivephase (uppermost Pleistocene) Fan alluvium 2 (middle Holoceneto uppermost Pleistocene) Fan alluvium related to transgressivephase (upper Pleistocene) Fan alluvium 4 (upper middle Pleistocene) Colluvium and alluvium, undivided(Holocene to middle Pleistocene) Manmade fill (historic) Fault Line Study Area Boundary 4,250 4,300 4,350 4,400 4,450 4,500 4,550 4,600 4,650 4,700 4,750 000,7000,6000,5000,4000,3000,2000,10 4,250 4,300 4,350 4,400 4,450 4,500 4,550 4,600 4,650 4,700 4,750 000,7000,6000,5000,4000,3000,2000,10 MW - 0 1 MW - 0 2 MW - 1 3 L MW - 1 4 D MW - 1 5 D MW - 2 0 D MW - 2 4 MW - 2 5 MW - 2 7 MW - 2 8 MW - 3 4 Vertical Exaggeration: 6x El e v a t i o n ( f e e t a b o v e m e a n s e a l e v e l ) Distance Along Baseline (ft) USCS Silt USCS Well-graded Sand USCS Well-graded Gravel USCS Clayey Gravel USCS Silty Gravel USCS Low Plasticity Clay USCS Poorly-graded Sand USCS Silty Sand USCS Clayey Sand USCS Poorly-graded Gravel USCS Well-graded Sand with Silt USCS High Plasticity Clay Horizontal Scale (feet) 0205 0 84 Ve r t i c a l S c a l e ( f e e t ) Figure 4-2 Geologic Cross Section OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, UT CA Y U G A C R O S S S E C T I O N 1 - 1 S L C V A P L U M E S C T N _ 0 6 1 0 2 1 _ J C M . G P J S L C V A P L U M E D R A F T _ 0 3 1 1 2 1 . G P J 6 / 1 0 / 2 1 R E V . Stratigraphy Screened Interval Casing Well Construction Schematic Cross Section Location Semi-Confining Unit Fault Groundwater Elevation (3/15/21) Southwest Northeast A’A Fault Spur East Bench Fault Perched Zone Of f s e t : 2 4 4 n o r t h Of f s e t : 1 5 n o r t h Of f s e t : 1 2 7 f e e t s o u t h Of f s e t : 1 6 0 f e e t s o u t h Of f s e t : 2 0 5 f e e t s o u t h Of f s e t : 1 5 0 f e e t n o r t h Of f s e t : 2 4 3 s o u t h Of f s e t : 1 9 3 s o u t h Of f s e t : 2 0 5 s o u t h Of f s e t : 2 7 8 s o u t h Of f s e t : 4 8 4 n o r t h Figure 4-2 Geologic Cross Section OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 64 Indicates direction of movement 64 Shallow Aquifer Deep Aquifer Intermediate Zone Intermediate Zone Perched Zone +4000 +3900 +4100 +4200 +4300 +4400 +4500 +4600 +4700 +4800 EL E V ( Z ) Z e x a g g e r a t i o n i s 5 +1 5 3 9 0 0 +1 5 4 0 0 0 0 +1 5 4 1 0 0 0 +1 5 4 2 0 0 0 +1 5 4 3 0 0 0 +1 5 4 4 0 0 0 +1 5 4 5 0 0 0 +1 5 4 6 0 0 0 +1 5 4 7 0 0 0 EAST (X) Red ButteCreek Seeps and springsSeeps and springs Fault lineFault line WellsWells LEGENDLEGEND Localized Perched Zone Localized Perched Zone Water tableWater table East BenchFault Spur East Bench Segment of the Wasatch Fault No Distinction between shallow and deep aquifers Semi-ConningUnit SW NE VA Medical Center East Side Springs Area Smith SpringBenson SpringOur Ladyof Lourdes BowenSpring Mt Olivet SLC-18 Mt. Olivet Cemetery East High School SunnysidePark Heterogeneous Coar s e - G r a i n e d Alluvial Fan and Lacustrine Deposits Heterogeneous Coar s e - G r a i n e d Alluvial Fan and Lacustrine Deposits Deep AquiferDeep Aquifer Shallow Aq u i f e r Shallow Aq u i f e r Heterogeneous Fine- G r a i n e d Alluvial Fan and Lacustrine Deposits Heterogeneous Fine- G r a i n e d Alluvial Fan and Lacustrine Deposits 186 E 500 SE 500 S E 900 S E 900 SE 600 SE 600 S S 1 1 0 0 E S 1 1 0 0 E S 13 0 0 E S 13 0 0 E Guards m a n W a y Guards m a n W a y 0 1000 2000 3000 Plunge +12 Azimuth 040 Localized I n t e r m e d i a t e A q u i f e r Localized I n t e r m e d i a t e A q u i f e r Figure 4-3 Conceptual Diagram of Topography, Surface Features, Geology, and Hydrogeology OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park EastBench Fault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01S4507.80MW-01D4493.59 MW-024514.78 MW-03RA4509.94MW-03RB4493.63 MW-044520.66 MW-05R4523.20 MW-064554.87 MW-08A4479.67 MW-08C4482.86 MW-08B4481.28 MW-12SDRYMW-12D4303.65 MW-13S4468.77MW-13D4469.06 MW-14S4410.33MW-14D4422.27 MW-15S4297.94 MW-15D4297.02 MW-16S4444.64MW-16D4444.95 MW-17S4458.49MW-17D4465.24 MW-184477.07MW-194476.40 MW-20S4475.35MW-20D4475.21 MW-214498.62 MW-224499.47 MW-23A4523.35MW-23B4516.37 MW-244523.28 MW-26A4521.39 MW-29B4522.95 MW-29A4561.91 MW-30RB4493.11MW-30C4492.51 MW-30RA4495.13 MW-31B4518.41 MW-31ADRY MW-32A4482.64MW-32B4483.13MW-32C4483.75 MW-34C4492.76 MW-34B4492.11 MW-34A4492.14 MW-03RC4493.52MW-03RD4492.90 MW-23C4494.57 MW-25A4522.30MW-25B4517.38MW-25C4494.34 MW-26B4517.24MW-26C4494.55MW-26D4494.42 MW-274523.88 MW-284525.12 MW-29C4519.76 MW-31C4505.82 MW-34D4492.58 MW-364383.77 MW-37S4329.55MW-37D4305.69 MW-38S4478.05MW-38D4479.27 MW-13L4461.14 4410 4 4 2 0 4530 4 4 3 0 4 4 4 0 4 4 5 0 4 4 6 0 4 4 7 0 4 4 9 0 4 4 8 0 4 5 1 0 4 5 0 0 4530 4 4 4 0 4 4 7 0 4490 4510 4 4 1 0 4 4 2 0 4 4 3 0 4 4 5 0 4 4 6 0 4 4 8 0 4520 Mt. Olivet Well VA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S Red B utte C reek Figure 4-4Potentiometric GroundwaterSurface Map - Shallow Aquifer Legend &<Monitoring Well !(Irrigation Well !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineGroundwater Contour Groundwater Flow Direction File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig4-4_GW_Shallow_Aquifer.mxd WAGNERA 9/24/2021 8:41:23 AM Map Area UTAH Notes:1. All ground surface elevations in feet amsl2. Measurements taken December 6th through 8th 2020.3. Water levels shown in grey were not used for the generation of the potentiometric contours and are shown for information only4. Water level values for MW-14S/D and MW-17S/D were averaged during contouring. 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet .Dashed Line - Inferred Extent amsl = above mean sea levelOU = operable unitVAMC = George E. Wahlen Veterans Affairs Medical Center !.!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park University ofUtah Well #2 EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01S4507.80MW-01D4493.59 MW-024514.78 MW-044520.66 MW-05R4523.20 MW-064554.87 MW-12SDRYMW-12D4303.65 MW-13S4468.77MW-13D4469.06 MW-14S4410.33MW-14D4422.27MW-15S4297.94 MW-15D4297.02 MW-16S4444.64MW-16D4444.95 MW-17S4458.49MW-17D4465.24 MW-184477.07MW-194476.40 MW-20S4475.35MW-20D4475.21 MW-214498.62 MW-224499.47 MW-244523.28 MW-274523.88 MW-284525.12 MW-03RA4509.94 MW-03RB4493.63MW-03RC4493.52MW-03RD4492.90 MW-08A4479.67 MW-08B4481.28MW-08C4482.86 MW-23A4523.35MW-23B4516.37MW-23C4494.57 MW-25A4522.30MW-25B4517.38MW-25C4494.34 MW-26A4521.39MW-26B4517.24MW-26C4494.55MW-26D4494.42 MW-29A4561.91MW-29B4522.95MW-29C4519.76 MW-30RA4495.13MW-30RB4493.11MW-30C4492.51 MW-31ADRYMW-31B4518.41MW-31C4505.82 MW-32A4482.64MW-32B4483.13MW-32C4483.75 MW-34A4492.14MW-34B4492.11MW-34C4492.76MW-34D4492.58 MW-364383.77 MW-37S4329.55MW-37D4305.69 MW-38S4478.05MW-38D4479.27 MW-13L4461.14 4460 4470 4480 4500 4490 4 4 9 0 4470 4480 4500 VA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery University ofUtah Well #1 SLC-18 Mt. Olivet Well 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S Red B utte Creek Figure 4-5Potentiometric GroundwaterSurface Map - Deep Aquifer Legend &<Monitoring Well !.Drinking Water Supply Well !(Irrigation Well !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineGroundwater Contour Groundwater Flow Direction File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig4-5_GW_Deep_Aquifer.mxd WAGNERA 9/24/2021 8:51:43 AM Map Area UTAH Notes:1. All ground surface elevations in feet amsl2. Measurements taken December 6th through 8th 2020.3. Water levels shown in grey were not used for the generation of the potentiometric contours and are shown for information only 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet .Dashed Line - Inferred Extent amsl = above mean sea levelOU = operable unitVAMC = George E. Wahlen Veterans Affairs Medical Center &<&< &<&<&<&< &< &<&<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< EastBench Fault1 EastBenchFaultSpur2 East Bench Fault Spur2 MW-01S MW-02 MW-03R-AMW-03R-BMW-03R-C MW-04 MW-08-AMW-08-BMW-08-C MW-13DMW-13L MW-15D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20D MW-21 MW-22 MW-26-AMW-26-BMW-26-CMW-26-D MW-32-AMW-32-BMW-32-C MW-34-AMW-34-BMW-34-CMW-34-D Guardsman Way Transect 1400 East Transect RedButte C re e k 500 S GUARDSMAN WAY F O O T HIL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S Figure 4-6Hydraulic Conductivity in theShallow Aquifer from Slug Tests Legend &<Completed Slug Test Location &<Proposed Slug Test Location (unsuccessful)Monitoring Well Transect LineRed Butte CreekFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig4-6_Hydraulic_Conductivity_Shallow.mxd WAGNERA 9/24/2021 Map Area UTAH Notes:1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroethene OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet . Hydraulic Conductivity (K)(ft/day)MW-18 -12 Sample IntervalWell ID Hydraulic C onductiv ity (K)(ft/day)MW-20S -10MW-20D -165 Well ID Sample Interval Hydraulic Conductivity (K)(ft/day)MW-01S -12 Well ID Sample Interval Hy draulic C onductivity (K)(ft/day)A 5B0.75C25MW-03R Well ID Sample Interval Hydraulic Conductivity (K)(ft/day)MW-15D -15 Well ID Sample Interval Hydraulic C onductivity (K)(ft/day)MW-19 -30 Well ID Sample Interval Hydraulic Conductivity (K)(ft/day)MW-21 -54 Well ID Sample Interval Hy draulic Conductivity (K)(ft/day)MW-22 -67 Well ID Sample Interval Hydraulic Conductivity (K)(ft/day)MW-32 A 200 Well ID Sample Interval Hydraulic Conductivity (K)(ft/day)MW-02 -10 to 19 Well ID Sample Interv al Hydraulic Conductivity (K)(ft/day )MW-04 -6 to 14 Well ID Sample Interv al Hydraulic C onductiv ity (K)(ft/day)MW-08 A 103 Well ID Sample Interval Hydraulic C onductiv ity (K)(ft/day)MW-13S -0.1MW-13D -2 Well ID Sample Interval Hydraulic Conductiv ity (K)(ft/day)A 46B29 Well ID Sample Interval MW-34 Horizontal HydraulicConductivity (feet/day) 51550 &<&< &<&<&<&< &< &<&<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< EastBench Fault1 EastBenchFaultSpur2 East Bench Fault Spur2 MW-01SMW-01D MW-02 MW-03R-AMW-03R-BMW-03R-C MW-04 MW-08-AMW-08-BMW-08-C MW-13DMW-13L MW-15D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20SMW-20D MW-21 MW-22 MW-26-AMW-26-BMW-26-CMW-26-D MW-32-AMW-32-BMW-32-C MW-34-AMW-34-BMW-34-CMW-34-D Guardsman Way Transect 1400 East Transect RedButte C re e k 500 S GUARDSMAN WAY F O O T HIL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S Figure 4-7Hydraulic Conductivity in theDeep Aquifer from Slug Tests Legend &<Completed Slug Test Location &<Proposed Slug Test Location (unsuccessful)Monitoring Well Transect LineRed Butte CreekFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig4-7_Hydraulic_Conductivity_Deep.mxd WAGNERA 9/24/2021 Map Area UTAH Notes:1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroethene OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet . Horizontal HydaulicConductivity (feet/day) 1545 Hydraulic Conductivity (K) (ft/day)B 0.75 to 21C25MW-03R Well ID Sample Interval Hydraulic C onductiv ity (K)(ft/day)B 51C0.5 to 16MW-08 Well ID Sample Interval Hydraulic C onductivity (K)(ft/day)MW-13L -34 Well ID Sample Interval Hydraulic Conductivity (K)(ft/day)C 10D39 Well ID Sample Interval MW-26 Hydraulic Conductivity (K)(ft/day)C 0.14 to 2D20MW-34 Well ID Sample Interval ") ") ")")")")")")")")")") ") ") ") ") ")") ")") ") ") ") ")")") ")") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")") ") ") ") ") SUNNYSIDE AVE VALDEZ DR WAHLEN WAY GUARDSMAN WAY 700 S 800 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE FOOTHILL DR MW-23 MW-25 MW-26 MW-29 MW-32 MW-34 MW-31 MW-30 MW-28 MW-27 MW-24 SG-01 SG-02 SG-03 SG-04SG-05 SG-06 SG-07SG-08SG-09SG-10 SG-11SG-12SG-13SG-15SG-17 SG-21SG-22SG-23 SG-18SG-19SG-20 SG-14 SG-45SG-48SG-49 SG-50 SG-51 SG-52 SG-55 SG-60 SG-46 SG-42SG-43 SW-01 SW-09 SW-26 R e d B utte Creek Figure 5-1Soil Sample LocationsLegend ")Soil Sample Location ")Sediment Sample LocationRed Butte CreekSewer LineFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig5-1_Soil_Samples.mxd WAGNERA 8/3/2021 Notes: OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 200 400Feet . OU = operable unitRI = remedial investigationPCE = tetrachloroetheneMW = monitoring wellSG = soil gas VHA Medical Center Building 6 MW-23 MW-24 MW-25 MW-27 MW-28 SG-03 SG-04 SG-05 SG-06 SG-07 SG-08 SG-09 SG-10 SG-11 SG-12 SG-13 SG-15 SG-14 SG-45 VP-21 SG-48 SG-49 SG-50 SG-51 SG-52 SG-53 SG-54SG-55 VP-15 VP-16 VP-17 VP-18 VP-19 VP-20 SG-60 SG-46 VP-22 VHA Medical Center Building 7 VP-01 VP-02 VP-03 VP-04 VP-05 VP-06 VP-07 VP-08 VP-09 VP-10 VP-11 VP-12 VP-13 VP-14 Figure 5-2A Tetrachloroethene in Soil Vapor Source Area - Buildings 6 and 7 Legend Soil Gas Sample Analysis #*SUMMA %,HAPSITE !(Multiple sampling events at locations File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig5-2A_PCE_in_SoilVapor_SourceArea.mxd WAGNERA 6/22/2022 12:43:56 PM Notes: 1. The color coded concentrations are based on the highest historical detection reported. 2. Soil gas RBSL is the EPA indoor air RSL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1x10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 divided by an attenuation factor of 0.03 (November 2020 RSL table version). RBSLs are used in this figure for evaluation of PCE concentrations near suspected source areas, and not for assessment of vapor intrusion risk. 3. Result tables are only presented for locations with multiple sampling depths or where a RBSL was exceeded. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 0 50 100 Feet .μg/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter ft bgs = feet below ground surface J = result is estimated Sewer Line Perimeter of Building 7 in Underground Storage Tank or Foundation Industrial Soil Gas RBSL: 1,600 µg/m3 3/26/2021 3/25/2021 3/25/2021 3/25/2021 32 ft bgs 60 ft bgs 104 ft bgs 130 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)240 120 23 67 MW-24 3/24/2021 3/24/2021 28 ft bgs 100 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)0.21 J 0.2 J MW-25 PCE Concentration (μg/m3) = Non-detect = < Industrial RBSL = > Industrial RBSL = > 10X Industrial Soil Gas RBSL 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 24 ft bgs 48 ft bgs 118 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)1,400 2,200 3,600 MW-28 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 28 ft bgs 113 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)39,000 17,000 MW-27 3/23/2021 130-140 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)16,000 MW-23 OU = operable unit PCE = tetrachloroethene RBSL = risk based screening level 7/10/2019 7.8-8.1 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)3,800 SG-03 3/25/2021 subslab PCE (μg/m3)23,000 VP-15 7/16/2019 subslab PCE (μg/m3)46,000 VP-04 7/10/2019 5.9-6.3 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)5,300 SG-05 12/17/2018 5.8-6.1 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)3,129 SG-06 7/16/2019 subslab PCE (μg/m3)5,200 VP-16 Sunnyside Park MW-29 SG-17 SG-21 SG-22 SG-23 SG-24 SG-25 SG-26 SG-27 SG-28 SG-29 SG-30 SG-31 SG-32 SG-33 SG-34 SG-35 SG-36 SG-37 SG-38 SG-39 SG-40 SG-44 SG-41 SG-18 SG-19 SG-20 SG-42 SG-43 R e d B u tt e C r e e k Figure 5-2B Tetrachloroethene in Soil Vapor Source Area - Sunnyside Park Soil Gas Sample #*SUMMA %,HAPSITE !(Multiple sampling events at locations Red Butte Creek Sewer Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig5-2B_PCE_in_SoilVapor_Sunnyside.mxd WAGNERA 6/22/2022 1:12:14 PM Notes: 1. The color coded concentrations are based on the highest historical detection reported. 2. Soil gas RBSL is the EPA indoor air RSL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1x10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 divided by an attenuation factor of 0.03 (November 2020 RSL table version). RBSLs are used in this figure for evaluation of PCE concentrations near suspected source areas, and not for assessment of vapor intrusion risk. 3. Result tables are only presented for locations with multiple sampling depths or where a RBSL was exceeded. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 0 50 100 Feet .OU = operable unit PCE = tetrachloroethene RBSL = risk based screening level Legend PCE Concentrations (μg/m3) = Non-detect = < Residential RBSL = > Residential RBSL and =< Industrial RBSL = > Industrial RBSL Residential Soil Gas RBSL: 360 µg/m3 Industrial Soil Gas RBSL: 1,600 µg/m3 3/25/2021 3/25/2021 3/25/2021 42 ft bgs 66 ft bgs 98 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)260 250 170 MW-29 3/25/2021 3/25/2021 7-8 ft bgs 14.7-15.7 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)37 160 SG-43 3/25/2021 3/25/2021 3/25/2021 3/25/2021 6-7 ft bgs 12-13 ft bgs 16-17 ft bgs 24.8-26 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)100 360 520 560 SG-42 12/4/2018 14-15 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)1,281 SG-33 12/6/2018 13-15 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)462 SG-36 12/6/2018 14-15 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)1,387 SG-41 μg/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter ft bgs = feet below ground surface J = result is estimated 12/4/2018 14-15 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)819 SG-34 12/5/2018 14-15 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)555 SG-35 #* #* #* #* #* #*#* #*#* #* #* #* #* #*#* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* %,%,%, %,%,%, %, %, %,%, %, %, %, %, %, %,%, %,%, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %,%, %, %,%,%, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %,%, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, VHA Medical Center Building 6 VHA Medical Center Building 7 B13-IA-001 B13-IA-002 B13-IA-003 B13-IA-004 B13-IA-005 B13-IA-006 B13-IA-007 B20-IA-001 B20-IA-002 B20-IA-003 B20-IA-004 B20-IA-005B20-IA-006 B20-IA-007 B20-IA-008 B20-IA-009 B20-IA-010 B20-IA-011 B20-IA-012 B20-IA-013 B6-IA-001 B6-IA-002 B6-IA-003 B6-IA-004 B6-IA-005 B6-IA-007 B6-IA-008 B6-IA-009 B6-IA-010 B6-IA-011 B6-IA-012 B6-IA-013 B6-IA-014 B6-IA-015 B6-IA-016 B6-IA-018 B6-IA017 B7-IA-001 B7-IA-002 B7-IA-003 B7-IA-004 B7-IA-006 B7-IA-007 B7-IA-008 B7-IA-009 B7-IA-010 B7-IA-011 B7-IA-012B7-IA-013 B7-IA-014 B7-IA-015 B7-IA-016 B6-IA03 B6-IA04 B6-IA06 B6-IA08 B7-IA01 B7-IA03 B7-IA05 B6-IA01 B6-IA02 B6-IA05 B6-OA02 B6-IA09 B7-IA04 B7-IA02 B6-OA01 B7-IA06 B7-IA07 B7-OA01 B20-IA01 B20-IA02 B32-IA01 B32-AA01 R e d B u t t e C r e ek Figure 5-3 Tetrachloroethene in Indoor Air Source Area - Buildings 6, 7, 13, 20, 32 Soil Gas Sample #*SUMMA %,HAPSITE !(Multiple sampling events at locations File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig5-3_PCE_in_IndoorAir_SourceArea.mxd WAGNERA 6/6/2022 12:59:33 PM Notes: 1. The color coded concentrations are based on the highest historical detection reported. 2. Industrial RBSL is EPA indoor air RSL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1x10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 (November 2020 RSL table version). 3. Industrial Indoor Air Tier 1 RAL provided in memorandum (CH2M 2015). Tier 1 RAL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1x10-5 and a hazard quotient of 1. 4. Result tables are only shown for locations where indoor sources were identified and removed. Results from 1/24/2019 were prior to source removal, and results from 1/30/2019 are after indoor source removal. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 0 50 100 Feet .RAL = removal action level μg/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter Red Butte Creek Sewer Line Perimeter of Building 7 in 1981 Underground Storage Tank or Foundation Legend Industrial Indoor Air RBSL: 47 µg/m3 Industrial Indoor Air Tier 1 RAL: 180 µg/m3 OU = operable unit PCE = tetrachloroethene RBSL = risk based screening level B6-IA-011 1/24/2019 1/24/2019 1/24/2019 1/30/2019 PCE (μg/m3)129 75 74 2.5 B6-IA-015 1/24/2019 1/30/2019 PCE (μg/m3)916 25 PCE Concentrations (μg/m3) = Non-detect = < Industrial RBSL = > Industrial RBSL = > Industrial Indoor Air Tier 1 RAL B6-IA-012 1/24/2019 1/30/2019 PCE (μg/m3)22 3.3 B6-IA-013 1/24/2019 1/30/2019 PCE (μg/m3)42 2.6 B6-IA-014 1/24/2019 1/30/2019 PCE (μg/m3)17 2.8 !(!( !( #* #* #* #* #* #* #*#* #* #* #* &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&< &< &<> &< &< &< &<&< &<> &<&< &<> &<&< &< &< &<> &< &< &< &<&< &< &<&< &<> &< &< &< &<> Sunnyside Park YALE AVE GUARDSMAN WAY SUNNYSIDE AVE 1300 E 1100 E 700 S F O O T H IL L D R 900 S VA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool MW-14S/D MW-01S/D MW-02 MW-03R MW-04 MW-05R MW-06 MW-08 MW-12S/D MW-13S/D MW-15S/D MW-16S/D MW-17S/D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20S/D MW-21 MW-22 MW-23 MW-24 MW-25 MW-26 MW-27 MW-28 MW-29 MW-30 MW-31 MW-32 MW-34 MW-30R MW-36 MW-37S/D MW-38S/D MW-13LRG-08 RG-01 RG-02 RG-03 RG-04 RG-05 RG-06 RG-07 RG-09 RG-10 RG-11 East Bench Fault Spur2 EastBenchFault1 SLC-18University of Utah Well #1 Mt. Olivet Well East SideSprings Transect 1400 East Transect Guardsman Way Transect Red Butt e Cr ee k Figure 5-4ATetrachloroethene in GroundwaterMonitoring Wells Legend &<Monitoring Well !(Production/Irrigation Well #*Residential Groundwater WellRed Butte CreekMonitoring Well Transect LineSewer LineFault LineGroundwater Flow Direction File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig5-4A_PCE_in_Groundwater-MW.mxd WAGNERA 9/24/2021 9:19:59 AM Notes:1. Plume contours were developed using Leapfrog 3-dimensional visualization software to interpolate the most recent data from each sampling location. The contours represent a top-down view of the 3-dimensional extent of the plume as interpreted in the Leapfrog software.2. The color coded PCE concentration at each location is based on the most recent result. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet .PCE Isoconcentration Contours5 µg/L50 µg/L OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroetheneμg/L = micrograms per liter Dashed Line - Inferred Extent 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah PCE Concentration = Non-detect = < 5 µg/L = 5 - 50 µg/L = > 50 µg/L !( XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XWXW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XW XWXW XW XW XW XW XWXW XW XW XW XW XW XW XWXW XW XW XW XW XW XW XWXW XW ") ")") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") YALE AVE GUARDSMAN WAY1300 E 1100 E 700 S 800 S 900 S East HighSchool GW-012 GW-049GW-001 GW-003 GW-004 GW-005 GW-006 GW-007 GW-008 GW-009 GW-013 GW-014 GW-015GW-017 GW-018 GW-021 GW-022 GW-023 GW-024 GW-025 GW-026 GW-028GW-031 GW-039 GW-040 GW-043 GW-046 GW-048 GW-051 GW-055 GW-060 GW-062 SW-09 SW-11SW-21 SW-30 SW-53 SW-01 SW-02 SW-03 SW-04 SW-05 SW-06 SW-07 SW-10 SW-13 SW-14 SW-15 SW-16 SW-17 SW-18 SW-19 SW-20 SW-22 SW-23 SW-24 SW-25 SW-26SW-27SW-28 SW-29 SW-31 SW-32 SW-33 SW-34 SW-36 SW-37 SW-38 SW-40 SW-41SW-42 SW-43 SW-44 SW-45 SW-46 SW-47 SW-48 SW-49 SW-50 SW-51SW-52 SW-08 SW-16ISW-16E SW-35 SW-54 SW-12 SW-39 SW-166 E a s t B e n c h S e g mentoftheWasatchFault1 Mt. Olivet Well East SideSprings Transect 1400 East Transect Red Butte Creek Figure 5-4BTetrachloroethene in GroundwaterShallow Groundwater and Surface Water Legend ")Groundwater Location XW Surface Water Location !(Irrigation WellRed Butte CreekMonitoring Well Transect LineSewer LineFault LineGroundwater Flow Direction File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig5-4B_PCE_in_GW_ShallowGW_SW.mxd WAGNERA 8/6/2021 9:17:47 AM Notes:1. Plume contours were developed using Leapfrog 3-dimensional visualization software to interpolate the most recent data from each sampling location. The contours represent a top-down view of the 3-dimensional extent of the plume as interpreted in the Leapfrog software.2. The color coded PCE concentration at each location is based on the most recent result. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet .PCE Isoconcentration Contours5 µg/L50 µg/L OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroetheneμg/L = micrograms per liter Dashed Line - Inferred Extent 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah PCE Concentration = Non-detect = < 5 µg/L = 5 - 50 µg/L = > 50 µg/L 4,100 4,150 4,200 4,250 4,300 4,350 4,400 4,450 4,500 4,550 4,600 4,650 4,700 4,750 000,7000,6000,5000,4000,3000,2000,10 4,100 4,150 4,200 4,250 4,300 4,350 4,400 4,450 4,500 4,550 4,600 4,650 4,700 4,750 000,7000,6000,5000,4000,3000,2000,10 MW - 0 1 Of f s e t : 8 9 f e e t s o u t h MW - 0 2 Of f s e t : 1 6 1 f e e t s o u t h MW - 0 3 R Of f s e t : 4 0 2 f e e t no r t h MW - 0 8 Of f s e t : 6 f e e t s o u t h MW - 1 3 Of f s e t : 8 f e e t s o u t h MW - 1 4 Of f s e t : 1 6 f e e t s o u t h MW - 1 5 Of f s e t : 1 1 f e e t s o u t h MW - 2 5 Of f s e t : 1 3 9 f e e t so u t h MW - 2 6 Of f s e t : 8 8 f e e t no r t h MW - 3 4 Of f s e t : 1 9 9 f e e t s o u t h RG - 0 8 Of f s e t : 6 4 f e e t n o r t h Vertical Exaggeration: 5x El e v a t i o n ( f e e t a b o v e m e a n s e a l e v e l ) Distance Along Baseline (ft) USCS Silt USCS Well-graded Sand USCS Well-graded Gravel USCS Clayey Gravel USCS Silty Gravel USCS Low Plasticity Clay USCS Poorly-graded Sand USCS Silty Sand USCS Clayey Sand USCS Poorly-graded Gravel USCS Well-graded Sand with Silt USCS High Plasticity Clay Horizontal Scale (feet) 0835 0 109 Ve r t i c a l S c a l e ( f e e t ) CA Y U G A C R O S S S E C T I O N 1 - 1 S L C V A P L U M E S C T N _ 0 6 2 4 2 1 . G P J S L C V A P L U M E D R A F T _ 0 3 1 1 2 1 . G P J 6 / 2 9 / 2 1 R E V . Stratigraphy Screened Interval Casing Well Construction Schematic Semi-Confining Unit Fault Groundwater Elevation (3/15/21) (RG Wells measured on 4/15/21) Cross Section Location Tetrachloroethene Isoconcentration Contour (μg/L) >5μg/L Tetrachloroethene Isoconcentration Contour (μg/L) >50μg/L 51 Tetrachloroethene in Groundwater (μg/L) Monitoring Well Data - Q1-2021 RG Well Data - April 2021 * - Collected June 19, 2020 J - Result is estimated U - Not detected at associated value MW-13, MW-14, and MW-15 are well clusters with each well installed in its own borehole Perched Zone F Tetrachloroethene in Groundwater Along Plume Center OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, UT Southwest Northeast B’B East Bench Fault Fault Spur 1U 1U 1U 0.79J 1.6 1U 1.1 25 220 6.1 1U 230 170 1U 36 16 1U 1U 58 43 1U 25 55 51 58 6 33 0.34J 0.16J 555 505050 505050 64 Indicates direction of movement 64 Figure 5- Tetrachloroethene in Groundwater Along Plume Center OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, UT 35 35 #* #* #* #* %, %, #* %, %, %, %, #* %, %, #* %,%, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, %, #* %, %, %, #* #* %, %, #*%, %, %, %, %, %, %, #* %,%, %, %, %, %, %, %,%, %, #* #* #* #*#* #* #*#*#* #*#* #*#*#* #*#*#*#* Sunnyside Park RG-08 GU A R D S M A N W A Y SUNNYSIDE AVE 1300 E 1100 E 700 S 800 S 900 S RG-01 RG-04 RG-05 RG-07 RG-10 RG-11 0018-H 0040-H 0047-H 0054-H0056-H 0001-H 0002-H 0003-H 0004-H 0005-H 0006-H 0007-H 0008-H 0009-H 0010-H 0011-H 0012-H 0013-H 0014-H 0063-H 0050-H 0019-B 0020-C 0021-S 0022-S 0023-H 0024-H 0025-H 0026-H 0027-H 0028-S 0029-H 0030-H 0031-S 0033-H 0036-H 0037-H 0041-H 0045-S 0051-H 0052-H 0055-H 0057-H 0058-H 0059-H 0060-H 0061-H 0062-H MW-37 MW-38 MW-32 MW-34 East Bench Fault1 E ast B ench F ault S pur2 R e d B u t t e C r e e k Figure 5-6 Tetrachloroethene in Soil Vapor East Side Springs Area Legend Soil Gas Sample Analysis #*SUMMA %,HAPSITE !(Multiple sampling events at locations Red Butte Creek Fault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig5-6_PCE_in_SoilVapor_ESS.mxd WAGNERA 7/11/2022 8:42:24 AM Notes: 1. The color coded concentrations are based on the highest historical detection reported. 2. Soil gas RBSL is the EPA indoor air RSL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1x10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 divided by an attenuation factor of 0.03 (November 2020 RSL table version). 3. Result tables are only shown for locations that exceed the residential soil gas RBSL. 4. Qualified 2015 data is included on figure to define the extent of vapor intrusion. See Table 5-11 for further information. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500 Feet .OU = operable unit PCE = tetrachloroethene RBSL = risk based screening level μg/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter J = result is estimated PCE Concentration (μg/m3) = Non-detect = < Residential RBSL = > Residential RBSL = >10X Residential Soil Gas RBSL Residential Soil Gas RBSL: 360 µg/m3 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah #* #* #* #* %, %, #* %, %,%, %,#*%, %, #* %,%, %, %, %, %, %, %,%, %,%, %, %, %, #* %, %, %, #* #* %, %, #*%, %,%,%,%, %, %, #*%,%,%, %, %, %, %, %,%, %, #* #*#* #*#* #* #*#*#* #*#* #*#*#* #*#*#*#* YALE AVE GUARDSMAN WAY 1300 E 1100 E 700 S 800 S 900 S 0015-H 0016-H Re d Bu t t e C r e e k 4/13/2021 8/30/2021 4.5-5 ft bgs 4.5-5 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)570 4,400 RG-08 5/2/2016 5/2/2016 5/23/2016 5/23/2016 6.5 ft bgs 6.5 ft bgs 6 ft bgs 6 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)628 510 2,000 J 1,500 J 0053-H 1/14/2015 4 ft bgs PCE (μg/m3)431 0017-H #* #* #* #* #* #*#* #* #* #* #* #* #* #*#* #* #* #* %, #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* %, %, %, #* %, %, #* #*#* %, #* #* %, %, %, #* #* %, #* #* #* %, #* #* %, %, #* #* #* #* #* %, %, #* %, #* %,%, %, %, %, #* %, %,#* %, #* #* #*#*#* #*#* #*#*#* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #*#*#* #* #* #* #* #* #*#*#*#*#* #*#*#*#*#*#* #* #* #* #* #*#*#* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* Sunnyside Park 0064-H 0102-H GUARDSMAN WAY SUNNYSIDE AVE 1300 E 1100 E 700 S 800 S 900 S 0066-H 0069-H0071-H 0076-H 0091-H0098-H 0118-H0121-H 0122-H 0133-H0135-H 0137-H 0139-H 0146-H 0148-H 0153-H 0162-H 0166-H 0173-H 0174-H 0065-H 0032-H 0038-H 0063-H 0001-H 0002-H 0003-H 0004-H 0005-H 0006-H 0007-H 0008-H 0009-H 0010-H 0011-H 0012-H 0013-H 0014-H 0017-H 0018-H 0019-B 0020-C 0021-S 0022-S 0023-H 0024-H 0025-H 0026-H 0027-H 0028-S 0029-H 0030-H 0033-H 0036-H 0037-H 0040-H 0041-H 0045-S 0047-H 0051-H 0052-H 0053-H 0054-H 0055-H 0056-H 0057-H 0058-H 0059-H 0060-H 0061-H 0062-H E a s t Bench Fault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 R e d B utte Creek 0365-S 0381-H 0315-H 0263-H 0273-H0274-H 0277-H 0189-H 0192-H0193-H0194-H0195-H0197-H 0256-H 0225-H 0255-H 0230-H 0347-H0329-H 0172-H 0334-H0336-H 0072-H 0145-H 0366-C 0180-H 0302-H 0392-H 0395-H Figure 5-7Tetrachloroethene in Indoor AirEast Side Springs Area LegendIndoor Air Sample Analysis #*SUMMA %,HAPSITE !(Multiple sampling eventsat locationsRed Butte CreekFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig5-7_PCE_in_IndoorAir_ESS.mxd WAGNERA 7/11/2022 1:10:38 PM Notes:1. Plume contours were developed using Leapfrog 3-dimensional visualization software to interpolate the most recent data from each sampling location. The contours represent a top-down view of the 3-dimensional extent of the plume as interpreted in the Leapfrog software.2. The color coded concentrations are based on the highest historical detection reported.3. Residential indoor air RBSL is EPA indoor air RSL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1x10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 (November 2020 RSL table version).4. Residential Indoor Air Tier 1 RAL provided in memorandum (CH2M 2015). Tier 1 RAL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1x10-5 and a hazard quotient of 1.5. Qualified 2015 data is included on figure to define the extent of vapor intrusion. See Table 5-1 2 for further information.6. Not all structures shown are residential, however, all are screened against residential RBSL and RAL. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet . RAL = removal action levelμg/m3 = micrograms per cubic meterJ = result is estimated PCE Concentration (μg/m3) = Non-detect = < residential RBSL = > residential RBSL = > residential Tier 1 RAL OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroetheneRBSL = risk based screening level Residential Indoor Air RBSL: 11 µg/m3 Residential Indoor Air Tier 1 RAL: 42 µg/m3 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah PCE Isoconcentration Contours5 µg/L50 µg/LDashed Line - Inferred Extent 4,100 4,150 4,200 4,250 4,300 4,350 4,400 4,450 4,500 4,550 4,600 4,650 4,700 4,750 000,7000,6000,5000,4000,3000,2000,10 4,100 4,150 4,200 4,250 4,300 4,350 4,400 4,450 4,500 4,550 4,600 4,650 4,700 4,750 000,7000,6000,5000,4000,3000,2000,10 MW - 0 1 MW - 0 2 MW - 0 3 R MW - 0 8 MW - 1 3 MW - 1 4 MW - 1 5 MW - 2 5 MW - 2 6 MW - 3 4 RG - 0 8 Vertical Exaggeration: 5x El e v a t i o n ( f e e t a b o v e m e a n s e a l e v e l ) Distance Along Baseline (ft) USCS Silt USCSWell-gradedSand USCSWell-gradedGravel USCS ClayeyGravel USCS SiltyGravel USCS LowPlasticity Clay USCSPoorly-gradedSand USCS Silty Sand USCS ClayeySand USCSPoorly-gradedGravel USCSWell-gradedSand with Silt USCS HighPlasticity Clay Horizontal Scale (feet) 0 835 0 109 Ve r t i c a l S c a l e ( f e e t ) CA Y U G A C R O S S S E C T I O N 1 - 1 S L C V A P L U M E S C T N _ 0 6 2 4 2 1 . G P J S L C V A P L U M E D R A F T _ 0 3 1 1 2 1 . G P J 7 / 6 / 2 1 R E V . Stratigraphy Screened Interval Casing Well Construction Schematic Semi-Confining Unit Fault Groundwater Elevation (3/15/21) (RG Wells measured on 4/15/21) Cross Section Location Site Map Scale 1 inch equals 2,750 feet MW-01 MW-02 MW-03 R MW-08 MW-13 MW-14MW-15 MW-25 MW-26 MW-34 RG-08 Tetrachloroethene Isoconcentration Contour (μg/L) >5μg/L Tetrachloroethene Isoconcentration Contour (μg/L) >50μg/L 51 Tetrachloroethene in Groundwater (μg/L) Monitoring Well Data - Q1-2021 RG Well Data - April 2021 * - Collected June 19, 2020 J - Result is estimated U - Not detected at associated value MW-13, MW-14, and MW-15 are well clusters with each well installed in its own borehole Perched Zone Figure 6-1 Conceptual Site Model OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, UT Southwest NortheastB’B East Bench Fault Fault Spur 1U 1U 1U 0.79J 1.6 1U25 220 6.1 1U 230 170 1U 36 16 1U 58 43 1U 55 51 6 33 0.34J 0.16J 55 5050 5050 25 Potential for vapor intrusion Potential for vapor intrusion Potential for vapor intrusion Groundwater contamination surfaces in the ESS area Groundwater contamination migrates to the southwest Groundwater to vapor contaminant migration Soil contamination leaches into groundwater Soil to vapor migration Perched zone Lateral migration along boundaries Possible surface releases on VAMC Campus Source material infiltration 58 1U 1.1 Releases along sanitary sewer !( &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &< MW-01S/D MW-02 MW-03R MW-04 MW-05R MW-06 MW-08 MW-12D MW-13S/DMW-13L MW-14S/D MW-15S/D MW-16S/D MW-17S/D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20S/D MW-21 MW-22 MW-23 MW-24 MW-26 MW-27 MW-28 MW-29 MW-30 MW-31 MW-32 MW-34 MW-25 MW-38S/D MW-37S/D MW-36 MW-30R SUNNYSIDE AVE 500 S VALDEZ DR WAHLEN WAY GUARDSMAN WAY 700 S 800 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S F O O T HIL L D R FOOTHILL DR Mt. Olivet Well R ed B utte Creek Figure 6-2Tetrachloroethene inthe Perched Zone Legend &<Monitoring Well Screenedin Perched Zone &<Monitoring Well !(Irrigation WellMonitoring Well Transect LineRed Butte CreekFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig6-2_PCE_in_Perched_Zone_MW.mxd WAGNERA 10/5/2021 Notes1. Proposed monitoring wells MW-07, MW-09, MW-10, MW-11, MW-33, and MW-35 were not installed. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah ft bgs = feet below ground surfaceJ = Result is estimatedU = Analyte was not detected at the associated value 0 250 500Feet .OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroetheneμg/L = micrograms per liter Building 6 Building 7 3/22/2021PCE (μg/L)0.18 J MW-06 (100 - 130 ft bgs) 3/19/2021PCE (μg/L)11 MW-29A (120 - 130 ft bgs) PCE Concentrations (µg/L) = < 5 µg/L = 5 - 50 µg/L = > 50 µg/L !( &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&< &< &<&< &< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< MW-01S MW-02 MW-03R MW-04 MW-05R MW-06 MW-08 MW-12S MW-13S MW-14S MW-15S MW-16S MW-17S/D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20SMW-21 MW-22 MW-23 MW-24 MW-26 MW-27 MW-28 MW-29 MW-30 MW-31 MW-32 MW-34 MW-25 MW-38S/D MW-37S MW-36 MW-30R SUNNYSIDE AVE 500 S VALDEZ DR WAHLEN WAY GUARDSMAN WAY 700 S 800 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S F O O T HIL L D R FOOTHILL DR Mt. Olivet Well R ed B utte Creek Figure 6-3Tetrachloroethene inthe Shallow Aquifer Legend &<Monitoring Well Screenedin Shallow Aquifer &<Monitoring Well !(Irrigation WellMonitoring Well Transect LineRed Butte CreekFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig6-3_PCE_in_Shallow_Aquifer.mxd WAGNERA 4/27/2022 Notes1. Proposed monitoring wells MW-07, MW-09, MW-10, MW-11, MW-33, and MW-35 were not installed.2. MW-12S, MW-15S, MW-30RA, MW-36, and MW-37S represent conditions in the shallowest groundwater encountered at each location.3. Plume contours were developed using Leapfrog 3-dimensional visualization software to interpolate data from the Q2 2021 groundwater sampling event. The contours represent a top-down view of the 3-dimensional extent of the plume as interpreted in the Leapfrog software. Dashed Line - Inferred Extent PCE Contours5 µg/L50 µg/L OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah ft bgs = feet below ground surfaceJ = Result is estimatedU = Analyte was not detected at the associated value 0 250 500Feet .OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroetheneμg/L = micrograms per liter Building 6 Building 7 PCE Concentrations (µg/L) = < 5 µg/L = 5 - 50 µg/L = > 50 µg/L 3/22/2021PCE (μg/L)170 MW01S (184 - 224 ft bgs) 3/23/2021PCE (μg/L)230 MW-02 (175.5 - 202.5 ft bgs) 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)25 MW-03RA (215 - 220 ft bgs) 3/22/2021PCE (μg/L)42 MW-04 (143 - 173 ft bgs) 3/17/2021PCE (μg/L)58 3/17/2021PCE (μg/L)4.3 MW-08B (180 - 200 ft bgs) MW-08A (91 - 106 ft bgs) 3/22/2021PCE (μg/L)25 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)55 MW-13S (15.5 - 20.5 ft bgs) MW-13D (79 - 84 ft bgs) 3/18/2021PCE (μg/L)6 3/18/2021PCE (μg/L)33 MW-14S (4.5 - 14.5 ft bgs) MW-14D (49 - 54 ft bgs) 3/17/2021PCE (μg/L)23 3/17/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-16S (9 - 19 ft bgs) MW-16D (62 - 72 ft bgs) 3/19/2021PCE (μg/L)0.88 J 3/19/2021PCE (μg/L)2.8 MW-17S (6 - 21 ft bgs) MW-17D (44 - 54 ft bgs) 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)64 MW-18 (80 - 90 ft bgs) 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)56 MW-19 (84 - 94 ft bgs) 3/19/2021PCE (μg/L)0.55 J MW-29B (190 - 200 ft bgs) 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)1.6 MW-25A (201 - 211 ft bgs) 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-24 (209.5 - 239.5 ft bgs) 3/16/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-23A (210 - 220 ft bgs) 3/16/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-27 (200 - 220 ft bgs) 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-28 (190 - 210 ft bgs) 3/17/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-26A (205 - 215 ft bgs) 3/18/2021PCE (μg/L)0.55 J 3/18/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-31A (138 - 148 ft bgs) MW-31B (190 - 200 ft bgs) 3/17/2021PCE (μg/L)0.44 J 3/17/2021PCE (μg/L)0.32 J MW-32A (114 - 124 ft bgs) MW-32B (170 - 180 ft bgs) 3/19/2021PCE (μg/L)36 3/19/2021PCE (μg/L)16 MW-34A (140 - 150 ft bgs) MW-34B (175 - 185 ft bgs) 3/17/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U 3/18/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-38S (27 - 37 ft bgs) MW-38D (60 - 70 ft bgs) 3/16/2021PCE (μg/L)1.3 MW-21 (62 - 72 ft bgs) 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)3 MW-22 (64 - 74 ft bgs) 3/19/2021PCE (μg/L)5.4 3/19/2021PCE (μg/L)11 MW-20S (79.5 - 89.5 ft bgs) MW-20D (119 - 129 ft bgs) 6/19/2020PCE (μg/L)2.2 MW-12S (50 - 60 ft bgs) 3/16/2021PCE (μg/L)0.34 J MW-15S (52.5 - 55 ft bgs) 3/16/2021PCE (μg/L)0.18 J MW-30RA (240 - 250 ft bgs) 3/16/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-36 (47 - 52 ft bgs) 3/17/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-37S (25 - 35 ft bgs) !( &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &< MW-01S/D MW-02 MW-03R MW-04 MW-05R MW-06 MW-08 MW-12D MW-13S/DMW-13L MW-14S/D MW-15S/D MW-16S/D MW-17S/D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20S/D MW-21 MW-22 MW-23 MW-24 MW-26 MW-27MW-28 MW-29 MW-30 MW-31 MW-32 MW-34 MW-25 MW-38S/D MW-37S/D MW-36 MW-30R SUNNYSIDE AVE 500 S VALDEZ DR WAHLEN WAY GUARDSMAN WAY 700 S 800 S 1300 E1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S F O O T HIL L D R FOOTHILL DR Mt. Olivet Well R ed B utte Creek Figure 6-4Tetrachloroethene inthe Intermediate Zone Legend &<Monitoring Well Screenedin Intermediate Zone &<Monitoring Well !(Irrigation Well Monitoring Well Transect Line Red Butte Creek Fault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig6-4_PCE_in_Intermediate_Zone.mxd WAGNERA 10/5/2021 Notes1. Proposed monitoring wells MW-07, MW-09, MW-10, MW-11, MW-33, and MW-35 were not installed. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah ft bgs = feet below ground surfaceJ = Result is estimatedU = Analyte was not detected at the associated value 0 250 500Feet .OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroetheneμg/L = micrograms per liter Building 6 Building 7 3/16/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-23B (250 - 260 ft bgs) 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-25B (231 - 241 ft bgs) 3/17/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-26B (235 - 245 ft bgs) 3/19/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-29C (230 - 240 ft bgs) PCE Concentrations (µg/L) = < 5 µg/L = 5 - 50 µg/L = > 50 µg/L !.!( !( &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &< MW-01S MW-02 MW-03R MW-04 MW-05R MW-06 MW-08 MW-12D MW-13S MW-14S/D MW-15S/D MW-16S/D MW-17S/D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20S/D MW-21 MW-22 MW-23 MW-24 MW-26 MW-27 MW-28 MW-29 MW-31 MW-32 MW-34 MW-25 MW-38S/D MW-37S/D MW-36 MW-30R SUNNYSIDE AVE 500 S VALDEZ DR WAHLEN WAY GUARDSMAN WAY 700 S 800 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE900 E 900 S F O O T HIL L D R FOOTHILL DR SLC-18University ofUtah Well #1 Mt. Olivet Well R ed B utte Creek Figure 6-5Tetrachloroethene inthe Deep Aquifer&<Monitoring Well Screenedin Deep Aquifer &<Monitoring Well !.Drinking Water Supply Well !(Irrigation WellMonitoring Well Transect LineRed Butte CreekFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig6-5_PCE_in_Deep_Aquifer.mxd WAGNERA 4/27/2022 Notes1. Proposed monitoring wells MW-07, MW-09, MW-10, MW-11, MW-33, and MW-35 were not installed.2. Plume contours were developed using Leapfrog 3-dimensional visualization software to interpolate data from the Q2 2021 groundwater sampling event. The contours represent a top-down view of the 3-dimensional extent of the plume as interpreted in the Leapfrog software. Dashed Line - Inferred Extent PCE Contours5 µg/L50 µg/L OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah ft bgs = feet below ground surfaceJ = Result is estimatedU = Analyte was not detected at the associated value 0 250 500Feet .OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroetheneμg/L = micrograms per liter Building 6 Building 7 PCE Concentrations (µg/L) = < 5 µg/L = 5 - 50 µg/L = > 50 µg/L 3/17/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-08C (304 - 309 ft bgs) 3/22/2021PCE (μg/L)51 MW-13L (150 - 160 ft bgs) 3/17/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-32C (260 - 270 ft bgs) 3/19/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U 3/19/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-34D (315 - 325 ft bgs) MW-34C (250 - 260 ft bgs) 3/22/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-01D (364 - 404 ft bgs) 3/16/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-23C (348 - 358 ft bgs) 3/18/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-31C (228 - 238 ft bgs) 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)1.1 MW-25C (307.5 - 317.5 ft bgs) 3/18/2021PCE (μg/L)0.79 J 3/18/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-26C (315 - 325 ft bgs) MW-26D (347.75 - 357.75 ft bgs) 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)220 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)6.1 3/21/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U MW-03RB (267 - 272 ft bgs) MW-03RC (307 - 312 ft bgs) MW-03RD (359 - 364 ft bgs) 3/16/2021PCE (μg/L)1 U 3/16/2021PCE (μg/L)0.35 J MW-30C (317 - 327 ft bgs) MW-30RB (280 - 290 ft bgs)7/12/2016PCE (μg/L)< 0.50 U UU-1 4/28/2016PCE (μg/L)< 0.50 U SLC-18 Legend !.!( !(! ! &< &< &< &< &< ! Sunnyside Park VHA Medical Center Building 7 University of Utah Well #1 SLC-18 404608111510901(D- 1- 1) 5aaa- 1 404506111523301(D- 1- 1) 7abd- 6 404356111503901(D- 1- 1)16caa- 1 404438111494001(D- 1- 1)10cac- 1 East HighSchool Area of Spring Discharge Mt. Olivet 404531111510101 (D- 1- 1) 4cbc- 1 East Bench F a u l t S p u r 2 EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 Red Butte C r e e k Legend &<USGS Monitoring W ells &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault Line Model GridDrain Boundary ConditionSpecified Flux Boundary ConditionConstant Head Boundary ConditionRecharge from Red Butte CreekNo Flow Boundary Condition File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-6_Model_Domain_MODFLOW.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 Map Area UTAH OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah 0 0.5 1Miles ¯ Figure 6-6Model Grid and Boundary Conditions 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!( !(! ! &< &< &< &< &< ! Sunnyside Park VHA Medical Center Building 7 University of Utah Well #1 SLC-18 404608111510901(D- 1- 1) 5aaa- 1 404506111523301(D- 1- 1) 7abd- 6 404356111503901(D- 1- 1)16caa- 1 404438111494001(D- 1- 1)10cac- 1 East HighSchool Area of Spring Discharge Mt. Olivet 404531111510101 (D- 1- 1) 4cbc- 1 East Bench F a u l t S p u r 2 EastBenchFault1 Red Butte C r e e k Legend &<USGS Monitoring W ells &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault Line Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity (ft/d)0.151550 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-7_Kx_Layer2.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 Map Area UTAH OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah 0 0.5 1Miles ¯ VHA = Veterans Health Administration Figure 6-7Model Layers 1 and 2 Properties 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah !.!( !(! ! &< &< &< &< &< ! Sunnyside Park VHA Medical Center Building 7 University of Utah Well #1 SLC-18 404608111510901(D- 1- 1) 5aaa- 1 404506111523301(D- 1- 1) 7abd- 6 404356111503901(D- 1- 1)16caa- 1 404438111494001(D- 1- 1)10cac- 1 East HighSchool Area of Spring Discharge Mt. Olivet 404531111510101 (D- 1- 1) 4cbc- 1 East Bench F a u l t S p u r2 EastBenchFault1 R e d B u t t e C re ek Red Butte Cr e e k Legend &<USGS Monitoring W ells &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault Line Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity (ft/d)0.010.115 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-8_Kx_Layer3.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 Map Area UTAH OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah 0 0.5 1Miles ¯ Figure 6-8Model Layer 3 Properties 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!( !(! ! &< &< &< &< &< ! Sunnyside Park VHA Medical Center Building 7 University of Utah Well #1 SLC-18 404608111510901(D- 1- 1) 5aaa- 1 404506111523301(D- 1- 1) 7abd- 6 404356111503901(D- 1- 1)16caa- 1 404438111494001(D- 1- 1)10cac- 1 East HighSchool Area of Spring Discharge Mt. Olivet 404531111510101 (D- 1- 1) 4cbc- 1 East Bench F a u l t S p u r 2 EastBenchFault1 Red Butte C r e e k Legend &<USGS Monitoring W ells &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault Line Horizontal Hydraulic Conductivity (ft/d)0.11545 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-9_Kx_Layer4.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 Map Area UTAH OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah 0 0.5 1Miles ¯ Figure 6-9Model Layer 4 Properties 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< East Bench Fault Spur2 MW-28NDMW-27NDMW-25A1.3 MW-34A30 MW-34B5.8 MW-32A0.46 JMW-32B0.34 J MW-31A0.54 JMW-31BND MW-29B0.47 J MW-26AND MW-24ND MW-23AND MW-222.5 MW-211.1 MW-20D9.1 MW-20S4.3MW-1949 MW-1853 MW-17D2.3 MW-17S0.7 J MW-16DND MW-16S24 MW-15DND MW-15S0.39 J MW-14D30 MW-14S4.8 MW-13D51 MW-13S27MW-12DND MW-08A52 MW-05RND MW-0440 MW-03RA29 MW-02220 MW-01S160 MW-38DND MW-38SND MW-37DND MW-37SND Mt. Olivet Well Mt. OlivetCemetery East HighSchool VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 ! Sunnyside Park SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur 2 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R e d B u tteCreek Figure 6-10Simulated PCE Concentrations, September 2020Shallow Aquifer Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer Line PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-10_Shallow_Aquifer_Concentrations_Sept2020_T14.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:10:56 PM Map Area UTAH Notes:- Measured PCE concentrations are from December 2020. 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah05001,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< East Bench Fault Spur2 MW-34DND MW-34CND MW-31CND MW-30C0.4 J MW-30RBND MW-30RA0.18 J MW-26C0.4 J MW-25C0.76 J MW-23CNDMW-08CND MW-08B3.9 MW-03RDND MW-03RC5.7 MW-03RB170 MW-15DND MW-15S0.39 J MW-12DND MW-01DND MW-13L16 MW-37DND MW-37SND Mt. OlivetCemetery East HighSchool VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 ! Sunnyside Park MW-32CND SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute EastBench Fault1 East Bench Fault Spur 2 500 S GUARD SMAN WAY F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R e d B u tteCreek Figure 6-11Simulated PCE Concentrations, September 2020Deep Aquifer Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer Line PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-11_DSR_GW_B_Aquifer_Concentrations_Sep2020_T23.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:12:08 PM Map Area UTAH Notes:- Measured PCE concentrations are from December 2020. 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< East Bench Fault Spur2 MW-28NDMW-27NDMW-25A1.3 MW-34A30 MW-34B5.8 MW-32A0.46 JMW-32B0.34 J MW-31A0.54 JMW-31BND MW-29B0.47 J MW-26AND MW-24ND MW-23AND MW-222.5 MW-211.1 MW-20D9.1 MW-20S4.3MW-1949 MW-1853 MW-17D2.3 MW-17S0.7 J MW-16DND MW-16S24 MW-15DND MW-15S0.39 J MW-14D30 MW-14S4.8 MW-13D51 MW-13S27MW-12DND MW-08A52 MW-05RND MW-0440 MW-03RA29 MW-02220 MW-01S160 MW-38DND MW-38SND MW-37DND MW-37SND Mt. Olivet Well Mt. OlivetCemetery East HighSchool VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 ! Sunnyside Park SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur 2 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R e d B u tteCreek Figure 6-12Simulated PCE Concentrations, September 2020Continuous Shallow Aquifer Source Through 2015Shallow Aquifer Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer Line PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-12_Shallow_Aquifer_Concentrations_Sept2020_T20.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:13:03 PM Map Area UTAH Notes:- Measured PCE concentrations are from December 2020. 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah05001,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< East Bench Fault Spur2 Mt. Olivet Well Mt. OlivetCemetery East HighSchool VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute MW-34DND MW-34CNDMW-08CND MW-08B3.9 MW-32CND MW-15DND MW-15S0.39 J MW-12DND MW-13L16 MW-37DND MW-37SND MW-31CND MW-30C0.4 J MW-30RBND MW-30RA0.18 J MW-26C0.4 J MW-25C0.76 J MW-23CNDMW-03RDND MW-03RC5.7 MW-03RB170 ! Sunnyside Park MW-01DND EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur 2 500 S GUARD SMAN WAY F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE R e d B u tteCreek Figure 6-13Simulated PCE Concentrations, September 2020Continuous Shallow Aquifer Source Through 2015Deep Aquifer Legend &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer Line PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-13_Deep_Aquifer_Concentrations_Sept2020_R75T26.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:13:40 PM Map Area UTAH Notes:- Measured PCE concentrations are from December 2020. 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< East Bench Fault Spur2 MW-28NDMW-27NDMW-25A1.3 MW-34A30 MW-34B5.8 MW-32A0.46 JMW-32B0.34 J MW-31A0.54 JMW-31BND MW-29B0.47 J MW-26AND MW-24ND MW-23AND MW-222.5 MW-211.1 MW-20D9.1 MW-20S4.3MW-1949 MW-1853 MW-17D2.3 MW-17S0.7 J MW-16DND MW-16S24 MW-15DND MW-15S0.39 J MW-14D30 MW-14S4.8 MW-13D51 MW-13S27MW-12DND MW-08A52 MW-05RND MW-0440 MW-03RA29 MW-02220 MW-01S160 MW-38DND MW-38SND MW-37DND MW-37SND Mt. Olivet Well Mt. OlivetCemetery East HighSchool VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 ! Sunnyside Park SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur 2 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R e d B u tteCreek Figure 6-14Simulated PCE Concentrations, June 1990Shallow Aquifer Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer Line PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-14_Shallow_Aquifer_Concentrations_June1990_T14.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:16:25 PM Map Area UTAH Notes:- Measured PCE concentrations are from December 2020. 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah05001,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park MW-32CND SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01DND MW-12DND MW-15S0.39 J MW-15DND MW-03RB170MW-03RC5.7 MW-03RDND MW-08B3.9 MW-08CND MW-23CND MW-25C0.76 J MW-26C0.4 J MW-30RA0.18 JMW-30RBNDMW-30C0.4 J MW-31CND MW-34CNDMW-34DND MW-37SNDMW-37DND MW-13L16 VA M edical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery 500 S GUARD SMAN WAY F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R e d B u tteCreek Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer Line PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-15_Deep_Aquifer_Concentrations_June2004_Run75T23.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:17:04 PM Map Area UTAH OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah05001,000Feet . Notes:- Measured PCE concentrations are from December 2020. 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah VHA = Veterans Health Administration Figure 6-15Simulated PCE Concentrations, June 2004Deep Aquifer !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< East Bench Fault Spur2 MW-28NDMW-27NDMW-25A1.3 MW-34A30 MW-34B5.8 MW-32A0.46 JMW-32B0.34 J MW-31A0.54 JMW-31BND MW-29B0.47 J MW-26AND MW-24ND MW-23AND MW-222.5 MW-211.1 MW-20D9.1 MW-20S4.3MW-1949 MW-1853 MW-17D2.3 MW-17S0.7 J MW-16DND MW-16S24 MW-15DND MW-15S0.39 J MW-14D30 MW-14S4.8 MW-13D51 MW-13S27MW-12DND MW-08A52 MW-05RND MW-0440 MW-03RA29 MW-02220 MW-01S160 MW-38DND MW-38SND MW-37DND MW-37SND Mt. Olivet Well Mt. OlivetCemetery East HighSchool VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 ! Sunnyside Park SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur 2 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R e d B u tteCreek Figure 6-16Simulated PCE Concentrations, June 2010Shallow Aquifer Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer Line PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-16_Shallow_Aquifer_Concentrations_June2010_T14.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:17:47 PM Map Area UTAH Notes:- Measured PCE concentrations are from December 2020. 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah05001,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01S MW-02 MW-03RA MW-04 MW-05R MW-08A MW-12D MW-13S MW-13D MW-14S MW-14D MW-15S MW-15D MW-16S MW-16D MW-17S MW-17D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20S MW-20D MW-21 MW-22 MW-23A MW-24 MW-26A MW-29B MW-31B MW-31A MW-32AMW-32B MW-34B MW-34A MW-25A MW-27 MW-28 MW-37S MW-37D MW-38S MW-38D Mt. Olivet Well VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R edButte Cre e k 4 6 7 0 4 6 6 04 6 4 0 4 6 3 0 4 6 2 0 4 6 1 0 4 6 0 0 4 5 9 0 4 5 8 0 4 5 7 0 4 5 6 0 4 5 5 0 45 404530 4520 4510 4500 4470 4400 4480445043504300 43804290 4650 4490 4 4 6 0 4 4 5 04 4 4 0 4 4 0 0 4 3 5 0 4 3 2 0 4470 4 4 1 0 4 3 6 0 4 3 8 0 4 3 0 0 4290 4 3 7 0 4 3 4 0 4480 4 4 3 0 4 3 3 0 4310 4330 4 6 8 0 4420 4280 Figure 6-17Future Conditions - Simulated 20 Year PCE ConcentrationsShallow AquiferBaseline: Average Conditions for Last Ten Years Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer LineHead Contour (10-ft) PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-17_Shallow_Aquifer_ConcentrationsT4_Future1_20yr.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:18:31 PM Map Area UTAH 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park MW-32C SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute Mt. Olivet Well EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01D MW-12D MW-15S MW-15D MW-03RB MW-03RC MW-03RD MW-08B MW-08C MW-23C MW-25C MW-26C MW-30RA MW-30RB MW-30C MW-31C MW-34C MW-34D MW-37S MW-37D MW-13L VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R edButte C re e k 4560 45 50 4 5 4 0 4 5 3 0 4 5 0 0 4 4 9 0 4 4 8 0 4 4 5 0 4 4 0 0 4 3 5 0 4 4 7 0 4 4 4 0 4 3 6 0 4 4 6 0 4 3 8 0 4410 4340 4 5 2 0 4 5 1 0 4300 4 2 9 0 4 4 2 0 4 3 2 0 447044504400 444043504300 43604290 4 3 9 0 4480 4570 4 3 3 0 4 3 1 0 4310 Figure 6-18Future Conditions - Simulated 20 Year PCE ConcentrationsDeep AquiferBaseline: Average Conditions for Last Ten Years Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer LineHead Contour (10-ft) PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-18_Deep_Aquifer_ConcentrationsT4_Future1_20yr.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:20:47 PM Map Area UTAH 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah05001,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute EastBench Fault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01S MW-02 MW-03RA MW-04 MW-05R MW-08A MW-12D MW-13S MW-13D MW-14S MW-14D MW-15S MW-15D MW-16S MW-16D MW-17S MW-17D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20S MW-20D MW-21 MW-22 MW-23A MW-24 MW-26A MW-29B MW-31B MW-31A MW-32AMW-32B MW-34B MW-34A MW-25A MW-27 MW-28 MW-37S MW-37D MW-38S MW-38D Mt. Olivet Well VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R edButte Cre e k 4 6 7 0 4 6 6 0 46 50 46 30 4 6 2 0 4 6 1 0 4 6 0 0 4 5 9 0 4 5 8 0 4 5 7 0 4 5 6 0 4 5 5 0 4 5 4 0 4 5 3 0 4 5 2 0 45 10 4500 4490 4 4 5 0 4 4 0 0 4 4 4 0 4 4 3 04 4 1 0 4 3 5 04300 4460 4 4 2 0 4 3 6 0 4 3 2 0 4480 4470 440043504290 4280 4440436043204300 4450 4410 4330 4640 4 3 8 0 43 70 4470 4460 4500 4430 4290 Figure 6-19Future Conditions - Simulated 20 Year PCE ConcentrationsShallow AquiferScenario 1: Historic SLC-18 Pumping Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer LineHead Contour (10-ft) PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-19_Shallow_Aquifer_ConcentrationsT4_Future2_20yr.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:21:36 PM Map Area UTAH 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park MW-32C SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute Mt. Olivet Well EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01D MW-12D MW-15S MW-15D MW-03RB MW-03RC MW-03RD MW-08B MW-08C MW-23C MW-25C MW-26C MW-30RA MW-30RB MW-30C MW-31C MW-34C MW-34D MW-37S MW-37D MW-13L VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R edButte C re e k 45 40 4 5 3 0 4 5 2 0 4 5 1 0 4 5 0 0 4 4 9 0 4 4 7 0 4 4 6 0 4 4 5 0 4 4 0 0 4 3 5 0 4 3 0 0 45 50 4 4 8 0 4 4 4 0 4 3 6 0 4 3 2 0 4 3 8 0 4 3 1 0 4 4 1 0 4 3 4 0 4460445044004350 4440 4380 4320 441043604300 4 4 3 0 4290 4420 4 3 9 0 4330 4340 4 2 9 0 Figure 6-20Future Conditions - Simulated 20 Year PCE ConcentrationsDeep AquiferScenario 1: Historic SLC-18 Pumping Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer LineHead Contour (10-ft) PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-20_Deep_Aquifer_ConcentrationsT4_Future2_20yr.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:22:18 PM Map Area UTAH 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah05001,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01S MW-02 MW-03RA MW-04 MW-05R MW-08A MW-12D MW-13S MW-13D MW-14S MW-14D MW-15S MW-15D MW-16S MW-16D MW-17S MW-17D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20S MW-20D MW-21 MW-22 MW-23A MW-24 MW-26A MW-29B MW-31B MW-31A MW-32AMW-32B MW-34B MW-34A MW-25A MW-27 MW-28 MW-37S MW-37D MW-38S MW-38D Mt. Olivet Well VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R edButte Cre e k 4 6 7 0 4 6 6 0 46 50 46 4 0 4 6 3 0 4 6 2 0 4 6 1 0 4 6 0 0 4 5 9 0 4 5 8 0 4 5 7 0 4 5 6 0 4 5 5 0 4 5 4 0 45 304520 4510 4490 4450 4400 4470444043504290 4280 43604320 4 4 5 0 4 4 4 0 4 4 3 0 4 4 0 0 4 3 5 0 4 3 2 0 4 4 1 0 4 3 6 0 44 20 4 3 8 0 4 3 4 0 4480 4470 4 4 6 0 4 3 7 0 4 3 0 04 2 9 0 4500 4330 4 3 1 0 4460 4410 4310 Figure 6-21Future Conditions - Simulated 20 Year PCE ConcentrationsShallow Aquifer Scenario 3: Proposed University Irrigation Pumping Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer LineHead Contour (10-ft) PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-21_Shallow_Aquifer_ConcentrationsT4_Future4_20yr.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:22:55 PM Map Area UTAH 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park MW-32C SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute Mt. Olivet Well EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01D MW-12D MW-15S MW-15D MW-03RB MW-03RC MW-03RD MW-08B MW-08C MW-23C MW-25C MW-26C MW-30RA MW-30RB MW-30C MW-31C MW-34C MW-34D MW-37S MW-37D MW-13L VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R edButte C re e k 4550 4540 4 5 3 0 4 5 2 0 4 5 0 0 4 4 9 0 4 4 8 0 4 4 7 0 4 4 5 0 4 4 0 0 4 3 5 0 4 5 1 0 4 4 4 0 4 3 6 0 4 3 2 0 4 4 6 0 4 3 8 0 45 60 4 4 1 0 4 4 2 0 4 3 4 0 4450 4400 4320 444043504300 4360 4290 4330 42 90 4420 4300 Figure 6-22Future Conditions - Simulated 20 Year PCE ConcentrationsDeep Aquifer Scenario 3: Proposed University Irrigation Pumping Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer LineHead Contour (10-ft) PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-22_Deep_Aquifer_ConcentrationsT4_Future4_20yr.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:25:29 PM Map Area UTAH 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah05001,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute EastBench Fault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01S MW-02 MW-03RA MW-04 MW-05R MW-08A MW-12D MW-13S MW-13D MW-14S MW-14D MW-15S MW-15D MW-16S MW-16D MW-17S MW-17D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20S MW-20D MW-21 MW-22 MW-23A MW-24 MW-26A MW-29B MW-31B MW-31A MW-32AMW-32B MW-34B MW-34A MW-25A MW-27 MW-28 MW-37S MW-37D MW-38S MW-38D Mt. Olivet Well VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R edButte Cre e k 4 6 6 04 6 5 0 46 304 6 2 0 4 6 1 0 4 6 0 0 4 5 9 0 4 5 8 0 4 5 7 0 4 5 6 0 4 5 5 0 4 5 4 0 4 5 3 0 4 5 2 0 45 10 4500 4490 4480 4470 4460 4450 4440 4 4 0 0 4640 4430 44 20 4 4 1 0 4 3 5 0 4 3 6 0 4290 4 3 8 0 4 3 2 0 4440440043504300 442043204290 4280 44504380 4 3 4 0 4 3 3 0 4 6 7 0 Figure 6-23Future Conditions - Simulated 20 Year PCE ConcentrationsShallow AquiferScenario 2: Maximum (Water Right) SLC-18 Pumping Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer LineHead Contour (10-ft) PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-23_Shallow_Aquifer_ConcentrationsT4_Future3_20yr.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:26:09 PM Map Area UTAH 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park MW-32C SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute Mt. Olivet Well EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01D MW-12D MW-15S MW-15D MW-03RB MW-03RC MW-03RD MW-08B MW-08C MW-23C MW-25C MW-26C MW-30RA MW-30RB MW-30C MW-31C MW-34C MW-34D MW-37S MW-37D MW-13L VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R edButte C re e k 45504 5 4 0 4 5 3 0 4 5 2 0 4 5 1 0 4 5 0 0 4 4 9 0 44 80 4470 4460 4 4 4 0 4 4 0 0 4 3 5 0 4560 4410 4360 4 4 2 0 4 3 8 0 4 3 0 0 4 4 3 04 3 4 0 4440440043504300 43204290 4550 4540 4 4 5 0 4440 4 3 9 0 4 3 7 0 4 3 3 0 4 2 9 0 4430 4570 4410 4390 4310 4280 Figure 6-24Future Conditions - Simulated 20 Year PCE ConcentrationsDeep AquiferScenario 2: Maximum (Water Right) SLC-18 Pumping Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer LineHead Contour (10-ft) PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-24_Deep_Aquifer_ConcentrationsT4_Future3_20yr.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:26:59 PM Map Area UTAH 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah05001,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute EastBench Fault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01S MW-02 MW-03RA MW-04 MW-05R MW-08A MW-12D MW-13S MW-13D MW-14S MW-14D MW-15S MW-15D MW-16S MW-16D MW-17S MW-17D MW-18 MW-19 MW-20S MW-20D MW-21 MW-22 MW-23A MW-24 MW-26A MW-29B MW-31B MW-31A MW-32AMW-32B MW-34B MW-34A MW-25A MW-27 MW-28 MW-37S MW-37D MW-38S MW-38D Mt. Olivet Well VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R edButte Cre e k 4 6 7 0 4 6 6 0 4 6 5 04 6 3 0 4 6 2 0 4 6 1 0 4 6 0 0 4 5 9 0 4 5 8 0 4 5 7 0 4 5 6 0 4 5 5 0 4 5 4 0 4 5 3 0 4 5 2 0 4 5 1 0 45 00 4490 4480 4 4 7 0 4460 4450 44404 4 0 0 4640 4 4 3 0 44 20 4 4 1 0 4 3 5 0 4 3 6 0 4 3 2 0 4440440043504300 436043204290 4280 4 3 0 0 4 2 9 0 4 3 9 0 4 3 4 0 4 3 3 0 4430 4370 4450 4390 4370 Figure 6-25Future Conditions - Simulated 20 Year PCE ConcentrationsShallow Aquifer Scenario 4: Proposed University Irrigation Pumping and Maximum (Water Right) Pumping at SLC-18 Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer LineHead Contour (10-ft) PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-25_Shallow_Aquifer_ConcentrationsT4_Future5_20yr.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:27:50 PM Map Area UTAH 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah 0 500 1,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration !.!(!( !( !( ! ! &<&< &< &<&< &<&< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< ! Sunnyside Park MW-32C SLC-18University of Utah #1 University of Utah #2 Fountain of Ute Mt. Olivet Well EastBenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 East Bench Fault Spur 2 MW-01D MW-12D MW-15S MW-15D MW-03RB MW-03RC MW-03RD MW-08B MW-08C MW-23C MW-25C MW-26C MW-30RA MW-30RB MW-30C MW-31C MW-34C MW-34D MW-37S MW-37D MW-13L VHA Medical CenterBuilding 7 East HighSchool Mt. OlivetCemetery 500 S F O O T H IL L D R 700 S 800 S 500 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S R edButte C re e k 4 5 6 0 4 5 5 0 4 5 4 0 4 5 3 0 4 5 2 0 4 5 1 0 4 5 0 0 4 4 9 0 4 4 8 0 4 4 7 0 4460 44 404 4 0 0 4 3 5 04 3 0 0 4570 4360 4 3 8 0 4 3 2 0 4 4 1 0 4 3 4 0 4 4 2 0 4 3 3 0 4400435043004290 4360 4320 4450 4440 4560 4550 4540 4 4 3 0 4 2 9 0 4430 4420 4530 4430 4390 4380 4310 4280 Figure 6-26Future Conditions - Simulated 20 Year PCE ConcentrationsDeep Aquifer Scenario 4: Proposed University Irrigation Pumping and Maximum (Water Right) Pumping at SLC-18 Legend &<Monitoring W ell &<Abandoned Monitoring W ell !.Drinking Water Supply W ell !(Irrigation W ell !LandmarkRed Butte CreekFault LineSewer LineHead Contour (10-ft) PCE (ug/L)< 11 - 55 - 2525 - 5050 - 100100 - 200>200 File Path: E:\Salt_Lake_PCE\GIS\mxd\RI_Body_Figures\Fig6-26_Deep_Aquifer_ConcentrationsT4_Future5_20yr.mxd HoughtonG 9/27/2021 6:29:11 PM Map Area UTAH 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plum eSalt Lake City, Utah05001,000Feet . VHA = Veterans Health Administration Figure 6-7 Piper Diagram Surface Water and Groundwater OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Figure 6-23Figure 6-27 Figure 6-8 Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotopes OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah ɷ18O ‰ VSMOW ɷ2H ‰ V S M O W Notes ‰ = per mil G18KĂŶĚG2,ĂŶĂůLJƐŝƐƉĞƌĨŽƌŵĞĚďLJhŶŝǀĞƌƐŝƚLJŽĨhƚĂŚ^/Z&ZůĂďŽƌĂƚŽƌLJ͖ ƉƌĞĐŝƐŝŽŶŽĨG18O ±Ϭ͘ϭкĂŶĚG2,цϬ͘ϯкĚƵƌŝŶŐĂŶĂůLJƐŝƐ͘ ‰ = per mil ɷсĚĞůƚĂ ɷсĚĞůƚĂ 18O = 18-Oxygen 2,сϮͲ,LJĚƌŽŐĞŶ;ĚĞƵƚĞƌŝƵŵͿ 'Dt>с'ůŽďĂůDĞƚĞŽƌŝĐtĂƚĞƌ>ŝŶĞ s^DKtсsŝĞŶŶĂ^ƚĂŶĚĂƌĚDĞĂŶKĐĞĂŶtĂƚĞƌ YϯсdŚŝƌĚYƵĂƌƚĞƌ;^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌͿϮϬϭϴ GMWL Figure 6-24Figure 6-28 ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")") ") ") ") ") ") ") ")") ") ") ") ") ") ")")") ") ") ")") ") ")")") ")") ")")") ")")")") #* #*#*#* #*#* #*#* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #*#*#* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* %, %, %, #* %, %, #* #*#* %, #* #* %, %, %, #* #* %, #* #* #* %, #* #* %, %, #* #* #* #* #* %, %, #* %, #* %,%, %, %, %, #* %, %,#* %, #* #* #*#*#*#*#* #*#*#*#*#*#* #* #* #* #* #*#*#* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* #* Sunnyside Park 180 GUARDSMAN WAY SUNNYSIDE AVE 1300 E 1100 E 700 S 800 S 900 S RedButteCreek E ast BenchFault1 East Bench Fault Spur2 1 5 01 4 0 1 3 0 1201 1 01 0 09 0 8 0 7 06 0504 03 0 2 0 3 0 1 080 70 60 50 2 0 0 1 9 0 1 8 0 170 220 210 40 50 2 0 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 6 0 1 0 7 0 150 1 2 0 4 0 5 0 210 160 120 120110 100 100 7 0 6 0 2 0 4 0 2 0 140 1 0 Figure 6-29AVapor IntrusionLines of Evidence Legend ")Soil Gas Sample LocationIndoor Air Sample Analysis #*SUMMA %,HAPSITE Depth to Groundwater Contours0 - 19 feet20 - 49 feet50 - 99 feet> 100 feetFault Line File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig6-29A_VI_Evidence.mxd WAGNERA 6/3/2022 11:18:18 AM Notes:1. Plume contours were developed using Leapfrog 3-dimensional visualization software to interpolate the most recent data from each sampling location. The contours represent a top-down view of the 3-dimensional extent of the plume as interpreted in the Leapfrog software.2. The color coded PCE concentration at each location is based on the highest detection reported.3. Residential indoor air RBSL is EPA indoor air RSL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1x10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 (November 2020 RSL table version).4. Residential Indoor Air Tier 1 RAL provided in memorandum (CH2M 2015). Tier 1 RAL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1x10-5 and a hazard quotient of 1.5. Soil gas RBSL is the EPA indoor air RSL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1x10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 divided by an attenuation factor of 0.03 (November 2020 RSL table version).6. Qualified 2015 data is included on figure to define the extent of vapor intrusion. See Tables 5-10 and 5-11 for further information. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet . µg/m3 = micrograms per cubic meterRBSL = risk based screening levelRAL = removal action level PCE Isoconcentration Contours5 µg/L50 µg/L OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroetheneμg/L = micrograms per liter Residential Soil Gas RBSL: 360 µg/m3 Residential Indoor Air RBSL: 11 µg/m3 Residential Indoor Air Tier 1 RAL: 42 µg/m3 100 feet (lateral or vertical) fromthe 5 µg/L groundwater plume Dashed Line - Inferred Extent 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah PCE Concentrations (µg/m3) = Non-detect = < Residential RBSL = > Residential RBSL = > Residential Tier 1 RAL Sunnyside Park 900 S G I L M E R D R A L P I N E P L P A R K R O W S T 1 2 0 0 E VALDEZ DR 1100 E FENWAY AVE 1700 E 1400 E AMANDAAVE HUBBARD AVE MILITARY D R G R E E N W O O D T E R LOWELL AVE UNIVERSITY ST BRIXEN CT G R A N D S T MICHIGAN AVE SUNNYSIDE AVE DOUGLAS ST F A I R V I E W A V E 1000 E 1500 EBELMONT AVE DIESTEL RD 1000 E ELIZABETH ST MCCLELLAND ST MICHIGAN AVE LINCOLN ST GUARDSMAN WAY SUNNYSIDE AVE 1200 E 1300 E 1100 E 700 S GILMER DR 800 S 900 S 1 East Bench Fault Spur 2 1 5 0 1 4 0 120 9 0 7 0 6 0 40 3 02 0 10 1 0 0 50 6 0 1 0 4 0 2 0 1 8 01 6 0 4 0 3 0 2 0 130120 120 110 1 1 0 9 0 80 7 0 4 0 20 2 0 1 0 5 0 60 50 1 7 0 1 0 0 110 10 0 8 0 1 0 150 120 11 0 6 0 50 50 4 0 30 1 0 Cemetery Church School Senior Center School School School Figure 6-29BVapor IntrusionLines of EvidenceEast Side Springs LegendFault LineRed Butte CreekParcel BoundaryParcel with Indoor Air SamplesDepth to Groundwater Contours0 - 19 feet20 - 49 feet50 - 99 feet> 100 feet File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig6-29B_VI_Evidence_ESS.mxd WAGNERA 6/22/2022 10:10:05 AM OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet . PCE Isoconcentration Contours 5 µg/L50 µg/LDashed Line - Inferred Extent Notes:1. Plume contours were developed using Leapfrog 3-dimensional visualization software to interpolate the most recent data from each sampling location. The contours represent a top-down view of the 3-dimensional extent of the plume as interpreted in the Leapfrog software. OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroethene 1 Davis, F.D. 1983. Geologic Map of the Central Wasatch Front, Utah. Utah Geological and Mineral Survey. Map 54-A – Wasatch Front Series. May. 2 Personius, S.F. and Scott, W.E. 2009. Surficial Geologic Map of the Salt Lake City Segment and Parts of Adjacent Segments of the Wasatch Fault Zone, Davis, Salt Lake, and Utah Counties, Utah μg/L = micrograms per liter100 feet (lateral or vertical) fromthe 5 µg/L groundwater plume Sunnyside Park Vacant lot 900 S G I L M E R D R A L P I N E P A R K R O W S T 1 2 0 0 E VALDEZ DR 1100 E 1700 E 1400 E AMANDAAVE HUBBARD AVE MILITARY D R G R E E N W O O D T E R LOWELL AVE UNIVERSITY ST BRIXEN CT G R A N D S T MICHIGAN AVE DOUGLAS ST F A I R V I E W A V E1000 E 1500 EBELMONT AVE DIESTEL RD 1000 E ELIZABETH ST MCCLELLAND ST MICHIGAN AVE LINCOLN ST GUARDSMAN WAY SUNNYSIDE AVE 1200 E 1300 E 1100 E 700 S GILMER DR 800 S 900 S Figure 6-29COU1 Indoor Air SamplingSpatial Coverage File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig6-29C_IA_Sampling_Spatial_Coverage.mxd WAGNERA 7/11/2022 10:32:51 AM Notes:1. Plume contours were developed using Leapfrog 3-dimensional visualization software to interpolate the most recent data from each sampling location. The contours represent a top-down view of the 3-dimensional extent of the plume as interpreted in the Leapfrog software.2. Properties 0015H and 0016H are outside the map extent. Property 0015H is located more than 2,500 feet to the south of the plume extent and property 0016H is located more than 2,200 feet to the north of the plume extent. 700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet .PCE Isoconcentration Contours5 µg/L50 µg/LDashed Line - Inferred Extent Legend More than 100 feet from PCE plume orgroundwater greater than 50 feet or parcelwhere no structures are presentProperties where access has been requestedand deniedProperties where access has been requestedbut no response has been providedProperties where access has been grantedand indoor air sampling has been performedRoads or right-of-way OU = operable unitPCE = tetrachloroethene 100 feet (lateral or vertical) fromthe 5 µg/L groundwater plume !( ")") ") ") ")") ") ")") ")")")") ") ") ") ")")") ")") ") ")") ") ") ") ") ")") ") ") ")")") ")")")") ")")")") ")") ")")") ")")") ")")") ")")") ")")")") #* #* #* &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< MW-13L MW-03RB MW-02 MW-03RA MW-04 MW-05R MW-06 MW-08A MW-08C MW-03RC MW-37D MW-19 MW-21 MW-22 MW-23 MW-24 MW-26 MW-27 MW-28 MW-29 MW-30C MW-31 MW-32 MW-34 MW-25 MW-30RA500 S VALDEZ DR WAHLEN WAY GUARDSMAN WAY 700 S 800 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S F O O T HIL L D R FOOTHILL DR Mt. Olivet WellMW-38DMW-38S MW-37S MW-36 MW-01SMW-01D MW-30RB MW-08B MW-12SMW-12D MW-13S MW-14SMW-14D MW-15SMW-15D MW-16SMW-16D MW-17SMW-17D MW-18 MW-20SMW-20D MW-03RD MW-13D RG-02 RG-04 RG-08 East Side Springs Transect 1400 East Transect Guardsm an Way Transect R ed B utte Creek Figure 6-30Summary of TetrachloroetheneConcentration Trends Analysis PCE Statistical Trends ")Increasing ")Probably Increasing, >50% ND ")Stable ")Stable, >50% ND ")Decreasing ")Probably Decreasing, >50% ND ")No Trend File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig6-30_PCE_Trend_Analysis.mxd WAGNERA 10/20/2021 Notes:1. Plume contours were developed using Leapfrog 3-dimensional visualization software to interpolate the most recent data from each sampling location. The contours represent a top-down view of the 3-dimensional extent of the plume as interpreted in the Leapfrog software.2. For wells with multiple screening intervals, see well ID label for statistical trend. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet .OU = operable unitRI = remedial investigationPCE = tetrachloroetheneMW = monitoring well PCE Isoconcentration Contours5 µg/L50 µg/LDashed Line - Inferred Extent ")No Trend, >50% ND ")Insufficient Detections forStatistical Analysis ")Multiple Screen Intervals &<Monitoring Well #*Residential Groundwater Well !(Irrigation WellMonitoring Well Transect LineRed Butte Creek !( ")") ") ") ")") ") ")")") ")")")") ") ") ") ")")") ")")")") ")") ")") ")") ")") ") ") ")") ") ") ")")") ")")")") ")")")") ")") ")")") ")")") ")")") ")")") ")")")") #* #* #* &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &<&< &< &< &<&< &< &< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&<&<&< &<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&< &<&<&<&< MW-13L MW-03RD MW-02 MW-03RA MW-04 MW-05R MW-06 MW-08A MW-38S MW-37S MW-30RA MW-18 MW-21 MW-22 MW-23 MW-24 MW-26 MW-27 MW-28 MW-29 MW-30C MW-31 MW-32 MW-34 MW-25 MW-38D MW-37D MW-36 MW-30RB 500 S VALDEZ DR WAHLEN WAY GUARDSMAN WAY 700 S 800 S 1300 E 1100 E SUNNYSIDE AVE 900 S F O O T HIL L D R FOOTHILL DR Mt. Olivet Well MW-01SMW-01D MW-03RBMW-03RC MW-08B MW-12SMW-12D MW-13S MW-14SMW-14D MW-15SMW-15D MW-16SMW-16D MW-17SMW-17D MW-08C MW-19 MW-20SMW-20D MW-13D RG-02 RG-04 RG-08 East Side Springs Transect 1400 East Transect Guardsman Way Transect R ed B utte Creek Figure 6-31Summary of TrichloroetheneConcentration Trends Analysis TCE Statistical Trends ")Increasing ")Probably Increasing, >50% ND ")Stable ")Stable, >50% ND ")Decreasing ")Probably Decreasing, >50% ND ")No Trend File Path: J:\238824_VA_Medical_Salt_Lake\MXD\Sampling_2021\RI_2021\Fig6-31_TCE_Trend_Analysis.mxd WAGNERA 10/20/2021 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report700 South 1600 East PCE PlumeSalt Lake City, Utah 0 250 500Feet .OU = operable unitRI = remedial investigationPCE = tetrachloroetheneMW = monitoring well Notes:1. For wells with multiple screening intervals, see well ID label for statistical trend.")No Trend, >50% ND ")Insufficient Detections forStatistical Analysis ")Multiple Screen Intervals &<Monitoring Well #*Residential Groundwater Well !(Irrigation WellMonitoring Well TransectRed Butte Creek Figure 6-32 MW-14S Trend Chart 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Or g a n i c C o m p o u n d C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( µ g / L ) Sample Date MW-14S: Chlorinated Ethene and Daughter Product Mass Concentrations PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE PCE-ND TCE-ND cis-1,2-DCE-ND OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 1 Figure 6-33 MW-17S Trend Chart 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Or g a n i c C o m p o u n d C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( µ g / L ) Sample Date MW-17S: Chlorinated Ethene and Daughter Product Mass Concentrations PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE PCE-ND TCE-ND cis-1,2-DCE-ND OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 1 Figure 6-34 MW-02 Trend Chart and Statistical Analysis 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Or g a n i c C o m p o u n d C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( µ g / L ) Sample Date MW-02: Chlorinated Ethene and Daughter Product Mass Concentrations PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE PCE-ND TCE-ND cis-1,2-DCE-ND July 2016 Decreasing MK trend 97.0% Confidence Level Increasing MK trend 99.9% Confidence Level Based on Mann-Kendall (MK) analysis, No Trend - 76.2% Confidence Level OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 1 Figure 6-35 MW-04 Trend Chart 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Or g a n i c C o m p o u n d C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( µ g / L ) Sample Date MW-04: Chlorinated Ethene and Daughter Product Mass Concentrations PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE PCE-ND TCE-ND cis-1,2-DCE-ND OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 1 Figure 6-36 MW-06 Trend Chart 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Or g a n i c C o m p o u n d C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( µ g / L ) Sample Date MW-06: Chlorinated Ethene and Daughter Product Mass Concentrations PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE PCE-ND TCE-ND cis-1,2-DCE-ND OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 1 Figure 6-37 MW-12S Trend Chart 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Or g a n i c C o m p o u n d C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( µ g / L ) Sample Date MW-12S: Chlorinated Ethene and Daughter Product Mass Concentrations PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE PCE-ND TCE-ND cis-1,2-DCE-ND OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 1 Source Primary Release Mechanisms Primary Contaminated Media Exposure Media Exposure Route Residents Students Daycare Children Indoor Workers [f] Outdoor Workers Construction Workers Ingestion XXXXX Dermal XXXXX Inhalation [a]XXXX Ingestion current: X future:  current: X future:  current: X future:  current: X future: XX Dermal current: X future:  current: X future:  current: X future:  current: X future: XX Inhalation XX Outdoor Ambient Air Inhalation X  Trench Air [e] Inhalation XXXXX  Ingestion XXX Dermal XXX Ingestion X  Dermal X  Inhalation [d]X  Ingestion [i] Dermal [i] Inhalation [a][i] Ingestion [j]XXXX X Ingestion X  Dermal X  Inhalation [d]X  LEGEND Footnotes: X Pathway is not complete; no evaluation required [a] Due to volatilization from spring/seep surface water or sprinkler/irrigation water Pathway is or might be complete, but is likely to be minor [b] The expectation is that, outside of the seep/spring areas, shallow soil (0 to 10 feet bgs) contamination is likely to be negligible, Pathway is or might be complete with the possible exception of near Buildings 6 and 7 where historical spills may have occurred. [c] There is no potable groundwater use under current conditions, but hypothetical future use will be evaluated **These releases likely occurred as disposal of PCE into the sanitary sewer line [d] Inhalation of airborne particulates and volatiles derived from shallow soil or spring/seep sediment and releases from the sewer line into the surrounding soil because of line cracks [e] During excavation or other digging activities (e.g., home sprinkler repair) and possibly from spills on the ground surface. [f] Includes adult commercial/office workers and teachers [g] Use of deep groundwater for irrigation is only expected in limited areas (e.g., University of Utah and Mount Olivet Cemetery). Deep groundwater is not used for residential property irrigation. While it is possible individuals near these properties could be exposed to volatiles in outdoor air derived from sprinklers and irrigation water, with the exception of university and cemetery outdoor maintenance workers, no direct contact exposures with sprinkler/irrigation water are expected to occur. [h] Use of springs/seeps for irrigation is only expected for a subset of residential properties where springs/seeps are present. [i] Several properties have sumps in their basements, which means that indoor workers could come into contact with sump water located inside properties. [j] Homegrown produce ingestion is not expected to occur in non-residential settings. Shallow Soil [b,e] Shallow Groundwater Homegrown Produce Spring/Seep Sediment Figure 7-1 Conceptual Site Exposure Model for Human Health 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume, Salt Lake City, Utah Shallow Groundwater [e] PCE releases from dry cleaning facility** Migration and Transport Pathways and Secondary Contaminated Media Deep Groundwater Soil Gas Indoor Air Seep/Spring Surface Water Potable Water [c] Irrigation/Sprinkler Water Daylighting  at ground  surface Adsorption onto  soil particles Vapor  intrusion Volatilization Downward  groundwater  transport Volatilization during  indoor water use  Sewer line  releases; vertical  and lateral  groundwater  transport Potable well use [c] Irrigation and  produce uptake [h] Adsorption onto  sediment particles Volatilization Air mixing Volatilization Spills onto  ground  surface;  seeping into  shallow  groundwater Produce uptake Sprinkler/irrigation use [g] Sprinkler/  irrigation use [g] OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Source Primary Release Mechanisms Primary Contaminated Media Exposure Media Exposure Route Aquatic Receptors [g] Terrestrial Plants, Invertebrates Birds Mammals [h]Domestic Pets Inhalation XX  Inhalation XXX [e]X Ingestion XXcurrent: X future:  [f] [e]current: X future:  [f] Direct Contact current: X future:  [f]X  [e]X Ingestion XX  Direct Contact   Inhalation [d]XX  Ingestion XX  Direct Contact   Inhalation [a]XX  Ingestion XXX Ingestion XX  Direct Contact X   Inhalation [a]XX  Ingestion XX  Ingestion XX  Direct Contact X   Inhalation [d]XX  LEGEND NOTES X Pathway is not complete; no evaluation required **These releases likely occurred as disposal of PCE into the sanitary sewer line and releases from the sewer line Pathway is or might be complete, but is likely to be minor into the surrounding soil because of line cracks and possibly from spills on the ground surface. Pathway is or might be complete [a] Resulting from volatilization from spring/seep surface water and irrigation/sprinkler water [b] The expectation is that, outside of the seep/spring areas, shallow soil (0–10 feet bgs) contamination is likely to be negligible, with the possible exception of near Buildings 6 and 7 where historical spills may have occurred. [c] There is no potable groundwater use under current conditions, but hypothetical future use will be evaluated. [d] Inhalation of airborne particulates and volatiles derived from shallow soil or spring/seep sediment [e] Restricted to burrowing animal exposures only (e.g., rabbits) [f] Incomplete scenario under current conditions, but a screening-level evaluation of groundwater will be performed to address potential for daylighting under future site conditions. [g] Aquatic receptors can include small fish (e.g., in ponds or water features fed by springs/seeps), aquatic invertebrates, and aquatic plants. [h] Includes burrowing mammals (e.g., rabbits) [i] Use of deep groundwater for irrigation is only expected in limited areas (e.g., University of Utah, Mount Olivet Cemetery); no residential use of deep groundwater is anticipated. [j] Use of springs/seeps for irrigation is only expected for a subset of residential properties where springs/seeps are present. FIGURE 7‐2 CONCEPTUAL SITE EXPOSURE MODEL FOR ECOLOGICAL RECEPTORS Shallow Groundwater PCE releases from dry- cleaning facility** Migration and Transport Pathways and Secondary Contaminated Media Soil Gas Outdoor Ambient Air Seep/Spring Surface Water Air Inside Burrows 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume, Salt Lake City, Utah Shallow Soil [b] Shallow Groundwater Terrestrial Plants Spring/Seep Sediment Aquatic Biota Seep/Springs Irrigation/Sprinkler WaterDeep Groundwater Daylighting at  ground surface Adsorption onto soil particles VolatilizationVolatilization Downward  groundwater  transport Sewer line releases;  vertical and lateral  Adsorption onto     sediment particles Volatilization Spills onto  ground  surface;  seeping into  shallow  Tissue   uptake Tissue    uptake Sprinkler/  irrigation  Tissue   uptake Irrigation  OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 1 Tables Table 2-1 Historical Detections of Volatile Organic Compounds in Irrigation/Supply Wells Location Identifier Location Type Screened Interval (ft bgs) Well Diameter (inches) Sample Date PCE (µg/L) TCE (µg/L) cis-1,2- DCE (µg/L) VC (µg/L)Reference 5 5 70 2 5/1995 ND -- -- -- Bowen Collins 2004 7/1997 0.6 ------UOS 1999 11/1998 ND -- -- -- UDEQ 2012 11/1999 ND ND ND ND UDEQ 2000 8/2000 0.8 -- -- -- Bowen Collins 2004 8/2000 0.8 -- -- -- Bowen Collins 2004 6/2001 1.22 -- -- -- Bowen Collins 2004 6/2001 0.9 -- -- -- Bowen Collins 2004 8/2001 1.3 -- -- -- Bowen Collins 2004 8/2001 1.2 -- -- -- Bowen Collins 2004 8/2001 1.4 -- -- -- Bowen Collins 2004 9/2001 ND -- -- -- Bowen Collins 2004 8/2002 ND -- -- -- Bowen Collins 2004 1/2003 ND -- -- -- Bowen Collins 2004 6/2003 ND -- -- -- Bowen Collins 2004 10/2004 2.2 ND ND ND EPA 2005 2/2005 0.2 ND ND --USGS 2005 9/2005 1.2 ------EPA 2005 9/2005 1.5 ------EPA 2005 9/2005 1.7 ------EPA 2005 9/2005 1.8 ------EPA 2005 4/2016 ND ND ND ND EA 2017a 10/1990 32 ------UBWPC 1991 10/1990 26 ------UDEQ 2012 4/1995 85 1.3 2.8 --Bowen Collins 2004 1997 184 ------Bowen Collins 2004 11/1998 150 1 J ND ND UDEQ 2000 6/1999 183 1.1 1.1 ND EPA 1999 Irrigation Well 175-195 215-235 280-377 400-463 10 EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L) SLC-18 Municipal drinking water well (taken offline in 2004) 20266-470 Mt. Olivet OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 2 Table 2-1 Historical Detections of Volatile Organic Compounds in Irrigation/Supply Wells 10/2004 128 ------UDEQ 2012 10/2004 92 ------UDEQ 2012 4/2016 40 0.56 0.26 ND EA 2017a 2/2005 ND ND ND ND USGS 2005 2/2005 ND ND ND ND USGS 2005 6/2014 ND ND ND --FE 2014 4/2016 ND ND ND ND EA 2017a 7/2016 ND ND ND ND EA 2017a 9/2016 ND ND ND ND EA 2017a Notes: Highlight indicates values greater than screening level MCL = maximum contaminant level ND = not detected µg/L = microgram per liter OU = operable unit cis-1,2-DCE = cis-1,2-dichloroethene PCE = tetrachloroethene EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency TCE = trichloroethene ft bgs = feet below ground surface VC = vinyl chloride J = Result is estimated -- = not available Mt. Olivet Irrigation Well 175-195 215-235 280-377 400-463 10 -- 20 Fountain of Ute Irrigation Well 200-450 20 University of Utah Well #1 Irrigation Well OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 2 Table 2-2 Summary of Remedial Investigation Planning Documentation Document Title Document Date Organization Leading Investigation (and Contractor Name if applicable) Summary of Document Reference AOU1 Remedial Investigation Work Plan and Field Sampling Plan July 2015 VA (FE) Presentation of the technical approach and rationalee guiding the AOU-1 Remedial Investigation. The Work Plan includes a Sampling and Analysis Plan, Quality Assurance Project Plan, Health and Safety Plan, Conceptual Site Model Technical Memorandum, Risk Assessment Work Plan, Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels and Removal Action Levels Technical Memorandum, Site Management Plan, Community Involvement Plan, Vapor Intrusion Field Sampling Protocol, Project Communication Plan, and Minor Field Modifications (MFMs) 1 and 2 to the RIWP. Remedial Investigation Work Plan AOU- 1: East Side Springs 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume (FE 2015) AOU1 Remedial Investigation Work Plan Minor Field Modifications #3 - #6 March 2016 VA (EA) MFM #3: Change of analytical method for analysis of 1,4-dioxane MFM #4: Updates to the analytical methods, parameters, and the sample media on which the analyses will be performed; the number of samples; sample locations and depth, analyses, collection methodology, etc. for each targeted media; change in use of HAPSITE gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer for field screening of groundwater and surface water samples MFM #5: Update to Health and Safety Plan MFM #6: Inclusion of isotope analysis of surface water Minor Field Modifications #3-#6 to the Remedial Investigation Work Plan AOU1 (EA 2016a) AOU1 Sampling and Analysis Plan Minor Field Modifications #7 - #13 March 2016 VA (EA) MFM #7: Change of analytical method for analysis of 1,4-dioxane MFM #8: Updates to the analytical methods, parameters, and the sample media on which the analyses will be performed; the number of samples; sample locations and depth, analyses, collection methodology, etc. for each targeted media; change in use of HAPSITE gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer for field screening of groundwater and surface water samples MFM #9: Inclusion of isotope analysis of surface water MFM #10: Excludes installation of pressure transducers in temporary monitoring points for the 2016 field event MFM #11: Clarifies use of the term definitive data MFM #12: Updates to sample containers, preservatives, hold times, and sample methods MFM #13: Removes field screening for SVOCs Minor Field Modifications #7-#13 to the Sampling and Analysis Plan AOU1 (EA 2016b) AOU1 Remedial Investigation Work Plan Minor Field Modifications #14 April 2016 VA (EA) MFM #14: Addition to the number of groundwater sampling events and locations. Minor Field Modifications #14 to the Remedial Investigation Work Plan AOU1 (EA 2016c) AOU1 Sampling and Analysis Plan Minor Field Modifications #15 April 2016 VA (EA) MFM #15: Addition to the number of groundwater sampling events and locations. Minor Field Modifications #15 to the Sampling and Analysis Plan AOU1 (EA 2016d) AOU1 Remedial Investigation Work Plan Minor Field Modifications #16 April 2016 VA (EA) MFM #16: Updates to RIWP options for multi-parameter water quality meters to be used during sampling and the sample collection method for sampling seeps, springs, surface water, and stormwater. Minor Field Modifications #16 to the Remedial Investigation Work Plan AOU1 (EA 2016e) AOU1 Sampling and Analysis Plan Minor Field Modifications #17 April 2016 VA (EA) MFM #17: Updates to SAP options for multi-parameter water quality meters to be used during sampling and the sample collection method for sampling seeps, springs, surface water, and stormwater. Minor Field Modifications #17 to the Sampling and Analysis Plan AOU1 (EA 2016e) AOU1 Remedial Investigation Work Plan Minor Field Modifications #18 February 2017 VA (EA) MFM #18: Addition of supplemental VI sampling for both previously sampled locations and new locations. Minor Field Modifications #18 to the Remedial Investigation Work Plan AOU1 (EA 2017c) Remedial Investigation Work Plan OU-2 Remedial Investigation February 2018 VA (CH2M) The remedial investigation work plan details of the approach to conduct the OU- 2 RI, including objectives, approaches, rationalees, and general investigation methods. The document includes a sampling and analysis plan, standard operating procedures, investigation derived waste management plan, accident prevention plan which includes the site health and safety plan. Remedial Investigation Work Plan OU-2 Remedial Investigation 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume (CH2M 2018) Addendum to Modification #1 to OU-2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan July 2019 Jacobs Modification #1A to Modification #1 to the Remedial Investigation Work Plan includes additional locations and techniques for soil gas sampling at OU-2. Addendum to Modification #1 to OU-2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan (Jacobs 2019a) Minor Field Modification #19 to AOU-1 Remedial Investigation Work Plan July 2019 CDM Smith Revised Vapor Intrusion sampling protocol for the site and rationalee for selection of sampling locations at a subset of properties, including East High School Modification #19 to AOU-1 Remedial Investigation Work Plan (CDM Smith 2019d) Final Vapor Intrusion Protocol 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Site December 2019 VA (CDM Smith)Guidance document for the creation of event-specific sampling and analysis plans to evaluate the potential for vapor intrusion in structures. Vapor Intrusion Protocol (CDM Smith 2019e) Quality Assurance Project Plan 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Site, Operable Unit 2 November 2019 VA (CDM Smith) Presentation of the policies, organizations, objectives and functional activities/procedures for the remedial investigation. The QAPP includes data quality objectives and the field sampling plan. Quality Assurance Project Plan, Operable Unit 2 (CDM Smith 2019a) Modification #2 to OU-2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan and Sampling and Analysis Plan October 2019 CDM Smith Removal of Method 8270 SVOCs (except for 1,4-Dioxane), organochlorine pesticides and oxygen and hydrogen stable isotopes from the groundwater sampling analyte list, and updates to the analytical method for nitrate/nitrite. Modification #2 to OU-2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan and Sampling and Analysis Plan (CDM Smith 2019b) Modification #3 to OU-2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan November 2019 CDM Smith Addition of twelve borings for source area and plume delineation with field screening of soil and groundwater and installation of groundwater monitoring wells and soil vapor points. Modification #3 to OU-2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan and Sampling and Analysis Plan (CDM Smith 2019c) Addendum to Modification #3 to OU-2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan April 2020 CDM Smith Change of analysis for push-ahead groundwater samples associated with the installation of monitoring wells to utilizing the Color-Tec method and submission to EMAX laboratory for VOC analysis on rapid turnaround time. Revision of sample naming convention to remove the operable unit designation. Addendum to Modification #3 to OU-2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan and Sampling and Analysis Plan (CDM Smith 2020a) OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 2 Table 2-2 Summary of Remedial Investigation Planning Documentation Document Title Document Date Organization Leading Investigation (and Contractor Name if applicable) Summary of Document Reference Modification #4 to Remedial Investigation Work Plan June 2020 CDM Smith Addition of three groundwater sampling events in 2020. Modification #4 to OU-2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan and Sampling and Analysis Plan (CDM Smith 2020b) Phase 2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan Operable Unit 1 December 2020 VA (CD Smith) Details of the approach to conduct Phase 2 of the RI, including the objectives, rationalee, and methods for implementing the planned work for the Phase 2 RI. The document includes a Field Sampling Plan, Quality Assurance Project Plan, Investigation-Derived Waste Management Plan, Accident Prevention Plan, and Data Management Plan Phase 2 Remedial Investigation Work Plan, Operable Unit 1 (CDM Smith 2020d) Modification #1 to Phase 2 Field Sampling Plan November 2020 CDM Smith rationalee and description of work for the installation of an additional groundwater monitoring well, MW-13L. Modification #1 to Phase 2 Field Sampling Plan (CDM Smith 2020e) Modification #2 to Phase 2 Field Sampling Plan December 2020 CDM Smith Removal of total dissolved solids from the analyte list for all future groundwater monitoring events. Modification #2 to Phase 2 Field Sampling Plan (CDM Smith 2020e) Modification #3 to Phase 2 Field Sampling Plan January 2020 CDM Smith Provides the locations where slug testing will be completed and the approach that will be taken at each location. Modification #3 to Phase 2 Field Sampling Plan (CDM Smith 2020b) Modification #4 to Phase 2 Field Sampling Plan March 2021 CDM Smith Proposal of abandonment of up to 10 piezometers and replacement with shallow (near water table) groundwater monitoring wells at those locations, installation of two additional shallow groundwater wells and installation of shallow soil vapor monitoring probes at the new well locations. Modification #4 to Phase 2 Field Sampling Plan (CDM Smith 2021c) Modification #5 to Phase 2 Field Sampling Plan March 2021 CDM Smith Removal of geochemical analyses from the analyte list for select monitoring wells. Modification #5 to Phase 2 Field Sampling Plan (CDM Smith 2021e) Notes: EA = EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC FE = First Environment, Inc. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 2 Table 2-3 Summary of Historical and Remedial Investigation Activities Investigation Date Organization Leading Investigation (and Contractor Name if applicable) Media Investigation Reference Oct 1990 SLCDPU Irrigation well groundwater Sampling of Mount Olivet irrigation well.Memorandum to File from Dennis Frederick, UBWPC (UBWPC 1991) Apr-May 1995 EPA (E&E)Soil gas Mount Olivet irrigation well sampling. 15 soil gas samples collected from the: Mount Olivet Cemetery, University of Utah (former UANG property), current UANG property, and the U.S. Forest Service helicopter pad. Analytical Results Report, Mt. Olivet Well Site (E&E 1995) Nov 1996 EPA and UDEQ (UOS)Soil Gas Four soil gas samples collected by EPA (UOS) southwest of VAMC Building 7, Ft. Douglas, and University of Utah Building 515). Field Activities and Analytical Results for Soil Gas Sampling at the Mount Olivet Cemetery Plume (UOS 1996) May 1997 EPA and UDEQ (UOS)Irrigation well groundwater Mount Olivet irrigation well sampling Site Activities Report, Mount Olivet Cemetery (UOS 1999) Jun-Aug 1998 EPA and UDEQ (UOS)Groundwater Site Investigation - 6 monitoring wells installed around VAMC Site Activities Report, Mount Olivet Cemetery (UOS 1999) Aug-Sept 1998* (*May have been Aug- Sept 1999. Both years are mentioned in the text) EPA and UDEQ (UOS)Spring water 4 - 5 screening samples collected of spring water emerging west to southwest of Mount Olivet Cemetery: Our Lady of Lourdes Spring, Benson Spring, Smith Spring, Bowen Spring Analytical Results Report, Mount Olivet Cemetery Plume (UDEQ 2000) Nov 1998 EPA and UDEQ (UOS)Groundwater Sampling at EPA monitoring wells Site Activities Report, Mount Olivet Cemetery (UOS 1999) Sept 1999 EPA and UDEQ (UOS)Groundwater EPA-MW-03 abandoned, EPA-MW-06 installed in southeast corner of Sunnyside Park. Sept. 1999: Groundwater sample collected at EPA-MW-03 prior to abandonment for PCE analysis. Supplement to Site Activities Report, Mt. Olivet Cemetery (UOS 2000) Jan 2000 EPA and UDEQ (UOS)Groundwater EPA-MW-06 sampled on Jan. 6, 2000. Supplement to Site Activities Report, Mt. Olivet Cemetery (UOS 2000) May 2001 USGS Groundwater Sampling at SLC-18 PCE Well Contamination Evaluation. Technical Memorandum prepared for Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities (Bowen Collins 2004) July – August 2001 UDEQ (Beacon)Soil Gas 19 soil gas samples collected around U of U Building 515.EMFLUX Passive Soil-Gas Survey, Building 515 University of Utah (Beacon 2001) December 2003 EPA/UDEQ/ SLCDPU Sewer Survey Survey of the sewer line leading from Building 7 of the VAMC for breaks and cracks, conducted by SLCDPU at the request of EPA and UDEQ. Screen shots from a video survey recorded by SLCDPU of the sewer line leading from Building 7 of the VAMC (SLCDPU 2012) June 2004 Bowen Collins Groundwater Modeling Groundwater modeling conducted to evaluate PCE contamination in SLC wells, including PCE in the Mount Olivet Cemetery Plume. PCE Well Contamination Evaluation Technical Memorandum (Bowen Collins 2004) June 2004 EPA/UDEQ Soil Soil sampling was conducted along the Building 7 sewer line between Building 7 and Sunnyside Avenue. Soil-Sampling Event Summary Report, Mount Olivet Cemetery Plume (UDEQ 2004) October 2004 EPA/UDEQ Groundwater Sampling at EPA-MW-01D, EPA-MW-05, Mount Olivet irrigation well, and SLC-18 drinking water well. Memorandum, Analytical Results — Mt. Olivet VA (EPA 2004a) February 2005 USGS Groundwater Sampling from SLC-18, EPA-MW-01S, EPA- MW-01D, EPA-MW- 02, EPA-MW-04, EPA-MW-05, and EPA-MW-06; and University of Utah Fountain of Ute well. Record 1116769 – R8 SDMS. Compilation of 2005 well data (USGS 2005) Fall 2005 EPA/UDEQ Groundwater Sampling from EPA monitoring wells, SLC-18, and preparation of the CERCLA HRS package. Preliminary Assessment, East Side Springs (UDEQ 2011) February 2007 VA (IHI)Soil gas Soil gas sampling in 48 locations along the VAMC Building 7 sewer line. Soil Gas Investigation Report, Sanitary Sewer Lateral, VALSCHCS Building 7 to Sunnyside Avenue (IHI 2007) OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 5 Table 2-3 Summary of Historical and Remedial Investigation Activities Investigation Date Organization Leading Investigation (and Contractor Name if applicable) Media Investigation Reference Jun-Aug 2010 SLCDPU Spring water, storm drain water, groundwater Response to crude oil release near Red Butte Canyon. Identification of 25 springs. Samples collected from 11 springs, 1 manhole, and 2 artesian wells. Described in Preliminary Assessment, East Side Springs (UDEQ 2011) Aug 2010 UDEQ Soil 10 soil samples were collected from 5 locations around Building 515 using direct push. Sample intervals were 0-4 ft and 4-8 ft bgs. Expanded Site Investigation (ESI) Analytical Results Report, University of Utah Building 515 (UDEQ 2013) Nov-Dec 2011 UDEQ Groundwater, spring water, soil, soil gas 10 groundwater samples (from 5 direct-push borings, 3 monitoring wells, and 2 artesian drinking wells), 3 surface (spring) water samples, 2 soil samples, 8 soil gas samples collected in ESS area. Site Investigation-Analytical Results Report, East Side Springs (UDEQ 2012) 2014 VA (FE)Groundwater 6 groundwater samples from permanent monitoring wells (EPA- MW-01S/D, EPA-MW-02, EPA-MW-04, EPA-MW-05, EPA-MW- 06) and 4 groundwater samples from SLC-18, Fountain of Ute Well, and University of Utah Wells #1 and 2. Results of Initial Groundwater Sampling Event June 2014, 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume (FE 2014) 2015 VA (FE) Indoor Air, Outdoor Air, Soil Gas HAPSITE screening samples at 36 structures, 14 indoor air, 6 outdoor air, and 10 near slab soil gas samples were collected with SUMMA canisters for TO-15 analysis. 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume AOU-1: East Side Springs Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019) Vapor Intrusion Data Collection Report AOU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume (FE 2015b) Appendix A February-May 2016 VA (EA)Surface water, Stormwater Samples from surface water seeps and springs. Stormwater system samples were collected at least 24 hours after a precipitation event to ensure it was diverted spring water, not surface rainwater or runoff. 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume AOU-1: East Side Springs Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019) 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume AOU-1: East Side Springs 2016 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Soil Sampling Technical Memorandum (EA 2016g) Appendix A May 2016 VA (EA)Soil Sampling 3 soil samples from 0-0.5 feet bgs at locations adjacent to seeps and springs where surface water samples were collected 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume AOU-1: East Side Springs Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019) 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume AOU-1: East Side Springs 2016 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Soil Sampling Technical Memorandum (EA 2016g) Appendix A July-September 2016 VA (EA)Groundwater 50 boring locations in the ESS areas and collected groundwater samples from 44 of the temporary well locations. Ten locations were completed as temporary piezometers for future sampling. 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume AOU-1: East Side Springs Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019) 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume AOU-1: East Side Springs 2016 Groundwater, Surface Water, and Soil Sampling Technical Memorandum (EA 2016g) Appendix A 2016 VA (EA) Indoor Air, Outdoor Air, Soil Gas Indoor air samples using HAPSITE at 11 structures and SUMMA canisters for TO-15 analysis at 9 structures. Outdoor air samples were collected near 11 structures using HAPSITE screening. Near slab soil gas samples were collected from 11 structures using HAPSITE and 1 structure with a SUMMA canister for TO-15 analysis. 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume AOU-1: East Side Springs Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019) 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume AOU-1: East Side Springs 2016 Vapor Intrusion Investigation Field Data Report (EA 2018) Appendix A OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 5 Table 2-3 Summary of Historical and Remedial Investigation Activities Investigation Date Organization Leading Investigation (and Contractor Name if applicable) Media Investigation Reference 2017 VA (EA)Groundwater Groundwater samples were collected from the EPA monitoring wells, SLC-18, University of Utah Well #1, and the Mount Olivet irrigation well, in April, July and September 2016. 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume AOU-1: East Side Springs Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019) 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume 2016 Monitoring and Supply Well Groundwater Sampling Technical Memorandum (EA 2017a) Appendix A March-April 2017 VA (EA) Indoor Air, Outdoor Air, Soil Gas Indoor air samples were collected using HAPSITE at 18 structures and SUMMA canisters for TO-15 analysis at 11 structures. Outdoor air samples were collected near 15 structures using HAPSITE screening. Soil gas samples were collected from 7 structures using HAPSITE. 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume AOU-1: East Side Springs Remedial Investigation Report (EA 2019) 2017 Vapor Intrusion Investigation Field Data Report AOU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume (CH2M 2017) Appendix A June-July 2018 VA (Jacobs) Shallow Groundwater Well Construction 18 shallow monitoring wells were installed, including 7 well pairs and 4 individual wells down gradient from the VAMC campus. Operable Unit 2 Remedial Investigation 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume, Salt Lake City, Utah 2018 OU-2 Data Summary Report (Jacobs 2019b) Appendix B October-December 2018 VA (Jacobs) Deep Groundwater Well Construction MW-03R was installed with 4 screened intervals to replace MW- 03, and installed MW-08 with 3 screened intervals west of Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Operable Unit 2 Remedial Investigation 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume, Salt Lake City, Utah 2018 OU-2 Data Summary Report (Jacobs 2019b) Appendix B September- October 2018 VA (Jacobs)Groundwater, Surface Water Groundwater samples were collected from 18 shallow groundwater monitoring well locations installed in June and July 2018. Nine surface water locations were sampled in the ESS area. Operable Unit 2 Remedial Investigation 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume, Salt Lake City, Utah 2018 OU-2 Data Summary Report (Jacobs 2019b) Appendix B November - December 2018 VA (Jacobs)Groundwater, Surface Water Groundwater samples were collected from 18 shallow groundwater monitoring well locations installed in June and July 2018, the 6 EPA monitoring wells and monitoring wells MW-03R and MW-08. Nine surface water locations were sampled in the ESS area. Operable Unit 2 Remedial Investigation 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume, Salt Lake City, Utah 2018 OU-2 Data Summary Report (Jacobs 2019b) Appendix B December 2018 VA (Jacobs)Soil Soil gas sampling in 43 locations in four areas; VAMC north area, VAMC Building 7, along the sewer line from Building 7 and Sunnyside Park. Soil samples were collected from the bottom of each soil gas sample location on the VAMC campus and two locations in Sunnyside Park. Operable Unit 2 Remedial Investigation 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume, Salt Lake City, Utah 2018 OU-2 Data Summary Report (Jacobs 2019b) Appendix B January-February 2019 VA (Jacobs)Indoor Air Indoor Air HAPSITE screening was conducted in Buildings 6, 7, 13, and 20 on the VAMC campus. Operable Unit 2 Remedial Investigation 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume, Salt Lake City, Utah 2019 Indoor Air Data Summary Report (Jacobs 2019c) Appendix B June-July 2019 VA (Jacobs)Soil gas, Soil Soil gas samples were screened using HAPSITE from 61 locations including sub slab samples in Buildings 6 and 7 on the VAMC campus and along the sewer line and in Sunnyside Park. Eleven of the locations were sampled with SUMMA canisters for TO-15 analysis. Nine soil samples were collected as part of the soil gas investigation. Compilation of Daily Reports and Analytical Results for 2019 Soil Gas Sampling and Building 6 and 7 Indoor Air Sampling (Jacobs 2019d) Appendix B September 2019 VA (Jacobs)Indoor Air Indoor air sampling with SUMMA canisters for TO-15 analysis was conducted at nine locations in Building 6 and eight locations in Building 7 of the VAMC campus. Compilation of Daily Reports and Analytical Results for 2019 Soil Gas Sampling and Building 6 and 7 Indoor Air Sampling (Jacobs 2019d) Appendix B December 2019 VA (CDM Smith)Groundwater Groundwater samples were collected from 28 existing wells. Q4 2019 Data Summary Report Groundwater Sampling Event (CDM Smith 2020c) Appendix C OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 3 of 5 Table 2-3 Summary of Historical and Remedial Investigation Activities Investigation Date Organization Leading Investigation (and Contractor Name if applicable) Media Investigation Reference December 2019- March 2020 VA (CDM Smith)Indoor Air, Surface Water Six previously sampled homes and 24 new homes were sampled for potential vapor intrusion. VI sampling included screening with the HAPSITE, SUMMA canisters for TO-15/TO-15 SIM and passive samplers for TO-17. Seven surface water locations were sampled for VOCs. Vapor Intrusion Technical Memorandum/ Data Summary Report Winter 2019-2020 (CDM Smith 2021f) Appendix C March-July 2020 VA (CDM Smith) Groundwater Well Installation, Soil Seven source area delineation borings were completed around Buildings 6 and 7 at the VAMC, and near the manhole in Sunnyside Park. Four plume delineation borings were completed on the north side of the VAMC campus, Sunnyside Park, and south and west of Mt. Olivet Cemetery. Soil samples were collected at each of the borings. The groundwater monitoring wells were completed as either traditional wells or multilevel wells. Soil vapor points were also installed to monitor soil vapor at 9 of the locations. Data Summary Report Spring and Summer 2020 Drilling Investigation (CDM Smith 2021a) Appendix C June 2020 VA (CDM Smith)Groundwater Groundwater samples were collected from 26 existing wells and 4 of the new wells installed at the VAMC. Q2 2020 Data Summary Report Groundwater Sampling Event (CDM Smith 2021d) Appendix C October 2020 VA (CDM Smith)Groundwater Groundwater samples were collected from 30 existing wells and 6 of the new wells installed at the VAMC, Sunnyside Park, and the ESS area. Q3 2020 Data Summary Report Groundwater Sampling Event (CDM Smith 2021g) Appendix D November- December 2020 VA (CDM Smith)Groundwater Well Installation Two zones at MW-30 were reinstalled after determining they were damaged during installation. Four additional borings were completed in the ESS area to delineate the plume. Two of the borings were completed as shallow-deep well pairs, and two were individual wells. Two locations had soil vapor points installed. Data Summary Report Phase 2 2020 Drilling Investigation (CDM Smith 2021h) Appendix D December 2020 VA (CDM Smith)Groundwater Groundwater samples were collected from 37 existing wells and 5 new well locations. Q4 2020 Data Summary Report Groundwater Sampling Event (CDM Smith 2021i) Appendix D February 2021 VA (CDM Smith)Hydraulic Testing Hydraulic testing was completed on 27 well intervals by mechanic or pneumatic slug testing. Slug Testing Technical Memorandum (CDM Smith 2021k) Appendix D March 2021 VA (CDM Smith)Groundwater Groundwater samples were collected from 42 existing wells. Q1 2021 Data Summary Report Groundwater Sampling Event (CDM Smith 2021j) Appendix D March 2021 VA (CDM Smith)Indoor Air/Soil Gas Soil gas samples were collected using SUMMA canisters for TO- 15 anaylsis at 46 source area locations (around VAMC Buildings 6 and 7, and Sunnyside Park) and 4 locations in the ESS area. Two indoor air samples in Building 6 and two samples in Building 7 were collected by SUMMA canisters for TO-15 analysis. 2021 Source Area Vapor Instrusion Data Summary Report (CDM Smith 2021l) Appendix D April 2021 VA (CDM Smith) Residential Groundwater well installation Ten temporary piezometers installed during AOU1 investigation were abandoned. Nine of the locations were converted to 2-inch residential groundwater (RG) monitoring wells, and two additional locations were installed as residential groundwater monitoring wells. Soil vapor probes were installed on seven of the RG wells. 2021 East Side Springs Vapor Intrusion Lines of Evidence Data Summary Report (CDM Smith 2021m) Appendix D April 2021 VA (CDM Smith) Surface Water, Soil Gas, Groundwater Eleven surface water locations in the ESS area were sampled. Eight previously sampled locations and three new locations. Groundwater was sampled at the 11 newly installed RG wells. The seven locations with soil vapor probes were sampled. 2021 East Side Springs Vapor Intrusion Lines of Evidence Data Summary Report (CDM Smith 2021m) Appendix D August 2021 VA (CDM Smith)Indoor Air Eleven indoor air samples were collected using SUMMA canisters for TO-15 analysis from 10 residential buildings to evaluate conditions during the summer season. Nine of these locations have been previously sampled. Remedial Investigation Report Operable Unit 1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Site Salt Lake City, Utah OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 4 of 5 Table 2-3 Summary of Historical and Remedial Investigation Activities Investigation Date Organization Leading Investigation (and Contractor Name if applicable) Media Investigation Reference March 2022 VA (CDM Smith)Indoor Air Forty-six indoor air samples were collected using SUMMA canisters for TO-15 analysis from 34 residential buildings, one church and one school. Seven of these locations have been previously sampled. Indoor air sampling with SUMMA canisters for TO-15 analysis was conducted at two locations in Building 20 and two locations in Building 32 of the VAMC campus. Remedial Investigation Report Operable Unit 1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Site Salt Lake City, Utah NOTES: µg/L = micrograms per liter Bowen Collins = Bowen Collins and Associates, Inc. CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act E&E = Ecology and Environment, Inc. EA = EA Engineering, Science, and Technology, Inc., PBC EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ESS = East Side Springs FE = First Environment, Inc. HRS = Hazard Ranking System MW = Monitoring well PCE = Tetrachloroethene SLC = Salt Lake City SLCDPU = Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities UANG = Utah Army National Guard OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 5 of 5 Table 2-4 Groundwater Risk-Based Screening Levels and Maximum Contaminant Levels Analyte CAS No.Tapwater RSLa (µg/L) MCL (µg/L) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8000 200 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 0.076 NA 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.28 5 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76-13-1 10000 NA 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.8 NA 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 280 7 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 7 NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 1.2 70 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 56 NA 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 96-12-8 0.00033 0.2 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 0.0075 0.05 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 300 600 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.17 5 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 0.85 5 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 60 NA 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 NA NA 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.48 75 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 0.46 NA 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 5600 NA 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 38 NA 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone (MIBK)108-10-1 6300 NA Acetone 67-64-1 18000 NA Benzene 71-43-2 0.46 5 Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 83 NA Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 0.13 80 Bromoform 75-25-2 3.3 80 Bromomethane 74-83-9 7.5 NA Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 810 NA Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.46 5 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 78 100 Chloroethane 75-00-3 8300 NA Chloroform 67-66-3 0.22 80 Chloromethane 74-87-3 190 NA cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 36 70 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene & trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 542-75-6 0.47 NA Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 0.87 80 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 200 NA Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 1.5 700 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 450 NA m,p-Xylene 106-42-3 & 108-38-3 190 NA Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 14 NA Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 20000 NA Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 11 5 o-Xylene 95-47-6 190 NA Styrene 100-42-5 1200 100 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 11 5 Toluene 108-88-3 1100 1000 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 68 100 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 0.49 5 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 5200 NA Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 0.019 2 Vinyl Acetate 108-05-4 410 NA Notes: a. EPA Tapwater RSLs corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 × 10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 (May 2022 RSL table version). Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern for the Remedial Investigation are in bold font and shaded µg/L = micrograms per liter EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency MCL = Maximum Contaminant Level NA = not applicable RSL = Regional Screening Level OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 2-5 Indoor Air Risk-Based Screening Levels and Removal Action Levels Indoor Air RBSLa (µg/m3) Indoor Air Tier 1 RALb (μg/m3) Indoor Air Tier 2 RALb (μg/m3) Soil Gas RBSLc (μg/m3) Indoor Air RBSLa (µg/m3) Indoor Air Tier 1 RALb (μg/m3) Indoor Air Tier 2 RALb (μg/m3) Soil Gas RBSLc (μg/m3) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 5200 ----170000 22000 ----730000 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 0.048 ----1.6 0.21 ----7 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 0.18 ----6 0.77 ----26 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76-13-1 5200 ----170000 22000 ----730000 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 1.8 ----60 7.7 ----260 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 210 210 630 7000 880 880 2640 29000 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 NA ----NA NA ----NA 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.1 ----70 8.8 ----290 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 63 ----2100 260 ----8700 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 96-12-8 0.00017 ----0.0057 0.002 ----0.067 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 0.0047 ----0.16 0.02 ----0.67 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 210 ----7000 880 ----29000 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.11 ----3.7 0.47 ----16 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 0.76 ----25 3.3 ----110 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 63 ----2100 260 ----8700 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 NA ----NA NA ----NA 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 0.26 ----8.7 1.1 ----37 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 0.56 5.6 56 19 2.5 130 390 82 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 5200 ----170000 22000 ----730000 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 31 ----1000 130 ----4300 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone (MIBK)108-10-1 3100 ----100000 13000 ----430000 Acetone 67-64-1 NA ----NA NA ----NA Benzene 71-43-2 0.36 ----12 1.6 ----53 Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 42 ----1400 180 ----6000 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 0.076 ----2.5 0.33 ----11 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.6 ----87 11 ----370 Bromomethane 74-83-9 5.2 ----170 22 ----730 Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 730 ----24000 3100 ----100000 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.47 ----16 2 ----67 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 52 ----1700 220 ----7300 Chloroethane 75-00-3 4200 ----140000 18000 ----600000 Chloroform 67-66-3 0.12 ----4 0.53 ----18 Chloromethane 74-87-3 94 ----3100 390 ----13000 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA cis-1,3-Dichloropropene & trans- 1,3-Dichloropropene 542-75-6 0.7 ----23 3.1 ----100 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 NA ----NA NA ----NA Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 100 ----3300 440 ----15000 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 1.1 ----37 4.9 ----160 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 420 ----14000 1800 ----60000 mm-Xylene 106-42-3 & 108-38-3 100 ----3300 440 ----15000 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 11 ----370 47 ----1600 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 NA ----NA NA ----NA Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 100 ----3300 1200 ----40000 o-Xylene 95-47-6 100 ----3300 440 ----15000 Styrene 100-42-5 1000 ----33000 4400 ----150000 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 11 42 120 360 47 180 540 1600 Toluene 108-88-3 5200 ----170000 22000 ----730000 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 42 ----1400 180 ----6000 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 0.48 2.1 6.3 16 3 8.8 26 100 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 NA ----NA NA ----NA Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 0.17 1.7 17 5.6 2.8 440 1320 93 Vinyl Acetate 108-05-4 210 ----7000 880 ----29000 Notes: Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern for the Remedial Investigation are in bold font and shaded μg/m3 = micrograms per cubic meter EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NA = not applicable RSL = regional screening level RBSL = risk-based screening level VISL = vapor intrusion screening level -- = not calculated a. Indoor air RBSLs are the EPA indoor air RSLs corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 × 10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 (May 2022 RSL table version). b. Indoor Air Tier 1 and Tier 2 removal action levels (RALs) provided in memorandum (CH2M 2015). Tier 1 RAL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 x 10-5 and a hazard quotient of 1. Tier 2 RAL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 x 10-4 and a hazard quotient of 3. c. Soil gas RBSLs are the EPA indoor air RSLs corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1x10 -6 and a hazard quotient of 1 divided by an attenuation factor of 0.03 (May 2022 RSL table version). Analyte CAS No. Residential Industrial/Commercial OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 2-6 Soil Risk-Based Screening Levels Resident Soil (mg/kg) Industrial Soil (mg/kg) 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 8100 36000 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 0.6 2.7 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 1.1 5 1,1,2-Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76-13-1 6700 28000 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 3.6 16 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 230 1000 1,2,3-Trichlorobenzene 87-61-6 63 930 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 24 110 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene 95-63-6 300 1800 1,2-Dibromo-3-Chloropropane 96-12-8 0.0053 0.064 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 0.036 0.16 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 1800 9300 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 0.46 2 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.5 11 1,3,5-Trimethylbenzene 108-67-8 270 1500 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 NA NA 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.6 11 1,4-Dioxane 123-91-1 5.3 24 2-Butanone (MEK)78-93-3 27000 190000 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 200 1300 4-Methyl-2-Pentanone (MIBK)108-10-1 33000 140000 Acetone 67-64-1 70000 1100000 Benzene 71-43-2 1.2 5.1 Bromochloromethane 74-97-5 150 630 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 0.29 1.3 Bromoform 75-25-2 19 86 Bromomethane 74-83-9 6.8 30 Carbon Disulfide 75-15-0 770 3500 Carbon Tetrachloride 56-23-5 0.65 2.9 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 280 1300 Chloroethane 75-00-3 5400 23000 Chloroform 67-66-3 0.32 1.4 Chloromethane 74-87-3 110 460 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 160 2300 cis-1,3-Dichloropropene & trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 542-75-6 1.8 8.2 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 8.3 39 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 87 370 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 5.8 25 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 1900 9900 m,p-Xylene 106-42-3, 108-38-3 560 2400 Methyl Tert-Butyl Ether 1634-04-4 47 210 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 78000 1200000 Methylene Chloride 75-09-2 57 1000 o-Xylene 95-47-6 650 2800 Styrene 100-42-5 6000 35000 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 24 100 Toluene 108-88-3 4900 47000 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 70 300 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 0.94 6 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 23000 350000 Vinyl Chloride 75-01-4 0.059 1.7 Vinyl Acetate 108-05-4 910 3800 Notes: a. Screening levels corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 × 10 -6 and a hazard quotient of 1 (May 2022 RSL table version). Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern for the Remedial Investigation are in bold font and shaded mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency NA = not applicable RSL = regional screening level Regional Screening Levelsa Analyte CAS No. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 3-1 AOU1 Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Point and Piezometer Construction Information February/ March 2016 July 2016 September 2016 GW-01 03/02/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7489943 -111.853302 4486.95 4475.02 NA NA 8.0 – 13.0 13.0 0.75 GW-02 02/24/16 NA 40.0 NA GW-03 02/24/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7481034 -111.855183 4484.03 4455.63 NA NA 28.0 – 33.0 35.0 0.75 GW-04 02/26/16 04/06/16 NA 40.7482076 -111.857389 4415.71 4398.45 NA NA 20.0 – 25.0 25.0 0.75 GW-05 02/25/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7490131 -111.854764 4465.01 4462.55 NA NA 3.5 – 8.5 15.0 0.75 GW-06 02/25/16 04/06/16 NA 40.7487218 -111.855318 4455.29 4450.63 NA NA 5.0 – 10.0 10.0 0.75 GW-07 02/25/16 04/06/16 NA 40.7489754 -111.856326 4456.07 4447.44 NA NA 4.0 – 9.0 10.0 0.75 GW-08 02/27/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7498921 -111.857694 4430.31 4423.35 NA NA 10.0 – 15.0 15.0 0.75 GW-09 02/26/16 04/06/16 NA 40.7493292 -111.857562 4416.96 4412.05 NA NA 5.0 – 10.0 10.0 0.75 GW-10 02/26/16 NA 04/05/16 40.7496230 -111.859130 4382.52 4370.30 4369.21 4369.17 13.0 – 18.0 20.0 0.75 GW-11 02/25/16 NA 04/05/16 40.7503997 -111.857826 4437.77 4435.21 4435.02 4434.79 10.0 – 15.0 15.0 0.75 GW-12 03/01/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7504542 -111.859407 4382.57 4378.22 NA NA 5.0 – 10.0 10.0 0.75 GW-13 03/04/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7508103 -111.856415 4489.66 4468.22 NA NA 20.0 – 25.0 25.0 0.75 GW-14 03/02/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7504123 -111.858828 4399.05 4389.05 NA NA 15.0 – 20.0 20.0 0.75 GW-15 02/27/16 03/08/16 NA 40.7511576 -111.857964 4443.22 4442.72 NA NA 0.0 – 5.0 5.0 0.75 GW-16 02/27/16 NA 04/05/16 40.7509267 -111.858417 4422.96 4420.96 4421.26 4421.27 3.0 – 8.0 10.0 0.75 GW-17 03/01/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7515298 -111.859403 4395.42 4381.02 NA NA 10.0 – 15.0 15.0 0.75 GW-18 03/01/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7518339 -111.858680 4433.39 4425.24 NA NA 5.0 – 10.0 10.0 0.75 GW-19 02/29/16 03/08/16 NA 7.0 – 12.0 30.0 0.75 GW-20 02/29/16 NA 04/05/16 40.7525556 -111.859404 4417.16 4405.69 4405.52 4405.72 11.5 – 16.5 20.0 0.75 GW-21 02/29/16 03/08/16 NA 40.7540186 -111.858996 4462.16 4452.19 NA NA 12.0 – 17.0 20.0 0.75 GW-22 02/29/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7536645 -111.860744 4406.25 4400.92 NA NA 10.0 – 15.0 15.0 0.75 GW-23 02/22/16 03/08/16 NA 40.7549456 -111.858090 4480.78 4471.88 NA NA 8.5 – 13.5 20.0 0.75 GW-24 02/23/16 03/08/16 NA 40.7542761 -111.861584 4394.76 4377.86 NA NA 13.0 – 18.0 20.0 0.75 GW-25 02/29/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7521000 -111.861190 4368.33 4345.23 NA NA 25.0 – 30.0 30.0 0.75 GW-26 02/26/16 04/06/16 NA 40.7476847 -111.859216 4376.06 4359.58 NA NA 15.0 – 20.0 20.0 0.75 GW-27 03/04/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7517325 -111.855656 4493.18 4472.95 NA NA 25.0 – 30.0 30.0 0.75 GW-28 03/04/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7499706 -111.855680 4491.28 4472.83 NA NA 20.0 – 25.0 25.0 0.75 GW-31 02/27/16 03/08/16 NA 40.7504814 -111.862766 4334.23 4302.36 NA NA 30.0 – 35.0 35.0 0.75 GW-33 02/23/16 NA 40.0 NA GW-35 02/23/16 NA 45.0 NA GW-39 02/22/16 03/08/16 NA 40.7529075 -111.862650 4349.59 4333.11 NA NA 17.7 – 22.7 25.0 0.75 GW-40 03/01/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7513409 -111.860866 4366.97 4332.44 NA NA 35.0 – 40.0 40.0 0.75 GW-42 03/01/16 NA 40.0 NA GW-43 03/03/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7471177 -111.855858 4471.03 4440.53 NA NA 28.0 – 33.0 35.0 0.75 GW-46 02/24/16 03/08/16 NA 40.7462486 -111.856967 4418.18 4388.60 NA NA 30.0 – 35.0 35.0 0.75 Location ID Installation Date Abandonment Date Piezometer Completion Date Latitudea Well Diameter (inches) Drilled to refusal, groundwater not encountered - no temporary groundwater monitoring point set. Well set, but groundwater did not recharge. Well not sampled or surveyed. Longitudea Elevation Top of Casingb (ft amsl) Water Table Elevationb (ft amsl)Screen Interval (ft) Total Boring Depth (ft bgs) Drilled to refusal, groundwater not reached - no temporary groundwater monitoring point set Drilled to refusal, groundwater not encountered - no temporary groundwater monitoring point set. Drilled to refusal, groundwater not encountered - no temporary groundwater monitoring point set. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 2 Table 3-1 AOU1 Temporary Groundwater Monitoring Point and Piezometer Construction Information February/ March 2016 July 2016 September 2016 Location ID Installation Date Abandonment Date Piezometer Completion Date Latitudea Well Diameter (inches) Longitudea Elevation Top of Casingb (ft amsl) Water Table Elevationb (ft amsl)Screen Interval (ft) Total Boring Depth (ft bgs) GW-48 02/24/16 03/08/16 NA 40.7473947 -111.853223 4511.11 4474.77 NA NA 35.0 – 40.0 40.0 0.75 GW-49 02/25/16 NA 04/05/16 40.7489291 -111.854616 4465.84 4458.27 4458.53 4458.35 7.5 – 12.5 15.0 0.75 GW-50 02/26/16 NA 04/06/16 40.7483434 -111.856004 4445.12 4442.43 4442.67 4442.67 4.0 – 9.0 10.0 0.75 GW-51 03/04/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7513681 -111.856637 4480.08 4467.61 NA NA 10.0 – 15.0 15.0 0.75 GW-52 03/02/16 NA 04/06/16 40.7496775 -111.855253 4490.60 4467.76 4467.80 4467.45 25.0 – 30.0 30.0 0.75 GW-53 03/02/16 NA 04/05/16 40.7496231 -111.856746 4459.05 4448.29 4448.07 4448.21 10.0 – 15.0 15.0 0.75 GW-54 03/03/16 03/08/16 NA 8.3 – 13.3 13.3 0.75 GW-55 03/03/16 04/06/16 NA 40.7476446 -111.856747 4429.71 4407.74 NA NA 10.0 – 15.0 15.0 0.75 GW-57 03/05/16 NA 33.0 NA GW-58 03/05/16 NA 40.0 NA GW-59 03/04/16 NA 04/05/16 40.7507703 -111.859399 4385.84 4377.26 4378.43 4378.60 10.0 – 15.0 15.0 0.75 GW-60 03/08/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7498778 -111.858728 4394.15 4384.45 NA NA 10.0 – 15.0 15.0 0.75 GW-61 03/05/16 NA 04/06/16 40.7475988 -111.858042 4399.80 4388.09 4387.89 4387.60 15.0 – 20.0 20.0 0.75 GW-62 03/08/16 04/05/16 NA 40.7524309 -111.858097 4455.16 4442.34 NA NA 15.0 – 20.0 20.0 0.75 Notes: a. Coordinate system is North American Datum of 1983 High Accuracy Reference Network. b. Coordinate system is National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (feet). Shaded cells represent locations completed as a temporary groundwater monitoring point. This table is reproduced from the AOU1 RI Report, locations were not resurveyed during subsequent phases of the RI. AOU1 = accelerated operable unit 1 ft amsl = feet above mean sea level ft bgs = feet below ground surface ft = feet ID = identification NA = not applicable RI = Remedial Investigation Drilled to refusal, groundwater not encountered - no temporary groundwater monitoring point set. Drilled to refusal, groundwater not encountered - no temporary groundwater monitoring point set. Well set, but groundwater did not recharge. Well not sampled or surveyed. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 2 Table 3-2 Monitoring Well Survey Data and Construction Details Location Sample Interval Y Coordinate (Utah State Plane, ft)1 X Coordinate (Utah State Plane, ft)1 Surface Elevation (ft amsl)2 Top of casing elevation (ft amsl)2 Total Well Depth (ft bgs) Screen Start (ft bgs) Screen End (ft bgs) Pump Depth (ft bgs) Borehole Diameter (inches) Well Diameter (inches) Pump Type MW-01S -4664.80 224 184 224 204 2 Bladder pump MW-01D -4664.80 404 364 404 384 4 Bladder pump MW-02 -7443618.23 1545346.65 4685.76 4685.24 205.5 175.5 202.5 195 8 2 Bladder pump A 4698.12 223 215 220 215 1 ZIST - with receiver B 4697.90 275 267 272 267 1 ZIST - with receiver C 4697.92 315 307 312 307 1 ZIST - with receiver D 4697.93 367 359 364 359 1 ZIST - with receiver MW-04 -7442902.88 1545176.20 4657.20 4656.85 173 143 173 160 8 4 Bladder pump MW-05R -7444293.27 1546450.38 4738.25 4737.99 230 198 228 222 8 4 Bladder pump MW-06 -7442705.05 1546174.37 4679.13 4678.66 134 100 130 128 8 4 Bladder pump A 4539.81 106 91 106 99 2 Bladder pump B 4539.77 200 180 200 190 2 Bladder pump C 4539.68 312 304 309 304 1 ZIST - with receiver MW-12S -7442144.27 1540464.18 4360.35 4360.03 65 50 60 60 6 2 Bladder pump MW-12D -7442139.2 1540464.27 4360.40 4360.07 95 88.5 93.5 90 6 2 Bladder pump MW-13S -7442104.9 1541844.99 4483.26 4482.93 22 15.5 20.5 19 6 2 Bladder pump MW-13D -7442104.65 1541840.18 4482.93 4482.62 90 79 84 82 6 2 Bladder pump MW-13L -7442106.298 1541851.01 4483.67 4483.23 160 150 160 155 6 2 Bladder pump MW-14S - 7441871.55 1541340.04 4415.96 4415.69 15 4.5 14.5 12 6 2 Bladder pump MW-14D -7441874.22 1541345.22 4416.45 4415.93 65 49 54 NA 6 2 Artesian MW-15S -7441412.92 1540276.55 4347.65 4347.35 65 52.5 55 54 6 2 Bladder pump MW-15D -7441412.63 1540283.39 4347.99 4347.72 95 69 74 72 6 2 Bladder pump MW-16S -7443049.27 1541188.74 4455.19 4454.83 20 9 19 16.0 6 2 Bladder pump MW-16D -7443052.83 1541188.80 4455.32 4454.84 73 62 72 67 6 2 Bladder pump MW-17S -7441761.45 1542156.28 4465.51 4465.18 22 6 21 20 6 2 Bladder pump MW-17D - 7441762.17 1542159.83 4465.86 4465.69 70 44 54 NA 6 2 Artesian/Bladder pump MW-18 -7443344.52 1542789.74 4559.06 4558.76 110 80 90 88 6 2 Bladder pump MW-19 -7443109.99 1542791.56 4557.51 4557.16 110 84 94 89 6 2 Bladder pump MW-20S -7442822.74 1542905.98 4558.92 4558.61 90.8 79.5 89.5 88 6 2 Bladder pump MW-20D -7442813.21 1542905.39 4558.46 4558.19 150 119 129 124 6 2 Bladder pump MW-21 -7442343.24 1543130.25 4563.57 4563.32 80 62 72 70 6 2 Bladder pump MW-22 - 7441969.31 1543122.59 4563.06 4562.72 120 64 74 72 6 2 Bladder pump A 4711.80 222 210 220 210 1 ZIST - with receiver B 4711.77 262 250 260 250 1 ZIST - with receiver C 4711.69 360 348 358 348 1 ZIST - with receiver MW-24 -7443698.74 1546266.48 4709.77 4709.19 250 209.5 239.5 211 8 4 Bladder pump A 4702.02 213 201 211 201 1 ZIST - with receiver B 4702.09 243 231 241 231 1 ZIST - with receiver C 4702.07 320 307.5 317.5 308 1 ZIST - with receiver A 4712.29 217 205 215 205 1 ZIST - with receiver B 4712.55 247 235 245 235 1 ZIST - with receiver C 4712.51 327 315 325 315 1 ZIST - with receiver D 4712.50 360 347.75 357.75 348 1 ZIST - with receiver MW-27 -7443766.76 1546337.14 4712.61 4712.34 220 200 220 210 8 4 Bladder pump MW-28 -7443764.76 1546532.92 4712.80 4712.54 210 190 210 204 8 4 Bladder pump A 4678.46 132 120 130 128 1 ZIST - w/o receiver B 4678.45 202 190 200 190 1 ZIST - with receiver C 4678.68 242 230 240 230 1 ZIST - with receiver RA 7445055.62 1545425.12 4722.89 4722.60 252 240 250 245 2 Bladder pump RB 7445055.62 1545425.12 4722.89 4722.36 294 280 290 285 2 Bladder pump C 7445073.45 1545424.98 4723.07 4721.92 329 317 327 317 7 1 ZIST - with receiver A 4654.27 150 138 148 138 1 ZIST - w/o receiver B 4654.39 202 190 200 190 1 ZIST - with receiver C 4654.35 230 228 238 228 1 ZIST - with receiver A 4565.67 126 114 124 119 2 Bladder pump B 4565.63 182 170 180 170 1 ZIST - w/o receiver C 4565.59 272 260 270 260 1 ZIST - w/o receiver A 4623.09 152 140 150 148 1 ZIST - w/o receiver B 4622.71 187 175 185 175 1 ZIST - w/o receiver C 4622.63 262 250 260 250 1 ZIST - w/o receiver D 4622.58 327 315 325 315 1 ZIST - w/o receiver MW-36 -7440955.06 1541547.17 4429.01 4428.49 52 47 52 50 8 2 Bladder pump MW-37S -7443160.46 1539938.63 4348.36 4348.00 35 25 35 30 8 2 Bladder pump MW-37D -7443160.46 1539938.63 4348.36 4347.97 70 60 70 65 8 2 Bladder pump MW-38S -7443931.79 1541593.58 4498.56 4497.64 37 27 37 32 8 2 Bladder pump MW-38D -7443931.79 1541593.58 4498.56 4497.80 70 60 70 65 8 2 Bladder pump Notes: 1 Coordinates system is NAD 83 State Plane Coordinate System 2 Coordinate system is NAVD 88 vertical datum amsl = above mean sea level bgs = below ground surface ft = feet w/o = without ZIST = Zone Isolation Sampling Technology 7443498.84 1543745.66 4623.61 7442512.47 1545351.52 4655.22 7444416.40 1542692.62 4566.22 7443809.38 1546280.59 4712.47 7442845.95 1545935.59 4679.35 7443676.94 1546071.97 4703.04 7443907.17 1546132.96 4713.25 MW-23 MW-25 MW-31 MW-32 MW-34 MW-26 MW-29 MW-30 10 8 10 MW-03R MW-08 7443663.78 1544832.82 4665.50 4698.747444184.94 1545418.19 7443625.54 1542467.21 4540.36 7 8 8 7 8 8 7 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 3-3 Piezometer Replacement Information Residential Groundwater Location Installation Date Piezometer Location Abandonment Date Y Coordinate (Utah State Plane, ft)1 X Coordinate (Utah State Plane, ft)1 Surface Elevation (ft amsl)2 Top of casing elevation (ft amsl)2 Total Well Depth (ft bgs) Screen Start (ft bgs) Screen End (ft bgs) RG-01 4/5/2021 GW-10 4/5/2021 7442006.70 1540924.03 4383.92 4383.49 20 9 19 RG-02 4/2/2021 GW-11 4/2/2021 7442286.89 1541270.19 4437.32 4436.95 15 5 15 RG-03 4/2/2021 GW-16 4/2/2021 7442479.61 1541107.48 4422.98 4422.53 8 3 8 RG-04 4/5/2021 GW-20 4/5/2021 7443062.83 1540830.39 4415.83 4415.47 20 10 20 RG-05 4/3/2021 GW-27 4/3/2021 7442805.72 1541851.88 4497.38 4496.96 30 20 30 RG-06 4/5/2021 GW-50 4/5/2021 7441534.16 1541771.71 4443.66 4443.23 10 4 9 RG-07 4/2/2021 GW-52 4/2/2021 7442021.00 1541979.13 4490.30 4490.05 30 20 30 RG-08 4/6/2021 GW-53 4/6/2021 7442038.61 1541519.86 4455.17 4454.74 20 8 18 RG-09 4/1/2021 GW-59 4/1/2021 7442423.54 1540835.33 4385.39 4384.93 15 5 15 RG-10 4/7/2021 GW-61 4/7/2021 7441296.08 1541395.71 4410.37 4409.82 30 20 30 RG-11 4/8/2021 NA NA 7443236.76 1541982.64 4504.70 4504.39 40 30 40 NA NA GW-49 4/5/2021 NA NA NA NA 12.5 NA NA Notes: 1 Coordinates system is NAD 83 State Plane Coordinate System 2 Coordinate system is NAVD 88 vertical datum amsl = above mean sea level bgs = below ground surface ft = feet OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 3-4 Surface Water Sampling Locations Location ID Location Type Y Coordinate (Utah State Plane, ft)b X Coordinate (Utah State Plane, ft)b Sampling Method SW-01 Seep 7443526.30 1540474.07 Peristaltic Pump SW-02 Stormwater and mitigated spring watera 7442875.94 1540655.42 Grab SW-03 Stormwater and mitigated spring watera 7442877.33 1539949.16 Grab SW-04 Spring-fed ponds 7441741.32 1541941.25 Peristaltic Pump SW-05 Stormwater and mitigated spring watera 7442069.97 1540844.47 Peristaltic Pump SW-06 Spring-fed sump 7441958.38 1541323.94 Grab SW-07 Spring box 7443171.71 1541038.69 Grab SW-08 Seep 7443328.19 1541357.40 Peristaltic Pump SW-09 Seep 7442269.29 1541294.98 Peristaltic Pump SW-10 Stormwater 7442868.95 1541854.57 Grab SW-11 Seep 7442489.02 1541104.12 Peristaltic Pump SW-12 Spring 7442581.90 1541201.74 Peristaltic Pump SW-13 Seep 7442676.94 1540942.78 Peristaltic Pump SW-14 Spring-fed sump 7442724.28 1541041.89 Peristaltic Pump SW-15 Seep 7443045.61 1540956.73 Peristaltic Pump SW-16 Spring (Our Lady of Lourdes)7443722.38 1540548.00 Peristaltic Pump SW-17 Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal 7443464.61 1539962.07 Peristaltic Pump SW-18 Mitigated spring watera 7442141.84 1540822.87 Peristaltic Pump SW-19 Spring (Bowen)7440440.70 1541917.52 Peristaltic Pump SW-20 Stormwater 7441445.12 1540392.52 Peristaltic Pump SW-21 Spring-fed sump 7442630.04 1541009.65 Peristaltic Pump SW-22 Spring-fed sump 7442788.20 1540909.15 Peristaltic Pump SW-23 Spring-fed sump 7442594.88 1541328.70 Peristaltic Pump SW-24 Stormwater 7442061.43 1542256.18 Peristaltic Pump SW-25 Mitigated spring watera 7441770.58 1542097.37 Peristaltic Pump SW-26 Seep 7442328.18 1541419.90 Peristaltic Pump SW-27 Seep 7442482.97 1541158.68 Peristaltic Pump SW-28 Mitigated spring watera 7442472.25 1541108.21 Peristaltic Pump SW-29 Spring 7442599.19 1541252.52 Grab SW-30 Spring (Smith)7441953.71 1541398.73 Peristaltic Pump SW-31 Seep 7442331.53 1541218.20 Peristaltic Pump SW-32 Mitigated spring watera 7441407.56 1541581.65 Peristaltic Pump SW-33 Seep 7441503.63 1541518.30 Peristaltic Pump SW-34 Spring 7441495.55 1541442.90 Grab SW-35 Seep 7442685.92 1541067.50 Peristaltic Pump SW-36 Seep 7441885.08 1541431.71 Peristaltic Pump SW-37 Mitigated spring watera 7442005.78 1540862.78 Peristaltic Pump SW-38 Stormwater and mitigated spring watera 7442099.72 1540515.69 Peristaltic Pump SW-39 Mitigated spring watera 7441890.66 1541312.58 Peristaltic Pump SW-40 Spring-fed sump 7441665.13 1541861.15 Grab SW-41 Mitigated spring watera 7441720.97 1542204.40 Peristaltic Pump SW-42 Spring 7441624.42 1541561.18 Peristaltic Pump SW-43 Spring 7441397.97 1541244.11 Peristaltic Pump SW-44 Spring 7441444.11 1541095.77 Peristaltic Pump SW-45 Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal 7442794.74 1540192.10 Peristaltic Pump SW-46 Spring 7441542.20 1541076.49 Peristaltic Pump SW-47 Creek (Red Butte)7440362.38 1541914.44 Grab SW-48 Spring (Benson)7443298.21 1541293.00 Peristaltic Pump SW-49 Jordan and Salt Lake City Canal 7440858.89 1540301.48 Peristaltic Pump SW-50 Spring 7441467.75 1541378.78 Peristaltic Pump SW-06 Decorative Well 7441992.66 1541334.32 Peristaltic Pump SW-34 Spring 7441495.55 1541442.90 Peristaltic Pump SW-35 Seep 7442664.49 1541000.31 Peristaltic Pump AOU1 Sample Locations OU2 Sample Locations OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 2 Table 3-4 Surface Water Sampling Locations Location ID Location Type Y Coordinate (Utah State Plane, ft)b X Coordinate (Utah State Plane, ft)b Sampling Method SW-39 Storm Water Drain 7441891.75 1541279.02 Peristaltic Pump SW-48 Pond Inlet (Benson Spring)7443316.65 1541297.12 Grab SW-53 Pond Inlet 7441888.37 1541374.95 Grab SW-47 Red Butte Creek 7440350.58 1541979.13 Grab SW-51 Red Butte Creek 7440309.74 1541185.25 Grab SW-52 Red Butte Creek 7440347.94 1540859.68 Grab SW-04 Spring 7441686.28 1541948.79 Grab SW-15 Seep 7443147.66 1540948.83 Grab SW-15 Spring 7443151.48 1540904.51 Grab SW-39 Storm Water Drain 7441885.54 1541317.83 Grab SW-44 Spring 7441420.44 1541002.85 Grab SW-50 Spring 7441525.17 1541233.26 Grab SW-50 Spring 7441484.40 1541407.66 Grab SW-166 Seep 7442345.42 1541117.40 Grab SW-08 Seep 7443296.66 1541315.16 Grab SW-12 Spring 7442589.42 1541235.30 Peristaltic Pump SW-15 Seep 7443150.02 1540904.50 No Sampled SW-16I (Interior)Sump (Our Lady of Lourdes)7443803.55 1540388.19 Peristaltic Pump SW-16E (Exterior)Spring (Our Lady of Lourdes)7443710.13 1540333.23 Grab SW-34 Spring 7441495.55 1541442.90 Grab SW-35 Seep 7442656.89 1541038.29 Peristaltic Pump SW-39 Mitigated spring watera 7441883.72 1541316.99 Grab SW-53 Pond Inet 7441888.22 1541377.41 Grab SW-54 Seep 7443342.42 1541352.19 Grab SW-166 Seep 7442343.60 1541117.39 Peristaltic Pump Notes: a. Mitigated spring water is spring water that has been diverted off of private property through a drainage system into storm drains. b. Coordinate system is NAD 83 State Plane Coordinate System c. Locations sampled during Phase 2 OU1 also had flow rate measurements. d. Only a flow rate measurement was collected. ID = Identification Phase 1 OU2 Sample Locations Phase 2 OU1 Sample Locationsc OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 2 Table 3-5 Soil Vapor Sample Locations and Types HAPSITE® SUMMA® (TO-15) SG-01 5.9 - 6.25 2018, 2019 - SG-02 5.5 - 5.8 2018, 2019 - MW-30 30 - 2021 SG-03 7.8 - 8.1 2018, 2019 2021 SG-04 5.5 - 5.8 2018, 2019 2021 SG-05 5.9 - 6.3 2018, 2019 2018, 2019, 2021 SG-06 5.8 - 6.1 2018, 2019 2021 SG-07 5.2 - 5.5 2018, 2019 - SG-08 3.0 - 3.3 2018, 2019 2018, 2021 SG-09 2.3 - 2.7 2018, 2019 - SG-10 6.3 - 6.8 2018, 2019 2021 SG-11 4.7 - 5.0 2018, 2019 2018, 2021 SG-12 4.8 - 5.2 2018, 2019 - SG-13 5.3 - 6.0 2018 2018, 2021 SG-14 7.4 - 7.8 2018, 2019 - SG-15 8.0 - 8.3 2018, 2019 - SG-45 7 - 7.5 2019 - SG-46 4.8 - 5.2 2019 - SG-48 5.0 - 5.5 2019 - SG-49 6.1 - 6.7 2019 2021 SG-50 6.7 - 7.3 2019 2021 SG-51 8.8 - 9.3 2019 2019 SG-52 4.6 - 5.1 2019 2019 SG-53 4.5 - 5.0 2019 - SG-54 4.5 - 5.1 2019 2019 SG-55 4.5 - 5.0 2019 2021 SG-60 3.8 - 4.3 2019 2021 MW-23 130-140 - 2021 32 - 2021 60 - 2021 104 - 2021 130 - 2021 28 - 2021 100 - 2021 28 - 2021 48 - 2021 75 - 2021 113 - 2021 155 - 2021 24 - 2021 48 - 2021 118 - 2021 VP-01 Sub-Slab 2019 - VP-02 Sub-Slab 2019 2021 VP-03 Sub-Slab 2019 - Sample Depth (feet bgs) MW-24 MW-25 MW-27 Sample AreaLocation ID Sample Type VAMC North Area VAMC Building 6 Subslab - Ground Level MW-28 VAMC Building 6 and 7 Area OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 4 Table 3-5 Soil Vapor Sample Locations and Types HAPSITE® SUMMA® (TO-15) Sample Depth (feet bgs)Sample AreaLocation ID Sample Type VP-05 Sub-Slab 2019 - VP-06 Sub-Slab 2019 2021 VP-18 Sub-Slab 2019 - VP-19 Sub-Slab 2019 2021 VP-04 Sub-Slab 2019 2019, 2021 VP-14 Sub-Slab 2019 2021 VP-15 Sub-Slab 2019 2019, 2021 VP-16 Sub-Slab 2019 2019 VP-17 Sub-Slab 2019 2019, 2021 VP-07 Sub-Slab 2019 - VP-08 Sub-Slab 2019 2021 VP-09 Sub-Slab 2019 2021 VP-10 Sub-Slab 2019 2021 VP-11 Sub-Slab 2019 2019, 2021 VP-20 Sub-Slab 2019 2019 VP-12 Sub-Slab 2019 2021 VP-13 Sub-Slab 2019 2021 VP-21 Sub-Slab 2019 - VP-22 Sub-Slab 2019 - SG-17 6.3 - 6.7 2018, 2019 - SG-18 4.7 - 5.2 2018, 2019 - SG-19 3.8 - 4.1 2018, 2019 - SG-20 6.1 - 6.5 2018, 2019 - SG-21 7.8 - 8.1 2018, 2019 - SG-22 5.3 - 5.6 2018, 2019 - SG-23 5.8 - 6.1 2018, 2019 - SG-24a 14 - 14.5 2018 - SG-25a 13.5 - 14.5 2018 - SG-26a 14 - 15 2018 - SG-27a 14 - 15 2018 - SG-28a 14 - 15 2018 2018 SG-29a 14 - 15 2018 - SG-30a 14 - 15 2018 - SG-31a 14 - 15 2018 - SG-32 14 - 15 2018 - SG-33 14 - 15 2018 - SG-34 14 - 15 2018 2018 SG-35 14 - 15 2018 2018 SG-36 13 - 15 2018 - SG-37 14 - 15 2018 2018 SG-38 14 - 15 2018 - SG-39 14 - 15 2018 - SG-40 14 - 15 2018 - SG-41 14 - 15 2018 - 6 - 7 2018, 2019 2021 12 - 13 2018, 2019 2021 16 - 17 2018, 2019 2021 24.8 - 26 2018, 2019 2021 VAMC Sewer Line Area VAMC Building 6 Subslab - Basement VAMC Building 6 Subslab - Ground Level VAMC Building 7 Subslab - Ground Level VAMC Building 7 Subslab - Basement SG-42 VAMC Building 7 Subslab - Exterior Sunnyside Park OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 4 Table 3-5 Soil Vapor Sample Locations and Types HAPSITE® SUMMA® (TO-15) Sample Depth (feet bgs)Sample AreaLocation ID Sample Type 7 - 8 2018, 2019 2021 14.7 - 15.7 2018, 2019 2018, 2021 SG-44 14 - 15 2018 2018 42 -2021 66 -2021 98 -2021 MW-34 Rowland Hall School 20 - 2021 MW-32 18 - 2021 MW-37 8 - 2021 MW-38 8 - 2021 RG-01 4.5 -2021 RG-04 5 -2021 RG-05 5 -2021 RG-07 5 -2021 RG-08 4.5 -2021 RG-10 5 -2021 RG-11 5 -2021 0001-H 4 2015 - 0002-H 4, 8 2015 - 0003-H 8 (HAPSITE®), 4 (SUMMA®) 2015 2015 0004-H 4, 7 2015 - 0005-H 4 2015 - 0006-H 4 2015 - 0007-H 4 2015 - 0008-H 4 2015 2015 0009-H 4 2015 - 0010-H 4 2015 - 0011-H 4 2015 2015 0012-H 4, 8 2015 - 0013-H 8 2015 - 0014-H 4 2015 - 0015-H 4 2015 - 0016-H 4, 6 2015 - 0017-H 4 2015 - 0018-H 4 2015 - 0019-B 4, 8 2015 - 0020-C 4, 6 2015 - 0021-S 4 2015 - 0022-S 4, 8.5 2015 - 0023-H 4, 6.5 2015 - 0024-H 4 2015 - 0025-H 4 2015 - 0026-H 4 2015 2015 0027-H 4, 5.5 2015 - 0028-S 4, 8 2015 - 0029-H 4, 6 2015 - 0030-H 4 (HAPSITE®), 6 (HAPSITE® and SUMMA®)2015 2015 East Side Springs SG-43 MW-29 Sunnyside Park OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 3 of 4 Table 3-5 Soil Vapor Sample Locations and Types HAPSITE® SUMMA® (TO-15) Sample Depth (feet bgs)Sample AreaLocation ID Sample Type 0031-S 3.5 (HAPSITE®), 4 (HAPSITE® and SUMMA®)2015 2015 0033-H 5 2015 - 0036-H 4, 8 2015 - 0037-H 4 2015 2015 0040-H 4, 6 2016 - 0041-H 7 2016 - 0045-S 4 2016 - 0047-H 4.5 2016 - 0050-H 5 2016 - 0051-H 4.5, 7.5, 8.5 2016 - 0052-H 4.5 2016 - 0053-H 6.5 (HAPSITE®), 6 (SUMMA®) 2016 2016 0054-H 7 2016 - 0055-H 5 2016 - 0056-H 5.5 2016 - 0057-H 2 2017 - 0058-H 4, 6 2017 - 0059-H 1.8, 5 2017 - 0060-H 4.8 2017 - 0061-H 4.7, 6.1 2017 - 0062-H 6.5 2017 - 0063-H 6 2017 - Notes: AOU1 = accelerated operable unit 1 bgs = below ground surface ID = identification OU = operable unit RI = Remedial Investigation VAMC = George E. Wahlen Veterans Affairs Medical Center East Side Springs a. Locations were sampled using a purge pump, which potentially biased sample results high due to carry over. All other OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 4 of 4 Table 3-6 Soil Vapor Probe Construction Information Location ID Sample Area Installation Date Northing (feet) Easting (feet) Surface Elevation (ft amsl) Sample Depth (ft bgs) SG-01 2018 7445150.52 1546013.43 4742.28 5.9 - 6.25 SG-02 2018 7445087.81 1546021.31 4744.28 5.5 - 5.8 MW-30 2020 7445073.45 1545424.98 4723.07 30 SG-03 2018 7443809.00 1546268.75 4712.59 7.8 - 8.1 SG-04 2018 7443816.69 1546312.02 4712.07 5.5 - 5.8 SG-05 2018 7443799.27 1546338.69 4712.11 5.9 - 6.3 SG-06 2018 7443762.75 1546386.92 4712.83 5.8 - 6.1 SG-07 2018 7443784.75 1546450.84 4714.08 5.2 - 5.5 SG-08 2018 7443773.66 1546492.04 4712.58 3.0 - 3.3 SG-09 2018 7443773.33 1546536.79 4712.53 2.3 - 2.7 SG-10 2018 7443772.95 1546567.85 4717.55 6.3 - 6.8 SG-11 2018 7443747.47 1546510.21 4713.06 4.7 - 5.0 SG-12 2018 7443725.84 1546489.30 4713.04 4.8 - 5.2 SG-13 2018 7443677.39 1546495.82 4711.88 5.3 - 6.0 SG-14 2018 7443627.33 1546384.14 4709.79 7.4 - 7.8 SG-15 2018 7443603.43 1546481.25 4711.53 8.0 - 8.3 SG-45 2019 7443963.21 1546350.55 *7 - 7.5 SG-46 2019 7443880.46 1546451.98 *4.8 - 5.2 SG-48 2019 7443904.46 1546209.77 *5.0 - 5.5 SG-49 2019 7443876.64 1546186.02 * 6.1 - 6.7 SG-50 2019 7443840.69 1546271.18 *6.7 - 7.3 SG-51 2019 7443769.87 1546313.33 *8.8 - 9.3 SG-52 2019 7443803.46 1546425.45 *4.6 - 5.1 SG-53 2019 7443735.42 1546341.14 *4.5 - 5.0 SG-54 2019 7443710.81 1546331.09 *4.5 - 5.1 SG-55 2019 7443710.81 1546281.23 *4.5 - 5.0 SG-60 2019 7443765.87 1546315.60 *3.8 - 4.3 MW-23 2020 7443809.38 1546280.59 4712.47 130-140 32 60 104 130 28 100 28 48 75 113 155 24 48 118 VP-01 2018 7443674.65 1546362.13 *Sub-Slab VP-02 2018 7443663.25 1546330.89 *Sub-Slab VP-03 2018 7443729.11 1546371.42 *Sub-Slab 1546337.14 4712.61 VAMC North Area 7443698.74 1546266.48 4709.77 7443676.94 1546071.97 4703.04 2020 2020 2020 2020 MW-24 MW-25 VAMC Building 6 and 7 Area VAMC Building 6 Subslab - Ground Level MW-27 MW-28 7443764.76 1546532.92 4712.80 7443766.76 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 3 Table 3-6 Soil Vapor Probe Construction Information Location ID Sample Area Installation Date Northing (feet) Easting (feet) Surface Elevation (ft amsl) Sample Depth (ft bgs) VP-05 2018 7443856.18 1546245.83 *Sub-Slab VP-06 2018 7443845.41 1546178.70 *Sub-Slab VP-18 2018 7443780.01 1546221.38 *Sub-Slab VP-19 2018 7443810.95 1546225.98 *Sub-Slab VP-04 2018 7443750.08 1546280.28 *Sub-Slab VP-14 2019 7443729.23 1546244.48 *Sub-Slab VP-15 2019 7443784.84 1546278.00 *Sub-Slab VP-16 2019 7443740.98 1546332.69 *Sub-Slab VP-17 2019 7443730.05 1546273.15 *Sub-Slab VP-07 2018 7443824.09 1546511.16 *Sub-Slab VP-08 2018 7443854.91 1546432.21 *Sub-Slab VP-09 2018 7443829.16 1546323.72 *Sub-Slab VP-10 2018 7443892.50 1546318.66 *Sub-Slab VP-11 2018 7443865.08 1546289.95 *Sub-Slab VP-20 2019 7443871.29 1546258.19 *Sub-Slab VP-12 2018 7443894.26 1546376.10 *Sub-Slab VP-13 2018 7443820.00 1546392.95 *Sub-Slab VP-21 2019 7443931.96 1546400.75 * Sub-Slab VP-22 2019 7443798.36 1546398.78 *Sub-Slab SG-17 2018 7443514.28 1546345.20 4705.23 6.3 - 6.7 SG-18 2018 7443490.22 1546308.22 4704.25 4.7 - 5.2 SG-19 2018 7443467.67 1546287.83 4703.33 3.8 - 4.1 SG-20 2018 7443419.82 1546248.31 4701.71 6.1 - 6.5 SG-21 2018 7443392.17 1546227.52 4699.18 7.8 - 8.1 SG-22 2018 7443335.44 1546175.65 4694.63 5.3 - 5.6 SG-23 2018 7443310.94 1546159.81 4692.99 5.8 - 6.1 SG-24 2018 7443230.18 1546092.50 4689.60 14 - 14.5 SG-25 2018 7443193.02 1546066.12 4684.50 13.5 - 14.5 SG-26 2018 7443149.46 1546053.64 4682.62 14 - 15 SG-27 2018 7443106.51 1546038.63 4681.45 14 - 15 SG-28 2018 7443059.86 1546022.75 4682.36 14 - 15 SG-29 2018 7442992.46 1545997.84 4681.73 14 - 15 SG-30 2018 7442952.29 1545984.47 4681.04 14 - 15 SG-31 2018 7442912.44 1545967.06 4680.77 14 - 15 SG-32 2018 7442871.44 1545952.19 4679.97 14 - 15 SG-33 2018 7442829.69 1545936.59 4679.00 14 - 15 SG-34 2018 7442799.53 1545925.69 4678.09 14 - 15 SG-35 2018 7442771.79 1545921.39 4676.97 14 - 15 SG-36 2018 7442705.31 1545911.54 4674.10 13 - 15 SG-37 2018 7442668.37 1545874.99 4671.80 14 - 15 SG-38 2018 7442565.83 1545844.95 4668.69 14 - 15 SG-39 2018 7442513.48 1545825.56 4666.78 14 - 15 SG-40 2018 7442840.30 1545904.38 4678.37 14 - 15 SG-41 2018 7442814.16 1545967.17 4678.78 14 - 15 VAMC Building 7 Subslab - Basement VAMC Building 7 Subslab - Exterior VAMC Building 7 Interior - Ground Level VAMC Building 6 Subslab - Ground Level VAMC Building 6 Subslab - Basement Sunnyside Park VA Sewer Line Area OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 3 Table 3-6 Soil Vapor Probe Construction Information Location ID Sample Area Installation Date Northing (feet) Easting (feet) Surface Elevation (ft amsl) Sample Depth (ft bgs) 6 - 7 12 - 13 16 - 17 24.8 - 26 7 - 8 14.7 - 15.7 42 66 98 MW-34 Rowland Hall School 2020 7443498.84 1543745.66 4623.61 20 MW-32 2020 7444416.40 1542692.62 4566.22 18 MW-37 2020 7443160.46 1539938.63 4348.36 8 MW-38 2020 7443931.79 1541593.58 4498.56 8 RG-01 2021 7442006.70 1540924.03 4383.92 4.5 RG-04 2021 7443062.83 1540830.39 4415.83 5 RG-05 2021 7442805.72 1541851.88 4497.38 5 RG-07 2021 7442021.00 1541979.13 4490.30 5 RG-08 2021 7442038.61 1541519.86 4455.17 4.5 RG-10 2021 7441296.08 1541395.71 4410.37 5 RG-11 2021 7443236.76 1541982.64 4504.70 5 Notes: Northing / Easting measured using the NAD 83 State Plane Coordinate System; UT Central Zone Surface elevations measured using the NAVD 88 vertical datum amsl = above mean sea level bgs = below ground surface ft = feet VAMC = George E. Wahlen Veterans Affairs Medical Center * = Elevation information not collected 4676.97 2020 2018 2018SB-43 4679.06 Sunnyside Park MW-29 7442771.79 1545921.39 7442845.95 1545935.59 4679.35 East Side Springs SB-42 7442828.84 1545936.88 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 3 of 3 Table 3-7 Indoor and Outdoor Air Samples Locations and Dates HAPSITE2 SUMMA3 Passive Sampler4 HAPSITE SUMMA 0001-H AOU1 2015, 2017 2017 -2015, 2017 - 0002-H AOU1 2015, 2017 2017 -2015, 2017 - AOU1 2015 2015, 2016 -2015 - Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020, 2021 2020 -2020 0004-H AOU1 2015, 2017 2017 -2015, 2017 - 0005-H AOU1 2015 --2015 - 0006-H AOU1 2015 --2015 - 0007-H AOU1 2015 2015 --- 0008-H AOU1 2015 2015 -2015 - 0009-H AOU1 2015 --2015 - 0010-H AOU1 2015 --2015 - AOU1 2015 2015, 2016 -2015 2015 Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020, 2021 2020 -2020, 2021 0012-H AOU1 2015, 2017 2017 -2015, 2017 - AOU1 2015, 2017 2017 -2015, 2017 - Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0014-H AOU1 2015 --2015 - 0015-H AOU1 2015 --2015 - 0016-H AOU1 2015 --2015 - 0017-H AOU1 2015 2015, 2016 -2015 2015 AOU1 2015 2015, 2016 -2015 2015 Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020, 2021 2020 -2020 0019-B AOU1 2015 2015 -2015 - 0020-C AOU1 2015 --2015 - 0021-S AOU1 2015 --2015 - 0022-S AOU1 2015 2015 -2015 - 0023-H AOU1 2015 2016 -2015 - 0024-H AOU1 2015 --2015 - AOU1 2015, 2017 2017 -2015, 2017 - Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 AOU1 2015, 2017 2015, 2017 -2015, 2017 2015 Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020, 2021 2020 -2020 0027-H AOU1 2015, 2017 2015, 2017 -2015, 2017 2015 0028-H AOU1 2015 2015 -2015 - AOU1 2015, 2017 2017 -2015, 2017 - Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0030-H AOU1 2015 2015 -2015 2015 0031-H AOU1 2015 ---- 0032-H AOU1 2015 --2015 - 0033-H AOU1 2015 --2015 - 0034-H AOU1 ----- 0035-H AOU1 ----- 0036-H AOU1 2015 2015 -2015 - AOU1 2015 2015, 2016 -2015 - Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020, 2021 2020 -2020 0038-H AOU1 2015, 2017 2017 -2015 - AOU1 2016 2016 --- Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- AOU1 2016 ---- Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- AOU1 2016 ---- Phase 1 OU2 2020 ---- Indoor Air Outdoor Air Sample Date(s) Investigation Phase1Location 0003-H 0011-H 0018-H 0025-H 0026-H 0013-H 0037-H 0045-S 0029-H 0040-H 0041-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 3 Table 3-7 Indoor and Outdoor Air Samples Locations and Dates HAPSITE2 SUMMA3 Passive Sampler4 HAPSITE SUMMA Indoor Air Outdoor Air Sample Date(s) Investigation Phase1Location 0047-H AOU1 2016 ---- 0050-H AOU1 2016 ---- AOU1 2016 2016 --- Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020, 2021 2020 -2020, 2021 0052-H AOU1 2016 ---- AOU1 2016 2016 --- Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0054-H AOU1 2016 ---- 0055-H AOU1 2016 ---- 0056-H AOU1 2016 --2016 - 0057-H AOU1 2017 ---- 0058-H AOU1 2017 --2017 - AOU1 2017 --2017 - Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020, 2021 2020 -2020 0060-H AOU1 2017 --2017 - 0061-H AOU1 2017 --2017 - AOU1 2017 --2017 - Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0063-H AOU1 2017 --2017 - AOU1 2017 2017 --- Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --2022 0065-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0066-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0069-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0071-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0072-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0076-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0091-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020, 2021 2020 -2020, 2021 0098-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0102-H Phase 1 OU2 -2021 -2021 0118-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0121-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0122-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0133-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0135-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0137-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0139-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0145-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 Phase 2 OU1 2022 0148-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0153-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0162-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0166-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020, 2021 2020 -2020 0172-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0173-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0174-H Phase 1 OU2 2020 2020 2020 -2020 0180-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0189-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0192-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0193-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0194-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0051-H 0053-H 0059-H 0146-H 0062-H 0064-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 3 Table 3-7 Indoor and Outdoor Air Samples Locations and Dates HAPSITE2 SUMMA3 Passive Sampler4 HAPSITE SUMMA Indoor Air Outdoor Air Sample Date(s) Investigation Phase1Location 0195-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0197-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0225-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0230-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0255-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0256-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0263-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0273-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0274-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0277-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0302-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --2022 0315-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0329-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0334-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --2022 0336-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0347-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0365-S Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --2022 0366-C Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0381-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --2022 0392-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- 0395-H Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- OU2 2019 2019 --2019 Phase 2 OU1 2021 2021 --- OU2 2019 2019 --2019 Phase 2 OU1 2021 2021 --- Building 13 OU2 2019 ---2019 OU2 2019 ---2019 Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --- Building 32 Phase 2 OU1 -2022 --2022 Notes: 1. Vapor intrusion protocol changed between AOU1 RI investigation activities and Phase 1 of OU2 investigation activities. 2. Samples collected using the HAPSITE GC/MS were analyzed for tetrachloroethene, trichloroethene, and cis-1,2-dichloroethene. 3. Samples collected using SUMMA Canisters were submitted for VOC analysis by Method TO-15/TO-15 SIM. 4. Samples collected using Radiello passive samplers were submitted for VOC analysis by Method TO-17. Building 6 Building 7 Building 20 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 3 of 3 Table 4-1 Geotechnical Results Hydraulic Conductivity (ASTM D5084) Monitorin g Well ID Depth (ft bgs)Field Classificationa Field Group Symbolsa Soil Classification Group Symbol Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity (feet/day) Moisture (as received weight %) Ash (Moist Free weight %) Organic Matter (Moist Free weight %) foc (Calculated) Water Content (%) Dry Unit Weight (pcf) Liquid Limit (%) Plastic Limit (%) Plasticity Index (%) Gravel (%) Sand (%) Fines (%) Silt (%) Clay (%) 39-40 Sandy Silt with Gravel ML -15.8 - 185-195d Clayey Gravel with Sand GC Silty, clayey gravel with sand GC-GM -11.6 - 19 14 5 53.4 28 18.6 13 6 187-197 Silty Gravel with Sand GM -10.65 99.42 0.58 0.0034 205-215d Silty Gravel with Sand/Clayey Gravel with Sand GM/GC Silty, clayey gravel with sand GC-GM -20 16 4 58.3 27.5 14.2 10 4 207-217 Silty Gravel with Sand/Clayey Gravel with Sand GM/GC -8.92 99.53 0.47 0.0027 250-252.5 Sandy Silty Clay/Lean Clay CL-ML/CL Sandy lean clay CL 4.3E-03 14.6 118 27 14 13 7.8 32.1 60.1 40 20 267-277d Silty, Clayey Gravel with Sand GC Silty, clayey sand with gravel SC-SM -20 13 7 30.3 36.6 33 22 11 300 Sandy, Silty Clay CL-ML -15.36 98.98 1.02 0.0058 338-340 Clayey Gravel with Sand GC -8.06 99.5 0.5 0.0029 347-349 Clayey Gravel with Sand GC -9.8 - 349-351 Gravelly Clay with Sand CL -10.4 - 351-353 Gravelly Clay with Sand CL -7.8 - 353-355 Gravelly Clay with Sand CL -6.5 - 355-357 Gravelly Clay with Sand CL -6.6 - 347-357 Clayey Gravel with Sand/ Gravelly Clay with Sand GC/CL Clayey sand with gravel SC -23 13 10 29.8 29.8 40.4 357-367d Silty Gravel/Clayey Gravel/Gravelly Lean Clay GM/GC/CL Silty, clayey gravel with sand GC-GM -21 14 7 41.5 32.5 25.9 17 9 66 Clayey Sand with Gravel SC -14.10 99.73 0.27 0.0016 72-78 Sandy Lean Clay CL Sandy silty clay CL-ML -22 16 6 8.4 31 60.6 46 15 79.5-83 Lean Clay with Sand CL Lean clay with sand CL -28 16 12 0.7 15.4 83.9 61 23 87-89 Sandy Lean Clay with Gravel CL 3.7E-02 9.1 110.9 90-97d Clayey Gravel with Sand GC Silty gravel with sand GM - 10.85 100.04 <0.01 <0.0001 18 15 3 51.3 31.3 17.4 11 6 147-153d Silty Gravel with Sand GM Silty, clayey gravel with sand GC-GM - 12.46 100.07 <0.01 <0.0001 19 15 4 42.8 35.8 21.4 15 6 171-175d Clayey Gravel with Sand GC Clayey gravel with sand GC - 9.52 100.03 <0.01 <0.0001 24 16 8 42.3 35.7 21.9 16 6 237 Sandy Lean Clay CL Sandy lean clay CL -15.9 -25 15 10 0 33.3 66.7 45 22 237-239 Sandy Lean Clay/Clayey Gravel with Sand CL/GC 4.8E-04 11.6 115.1 238-247d Clayey Gravel with Sand GC Clayey gravel with sand GC -22 13 9 35.6 30.2 34.2 22 12 279 Lean Clay CL -18.90 99.11 0.89 0.0051 355 Silt ML Lean clay CL -38 19 19 0 3.9 96.1 52 44 401-406d Silty Gravel with Sand GM Clayey gravel with sand GC -23 15 8 54.2 25.5 20.4 13 7 405 Silty Gravel with Sand GM -11.8 420-422 Lean Clay with Sand CL 8.8E-04 14.8 116.8 MW12D 88.5-93.5 Clayey Gravel with Sand GC -7.56 99.65 0.35 0.0020 MW12S 59-60 Silty Gravel with Sand GM -8.06 99.18 0.82 0.0047 50-60 Clayey Gravel with Sand GC Clayey gravel with sand GC -11.16 99.51 0.49 0.0028 25 14 11 54.3 23.0 22.7 70-72 Silty Sand SM 6.0E-04 14.4 116.6 80-82.5 Poorly Graded Sand with Silt SP Poorly graded sand with silt SP-SM -19.62 99.53 0.47 0.0027 0.7 90.2 9.1 15-20 Silty Sand with Gravel/Clayey Gravel with Sand/Sandy Silt SM/GC/ML Silty, clayey sand with gravel SC-SM -13.58 99.28 0.72 0.0041 22 16 6 22.7 37.8 39.5 21-22 Sandy Lean Clay CL 9.6E-02 3.3 90.1 MW14D 49-54 Clayey Gravel with Sand GC -11.30 99.42 0.58 0.0033 MW14S 7-15 Silt with Sand ML Silt with sand ML -21.05 98.98 1.02 0.0059 0 29.9 70.1 56 14 MW15D 95-96 Lean Clay CL 8.2E-02 2 116.6 9.7 54.5 35.9 24 12 52-55 Silty Gravel with Sand GM Silty, clayey gravel with sand GC-GM -9.71 99.57 0.43 0.0024 20 14 6 48.9 36.7 14.5 55-56 Lean Clay CL Lean clay with sand CL -30 15 15 0.5 18.2 81.2 53 28 37-40 Silty Gravel with Sand GM Silty, clayey gravel with sand GC-GM -19 14 5 47.6 30.0 22.4 82-87 Silty Sand with Gravel SM -11.41 99.38 0.62 0.0036 100-105 Sandy Silt/Lean Clay with Sand and Gravel ML/CL Sandy, lean clay CL -23 15 8 4.1 35.8 60.2 42 18 113-114 Silty Sand with Gravel SM -10.56 99.47 0.53 0.0030 129-130 Lean Clay CL -17.22 98.71 1.29 0.0074 0 11.8 88.2 50 38 130-132 Lean Clay CL 6.2E-04 2.1 120.2 18.6 40.1 41.3 27 14 Notes a Some sample intervals cover multiple field classifications; these intervals are separated by "/" b Methods ASTM D422 and ASTM D7928 (particle-size analysis of soil with hydrometer) were applied if more than 20% of material passes through the No. 200 sieve and 90% or more passes the No. 4 sieve. cPercent clay and silt determined for hydrometer samples and estimated from the grain size distribution graph; clay defined as particle size < 0.002-inches d Samples froze prior to delivery. - = not applicable % = percent < = less than cm/sec = centimeter(s) per second foc = fraction of organic carbon ft bgs = feet below ground surface ID = identification m3/kg = cubic meter(s) per kilogram pcf = pounds per cubic foot USCS = Unified Soil Classification System Sieve Analysis (ASTM D6913/D7928) Hydrometer (ASTM D422/D7928)b,c -- ----- ----- ----- -- - ----- -- -- MW-08 ----- -- -- ----- - - - - ----- ----- - ----- ----- - - ---- ----- - -- - - -- --- - - - --- ----- Method USCS Soil Classification (ASTM D2487) foc (ASTM D2974) Density (ASTM D7263) Water Content (ASTM D2216) Atterberg Limits (ASTM D4318) MW-03R --- --- --- - -- - MW13S -- ----- MW13D -- ----- -Nonplastic - -- -- ----- -Nonplastic --- - --- --- MW15S -- -- MW-20D --- ----- -- -- OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 4-2 Aquifer Zones and Groundwater Elevations Well Identification Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date1 Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)2 9/1/1998 193.15 4471.65 10/1/1998 184.80 4480.00 11/1/1998 181.25 4483.55 2/1/2011 180.92 4483.88 12/1/2011 172.16 4492.64 6/1/2014 173.16 4491.64 4/1/2016 172.84 4491.96 7/1/2016 174.33 4490.47 9/1/2016 173.93 4490.87 4/3/2018 168.81 4495.99 6/14/2018 169.45 4495.35 9/27/2018 171.26 4493.54 11/30/2018 170.93 4493.87 3/4/2019 170.70 4494.10 6/5/2019 170.53 4494.27 12/4/2019 167.72 4497.08 6/16/2020 170.10 4494.70 9/21/2020 172.56 4492.24 12/7/2020 171.21 4493.59 3/15/2021 170.40 4494.40 9/1/1998 157.97 4506.83 10/1/1998 156.52 4508.28 11/1/1998 155.58 4509.22 2/1/2011 160.31 4504.49 11/1/2011 156.62 4508.18 6/1/2014 157.25 4507.55 4/1/2016 156.83 4507.97 7/1/2016 157.29 4507.51 9/1/2016 157.48 4507.32 4/3/2018 153.31 4511.49 6/14/2018 154.20 4510.60 9/27/2018 155.82 4508.98 11/30/2018 156.09 4508.71 3/4/2019 155.57 4509.23 6/5/2019 155.21 4509.59 12/4/2019 153.31 4511.49 6/16/2020 155.90 4508.90 9/21/2020 157.26 4507.54 12/7/2020 157.00 4507.80 3/15/2021 156.56 4508.24 10/1/1998 169.73 4515.51 11/1/1998 168.93 4516.31 2/1/2011 179.71 4505.53 11/1/2011 169.73 4515.51 6/1/2014 176.81 4508.43 4/1/2016 176.49 4508.75 7/1/2016 176.84 4508.40 MW-01D - Deep - ShallowMW-01S MW-02 - Shallow Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 9 Table 4-2 Aquifer Zones and Groundwater Elevations Well Identification Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date1 Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)2 9/1/2016 177.06 4508.18 4/3/2018 167.41 4517.83 6/14/2018 168.13 4517.11 9/27/2018 169.95 4515.29 11/30/2018 170.44 4514.80 3/4/2019 170.04 4515.20 6/5/2019 168.58 4516.66 12/4/2019 167.31 4517.93 6/16/2020 169.30 4515.94 9/21/2020 170.77 4514.47 12/7/2020 170.46 4514.78 3/15/2021 170.68 4514.56 12/19/2018 187.93 4510.19 12/4/2019 185.12 4513.00 6/16/2020 184.00 4514.12 9/21/2020 188.25 4509.87 12/7/2020 188.18 4509.94 3/15/2021 188.99 4509.13 12/19/2018 203.74 4494.16 12/4/2019 200.51 4497.39 6/16/2020 203.23 4494.67 9/21/2020 205.68 4492.22 12/7/2020 204.27 4493.63 3/15/2021 201.45 4496.45 12/4/2019 200.71 4497.21 6/16/2020 203.50 4494.42 9/21/2020 205.75 4492.17 12/7/2020 204.40 4493.52 3/15/2021 203.71 4494.21 12/19/2018 203.82 4494.11 12/4/2019 201.05 4496.88 6/16/2020 203.51 4494.42 9/21/2020 205.70 4492.23 12/7/2020 205.03 4492.90 3/15/2021 203.78 4494.15 9/1/1998 135.35 4521.50 10/1/1998 134.05 4522.80 11/1/1998 133.35 4523.50 2/1/2011 140.97 4515.88 11/1/2011 136.90 4519.95 6/1/2014 137.01 4519.84 4/1/2016 136.40 4520.45 7/1/2016 136.80 4520.05 9/1/2016 137.20 4519.65 4/3/2018 132.32 4524.53 6/14/2018 133.14 4523.71 9/27/2018 135.42 4521.43 11/30/2018 135.90 4520.95 MW-04 - Shallow A Shallow MW-03R B Deep D Deep C Deep MW-02 - Shallow Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 9 Table 4-2 Aquifer Zones and Groundwater Elevations Well Identification Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date1 Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)2 3/4/2019 135.08 4521.77 6/5/2019 133.25 4523.60 12/4/2019 132.39 4524.46 6/16/2020 134.38 4522.47 9/21/2020 135.90 4520.95 12/7/2020 136.19 4520.66 3/15/2021 136.14 4520.71 9/1/1998 213.00 4524.99 10/1/1998 211.40 4526.59 11/1/1998 210.61 4527.38 2/1/2011 218.08 4519.91 11/1/2011 214.34 4523.65 6/1/2014 214.52 4523.47 4/1/2016 214.41 4523.58 4/3/2018 210.37 4527.62 6/14/2018 211.28 4526.71 9/27/2018 213.90 4524.09 12/20/2018 214.49 4523.50 3/4/2019 213.73 4524.26 6/5/2019 212.28 4525.71 12/4/2019 211.06 4526.93 6/16/2020 212.92 4525.07 9/21/2020 214.20 4523.79 12/7/2020 214.79 4523.20 3/15/2021 214.95 4523.04 2/1/2011 124.67 4553.99 11/1/2011 124.01 4554.65 6/1/2014 118.10 4560.56 4/1/2016 123.46 4555.20 7/1/2016 124.03 4554.63 9/1/2016 123.39 4555.27 4/3/2018 116.42 4562.24 6/14/2018 120.80 4557.86 9/27/2018 123.77 4554.89 11/30/2018 123.57 4555.09 3/4/2019 121.45 4557.21 6/5/2019 115.71 4562.95 12/4/2019 121.10 4557.56 6/16/2020 122.80 4555.86 9/21/2020 123.95 4554.71 12/7/2020 123.79 4554.87 3/15/2021 123.59 4555.07 12/19/2018 59.53 4480.28 12/4/2019 57.77 4482.04 6/16/2020 59.30 4480.51 9/22/2020 61.17 4478.64 12/8/2020 60.14 4479.67 3/15/2021 60.09 4479.72 MW-04 - Shallow MW-08 A Shallow MW-05R - Shallow MW-05 - Shallow MW-06 - Perched Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 3 of 9 Table 4-2 Aquifer Zones and Groundwater Elevations Well Identification Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date1 Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)2 12/19/2018 57.96 4481.81 12/4/2019 55.70 4484.07 6/16/2020 57.65 4482.12 9/22/2020 59.74 4480.03 12/8/2020 58.49 4481.28 3/15/2021 58.30 4481.47 12/19/2018 62.38 4477.30 12/4/2019 53.53 4486.15 6/16/2020 55.75 4483.93 9/22/2020 58.02 4481.66 12/8/2020 56.82 4482.86 3/15/2021 51.98 4487.70 12/4/2019 56.10 4303.93 6/16/2020 53.90 4306.13 9/21/2020 57.02 4303.01 12/19/2018 55.22 4304.85 12/4/2019 52.90 4307.17 6/16/2020 56.66 4303.41 9/21/2020 57.15 4302.92 12/7/2020 56.42 4303.65 3/15/2021 54.36 4305.71 12/19/2018 13.88 4468.94 12/4/2019 12.57 4470.25 6/16/2020 13.17 4469.76 9/21/2020 14.31 4468.62 12/6/2020 14.16 4468.77 3/15/2021 13.89 4469.04 12/19/2018 13.13 4469.68 12/20/2018 13.11 4469.70 3/5/2019 13.22 4469.59 6/5/2019 12.60 4470.21 12/4/2019 11.63 4471.18 6/16/2020 12.45 4470.17 9/21/2020 13.72 4468.90 12/6/2020 13.56 4469.06 3/15/2021 13.21 4469.41 12/6/2020 22.09 4461.14 3/15/2021 16.35 4466.88 12/19/2018 5.49 4410.24 12/20/2018 5.43 4410.30 3/5/2019 5.40 4410.33 6/5/2019 5.32 4410.41 12/4/2019 5.28 4410.45 6/16/2020 5.23 4410.46 9/21/2020 5.22 4410.47 12/7/2020 5.36 4410.33 3/15/2021 5.21 4410.48 MW-08 MW-14S - Shallow C Deep - - MW-13S - Shallow MW-12S - - MW-13D - Shallow Deep-MW-13L B Shallow MW-12D Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 4 of 9 Table 4-2 Aquifer Zones and Groundwater Elevations Well Identification Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date1 Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)2 6/16/2020 -6.93 4422.86 9/21/2020 -6.93 4422.86 12/8/2020 -6.34 4422.27 3/15/2021 -4.62 4420.55 12/19/2018 48.89 4298.22 12/4/2019 46.28 4300.83 6/16/2020 46.72 4300.63 9/28/2020 49.05 4298.30 12/7/2020 49.41 4297.94 3/15/2021 48.51 4298.84 12/19/2018 50.11 4297.40 12/20/2018 50.07 4297.44 3/5/2019 48.80 4298.71 6/5/2019 46.43 4301.08 12/4/2019 47.81 4299.70 6/16/2020 48.20 4299.52 9/28/2020 50.50 4297.22 12/7/2020 50.70 4297.02 3/15/2021 49.65 4298.07 12/19/2018 11.01 4443.82 12/4/2019 10.74 4444.09 6/16/2020 10.80 4444.03 9/21/2020 11.23 4443.60 12/7/2020 10.19 4444.64 3/15/2021 11.15 4443.68 12/19/2018 9.59 4445.01 12/20/2018 9.55 4445.05 3/4/2019 9.45 4445.15 6/5/2019 8.88 4445.72 12/4/2019 8.42 4446.18 6/16/2020 9.22 4445.62 9/21/2020 10.39 4444.45 12/7/2020 9.89 4444.95 3/15/2021 9.61 4445.23 12/19/2018 6.34 4458.90 12/4/2019 6.29 4458.95 6/16/2020 5.82 4459.36 9/21/2020 5.49 4459.69 12/8/2020 6.69 4458.49 3/15/2021 6.51 4458.67 12/19/2018 4.01 4461.40 6/16/2020 -2.61 4468.30 9/21/2020 0.65 4465.04 12/7/2020 0.45 4465.24 3/15/2021 0.37 4465.32 - - - MW-17D - Shallow MW-16S - Shallow MW-16D - Shallow MW-17S - Shallow - MW-14D3 - Shallow MW-15S MW-15D Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 5 of 9 Table 4-2 Aquifer Zones and Groundwater Elevations Well Identification Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date1 Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)2 12/19/2018 81.38 4477.30 12/4/2019 79.44 4479.24 6/16/2020 80.73 4478.03 9/21/2020 82.50 4476.26 12/7/2020 81.69 4477.07 3/15/2021 81.53 4477.23 12/19/2018 80.73 4476.25 12/4/2019 78.82 4478.16 6/16/2020 80.00 4477.16 9/21/2020 81.82 4475.34 12/7/2020 80.76 4476.40 3/15/2021 80.95 4476.21 11/30/2018 82.79 4475.57 12/19/2018 82.99 4475.37 3/5/2019 83.01 4475.35 6/5/2019 80.42 4477.94 12/4/2019 81.05 4477.31 6/16/2020 82.15 4476.46 9/21/2020 83.93 4474.68 12/7/2020 83.26 4475.35 3/15/2021 83.16 4475.45 11/30/2018 82.52 4475.45 12/19/2018 82.69 4475.28 3/5/2019 82.73 4475.24 6/5/2019 81.90 4476.07 12/4/2019 80.80 4477.17 6/16/2020 81.90 4476.29 9/21/2020 83.65 4474.54 12/7/2020 82.98 4475.21 3/15/2021 82.92 4475.27 12/19/2018 65.13 4498.01 12/20/2018 65.09 4498.05 3/4/2019 64.92 4498.22 6/5/2019 63.71 4499.43 12/4/2019 63.18 4499.96 6/16/2020 64.25 4499.07 9/21/2020 65.11 4498.21 12/7/2020 64.70 4498.62 3/15/2021 64.98 4498.34 12/19/2018 63.62 4499.11 12/20/2018 63.61 4499.12 3/4/2019 63.31 4499.42 6/5/2019 62.46 4500.27 12/4/2019 62.09 4500.64 6/16/2020 63.00 4499.72 9/21/2020 63.62 4499.10 12/7/2020 63.25 4499.47 3/15/2021 63.46 4499.26 MW-21 - Shallow - Shallow MW-18 - Shallow MW-19 MW-20D - Shallow MW-20S - Shallow MW-22 - Shallow Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 6 of 9 Table 4-2 Aquifer Zones and Groundwater Elevations Well Identification Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date1 Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)2 6/16/2020 186.07 4525.73 9/22/2020 188.22 4523.58 12/7/2020 188.45 4523.35 3/15/2021 188.39 4523.41 6/16/2020 196.60 4515.17 9/22/2020 197.61 4514.16 12/7/2020 195.40 4516.37 3/15/2021 197.10 4514.67 6/16/2020 214.71 4496.98 9/22/2020 218.22 4493.47 12/7/2020 217.12 4494.57 3/15/2021 216.32 4495.37 6/16/2020 183.90 4525.29 9/21/2020 185.41 4523.78 12/7/2020 185.91 4523.28 3/15/2021 185.84 4523.35 6/16/2020 177.61 4524.41 9/21/2020 179.30 4522.72 12/7/2020 179.72 4522.30 3/15/2021 179.68 4522.34 6/16/2020 182.96 4519.13 9/21/2020 184.50 4517.59 12/7/2020 184.71 4517.38 3/15/2021 184.69 4517.40 6/16/2020 206.60 4495.47 9/21/2020 208.89 4493.18 12/7/2020 207.73 4494.34 3/15/2021 207.20 4494.87 6/9/2020 188.89 4523.40 9/21/2020 190.59 4521.70 12/7/2020 190.90 4521.39 3/15/2021 189.92 4522.37 6/9/2020 193.58 4518.97 9/21/2020 195.12 4517.43 12/7/2020 195.31 4517.24 3/15/2021 195.32 4517.23 6/9/2020 218.60 4493.91 9/21/2020 218.77 4493.74 12/7/2020 217.96 4494.55 3/15/2021 217.15 4495.36 6/9/2020 222.20 4490.30 9/21/2020 219.50 4493.00 12/7/2020 218.08 4494.42 3/15/2021 217.29 4495.21 6/16/2020 185.86 4526.48 9/22/2020 188.15 4524.19 12/7/2020 188.46 4523.88 3/15/2021 188.57 4523.77 D Deep A Shallow B Intermediate C Deep MW-23 MW-25 MW-26 Shallow Intermediate Deep Shallow Intermediate Deep A B C A B C ShallowMW-27 - MW-24 - Shallow Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 7 of 9 Table 4-2 Aquifer Zones and Groundwater Elevations Well Identification Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date1 Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)2 6/16/2020 185.21 4527.33 9/21/2020 187.02 4525.52 12/8/2020 187.42 4525.12 3/15/2021 187.42 4525.12 7/20/2020 116.36 4562.10 9/21/2020 116.53 4561.93 12/8/2020 116.55 4561.91 7/20/2020 154.31 4524.14 9/21/2020 155.23 4523.22 12/8/2020 155.50 4522.95 3/15/2021 155.28 4523.17 7/20/2020 157.38 4521.30 9/21/2020 158.52 4520.16 12/8/2020 158.92 4519.76 3/15/2021 158.41 4520.27 12/7/2020 227.47 4495.13 3/15/2021 226.83 4495.77 12/7/2020 229.25 4493.11 3/15/2021 229.06 4493.30 7/20/2020 232.69 4489.23 9/21/2020 230.90 4491.02 12/7/2020 229.41 4492.51 3/15/2021 228.60 4493.32 7/20/2020 130.42 4523.85 9/21/2020 131.85 4522.42 7/20/2020 134.93 4519.46 9/21/2020 135.84 4518.55 12/7/2020 135.98 4518.41 3/15/2021 135.78 4518.61 7/20/2020 147.99 4506.36 9/21/2020 148.99 4505.36 12/7/2020 148.53 4505.82 3/15/2021 148.06 4506.29 9/21/2020 84.25 4481.42 12/8/2020 83.03 4482.64 3/15/2021 82.78 4482.89 9/21/2020 83.77 4481.86 12/8/2020 82.50 4483.13 3/15/2021 82.15 4483.48 9/21/2020 83.18 4482.41 12/8/2020 81.84 4483.75 3/15/2021 81.51 4484.08 7/20/2020 131.04 4492.05 9/21/2020 132.00 4491.09 12/7/2020 130.95 4492.14 Shallow C Deep A a MW-29 MW-31 A Shallow B A Perched B Shallow C Intermediate ShallowMW-28 - Deep A Shallow MW-32 B C Shallow MW-34 MW-30 Deep RA Deep RB Deep C Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 8 of 9 Table 4-2 Aquifer Zones and Groundwater Elevations Well Identification Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date1 Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)2 7/20/2020 132.88 4489.83 9/21/2020 131.67 4491.04 12/7/2020 130.60 4492.11 3/15/2021 130.05 4492.66 7/20/2020 130.33 4492.30 9/21/2020 131.22 4491.41 12/7/2020 129.87 4492.76 3/15/2021 129.29 4493.34 7/20/2020 131.13 4491.45 9/21/2020 131.20 4491.38 12/7/2020 130.00 4492.58 3/15/2021 129.36 4493.22 12/7/2020 44.72 4383.77 3/15/2021 44.43 4384.06 12/7/2020 18.45 4329.55 3/15/2021 17.76 4330.24 12/7/2020 42.28 4305.69 3/15/2021 40.36 4307.61 12/7/2020 19.59 4478.05 3/15/2021 19.45 4478.19 12/7/2020 18.53 4479.27 3/15/2021 18.39 4479.41 Notes: 2 Elevations measured using NAVD 88 vertical datum Acronyms: amsl = above mean sea level btoc = below top of casing ft = feet psi = pounds per square inch 3 Water level measured using pressure gauge, converted to height above top of casing (head [ft] = pressure [psi] x 2.31) - - - - MW-36 - - MW-37S - D Deep B Shallow C DeepMW-34 1 For dates prior to 2017, the day was not provided, only month and year. As a result, the day was assumed to be the first day of the month indicated. - Shallow Shallow MW-37D MW-38S MW-38D Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 9 of 9 Table 4-3 Vertical Gradients Location Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date and Time Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)1 Direction of Gradient2 Gradient2 MW-01S - Shallow 12/4/2019 153.31 4511.32 MW-01D - Deep 12/4/2019 167.72 4497.01 MW-01S - Shallow 6/16/2020 155.90 4508.90 MW-01D - Deep 6/16/2020 170.10 4494.70 MW-01S - Shallow 9/21/2020 157.26 4507.54 MW-01D - Deep 9/21/2020 172.56 4492.24 MW-01S - Shallow 12/7/2020 157.00 4507.80 MW-01D - Deep 12/7/2020 171.21 4493.59 MW-01S - Shallow 3/15/2021 156.56 4508.24 MW-01D -Deep 3/15/2021 170.40 4494.40 A Shallow 12/4/2019 185.12 4512.74 B Deep 12/4/2019 200.51 4497.36 A Shallow 6/16/2020 184.00 4514.12 B Deep 6/16/2020 203.23 4494.67 A Shallow 9/21/2020 188.25 4509.87 B Deep 9/21/2020 205.68 4492.22 A Shallow 12/7/2020 188.18 4509.94 B Deep 12/7/2020 204.27 4493.63 A Shallow 3/15/2021 188.99 4509.13 B Deep 3/15/2021 201.45 4496.45 A Shallow 12/4/2019 57.77 4482.20 C Deep 12/4/2019 53.53 4486.27 A Shallow 6/16/2020 59.30 4480.51 C Deep 6/16/2020 55.75 4483.93 A Shallow 9/22/2020 61.17 4478.64 C Deep 9/22/2020 58.02 4481.66 A Shallow 12/8/2020 60.14 4479.67 C Deep 12/8/2020 56.82 4482.86 A Shallow 3/15/2021 60.09 4479.72 C Deep 3/15/2021 51.98 4487.70 MW-12S - - 12/4/2019 56.10 4304.09 MW-12D - - 12/4/2019 52.90 4307.19 MW-12S - - 6/16/2020 56.66 4303.37 MW-12D - - 6/16/2020 53.90 4306.17 MW-12S - - 9/21/2020 57.02 4303.01 MW-12D --9/21/2020 57.15 4302.92 MW-13S - Shallow 12/4/2019 12.57 4470.25 MW-13D - Shallow 12/4/2019 11.63 4471.18 MW-13S - Shallow 6/16/2020 13.17 4469.76 MW-13D - Shallow 6/16/2020 12.45 4470.17 MW-13S - Shallow 9/21/2020 14.31 4468.62 MW-13D -Shallow 9/21/2020 13.72 4468.90 MW-13D - Shallow 12/6/2020 13.56 4469.06 MW-13L Deep 12/6/2020 22.09 4461.14 MW-13D - Shallow 3/15/2021 13.21 4469.41 MW-13L Deep 3/15/2021 16.35 4466.88 down 0.08 MW-08 up 0.01 MW-08 up 0.02 up 0.08 - 0.01 MW-08 up 0.04 MW-08 up 0.01 - 0.00 - 0.00 - 0.02 up 0.09 - 0.01 MW-08 up 0.02 down 0.08 down 0.29 down 0.07 down 0.22 down 0.08 down 0.31 down 0.08 MW-03R down 0.34 MW-03R MW-03R MW-03R down 0.08 MW-03R down 0.26 Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 4 Table 4-3 Vertical Gradients Location Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date and Time Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)1 Direction of Gradient2 Gradient2 MW-14S - Shallow 6/16/2020 5.23 4410.46 MW-14D* - Shallow 6/16/2020 -6.93 4422.86 MW-14S - Shallow 9/21/2020 5.22 4410.47 MW-14D* - Shallow 9/21/2020 -6.93 4422.86 MW-14S - Shallow 12/7/2020 5.36 4410.33 MW-14D* - Shallow 12/8/2020 -6.34 4422.27 MW-14S - Shallow 3/15/2021 5.21 4410.48 MW-14D*-Shallow 3/15/2021 -4.62 4420.55 MW-15S - - 12/4/2019 46.28 4300.83 MW-15D - - 12/4/2019 47.81 4299.70 MW-15S - - 6/16/2020 46.72 4300.63 MW-15D - - 6/16/2020 48.20 4299.52 MW-15S - - 9/28/2020 49.05 4298.30 MW-15D - - 9/28/2020 50.50 4297.22 MW-15S - - 12/7/2020 49.41 4297.94 MW-15D - - 12/7/2020 50.70 4297.02 MW-15S - - 3/15/2021 48.51 4298.84 MW-15D --3/15/2021 49.65 4298.07 MW-16S - Shallow 12/4/2019 10.74 4444.09 MW-16D - Shallow 12/4/2019 8.42 4446.18 MW-16S - Shallow 6/16/2020 10.80 4444.03 MW-16D - Shallow 6/16/2020 9.22 4445.62 MW-16S - Shallow 9/21/2020 11.23 4443.60 MW-16D - Shallow 9/21/2020 10.39 4444.45 MW-16S - Shallow 12/7/2020 10.19 4444.64 MW-16D - Shallow 12/7/2020 9.89 4444.95 MW-16S - Shallow 3/15/2021 11.15 4443.68 MW-16D -Shallow 3/15/2021 9.61 4445.23 MW-17S - Shallow 6/16/2020 5.82 4459.36 MW-17D - Shallow 6/16/2020 -2.61 4468.30 MW-17S - Shallow 9/21/2020 5.49 4459.69 MW-17D - Shallow 9/21/2020 0.65 4465.04 MW-17S - Shallow 12/8/2020 6.69 4458.49 MW-17D - Shallow 12/7/2020 0.45 4465.24 MW-17S - Shallow 3/15/2021 6.51 4458.67 MW-17D -Shallow 3/15/2021 0.45 4465.24 MW-20S - Shallow 12/4/2019 81.05 4477.31 MW-20D - Shallow 12/4/2019 80.80 4477.17 MW-20S - Shallow 12/7/2020 83.26 4475.35 MW-20D - Shallow 12/7/2020 82.98 4475.21 MW-20S - Shallow 6/16/2020 82.15 4476.46 MW-20D - Shallow 6/16/2020 81.90 4476.29 MW-20S - Shallow 9/21/2020 83.93 4474.68 MW-20D - Shallow 9/21/2020 83.65 4474.54 MW-20S - Shallow 3/15/2021 83.16 4475.45 MW-20D -Shallow 3/15/2021 82.92 4475.27 down up 0.22 up 0.26 - 0.00 up 0.18 down 0.04 - 0.03 0.06 - 0.02 0.06 - up 0.26 down up 0.14 - 0.00 - 0.00 up 0.23 - 0.00 - 0.00 up 0.17 0.03 up 0.25 down 0.05 - 0.01 down 0.06 up 0.04 Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 4 Table 4-3 Vertical Gradients Location Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date and Time Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)1 Direction of Gradient2 Gradient2 A Shallow 6/16/2020 186.07 4525.73 C Deep 6/16/2020 214.71 4496.98 A Shallow 9/22/2020 188.22 4523.58 C Deep 9/22/2020 218.22 4493.47 A Shallow 12/7/2020 188.45 4523.35 C Deep 12/7/2020 217.12 4494.57 A Shallow 3/15/2021 188.39 4523.41 C Deep 3/15/2021 216.32 4495.37 A Shallow 6/16/2020 177.61 4524.41 C Deep 6/16/2020 206.60 4495.47 A Shallow 9/21/2020 179.30 4522.72 C Deep 9/21/2020 208.89 4493.18 A Shallow 12/7/2020 179.72 4522.30 C Deep 12/7/2020 207.73 4494.34 A Shallow 3/15/2021 179.68 4522.34 C Deep 3/15/2021 207.20 4494.87 A Shallow 6/9/2020 188.89 4523.40 C Deep 6/9/2020 218.60 4493.91 A Shallow 9/21/2020 190.59 4521.70 C Deep 9/21/2020 218.77 4493.74 A Shallow 12/7/2020 190.90 4521.39 C Deep 12/7/2020 217.96 4494.55 A Shallow 3/15/2021 189.92 4522.37 C Deep 3/15/2021 217.15 4495.36 A Perched 7/20/2020 116.36 4562.10 B Shallow 7/20/2020 154.31 4524.14 A Perched 9/21/2020 116.53 4561.93 B Shallow 9/21/2020 155.23 4523.22 A Perched 12/8/2020 116.55 4561.91 B Shallow 12/8/2020 155.50 4522.95 B Shallow 7/20/2020 154.31 4524.14 C Intermediate 7/20/2020 157.38 4521.30 B Shallow 9/21/2020 155.23 4523.22 C Intermediate 9/21/2020 158.52 4520.16 B Shallow 12/8/2020 155.50 4522.95 C Intermediate 12/8/2020 158.92 4519.76 B Shallow 3/15/2021 155.28 4523.17 C Intermediate 3/15/2021 158.41 4520.27 RA Deep 12/7/2020 227.47 4495.13 C Deep 12/7/2020 229.41 4492.51 RA Deep 3/15/2021 226.83 4495.77 C Deep 3/15/2021 228.60 4493.32 MW-25 down down 0.75 MW-29 down 0.06 MW-29 down MW-26 down 0.26 MW-29 down 0.05 MW-29 down 0.72 MW-29 - 0.29 MW-23 down 0.23 MW-25 down 0.28 MW-26 down 0.29 MW-23 down 0.21 MW-23 down 0.21 MW-23 down 0.21 MW-25 down 0.27 MW-30 - 0.03 MW-25 down 0.27 MW-26 down 0.26 MW-26 down 0.27 MW-29 down 0.06 MW-30 0.03 0.75 MW-29 down 0.05 Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 3 of 4 Table 4-3 Vertical Gradients Location Sample Interval Aquifer Zone Water Level Measurement Date and Time Water Level Depth (ft btoc) Water Level Elevation (ft amsl)1 Direction of Gradient2 Gradient2 A Shallow 7/20/2020 130.42 4523.85 C Deep 7/20/2020 147.99 4506.36 A Shallow 9/21/2020 131.85 4522.42 C Deep 9/21/2020 148.99 4505.36 B Shallow 12/7/2020 135.98 4518.41 C Deep 12/7/2020 148.53 4505.82 B Shallow 3/15/2021 135.78 4518.61 C Deep 3/15/2021 148.06 4506.29 A Shallow 9/21/2020 84.25 4481.42 C Deep 9/21/2020 83.18 4482.41 A Shallow 12/8/2020 83.03 4482.64 C Deep 12/8/2020 81.84 4483.75 A Shallow 3/15/2021 82.78 4482.89 C Deep 3/15/2021 81.51 4484.08 B Shallow 7/20/2020 132.88 4489.83 C Deep 7/20/2020 130.33 4492.30 B Shallow 9/21/2020 131.67 4491.04 C Deep 9/21/2020 131.22 4491.41 B Shallow 12/7/2020 130.60 4492.11 C Deep 12/7/2020 129.87 4492.76 B Shallow 3/15/2021 130.05 4492.66 C Deep 3/15/2021 129.29 4493.34 MW-37S -- 12/7/2020 18.45 4329.55 MW-37D -- 12/7/2020 42.28 4305.69 MW-37S -- 3/15/2021 17.76 4330.24 MW-37D -- 3/15/2021 40.36 4307.61 MW-38S -Shallow 12/7/2020 19.59 4478.05 MW-38D -Shallow 12/7/2020 18.53 4479.27 MW-38S -Shallow 3/15/2021 18.39 4479.25 MW-38D -Shallow 3/15/2021 19.45 4478.35 Notes: 1 Elevations measured using NAVD 88 vertical datum Acronyms: amsl = above mean sea level btoc = below top of casing ft = feet - = not applicable 2 Direction and magnitude of vertical gradient is calculated between shallow and deep aquifers in paired/nested wells. Where both the shallow and deep aquifers are not present, the vertical gradient was still calculated. Direction of gradient was not determined if the vertical gradient was 0.03 or less. MW-31 down 0.21 MW-31 MW-31 down 0.22 - 0.02 MW-34 MW-34 MW-34 MW-34 - 0.03 - 0.00 down 0.83 MW-32 - 0.00 - MW-31 down 0.23 MW-32 - 0.00 MW-32 - 0.00 - 0.03 0.01 - 0.01 down 0.22 down 0.91 Remedial Investigation Report OU1 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 4 of 4 Table 4-4 Slug Test Results (feet) (ft/day)(ft2/day)(ft/foot) (ft/day) MW-01S - Shallow Silty clay with gravel, sandy clay, silty sand, clayey silt, sandy clay with gravel 69.02 12 828 0.014 0.2 N Dynamic MW-02 - Shallow Gravelly sand, sandy clay, sandy gravelly clay, sandy clayey gravel, sand 49.63 10 to 19 500 0.014 0.1 to 0.3 Y Possible low-K skin A Shallow Silty gravel with sand, clayey gravel with sand 51.77 5 to 48 241 0.014 0.07 to 0.7 Y Possible low-K skin B Deep Sandy silty clay, silty clayey gravel with sand 141 0.75 to 21 106 0.002 0.002 to 0.04 Y Possible low-K skin C Deep Silty gravel with sand, gravel with silt and sand 141 25 3,525 0.002 0.05 Y Not detected MW-04 - Shallow Gravel with clay 67.63 6 to 14 415 0.014 0.08 to 0.2 Y Possible low-K skin A Shallow Clayey gravel with sand 79.29 103 8,167 0.012 1.2 N Directional B Deep Clayey gravel with sand 177.02 51 9,028 0.013 0.7 N Directional C Deep Silty gravel with sand 177.02 0.5 to 16 82 0.013 0.01 to 0.2 Y Possible low-K skin MW-13S - Shallow Silty sand with gravel, clayey gravel with sand, sandy silt, clayey sand, lean clay 75.76 0.1 0.44 0.12 0.01 Y Not detected MW-13D - Shallow Clayey sand with gravel, sand with silt, clayey gravel with sand 77.07 2 10 0.12 0.2 Y Possible low-K skin MW-13L Deep Sandy silt, silt with sand, gravel with sand and silt 205.79 34 6,997 0.013 0.4 N Directional MW-15D - Shallow Silty gravel with sand 100 15 1,500 -- -- N Directional MW-18 - Shallow Silty gravel with sand, clayey gravel with sand, clayey sand 71.39 12 857 0.012 0.1 Y Not detected MW-19 - Shallow Gravelly clay with sand, clayey gravel with sand 71.1 30 2,133 0.012 0.4 Y Not detected MW-20S - Shallow Clayey gravel with sand, silty sand with gravel, silty sand, sandy lean clay with gravel 67.2 10 672 0.012 0.1 N Possible directional MW-20D - Shallow Clayey gravel with sand 67.09 165 11,069 0.012 2.0 N Dynamic MW-21 - Shallow Gravelly clay with sand, silty gravel with sand, clayey gravel with sand 77.17 54 4,167 0.012 0.6 N Directional MW-22 - Shallow Gravelly clay with sand, clayey gravel with sand, clayey sand with gravel 67.29 67 4,509 0.012 0.8 N Dynamic B Intermediate Silty sand with gravel 194.32 18 3,498 -- -- Y Not detected C Deep Sandy gravel, silty gravel, gravelly clay 141.74 10 1,417 0.002 0.02 Y Not detected D Deep Gravelly sand, gravelly clay 141.74 39 5,528 0.002 0.08 Y Not detected MW-32 A Shallow Sandy clay, clayey gravel, sandy clay, sandy gravel with clay 71.48 200 14,296 0.012 2.4 N Dynamic A Shallow Silty gravel, clayey silt 65.62 46 3,019 0.012 0.6 Y Not detected B Shallow Silt, gravelly silt, clay 65.65 29 1,904 0.012 0.3 Y Not detected C Deep Silty clay, silty gravel, silty clay 160.44 0.14 to 2 22 0.013 0.002 to 0.03 Y Possible low-K skin D Deep Silty gravel, silty clay 160.44 20 3,209 0.013 0.26 Y Not detected Notes: ft/day = feet per day ft2/day = square feet per day ft/foot = feet per foot Skin Effects?Aquifer Zone Lithology at Screened Interval Coincident? MW-03R Well ID Aquifer Thickness (b) MW-08 Hydraulic Conductivity (K) Transmissivity (T)Sample Interval Hydraulic Gradient (i) Darcy Velocity (q) MW-34 MW-26 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 5-1 Tetrachloroethene and Trichloroethene in Soil mg/kg Q mg/kg Q SW-09 A-SS-09_05032016 0 5/3/2016 0.01 U 0.01 U SW-26 A-SS-26_05032016 0 5/3/2016 0.022 0.01 U SW-01 A-SS-01_05042016 0 5/4/2016 0.011 U 0.011 U SG-01 OU2-SB01 4.9 12/18/2018 0.0043 U 0.0043 U SG-02 OU2-SB02 7 12/18/2018 0.0044 U 0.0044 U MW-30 MW30-SB052220-15 15 5/22/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-30 MW30-SB052220-29 29 5/22/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-30 MW30-SB052220-48 48 5/22/2020 0.0045 U 0.0045 U MW-30 MW30-SB052220-53 53 5/22/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-30 MW30-SB052220-74 74 5/22/2020 0.0054 U 0.0054 U MW-30 MW30-SB052220-95 95 5/22/2020 0.0042 U 0.0042 U MW-30 MW30-SB052220-102 102 5/22/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-30 MW30-SB060220-111 111 6/2/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-30 MW30-SB060220-135 135 6/2/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-30 MW30-SB060220-151 151 6/2/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-30 MW30-SB060220-169 169 6/2/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-30 MW30-SB060220-178 178 6/2/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-30 MW30-SB060320-204 204 6/3/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-30 MW30-SB060320-222 222 6/3/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-30 MW30-SB060320-237 237 6/3/2020 0.0044 U 0.0044 U MW-30 MW30-SB060420-266 266 6/4/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-30 MW30-SB060520-286 286 6/5/2020 0.0044 U 0.0044 U MW-30 MW30-SB060520-306 306 6/5/2020 0.0045 U 0.0045 U MW-30 MW30-SB060520-316.5 316.5 6/5/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-30 MW30-SB060720-336 336 6/7/2020 0.0041 U 0.0041 U MW-30 MW30-SB060820-342 342 6/8/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U SG-03 OU2-SB03 8.1 12/10/2018 0.0017 J 0.005 U SG-04 OU2-SB04 5.8 12/10/2018 0.002 J 0.005 U SG-05 OU2-SB05 6.3 12/11/2018 0.0036 J 0.0051 U SG-06 OU2-SB06 6.1 12/10/2018 0.0016 J 0.0053 U SG-07 OU2-SB07 5.5 12/4/2018 0.0051 U 0.0051 U SG-08 OU2-SB08 3.4 12/13/2018 0.0054 U 0.0054 U SG-09 OU2-SB09 2.7 12/13/2018 0.0051 U 0.0051 U SG-10 OU2-SB10 6.8 12/14/2018 0.0061 U 0.0061 U SG-11 OU2-SB11 5 12/12/2018 0.0048 U 0.0048 U SG-12 OU2-SB12 5.2 12/12/2018 0.0053 U 0.0053 U SG-13 OU2-SB13 6 12/11/2018 0.00062 J 0.0059 U SG-14 OU2-SB14 7.8 12/14/2018 0.0049 U 0.0049 U SG-15 OU2-SB15 8.3 12/4/2018 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-23 MW23-SB040720-16 16 4/7/2020 0.0056 U 0.0056 U MW-23 MW23-SB040720-24 24 4/7/2020 0.0086 U 0.0086 U MW-23 MW23-SB040720-30 30 4/7/2020 0.0038 J 0.005 U MW-23 MW23-SB040720-49 49 4/7/2020 0.0073 U 0.0073 U MW-23 MW23-SB040720-54 54 4/7/2020 0.0014 J 0.0054 U MW-23 MW23-SB040720-63 63 4/7/2020 0.0025 J 0.0048 U MW-23 MW23-SB040720-75 75 4/7/2020 0.0045 J 0.0053 U Tetrachloroethene TrichloroetheneSample DateSample Depth (ft bgs)Location Sample Identification EPA Residential Soil Regional Screening Level (RSL) (mg/kg)1 24 5 Soil/Sediment in the East Side Springs Area Soil in the VAMC Area Soil North of the VAMC OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 7 Table 5-1 Tetrachloroethene and Trichloroethene in Soil mg/kg Q mg/kg Q Tetrachloroethene TrichloroetheneSample DateSample Depth (ft bgs)Location Sample Identification MW-23 MW23-SB040720-85 85 4/7/2020 0.005 J 0.0051 U MW-23 MW23-SB040720-93 93 4/7/2020 0.0016 J 0.0059 U MW-23 MW23-SB040720-97 97 4/7/2020 0.0054 U 0.0054 U MW-23 MW23-SB040720-107 107 4/7/2020 0.0025 J 0.0053 U MW-23 MW23-SB040820-110 110 4/8/2020 0.0057 U 0.0057 U MW-23 MW23-SB040820-124 124 4/8/2020 0.007 U 0.007 U MW-23 MW23-SB040820-133 133 4/8/2020 0.0015 J 0.0053 U MW-23 MW23-SB040820-143 143 4/8/2020 0.0071 U 0.0071 U MW-23 MW23-SB040820-155 155 4/8/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-23 MW23-SB040920-169 169 4/9/2020 0.0067 U 0.0067 U MW-23 MW23-SB040920-175 175 4/9/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-23 MW23-SB040920-184 184 4/9/2020 0.0055 U 0.0055 U MW-23 MW23-SB040920-199 199 4/9/2020 0.0045 U 0.0045 U MW-23 MW23-SB040920-208 208 4/9/2020 0.0055 U 0.0055 U MW-23 MW23-SB040920-218 218 4/9/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-23 MW23-SB041020-226 226 4/10/2020 0.0059 U 0.0059 U MW-23 MW23-SB041020-230 230 4/10/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-23 MW23-SB041020-244 244 4/10/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-23 MW23-SB041020-257 257 4/10/2020 0.0055 U 0.0055 U MW-23 MW23-SB041220-261 261 4/12/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-23 MW23-SB041220-280 280 4/12/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-23 MW23-SB041220-307 307 4/12/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-23 MW23-SB041320-314 314 4/13/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-23 MW23-SB041320-324 324 4/13/2020 0.0041 U 0.0041 U MW-23 MW23-SB041420-334 334 4/14/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-23 MW23-SB041420-340 340 4/14/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-23 MW23-SB041520-346 346 4/15/2020 0.0042 U 0.0042 U MW-24 MW24-SB051120-14 14 5/11/2020 0.0054 U 0.0054 U MW-24 MW24-SB051120-22 22 5/11/2020 0.0057 U 0.0057 U MW-24 MW24-SB051120-34 34 5/11/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-24 MW24-SB051220-43 43 5/12/2020 0.0065 U 0.0065 U MW-24 MW24-SB051220-56 56 5/12/2020 0.0056 U 0.0056 U MW-24 MW24-SB051220-61 61 5/12/2020 0.0054 U 0.0054 U MW-24 MW24-SB051220-71 71 5/12/2020 0.0056 U 0.0056 U MW-24 MW24-SB051220-84 84 5/12/2020 0.0062 U 0.0062 U MW-24 MW24-SB051220-104 104 5/12/2020 0.0057 U 0.0057 U MW-24 MW24-SB051220-119 119 5/12/2020 0.0056 U 0.0056 U MW-24 MW24-SB051320-132 132 5/13/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-24 MW24-SB051320-149 149 5/13/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-24 MW24-SB051320-152 152 5/13/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-24 MW24-SB051320-166 166 5/13/2020 0.0062 U 0.0062 U MW-24 MW24-SB051320-170 170 5/13/2020 0.0062 U 0.0062 U MW-24 MW24-SB051320-186 186 5/13/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-24 MW24-SB051420-192 192 5/14/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-24 MW24-SB051420-202 202 5/14/2020 0.0057 U 0.0057 U MW-24 MW24-SB051420-215 215 5/14/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-24 MW24-SB051420-227 227 5/14/2020 0.0056 U 0.0056 U MW-24 MW24-SB051520-239 239 5/15/2020 0.0057 U 0.0057 U MW-24 MW24-SB051520-248 248 5/15/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-25 MW25-SB042920-14 14 4/29/2020 0.0061 U 0.0061 U OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 7 Table 5-1 Tetrachloroethene and Trichloroethene in Soil mg/kg Q mg/kg Q Tetrachloroethene TrichloroetheneSample DateSample Depth (ft bgs)Location Sample Identification MW-25 MW25-SB042920-29 29 4/29/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-25 MW25-SB042920-35 35 4/29/2020 0.0059 U 0.0059 U MW-25 MW25-SB042920-46 46 4/29/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-25 MW25-SB042920-54 54 4/29/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-25 MW25-SB042920-70 70 4/29/2020 0.0064 U 0.0064 U MW-25 MW25-SB042920-73 73 4/29/2020 0.0062 U 0.0062 U MW-25 MW25-SB042920-82 82 4/29/2020 0.0055 U 0.0055 U MW-25 MW25-SB042920-94 94 4/29/2020 0.0063 U 0.0063 U MW-25 MW25-SB043020-103 103 4/30/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-25 MW25-SB043020-112 112 4/30/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-25 MW25-SB043020-120 120 4/30/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-25 MW25-SB043020-139 139 4/30/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-25 MW25-SB043020-150 150 4/30/2020 0.0056 U 0.0056 U MW-25 MW25-SB050120-153 153 5/1/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-25 MW25-SB050120-164 164 5/1/2020 0.0054 U 0.0054 U MW-25 MW25-SB050120-176 176 5/1/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-25 MW25-SB050120-187 187 5/1/2020 0.0062 U 0.0062 U MW-25 MW25-SB050120-193 193 5/1/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-25 MW25-SB050120-205 205 5/1/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-25 MW25-SB050320-216 216 5/3/2020 0.0044 U 0.0044 U MW-25 MW25-SB050320-223 223 5/3/2020 0.0043 U 0.0043 U MW-25 MW25-SB050320-235 235 5/3/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-25 MW25-SB050320-246 246 5/3/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-25 MW25-SB050320-252 252 5/3/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-25 MW25-SB050420-264 264 5/4/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-25 MW25-SB050520-272 272 5/5/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-25 MW25-SB050520-281 281 5/5/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-25 MW25-SB050520-299 299 5/5/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-25 MW25-SB050520-301 301 5/5/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-25 MW25-SB050620-312 312 5/6/2020 0.0041 U 0.0041 U MW-26 MW26-SB042220-20 20 4/22/2020 0.0089 U 0.0089 U MW-26 MW26-SB042220-24 24 4/22/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-26 MW26-SB042220-39 39 4/22/2020 0.007 U 0.007 U MW-26 MW26-SB042320-44 44 4/23/2020 0.0066 U 0.0066 U MW-26 MW26-SB042320-56 56 4/23/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-26 MW26-SB042320-62 62 4/23/2020 0.0056 U 0.0056 U MW-26 MW26-SB042320-77 77 4/23/2020 0.0059 U 0.0059 U MW-26 MW26-SB042320-84 84 4/23/2020 0.0074 U 0.0074 U MW-26 MW26-SB042320-97 97 4/23/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-26 MW26-SB050420-103 103 5/4/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-26 MW26-SB050420-116 116 5/4/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-26 MW26-SB050420-119 119 5/4/2020 0.0056 U 0.0056 U MW-26 MW26-SB050420-129 129 5/4/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-26 MW26-SB050420-133 133 5/4/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-26 MW26-SB050420-145 145 5/4/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-26 MW26-SB050520-154 154 5/5/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-26 MW26-SB050520-168 168 5/5/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-26 MW26-SB050520-172 172 5/5/2020 0.0056 U 0.0056 U MW-26 MW26-SB050520-188 188 5/5/2020 0.006 U 0.006 U MW-26 MW26-SB050520-195 195 5/5/2020 0.0045 U 0.0045 U OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 3 of 7 Table 5-1 Tetrachloroethene and Trichloroethene in Soil mg/kg Q mg/kg Q Tetrachloroethene TrichloroetheneSample DateSample Depth (ft bgs)Location Sample Identification MW-26 MW26-SB050620-201 201 5/6/2020 0.0041 U 0.0041 U MW-26 MW26-SB050620-215 215 5/6/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-26 MW26-SB050620-221 221 5/6/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-26 MW26-SB050620-234 234 5/6/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-26 MW26-SB050720-247 247 5/7/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-26 MW26-SB050720-251 251 5/7/2020 0.0061 U 0.0061 U MW-26 MW26-SB050720-269 269 5/7/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-26 MW26-SB050820-274 274 5/8/2020 0.0044 U 0.0044 U MW-26 MW26-SB050820-285 285 5/8/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-26 MW26-SB051020-299 299 5/10/2020 0.0045 U 0.0045 U MW-26 MW26-SB051020-308 308 5/10/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-26 MW26-SB051020-314 314 5/10/2020 0.0044 U 0.0044 U MW-26 MW26-SB051120-329 329 5/11/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-26 MW26-SB051120-334 334 5/11/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-26 MW26-SB051120-348 348 5/11/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-26 MW26-SB051220-355 355 5/12/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-27 MW27-SB032220-13 13 3/22/2020 0.0057 U 0.0057 U MW-27 MW27-SB032220-16 16 3/22/2020 0.0059 U 0.0059 U MW-27 MW27-SB032220-30 30 3/22/2020 0.0063 U 0.0063 U MW-27 MW27-SB032220-40 40 3/22/2020 0.0026 J 0.0067 U MW-27 MW27-SB032220-50 50 3/22/2020 0.0095 U 0.0095 U MW-27 MW27-SB032220-54.5 54.5 3/22/2020 0.0014 J 0.0059 U MW-27 MW27-SB032220-70 70 3/22/2020 0.006 U 0.006 U MW-27 MW27-SB032220-75 75 3/22/2020 0.0018 J 0.0049 U MW-27 MW27-SB032220-88 88 3/22/2020 0.0011 J 0.0048 U MW-27 MW27-SB032220-96 96 3/22/2020 0.0024 J 0.0052 U MW-27 MW27-SB032320-102 102 3/23/2020 0.0057 U 0.0057 U MW-27 MW27-SB032320-114 114 3/23/2020 0.0014 J 0.0062 U MW-27 MW27-SB032320-122 122 3/23/2020 0.0016 J 0.0062 U MW-27 MW27-SB032320-130 130 3/23/2020 0.0065 U 0.0065 U MW-27 MW27-SB032320-140 140 3/23/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-27 MW27-SB032320-150 150 3/23/2020 0.0064 U 0.0064 U MW-27 MW27-SB032320-158 158 3/23/2020 0.0064 U 0.0064 U MW-27 MW27-SB032320-166 166 3/23/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-27 MW27-SB032320-175 175 3/23/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-27 MW27-SB032420-185 185 3/24/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-27 MW27-SB032420-192.5 192.5 3/24/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-27 MW27-SB032420-205 205 3/24/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-27 MW27-SB032420-218 218 3/24/2020 0.0057 U 0.0057 U MW-28 MW28-SB031220-16 16 3/12/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-28 MW28-SB031220-22 22 3/12/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-28 MW28-SB031220-35 35 3/12/2020 0.0054 U 0.0054 U MW-28 MW28-SB031320-49 49 3/13/2020 0.0071 U 0.0071 U MW-28 MW28-SB031320-59 59 3/13/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-28 MW28-SB031320-67 67 3/13/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-28 MW28-SB031320-86 86 3/13/2020 0.0015 J 0.0046 U MW-28 MW28-SB031320-97 97 3/13/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-28 MW28-SB031520-107 107 3/15/2020 0.006 U 0.006 U MW-28 MW28-SB031520-117 117 3/15/2020 0.0061 U 0.0061 U MW-28 MW28-SB031620-121 121 3/16/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 4 of 7 Table 5-1 Tetrachloroethene and Trichloroethene in Soil mg/kg Q mg/kg Q Tetrachloroethene TrichloroetheneSample DateSample Depth (ft bgs)Location Sample Identification MW-28 MW28-SB031620-139 139 3/16/2020 0.0043 U 0.0043 U MW-28 MW28-SB031720-149 149 3/17/2020 0.0059 U 0.0059 U MW-28 MW28-SB031720-156 156 3/17/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-28 MW28-SB031720-165 165 3/17/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-28 MW28-SB031720-171 171 3/17/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-28 MW28-SB031720-185 185 3/17/2020 0.0059 U 0.0059 U MW-28 MW28-SB031720-199 199 3/17/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-28 MW28-SB031720-206 206 3/17/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U SG-17 OU2-SB17 6.8 12/5/2018 0.0049 U 0.0049 U SG-18 OU2-SB18 5.2 12/7/2018 0.0047 U 0.0047 U SG-19 OU2-SB19 4.1 12/7/2018 0.0047 U 0.0047 U SG-20 OU2-SB20 6.5 12/3/2018 0.0048 U 0.0048 U SG-21 OU2-SB21 8.3 12/17/2018 0.005 U 0.005 U SG-22 OU2-SB22 5.6 12/3/2018 0.0058 U 0.0058 U SG-23 OU2-SB92 5.4 12/17/2018 0.005 U 0.005 U OU2-SB42-1 1.25 12/7/2018 0.0046 U 0.0046 U OU2-SB42-2 7.75 12/7/2018 0.0051 U 0.0051 U OU2-SB42-3 8.25 12/7/2018 0.0052 U 0.0052 U OU2-SB42-4 18.25 12/7/2018 0.0054 U 0.0054 U OU2-SB42-5 26.75 12/7/2018 0.0047 U 0.0047 U OU2-SB43-1 0.75 12/7/2018 0.0046 U 0.0046 U OU2-SB43-2 7.75 12/7/2018 0.0044 U 0.0044 U OU2-SB43-3 73.25 12/7/2018 0.0051 U 0.0051 U OU2-SB43-4 16.75 12/7/2018 0.0046 U 0.0046 U SG-45 OU2-SB45_062619 7.25 6/26/2019 0.0048 U 0.0048 U SG-46 OU2-SB46_062519 5 6/25/2019 0.0055 U 0.0055 U SG-48 OU2-SB48_062619 5.25 6/26/2019 0.0054 U 0.0054 U SG-49 OU2-SB49_062719 6.4 6/27/2019 0.0051 U 0.0051 U SG-50 OU2-SB50_062719 7 6/27/2019 0.0048 U 0.0048 U SG-51 OU2-SB51_062819 8.05 6/28/2019 0.0048 U 0.0048 U SG-52 OU2-SB52_062719 4.85 6/27/2019 0.0044 U 0.0044 U SG-55 OU2-SB55_070219 4.75 7/2/2019 0.0048 U 0.0048 U SG-60 OU2-SB60_071119 4.05 7/11/2019 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-29 MW29-SB052720-16 16 5/27/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-29 MW29-SB052720-24 24 5/27/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-29 MW29-SB052720-32 32 5/27/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-29 MW29-SB052720-42 42 5/27/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-29 MW29-SB052820-56 56 5/28/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-29 MW29-SB052820-67 67 5/28/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-29 MW29-SB052820-72 72 5/28/2020 0.0044 U 0.0044 U MW-29 MW29-SB052820-82 82 5/28/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-29 MW29-SB052820-97 97 5/28/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-29 MW29-SB052820-104 104 5/28/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-29 MW29-SB052920-115 115 5/29/2020 0.0044 U 0.0044 U MW-29 MW29-SB052920-122 122 5/29/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-29 MW29-SB052920-137 137 5/29/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-29 MW29-SB052920-144 144 5/29/2020 0.0045 U 0.0045 U MW-29 MW29-SB052920-155 155 5/29/2020 0.0043 U 0.0043 U MW-29 MW29-SB052920-167 167 5/29/2020 0.0045 U 0.0045 U SG-42 SG-43 Soil in Sunnyside Park/Along the Sewer Line OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 5 of 7 Table 5-1 Tetrachloroethene and Trichloroethene in Soil mg/kg Q mg/kg Q Tetrachloroethene TrichloroetheneSample DateSample Depth (ft bgs)Location Sample Identification MW-29 MW29-SB052920-178 178 5/29/2020 0.0042 U 0.0042 U MW-29 MW29-SB052920-187 187 5/29/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-29 MW29-SB053120-198 198 5/31/2020 0.0045 U 0.0045 U MW-29 MW29-SB053120-207 207 5/31/2020 0.0044 U 0.0044 U MW-29 MW29-SB053120-217 217 5/31/2020 0.0041 U 0.0041 U MW-29 MW29-SB053120-227 227 5/31/2020 0.0042 U 0.0042 U MW-29 MW29-SB060120-240 240 6/1/2020 0.0045 U 0.0045 U MW-29 MW29-SB060120-250 250 6/1/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-29 MW29-SB060120-256 256 6/1/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-29 MW29-SB060220-267 267 6/2/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-29 MW29-SB060320-273 273 6/3/2020 0.0045 U 0.0045 U MW-29 MW29-SB060320-282 282 6/3/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-29 MW29-SB060320-292 292 6/3/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-29 MW29-SB060320-302 302 6/3/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-29 MW29-SB060320-314 314 6/3/2020 0.0055 U 0.0055 U MW-29 MW29-SB060320-328 328 6/3/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-29 MW29-SB060420-337 337 6/4/2020 0.0045 U 0.0045 U MW-31 MW31-SB060920-15 15 6/9/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-31 MW31-SB060920-23 23 6/9/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-31 MW31-SB060920-45 45 6/9/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-31 MW31-SB060920-62 62 6/9/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-31 MW31-SB060920-82 82 6/9/2020 0.0053 U 0.0053 U MW-31 MW31-SB060920-94 94 6/9/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-31 MW31-SB060920-112 112 6/9/2020 0.0044 U 0.0044 U MW-31 MW31-SB061020-133 133 6/10/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-31 MW31-SB061020-159 159 6/10/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-31 MW31-SB061020-176 176 6/10/2020 0.0056 U 0.0056 U MW-31 MW31-SB061120-190 190 6/11/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-31 MW31-SB061120-215 215 6/11/2020 0.0055 U 0.0055 U MW-31 MW31-SB061220-236 236 6/12/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-31 MW31-SB061220-252 252 6/12/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-31 MW31-SB061220-270 270 6/12/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-31 MW31-SB061220-289 289 6/12/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-32 MW32-SB062220-14 14 6/22/2020 0.005 U 0.005 U MW-32 MW32-SB062220-27 27 6/22/2020 0.0055 U 0.0055 U MW-32 MW32-SB062220-55 55 6/22/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-32 MW32-SB062320-84 84 6/23/2020 0.0062 U 0.0062 U MW-32 MW32-SB062420-105 105 6/24/2020 0.0057 U 0.0057 U MW-32 MW32-SB062420-127 127 6/24/2020 0.0047 U 0.0047 U MW-32 MW32-SB062420-142 142 6/24/2020 0.0043 U 0.0043 U MW-32 MW32-SB062520-165 165 6/25/2020 0.0045 U 0.0045 U MW-32 MW32-SB062520-186 186 6/25/2020 0.0043 U 0.0043 U MW-32 MW32-SB062520-203 203 6/25/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-32 MW32-SB062620-223 223 6/26/2020 0.0046 U 0.0046 U MW-32 MW32-SB062620-250 250 6/26/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-34 MW34-SB070820-141 141 7/8/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-34 MW34-SB070820-165 165 7/8/2020 0.0039 J 0.0051 U MW-34 MW34-SB070820-189 189 7/8/2020 0.0014 J 0.0055 U MW-34 MW34-SB070820-205 205 7/8/2020 0.0044 U 0.0044 U Soil Near the Mount Olivet Cemetery OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 6 of 7 Table 5-1 Tetrachloroethene and Trichloroethene in Soil mg/kg Q mg/kg Q Tetrachloroethene TrichloroetheneSample DateSample Depth (ft bgs)Location Sample Identification MW-34 MW34-SB070920-226 226 7/9/2020 0.0051 U 0.0051 U MW-34 MW34-SB070920-247 247 7/9/2020 0.0049 U 0.0049 U MW-34 MW34-SB071020-264 264 7/10/2020 0.0052 U 0.0052 U MW-34 MW34-SB071020-285 285 7/10/2020 0.0044 U 0.0044 U MW-34 MW34-SB071020-300 300 7/10/2020 0.0038 U 0.0038 U MW-34 MW34-SB071220-321 321 7/12/2020 0.0048 U 0.0048 U MW-34 MW34-SB071220-349 349 7/12/2020 0.0057 U 0.0057 U Notes: Bold indicates detected values Italics indicates nondetected values mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ft bgs = feet below ground surface PCE = tetrachloroethene OU = operable unit VAMC = Veteran Affairs Medical Center Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit 1 There were no exceedances of the EPA resident soil regional screening levels (corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 7 of 7 Table 5-2 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Source Area Soil Gas µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q OU2-SG-01 12/20/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 7.3 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-01-071219 7/12/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 19 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-02 12/20/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 21.8 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-02-071219 7/12/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 41 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-03 12/17/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 2887 27 U 20 U NS OU2-SG-03-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 3800 27 U NS NS SG03-SG032221 3/22/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 2200 14 1.3 U 0.81 U OU2-SG-04 12/17/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 1045 6.3 4 U NS OU2-SG-04-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 2400 23.76 NS NS SG04-SG032321 3/23/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 480 13 0.13 J 0.18 U OU2-SG-05 12/17/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 3039 27 U 20 U NS OU2-SG-05-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 5300 27 U NS NS OU2-SG05-SC 12/17/2018 SUMMA ft bgs 2900 11 J 25 U 25 UJ OU2-SG05-SC_071019 7/10/2019 SUMMA ft bgs 4700 19 11 U 11 U SG05-SG032321 3/23/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 1800 7.9 0.24 J 0.78 U OU2-SG-06 12/17/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 3129 31.3 20 U NS OU2-SG-06-071619 7/16/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 2000 29.5 NS NS SG06-SG032321 3/23/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 1800 30 1.2 U 0.76 U OU2-SG-07 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 212 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-07-070919 7/9/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 240 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-08 12/17/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 331 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-08-070919 7/9/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 1300 5.4 U NS NS OU2-SG08-SC 12/17/2018 SUMMA ft bgs 180 0.37 J 2.1 U 2.1 UJ SG08-SG032321 3/23/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 460 0.23 J 0.4 U 0.26 U OU2-SG-09 12/17/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 114 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-09-070919 7/9/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 1100 5.4 U NS NS OU2-SG-10 12/17/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 14.8 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-10-070919 7/9/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 9.5 2.7 U NS NS SG10-SG032321 3/23/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 3.2 0.16 U 0.12 U 0.077 U OU2-SG-11 12/17/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 345 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-11-070919 7/9/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 1200 5.4 U NS NS OU2-SG11-SC 12/17/2018 SUMMA ft bgs 240 0.43 J 2.3 U 2.3 UJ SG11-SG032321 3/23/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 360 0.3 J 0.28 U 0.18 U OU2-SG-12 12/17/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 124 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-12-071219 7/12/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 380 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-13 12/17/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 547 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-13-071219 7/12/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 1600 11 U NS NS OU2-SG13-SC 12/17/2018 SUMMA ft bgs 360 0.86 J 3.6 U 3.6 UJ SG13-SG032321 3/23/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 20 0.057 J 0.035 J 0.077 U OU2-SG-14 12/17/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 339 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-14-071219 7/12/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 290 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-15 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 41.8 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-15-071219 7/12/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 52 2.7 U NS NS SG-45 OU2-SG-45-070919 7/9/2019 HAPSITE 7 7.5 ft bgs 23 2.7 U NS NS SG-46 OU2-SG-46-070919 7/9/2019 HAPSITE 4.8 5.2 ft bgs 12 2.7 U NS NS SG-48 OU2-SG-48-070919 7/9/2019 HAPSITE 5 5.5 ft bgs 10 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-49-070919 7/9/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 13 2.7 U NS NS SG49-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 21 0.081 J 0.12 U 0.078 U OU2-SG-50-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 420 2.916 NS NS SG50-SG032321 3/23/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 320 1.7 0.19 U 0.12 U OU2-SG-51-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 45 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG51-SC_071019 7/10/2019 SUMMA ft bgs 33 1.4 J 0.88 J 2.5 U OU2-SG-52-070919 7/9/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 26 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG52-SC_070919 7/9/2019 SUMMA ft bgs 11 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U SG-53 OU2-SG-53-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE 4.5 5 ft bgs 49 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-54-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 26 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG54-SC_071019 7/10/2019 SUMMA ft bgs 25 2.6 U 2.6 U 2.6 U OU2-SG-55-070919 7/9/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 62 2.7 U NS NS SG55-SG032321 3/23/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 50 0.15 J 0.11 U 0.072 U OU2-SG-60-071619 7/16/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 450 20.4 NS NS SG60-SG032221 3/22/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 56 0.017 J 0.12 U 0.077 U VAMC Buildings 6 and 7 4.5 3.8 5 4.3 7.4 8 7.8 8.3 6.1 6.7 8.8 4.6 6.7 7.3 9.3 5.1 4.5 5.1 65.3 5.5 3 3.3 2.3 2.7 6.3 6.8 4.7 5 4.8 5.2 5.9 6.3 5.5 5.8 7.8 5.5 5.9 5.8 5.2 8.1 5.8 6.3 6.1 931600 NA100 VC Industrial/Commercial Soil Gas Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m3)1 PCE cis-1,2-DCETCEEnd Depth Depth UnitLocation Sample Identification Sample Date Sample Method Start Depth SG-08 SG-09 SG-10 SG-11 SG-12 SG-13 SG-14 SG-15 SG-01 SG-02 SG-03 SG-04 SG-05 SG-06 SG-07 SG-49 SG-50 SG-51 SG-52 SG-54 SG-55 SG-60 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 4 Table 5-2 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Source Area Soil Gas µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q 931600 NA100 VC Industrial/Commercial Soil Gas Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m3)1 PCE cis-1,2-DCETCEEnd Depth Depth UnitLocation Sample Identification Sample Date Sample Method Start Depth OU2-VP-01-031919 3/19/2019 HAPSITE subslab 19 2.69 U 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-01-071619 7/16/2019 HAPSITE subslab 39 2.7 U NS NS OU2-VP01-SG031919 3/19/2019 SUMMA subslab 8.5 2.2 U 2.2 U 2.2 U OU2-VP-02-031919 3/19/2019 HAPSITE subslab 258 2.69 U 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-02-071619 7/16/2019 HAPSITE subslab 520 2.7 U NS NS OU2-VP02-SG031919 3/19/2019 SUMMA subslab 320 2.6 U 2.6 U 2.6 U VP02-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 340 0.084 J 0.3 U 0.19 U OU2-VP-03-031919 3/19/2019 HAPSITE subslab 203.6 3.12 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-03-071619 7/16/2019 HAPSITE subslab 330 2.7 U NS NS OU2-VP03-SG031919 3/19/2019 SUMMA subslab 230 3.1 2.5 U 2.5 U OU2-VP04_071619 7/16/2019 SUMMA subslab 20000 35 J 110 U 110 U OU2-VP-04-031919 3/19/2019 HAPSITE subslab 19641 52.1 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-04-071619 7/16/2019 HAPSITE subslab 46000 53.7 NS NS OU2-VP04-SG031919 3/19/2019 SUMMA subslab 33000 40 J 190 U 190 U VP04-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 30000 51 J 60 U 39 U OU2-VP-05-031919 3/19/2019 HAPSITE subslab 322 2.69 U 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-05-071119 7/11/2019 HAPSITE subslab 77 2.7 U NS NS OU2-VP05-SG031919 3/19/2019 SUMMA subslab 160 2.4 U 2.4 U 2.4 U OU2-VP-06-031919 3/19/2019 HAPSITE subslab 122 2.69 U 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-06-071119 7/11/2019 HAPSITE subslab 28 2.7 U NS NS OU2-VP06-SG031919 3/19/2019 SUMMA subslab 97 2.6 U 2.6 U 2.6 U VP06-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 33 0.073 J 0.11 U 0.073 U OU2-VP-07-031819 3/18/2019 HAPSITE subslab 29.2 2.69 U 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-07-071119 7/11/2019 HAPSITE subslab 47 2.7 U NS NS OU2-VP07-SG031819 3/18/2019 SUMMA subslab 31 2.4 U 2.4 U 2.4 U OU2-VP-08-031819 3/18/2019 HAPSITE subslab 170 2.69 U 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-08-071119 7/11/2019 HAPSITE subslab 190 2.7 U NS NS OU2-VP08-SG031819 3/18/2019 SUMMA subslab 180 2.5 U 2.5 U 2.5 U VP08-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 210 0.3 U 0.22 U 0.14 U OU2-VP-09-031819 3/18/2019 HAPSITE subslab 319 2.69 U 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-09-071119 7/11/2019 HAPSITE subslab 840 5.4 U NS NS OU2-VP09-SG031819 3/18/2019 SUMMA subslab 380 1.1 J 2.7 U 2.7 U VP09-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 470 1.8 0.41 U 0.27 U OU2-VP-10-031819 3/18/2019 HAPSITE subslab 30.5 2.69 U 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-10-071119 7/11/2019 HAPSITE subslab 29 2.7 U NS NS OU2-VP10-SG031819 3/18/2019 SUMMA subslab 20 2.7 U 2.7 U 2.7 U VP10-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 23 0.16 U 0.12 U 0.077 U OU2-VP11_071119 7/11/2019 SUMMA subslab 440 3.4 2.5 U 2.5 U OU2-VP-11-031819 3/18/2019 HAPSITE subslab 877 2.69 U 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-11-071119 7/11/2019 HAPSITE subslab 580 2.7 U NS NS OU2-VP11-SG031819 3/18/2019 SUMMA subslab 890 2.2 J 2.5 U 2.5 U VP11-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 500 2.9 0.6 U 0.39 U OU2-VP-12-031819 3/18/2019 HAPSITE subslab 10.2 2.69 U 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-12-071119 7/11/2019 HAPSITE subslab 35 2.7 U NS NS OU2-VP12-SG031819 3/18/2019 SUMMA subslab 3.6 2.4 U 2.4 U 2.4 U VP12-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 3 0.13 J 0.12 U 0.08 U OU2-VP-13-031919 3/19/2019 HAPSITE subslab 109 2.69 U 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-13-071119 7/11/2019 HAPSITE subslab 640 2.7 U NS NS OU2-VP13-SG031919 3/19/2019 SUMMA subslab 150 0.44 J 2.5 U 2.5 U VP13-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 110 0.33 U 0.24 U 0.16 U OU2-VP-14-031919 3/19/2019 HAPSITE subslab 217 2.69 U 1.98 U NS OU2-VP-14-071619 7/16/2019 HAPSITE subslab 110 2.7 U NS NS OU2-VP14-SG031919 3/19/2019 SUMMA subslab 160 0.83 J 2.6 U 2.6 U VP14-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 49 0.73 0.12 U 0.013 J OU2-VP15_071619 7/16/2019 SUMMA subslab 21000 160 100 U 100 U OU2-VP-15-071619 7/16/2019 HAPSITE subslab 11000 180 NS NS VP15-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 23000 180 58 U 37 U OU2-VP16_071619 7/16/2019 SUMMA subslab 3600 5.7 J 7.3 U 7.3 U OU2-VP-16-071619 7/16/2019 HAPSITE subslab 5200 27 U NS NS OU2-VP17_071619 7/16/2019 SUMMA subslab 1400 2 J 2.7 U 2.7 U OU2-VP-17-071619 7/16/2019 HAPSITE subslab 1800 11 U NS NS VP17-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 680 1.2 0.61 U 0.4 U VP-02 VP-03 VP-01 VP-04 VP-05 VP-06 VP-07 VP-08 VP-09 VP-10 VP-11 VP-12 VP-13 VP-14 VP-15 VP-16 VP-17 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 2 of 4 Table 5-2 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Source Area Soil Gas µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q 931600 NA100 VC Industrial/Commercial Soil Gas Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m3)1 PCE cis-1,2-DCETCEEnd Depth Depth UnitLocation Sample Identification Sample Date Sample Method Start Depth VP-18 OU2-VP-18-071619 7/16/2019 HAPSITE subslab 46 27 U NS NS OU2-VP-19-071119 7/11/2019 HAPSITE subslab 3.4 U 2.7 U NS NS VP19-SG032421 3/24/2021 SUMMA subslab 0.58 0.16 U 0.12 U 0.075 U OU2-VP20_071119 7/11/2019 SUMMA subslab 17 0.33 J 2.3 U 2.3 U OU2-VP-20-071119 7/11/2019 HAPSITE subslab 22 2.7 U NS NS VP-21 OU2-VP-21-070919 7/9/2019 HAPSITE subslab 3.4 U 2.7 U NS NS VP-22 OU2-VP-22-071119 7/11/2019 HAPSITE subslab 22 2.7 U NS NS MW-23 MW23-SG032321-135 3/23/2021 SUMMA 130 140 ft bgs 16000 32 J 6.7 J 19 U MW24-SG032521-104 3/25/2021 SUMMA 104 104 ft bgs 23 0.88 U 0.65 U 0.42 U MW24-SG032521-130 3/25/2021 SUMMA 130 130 ft bgs 67 0.75 U 0.56 U 0.36 U MW24-SG032521-60 3/25/2021 SUMMA 60 60 ft bgs 120 1.8 U 1.3 U 0.86 U MW24-SG032621-32 3/26/2021 SUMMA 32 32 ft bgs 240 1.5 U 1.1 U 0.15 J MW25-SG032421-100 3/24/2021 SUMMA 100 100 ft bgs 0.2 J 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.1 U MW25-SG032421-28 3/24/2021 SUMMA 28 28 ft bgs 0.21 J 0.32 U 0.24 U 0.039 J MW27-SG032221-113 3/22/2021 SUMMA 113 113 ft bgs 17000 27 J 9 J 19 U MW27-SG032221-28 3/22/2021 SUMMA 28 28 ft bgs 39000 52 30 U 19 U MW28-SG032321-118 3/23/2021 SUMMA 118 118 ft bgs 3600 6.6 1.3 U 0.83 U MW28-SG032321-24 3/23/2021 SUMMA 24 24 ft bgs 1400 1.4 J 1.1 U 0.72 U MW28-SG032321-48 3/23/2021 SUMMA 48 48 ft bgs 2200 4.1 1.1 U 0.72 U OU2-SG-17 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 75.5 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-17-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 190 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-18 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 18 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-18-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 49 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-19 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 15.1 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-19-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 110 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-20 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 21.2 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-20-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 42 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-21 12/20/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 56.3 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-21-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 30 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-22 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 14 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-22-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 14 2.7 U NS NS OU2-SG-23 12/20/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 14.1 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-23-071019 7/10/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 10 2.7 U NS NS SG-24 OU2-S24 12/3/2018 HAPSITE 14 14.5 ft bgs 19 J 2.7 U 10.5 J NS SG-25 OU2-SG25 12/3/2018 HAPSITE 13.5 14.5 ft bgs 187 J 2.7 U 2 U NS SG-26 OU2-SG26 12/3/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 213 J 2.7 U 2 U NS SG-27 OU2-SG27 12/3/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 181 J 2.7 U 3.2 J NS OU2-SG28-2 12/3/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 134 J 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG28-SC 12/3/2018 SUMMA ft bgs 9 2.3 U 2.3 U 2.3 U SG-29 OU2-SG29-2 12/4/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 49.2 J 2.7 U 11.3 J NS SG-30 OU2-SG30-3 12/4/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 160 J 2.7 U 2 U NS SG-31 OU2-SG31-2 12/4/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 115 J 2.7 U 5.9 J NS SG-32 OU2-SG32-2 12/4/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 310 2.7 U 2 U NS SG-33 OU2-SG33-2 12/4/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 1281 27 U 20 U NS OU2-SG34-2 12/4/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 819 8.1 U 8.9 NS OU2-SG34-SC 12/4/2018 SUMMA ft bgs 550 1.1 J 3.4 U 3.4 U OU2-SG35 12/5/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 555 5.4 U 4 U NS OU2-SG35-SC 12/5/2018 SUMMA ft bgs 330 1.3 J 2.3 U 2.3 U SG-36 OU2-SG-36 12/6/2018 HAPSITE 13 15 ft bgs 462 2.7 U 2 U NS SG-37 OU2-SG37 12/5/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 170 2.7 U 2 U NS SG-37 OU2-SG37-SC 12/5/2018 SUMMA 14 15 ft bgs 91 2.3 U 2.3 U 2.3 U SG-38 OU2-SG-38 12/6/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 10.4 2.7 U 2 U NS SG-39 OU2-SG-39 12/6/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 34 U 27 U 20 U NS SG-40 OU2-SG-40 12/6/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 306 2.7 U 2 U NS SG-41 OU2-SG-41 12/6/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 1387 8.1 U 6 U NS Sunnyside Park 3.8 6.1 7.8 5.3 6.7 5.2 4.1 6.5 8.1 5.6 14 15 1514 6.3 4.7 5.8 6.1 14 15 SG-17 VP-20 MW-24 MW-25 SG-18 SG-19 SG-20 SG-21 SG-22 SG-23 SG-28 SG-34 SG-35 MW-27 MW-28 VP-19 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 3 of 4 Table 5-2 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Source Area Soil Gas µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q 931600 NA100 VC Industrial/Commercial Soil Gas Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m3)1 PCE cis-1,2-DCETCEEnd Depth Depth UnitLocation Sample Identification Sample Date Sample Method Start Depth OU2-SG-42-4 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 145 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-42A-071519 7/15/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 330 2.7 U NS NS SB42-SG032521-7 3/25/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 100 0.27 0.12 U 0.077 U OU2-SG-42-3 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 514 5.4 2 U NS OU2-SG42-3-SC 12/10/2018 SUMMA ft bgs 330 3.7 2.2 U 2.2 UJ OU2-SG-42B-071519 7/15/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 1100 27 U NS NS SB42-SG032521-13 3/25/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 360 3.6 0.21 J 0.27 U OU2-SG-42-2 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 819 9.5 4 U NS OU2-SG-42C-071519 7/15/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 210 2.7 U NS NS SB42-SG032521-17 3/25/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 520 6 0.55 J 0.38 U OU2-SG-42-1 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 1201 18.8 5.2 NS OU2-SG-42D-071519 7/15/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 370 2.7 U NS NS SB42-SG032521-26 3/25/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 560 11 3 0.39 U OU2-SG-43-2 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 95 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-43A-071519 7/15/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 150 2.7 U NS NS SB43-SG032521-8 3/25/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 37 0.17 U 0.12 U 0.08 U OU2-SG-43-1 12/10/2018 HAPSITE ft bgs 376 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG-43B-071519 7/15/2019 HAPSITE ft bgs 330 2.7 U NS NS SB43-SG032521-15 3/25/2021 SUMMA ft bgs 160 0.64 0.033 J 0.085 U OU2-SG-44 12/6/2018 HAPSITE 14 15 ft bgs 11.9 2.7 U 2 U NS OU2-SG44-SC 12/6/2018 SUMMA 14 15 ft bgs 8.9 2.2 U 2.2 U 2.2 U MW29-SG032521-42 3/25/2021 SUMMA 42 42 ft bgs 260 4.4 0.65 0.23 J MW29-SG032521-66 3/25/2021 SUMMA 66 66 ft bgs 250 4.7 0.49 0.073 J MW29-SG032521-98 3/25/2021 SUMMA 98 98 ft bgs 170 3.6 1.3 0.17 J Notes: Highlight indicates values greater than screening level Bold indicates detected values Italics indicates nondetected values µg/m3 = microgram per cubic meter cis-1,2-DCE = cis-1,2-dichloroethene EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ft bgs = feet below ground surface NA = not applicable NS = not sampled OU = operable unit PCE = tetrachloroethene RBSL = risk based screening level TCE = trichloroethene VC = vinyl chloride Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit UJ = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit, and a QA/QC requirement has not been met 6 7 12 13 16 17 25 26 7 8 15 16 SG-42 SG-44 SG-43 1 Soil gas RBSL is the EPA indoor air RSL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 × 10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 divided by an attenuation factor of 0.03 MW-29 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 4 of 4 Table 5-3 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Source Area Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q B13-IA-001-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B13-IA-002-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B13-IA-003-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B13-IA-004-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Office 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B13-IA-005-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE South End of Building 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B13-IA-006-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Room 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B13-IA-007-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Room 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-001-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Basement 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-002-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Basement 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-003-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Basement 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-004-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Lobby 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-005-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-006-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Room 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-007-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-008-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Room 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-009-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-010-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Room 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-011-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-012-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Room 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA-013-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Lobby 2/7/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B20-IA01SC-031522 Indoor Air SUMMA Office 3/15/2022 0.069 J 0.17 U 0.13 U 0.081 U B20-IA02SC-031522 Indoor Air SUMMA Basement 3/15/2022 0.14 J 0.17 U 0.13 U 0.081 U B32-IA01SC-031522 Indoor Air SUMMA Office 3/15/2022 0.048 J 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.091 U B32-AA01SC-031522 Outdoor Air SUMMA Back Patio 3/15/2022 0.43 0.16 U 0.031 J 0.077 U B6-IA-001-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 1/24/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-002-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 1/24/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-003-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Storage Room 1/24/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-004-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Room 1/24/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-005-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Room 1/24/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-006-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Boiler Control Room 1/24/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-007-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Annex 1/24/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-008-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Annex 1/24/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-009-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Annex 1/24/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-010-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Annex 1/24/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-011-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Office 1/24/2019 75 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-011-02 Indoor Air HAPSITE Office 1/24/2019 129 1.88 0.4 U NS B6-IA-011-03 Indoor Air HAPSITE Office 1/24/2019 74 0.73 0.4 U NS B6-IA-011-04 Indoor Air HAPSITE Office 1/30/2019 2.5 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-012-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Break Room 1/24/2019 22 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-012-02 Indoor Air HAPSITE Break Room 1/30/2019 3.28 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-013-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Wood Shop 1/24/2019 42 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-013-02 Indoor Air HAPSITE Wood Shop 1/30/2019 2.61 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-014-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Plumbing Shop 1/24/2019 17.4 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-014-02 Indoor Air HAPSITE Plumbing Shop 1/30/2019 2.76 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-015-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Electrician Shop 1/24/2019 916 7.13 0.4 U NS B6-IA-015-02 Indoor Air HAPSITE Electrician Shop 1/30/2019 25 2.54 0.4 U NS B6-IA-016-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Basement Boiler Room 1/24/2019 4.88 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-017-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Basement 1/24/2019 4.67 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA-018-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE HVAC Shop 1/25/2019 1.02 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-IA01 Indoor Air SUMMA Office 9/6/2019 0.26 J 0.15 J 0.13 U NS B6-IA02 Indoor Air SUMMA Adjacent to receptionist cubicle 9/6/2019 0.3 J 0.12 U 0.13 U NS B6-IA03 Indoor Air SUMMA Not available 9/6/2019 0.39 J 0.12 U 0.13 U NS B6-IA04 Indoor Air SUMMA Not available 9/17/2019 0.11 U 0.12 U 0.12 U NS B6-IA05 Indoor Air SUMMA Annex 9/6/2019 0.24 J 0.13 U 0.14 U NS B6-IA06 Indoor Air SUMMA Control Room 9/6/2019 0.32 J 0.14 U 0.14 U NS B6-IA08 Indoor Air SUMMA Basement Boiler Room 9/6/2019 4.4 0.11 U 0.12 U NS B6-IA09 Indoor Air SUMMA Room outside of maintenance supervisor's office 9/7/2019 1.2 0.16 U 0.16 U NS B6-IA06-IA032521 Indoor Air SUMMA Control Room 3/25/2021 0.098 J 0.042 J 0.12 U 0.076 U B6-IA08-IA032521 Indoor Air SUMMA Basement 3/25/2021 2.4 0.18 U 0.13 U 0.083 U B6-NB-001-01 Indoor Source HAPSITE Office; Multi purpose Grease 1/24/2019 73 1.51 0.4 U NS B6-NB-002-01 Indoor Source HAPSITE Basement; Floor drain 1/24/2019 3.52 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-NB-003-01 Indoor Source HAPSITE Wood Shop; Flammables Cabinet 1/25/2019 6.78 0.96 0.4 U NS B6-NB-004-01 Indoor Source HAPSITE Wood Shop; Lubricant 1/30/2019 2 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-NB-005-01 Indoor Source HAPSITE Electrician Shop; moisture displacer 1/30/2019 2238 20 0.4 U NS B6-NB-006-01 Indoor Source HAPSITE Electrician Shop; Lektrikleen can 1/30/2019 102 2.16 0.4 U NS B6-NB-007-01 Indoor Source HAPSITE Electrician Shop; Break and Wheel Cleaner 1/30/2019 9358 1025 0.4 U NS 2.8Industrial/Commercial Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m3)1 Sample Identification Sample DateSample Method Indoor Air / Outdoor Air Sample Location Description TCE VCcis-1,2-DCEPCELocation 47 3 NA Building 13 Building 20 Building 32 Building 6 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 2 Table 5-3 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Source Area Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q 2.8Industrial/Commercial Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m3)1 Sample Identification Sample DateSample Method Indoor Air / Outdoor Air Sample Location Description TCE VCcis-1,2-DCEPCELocation 47 3 NA B6-NB-008-01 Indoor Source HAPSITE Electrician Shop; Graf-Coat Dry Graphite Lubricant 1/30/2019 216 276 0.4 U NS B6-NB-009-01 Indoor Source HAPSITE Electrician Shop; CAP Battery Cleaner 1/30/2019 181 1441 0.4 U NS B6-OA-001-01 Outdoor Air HAPSITE Outdoor near south end of Building 6 1/24/2019 8.31 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-OA-001-02 Outdoor Air HAPSITE Outdoor near south end of Building 6 1/30/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-OA-002-01 Outdoor Air HAPSITE Outdoor near south end of Building 6 1/24/2019 5.46 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-OA-003-01 Outdoor Air HAPSITE Outdoor in between Building 6 and 7 1/25/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B6-OA02 Outdoor Air SUMMA South of annex 9/9/2019 1.5 0.14 U 0.15 U NS B6-OA01-OA032521 Outdoor Air SUMMA Roof 3/25/2021 0.09 J 0.16 U 0.12 U 0.075 U B7-IA-001-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE NW Corner of Laundry Facility 1/25/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-002-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 1/25/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-003-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Basement 1/25/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-004-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Basement 1/25/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-005-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Laundry Room (east)1/25/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-006-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Laundry Facility (south)1/25/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-007-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Laundry Room (center)1/25/2019 0.68 U 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-008-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Freight Room 1/25/2019 0.77 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-009-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 1/25/2019 0.82 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-010-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE East Storage Room 1/25/2019 0.7 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-011-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE West Storage Room 1/25/2019 0.72 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-012-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 1/25/2019 4.76 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-013-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 1/25/2019 0.95 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-014-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 1/25/2019 1.54 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-015-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 1/25/2019 1.23 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA-016-01 Indoor Air HAPSITE Hallway 1/25/2019 0.86 0.54 U 0.4 U NS B7-IA01 Indoor Air SUMMA Hallway 9/6/2019 0.35 J 0.11 U 0.11 U NS B7-IA02 Indoor Air SUMMA Office 9/6/2019 0.33 J 0.96 0.14 U NS B7-IA03 Indoor Air SUMMA East corner of loading dock area 9/17/2019 0.15 J 0.47 J 0.13 U NS B7-IA04 Indoor Air SUMMA Room 9/6/2019 0.23 U 0.83 J 0.26 U NS B7-IA04 Indoor Air SUMMA East corner of loading dock area 9/17/2019 0.12 U 0.44 J 0.13 U NS B7-IA05 Indoor Air SUMMA Basement 9/6/2019 0.5 J 8 1 J NS B7-IA06 Indoor Air SUMMA Not available 9/6/2019 0.47 J 0.21 J 0.11 U NS B7-IA07 Indoor Air SUMMA East corner of loading dock area 9/6/2019 0.38 J 0.26 J 0.23 U NS B7-IA07 Indoor Air SUMMA East corner of loading dock area 9/17/2019 0.19 J 0.13 U 0.13 U NS B7-IA02-IA032521 Indoor Air SUMMA Office 3/25/2021 2.3 0.13 J 0.12 U 0.078 U B7-IA05-IA032521 Indoor Air SUMMA Basement 3/25/2021 0.18 J 0.081 J 0.11 U 0.074 U B7-OA01 Outdoor Air SUMMA Loading Dock Area 9/17/2019 0.12 U 0.12 U 0.13 U NS Notes: Highlight indicates values greater than screening level Bold indicates detected values Italics indicates nondetected values µg/m3 = microgram per cubic meter cis-1,2-DCE = cis-1,2-dichloroethene EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ft bgs = feet below ground surface NA = not applicable NS = Not sampled OU = operable unit PCE = tetrachloroethene RBSL = risk based screening level TCE = trichloroethene VC = vinyl chloride Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit UJ = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit, and a QA/QC requirement has not been met 1 EPA indoor Air RSL corresponds to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 × 10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 (May 2022 RSL table version). Building 7 Building 6 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 2 of 2 Table 5-4 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q NR - See Loose Lab Data EPA 1999 6/30/1998 2 1 U 1 U NR NR NR - See Loose Lab Data EPA 1999 7/1/1998 1 U 1 U 1 U NR NR NR - See UDEQ 2000 11/10/1998 1 J 10 U 10 U NR NR NR - See UDEQ 2012 10/4/2004 8.3 NR NR NR NR NR - See USGS 2005 2/22/2005 0.2 0.1 U 0.1 U NR NR NR - See UDEQ 2012 10/5/2005 0.33 NR NR NR NR NR - See MWH 2012 12/21/2011 9.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NR NR NR - See UDEQ 2012 12/21/2011 12 5 U 5 U NR NR NR - See Sealy Env Svcs 2014 6/26/2014 9 5 U 5 U NR NR MW-01D_04262016 4/26/2016 9.1 0.16 J 0.5 U 0.5 U NS A-GW-MW-01D_07/13/2016 7/13/2016 2.8 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 10 U A-GW-MW-01D_09212016 9/21/2016 1.6 0.5 U 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 2 UJ OU2-MW01D-GW-121118 12/11/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW01D-GW-031819 3/18/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW01D-GW120619 12/6/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW01D-GW061720 6/17/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.41 U MW01D-GW092920 9/29/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW01D-GW121520 12/15/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW01D-GW032221 3/22/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS NR - See Loose Lab Data EPA 1999 6/30/1998 280 2 2.7 NR NR NR - See Loose Lab Data EPA 1999 7/1/1998 420 E 4 4.5 NR NR NR - See UDEQ 2000; UDEQ 2012 11/11/1998 320 D 4 J 5 J NR NR NR - See UDEQ 2012 11/11/1998 310 4 J 3 J NR NR NR - See USGS 2005 2/25/2005 278 2.3 1.4 NR NR NR - See MWH 2012 11/14/2011 160 1.8 1 NR NR NR - See UDEQ 2012 11/14/2011 150 5 U 5 U NR NR NR - See Sealy Env Svcs 2014 6/26/2014 260 E 2.1 J 1.3 J NR NR MW-01S_04282016 4/28/2016 98 1.3 0.79 0.5 U 2 UJ A-GW-MW-01S_07/14/2016 7/14/2016 60 1 0.63 0.5 U 2 U A-GW-MW-01S_09222016 9/22/2016 210 1.5 0.85 J 0.5 U 2 UJ OU2-MW01S-GW-121118 12/11/2018 190 1.2 0.6 J 1 U 0.52 U OU2-MW01S-GW-031819 3/18/2019 200 1.2 0.6 J 1 U 0.45 U MW01S-GW062120 6/21/2020 160 1 0.47 J 1 U 0.42 U MW01S-GW092920 9/29/2020 180 1.1 0.49 J 1 U NS MW01S-GW121620 12/16/2020 160 1.1 0.56 J 1 U NS MW01S-GW032221 3/22/2021 170 0.95 J 0.44 J 1 U NS NR - See UDEQ 2000 11/11/1998 290 50 U 50 U NR NR NR - See USGS 2005 2/24/2005 296 2 1.1 NR NR NR - See UDEQ 2012 10/5/2005 160 NR NR NR NR NR - See Sealy Env Svcs 2014 6/26/2014 200 1.7 0.94 J NR NR MW-02_04272016 4/27/2016 98 0.66 0.36 J 0.5 U 2 UJ A-GW-MW-02_07/14/2016 7/14/2016 72 0.56 0.4 J 0.5 U 2 U A-GW-MW-02_09222016 9/22/2016 130 0.56 0.32 J 0.5 U 2 UJ OU2-MW02-GW-121818 12/18/2018 160 0.52 J 0.32 J 1 U 0.46 U OU2-MW02-GW-040919 4/9/2019 180 0.58 J 0.38 J 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW02-GW120519 12/5/2019 150 0.54 J 0.36 J 1 U 0.46 U MW02-GW061720 6/17/2020 190 J 0.56 J 0.39 J 1 U 0.41 U MW02-GW092820 9/28/2020 210 0.58 J 0.37 J 1 U NS MW02-GW121620 12/16/2020 220 0.55 J 0.43 J 1 U NS MW02-GW032321 3/23/2021 230 0.58 J 0.36 J 1 U NS NR - See UDEQ 2000 11/11/1998 11 10 U 10 U NR NR NR - See EPA 2000 9/21/1999 7.1 NR NR NR NR MW-01D MW-01S MW-02 MW-03 NAEPA Tap Water Regional Screening Level (RSL) (µg/L)1 0.46NANANA 2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date 1,4-Dioxanecis-1,2-DCEPCE TCE VC EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L)NA7055 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 9 Table 5-4 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q NAEPA Tap Water Regional Screening Level (RSL) (µg/L)1 0.46NANANA 2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date 1,4-Dioxanecis-1,2-DCEPCE TCE VC EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L)NA7055 OU2-MW03RA-GW-121318 12/13/2018 1.6 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW03RA-GW-032519 3/25/2019 30 0.15 J 1 U 1 U 0.48 U OU2-MW03RA-GW120719 12/7/2019 32 0.18 J 1 U 1 U 0.43 U MW03RA-GW061820 6/18/2020 30 0.19 J 1 U 1 U 0.4 U MW03RA-GW092920 9/29/2020 28 0.17 J 1 U 1 U NS MW03RA-GW121120 12/11/2020 29 0.19 J 1 U 1 U NS MW03RA-GW032121 3/21/2021 25 0.13 J 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW03RB-GW-122718 12/27/2018 220 2 1.5 1 U 0.54 U OU2-MW03RB-GW-032519 3/25/2019 230 2.1 1.5 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW03RB-GW120819 12/8/2019 200 1.9 1.4 1 U 0.44 U MW03RB-GW061820 6/18/2020 210 1.8 1.3 1 U 0.42 U MW03RB-GW092920 9/29/2020 230 1.8 1.3 1 U NS MW03RB-GW121120 12/11/2020 170 1.9 1.2 1 U NS MW03RB-GW032121 3/21/2021 220 1.7 1.2 1 U NS OU2-MW03RC-GW-121718 12/17/2018 6.5 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.44 U OU2-MW03RC-GW-032719 3/27/2019 6.3 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW03RC-GW120719 12/7/2019 5.6 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.46 U MW03RC-GW061820 6/18/2020 6.4 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW03RC-GW092920 9/29/2020 6.4 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW03RC-GW121120 12/11/2020 5.7 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW03RC-GW032121 3/21/2021 6.1 1 U 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW03RD-GW-032719 3/27/2019 0.18 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW03RD-GW120719 12/7/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.48 U MW03RD-GW061820 6/18/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.44 U MW03RD-GW092920 9/29/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW03RD-GW121120 12/11/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW03RD-GW032121 3/21/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS NR - See UDEQ 2000 11/11/1998 190 2 J 1 J NR NR NR - See USGS 2005 2/24/2005 119 1.1 0.6 NR NR NR - See UDEQ 2012 10/5/2005 120 NR NR NR NR NR - See Sealy Env Svcs 2014 6/26/2014 79 0.54 J 5 U NR NR MW-04_04272016 4/27/2016 56 0.44 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 2 UJ A-GW-MW-04_07/13/2016 7/13/2016 41 0.42 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 2 U A-GW-MW-04_09212016 9/21/2016 59 0.35 J 0.17 J 0.5 U 2 UJ OU2-MW04-GW-121818 12/18/2018 67 0.33 J 0.17 J 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW04-GW-031919 3/19/2019 67 0.28 J 1 U 1 U 0.52 U OU2-MW04-GW120519 12/5/2019 55 0.28 J 0.1 J 1 U 0.44 U MW04-GW062120 6/21/2020 53 0.27 J 0.11 J 1 U 0.41 U MW04-GW092920 9/29/2020 47 0.23 J 1 U 1 U NS MW04-GW121020 12/10/2020 40 0.24 J 0.15 J 1 U NS MW04-GW032221 3/22/2021 42 0.19 J 1 U 1 U NS NR - See UDEQ 2000 11/11/1998 10 U 10 U 10 U NR NR NR - See UDEQ 2012 2/23/2005 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NR NR NR - See UDEQ 2012 10/5/2005 0.5 U NR NR NR NR NR - See UDEQ 2012; MWH 2012 11/11/2011 5 U NR NR NR NR NR - See IHI Env 2012 11/16/2011 5 U 5 U 5 U NR NR NR - See Sealy Env Svcs 2014 6/26/2014 5 U 5 U 5 U NR NR MW-05_04252016 4/25/2016 0.5 U 0.19 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 2 UJ OU2-MW05R-GW-121118 12/11/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.46 U OU2-MW05R-GW-032019 3/20/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW05R-GW120819 12/8/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW05R-GW061920 6/19/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.4 U MW05R-GW102120 10/21/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW05R-GW120820 12/8/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-04 MW-03RA MW-03RB MW-03RC MW-03RD MW-05R MW-05 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 2 of 9 Table 5-4 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q NAEPA Tap Water Regional Screening Level (RSL) (µg/L)1 0.46NANANA 2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date 1,4-Dioxanecis-1,2-DCEPCE TCE VC EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L)NA7055 NR - See EPA 2000 1/6/2000 10 U 10 U 10 U NR NR NR- See USGS 2005 2/23/2005 0.8 0.1 U 0.1 U NR NR NR - See Sealy Env Svcs 2014 6/26/2014 5 U 5 U 5 U NR NR MW-06_04262016 4/26/2016 0.5 U 0.15 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 2 UJ A-GW-MW-06_07/13/2016 7/13/2016 0.48 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 2 U A-GW-MW-06_09212016 9/21/2016 0.39 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 2.1 UJ OU2-MW06-GW-121718 12/17/2018 0.29 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW06-GW-031919 3/19/2019 0.36 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW06-GW120619 12/6/2019 0.29 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.43 U MW06-GW062120 6/21/2020 0.23 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.46 U MW06-GW092420 9/24/2020 0.23 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW06-GW121020 12/10/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW06-GW032221 3/22/2021 0.18 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW08A-GW-122718 12/27/2018 68 J 0.48 J 0.24 J 1 U 0.46 U OU2-MW08A-GW-032119 3/21/2019 67 0.46 J 1 U 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW08A-GW120819 12/8/2019 56 0.39 J 0.17 J 1 U 0.4 U MW08A-GW062120 6/21/2020 55 0.4 J 0.17 J 1 U 0.41 U MW08A-GW092720 9/27/2020 59 0.44 J 0.19 J 1 U NS MW08A-GW120920 12/9/2020 52 0.42 J 0.23 J 1 U NS MW08A-GW031721 3/17/2021 58 0.37 J 0.19 J 1 U NS OU2-MW08B-GW-122718 12/27/2018 5.5 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW08B-GW-032119 3/21/2019 5 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.56 U OU2-MW08B-GW120819 12/8/2019 4.7 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW08B-GW062220 6/22/2020 4.4 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.39 U MW08B-GW092720 9/27/2020 5.1 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW08B-GW120920 12/9/2020 3.9 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW08B-GW031721 3/17/2021 4.3 1 U 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW08C-GW-032019 3/20/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW08C-GW120819 12/8/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.44 U MW08C-GW062220 6/22/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.39 U MW08C-GW092720 9/27/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW08C-GW120920 12/9/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW08C-GW031721 3/17/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW12D-GW-092418 9/24/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW12D-GW-120618 12/6/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW12D-GW-031319 3/13/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW12D-GW120619 12/6/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.44 U MW12D-GW061920 6/19/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.39 U MW12D-GW092220 9/22/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW12D-GW120920 12/9/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW12D-GW031721 3/17/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW12S-GW-092418 9/24/2018 0.86 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.48 U OU2-MW12S-GW-121018 12/10/2018 1.1 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.54 U OU2-MW12S-GW-031319 3/13/2019 1.3 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW12S-GW120619 12/6/2019 1.4 0.13 J 1 U 1 U 0.44 U MW12S-GW061920 6/19/2020 2.2 0.24 J 1 U 1 U 0.46 U OU2-MW13D-GW-091718 9/17/2018 69 0.5 J 0.39 J 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW13D-GW-112918 11/29/2018 67 0.53 J 0.42 J 1 U 0.47 U OU2-MW13D-GW-030719 3/7/2019 60 0.48 J 0.36 J 1 U 0.45 U OU2-MW13D-GW120519 12/5/2019 62 0.56 J 0.38 J 1 U 0.41 U MW13D-GW061820 6/18/2020 62 0.53 J 0.36 J 1 U 0.44 U MW13D-GW092220 9/22/2020 75 0.6 J 0.38 J 1 U NS MW13D-GW121120 12/11/2020 51 0.47 J 0.27 J 1 U NS MW13D-GW032121 3/21/2021 55 0.44 J 0.26 J 1 U NS MW-08A MW-08B MW-12D MW-08C MW-08C MW-06 MW-13D MW-12S OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 3 of 9 Table 5-4 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q NAEPA Tap Water Regional Screening Level (RSL) (µg/L)1 0.46NANANA 2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date 1,4-Dioxanecis-1,2-DCEPCE TCE VC EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L)NA7055 MW13L-GW121620 12/16/2020 16 0.17 J 0.41 J 1 U NS MW13L-GW032221 3/22/2021 51 0.29 J 0.5 J 1 U 0.42 U OU2-MW13S-GW-091918 9/19/2018 31 0.45 J 0.15 J 1 U 0.47 J OU2-MW13S-GW-112918 11/29/2018 22 0.73 J 0.15 J 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW13S-GW-030619 3/6/2019 18 0.51 J 1 U 1 U 0.54 U OU2-MW13S-GW120519 12/5/2019 14 0.31 J 1 U 1 U 0.39 U MW13S-GW061820 6/18/2020 23 0.88 J 0.18 J 1 U 0.45 U MW13S-GW092320 9/23/2020 24 1.1 0.18 J 1 U NS MW13S-GW121120 12/11/2020 27 1.3 0.2 J 1 U NS MW13S-GW032221 3/22/2021 25 1.1 0.19 J 1 U NS OU2-MW14D-GW-091918 9/19/2018 37 0.27 J 0.35 J 1 U 0.48 U OU2-MW14D-GW-120418 12/4/2018 30 0.23 J 0.32 J 1 U 0.3 J OU2-MW14D-GW-030719 3/7/2019 36 0.28 J 0.34 J 1 U 0.45 U OU2-MW14D-GW120719 12/7/2019 22 0.19 J 0.26 J 1 U 0.47 U MW14D-GW062320 6/23/2020 26 0.21 J 0.25 J 1 U 0.44 U MW14D-GW092520 9/25/2020 34 0.32 J 0.33 J 1 U NS MW14D-GW121420 12/14/2020 30 0.27 J 0.26 J 1 U NS MW14D-GW031821 3/18/2021 33 0.25 J 0.29 J 1 U NS OU2-MW14S-GW-091918 9/19/2018 10 3.7 0.8 J 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW14S-GW-120518 12/5/2018 3 4.3 1.1 1 U 0.51 U OU2-MW14S-GW-031119 3/11/2019 0.16 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.23 J OU2-MW14S-GW120719 12/7/2019 3.8 6 1.7 1 U 0.39 U MW14S-GW062320 6/23/2020 7.8 4.8 0.89 J 1 U 0.41 U MW14S-GW092520 9/25/2020 3.9 12 3.2 1 U NS MW14S-GW121420 12/14/2020 4.8 6.7 1.9 1 U NS MW14S-GW031821 3/18/2021 6 4.8 1.2 1 U NS OU2-MW15D-GW-092518 9/25/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW15D-GW-120418 12/4/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.51 U OU2-MW15D-GW-031119 3/11/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.47 U OU2-MW15D-GW120719 12/7/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.46 U MW15D-GW061920 6/19/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.41 U MW15D-GW092820 9/28/2020 0.15 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW15D-GW120920 12/9/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW15D-GW031621 3/16/2021 0.16 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW15S-GW-092518 9/25/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.18 J OU2-MW15S-GW-120418 12/4/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.21 J OU2-MW15S-GW-031119 3/11/2019 3.3 4.2 0.68 J 1 U 0.25 J OU2-MW15S-GW120719 12/7/2019 0.26 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.44 U MW15S-GW061920 6/19/2020 0.36 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.45 U MW15S-GW092820 9/28/2020 0.39 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW15S-GW120920 12/9/2020 0.39 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW15S-GW031621 3/16/2021 0.34 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW16D-GW-092018 9/20/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.52 U OU2-MW16D-GW-120618 12/6/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.55 U OU2-MW16D-GW-031419 3/14/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.52 U OU2-MW16D-GW120619 12/6/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.47 U MW16D-GW062120 6/21/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW16D-GW092520 9/25/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW16D-GW121020 12/10/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW16D-GW031721 3/17/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW16S-GW-092018 9/20/2018 23 0.16 J 1 U 1 U 0.46 U OU2-MW16S-GW-120518 12/5/2018 20 0.15 J 1 U 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW16S-GW-031419 3/14/2019 27 0.19 J 0.1 J 1 U 0.52 U OU2-MW16S-GW120619 12/6/2019 24 0.2 J 1 U 1 U 0.41 U MW-13L MW-13S MW-14D MW-14S MW-15D MW-15S MW-16D MW-16S OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 4 of 9 Table 5-4 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q NAEPA Tap Water Regional Screening Level (RSL) (µg/L)1 0.46NANANA 2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date 1,4-Dioxanecis-1,2-DCEPCE TCE VC EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L)NA7055 MW16S-GW062120 6/21/2020 25 0.18 J 1 U 1 U 0.44 U MW16S-GW092520 9/25/2020 28 0.24 J 0.12 J 1 U NS MW16S-GW121020 12/10/2020 24 0.21 J 0.15 J 1 U NS MW16S-GW031721 3/17/2021 23 0.16 J 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW17D-GW-092418 9/24/2018 2.1 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.2 J OU2-MW17D-GW-121018 12/10/2018 2 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.52 U OU2-MW17D-GW-031219 3/12/2019 2.7 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW17D-GW120819 12/8/2019 1.8 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW17D-GW062120 6/21/2020 2.5 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW17D-GW093020 9/30/2020 2.4 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW17D-GW121320 12/13/2020 2.3 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW17D-GW031921 3/19/2021 2.8 0.1 J 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW17S-GW-092418 9/24/2018 0.44 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW17S-GW-120318 12/3/2018 0.38 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW17S-GW-031219 3/12/2019 0.58 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.46 U OU2-MW17S-GW120819 12/8/2019 0.65 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.46 U MW17S-GW062120 6/21/2020 0.91 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW17S-GW093020 9/30/2020 0.9 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW17S-GW121120 12/11/2020 0.7 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW17S-GW031921 3/19/2021 0.88 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW18-GW-091818 9/18/2018 96 0.65 J 0.27 J 1 U 0.53 U OU2-MW18-GW-112718 11/27/2018 82 0.48 J 0.24 J 1 U 0.52 U OU2-MW18-GW-030419 3/4/2019 83 0.55 J 0.25 J 1 U 0.46 U OU2-MW18-GW120519 12/5/2019 74 0.5 J 0.27 J 1 U 0.4 U MW18-GW061620 6/16/2020 70 0.48 J 0.25 J 1 U 0.41 U MW18-GW092320 9/23/2020 59 0.43 J 0.15 J 1 U NS MW18-GW121420 12/14/2020 53 0.44 J 0.23 J 1 U NS MW18-GW032121 3/21/2021 64 0.42 J 0.17 J 1 U NS OU2-MW19-GW-091818 9/18/2018 89 0.68 J 0.31 J 1 U 0.52 U OU2-MW19-GW-112718 11/27/2018 72 0.51 J 0.27 J 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW19-GW-030419 3/4/2019 66 0.58 J 0.27 J 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW19-GW120519 12/5/2019 64 0.52 J 0.27 J 1 U 0.48 U MW19-GW061620 6/16/2020 64 0.5 J 0.29 J 1 U 0.41 U MW19-GW092320 9/23/2020 56 0.45 J 0.19 J 1 U NS MW19-GW121420 12/14/2020 49 0.5 J 0.28 J 1 U NS MW19-GW032121 3/21/2021 56 0.43 J 0.19 J 1 U NS OU2-MW20D-GW-091918 9/19/2018 12 0.29 J 0.15 J 1 U 0.49 U OU2-MW20D-GW-112618 11/26/2018 11 0.26 J 0.14 J 1 U 0.51 U OU2-MW20D-GW-030519 3/5/2019 12 0.29 J 0.15 J 1 U 0.51 U OU2-MW20D-GW120519 12/5/2019 9.8 0.25 J 0.12 J 1 U 0.44 U MW20D-GW061720 6/17/2020 9.9 0.23 J 0.12 J 1 U 0.4 U MW20D-GW092420 9/24/2020 10 0.22 J 1 U 1 U NS MW20D-GW121520 12/15/2020 9.1 0.26 J 0.15 J 1 U NS MW20D-GW031921 3/19/2021 11 0.26 J 0.12 J 1 U NS OU2-MW20S-GW-091818 9/18/2018 5.2 0.13 J 1 U 1 U 0.52 U OU2-MW20S-GW-112818 11/28/2018 4.4 0.15 J 0.13 J 1 U 0.47 U OU2-MW20S-GW-030419 3/4/2019 4.5 0.12 J 1 U 1 U 0.52 U OU2-MW20S-GW120419 12/4/2019 3.7 0.1 J 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW20S-GW061720 6/17/2020 3.9 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW20S-GW092420 9/24/2020 4.9 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW20S-GW121420 12/14/2020 4.3 0.13 J 1 U 1 U NS MW20S-GW031921 3/19/2021 5.4 0.12 J 1 U 1 U NS MW-20D MW-20S MW-19 MW-17D MW-17S MW-18 MW-18 MW-16S OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 5 of 9 Table 5-4 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q NAEPA Tap Water Regional Screening Level (RSL) (µg/L)1 0.46NANANA 2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date 1,4-Dioxanecis-1,2-DCEPCE TCE VC EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L)NA7055 OU2-MW21-GW-092018 9/20/2018 1.9 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.53 U OU2-MW21-GW-112818 11/28/2018 1.8 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.48 U OU2-MW21-GW-030619 3/6/2019 2 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.49 U MW21-GW061820 6/18/2020 2 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.44 U MW21-GW092320 9/23/2020 1.5 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW21-GW121420 12/14/2020 1.1 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW21-GW031621 3/16/2021 1.3 1 U 1 U 1 U NS OU2-MW22-GW-092018 9/20/2018 3 0.11 J 1 U 1 U 0.47 U OU2-MW22-GW-112818 11/28/2018 3 0.12 J 1 U 1 U 0.5 U OU2-MW22-GW-030619 3/6/2019 3.5 0.13 J 1 U 1 U 0.54 U MW22-GW061720 6/17/2020 2.9 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.43 U MW22-GW092320 9/23/2020 2.7 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW22-GW121420 12/14/2020 2.5 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW22-GW032121 3/21/2021 3 0.11 J 1 U 1 U NS MW23A-GW101920 10/19/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW23A-GW120920 12/9/2020 1 U 0.11 J 1 U 1 U NS MW23A-GW031621 3/16/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW23B-GW102020 10/20/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW23B-GW121020 12/10/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW23B-GW031621 3/16/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW23C-GW062320 6/23/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.4 U MW23C-GW101920 10/19/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW23C-GW120920 12/9/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW23C-GW031621 3/16/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW24-GW102020 10/20/2020 0.25 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.44 U MW24-GW120820 12/8/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW24-GW032121 3/21/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW25A-GW093020 9/30/2020 1.6 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW25A-GW120920 12/9/2020 1.3 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW25A-GW032121 3/21/2021 1.6 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW25B-GW093020 9/30/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.43 U MW25B-GW121020 12/10/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW25B-GW032121 3/21/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW25C-GW061920 6/19/2020 0.97 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.46 U MW25C-GW093020 9/30/2020 0.86 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW25C-GW121020 12/10/2020 0.76 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW25C-GW032121 3/21/2021 1.1 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW26A-GW092520 9/25/2020 1 U 0.21 J 1 U 1 U 0.44 U MW26A-GW121620 12/16/2020 1 U 0.18 J 1 U 1 U NS MW26A-GW031721 3/17/2021 1 U 0.14 J 1 U 1 U NS MW26B-GW092520 9/25/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW26B-GW121620 12/16/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.41 U MW26B-GW031721 3/17/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW26C-GW121720 12/17/2020 0.4 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW26C-GW031821 3/18/2021 0.79 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.44 U MW26D-GW092520 9/25/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW26D-GW031821 3/18/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.4 U MW27-GW062420 6/24/2020 1 U 0.13 J 1 U 1 U 0.38 U MW27-GW092420 9/24/2020 1 U 0.11 J 1 U 1 U NS MW27-GW120820 12/8/2020 1 U 0.15 J 1 U 1 U NS MW27-GW031621 3/16/2021 1 U 0.11 J 1 U 1 U NS MW28-GW062420 6/24/2020 1 U 0.24 J 1 U 1 U 0.46 U MW28-GW092420 9/24/2020 1 U 0.17 J 1 U 1 U NS MW-27 MW-25C MW-26A MW-26B MW-26C MW-26D MW-23B MW-23C MW-24 MW-25A MW-25B MW-28 MW-21 MW-22 MW-23A OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 6 of 9 Table 5-4 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q NAEPA Tap Water Regional Screening Level (RSL) (µg/L)1 0.46NANANA 2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date 1,4-Dioxanecis-1,2-DCEPCE TCE VC EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L)NA7055 MW28-GW120820 12/8/2020 1 U 0.18 J 1 U 1 U NS MW28-GW032121 3/21/2021 1 U 0.18 J 1 U 1 U NS MW29A-GW092820 9/28/2020 11 0.16 J 1 U 1 U 0.44 U MW29A-GW121320 12/13/2020 9.6 0.18 J 1 U 1 U NS MW29A-GW031921 3/19/2021 11 0.17 J 1 U 1 U NS MW29B-GW092820 9/28/2020 0.56 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.39 U MW29B-GW121120 12/11/2020 0.47 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW29B-GW031921 3/19/2021 0.55 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW29C-GW092820 9/28/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.44 U MW29C-GW121120 12/11/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW29C-GW031921 3/19/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW30C-GW092120 9/21/2020 0.35 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW30C-GW120920 12/9/2020 0.4 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW30C-GW031621 3/16/2021 0.35 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW30RA-GW120820 12/8/2020 0.18 J 0.34 J 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW30RA-GW031621 3/16/2021 0.18 J 0.29 J 1 U 1 U NS MW30RB-GW120820 12/8/2020 1 U 0.19 J 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW30RB-GW031621 3/16/2021 1 U 0.18 J 1 U 1 U NS MW31A-GW092320 9/23/2020 0.73 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.46 U MW31A-GW121120 12/11/2020 0.54 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW31A-GW031821 3/18/2021 0.55 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW31B-GW092320 9/23/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.46 U MW31B-GW121120 12/11/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW31B-GW031821 3/18/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW31C-GW092320 9/23/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.46 U MW31C-GW121120 12/11/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW31C-GW031821 3/18/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW32A-GW092220 9/22/2020 0.64 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW32A-GW121020 12/10/2020 0.46 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW32A-GW031721 3/17/2021 0.44 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW32B-GW092220 9/22/2020 0.44 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.4 U MW32B-GW121020 12/10/2020 0.34 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW32B-GW031721 3/17/2021 0.32 J 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW32C-GW092220 9/22/2020 0.26 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW32C-GW121020 12/10/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW32C-GW031721 3/17/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW34A-GW100120 10/1/2020 3.7 0.17 J 1 U 1 U NS MW34A-GW121520 12/15/2020 30 0.66 J 0.3 J 1 U 0.46 U MW34A-GW031921 3/19/2021 36 0.62 J 0.25 J 1 U NS MW34B-GW092720 9/27/2020 14 0.41 J 0.36 J 1 U 0.4 U MW34B-GW121720 12/17/2020 5.8 0.39 J 0.5 J 1 U NS MW34B-GW031921 3/19/2021 16 0.49 J 0.49 J 1 U NS MW34C-GW092720 9/27/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.41 U MW34C-GW121720 12/17/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW34C-GW031921 3/19/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW34D-GW092720 9/27/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW34D-GW121320 12/13/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW34D-GW031921 3/19/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW36-GW121420 12/14/2020 0.28 J 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 UJ MW36-GW031621 3/16/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW37D-GW121420 12/14/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW37D-GW031721 3/17/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW37S-GW121420 12/14/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.45 U MW37S-GW031721 3/17/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-34A MW-34B MW-34C MW-34D MW-36 MW-31B MW-31C MW-32A MW-32B MW-32C MW-30C MW-30RA MW-30RB MW-31A MW-29A MW-29B MW-29C MW-37D MW-37S MW-28 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 7 of 9 Table 5-4 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q NAEPA Tap Water Regional Screening Level (RSL) (µg/L)1 0.46NANANA 2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date 1,4-Dioxanecis-1,2-DCEPCE TCE VC EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L)NA7055 MW38D-GW121620 12/16/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.45 U MW38D-GW031821 3/18/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW38S-GW121620 12/16/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U 0.42 U MW38S-GW031721 3/17/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U NS GW-001 A-GW-001_03042016 3/4/2016 0.78 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-003 A-GW-003_02/26/2016 2/26/2016 0.48 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-004 A-GW-004_02/26/2016 2/26/2016 12 0.34 J 0.5 UJ 0.5 U NS GW-005 A-GW-005_02/26/2016 2/26/2016 1.4 0.5 U 0.5 UJ 0.5 U NS GW-006 A-GW-006_02/26/2016 2/26/2016 3.1 1 0.45 J 0.5 U NS GW-007 A-GW-007_02282016 2/28/2016 33 0.59 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-008 A-GW-008_02272016 2/27/2016 9.6 1.8 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-009 A-GW-009_02/26/2016 2/26/2016 0.7 2.4 0.68 0.5 U NS A-GW-010_02272016 2/27/2016 0.99 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS A-GW-10_07/12/2016 7/12/2016 1.1 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 2 U A-GW-10_09202016 9/20/2016 1.1 0.19 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 2 UJ RG01-GW041621 4/16/2021 7.3 0.17 J 1 U 1 U NS A-GW-011_02272016 2/27/2016 45 0.82 0.39 J 0.5 U NS A-GW-11_07/11/2016 7/11/2016 44 0.56 0.37 J 0.5 U 2 U A-GW-11_09192016 9/19/2016 35 0.62 0.43 J 0.5 U 2 UJ RG02-GW041621 4/16/2021 57 1.3 1.1 1 U NS GW-012 A-GW-012_03/02/2016 3/2/2016 4.8 0.22 J 0.14 J 0.5 U NS GW-013 A-GW-013_03042016 3/4/2016 22 0.18 J 0.11 J 0.5 U NS GW-014 A-GW-014_03/02/2016 3/2/2016 3.2 1.9 0.24 J 0.5 U NS GW-015 A-GW-015_02292016 2/29/2016 31 0.62 J 0.29 J 0.5 U NS A-GW-016_02282016 2/28/2016 20 J 0.61 0.26 J 0.5 U NS A-GW-16_07/11/2016 7/11/2016 13 0.53 0.5 U 0.5 U 2 U A-GW-16_09192016 9/19/2016 18 0.73 0.3 J 0.5 U 2 UJ RG03-GW041521 4/15/2021 60 0.67 J 0.41 J 1 U NS GW-017 A-GW-017_03/02/2016 3/2/2016 1.1 0.56 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-018 A-GW-018_03/02/2016 3/2/2016 10 2.1 0.27 J-0.5 U NS A-GW-020_03012016 3/1/2016 2.7 1 0.5 U 0.5 U NS A-GW-20_07/11/2016 7/11/2016 8.3 0.4 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 2 U A-GW-20_09192016 9/19/2016 8.6 0.29 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 2.1 UJ RG04-GW041521 4/15/2021 6 0.99 J 1 U 1 U NS GW-021 A-GW-021_03012016 3/1/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-022 A-GW-022_03012016 3/1/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-023 A-GW-023_02/22/2016 2/22/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-024 A-GW-024_02/25/2016 2/25/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-025 A-GW-025_02292016 2/29/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-026 A-GW-026_02282016 2/28/2016 0.27 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS A-GW-027_03052016 3/5/2016 22 0.21 J 0.14 J 0.5 U NS RG05-GW041621 4/16/2021 7.8 1 U 1 U 1 U NS GW-028 A-GW-028_03052016 3/5/2016 43 0.4 J 0.27 J 0.5 U NS GW-031 A-GW-031_02282016 2/28/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-039 A-GW-039_02/23/2016 2/23/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-040 A-GW-040_03/03/2016 3/3/2016 0.13 J 0.5 U 0.5 UJ 0.5 U NS GW-043 A-GW-043_03032016 3/3/2016 0.35 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-046 A-GW-046_02/24/2016 2/24/2016 0.2 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-048 A-GW-048_03/03/2016 3/3/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-049 A-GW-049_02/25/2016 2/25/2016 1.2 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS GW-049 A-GW-49_07/12/2016 7/12/2016 1.1 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 2 U GW-049 A-GW-49_09202016 9/20/2016 1.1 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 2.1 UJ A-GW-050_02292016 2/29/2016 2.5 1.7 1.1 0.5 U NS A-GW-50_07/12/2016 7/12/2016 2.8 6.1 1.3 0.5 U 2 U MW-38D MW-38S GW-010/ RG-01 GW-011/ RG-02 GW-016/ RG-03 GW-020/ RG-04 GW-027/ RG-05 GW-050/ RG-06 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 8 of 9 Table 5-4 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q NAEPA Tap Water Regional Screening Level (RSL) (µg/L)1 0.46NANANA 2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date 1,4-Dioxanecis-1,2-DCEPCE TCE VC EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L)NA7055 A-GW-50_09202016 9/20/2016 3 6.4 1.4 0.5 U 2 UJ RG06-GW041621 4/16/2021 1.5 7.4 2.2 1 U NS GW-051 A-GW-051_03042016 3/4/2016 23 0.19 J 0.5 U 0.5 U NS A-GW-052_03/03/2016 3/3/2016 57 0.53 J 0.39 J 0.5 U NS A-GW-52_07/12/2016 7/12/2016 52 0.56 0.32 J 0.5 U 2.7 A-GW-52_09202016 9/20/2016 43 0.44 J 0.3 J 0.5 U 2 UJ RG07-GW041621 4/16/2021 43 0.32 J 0.11 J 1 U NS A-GW-053_03/03/2016 3/3/2016 37 0.83 0.31 J 0.5 U NS A-GW-53_07/11/2016 7/11/2016 40 0.84 0.21 J 0.5 U 2 U A-GW-53_09192016 9/19/2016 45 0.59 0.22 J 0.5 U 2 UJ RG08-GW041521 4/15/2021 56 0.42 J 0.15 J 1 U NS GW-055 A-GW-055_03052016 3/5/2016 0.19 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS A-GW-059_03052016 3/5/2016 0.17 J 7.7 3.9 0.5 U NS A-GW-59_07/11/2016 7/11/2016 2 6.1 2.5 0.5 U 2 U A-GW-59_09192016 9/19/2016 1 7.2 3 0.5 U 2 UJ RG09-GW041621 4/16/2021 13 1.2 0.49 J 1 U NS GW-060 A-GW-060_03/08/2016 3/8/2016 10 1 0.5 U 0.5 U NS A-GW-061_03052016 3/5/2016 2.3 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS A-GW-61_07/12/2016 7/12/2016 2.9 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 2 U A-GW-61_09202016 9/20/2016 3 0.15 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 2 UJ RG10-GW041621 4/16/2021 3 0.59 J 1 U 1 U NS GW-062 A-GW-062_03/08/2016 3/8/2016 20 0.23 J 0.16 J 0.5 U NS RG-11 RG11-GW041621 4/16/2021 6.5 1 U 1 U 1 U NS Notes: 1 EPA Tap Water RSL based on target cancer risk 1 × 10-6 and hazard quotient = 1 Highlight indicates values greater than screening level Bold indicates detected values Italics indicates nondetected values µg/L = microgram per liter cis-1,2-DCE = cis-1,2-dichloroethene EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ft bgs = feet below ground surface MCL = maximum contaminant level MWH = MWH Americas, Inc. NA = not applicable NR = not reported NS = not sampled OU = operable unit PCE = tetrachloroethene RSL = regional screening level TCE = trichloroethene UDEQ = Utah Department of Environmental Quality USGS = U.S. Geological Survey VC = vinyl chloride Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit UJ = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit, and a QA/QC requirement has not been met D = Sample was diluted to bring analyte concentration(s) into the instrument calibration range E = Estimated - reported concentration was above the instrument calibration range GW-053/ RG-08 GW-061/ RG-10 GW-052/ RG-07 GW-059/ RG-09 GW-050/ RG-06 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 9 of 9 Table 5-5 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Push-Ahead Groundwater Samples µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q MW-03R Shallow MW03R-GWA-1-187 Analytical 187 10/17/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-03R Shallow MW03R-GWA-2-217 Analytical 217 10/18/2018 6.6 1 U 1 U NS MW-03R Deep MW03R-GWA-3-247 Analytical 247 10/19/2018 6.5 1 U 1 U NS MW-03R Deep MW03R-GWA-4-267 Analytical 267 10/20/2018 81 1 U 1 U NS MW-03R Deep MW03R-GWA-5-287 Analytical 287 10/20/2018 8.1 1 U 1 U NS MW-03R Deep MW03R-GWA-6-307 Analytical 307 10/21/2018 23 1 U 1 U NS MW-03R Deep MW03R-GWA-7-327 Analytical 327 10/22/2018 1.99 1 U 1 U NS MW-03R Deep MW03R-GWA-8-347 Analytical 347 10/25/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-03R Deep MW03R-GWA-9-367 Analytical 367 10/26/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-03R Deep MW-03R-GWA-11-387 Analytical 387 11/1/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-03R Deep MW-03R-GWA-12-407 Analytical 407 11/1/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Shallow MW-08-GWH-1-67 HAPSITE 67 11/16/2018 4.8 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Shallow MW08-GWH-2-97 HAPSITE 97 11/17/2018 52 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Shallow MW-08-GWH-3-117 HAPSITE 117 11/17/2018 29 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Shallow MW-08-GWH-4-137 HAPSITE 137 11/18/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Shallow MW-08-GWH-5-157 HAPSITE 157 11/18/2018 2.1 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Shallow MW-08-GWH-6-177 HAPSITE 177 11/19/2018 2.6 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Shallow MW-08-GWH-7-197 HAPSITE 197 11/19/2018 1.8 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Shallow MW-08-GWH-8-217 HAPSITE 217 11/20/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Shallow MW-08-GWH-9-237 HAPSITE 237 11/27/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Shallow MW-08-GWH-10-257 HAPSITE 257 11/28/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Deep MW-08-GWH-11-277 HAPSITE 277 11/29/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Deep MW-08-GWH-12-297 HAPSITE 297 11/29/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Deep MW-08-GWH-13-317 HAPSITE 317 11/30/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Deep MW-08-GWH-14-377 HAPSITE 377 12/2/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-08 Deep MW-08-GWH-15-417 HAPSITE 417 12/3/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U NS MW-23 Perched MW23-GW040820-150 Analytical 150 4/8/2020 6.0 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-23 Shallow MW23-GW040920-220 Analytical 220 4/9/2020 0.2 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-23 Intermediate MW23-GW041020-240 Analytical 240 4/10/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-23 Intermediate MW23-GW041020-260 Analytical 260 4/10/2020 0.22 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-23 Deep MW23-GW041320-310 Analytical 310 4/13/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-23 Deep MW23-GW041420-340 Analytical 340 4/14/2020 2 U 2 U 2 U 2 U MW-24 Perched MW24-GW051320-160 Analytical 160 5/13/2020 1.2 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-24 Shallow MW24-GW08182020-211 Passive Sampler 211 8/18/2020 0.84 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-24 Shallow MW24-GW08182020-217 Passive Sampler 217 8/18/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-24 Shallow MW24-GW051420-220 Analytical 220 5/14/2020 0.23 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-24 Shallow MW24-GW08182020-231 Passive Sampler 231 8/18/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-24 Shallow MW24-GW08182020-237.5 Passive Sampler 237.5 8/18/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-25 Perched MW25-GW050120-164 Analytical 164 5/1/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-25 Shallow MW25-GW050320-212 Analytical 212 5/3/2020 0.83 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-25 Intermediate MW25-GW050320-232 Analytical 232 5/3/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-25 Intermediate MW25-GW050320-252 Analytical 252 5/3/2020 0.18 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-25 Deep MW25-GW050420-272 Analytical 272 5/4/2020 0.22 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-25 Deep MW25-GW050520-292 Analytical 292 5/5/2020 0.56 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-25 Deep MW25-GW050620-320 Analytical 320 5/6/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-26 Shallow MW26-GW050620-210 Analytical 210 5/6/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-26 Intermediate MW26-GW050720-240 Analytical 240 5/7/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-26 Intermediate MW26-GW050720-250 Analytical 250 5/7/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-26 Deep MW26-GW050820-270 Analytical 270 5/8/2020 5 U 5 U 5 U 5 U MW-26 Deep MW26-GW051120-320 Analytical 320 5/11/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-26 Deep MW26-GW051220-360 Analytical 360 5/12/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-27 Perched MW27-GW032320-168 Analytical 168 3/23/2020 9.1 1 U 0.1 J 1 U MW-27 Shallow MW27-GW032420-210 Analytical 210 3/24/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-27 Shallow MW27-GW032420-220 Analytical 220 3/24/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-28 Shallow MW28-GW031820-211 Analytical 211 3/18/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-29 Perched MW29-GW052920-120 Analytical 120 5/29/2020 9.2 0.17 J 1 U 1 U MW-29 Shallow MW29-GW053120-191 Analytical 191 5/31/2020 6.1 0.11 J 1 U 1 U MW-29 Intermediate MW29-GW060120-230 Analytical 230 6/1/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-29 Intermediate MW29-GW060220-260 Analytical 260 6/2/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-30 Deep MW30-GW060420-237 Analytical 237 6/4/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-30 Deep MW30-GW060520-280 Analytical 280 6/5/2020 1 U 0.13 J 1 U 1 U MW-30 Deep MW30-GW060520-298 Analytical 298 6/5/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-30 Deep MW30-GW060720-320 Analytical 320 6/7/2020 0.2 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-30 Deep MW30-GW060720-340 Analytical 340 6/7/2020 0.16 J 1 U 1 U 1 U VCSample Depth (ft bgs)Location Sample Identification Sample DateAquifer Zone cis-1,2-DCEPCE TCESample Type 27055EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L) OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 2 Table 5-5 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Push-Ahead Groundwater Samples µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q VCSample Depth (ft bgs)Location Sample Identification Sample DateAquifer Zone cis-1,2-DCEPCE TCESample Type 27055EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L) MW-31 Shallow MW31-GW061020-138 Analytical 138 6/10/2020 0.59 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-31 Shallow MW31-GW061120-190 Analytical 190 6/11/2020 0.2 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-31 Deep MW31-GW061120-230 Analytical 230 6/11/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-32 Shallow MW32-GW062320-100 Analytical 100 6/23/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-32 Shallow MW32-GW062420-120 Analytical 120 6/24/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-32 Shallow MW32-GW062520-175 Analytical 175 6/25/2020 0.2 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-32 Shallow MW32-GW062620-210 Analytical 210 6/26/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-32 Deep MW32-GW062820-270 Analytical 270 6/28/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-34 Shallow MW34-GW070820-150 Analytical 150 7/8/2020 6.7 0.12 J 1 U 1 U MW-34 Shallow MW34-GW070820-180 Analytical 180 7/8/2020 14 0.36 J 0.25 J 1 U MW-34 Shallow MW34-GW070920-210 Analytical 210 7/9/2020 1.5 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-34 Shallow MW34-GW070920-230 Analytical 230 7/9/2020 1.6 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-34 Deep MW34-GW070920-260 Analytical 260 7/9/2020 0.66 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-34 Deep MW34-GW071020-300 Analytical 300 7/10/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-34 Deep MW34-GW071220-320 Analytical 320 7/12/2020 0.43 J 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-37 -MW37-GW111220-30 Analytical 30 11/12/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U MW-37 -MW37-GW111320-70 Analytical 70 11/13/2020 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U Notes: 1 EPA Tap Water RSL based on target cancer risk 1 × 10-6 and hazard quotient = 1 Highlight indicates values greater than screening level Bold indicates detected values Italics indicates nondetected values µg/L = microgram per liter cis-1,2-DCE = cis-1,2-dichloroethene EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ft bgs = feet below ground surface MCL = maximum contaminant level NS = Not sampled OU = operable unit PCE = tetrachloroethene TCE = trichloroethene VC = vinyl chloride Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit UJ = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit, and a QA/QC requirement has not been met OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 2 of 2 Table 5-6 Geochemical Parameters in Groundwater mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mV Q su Q mS/cm Q deg C Q NTU Q OU2-MW01D-GW-121118 12/11/2018 120 178 NS 256 720 1 U NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW01D-GW-031819 3/18/2019 128 153 NS 245 2730 0.791 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW01D-GW120619 12/6/2019 106 151 2.89 261 708 0.383 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.02 7.21 118 6.97 1.097 12.38 0.17 MW01D-GW061720 6/17/2020 107 149 0.905 254 680 0.278 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.06 5.62 117.3 6.95 1.083 14.3 0.77 MW01D-GW092920 9/29/2020 107 146 3.63 280 667 0.315 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.05 7.33 270.6 6.93 1.079 14.4 0.89 MW01D-GW121520 12/15/2020 101 152 3.88 271 NS 0.882 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.22 7.53 97.7 7.02 0.525 12.4 0.51 MW01D-GW032221 3/22/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 6.51 85.3 7.12 1.107 12.1 0.43 OU2-MW01S-GW-121118 12/11/2018 287 115 NS 278 J 1070 1 U NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW01S-GW-031819 3/18/2019 250 101 NS 275 927 0.469 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR MW01S-GW062120 6/21/2020 270 49.7 J 2.04 267 984 0.472 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.03 6.12 133.8 7.03 1.575 13.6 1.04 MW01S-GW092920 9/29/2020 262 103 2.66 291 877 0.562 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 7.66 245.3 6.84 1.526 16.2 0 MW01S-GW121620 12/16/2020 270 101 2.68 274 NS 0.723 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.12 9.5 171.8 7.02 0.682 12.5 2.17 MW01S-GW032221 3/22/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 7.96 157.9 6.93 1.575 12.8 1.3 OU2-MW02-GW-121818 12/18/2018 120 91.2 NS 291 J 1260 0.852 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW02-GW-040919 4/9/2019 514 92.6 NS 292 1290 0.862 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW02-GW120519 12/5/2019 705 112 3.13 J 295 1560 0.576 J 0.18 J 2 U 2 U 0.4 8.41 110.2 6.97 2.917 12.27 0 MW02-GW061720 6/17/2020 402 101 J- 2.4 298 1320 0.524 J 0.28 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 5.65 114.1 6.81 2.128 13.4 0.03 MW02-GW092820 9/28/2020 407 J+ 97 2.54 303 1200 1 U 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.03 8.18 117.7 6.87 1.927 14 0 MW02-GW121620 12/16/2020 437 88.8 3.38 294 NS 0.855 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.08 9.59 80.9 6.98 0.912 12.5 0 MW02-GW032321 3/23/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 5.26 185.8 6.84 2.105 12.2 0.19 OU2-MW03RA-GW-121318 12/13/2018 437 144 NS 249 1140 2.14 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW03RA-GW-032519 3/25/2019 401 93 NS 279 1040 1.92 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW03RA-GW120719 12/7/2019 440 100 2.31 274 1200 1.68 0.19 J 2 U 2 U 0.02 7.2 155.9 6.89 1.989 11.32 8.8 MW03RA-GW061820 6/18/2020 371 97.7 0.811 273 1120 0.897 J 0.24 J 2 U 2 U 0.08 4.94 50.5 6.88 1.895 14.9 1.48 MW03RA-GW092920 9/29/2020 367 93.1 2.28 290 1020 2.14 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 7.55 29.2 6.68 1.8 13.8 1.81 MW03RA-GW121120 12/11/2020 329 94.8 2.44 285 NS 2.32 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.88 6.67 69.1 6.73 1.488 10.9 6.78 MW03RA-GW032121 3/21/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.31 5.43 59.1 6.98 1.389 10.4 7.05 OU2-MW03RB-GW-122718 12/27/2018 199 128 NS 224 704 2.67 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW03RB-GW-032519 3/25/2019 165 103 NS 234 676 1.34 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW03RB-GW120819 12/8/2019 194 111 2.36 231 812 1.02 0.32 J 2 U 2 U 0.02 5.56 113.5 7.14 1.192 11.59 9.23 MW03RB-GW061820 6/18/2020 166 111 1.14 229 731 1.79 0.2 J 2 U 2 U 0.06 4.73 -80.7 7 1.202 14.9 6.35 MW03RB-GW092920 9/29/2020 182 104 2.53 253 739 1.65 0.19 J 2 U 2 U 0.05 7.99 102.5 7.3 1.161 15.8 28.6 MW03RB-GW121120 12/11/2020 158 107 2.56 239 NS 2.28 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 3.38 -24.8 7.16 0.954 11.2 64.2 MW03RB-GW032121 3/21/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.05 6.52 71.7 7.06 1.055 10.9 61.7 OU2-MW03RC-GW-121718 12/17/2018 73.8 160 NS 234 614 5.01 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW03RC-GW-032719 3/27/2019 70.5 147 NS 238 627 1.75 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW03RC-GW120719 12/7/2019 90.1 168 2.03 228 650 7.22 0.31 J 2 U 2 U 0.03 8.53 101.3 7.2 0.982 12.16 0 MW03RC-GW061820 6/18/2020 72.6 157 0.905 227 677 2.15 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.04 5.66 77.5 7.05 1 14.5 2.26 MW03RC-GW092920 9/29/2020 80.4 159 2.29 239 587 8.36 0.21 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 8.22 125.5 7.04 0.898 13.9 0.89 MW03RC-GW121120 12/11/2020 77.9 158 2.46 226 NS 3.2 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 6.88 83.9 6.99 0.786 11.6 31 MW03RC-GW032121 3/21/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.25 5.68 93 7.18 0.766 11.8 7.2 OU2-MW03RD-GW-032719 3/27/2019 82.7 219 NS 257 728 9.06 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW03RD-GW120719 12/7/2019 86.5 212 2.43 253 706 5.34 0.43 J 2 U 2 U 0.17 4.19 -22.7 7.13 1.186 12.08 6.5 MW03RD-GW061820 6/18/2020 83.4 199 0.884 257 691 7.95 0.47 J 2 U 0.31 J 0.07 3.72 -85.4 7.09 1.111 13.8 0.55 MW03RD-GW092920 9/29/2020 87 202 2.24 260 704 4.75 0.25 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 5 44 7.05 1.002 14.8 7.88 MW03RD-GW121120 12/11/2020 80.2 197 2.05 264 NS 9.06 0.49 J 2 U 0.52 J 0.13 0.72 -88.4 7.3 0.868 11.9 31.6 MW03RD-GW032121 3/21/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.21 4.43 16.7 7.11 0.941 11.7 9.04 OU2-MW04-GW-121818 12/18/2018 236 106 NS 293 822 0.849 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW04-GW-031919 3/19/2019 232 105 NS 299 802 0.671 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW04-GW120519 12/5/2019 246 J 103 1.45 293 919 0.472 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 9.19 50.4 7.12 1.47 10.92 0.7 MW04-GW062120 6/21/2020 250 49.3 1.73 284 909 0.519 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.12 6.87 -20.2 7.09 1.515 12 0.59 MW04-GW092920 9/29/2020 281 94.7 2.38 297 886 0.532 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 8.65 242.3 6.9 1.473 11.9 0 MW04-GW121020 12/10/2020 241 96.2 2.4 298 NS 1 U 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 6.79 127.5 7.16 1.57 11 2.31 MW04-GW032221 3/22/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 7.68 148.8 7.16 1.502 11.2 0.49 TurbiditySulfateTemperature MW-01D Alkalinity2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date Dissolved OxygenEthaneChlorideEthene Specific ConductancepHNitrate/ Nitrite1 ORPTDS TOC Methane Ferrous Iron MW-04 MW-03RB MW-03RA MW-02 MW-01S MW-03RD MW-03RC OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 7 Table 5-6 Geochemical Parameters in Groundwater mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mV Q su Q mS/cm Q deg C Q NTU Q TurbiditySulfateTemperatureAlkalinity2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date Dissolved OxygenEthaneChlorideEthene Specific ConductancepHNitrate/ Nitrite1 ORPTDS TOC Methane Ferrous Iron OU2-MW05R-GW-121118 12/11/2018 317 110 NS 311 1020 1 U NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW05R-GW-032019 3/20/2019 250 106 NS 320 858 0.824 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW05R-GW120819 12/8/2019 319 94.4 3.31 306 1060 0.351 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.31 7.8 136.9 6.97 1.724 12.74 35.6 MW05R-GW061920 6/19/2020 275 98.5 2.4 315 996 0.479 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 5.33 -40.9 6.96 1.614 14.1 0.54 MW05R-GW102120 10/21/2020 248 106 3.33 311 1110 0.402 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 3.67 -37 6.88 1.58 14.7 1.35 MW05R-GW120820 12/8/2020 307 121 3.71 293 NS 1.06 0.46 J 2 U 2 U 1.02 5.66 -3.5 7.04 1.52 13.9 0.2 OU2-MW06-GW-121718 12/17/2018 187 99.1 NS 277 725 0.761 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW06-GW-031919 3/19/2019 156 106 NS 273 756 0.782 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW06-GW120619 12/6/2019 170 J 104 0.849 278 656 0.498 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 5.16 91.5 7.1 1.122 10.63 0.35 MW06-GW062120 6/21/2020 154 95.3 0.966 266 690 0.523 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 3.35 -42.8 7.31 1.136 12.5 0.32 MW06-GW092420 9/24/2020 179 111 1.58 279 717 0.483 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.14 6.07 94.7 7.51 1.168 12.3 1.04 MW06-GW121020 12/10/2020 142 107 1.33 277 NS 1 U 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.43 3.04 115.1 7.46 1.223 10.9 3.26 MW06-GW032221 3/22/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 3.76 144.9 7.28 0.772 11 1.09 OU2-MW08A-GW-122718 12/27/2018 363 J 97.2 J NS 260 1070 J 1.07 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW08A-GW-032119 3/21/2019 414 95.9 NS 265 1020 0.654 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW08A-GW120819 12/8/2019 385 105 4.23 261 1100 0.385 J 0.69 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 8.04 89.8 6.99 1.835 12.12 4.83 MW08A-GW062120 6/21/2020 383 97.3 2 267 1130 0.456 J 0.45 J 2 U 2 U 0.5 6.43 108.5 6.95 1.855 14.4 24.6 MW08A-GW092720 9/27/2020 375 J+ 94.6 3.74 271 1190 1 U 0.4 J 2 U 2 U 0.05 8.04 231.5 6.81 1.782 13.2 4.87 MW08A-GW120920 12/9/2020 462 102 4.58 219 NS 0.588 J 0.34 J 2 U 2 U 0.02 3.99 -72.5 6.89 2.248 12.2 6.03 MW08A-GW031721 3/17/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 5.02 75.7 7.03 1.576 12.3 4.19 OU2-MW08B-GW-122718 12/27/2018 106 150 NS 246 689 0.675 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW08B-GW-032119 3/21/2019 114 152 NS 247 636 0.501 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW08B-GW120819 12/8/2019 114 139 2.67 249 695 0.4 J 0.28 J 2 U 2 U 0.01 7.9 69.4 7.12 1.097 12.17 1.17 MW08B-GW062220 6/22/2020 114 144 1.75 238 758 0.333 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.03 5.51 -43 7.09 1.084 13.9 0.47 MW08B-GW092720 9/27/2020 116 J+ 147 2.37 253 771 1 U 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 7.76 249.6 7.08 1.041 13.3 0.47 MW08B-GW120920 12/9/2020 165 149 2.86 225 NS 0.67 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 2.66 -77.2 7.15 1.307 12.3 2.49 MW08B-GW031721 3/17/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 7.23 108.4 7.23 0.938 12.4 4.38 OU2-MW08C-GW-032019 3/20/2019 53.7 173 NS 232 624 2.63 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW08C-GW120819 12/8/2019 54.6 163 1.88 242 611 3.87 1 J 0.44 J 2 U 0.37 4.4 -16.4 7.22 0.93 11.79 0 MW08C-GW062220 6/22/2020 26 78.7 1.22 242 602 6.64 0.83 J 2 U 0.33 J 0.35 2 -87.5 7.24 0.914 14.9 4.11 MW08C-GW092720 9/27/2020 53.6 J+ 166 1.43 259 634 10.4 0.75 J 2 U 0.41 J 0.26 3.29 34.7 7.3 0.861 15.2 3.11 MW08C-GW120920 12/9/2020 70.6 191 2.03 228 NS 3.98 0.4 J 2 U 2 U 0.58 1.58 -113.5 7.28 1.071 12 27.2 MW08C-GW031721 3/17/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.3 4.38 -128.3 7.47 0.906 12.7 11.1 OU2-MW12D-GW-092418 9/24/2018 206 183 NS 284 1000 0.652 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW12D-GW-120618 12/6/2018 198 182 NS 290 910 18.7 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW12D-GW-031319 3/13/2019 192 161 NS 294 835 0.466 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW12D-GW120619 12/6/2019 189 J 163 2.27 282 915 0.531 J 0.22 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 6.75 91.7 7.07 1.396 14.1 1.87 MW12D-GW061920 6/19/2020 196 160 2.25 276 905 0.41 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 4.76 110.2 7.31 1.432 15 2.13 MW12D-GW092220 9/22/2020 195 165 1.41 289 900 0.4 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.02 6.93 286.8 7 1.424 16.1 1.05 MW12D-GW120920 12/9/2020 294 174 3.15 255 NS 0.928 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 4.97 7.9 7.09 1.42 13.9 3.62 MW12D-GW031721 3/17/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 5.18 -37.4 6.95 1.396 14 2.84 OU2-MW12S-GW-092418 9/24/2018 201 115 NS 320 929 0.858 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW12S-GW-121018 12/10/2018 102 101 NS 375 719 25.3 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW12S-GW-031319 3/13/2019 105 77.7 NS 372 624 0.657 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW12S-GW120619 12/6/2019 259 J 110 2.34 352 1000 0.673 J 0.2 J 2 U 2 U 0.18 6.37 32.7 6.98 1.668 15.34 8.68 MW12S-GW061920 6/19/2020 281 114 2.35 341 1090 0.678 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.03 3.72 58.4 7.14 1.766 19.8 1.71 OU2-MW13D-GW-091718 9/17/2018 198 105 NS 244 768 0.97 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW13D-GW-112918 11/29/2018 205 112 NS 245 708 0.761 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW13D-GW-030719 3/7/2019 192 102 NS 255 737 0.739 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW13D-GW120519 12/5/2019 218 J 118 3.18 241 917 0.382 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 7.58 20.3 6.99 1.347 12.86 5.09 MW13D-GW061820 6/18/2020 210 100 3.1 241 858 0.399 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 5.23 81.9 7 1.349 14.4 4.08 MW13D-GW092220 9/22/2020 222 107 1.46 270 973 0.443 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.04 7.67 297.7 7 1.37 15 3.26 MW13D-GW121120 12/11/2020 202 100 4.55 251 NS 0.758 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 5.5 21.1 7.07 1.38 12.7 6.27 MW13D-GW032121 3/21/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.12 1.12 -55.2 7.12 1.405 12.8 1.25 MW-05R MW-12S MW-13D MW-06 MW-08A MW-08B MW-08C MW-12D OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 7 Table 5-6 Geochemical Parameters in Groundwater mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mV Q su Q mS/cm Q deg C Q NTU Q TurbiditySulfateTemperatureAlkalinity2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date Dissolved OxygenEthaneChlorideEthene Specific ConductancepHNitrate/ Nitrite1 ORPTDS TOC Methane Ferrous Iron MW-13L MW13L-GW032221 3/22/2021 182 J- 90.9 1.22 J 216 NS 0.735 J 0.28 J 2 U 2 U 0.21 7.3 62.7 6.94 1.112 12.9 40.1 OU2-MW13S-GW-091918 9/19/2018 415 116 NS 287 1250 4.3 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW13S-GW-112918 11/29/2018 416 104 NS 333 1210 5.3 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW13S-GW-030619 3/6/2019 376 117 NS 325 1100 1.96 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW13S-GW120519 12/5/2019 426 J 102 0.678 348 1270 1.13 0.65 J 2 U 2 U 0.31 1.83 18.8 6.96 2.007 12.7 15.4 MW13S-GW061820 6/18/2020 415 219 1.12 332 1270 1.1 3 2 U 2 U 0.03 2.62 104 7.01 2.036 16.5 3.07 MW13S-GW092320 9/23/2020 429 110 1.84 337 1220 1.07 14 2 U 2 U 0.19 4.5 152.9 6.97 2.136 17.3 39.2 MW13S-GW121120 12/11/2020 369 107 2.25 359 NS 1.35 3.6 2 U 2 U 0.59 8.16 136.6 7.05 2.1 13.5 48.9 MW13S-GW032221 3/22/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.31 3.41 64.5 6.92 1.889 11.4 20.03 OU2-MW14D-GW-091918 9/19/2018 201 103 NS 248 753 0.725 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW14D-GW-120418 12/4/2018 205 112 NS 248 749 0.843 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW14D-GW-030719 3/7/2019 189 103 NS 251 757 0.578 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW14D-GW120719 12/7/2019 213 104 3.41 246 827 0.344 J 0.38 J 2 U 2 U 0.02 3.26 80.5 7.14 1.305 12.16 0.03 MW14D-GW062320 6/23/2020 213 105 0.916 248 872 0.443 J 0.3 J 2 U 2 U 0.11 3.4 88 7.24 1.331 18.2 0.59 MW14D-GW092520 9/25/2020 208 112 0.988 262 840 0.518 J 0.28 J 2 U 2 U 0.04 7.85 163.6 7.33 1.265 18.3 1.02 MW14D-GW121420 12/14/2020 193 102 4.14 255 NS 0.684 J 0.19 J 2 U 2 U 0.34 6.19 200.4 7.13 1.379 11.9 2.77 MW14D-GW031821 3/18/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.09 3.23 -36.9 7.17 1.35 12.8 0.16 OU2-MW14S-GW-091918 9/19/2018 232 117 NS 279 879 1.38 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW14S-GW-120518 12/5/2018 289 120 NS 268 946 7.84 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW14S-GW-031119 3/11/2019 364 140 NS 384 1180 1.06 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW14S-GW120719 12/7/2019 303 109 0.197 257 930 0.869 J 0.22 J 2 U 2 U 0.06 1.69 21.5 7.1 1.724 11.46 4.15 MW14S-GW062320 6/23/2020 251 127 1.86 253 960 0.913 J 0.26 J 2 U 2 U 1 0.41 11.1 7.05 1.803 20.2 21.8 MW14S-GW092520 9/25/2020 252 124 1.4 270 968 0.948 J 0.49 J 2 U 2 U 0.94 2.46 -23.1 7.03 1.46 23.9 5.88 MW14S-GW121420 12/14/2020 253 118 0.948 278 NS 1.75 0.28 J 2 U 2 U 0.14 0.92 83.4 6.97 1.25 9.3 11.6 MW14S-GW031821 3/18/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 0.97 -111 7.21 1.64 11.4 32.2 OU2-MW15D-GW-092518 9/25/2018 299 143 NS 351 1090 0.928 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW15D-GW-120418 12/4/2018 318 147 NS 363 1150 0.958 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW15D-GW-031119 3/11/2019 281 128 NS 359 1090 0.831 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW15D-GW120719 12/7/2019 316 150 7.94 357 1220 0.665 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.58 5.48 172.2 6.89 1.988 13.58 8.6 MW15D-GW061920 6/19/2020 310 147 3.11 350 1230 0.594 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.05 4.17 -62.1 6.94 1.919 14.3 18.1 MW15D-GW092820 9/28/2020 318 J+ 151 4.8 366 1050 1 U 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.04 5.47 143.2 6.86 1.754 14.4 2.1 MW15D-GW120920 12/9/2020 380 162 7.28 300 NS 1.45 0.51 J 2 U 2 U 0.78 4.06 22.8 6.94 1.9 13.4 17.2 MW15D-GW031621 3/16/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 3.45 -97.5 6.96 1.893 13.8 8.17 OU2-MW15S-GW-092518 9/25/2018 417 129 NS 380 1150 0.92 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW15S-GW-120418 12/4/2018 439 140 NS 384 1250 1.11 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW15S-GW-031119 3/11/2019 277 121 NS 263 953 1.49 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW15S-GW120719 12/7/2019 451 152 6.97 393 1430 0.682 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.04 6.4 58 6.89 2.39 13.76 1.87 MW15S-GW061920 6/19/2020 378 139 3.24 368 1240 0.637 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 4.79 114 6.97 2.14 14.4 3.97 MW15S-GW092820 9/28/2020 375 J+ 149 4.44 388 1180 1 U 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 7.11 211.8 6.71 2.037 14.5 2.16 MW15S-GW120920 12/9/2020 412 167 7.04 326 NS 1.66 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 4.87 78.6 6.88 2.047 13.4 7.58 MW15S-GW031621 3/16/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 5.49 -41.6 6.94 2.079 13.9 3.67 OU2-MW16D-GW-092018 9/20/2018 107 147 NS 233 594 0.557 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW16D-GW-120618 12/6/2018 101 139 NS 237 636 13.1 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW16D-GW-031419 3/14/2019 96.9 140 NS 237 570 0.486 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW16D-GW120619 12/6/2019 143 J 146 3.25 233 641 0.71 J 2.3 2 U 2 U 0 U 8.54 111.4 7.18 1.044 12.39 2.75 MW16D-GW062120 6/21/2020 98.2 144 2.11 229 689 0.294 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 6.32 111.8 7.12 1.062 14 1.24 MW16D-GW092520 9/25/2020 107 156 1.03 246 670 0.396 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.02 9.26 141.6 6.98 1.015 13.6 0.89 MW16D-GW121020 12/10/2020 98.5 137 2.85 242 NS 2.88 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.49 6.29 111.1 7.31 1.093 11.9 5.5 MW16D-GW031721 3/17/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.21 2.74 -37.4 7.2 1.058 13 1.85 OU2-MW16S-GW-092018 9/20/2018 249 104 NS 279 832 0.682 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW16S-GW-120518 12/5/2018 253 101 NS 291 878 18.8 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW16S-GW-031419 3/14/2019 235 94.6 NS 287 868 0.583 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW16S-GW120619 12/6/2019 263 J 94.7 2.97 284 862 0.561 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.08 5.79 85 6.99 1.476 13.2 1.09 MW16S-GW062120 6/21/2020 255 87.6 1.95 265 939 0.478 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.03 5.35 72.6 6.94 1.505 13.6 4.23 MW16S-GW092520 9/25/2020 261 97.9 1.64 288 856 0.465 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.01 6.83 175.7 7.01 1.379 13.7 5.62 MW16S-GW121020 12/10/2020 239 90.7 2.16 275 NS 1 U 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.37 5.07 195.1 7.1 1.531 12 5.72 MW16S-GW031721 3/17/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.06 4.01 -41.4 7.08 1.486 13 8.8 MW-16D MW-16S MW-14D MW-14S MW-15D MW-15S MW-13S MW-13S OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 3 of 7 Table 5-6 Geochemical Parameters in Groundwater mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mV Q su Q mS/cm Q deg C Q NTU Q TurbiditySulfateTemperatureAlkalinity2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date Dissolved OxygenEthaneChlorideEthene Specific ConductancepHNitrate/ Nitrite1 ORPTDS TOC Methane Ferrous Iron OU2-MW17D-GW-092418 9/24/2018 272 118 NS 296 916 0.827 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW17D-GW-121018 12/10/2018 268 123 NS 295 926 17.7 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW17D-GW-031219 3/12/2019 248 122 NS 295 940 0.802 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW17D-GW120819 12/8/2019 292 111 4.63 298 1020 0.606 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.02 6.99 122.9 7 1.732 12.16 0.7 MW17D-GW062120 6/21/2020 269 108 3 286 971 0.52 J 0.2 J 2 U 2 U 0.28 4.94 109.3 7.07 1.618 17 47.6 MW17D-GW093020 9/30/2020 271 120 2.22 308 940 0.513 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.34 8.11 157.4 7.09 1.565 14.5 11.1 MW17D-GW121320 12/13/2020 240 114 4.92 310 NS 1.08 0.18 J 2 U 2 U 0.11 4.77 117.8 6.99 1.628 11.7 37.1 MW17D-GW031921 3/19/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 1.78 -66.3 7 1.58 12.8 30.7 OU2-MW17S-GW-092418 9/24/2018 371 136 NS 315 1040 2.19 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW17S-GW-120318 12/3/2018 350 126 NS 319 1200 1.76 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW17S-GW-031219 3/12/2019 357 123 NS 318 1140 1.37 NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW17S-GW120819 12/8/2019 357 122 1.32 331 1190 1.35 0.25 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 3.53 12.2 7.02 2.045 8.32 11.7 MW17S-GW062120 6/21/2020 322 121 2.09 310 1130 0.86 J 0.25 J 2 U 2 U 0.01 0.6 35.3 7.12 1.91 19.8 17.3 MW17S-GW093020 9/30/2020 371 133 2.84 334 1090 0.801 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.24 3.33 120.8 6.85 1.807 15.9 1.69 MW17S-GW121120 12/11/2020 299 122 2.62 329 NS 1.35 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.61 1.32 -3 7.08 1.89 9.5 14.4 MW17S-GW031921 3/19/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.04 2.53 -82.7 7.04 1.804 12 16.2 OU2-MW18-GW-091818 9/18/2018 357 108 NS 272 1010 0.839 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW18-GW-112718 11/27/2018 355 108 NS 272 1050 0.907 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW18-GW-030419 3/4/2019 327 116 NS 274 1060 0.873 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW18-GW120519 12/5/2019 342 110 3.64 276 1170 0.478 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.07 8.53 193.9 6.93 1.831 11.62 1.69 MW18-GW061620 6/16/2020 358 106 3.78 279 1120 0.552 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.01 6.71 53 6.94 1.984 13.1 2.97 MW18-GW092320 9/23/2020 392 111 0.908 286 1090 0.745 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 8.37 111.6 6.98 1.792 13.9 6.61 MW18-GW121420 12/14/2020 370 104 5.04 281 NS 0.577 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 6.65 60.6 6.87 1.517 11.3 6.56 MW18-GW032121 3/21/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.36 5.26 -28.5 6.94 1.896 12.1 5.35 OU2-MW19-GW-091818 9/18/2018 320 110 NS 259 962 0.788 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW19-GW-112718 11/27/2018 335 105 NS 263 961 0.869 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW19-GW-030419 3/4/2019 292 111 NS 261 975 0.738 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW19-GW120519 12/5/2019 302 99.3 3.21 263 962 0.539 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.32 8.36 47.5 7.02 1.615 12.38 0.97 MW19-GW061620 6/16/2020 311 103 3.52 261 1020 0.521 J 0.18 J 2 U 2 U 0.04 6.49 69.2 7.03 1.779 13.6 10.37 MW19-GW092320 9/23/2020 329 104 1.63 J 265 1090 0.507 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 7.94 111.1 7.03 1.605 14.1 6.16 MW19-GW121420 12/14/2020 330 103 3.84 263 NS 1 U 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.12 6.18 14.6 6.9 1.439 12.3 13.2 MW19-GW032121 3/21/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.16 1.91 -32.7 7.08 1.764 12.6 4.44 OU2-MW20D-GW-091918 9/19/2018 112 90.5 NS 233 J 570 0.738 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW20D-GW-112618 11/26/2018 119 98.7 NS 235 547 0.722 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW20D-GW-030519 3/5/2019 109 82.8 NS 239 617 0.627 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW20D-GW120519 12/5/2019 137 87.2 3.1 248 593 0.406 J 0.2 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 7.54 179.7 7.08 1 12.3 1.54 MW20D-GW061720 6/17/2020 126 96.6 J- 3.25 242 666 0.405 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 5.12 18.4 7.16 0.988 13.6 1.45 MW20D-GW092420 9/24/2020 120 103 1.64 J 259 590 0.388 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 7.59 183.3 7.1 1.01 14.9 1.46 MW20D-GW121520 12/15/2020 111 87.5 5.39 243 NS 0.361 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.04 8.76 16.4 7.17 0.475 11.9 8.52 MW20D-GW031921 3/19/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.24 3.01 -35.7 7.1 0.996 13 3.64 OU2-MW20S-GW-091818 9/18/2018 110 102 NS 307 591 0.832 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW20S-GW-112818 11/28/2018 106 107 NS 308 622 0.796 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW20S-GW-030419 3/4/2019 110 98.8 NS 307 655 0.854 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW20S-GW120419 12/4/2019 111 101 4.65 351 713 0.643 J 0.19 J 2 U 2 U 0.02 4.13 97.3 7.01 1.182 13.01 1.51 MW20S-GW061720 6/17/2020 115 89.7 J- 2.55 285 599 2.11 0.52 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 4.22 -29.7 7.35 0.969 13.7 1.3 MW20S-GW092420 9/24/2020 107 94.4 1.07 289 612 0.771 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 6.81 177.6 7.19 1.016 14 0.75 MW20S-GW121420 12/14/2020 106 88.8 4.54 290 NS 0.539 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.22 4.35 67.9 6.99 0.881 11.3 3.07 MW20S-GW031921 3/19/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.05 4.13 -16.1 7.06 1.071 12.9 1.52 OU2-MW21-GW-092018 9/20/2018 386 78.7 NS 271 1110 0.778 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW21-GW-112818 11/28/2018 349 73.5 NS 274 931 0.898 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW21-GW-030619 3/6/2019 321 69 NS 282 972 0.791 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR MW21-GW061820 6/18/2020 363 80.3 3.21 279 1080 0.716 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 6.23 92.1 6.85 1.841 14.6 2.61 MW21-GW092320 9/23/2020 424 70.9 0.492 292 1030 0.571 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.02 8.88 91.3 7.04 1.801 17.3 4.66 MW21-GW121420 12/14/2020 322 74.2 3.99 268 NS 1.01 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.16 7.69 50.8 6.97 1.804 12.5 8.51 MW21-GW031621 3/16/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0 U 3.16 -79.2 7.07 1.807 13.5 3.16 MW-20S MW-17S MW-19 MW-18 MW-20D MW-17D MW-17D MW-21 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 4 of 7 Table 5-6 Geochemical Parameters in Groundwater mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mV Q su Q mS/cm Q deg C Q NTU Q TurbiditySulfateTemperatureAlkalinity2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date Dissolved OxygenEthaneChlorideEthene Specific ConductancepHNitrate/ Nitrite1 ORPTDS TOC Methane Ferrous Iron OU2-MW22-GW-092018 9/20/2018 294 128 NS 280 946 0.824 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW22-GW-112818 11/28/2018 289 127 NS 284 J 929 0.88 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR OU2-MW22-GW-030619 3/6/2019 284 123 NS 286 1010 0.841 J NS NS NS NS NR NR NR NR NR NR MW22-GW061720 6/17/2020 266 121 3.44 288 934 0.478 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.08 5.89 -18.1 6.96 1.625 13.4 4.34 MW22-GW092320 9/23/2020 293 125 1.8 295 966 0.733 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.02 8.21 178.5 6.97 1.581 13.5 5.22 MW22-GW121420 12/14/2020 282 128 1.47 297 NS 1.05 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.24 6.78 86 6.92 1.718 12.2 7.75 MW22-GW032121 3/21/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.47 2.67 -28.3 7.05 1.084 12.5 7.78 MW23A-GW101920 10/19/2020 317 107 0.698 278 1390 0.891 J 9.3 4.5 2.7 1.35 1.67 -127.3 7.39 1.542 20.2 4 MW23A-GW120920 12/9/2020 314 104 0.953 295 NS 1.3 1.7 J 0.69 J 0.88 J 1.32 3.82 -65.3 6.98 1.758 11.5 33.6 MW23A-GW031621 3/16/2021 329 J 90.9 1.02 285 NS 1.13 1.1 J 0.37 J 0.78 J 1.36 2.87 -55.9 7.08 1.738 12.9 11.6 MW23B-GW102020 10/20/2020 185 97.6 2.49 309 848 0.415 J 0.32 J 2 U 2 U 0.12 3.03 -67.1 7.11 1.288 19 18.6 MW23B-GW121020 12/10/2020 208 92.9 2.22 273 NS 0.916 J 0.33 J 2 U 0.32 J 0.11 3.63 74.8 7.07 1.13 14 36.2 MW23B-GW031621 3/16/2021 184 J 81.9 2.58 258 NS 0.82 J 0.42 J 2 U 0.52 J 0.45 4.01 74 7.07 1.306 14.6 38.3 MW23C-GW062320 6/23/2020 63.4 232 3.59 288 1410 0.971 J 7.4 4.5 1.7 J 0.23 0.31 -156.7 7.32 1.071 24.2 0.8 MW23C-GW101920 10/19/2020 60.5 226 1.47 236 735 0.323 J 6.8 3.2 14 0.03 1.45 -121.6 7.54 0.91 19.1 12.7 MW23C-GW120920 12/9/2020 53.7 202 1.22 240 NS 1 U 0.89 J 0.33 J 0.77 J 0 U 3.76 15.1 7.25 0.646 9.4 19.7 MW23C-GW031621 3/16/2021 62.9 J 206 1.6 224 NS 0.772 J 1.4 J 0.6 J 2 0.03 2.37 9.4 7.21 1.017 13.5 7.5 MW24-GW102020 10/20/2020 312 96.6 1.96 286 1050 0.404 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 6.41 -86.8 7.01 1.666 15.2 0.31 MW24-GW120820 12/8/2020 346 109 2.3 271 NS 1.2 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.04 5.3 -2.8 7.04 1.66 14.1 1.16 MW24-GW032121 3/21/2021 311 J- 87.1 1.85 268 NS 0.385 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 6.07 22.5 7.05 1.498 13.2 4.7 MW25A-GW093020 9/30/2020 333 102 2.03 297 967 0.389 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.13 7.48 311.2 6.78 1.701 18.6 29.1 MW25A-GW120920 12/9/2020 307 110 1.78 289 NS 1 U 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.08 2.01 -71.1 7.01 2.016 10.9 52.4 MW25A-GW032121 3/21/2021 322 J- 87 2.02 276 NS 0.84 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.02 5.87 76.2 7.33 1.728 9.1 19.3 MW25B-GW093020 9/30/2020 198 99.8 2.45 282 807 0.311 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 5.23 251.1 6.82 1295 15.7 3.06 MW25B-GW121020 12/10/2020 183 94.9 2.26 276 NS 0.982 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 2.2 -83.5 7.11 1.045 9.6 18.2 MW25B-GW032121 3/21/2021 187 J- 84.3 2.76 259 NS 0.722 J 2 U 2 U 0.33 J 0.06 5.53 169.4 6.97 1.313 10.8 5.9 MW25C-GW061920 6/19/2020 86.7 133 1.98 236 620 0.332 J 1.2 J 0.39 J 2 U 0.03 4.46 -80.7 7.21 0.948 15.4 0 MW25C-GW093020 9/30/2020 90.4 126 2.61 250 599 0.373 J 0.71 J 2 U 0.62 J 0.01 6.76 128.8 6.99 943 16.7 1.29 MW25C-GW121020 12/10/2020 77.2 120 2.68 249 NS 0.941 J 0.61 J 2 U 0.76 J 0.04 4.24 -77.8 7.24 0.752 11.2 23.1 MW25C-GW032121 3/21/2021 86.5 J- 108 3.08 228 NS 0.711 J 0.4 J 2 U 0.49 J 0.62 6.84 145.9 7.08 0.952 12.1 11.4 MW26A-GW092520 9/25/2020 402 116 1.47 NS NS 0.767 J 0.22 J 2 U 2 U 1.49 6.25 95.4 6.97 1873 22.8 11.1 MW26A-GW121620 12/16/2020 369 95.7 2 302 NS 1.53 0.17 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 4.46 14.2 6.92 1.97 12.7 7.7 MW26A-GW031721 3/17/2021 352 J 92.7 2.18 287 NS 1.03 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.02 4.25 93.1 6.92 1.917 15.5 3.44 MW26B-GW121620 12/16/2020 211 89.4 2.37 278 NS 1.16 0.25 J 2 U 2 U 0.28 3.47 185.1 7.01 0.622 14.9 4.69 MW26B-GW031721 3/17/2021 189 J 83.1 2.48 262 NS 0.754 J 0.2 J 2 U 2 U 0.02 2.81 93.7 6.91 1.359 16.4 1.16 MW-26C MW26C-GW031821 3/18/2021 81.2 J 110 2.94 233 NS 0.948 J 0.23 J 2 U 2 U 0.8 2.61 132.2 7.06 0.943 15.9 3.51 MW-26D MW26D-GW031821 3/18/2021 59.3 J 191 1.68 226 NS 0.774 J 0.34 J 2 U 2 U 0.2 3.12 5.6 7.3 1.023 15.8 1.79 MW27-GW062420 6/24/2020 338 106 1.56 288 1160 0.45 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.28 4.89 91.8 6.82 1.889 17.1 0.42 MW27-GW092420 9/24/2020 368 104 1.85 305 1110 0.452 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.03 8.23 65.6 7.12 1.758 17.5 0.67 MW27-GW120820 12/8/2020 459 115 2.05 294 NS 0.762 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.12 5.32 -0.1 7.07 1.83 15.4 0.8 MW27-GW031621 3/16/2021 309 J 91.8 2.19 278 NS 1.57 0.22 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 4.76 46.9 7.05 2.087 15.1 0.71 MW28-GW062420 6/24/2020 373 110 2.52 297 1230 0.491 J 0.21 J 2 U 2 U 0.07 4.76 30.7 6.9 2.016 15.4 3.91 MW28-GW092420 9/24/2020 417 105 1.17 315 1180 0.475 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.03 8.3 143.2 7.12 1.866 16.8 1.09 MW28-GW120820 12/8/2020 455 113 2.47 286 NS 0.832 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.05 5.6 -16.4 7.12 1.91 13.8 0.52 MW28-GW032121 3/21/2021 385 J- 86.8 2.32 277 NS 0.512 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.12 7.16 17.2 6.97 1.703 12.9 4.11 MW29A-GW092820 9/28/2020 235 J+ 115 1.88 306 897 1 U 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 8.57 68.8 7.05 1.356 17.3 0.32 MW29A-GW121320 12/13/2020 195 96.9 3.99 302 NS 0.743 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.02 7.6 142.9 6.96 0.958 5.1 0.84 MW29A-GW031921 3/19/2021 203 J 91.3 2.03 292 NS 0.846 J 0.18 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 5.42 164.7 7.17 1.19 10.1 0.35 MW29B-GW092820 9/28/2020 212 J+ 127 1.67 265 873 1 U 0.87 J 0.37 J 2 U 0.11 5.87 132.1 6.87 1.315 12.2 20.7 MW29B-GW121120 12/11/2020 198 120 2.11 266 NS 0.672 J 0.33 J 2 U 2 U 0.2 1 -61.4 7.1 1.059 8.5 35.2 MW29B-GW031921 3/19/2021 372 J 106 2.08 250 NS 0.638 J 0.3 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 4.75 143.8 7.08 1.292 10.9 9.53 MW29C-GW092820 9/28/2020 170 114 2.79 272 785 0.395 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.02 7.95 50.3 7.2 1.184 13.8 4.21 MW29C-GW121120 12/11/2020 143 113 4.01 268 NS 0.6 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.22 5.15 85.9 6.89 0.978 10 6.64 MW29C-GW031921 3/19/2021 147 J 100 2.99 252 NS 0.733 J 0.26 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 4.18 44.7 6.94 1.197 12.3 7.34 MW30C-GW092120 9/21/2020 268 89.9 0.906 295 890 0.998 J 1.8 J 0.76 J 0.57 J 0.45 1.46 -82.5 7.1 1.471 20.7 2.77 MW30C-GW120920 12/9/2020 324 93.8 2.22 265 NS 1.42 0.86 J 2 U 0.44 J 0.64 2.92 -50 7.08 1.028 13.6 7.27 MW30C-GW031621 3/16/2021 249 J 73.4 2.55 265 NS 1.36 0.77 J 2 U 0.65 J 0.09 1.67 -16.5 7.19 1.641 12.8 8.78 MW-25A MW-25B MW-23B MW-24 MW-22 MW-23A MW-30C MW-27 MW-28 MW-29A MW-29B MW-29C MW-23C MW-25C MW-26A MW-26B OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 5 of 7 Table 5-6 Geochemical Parameters in Groundwater mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mV Q su Q mS/cm Q deg C Q NTU Q TurbiditySulfateTemperatureAlkalinity2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date Dissolved OxygenEthaneChlorideEthene Specific ConductancepHNitrate/ Nitrite1 ORPTDS TOC Methane Ferrous Iron MW30RA-GW120820 12/8/2020 352 88.9 3.12 245 NS 0.764 J 0.18 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 6.43 70.5 7.01 1.568 13.6 7.15 MW30RA-GW031621 3/16/2021 301 J 73.9 2.95 283 NS 1.02 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 4.99 89.3 7.03 1.847 13.5 1.14 MW30RB-GW120820 12/8/2020 350 93 3.42 265 NS 0.662 J 0.96 J 2 U 2 U 0.06 6.22 35.7 7 1.508 13.6 4.47 MW30RB-GW031621 3/16/2021 276 J 72.9 3.32 261 NS 0.818 J 0.19 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 5.14 115.3 7.06 1.556 13.1 1.68 MW31A-GW092320 9/23/2020 156 107 0.691 NS NS 0.656 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.05 8.85 137.3 7.48 1.148 20.4 1.36 MW31A-GW121120 12/11/2020 154 111 1.33 287 NS 1.03 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.07 6.13 120.7 7.07 0.904 6.8 3.4 MW31A-GW031821 3/18/2021 190 J- 88.7 2.04 261 NS 0.855 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.04 6.14 75.2 7.14 1.267 12.7 8.18 MW31B-GW092320 9/23/2020 142 151 1.42 262 750 0.48 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.05 7.61 273.4 7 1.09 13 17.1 MW31B-GW121120 12/11/2020 124 157 1.92 257 NS 0.996 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.03 6.69 65 6.94 1.237 10.7 22.1 MW31B-GW031821 3/18/2021 129 J- 146 2.46 242 NS 0.71 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 7.52 103.9 7.08 1.122 10.7 3.98 MW31C-GW092320 9/23/2020 85.3 214 0.496 211 649 1.05 15 8.8 1.5 J 1.02 3.5 -110.1 7.61 0.972 13.1 5.64 MW31C-GW121120 12/11/2020 82.8 216 1.61 224 NS 1.75 4.6 2.9 0.59 J 1.14 1.05 -121.1 7.12 1.109 10.5 4.49 MW31C-GW031821 3/18/2021 85.5 J- 178 1.64 212 NS 1.29 3.8 2.7 1 J 0.48 0.82 -72.9 7.23 0.797 11.1 7.81 MW32A-GW092220 9/22/2020 210 101 0.923 272 755 0.354 J 0.35 J 2 U 2 U 0.05 8.28 128.3 7.47 1.32 15.1 22 MW32A-GW121020 12/10/2020 247 107 2.34 275 NS 0.587 J 0.18 J 2 U 2 U 0.27 7 26.2 7.01 1.495 12.2 11.2 MW32A-GW031721 3/17/2021 198 J 93.7 2.21 276 NS 0.918 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.03 7.06 110.9 7.27 1.128 13.2 7.06 MW32B-GW092220 9/22/2020 101 156 1.52 255 590 0.26 J 0.21 J 2 U 2 U 0.06 7 -48.3 7.14 1.016 17.4 3.68 MW32B-GW121020 12/10/2020 101 142 2.67 246 NS 0.474 J 0.18 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 5.6 -49.5 7.02 1.083 12.4 1.52 MW32B-GW031721 3/17/2021 106 J 132 3.44 238 NS 0.777 J 0.22 J 2 U 2 U 0.02 6.67 34.8 7.26 0.93 12.7 2.88 MW32C-GW092220 9/22/2020 66.1 173 1.51 245 621 0.285 J 0.32 J 2 U 2 U 0.03 6.6 -137.2 7.36 0.934 20.7 1.24 MW32C-GW121020 12/10/2020 59.4 164 2.84 238 NS 0.42 J 0.3 J 2 U 0.67 J 0.06 5.64 -10.5 7.14 0.706 8 3.57 MW32C-GW031721 3/17/2021 61.3 J 153 2.89 226 NS 0.371 J 0.24 J 2 U 2 U 0.19 6.08 -18.4 7.31 1.068 12.8 0.56 MW34A-GW121520 12/15/2020 171 98.3 4.39 252 NS 0.837 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.17 6.17 -4.9 7.16 1.33 10.6 1.03 MW34A-GW031921 3/19/2021 157 J 86.6 1.78 233 NS 0.766 J 0.18 J 2 U 2 U 0.01 6 131.1 7.19 1.131 12.9 1.04 MW34B-GW092720 9/27/2020 154 J+ 107 2.22 237 722 1 U 6.2 2.9 0.57 J 0 U 6.71 86.4 7.27 1.074 16.5 48 MW34B-GW031921 3/19/2021 132 J 98.4 2 225 NS 0.79 J 0.39 J 2 U 2 U 0.04 3.5 28.3 7.14 1.083 16.7 3.69 MW34C-GW092720 9/27/2020 39.3 J+ 144 0.419 244 516 1 U 1.9 J 0.73 J 2 U 0.06 1.63 121.1 7.3 0.772 16.1 12.3 MW34C-GW031921 3/19/2021 30.7 J 115 0.709 228 NS 0.753 J 0.44 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 2.99 53 7.4 0.717 14.2 7.29 MW34D-GW092720 9/27/2020 48.2 J+ 158 2.02 256 652 1 U 0.73 J 2 U 2 U 0.07 4.29 160.8 7.18 0.87 15.5 5.88 MW34D-GW121320 12/13/2020 47.9 148 2.06 252 NS 0.925 J 0.34 J 2 U 0.35 J 0 U 5.05 76.6 7.08 0.909 12.8 6.04 MW34D-GW031921 3/19/2021 44.6 J 132 2.54 235 NS 0.558 J 0.5 J 2 U 0.88 J 0.46 4.41 69.1 7.09 0.87 12.9 2 MW36-GW121420 12/14/2020 225 132 1.58 339 NS 1 U 0.47 J 2 U 2 U 0.12 0.87 -80.5 7.23 0.913 12.3 6.87 MW36-GW031621 3/16/2021 186 J 129 0.695 330 NS 1 U 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.07 3.8 -174.4 6.94 1.535 13.1 4.39 MW37D-GW121420 12/14/2020 295 199 3.07 343 NS 1.36 1.1 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 4.28 -36.7 7.02 1.14 13.8 6.94 MW37D-GW031721 3/17/2021 272 J 191 1.92 318 NS 1.06 0.19 J 2 U 2 U 0 U 2.71 -56.5 6.97 1.948 15.2 2.66 MW37S-GW121420 12/14/2020 451 199 6.42 405 NS 1.74 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 5.53 52.8 6.82 1.477 12.4 2.96 MW37S-GW031721 3/17/2021 360 J 198 2.09 380 NS 1 U 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 0.05 -57.6 6.95 2.358 15.5 0.73 MW38D-GW121620 12/16/2020 173 136 3.51 255 NS 0.35 J 0.25 J 2 U 2 U 0.14 7.69 147.8 6.96 1.281 12.5 13.6 MW38D-GW031821 3/18/2021 156 J 128 3.88 236 NS 0.726 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0 U 3.31 -30.1 7.11 1.27 13.2 2.57 MW38S-GW121620 12/16/2020 257 104 4.21 271 NS 0.89 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.12 5.98 56.2 6.93 1.63 13.4 15.9 MW38S-GW031721 3/17/2021 235 J 97.9 4.43 262 NS 0.888 J 2 U 2 U 2 U 0.29 2.43 -37.4 7.08 1.536 13.6 14.7 A-GW-10_07/12/2016 7/12/2016 689 122 NS NS 1840 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-10_09/20/2016 9/20/2016 824 155 NS NS 1890 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS RG01-GW041621 4/16/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.06 4.95 150.1 6.92 2.084 12.7 3.41 A-GW-11_07/11/2016 7/11/2016 257 100 NS NS 976 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-11_09/19/2016 9/19/2016 261 103 NS NS 1010 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS RG02-GW041621 4/16/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.1 7.17 150.6 6.83 1.4 12.2 6.23 GW-014 A-GW-014_03022016 3/2/2016 299 162 NS 430 1200 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 6.25 NS NS NS GW-015 A-GW-015_02292016 2/29/2016 230 101 NS 290 896 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 6.36 NS NS NS A-GW-16_07/11/2016 7/11/2016 289 101 NS NS 996 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-16_09/19/2016 9/19/2016 283 101 NS NS 1060 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-020_03012016 3/1/2016 217 126 NS 460 936 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 6.55 NS NS NS A-GW-20_07/11/2016 7/11/2016 172 112 NS NS 746 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-20_09/19/2016 9/19/2016 176 111 NS NS 820 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-049_02252016 2/25/2016 275 126 NS 320 J 1180 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 6.62 NS NS NS A-GW-49_07/12/2016 7/12/2016 258 121 NS NS 930 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-49_09/20/2016 9/20/2016 190 97.1 NS NS 944 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS GW-016/ RG-03 GW-020/ RG-04 GW-049 MW-32A MW-38S MW-34D GW-010/ RG-01 GW-011/ RG-02 MW-36 MW-37D MW-37S MW-38D MW-32B MW-32C MW-34A MW-34B MW-34C MW-30RA MW-30RB MW-31B MW-31C MW-31A OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 6 of 7 Table 5-6 Geochemical Parameters in Groundwater mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mV Q su Q mS/cm Q deg C Q NTU Q TurbiditySulfateTemperatureAlkalinity2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date Dissolved OxygenEthaneChlorideEthene Specific ConductancepHNitrate/ Nitrite1 ORPTDS TOC Methane Ferrous Iron A-GW-050_02292016 2/29/2016 281 113 NS 310 964 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 6.63 NS NS NS A-GW-50_07/12/2016 7/12/2016 177 110 NS NS 750 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-50_09/20/2016 9/20/2016 133 87.1 NS NS 750 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-52_07/12/2016 7/12/2016 290 94.5 NS NS 1070 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-52_09/20/2016 9/20/2016 222 74.5 NS NS 1100 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS RG07-GW041621 4/16/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.02 8.9 169.2 6.88 2.223 11.5 10.28 A-GW-53_07/11/2016 7/11/2016 303 114 NS NS 1070 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-53_09/19/2016 9/19/2016 302 119 NS NS 1160 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-59_07/11/2016 7/11/2016 432 107 NS NS 1510 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-59_09/19/2016 9/19/2016 374 119 NS NS 1310 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS RG09-GW041621 4/16/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.11 7.97 172.9 6.96 1.596 11.5 2.39 A-GW-61_07/12/2016 7/12/2016 297 126 NS NS 1090 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-GW-61_09/20/2016 9/20/2016 380 163 NS NS 1170 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS RG-05 RG05-GW041621 4/16/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 6.07 127.1 7.2 2.977 13 44.7 RG-11 RG11-GW041621 4/16/2021 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 0.07 5.1 147.3 7.7 0.2982 10.4 45.18 Notes: Bold indicates detected values Italics indicates nondetected values 1 Nitrate and Nitrite as total Nitrogen 2 Total Alkalinity as calcium carbonate (CaCO3) deg C = degrees Celsius ORP = oxidation reduction potential OU = operable unit mg/L = milligram per liter µg/L = microgram per liter mS/cm = millisiemens per centimeter mV = millivolts NR = not recorded NTU = nephelometric turbidity unit NS = not sampled PCE = tetrachloroethene su = standard units TOC = total organic carbon TDS = total dissolved solids Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated J+ = Result is estimated, biased high J- = Result is estimated, biased low U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit GW-061 GW-052/ RG-07 GW-059/ RG-09 GW-050 GW-053 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 7 of 7 Table 5-7 Dissolved and Total Metals in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q A-GW-MW-01D_04262016M Total 142 2 U 0.57 J 29.4 1 U 1 U 130000 10.7 0.59 J 2 U 341 2.1 36800 12.9 0.2 U 10.2 3740 5 U 1 U 182000 1 U 1.8 J 60 A-GW-MW-01D_04262016M-DISSOLVED Dissolved 1.7 J 2 U 0.37 J 28 1 U 1 U 129000 1.5 J 0.34 J 1.4 J 31.1 J 1 U 36100 3.1 0.2 U 8.7 3620 5 U 0.07 J 177000 1 U 1.3 J 38.9 A-GW-MW-01D_07/13/2016M Total 20 U 2 U 1 U 24.4 1 U 1 U 128000 34.2 J 1 UJ 2 U 685 1 U 39400 9.5 0.2 U 31.5 2040 0.61 J 1.1 53000 1 U 5 U 19.5 A-GW-MW-01D_07/13/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 24 1 U 1 U 129000 2 U 1 U 2 U 408 1 U 38200 6 0.2 U 19.8 2170 0.93 J 1 J 51200 1 U 0.37 J 14.4 A-GW-MW-01D_09212016M Total 88.5 4 U 2 U 25 2 U 2 U 146000 5.8 0.45 J 5.8 149 J 2 U 35100 7.1 0.2 U 5.2 2210 10 U 2 U 37100 2 U 10 U 21.7 A-GW-MW-01D_09212016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 0.68 J 52.9 1 U 1 U 142000 2.7 0.31 J 0.96 J 200 U 0.75 J 41600 0.8 J 0.2 U 4.2 1920 0.95 J 1 U 74000 1 U 1.5 J 5.6 OU2-MW01D-GW-121118 12/11/2018 Total 500 U 5 U 5 U 26 5 U 5 U 146000 0.777 J 0.598 J 2.95 J 500 U 5 U 40600 2.85 J 0.5 U 5 U 2380 1.29 J 5 U 41500 5 U 1.71 J 100 U OU2-MW01D-GW-031819 3/18/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.672 J 85.6 1 U 1 U 138000 9.68 0.255 J 1.85 15.5 J 0.422 J 36100 1.35 0.5 U 0.31 J 8800 1.13 1 U 792000 1 U 1.85 7.66 J OU2-MW01D-GW120619 12/6/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.56 J 23.1 1 U 1 U 124000 J 3.99 0.381 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 34600 0.895 J 0.5 U 3.96 2110 1.18 1 U 37500 1 U 1.16 20 U MW01D-GW061720 6/17/2020 Total 238 1 U 0.359 J 23.3 1 U 1 U 136000 4.26 0.133 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 37900 1 U 0.5 U 1.98 2280 1.22 1 U 38700 1 U 1.44 20 U MW01D-GW092920 9/29/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.344 J 23.6 1 U 1 U 144000 0.943 J 1 U 2 U 100 U 1 U 39000 1 U 0.5 U 0.567 J 2310 1.25 1 U 40800 1 U 1.62 20 U MW01D-GW121520 12/15/2020 Total 36.6 J 1 U 1 U 24 1 U 1 U 134000 1.29 0.269 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 35500 1 U 0.5 U 1 U 2230 1.28 1 U 37900 1 U 1.32 20 U A-GW-MW-01S_04282016M Total 210 J 2 U 0.8 J 56.8 1 U 1 U 141000 18.1 39.1 2 U 316 0.26 J 47500 14.6 0.2 U 15.7 2100 1.7 J 1 U 72400 1 U 2.6 J 2 U A-GW-MW-01S_04282016M-DISSOLVED Dissolved 2.5 J 2 U 0.62 J 55.6 1 U 1 U 145000 2 20.3 1.3 J 38.6 J 0.43 J 49200 3.4 0.2 U 8.9 2100 5 U 0.06 J 74500 1 U 2.1 J 24.9 A-GW-MW-01S_07/14/2016M Total 2920 2 U 1 U 97.2 1 U 1 U 147000 94.7 J 1 UJ 2 U 3450 1 U 56200 77.3 0.2 U 69.8 2640 5 U 1 U 77700 1 U 5 U 45.5 A-GW-MW-01S_07/14/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 53.5 1 U 1 U 137000 2 U 1 U 2 U 373 1 U 51100 6.6 0.2 U 14.8 2030 5 U 1 U 73200 1 U 0.92 J 13.6 A-GW-MW-01S_09222016M Total 55.9 4 U 0.76 J 55.3 2 U 2 U 151000 7.7 0.31 J 1.1 J 64.6 J 2 U 46300 2.3 0.2 U 5.7 2170 10 U 2 U 71400 2 U 10 U 5.8 A-GW-MW-01S_09222016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 0.37 J 25.1 1 U 1 U 141000 1.4 J 0.33 J 1.2 J 200 U 0.34 J 32300 1.9 0.2 U 4.3 1990 1.4 J 1 U 34900 1 U 1.2 J 12.7 OU2-MW01S-GW-121118 12/11/2018 Total 500 U 5 U 0.908 J 67.3 5 U 5 U 160000 5 U 0.633 J 1.77 J 500 U 5 U 56300 0.57 J 0.5 U 5 U 2530 1.01 J 5 U 93900 5 U 2.36 J 100 U OU2-MW01S-GW-031819 3/18/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.774 J 59 1 U 1 U 165000 1.49 0.256 J 0.428 J 18.2 J 0.393 J 53900 0.772 J 0.5 U 1.61 2300 0.934 J 1 U 87600 1 U 1.93 20 U MW01S-GW062120 6/21/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.686 J 54 1 U 1 U 152000 0.745 J 0.11 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 52900 1 U 0.5 U 1 U 2280 0.826 J 1 U 84800 1 U 2.17 20 U MW01S-GW092920 9/29/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.723 J 56.2 1 U 1 U 163000 1.83 0.141 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 56300 1 U 0.5 U 1.1 2330 0.95 J 1 U 87500 1 U 2.44 20 U MW01S-GW121620 12/16/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1 U 57.9 1 U 1 U 152000 1 U 0.317 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 52600 1.05 0.5 U 1 U 2340 1 U 1 U 79700 1 U 2 21.3 A-GW-MW-02_04272016M Total 20 UJ 2 U 1.1 87.8 1 U 1 U 172000 10.2 2.3 2 U 86.8 J 1 U 60400 1.4 0.2 U 6.6 2410 5 U 1 U 118000 1 U 2.6 J 2 U A-GW-MW-02_04272016M-DISSOLVED Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 85.3 1 U 1 U 171000 2.8 1.5 1.3 J 50.5 J 0.16 J 59800 1.2 0.2 U 5.7 2370 5 U 0.06 J 118000 1 U 2.4 J 6.2 A-GW-MW-02_07/14/2016M Total 20 U 2 U 1 U 80.2 1 U 1 U 163000 21 J 1 UJ 2 U 557 1 U 65000 1 U 0.2 U 18.4 2150 5 U 1 U 115000 1 U 5 U 2 U A-GW-MW-02_07/14/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 24.8 1 U 1 U 171000 2 U 1 U 2 U 362 1 U 57700 2.7 0.2 U 11.1 1810 1 U 1 U 32200 1 U 5 U 123 A-GW-MW-02_09222016M Total 40 U 4 U 0.86 J 79.5 2 U 2 U 175000 4.7 0.43 J 1.5 J 400 U 2 U 54000 0.97 J 0.2 U 3.7 2370 10 U 2 U 112000 2 U 2.2 J 10.6 A-GW-MW-02_09222016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1.1 82.7 1 U 1 U 174000 2.1 0.39 J 1.6 J 200 U 0.35 J 60400 1.4 0.2 U 3.4 2340 0.99 J 1 U 118000 1 U 2.2 J 12 OU2-MW02-GW-121818 12/18/2018 Total 100 U 1 U 1.2 99.9 1 U 1 U 199000 1.17 0.533 J 3.64 100 U 3.13 73300 0.423 J 0.5 U 0.185 J 2870 0.729 J 1 U 145000 1 U 2.31 9.59 J OU2-MW02-GW-040919 4/9/2019 Total 500 U 5 U 1.14 J 88.6 5 U 5 U 201000 1.67 J 0.654 J 10.1 32.4 J 1.31 J 73000 0.721 J 0.5 U 2.35 J 4000 5 U 5 U 178000 5 U 2.4 J 55.8 J OU2-MW02-GW120519 12/5/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.999 J 77.8 1 U 1 U 189000 0.859 J 0.168 J 2 U 25.6 J 1 U 72100 1 U 0.5 U 0.781 J 3040 J 0.704 J 1 U 255000 1 U 1.96 20 U MW02-GW061720 6/17/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.08 80.9 1 U 1 U 179000 1.83 0.162 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 64200 1 U 0.5 U 0.823 J 2730 0.679 J 0.113 J 152000 1 U 2.54 20 U MW02-GW092820 9/28/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.13 84.9 1 U 1 U 188000 2.69 0.149 J 0.884 J 30.4 J 1 U 67100 1 U 0.5 U 1.53 2810 0.786 J 1 U 160000 1 U 2.77 20 U MW02-GW121620 12/16/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.44 86.4 1 U 1 U 172000 3.08 0.414 J 0.749 J 100 U 1 U 60100 1 U 0.5 U 1.5 2740 1 U 1 U 147000 1 U 2.36 20 U OU2-MW03RA-GW-121318 12/13/2018 Total 82.1 J 1 U 0.345 J 93.3 1 U 1 U 189000 0.401 J 2.32 0.253 J 107 0.159 J 70000 818 0.5 U 4.26 3060 0.861 J 1 U 119000 1 U 0.352 J 20 U OU2-MW03RA-GW-032519 3/25/2019 Total 201 1 U 0.711 J 78.9 1 U 1 U 183000 1.52 1.29 1 237 0.337 J 68300 263 0.5 U 3.35 2720 0.844 J 1 U 96600 1 U 1.14 6.1 J OU2-MW03RA-GW120719 12/7/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.955 J 75.8 1 U 1 U 176000 J 0.638 J 0.684 J 2 U 42 J 0.0621 J 64500 77.3 0.5 U 1.14 2560 0.769 J 1 U 89400 1 U 1.4 20 U MW03RA-GW061820 6/18/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.64 J 73.2 1 U 1 U 184000 1.83 0.315 J 0.727 J 38.3 J 1 U 62800 59.7 0.5 U 3.43 2620 0.844 J 1 U 93700 1 U 1.67 20 U MW03RA-GW092920 9/29/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.687 J 78.2 1 U 1 U 196000 1.92 0.283 J 2 U 60 J 1 U 67800 28.1 0.5 U 6.79 2670 0.811 J 1 U 107000 1 U 2.06 20 U MW03RA-GW121120 12/11/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.72 J 71.7 1 U 1 U 182000 1.83 0.189 J 2 U 67.9 J 1 U 62900 20 0.5 U 4.29 2620 0.81 J 1 U 99300 1 U 1.7 20 U OU2-MW03RB-GW-122718 12/27/2018 Total 40 J 1 U 0.37 J 84.8 1 U 1 U 128000 0.245 J 1.67 2.65 275 0.463 J 42900 1450 0.5 U 3.2 2390 0.68 J 1 U 46500 1 U 0.257 J 20 U OU2-MW03RB-GW-032519 3/25/2019 Total 41.5 J 1 U 0.522 J 46.2 1 U 1 U 136000 0.386 J 0.9 J 1 U 45.6 J 1 U 45600 253 0.5 U 2.07 2100 0.984 J 1 U 33100 1 U 0.951 J 20 U OU2-MW03RB-GW120819 12/8/2019 Total 39.6 J 1 U 0.641 J 40.1 1 U 1 U 122000 J 0.513 J 0.567 J 2 U 46.8 J 0.0835 J 43100 115 0.5 U 1.1 1950 0.942 J 1 U 33100 1 U 1.13 5.8 J MW03RB-GW061820 6/18/2020 Total 40.5 J 1 U 0.437 J 36.6 1 U 1 U 135000 0.655 J 0.155 J 2 U 43.2 J 1 U 45100 32.5 0.5 U 1.01 1920 0.985 J 1 U 33500 1 U 1.45 5.64 J MW03RB-GW092920 9/29/2020 Total 207 1 U 0.608 J 42.7 1 U 1 U 147000 1.42 0.435 J 0.698 J 269 1 U 49500 116 0.5 U 4.28 2040 1.04 1 U 36900 1 U 2.38 7.66 J MW03RB-GW121120 12/11/2020 Total 234 1 U 0.656 J 41.1 1 U 1 U 144000 1.56 0.334 J 2 U 329 1 U 49700 85.6 0.5 U 1.85 2030 1.06 1 U 35000 1 U 2.1 5.04 J OU2-MW03RC-GW-121718 12/17/2018 Total 54.8 J 1 U 0.284 J 33 1 U 1 U 124000 0.594 J 0.58 J 1 U 100 U 0.0998 J 35500 103 0.5 U 1.74 1910 1.17 1 U 26800 1 U 0.862 J 20 U OU2-MW03RC-GW-032719 3/27/2019 Total 26.8 J 1 U 0.395 J 27.4 1 U 1 U 127000 0.75 J 0.271 J 1 U 33 J 0.0651 J 34700 23.7 0.5 U 0.908 J 1840 1.16 1 U 26000 1 U 1.35 20 U OU2-MW03RC-GW120719 12/7/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.675 J 25.2 1 U 1 U 104000 J 0.758 J 0.265 J 2 U 100 U 0.0517 J 34900 4.51 0.5 U 1.41 1800 1.1 1 U 24600 1 U 1.57 5.4 J MW03RC-GW061820 6/18/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.504 J 24.8 1 U 1 U 119000 0.724 J 1 U 2 U 100 U 1 U 37500 4.17 0.5 U 0.774 J 1850 1.13 1 U 25900 1 U 1.89 20 U MW03RC-GW092920 9/29/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.504 J 25.9 1 U 1 U 123000 0.872 J 1 U 2 U 100 U 1 U 37900 1.97 0.5 U 1.13 1900 1.1 1 U 27800 1 U 2.1 20 U MW03RC-GW121120 12/11/2020 Total 70.3 J 1 U 0.603 J 26.5 1 U 1 U 125000 1.25 1 U 2 U 134 1 U 38800 7.57 0.5 U 0.753 J 1940 1.08 1 U 26900 1 U 2 6.31 J OU2-MW03RD-GW-032719 3/27/2019 Total 14.6 J 1 U 0.576 J 34.7 1 U 1 U 128000 0.198 J 1.37 1 U 1190 1 U 36100 747 0.5 U 3.52 2290 0.743 J 1 U 69400 1 U 1 U 20 U OU2-MW03RD-GW120719 12/7/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.603 J 29.9 1 U 1 U 114000 J 0.373 J 1.1 4.24 134 0.0706 J 34900 418 0.5 U 3.72 2150 0.891 J 1 U 50000 1 U 0.353 J 7.74 J MW03RD-GW061820 6/18/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.323 J 27.8 1 U 1 U 126000 0.527 J 0.629 J 2 U 56 J 1 U 38400 261 0.5 U 3.92 2190 0.964 J 1 U 49600 1 U 0.589 J 20 U MW03RD-GW092920 9/29/2020 Total 32.6 J 1 U 0.243 J 28 1 U 1 U 135000 0.976 J 0.541 J 2 U 76.9 J 1 U 39200 178 0.5 U 3.98 2240 0.998 J 1 U 49000 1 U 1 U 20 U MW03RD-GW121120 12/11/2020 Total 114 1 U 0.341 J 32.3 1 U 1 U 134000 1.03 0.569 J 2 U 273 1 U 40100 214 0.5 U 8.98 2200 0.879 J 1 U 52000 1 U 0.669 J 12.5 J A-GW-MW-04_04272016M Total 20 UJ 2 U 1.1 47.6 1 U 1 U 120000 8.5 2.7 2 U 77.5 J 1 U 41400 2.4 0.2 U 6.8 2120 1.5 J 1 U 101000 1 U 2.8 J 80.4 A-GW-MW-04_04272016M-DISSOLVED Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1.1 47.3 1 U 1 U 120000 3.5 1.7 1.3 J 43.8 J 1 U 40800 2.5 0.2 U 7.7 2110 5 U 0.05 J 102000 1 U 2.7 J 80.8 A-GW-MW-04_07/13/2016M Total 20 J 2 U 1 U 44.6 1 U 1 U 116000 18.9 J 1 UJ 2 U 387 1 U 45100 1 U 0.2 U 15.4 1720 5 U 1 U 93700 1 U 5 U 2 U A-GW-MW-04_07/13/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 44.6 1 U 1 U 122000 2 U 1 U 2 U 293 1 U 43500 1 U 0.2 U 8.9 1890 5 U 1 U 91100 1 U 0.93 J 1.4 J A-GW-MW-04_09212016M Total 40 U 4 U 1.2 J 47.5 2 U 2 U 131000 2.9 J 2 U 1 J 400 U 2 U 39900 1.1 J 0.2 U 2.4 2120 10 U 2 U 88800 2 U 2.1 J 8.5 A-GW-MW-04_09212016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1.1 47.2 1 U 1 U 129000 1.7 J 0.21 J 0.99 J 200 U 0.38 J 37200 0.6 J 0.2 U 2.2 1920 0.81 J 1 U 95900 1 U 2.3 J 5.4 OU2-MW04-GW-121818 12/18/2018 Total 100 U 1 U 1.22 53.3 1 U 1 U 134000 1 0.377 J 0.597 J 100 U 2.98 46600 0.301 J 0.5 U 0.186 J 2360 0.648 J 1 U 106000 1 U 2.59 5.38 J OU2-MW04-GW-031919 3/19/2019 Total 500 U 5 U 1.52 J 51.2 5 U 5 U 142000 2.6 J 5 U 5 U 500 U 1.11 J 46900 5 U 0.5 U 2.38 J 2450 5 U 5 U 112000 5 U 2.45 J 100 U OU2-MW04-GW120519 12/5/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 1.02 45.6 1 U 1 U 113000 4 0.141 J 1.54 J 28.1 J 0.419 J 44300 1 U 0.5 U 2.32 2310 0.596 J 1 U 96400 1 U 2.2 20 U MW04-GW062120 6/21/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.07 47.9 1 U 1 U 135000 3.46 0.139 J 1.72 J 100 U 1 U 47600 1 U 0.5 U 2.32 2320 0.664 J 1 U 114000 1 U 2.63 20 U MW04-GW092920 9/29/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.12 49.1 1 U 1 U 145000 2.2 0.136 J 1.63 J 100 U 1 U 50400 0.379 J 0.5 U 1.86 2390 0.64 J 1 U 118000 1 U 2.84 20 U MW04-GW121020 12/10/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.3 50 1 U 1 U 142000 2 0.496 J 2.97 100 U 0.254 J 47200 1 UJ 0.5 U 2.15 2320 0.655 J 1 U 112000 1 U 2.66 11 J A-GW-MW-05_04252016M Total 103 J 2 U 0.96 J 68.7 1 U 0.08 J 156000 28.6 28.8 2 U 312 0.38 J 52900 6.2 0.2 U 18.2 2030 5 U 1 U 48400 1 U 5 U 2 U A-GW-MW-05_04252016M-DISSOLVED Dissolved 1.6 J 2 U 0.67 J 65.3 1 U 1 U 160000 0.33 J 16.6 2 26.3 J 1.1 54600 3.2 0.2 U 16.9 2010 5 U 0.08 J 49700 1 U 1.9 J 7.7 OU2-MW05R-GW-121118 12/11/2018 Total 500 U 5 U 0.956 J 80.9 5 U 5 U 179000 109 3.47 J 13.7 481 J 5 U 65800 12 0.5 U 79.2 2850 1.06 J 5 U 61200 5 U 2.58 J 100 U OU2-MW05R-GW-032019 3/20/2019 Total 72.2 J 1 U 1.14 74.1 1 U 1 U 165000 36.9 0.735 J 4.02 267 0.104 J 61100 8.55 0.5 U 14.4 3090 0.932 J 1.06 62400 1 U 2.38 7.56 J OU2-MW05R-GW120819 12/8/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 1.12 75.6 1 U 1 U 172000 J 5.63 0.561 J 0.575 J 28.8 J 1 U 65100 1.1 0.5 U 3.75 2810 0.816 J 1 U 64700 1 U 1.9 20 U MW05R-GW061920 6/19/2020 Total 93.3 J 1 U 0.754 J 72.8 1 U 1 U 169000 4.85 0.213 J 0.604 J 42.8 J 1 U 62300 1.8 0.5 U 2.79 2890 0.779 J 1 U 63800 1 U 1.98 20 U MW05R-GW102120 10/21/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.854 J 70.3 J 1 U 1 U 154000 1.04 0.167 J 0.823 J 100 U 1 U 54800 1 U 0.5 U 0.968 J 2840 0.809 J 1 U 55900 1 U 2.36 6.95 J MW05R-GW120820 12/8/2020 Total 59.7 J 1 U 1.05 73 1 U 0.171 J 165000 0.646 J 0.635 J 2.16 100 U 1 U 63800 1.56 0.5 U 0.438 J 2710 1 U 1 U 60900 1 U 2.04 20 U A-GW-MW-06_04262016M Total 20 UJ 2 U 1.6 58.2 1 U 1 U 111000 3 0.95 J 2 U 28.6 J 0.07 J 35200 1.6 0.2 U 2.1 1810 5 U 1 U 60200 1 U 2.7 J 2 U A-GW-MW-06_04262016M-DISSOLVED Dissolved 2.8 J 2 U 1.6 57.7 1 U 1 U 114000 0.31 J 0.06 J 1 J 13.7 J 1 U 36200 0.21 J 0.2 U 0.2 J 1850 5 U 0.06 J 62000 1 U 2.7 J 5 A-GW-MW-06_07/13/2016M Total 328 2 U 1 U 62.5 1 U 1 U 127000 98.6 J 1 UJ 2 U 1280 1 U 44900 22.7 0.2 U 91.8 1700 5 U 1 U 57700 1 U 5 U 2 U A-GW-MW-06_07/13/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 60.5 1 U 1 U 132000 2 U 1 U 2 U 363 1 U 43700 7.5 0.2 U 25.4 1760 5 U 1 U 56700 1 U 0.89 J 2.3 A-GW-MW-06_09212016M Total 40 U 4 U 1.6 J 69.7 2 U 2 U 129000 1.1 J 2 U 0.83 J 400 U 2 U 37400 0.31 J 0.2 U 1.2 J 1970 10 U 2 U 57000 2 U 10 U 6.5 A-GW-MW-06_09212016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1.5 61.8 1 U 1 U 130000 1 J 0.21 J 1.2 J 200 U 0.78 J 35400 0.63 J 0.2 U 1.2 1820 0.77 J 1 U 61800 1 U 2.1 J 8.3 OU2-MW06-GW-121718 12/17/2018 Total 100 U 1 U 1.59 68.1 1 U 1 U 139000 0.655 J 0.344 J 0.991 J 5.73 J 1.57 43300 0.69 J 0.5 U 0.182 J 2210 0.659 J 1 U 57700 1 U 2.56 5.72 J OU2-MW06-GW-031919 3/19/2019 Total 500 U 5 U 1.69 J 61.4 5 U 5 U 132000 0.574 J 5 U 1.39 J 500 U 0.623 J 39900 5 U 0.5 U 5 U 2140 5 U 5 U 66500 5 U 2.37 J 100 U OU2-MW06-GW120619 12/6/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 1.4 50.7 1 U 1 U 98100 0.954 J 1 U 0.728 J 100 U 1 U 36300 1 U 0.5 U 0.31 J 1970 0.637 J 1 U 59700 1 U 2.16 20 U MW06-GW062120 6/21/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.46 53.2 1 U 1 U 119000 0.711 J 1 U 1.01 J 100 U 1 U 36500 1 U 0.5 U 1 U 1960 0.677 J 1 U 69800 1 U 2.56 20 U MW06-GW092420 9/24/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.51 58.8 1 U 1 U 128000 1.03 1 U 0.827 J 100 U 1 U 41000 0.561 J 0.5 U 1 U 2070 0.717 J 0.25 J 68900 1 U 3.09 20 U MW06-GW121020 12/10/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.8 61.3 1 U 1 U 126000 1.45 0.608 J 1.5 J 27.8 J 0.197 J 40200 1.83 0.5 U 6.56 2060 0.761 J 0.19 J 70900 1 U 2.87 8.22 J 4/25/2016 MW-05R 4/26/2016 7/13/2016 9/21/2016 MW-06 MW-06 9/22/2016 4/27/2016 7/14/2016 9/22/2016 MW-04 4/27/2016 7/13/2016 9/21/2016 4/26/2016 7/13/2016 9/21/2016 4/28/2016 7/14/2016 MW-01D MW-01S MW-02 MW-03RA MW-03RB MW-03RC MW-03RD Location Sample Identification Sample Date Beryllium CadmiumBariumAluminumAntimonyArsenicSample Type Vanadium ZincCalciumNickelSilverSodiumPotassiumSeleniumThalliumCopperCobaltChromiumMercuryLeadMagnesiumManganeseIron MW-05 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 5 Table 5-7 Dissolved and Total Metals in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L QLocation Sample Identification Sample Date Beryllium CadmiumBariumAluminumAntimonyArsenicSample Type Vanadium ZincCalciumNickelSilverSodiumPotassiumSeleniumThalliumCopperCobaltChromiumMercuryLeadMagnesiumManganeseIron OU2-MW08A-GW-122718 Total 948 J 1 U 1.17 J 92.7 J 0.0794 J 1 U 190000 J 3.25 1.61 1.71 1290 J 0.963 J 67400 J 274 J 0.5 U 2.47 2990 J 0.943 J 1 U 83900 J 1 U 2.95 7.16 J OU2-MW08A-GW-122718 Dissolved 23.9 J 1 U 0.519 J 86.3 1 U 1 U 193000 0.67 J 1.1 0.754 J 51.2 J 0.1 J 68600 201 0.5 U 1.37 2880 0.936 J 1 U 85300 1 U 1.14 20 U OU2-MW08A-GW-032119 3/21/2019 Total 59.5 J 5 U 0.749 J 78.4 5 U 5 U 184000 0.907 J 0.703 J 5 U 91.2 J 5 U 62400 74.2 0.5 U 0.874 J 2780 0.833 J 5 U 82100 5 U 1.36 J 100 U OU2-MW08A-GW120819 12/8/2019 Total 61.4 J 1 U 1.05 77 1 U 1 U 170000 J 1.1 0.552 J 2 U 119 0.09 J 62400 24.7 0.5 U 1 U 2740 0.92 J 1 U 79500 1 U 1.66 8.81 J MW08A-GW062120 6/21/2020 Total 209 1 U 0.712 J 77.2 1 U 1 U 182000 1.27 0.216 J 2 U 195 1 U 65400 20 0.5 U 0.425 J 2830 0.923 J 1 U 89500 1 U 2.17 20 U MW08A-GW092720 9/27/2020 Total 137 1 U 0.642 J 78.7 1 U 1 U 197000 1.19 0.177 J 2 U 68.4 J 1 U 70500 13.3 0.5 U 0.706 J 2920 0.969 J 1 U 97600 1 U 2.05 20 U MW08A-GW120920 12/9/2020 Total 58.2 J 1 U 1 U 86.1 1 U 1 U 188000 0.948 J 0.599 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 72500 9.14 0.5 U 0.599 J 2830 1 U 1 U 93500 1 U 1.79 20 U OU2-MW08B-GW-122718 12/27/2018 Total 117 1 U 0.463 J 37.8 1 U 1 U 131000 1.72 0.671 J 0.698 J 189 0.231 J 43100 82.5 0.5 U 1.36 2120 1.09 1 U 32500 1 U 1.5 20 U OU2-MW08B-GW-032119 3/21/2019 Total 500 U 5 U 0.57 J 32.5 5 U 5 U 132000 1.03 J 5 U 5 U 33.8 J 5 U 42900 18.9 0.071 J 0.543 J 2080 1.2 J 5 U 35000 5 U 1.55 J 100 U OU2-MW08B-GW120819 12/8/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.72 J 31.5 1 U 1 U 112000 J 1.19 0.351 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 39900 7.15 0.5 U 1 U 1990 0.921 J 1 U 32300 1 U 1.53 33.1 MW08B-GW062220 6/22/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.452 J 30.6 1 U 1 U 128000 1.02 1 U 2 U 100 U 1 U 43500 2.43 0.5 U 1 U 2020 1.03 1 U 34200 1 U 1.8 20 U MW08B-GW092720 9/27/2020 Total 29.2 J 1 U 0.48 J 32.4 1 U 1 U 141000 1.18 0.102 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 44400 2.33 0.5 U 0.254 J 2090 1.06 1 U 36400 1 U 2.05 20 U MW08B-GW120920 12/9/2020 Total 57.7 J 1 U 1 U 34.4 1 U 1 U 135000 1.12 0.427 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 43400 2.81 0.5 U 0.308 J 2030 1.07 1 U 34500 1 U 1.79 20 U OU2-MW08C-GW-032019 3/20/2019 Total 39.7 J 1 U 0.48 J 59 1 U 1 U 103000 0.249 J 1.24 1 U 396 1 U 39400 865 0.5 U 2.55 2740 0.824 J 1 U 43000 1 U 0.275 J 20 U OU2-MW08C-GW120819 12/8/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.645 J 49.9 1 U 1 U 95200 J 0.314 J 1.04 2 U 173 1 U 35000 465 0.5 U 2.55 2310 0.93 J 1 U 31200 1 U 0.323 J 7.31 J MW08C-GW062220 6/22/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.507 J 45.8 1 U 1 U 109000 0.254 J 0.844 J 2 U 288 1 U 38500 511 0.5 U 3.48 2330 1.01 1 U 31600 1 U 0.672 J 17.3 J MW08C-GW092720 9/27/2020 Total 28.1 J 1 U 0.495 J 46.1 1 U 1 U 117000 0.395 J 0.772 J 2 U 444 1 U 39400 441 0.5 U 4.9 2380 1.02 1 U 27900 1 U 1 U 20 U MW08C-GW120920 12/9/2020 Total 78.9 J 1 U 1 U 45 1 U 1 U 113000 0.834 J 0.784 J 2 U 345 1 U 38000 212 0.5 U 2.55 2140 1.02 1 U 29000 1 U 0.598 J 6.03 J OU2-MW12D-GW-092418 9/24/2018 Total 66.1 J 1 U 1.09 56.9 1 U 1 U 154000 1.71 0.561 J 1 U 68.9 J 0.203 J 57200 20.4 0.5 U 0.707 J 3260 1.88 1 U 82400 1 U 1.96 20 U OU2-MW12D-GW-120618 12/6/2018 Total 62.3 J 5 U 0.726 J 54.9 5 U 5 U 156000 1.71 J 0.554 J 5 U 60.3 J 5 U 53800 12.6 0.5 U 5 U 3190 1.76 J 5 U 81400 5 U 2.19 J 100 U OU2-MW12D-GW-031319 3/13/2019 Total 19.4 J 1 U 0.736 J 52.8 1 U 1 U 152000 1.69 0.229 J 1 U 28.9 J 0.0719 J 55400 4.73 0.5 U 0.195 J 2940 1.97 1 U 75900 1 U 1.63 20 U OU2-MW12D-GW120619 12/6/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.579 J 46 1 U 1 U 118000 2.04 0.133 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 47300 4.09 0.5 U 0.273 J 2910 1.71 1 U 64100 1 U 1.38 20 U MW12D-GW061920 6/19/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.693 J 49.7 1 U 1 U 144000 1.88 0.164 J 2 U 26.2 J 0.0991 J 52900 5.8 0.5 U 0.331 J 3020 1.74 1 U 77800 1 U 1.91 20 U MW12D-GW092220 9/22/2020 Total 64.8 J 1 U 0.762 J 50.5 1 U 1 U 144000 2.58 0.132 J 2 U 95.5 J 1 U 53800 0.908 J 0.5 U 0.364 J 3070 1.81 0.108 J 79800 1 U 2.3 20 U MW12D-GW120920 12/9/2020 Total 230 1 U 1 U 55.6 1 U 1 U 148000 2.8 0.424 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 49600 2.02 0.5 U 1.15 2860 1.77 0.113 J 82000 1 U 1.91 20 U OU2-MW12S-GW-092418 9/24/2018 Total 18.5 J 1 U 0.898 J 55.5 1 U 1 U 136000 0.674 J 0.534 J 1 U 20.2 J 1 U 55200 34 0.5 U 1.2 3860 2.03 1 U 66200 1 U 1.5 20 U OU2-MW12S-GW-121018 12/10/2018 Total 24.3 J 1.38 0.739 J 54.8 1 U 1 U 123000 0.819 J 0.64 J 1.71 100 U 0.0937 J 49500 24.4 0.5 U 15.5 3880 1.73 1 U 58900 1 U 1.65 33.2 OU2-MW12S-GW-031319 3/13/2019 Total 37.7 J 1 U 0.651 J 56.7 1 U 1 U 128000 10.9 0.356 J 0.349 J 92.7 J 0.0753 J 45400 19.5 0.5 U 8.09 3540 1.64 1 U 61000 1 U 1.54 20 U OU2-MW12S-GW120619 12/6/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.568 J 63.9 1 U 1 U 140000 14.2 0.928 J 0.784 J 360 1 U 69400 12.5 0.5 U 15.6 3940 1.85 1 U 74600 1 U 1.38 20 U MW12S-GW061920 6/19/2020 Total 81.2 J 1 U 0.635 J 68.2 1 U 1 U 161000 3.43 0.39 J 0.587 J 73.8 J 1 U 74600 3.08 0.5 U 4.2 3950 1.84 1 U 88200 1 U 1.85 20 U OU2-MW13D-GW-091718 9/17/2018 Total 96.8 J 1 U 0.982 J 50.9 1 U 1 U 140000 1.38 0.652 J 0.287 J 77.1 J 0.0838 J 46400 94.1 0.5 U 1.27 2740 0.99 J 1 U 62800 1 U 1.85 20 U OU2-MW13D-GW-112918 11/29/2018 Total 169 1 U 0.803 J 46.3 1 U 1 U 146000 2.12 J 0.564 J 0.25 J 163 0.107 J 44800 33.1 0.5 U 1.25 2570 0.93 J 1 U 54500 1 U 1.86 20 U OU2-MW13D-GW-030719 3/7/2019 Total 36 J 1 U 0.906 J 48.1 1 U 1 U 143000 1.62 0.301 J 1 U 51.7 J 1 U 44500 16.1 0.5 U 1.22 2530 0.863 J 1 U 54100 1 U 1.78 20 U OU2-MW13D-GW120519 12/5/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.581 J 43.5 1 U 1 U 143000 115 6.5 5.74 640 1 U 49900 35.8 0.5 U 198 2550 0.828 J 1 U 52900 1 U 2.12 20 U MW13D-GW061820 6/18/2020 Total 78.7 J 1 U 0.746 J 46.8 1 U 1 U 146000 17.7 1.52 1.1 J 192 1 U 51900 12.3 0.5 U 50.8 2490 0.835 J 0.365 J 57100 1 U 1.97 20 U MW13D-GW092220 9/22/2020 Total 47.4 J 1 U 0.767 J 46.8 1 U 1 U 147000 11.7 0.584 J 2 U 190 1 U 51800 5.13 0.5 U 19.8 2560 0.867 J 0.157 J 56900 1 U 2.51 20 U MW13D-GW121120 12/11/2020 Total 54.1 J 1 U 0.728 J 45.4 1 U 1 U 144000 5.47 0.185 J 2 U 132 1 U 53200 1.37 0.5 U 3.85 2550 0.869 J 0.101 J 56700 1 U 1.88 20 U MW-13L MW13L-GW032221 3/22/2021 Total 143 1 U 0.747 J 48.2 1 U 1 U 144000 1.24 0.593 J 2 U 284 1 U 52800 175 0.5 U 1.54 2310 0.884 J 1 U 37700 1 U 1.67 75.3 OU2-MW13S-GW-091918 9/19/2018 Total 21.8 J 0.273 J 7.13 106 1 U 1 U 168000 0.838 J 1.77 0.571 J 2810 0.23 J 70500 1320 0.5 U 23.7 7460 0.376 J 1 U 123000 1 U 0.565 J 9.09 J OU2-MW13S-GW-112918 11/29/2018 Total 593 1 U 10.5 89 1 U 1 U 166000 9.09 1.6 0.948 J 4780 1.06 68400 1440 0.5 U 9.9 6300 0.233 J 1 U 138000 1 U 1.55 5.33 J OU2-MW13S-GW-030619 3/6/2019 Total 203 1 U 2.69 85.8 1 U 1 U 164000 17.3 2.24 1.62 852 0.665 J 67300 862 0.1 J 176 5680 0.153 J 1 U 121000 1 U 0.72 J 6.52 J OU2-MW13S-GW120519 12/5/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 1.67 71.4 1 U 1 U 168000 4.98 1.84 0.525 J 325 1 U 73200 678 0.5 U 147 4620 0.251 J 1 U 121000 1 U 1 U 20 U MW13S-GW061820 6/18/2020 Total 39.2 J 1 U 0.557 J 71.9 1 U 1 U 179000 5.7 6.33 0.543 J 135 1 U 77200 772 0.5 U 239 4380 0.297 J 0.15 J 127000 1 U 0.509 J 20 U MW13S-GW092320 9/23/2020 Total 444 1 U 0.692 J 86.6 1 U 1 U 195000 4.36 5.22 1.68 J 327 1 U 81100 1110 0.5 U 109 4620 0.341 J 0.166 J 135000 1 U 1 U 16.1 J MW13S-GW121120 12/11/2020 Total 948 1 U 1.59 83.9 1 U 1 U 192000 6.74 3.46 3.81 925 3.09 83400 987 0.5 U 78.6 4310 0.416 J 0.213 J 127000 1 U 1.28 15.7 J OU2-MW14D-GW-091918 9/19/2018 Total 40.3 J 1 U 1.11 51.9 1 U 1 U 138000 1.03 0.447 J 0.726 J 46.1 J 0.307 J 44000 84.1 0.5 U 0.584 J 2570 0.895 J 1 U 53600 1 U 2.2 14.5 J OU2-MW14D-GW-120418 12/4/2018 Total 41.3 J 1 U 0.749 J 49.6 1 U 1 U 143000 1.02 0.499 J 0.651 J 100 U 0.343 J 42900 37.9 0.5 U 0.301 J 2460 1 U 1 U 54600 1 U 1.79 20.8 OU2-MW14D-GW-030719 3/7/2019 Total 17.2 J 1 U 0.932 J 51.8 1 U 1 U 146000 0.922 J 0.262 J 0.994 J 56.4 J 0.464 J 44900 17.3 0.5 U 0.208 J 2570 0.889 J 1 U 58400 1 U 1.88 10.5 J OU2-MW14D-GW120719 12/7/2019 Total 25.9 J 0.296 J 0.872 J 47.2 0.222 J 0.139 J 114000 J 1.05 0.543 J 1.61 J 51.3 J 1.13 43600 3.49 0.5 U 1.42 2380 1.07 0.211 J 48800 0.249 J 1.43 133 MW14D-GW062320 6/23/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.582 J 47.2 1 U 1 U 135000 0.93 J 1 U 0.877 J 100 U 1 U 46800 0.571 J 0.5 U 1.41 2500 0.869 J 1 U 54900 1 U 1.69 46 MW14D-GW092520 9/25/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.803 J 48.3 1 U 1 U 141000 2.33 0.109 J 0.58 J 100 U 1 U 49000 1.24 0.5 U 1 U 2620 0.916 J 1 U 57000 1 U 2.62 15.2 J MW14D-GW121420 12/14/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.705 J 46.6 1 U 1 U 145000 0.949 J 1 U 2 U 29.5 J 1 U 53200 1.93 0.5 U 0.363 J 2530 0.91 J 1 U 60300 1 U 1.79 20.4 OU2-MW14S-GW-091918 Total 235 1 U 3.27 243 0.0693 J 1 U 149000 0.641 J 4.58 0.698 J 216 0.618 J 45800 1530 0.5 U 3.81 4850 0.336 J 1 U 66800 0.131 J 1.27 20 U OU2-MW14S-GW-091918 Dissolved 10 U 1 U 3.82 175 1 U 1 U 149000 0.181 J 3.83 1.08 53.1 J 1 U 45100 969 0.5 U 3.22 4320 0.212 J 1 U 66700 1 U 0.428 J 20 U OU2-MW14S-GW-120518 12/5/2018 Total 510 5 U 1.13 J 119 5 U 5 U 164000 4.75 J 3.6 J 5 U 337 J 0.265 J 52700 483 0.5 U 24.1 3670 1.14 J 5 U 88200 5 U 5 U 100 U OU2-MW14S-GW-031119 3/11/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.467 J 59.9 1 U 1 U 161000 0.993 J 0.209 J 1 U 100 U 1 U 72700 2.46 5 U 0.364 J 4510 2.44 1 U 178000 1 U 1.33 20 U OU2-MW14S-GW120719 12/7/2019 Total 147 1 U 2.7 86.1 1 U 1 U 139000 J 3.82 5 2 U 876 0.201 J 48600 383 0.5 U 6.48 2990 0.923 J 1 U 74300 1 U 0.428 J 20 U MW14S-GW062320 6/23/2020 Total 160 1 U 2.28 76.7 1 U 1 U 145000 2.99 2.51 2 U 740 1 U 48900 201 0.5 U 4.39 3260 0.585 J 0.137 J 70500 1 U 1 20 U MW14S-GW092520 9/25/2020 Total 166 1 U 1.76 82.6 1 U 1 U 156000 1.82 1.45 2 U 658 1 U 52800 171 0.5 U 2.71 3730 0.366 J 1 U 72700 1 U 1 U 20 U MW14S-GW121420 12/14/2020 Total 730 1 U 0.537 J 73.7 1 U 1 U 155000 1.28 0.649 J 2 U 283 1 U 54400 90 0.5 U 1.47 3340 1.98 1 U 94400 1 U 0.577 J 20 U OU2-MW15D-GW-092518 Total 242 1 U 1.25 68 0.0547 J 1 U 170000 1.1 2.16 1 326 0.873 J 58700 348 0.5 U 2.67 4590 2.33 1 U 134000 1 U 1.72 6.22 J OU2-MW15D-GW-092518 Dissolved 75.9 J 1 U 0.991 J 60.4 1 U 1 U 162000 0.714 J 1.79 1.12 69.6 J 0.145 J 59600 300 0.5 U 2.34 4550 2.3 1 U 138000 1 U 1.26 20 U OU2-MW15D-GW-120418 12/4/2018 Total 600 0.331 J 0.61 J 55.6 1 U 1 U 169000 1.42 1.39 0.675 J 434 0.415 J 58500 196 0.5 U 2.23 4310 2.4 1 U 135000 1 U 1.68 8.08 J OU2-MW15D-GW-031119 3/11/2019 Total 247 1 U 0.509 J 50.1 1 U 1 U 166000 1.03 0.799 J 1 U 161 0.161 J 64800 133 0.5 U 1.62 4100 2.55 1 U 136000 1 U 1.23 20 U OU2-MW15D-GW120719 12/7/2019 Total 87.6 J 1 U 0.748 J 48.8 1 U 1 U 168000 J 2.82 J 0.618 J 0.702 J 164 0.169 J 65600 7.96 0.5 U 6.12 3980 2.73 1 U 136000 1 U 1.18 20 U MW15D-GW061920 6/19/2020 Total 88.2 J 1 U 0.513 J 46.4 1 U 1 U 167000 1.74 0.215 J 2 U 103 0.13 J 65400 6.73 0.5 U 2.26 4040 2.61 1 U 140000 1 U 1.37 20 U MW15D-GW092820 9/28/2020 Total 116 1 U 0.464 J 45 1 U 1 U 176000 1.68 0.179 J 2 U 36.6 J 1 U 68300 3.34 0.5 U 1.38 4100 2.8 1 U 149000 1 U 1.54 20 U MW15D-GW120920 12/9/2020 Total 118 1 U 1 U 47.6 1 U 0.14 J 168000 1.74 0.641 J 0.525 J 100 U 1 U 67300 5.26 0.5 U 1.22 3920 2.64 1 U 138000 1 U 1.42 6.72 J OU2-MW15S-GW-092518 9/25/2018 Total 13.4 J 1 U 0.899 J 62.7 1 U 1 U 156000 1.12 0.492 J 0.576 J 22.2 J 0.828 J 65000 10.2 0.5 U 0.761 J 4850 1.9 1 U 175000 1 U 1.62 20 U OU2-MW15S-GW-120418 12/4/2018 Total 500 U 5 U 5 U 62 5 U 5 U 156000 1.57 J 0.514 J 5 U 500 U 5 U 68600 5.31 0.5 U 3.94 J 4640 2.07 J 5 U 188000 5 U 1.31 J 100 U OU2-MW15S-GW-031119 3/11/2019 Total 1390 1 U 0.998 J 91.7 0.0783 J 1 U 159000 15.4 2.44 1.52 974 0.653 J 56100 176 0.5 U 26.4 3250 2.59 0.278 J 92000 1 U 1.68 7.45 J OU2-MW15S-GW120719 12/7/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.701 J 69.1 1 U 1 U 153000 J 11.4 0.769 J 1.2 J 127 0.0542 J 76100 2.94 0.5 U 14.7 4870 2.37 1 U 194000 1 U 1.31 20 U MW15S-GW061920 6/19/2020 Total 29.8 J 1 U 0.581 J 65.5 1 U 1 U 167000 6.23 0.309 J 2 U 107 0.0864 J 76600 3.33 0.5 U 2.8 4930 2.45 1 U 180000 1 U 1.57 20 U MW15S-GW092820 9/28/2020 Total 163 1 U 0.513 J 60.4 1 U 1 U 167000 3.09 0.23 J 0.533 J 76 J 1 U 72800 1.48 0.5 U 2.68 4630 2.46 1 U 181000 1 U 1.78 20 U MW15S-GW120920 12/9/2020 Total 233 1 U 1 U 63.8 1 U 1 U 169000 4.98 0.523 J 0.54 J 100 U 1 U 76000 1.67 0.5 U 2.36 4440 2.46 1 U 174000 1 U 1.56 20 U OU2-MW16D-GW-092018 9/20/2018 Total 69.7 J 1 U 0.849 J 33.5 1 U 1 U 119000 1.58 0.93 J 0.47 J 78.5 J 0.301 J 42800 66.5 0.5 U 1.17 2170 1.07 1 U 33000 1 U 1.64 20 U OU2-MW16D-GW-120618 12/6/2018 Total 132 J 5 U 0.693 J 31.5 5 U 5 U 134000 2.75 J 0.695 J 5 U 143 J 5 U 43400 28.4 0.5 U 1.04 J 2160 1.05 J 5 U 35200 5 U 2.2 J 100 U OU2-MW16D-GW-031419 3/14/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.56 J 30.8 1 U 1 U 124000 1.44 0.239 J 1 U 10.8 J 1 U 40800 11.4 0.5 U 0.562 J 2010 1.03 1 U 30600 1 U 1.41 20 U OU2-MW16D-GW120619 12/6/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.454 J 28 1 U 1 U 104000 1.46 0.18 J 2 U 38.2 J 1 U 40900 10.8 0.5 U 1.89 2060 0.872 J 1 U 30500 1 U 1.19 20 U MW16D-GW062120 6/21/2020 Total 52.6 J 1 U 0.495 J 29.7 1 U 1 U 123000 5.75 0.493 J 0.743 J 53.5 J 1 U 43100 5.46 0.5 U 19.6 2110 1.01 1 U 33300 1 U 1.66 20 U MW16D-GW092520 9/25/2020 Total 58.3 J 1 U 0.623 J 30 1 U 1 U 124000 4.7 0.344 J 2 U 37.9 J 1 U 45200 4.69 0.5 U 13.7 2150 0.989 J 1 U 33400 1 U 2.1 20 U MW16D-GW121020 12/10/2020 Total 92.2 J 1 U 0.743 J 31.7 1 U 1 U 123000 2.49 0.408 J 0.761 J 117 0.14 J 43600 1.2 0.5 U 0.717 J 2100 1.06 1 U 32000 1 U 1.76 20 U OU2-MW16S-GW-092018 9/20/2018 Total 21.4 J 1 U 0.733 J 63 1 U 1 U 146000 0.839 J 0.725 J 1 U 25.6 J 0.065 J 59100 30 0.5 U 1 U 2690 0.895 J 1 U 73600 1 U 1.17 20 U OU2-MW16S-GW-120518 12/5/2018 Total 79.3 J 5 U 5 U 63.8 5 U 5 U 157000 1.08 J 0.59 J 5 U 76.4 J 5 U 54800 8.47 0.5 U 5 U 2820 5 U 5 U 74700 5 U 1.62 J 100 U OU2-MW16S-GW-031419 3/14/2019 Total 16.1 J 1 U 0.432 J 61.4 1 U 1 U 154000 0.935 J 0.236 J 1 U 21.4 J 1 U 55500 2.66 0.5 U 0.28 J 2630 0.88 J 1 U 68200 1 U 1.17 20 U OU2-MW16S-GW120619 12/6/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.386 J 55.9 1 U 1 U 133000 3.18 0.233 J 2 U 47.3 J 1 U 52100 1.86 0.5 U 3.67 2690 0.79 J 1 U 66000 1 U 1.01 20 U MW16S-GW062120 6/21/2020 Total 505 1 U 0.592 J 56 1 U 1 U 145000 3 0.124 J 2 U 85.7 J 1 U 54900 1.23 0.5 U 0.659 J 2580 0.824 J 1 U 73500 1 U 1.5 20 U MW16S-GW092520 9/25/2020 Total 683 1 U 0.821 J 58.7 1 U 1 U 150000 3.89 0.121 J 2 U 94.2 J 1 U 57100 1.48 0.5 U 1 U 2680 0.883 J 1 U 75200 1 U 2.03 20 U MW16S-GW121020 12/10/2020 Total 221 1 U 1.18 61.8 1 U 1 U 152000 3.12 0.494 J 0.863 J 85.6 J 0.12 J 59100 1.2 0.5 U 0.76 J 2670 0.829 J 1 U 75900 1 U 1.91 20 U 9/25/2018 MW-16D MW-16D MW-15S MW-16S MW-15D 9/19/2018 MW-08A 12/27/2018 MW-08C MW-08B MW-12S MW-13D MW-13S MW-12D MW-14D MW-14S OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 5 Table 5-7 Dissolved and Total Metals in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L QLocation Sample Identification Sample Date Beryllium CadmiumBariumAluminumAntimonyArsenicSample Type Vanadium ZincCalciumNickelSilverSodiumPotassiumSeleniumThalliumCopperCobaltChromiumMercuryLeadMagnesiumManganeseIron OU2-MW17D-GW-092418 9/24/2018 Total 236 1 U 0.981 J 77.8 1 U 1 U 150000 1.28 0.811 J 0.318 J 187 0.286 J 47300 123 0.5 U 1.94 2960 0.83 J 1 U 100000 1 U 1.77 20 U OU2-MW17D-GW-121018 12/10/2018 Total 23.3 J 1 U 0.502 J 79.2 1 U 1 U 158000 0.958 J 0.77 J 0.494 J 100 U 0.0556 J 53900 74.6 0.5 U 0.675 J 2920 0.92 J 1 U 103000 1 U 1.36 20 U OU2-MW17D-GW-031219 3/12/2019 Total 111 1 U 0.632 J 69.3 1 U 1 U 155000 1.24 0.365 J 0.274 J 112 0.281 J 48400 58.4 0.5 U 0.963 J 2610 0.876 J 1 U 101000 1 U 1.64 20 U OU2-MW17D-GW120819 12/8/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.835 J 62.9 1 U 1 U 132000 J 0.893 J 0.386 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 46100 5.6 0.5 U 1 U 2440 0.797 J 1 U 89900 1 U 1.5 20 U MW17D-GW062120 6/21/2020 Total 229 1 U 1.01 72.7 1 U 1 U 165000 1.55 0.344 J 0.581 J 323 1 U 56400 30.7 0.5 U 0.475 J 2740 0.814 J 1 U 109000 1 U 2.75 20 U MW17D-GW093020 9/30/2020 Total 163 1 U 0.792 J 72.5 1 U 1 U 168000 1.4 0.252 J 2 U 179 1 U 53900 19.9 0.5 U 0.523 J 2830 0.934 J 1 U 116000 1 U 2.3 20 U MW17D-GW121320 12/13/2020 Total 94.1 J 1 U 0.728 J 69.3 1 U 1 U 156000 1.14 0.205 J 2 U 111 1 U 55900 22 0.5 U 0.456 J 2800 0.879 J 1 U 107000 1 U 1.68 6.54 J OU2-MW17S-GW-092418 9/24/2018 Total 84.7 J 0.305 J 0.701 J 278 1 U 0.117 J 149000 0.739 J 2.16 0.601 J 101 0.174 J 46800 524 0.5 U 15.8 7280 0.758 J 1 U 166000 0.123 J 0.641 J 9.24 J OU2-MW17S-GW-120318 Total 4570 5 U 1.22 J 253 0.328 J 5 U 159000 6.8 2.03 J 1.87 J 2260 2.28 J 52000 347 0.5 U 20.1 6550 5 U 5 U 154000 5 U 3.81 J 100 U OU2-MW17S-GW-120318 Dissolved 50 U 5 U 5 U 214 5 U 5 U 156000 1.42 J 0.843 J 1.39 J 50 U 5 U 51500 347 0.5 U 11.7 5110 5 U 5 U 151000 5 U 5 U 100 U OU2-MW17S-GW-031219 3/12/2019 Total 223 1 U 0.296 J 176 1 U 1 U 160000 3.29 0.34 J 1.1 140 0.202 J 57800 28.1 0.5 U 10.5 4170 0.495 J 0.117 J 162000 1 U 0.459 J 20 U OU2-MW17S-GW120819 12/8/2019 Total 159 1 U 0.482 J 130 1 U 1 U 129000 J 3.28 1.51 0.9 J 312 0.272 J 49800 62.3 0.5 U 84.4 3830 0.391 J 0.169 J 138000 1 U 0.479 J 11.2 J MW17S-GW062120 6/21/2020 Total 102 1 U 0.226 J 120 1 U 1 U 161000 5.55 1.08 0.611 J 210 1 U 60700 26.6 0.5 U 33.5 4200 0.789 J 0.169 J 170000 1 U 0.551 J 20 U MW17S-GW093020 9/30/2020 Total 102 1 U 0.181 J 122 1 U 1 U 158000 2.74 0.731 J 2 U 122 1 U 58400 20.6 0.5 U 14.6 4420 0.72 J 1 U 164000 1 U 0.825 J 20 U MW17S-GW121120 12/11/2020 Total 89.5 J 1 U 0.181 J 99.4 1 U 1 U 153000 1.77 0.355 J 2 U 63.5 J 1 U 58200 14.7 0.5 U 5.36 3760 0.792 J 1 U 152000 1 U 0.367 J 20 U OU2-MW18-GW-091818 9/18/2018 Total 100 U 1 U 1.03 97.6 1 U 1 U 172000 1.11 0.662 J 0.262 J 16.1 J 1 U 67100 88.6 0.5 U 1.29 3370 0.973 J 1 U 82400 1 U 1.71 20 U OU2-MW18-GW-112718 11/27/2018 Total 100 U 1 U 0.721 J 99.4 1 U 1 U 172000 1.24 0.586 J 1 U 100 U 1 U 66900 38.1 0.5 U 0.771 J 3150 1 U 1 U 83000 1 U 1.56 20 U OU2-MW18-GW-030419 3/4/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.973 J 97 1 U 1 U 171000 1.32 0.329 J 1 U 27.3 J 1 U 64600 17.4 0.5 U 0.489 J 3300 0.955 J 1 U 87800 1 U 1.66 20 U OU2-MW18-GW120519 12/5/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.648 J 89.5 1 U 1 U 165000 0.935 J 0.202 J 2 U 27.5 J 1 U 68700 12 0.234 J 1.17 3200 J 0.963 J 1 U 89200 1 U 1.38 20 U MW18-GW061620 6/16/2020 Total 56.6 J 1 U 0.699 J 97.8 1 U 1 U 180000 1.09 0.195 J 2 U 152 1 U 73100 7.47 0.5 U 0.385 J 3300 0.935 J 1 U 100000 1 U 1.84 20 U MW18-GW092320 9/23/2020 Total 75.6 J 1 U 1.25 99.1 1 U 1 U 188000 2.24 0.206 J 2 U 598 1 U 70500 8.05 0.5 U 0.535 J 3400 1.03 1 U 106000 1 U 2.65 7.19 J MW18-GW121420 12/14/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.16 96.3 1 U 1 U 165000 1.41 0.383 J 2 U 207 1 U 64000 5.89 0.5 U 1 U 3220 1 U 1 U 98600 1 U 1.97 20 U OU2-MW19-GW-091818 9/18/2018 Total 13.7 J 1 U 0.93 J 75.5 1 U 1 U 158000 1.05 0.683 J 1 U 31.8 J 1 U 56200 130 0.5 U 1.17 3240 0.867 J 1 U 74900 1 U 1.49 20 U OU2-MW19-GW-112718 11/27/2018 Total 100 U 1 U 0.568 J 78.4 1 U 1 U 162000 5.4 0.626 J 1 U 100 U 1 U 57800 60.5 0.5 U 2.37 3000 1 U 1 U 77500 1 U 1.43 20 U OU2-MW19-GW-030419 3/4/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.892 J 77.2 1 U 1 U 160000 1.28 0.358 J 1 U 13.8 J 1 U 57300 40 0.5 U 0.486 J 3170 0.859 J 1 U 81300 1 U 1.5 20 U OU2-MW19-GW120519 12/5/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.511 J 70.8 1 U 1 U 148000 2.41 0.378 J 2 U 31.2 J 1 U 56300 13.5 0.5 U 7.35 3040 J 0.89 J 1 U 79000 1 U 1.31 20 U MW19-GW061620 6/16/2020 Total 56.6 J 1 U 0.812 J 76.3 1 U 1 U 165000 3.21 0.218 J 2 U 398 1 U 63200 10.2 0.5 U 1.67 3230 0.868 J 0.207 J 89500 1 U 2.17 8.68 J MW19-GW092320 9/23/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.863 J 75.5 1 U 1 U 168000 5.53 J 0.229 J 2 U 304 1 U 58900 7.12 0.5 U 2.86 3260 0.887 J 0.138 J 91300 1 U 1.91 20 U MW19-GW121420 12/14/2020 Total 48.6 J 1 U 1.76 79.9 1 U 1 U 167000 6.99 0.758 J 1.04 J 1050 0.0708 J 64500 8.33 0.5 U 7.34 3140 0.862 J 0.287 J 94000 1 U 3.1 6.56 J OU2-MW20D-GW-091918 9/19/2018 Total 18.4 J 1 U 0.992 J 43.3 1 U 1 U 106000 1.7 0.364 J 1 U 16 J 1 U 33400 33.6 0.5 U 1.87 2240 0.733 J 1 U 40400 1 U 2.01 20 U OU2-MW20D-GW-112618 11/26/2018 Total 20.2 J 1 U 0.787 J 43.3 1 U 1 U 111000 6.14 0.517 J 1 U 118 1 U 32900 22.3 0.5 U 8.91 2110 0.82 J 1 U 41700 1 U 1.9 20 U OU2-MW20D-GW-030519 3/5/2019 Total 22.1 J 1 U 0.805 J 43.2 1 U 1 U 109000 8.15 0.23 J 0.701 J 59.5 J 1 U 35900 10.7 0.5 U 2.08 2180 0.775 J 1 U 42900 1 U 1.92 20 U OU2-MW20D-GW120519 12/5/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.704 J 40 1 U 1 U 94600 2.19 0.109 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 35800 2.21 0.5 U 0.495 J 2190 J 0.723 J 1 U 41600 1 U 1.53 20 U MW20D-GW061720 6/17/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.685 J 42.3 1 U 1 U 109000 1.64 0.115 J 2 U 68.6 J 1 U 36500 2.24 0.5 U 0.464 J 2240 0.776 J 1 U 46300 1 U 2.05 20 U MW20D-GW092420 9/24/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.749 J 43.3 1 U 1 U 113000 2.18 0.121 J 2 U 105 1 U 36700 1.28 0.5 U 0.358 J 2280 0.802 J 1 U 47500 1 U 1.98 20 U MW20D-GW121520 12/15/2020 Total 67.2 J 1 U 1.49 43.1 1 U 1 U 105000 5.05 0.422 J 2 U 414 1 U 35000 8.25 0.5 U 5.64 2140 1 U 1 U 44600 1 U 2.59 5.06 J OU2-MW20S-GW-091818 9/18/2018 Total 16.5 J 1 U 1.08 51.6 1 U 1 U 106000 1.59 0.306 J 0.285 J 15.2 J 1 U 33200 18.6 0.5 U 1.05 2460 0.746 J 1 U 80500 1 U 1.98 5.02 J OU2-MW20S-GW-112818 11/28/2018 Total 44.3 J 1 U 0.85 J 52.6 1 U 1 U 111000 2.99 0.35 J 0.394 J 100 U 1 U 33100 6.75 0.5 U 1.32 2250 0.688 J 1 U 78000 1 U 1.75 20 U OU2-MW20S-GW-030419 3/4/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.936 J 49.4 1 U 1 U 110000 1.62 0.468 J 0.279 J 30.2 J 1 U 33100 2.77 0.5 U 13.1 2340 0.805 J 1 U 75700 1 U 1.74 20 U OU2-MW20S-GW120419 12/4/2019 Total 100 U 1 U 0.777 J 48 1 U 1 U 96000 1.47 0.13 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 33200 2.04 0.5 U 1.4 2450 J 0.803 J 1 U 96200 1 U 1.61 20 U MW20S-GW061720 6/17/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.878 J 47.4 1 U 1 U 94000 1.41 0.113 J 1.22 J 100 U 1 U 29300 1.5 0.5 U 3.39 3500 0.576 J 0.146 J 75300 1 U 1.93 15.9 J MW20S-GW092420 9/24/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.718 J 45.5 1 U 1 U 107000 1.56 1 U 2 U 100 U 1 U 33400 1 0.5 U 3.18 2340 0.673 J 0.109 J 71600 1 U 1.73 6.67 J MW20S-GW121420 12/14/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.01 46.6 1 U 1 U 107000 1.4 0.218 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 34800 1.19 0.5 U 1.08 2210 1 U 1 U 67200 1 U 1.84 20 U OU2-MW21-GW-092018 9/20/2018 Total 20.3 J 1 U 1.35 133 1 U 1 U 145000 1.32 0.52 J 0.322 J 18.6 J 1 U 56100 19.7 0.5 U 1 U 3040 0.667 J 1 U 155000 1 U 2.51 20 U OU2-MW21-GW-112818 11/28/2018 Total 12.8 J 1 U 1.01 119 1 U 1 U 141000 1.66 0.466 J 0.422 J 100 U 1 U 44800 9.27 0.5 U 0.543 J 2790 1 U 1 U 155000 1 U 2.36 20 U OU2-MW21-GW-030619 3/6/2019 Total 19.2 J 1 U 1.2 121 1 U 1 U 135000 1.31 0.233 J 0.61 J 20.4 J 0.102 J 43000 4.29 0.5 U 0.272 J 2890 0.648 J 1 U 144000 1 U 2.45 20 U MW21-GW061820 6/18/2020 Total 702 1 U 0.997 J 129 1 U 1 U 150000 1.63 0.148 J 2 U 60.4 J 1 U 53300 2.11 0.5 U 0.57 J 2970 0.814 J 1 U 158000 1 U 2.83 20 U MW21-GW092320 9/23/2020 Total 361 1 U 0.968 J 125 1 U 1 U 146000 9.17 0.495 J 0.693 J 267 1 U 49200 2.91 0.5 U 17.2 3080 0.609 J 1 U 170000 1 U 2.58 20 U MW21-GW121420 12/14/2020 Total 153 1 U 1.16 115 1 U 1 U 128000 16.7 0.314 J 2 U 277 1 U 48100 2.11 0.5 U 12.3 2800 0.641 J 0.104 J 156000 1 U 2.93 20 U OU2-MW22-GW-092018 9/20/2018 Total 34.4 J 1 U 0.913 J 79.5 1 U 1 U 154000 0.762 J 1.05 0.296 J 53.2 J 0.0551 J 57700 183 0.5 U 2.12 2940 0.813 J 1 U 111000 1 U 1.51 20 U OU2-MW22-GW-112818 11/28/2018 Total 60.1 J 1 U 0.659 J 73.4 1 U 1 U 158000 6.3 0.854 J 1 U 68.9 J 0.072 J 52400 106 0.5 U 3.24 2730 1 U 1 U 110000 1 U 1.69 20 U OU2-MW22-GW-030619 3/6/2019 Total 132 J 1 U 0.998 J 75.6 1 U 1 U 156000 3.61 0.849 J 1 U 147 0.173 J 51500 77.9 0.5 U 12.4 2880 0.735 J 1 U 109000 1 U 1.85 20 U MW22-GW061720 6/17/2020 Total 54.3 J 1 U 0.719 J 67.6 1 U 1 U 152000 1.69 0.174 J 2 U 149 1 U 52600 7.54 0.5 U 1.37 2690 0.856 J 1 U 110000 1 U 2.1 20 U MW22-GW092320 9/23/2020 Total 57.9 J 1 U 0.774 J 70.4 1 U 1 U 158000 4.18 0.149 J 0.884 J 190 1 U 52400 4.33 0.5 U 0.474 J 2690 0.858 J 1 U 109000 1 U 2.02 20 U MW22-GW121420 12/14/2020 Total 25.8 J 1 U 0.828 J 66 1 U 1 U 156000 1.51 1 U 2 U 88.8 J 1 U 56500 2.57 0.5 U 0.349 J 2730 0.875 J 1 U 108000 1 U 2.05 20 U MW23A-GW101920 10/19/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.905 J 94.5 J 1 U 1 U 134000 0.314 J 0.916 J 2 U 2330 1 U 44300 910 0.5 U 8.97 3780 0.367 J 1 U 135000 1 U 1 U 20 U MW23A-GW120920 12/9/2020 Total 94.7 J 1 U 1 93.1 1 U 1 U 157000 0.666 J 1.17 2 U 1190 1 U 56400 867 0.5 U 9.17 3410 0.587 J 1 U 126000 1 U 1.15 5.71 J MW23A-GW031621 3/16/2021 Total 56.9 J 1 U 0.698 J 82.3 1 U 1 U 171000 0.255 J 0.793 J 2 U 1490 1 U 58700 691 0.5 U 9.23 3240 0.436 J 1 U 125000 1 U 0.728 J 20 U MW23B-GW102020 10/20/2020 Total 40.4 J 1 U 0.576 J 48.4 J 1 U 1 U 143000 0.523 J 0.337 J 2 U 62.9 J 0.0774 J 44400 89.8 0.5 U 1.67 1770 0.728 J 1 U 35200 1 U 1.46 11.7 J MW23B-GW121020 12/10/2020 Total 142 1 U 0.785 J 53 1 U 1 U 149000 0.915 J 0.307 J 2 U 226 1 U 51700 107 0.5 U 3.46 2010 0.83 J 1 U 42400 1 U 1.97 25.6 MW23B-GW031621 3/16/2021 Total 80.9 J 1 U 0.84 J 49.4 1 U 1 U 148000 0.689 J 0.163 J 2 U 176 1 U 53300 22.2 0.5 U 1.91 1990 0.77 J 1 U 40600 1 U 1.97 19.2 J MW23C-GW062320 6/23/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.344 J 30.6 1 U 1 U 133000 0.184 J 0.862 J 2 U 183 1 U 39400 325 0.5 U 6.97 2510 0.933 J 0.103 J 27200 1 U 0.657 J 20 U MW23C-GW101920 10/19/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.361 J 24.4 J 1 U 1 U 131000 0.586 J 0.388 J 2 U 30.1 J 1 U 38200 151 0.5 U 5.44 2090 1.03 1 U 26900 1 U 1.47 8.64 J MW23C-GW120920 12/9/2020 Total 35.7 J 1 U 0.374 J 25.7 1 U 1 U 135000 0.722 J 0.618 J 2 U 102 1 U 42700 252 0.5 U 6.18 2150 1.08 1 U 28600 1 U 1.26 10 J MW23C-GW031621 3/16/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.358 J 22.7 1 U 1 U 138000 0.452 J 0.389 J 2 U 41.1 J 1 U 40300 166 0.5 U 4.34 2170 1.09 1 U 28100 1 U 1.23 6.25 J MW24-GW102020 10/20/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.23 68.6 J 1 U 1 U 169000 0.738 J 0.148 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 52100 6.06 0.5 U 1 U 2490 0.855 J 1 U 118000 1 U 2.86 20 U MW24-GW120820 12/8/2020 Total 57.4 J 1 U 1.26 72 1 U 1 U 160000 12.8 0.515 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 58200 23.5 0.5 U 3.44 2440 1 U 1 U 113000 1 U 2.47 13.1 J MW24-GW032121 3/21/2021 Total 64.1 J 1 U 0.989 J 64.9 1 U 1 U 159000 15.3 0.336 J 2 U 96.8 J 1 U 56800 42.5 0.5 U 3.87 2420 0.714 J 0.509 J 113000 1 U 2.3 8.52 J MW25A-GW093020 9/30/2020 Total 596 1 U 1.2 73.7 1 U 1 U 175000 2.43 0.466 J 1.01 J 624 1 U 57700 75.8 0.5 U 18.7 2970 0.774 J 1 U 107000 1 U 3.75 6.57 J MW25A-GW120920 12/9/2020 Total 165 1 U 1.28 74 1 U 1 U 164000 1.57 0.3 J 0.91 J 273 1 U 59500 23.7 0.5 U 23.8 2580 0.922 J 1 U 103000 1 U 2.99 15.2 J MW25A-GW032121 3/21/2021 Total 90.9 J 1 U 1.07 65.2 1 U 1 U 171000 0.983 J 0.192 J 1.47 J 122 1 U 60600 9.45 0.5 U 13 2420 0.791 J 1 U 110000 1 U 2.4 18.7 J MW25B-GW093020 9/30/2020 Total 40.3 J 1 U 0.576 J 56.6 1 U 1 U 158000 0.758 J 0.409 J 2 U 64.1 J 1 U 53900 170 0.5 U 1.85 2120 0.912 J 1 U 41300 1 U 1.68 20 U MW25B-GW121020 12/10/2020 Total 74.1 J 1 U 0.738 J 53.1 1 U 1 U 150000 0.885 J 0.289 J 2 U 98.9 J 1 U 52500 94.9 0.5 U 1.44 2100 0.852 J 1 U 38000 1 U 1.9 20 U MW25B-GW032121 3/21/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.704 J 48.9 1 U 1 U 156000 0.488 J 0.145 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 54400 40.9 0.5 U 1.08 2010 0.889 J 1 U 39400 1 U 1.57 20 U MW25C-GW061920 6/19/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.356 J 40.6 1 U 1 U 118000 0.407 J 0.52 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 37500 110 0.5 U 1.52 2110 1 1 U 25500 1 U 1.08 20 U MW25C-GW093020 9/30/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.489 J 31.7 1 U 1 U 124000 0.883 J 0.181 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 38700 40.4 0.5 U 1.54 2170 1.15 1 U 26200 1 U 2.02 20 U MW25C-GW121020 12/10/2020 Total 154 1 U 0.71 J 30.1 1 U 1 U 115000 1.19 0.202 J 2 U 203 1 U 38500 32.5 0.5 U 4.53 2010 1.09 1 U 24900 1 U 2.34 20 U MW25C-GW032121 3/21/2021 Total 93.6 J 1 U 0.589 J 27.8 1 U 1 U 120000 0.808 J 0.124 J 2 U 127 1 U 39100 13 0.5 U 1.84 1890 1.23 1 U 25500 1 U 1.94 20 U MW26A-GW092520 9/25/2020 Total 25.5 J 1 U 0.373 J 71.8 1 U 1 U 167000 1.01 0.813 J 2 U 48.4 J 1 U 56500 221 0.5 U 16.8 2750 0.762 J 1 U 132000 1 U 1.04 9.77 J MW26A-GW121620 12/16/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1 U 77 1 U 1 U 165000 1 U 0.983 J 2.08 52 J 0.17 J 55100 211 0.5 U 24.5 2710 1 U 1 U 138000 1 U 1 U 53.1 MW26A-GW031721 3/17/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.853 J 73.6 1 U 1 U 161000 0.646 J 0.254 J 2.27 100 U 0.236 J 56900 43.8 0.5 U 9.6 2640 0.74 J 1 U 131000 1 U 1.9 81.5 MW26B-GW121620 12/16/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1 U 59.2 1 U 1 U 147000 1 U 0.763 J 0.601 J 100 U 1 U 49000 132 0.5 U 2.29 2160 1 U 1 U 44200 1 U 1.27 8.07 J MW26B-GW031721 3/17/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.759 J 52.7 1 U 1 U 154000 0.458 J 0.184 J 2 U 100 U 0.0704 J 52200 34.7 0.5 U 1.65 2080 0.794 J 1 U 46700 1 U 1.81 20 U MW-26C MW26C-GW031821 3/18/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.48 J 29.7 1 U 1 U 116000 0.397 J 0.37 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 37700 91.6 0.5 U 2.36 1950 0.958 J 1 U 27100 1 U 1.6 20 U MW-26D MW26D-GW031821 3/18/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.302 J 30.8 1 U 1 U 133000 0.579 J 0.432 J 2 U 58.7 J 1 U 39600 91 0.5 U 2.53 2160 0.78 J 1 U 29100 1 U 0.983 J 6.41 J MW27-GW062420 6/24/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.2 69.8 1 U 1 U 158000 0.786 J 0.174 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 53200 20.9 0.5 U 0.682 J 2610 0.789 J 1 U 122000 1 U 2.64 20 U MW27-GW092420 9/24/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.2 70.8 1 U 1 U 176000 11.6 0.366 J 0.527 J 76.8 J 1 U 56900 5.9 0.5 U 10.8 2670 0.853 J 1 U 138000 1 U 2.52 20 U MW27-GW120820 12/8/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.54 73.9 1 U 1 U 163000 8.3 0.547 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 58000 3.08 0.5 U 5.52 2530 1 U 1 U 133000 1 U 2.6 20 U MW27-GW031621 3/16/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 1.22 65.2 1 U 1 U 165000 4.42 0.164 J 0.551 J 100 U 1 U 56900 1.45 0.5 U 2.47 2590 0.742 J 1 U 139000 1 U 2.36 20 U MW-27 12/3/2018 MW-18 MW-19 MW-17D MW-17S MW-23C MW-24 MW-25A MW-25B MW-25C MW-26A MW-26B MW-20D MW-20S MW-22 MW-23A MW-23B MW-21 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 3 of 5 Table 5-7 Dissolved and Total Metals in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L QLocation Sample Identification Sample Date Beryllium CadmiumBariumAluminumAntimonyArsenicSample Type Vanadium ZincCalciumNickelSilverSodiumPotassiumSeleniumThalliumCopperCobaltChromiumMercuryLeadMagnesiumManganeseIron MW28-GW062420 6/24/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.822 J 86.7 1 U 1 U 163000 0.524 J 0.718 J 2 U 63.8 J 1 U 53800 162 0.5 U 2.75 2770 0.774 J 1 U 143000 1 U 1.76 7.01 J MW28-GW092420 9/24/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.26 86.6 1 U 1 U 172000 0.93 J 0.214 J 2 U 40.8 J 1 U 54800 27.9 0.5 U 0.54 J 2750 0.796 J 1 U 149000 1 U 2.05 20 U MW28-GW120820 12/8/2020 Total 36.4 J 1 U 1.58 92.9 1 U 1 U 176000 1.75 0.687 J 2 U 199 1 U 62200 17.8 0.5 U 4.93 2610 1 U 1 U 162000 1 U 2.28 5.94 J MW28-GW032121 3/21/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 1.29 82.4 1 U 1 U 167000 14.4 0.254 J 2 U 73.6 J 1 U 58400 17.4 0.5 U 4.94 2680 0.751 J 1 U 160000 1 U 2.09 20 U MW29A-GW092820 9/28/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.53 70.6 1 U 1 U 136000 0.825 J 0.126 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 43300 1.9 0.5 U 27 2210 0.718 J 1 U 104000 1 U 2.91 5.83 J MW29A-GW121320 12/13/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.7 69.7 1 U 1 U 131000 0.908 J 0.164 J 0.519 J 100 U 1 U 45400 2.2 0.5 U 5.82 2290 0.654 J 1 U 96800 1 U 3.05 12.1 J MW29A-GW031921 3/19/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 1.49 68 1 U 1 U 131000 1 U 0.114 J 0.58 J 100 U 0.101 J 43900 0.384 J 0.5 U 2.85 2050 0.664 J 1 U 95200 1 U 2.5 6.67 J MW29B-GW092820 9/28/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.498 J 54.1 1 U 1 U 159000 0.449 J 0.614 J 2 U 116 1 U 53600 315 0.5 U 2.8 2600 0.948 J 1 U 52500 1 U 1.55 20 U MW29B-GW121120 12/11/2020 Total 134 1 U 0.637 J 54.1 1 U 1 U 157000 0.883 J 0.86 J 2 U 303 1 U 54800 320 0.5 U 2.86 2430 0.899 J 1 U 42900 1 U 1.53 5.6 J MW29B-GW031921 3/19/2021 Total 39 J 1 U 0.477 J 46.9 1 U 1 U 157000 1 U 0.831 J 2 U 71.1 J 0.0707 J 52200 200 0.5 U 2.35 2140 0.885 J 1 U 38900 1 U 1.25 9.46 J MW29C-GW092820 9/28/2020 Total 28 J 1 U 0.927 J 35.3 1 U 1 U 156000 0.61 J 0.119 J 2 U 27.2 J 1 U 52400 12.1 0.5 U 0.736 J 2140 1.11 1 U 34100 1 U 2.55 24.8 MW29C-GW121120 12/11/2020 Total 25.9 J 1 U 1.1 34.4 1 U 1 U 143000 0.664 J 0.127 J 1.92 J 29.8 J 1 U 51400 5.38 0.5 U 1.16 2030 1.12 1 U 32700 1 U 2.53 11.5 J MW29C-GW031921 3/19/2021 Total 55.5 J 1 U 1.02 34.8 1 U 1 U 146000 1 U 0.12 J 2 U 67.8 J 0.0807 J 49400 1.79 0.5 U 0.591 J 1960 1.07 1 U 33400 1 U 2.33 27 MW30RA-GW120820 12/8/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1 U 90.6 1 U 1 U 176000 0.553 J 0.677 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 69400 98.9 0.5 U 1.39 2830 1 U 1 U 68000 1 U 0.758 J 14.3 J MW30RA-GW031621 3/16/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.522 J 81.8 1 U 1 U 176000 0.788 J 0.177 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 66900 26.6 0.5 U 0.623 J 2800 0.643 J 1 U 66600 1 U 1.31 20 U MW30RB-GW120820 12/8/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1 U 73.3 1 U 1 U 176000 0.587 J 0.821 J 0.552 J 100 U 1 U 68100 112 0.5 U 1.28 2660 1 U 1 U 58300 1 U 1.18 13.9 J MW30RB-GW031621 3/16/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.536 J 60.5 1 U 1 U 164000 0.766 J 0.161 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 66100 15.7 0.5 U 0.627 J 2520 0.669 J 1 U 53100 1 U 1.54 20 U MW30C-GW092120 9/21/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.476 J 79.7 1 U 1 U 164000 0.299 J 1.45 2 U 1110 1 U 58000 578 0.5 U 4.06 3450 0.499 J 1 U 66900 1 U 0.616 J 20 U MW30C-GW120920 12/9/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1 U 81.9 1 U 1 U 168000 0.319 J 1.51 2 U 938 1 U 60900 414 0.5 U 2.78 2940 1 U 1 U 61200 1 U 0.405 J 8.32 J MW30C-GW031621 3/16/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.289 J 75.4 1 U 1 U 161000 0.305 J 1.16 0.508 J 205 1 U 58100 367 0.5 U 3.26 4120 0.537 J 1 U 66600 1 U 0.526 J 12.1 J MW31A-GW092320 9/23/2020 Total 43.2 J 1 U 0.612 J 55.8 1 U 1 U 128000 2.61 0.478 J 1.76 J 91.4 J 1 U 39400 87.5 0.5 U 4.36 2180 0.655 J 1 U 75400 1 U 1.01 5.88 J MW31A-GW121120 12/11/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.932 J 50.7 1 U 1 U 121000 0.685 J 0.208 J 2.4 25.1 J 1 U 43000 31.1 0.5 U 2.16 2110 0.654 J 1 U 75700 1 U 1.91 18.5 J MW31A-GW031821 3/18/2021 Total 35.3 J 1 U 1.04 50.5 1 U 1 U 133000 0.592 J 0.129 J 4.05 42.8 J 1 U 48400 13.3 0.5 U 1.43 2140 0.633 J 1 U 79200 1 U 1.93 31.1 MW31B-GW092320 9/23/2020 Total 36 J 1 U 0.398 J 31.9 1 U 1 U 154000 0.481 J 0.381 J 0.846 J 57.7 J 1 U 46700 45 0.5 U 2.19 2100 1.17 1 U 32800 1 U 1.03 20 U MW31B-GW121120 12/11/2020 Total 95.5 J 1 U 0.71 J 29.7 1 U 1 U 145000 0.743 J 0.257 J 0.576 J 137 1 U 49000 25.9 0.5 U 1.33 2030 1.22 1 U 33100 1 U 1.93 20 U MW31B-GW031821 3/18/2021 Total 27.4 J 1 U 0.664 J 28.3 1 U 1 U 149000 0.435 J 0.158 J 2 U 32.1 J 1 U 52100 19.1 0.5 U 0.93 J 2000 1.01 1 U 32200 1 U 1.62 20 U MW31C-GW092320 9/23/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1.04 35.9 1 U 1 U 126000 0.205 J 1.09 0.555 J 1190 1 U 37200 541 0.5 U 1.94 2170 0.585 J 1 U 44500 1 U 1 U 20 U MW31C-GW121120 12/11/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.667 J 37 1 U 1 U 132000 1 U 1.22 2 U 819 1 U 41900 526 0.5 U 1.93 2190 0.788 J 1 U 34900 1 U 1 U 20 U MW31C-GW031821 3/18/2021 Total 28.5 J 1 U 0.703 J 33.8 1 U 0.314 J 133000 0.13 J 1.05 0.624 J 853 1 U 41900 507 0.5 U 1.51 2030 0.598 J 1 U 36300 1 U 0.26 J 20 U MW32A-GW092220 9/22/2020 Total 114 1 U 0.653 J 61.2 1 U 1 U 144000 1.34 0.294 J 2 U 212 1 U 52000 64.9 0.5 U 1.05 2880 0.618 J 1 U 57500 1 U 2.06 8.27 J MW32A-GW121020 12/10/2020 Total 37.1 J 1 U 0.911 J 67.7 1 U 1 U 142000 1.38 0.651 J 2 U 384 0.0504 J 54800 92 0.845 1.37 2810 0.833 J 1 U 82300 1 U 1.73 20 U MW32A-GW031721 3/17/2021 Total 41.4 J 1 U 0.965 J 59.4 1 U 1 U 124000 1.44 0.25 J 2 U 148 1 U 47600 77.9 0.5 U 0.529 J 2680 0.61 J 1 U 85300 1 U 1.92 20 U MW32B-GW092220 9/22/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.376 J 31.8 1 U 1 U 128000 0.952 J 0.338 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 43100 73.3 0.5 U 2.26 2150 0.993 J 1 U 31500 1 U 1.48 20 U MW32B-GW121020 12/10/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.412 J 27.8 1 U 1 U 124000 1.13 0.199 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 44400 27.7 0.5 U 3.58 2060 1.03 1 U 31900 1 U 1.4 6.19 J MW32B-GW031721 3/17/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.387 J 27.1 1 U 1 U 129000 0.904 J 0.129 J 2 U 100 U 0.151 J 44200 9.59 0.5 U 3.92 2050 0.937 J 1 U 31300 1 U 1.26 6.61 J MW32C-GW092220 9/22/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.393 J 23.1 1 U 1 U 118000 1.29 0.173 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 40700 38.9 0.5 U 3.51 2070 1.1 1 U 28600 1 U 1.69 20 U MW32C-GW121020 12/10/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.409 J 21.2 1 U 1 U 113000 1.46 0.144 J 2 U 28.6 J 1 U 42200 24.7 0.5 U 5.72 2000 1.12 1 U 28500 1 U 1.46 20 U MW32C-GW031721 3/17/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.367 J 20.6 1 U 1 U 115000 1.17 0.106 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 39600 16.3 0.5 U 1.76 1950 1.02 0.123 J 27900 1 U 1.23 20 U MW34A-GW121520 12/15/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1 U 50.3 1 U 1 U 123000 1.82 0.288 J 2 U 100 U 0.3 J 42000 28.5 0.5 U 1.38 2160 1 U 1 U 54400 1 U 1.59 20 U MW34A-GW031921 3/19/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.609 J 46.1 1 U 1 U 126000 1.76 0.111 J 2 U 100 U 0.108 J 43000 8.54 0.5 U 4.01 2020 0.842 J 1 U 54300 1 U 1.76 8.88 J MW34B-GW092720 9/27/2020 Total 34.1 J 1 U 0.217 J 64.5 1 U 1 U 116000 0.472 J 0.691 J 0.609 J 77.5 J 1 U 36900 589 0.5 U 19.1 2550 0.597 J 1 U 62500 1 U 1 U 8.93 J MW34B-GW031921 3/19/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.473 J 45.5 1 U 1 U 127000 1 U 0.247 J 0.591 J 100 U 0.108 J 40800 92.6 0.5 U 7.56 2000 0.801 J 1 U 41200 1 U 1.28 24.5 MW34C-GW092720 9/27/2020 Total 36.8 J 1 U 0.18 J 46.7 1 U 1 U 92400 0.325 J 0.932 J 2 U 77.1 J 1 U 36000 677 0.5 U 22.7 2180 0.537 J 1 U 31600 1 U 1 U 20 U MW34C-GW031921 3/19/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.26 J 35 1 U 1 U 86700 1 U 0.549 J 2 U 47.8 J 0.0631 J 36800 303 0.5 U 6.69 1680 0.703 J 1 U 23900 1 U 0.756 J 5.86 J MW34D-GW092720 9/27/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.163 J 33.1 1 U 1 U 121000 0.743 J 0.486 J 2 U 38.3 J 1 U 35600 267 0.5 U 6.66 2000 1.06 1 U 27000 1 U 1 U 20 U MW34D-GW121320 12/13/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.307 J 27.1 1 U 1 U 115000 0.78 J 0.295 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 37100 148 0.5 U 2.56 1850 1.03 1 U 26700 1 U 1.06 20 U MW34D-GW031921 3/19/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.26 J 23.2 1 U 1 U 113000 1 U 0.189 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 36200 79.3 0.5 U 1.46 1640 0.964 J 1 U 24900 1 U 0.979 J 20 U MW36-GW121420 12/14/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 0.71 J 135 1 U 1 U 150000 0.26 J 2.46 2 U 105 0.104 J 45900 778 0.5 U 8.74 3480 0.798 J 1 U 118000 1 U 0.963 J 225 MW36-GW031621 3/16/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.541 J 103 1 U 1 U 160000 0.533 J 0.504 J 2 U 172 1 U 50400 178 0.5 U 1.85 3010 0.745 J 1 U 94700 1 U 0.601 J 8.18 J MW37D-GW121420 12/14/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1 U 59.3 1 U 1 U 183000 1 U 1.08 2 U 61.1 J 1 U 70200 175 0.5 U 2.72 4150 2.14 1 U 108000 1 U 1.15 423 MW37D-GW031721 3/17/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.59 J 48 1 U 1 U 190000 1.28 0.219 J 2 U 37.4 J 1 U 76100 28.1 0.5 U 0.445 J 3990 2.04 1 U 112000 1 U 1.66 20 U MW37S-GW121420 12/14/2020 Total 100 U 1 U 1 U 48.4 1 U 1 U 176000 1 U 0.463 J 2 U 67.7 J 1 U 82700 17 0.5 U 1 U 4250 2.43 1 U 205000 1 U 1.44 5.05 J MW37S-GW031721 3/17/2021 Total 100 U 1 U 0.537 J 41.2 1 U 1 U 186000 0.732 J 0.152 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 85700 4.1 0.5 U 0.283 J 4100 2.47 1 U 208000 1 U 1.5 20 U MW38D-GW121620 12/16/2020 Total 29.4 J 1 U 1 U 45.6 1 U 1 U 132000 1.68 1.03 0.689 J 59.5 J 0.144 J 49400 106 0.5 U 1 U 2590 1 U 1 U 50000 1 U 1.47 5.34 J MW38D-GW031821 3/18/2021 Total 51.1 J 1 U 0.578 J 38.9 1 U 1 U 131000 1.68 0.252 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 50100 33.8 0.5 U 1 U 2430 0.96 J 1 U 48700 1 U 1.62 20 U MW38S-GW121620 12/16/2020 Total 44.9 J 1 U 1 U 67.5 1 U 1 U 141000 1.75 0.65 J 2 U 112 0.107 J 55000 71.1 0.5 U 1.49 3010 1 U 1 U 89000 1 U 1.47 9.37 J MW38S-GW031721 3/17/2021 Total 63.5 J 1 U 1.27 56.6 1 U 1 U 140000 4.04 0.17 J 2 U 304 0.177 J 55800 10.3 0.5 U 1 U 2810 0.872 J 1 U 85200 1 U 2.52 20 U A-GW-10_07/12/2016M Total 21900 2 U 5.2 430 1 U 1 U 295000 31.9 J 8.1 J 18 19700 21.4 89000 613 0.2 U 22.7 11900 1.6 J 1 U 326000 1 U 36.5 60.5 A-GW-10_07/12/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 135 1 U 1 U 172000 2 U 1 U 2 U 474 1 U 73800 4.7 0.2 U 3.2 7480 1.2 J 1 U 317000 1 U 0.92 J 2 U A-GW-10_09202016M Total 579 2 U 2.2 166 0.2 J 0.41 J 270000 4.6 1.8 5.1 963 1 U 70800 462 0.2 U 4.2 6880 2.9 J 1 U 308000 1 U 6.9 9.1 A-GW-10_09202016M-F Dissolved 40 U 4 U 0.92 J 145 2 U 2 U 197000 4 U 0.77 J 1.9 J 400 U 2 U 61700 8.4 0.2 U 2.6 8560 10 U 2 U 324000 2 U 3 J 3.7 J A-GW-11_07/11/2016M Total 15300 2 U 13.3 146 1 U 1 U 221000 33.5 J 6.3 J 13.7 15400 13.2 65500 166 0.2 U 15.3 5990 3.9 J 1 U 58500 1 U 33.3 43 A-GW-11_07/11/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 58.7 1 U 1 U 160000 2 U 1 U 2 U 348 1 U 57200 3 0.2 U 2.5 2170 2 J 1 U 57700 1 U 0.7 J 2 U A-GW-11_09192016M Total 950 2 U 7.2 86.1 0.27 J 0.38 J 217000 6.4 3.2 8.5 2760 9.8 43700 125 0.2 U 4.5 2960 2.9 J 1 U 45900 1 U 14.5 14.4 A-GW-11_09192016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 0.75 J 56.4 1 U 1 U 147000 0.81 J 0.75 J 0.64 J 200 U 1 U 43300 4 0.2 U 1.9 1960 5 U 1 U 57700 1 U 1.7 J 0.96 J A-GW-014_03022016M Total 5270 J 2 U 7.7 135 0.38 J 1 U 275000 8.8 4.6 8.6 9710 J 4.3 94200 335 0.2 U 10 3910 J 3 J 1 U 89300 0.08 J 19.6 29.3 J A-GW-014-F_03022016M Dissolved 6.6 J 2 U 0.45 J 95 1 U 1 U 226000 0.1 J 0.45 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 86900 38.7 J 0.053 J 1 2420 J 5 U 1 U 86900 1 U 1.3 J 5.5 A-GW-015_02292016M Total 12800 J 2 U 7.7 153 J 0.88 J 1 U 177000 21.8 J 9.9 J 19.3 19000 J 15 49800 169 J 0.2 U 21.2 J 7000 J 5.1 1 U 169000 J 0.16 J 40.7 J 66.9 J A-GW-015-F_02292016M Dissolved 169 J 2 U 4.5 91.3 1 U 1 U 139000 0.31 J 0.77 J 2 U 792 1 U 40800 J 58.2 J 0.05 J 0.78 J 3380 J 1.8 J 1 U 148000 J 1 U 3.7 J 8.9 A-GW-16_07/11/2016M Total 982 2 U 3.9 82.1 1 U 1 U 164000 2 UJ 1 UJ 2 U 1850 1 U 67700 28 0.2 U 1 U 2550 1.1 J 1 U 67800 1 U 9.6 7.6 A-GW-16_07/11/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 76.1 1 U 1 U 161000 2 U 1 U 2 U 363 1 U 64900 1 U 0.2 U 2.2 2250 1.4 J 1 U 66100 1 U 4.4 J 1 J A-GW-16_09192016M Total 206 2 U 4.3 94.1 1 U 1 U 182000 1.1 J 1.4 2.2 553 1 U 66600 61.2 0.2 U 2.6 2400 1.6 J 1 U 70000 1 U 7.8 8.6 A-GW-16_09192016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1.7 77.9 1 U 1 U 161000 0.58 J 0.33 J 87 J 200 U 1 U 64600 0.85 J 0.2 U 1.5 2220 5 U 1 U 71800 1 U 4.3 J 2.5 A-GW-020_03012016M Total 21300 J 2 U 13.8 233 1.8 1 U 384000 66.3 15.7 58.7 29900 J 45.7 99100 1190 0.88 43.6 5890 3 J 1 U 79000 0.35 J 56.4 142 J A-GW-020-F_03012016M Dissolved 6.3 J 2 U 0.78 J 79.3 1 U 1 U 174000 0.87 J 1.1 2 U 100 U 1 U 63700 191 J 0.053 J 2.7 1780 J 2 J 1 U 78100 1 U 1.9 J 7.4 A-GW-20_07/11/2016M Total 1390 2 U 1 U 51.6 1 U 1 U 144000 2 UJ 1 UJ 2 U 1600 1 U 55300 34.7 0.2 U 1 U 1900 1.2 J 1 U 55900 1 U 5 U 2 U A-GW-20_07/11/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 45.5 1 U 1 U 141000 2 U 1 U 2 U 394 1 U 52500 43.4 0.2 U 1.9 1550 1.3 J 1 U 53800 1 U 0.91 J 2 U A-GW-20_09192016M Total 133 2 U 0.84 J 50.6 1 U 1 U 147000 1.2 J 0.42 J 1.1 J 129 J 1 U 43500 19 0.2 U 1.4 1930 1.8 J 1 U 48100 1 U 2.2 J 1.3 J A-GW-20_09192016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 0.72 J 44.8 1 U 1 U 131000 0.83 J 0.2 J 0.83 J 200 U 0.21 J 40900 0.61 J 0.2 U 1.4 1710 5 U 1 U 47600 1 U 2.1 J 2 U A-GW-049_02252016M Total 215 J 2 U 0.48 J 72.9 1 U 0.08 J 146000 0.99 J 0.37 J 2 U 968 J 1 U 53600 20.8 0.2 U 0.85 J 2720 J 1.9 J 1 U 136000 1 U 4.8 J 7 J A-GW-049-F_02252016M Dissolved 6.2 J 2 U 0.43 J 75.4 1 U 1 U 149000 0.76 J 0.37 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 54000 19.9 J 0.2 U 0.64 J 2420 J 2.2 J 1 U 138000 1 U 4.5 J 24.2 A-GW-49_07/12/2016M Total 315 2 U 1 U 69.4 1 U 1 U 142000 2 UJ 1 UJ 2 U 621 1 U 55700 4.7 0.2 U 1 U 3020 0.89 J 1 U 116000 1 U 5 U 2 U A-GW-49_07/12/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 65.4 1 U 1 U 142000 2 U 1 U 2 U 333 1 U 52900 1 U 0.2 U 2.1 2920 1.2 J 1 U 109000 1 U 4.8 J 2 U A-GW-49_09202016M Total 2240 2 U 2.4 123 0.97 J 0.86 J 151000 5.2 4.8 15.7 1260 9.3 41200 132 0.2 U 9.3 2940 1.9 J 1 U 106000 1 U 16.3 17.4 A-GW-49_09202016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 0.3 J 59.8 1 U 1 U 138000 0.85 J 0.44 J 0.72 J 200 U 1 U 40500 8 0.2 U 1.4 2460 5 U 1 U 108000 1 U 5.6 1.4 J 9/20/2016 7/11/2016 9/19/2016 3/2/2016 2/29/2016 7/11/2016 9/19/2016 3/1/2016 7/11/2016 9/19/2016 2/25/2016 7/12/2016 9/20/2016 GW-049 GW-011 GW-014 GW-015 GW-016 GW-020 GW-010 7/12/2016 MW-30RA MW-30RB MW-30C MW-32B MW-28 MW-29A MW-29B MW-29C MW-36 MW-37D MW-37S MW-38D MW-38S MW-32C MW-34A MW-34B MW-34C MW-34D MW-32A MW-31A MW-31B MW-31C OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 4 of 5 Table 5-7 Dissolved and Total Metals in Groundwater µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L QLocation Sample Identification Sample Date Beryllium CadmiumBariumAluminumAntimonyArsenicSample Type Vanadium ZincCalciumNickelSilverSodiumPotassiumSeleniumThalliumCopperCobaltChromiumMercuryLeadMagnesiumManganeseIron A-GW-050_02292016M Total 574 J 2 U 2.9 80.3 0.06 J 1 U 160000 1.8 J 0.58 J 2 U 721 J 1 U 61400 10.3 0.2 U 1.6 1830 J 3.7 J 1 U 65800 1 U 14.7 12 J A-GW-050-F_02292016M Dissolved 1.9 J 2 U 2.3 73.9 1 U 1 U 152000 0.29 J 0.09 J 2 U 100 U 1 U 59800 6.1 J 0.051 J 0.4 J 1750 J 3.3 J 1 U 64000 1 U 11 7.3 A-GW-50_07/12/2016M Total 5160 2 U 1 U 94.2 1 U 1 U 120000 7 J 1 UJ 2 U 5430 1 U 41500 54.9 0.2 U 6.5 4510 0.75 J 1 U 90100 1 U 12.7 14.3 A-GW-50_07/12/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 65.2 1 U 1 U 118000 2 U 1 U 2 U 712 1 U 37600 18.9 0.2 U 1.6 3100 5 U 1 U 87200 1 U 1.8 J 2 U A-GW-50_09202016M Total 452 2 U 2.5 72.5 1 U 1 U 124000 1.2 J 1 2.3 983 1 U 30600 34.6 0.2 U 2.4 2790 5 U 1 U 83400 1 U 5.6 4 A-GW-50_09202016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1.6 64.1 1 U 1 U 119000 2 U 0.31 J 0.48 J 326 0.6 J 30500 16.7 0.2 U 1.1 2670 5 U 1 U 86200 1 U 2.1 J 2 U A-GW-52_07/12/2016M Total 334 2 U 1 U 71 1 U 1 U 147000 2 UJ 1 UJ 2 U 1000 1 U 64200 217 J 0.2 U 1 U 3010 0.76 J 1 U 76200 1 U 5 U 2 U A-GW-52_07/12/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 60.1 1 U 1 U 142000 2 U 1 U 2 U 364 1 U 63100 1 U 0.2 U 1.8 2910 0.9 J 1 U 74800 1 U 5 U 2 U A-GW-52_09202016M Total 108 J 4 U 1.1 J 70.6 2 U 2 U 155000 1.6 J 2 U 1.2 J 167 J 2 U 57900 49.8 J 0.2 U 1.4 J 3050 10 U 2 U 73300 2 U 2.1 J 2.2 J A-GW-52_09202016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 0.67 J 65 1 U 1 U 149000 1.4 J 0.27 J 0.73 J 200 U 0.24 J 60600 0.71 J 0.2 U 1.1 2680 1.9 J 1 U 76400 1 U 1.7 J 1.7 J A-GW-53_07/11/2016M Total 65600 2 U 12.1 641 4.8 1 U 940000 130 J 23 J 53.6 57500 91.2 124000 2770 0.034 J 74.5 12300 5 U 1 U 75100 1 U 78 184 A-GW-53_07/11/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 74.5 1 U 1 U 165000 2 U 1 U 2 U 425 1 U 56700 46 0.2 U 2.9 2650 0.59 J 1 U 85500 1 U 0.55 J 2 U A-GW-53_09192016M Total 40 U 4 U 2 U 82 2 U 2 U 178000 0.84 J 0.35 J 0.98 J 400 U 2 U 53200 7.5 0.2 U 1.6 J 2780 10 U 2 U 73700 2 U 10 U 2.3 J A-GW-53_09192016M-F Dissolved 298 2 U 0.91 J 91.1 1 U 1 U 190000 1.9 J 0.58 J 1.7 J 307 1.5 49100 67.5 0.2 U 1.9 2320 1.3 J 1 U 81200 1 U 3.2 J 3.5 A-GW-59_07/11/2016M Total 130 2 U 1 U 103 1 U 1 U 180000 2 UJ 1 UJ 2 U 1350 1 U 61400 48.2 0.2 U 1 U 3660 5 U 1 U 117000 1 U 5 U 2 U A-GW-59_07/11/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 103 1 U 1 U 147000 2 U 1 U 2 U 1040 1 U 63100 48 0.2 U 2.5 3570 5 U 1 U 99600 1 U 5 U 2 U A-GW-59_09192016M Total 54.7 4 U 2.1 107 2 U 2 U 185000 4 U 0.42 J 1 J 676 2 U 52600 48.9 0.2 U 1.6 J 3830 10 U 2 U 126000 2 U 10 U 2.8 J A-GW-59_09192016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1.9 107 1 U 1 U 180000 0.32 J 0.43 J 0.63 J 610 0.59 J 58300 51.5 0.2 U 1.4 3290 5 U 1 U 130000 1 U 5 U 2 U A-GW-61_07/12/2016M Total 11600 2 U 4.5 156 1 U 1 U 192000 15.2 J 5.1 J 12.6 12800 9.2 66800 118 0.2 U 13.3 7110 2 J 1 U 126000 1 U 25.9 33.1 A-GW-61_07/12/2016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 1 U 79.1 1 U 1 U 123000 2 U 1 U 2 U 401 1 U 61400 1 U 0.2 U 2.5 4190 2.3 J 1 U 104000 1 U 5 U 2 U A-GW-61_09202016M Total 3930 4 U 4.6 191 0.37 J 0.77 J 411000 8.3 7 6.5 4910 7.3 47000 458 0.2 U 7.7 5290 2.9 J 2 U 94100 2 U 14.5 19.3 A-GW-61_09202016M-F Dissolved 20 U 2 U 0.31 J 93.7 1 U 1 U 169000 0.64 J 0.58 J 1.4 J 200 U 0.26 J 61300 1.1 0.2 U 2 4030 3 J 1 U 135000 1 U 1.3 J 1.4 J Notes: Bold indicates detected values Italics indicates nondetected values Acronyms: µg/L = microgram per liter Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit 7/11/2016 9/19/2016 7/12/2016 9/20/2016 9/19/2016 7/11/2016 2/29/2016 7/12/2016 9/20/2016 7/12/2016 9/20/2016 GW-061 GW-050 GW-052 GW-053 GW-059 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 5 of 5 Table 5-8 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Surface Water µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q A-SW-01_05042016 5/4/2016 0.13 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-02 A-SW-02_05112016 5/11/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-03 A-SW-03_05112016 5/11/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U A-SW-04_05022016 5/2/2016 27 0.34 J 0.19 J 0.5 U 0146-H-SW01-030520 3/5/2020 0.46 J 1 U 1 U 1 U SW-05 A-SW-05_05112016 5/11/2016 0.38 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U A-SW-06_05042016 5/4/2016 74 0.96 0.58 0.5 U OU2-SW06-SW-032519 3/25/2019 48 1.2 0.4 J 1 U OU2-SW06-SW-092718 9/27/2018 15 1.1 0.5 J 1 U OU2-SW06-SW-121818 12/18/2018 38 1.6 0.58 J 1 U A-SW-07_05042016 5/4/2016 2.9 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U A-SW-08_05042016 5/4/2016 7.5 0.13 J 0.5 U 0.5 U SW08-SW041521 4/15/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U SW-09 A-SW-09_05032016 5/3/2016 19 0.88 0.11 J 0.5 U SW-10 A-SW-10_05112016 5/11/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-11 A-SW-11_05032016 5/3/2016 20 0.61 0.6 0.5 U A-SW-12_05032016 5/3/2016 23 0.39 J 0.12 J 0.5 U SW12-SW041521 4/15/2021 27 0.35 J 0.12 J 1 U SW-13 A-SW-13_05032016 5/3/2016 1.8 0.37 J 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-14 A-SW-14_05042016 5/4/2016 18 0.53 0.5 U 0.5 U A-SW-15_05042016 5/4/2016 14 0.32 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0026-H-SW01-030620 3/6/2020 6.2 1 J 0.55 J 1 U 0026-H-SW02-030620 3/6/2020 0.99 J 1 U 1 U 1 U SW-16 A-SW-16_05042016 5/4/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-16E SW16E-SW041521 4/15/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U SW-16I SW16I-SW041521 4/15/2021 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U SW-17 A-SW-17_05112016 5/11/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U A-SW-18_05052016 5/5/2016 17 0.43 J 0.35 J 0.5 U SW-19 A-SW-19_05042016 5/4/2016 0.18 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-20 A-SW-20_05052016 5/5/2016 0.23 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-21 A-SW-21_05032016 5/3/2016 6.5 0.62 J 0.44 J 0.5 U SW-22 A-SW-22_05032016 5/3/2016 2.9 0.47 J 0.13 J 0.5 U A-SW-23_05032016 5/3/2016 25 0.46 J 0.15 J 0.5 U OU2-SW23-SW-092718 9/27/2018 15 1.1 0.54 J 1 U SW-24 A-SW-24_05112016 5/11/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-25 A-SW-25_05052016 5/5/2016 1.4 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-26 A-SW-26_05032016 5/3/2016 23 0.3 J 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-27 A-SW-27_05032016 5/3/2016 19 0.61 J 0.57 J 0.5 U SW-28 A-SW-28_05032016 5/3/2016 16 0.66 0.56 0.5 U SW-29 A-SW-29_05112016 5/11/2016 26 0.28 J 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-30 A-SW-30_05032016 5/3/2016 0.5 0.09 J 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-31 A-SW-31_05022016 5/2/2016 20 0.48 J 0.27 J 0.5 U SW-32 A-SW-32_05052016 5/5/2016 0.46 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-33 A-SW-33_05022016 5/2/2016 35 0.78 0.15 J 0.5 U VC EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L)1 705 5 2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date cis-1,2-DCEPCE TCE SW-01 SW-06 SW-07 SW-23 SW-12 SW-18 SW-08 SW-15 SW-04 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 3 Table 5-8 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Surface Water µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q VC EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L)1 705 5 2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date cis-1,2-DCEPCE TCE A-SW-34_05022016 5/2/2016 13 0.27 J 0.13 J 0.5 U OU2-SW34-SW-101018 10/10/2018 2.3 1 U 1 U 1 U OU2-SW34-SW-121818 12/18/2018 4.9 0.12 J 1 U 1 U OU2-SW34-SW-032719 3/27/2019 5.1 0.13 J 1 U 1 U SW34-SW041421 4/14/2021 6.1 1 U 1 U 1 U A-SW-35_05042016 5/4/2016 82 0.67 0.54 0.5 U OU2-SW35-SW-101018 10/10/2018 13 0.87 J 0.5 J 1 U OU2-SW35-SW-122718 12/27/2018 30 0.6 J 0.26 J 1 U OU2-SW35-SW-032719 3/27/2019 8.6 0.26 J 1 U 1 U SW35-SW041321 4/13/2021 50 0.99 J 0.56 J 1 U SW-36 A-SW-36_05032016 5/3/2016 1.2 2.3 0.69 0.5 U SW-37 A-SW-37_05052016 5/5/2016 15 0.39 J 0.24 J 0.5 U SW-38 A-SW-38_05112016 5/11/2016 6 0.22 J 0.5 U 0.5 U A-SW-39_05032016 5/3/2016 31 0.5 0.31 J 0.5 U OU2-SW39-SW-092718 9/27/2018 14 0.71 J 0.31 J 1 U OU2-SW39-SW-121818 12/18/2018 18 0.83 J 0.33 J 1 U OU2-SW39-SW-032519 3/25/2019 19 0.83 J 0.27 J 1 U 0018H-SW01-010720 1/7/2020 22 1.3 0.47 J 1 U SW39-SW041321 4/13/2021 23 1.6 0.63 J 1 U SW-40 A-SW-40_05052016 5/5/2016 28 0.38 J 0.18 J 0.5 U SW-41 A-SW-41_05052016 5/5/2016 0.49 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-42 A-SW-42_05022016 5/2/2016 16 0.19 J 0.5 U 0.5 U SW-43 A-SW-43_05022016 5/2/2016 4.1 0.1 J 0.5 U 0.5 U A-SW-44_05042016 5/4/2016 2.2 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0071-H-SW01-030420 3/4/2020 0.41 J 1 U 1 U 1 U SW-45 A-SW-45_05052016 5/5/2016 3.1 0.11 J 0.11 J 0.5 U SW-46 A-SW-46_05052016 5/5/2016 2.4 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U A-SW-47_05042016 5/4/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U OU2-SW47-SW-101018 10/10/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U OU2-SW47-SW-122718 12/27/2018 0.18 J 1 U 1 U 1 U OU2-SW47-SW-032619 3/26/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U A-SW-48_05042016 5/4/2016 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U OU2-SW48-SW-092718 9/27/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U OU2-SW48-SW-121818 12/18/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U OU2-SW48-SW-032519 3/25/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U SW-49 A-SW-49_05052016 5/5/2016 0.21 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U A-SW-001_02/26/2016 2/26/2016 6.3 0.13 J 0.5 UJ 0.5 U 0051H-SW01-121819 12/18/2019 1.8 1 U 1 U 1 U 0098-H-SW01-030220 3/2/2020 1.1 1 U 1 U 1 U OU2-SW51-SW-101018 10/10/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U OU2-SW51-SW-122718 12/27/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U OU2-SW51-SW-032619 3/26/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U OU2-SW52-SW-101018 10/10/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U OU2-SW52-SW-122718 12/27/2018 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U OU2-SW52-SW-032619 3/26/2019 1 U 1 U 1 U 1 U SW-34 SW-44 SW-50 SW-52 SW-35 SW-39 SW-47 SW-48 SW-51 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 3 Table 5-8 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in Surface Water µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q VC EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) (µg/L)1 705 5 2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date cis-1,2-DCEPCE TCE OU2-SW53-SW-101018 10/10/2018 17 2 0.68 J 1 U OU2-SW53-SW-121818 12/18/2018 26 2.9 0.79 J 1 U OU2-SW53-SW-032519 3/25/2019 28 2.8 0.7 J 1 U SW53-SW041321 4/13/2021 36 4.6 1.3 1 U SW54-SW041521 4/15/2021 5.7 1 U 1 U 1 U 0166-H-SW01-030720 3/7/2020 77 1.1 0.85 J 1 U SW166-SW041321 4/13/2021 59 0.75 J 0.49 J 1 U Notes: 1 EPA Tap Water RSL based on target cancer risk 1 × 10-6 and hazard quotient = 1. Highlight indicates values grater than screening level Bold indicates detected values Italics indicates nondetected values µg/L = microgram per liter cis-1,2-DCE = cis-1,2-dichloroethene EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency MCL = maximum contaminant level OU = operable unit PCE = tetrachloroethene TCE = trichloroethene VC = vinyl chloride Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit UJ = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit, and a QA/QC requirement has not been met SW-166 SW-54 SW-53 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 3 of 3 Table 5-9 Geochemical Parameters in Surface Water mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mV Q su Q mS/cm Q deg C Q NTU Q OU2-SW06-SW-092718 9/27/2018 369 131 NS 337 1190 1.24 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW06-SW-121818 12/18/2018 302 124 NS 304 1070 1.12 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW06-SW-032519 3/25/2019 302 111 NS 283 946 1.42 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW-07 A-SW-007_05/04/2016 5/4/2016 184 124 NS NS 786 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW-08 SW08-SW041521 4/15/2021 121 153 1.73 224 NS 0.64 J 0.28 J 0 U 97.3 7.28 NS 11.7 0.1 A-SW-012_05/03/2016 5/3/2016 246 95.2 NS NS 898 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW12-SW041521 4/15/2021 323 101 2.85 284 NS 1.16 0.25 J 0.02 129.3 6.89 1.281 11.6 7.88 SW-15 A-SW-015_05/04/2016 5/4/2016 242 122 NS NS 948 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW-16 A-SW-016_05/04/2016 5/4/2016 190 150 NS NS 780 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW-166 SW166-SW041321 4/13/2021 365 103 4 254 NS 1.05 1.1 J 0.11 162 7.25 1.618 10.7 7.02 SW-16E SW16E-SW041521 4/15/2021 194 147 3.23 219 NS 0.976 J 0.23 J 0.03 85.7 7.79 0.987 13.1 0.1 SW-16I SW16I-SW041521 4/15/2021 231 175 3.91 241 NS 0.873 J 2 U 0 U 141.1 7.47 1.081 15 0.24 SW-21 A-SW-021_05/03/2016 5/3/2016 208 93.4 NS NS 802 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS A-SW-023_05/03/2016 5/3/2016 259 92.1 NS NS 984 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW23-SW-092718 9/27/2018 379 132 NS 326 1220 1.37 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW-26 A-SW-026_05/03/2016 5/3/2016 272 91.5 NS NS 1030 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW-27 A-SW-027_05/03/2016 5/3/2016 246 93.7 NS NS 940 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW-28 A-SW-028_05/03/2016 5/3/2016 237 95.5 NS NS 860 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW34-SW-101018 10/10/2018 174 89.1 NS 222 567 2.26 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW34-SW-121818 12/18/2018 223 129 NS 281 921 0.861 J NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW34-SW-032719 3/27/2019 229 116 NS 282 798 0.875 J NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW34-SW041421 4/14/2021 293 121 4.07 278 NS 1.41 0.29 J 0.01 120.1 7.41 1.242 12.1 0.27 OU2-SW35-SW-101018 10/10/2018 351 132 NS 366 J 1100 1.46 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW35-SW-122718 12/27/2018 258 107 NS 294 999 1.25 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW35-SW-032719 3/27/2019 269 104 NS 266 908 2.09 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW35-SW041321 4/13/2021 325 102 3.3 262 NS 0.614 J 0.24 J 0 U 101 7.83 1.479 10.5 21.88 OU2-SW39-SW-092718 9/27/2018 402 131 NS 318 J 1140 1.32 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW39-SW-121818 12/18/2018 325 156 NS 317 1100 1.27 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW39-SW-032519 3/25/2019 340 119 NS 298 965 1.29 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW39-SW041321 4/13/2021 404 118 2.58 278 NS 0.865 J 0.18 J 0 U 68.4 7.67 1.689 11.3 55 A-SW-047_05/04/2016 5/4/2016 35.2 85.7 NS NS 414 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW47-SW-101018 10/10/2018 47.2 21.6 NS 72.6 175 4.49 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW47-SW-122718 12/27/2018 291 127 NS 256 J 992 1.45 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW47-SW-032619 3/26/2019 74.1 141 NS 248 520 1.53 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW48-SW-092718 9/27/2018 119 150 NS 236 617 0.545 J NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW48-SW-121818 12/18/2018 131 201 NS 234 696 0.604 J NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW48-SW-032519 3/25/2019 110 140 NS 241 636 0.506 J NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW51-SW-101018 10/10/2018 41.5 20.6 NS 69.9 150 4.41 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW51-SW-122718 12/27/2018 419 129 NS 260 1110 1.51 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW51-SW-032619 3/26/2019 76.6 141 NS 246 548 1.6 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW52-SW-101018 10/10/2018 38.6 19.5 NS 66.8 163 4.33 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW52-SW-122718 12/27/2018 419 126 NS 255 1150 1.65 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW52-SW-032619 3/26/2019 78.3 139 NS 246 552 1.76 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW-06 SW-12 SW-23 SW-48 SW-51 SW-52 SW-35 SW-39 SW-47 Specific ConductanceSulfate Temperature TurbidityTDS TOC Ferrous Iron ORP pHMethane3Nitrate/ Nitrite1 Alkalinity2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date Chloride SW-34 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 2 Table 5-9 Geochemical Parameters in Surface Water mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q mg/L Q µg/L Q mg/L Q mV Q su Q mS/cm Q deg C Q NTU Q Specific ConductanceSulfate Temperature TurbidityTDS TOC Ferrous Iron ORP pHMethane3Nitrate/ Nitrite1 Alkalinity2 Location Sample Identification Sample Date Chloride OU2-SW53-SW-101018 10/10/2018 473 174 NS 351 1320 3.78 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW53-SW-121818 12/18/2018 363 341 NS 338 J 1090 1.42 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS OU2-SW53-SW-032519 3/25/2019 308 118 NS 332 1040 1.58 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SW53-SW041321 4/13/2021 358 119 1.73 306 NS 1.16 0.32 J 0.02 101.3 7.15 1.64 11.7 3.44 SW-54 SW54-SW041521 4/15/2021 224 102 3.09 262 NS 0.493 J 2 U 0.25 122.1 7.01 1.052 11.9 0.42 Notes: Italics indicates nondetected values 3 Dissolved gases methane, ethene, and ethane were analyzed, only methane was detected deg C = degrees Celsius ORP = oxidation reduction potential OU = operable unit mg/L = milligram per liter µg/L = microgram per liter mS/cm = millisiemens per centimeter mV = millivolts NTU = nephelometric turbidity unit NS = not sampled PCE = tetrachloroethene su = standard units TOC = total organic carbon TDS = total dissolved solids Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated J+ = Result is estimated, biased high J- = Result is estimated, biased low U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit Bold indicates detected values 1 Nitrate and Nitrite as total Nitrogen 2 Total Alkalinity as calcium carbonate SW-53 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 2 Table 5-10 Total Metals in Surface Water Location µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q µg/L Q SW-06 OU2-SW06-SW-092718 9/27/2018 100 U 0.252 J 2.66 81.6 1 U 1 U 183000 0.661 J 0.576 J 0.703 J 5.42 J 0.0761 J 60400 0.318 J 0.5 U 0.616 J 3380 1.43 1 U 127000 1 U 2.63 20 U OU2-SW06-SW-121818 12/18/2018 100 U 0.287 J 2.42 72.3 1 U 1 U 161000 0.557 J 0.419 J 0.714 J 8.13 J 1 U 57300 0.237 J 0.5 U 0.232 J 3140 1.66 1 U 106000 1 U 2.1 20 U SW-06 OU2-SW06-SW-032519 3/25/2019 100 U 1 U 2.52 67.1 1 U 1 U 167000 0.615 J 0.475 J 1 U 6.89 J 0.108 J 58900 0.181 J 0.5 U 0.281 J 3000 2.06 1 U 92200 1 U 2.12 20 U SW-07 A-SW-07_05042016M 5/4/2016 36.8 J 2 U 0.91 J 61.4 1 U 1 U 139000 0.94 J 0.06 J 4.8 140 J 2 54900 4.8 0.2 U 1 U 4100 1.6 J 0.14 J 60900 1 U 2.5 J 21.7 J A-SW-07-D_05042016M 5/4/2016 23.2 J 2 U 0.9 J 58.8 1 U 1 U 133000 0.8 J 1 U 2.6 89.1 J 0.8 J 53800 2.4 0.2 U 1 U 3890 5 U 0.15 J 59200 1 U 2 J 12.2 J SW-08 SW08-SW041521 4/15/2021 100 U 1 U 0.408 J 27.3 1 U 1 U 124000 1.03 1 U 2 U 100 U 1 U 43100 1 U 0.5 U 1 U 2090 0.983 J 1 U 34200 1 U 1.21 20 U SW-12 A-SW-12_05032016M 5/3/2016 30.8 2 U 1.4 72.6 1 U 0.06 J 148000 2 U 0.06 J 1.5 J 75 J 0.4 J 57600 1.7 0.2 U 0.57 J 2110 4.2 J 0.09 J 64200 1 U 5.9 6 J SW-12 SW12-SW041521 4/15/2021 58.6 J 1 U 1.61 68.6 1 U 1 U 157000 0.349 J 0.126 J 0.857 J 63.5 J 1.21 61100 4.34 0.5 U 0.433 J 2740 1.34 1 U 85700 1 U 3.49 20 U SW-15 A-SW-15_05042016M 5/4/2016 8230 J 3 66.2 206 1.9 2.5 179000 54.5 15.7 102 13200 J 127 40800 351 0.86 25.9 2560 3.3 J 3 33400 1.5 32.4 J 757 SW-16 A-SW-16_05042016M 5/4/2016 38.7 J 2 U 0.68 J 64.7 1 U 1 U 134000 1.3 J 1 U 1.4 J 77.2 J 0.6 J 50800 3.1 0.2 U 1 U 2300 2 J 0.12 J 68800 1 U 2.4 J 5.7 SW-16E SW16E-SW041521 4/15/2021 100 U 1 U 0.582 J 56.6 1 U 1 U 131000 1.12 1 U 0.658 J 100 U 0.224 J 45900 0.307 J 0.5 U 1 U 2160 1.19 1 U 64700 1 U 1.68 20 U SW-16I SW16I-SW041521 4/15/2021 100 U 1 U 0.746 J 51.2 1 U 1 U 145000 1.05 1 U 2 U 100 U 1 U 52200 1 U 0.5 U 1 U 2470 1.67 1 U 67500 1 U 2.03 20 U SW-21 A-SW-21_05032016M 5/3/2016 64.2 2 U 3.5 59.3 1 U 1 U 139000 2 U 0.07 J 1.6 J 140 J 1.3 49900 16.6 0.2 U 0.35 J 1750 1.9 J 0.09 J 51000 1 U 2.2 J 8 J SW-23 A-SW-23_05032016M 5/3/2016 33.2 2 U 1.8 73.3 1 U 0.08 J 148000 2 U 0.1 J 1.6 J 70.6 J 0.31 J 60900 11.5 0.2 U 0.68 J 2630 1.8 J 0.14 J 67700 1 U 5.1 8.8 J SW-23 OU2-SW23-SW-092718 9/27/2018 74.1 J 4.16 J 2.62 81.8 1 U 1 U 184000 0.612 J 0.575 J 0.698 J 8 J 0.0943 J 62200 0.927 J 0.5 U 0.554 J 3430 1.38 1 U 124000 1 U 2.6 20 U SW-26 A-SW-26_05032016M 5/3/2016 164 2 U 1.2 106 1 U 0.13 J 159000 2 U 0.2 J 3.2 J 314 7.4 61100 9.4 0.2 U 0.72 J 2120 2.2 J 0.13 J 71200 1 U 5.6 15.1 J SW-27 A-SW-27_05032016M 5/3/2016 20 U 2 U 2 71.8 1 U 1 U 145000 2 U 1 U 1.2 J 38.7 J 1 U 58300 6.4 0.2 U 0.44 J 2320 2.6 J 0.08 J 63800 1 U 5.1 4.3 J SW-28 A-SW-28_05032016M 5/3/2016 20 U 2 U 2.5 70.7 1 U 1 U 151000 2 U 0.06 J 1.4 J 40 J 0.11 J 58400 6 0.2 U 0.49 J 2290 3 J 0.08 J 64600 1 U 5.2 5.6 J SW-34 OU2-SW34-SW-101018 10/10/2018 19 J 1 U 1.28 40.6 1 U 1 U 107000 0.741 J 0.462 J 49.9 37.3 J 1.72 30300 3.45 0.5 U 0.615 J 2820 1.03 1 U 76600 1 U 2.49 29.9 OU2-SW34-SW-121818 12/18/2018 100 U 1 U 0.871 J 53.7 1 U 1 U 138000 0.87 J 0.371 J 1 U 13.8 J 1 U 47900 1.24 0.5 U 0.166 J 2960 1.2 1 U 88500 1 U 3 20 U OU2-SW34-SW-032719 3/27/2019 43.2 J 1 U 1.35 52.3 1 U 1 U 147000 0.922 J 0.49 J 1.42 229 2.65 46300 26 0.5 U 0.487 J 2720 1.33 1 U 95500 1 U 3.87 20 U SW-34 SW34-SW041421 4/14/2021 100 U 1 U 1.02 52.3 1 U 1 U 141000 0.753 J 0.111 J 0.883 J 29.5 J 0.31 J 50200 3.12 0.5 U 0.254 J 2920 0.999 J 1 U 89100 1 U 2.79 20 U SW-35 OU2-SW35-SW-101018 10/10/2018 20.4 J 0.308 J 13.9 102 1 U 1 U 197000 0.36 J 0.792 J 1 U 28.5 J 0.617 J 78100 27.4 0.5 U 0.365 J 2260 1.29 1 U 98000 1 U 2.82 20 U OU2-SW35-SW-122718 12/27/2018 24.4 J 0.329 J 3.31 70.3 1 U 1 U 175000 0.576 J 0.476 J 0.308 J 100 U 0.929 J 65800 4.54 0.5 U 0.273 J 2110 1.49 1 U 71700 1 U 1.92 5.2 J OU2-SW35-SW-032719 3/27/2019 67.5 J 1 U 4.11 57 1 U 1 U 161000 0.544 J 0.308 J 1.2 61.6 J 1.72 60800 15.3 0.5 U 0.393 J 1750 1.95 1 U 72900 1 U 1.86 20 U SW-35 SW35-SW041321 4/13/2021 38.3 J 1 U 2.21 65 1 U 1 U 167000 0.591 J 0.114 J 0.752 J 53.2 J 2.67 59600 9.86 0.5 U 1 U 2300 1.09 1 U 66500 1 U 1.73 20 U SW-39 OU2-SW39-SW-092718 9/27/2018 100 U 0.256 J 2.62 79.1 1 U 1 U 175000 0.438 J 0.56 J 0.306 J 100 U 1 U 60500 0.26 J 0.5 U 0.511 J 3350 1.35 1 U 115000 1 U 2.64 20 U OU2-SW39-SW-121818 12/18/2018 100 U 0.3 J 2.69 73.4 1 U 1 U 161000 0.753 J 0.487 J 3.62 10.4 J 0.643 J 56900 0.409 J 0.5 U 0.321 J 3200 1.75 1 U 107000 1 U 2.1 20 U OU2-SW39-SW-032519 3/25/2019 22.7 J 0.336 J 3.35 73.8 1 U 1 U 185000 0.52 J 0.526 J 0.471 J 31.8 J 0.549 J 65100 4.72 0.5 U 0.412 J 3280 2.58 1 U 117000 1 U 2.36 20 U SW-39 SW39-SW041321 4/13/2021 100 U 1 U 1.97 72.8 1 U 1 U 172000 0.222 J 1 U 2 U 100 U 1 U 61600 0.291 J 0.5 U 0.32 J 3050 1.91 1 U 106000 1 U 1.89 20 U SW-47 A-SW-47_05042016M 5/4/2016 509 J 2 U 1 58.1 1 U 1 U 85200 0.86 J 0.31 J 3.7 506 J 0.99 J 25200 32.6 0.2 U 1 U 1290 5 U 1 U 23600 1 U 2.3 J 7.9 A-SW-47-D_05042016M 5/4/2016 566 0.3 J 1 58.4 1 U 1 U 86100 0.9 J 0.32 J 3.9 560 1 25200 33.7 0.2 U 0.54 J 1290 2.3 J 0.11 J 23600 1 U 2.4 J 7.8 SW-47 OU2-SW47-SW-101018 10/10/2018 340 0.93 J 1.5 24.8 1 U 1 U 30800 3.38 0.417 J 5.7 265 1.99 6720 17 0.5 U 0.618 J 1760 0.273 J 1 U 26100 1 U 1.66 19.3 J OU2-SW47-SW-122718 12/27/2018 23.3 J 1 U 0.995 J 56.7 1 U 1 U 125000 0.643 J 0.372 J 1.03 100 U 0.228 J 36100 3.05 0.5 U 0.259 J 2660 0.638 J 1 U 164000 1 U 1.43 6.53 J SW-47 OU2-SW47-SW-032619 3/26/2019 35.1 J 1 U 0.737 J 52.5 1 U 1 U 114000 0.402 J 0.201 J 0.712 J 31.3 J 0.113 J 30000 3.24 0.5 U 0.219 J 1470 0.97 J 1 U 44600 1 U 1.16 20 U SW-48 OU2-SW48-SW-092718 9/27/2018 100 U 2.21 0.959 J 28.7 1 U 1 U 126000 1.5 0.379 J 0.352 J 100 U 1 U 41600 0.198 J 0.5 U 0.197 J 2230 0.97 J 1 U 33000 1 U 1.84 20 U OU2-SW48-SW-121818 12/18/2018 100 U 1 U 0.543 J 29.7 1 U 1 U 120000 1.72 0.3 J 1 U 6.63 J 1 U 43300 0.315 J 0.5 U 1 U 2200 1.03 1 U 34300 1 U 1.5 20 U SW-48 OU2-SW48-SW-032519 3/25/2019 100 U 1 U 0.663 J 28 1 U 1 U 131000 1.61 0.332 J 1 U 6.45 J 1 U 43000 0.166 J 0.5 U 1 U 2130 1.04 1 U 33600 1 U 1.46 20 U SW-51 OU2-SW51-SW-101018 10/10/2018 487 0.795 J 1.75 24.2 1 U 1 U 28300 4.31 0.457 J 6.29 376 2.11 6280 19.2 0.5 U 0.752 J 1850 0.263 J 1 U 24200 1 U 1.91 19.5 J OU2-SW51-SW-122718 12/27/2018 19.7 J 1 U 1.09 64.7 1 U 1 U 132000 1.01 0.412 J 1.55 100 U 0.356 J 38500 4.16 0.5 U 0.205 J 3100 0.666 J 1 U 229000 1 U 1.47 20 U SW-51 OU2-SW51-SW-032619 3/26/2019 38.3 J 1 U 0.907 J 54.3 1 U 1 U 117000 0.434 J 0.361 J 0.556 J 29.8 J 0.117 J 32700 3.96 0.5 U 0.193 J 1630 0.905 J 1 U 45700 1 U 1 20 U OU2-SW81-SW-032619 3/26/2019 34.4 J 1 U 0.85 J 51.9 1 U 1 U 114000 0.411 J 0.206 J 0.616 J 39.8 J 0.108 J 30500 3.48 0.5 U 0.227 J 1510 0.933 J 1 U 45600 1 U 1.13 20 U OU2-SW81-SW-122718 12/27/2018 18.4 J 1 U 1.01 65.6 1 U 1 U 137000 1.12 0.407 J 1.03 100 U 0.137 J 38600 4.19 0.5 U 0.191 J 3110 0.647 J 1 U 240000 1 U 1.51 5.38 J SW-52 OU2-SW52-SW-032619 3/26/2019 28.4 J 1 U 0.811 J 52 1 U 1 U 116000 0.426 J 0.212 J 0.712 J 26.4 J 0.0979 J 30500 3.32 0.092 J 0.183 J 1510 0.943 J 1 U 45700 1 U 1.14 20 U OU2-SW52-SW-101018 10/10/2018 692 0.756 J 1.84 25.9 1 U 1 U 27900 5.88 0.569 J 7.11 560 2.89 5960 27.6 0.5 U 0.897 J 1930 0.249 J 1 U 22300 1 U 2.22 23.3 SW-52 OU2-SW52-SW-122718 12/27/2018 18.4 J 0.446 J 1.01 63.4 1 U 1 U 129000 1.18 0.399 J 1.05 100 U 0.474 J 37400 4.13 0.5 U 0.213 J 3050 0.702 J 1 U 233000 1 U 1.44 5.53 J SW-53 OU2-SW53-SW-101018 10/10/2018 28.4 J 0.693 J 29.7 138 1 U 1 U 232000 0.252 J 0.924 J 1.67 29.1 J 0.336 J 79700 6.43 0.5 U 0.612 J 7030 1.9 1 U 139000 1 U 3.04 7 J OU2-SW53-SW-121818 12/18/2018 100 U 0.51 J 10.9 89.2 1 U 1 U 170000 0.27 J 0.466 J 0.823 J 7.19 J 1 U 55700 7.88 0.5 U 0.373 J 4200 1.91 1 U 97300 1 U 1.95 20 U OU2-SW53-SW-032519 3/25/2019 100 U 0.406 J 11.1 88.4 1 U 1 U 185000 0.254 J 0.541 J 0.448 J 100 U 0.114 J 62000 3.69 0.5 U 0.482 J 4230 2.3 1 U 103000 1 U 2.12 20 U SW-53 SW53-SW041321 4/13/2021 100 U 0.293 J 8.85 85 1 U 1 U 180000 1 U 0.127 J 2 U 100 U 0.0914 J 60100 6.78 0.5 U 0.354 J 3840 2.12 1 U 97400 1 U 1.88 20 U SW-54 FD01-SW041521 4/15/2021 100 U 1 U 0.646 J 58.7 1 U 1 U 140000 0.614 J 1 U 2 U 100 U 1 U 48900 0.29 J 0.5 U 1 U 2540 0.726 J 1 U 61800 1 U 1.46 20 U SW-54 SW54-SW041521 4/15/2021 100 U 1 U 0.641 J 58.7 1 U 1 U 141000 0.66 J 1 U 2 U 100 U 1 U 48600 0.432 J 0.5 U 1 U 2580 0.784 J 1 U 62300 1 U 1.45 20 U SW-166 SW166-SW041321 4/13/2021 94 J 1 U 3.54 72.5 1 U 1 U 183000 0.859 J 0.359 J 1.41 J 322 3.52 65200 76 0.5 U 0.402 J 2880 0.991 J 1 U 75200 1 U 2.27 20 U Notes: Bold indicates detected values Italics indicates nondetected values Acronyms: µg/L = microgram per liter Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit ZincMagnesiumManganeseMercuryThalliumNickelPotassiumSeleniumSilverSodiumCobaltCopperIronLeadVanadiumBariumBerylliumCadmiumCalciumChromiumSample Identification Sample Date Aluminum Antimony Arsenic OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 5-11 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Soil Gas µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q 0001-H-SG A-0001H-012715-IA-SG-001-4'1/27/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS 0002-H-SG A-0002H-022415-SG-001-4'2/24/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.80 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS 0002-H-SG A-0002H-022415-SG-001-8'2/24/2015 HAPSITE 8 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS A-0003H-011915-SG-001-8'1/19/2015 HAPSITE 8 2 0.1 U 0.48 NS A-0003H-040915-SG-001-4 4/9/2015 SUMMA 4 3.4 U 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U A-0004H-011315-SG001-04'1/13/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.51 NS A-0004H-011315-SG-001-07'1/13/2015 HAPSITE 7 0.75 0.1 U 0.58 NS 0005-H-SG A-0005H-041015-SG-001-4'4/10/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS 0006-H-SG A-0006H-030615-SG-001-4'3/6/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS 0007-H-SG A-0007H-012815-SG-001-4'1/28/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS A-0008H-020615-SG-001-4'2/6/2015 HAPSITE 4 1 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS A-0008H-041015-SG-001A-4 4/10/2015 SUMMA 4 3.4 U 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U A-0008H-041015-SG-001B-4 4/10/2015 SUMMA 4 3 J 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U 0009-H-SG A-0009H-021015-SG-001-4'2/10/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS 0010-H-SG A-0010H-012715-SG-001-4'1/27/2015 HAPSITE 4 1.6 0.1 NR 0.69 NS A-0011H-022715-SG-003-4'2/27/2015 HAPSITE 4 358 1.6 0.1 NR NS A-0011H-041315-SG-001 4/11/2015 SUMMA 4 3.4 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R A-0011H-041415-SG-001A8 4/11/2015 SUMMA 4 3.4 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R A-0012H-022315-SG-001-4'2/23/2015 HAPSITE 4 2.2 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS A-0012H-022315-SG-001-8'2/23/2015 HAPSITE 8 1.3 0.1 U 0.44 NS 0013-H-SG A-0013H-011615-SG001_08'1/16/2015 HAPSITE 8 2.2 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS 0014-H-SG A-0014H-030215-SG-001-4'3/2/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS 0015-H-SG A-0015H-033015-SG-001-4'3/30/2015 HAPSITE 4 1.4 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS A-0016H-012215-SG-001-04'1/22/2015 HAPSITE 4 1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0016H-012215-SG-001-06'1/22/2015 HAPSITE 6 0.69 0.1 U 0.1 U NS 0017-H-SG A-0017H-011415-SG-001_04'1/14/2015 HAPSITE 4 431 4.5 0.1 U NS A-0018H-021815-SG-001-4' (DILUTED 1:5)2/18/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS A-0018H-021815-SG-002-4' (DILUTED 1:5)2/18/2015 HAPSITE 4 3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS A-0018H-021815-SG-002-4' (UNDILUTED)2/18/2015 HAPSITE 4 47 0.1 U 0.82 NS A-0019B-020215-SG-001-4'2/2/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS A-0019B-020215-SG-001-8'2/2/2015 HAPSITE 8 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS A-0019B-020215-SG-002A-4'2/2/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS A-0019B-020215-SG-002A-8'2/2/2015 HAPSITE 8 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS A-0019B-020215-SG-003-4'2/2/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS A-0019B-020215-SG-003-8'2/2/2015 HAPSITE 8 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS A-0019B-020315-SG-002B-4'2/3/2015 HAPSITE 4 1.3 0.1 NR 0.51 NS A-0019B-020315-SG-002B-8'2/3/2015 HAPSITE 8 1.1 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS A-0020C-022515-SG-001-4'2/25/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0020C-022515-SG-001-6'2/25/2015 HAPSITE 6 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0021S-021915-SG-001-4'2/19/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.75 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0021S-021915-SG-002-4'2/19/2015 HAPSITE 4 1.4 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0022S-040715-SG-001-4'4/7/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0022S-040715-SG-002-4'4/7/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0022S-040715-SG-002-8.5'4/7/2015 HAPSITE 8.5 0.75 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS A-0023H-031015-SG-001-4'3/10/2015 HAPSITE 4 4.5 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0023H-031015-SG-001-6.5'3/10/2015 HAPSITE 6.5 9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS 0024-H-SG A-0024H-021115-SG-001-4'2/11/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0025H-020915-SG-001-4'2/9/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.75 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS A-0025H-020915-SG-001-8'2/9/2015 HAPSITE 8 1 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS A-0026H-030615-SG-001-4'3/6/2015 HAPSITE 4 154 2.6 0.1 NR NS A-0026H-040715-SG-001A-4'4/7/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS A-0026H-040715-SG-002-4'4/7/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0026H-040815-SG-003-4 4/8/2015 SUMMA 4 3.4 U 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U A-0026H-040815-SG-001-4 4/8/2015 SUMMA 4 3.4 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R A-0027H-021215-0027H-SG-001-4'2/12/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS A-0027H-021215-0027H-SG-001-5.5'2/12/2015 HAPSITE 5.5 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0028S-033115-SG-001-4'3/31/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0028S-033115-SG-001-8'3/31/2015 HAPSITE 8 2.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS 0020-C-SG 0021-S-SG 0022-S-SG 0004-H-SG 0008-H-SG 0012-H-SG 0016-H-SG 0018-H-SG NA TCE 0023-H-SG 0025-H-SG 0019-B-SG 0003-H-SG 0011-H-SG 0026-H-SG 0027-H-SG 0028-S-SG VC Residential Soil Gas Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m3)1 PCE cis-1,2-DCELocationSample Identification Sample Date Sample Method Depth (ft bgs) 16 5.6360 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 3 Table 5-11 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Soil Gas µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q NA TCE VC Residential Soil Gas Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m3)1 PCE cis-1,2-DCELocationSample Identification Sample Date Sample Method Depth (ft bgs) 16 5.6360 A-0029H-031115-SG-001-4'3/11/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0029H-031115-SG-001-6'3/11/2015 HAPSITE 6 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0029H-031115-SG-002-4'3/11/2015 HAPSITE 4 3.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS A-0030H-031715-SG-001-4'3/17/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.98 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS A-0030H-031715-SG-001-6'3/17/2015 HAPSITE 6 1 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS A-0030H-041115-SG-001A-6 4/11/2015 SUMMA 6 1.5 J 17 2.8 1.3 U A-0031S-031615-SG-001-3.5'3/16/2015 HAPSITE 3.5 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0031S-031615-SG-002-4'3/16/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.87 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS A-0031S-031615-SG-003-3.5'3/16/2015 HAPSITE 3.5 1.6 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0031S-031615-SG-004-4'3/16/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.75 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0031S-031615-SG-005-4'3/16/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.74 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0031S-031615-SG-006-3'3/16/2015 HAPSITE 3 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0031S-031615-SG-007-3.5'3/16/2015 HAPSITE 3.5 0.97 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS A-0031S-031615-SG-008-4'3/16/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0031-S-041515-SG-001A 4 4/11/2015 SUMMA 4 3.4 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R 0033-H-SG A-0033H-040815-SG-001-4'4/8/2015 HAPSITE 4 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS A-0036H-040315-SG-001-4'4/3/2015 HAPSITE 4 1.7 2.1 0.1 NR NS A-0036H-040315-SG-001-8'4/3/2015 HAPSITE 8 1.5 2 0.1 U NS A-0037H-040215-SG-001-4'4/2/2015 HAPSITE 4 2.2 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS A-0037H-040305-SG-001-4'4/2/2015 SUMMA 4 1.7 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R A-0037H-SG-002 4/2/2015 SUMMA 4 3.2 R 2.7 R 2 R 1 R 0040H-SG-SG1-20160310-039-6'3/10/2016 HAPSITE 6 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0040H-SG-SG1-20160310-040-6'3/10/2016 HAPSITE 6 1.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0040H-SG-SG2-20160310-041-4'3/10/2016 HAPSITE 4 4.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0041-H-SG 0041H-SG-SG1-20160308-038-7'3/8/2016 HAPSITE 7 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.59 NS 0045S-SG-SG1-20160322-042-4'3/22/2016 HAPSITE 4 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0045S-SG-SG1-20160322-043-4'3/22/2016 HAPSITE 4 2.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0047-H-SG 0047H-SG-SG1-20160226-028-4.5'2/26/2016 HAPSITE 4.5 27 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0050H-SG-SG1-20160323-016-5'3/23/2016 HAPSITE 5 13 3.6 0.4 U NS 0050H-SG-SG1-20160323-016-5'3/23/2016 HAPSITE 5 13 3.6 0.4 U NS 0051H-SG-SG1-20160226-028-4.5'2/26/2016 HAPSITE 4.5 27 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0051H-SG-SG1-20160226-029-7.5'2/26/2016 HAPSITE 7.5 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0051H-SG-SG1-20160226-030-7.5'2/26/2016 HAPSITE 7.5 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.59 NS 0051H-SG-SG2-20160226-032-7.5'2/26/2016 HAPSITE 7.5 3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0051H-SG-SG2-20160226-031-8.5'2/26/2016 HAPSITE 8.5 10.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0052-H-SG 0052H-SG-SG1-20160311-032-4.5'3/11/2016 HAPSITE 4.5 10.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS A-0053H-052316-SG-001-6'(0037)5/23/2016 SUMMA 6 2000 J 18 2 U 1.3 U A-0053H-052316-SG-001-6'(0050)5/23/2016 SUMMA 6 1500 J 21 2 U 1.3 U 0053H-SG-SG1-20160502-056-6.5'5/2/2016 HAPSITE 6.5 628 4.5 0.4 U NS 0053H-SG-SG1-20160502-058-6.5'5/2/2016 HAPSITE 6.5 510 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0054H-SG-SG1-20160603-042-7'6/3/2016 HAPSITE 7 5.7 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0054H-SG-SG1-20160603-043-7'6/3/2016 HAPSITE 7 61 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0055H-SG-SG1-20160513--038 5/13/2016 HAPSITE 5 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0055H-SG-SG1-20160513--039 5/13/2016 HAPSITE 5 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.48 NS 0056H-SG-SG1-20160503-031-5.5'5/3/2016 HAPSITE 5.5 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0056H-SG-SG1-20160503-032-5.5'5/3/2016 HAPSITE 5.5 3.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0057-H-SG A-0057H-04052017-SG-022-2'4/5/2017 HAPSITE 2 2.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS A-0058H-030617-SG-025-4'3/6/2017 HAPSITE 4 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS A-0058H-030617-SG-026-4'3/6/2017 HAPSITE 4 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS A-0058H-030617-SG-027-6'3/6/2017 HAPSITE 6 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS A-0059H-031717-SG-039-1.8'3/17/2017 HAPSITE 1.8 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS A-0059H-031717-SG-040-5'3/17/2017 HAPSITE 5 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS A-0060H-030717-SG-037-4.8'3/7/2017 HAPSITE 4.8 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS A-0060H-030717-SG-038-4.8'3/7/2017 HAPSITE 4.8 4.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS A-0061H-030817-SG-029-4.7'3/8/2017 HAPSITE 4.7 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS A-0061H-030817-SG-030-4.7'3/8/2017 HAPSITE 4.7 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS A-0061H-030817-SG-031-6.1'3/8/2017 HAPSITE 6.1 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0050-H-SG 0051-H-SG 0030-H-SG 0053-H-SG 0054-H-SG 0055-H-SG 0056-H-SG 0058-H-SG 0059-H-SG 0060-H-SG 0061-H-SG 0045-S-SG 0031-S-SG 0037-H-SG 0040-H-SG 0029-H-SG 0036-H-SG OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 2 of 3 Table 5-11 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Soil Gas µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q NA TCE VC Residential Soil Gas Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m3)1 PCE cis-1,2-DCELocationSample Identification Sample Date Sample Method Depth (ft bgs) 16 5.6360 0062-H-SG A-0062H-032917-SG-025-6.5'3/29/2017 HAPSITE 6.5 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS 0063-H-SG A-0063H-032117-6'-SG-041-SG1 3/21/2017 HAPSITE 6 NS 0.5 U 0.4 U NS MW-32 MW32-SG032621 3/26/2021 SUMMA 20 0.41 0.16 U 0.11 U 0.074 U MW-34 MW34-SG032621 3/26/2021 SUMMA 20 6.7 0.14 U 0.026 J 0.13 MW-37 MW37-SG032621 3/26/2021 SUMMA 8 68 0.15 U 0.11 U 0.073 MW-38 MW38-SG032621 3/26/2021 SUMMA 8 0.84 0.17 U 0.12 U 0.097 RG01-SG041421 4/14/2021 SUMMA 4.5 49 0.76 0.12 U 0.1 RG01-SG082721 8/27/2021 SUMMA 4.5 320 0.84 0.35 U 0.22 U RG04-SG041321 4/13/2021 SUMMA 5 46 1.8 0.14 0.12 RG04-SG082721 8/27/2021 SUMMA 5 100 0.54 0.12 U 0.08 U RG-05 RG05-SG041421 4/14/2021 SUMMA 5 15 0.19 0.12 U 0.079 U RG07-SG041421 4/14/2021 SUMMA 5 33 0.5 0.12 U 0.075 U RG07-SG082721 8/27/2021 SUMMA 5 81 0.18 U 0.14 U 0.088 U RG08-SG041321 4/13/2021 SUMMA 4.5 570 4 0.52 0.28 U RG08-SG083021 8/30/2021 SUMMA 4.5 4400 12 J 9.5 U 6.1 U RG-10 RG10-SG041421 4/14/2021 SUMMA 5 2.8 0.11 J 0.12 U 0.13 RG-11 RG11-SG041321 4/13/2021 SUMMA 5 1.8 0.33 0.13 U 0.076 J Notes Highlight indicates values greater than screening level Bold indicates detected values Italics indicates nondetected values µg/L = microgram per liter cis-1,2-DCE = cis-1,2-dichloroethene EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ft bgs = feet below ground surface MCL = maximum contaminant level NA = not applicable NS = Not sampled PCE = tetrachloroethene RSL = regional screening level TCE = trichloroethene VC = vinyl chloride Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit UJ = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit, and a QA/QC requirement has not been met NR= Not reported, rejected during data quality validation R = Rejected during data quality validation 1 EPA soil gas RSL corresponds to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 × 10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 divided by an attenuation factor of 0.03 (May 2022 RSL table version). Data was qualified during data validation because field data collection was not completed in compliance with the QAPP. This data is not usable for the risk assessment, but can still be used to support the data collected in 2016–2020 in defining the extent of vapor intrusion. RG-01 RG-04 RG-07 RG-08 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 3 of 3 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q 0001H-IA-BA1 A-0001H-012715-IA-005-BA1 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-BA2 A-0001H-012715-IA-011-BA2 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-BR1 A-0001H-012715-IA-003-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-BR2 A-0001H-012715-IA-008-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-CLO A-0001H-012715-IA-006-CLO Closet HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-FAM A-0001H-012715-IA-007-FAM Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-KIT A-0001H-012715-IA-002-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LAU A-0001H-012715-IA-009-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-001-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 1.3 0.1 NR 0.43 NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-013A-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-013B-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-013C-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-013D-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-013E-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-013F-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-013G-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-013H-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-013I-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-013J-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-013K-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-013L-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-014A-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-014B-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-014C-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-014D-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-014E-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-014F-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV A-0001H-012715-IA-014G-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-MBR A-0001H-012715-IA-004-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-OUT A-0001H-012715-IA-012-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-IA-STO A-0001H-012715-IA-010-STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0001H-OA-OUT1 A-0001H-031517-OA-003-OUT1 Outdoor (west side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/15/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV1 A-0001H-031517-IA-004-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/15/2017 No Pressure 5.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0001H-IA-BAS1 A-0001H-031517-IA-005-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/15/2017 No Pressure 2.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0001H-IA-SUM1 A-0001H-031517-IA-006-SUM1 Sump Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/15/2017 No Pressure 2.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0001H-IA-BED1 A-0001H-031517-IA-007-BED1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/15/2017 No Pressure 1.7 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0001H-IA-WBED1 A-0001H-031517-IA-008-WBED1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/15/2017 No Pressure 2.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0001H-IA-MBED1 A-0001H-031517-IA-009-MBED1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/15/2017 No Pressure 5.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0001H-IA-BAT1 A-0001H-031517-IA-010-BAT1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/15/2017 No Pressure 4.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0001H-IA-LIV1 A-0001H-031517-IA-010-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2017 No Pressure 1.9 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0001H-OA-OUT1 A-0001H-031517-OA-011-OUT1 Outdoor (west side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/22/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0001H-IA-BAS1 A-0001H-031517-IA-012-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2017 No Pressure 1.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0001H-TO-BAS A-0001H-032317-TO-001-BAS Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/23/2017 No Pressure 1.1 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.17 0.18 U 0002H-IA-BA1 A-0002H-022415-IA-004-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 No Pressure 1.8 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0002H-IA-BA2 A-0002H-022415-IA-009-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 No Pressure 2.3 0.1 U 0.42 NS NS 0002H-IA-BR1 A-0002H-022415-IA-010-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 No Pressure 2.1 0.1 U 0.48 NS NS 0002H-IA-KIT A-0002H-022415-IA-005-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 No Pressure 1.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0002H-IA-LIV A-0002H-022415-IA-002-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 No Pressure 1.7 0.1 U 0.54 NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-008-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 No Pressure 2.1 0.1 U 0.42 NS NS 0002H-IA-MBR A-0002H-022415-IA-003-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 No Pressure 1.8 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0002H-IA-MUD A-0002H-022415-IA-006-MUD Mud Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 No Pressure 1.6 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0002H-IA-OUT A-0002H-022415-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/24/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-STO A-0002H-022415-IA-007-STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 No Pressure 0.92 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-011A-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Negative Pressure 1.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-011B-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Negative Pressure 1.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-011C-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Negative Pressure 2.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-011D-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Negative Pressure 2.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-011E-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Negative Pressure 2.6 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-011F-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Negative Pressure 2.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-011G-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Negative Pressure 2.4 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-011H-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Negative Pressure 2.6 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-012A-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Positive Pressure 2.5 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-012B-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Positive Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-012C-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Positive Pressure 0.70 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-012D-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-012E-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-012F-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-012G-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LLL A-0002H-022415-IA-012H-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/24/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0002H-IA-LIV1 A-0002H-032217-IA-013-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0002H-OA-OUT1 A-0002H-032217-OA-014-OUT1 Outdoor (north side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/22/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0002H-IA-BAS1 A-0002H-032217-IA-015-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0002H-IA-STO1 A-0002H-032217-IA-016-STO1 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0002H-IA-KIT1 A-0002H-032217-IA-018-KIT1 Basement Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2017 No Pressure 0.88 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0002H-IA-FLD1 A-0002H-032217-IA-019-FLD1 Floor Drain HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2017 No Pressure 1.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0002H-TO-BAS A-0002H-032317-TO-001-BAS Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/23/2017 No Pressure 1.4 0.29 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0003H-IA-BA1 A-0003H-011915-IA-003-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0003H-IA-BA2 A-0003H-011915-IA-013-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 1.8 0.1 U 2.2 NS NS 0003H-IA-BR1 A-0003H-011915-IA-007-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 0.98 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0003H-IA-BR2 A-0003H-011915-IA-010-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 3.9 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0003H-IA-BR3 A-0003H-011915-IA-015-BR3 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 2.2 0.1 U 1.4 NS NS 0003H-IA-ENT A-0003H-011915-IA-008-ENT Entry Way HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.75 NS NS 0003H-IA-FUR A-0003H-011915-IA-012-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0003H-IA-GAR A-0003H-011915-IA-016-GAR Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 0.75 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0003H-IA-KIT A-0003H-011915-IA-002-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0003H-IA-LIV A-0003H-011915-IA-001-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 1.5 0.66 0.1 NR NS NS 0003H-IA-MBA A-0003H-011915-IA-005-MBA Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0003H-IA-MBR A-0003H-011915-IA-004-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0003H-IA-OCL A-0003H-011915-IA-009-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 1.8 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0003H-IA-OF1 A-0003H-011915-IA-006-OF1 Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.79 NS NS 0003H-IA-OF2 A-0003H-011915-IA-011-OF2 Basement Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 3.1 0.1 U 1.4 NS NS 0003H-IA-OUT A-0003H-011915-IA-019-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 1/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0003H-IA-OCL A-0003H-011915-IA-018A-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 Negative Pressure 1.9 0.1 U 0.97 NS NS 0003H-IA-OCL A-0003H-011915-IA-018B-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 Negative Pressure 1.5 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0003H-IA-OCL A-0003H-011915-IA-018C-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 Negative Pressure 1.3 0.1 U 0.59 NS NS 0003H-IA-OCL A-0003H-011915-IA-018D-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 Negative Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.56 NS NS 0001-H 0002-H 0003-H Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0003H-IA-OCL A-0003H-011915-IA-018E-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 Negative Pressure 1.0 0.1 NR 0.5 NS NS 0003H-IA-OCL A-0003H-011915-IA-018F-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 Negative Pressure 0.85 0.1 U 0.49 NS NS 0003H-IA-OCL A-0003H-011915-IA-020A-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0003H-IA-OCL A-0003H-011915-IA-020B-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0003H-IA-OCL A-0003H-011915-IA-020C-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0003H-IA-OCL A-0003H-011915-IA-020D-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/19/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0003H-TO-BAS A-0003H-040915-TO-002-BAS Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 1.5 J 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U NS 0003H-TO-BBB A-0003H-040915-TO-003-BBB Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 1.7 J 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U NS 0003H-TO-LIV A-0003H-040915-TO-001-LIV Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 17 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U NS 0003H-TO-BAS A-0003H-120415-TO-002-BAS Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 12/3/2015 No Pressure 0.82 R 0.27 R 0.2 R 0.13 R 0.18 R 0003H-TO-DIN A-0003H-120415-TO-001-DIN Dining Room SUMMA Indoor Air 12/3/2015 No Pressure 0.53 R 0.27 R 0.2 R 0.13 R 0.18 R 0003H-IA-BAS A-0003H-030316-IA-BAS Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2016 No Pressure 1.3 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0003H 0003-H-IA01HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 2.1 NS NS 0003H 0003-H-IA02HS Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 2.4 NS NS 0003H 0003-H-IA03HS Basement Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 2.5 NS NS 0003H 0003-H-IA04HS Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 3.2 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0003H 0003H-IA01SC-121719 Basement Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 12/17/2019 No Pressure 1.1 0.041 J 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.69 U 0003H 0003H-IA02SC-121719 Basement bathroom drain SUMMA Indoor Air 12/17/2019 No Pressure 0.64 0.025 J 0.15 U 0.096 U 0.67 U 0003H 0003H-IA03SC-121719 Basement living area SUMMA Indoor Air 12/17/2019 No Pressure 0.65 0.026 J 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.69 U 0003H 0003H-IA04SC-121719 Main level living area SUMMA Indoor Air 12/17/2019 No Pressure 0.28 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.72 U 0003H 0003H-AA01SC-121719 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 12/17/2019 No Pressure 0.11 J 0.029 J 0.15 U 0.038 J 0.67 U 0003H 0003H-IA01PS-010620 Basement bedroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/6/2020 No Pressure 0.80 0.028 J NS NS NS 0003H 0003H-IA02PS-010620 Basement bathroom drain PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/6/2020 No Pressure 0.64 0.031 J NS NS NS 0003H 0003H-IA03PS-010620 Basement living area PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/6/2020 No Pressure 0.58 0.026 J NS NS NS 0003H 0003H-IA04PS-010620 Main level living area PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/6/2020 No Pressure 0.25 0.048 U NS NS NS 0003H 0003H-IA01SC-082421 Basement Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 8/24/2021 No Pressure 0.19 J 0.18 U 0.13 U 0.085 U 0.6 U 0004H-IA-BA1 A-0004H-011315-IA004_BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0004H-IA-BAS A-0004H-011315-IA007_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0004H-IA-BR1 A-0004H-011315-IA003_BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.83 NS NS 0004H-IA-BR2 A-0004H-011315-IA005_BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0004H-IA-CRA A-0004H-011315-IA008_CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA002_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0004H-IA-LIV A-0004H-011315-IA001_LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.70 NS NS 0004H-IA-MUD A-0004H-011315-IA006_MUD Mud Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.63 NS NS 0004H-OU-OUT A-0004H-011315-OU-001-OUT Outdoor (north side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 1/13/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA009A_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA009B_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA009C_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA009D_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA009E_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.67 NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA009F_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA009G_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA009H_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA009I_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA010A_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.45 NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA010B_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA010C_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA010D-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA010E-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA010F-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA010G-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA010H-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0004H-IA-KIT A-0004H-011315-IA010I-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/13/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0004H-OA-OUT1 A-0004H-031317-OA-006-OUT1 Outdoor (north side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0004H-IA-LIV1 A-0004H-031317-IA-007-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0004H-IA-BAS1 A-0004H-031317-IA-008-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0004H-TO-BAS A-0004H-031417-TO-001-BAS Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 3/14/2017 No Pressure 0.34 U 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0005H-IA-ATT A-0005H-041015-IA-007-ATT Attic HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-BA1 A-0005H-041015-IA-004-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0005H-IA-BR1 A-0005H-041015-IA-003-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0005H-IA-BR2 A-0005H-041015-IA-005-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0005H-IA-COA A-0005H-041015-IA-011-COA Coal Bin Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0005H-IA-GAR A-0005H-041015-IA-010-GAR Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0005H-IA-KIT A-0005H-041015-IA-006-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-008-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-OCL A-0005H-041015-IA-002-OCL Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-OUT A-0005H-041015-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 4/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-STO A-0005H-041015-IA-009-STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-012A-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-012B-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-012C-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-012D-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-012E-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-012F-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-012G-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-012H-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-013A-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-013B-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-013C-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-013D-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-013E-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0005H-IA-LAU A-0005H-041015-IA-013F-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-BA1 A-0006H-030615-IA-003-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0006H-IA-BA2 A-0006H-030615-IA-007-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-BR1 A-0006H-030615-IA-002-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0006H-IA-FUR A-0006H-030615-IA-008-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LAU A-0006H-030615-IA-009-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-006-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-MBR A-0006H-030615-IA-004-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0006H-IA-OCL A-0006H-030615-IA-001-OCL Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-OUT A-0006H-030615-IA-005-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-010B-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-010C-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-010D-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-010E-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-010F-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0006-H 0003-H 0004-H 0005-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 2 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-010G-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-010H-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-011A-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-011B-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-011C-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-011D-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-011E-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-011F-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0006H-IA-LLL A-0006H-030615-IA-011G-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0007H-IA- CLO A-0007H-012815-IA-010- CLO Closet HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0007H-IA-BA1 A-0007H-012815-IA-002-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0007H-IA-BA2 A-0007H-012815-IA-012-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-BA3 A-0007H-012815-IA-014-BA3 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-BR1 A-0007H-012815-IA-008-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0007H-IA-BR2 A-0007H-012815-IA-009-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-CLO A-0007H-012815-IA-013-CLO Closet HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-KIT A-0007H-012815-IA-006-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LAU A-0007H-012815-IA-003-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LIV A-0007H-012815-IA-005-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-001-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-MBR A-0007H-012815-IA-011-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-STO A-0007H-012815-IA-004-STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-SUN A-0007H-012815-IA-007-SUN Sun Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-015A-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-015B-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-015C-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-015D-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-015E-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-015F-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-015G-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-015H-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-015I-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-016A-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-016B-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-016C-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-016D-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-016E-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0007H-IA-LLL A-0007H-012815-IA-016F-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/28/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0007H-TO-LLL A-0007H-031915-TO-001-LLL Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/19/2015 No Pressure 4.8 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0008H-IA-BA1 A-0008H-020515-IA-003-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/5/2015 No Pressure 5.2 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0008H-IA-BA2 A-0008H-020515-IA-009-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/5/2015 No Pressure 4.2 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0008H-IA-BR1 A-0008H-020515-IA-002-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/5/2015 No Pressure 6.8 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0008H-IA-KIT A-0008H-020515-IA-006-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/5/2015 No Pressure 3.1 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0008H-IA-LAU A-0008H-020515-IA-001-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/5/2015 No Pressure 6.2 0.1 NR 0.61 NS NS 0008H-IA-OCL A-0008H-020515-IA-007-OCL Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/5/2015 No Pressure 3.2 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0008H-IA-OFC A-0008H-020515-IA-008-OFC Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/5/2015 No Pressure 3.5 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0008H-IA-STO1 A-0008H-020515-IA-004-STO1 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/5/2015 No Pressure 7.3 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0008H-IA-STO2 A-0008H-020515-IA-005-STO2 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/5/2015 No Pressure 6.6 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0008H-IA-OUT A-0008H-020615-IA-010-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/6/2015 No Pressure 0.91 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0008H-IA-LAU A-0008H-020615-IA-011A-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/6/2015 Negative Pressure 4.8 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0008H-IA-LAU A-0008H-020615-IA-011B-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/6/2015 Negative Pressure 3.7 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0008H-IA-LAU A-0008H-020615-IA-011C-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/6/2015 Negative Pressure 3.6 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0008H-IA-LAU A-0008H-020615-IA-011D-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/6/2015 Negative Pressure 3.2 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0008H-IA-LAU A-0008H-020615-IA-011E-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/6/2015 Negative Pressure 2.9 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0008H-IA-LAU A-0008H-020615-IA-012A-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/6/2015 Positive Pressure 2.1 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0008H-IA-LAU A-0008H-020615-IA-012B-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/6/2015 Positive Pressure 1.5 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0008H-IA-LAU A-0008H-020615-IA-012C-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/6/2015 Positive Pressure 0.75 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0008H-TO-BAS A-0008H-041015-TO-001-BAS Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 4/10/2015 No Pressure 2.9 J 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U NS 0009H-A-BR1 IA-0009H-021015-A-003-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-2LL A-0009H-021015-IA-002-2LL Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-BA1 A-0009H-021015-IA-004-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0009H-IA-BA2 A-0009H-021015-IA-009-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-BR2 A-0009H-021015-IA-011-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-GAR A-0009H-021015-IA-013-GAR Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-KIT A-0009H-021015-IA-006-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-008-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LLL A-0009H-021015-IA-010-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-MBR A-0009H-021015-IA-005-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-OUT A-0009H-021015-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-STO1 A-0009H-021015-IA-007-STO1 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-STO2 A-0009H-021015-IA-012-STO2 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-014A-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-014B-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-014C-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-014D-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-014E-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-014F-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-014G-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-014H-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-014I-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-015A-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-015B-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-015C-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-015D-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-015E-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-015F-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-015G-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0009H-IA-LAU A-0009H-021015-IA-015H-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/10/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0010H-IA-BA1 A-0010H-012715-IA-012-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 2.2 0.1 U 1.9 NS NS 0010H-IA-BR1 A-0010H-012715-IA-006-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 3.9 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-BR2 A-0010H-012715-IA-008-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 3.1 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-BR3 A-0010H-012715-IA-010-BR3 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 3.4 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-KIT A-0010H-012715-IA-003-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 4.9 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-KIT2 A-0010H-012715-IA-007-KIT2 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 4.6 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-LIV A-0010H-012715-IA-002-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 4.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA-009-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 4.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0006-H 0007-H 0008-H 0009-H 0010-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 3 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0010H-IA-MBA A-0010H-012715-IA-005-MBA Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 5.5 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-MBR A-0010H-012715-IA-004-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 4.4 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-OUT A-0010H-012715-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 1.0 NS NS 0010H-IA-STO A-0010H-012715-IA-011-STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 No Pressure 5.9 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA-015A-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 2.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA-015D-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA-015E-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 2.8 0.1 U 0.49 NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA-015F-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 3.3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA-015G-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 2.8 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA-015H-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 2.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA-015I-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 2.4 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA-015J-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 2.4 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA-015K-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 2.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA-015L-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Negative Pressure 2.5 0.1 U 0.53 NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA016A-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA016B-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 1.3 0.1 U 1.8 NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA016C-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA016D-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA016E-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0010H-IA-LLL A-0010H-012715-IA016F-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0011H-IA-BA1 A-0011H-022715-IA-004-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 No Pressure 7.4 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0011H-IA-BA2 A-0011H-022715-IA-009-BA2 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 No Pressure 20 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0011H-IA-BR1 A-0011H-022715-IA-003-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 No Pressure 7.3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0011H-IA-BR2 A-0011H-022715-IA-005-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 No Pressure 7.5 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0011H-IA-FUR A-0011H-022715-IA-011-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 No Pressure 1.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LAU A-0011H-022715-IA-006-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 No Pressure 6.5 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0011H-IA-LIV A-0011H-022715-IA-002-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 No Pressure 6.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-008-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 No Pressure 9.6 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-MBR A-0011H-022715-IA-007-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 No Pressure 6.8 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0011H-IA-OUT A-0011H-022715-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/27/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-STO A-0011H-022715-IA-010-STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 No Pressure 26 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-012A-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Negative Pressure 12 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-012B-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Negative Pressure 6.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-012C-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Negative Pressure 5.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-012D-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Negative Pressure 5.4 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-012E-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Negative Pressure 5.2 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-012F-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Negative Pressure 5.4 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-012G-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Negative Pressure 5.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-012H-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Negative Pressure 5.3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-012I-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Negative Pressure 5.2 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-013A-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Positive Pressure 5.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-013B-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Positive Pressure 2.6 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-013C-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.80 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-013D-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-022715-IA-013E-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/27/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H-TO A-0011-H-030315-TO-001 Not available SUMMA Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 17 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0011H-TO A-0011-H-030315-TO-002 Not available SUMMA Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 6.1 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0011H-TO A-0011-H-030315-TO-003 Not available SUMMA Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 3.4 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0011H-TO A-0011-H-030315-TO-004 Not available SUMMA Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 17 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0011H-IA-LLL A-0011H-030116-IA-012A-LLL Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/1/2016 No Pressure 12 J 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0011H 0011-H-IA01HS Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/7/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 11 NS NS 0011H 0011-H-IA05HS Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/7/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 6.0 NS NS 0011H 0011-H-IA03HS Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/7/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 7.2 NS NS 0011H 0011-H-IA06HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/7/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 7.2 NS NS 0011H 0011-H-IA04HS Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/7/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 7.9 NS NS 0011H 0011-H-IA02HS Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/7/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 8.3 NS NS 0011H 0011H-IA01SC-010820 Basement Storage SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 19 0.23 U 0.17 U 0.11 U 0.78 U 0011H 0011H-IA02SC-010820 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 11 0.17 U 0.12 U 0.081 U 0.57 U 0011H 0011H-IA03SC-010820 Furnace Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 6.6 0.23 U 0.17 U 0.11 U 0.76 U 0011H 0011H-IA04SC-010820 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 9 0.23 U 0.17 U 0.11 U 0.78 U 0011H 0011H-AA01SC-010820 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 0.58 0.29 0.17 U 0.14 0.78 U 0011H 0011H-IA04PS-012920 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/29/2020 No Pressure 7.2 0.039 J NS NS NS 0011H 0011H-IA02PS-012920 Basement Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/29/2020 No Pressure 7.6 0.040 J NS NS NS 0011H 0011H-IA03PS-012920 Furnace Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/29/2020 No Pressure 3.1 0.023 J NS NS NS 0011H 0011H-IA01PS-012920 Basement Storage PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/29/2020 No Pressure 16 0.058 NS NS NS 0011H 0011H-IA01SC-082521 Basement Storage SUMMA Indoor Air 8/25/2021 No Pressure 19 0.18 U 0.13 U 0.086 U 0.17 J 0011H 0011H-AA02SC-082521 Outdoor (backyard)SUMMA Outdoor Air 8/25/2021 No Pressure 0.10 J 0.18 U 0.14 U 0.087 U 0.18 J 0012H-IA-BA1 A-0012H-022315IA-004-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 No Pressure 0.71 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-BA2 A-0012H-022315IA-008-BA2 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 No Pressure 4.0 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-BR1 A-0012H-022315IA-005-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 No Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-BR2 A-0012H-022315IA-007-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 No Pressure 3.1 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-EXR A-0012H-022315-IA-011-EXR Exercise room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 No Pressure 2.3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315IA-006-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 No Pressure 2.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-KIT A-0012H-022315-IA-001-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 No Pressure 1.6 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-LIV A-0012H-022315IA-002-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 No Pressure 1.6 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-MBR A-0012H-022315IA-003-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 No Pressure 1.3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-OFC A-0012H-022315IA-009-OFC Basement Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 No Pressure 3.8 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-OUT A-0012H-022315-IA-015-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/23/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0012H-LAU A-0012H-022315IA-010-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 No Pressure 2.1 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315IA-012A-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Negative Pressure 2.3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315IA-012B-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Negative Pressure 2.1 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315IA-012C-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Negative Pressure 1.8 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315IA-012D-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Negative Pressure 2.0 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315-IA-012E-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Negative Pressure 1.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315-IA-012F-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Negative Pressure 1.3 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315-IA-012G-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Negative Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315-IA-012H-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Negative Pressure 1.0 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315-IA-012I-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Negative Pressure 0.94 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315-IA-013A-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Positive Pressure 1.4 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315-IA-013B-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Positive Pressure 0.73 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315-IA-013C-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315-IA-013D-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315-IA-013E-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0012H-IA-FAM A-0012H-022315-IA-013F-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/23/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0010-H 0011-H 0012-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 4 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0012H-IA-LIV1 A-0012H-031317-IA-014-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 1.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0012H-OA-OUT1 A-0012H-031317-OA-015-OUT1 Outdoor (west side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0012H-IA-BAS1 A-0012H-031317-IA-016-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 1.9 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0012H-IA-OFF1 A-0012H-031317-IA-017-OFF1 Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 2.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0012H-IA-BAT1 A-0012H-031317-IA-018-BAT1 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 2.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0012H-IA-LAU1 A-0012H-031317-IA-019-LAU1 Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 2.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0012H-IA-FDR1 A-0012H-031317-IA-020-FDR1 Front Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 2.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0012H-TO-BAS A-0012H-031417-TO-001-BAS Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/14/2017 No Pressure 2.3 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0013H-IA-BA1 A-0013H-011615-IA006_BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.71 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-BA2 A-0013H-011615-IA014_BA2 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-BR1 A-0013H-011615-IA004_BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-BR2 A-0013H-011615-IA005_BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-COM A-0013H-011615-IA008_COM Computer Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA003_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-FAM A-0013H-011615-IA010_FAM Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-FUR A-0013H-011615-IA011_FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-KIT A-0013H-011615-IA002_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-LAU A-0013H-011615-IA013_LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-LIB A-0013H-011615-IA012_LIB Library HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-LIV A-0013H-011615-IA001_LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-PAR A-0013H-011615-IA007_PAR Parlor HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-STO A-0013H-011615-IA009_STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-OA-OUT A-0013H-011615-OA001_OUT Outdoor (front porch)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 1/16/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA015A_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA015B_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA015C_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA015D_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Negative Pressure 0.83 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA015E_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Negative Pressure 0.81 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA015F_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Negative Pressure 0.80 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA015G_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Negative Pressure 0.83 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA015H_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Negative Pressure 0.78 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA015I_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Negative Pressure 0.79 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA015J_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Negative Pressure 0.80 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA015K_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Negative Pressure 0.78 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA015L_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Negative Pressure 0.82 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA016A_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-IA-ENT A-0013H-011615-IA016B_ENT Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/16/2015 Positive Pressure 3.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0013H-OA-OUT1 A-0013H-030917-OA-017-OUT1 Outdoor (south side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0013H-IA-HAL1 A-0013H-030917-IA-018-HAL1 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0013H-IA-LAN1 A-0013H-030917-IA-019-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0013H-IA-BAS1 A-0013H-030917-IA-020-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0013H-TO-BAS A-0013H-031017-TO-001-BAS Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/10/2017 No Pressure 0.34 U 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0013H 0013H-IA01SC-030822 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/8/2022 No Pressure 0.07 J 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.093 U 0.66 U 0014H-IA-BA1 A-0014H-030215-IA-003-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0014H-IA-BA2 A-0014H-030215-IA-008-BA2 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-BR1 A-0014H-030215-IA-004-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.40 NS NS 0014H-IA-BR2 A-0014H-030215-IA-007-BR2 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-CLO A-0014H-030215-IA-011-CLO Basement Closet HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-009-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-KIT A-0014H-030215-IA-005-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.42 NS NS 0014H-IA-LIV A-0014H-030215-IA-001-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.44 NS NS 0014H-IA-MBR A-0014H-030215-IA-002-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-OFC A-0014H-030215IA-010-OFC Basement Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-OUT A-0014H-030215-IA-006-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-012A-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.44 NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-012B-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-012C-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-012D-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-012E-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-012F-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-012G-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-012H-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-012I-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-012J-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-013A-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-013B-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-013C-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-013D-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-013E-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-013F-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-013G-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0014H-IA-FUR A-0014H-030215-IA-013H-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/2/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0015H-IA-2LL A-0015H-033015-IA-009-2LL Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-BA1 A-0015H-033015-IA-007-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-BA2 A-0015H-033015-IA-010-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-BA3 A-0015H-033015-IA-013-BA3 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-BR1 A-0015H-033015-IA-014-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-CRA A-0015H-033015-IA-015-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-KIT A-0015H-033015-IA-003-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OCL A-0015H-033015-IA-012-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OFC1 A-0015H-033015-IA-004-OFC1 Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OFC2 A-0015H-033015-IA-005-OFC2 Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OFC3 A-0015H-033015-IA-006-OFC3 Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OFC4 A-0015H-033015-IA-008-OFC4 Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OFC5 A-0015H-033015-IA-011-OFC5 Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OUT A-0015H-033015-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0015H-IA-STO A-0015H-033015-IA-016-STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-SUN A-0015H-033015-IA-002-SUN Sun Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0015H-IA-OCL A-0015H-033015-IA-017A-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OCL A-0015H-033015-IA-017B-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OCL A-0015H-033015-IA-017C-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OCL A-0015H-033015-IA-017D-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.47 NS NS 0015H-IA-OCL A-0015H-033015-IA-017E-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OCL A-0015H-033015-IA-018A-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OCL A-0015H-033015-IA-018B-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0015H-IA-OCL A-0015H-033015-IA-018C-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0015H-IA-OCL A-0015H-033015-IA-018D-OCL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0015-H 0012-H 0013-H 0014-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 5 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0016H-IA-2LL-E A-0016H-012215-IA-011-2LL-E Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 No Pressure 0.82 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-2LL-W A-0016H-012215-IA-010-2LL-W Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-BA1 A-0016H-012215-IA-007-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-BA2 A-0016H-012215-IA-009-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-BAS A-0016H-012215-IA-001-BAS-SOUTH Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-BAS A-0016H-012215-IA-003-BAS-NORTH Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0016H-IA-COA A-0016H-012215-IA-002-COA Coal Bin Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-DRF A-0016H-012215-IA-005-DRF Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-KIT A-0016H-012215-IA-004-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-LAU A-0016H-012215-IA-008-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-LIV A-0016H-012215-IA-006-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-OA-OUT A-0016H-012215-OA-014-OUT Outdoor (east side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 1/22/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0016H-IA-LIV A-0016H-012215-IA-012A-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-LIV A-0016H-012215-IA-012B-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-LIV A-0016H-012215-IA-012C-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-LIV A-0016H-012215-IA-012D-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-LIV A-0016H-012215-IA-012E-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-LIV A-0016H-012215-IA-012F-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-LIV A-0016H-012215-IA-013A-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-LIV A-0016H-012215-IA-013B-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0016H-IA-LIV A-0016H-012215-IA-013C-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/22/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BA1 A-0017H-011415-IA006_BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 No Pressure 4.9 0.1 U 0.86 NS NS 0017H-IA-BR1 A-0017H-011415-IA004_BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 No Pressure 4.8 0.1 U 0.87 NS NS 0017H-IA-CAV A-0017H-011415-IA012_CAV Wall Cavity HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 No Pressure 1.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-KIT A-0017H-011415-IA003_KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 No Pressure 5.0 0.1 U 0.76 NS NS 0017H-IA-LIV A-0017H-011415-IA002_LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 No Pressure 4.7 0.1 U 0.77 NS NS 0017H-IA-MBR A-0017H-011415-IA005_MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 No Pressure 4.9 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0017H-IA-MUD A-0017H-011415-IA007_MUD Mud Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 No Pressure 4.9 0.1 U 0.62 NS NS 0017H-IA-PLA A-0017H-011415-IA008_PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 No Pressure 6.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-STO A-0017H-011415-IA011_STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 No Pressure 5.4 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-SUMP A-0017H-011415-IA009_SUMP Sump Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 No Pressure 20 11 0.43 NS NS 0017H-IA-WIC A-0017H-011415-IA010_WIC Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 No Pressure 6.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-OA-OUT A-0017H-011415-OA001_OUT Outdoor (east side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 1/14/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA013A_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Negative Pressure 5.2 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA013B_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Negative Pressure 5.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA013C_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Negative Pressure 4.8 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA013D_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Negative Pressure 4.4 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA013E_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Negative Pressure 4.2 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA013F_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Negative Pressure 4.6 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA013G_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Negative Pressure 4.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA013H_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Negative Pressure 4.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA013I_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Negative Pressure 4.4 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA013J_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Negative Pressure 3.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA014A_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Positive Pressure 4.6 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA014B_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Positive Pressure 2.5 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA014C_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Positive Pressure 1.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA014D_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Positive Pressure 1.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA014E_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Positive Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA014G_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Positive Pressure 0.93 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA014H_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Positive Pressure 0.80 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA014I_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA014J_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Positive Pressure 0.73 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-011415-IA014F_BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/14/2015 Positive Pressure 0.87 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0017H-TO-BAS A-0017H-TO-001-BAS-012115 Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 1/21/2015 No Pressure 6.8 R 0.27 R 0.2 R 0.13 R NS 0017H-TO-GAS A-0017H-TO-003-GAS-012115 Garage SUMMA Indoor Air 1/21/2015 No Pressure 2.7 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0017H-TO-OUT A-0017H-TO-002-OUT-012115 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 1/21/2015 No Pressure 1 R 0.29 R 0.2 R 0.13 R NS 0017H-IA-BAS A-0017H-031616-IA-BAS Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/16/2016 No Pressure 10 J 0.39 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0018H-TO A-0018H-020615-TO-001 Not available SUMMA Indoor Air 2/5/2015 No Pressure 23 R 0.37 R 0.2 R 0.13 R NS 0018H-TO A-0018H-020615-TO-002 Not available SUMMA Indoor Air 2/5/2015 No Pressure 0.34 R 0.27 R 0.2 R 0.13 R NS 0018H-IA-BA1 A-0018H-021815-IA-003-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 16 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BR2 A-0018H-021815-IA-012-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 4.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BR5 A-0018H-021815-IA-004-BR5 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 16 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-DRF A-0018H-021815-IA-009-DRF Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 4.6 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-GAR A-0018H-021815-IA-007-GAR Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 1.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-HAL1 A-0018H-021815-IA-015-HAL1 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 4.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-KIT A-0018H-021815-IA-008-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 4.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-LAU A-0018H-021815-IA-005-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 2.8 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-LIV A-0018H-021815-IA-011-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 4.8 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-LLL A-0018H-021815-IA-002-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 8.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-MBR A-0018H-021815-IA-010-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 2.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-OUT A-0018H-021815-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-UTL A-0018H-021815-IA-006-UTL Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 No Pressure 2.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-019A-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Negative Pressure 2.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-019B-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Negative Pressure 2.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-019C-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Negative Pressure 2.2 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-019D-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Negative Pressure 2.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-019E-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Negative Pressure 2.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-019F-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Negative Pressure 2.2 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-019G-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Negative Pressure 2.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-019H-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Negative Pressure 2.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-019I-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Negative Pressure 1.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-020A-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Positive Pressure 2.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-020B-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Positive Pressure 1.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-020C-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-020D-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-020E-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-020F-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-020G-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-020H-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-021815-IA-020I-BAS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/18/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H-TO A-0018H-021915-TO-001 Not available SUMMA Not available 2/18/2015 No Pressure 18 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0018H-TO A-0018H-021915-TO-002 Not available SUMMA Not available 2/18/2015 No Pressure 5.8 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0018H-TO A-0018H-021915-TO-003 Not available SUMMA Not available 2/18/2015 No Pressure 2.5 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0018H-IA-BAS A-0018H-031616-IA-BAS Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/16/2016 No Pressure 12 J 0.83 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0018H 0018-H-IA01HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 3.1 0.1 U 1.4 NS NS 0018H 0018-H-IA02HS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 3.3 0.1 U 1 U NS NS 0016-H 0017-H 0018-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 6 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0018H 0018-H-IA03HS Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 1.4 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H 0018-H-IA04HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 3.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H 0018-H-IA05HS Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 2.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0018H 0018H-IA03SC-010820 Garage SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 2.6 0.23 U 0.17 U 0.11 U 0.76 U 0018H 0018H-IA02SC-010820 Basement Workout Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 14 0.46 0.10 J 0.11 U 0.49 J 0018H 0018H-IA01SC-010820 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 13 0.68 0.13 J 0.2 U 1.4 U 0018H 0018H-IA04SC-010820 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 7.6 0.33 0.077 J 0.14 U 0.96 U 0018H 0018H-IA05SC-010820 Bathroom SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 8 0.35 0.087 J 0.11 U 0.8 U 0018H 0018H-IA05PS-010820 Bathroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 7.4 0.33 NS NS NS 0018H 0018H-IA04PS-010820 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 7.6 0.34 NS NS NS 0018H 0018H-IA01PS-010820 Basement Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 12 0.48 NS NS NS 0018H 0018H-IA02PS-010820 Basement Workout Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 10 0.38 NS NS NS 0037H 0037H-AA01SC-010820 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 0.53 0.15 J 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.74 U 0018H 0018H-IA03PS-010820 Garage PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 2.2 0.059 NS NS NS 0018H 0018H-IA01SC-082421 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 8/24/2021 No Pressure 14 0.75 0.20 0.085 U 0.29 J 0019B-IA-BA1 A-0019B-020215-IA-007-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 1.6 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-BR1 A-0019B-020215-IA-018-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-BR2 A-0019B-020215-IA-027-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-COA A-0019B-020215-IA-012-COA Coal Bin Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.85 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0019B-IA-DRF A-0019B-020215-IA-025-DRF Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-ELE A-0019B-020215-IA-013-ELE Electric HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0019B-IA-FUR1 A-0019B-020215-IA-004-FUR1 Basement Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 1.8 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-FUR2 A-0019B-020215-IA-010-FUR2 Basement Boiler Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-FUR2 A-0019B-020215-IA-029-FUR2 Basement Boiler Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-HAL1 A-0019B-020215-IA-003-HAL1 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 2.2 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-HAL2 A-0019B-020215-IA-017-HAL2 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0019B-IA-HAL3 A-0019B-020215-IA-019-HAL3 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-HAL4 A-0019B-020215-IA-020-HAL4 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-HAL5 A-0019B-020215-IA-026-HAL5 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0019B-IA-HAL6 A-0019B-020215-IA-030-HAL6 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-HAL7 A-0019B-020215-IA-031-HAL7 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-KIT1 A-0019B-020215-IA-021-KIT1 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0019B-IA-KIT2 A-0019B-020215-IA-024-KIT2 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0019B-IA-LAU A-0019B-020215-IA-006-LAU1 Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 2.0 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-LAU A-0019B-020215-IA-028-LAU2 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-LL1 A-0019B-020215-IA-014-LL1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-LL2 A-0019B-020215-IA-016-LL2 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-OFC A-0019B-020215-IA-032-OFC Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-OUT A-0019B-020215-IA-023-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-SAL A-0019B-020215-IA-015-SAL Salon HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 1.4 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-STO1 A-0019B-020215-IA-001-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 1.5 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-STO2 A-0019B-020215-IA-002-STO2 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 1.6 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-STO3 A-0019B-020215-IA-008-STO3 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 1.4 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0019B-IA-STO4 A-0019B-020215-IA-009-STO4 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 1.5 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-STO5 A-0019B-020215-IA-022-STO5 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0019B-IA-WOR1 A-0019B-020215-IA-005-WOR1 Basement Wood Working Shop HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/2/2015 No Pressure 1.9 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0019B-IA-STO4 A-0019B-020315-IA-033A-STO4 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/3/2015 Negative Pressure 1.9 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0019B-IA-STO4 A-0019B-020315-IA-033B-STO4 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/3/2015 Negative Pressure 1.9 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0019B-IA-STO4 A-0019B-020315-IA-033C-STO4 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/3/2015 Negative Pressure 1.9 0.1 NR 0.73 NS NS 0019B-IA-STO4 A-0019B-020315-IA-033D-STO4 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/3/2015 Negative Pressure 2.0 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0019B-IA-STO4 A-0019B-020315-IA-034A-STO4 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/3/2015 Positive Pressure 2.0 0.1 NR 0.51 NS NS 0019B-IA-STO4 A-0019B-020315-IA-034B-STO4 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/3/2015 Positive Pressure 1.9 0.1 NR 0.49 NS NS 0019B-IA-STO4 A-0019B-020315-IA-034C-STO4 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/3/2015 Positive Pressure 1.9 0.1 NR 0.40 NS NS 0019B-IA-STO4 A-0019B-020315-IA-034D-STO4 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/3/2015 Positive Pressure 1.8 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0019H-TO-B2 A-0019H-020415-TO-002-B2 Not available SUMMA Indoor Air 2/3/2015 No Pressure 0.34 R 0.27 R 0.2 R 0.13 R NS 0019H-TO-HAL A-0019H-020415-TO-001-HAL Hallway SUMMA Indoor Air 2/3/2015 No Pressure 0.45 R 0.27 R 0.2 R 0.13 R NS 0019H-TO-STO A-0019H-020415-TO-003-STO Storage SUMMA Indoor Air 2/3/2015 No Pressure 2.2 R 0.52 R 0.2 R 0.13 R NS 0020C-A-LLK A-0020C-A-0020C-022515-LLK Basement Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-BA1 A-0020C-022515-IA-008-BA1 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-BA2 A-0020C-022515-IA-014-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-BOI A-0020C-022515-IA-015-BOI Basement Boiler Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-CAF A-0020C-022515-IA-013-CAF Cafeteria HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-CKC A-0020C-022515-IA-010-CKC Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-CLO A-0020C-022515-IA-006-CLO Closet HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-HAL1 A-0020C-022515-IA-004-HAL1 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-HAL2 A-0020C-022515-IA-007-HAL2 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-OFC1 A-0020C-022515-IA-003-OFC1 Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-OFC2 A-0020C-022515-IA-011-OFC2 Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-OUT A-0020C-022515-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-R102 A-0020C-022515-IA-009-R102 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-R109 A-0020C-022515-IA-005-R109 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0020C-IA-SAN A-0020C-022515-IA-012-SAN Sanctuary HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-CKC A-0020C-022515-IA-016A-CKC Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-CKC A-0020C-022515-IA-016B-CKC Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0020C-IA-CKC A-0020C-022515-IA-016C-CKC Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-CKC A-0020C-022515-IA-016D-CKC Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0020C-IA-CKC A-0020C-022515-IA-016E-CKC Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-SKC A-0020C-022515-IA-017A-SKC Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-SKC A-0020C-022515-IA-017B-SKC Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-SKC A-0020C-022515-IA-017C-SKC Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020C-IA-SKC A-0020C-022515-IA-017D-SKC Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-4THWest A-0021S-021915-IA-003-4THWEST Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-8THWest A-0021S-021915-IA-001-8THWEST Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-BOI A-0021S-021915-IA-002-BOI Boiler Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-BR1 A-0021S-021915-IA-018-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-DIN A-0021S-021915-IA-016-DIN Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-FAM A-0021S-021915-IA-017-FAM Open Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-GYM A-0021S-021915-IA-008-GYM Gym HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-HAL A-0021S-021915-IA-015-HAL Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-HAL2 A-0021S-021915-IA-020-HAL2 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-KIND A-0021S-021915-IA-006-KIND Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-KIT A-0021S-021915-IA-003-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-KIT A-0021S-021915IA-012-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0021S-IA-LAU A-0021S-021915-IA-019-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-LIB A-0021S-021915-IA-014-LIB Library HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.81 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-MAN A-0021S-021915-IA-004-MAN Manhole HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-OUT A-0021S-021915-IA-004-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0020-C 0021-S 0018-H 0019-B OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 7 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0021S-IA-OUT A-0021S-021915-IA-005-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-STEM A-0021S-021915-IA-013-STEM Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0021S-IA-STO A-0021S-021915-IA-005-STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-STO2 A-0021S-021915-IA-007-STO2 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-STO3 A-0021S-021915-IA-009-STO3 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0021S-IA-STO4 A-0021S-021915-IA-011-STO4 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-UTL A-0021S-021915-IA-010-UTL Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-LAU A-0021S-021915-IA-006A-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-LAU A-0021S-021915-IA-006B-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-LAU A-0021S-021915-IA-006C-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-LAU A-0021S-021915-IA-006D-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-LAU A-0021S-021915-IA-006E-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-LAU A-0021S-021915-IA-007A-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-LAU A-0021S-021915-IA-007B-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-LAU A-0021S-021915-IA-007C-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/19/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021S-IA-FEL A-0021S-022015-IA-001-FEL Open Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/20/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-AUD A-0022S-040615-IA-028-AUD Auditorium HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-BOI1 A-0022S-040615-IA-002-BOI1 Boiler Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-BOI2 A-0022S-040615-IA-026-BOI2 Boiler Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CAFÉ A-0022S-040615-IA-005-CAFÉ Cafeteria HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 1.5 1.3 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CR102 A-0022S-040615-IA-007-CR102 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0022S-IA-CR126 A-0022S-040615-IA-003-CR126 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CR148 A-0022S-040615-IA-032-CR148 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CR206 A-0022S-040615-IA-012-CR206 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CR226 A-0022S-040615-IA-009-CR226 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CR231 A-0022S-040615-IA-034-CR231 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 8.4 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CR235 A-0022S-040615-IA-035-CR235 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 7.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CR300 A-0022S-040615-IA-020-CR300 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.82 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CR318 A-0022S-040615-IA-017-CR318 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CR324 A-0022S-040615-IA-015-CR324 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 2.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CR330 A-0022S-040615-IA-016-CR330 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 2.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CR406 A-0022S-040615-IA-024-CR406 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-CR422 A-0022S-040615-IA-021-CR422 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 1.5 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-DAN A-0022S-040615-IA-025-DAN Open Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 1.6 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-GYM A-0022S-040615-IA-033-GYM Gym HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 5.2 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-HAL1 A-0022S-040615-IA-013-HAL1 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-HAL2 A-0022S-040615-IA-019-HAL2 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 1.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-OUT A-0022S-040615-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-RM108 A-0022S-040615-IA-006-RM108 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-RM122 A-0022S-040615-IA-004-RM122 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.70 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-RM141A A-0022S-040615-IA-027-RM141A Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-RM149 A-0022S-040615-IA-031-RM149 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-RM205 A-0022S-040615-IA-011-RM205 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 1.2 0.67 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-RM216 A-0022S-040615-IA-010-RM216 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.94 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-RM248 A-0022S-040615-IA-029-RM248 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-RM309 A-0022S-040615-IA-018-RM309 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 1.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-RM414 A-0022S-040615-IA-022-RM414 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 1.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-STO1 A-0022S-040615-IA-008-STO1 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 11 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-STO2 A-0022S-040615-IA-014-STO2 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 3.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-IA-STO3 A-0022S-040615-IA-023-STO3 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/6/2015 No Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0022S-TO-CAFE A0022S-040715-TO-001-CAFE Not available SUMMA Indoor Air 4/7/2015 No Pressure 3.9 R 2 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0022S-TO-CR330 A0022S-040715-TO-002-CR330 Not available SUMMA Indoor Air 4/7/2015 No Pressure 1.9 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0023H-IA-BA1 A-0023H-030915-IA-007-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 1.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-BA2 A-0023H-030915-IA-010-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 1.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-BA3 A-0023H-030915-IA-014-BA3 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 1.0 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0023H-IA-BR1 A-0023H-030915-IA-012-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-BR2 A-0023H-030915-IA-013-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0023H-IA-FUR A-0023H-030915-IA-001-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 0.78 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-GAR A-0023H-030915-IA-003-GAR Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 0.82 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-LAU A-0023H-030915-IA-008-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-LLL A-0023H-030915-IA-005-LLL Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 0.99 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-MBR A-0023H-030915-IA-015-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-OCL1 A-0023H-030915-IA-009-OCL1 Open Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 0.99 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-OCL2 A-0023H-030915-IA-011-OCL2 Open Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 1.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-OUT A-0023H-030915-IA-004-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-006-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 1.01 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-SUMP A-0023H-030915-IA-002-SUMP Sump Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 No Pressure 132 3.5 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-016A-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.76 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-016B-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.70 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-016C-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.73 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-016D-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.73 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-016E-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.74 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-016F-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.71 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-016G-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-016H-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-016I-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-017A-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.73 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-017B-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-017C-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-017D-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-017E-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-017F-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-017G-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023H-IA-PLA A-0023H-030915-IA-017H-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0023-IA-BA1 A-0023-031616-IA-BA1 Storage Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/16/2016 No Pressure 1.4 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0024H-IA-BA1 A-0024H-021115-IA-003-BA1 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-BA2 A-0024H-021115-IA-011-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0024H-IA-BR1 A-0024H-021115-IA-010-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-BR2 A-0024H-021115-IA-015-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-BR3 A-0024H-021115-IA-016-BR3 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-CRA A-0024H-021115-IA-007-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0024H-IA-FAM A-0024H-021115-IA-009-FAM Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-HAL A-0024H-021115-IA-013-HAL Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-002-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0024H-IA-MBR A-0024H-021115-IA-014-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-OCL A-0024H-021115-IA-008-OCL Open Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0021-S 0022-S 0023-H 0024-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 8 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0024H-IA-OFC A-0024H-021115-IA-012-OFC Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-OUT A-0024H-021115-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-STO1 A-0024H-021115-IA-004-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-STO2 A-0024H-021115-IA-005-STO2 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0024H-IA-STO3 A-0024H-021115-IA-006-STO3 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017A-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017B-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017C-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017D-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017E-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017F-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017G-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017H-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017I-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017J-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017K-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017L-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-017M-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-018A-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-018B-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-018C-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-018E-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-018F-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-018G-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-018H-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-018I-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-018J-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0024H-IA-LAU A-0024H-021115-IA-018K-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BA1 A-0025H-020915-IA-002-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BA2 A-0025H-020915-IA-011-BA2 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-001-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 1.3 0.1 NR 0.50 NS NS 0025H-IA-BR2 A-0025H-020915-IA-003-BR2 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0025H-IA-BR3 A-0025H-020915-IA-010-BR3 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0025H-IA-FAM A-0025H-020915-IA-007-FAM Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.54 NS NS 0025H-IA-FUR A-0025H-020915-IA-005-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 1.6 0.1 NR 0.48 NS NS 0025H-IA-KIT A-0025H-020915-IA-008-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.49 NS NS 0025H-IA-LAU A-0025H-020915-IA-004-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 0.70 0.1 NR 0.51 NS NS 0025H-IA-LIV A-0025H-020915-IA-009-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0025H-IA-OFC A-0025H-020915-IA-012-OFC Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 0.70 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0025H-IA-OUT A-0025H-020915-IA-015-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-STO-1 A-0025H-020915-IA-006-STO-1 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.42 NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-013A-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-013B-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-013C-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-013D-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-013E-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-013F-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-013G-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-013H-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-013I-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-014A-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-014B-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-014C-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-014D-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-014E-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BR1 A-0025H-020915-IA-014F-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/9/2015 Positive Pressure 2.8 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0025H-OA-OUT1 A-0025H-031317-OA-003-OUT1 Outdoor (east side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0025H-IA-LIV1 A-0025H-031317-IA-004-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0025H-IA-BAS1 A-0025H-031317-IA-005-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/13/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0025H-TO-BAS A-0025H-031417-TO-001-BAS Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/14/2017 No Pressure 0.37 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 2.3 0025H 0025-H-IA01HS Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0025H 0025-H-IA02HS Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0025H 0025-H-IA03HS Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0025H 0025-H-IA04HS Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0025H 0025H-IA01SC-030620 Crawl Space SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.38 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.63 U 0025H 0025H-IA02SC-030620 Basement Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.44 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.69 U 0025H 0025H-IA03SC-030620 Office SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.41 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.66 U 0174H 0174H-AA01SC-030620 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.24 U 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.63 U 0025H 0025H-IA01PS-03252020 Crawl Space PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.32 0.051 U NS NS NS 0025H 0025H-IA02PS-03252020 Basement Bedroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.23 0.051 U NS NS NS 0025H 0025H-IA03PS-03252020 Office PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.28 0.051 U NS NS NS 0026H-IA-BA1 A-0026H-030315-IA-005-BA1 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-BA2 A-0026H-030315-IA-011-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0026H-IA-BA3 A-0026H-030315-IA-014-BA3 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-BR1 A-0026H-030315-IA-002-BR1 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-DRF A-0026H-030315-IA-008-DRF Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-FAM A-0026H-030315-IA-001-FAM Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-HAL A-0026H-030315-IA-013-HAL Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-KIT A-0026H-030315-IA-012-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-003-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LIB A-0026H-030315-IA-009-LIB Library HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LIV A-0026H-030315-IA-007-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-MBR A-0026H-030315-IA-010-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-OUT A-0026H-030315-IA-017-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-PAN A-0026H-030315-IA-004-PAN Pantry HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 1.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-STO A-0026H-030315-IA-006-STO Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-015A-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-015B-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-015C-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-015D-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-015E-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-015F-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-015G-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-016A-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-016B-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-016C-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0024-H 0025-H 0026-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 9 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-016E-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU A-0026H-030315-IA-016F-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/3/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H-TO-OUT A-0026H-040815-TO-003-OUT Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 3.4 U 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U NS 0026H-TO-PAN A-0026H-040815-TO-001-PAN Pantry SUMMA Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 2.1 J 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U NS 0026H-OA-OUT1 A-0026H-030917-OA-006-OUT1 Outdoor (north side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0026H-IA-BAS1 A-0026H-030917-IA-007-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 1.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAU1 A-0026H-030917-IA-008-LAU1 Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 1.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LIV1 A-0026H-030917-IA-009-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 0.88 0.5 U 0.48 NS NS 0026H-IA-HAL1 A-0026H-030917-IA-010-HAL1 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 0.88 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0026H-IA-LAN1 A-0026H-030917-IA-011-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 0.95 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0026H-IA-UTI1 A-0026H-030917-IA-012-UTI1 Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 1.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0026H-TO-LIV A-0026H-031617-TO-001-LIV Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/16/2017 No Pressure 2 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0026H 0026-H-IA01HS Basement Chemical Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H 0026-H-IA02HS Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H 0026-H-IA03HS Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H 0026-H-IA04HS Parlor HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026H 0026H-IA01SC-030720 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 1.4 0.25 0.15 U 0.096 U 0.67 U 0026H 0026H-IA02SC-030720 Basement Stairwell SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 1.4 0.084 J 0.15 U 0.096 U 0.67 U 0026H 0026H-IA03SC-030720 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 3.1 0.083 J 0.15 U 0.016 J 0.26 J 0026H 0026H-IA04SC-030720 Laundry Chute SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 12 0.092 J 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.18 J 0026H 0026H-AA01SC-030720 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 0.1 J 0.21 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.14 J 0026H 0026H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement Stairwell PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 1.1 0.05 J NS NS NS 0026H 0026H-IA03PS-03242020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 3 0.056 NS NS NS 0026H 0026H-IA04PS-03242020 Laundry Chute PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 9.5 0.072 NS NS NS 0026H 0026H-IA01PS-03242020 Basement Laundry Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 1.4 0.093 NS NS NS 0026H 0026H-IA01SC-082521 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 8/25/2021 No Pressure 7.2 0.17 U 0.13 U 0.016 J 0.26 J 0027H-IA-BA1 A-0027H-021215-IA-006-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0027H-IA-BA2 A-0027H-021215-IA-011-BA2 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-BR1 A-0027H-021215-IA-004-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-BR2 A-0027H-021215-IA-012-BR2 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-DRF A-0027H-021215-IA-003-DRF Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-FUR A-0027H-021215-IA-014-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-KIT A-0027H-021215-IA-008-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-LAU A-0027H-021215-IA-010-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-LIV A-0027H-021215-IA-002-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-MBA A-0027H-021215-IA-007-MBA Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0027H-IA-MBR A-0027H-021215-IA-005-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-OUT A-0027H-021215-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-STO A-0027H-021215-IA-009-STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-STO2 A-0027H-021215-IA-013-STO2 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-STO3 A-0027H-021215-IA-015-STO3 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-017A-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-017B-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-017C-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-017D-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-017E-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-017F-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-017G-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-017H-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-017I-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-017J-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-018A-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-018B-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-018C-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-018D-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-018E-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-018F-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-018G-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-IA-HAL A-0027H-021215-IA-018H-HAL Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0027H-TO A-0027H-031915-TO-010 Not available SUMMA Indoor Air 3/19/2015 No Pressure 5.1 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0027H-TO-BAS A-0027H-031915-TO-001-BAS basement SUMMA Indoor Air 3/19/2015 No Pressure 3.4 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0027H-TO-OUT A-0027H-031915-TO-002-OUT Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/19/2015 No Pressure 3.4 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0027H-OA-OUT1 A-0027H-030917-OA-013-OUT1 Outdoor (north side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0027H-IA-LIV1 A-0027H-030917-IA-014-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0027H-IA-BAS1 A-0027H-030917-IA-015-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0027H-IA-MEC1 A-0027H-030917-IA-016-MEC1 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/9/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0027H-TO-BAS A-0027H-031017-TO-001-BAS Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 3/10/2017 No Pressure 0.34 U 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0028S-IA-BA1 A-0028S-033115-IA-022-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-CR106 A-0028S-033115-IA-003-CR106 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-CR119 A-0028S-033115-IA-012-CR119 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-CR122 A-0028S-033115-IA-011-CR122 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-CR124 A-0028S-033115-IA-010-CR124 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-CR128 A-0028S-033115-IA-009-CR128 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-CR133 A-0028S-033115-IA-008-CR133 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-CR137 A-0028S-033115-IA-007-CR137 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-CR139 A-0028S-033115-IA-006-CR139 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-CR227 A-0028S-033115-IA-025-CR227 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-CR228 A-0028S-033115-IA-023-CR228 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-CR232 A-0028S-033115-IA-027-CR232 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-HAL A-0028S-033115-IA-001-HAL Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-OUT A-0028S-033115-IA-016-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM102 A-0028S-033115-IA-005-RM102 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM104 A-0028S-033115-IA-004-RM104 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-RM113 A-0028S-033115-IA-014-RM113 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM116 A-0028S-033115-IA-013-RM116 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-033115-IA-015-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-RM119A A-0028S-033115-IA-002-RM119A Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM201 A-0028S-033115-IA-017-RM201 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM203 A-0028S-033115-IA-018-RM203 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-RM210 A-0028S-033115-IA-019-RM210 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-RM213 A-0028S-033115-IA-020-RM213 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-RM217 A-0028S-033115-IA-021-RM217 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM218 A-0028S-033115-IA-028-RM218 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM224 A-0028S-033115-IA-024-RM224 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-RM230 A-0028S-033115-IA-026-RM230 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/31/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-029A-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0026-H 0027-H 0028-S OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 10 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-029B-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-029C-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-029D-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-029E-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-029F-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-029G-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-029H-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-029I-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-029J-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-029K-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-029L-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-030A-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-030B-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-030C-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-IA-RM118 A-0028S-040115-IA-030D-RM118 Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/1/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0028S-TO A-0028-S-040215-TO-001 Not available SUMMA Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 3.4 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0029H-A-OCL A-0029H-031115-A-002-OCL Open Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 2.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-BA1 A-0029H-031115-IA-009-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 1.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-BA2 A-0029H-031115-IA-013-BA2 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 1.6 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-BR1 A-0029H-031115-IA-005-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 0.96 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-BR2 A-0029H-031115-IA-006-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 2.0 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0029H-IA-BR3 A-0029H-031115-IA-007-BR3 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 1.9 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0029H-IA-FAM A-0029H-031115-IA-010-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 1.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-FUR A-0029H-031115-IA-012-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 2.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-KIT A-0029H-031115-IA-004-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 2.2 0.1 U 0.40 NS NS 0029H-IA-LAU A-0029H-031115-IA-011-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 0.83 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-MBR A-0029H-031115-IA-008-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 1.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-OFC A-0029H-031115-IA-003-OFC Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 1.9 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-OUT A-0029H-031115-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/11/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-FAM A-0029H-031115-IA-014B-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.68 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-FAM A-0029H-031115-IA-014C-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-FAM A-0029H-031115-IA-014D-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-FAM A-0029H-031115-IA-014E-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0029H-IA-FAM A-0029H-031115-IA-015A-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-FAM A-0029H-031115-IA-015B-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-FAM A-0029H-031115-IA-015C-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-FAM A-0029H-031115-IA-015D-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0029H-IA-FAM A-0029H-031115-IA-015E-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0029H-IA-LIV1 A-0029H-033017-IA-002-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2017 No Pressure 5.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0029H-OA-OUT1 A-0029H-033017-OA-003-OUT1 Outdoor (south side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/30/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0029H-IA-BAS1 A-0029H-033017-IA-004-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2017 No Pressure 1.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0029H-IA-LAN1 A-0029H-033017-IA-005-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/30/2017 No Pressure 6.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0029H-TO-BAS A-0029H-033117-TO-001-BAS Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 3/31/2017 No Pressure 2.0 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0029H 0029H-IA01SC-031822 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/18/2022 No Pressure 0.6 0.037 J 0.13 U 0.081 U 0.28 J 0030H-IA-BA1 A-0030H-031715-IA-004-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 No Pressure 3.5 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-BR1 A-0030H-031715-IA-005-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 No Pressure 3.0 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-CRA A-0030H-031715-IA-011-CRA Basement Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 No Pressure 5.0 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-FAM A-0030H-031715-IA-006-FAM Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 No Pressure 2.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-KIT A-0030H-031715-IA-003-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 No Pressure 2.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-009-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 No Pressure 8.0 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-LIV A-0030H-031715-IA-002-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 No Pressure 2.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-MBR A-0030H-031715-IA-008-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 No Pressure 3.2 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-OFC A-0030H-031715-IA-007-OFC Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 No Pressure 3.0 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-OUT A-0030H-031715-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/17/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0030H-IA-STO A-0030H-031715-IA-010-STO Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 No Pressure 5.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-012A-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Negative Pressure 6.8 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-012B-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Negative Pressure 5.4 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-012C-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Negative Pressure 4.6 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-012D-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Negative Pressure 3.3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-012E-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Negative Pressure 2.3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-012F-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Negative Pressure 1.8 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-012G-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Negative Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-012H-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Negative Pressure 1.0 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-012I-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Negative Pressure 0.77 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-013A-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Positive Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-013B-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Positive Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-013C-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Positive Pressure 1.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-013D-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Positive Pressure 0.94 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-013E-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Positive Pressure 0.79 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0030H-IA-LAU A-0030H-031715-IA-013F-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2015 Positive Pressure 0.82 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0030H-TO-BAS A-0030H-041115-TO-001-BAS Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 4/11/2015 No Pressure 5.9 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U NS 0030H-TO-OUT A-0030H-041115-TO-002-OUT Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 4/11/2015 No Pressure 3.4 U 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U NS 0032H-IA-BA1 A-0032H-031215-IA-006-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-BA2 A-0032H-031215-IA-008-BA2 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-BR1 A-0032H-031215-IA-004-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-BR2 A-0032H-031215-IA-010-BR2 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0032H-IA-FAM A-0032H-031215-IA-009-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0032H-IA-KIT A-0032H-031215-IA-003-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-007-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-MBR A-0032H-031215-IA-005-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-OCL A-0032H-031215-IA-002-OCL Open Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-OUT A-0032H-031215-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/12/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-011A-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-011B-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-011C-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-011D-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-011E-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-011F-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-011G-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-011H-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-012A-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-012B-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-012C-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-012D-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-012E-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0032H-IA-LAU A-0032H-031215-IA-012F-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/12/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0028-S 0029-H 0030-H 0032-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 11 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0033H-IA-BA1 A-0033H-040815-IA-004-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 1.1 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-BA2 A-0033H-040815-IA-006-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 1.3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-BA3 A-0033H-040815-IA-010-BA3 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 1.6 0.1 U 0.52 NS NS 0033H-IA-BR1 A-0033H-040815-IA-008-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-BR2 A-0033H-040815-IA-009-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 0.54 NS NS 0033H-IA-CRA A-0033H-040815-IA-011-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 5.2 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-GAR A-0033H-040815-IA-014-GAR Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0033H-IA-KIT A-0033H-040815-IA-003-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 1.5 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-LAU A-0033H-040815-IA-012-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 5.0 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-MBR A-0033H-040815-IA-007-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 1.7 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-OCL A-0033H-040815-IA-002-OCL Open Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 1.4 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-OFC A-0033H-040815-IA-013-OFC Basement Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 2.3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-OUT A-0033H-040815-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0033H-IA-PLA A-0033H-040815-IA-005-PLA Play Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 1.4 0.1 U 0.50 NS NS 0033H-IA-STO A-0033H-040815-IA-015-STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0033H-IA-CRA A-0033H-040815-IA-016A-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 Negative Pressure 2.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0033H-IA-CRA A-0033H-040815-IA-016B-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 Negative Pressure 1.8 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-CRA A-0033H-040815-IA-016C-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 Negative Pressure 1.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-CRA A-0033H-040815-IA-016D-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 Negative Pressure 1.7 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-CRA A-0033H-040815-IA-016E-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 Negative Pressure 1.8 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-CRA A-0033H-040815-IA-017A-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 Positive Pressure 0.87 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0033H-IA-CRA A-0033H-040815-IA-017B-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0033H-IA-CRA A-0033H-040815-IA-017C-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0033H-IA-CRA A-0033H-040815-IA-017D-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0033H-IA-CRA A-0033H-040815-IA-017E-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0033H-IA-CRA A-0033H-040815-IA-017F-CRA Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/8/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-TO-BAS A-0036H-040415-TO-001-BAS Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 3.6 2.7 U 2 U 1.3 U NS 0036H-IA-BA1 A-0036H-040315-IA-003-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 No Pressure 0.91 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0036H-IA-BR1 A-0036H-040315-IA-004-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 No Pressure 0.93 0.1 U 0.40 NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-008-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 No Pressure 1.58 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-MBR A-0036H-040315-IA-005-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 No Pressure 1.0 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0036H-IA-OCL A-0036H-040315-IA-002-OCL Open Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 No Pressure 0.78 0.1 U 0.46 NS NS 0036H-IA-OUT A-0036H-040315-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 4/3/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-STO A-0036H-040315-IA-007-STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 No Pressure 3.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-009A-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Negative Pressure 1.4 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-009B-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Negative Pressure 2.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-009C-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Negative Pressure 1.9 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-009D-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Negative Pressure 1.7 0.1 NR 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-009E-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Negative Pressure 1.5 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-009F-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Negative Pressure 2.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-009G-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Negative Pressure 2.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-010A-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Positive Pressure 2.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-010B-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-010C-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-010D-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-010E-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-010F-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0036H-IA-FUR A-0036H-040315-IA-010G-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/3/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-BA1 A-0037H-040215-IA-004-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-BA2 A-0037H-040215-IA-009-BA2 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 6.5 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-BA3 A-0037H-040215-IA-011-BA3 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 3.8 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-BR1 A-0037H-040215-IA-005-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 2.3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-BR2 A-0037H-040215-IA-006-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 6.1 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-BR2 A-0037H-040215-IA-022-BR2A Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 0.71 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-BR3 A-0037H-040215-IA-012-BR3 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 3.4 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-CLO1 A-0037H-040215-IA-008-CLO1 Closet HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 1.3 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-CLO2 A-0037H-040215-IA-010-CLO2 Closet HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 4.2 0.1 U 0.42 NS NS 0037H-IA-CLO3 A-0037H-040215-IA-013-CLO3 Basement Closet HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 3.7 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-FUR1 A-0037H-040215-IA-017-FUR1 Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 6.4 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-FUR2 A-0037H-040215-IA-018-FUR2 Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 2.9 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-FUR3 A-0037H-040215-IA-019-FUR3 Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 88 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-KIT A-0037H-040215-IA-003-KIT Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 1.2 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-015-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 1.9 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-LIV A-0037H-040215-IA-002-LIV Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 0.83 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-MBR A-0037H-040215-IA-007-MBR Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 4.6 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-OUT A-0037H-040215-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-PLA A-0037H-040215-IA-016-PLA Basement Playroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 3.0 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-STO A-0037H-040215-IA-014-STO Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 2.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-I-MBR A-0037H-040215-IA-023-MBRA Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 No Pressure 0.83 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-020A-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Negative Pressure 14 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-020B-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Negative Pressure 12 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-020C-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Negative Pressure 14 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-020D-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Negative Pressure 14 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-020E-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Negative Pressure 4.5 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-020F-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Negative Pressure 15 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-020G-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Negative Pressure 13 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-021A-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Positive Pressure 2.6 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-021B-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Positive Pressure 1.9 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-021C-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Positive Pressure 1.4 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-021D-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Positive Pressure 1.0 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-021E-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Positive Pressure 0.87 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-040215-IA-021F-LAU Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/2/2015 Positive Pressure 0.75 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H-TO-BAS A0037H-040715-TO-003-BAS Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 4/7/2015 No Pressure 4.4 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0037H-TO-BR2 A0037H-040715-TO-002-BR2 Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 4/7/2015 No Pressure 6.4 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0037H-TO-LAU A0037H-040715-TO-001-LAU Laundry SUMMA Indoor Air 4/7/2015 No Pressure 3.1 R 2.7 R 2 R 1.3 R NS 0037H-IA-LAU A-0037H-030816-IA-LAU Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/8/2016 No Pressure 4.0 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 0037H 0037-H-IA01HS Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 2.7 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H 0037-H-IA02HS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 3.4 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H 0037-H-IA03HS Basement Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 3.1 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H 0037-H-IA04HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 3.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0037H 0037H-IA01PS-010820 Basement Bedroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 7.1 0.083 NS NS NS 0037H 0037H-IA02PS-010820 Basement PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 8.7 0.091 NS NS NS 0037H 0037H-IA03SC-010820 Basement Utility Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 7.9 0.25 U 0.18 U 0.12 U 0.83 U 0037H 0037H-IA02SC-010820 Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 8.2 0.23 U 0.17 U 0.11 U 0.78 U 0037H 0037H-IA01SC-010820 Basement Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 8.2 0.23 U 0.17 U 0.11 U 0.78 U 0037H 0037H-IA03PS-010820 Basement Utility Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 6.7 0.081 NS NS NS 0037-H 0033-H 0036-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 12 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0037H 0037H-IA04SC-010820 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 6.9 0.25 U 0.19 U 0.12 U 0.85 U 0037H 0037H-AA01SC-010820 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 0.53 0.15 J 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.74 U 0037H 0037H-IA04PS-010820 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 6.9 0.1 NS NS NS 0037H 0037H-IA02SC-082721 Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 8/27/2021 No Pressure 4.2 0.17 U 0.12 U 0.08 U 1.7 J 0038H-IA-BA1 A-0038H-040915-IA-005-BA1 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-BA2 A-0038H-040915-IA-007-BA2 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-BR1 A-0038H-040915-IA-004-BR1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-BR2 A-0038H-040915-IA-006-BR2 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-DRF A-0038H-040915-IA-003-DRF Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-009-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-FUR A-0038H-040915-IA-011-FUR Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-LAU A-0038H-040915-IA-008-LAU Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-MBR A-0038H-040915-IA-010-MBR Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-OCL A-0038H-040915-IA-002-OCL Open Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-OUT A-0038H-040915-IA-001-OUT Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 4/9/2015 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-012A-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-012B-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-012C-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-012D-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-012E-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 NR 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-012F-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-012G-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Negative Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-013A-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-013B-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-013C-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-013D-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-013E-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-013F-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 NR NS NS 0038H-IA-FAM A-0038H-040915-IA-013G-FAM Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/9/2015 Positive Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0038H-IA-LIV1 A-0038H-041017-IA-002-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0038H-IA-BAS1 A-0038H-041017-IA-003-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/10/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0038H-TO-BAS A-0038H-041117-TO-001-BAS Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 4/11/2017 No Pressure 0.34 U 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0040H-OA-OA1 0040H-OA-OA1-20160310-BL-004 Outdoor (west side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/10/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-BBED 0040H-IA-BBED-20160310-BL-005 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 No Pressure 32 2.1 0.52 NS NS 0040H-IA-MR1 0040H-IA-MR1-20160310-BL-006 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 No Pressure 43 2.8 0.75 NS NS 0040H-IA-UBED 0040H-IA-UBED-20160310-BL-007 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 No Pressure 39 2.6 0.67 NS NS 0040H-IA-MEC 0040H-IA-MEC-20160310-BL-009 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 No Pressure 23 1.5 0.39 NS NS 0040H-IA-MR2 0040H-IA-MR2-20160310-BL-008 Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 No Pressure 20 1.3 0.55 NS NS 0040H-IA-GAR 0040H-IA-GAR-20160310-BL-011 Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 No Pressure 7.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-BBED 0040H-IA-BBED-20160310-BL-012 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 No Pressure 52 3 0.55 NS NS 0040H-IA-MR1 0040H-IA-MR1-20160310-BL-013 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 No Pressure 35 2 0.48 NS NS 0040H-IA-BBBED 0040H-IA-BBED-20160310-BL-014 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 No Pressure 28 1.7 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-BBED 0040H-IA-BBED-20160310-N5-015 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 30 1.5 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-HAL 0040H-IA-HAL-20160310-N5-016 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 28 0.9 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-STA 0040H-IA-STA-20160310-N5-017 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 19 0.8 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-BBED 0040H-IA-BBED-20160310-N5-018 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 41 2.2 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-HALL 0040H-IA-HALL-20160310-N5-019 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 15 0.6 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-STA 0040H-IA-STA-20160310-N5-020 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 11 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-BBED 0040H-IA-BBED-20160310-N5-021 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 32 1.7 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-HALL 0040H-IA-HALL-20160310-N5-022 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 16 0.7 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-STA 0040H-IA-STA-20160310-N5-023 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 7.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-BBED 0040H-IA-BBED-20160310-N10-024 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 25 1.4 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-HALL 0040H-IA-HALL-20160310-N10-025 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 21 0.9 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-STA 0040H-IA-STA-20160310-N10-026 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 4.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-BBED 0040H-IA-BBED-20160310-N10-027 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 26 1.5 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-HALL 0040H-IA-HALL-20160310-N10-028 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Negative Pressure 12 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-SUM 0040H-IA-SUM-20160310-BL-029 Laundry (sump) Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 No Pressure 153 13 0.52 NS NS 0040H-IA-BBED 0040H-IA-BBED-20160310-P5-030 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Positive Pressure 2.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-HALL 0040H-IA-HALL-20160310-P5-031 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Positive Pressure 1.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-STA 0040H-IA-STA-20160310-P5-032 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Positive Pressure 1.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-BBED 0040H-IA-BBED-20160310-P5-033 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Positive Pressure 1.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-HALL 0040H-IA-HALL-20160310-P5-034 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Positive Pressure 0.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-STA 0040H-IA-STA-20160310-P5-035 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Positive Pressure 0.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-BBED 0040H-IA-BBED-20160310-P5-036 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-HALL 0040H-IA-HALL-20160310-P5-037 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/10/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-OA-OA1 0040H-OA-OA1-20160310-BL-038 Outdoor (west side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/10/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0040H-IA-BAS A-0040H-031216-IA-BAS Basement Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/12/2016 No Pressure 74 J 5.2 0.55 0.13 U 0.18 U 0040H-IA-KIT A-0040H-031216-IA-KIT Kitchen SUMMA Indoor Air 3/12/2016 No Pressure 59 J 4.3 0.39 0.13 U 0.18 U 0040H 0040H-IA01SC-031522 Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/15/2022 No Pressure 59.7 2.08 0.484 J 0.0511 U 0.721 U 0040H 0040H-IA02SC-031522 Basement Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/15/2022 No Pressure 88.9 2.87 0.69 J 0.0511 U 0.721 U 0041H-IA-OA1 0041H-IA-OA1-20160308-BL-001 Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/8/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-LIV 0041H-IA-LIV-20160308-BL-002 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.95 NS NS 0041H-IA-HAL 0041H-IA-HAL-20160308-BL-003 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.75 NS NS 0041H-IA-BAS 0041H-IA-BAS-20160308-BL-004 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.59 NS NS 0041H-IA-UBED 0041H-IA-UBED-20160308-BL-005 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.87 NS NS 0041H-IA-KBED 0041H-IA-KBED-20160308-BL-007 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.87 NS NS 0041H-IA-KIT 0041H-IA-KIT-20160308-BL-008 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.75 NS NS 0041H-IA-HAL 0041H-IA-HAL-20160308-N5-009 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.52 NS NS 0041H-IA-LAU 0041H-IA-LAU-20160308-N5-010 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 2.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-STA 0041H-IA-STA-20160308-N5-011 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.71 NS NS 0041H-IA-HAL 0041H-IA-HAL-20160308-N5-012 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 1.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-LAU 0041H-IA-LAU-20160308-N5-013 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 1.5 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-STA 0041H-IA-STA-20160308-N5-014 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.52 NS NS 0041H-IA-HAL 0041H-IA-HAL-20160308-N5-015 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 1.7 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-LAU 0041H-IA-LAU-20160308-N5-016 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 2.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-STA 0041H-IA-STA-20160308-N5-017 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.67 NS NS 0041H-IA-HAL 0041H-IA-HAL-20160308-N5-018 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 2.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-LAU 0041H-IA-LAU-20160308-N5-019 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 2.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-HAL 0041H-IA-HAL-20160308-N10-020 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-LAU 0041H-IA-LAU-20160308-N10-021 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 4.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-STA 0041H-IA-STA-20160308-N10-022 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.48 NS NS 0041H-IA-HAL 0041H-IA-HAL-20160308-N10-023 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 1.9 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-LAU 0041H-IA-LAU-20160308-N10-025 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 3.7 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-STA 0041H-IA-STA-20160308-N10-026 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 NS NS 0041H-IA-HAL 0041H-IA-HAL-20160308-P5-028 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-LAU 0041H-IA-LAU-20160308-P5-029 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0037-H 0038-H 0040-H 0041-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 13 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0041H-IA-STA 0041H-IA-STA-20160308-P5-033 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-HAL 0041H-IA-HAL-20160308-P5-034 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-LAU 0041H-IA-LAU-20160308-P5-035 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H-IA-STA 0041H-IA-STA-20160308-P5-036 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0041H 0041H-IA01SC-031222 Basement Storage SUMMA Indoor Air 3/12/2022 No Pressure 0.18 J 0.16 U 0.12 U 0.079 U 0.55 U 0041H-OA-OA1 0041H-OA-OA1-20160308-BL-037 Outdoor (north side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/8/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-OA-OA1 0045S-OA-OA1-20160304-BL-003 Outdoor (west side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CAF-A 0045S-IA-CAF-A-20160304-BL-004 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-A404-A 0045S-IA-A404-A-20160304-BL-005 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-A315-A 0045S-IA-A315-A-20160304-BL-006 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-A322-A 0045S-IA-A322-A-20160304-BL-007 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-A312-A 0045S-IA-A312-A-20160304-BL-008 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-A204-A 0045S-IA-A204-A-20160304-BL-009 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-A219-A 0045S-IA-A219-A-20160304-BL-010 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-HTHE-A 0045S-IA-HTHE-A-20160304-BL-011 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-THEA-A 0045S-IA-THEA-A-20160304-BL-012 Theatre HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-AUTO-A 0045S-IA-AUTO-A-20160304-BL-013 Autoshop HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CHEM-A 0045S-IA-CHEM-A-20160304-BL-014 Chemical Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 40 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-AUDI-B 0045S-IA-AUDI-B-20160304-BL-017 Auditorium HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-B215-B 0045S-IA-B215-B-20160304-BL-029 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-B208-B 0045S-IA-B208-B-20160304-BL-030 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-MENT-B 0045S-IA-MENT-B-20160304-BL-033 Hallway Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-B325-B 0045S-IA-B325-B-20160304-BL-034 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-LGYM-B 0045S-IA-LGYM-B-20160304-BL-035 Gym HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-D210-D 0045S-IA-D210-D-20160304-BL-036 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-D202-D 0045S-IA-D202-D-20160304-BL-037 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-D305-D 0045S-IA-D305-D-20160304-BL-038 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-D311-D 0045S-IA-D311-D-20160304-BL-039 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-C406-C 0045S-IA-C406-C-20160304-BL-040 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-C317-C 0045S-IA-C317-C-20160304-BL-041 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-C305-C 0045S-IA-C305-C-20160304-BL-042 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-OA-OA2 0045S-OA-OA2-20160304-BL-045 Outdoor (outside of autoshop)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-AUTO-A 0045S-IA-AUTO-A-20160304-BL-046 Autoshop HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 1.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-B215-B 0045S-IA-B215-B-20160304-BL-047 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-C216-C 0045S-IA-C216-C-20160304-BL-048 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-C213-C 0045S-IA-C213-C-20160304-BL-049 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-C107-C 0045S-IA-C107-C-20160304-BL-050 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/4/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA203 0045S-IA-CA203-20160321-BL-003 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-OA-OA1 0045S-OA-OA1-20160321-BL-004 Outdoor (west side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/21/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-FLOB 0045S-IA-FLOB-20160321-BL-005 Lobby HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-SHAL 0045S-IA-SHAL-20160321-BL-006 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-SA203 0045S-IA-SA203-20160321-N5-007 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA203 0045S-IA-CA203-20160321-N5-008 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO 0045S-IA-BLO-20160321-N5-009 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-SA203 0045S-IA-SA203-20160321-N5-010 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA203 0045S-IA-CA203-20160321-N5-011 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO 0045S-IA-BLO-20160321-N5-012 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-SA203 0045S-IA-SA203-20160321-N5-013 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA203 0045S-IA-CA203-20160321-N5-014 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO 0045S-IA-BLO-20160321-N5-015 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-SA203 0045S-IA-SA203-20160321-N10-016 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA203 0045S-IA-CA203-20160321-N10-017 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO 0045S-IA-BLO-20160321-N10-018 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-SA203 0045S-IA-SA203-20160321-N10-019 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA203 0045S-IA-CA203-20160321-N10-020 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO 0045S-IA-BLO-20160321-N10-021 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-SA203 0045S-IA-SA203-20160321-P5-022 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA203 0045S-IA-CA203-20160321-P5-023 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO 0045S-IA-BLO-20160321-P5-024 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-SA203 0045S-IA-SA203-20160321-P5-025 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA203 0045S-IA-CA203-20160321-P5-026 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO 0045S-IA-BLO-20160321-P5-027 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-A215 0045S-IA-A215-20160321-028 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA213 0045S-IA-CA213-20160321-BL-029 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-HA215 0045S-IA-HA215-20160321-BL-030 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO 0045S-IA-BLO-20160321-N5-031 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA213 0045S-IA-CA213-20160321-N5-032 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO 0045S-IA-BLO-20160321-N5-033 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA213 0045S-IA-CA213-20160321-N5-034 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO 0045S-IA-BLO-20160321-N10-035 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA213 0045S-IA-CA213-20160321-N10-036 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO 0045S-IA-BLO-20160321-N10-037 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-OA-OA1 0045S-OA-OA1-20160322-NA-002 Outdoor (west side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/22/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-MLOB 0045S-IA-MLOB-20160322-BL-003 Lobby HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA215 0045S-IA-CA215-20160322-BL-004 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-CA219 0045S-IA-CA219-20160322-BL-005 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-HAL 0045S-IA-HAL-20160322-BL-006 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-WA215 0045S-IA-WA215-20160322-N10-007 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-EA215 0045S-IA-EA215-20160322-N10-008 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 1.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO-A215 0045S-IA-BLO-20160322-N10-009 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-WA215 0045S-IA-WA215-20160322-N10-010 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-EA215 0045S-IA-EA215-20160322-N10-011 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 2.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-STOR 0045S-IA-STOR-20160322-N10-014 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 1.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO-A215 0045S-IA-BLO-20160322-N10-015 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.79 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-WA215 0045S-IA-WA215-20160322-N10-016 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.69 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-EA215 0045S-IA-EA215-20160322-N10-017 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 2.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO-A215 0045S-IA-BLO-20160322-N10-018 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.76 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-WA215 0045S-IA-WA215-20160322-N10-019 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.83 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-EA215 0045S-IA-EA215-20160322-N10-020 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 2.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO-A215 0045S-IA-BLO-20160322-N10-021 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.83 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-EA215 0045S-IA-EA215-20160322-N15-022 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 1.5 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-WA215 0045S-IA-WA215-20160322-N15-023 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO-A215 0045S-IA-BLO-20160322-N15-024 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-EA215 0045S-IA-EA215-20160322-N15-025 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.69 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-UA219 0045S-IA-UA219-20160322-N15-026 Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-WA215 0045S-IA-WA215-20160322-N15-027 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045-S 0041-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 14 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0045S-IA-BLO-A215 0045S-IA-BLO-20160322-N15-028 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-EA215 0045S-IA-EA215-20160322-N15-029 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.69 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-WA215 0045S-IA-WA215-20160322-N15-030 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.76 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO-A215 0045S-IA-BLO-20160322-N15-031 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.76 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-EA215 0045S-IA-EA215-20160322-N15-032 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.83 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-WA215 0045S-IA-WA215-20160322-N15-033 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Negative Pressure 0.69 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-WA215 0045S-IA-WA215-20160322-P5-034 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-BLO-A215 0045S-IA-BLO-20160322-P5-035 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-EA215 0045S-IA-EA215-20160322-P5-038 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-HEXIT 0045S-IA-HEXIT-20160322-BL-039 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 1.3 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-TSTOR 0045S-IA-TSTOR-20160322-BL-040 Theatre HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S-IA-RB211 0045S-IA-RB211-20160322- BL-041 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/22/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045S 0045S-IAC1HS-120419 Chemical Storage Cabinet HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/4/2019 No Pressure 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAC2HS-120419 Chemistry Laboratory Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/4/2019 No Pressure 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAB1HS-120419 Elevator HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/4/2019 No Pressure 0.91 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAB2HS-120419 Electronics Laboratory Chemical Storage ClosetHAPSITE Indoor Air 12/4/2019 No Pressure 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAB3HS-120419 Daycare Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/4/2019 No Pressure 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA1HS-120419 Boiler Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/4/2019 No Pressure 11 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA2HS-120419 HVAC Area HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/4/2019 No Pressure 9.4 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA3HS-120419 Autoshop Chemical Storage Closet HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/4/2019 No Pressure 8.6 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA4HS-120419 Autoshop Chemical Waste Area HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/4/2019 No Pressure 3.1 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA5HS-120419 Elevator HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/4/2019 No Pressure 4.8 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA6HS-120419 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/4/2019 No Pressure 2.4 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA7HS-120419 Paint Storage Closet HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/4/2019 No Pressure 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA8HS-120519 Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 0.86 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA1BHS-120519 Boiler Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 5.4 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.53 NS 0045S 0045S-IAA9HS-120519 Boiler Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 0.89 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA2BHS-120519 Sump Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 4.0 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA10HS-120519 Locker Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA11HS-120519 Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA12HS-120519 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 0.41 J 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA13HS-120519 Chemistry Laboratory Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA14HS-120519 Autoshop Classroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 0.63 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA5BHS-120519 Elevator HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 0.91 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAA15HS-120519 Electrical Closet HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 0.51 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAB4HS-120519 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0045S 0045S-IAB5HS-120519 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/5/2019 No Pressure 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U 0.5 U NS 0047H-OA-OA1 0047H-OA-OA1-20160225-BL-001 Outdoor (south side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/25/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-LIV 0047H-IA-LIV-20160225-BL-002 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 No Pressure 6.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-LAU 0047H-IA-LAU-20160225-BL-003 Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 No Pressure 3.9 0.5 U 0.38 NS NS 0047H-IA-UOFF 0047H-IA-UOFF-20160225-BL-004 Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 No Pressure 5.3 0.5 U 0.87 NS NS 0047H-IA-REST 0047H-IA-REST-20160225-BL-005 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 No Pressure 6.8 0.5 U 1.2 NS NS 0047H-IA-UBED 0047H-IA-UBED-20160225-BL-006 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 No Pressure 6.7 0.5 U 2.1 NS NS 0047H-IA-BOFF 0047H-IA-BOFF-20160225-BL-008 Basement Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 No Pressure 7.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-MEC 0047H-IA-MEC-20160225-BL-010 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 No Pressure 9.0 0.5 U 0.36 NS NS 0047H-IA-MECC 0047H-IA-MEC-20160225-BL-011 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 No Pressure 8.3 0.5 U 0.36 NS NS 0047H-IA-MECS 0047H-IA-MEC-20160225-BL-012 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 No Pressure 8.3 0.5 U 0.36 NS NS 0047H-IA-MECC 0047H-IA-MEC-20160225-N5-013 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 4.7 0.5 U 0.59 NS NS 0047H-IA-BLO 0047H-IA-BLO-20160225-N5-014 Back Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 5.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-LIV 0047H-IA-LIV-20160225-N5-015 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 3.2 0.5 U 0.63 NS NS 0047H-IA-MECC 0047H-IA-MEC-20160225-N5-016 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 4.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-BLO 0047H-IA-BLO-20160225-N5-017 Back Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 5.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-LIV 0047H-IA-LIV-20160225-N5-018 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 2.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-MECC 0047H-IA-MEC-20160225-N5-019 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 4.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-BLO 0047H-IA-BLO-20160225-N5-020 Back Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 5.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-LIV 0047H-IA-LIV-20160225-N5-021 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 1.7 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-MECC 0047H-IA-MEC-20160225-N10-022 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 5.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-BLO 0047H-IA-BLO-20160225-N10-023 Back Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 4.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-LIV 0047H-IA-LIV-20160225-N10-024 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 1.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-MECC 0047H-IA-MEC-20160225-N10-025 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 7.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-BLO 0047H-IA-BLO-20160225-N10-026 Back Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 5.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-MECC 0047H-IA-MEC-20160225-N10-027 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Negative Pressure 9.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-MECC 0047H-IA-MEC-20160225-P5-028 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Positive Pressure 3.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-BLO 0047H-IA-BLO-20160225-P5-029 Back Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-LIV 0047H-IA-LIV-20160225-P5-030 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Positive Pressure 0.70 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-MECC 0047H-IA-MEC-20160225-P5-031 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Positive Pressure 1.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-BLO 0047H-IA-BLO-20160225-P5-032 Back Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-LIV 0047H-IA-LIV-20160225-P5-033 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0047H-IA-MECC 0047H-IA-MEC-20160225-P5-034 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/25/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-OA-OA1 0050H-OA-OA1-20160323-BL-001 Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/23/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-ULIV 0050H-IA-ULIV-20160323-BL-002 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-BAS 0050H-IA-BAS-20160323-BL-003 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-BLO 0050H-IA-BLO-20160323-N5-004 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-NBAS 0050H-IA-NBAS-20160323-N5-005 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-BLO 0050H-IA-BLO-20160323-N5-006 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-NBAS 0050H-IA-NBAS-20160323-N5-007 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-BLO 0050H-IA-BLO-20160323-N10-008 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-NBAS 0050H-IA-NBAS-20160323-N10-009 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-BLO 0050H-IA-BLO-20160323-N10-010 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-NBAS 0050H-IA-NBAS-20160323-N10-011 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-BLO 0050H-IA-BLO-20160323-P5-012 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-NBAS 0050H-IA-NBAS-20160323-P5-013 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-BLO 0050H-IA-BLO-20160323-P5-014 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0050H-IA-NBAS 0050H-IA-NBAS-20160323-P5-015 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/23/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-OA-OA1 0051H-OA-OA1-20160226-BL-002 Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 2/26/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-MULIV 0051H-IA-ULIV-20160226-BL-003 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 No Pressure 2.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-BLIV 0051H-IA-BLIV-20160226-BL-004 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 No Pressure 2.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-UBED 0051H-IA-UBED-20160226-BL-005 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 No Pressure 2.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-MEC 0051H-IA-MEC-20160226-BL-006 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 No Pressure 3.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-BLIV 0051H-IA-BLIV-20160226-BL-007 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 No Pressure 2.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-BLIV 0051H-IA-BLIV-20160226-N5-008 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 2.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-BLO 0051H-IA-BLO-20160226-N5-009 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 1.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-MEC 0051H-IA-MEC-20160226-N5-010 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 6.9 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-SULIV 0051H-IA-ULIV-20160226-N5-011 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-MEC 0051H-IA-MEC-20160226-N5-012 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 1.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-BLO 0051H-IA-BLO-20160226-N5-013 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 0.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0045-S 0047-H 0050-H 0051-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 15 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0051H-IA-MEC 0051H-IA-MEC-20160226-N5-014 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 14 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-SULIV 0051H-IA-ULIV-20160226-N5-015 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-MEC 0051H-IA-MEC-20160226-N10-016 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 24 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-BLO 0051H-IA-BLO-20160226-N10-017 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-FLC 0051H-IA-FLC-20160226-N10-018 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 402 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-BLO 0051H-IA-BLO-20160226-N10-020 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-MEC 0051H-IA-MEC-20160226-N10-019 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 13 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-SULIV 0051H-IA-ULIV-20160226-N10-021 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-MEC 0051H-IA-MEC-20160226-N10-022 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Negative Pressure 1.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-MEC 0051H-IA-MEC-20160226-P5-023 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-SULIV 0051H-IA-ULIV-20160226-P5-024 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-MEC 0051H-IA-MEC-20160226-P5-025 Mechanical Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051H-IA-STA 0051H-IA-STA-20160226-P5-026 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 2/26/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0051-IA-BAS A-0051-031616-IA-BAS Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 3/16/2016 No Pressure 1.8 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0051H 0051-H-IA01HS_20191216 Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 1.1 NS NS 0051H 0051-H-IA02HS_20191216 Living Room Hapsite Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 1.2 0.1 U 2.1 NS NS 0051H 0051-H-IA03HS_20191216 Basement Computer Room Hapsite Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 1.3 0.1 U 1.2 NS NS 0051H 0051-H-IA03HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0051H 0051-H-IA02HS Basement Computer Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.12 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0051H 0051-H-IA01HS_20200306 Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.16 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0051H 0051H-IA01SC-030720 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 3.7 0.060 J 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.22 J 0051H 0051H-IA02SC-030720 Basement Computer Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 3.4 0.055 J 0.14 U 0.087 U 0.18 J 0051H 0051H-IA03SC-030720 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 2.7 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.69 U 0051H 0051H-AA01SC-030720 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 0.2 J 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.66 U 0051H 0051H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement Computer Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 2.1 0.028 J NS NS NS 0051H 0051H-IA03PS-03242020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 1.5 0.027 J NS NS NS 0051H 0051H-IA01PS-03242020 Basement Laundry Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 2.1 0.035 J NS NS NS 0051H 0051H-IA01SC-082421 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 8/24/2021 No Pressure 1.6 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.20 J 0051H 0051H-AA02SC-082421 Outdoor (backyard)SUMMA Outdoor Air 8/24/2021 No Pressure 0.13 J 0.18 U 0.14 U 0.088 U 0.42 J 0052H-OA-OA1 0052H-OA-OA1-20160311-NA-003 Outdoor (north side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/11/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-ENT 0052H-IA-ENT-20160311-BL-004 Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.79 NS NS 0052H-IA-UHAL 0052H-IA-UHAL-20160311-BL-005 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 No Pressure 1.0 0.5 U 1.7 NS NS 0052H-IA-BLIV 0052H-IA-BLIV-20160311-BL-007 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.44 NS NS 0052H-IA-UBEDN 0052H-IA-UBEDN-20160311-BL-008 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 No Pressure 1.9 0.5 U 0.95 NS NS 0052H-IA-UDIN 0052H-IA-UDIN-20160311-BL-009 Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-UBEDS 0052H-IA-UBEDS-20160311-BL-010 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 No Pressure 1.4 0.5 U 1.07 NS NS 0052H-IA-LAU 0052H-IA-LAU-20160311-BL-011 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-OFF 0052H-IA-OFF-20160311-BL-012 Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 No Pressure 1.0 0.5 U 0.83 NS NS 0052H-IA-BAT 0052H-IA-BAT-20160311-BL-013 Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 No Pressure 1.9 0.5 U 0.91 NS NS 0052H-IA-BSTA 0052H-IA-BSTA-20160311-N5-014 Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-BLO 0052H-IA-BLO-20160311-N5-015 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-TSTA 0052H-IA-TSTA-20160311-N5-016 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Negative Pressure 0.80 0.5 U 0.40 NS NS 0052H-IA-BSTA 0052H-IA-BSTA-20160311-N5-019 Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-TSTA 0052H-IA-TSTA-20160311-N5-020 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-BSTA 0052H-IA-BSTA-20160311-N10-021 Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-BLO 0052H-IA-BLO-20160311-N10-022 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-TSTA 0052H-IA-TSTA-20160311-N10-023 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-BSTA 0052H-IA-BSTA-20160311-N10-024 Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-TSTA 0052H-IA-TSTA-20160311-N10-025 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-BSTA 0052H-IA-BSTA-20160311-P5-026 Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-BLO 0052H-IA-BLO-20160311-P5-027 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-TSTA 0052H-IA-TSTA-20160311-P5-028 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-BSTA 0052H-IA-BSTA-20160311-P5-029 Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-BLO 0052H-IA-BLO-20160311-P5-030 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0052H-IA-TSTA 0052H-IA-TSTA-20160311-P5-031 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/11/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-OA-OA1 0053H-OA-OA1-20160502-BL-018 Outdoor (south side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 5/2/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-KIT 0053H-IA-KIT-20160502-BL-019 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 No Pressure 9.7 0.5 U 0.71 NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-BL-020 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 No Pressure 11 0.5 U 0.52 NS NS 0053H-IA-KIT 0053H-IA-KIT-20160502-BL-021 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 No Pressure 9.0 0.5 U 0.67 NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-BL-022 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 No Pressure 11 0.5 U 0.55 NS NS 0053H-IA-CRWL 0053H-IA-CRWL-20160502-BL-023 Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 No Pressure 13 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-N5-024 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 9.7 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-BLO 0053H-IA-BLO-20160502-N5-025 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 8.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-KIT 0053H-IA-KIT-20160502-N5-026 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 4.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-N5-027 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 13 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-BLO 0053H-IA-BLO-20160502-N5-028 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 7.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-KIT 0053H-IA-KIT-20160502-N5-029 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 3.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-N5-030 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 13 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-BLO 0053H-IA-BLO-20160502-N5-032 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 2.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-KIT 0053H-IA-KIT-20160502-N5-034 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 3.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-N5-035 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 19 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-N10-036 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 22 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-BLO 0053H-IA-BLO-20160502-N10-037 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 12 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-KIT 0053H-IA-KIT-20160502-N10-038 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 3.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-N10-039 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 21 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-BLO 0053H-IA-BLO-20160502-N10-040 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 9.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-KIT 0053H-IA-KIT-20160502-N10-041 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 3.7 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-N10-042 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 24 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-BLO 0053H-IA-BLO-20160502-N10-043 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Negative Pressure 8.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-P5-044 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Positive Pressure 21 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-BLO 0053H-IA-BLO-20160502-P5-045 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-KIT 0053H-IA-KIT-20160502-P5-046 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-P5-047 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Positive Pressure 5.7 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-BLO 0053H-IA-BLO-20160502-P5-048 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-KIT 0053H-IA-KIT-20160502-P5-049 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-P5-053 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Positive Pressure 2.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-P5-054 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Positive Pressure 2.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-LIV 0053H-IA-LIV-20160502-P5-055 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/2/2016 Positive Pressure 2.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0053H-IA-BAS A-0053H-052416-IA-BAS Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 5/24/2016 No Pressure 13 J 0.27 U 0.2 U 0.13 U 0.18 U 0053H 0053-H-IA01HS Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 3.3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0053H 0053-H-IA02HS Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 3 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0053H 0053-H-IA03HS Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 2.2 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0011H 0011H-AA01SC-010820 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 0.58 0.29 0.17 U 0.14 0.78 U 0053H 0053H-IA01SC-010820 Basement Storage SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 10 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.74 U 0053H 0053H-IA01PS-010820 Basement Storage PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 9.1 0.056 NS NS NS 0053H 0053H-IA02SC-010820 Basement Bathroom SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 13 0.23 U 0.17 U 0.11 U 0.78 U 0052-H 0053-H 0051-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 16 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0053H 0053H-IA02PS-010820 Basement Bathroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 11 0.069 NS NS NS 0053H 0053H-IA03SC-010820 Kitchen SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 11 0.23 U 0.17 U 0.11 U 0.78 U 0053H 0053H-IA03PS-010820 Kitchen PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 8.7 0.060 NS NS NS 0053H 0053H-IA04SC-010820 Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 11 0.47 0.17 U 0.11 U 0.78 U 0053H 0053H-IA04PS-010820 Bedroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 8.1 0.050 NS NS NS 0054H-OA-OA1 0054H-OA-OA1-20160509-NA-008 Outdoor (east side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 5/9/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LIV 0054H-IA-LIV-20160509-BL-009 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 No Pressure 6.0 5.4 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LAU 0054H-IA-LAU-20160509-BL-010 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 No Pressure 5.0 4.5 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-GAR 0054H-IA-GAR-20160509-BL-012 Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.7 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160509-BL-014 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 No Pressure 14 8.7 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-BAT 0054H-IA-BAT-20160509-BL-015 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 No Pressure 6.7 5.2 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160509-BL-016 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 No Pressure 5.2 5.1 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LAU 0054H-IA-LAU-20160509-BL-017 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 No Pressure 5.8 4.8 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LIV 0054H-IA-LIV-20160509-BL-018 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 No Pressure 5.7 5.2 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160509-BL-019 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 No Pressure 10 9.3 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SBED 0054H-IA-SBED-20160509-BL-020 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 No Pressure 6.9 5.4 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160509-N5-021 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 Negative Pressure 21 8.7 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160509-N5-022 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 Negative Pressure 5.4 5.5 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-BLO 0054H-IA-BLO-20160509-N5-023 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 Negative Pressure 4.1 3.7 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LIV 0054H-IA-LIV-20160509-N5-024 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 Negative Pressure 3.1 3.2 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160509-N5-025 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 Negative Pressure 6.3 6.0 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160509-N5-026 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 Negative Pressure 5.0 4.3 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-BLO 0054H-IA-BLO-20160509-N5-027 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/9/2016 Negative Pressure 2.6 1.4 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-OA-FOA1 0054H-OA-OA1-20160603-BL-001 Outdoor (front porch)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 6/3/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LIV 0054H-IA-LIV-20160603-BL-002 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 1 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LAU 0054H-IA-LAU-20160603-BL-003 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.7 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-BL-004 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 No Pressure 1.0 1.6 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-BL-005 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 1.4 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-BL-006 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 No Pressure 1.7 2.9 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SUM 0054H-IA-SUM-20160603-BL-007 Sump Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 No Pressure 1.7 3.5 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LAU 0054H-IA-LAU-20160603-BL-008 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 No Pressure 1.3 1.7 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-GAR 0054H-IA-GAR-20160603-BL-009 Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160603-BL-010 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 No Pressure 1.1 1.6 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LIV 0054H-IA-LIV-20160603-BL-011 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 No Pressure 0.8 1.9 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-N5-012 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 1.7 2.8 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160603-N5-013 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 1.2 1.8 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-BLO 0054H-IA-BLO-20160603-N5-014 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 1.1 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LIV 0054H-IA-LIV-20160603-N5-015 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 0.6 1.3 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-N5-016 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 1.7 1.2 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160603-N5-017 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 1.6 1.5 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-BLO 0054H-IA-BLO-20160603-N5-018 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.70 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LIV 0054H-IA-LIV-20160603-N5-019 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.70 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-N5-020 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 2.3 0.80 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160603-N5-021 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 1.7 1.0 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-N10-022 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 2.8 0.80 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160603-N10-023 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 1.9 0.90 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-BLO 0054H-IA-BLO-20160603-N10-024 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LIV 0054H-IA-LIV-20160603-N10-026 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-N10-027 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 2.5 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160603-N10-028 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 2.1 0.70 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-BLO 0054H-IA-BLO-20160603-N10-029 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LIV 0054H-IA-LIV-20160603-N10-030 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-N10-031 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 2.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160603-N10-032 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Negative Pressure 2.1 0.50 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-P5-033 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Positive Pressure 2.7 0.70 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160603-P5-034 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Positive Pressure 1.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-BLO 0054H-IA-BLO-20160603-P5-035 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-LIV 0054H-IA-LIV-20160603-P5-036 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-P5-037 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Positive Pressure 0.90 0.70 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160603-P5-038 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-P5-039 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Positive Pressure 0.70 0.80 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-TVR 0054H-IA-TVR-20160603-P5-040 Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-SHOP 0054H-IA-SHOP-20160603-P5-041 Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.80 0.4 U NS NS 0054H-IA-CONT 0054H-IA-CONT-20160603-BL-044 Container HAPSITE Indoor Air 6/3/2016 No Pressure 3.0 4.0 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-OA-OA1 0055H-OA-OA1-20160513-BL-013 Outdoor (east side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 5/13/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-KIT 0055H-IA-KIT-20160513-BL-014 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 No Pressure 0.80 0.5 U 0.67 NS NS 0055H-IA-UHAL 0055H-IA-UHAL-20160513-BL-015 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 No Pressure 0.90 0.5 U 0.52 NS NS 0055H-IA-BBHAL 0055H-IA-BHAL-20160513-BL-016 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 No Pressure 0.70 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-LAU 0055H-IA-LAU-20160513-BL-017 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 No Pressure 0.70 0.5 U 0.55 NS NS 0055H-IA-KIT 0055H-IA-KIT-20160513-N5-018 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Negative Pressure 1.1 0.5 U 0.79 NS NS 0055H-IA-LBHAL 0055H-IA-BHAL-20160513-N5-019 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Negative Pressure 1.4 0.5 U 0.55 NS NS 0055H-IA-BLO 0055H-IA-BLO-20160513-N5-022 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Negative Pressure 0.90 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-KIT 0055H-IA-KIT-20160513-N5-023 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-LBHAL 0055H-IA-BHAL-20160513-N5-024 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Negative Pressure 1.5 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-BLO 0055H-IA-BLO-20160513-N5-025 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Negative Pressure 0.80 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-LBHAL 0055H-IA-BHAL-20160513-N10-026 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-BLO 0055H-IA-BLO-20160513-N10-027 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Negative Pressure 1.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-KIT 0055H-IA-KIT-20160513-N10-028 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-LBHAL 0055H-IA-BHAL-20160513-N10-029 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Negative Pressure 0.80 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-BLO 0055H-IA-BLO-20160513-N10-030 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Negative Pressure 0.90 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-KIT 0055H-IA-KIT-20160513-N10-031 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-LBHAL 0055H-IA-BHAL-20160513-P5-032 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Positive Pressure 1.5 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-BLO 0055H-IA-BLO-20160513-P5-033 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-KIT 0055H-IA-KIT-20160513-P5-034 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-LBHAL 0055H-IA-BHAL-20160513-P5-035 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-BLO 0055H-IA-BLO-20160513-P5-036 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0055H-IA-KIT 0055H-IA-KIT-20160513-P5-037 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/13/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-OA-OA1 0056H-OA-OA1-20160503-NA-002 Outdoor HAPSITE Outdoor Air 5/3/2016 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-IA-FRM 0056H-IA-FRM-20160503-NA-003 Front Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 No Pressure 2.1 0.5 U 3.1 NS NS 0056H-IA-BAS 0056H-IA-BAS-20160503-NA-004 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 No Pressure 4.0 0.5 U 1.7 NS NS 0056H-IA-CRWL 0056H-IA-CRWL-20160503-NA-005 Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 No Pressure 4.9 0.5 U 1.7 NS NS 0056H-IA-BBED 0056H-IA-BBED-20160503-NA-006 Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 No Pressure 4.1 0.5 U 1.9 NS NS 0056H-IA-BLIV 0056H-IA-BLIV-20160503-N5-007 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 3.3 0.5 U 1.2 NS NS 0056H-IA-BLO 0056H-IA-BLO-20160503-N5-008 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 3.5 0.5 U 1.4 NS NS 0056H-IA-FRM 0056H-IA-FRM-20160503-N5-009 Front Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 1.0 0.5 U 1.3 NS NS 0056H-IA-BLIV 0056H-IA-BLIV-20160503-N5-010 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 2.4 0.5 U 0.48 NS NS 0053-H 0054-H 0055-H 0056-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 17 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0056H-IA-BLO 0056H-IA-BLO-20160503-N5-011 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 2.9 0.5 U 0.71 NS NS 0056H-IA-FRM 0056H-IA-FRM-20160503-N5-012 Front Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.67 NS NS 0056H-IA-BSTA 0056H-IA-BSTA-20160503-N5-013 Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 5.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-IA-CRWL 0056H-IA-CRWL-20160503-N5-014 Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 5.0 0.5 U 0.44 NS NS 0056H-IA-BLIV 0056H-IA-BLIV-20160503-N10-015 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 2.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-IA-BSTA 0056H-IA-BSTA-20160503-N10-016 Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 6.9 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-IA-BLO 0056H-IA-BLO-20160503-N10-017 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 3.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-IA-FRM 0056H-IA-FRM-20160503-N10-018 Front Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-IA-BLIV 0056H-IA-BLIV-20160503-N10-019 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 2.4 0.5 U 0.71 NS NS 0056H-IA-BSTA 0056H-IA-BSTA-20160503-N10-020 Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Negative Pressure 3.0 0.5 U 0.75 NS NS 0056H-IA-BLIV 0056H-IA-BLIV-20160503-P5-023 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Positive Pressure 2.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-IA-BSTA 0056H-IA-BSTA-20160503-P5-024 Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Positive Pressure 1.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-IA-BLO 0056H-IA-BLO-20160503-P5-025 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-IA-FRM 0056H-IA-FRM-20160503-P5-026 Front Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-IA-BLIV 0056H-IA-BLIV-20160503-P5-027 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Positive Pressure 1.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-IA-BSTA 0056H-IA-BSTA-20160503-P5-028 Basement Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Positive Pressure 1.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0056H-IA-BLIV 0056H-IA-BLIV-20160503-P5-029 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 5/3/2016 Positive Pressure 1.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LIV1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-002-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-HAL1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-003-HAL1 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LLIV1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-004-LLIV1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LHAL1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-005-LHAL1 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-STO1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-006-STO1 Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LHAL1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-007-LHAL1 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LLIV1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-008-LLIV1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LBLO1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-009-LBLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LHAL1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-010-LHAL1 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LBLO1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-011-LBLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LHAL1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-012-LHAL1 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LLIV1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-013-LLIV1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LBLO1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-014-LBLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LHAL1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-015-LHAL1 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LLIV1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-016-LLIV1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LBLO1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-017-LBLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LHAL1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-018-LHAL1 Basement Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LLIV1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-019-LLIV1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LBLO1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-020-LBLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0057H-IA-LLIV1 A-0057H-04052017-IA-021-LLIV1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/5/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-OA-OUT1 A-0058H-030617-OA-004-OUT1 Outdoor (east side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/6/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-LIV1 A-0058H-030617-IA-005-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-BAS1 A-0058H-030617-IA-006-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-BAS2 A-0058H-030617-IA-007-BAS2 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-STA1 A-0058H-030617-IA-008-STA1 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-DIN1 A-0058H-030617-IA-009-DIN1 Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-BAS2 A-0058H-030617-IA-010-BAS2 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-STA1 A-0058H-030617-IA-011-STA1 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-DIN1 A-0058H-030617-IA-012-DIN1 Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-BAS2 A-0058H-030617-IA-013-BAS2 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-STA1 A-0058H-030617-IA-014-STA1 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-BAS2 A-0058H-030617-IA-015-BAS2 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-STA1 A-0058H-030617-IA-016-STA1 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-DIN1 A-0058H-030617-IA-017-DIN1 Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-BAS2 A-0058H-030617-IA-018-BAS2 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-STA1 A-0058H-030617-IA-019-STA1 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-BAS1 A-0058H-030617-IA-020-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-STA1 A-0058H-030617-IA-021-STA1 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-DIN1 A-0058H-030617-IA-022-DIN1 Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-BAS1 A-0058H-030617-IA-023-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0058H-IA-STA1 A-0058H-030617-IA-024-STA1 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-OA-OUT1 A-0059H-031717-OA-015-OUT1 Outdoor (east side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/17/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-HAL1 A-0059H-031717-IA-016-HAL1 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-LAN1 A-0059H-031717-IA-017-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-BAS1 A-0059H-031717-IA-018-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-STO1 A-0059H-031717-IA-019-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-LAU1 A-0059H-031717-IA-020-LAU1 Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 2.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-STO1 A-0059H-031717-IA-021-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-BLO1 A-0059H-031717-IA-022-BLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 12 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-HAL1 A-0059H-031717-IA-023-HAL1 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-LAN1 A-0059H-031717-IA-024-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-LAU1 A-0059H-031717-IA-025-LAU1 Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 1.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-BLO1 A-0059H-031717-IA-026-BLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 1.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-STO1 A-0059H-031717-IA-027-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-HAL1 A-0059H-031717-IA-028-HAL1 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-LAU2 A-0059H-031717-IA-029-LAU2 Basement Laundry Room Floor Drain HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 1071 NR 12 2.2 NS NS 0059H-IA-LAU1 A-0059H-031717-IA-030-LAU1 Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 0.47 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-BLO1 A-0059H-031717-IA-031-BLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-LAU1 A-0059H-031717-IA-032-LAU1 Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 0.95 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-LAU2 A-0059H-031717-IA-033-LAU2 Basement Laundry Room Floor Drain HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Negative Pressure 220 0.39 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-LAU1 A-0059H-031717-IA-034-LAU1 Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-BLO1 A-0059H-031717-IA-035-BLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-HAL1 A-0059H-031717-IA-036-HAL1 Hallway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-LAN1 A-0059H-031717-IA-037-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H-IA-LAU1 A-0059H-031717-IA-038-LAU1 Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/17/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0059H 0059-H-IA01HS Basement Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 11 NS NS 0059H 0059-H-IA05HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 6.1 NS NS 0059H 0059-H-IA02HS Basement Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 8.6 NS NS 0059H 0059-H-IA04HS Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 9.2 NS NS 0059H 0059-H-IA03HS Basement Workout Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 1/8/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 9.8 NS NS 0059H 0059H-IA01SC-010920 Basement Kitchen SUMMA Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.20 J 0.24 U 0.17 U 0.11 U 0.79 U 0059H 0059H-IA02SC-010920 Basement Utility Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.68 0.32 U 0.24 U 0.15 U 4.7 0059H 0059H-IA03SC-010920 Basement Workout Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.21 J 0.23 U 0.17 U 0.11 U 0.59 J 0059H 0059H-IA04SC-010920 Dining Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.20 J 0.24 U 0.18 U 0.11 U 0.8 U 0059H 0059H-IA05SC-010920 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.40 0.25 U 0.19 U 0.12 U 0.85 U 0059H 0059H-AA01SC-010920 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.35 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.072 J 0.72 U 0059H 0059H-IA04PS-012920 Dining Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/29/2020 No Pressure 0.15 0.026 J NS NS NS 0059H 0059H-IA05PS-012920 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/29/2020 No Pressure 0.14 0.025 J NS NS NS 0059H 0059H-IA01PS-012920 Basement Kitchen PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/29/2020 No Pressure 0.16 0.048 U NS NS NS 0056-H 0057-H 0058-H 0059-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 18 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0059H 0059H-IA02PS-012920 Basement Utility Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/29/2020 No Pressure 0.14 0.048 U NS NS NS 0059H 0059H-IA03PS-012920 Basement Workout Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/29/2020 No Pressure 0.13 0.048 U NS NS NS 0059H 0059H-IA02SC-082521 Basement Utility Room SUMMA Indoor Air 8/25/2021 No Pressure 0.23 U 0.18 U 0.13 U 0.086 U 0.76 0060H-OA-OUT1 A-0060H-030717-OA-005-OUT1 Outdoor (south side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/7/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-ENT1 A-0060H-030717-IA-006-ENT1 Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STA1 A-0060H-030717-IA-007-STA1 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAS1 A-0060H-030717-IA-008-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STO1 A-0060H-030717-IA-009-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STO2 A-0060H-030717-IA-010-STO2 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STO1 A-0060H-030717-IA-011-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAS1 A-0060H-030717-IA-012-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAC1 A-0060H-030717-IA-013-BAC1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STO1 A-0060H-030717-IA-014-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAS1 A-0060H-030717-IA-015-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAC1 A-0060H-030717-IA-016-BAC1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STO1 A-0060H-030717-IA-017-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAS1 A-0060H-030717-IA-018-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAC1 A-0060H-030717-IA-019-BAC1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STO1 A-0060H-030717-IA-020-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STO1 A-0060H-030717-IA-021-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAS1 A-0060H-030717-IA-022-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAC1 A-0060H-030717-IA-023-BAC1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STO1 A-0060H-030717-IA-024-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAS1 A-0060H-030717-IA-025-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAC1 A-0060H-030717-IA-026-BAC1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STA1 A-0060H-030717-IA-027-STA1 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-ENT1 A-0060H-030717-IA-028-ENT1 Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STO2 A-0060H-030717-IA-029-STO2 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STO1 A-0060H-030717-IA-030-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAS1 A-0060H-030717-IA-031-BAS1 Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-BAC1 A-0060H-030717-IA-032-BAC1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STO2 A-0060H-030717-IA-033-STO2 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-ENT1 A-0060H-030717-IA-034-ENT1 Entrance HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STA1 A-0060H-030717-IA-035-STA1 Stairwell HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0060H-IA-STO1 A-0060H-030717-IA-036-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/7/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-OA-OUT1 A-0061H-030817-OA-002-OUT1 Outdoor (north side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/8/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-LIV1 A-0061H-030817-IA-003-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-BAS1 A-0061H-030817-IA-004-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-BED1 A-0061H-030817-IA-006-BED1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-KIT1 A-0061H-030817-IA-007-KIT1 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-BAS1 A-0061H-030817-IA-009-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-KIT1 A-0061H-030817-IA-010-KIT1 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-LIV1 A-0061H-030817-IA-011-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-BED1 A-0061H-030817-IA-012-BED1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-LAU1 A-0061H-030817-IA-013-LAU1 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-BAS1 A-0061H-030817-IA-014-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-KIT1 A-0061H-030817-IA-015-KIT1 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-LAU1 A-0061H-030817-IA-016-LAU1 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-BAS1 A-0061H-030817-IA-017-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-KIT1 A-0061H-030817-IA-018-KIT1 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-LIV1 A-0061H-030817-IA-021-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-LAU1 A-0061H-030817-IA-022-LAU1 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-BED1 A-0061H-030817-IA-023-BED1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-BAS1 A-0061H-030817-IA-024-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-KIT1 A-0061H-030817-IA-025-KIT1 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-LAU1 A-0061H-030817-IA-026-LAU1 Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-BED1 A-0061H-030817-IA-027-BED1 Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061H-IA-LIV1 A-0061H-030817-IA-028-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/8/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-OA-OUT1 A-0062H-032917-OA-004-OUT1 Outdoor (north side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/29/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-KIT1 A-0062H-032917-IA-005-KIT1 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-BAS1 A-0062H-032917-IA-006-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-LAN1 A-0062H-032917-IA-009-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-GAR1 A-0062H-032917-IA-010-GAR1 Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-KIT1 A-0062H-032917-IA-011-KIT1 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-BAS1 A-0062H-032917-IA-012-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-LAN1 A-0062H-032917-IA-013-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-KIT1 A-0062H-032917-IA-014-KIT1 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-BAS1 A-0062H-032917-IA-015-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-KIT1 A-0062H-032917-IA-016-KIT1 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-LAN1 A-0062H-032917-IA-017-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-BAS1 A-0062H-032917-IA-018-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-KIT1 A-0062H-032917-IA-019-KIT1 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-KIT1 A-0062H-032917-IA-021-KIT1 Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-BAS1 A-0062H-032917-IA-022-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-LAN1 A-0062H-032917-IA-023-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H-IA-BAS1 A-0062H-032917-IA-024-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/29/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0062H 0062H-IA01SC-031222 Dining Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/12/2022 No Pressure 0.05 J 0.17 U 0.12 U 0.079 U 0.56 U 0063H-OA-OUT1 A-0063H-032117-OA-010-OUT1 Outdoor (south side)HAPSITE Outdoor Air 3/21/2017 No Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-DIN1 A-0063H-032117-IA-011-DIN1 Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 No Pressure 2.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-LAN1 A-0063H-032117-IA-012-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 No Pressure 2.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BAS1 A-0063H-032117-IA-013-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 No Pressure 2.9 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BAT1 A-0063H-032117-IA-014-BAT1 Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 No Pressure 3.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-STO1 A-0063H-032117-IA-015-STO1 Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 No Pressure 4.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-GAR1 A-0063H-032117-IA-016-GAR1 Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 No Pressure 2.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BAS1 A-0063H-032117-IA-017-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 2.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BLO1 A-0063H-032117-IA-018-BLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 1.9 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-DIN1 A-0063H-032117-IA-019-DIN1 Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 1.6 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-LAN1 A-0063H-032117-IA-020-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 1.3 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BAS1 A-0063H-032117-IA-021-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 1.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BLO1 A-0063H-032117-IA-022-BLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 2.2 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-DIN1 A-0063H-032117-IA-023-DIN1 Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 1.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-LAN1 A-0063H-032117-IA-024-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 1.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BAS1 A-0063H-032117-IA-025-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 2.0 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BLO1 A-0063H-032117-IA-026-BLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 1.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-DIN1 A-0063H-032117-IA-027-DIN1 Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 1.1 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-LAN1 A-0063H-032117-IA-028-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 0.75 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0061-H 0062-H 0063-H 0059-H 0060-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 19 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0063H-IA-BAS1 A-0063H-032117-IA-029-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 2.8 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BAS1 A-0063H-032117-IA-030-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 0.95 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BLO1 A-0063H-032117-IA-031-BLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 1.4 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-DIN1 A-0063H-032117-IA-032-DIN1 Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 0.81 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-LAN1 A-0063H-032117-IA-033-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BAS1 A-0063H-032117-IA-034-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BLO1 A-0063H-032117-IA-035-BLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 1.7 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BLO1 A-0063H-032117-IA-036-BLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Negative Pressure 0.17 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BAS1 A-0063H-032117-IA-037-BAS1 Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-BLO1 A-0063H-032117-IA-038-BLO1 Blower Door HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-DIN1 A-0063H-032117-IA-039-DIN1 Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0063H-IA-LAN1 A-0063H-032117-IA-040-LAN1 Landing HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/21/2017 Positive Pressure 0.7 U 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0064H-IA-LIV1 A-0064H-041317-IA-002-LIV1 Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 4/13/2017 No Pressure 2.5 0.5 U 0.4 U NS NS 0064H-TO-LIV A-0064H-041417-TO-001-LIV Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 4/14/2017 No Pressure 1.9 J 0.27 UJ 0.2 UJ 0.13 UJ 0.18 UJ 0064H 0064H-AA01SC-030822 Backyard SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/8/2022 No Pressure 0.51 0.034 J 0.096 J 0.08 U 0.56 U 0064H 0064H-IA01SC-030822 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/8/2022 No Pressure 13 0.15 J 0.12 U 0.08 U 0.51 J 0065H 0065-H-IA01HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0065H 0065-H-IA02HS Basement Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0065H 0065-H-IA03HS Basement Family Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0065H 0065-H-IA04HS Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 12/16/2019 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0065H 0065H-IA04PS-010920 Basement Laundry Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.12 0.044 U NS NS NS 0065H 0065H-IA04SC-010920 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.12 J 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.74 U 0065H 0065H-IA03SC-010920 Basement Family Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.16 J 0.25 U 0.18 U 0.12 U 0.83 U 0065H 0065H-IA03PS-010920 Basement Family Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.12 0.044 U NS NS NS 0065H 0065H-IA02SC-010920 Basement Crawl Space SUMMA Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.12 J 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.74 U 0065H 0065H-IA02PS-010920 Basement Crawl Space PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.11 0.044 U NS NS NS 0065H 0065H-IA01SC-010920 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.092 J 0.26 U 0.19 U 0.12 U 0.88 U 0065H 0065H-IA01PS-010920 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.082 0.044 U NS NS NS 0065H 0065H-AA01SC-010920 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 1/9/2020 No Pressure 0.083 J 0.21 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.71 U 0066H 0066H-IA01SC-030320 Basement Bathroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 0.079 J 0.21 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.71 U 0066H 0066H-IA02SC-030320 Basement Utility Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 0.080 J 0.21 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.71 U 0066H 0066H-IA03SC-030320 Basement TV Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 0.081 J 0.14 J 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.43 J 0066H 0066H-IA04SC-030320 Dining Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 0.094 J 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.11 J 0066H 0066H-AA01SC-030320 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 0.099 J 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.63 U 0066H 0066-H-IA01HS Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0066H 0066-H-IA02HS Basement Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0066H 0066-H-IA03HS Basement TV Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0066H 0066-H-IA04HS Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0066H 0066H-IA01PS-03242020 Basement Bathroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.048 J 0.12 NS NS NS 0066H 0066H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement Utility Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.054 J 0.02 J NS NS NS 0066H 0066H-IA03PS-03242020 Basement TV Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.068 0.19 NS NS NS 0066H 0066H-IA04PS-03242020 Dining Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.067 0.05 NS NS NS 0069H 0069H-IA02PS-03252020 Basement Bedroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/2/2020 No Pressure 0.12 0.049 U NS NS NS 0069H 0069H-IA01SC-030520 Basement Crawl Space SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.15 J 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.12 J 0069H 0069H-IA02SC-030520 Basement Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.20 J 0.13 J 0.22 UJ 0.14 UJ 1 UJ 0069H 0069H-IA03SC-030520 Basement Bathroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.34 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.69 U 0069H 0069H-IA04SC-030520 Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.19 J 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.29 J 0069H 0069H-IA05SC-030520 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.20 J 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.69 U 0071H 0071H-AA01SC-030520 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.17 J 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.74 U 0069H 0069-H-IA01HS Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0069H 0069-H-IA02HS Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0069H 0069-H-IA03HS Closet HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0069H 0069-H-IA04HS Basement Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0069H 0069-H-IA05HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0069H 0069H-IA01PS-03252020 Basement Crawl Space PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.09 0.049 U NS NS NS 0069H 0069H-IA03PS-03252020 Basement Bathroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.12 0.049 U NS NS NS 0069H 0069H-IA04PS-03252020 Bedroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.11 0.049 U NS NS NS 0069H 0069H-IA05PS-03252020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.10 0.049 U NS NS NS 0071H 0071H-IA02SC-030520 Basement Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.31 0.21 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.71 U 0071H 0071H-IA01SC-030520 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.33 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.66 U 0071H 0071H-AA01SC-030520 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.17 J 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.74 U 0071H 0071H-IA03SC-030520 Main Floor SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.28 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.69 U 0071H 0071-H-IA01HS Basement Laundry HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0071H 0071-H-IA02HS Basement Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0071H 0071-H-IA03HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0071H 0071H-IA01PS-03242020 Basement Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.17 0.05 U NS NS NS 0071H 0071H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement Bedroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.20 0.05 U NS NS NS 0071H 0071H-IA03PS-03242020 Main Floor PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.18 0.05 U NS NS NS 0072-H 0072H 0072H-IA01SC-030822 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/8/2022 No Pressure 0.24 J 0.028 J 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.69 U 0076H 0076-H-IA01HS Basement Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0076H 0076-H-IA02HS Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0076H 0076-H-IA03HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0076H 0076-H-IA04HS Not available HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0076H 0076-H-IA05HS Not available HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0076H 0076H-IA01SC-030720 Basement Crawl Space SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 0.24 U 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.63 U 0076H 0076H-IA02SC-030720 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 0.28 U 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.25 J 0076H 0076H-IA03SC-030720 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 0.26 U 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.12 J 0076H 0076H-AA01SC-030720 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 0.25 U 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.66 U 0076H 0076H-IA01PS-03252020 Basement Crawl Space PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.049 J 0.053 U NS NS NS 0076H 0076H-IA02PS-03252020 Basement Laundry Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.044 J 0.053 U NS NS NS 0076H 0076H-IA03PS-03252020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.043 J 0.053 U NS NS NS 0091H 0091H-IA01SC-030520 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 16 0.37 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.66 U 0091H 0091H-IA02SC-030520 Basement Bathroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 17 0.38 0.15 U 0.096 U 0.67 U 0091H 0091H-IA03SC-030520 Basement Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 18 0.43 0.15 U 0.096 U 0.25 J 0091H 0091H-IA04SC-030520 Basement Utility Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 18 0.41 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.72 U 0091H 0091H-AA01SC-030520 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.19 J 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.096 U 0.16 J 0091H 0091-H-IA01HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.80 NS NS 0091H 0091-H-IA02HS Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.97 NS NS 0091H 0091-H-IA05HS Basement Stairway HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 12 0.1 U 1.4 NS NS 0091H 0091-H-IA04HS Basement Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 17 0.1 U 0.54 NS NS 0091H 0091-H-IA03HS Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 18 0.1 U 0.60 NS NS 0091H 0091H-IA01PS-03242020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 14 0.29 NS NS NS 0091H 0091H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement Bathroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 15 0.32 NS NS NS 0091H 0091H-IA03PS-03242020 Basement Bedroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 17 0.36 NS NS NS 0091H 0091H-IA04PS-03242020 Basement Utility Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 17 0.35 NS NS NS 0091H 0091H-IA04SC-083121 Basement Utility Room SUMMA Indoor Air 8/31/2021 No Pressure 16 0.38 0.13 U 0.083 U 0.28 J 0091H 0091H-AA01SC-083121 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 8/31/2021 No Pressure 0.18 J 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.44 J 0066-H 0069-H 0071-H 0076-H 0091-H 0063-H 0064-H 0065-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 20 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0098H 0098H-IA01SC-030320 Basement Utility Chemical Storage SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 1.2 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.097 U 0.68 U 0098H 0098H-IA02SC-030320 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 0.97 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.096 U 0.68 U 0098H 0098H-IA03SC-030320 Basement Bathroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 0.75 0.78 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.13 J 0098H 0098H-IA04SC-030320 Kitchen SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 0.70 0.55 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.18 J 0098H 0098-H-AA01SC-030320 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 0.13 J 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.69 U 0098H 0098-H-IA01HS Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0098H 0098-H-IA02HS Basement Utility Chemical Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0098H 0098-H-IA03HS Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0098H 0098-H-IA04HS Basement Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0098H 0098-H-IA05HS Basement Bedroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0098H 0098H-IA01PS-03242020 Basement Utility Chemical Storage PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.30 0.035 J NS NS NS 0098H 0098H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.21 0.024 J NS NS NS 0098H 0098H-IA03PS-03242020 Basement Bathroom PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.22 0.026 J NS NS NS 0098H 0098H-IA04PS-03242020 Kitchen PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.19 0.023 J NS NS NS 0102H 0102H-IA01SC-082421 Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 8/24/2021 No Pressure 0.47 0.020 J 0.13 U 0.087 U 0.42 J 0102H 0102H-AA01SC-082421 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 8/24/2021 No Pressure 0.23 U 0.18 U 0.13 U 0.086 U 0.6 U 0118H 0118H-AA01SC-030520 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.14 J 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.69 U 0118H 0118H-IA02SC-030520 Crawl Space SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 4.1 0.98 U 0.72 U 0.47 U 3.3 U 0118H 0118H-IA01SC-030520 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 4.9 0.66 U 0.48 U 0.31 U 2.2 U 0118H 0118H-IA03SC-030520 Dining Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 3.3 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.12 J 0118H 0118-H-IA01HS Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0118H 0118-H-IA02HS Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0118H 0118-H-IA03HS Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0118H 0118-H-IA04HS Bathroom HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0118H 0118H-IA01PS-03242020 Basement Laundry Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 4.4 0.031 J NS NS NS 0118H 0118H-IA02PS-03242020 Crawl Space PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 1.9 0.05 U NS NS NS 0118H 0118H-IA03PS-03242020 Dining Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 2.5 0.028 J NS NS NS 0121H 0121H-IA01SC-030320 Crawl Space SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 3.9 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.021 J 0.20 J 0121H 0121H-IA02SC-030320 Basement Storage SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 2.5 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.022 J 0.68 U 0121H 0121H-IA04SC-030320 Kitchen SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 1.1 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.024 J 0.66 U 0121H 0121H-IA03SC-030320 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 1.2 0.059 J 0.14 U 0.053 J 0.63 U 0121H 0121H-AA01SC-030320 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/3/2020 No Pressure 0.14 J 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.63 U 0121H 0121-H-IA01HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0121H 0121-H-IA02HS Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0121H 0121-H-IA03HS Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0121H 0121-H-IA04HS Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0121H 0121H-IA01PS-03242020 Crawl Space PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 3.3 0.046 U NS NS NS 0121H 0121H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement Storage PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 1.6 0.021 J NS NS NS 0121H 0121H-IA03PS-03242020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.73 0.037 J NS NS NS 0121H 0121H-IA04PS-03242020 Kitchen PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.68 0.024 J NS NS NS 0122H 0122H-IA01SC-030520 Crawl Space SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 4.8 0.18 U 0.14 U 0.088 U 0.62 U 0122H 0122H-IA02SC-030520 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 4.7 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.091 U 0.64 U 0122H 0122H-IA03SC-030520 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 3.0 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.094 U 0.67 U 0122H 0122H-IA04SC-030520 Office SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 2.6 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.17 J 0122H 0122H-AA01SC-030520 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.18 J 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.66 U 0122H 0122H-IA05SC-030520 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 3.2 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.092 U 0.64 U 0122H 0122-H-IA03HS Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0122H 0122-H-IA04HS Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0122H 0122-H-IA05HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0122H 0122-H-IA01HS Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.12 NS NS 0122H 0122-H-IA02HS Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.13 NS NS 0122H 0122H-IA01PS-03242020 Crawl Space PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 3.6 0.02 J NS NS NS 0122H 0122H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement Laundry Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 3.2 0.05 U NS NS NS 0122H 0122H-IA03PS-03242020 Basement Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 2.5 0.05 U NS NS NS 0122H 0122H-IA04PS-03242020 Office PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 1.9 0.05 U NS NS NS 0122H 0122H-IA05PS-03242020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 2.4 0.05 U NS NS NS 0133H 0133H-IA01SC-030420 Crawl Space SUMMA Indoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 0.34 0.21 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.71 U 0133H 0133H-IA02SC-030420 Basement Office SUMMA Indoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 0.39 0.21 U 0.15 U 0.099 U 0.7 U 0133H 0133H-IA03SC-030420 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 0.37 0.21 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.15 J 0135H 0135H-AA01SC-030420 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 0.15 J 0.18 U 0.14 U 0.088 U 0.62 U 0133H 0133-H-IA01HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0133H 0133-H-IA02HS Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0133H 0133-H-IA03HS Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0133H 0133-H-IA04HS Basement Office HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0133H 0133H-IA01PS-03242020 Crawl Space PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.2 0.048 U NS NS NS 0133H 0133H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement Office PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.28 0.022 J NS NS NS 0133H 0133H-IA03PS-03242020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.22 0.024 J NS NS NS 0135H 0135H-IA01SC-030420 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 0.34 0.18 U 0.13 U 0.086 U 0.6 U 0135H 0135H-IA03SC-030420 Dining Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 0.37 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.097 U 0.68 U 0135H 0135H-IA02SC-030420 Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 0.45 J 0.4 U 0.29 U 0.19 U 1.3 U 0135H 0135H-AA01SC-030420 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 0.15 J 0.18 U 0.14 U 0.088 U 0.62 U 0135H 0135-H-IA01HS Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0135H 0135-H-IA02HS Basement HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0135H 0135-H-IA03HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0135H 0135H-IA01PS-03242020 Basement Laundry Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.23 0.048 U NS NS NS 0135H 0135H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.38 0.048 U NS NS NS 0135H 0135H-IA03PS-03242020 Dining Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.28 0.048 U NS NS NS 0137H 0137-H-IA01HS Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0137H 0137-H-IA02HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0137H 0137-H-IA03HS Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0137H 0137-H-IA04HS Basement Shop Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0137H 0137-H-IA05HS Not available HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0137H 0137H-IA01SC-030620 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.75 0.13 J 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.71 U 0137H 0137H-IA02SC-030620 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 1.2 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.013 J 0.18 J 0137H 0137H-IA01PS-03252020 Basement Laundry Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.30 0.05 U NS NS NS 0135H 0135H-AA01SC-030420 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 0.15 J 0.18 U 0.14 U 0.088 U 0.62 U 0137H 0137H-IA02PS-03252020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.46 0.024 J NS NS NS 0139H 0139-H-IA01HS Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0139H 0139-H-IA02HS Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0139H 0139-H-IA03HS Kitchen HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0139H 0139H-IA01SC-030720 Basement Storage SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 0.12 J 0.23 U 0.17 U 0.11 U 0.22 J 0139H 0139H-IA02SC-030720 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 0.13 J 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.21 J 0139H 0139H-IA03SC-030720 Dining Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 0.15 J 0.21 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.12 J 0139H 0139H-AA01SC-030720 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/7/2020 No Pressure 0.28 U 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.74 U 0139H 0139H-IA01PS-03242020 Basement Storage PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.12 0.055 U NS NS NS 0139H 0139H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.12 0.055 U NS NS NS 0139H 0139H-IA03PS-03242020 Dining Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.13 0.055 U NS NS NS 0137-H 0139-H 0102-H 0118-H 0121-H 0122-H 0133-H 0135-H 0098-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 21 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0145-H 0145H 0145H-IA01SC-031222 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/12/2022 No Pressure 4.7 0.045 J 0.12 U 0.08 U 0.56 U 0146H 0146-H-IA01HS Garage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0146H 0146-H-IA02HS Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0146H 0146-H-IA03HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0146H 0146H-IA01SC-030620 Utility Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 10 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.23 J 0146H 0146H-IA02SC-030620 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 10 0.21 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.71 U 0146H 0146H-IA03SC-030620 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 9.8 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.098 U 0.13 J 0146H 0146H-AA01SC-030620 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.24 U 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.18 J 0146H 0146H-IA01PS-03242020 Utility Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 2.7 0.03 J NS NS NS 0146H 0146H-IA02PS-03242020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 3.1 0.052 U NS NS NS 0146H 0146H-IA03PS-03242020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 3 0.052 U NS NS NS 0146H 0146H-IA01SC-031122 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/11/2022 No Pressure 2 0.34 U 0.25 U 0.16 U 1.1 U 0148H 0148H-IA01SC-030420 Basement Utility Crawl Space SUMMA Indoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 1.4 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.096 U 0.67 U 0148H 0148H-IA02SC-030420 Basement Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 2.2 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.092 U 0.15 J 0148H 0148H-IA03SC-030420 Dining Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 1.3 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.16 J 0148H 0148H-AA01SC-030420 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/4/2020 No Pressure 0.15 J 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.26 J 0148H 0148-H-IA01HS Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0148H 0148-H-IA02HS Basement Utility Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0148H 0148-H-IA03HS Basement Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0148H 0148-H-IA04HS Basement Chemical Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0148H 0148H-IA01PS-03252020 Basement Utility Crawl Space PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 1.4 0.046 U NS NS NS 0148H 0148H-IA02PS-03252020 Basement Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 1.6 0.046 U NS NS NS 0148H 0148H-IA03PS-03252020 Dining Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/25/2020 No Pressure 0.9 0.046 U NS NS NS 0153H 0153H-IA01SC-030520 Basement TV Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.59 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.096 U 0.67 U 0153H 0153H-IA02SC-030520 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.82 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.19 J 0153H 0153H-IA03SC-030520 Dining Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.50 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.096 U 0.67 U 0153H 0153H-AA01SC-030520 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.20 J 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.096 U 0.11 J 0153H 0153-H-IA01HS Dining Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0153H 0153-H-IA02HS Basement Storage HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0153H 0153-H-IA03HS Basement Furnace Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0153H 0153H-IA01PS-03242020 Basement TV Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.36 0.05 U NS NS NS 0153H 0153H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement Laundry Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.42 0.05 U NS NS NS 0153H 0153H-IA03PS-03242020 Dining Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.33 0.05 U NS NS NS 0162H 0162H-IA01SC-030520 Basement Crawl Space SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.52 0.21 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.72 U 0162H 0162H-IA02SC-030520 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.47 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.097 U 0.14 J 0162H 0162H-IA-03SC-030520 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.39 0.25 U 0.18 U 0.12 U 0.20 J 0162H 0162H-AA01SC-030520 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/5/2020 No Pressure 0.27 0.18 U 0.14 U 0.087 U 0.62 U 0162H 0162-H-IA01HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0162H 0162-H-IA02HS Basement Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0162H 0162-H-IA03HS Basement Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0162H 0162H-IA01PS-03242020 Basement Crawl Space PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.28 0.029 J NS NS NS 0162H 0162H-IA02PS-03242020 Basement Laundry Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.21 0.023 J NS NS NS 0162H 0162H-IA03PS-03242020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.23 0.022 J NS NS NS 0166H 0166-H-IA02HS Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0166H 0166-H-IA03HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0166H 0166-H-IA01HS Crawl Space HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.13 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0166H 0166H-IA01SC-030620 Crawl Space SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 5.7 0.98 0.034 J 0.084 U 0.59 U 0166H 0166H-IA02SC-030620 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 5.5 0.37 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.15 J 0173H 0173H-AA01SC-030620 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.25 U 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.66 U 0166H 0166H-IA01PS-03242020 Crawl Space PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 3 0.75 NS NS NS 0166H 0166H-IA02PS-03242020 Living Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 2.2 0.4 NS NS NS 0166H 0166H-IA02SC-082421 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 8/24/2021 No Pressure 0.24 U 0.022 J 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.63 U 0172-H 0172H 0172H-IA01SC-030822 Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 3/8/2022 No Pressure 4.3 0.028 J 0.12 U 0.078 U 0.55 U 0173H 0173-H-IA01HS Utility Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0173H 0173-H-IA02HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0173H 0173H-IA01SC-030620 Utility Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 4.6 0.12 J 0.15 U 0.096 U 0.68 U 0173H 0173H-IA02SC-030620 Kitchen SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 1.7 0.22 U 0.16 U 0.1 U 0.14 J 0173H 0173H-AA01SC-030620 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.25 U 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.66 U 0173H 0173H-IA01PS-03242020 Utility Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 5.1 0.052 U NS NS NS 0173H 0173H-IA02PS-03242020 Kitchen PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 1.4 0.052 U NS NS NS 0174H 0174-H-IA01HS Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0174H 0174-H-IA02HS Living Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0174H 0174-H-IA03HS Basement Laundry Room HAPSITE Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.1 U 0.1 U 0.1 U NS NS 0174H 0174H-IA01SC-030620 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.17 J 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.26 J 0174H 0174H-IA02SC-030620 Dining Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.16 J 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.092 U 0.64 U 0174H 0174H-IA03SC-030620 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 1.7 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.10 0.55 J 0174H 0174H-AA01SC-030620 Outdoor SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/6/2020 No Pressure 0.24 U 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.63 U 0174H 0174H-IA01PS-03242020 Basement Laundry Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.10 0.053 U NS NS NS 0174H 0174H-IA02PS-03242020 Dining Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 0.09 0.053 U NS NS NS 0174H 0174H-IA03PS-03242020 Basement Laundry Room PASSIVE Indoor Air 3/24/2020 No Pressure 1.2 0.052 U NS NS NS 0180-H 0180H 0180H-IA01SC-030822 Basement Utility Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/8/2022 No Pressure 0.044 J 0.18 U 0.14 U 0.088 U 0.62 U 0189-H 0189H 0189H-IA01SC-031122 Basement Storage Area SUMMA Indoor Air 3/11/2022 No Pressure 2.6 0.19 0.037 J 0.079 U 0.56 U 0192-H 0192H 0192H-IA01SC-031122 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/11/2022 No Pressure 16 0.43 0.13 0.083 U 0.59 U 0193-H 0193H 0193H-IA01SC-031022 Bathroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/10/2022 No Pressure 3.8 0.72 J 0.16 0.051 U 0.72 U 0194-H 0194H 0194H-IA01SC-030922 Basement SUMMA Indoor Air 3/9/2022 No Pressure 10.6 0.72 J 0.079 U 0.051 U 0.72 U 0195-H 0195H 0195H-IA01SC-031022 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/10/2022 No Pressure 2.3 0.06 J 0.079 U 0.051 U 0.72 U 0197H 0197H-IA01SC-030822 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/8/2022 No Pressure 23 5.8 0.13 U 0.084 U 0.59 U 0197H 0197H-IA01SC-042922 Storage SUMMA Indoor Air 4/29/2022 No Pressure 9.6 4.8 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.63 U 0197H 0197H-IA02SC-042922 Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 4/29/2022 No Pressure 9.7 5.8 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.63 U 0197H 0197H-IA03SC-042922 Downstairs bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 4/29/2022 No Pressure 9.1 9.7 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.63 U 0197H 0197H-IA04SC-042922 Upstairs bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 4/29/2022 No Pressure 8.4 43 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.66 U 0225-H 0225H 0225H-IA01SC-030922 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/9/2022 No Pressure 0.26 0.065 J 0.079 U 0.051 U 0.72 U 0230-H 0230H 0230H-IA01SC-031222 Basement Central Hallway SUMMA Indoor Air 3/12/2022 No Pressure 0.048 J 0.17 U 0.12 U 0.079 U 0.56 U 0255-H 0255H 0255H-IA01SC-031022 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/10/2022 No Pressure 2.7 0.19 0.079 U 0.051 U 0.72 U 0256-H 0256H 0256H-IA01SC-030922 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/9/2022 No Pressure 0.18 0.062 J 0.37 J 0.051 U 0.72 U 0263-H 0263H 0263H-IA01SC-031022 Basement Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/10/2022 No Pressure 12.6 0.58 J 0.079 U 0.051 U 0.72 U 0273-H 0273H 0273H-IA01SC-031222 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/12/2022 No Pressure 2.7 0.18 U 0.13 U 0.085 U 0.6 U 0274-H 0274H 0274H-IA01SC-030822 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/8/2022 No Pressure 12 0.035 J 0.12 U 0.081 U 0.57 U 0277-H 0277H 0277H-IA01SC-031222 Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/12/2022 No Pressure 5 0.18 U 0.13 U 0.084 U 0.59 U 0302H 0302H-AA01SC-031222 Backyard SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/12/2022 No Pressure 0.37 0.16 U 0.058 J 0.077 U 0.54 U 0302H 0302H-IA01SC-031222 Basement Living Area SUMMA Indoor Air 3/12/2022 No Pressure 0.34 0.16 U 0.12 U 0.075 U 0.53 U 0315-H 0315H 0315H-IA01SC-031222 Basement Bedroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/12/2022 No Pressure 2.3 0.29 0.051 J 0.082 U 0.58 U 0329-H 0329H 0329H-IA01SC-030822 Ground Floor Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/8/2022 No Pressure 0.092 J 0.17 U 0.12 U 0.081 U 0.57 U 0166-H 0173-H 0174-H 0197-H 0302-H 0146-H 0148-H 0153-H 0162-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 22 of 23 Table 5-12 Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern in East Side Springs Indoor Air µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q µg/m3 Q Indoor Air Tier 2 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)3 120 6.3 NA 17 56 Indoor Air Tier 1 Removal Action Level (RAL) (µg/m 3)2 41 2.1 NA 1.7 5.6 1,4-Dioxane Indoor Air Risk Based Screening Level (RBSL) (µg/m 3)1 11 0.48 NA 0.17 0.56 Sample Date Pressurization Conditions PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE VCStructure Identification4 Location ID Sample Identification Location in Structure Sample Type Indoor Air / Outdoor Air 0334H 0334H-AA01SC-031022 Backyard porch SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/10/2022 No Pressure 0.37 0.14 0.11 0.051 U 0.72 U 0334H 0334H-IA01SC-031022 Basement Laundry Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/10/2022 No Pressure 0.096 J 0.11 U 0.079 U 0.051 U 0.72 U 0336-H 0336H 0336H-IA01SC-030822 Basement Storage SUMMA Indoor Air 3/8/2022 No Pressure 16 0.018 J 0.12 U 0.08 U 0.56 U 0347-H 0347H 0347H-IA01SC-030922 Basement Hallway SUMMA Indoor Air 3/9/2022 No Pressure 0.09 J 0.027 J 0.13 U 0.086 U 0.6 U 0365S 0365S-AA01SC-031822 Atrium SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/18/2022 No Pressure 0.21 J 0.19 U 0.14 U 0.089 U 0.63 U 0365S 0365S-IA01SC-031822 Administration Office SUMMA Indoor Air 3/18/2022 No Pressure 0.24 0.17 U 0.13 U 0.083 U 0.58 U 0365S 0365S-IA02SC-031822 Rear Elevator SUMMA Indoor Air 3/18/2022 No Pressure 0.31 0.2 U 0.14 U 0.094 U 0.66 U 0365S 0365S-IA03SC-031822 SW Storage SUMMA Indoor Air 3/18/2022 No Pressure 0.28 0.2 U 0.15 U 0.097 U 0.68 U 0366C 0366C-IA01SC-031022 Basement Bathroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/10/2022 No Pressure 1.07 J 0.066 J 0.079 U 0.051 U 0.72 U 0366C 0366C-IA02SC-031022 Classroom SUMMA Indoor Air 3/10/2022 No Pressure 0.091 J 0.041 J 0.079 U 0.051 U 0.72 U 0366C 0366C-IA03SC-031022 Administration Office SUMMA Indoor Air 3/10/2022 No Pressure 0.13 J 0.044 J 0.079 U 0.051 U 0.72 U 0381H 0381H-AA01SC-031122 Backyard SUMMA Outdoor Air 3/11/2022 No Pressure 0.19 J 0.16 U 0.03 J 0.076 U 0.15 J 0381H 0381H-IA01SC-031122 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/11/2022 No Pressure 0.062 J 0.18 U 0.13 U 0.087 U 0.43 J 0392-H 0392H 0392H-IA01SC-031222 Ground Floor Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/12/2022 No Pressure 0.074 J 0.36 U 0.27 U 0.17 U 1.2 U 0395-H 0395H 0395H-IA01SC-031022 Basement Living Room SUMMA Indoor Air 3/10/2022 No Pressure 0.27 0.22 0.079 U 0.051 U 0.72 U Notes: 1 EPA indoor air RSL corresponds to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 × 10-6 and a hazard quotient of 1 (May 2022 RSL table version). 2 Indoor Air Tier 1 RAL provided in memorandum (CH2M 2015). Tier 1 RAL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 × 10-5 and a hazard quotient of 1. 3 Indoor Air Tier 2 RAL provided in memorandum (CH2M 2015). Tier 2 RAL corresponding to an excess lifetime cancer risk of 1 × 10-4 and a hazard quotient of 3. 4 Some outdoor air samples collected in 2019/2020 have sample IDs associated with multiple locations and are included in that location Highlight indicates values greater than RBSL, underline indicates values greater than Tier 1 RAL* Bold indicates detected values Italics indicates nondetected values *although not all structures are residential, all structures are screened against the residential RBSL and RAL µg/m3 = microgram per cubic meter cis-1,2-DCE = cis-1,2-dichloroethene EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ft bgs = feet below ground surface NA = not applicable NS = Not sampled PCE = tetrachloroethene RBSL = risk-based screening level RSL = regional screening level TCE = trichloroethene VC = vinyl chloride Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit UJ = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit, and a QA/QC requirement has not been met NR= Rejected during data quality validation R= Rejected during data quality validation 0365-S 0366-C 0381-H Data was qualified during data validation because field data collection was not completed in compliance with the QAPP. This data is not usable for the risk assessment, but can still be used to support the data collected in 2016–2020 in defining the extent of vapor intrusion. 0334-H OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 23 of 23 Table 6-1 Physical and Chemical Properties of Preliminary Chemicals of Potential Concern Contaminant Molecular Weight (g/mol) Henry's Law Constant (Kh) (atm- m3/mol)1 Vapor Pressure (mm Hg)1 Density (g/cm3)1 Koc (L/kg)log Kow (unitless) Water Solubility (mg/L)1 Tetrachloroethene 166 1.77E-02 19 1.6 95 3.4 206 Trichloroethene 131 9.85E-03 69 1.5 61 2.4 1280 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 97 1.67E-01 200 1.3 40 1.9 6410 Vinyl Chloride 62 2.78E-02 2980 0.9 22 1.4 2700 1,4-Dioxane 88 4.80E-06 38 1.0 3 -0.3 1000000 Notes 1. Parameter is temperature dependent. Shown values assume a standard temperature of 25 degrees Celsius atm-m3/mol = atmospheres-cubic meters per mole g/cm3 = grams per cubic centimeter g/mol = grams per mole Kh = Henry's Law Constant L/kg = liters per kilogram mg/L = milligrams per liter mm Hg = millimeter of mercury Koc = Organic Carbon/Water Partitioning Coefficient Kow = Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient Reference: Environmental Protection Agency. 2021. Regional Screening Levels - Generic Tables: Chemical Specific Parameters Table. Accessed July 8, 2021, https://www.epa.gov/risk/regional-screening-levels-rsls-generic-tables OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 6-2 Simulated Water Budget, September 2020 Water Budget Component Inflows (million gallons per day) Outflows (million gallons per day) Volume In - Out (million gallons per day) Extraction from Pumping Wells 0 0.7 -0.7 Precipitation Recharge 1.0 0 1.00 Return Flow Recharge 0.6 0 0.6 Infiltration from Red Butte Creek 0.4 0 0.4 Mountain-Block Recharge 7.1 0 7.1 Discharge to Seeps and Springs 0 1.3 -1.3 Boundary Flux 0 7.7 -7.7 Change in Storage 0.6 0 0.6 Total 9.7 9.7 0 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 6-3 Groundwater Modeling Scenario Pumping Scenario SLC-18 Pumping (gpm) University of Utah Well #1 Pumping (gpm) Mount Olivet Cemetery Pumping (gpm) Baseline 0 162 85 Scenario 1 566 162 85 Scenario 2 2,169 162 85 Scenario 3 0 545 85 Scenario 4 2,169 545 85 Acronyms: gpm = gallons per minute OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 6-4 Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Results δ2H δ 18O (‰, VSMOW) (‰, VSMOW) A-GW-MW-01D 4/26/2016 -119.8 -15.7 A-GW-MW-01D-D 4/26/2016 -120.3 -15.9 OU2-MW01D2 12/11/2018 -119.9 -15.7 OU2-MW01D-3 3/18/2019 -123.1 -16.2 A-GW-MW-01S 4/28/2016 -120.0 -15.7 OU2-MW01S2 12/11/2018 -118.0 -15.6 OU2-MW01S-3 3/18/2019 -120.0 -15.9 OU2-MW0202 12/18/2018 -116.7 -15.4 OU2-MW02-3 4/9/2019 -118.1 -15.6 OU2-MW03RA2 12/13/2018 -117.5 -15.4 OU2-MW03R-A3 3/25/2019 -121.2 -16.0 OU2-MW03R2 12/27/2018 -119.6 -15.8 OU2-MW03R-B3 3/25/2019 -121.3 -16.0 OU2-MW03RC2 12/17/2018 -120.8 -15.9 OU2-MW03R-C3 3/27/2019 -122.6 -16.1 MW-03RD OU2-MW03R-D3 3/27/2019 -122.8 -16.1 OU2-MW04-2 12/18/2018 -117.1 -15.4 OU2-MW04-3 3/19/2019 -118.6 -15.6 OU2-MW05R2 12/11/2018 -118.0 -15.6 OU2-MW05R-3 3/20/2019 -120.2 -15.9 OU2-MW062 12/17/2018 -117.7 -15.6 OU2-MW06-3 3/19/2019 -119.9 -15.9 OU2-MW08A2 12/27/2018 -117.8 -15.5 OU2-MW08A-3 3/21/2019 -119.1 -15.7 OU2-MW08B2 12/27/2018 -120.3 -15.8 OU2-MW08B-3 3/21/2019 -122.4 -16.1 MW-08C OU2-MW08C-3 3/20/2019 -124.2 -16.3 OU2-MW 12D 9/24/2018 -120.0 -15.8 OU2-MW12D2 12/6/2018 -119.3 -15.7 OU2-MW12D-3 3/13/2019 -121.6 -16.0 OU2-MW 12S 9/24/2018 -116.7 -15.4 OU2-MW12S2 12/10/2018 -114.9 -15.2 OU2-MW12S-3 3/13/2019 -117.0 -15.5 OU2-MW13D 9/17/2018 -117.6 -15.4 OU2-MW13D2 11/29/2018 -117.4 -15.4 OU2-MW13D-3 3/7/2019 -118.8 -15.6 OU2-MW13S 9/19/2018 -116.4 -15.3 OU2-MW13S2 11/29/2018 -116.1 -15.2 OU2-MW13S-3 3/6/2019 -118.0 -15.4 OU2-MW14D 9/19/2018 -117.5 -15.4 OU2-MW14D2 12/4/2018 -117.5 -15.4 OU2-MW14D-3 3/7/2019 -118.9 -15.6 OU2-MW14S 9/19/2018 -117.4 -15.3 OU2-MW14S2 12/5/2018 -116.9 -15.3 OU2-MW14S-3 3/11/2019 -118.8 -15.6 OU2-MW15D 9/25/2018 -117.9 -15.5 OU2-MW15D2 12/4/2018 -117.7 -15.5 OU2-MW15D-3 3/11/2019 -119.6 -15.8 OU2-MW15S 9/25/2018 -116.8 -15.4 OU2-MW15S2 12/4/2018 -116.7 -15.4 OU2-MW15S-3 3/11/2019 -118.5 -15.6 MW-15S MW-05R MW-06 MW-08A MW-08B MW-12D MW-12S MW-13D MW-13S MW-14D MW-14S MW-15D MW-04 Sample DateLocation Sample Name MW-01D Groundwater MW-01S MW-02 MW-03RA MW-03RB MW-03RC OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 3 Table 6-4 Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Results δ2H δ 18O (‰, VSMOW) (‰, VSMOW) Sample DateLocation Sample Name OU2-MW16D 9/20/2018 -120.8 -15.9 OU2-MW16D2 12/6/2018 -120.7 -15.8 OU2-MW16D-3 3/14/2019 -122.4 -16.1 OU2-MW16S 9/20/2018 -117.1 -15.4 OU2-MW16S2 12/5/2018 -117.3 -15.4 OU2-MW16S-3 3/14/2019 -119.3 -15.7 OU2-MW17D 9/24/2018 -117.3 -15.5 OU2-MW17D2 12/10/2018 -117.6 -15.5 OU2-MW17D-3 3/12/2019 -118.8 -15.7 OU2-MW17S 9/24/2018 -117.5 -15.5 OU2-MW17S2 12/3/2018 -117.3 -15.5 OU2-MW17S-3 3/12/2019 -118.7 -15.6 OU2-MW18 9/18/2018 -115.9 -15.2 OU2-MW182 11/27/2018 -115.7 -15.1 OU2-MW18-3 3/4/2019 -117.3 -15.3 OU2-MW19 9/18/2018 -116.3 -15.3 OU2-MW192 11/27/2018 -116.0 -15.2 OU2-MW19-3 3/4/2019 -117.0 -15.3 OU2-MW20D 9/19/2018 -116.8 -15.3 OU2-MW20D2 11/26/2018 -116.9 -15.3 OU2-MW20D-3 3/5/2019 -118.4 -15.6 OU2-MW20S 9/18/2018 -116.6 -15.3 OU2-MW20S2 11/28/2018 -116.7 -15.3 OU2-MW20S-3 3/4/2019 -117.8 -15.4 OU2-MW21 9/20/2018 -116.1 -15.3 OU2-MW212 11/28/2018 -116.8 -15.4 OU2-MW21-3 3/6/2019 -115.9 -15.3 OU2-MW22 9/20/2018 -117.7 -15.6 OU2-MW222 11/28/2018 -118.0 -15.5 OU2-MW22-3 3/6/2019 -117.9 -15.6 GW-011 A-GW-11 2/27/2016 -119.3 -15.5 GW-020 A-GW-20 3/2/2016 -118.1 -15.1 Mt. Olivet A-GW-MTO 5/2/2016 -117.4 -15.2 SLC-18 A-GW-SLC-18 4/28/2016 -121.1 -15.8 OU2-SW06 9/27/2018 -116.9 -15.4 OU2-SW06-R2 12/18/2018 -116.8 -15.3 OU2-SW06-R3 3/25/2019 -118.4 -15.5 SW-09 A-SW-009 5/3/2016 -119.2 -15.6 SW-15 A-SW-015 5/4/2016 -117.0 -14.8 OU2-SW34 10/10/2018 -126.2 -16.7 OU2-SW34R2 12/18/2018 -118.3 -15.5 OU2-SW34-R3 3/27/2019 -119.8 -15.8 OU2-SW35 10/10/2018 -117.3 -15.5 OU2-SW35R2 12/27/2018 -117.0 -15.3 OU2-SW35-R3 3/27/2019 -118.0 -15.5 OU2-SW39 9/27/2018 -117.1 -15.4 OU2-SW39R2 12/18/2018 -116.8 -15.3 OU2-SW39-R3 3/25/2019 -117.4 -15.4 OU2-SW48 9/27/2018 -120.9 -16.0 OU2-SW48R2 12/18/2018 -120.8 -15.9 OU2-SW48-R3 3/25/2019 -122.3 -16.1 SW-35 SW-39 SW-48 SW-34 Surface Water MW-16D MW-16S MW-17D MW-17S MW-18 MW-19 MW-20D MW-20S MW-21 MW-22 SW-06 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 2 of 3 Table 6-4 Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Results δ2H δ 18O (‰, VSMOW) (‰, VSMOW) Sample DateLocation Sample Name OU2-SW53 10/10/2018 -118.3 -15.5 OU2-SW53R2 12/18/2018 -117.1 -15.3 OU2-SW53-R3 3/25/2019 -118.5 -15.5 OU2-SW47 10/10/2018 -143.0 -19.0 OU2-SW47-R3 3/26/2019 -121.8 -16.2 OU2-SW51 10/10/2018 -143.9 -19.1 OU2-SW51R2 12/27/2018 -119.3 -15.7 OU2-SW51-R3 3/26/2019 -122.2 -16.2 OU2-SW52 10/10/2018 -144.6 -19.2 OU2-SW52R2 12/27/2018 -119.1 -15.7 OU2-SSW52-R3 3/26/2019 -123.2 -16.3 Notes: ‰ = per mil δ2H = isotopic composition of hydrogen (2H/1H) δ18O = isotopic composition of oxygen (18O/16O) VSMOW = Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water SW-51 SW-52 SW-53 SW-47 Red Butte Creek OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 3 of 3 Table 6-5 Statistical Trends Overview Well COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE VC Trend1 NO TREND NO TREND, >50% ND NO TREND, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND MK CL 88.4% 77.4% 56.2% 98.9% 98.9% 98.9% Trend1 DECREASING DECREASING DECREASING NO TREND, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND MK CL 99.3% 100.0% 100.0% 52.3% 98.6% 98.6% Trend1 NO TREND DECREASING PROBABLY DECREASING NO TREND, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND MK CL 76.2% 97.9% 92.2% 72.8% 98.9% 98.9% Trend1 STABLE STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 67.6% 77.6% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 STABLE DECREASING DECREASING STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 62.1% 96.7% 99.6% 83.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 77.6% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 NO TREND, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 87.9% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 DECREASING DECREASING DECREASING NO TREND, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND MK CL 100.0% 100.0% 95.8% 72.8% 98.9% 98.9% Trend1 STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 DECREASING NO TREND, >50% ND NO TREND, >50% ND PROBABLY INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND MK CL 99.7% 76.9% 72.8% 94.9% 98.9% 98.9% Trend1 PROBABLY DECREASING PROBABLY DECREASING STABLE STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 93.3% 93.3% 62.1% 85.6% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 DECREASING STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 96.4% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% MW-08A MW-01D MW-01S MW-02 MW-03RA MW-03RB MW-03RC MW-03RD MW-04 MW-05R MW-06 MW-08B MW-08C OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 3 Table 6-5 Statistical Trends Overview Well COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE VC Trend1 STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 STABLE STABLE DECREASING DECREASING STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 89.4% 69.1% 98.4% 96.8% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 NO TREND INCREASING NO TREND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 73.2% 97.7% 77.6% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 STABLE NO TREND STABLE STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 69.1% 50.0% 89.4% 74.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 NO TREND PROBABLY INCREASING PROBABLY INCREASING STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 73.2% 93.3% 91.3% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 PROBABLY DECREASING, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 90.6% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 NO TREND NO TREND, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 87.1% 66.9% 66.9% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 NO TREND NO TREND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 64.7% 84.1% 55.7% 56.6% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 NO TREND PROBABLY DECREASING, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 80.7% 90.5% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 INCREASING STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 96.8% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 DECREASING DECREASING PROBABLY DECREASING PROBABLY DECREASING STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 99.5% 99.4% 94.9% 91.3% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 DECREASING DECREASING STABLE STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 99.8% 99.4% 87.6% 55.0% 50.0% 50.0% MW-17D MW-12D MW-13D MW-13S MW-14D MW-14S MW-15D MW-15S MW-16D MW-16S MW-17S MW-18 MW-19 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 2 of 3 Table 6-5 Statistical Trends Overview Well COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE VC Trend1 STABLE STABLE STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 87.1% 87.6% 65.3% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 NO TREND STABLE NO TREND, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 54.9% 50.0% 80.9% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 PROBABLY DECREASING STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 91.4% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Trend1 STABLE NO TREND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND MK CL 86.4% 83.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Notes and Abbreviations 1,1-DCE - 1,1-Dichloroethene PCE - Tetrachloroethene cis-1,2-DCE - Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene TCE - Trichloroethene MK CL = Mann-Kendall Confidence Level. trans-1,2-DCE - Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene ND - non-detect VC = Vinyl Chloride 1Trend was analyzed with the MK statistical test for datasets containing 6 or more data points. The trend result is based on the Mann-Kendall S, CF, and COV as follows: · Increasing (S greater than 0, CF > 95%) · Probably Increasing (S greater than 0, CF between or equal to 95% and 90%) · No Trend (S greater than 0, CF less than 90%) · Stable (if S is less than or equal to zero and COV less than 1) · Probably Decreasing (S less than 0, CF between or equal to 95% and 90%) · Decreasing (S less than 0, CF greater than 95%) Wells MW-12S, -13L, and -23A through -38D are not presented in this table due to insufficient statistical analyses data. Statistical analysis trends where more than 50% of results were non-detects are in black font. Statistical analysis trends with the majority of the results analyzed above the detection limit are in white font. MW-22 MW-20D MW-20S MW-21 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 3 of 3 Table 6-6 MW-02 Statistical Trends COC PCE All data PCE 11/11/98- 07/14/16 PCE 07/14/16- 03/23/21 TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Trend1 NO TREND DECREASING INCREASING DECREASING PROBABLY DECREASING NO TREND, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 76.2%97.0%99.9%97.9%92.2%72.8%98.9%98.9% Max Concentration (µg/L)296.0 296.0 230.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 0.5 0.5 Results in dataset (total)14 6 9 13 13 13 10 10 Start Date 11/11/1998 11/11/1998 7/14/2016 11/11/1998 11/11/1998 11/11/1998 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 End Date 3/23/2021 7/14/2016 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)185 186 171 2.65 2.36 2.45 0.43 0.43 COV 0.35 0.51 0.29 2.55 2.88 2.78 0.28 0.28 Mann-Kendall S 14.00 -11.00 32.00 -34.00 -24.00 10.00 21.00 21.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)332.7 28.3 92.0 261.3 264.0 220.7 77.0 77.0 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.238 0.030 0.001 0.021 0.078 0.272 0.011 0.011 Abbreviations 1,1-DCE - 1,1-Dichloroethene MCL - maximum contaminant level µg/L - microgram per liter MK - Mann-Kendall µmol/L - micromole per liter ND - non-detect cis-1,2-DCE - Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene PCE - Tetrachloroethene COC - chemical of concern p-value - the probability of S COV - coefficient of variation TCE - Trichloroethene Mann-Kendall S - MK test statistic trans-1,2-DCE - Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Var - variance Notes 1Trend was analyzed with the Mann-Kendall statistical test for datasets containing 6 or more data points. The trend result is based on the Mann-Kendall S, CF, and COV as follows: · Increasing (S greater than 0, CF > 95%) · Probably Increasing (S greater than 0, CF between or equal to 95% and 90%) · No Trend (S greater than 0, CF less than 90%) · Stable (if S is less than or equal to zero and COV less than 1) · Probably Decreasing (S less than 0, CF between or equal to 95% and 90%) · Decreasing (S less than 0, CF greater than 95%) Statistical analysis trends where more than 50% of results were non-detects are in black font. Statistical analysis trends with the majority of the results analyzed above the detection limit are in white font. OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 1 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Trend1 NO TREND NO TREND, >50% ND NO TREND, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND NO TREND Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 88.4%77.4%56.2%98.9%98.9%98.9%70.4% Max Concentration (µg/L)9.90 5.00 5.00 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.06 Results in dataset (total)18 16 16 10 10 10 10 Start Date 6/30/1998 6/30/1998 6/30/1998 4/26/2016 4/26/2016 4/26/2016 6/30/1998 End Date 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 9/21/2016 Dataset Mean (µg/L)2.68 0.80 0.83 0.43 0.43 0.43 0.03 COV 1.34 1.57 1.49 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.93 Mann-Kendall S -31.00 16.00 4.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 7.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)631.67 399.33 364.67 77.00 77.00 77.00 125.00 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.116 0.226 0.438 0.011 0.011 0.011 0.296 Trend1 DECREASING DECREASING DECREASING NO TREND, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND DECREASING Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 99.3% 100.0% 100.0% 52.3%98.6% 98.6% 99.3% Max Concentration (µg/L)420 4.00 5.00 5.00 0.50 0.50 2.61 Results in dataset (total)15 15 15 15 9 9 15 Start Date 6/30/1998 6/30/1998 6/30/1998 6/30/1998 4/28/2016 4/28/2016 6/30/1998 End Date 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)209.73 1.77 1.42 0.86 0.42 0.42 1.29 COV 0.43 0.57 1.03 1.49 0.30 0.30 0.44 Mann-Kendall S -50.00 -75.00 -86.00 2.00 18.00 18.00 -51.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)404.67 404.33 407.33 312.67 60.00 60.00 408.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.007 0.000 0.000 0.477 0.014 0.014 0.007 MW-01S Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) MW-01D OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 NO TREND DECREASING PROBABLY DECREASING NO TREND, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND NO TREND Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 76.2% 97.9% 92.2% 72.8% 98.9% 98.9% 77.8% Max Concentration (µg/L)296 25.0 25.0 25.0 0.50 0.50 1.81 Results in dataset (total)14 13 13 13 10 10 14 Start Date 11/11/1998 11/11/1998 11/11/1998 11/11/1998 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 11/11/1998 End Date 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 3/23/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)184.71 2.65 2.36 2.45 0.43 0.43 1.12 COV 0.35 2.55 2.88 2.78 0.28 0.28 0.35 Mann-Kendall S 14.00 -34.00 -24.00 10.00 21.00 21.00 15.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)332.67 261.33 264.00 220.67 77.00 77.00 333.67 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.238 0.021 0.078 0.272 0.011 0.011 0.222 Trend1 STABLE STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 67.6% 77.6% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 61.8% Max Concentration (µg/L)32 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.19 Results in dataset (total)7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Start Date 12/13/2018 12/13/2018 12/13/2018 12/13/2018 12/13/2018 12/13/2018 12/13/2018 End Date 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)25.09 0.22 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.15 COV 0.42 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.42 Mann-Kendall S -4.00 -6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)43.33 43.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.324 0.224 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.382 MW-02 MW-03RA OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 2 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 STABLE DECREASING DECREASING STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 62.1% 96.7% 99.6% 83.0% 50.0% 50.0% 72.6% Max Concentration (µg/L)230 2.10 1.50 0.14 0.50 0.50 1.42 Results in dataset (total)7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Start Date 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 End Date 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)211.43 1.89 1.34 0.12 0.50 0.50 1.30 COV 0.10 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.10 Mann-Kendall S -3.00 -13.00 -18.00 -7.00 0.00 0.00 -5.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)42.33 42.33 41.33 39.67 0.00 0.00 44.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.379 0.033 0.004 0.170 0.500 0.500 0.274 Trend1 STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 77.6% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 77.6% Max Concentration (µg/L)6.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.04 Results in dataset (total)7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Start Date 12/17/2018 12/17/2018 12/17/2018 12/17/2018 12/17/2018 12/17/2018 12/17/2018 End Date 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)6.14 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.04 COV 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 Mann-Kendall S -6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -6.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)43.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.224 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.224 MW-03RB MW-03RC OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 3 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 NO TREND, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND INSUFFICIENT DATA Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 87.9% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% - Max Concentration (µg/L)0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.02 Results in dataset (total)6 6 6 6 6 6 3 Start Date 3/27/2019 3/27/2019 3/27/2019 3/27/2019 3/27/2019 3/27/2019 3/27/2019 End Date 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 12/11/2020 Dataset Mean (µg/L)0.45 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.01 COV 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.86 Mann-Kendall S 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mann-Kendall Var(S)11.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mann-Kendall p-value 0.121 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 - Trend1 DECREASING DECREASING DECREASING NO TREND, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND DECREASING Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 100.0% 100.0% 95.8% 72.8%98.9% 98.9% 100.0% Max Concentration (µg/L)190 2.00 2.50 5.00 0.50 0.50 1.17 Results in dataset (total)14 13 13 13 10 10 14 Start Date 11/11/1998 11/11/1998 11/11/1998 11/11/1998 4/27/2016 4/27/2016 11/11/1998 End Date 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)73.93 0.51 0.52 0.91 0.43 0.43 0.45 COV 0.57 0.98 1.24 1.50 0.28 0.28 0.58 Mann-Kendall S -62.00 -75.00 -29.00 10.00 21.00 21.00 -65.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)333 268 263 221 77 77 334 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.000 0.000 0.042 0.272 0.011 0.011 0.000 MW-04 MW-03RD OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 4 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND INSUFFICIENT DATA Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% - Max Concentration (µg/L)0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 Results in dataset (total)6 6 6 6 6 6 0 Start Date 12/11/2018 12/11/2018 12/11/2018 12/11/2018 12/11/2018 12/11/2018 1/0/1900 End Date 12/8/2020 12/8/2020 12/8/2020 12/8/2020 12/8/2020 12/8/2020 1/0/1900 Dataset Mean (µg/L)0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 COV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mann-Kendall S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mann-Kendall Var(S)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mann-Kendall p-value 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 - Trend1 DECREASING NO TREND, >50% ND NO TREND, >50% ND PROBABLY INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND INCREASING, >50% ND DECREASING Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 99.7% 76.9% 72.8% 94.9% 98.9% 98.9% 99.0% Max Concentration (µg/L)5.00 5.00 5.00 2.50 0.50 0.50 0.01 Results in dataset (total)13 13 13 12 10 10 10 Start Date 1/6/2000 1/6/2000 1/6/2000 2/23/2005 4/26/2016 4/26/2016 2/23/2005 End Date 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)0.88 0.90 0.91 0.58 0.43 0.43 0.00 COV 1.56 1.53 1.51 1.07 0.28 0.28 0.75 Mann-Kendall S -46.00 12.00 10.00 22.00 21.00 21.00 -27.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)266.67 223.33 220.67 164.67 77.00 77.00 123.00 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.003 0.231 0.272 0.051 0.011 0.011 0.010 MW-05R MW-06 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 5 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 PROBABLY DECREASING PROBABLY DECREASING STABLE STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND PROBABLY DECREASING Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 93.3% 93.3% 62.1% 85.6% 50.0% 50.0% 93.3% Max Concentration (µg/L)68.00 0.48 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.42 Results in dataset (total)7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Start Date 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 End Date 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)59.29 0.42 0.24 0.28 0.50 0.50 0.36 COV 0.10 0.09 0.49 0.55 0.00 0.00 0.10 Mann-Kendall S -11.00 -11.00 -3.00 -8.00 0.00 0.00 -11.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)44.33 44.33 42.33 43.33 0.00 0.00 44.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.067 0.067 0.379 0.144 0.500 0.500 0.067 Trend1 DECREASING STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND DECREASING Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 96.4% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 96.4% Max Concentration (µg/L)5.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.03 Results in dataset (total)7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Start Date 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 12/27/2018 End Date 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)4.70 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.03 COV 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 Mann-Kendall S -13.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -13.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)44.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 44.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.036 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.036 MW-08A MW-08B OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 6 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND INSUFFICIENT DATA Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% - Max Concentration (µg/L)0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.01 Results in dataset (total)6 6 6 6 6 6 3 Start Date 3/20/2019 3/20/2019 3/20/2019 3/20/2019 3/20/2019 3/20/2019 12/8/2019 End Date 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 9/27/2020 Dataset Mean (µg/L)0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.01 COV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 Mann-Kendall S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mann-Kendall Var(S)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mann-Kendall p-value 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 - Trend1 STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND INSUFFICIENT DATA Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% - Max Concentration (µg/L)0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 0 Start Date 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 1/0/1900 End Date 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 1/0/1900 Dataset Mean (µg/L)0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 COV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mann-Kendall S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mann-Kendall Var(S)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mann-Kendall p-value 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 - MW-12D MW-08C OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 7 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 STABLE STABLE DECREASING DECREASING STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND PROBABLY DECREASING Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 89.4% 69.1% 98.4% 96.8% 50.0% 50.0% 91.3% Max Concentration (µg/L)75.00 0.60 0.42 0.28 0.50 0.50 0.46 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Start Date 9/17/2018 9/17/2018 9/17/2018 9/17/2018 9/17/2018 9/17/2018 9/17/2018 End Date 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)62.63 0.51 0.35 0.21 0.50 0.50 0.39 COV 0.12 0.10 0.16 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.12 Mann-Kendall S -11.00 -5.00 -18.00 -16.00 0.00 0.00 -12.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)64.33 64.33 63.33 65.33 0.00 0.00 65.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.106 0.309 0.016 0.032 0.500 0.500 0.087 Trend1 NO TREND INCREASING NO TREND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND NO TREND Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 73.2% 97.7% 77.6% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 73.2% Max Concentration (µg/L)31 1.30 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.19 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Start Date 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 End Date 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 3/22/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)23.00 0.80 0.26 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.15 COV 0.23 0.45 0.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.23 Mann-Kendall S 6.00 17.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)65.33 64.33 62.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.268 0.023 0.224 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.268 MW-13D MW-13S OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 8 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 STABLE NO TREND STABLE STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 69.1% 50.0% 89.4% 74.0% 50.0% 50.0% 73.2% Max Concentration (µg/L)37 0.32 0.35 0.22 0.50 0.50 0.23 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Start Date 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 End Date 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)31.00 0.25 0.30 0.18 0.50 0.50 0.19 COV 0.16 0.16 0.13 0.21 0.00 0.00 0.16 Mann-Kendall S -5.00 1.00 -11.00 -6.00 0.00 0.00 -6.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)64.33 64.33 64.33 60.67 0.00 0.00 65.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.309 0.500 0.106 0.260 0.500 0.500 0.268 Trend1 NO TREND PROBABLY INCREASING PROBABLY INCREASING STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND NO TREND Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 73.2% 93.3% 91.3% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 73.2% Max Concentration (µg/L)10 12.00 3.20 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.15 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Start Date 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 End Date 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 3/18/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)4.93 5.35 1.41 0.50 0.46 0.50 0.08 COV 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.00 0.23 0.00 0.50 Mann-Kendall S 6.00 13.00 12.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)65.33 64.33 65.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.268 0.067 0.087 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.268 MW-14D MW-14S OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 9 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 PROBABLY DECREASING, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND INSUFFICIENT DATA Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 90.6% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% - Max Concentration (µg/L)1 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 2 Start Date 9/25/2018 9/25/2018 9/25/2018 9/25/2018 9/25/2018 9/25/2018 9/28/2020 End Date 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)0.41 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 COV 0.39 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.05 Mann-Kendall S -9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mann-Kendall Var(S)37.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mann-Kendall p-value 0.094 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 - Trend1 NO TREND NO TREND, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND NO TREND Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 87.1% 66.9% 66.9% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 57.6% Max Concentration (µg/L)3 4 0.68 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.06 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 6 Start Date 9/25/2018 9/25/2018 9/25/2018 9/25/2018 9/25/2018 9/25/2018 3/11/2019 End Date 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)0.76 0.96 0.52 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.01 COV 1.37 1.36 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.01 Mann-Kendall S -10.00 -3.00 -3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -2.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)63.33 21.00 21.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 27.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.129 0.331 0.331 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.424 MW-15S MW-15D OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 10 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND INSUFFICIENT DATA Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% - Max Concentration (µg/L)0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 0 Start Date 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 1/0/1900 End Date 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 1/0/1900 Dataset Mean (µg/L)0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 COV 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mann-Kendall S 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mann-Kendall Var(S)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Mann-Kendall p-value 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 - Trend1 NO TREND NO TREND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND NO TREND Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 64.7% 84.1% 55.7% 56.6% 50.0% 50.0% 69.1% Max Concentration (µg/L)28.00 0.24 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.17 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Start Date 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 End Date 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 3/17/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)24.25 0.19 0.36 0.40 0.50 0.50 0.15 COV 0.10 0.16 0.54 0.45 0.00 0.00 0.11 Mann-Kendall S 4.00 9.00 -2.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 5.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)63.33 64.33 48.67 36.00 0.00 0.00 64.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.353 0.159 0.443 0.434 0.500 0.500 0.309 MW-16D MW-16S OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 11 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 NO TREND PROBABLY DECREASING, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND NO TREND Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 80.7% 90.5% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 80.7% Max Concentration (µg/L)2.80 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.02 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Start Date 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 End Date 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)2.33 0.45 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.01 COV 0.15 0.31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.16 Mann-Kendall S 8.00 -7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)65.33 21.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.193 0.095 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.193 Trend1 INCREASING STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND INCREASING Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 96.8% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 96.8% Max Concentration (µg/L)0.91 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.01 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Start Date 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 9/24/2018 End Date 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)0.68 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 COV 0.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.30 Mann-Kendall S 16.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)65.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.032 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.032 MW-17D MW-17S OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 12 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 DECREASING DECREASING PROBABLY DECREASING PROBABLY DECREASING STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND DECREASING Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 99.5% 99.4% 94.9% 91.3% 50.0% 50.0% 99.5% Max Concentration (µg/L)96.00 0.65 0.27 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.59 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Start Date 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 End Date 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)72.63 0.49 0.23 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.45 COV 0.19 0.15 0.20 0.46 0.00 0.00 0.19 Mann-Kendall S -22.00 -21.00 -14.00 -12.00 0.00 0.00 -22.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)65.33 64.33 63.33 65.33 0.00 0.00 65.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.005 0.006 0.051 0.087 0.500 0.500 0.005 Trend1 DECREASING DECREASING STABLE STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND DECREASING Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 99.8% 99.4% 87.6% 55.0% 50.0% 50.0% 99.5% Max Concentration (µg/L)89.00 0.68 0.31 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.55 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Start Date 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 End Date 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)64.50 0.52 0.26 0.25 0.50 0.50 0.40 COV 0.19 0.15 0.17 0.42 0.00 0.00 0.19 Mann-Kendall S -24.00 -21.00 -10.00 -2.00 0.00 0.00 -22.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)63.33 64.33 60.67 63.33 0.00 0.00 65.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.002 0.006 0.124 0.450 0.500 0.500 0.005 MW-19 MW-18 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 13 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 STABLE STABLE STABLE STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND DECREASING Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 87.1% 87.6% 65.3% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 96.0% Max Concentration (µg/L)12 0.29 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.08 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Start Date 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 9/19/2018 End Date 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)10.60 0.26 0.18 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.07 COV 0.10 0.10 0.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.10 Mann-Kendall S -10.00 -10.00 -4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -15.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)63.33 60.67 58.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 64.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.129 0.124 0.347 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.040 Trend1 NO TREND STABLE NO TREND, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 54.9% 50.0% 80.9% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% Max Concentration (µg/L)5.4 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.03 Results in dataset (total)8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Start Date 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 9/18/2018 End Date 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 3/19/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)4.54 0.22 0.45 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.03 COV 0.13 0.80 0.29 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.13 Mann-Kendall S 2.00 -1.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)65.33 62.33 21.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.451 0.500 0.191 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 MW-20D MW-20S OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 14 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 PROBABLY DECREASING STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND PROBABLY DECREASING Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 91.4% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 91.4% Max Concentration (µg/L)2.0 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.01 Results in dataset (total)7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Start Date 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 End Date 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 3/16/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)1.66 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.01 COV 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 Mann-Kendall S -10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -10.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)43.33 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.086 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.086 MW-21 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 15 of 16 Table 6-7 Statistical Trends Summary COC PCE TCE cis-1,2-DCE 1,1-DCE trans-1,2-DCE Vinyl Chloride Well Total Molar Concentration (µmol/L) Trend1 STABLE NO TREND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE, >50% ND STABLE Mann-Kendall Confidence Level 86.4% 83.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 50.0% 85.6% Max Concentration (µg/L)3.5 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.02 Results in dataset (total)7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Start Date 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 9/20/2018 End Date 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 3/21/2021 Dataset Mean (µg/L)2.94 0.28 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.02 COV 0.11 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.12 Mann-Kendall S -8.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -8.00 Mann-Kendall Var(S)40.67 39.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.33 Mann-Kendall p-value 0.136 0.170 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.144 Abbreviations 1,1-DCE - 1,1-Dichloroethene MCL - maximum contaminant level µg/L - microgram per liter MK - Mann-Kendall µmol/L - micromole per liter ND - non-detect cis-1,2-DCE - Cis-1,2-Dichloroethene PCE - Tetrachloroethene COC - chemical of concern p-value - the probability of S COV - coefficient of variation TCE - Trichloroethene Mann-Kendall S - MK test statistic trans-1,2-DCE - Trans-1,2-Dichloroethene Notes Var - variance 1Trend was analyzed with the MK statistical test for datasets containing 6 or more data points. The trend result is based on the Mann-Kendall S, CF, and COV as follows: · Increasing (S greater than 0, CF > 95%) · Probably Increasing (S greater than 0, CF between or equal to 95% and 90%) · No Trend (S greater than 0, CF less than 90%) · Stable (if S is less than or equal to zero and COV less than 1) · Probably Decreasing (S less than 0, CF between or equal to 95% and 90%) · Decreasing (S less than 0, CF greater than 95%) Wells 12S, 13L, and MW-23A through MW-38D are not presented in this table due to insufficient data for statistical analyses. Statistical analysis trends where more than 50% of results were non-detects are in black font. Statistical analysis trends with the majority of the results analyzed above the detection limit are in white font. MW-22 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 16 of 16 Table 6-8 Mass Discharge Calculations Transect Sampling Location Distance Along Transect (ft) Top of Screened Interval (ft bgs) Bottom of Screened Interval (ft bgs) Plume Top (ft bgs) Plume Bottom (ft bgs) Hydraulic Conductivity (ft/day) Hydraulic Gradient (ft/ft) PCE (µg/L) MW-31A 200 138 148 132 200 5 0.014 0.73 MW-04 632 143 173 137 204 6 0.014 42 MW-02 1370 176 203 171 221 10 0.014 230 MW-03RA 1942 215 220 189 241 5 0.014 25 MW-30RA 2822 240 250 158 258 5 0.014 0.18 MW-21 201 62 72 65.4 142.6 54 0.012 1.3 MW-20S 720 79.5 89.5 83.6 150.8 10 0.012 5.4 MW-20D 720 119 129 83.6 150.4 165 0.012 11 MW-19 1040 84 94 81 152.4 30 0.012 56 MW-18 1267 80 90 82 153.3 12 0.012 64 MW-8A 1714 91 106 61 140 103 0.012 56 MW-38S 2632 27 37 24 116 50 0.012 1 MW-38D 2632 60 70 24 116 50 0.012 1 MW-17S 5 6 21 7 57 5 0.12 0.88 RG-07 324 20 30 21 96 5 0.12 43 MW-13S 469 15.5 20.5 15 91 0.1 0.12 25 MW-13D 469 79 84 15 91 2 0.12 55 RG-08 800 8 18 6 90 5 0.12 56 RG-02 1160 5 15 3 79 5 0.12 57 RG-03 1400 3 8 3 68 5 0.12 60 MW-16S 1978 9 19 12 32 50 0.12 23 RG-04 2347 10 20 10 24 5 0.12 6 Notes: ft = feet ft bgs = feet below ground surface ft/day = feet per day ft/ft = feet per foot µg/L = microgram per liter East Side Springs Transect Guardsman Way Transect 1400 East Transect OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 6-9 Soil Ferrous Iron Content Results mg/kg Q 199 Silty gravel with sand 4/9/2020 0.04 U 336 Silty gravel 4/14/2020 0.33 MW-24 222 Gravelly silt 5/15/2020 0.04 U MW-25 216 Clayey gravel with sand 5/3/2020 0.11 MW-26 247 Silty clay 5/7/2020 0.12 MW-27 218 Clayey gravel with sand 3/24/2020 0.02 J MW-28 211 Gravelly sand 3/17/2020 0.06 190 Clay with sand 5/31/2020 0.02 261 Clay with sand and gravel 6/2/2020 0.04 U MW-30 343 Gravelly clay with silt 6/8/2020 0.04 U 190 Gravelly clay with sand 6/11/2020 0.04 U 230 Gravelly silt 6/12/2020 0.04 U MW-32 223 Clay with sand 6/26/2020 0.04 U 230 Silty clay with sand 7/8/2020 0.04 U 255 Silty clay 7/9/2020 0.04 U 295 Silty clay with gravel 7/10/2020 0.75 Notes: Bold indicates detected values Italics indicates nondetected values mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram ft bgs = feet below ground surface Q = qualifier J = Result is estimated U = Analyte was not detected at the associated value, which is the reporting limit Ferrous Iron MW-23 MW-31 MW-29 MW-34 Well ID Sample Depth (ft bgs)Date CollectedField Classification OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 6-10 Soil Magnetic Susceptibility Results Well ID Sample Depth (ft bgs)Field Classification1 Average Magnetic Susceptibility (m3/kg) 185-195 Clayey Gravel with Sand 1.7E-07 205-215 -3.3E-07 267-277 Silty, Clayey Gravel with Sand 1.5E-07 357-367 -9.0E-08 90-97 Clayey Gravel with Sand 1.6E-07 147-153 Silty Gravel with Sand 1.1E-07 171-175 Clayey Gravel with Sand 1.1E-07 238-247 Clayey Gravel with Sand 1.6E-07 401-406 Silty Gravel with Sand 1.3E-07 MW12D2 88.5-93.5 Clayey Gravel with Sand 4.5E-07 MW12S2 59-60 Silty Gravel with Sand 1.4E-07 50-60 Clayey Gravel with Sand 3.4E-07 80-82.5 Poorly Graded Sand with Silt 1.0E-07 MW13S2 15-20 -1.1E-07 MW14D2 49-54 Clayey Gravel with Sand 2.5E-07 MW14S2 7-15 Silt with Sand 4.5E-08 MW15S2 52-55 Silty Gravel with Sand 1.6E-07 82-87 Silty Sand with Gravel 2.3E-07 113-114 Silty Sand with Gravel 9.2E-08 129-130 Lean Clay 2.4E-07 MW-233 14-354 -2.5E-07 MW-243 10-249.5 -1.9E-07 MW-253 10-319 -3.2E-07 MW-263 10-359 -2.8E-07 MW-273 13-219 -7.4E-07 MW-283 98-198 -4.8E-07 MW-293 10-338 -1.4E-06 MW-303 10-318 -3.4E-07 MW-30R3 10-295 -7.6E-08 MW-323 11-269 -3.6E-07 MW-343 9-349 -3.1E-07 MW-13L3 6-158 -3.5E-06 MW-363 7-110 -5.3E-07 MW-373 7-69 -1.7E-07 MW-383 9-79 -3.4E-07 Notes 1. Sample intervals that cover multiple field classifications are not shown 2. Samples were analyzed by Microbial Insights using Barrington Magnetic Susceptibility System 3. Samples were analyzed in the field with KT-10 magnetic susceptibility meter - = not applicable ft bgs = feet below ground surface ID = identification m3/kg = cubic meters per kilogram MW-03R2 MW-082 MW13D2 MW-20D2 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Table 6-11 Compound Specific Isotope Analysis Results Analyte Unit Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q Result Q PCE δ13C (‰, VPDB)-26.4 -26.8 -26.1 -25.0 -26.1 Acronyms: ‰ = per mil δ13C = isotopic composition of carbon (13C/12C) PCE = tetrachloroethene VPDB = Vienna Pee Dee Belemnite Location Sample Name Sample Date MW-02 MW02- GW092820 9/28/2020 MW-04 MW04- GW092920 9/29/2020 MW-08A MW08A- GW092720 9/27/2020 MW-14D MW14D- GW092520 9/25/2020 MW-16S MW16S- GW092520 9/25/2020 OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah 1 of 1 Chemical CAS Number Groundwater Soil Gas Indoor Air Outdoor Air Soil/ Sediment Surface Water 1,1,2,2‐TETRACHLOROETHANE 79‐34‐5Qual.1 Quant.Qual.1 Qual.1 1,1,2‐TRICHLOROETHANE 79‐00‐5 Qual.1 Quant.Qual.1 Qual.1 1,2,4‐TRICHLOROBENZENE 120‐82‐1Qual.1Quant.Qual.1 1,2,4‐TRIMETHYLBENZENE 95‐63‐6 Quant. 1,2‐DIBROMOETHANE 106‐93‐4 Qual.1 Qual.1 Quant.Qual.1 Qual.1 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE 107‐06‐2 Quant. Quant. 1,2‐DICHLOROPROPANE 78‐87‐5 Quant. 1,3,5‐TRIMETHYLBENZENE 108‐67‐8 Quant. 1,3‐BUTADIENE 106‐99‐0 Quant. Quant. Quant. 1,4‐DICHLOROBENZENE 106‐46‐7 Quant. 1,4‐DIOXANE 123‐91‐1 Quant. Quant. Quant. 2‐HEXANONE 591‐78‐6 Quant. ALUMINUM 7429‐90‐5 Quant. Quant. ANTIMONY 7440‐36‐0 Quant. Quant. ARSENIC 7440‐38‐2 Quant. Quant. Quant. BARIUM 7440‐39‐3 Quant. BENZENE 71‐43‐2 Quant. Quant. Quant. Quant. Quant. BENZYL CHLORIDE 100‐44‐7 Quant.Qual.1 BERYLLIUM 7440‐41‐7 Quant. BIS(2‐ETHYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE 117‐81‐7 Quant. Quant. BROMODICHLOROMETHANE 75‐27‐4 Quant. Quant. Quant.Qual.1 Quant. BROMOMETHANE 74‐83‐9 Quant.Qual.1 CADMIUM 7440‐43‐9 Quant. Quant. Quant. CARBON TETRACHLORIDE 56‐23‐5 Quant. Quant. CHLOROFORM 67‐66‐3 Quant. Quant. Quant. Quant. Quant. CIS‐1,2‐DICHLOROETHENE 156‐59‐2 Quant.Bkg. Bkg. COBALT 7440‐48‐4 Quant. Quant. Quant. COPPER 7440‐50‐8 Quant. Quant. DIBROMOCHLOROMETHANE 124‐48‐1 Quant.Bkg. Bkg. ETHYL ACETATE 141‐78‐6 Quant. Quant. Quant. ETHYLBENZENE 100‐41‐4 Quant. Quant. Quant. HEXACHLORO‐1,3‐BUTADIENE 87‐68‐3 Qual.1 Qual.1 Quant.Qual.1 Qual.1 IRON 7439‐89‐6 Quant. Quant. ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 67‐63‐0 Quant. LEAD 7439‐92‐1 Quant. Quant. M,P‐XYLENE 108‐38‐3 Quant. Quant. MANGANESE 7439‐96‐5 Quant. Quant. Quant. METHYLENE CHLORIDE 75‐09‐2 Quant. NAPHTHALENE 91‐20‐3Qual.1 Quant.Qual.1 NICKEL 7440‐02‐0 Quant. O‐XYLENE 95‐47‐6 Quant. TETRACHLOROETHENE 127‐18‐4 Quant. Quant. Quant. Quant. Quant. THALLIUM 7440‐28‐0 Quant. Quant. Quant. TRICHLOROETHENE 79‐01‐6 Quant. Quant. Quant. Quant. Quant. VANADIUM 7440‐62‐2 Quant. Quant. VINYL ACETATE 108‐05‐4 Quant. VINYL CHLORIDE 75‐01‐4Qual.1 Quant.Qual.1 ZINC 7440‐66‐6 Quant. Quant. Notes: Site‐related COPCs are shown in bold text. Shaded cells indicate COPCs retained for further quantitative evaluation. COPC ‐ chemical of potential concern COPC Outcome: Null ‐ no further evaluation necessary Bkg. ‐  background analysis for detected analytes with no screening levels Qual.1 ‐ qualitative analysis for infrequently detected analytes with insufficient detection limits Qual.2 ‐ qualitative analysis for non‐detected analytes with no screening levels Quant. ‐  quantitative analysis for detected analytes with screening levels Table 7‐1  Human Health Receptor COPCs Selected for Quantitative Assessment OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah  Page 1 of 1 Receptor Exposure Medium Risk Conclusion Potable Water Potential unacceptable risk (future) Indoor Air Potential unacceptable risk (within ESS area) Outdoor Ambient Air Within EPA's acceptable risk range Shallow Groundwater Risks are negligible Deep Groundwater as Irrigation Water Assumed to be minor Spring/Seep Surface Water Risks are negligible Spring/Seep Sediment No COPCs identified; risks are negligible Homegrown Produce PCE risks are negligible Shallow Soil No COPCs identified; risks are negligible Potable Water Assumed potential unacceptable risk (future; based on  residential) Indoor Air Within EPA's acceptable risk range Outdoor Ambient Air Within EPA's acceptable risk range Spring/Seep Surface Water Risks are negligible Spring/Seep Sediment No COPCs identified; risks are negligible Shallow Soil No COPCs identified; risks are negligible Potable Water Assumed potential unacceptable risk (future; based on  residential) Indoor Air Potential unacceptable risk (future home daycares within ESS  area) Outdoor Ambient Air Within EPA's acceptable risk range Spring/Seep Surface Water Risks are negligible Spring/Seep Sediment No COPCs identified; risks are negligible Shallow Soil No COPCs identified; risks are negligible Potable Water Assumed potential unacceptable risk (future; based on  residential) Indoor Air Potential unacceptable risk (within ESS area) Outdoor Ambient Air Within EPA's acceptable risk range Shallow Groundwater Risks are negligible Deep Groundwater as Irrigation Water Assumed to be minor Spring/Seep Surface Water Risks are negligible Spring/Seep Sediment No COPCs identified; risks are negligible Shallow Soil No COPCs identified; risks are negligible Outdoor Ambient Air Assumed to be minor (given no unacceptable risk based on  outdoor worker) Shallow Groundwater Within EPA's acceptable risk range Trench Air Within EPA's acceptable risk range Spring/Seep Surface Water Risks are negligible Spring/Seep Sediment No COPCs identified; risks are negligible Shallow Soil No COPCs identified; risks are negligible Notes: Only pathways considered to be potentially complete in Figure H.2‐1 are presented. Pathways with potential unacceptable risk are shaded in orange. COPC = chemicals of potential concern EPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ESS area = East Side Springs area Table 7‐2 Overall Human Health Risk Assessment Conclusions for Site‐related COCs Resident Construction  Worker Indoor Worker Outdoor Worker Daycare  Children Students OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 1 Receptor Well Risk Grouping [a]HIchild HIadult Risklifetime Residential MW‐01D Based on Detects only 3E‐01 2E‐01 4E‐06 Ingestion: BIS(2‐ETHYLHEXYL)PHTHALATE Residential MW‐01D Site‐related only 4E‐01 3E‐01 1E‐05 none [c] Residential MW‐03RB Based on Detects only 6E+00 5E+00 5E‐05 Residential MW‐03RB Site‐related only 6E+00 5E+00 3E‐05 Residential MW‐03RC Based on Detects only 2E‐01 1E‐01 9E‐06 Inhalation: CHLOROFORM Residential MW‐03RC Site‐related only 4E‐01 3E‐01 2E‐06 none Residential MW‐03RD Based on Detects only 8E‐03 6E‐03 1E‐06 Residential MW‐03RD Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 2E‐06 none Residential MW‐08C Based on Detects only 6E‐03 5E‐03 1E‐06 Residential MW‐08C Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 2E‐06 none Residential MW‐13L Based on Detects only 1E+00 1E+00 2E‐05 Inhalation: CHLOROFORM; PCE Residential MW‐13L Site‐related only 1E+00 1E+00 6E‐06 Residential MW‐34C Based on Detects only All ND All ND All ND Residential MW‐34C Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 1E‐06 none Residential MW‐34D Based on Detects only All ND All ND All ND Residential MW‐34D Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 2E‐06 none Cancer risk is within the USEPA acceptable risk range between 1E‐06 and 1E‐04 Non‐cancer HI is greater than 1 or cancer risk is greater than 1E‐04 Notes: [a] Risk is presented based on detects only (i.e., includes only the detected COPCs) and for site‐related COPCs only. The site‐related COPCs include  PCE, TCE, cis‐1,2‐DCE, vinyl chloride, and 1,4‐dioxane. Risk for site‐related COPCs includes both detects and non‐detects. [b] Chemicals are identified as drivers if the individual chemical‐specific HQ is greater than 1 or risk is greater than 1E‐06. The list of risk drivers  is limited to only those chemicals that were detected in groundwater. Site‐related risk drivers are shown in bold. [c] 1,4‐dioxane was not detected in groundwater, but the achieved detection limits were not adequate relative to a cancer risk threshold of 1E‐06. All ND = all COPCs were non‐detect in all samples cis‐1,2‐DCE = cis‐1,2‐Dichloroethene COPC = chemicals of potential concern HI = hazard index HQ = hazard quotient none = no individual chemicals had an non‐cancer HQ greater than 1 or cancer risk greater than 1E‐06 PCE = Tetrachloroethene TCE = Trichloroethene Reasonable Maximum Exposure (RME) Table 7‐3 Risk Summary for Hypothetical Future Residential Exposures to Groundwater  Ingestion, Dermal, and  Inhalation: PCE Ingestion: CHLOROFORM; PCE; TCE Dermal: PCE Inhalation: BROMODICHLOROMETHANE;  CHLOROFORM; PCE; TCE Non‐cancer Drivers  [b] (Detects Only) Cancer Risk Drivers [b] (Detects Only) OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 1 Receptor Property ID Risk Grouping [a]HIchild HIadult Risklifetime Residential Properties Residential 0001‐H Based on Detects only 8E‐01 8E‐01 3E‐05 Residential 0001‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 2E‐06 Residential 0002‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐01 5E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0002‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0003‐H Based on Detects only 4E+00 4E+00 5E‐04 Residential 0003‐H Site‐related only 4E‐01 4E‐01 3E‐06 Residential 0004‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐02 6E‐02 9E‐06 Residential 0004‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0008‐H Based on Detects only 3E+00 3E+00 1E‐04 Residential 0008‐H Site‐related only 3E‐01 3E‐01 2E‐06 Residential 0011‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐01 7E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0011‐H Site‐related only 5E‐01 5E‐01 2E‐06 Residential 0012‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0012‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0013‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 7E‐06 Residential 0013‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0017‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐01 6E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0017‐H Site‐related only 4E‐01 4E‐01 2E‐06 Residential 0018‐H Based on Detects only 8E+00 8E+00 2E‐04 Residential 0018‐H Site‐related only 7E‐01 7E‐01 4E‐06 Residential 0023‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐01 1E‐01 4E‐06 Residential 0023‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 9E‐07 Residential 0025‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐01 3E‐01 4E‐05 Residential 0025‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 5E‐06 Residential 0026‐H Based on Detects only 5E+00 5E+00 7E‐05 Residential 0026‐H Site‐related only 4E‐01 4E‐01 2E‐06 Residential 0027‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐01 5E‐01 4E‐05 Residential 0027‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0029‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐01 4E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0029‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0030‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐01 5E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0030‐H Site‐related only 3E‐01 3E‐01 2E‐06 Residential 0036‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0036‐H Site‐related only 3E‐01 3E‐01 2E‐06 Residential 0037‐H Based on Detects only 2E+00 2E+00 1E‐04 Residential 0037‐H Site‐related only 3E‐01 3E‐01 4E‐06 Residential 0038‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐02 5E‐02 1E‐05 Residential 0038‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0040‐H [c]Based on Detects only 1E+01 1E+01 1E‐04 Residential 0040‐H Site‐related only 1E+01 1E+01 4E‐05 Residential 0041‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐01 3E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0041‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0047‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 8E‐07 Residential 0047‐H Site‐related only 3E‐01 3E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0050‐H Based on Detects only All ND All ND All ND Residential 0050‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 6E‐07 CHLOROFORM METHYLENE CHLORIDE; PCE; TCE 1,3‐BUTADIENE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM; ETHYLBENZENE;  METHYLENE CHLORIDE; PCE; TCE 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; CHLOROFORM 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE BENZENE; CHLOROFORM 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE 1,1,2,2‐TETRACHLOROETHANE; 1,3‐BUTADIENE; 1,4‐ DIOXANE; 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE;  BROMODICHLOROMETHANE; CHLOROFORM;  ETHYLBENZENE 1,1,2‐TRICHLOROETHANE 1,1,2‐TRICHLOROETHANE; 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE;  BENZENE; BROMODICHLOROMETHANE; CHLOROFORM;  ETHYLBENZENE 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; 1,4‐DICHLOROBENZENE; BENZENE BENZENE; CHLOROFORM 1,2,4‐TRICHLOROBENZENE;  BENZYL CHLORIDE;  NAPHTHALENE 1,1,2,2‐TETRACHLOROETHANE; 1,3‐BUTADIENE; 1,2‐ DIBROMOETHANE; 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; 1,4‐ DICHLOROBENZENE; BENZENE; BENZYL CHLORIDE;  BROMODICHLOROMETHANE; CHLOROFORM;  ETHYLBENZENE; HEXACHLORO‐1,3‐BUTADIENE;  NAPHTHALENE; TCE BENZENE 1,4‐DIOXANE; 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; 1,4‐ DICHLOROBENZENE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE; M,P‐XYLENE BENZENE; ETHYLBENZENE BENZENE; CHLOROFORM; PCE Table 7‐4 Risk Summary for Residential Exposures to Indoor Air Based on Measured Indoor Air Data Reasonable Maximum Exposure (RME) 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE; CARBON  TETRACHLORIDE; CHLOROFORM; ETHYLBENZENE BENZENE; CHLOROFORM none 1,1,2,2‐TETRACHLOROETHANE; 1,3‐BUTADIENE; 1,2‐ DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM;  ETHYLBENZENE; PCE BENZENE; CHLOROFORM Non‐cancer Drivers [b] (Detects Only) Cancer Risk Drivers [b] (Detects Only) OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 4 Receptor Property ID Risk Grouping [a]HIchild HIadult Risklifetime Table 7‐4 Risk Summary for Residential Exposures to Indoor Air Based on Measured Indoor Air Data Reasonable Maximum Exposure (RME)Non‐cancer Drivers [b] (Detects Only) Cancer Risk Drivers [b] (Detects Only) Residential 0051‐H [d]Based on Detects only 1E+01 1E+01 7E‐05 Residential 0051‐H Site‐related only 1E+01 1E+01 4E‐05 Residential 0052‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐02 5E‐02 2E‐07 Residential 0052‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 7E‐07 Residential 0053‐H Based on Detects only 1E+00 1E+00 2E‐05 Residential 0053‐H Site‐related only 8E‐01 8E‐01 4E‐06 Residential 0054‐H [e]Based on Detects only 5E+00 5E+00 2E‐05 Residential 0054‐H Site‐related only 5E+00 5E+00 2E‐05 Residential 0055‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐02 4E‐02 1E‐07 Residential 0055‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 7E‐07 Residential 0056‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 6E‐07 Residential 0056‐H Site‐related only 3E‐01 3E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0057‐H Based on Detects only All ND All ND All ND Residential 0057‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 6E‐07 Residential 0058‐H Based on Detects only All ND All ND All ND Residential 0058‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 6E‐07 Residential 0059‐H [f]Based on Detects only 1E+01 1E+01 1E‐04 Residential 0059‐H Site‐related only 1E+01 1E+01 5E‐05 Residential 0060‐H Based on Detects only All ND All ND All ND Residential 0060‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 6E‐07 Residential 0061‐H Based on Detects only All ND All ND All ND Residential 0061‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 6E‐07 Residential 0062‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 8E‐06 Residential 0062‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 7E‐07 Residential 0063‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐01 1E‐01 4E‐07 Residential 0063‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 9E‐07 Residential 0064‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐01 6E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0064‐H Site‐related only 4E‐01 4E‐01 3E‐06 Residential 0065‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0065‐H Site‐related only 5E‐02 5E‐02 7E‐07 Residential 0066‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐01 4E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0066‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0069‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐01 4E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0069‐H Site‐related only 8E‐02 8E‐02 9E‐07 Residential 0071‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐01 5E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0071‐H Site‐related only 3E‐02 3E‐02 3E‐07 Residential 0072‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 6E‐06 Residential 0072‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐02 3E‐07 Residential 0076‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐01 4E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0076‐H Site‐related only 3E‐02 3E‐02 6E‐07 Residential 0091‐H Based on Detects only 1E+00 1E+00 5E‐05 Residential 0091‐H Site‐related only 6E‐01 6E‐01 3E‐06 Residential 0098‐H Based on Detects only 8E‐01 8E‐01 3E‐05 Residential 0098‐H Site‐related only 4E‐01 4E‐01 2E‐06 Residential 0102‐H Based on Detects only 1E+00 1E+00 4E‐05 Residential 0102‐H Site‐related only 3E‐02 3E‐02 8E‐07 Residential 0118‐H Based on Detects only 1E+00 1E+00 3E‐05 Residential 0118‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 9E‐07 Residential 0121‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐01 6E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0121‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0122‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐01 5E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0122‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 8E‐07 Residential 0133‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐01 4E‐01 6E‐05 Residential 0133‐H Site‐related only 3E‐02 3E‐02 4E‐07 1,3‐BUTADIENE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE;  BROMODICHLOROMETHANE; CHLOROFORM 1,4‐DICHLOROBENZENE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM;  ETHYLBENZENE; TCE BENZENE; CHLOROFORM; METHYLENE CHLORIDE BENZENE; BROMODICHLOROMETHANE; CHLOROFORM;  NAPHTHALENE 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM; ETHYLBENZENE 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE;  BROMODICHLOROMETHANE; CARBON TETRACHLORIDE;  CHLOROFORM; PCE 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE;  BROMODICHLOROMETHANE; CARBON TETRACHLORIDE;  CHLOROFORM; ETHYLBENZENE CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM; ETHYLBENZENE 1,2,4‐TRICHLOROBENZENE; PCE;  TCE 1,3‐BUTADIENE; 1,4‐DIOXANE; BENZENE;  BROMODICHLOROMETHANE; CARBON TETRACHLORIDE;  CHLOROFORM; HEXACHLORO‐1,3‐BUTADIENE; PCE; TCE 1,3‐BUTADIENE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM; ETHYLBENZENE;  PCE TCE PCE; TCE ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL; PCE BENZENE; BROMODICHLOROMETHANE; CHLOROFORM;  PCE OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 2 of 4 Receptor Property ID Risk Grouping [a]HIchild HIadult Risklifetime Table 7‐4 Risk Summary for Residential Exposures to Indoor Air Based on Measured Indoor Air Data Reasonable Maximum Exposure (RME)Non‐cancer Drivers [b] (Detects Only) Cancer Risk Drivers [b] (Detects Only) Residential 0135‐H Based on Detects only 1E+00 1E+00 3E‐05 Residential 0135‐H Site‐related only 4E‐02 4E‐02 4E‐07 Residential 0137‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐01 5E‐01 3E‐05 Residential 0137‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 8E‐07 Residential 0139‐H Based on Detects only 3E+00 3E+00 3E‐04 Residential 0139‐H Site‐related only 3E‐02 3E‐02 5E‐07 Residential 0145‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐01 3E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0145‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 7E‐07 Residential 0146‐H Based on Detects only 8E‐01 8E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0146‐H Site‐related only 3E‐01 3E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0148‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐01 7E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0148‐H Site‐related only 8E‐02 8E‐02 6E‐07 Residential 0153‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐01 5E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0153‐H Site‐related only 5E‐02 5E‐02 5E‐07 Residential 0162‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐01 4E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0162‐H Site‐related only 3E‐02 3E‐02 5E‐07 Residential 0166‐H Based on Detects only 3E+00 3E+00 2E‐05 Residential 0166‐H Site‐related only 6E‐01 6E‐01 3E‐06 Residential 0172‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 4E‐06 Residential 0172‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 6E‐07 Residential 0173‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐01 5E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0173‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0174‐H Based on Detects only 8E‐01 8E‐01 8E‐05 Residential 0174‐H Site‐related only 8E‐02 8E‐02 2E‐06 Residential 0180‐H Based on Detects only 9E‐02 9E‐02 4E‐06 Residential 0180‐H Site‐related only 8E‐03 8E‐03 2E‐07 Residential 0189‐H Based on Detects only 1E+00 1E+00 1E‐05 Residential 0189‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 8E‐07 Residential 0192‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐01 7E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0192‐H Site‐related only 6E‐01 6E‐01 3E‐06 Residential 0193‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐01 5E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0193‐H Site‐related only 4E‐01 4E‐01 3E‐06 Residential 0194‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐01 7E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0194‐H Site‐related only 6E‐01 6E‐01 3E‐06 Residential 0195‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐01 4E‐01 9E‐06 Residential 0195‐H Site‐related only 9E‐02 9E‐02 1E‐06 Residential 0197‐H [g]Based on Detects only 4E+00 4E+00 3E‐05 Residential 0197‐H Site‐related only 3E+00 3E+00 1E‐05 Residential 0225‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0225‐H Site‐related only 5E‐02 5E‐02 9E‐07 Residential 0230‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐01 3E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0230‐H Site‐related only 1E‐02 1E‐02 2E‐07 Residential 0255‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0255‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0256‐H Based on Detects only 9E‐02 9E‐02 7E‐06 Residential 0256‐H Site‐related only 5E‐02 5E‐02 9E‐07 Residential 0263‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐01 7E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0263‐H Site‐related only 6E‐01 6E‐01 3E‐06 Residential 0273‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 8E‐06 Residential 0273‐H Site‐related only 8E‐02 8E‐02 5E‐07 Residential 0274‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐01 6E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0274‐H Site‐related only 3E‐01 3E‐01 1E‐06 Residential 0277‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 9E‐06 Residential 0277‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 7E‐07 Residential 0302‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐01 1E‐01 6E‐06 Residential 0302‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐02 2E‐07 Residential 0315‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐01 3E‐01 7E‐06 Residential 0315‐H Site‐related only 2E‐01 2E‐01 1E‐06 CHLOROFORM CHLOROFORM 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE BENZENE; CHLOROFORM CHLOROFORM CHLOROFORM 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM TCE CHLOROFORM; PCE; TCE 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; 1,4‐DICHLOROBENZENE;  CHLOROFORM CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM none CHLOROFORM none CHLOROFORM; TCE BENZENE; CHLOROFORM; TCE ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL BENZENE; CHLOROFORM; TCE 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE;  BROMODICHLOROMETHANE; CARBON TETRACHLORIDE;  CHLOROFORM; ETHYLBENZENE BENZENE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM none BENZENE; CHLOROFORM; ETHYLBENZENE ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL 1,3‐BUTADIENE; 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; 1,4‐ DICHLOROBENZENE; BENZENE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM; ETHYLBENZENE; NAPHTHALENE 1,4‐DICHLOROBENZENE; CARBON TETRACHLORIDE;  CHLOROFORM OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 3 of 4 Receptor Property ID Risk Grouping [a]HIchild HIadult Risklifetime Table 7‐4 Risk Summary for Residential Exposures to Indoor Air Based on Measured Indoor Air Data Reasonable Maximum Exposure (RME)Non‐cancer Drivers [b] (Detects Only) Cancer Risk Drivers [b] (Detects Only) Residential 0329‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐01 1E‐01 3E‐06 Residential 0329‐H Site‐related only 9E‐03 9E‐03 2E‐07 Residential 0334‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐01 1E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0334‐H Site‐related only 4E‐02 4E‐02 9E‐07 Residential 0336‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐01 5E‐01 7E‐06 Residential 0336‐H Site‐related only 4E‐01 4E‐01 2E‐06 Residential 0347‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐01 3E‐01 2E‐05 Residential 0347‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐02 2E‐07 Residential 0381‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐01 3E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0381‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐02 8E‐07 Residential 0392‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐01 6E‐06 Residential 0392‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐02 4E‐07 Residential 0395‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐01 3E‐01 1E‐05 Residential 0395‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 1E‐06 VAMC Building 20 (Valor House) and Building 32 (Fisher House) Residential B20‐I Based on Detects only 5E‐01 5E‐01 2E‐05 Residential B20‐I Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐01 7E‐07 Residential B32 Based on Detects only 3E‐01 3E‐01 9E‐06 Residential B20‐I Site‐related only 1E‐02 1E‐02 2E‐07 See Attachment H.6 for detailed risk estimates for each COPC. Cancer risk is within the USEPA acceptable risk range between 1E‐06 and 1E‐04 Non‐cancer HI is greater than 1 or cancer risk is greater than 1E‐04 Notes: [a] Risk is presented based on detects only (i.e., includes only the detected COPCs) and for site‐related COPCs only. The site‐related COPCs include  PCE, TCE, cis‐1,2‐DCE, vinyl chloride, and 1,4‐dioxane. Risk for site‐related COPCs includes both detects and non‐detects. [b] Chemicals are identified as drivers if the individual chemical‐specific HQ is greater than 1 or risk is greater than 1E‐06. The list of risk drivers  is limited to only those chemicals that were detected in groundwater. Site‐related risk drivers are shown in bold. [c] For property 0040‐H, interim measures have been taken; risk estimates are based on pre‐mitigation conditions. [d] For property 0051‐H, interim measures were taken (i.e., basement cracks were sealed); risk estimates are based on pre‐mitigation conditions.  Post‐mitigation conditions show no unacceptable risks. [e] For property 0054‐H, pressure cycling results indicate indoor sources were the primary contributors to overall exposures; the VI pathway is incomplete. [f] For property 0059‐H, risks are being driven by one historical sample collected within inches of a floor drain. If risk estimates were based on  2020 breathing zone samples, no unacceptable risks are present. [g] For property 0197‐H, interim measures were taken (i.e., portable air filters provided) while the TCE source was investigated further. All ND = all COPCs were non‐detect in all samples cis‐1,2‐DCE = cis‐1,2‐Dichloroethene COPC = chemicals of potential concern HI = hazard index HQ = hazard quotient none = no individual chemicals had an non‐cancer HQ greater than 1 or cancer risk greater than 1E‐06 PCE = Tetrachloroethene TCE = Trichloroethene 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; CHLOROFORM 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM; ETHYLBENZENE BENZENE; CHLOROFORM CHLOROFORM 1,3‐BUTADIENE; CHLOROFORM none BENZENE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE; CHLOROFORM OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 4 of 4 Receptor Property ID Risk Grouping [a]HIchild Risklifetime School Daycares Daycare children 0045‐S Based on Detects only 2E‐01 3E‐07 Daycare children 0045‐S Site‐related only 2E‐01 3E‐07 VAMC Building 13  Daycare children B13‐I Based on Detects only All ND All ND Daycare children B13‐I Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐08 Churches Daycare children 0366‐C Based on Detects only 4E‐02 5E‐07 Daycare children B13‐I Site‐related only 9E‐03 3E‐08 Hypothetical Residential Daycares Daycare children 0001‐H Based on Detects only 9E‐02 9E‐07 Daycare children 0001‐H Site‐related only 3E‐02 8E‐08 Daycare children 0002‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0002‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 5E‐08 Daycare children 0003‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐01 2E‐05 Daycare children 0003‐H Site‐related only 5E‐02 1E‐07 Daycare children 0004‐H Based on Detects only 8E‐03 3E‐07 Daycare children 0004‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 4E‐08 Daycare children 0008‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐01 4E‐06 Daycare children 0008‐H Site‐related only 3E‐02 9E‐08 Daycare children 0011‐H Based on Detects only 9E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0011‐H Site‐related only 6E‐02 8E‐08 Daycare children 0012‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0012‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 5E‐08 Daycare children 0013‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐02 2E‐07 Daycare children 0013‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 4E‐08 Daycare children 0017‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐02 5E‐07 Daycare children 0017‐H Site‐related only 5E‐02 8E‐08 Daycare children 0018‐H Based on Detects only 1E+00 7E‐06 Daycare children 0018‐H Site‐related only 9E‐02 2E‐07 Daycare children 0023‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐02 1E‐07 Daycare children 0023‐H Site‐related only 1E‐02 4E‐08 Daycare children 0025‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐02 1E‐06 Daycare children 0025‐H Site‐related only 3E‐02 2E‐07 Daycare children 0026‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐01 2E‐06 Daycare children 0026‐H Site‐related only 5E‐02 7E‐08 Daycare children 0027‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐02 1E‐06 Daycare children 0027‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 4E‐08 Daycare children 0029‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0029‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 5E‐08 Daycare children 0030‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0030‐H Site‐related only 4E‐02 1E‐07 Daycare children 0036‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0036‐H Site‐related only 4E‐02 9E‐08 Daycare children 0037‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐01 4E‐06 Daycare children 0037‐H Site‐related only 4E‐02 1E‐07 Daycare children 0038‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐03 4E‐07 Daycare children 0038‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 4E‐08 Daycare children 0040‐H [c]Based on Detects only 2E+00 5E‐06 Daycare children 0040‐H Site‐related only 1E+00 2E‐06 Daycare children 0041‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0041‐H Site‐related only 3E‐02 4E‐08 Table 7‐5 Risk Summary for Daycare Children Exposures to Indoor Air Based on Measured Indoor Air Data Reasonable Maximum  Exposure (RME) Non‐cancer Drivers  [b] (Detects Only) Cancer Risk Drivers [b] (Detects Only) 1,1,2,2‐TETRACHLOROETHANE;  BENZENE; CHLOROFORM BENZENE NAPHTHALENE none 1,2‐DICHLOROETHANE none CHLOROFORM (none for site‐related) OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 4 Receptor Property ID Risk Grouping [a]HIchild Risklifetime Table 7‐5 Risk Summary for Daycare Children Exposures to Indoor Air Based on Measured Indoor Air Data Reasonable Maximum  Exposure (RME) Non‐cancer Drivers  [b] (Detects Only) Cancer Risk Drivers [b] (Detects Only) Daycare children 0047‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐02 2E‐08 Daycare children 0047‐H Site‐related only 4E‐02 5E‐08 Daycare children 0050‐H Based on Detects only All ND All ND Daycare children 0050‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐08 Daycare children 0051‐H [d]Based on Detects only 2E+00 2E‐06 Daycare children 0051‐H Site‐related only 1E+00 1E‐06 Daycare children 0052‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐03 5E‐09 Daycare children 0052‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 3E‐08 Daycare children 0053‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐01 6E‐07 Daycare children 0053‐H Site‐related only 1E‐01 1E‐07 Daycare children 0054‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐01 9E‐07 Daycare children 0054‐H Site‐related only 6E‐01 9E‐07 Daycare children 0055‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐03 4E‐09 Daycare children 0055‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 3E‐08 Daycare children 0056‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐02 2E‐08 Daycare children 0056‐H Site‐related only 4E‐02 4E‐08 Daycare children 0057‐H Based on Detects only All ND All ND Daycare children 0057‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐08 Daycare children 0058‐H Based on Detects only All ND All ND Daycare children 0058‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐08 Daycare children 0059‐H [e]Based on Detects only 2E+00 4E‐06 Daycare children 0059‐H Site‐related only 1E+00 2E‐06 Daycare children 0060‐H Based on Detects only All ND All ND Daycare children 0060‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐08 Daycare children 0061‐H Based on Detects only All ND All ND Daycare children 0061‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐08 Daycare children 0062‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐02 2E‐07 Daycare children 0062‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 3E‐08 Daycare children 0063‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐02 1E‐08 Daycare children 0063‐H Site‐related only 3E‐02 3E‐08 Daycare children 0064‐H Based on Detects only 8E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0064‐H Site‐related only 5E‐02 9E‐08 Daycare children 0065‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐02 3E‐07 Daycare children 0065‐H Site‐related only 7E‐03 3E‐08 Daycare children 0066‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0066‐H Site‐related only 1E‐02 4E‐08 Daycare children 0069‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐02 7E‐07 Daycare children 0069‐H Site‐related only 1E‐02 3E‐08 Daycare children 0071‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐02 7E‐07 Daycare children 0071‐H Site‐related only 4E‐03 1E‐08 Daycare children 0072‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐02 2E‐07 Daycare children 0071‐H Site‐related only 3E‐03 9E‐09 Daycare children 0076‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐02 6E‐07 Daycare children 0076‐H Site‐related only 4E‐03 2E‐08 Daycare children 0091‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 2E‐06 Daycare children 0091‐H Site‐related only 8E‐02 1E‐07 Daycare children 0098‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐01 9E‐07 Daycare children 0098‐H Site‐related only 5E‐02 8E‐08 Daycare children 0102‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 1E‐06 Daycare children 0102‐H Site‐related only 4E‐03 3E‐08 Daycare children 0118‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 9E‐07 Daycare children 0118‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 3E‐08 Daycare children 0121‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐02 5E‐07 Daycare children 0121‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 4E‐08 none none none none none OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 2 of 4 Receptor Property ID Risk Grouping [a]HIchild Risklifetime Table 7‐5 Risk Summary for Daycare Children Exposures to Indoor Air Based on Measured Indoor Air Data Reasonable Maximum  Exposure (RME) Non‐cancer Drivers  [b] (Detects Only) Cancer Risk Drivers [b] (Detects Only) Daycare children 0122‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0122‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐08 Daycare children 0133‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐02 2E‐06 Daycare children 0133‐H Site‐related only 3E‐03 1E‐08 Daycare children 0135‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐01 9E‐07 Daycare children 0135‐H Site‐related only 5E‐03 1E‐08 Daycare children 0137‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐02 7E‐07 Daycare children 0137‐H Site‐related only 1E‐02 3E‐08 Daycare children 0139‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐01 7E‐06 Daycare children 0139‐H Site‐related only 4E‐03 2E‐08 Daycare children 0145‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐02 5E‐07 Daycare children 0146‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐08 Daycare children 0146‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐01 5E‐07 Daycare children 0146‐H Site‐related only 3E‐02 5E‐08 Daycare children 0148‐H Based on Detects only 9E‐02 6E‐07 Daycare children 0148‐H Site‐related only 1E‐02 2E‐08 Daycare children 0153‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0153‐H Site‐related only 6E‐03 2E‐08 Daycare children 0162‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐02 7E‐07 Daycare children 0162‐H Site‐related only 4E‐03 2E‐08 Daycare children 0166‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐01 6E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 8E‐02 1E‐07 Daycare children 0172‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐02 1E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 1E‐02 2E‐08 Daycare children 0173‐H Based on Detects only 6E‐02 6E‐07 Daycare children 0173‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 3E‐08 Daycare children 0174‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐01 2E‐06 Daycare children 0174‐H Site‐related only 1E‐02 6E‐08 Daycare children 0180‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐02 1E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 1E‐03 7E‐09 Daycare children 0189‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐01 3E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 3E‐08 Daycare children 0192‐H Based on Detects only 9E‐02 5E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 7E‐02 9E‐08 Daycare children 0193‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐02 5E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 6E‐02 1E‐07 Daycare children 0194‐H Based on Detects only 9E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 8E‐02 1E‐07 Daycare children 0195‐H Based on Detects only 5E‐02 3E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 1E‐02 4E‐08 Daycare children 0197‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐01 9E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 4E‐01 6E‐07 Daycare children 0225‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 6E‐03 3E‐08 Daycare children 0230‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐02 3E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 1E‐03 7E‐09 Daycare children 0255‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐02 5E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 5E‐08 Daycare children 0256‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐02 2E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 6E‐03 3E‐08 Daycare children 0263‐H Based on Detects only 9E‐02 3E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 7E‐02 1E‐07 Daycare children 0273‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐02 2E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 9E‐03 1E‐08 1,4‐DICHLOROBENZENE none none OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 3 of 4 Receptor Property ID Risk Grouping [a]HIchild Risklifetime Table 7‐5 Risk Summary for Daycare Children Exposures to Indoor Air Based on Measured Indoor Air Data Reasonable Maximum  Exposure (RME) Non‐cancer Drivers  [b] (Detects Only) Cancer Risk Drivers [b] (Detects Only) Daycare children 0274‐H Based on Detects only 8E‐02 3E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 4E‐02 4E‐08 Daycare children 0277‐H Based on Detects only 3E‐02 3E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 2E‐08 Daycare children 0302‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐02 2E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 2E‐03 8E‐09 Daycare children 0315‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐02 2E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 4E‐08 Daycare children 0329‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐02 1E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 1E‐03 6E‐09 Daycare children 0334‐H Based on Detects only 1E‐02 5E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 5E‐03 3E‐08 Daycare children 0336‐H Based on Detects only 7E‐02 2E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 5E‐02 5E‐08 Daycare children 0347‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐02 6E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 2E‐03 8E‐09 Daycare children 0381‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐02 4E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 3E‐03 3E‐08 Daycare children 0392‐H Based on Detects only 2E‐02 2E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 3E‐03 2E‐08 Daycare children 0395‐H Based on Detects only 4E‐02 3E‐07 Daycare children 0166‐H Site‐related only 2E‐02 4E‐08 See Attachment H.6 for detailed risk estimates for each COPC. Cancer risk is within the USEPA acceptable risk range between 1E‐06 and 1E‐04 Non‐cancer HI is greater than 1 or cancer risk is greater than 1E‐04 Notes: [a] Risk is presented based on detects only (i.e., includes only the detected COPCs) and for site‐related COPCs only. The site‐related COPCs include  PCE, TCE, cis‐1,2‐DCE, vinyl chloride, and 1,4‐dioxane. Risk for site‐related COPCs includes both detects and non‐detects. [b] Chemicals are identified as drivers if the individual chemical‐specific HQ is greater than 1 or risk is greater than 1E‐06. The list of risk drivers  is limited to only those chemicals that were detected in groundwater. Site‐related risk drivers are shown in bold. [c] For property 0040‐H, interim measures have been taken; risk estimates are based on pre‐mitigation conditions. [d] For property 0051‐H, interim measures were taken (i.e., basement cracks were sealed); risk estimates are based on pre‐mitigation conditions.  Post‐mitigation conditions show no unacceptable risks. [e] For property 0059‐H, risks are being driven by one historical sample collected within inches of a floor drain. If risk estimates were based on  2020 breathing zone samples, no unacceptable risks are present. All ND = all COPCs were non‐detect in all samples cis‐1,2‐DCE = cis‐1,2‐Dichloroethene COPC = chemicals of potential concern HI = hazard index HQ = hazard quotient none = no individual chemicals had an non‐cancer HQ greater than 1 or cancer risk greater than 1E‐06 PCE = Tetrachloroethene TCE = Trichloroethene OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 4 of 4 Receptor Property ID Risk Grouping [a]HIadult Risklifetime Indoor Worker Building 6 [c]Based on Detects only 7E+00 3E‐05 Indoor Worker B6‐IA Site‐related only 6E+00 2E‐05 Indoor Worker Building 7 Based on Detects only 3E+00 8E‐06 Indoor Worker B7‐IA Site‐related only 9E‐01 3E‐06 Indoor Worker Building 13 Based on Detects only All ND All ND Indoor Worker B13‐I Site‐related only 3E‐02 1E‐07 Indoor Worker Building 20 Based on Detects only 1E‐01 4E‐06 Indoor Worker B20‐I Site‐related only 3E‐02 1E‐07 Indoor Worker Building 32 Based on Detects only 8E‐02 2E‐06 Indoor Worker B20‐I Site‐related only 3E‐03 4E‐08 Cancer risk is within the USEPA acceptable risk range between 1E‐06 and 1E‐04 Non‐cancer HI is greater than 1 or cancer risk is greater than 1E‐04 Notes: [a] Risk is presented based on detects only (i.e., includes only the detected COPCs) and for site‐related COPCs only. The site‐related COPCs include  PCE, TCE, cis‐1,2‐DCE, vinyl chloride, and 1,4‐dioxane. Risk for site‐related COPCs includes both detects and non‐detects. [b] Chemicals are identified as drivers if the individual chemical‐specific HQ is greater than 1 or risk is greater than 1E‐06. The list of risk drivers  is limited to only those chemicals that were detected in groundwater. Site‐related risk drivers are shown in bold. [c] Indoor sources were present and removed from Building 6. If risk estimates were based on the most recent sampling  (collected after sources were removed), no unacceptable risks are present. All ND = all COPCs were non‐detect in all samples cis‐1,2‐DCE = cis‐1,2‐Dichloroethene COPC = chemicals of potential concern HI = hazard index HQ = hazard quotient none = no individual chemicals had an non‐cancer HQ greater than 1 or cancer risk greater than 1E‐06 PCE = Tetrachloroethene TCE = Trichloroethene VAMC = Veterans Affairs Medical Center Table 7‐6 Risk Summary for Indoor (Commercial) Worker Exposures to Indoor Air  PCE none 1,3‐BUTADIENE BENZENE; TCEETHYL ACETATE Non‐cancer Drivers  [b] (Detects Only) Cancer Risk Drivers  [b] (Detects Only) Reasonable Maximum  Exposure (RME) CHLOROFORM; PCE;  TCE OU1 Remedial Investigation Report 700 South 1600 East PCE Plume Salt Lake City, Utah Page 1 of 1