HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-1991-014035 - 0901a0688054043aOAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC 'JAM o 9 >2b!l Location Number: MS00409 Location Address: A0000016003O Monticello. Utah 84535 Date of Issue: January 1991 Survey Date: August 22. 1990 GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP- MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): Monticello. Utah 84535 -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) 13-16 /;R/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 17 ^R/h High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): 16 /iR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): None Soil Sample Sample Depth 226Ra Concen- Sample Area Net Estimated Number (cm) tration m2 Area-weighted fpCi/g) (vCi/z) SI 0-15 1.4 >100 <1.5 Comments: lnc*lusloji Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator SCANNED DFRR - mi- omo35 WEST 1ST. SOUTH ST / 214' / . / f/ 2 STORY FRAME HOUSE SOG SL3 / I— I < 0_ X (/) < -X- SHED MS00406 GRAVEL SHED ROOT CELLAR I* 5HEC' 13-16/iR/h HOG J Si* MS00409 9V N I L FEET 15 3 METERS 30 10 MS00409 181 WEST 1 ST SOUTH ST. MONTICELLO, UT. Figure 1. Property Mop 6/15/S0/DSL/SMr/6/l»/50/DSL Figure 2. Location MS00409, looking south at the front of the property. Location Number M S 0 0 ':; VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 /iR/h above background averaged over 100. m2 [ ] 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 ma [] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 Ml] M [] [>(] [] [) [] [] [] (] U [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] • 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number M S 0 0 Gamma is >20 fiR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 UL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [] ( ] M [ ] [] 0 [] N [] [] [] [] [] M M Cxi [] [] U [] [] [] U [] [] (] [] [] [] [] [] [] Other: W.- -L *Data were not taken because: foe] Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS W S 0 0 4 o 9 Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed ft\ do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. jLittfiy, Ph.D. {j Date Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number S 0 0 4 0 9 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or {] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number M S 0 0 4 0 9 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JftM 0 9 «M Location Number: MS00560 Location Address: 280 West 1st North Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Date of Issue: January 1991 Survey Date: September 19. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Proiect Procedures Manual (April 1987). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP- MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(si: -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) 13-15 /iR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 17 /iR/h High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): 15 /iR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): 300 pR/h -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): 13-15 /iR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 17 /iR/h High Indoor Gamma (HIG): 15 /iR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): None Soil Sample Sample Depth 226Ra Concen- Sample Area Net Estimated Number (cm) tration m2 Area-weighted (PCi/g) ( oCi/g) S1A 0-15 1.3 >100 <1 SIB 15-30 1.1 >100 <1 Comments: Point source is an ore sample. Inc .pj. Iusiori ^Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator 134' oo i— 00 Ul Q OC or O UJ X 1 3-^I5^R/h 1-STORY BLOCK HOUSE W/CS 124' 1 3-15/zR/h si • /. WEST 1ST NORTH ST. PT. SOURCE 300/zR/h ORE SAMPLE N. r FEET 10 20 J 6 METERS 30 MS00560 280 WEST 1ST NORTH ST. MONTICELLO,UT. Figure 1. Property Mop EKR/UKJ/e/l 6/90/DSI/8/23/90 w I* r*1 "8«r. 2. LoCation MS00560> iooking ^ 3t the front of the proper Location Number M5G£>5i&>& VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISC) of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 ^R/h above background averaged over 100 m2 GaEza is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 326Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 S26Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 ca layer averaged over TOO m2 256Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline I] \A I] Location Number 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 /iR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 VL Grab sacple radon daughter concentration is <0.01 VL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 VL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 VL IJ in ii [] [] n n n (] n 11 n IJ n IJ i] Other: *Data vere not taken because: [ ^Data vere not required to derive the findings. [ j Property ovner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number /^l<£iOS60 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on there's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed Y\ do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A. Ltttle,Typh.D. " Date C Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number f\A*£)&^>bO 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Eased on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information pfovided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an (] Inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date i OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JAN 0 9 1991 Location Number: MS00562 Location Address: 264 West 1st North Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Date of Issue: January 1991 Survey Date: September 25. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Proiect Procedures Manual (April 1987). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP- MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) 13-15 pR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 17 pR/h High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): 15 /iR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): 25 /iR/h -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): 12-14 /iR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 16 /iR/h High Indoor Gamma (HIG): 14 pR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): None Soil Sample Sample Depth 226Ra Concen- Sample Area Net Estimated Number (cm) tration m2 Area-weighted ! CoCi/g) (pCi/g) SI 0-15 1.4 >100 <1 Comments: Point source is a piece of petrified wood. Incjlusjionj Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator ¥r 195' X--X 1 3- 1 5/iR/h 13-15/xR/h 10 ID SHED CN GARAGE CARPORT FLAGSTONE X- - ASPHALT IM- MOBILE HOME PORCH -Lt'", X -X- S1 13-1 S^iR/h HOG ASPHALT PETRIFIED WOOD X - X- N J L i FEET 15 3 METERS 30 10 WEST 1ST NORTH ST. MS00562 264 WEST 1ST NORTH ST. MONTICELLO, UTAH Figure 1. Property Mop GKS/MJW/9/6/90.GKS/9/19/S0 Figure 2. Location MS00562, looking north at the front of the prope Location Number V-\ SC3<2> (5 (o ~C VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 rn2 2 2 8Ra is >15 pCI/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 ra2 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline If IH- (] (] (1 (] 11 (-4-^ U (1 [) (] (1 (] U (1 0 [] (] I] [] 11 IJ Location Number V\^CO 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 UL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 UL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 UL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 UL l-h (] [] (] N (] U [] (] 0 0 0 14- ( J- [ J- [] (] 0 [) (1 U U 0 U (I 0 I) 0 [] [] 0 Other: *Data were not taken because: ( -J^Data were not required to derive the findings. ( j Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number \~\ S OO *S 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which {] exceed •r'f'do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. LittYe), Fh.D. ^ Date ' Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, (] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number MSOOSfc^ 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, Including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JAN 0 9 Location Number: MS00686 Location Address: 1149 North Main Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Date of Issue: Survey Date: January 1991 October 9. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey vas conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP- MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*) 13-15 pR/h 17 pR/h 15 pR/h None Soil Sample Number Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration (pcj/g) Sample Area nr Net Estimated Area-weighted fpCi/R) SI 0-15 1.8 >100 <1.0 Comments: IncVusid'jf Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator o CN X X A >c X >c X A >c X >c X A >c X Q < _1 Q LJ CD cr I— 00 in m f 13-15/xR/h HOG x x A 260' #S1| MONTICELLO CITY MARKER MS00686 1 1 49 NORTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO, UT Figure 1. Property Mop n r FEET 50 100 200 0 10 20 40 METERS DBE/UKJ 9/26/90 SuF 10/4/90 @3 Figure 2. Location MS00686, looking west at the front of the property. Location Number VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS SUMMARY EVALUATION Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISC) of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over / 100_m* [] [/f [] [] [] [] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over / 100 m2 MM [] UN N 2 26Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm / layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [/] [] [] [] (] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 -cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [] [/] (] [] [] 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [^J [] rj fj rj Location Nunber- /H500C>t& 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Departaent of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* GarruTja is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration Is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Other: \//3r4*TL //I *f/ I) [ } [ ) I) I) [) N [] [] (] [] (] V i4 (1 u 0 (] [) I] [} [] [} (] (] [] I ] [] [] (] *Data vere not taken because: Data vere not required to derive the findings. { ] Property ovner did not authorize access for interior sampling. • Location Number /ASOQ&frt* INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the I5vs evaluation, this property contains radiation levels vhich [] exceed (-jdo not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Littje, ^ft.D. 17'"' Date Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number /W500t>&^ 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1. ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number <?<2<£ £^ 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, Including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date I • i OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 "JAN 0 9 1991 Location Number: MS00732 Location Address: North Highvay 191 A33230250611 Monticello. Utah 84535 Date of Issue: January 1991 Survey Date: October 10. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Vork performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey vas conducted using methods as defined in the Vibinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Proiect Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP- MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follovs: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) 13-15 pR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 17 pR/h High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): 15 pR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): None -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): 11-14 pR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 17 pR/h High Indoor Gamma (HIG): 14 pR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): None Soil Sample Sample Depth 226Ra Concen- Sample Area Net Estimated Number (cm) tration m2 Area-weighted foCi/g) fpCi/g) SI 0-15 .95 100 <1 Comments: Inclusion) Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator t 150' EOF 13-15/zR/h HOG LAWN TWO STORY FRAME SOG .<>•/:<• GRAVEL DRIVE 13-15/iR/h ONE STORY METAL/BLOCK SHOP SOG S1 16-17/iR/h CONCRETE BLOCK FENCE MS00732 PARCEL NUMBER A33230250611 NORTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO, UT Figure 1. Property Mop v X <0 N FEET 15 3 METERS 30 10 DBE/UKJ 9/27/90 %ur 1C/5/90 fc Figure 2. Location MS00732, looking east at the front of the property. Location Number /WSQ0733 VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISC) of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above / background averaged over / 100-jn* [] [/] [] [] [] [] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 ra2 [/] [] [] [] [] [] 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm / layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [/] (] [] [] [] 226Ra is >15 pCI/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [] [/] [] [] [] 226Ra is > Hot Spot / Guideline [] [/] [] [] [] [] 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number ^ ^>00 7 3 Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Enerkv (DOE) Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab* sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [] [ [] (1 0 [] IJ [] N [] [] [] ti 0 [] [] U [] [] [] [) [] l) (] [] [] Other: •Datta were not taken because: [v^ Data were not required to derive the findings. [ j Property owner did not authorize access -for interior sampling. Location Number /SiS&oySeL 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed ^ do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. /Ph.D. V Date C. A. Little',:/Ph.D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number fASOOlSS 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 -ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number f4$O0~?S3 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 "3 9 1991' Location Number: MS00746 Location Address: East 6th North St. A33230251813 Monticello. Utah 84535 Date of Issue: January 1991 Survey Date: October 11. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Proiect Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP- MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(si: -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) 12-15 uR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 17 pR/h High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): 15 pR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): None Soil Sample Sample Depth 226Ra Concen- Sample Area Net Estimated Number (cm) tration m2 Area-weighted f pCi/g) fpCi/g) SI 0-15 1.1 >100 <1 Comments: City street. 50' S1 o o co CT m I CN Ul CT I— 00 I I— cr o X h- V— 00 < Ul cr CN FEET 25 50 0 5 10 20 METERS 100 MS00746 PARCEL NUMBER A33230251813 EAST 6TH NORTH STREET MONTICELLO, UT Figure 1. Property Mop SMS S/26/90 SMF 10/5/90 Figure 2. Location MS00746, looking west at the front of the property. Location Number ft/j^OO^1!^ VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* I) W) [] Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100*m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [/] [] [V] [] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 -cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [) I] 0 [•] I) N [] [] [J ' N ll 0 [] [] 0 11 [] 0 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number M5CO 7^ Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 VL Grab sample radon daughter concentration Is <0.01 VL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 VL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 VL 11 I ] V. [ ) I) I) I) [] [] 11 11 I) (] U (] (1 (} [] (] 0 (] U n [] (] () (] ll Other: *Data were not taken because: Y\ Data were not required to derive the findings. [ j Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. • Location Number ffl$OC>~l)Lt'(? -- 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISc's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels vhich [] exceed [jVoo not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Li trtle,/ Pjfl.D." Inclusion- Survey Contractor Date Location Number /<?5^^7V^ 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number//l$0O7'J6> 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 TON 1 5 1991 Location Number: MS00605 Location Address: 65 Park View Drive Monticello. Utah 84535 Date of Issue: January 1991 Survey Date: October 9. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP- MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) 13-16 /iR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 17 pR/h High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): 16 pR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): None -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): 12-14 pR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 16 pR/h High Indoor Gamma (HIG): 14 pR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): None Soil Sample Sample Depth 226Ra Concen- Sample Area Net Estimated Number (cm) tration m2 Area-weighted fpCi/e) (PCi/g) SI 0-15 1.3 >100 <1.5 Comments: Incljusiofr Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator 123" Q: Q UJ Qr 13-16 v-R/h DNE STORY FRAME HOUSE W/CELLAR 1 GRAVEL *<0 S1 SHED 1 14' 13-16 /zR/h HOG 13-16 /zR/h 62' MS00605 65 PARK VIEW DR. * MONTICELLO, UTAH FEET 10 20 3 6 METERS 30 Figure 1. Property Mop GKS/MJW/9/7/90.GKS/9/1 7/90 1 Figure 2. Location MS00605, looking east at the front of the property. • Location Number fhSoOGOS VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Noc Taken* Gamma Is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 22aRa is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 22«Ra Is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline M • [) [) [) I) 4KL (1 [] (] (] [] [] (1 [] [] (1 [] [] (] [] (1 (] [) [) [] Location Number />0S<iO^j0<S 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged In any room Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISO of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [] rt>4 [] N [] [] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background In all rooms *&*4- [] [] [] [] [] Grab sample radon daughter concentration Is >0.04 WL [] [] [] [] [] Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL [] [] <$<[]_ [] [] [] Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL [] (] 04. N (1 (] Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [] (J H (1 (J Other: *Data vere not taken because: £[>4*lPata vere not required to derive the findings. [ j Property owner did not authorize access for Interior sampling. Location Number /XlS 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Location Number A^S CO&DS 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further Information provided by the ISC In Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date • » OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 tfAN 1 6 199f W. E. Murphie Chief, Decontamination & Decommissioning Branch Division of Eastern Area Programs Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management U.S. Department of Energy (EM-423) Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-D0E/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: Trailers are temporary structures and sheds are nonhabitable. This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C: A. Little, Ph. D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00341 Location Address: 165 West 3rd South Street Monticello. UT 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: • Location Number ^\S>C>C>3^ \ VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION. AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 /jR/h above background averaged over 100- m2 [] [^T (1 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 ra2 [-T I) I] 22«Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 era layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [ .-f- [] 228Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 era layer averaged over 100 ra2 22SRa is > Hot Spot Guideline 0 (J 11 11 0 [] 11 0 [] [1 [] [] u [] [] [] [] 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number MSOoSM ( Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [] ( 1 H I 1 U [] 0 (1 (1 U (1 U 11 U [) {} [) [) [] 0 i) i) (] u [] [] n Other: \cnprrr,,-^ £ tr U ~ v ^ i f?Ws HC i\ ha b f f A b Iv *Data were not taken because: Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number M. ^ 00*3, CJ, ( 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the IS£,'s evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed [^3o not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Inclusion Surv1 Ph.D. ey Contractor" Date/ ' Location Number KS,003^\ \ 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1* ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number *>\S003<-\( 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, Including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an {] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00341 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00341 165 WEST 3RD SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-TVC Project Manager D. A. Locke January 1991 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00341 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00341 165 WEST 3RD SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 lo assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS00341 was conducted on August 21, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a single family residence. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG UMTRA Proiect Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA') Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS0O341 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete outdoor gamma radiation scan was performed on this property. The general background gamma exposure rate range was 13-15 uR/h. One area, Region A (Figure 1), was located. This region consisted of three pieces of sandstone ore that were removed. One sample, SI, was taken. This sample had a net estimated area-weighted average ^Ra concentration of <1.5 pCi/g and a radionuclide concentration of 13 pCi/g. Both of these values are well below the DOE guidelines of 5 pCi/g for surface soils averaged over 100 m2 and the DOE Hot Spot Guideline of 52 pCi/g for areas <1 m2. t Location Number: MS00341 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [ ] EXCEED [x] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is <background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 nr ^Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 • Location Number: MS00341 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: 165 West 3rd South Street Monticello, UT 84535 OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: 801-587-2965 PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: Residential, simple TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: 1,700 m2 STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 2 Temporary house trailers 3 Sheds Owner Information OWNER: Same as above ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Same as above Location Number: MS00341 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 uR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 17 uR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-15 uR/h EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: A: 120 uR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) IN CONTAMINATED REGION: 120 uR/h LOCATION OF HOG: Region A POINT SOURCE *: None ESTIMATED AREA OF OUTDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: A: 0.5 m2 NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION**: A; <1 uR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n 2 **Formula used: GAW = i=l GiAi 100 where: GAW = the area-weighted exposure rate in [uR/h] °i = net average exposure rate in [uR/h] (Gi = GGross - background) *i = area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 = threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00341 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Soil Sample Sample Region Depth Number Sampled (cm) ^Ra Concentration (PCi/g) (Canalysis) Representative (biased) Sampling Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* (PCi/g, CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** (pCi/g) sr 0-15 13 0.5 <1.5 52 n 22 •Formula used CAW = i=l CiAiDi (100) (.15) where: CAW = area-weighted ^Ra concentration in [pCi/g] °i = net ^Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and (Ci = canalysis - background) *i = area of region that sample represents in [m2] Di = thickness of sample in [ra] 100 = threshold area in [m2], and .15 = threshold thickness in [m] **Shg = Sg* (100m2/A)1/2 where: Shg = the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg = the Authorized Limit for a specific site (pCi/g) A = the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A)1/2 is the Hot Spot multiplication factor c L WEST 300 SOUTH STREET T T CM T ULr^ i~24 /zR/h ©•SI HOG TRAILER x SHEDS NONHABITABLE 13 - 15/zR/h TRAILER t FIELD i \ + 13-15/zR/h \ 87' 1 MS00341 165 WEST 300 SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO. UT. FEET 15 30 0 3 10 METERS Figure 1. Property Map EKR/GHS 6/8/90 Figure 2. Location MS00341, looking south at the front of the property. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 61502 "JAN 1 6 199T Location Number:. Location Address; Date of Issue:. Survey Date: MS00381 297 South 1st Vest Street Monticello. Utah 84535 January 1991 November 14. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Vork performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP-MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma Is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): 12-15 /iR/h 17 /iR/h 15 /xR/h None 12-14 /iR/h 16 /iR/h 14 /iR/h None Soil Sample Number Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration (pCi/g) Sample Area m2 Net Estimated Area-weighted (pCi/R) SI 0-15 2.2 >100 <1.5 Comments: Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator 61' oo o c 12-15/zR/h SHED m oo —i 00 —\ 70 m m TRAILER ASPHALT DRIVEWAY S1 12-15/zR/h HOG 3rd STREET N. JL IP Figure 1. Property Mop FEET METERS MS00381 297 SOUTH 1st WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH DAl 11/W/90. 12/27/90 Figure 2. Location MS00381, looking north at the front of the property. Location Number ^bO0^© VICINITY FROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISC) of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 /iR/h above background averaged over 100 m* 11 i -r~~ 11 n (i 11 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 n>2 [-T~ 0 [J [] [] . [] 22SRa is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 raa [] (-"T""^ [] [] [J (] 228Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 ra2 [] [] [ [] [] (j 2 26Ra is >. Hot Spot Guideline [] [ [] [j (j (] 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number M *=> 00 Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 UL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [] l-i (I [] (1 (] [] 11 U (] 0 l) (] (] 11 (1 [] (] [] (1 11 l) (1 [] [] 0 0 Other: *Data were not taken because: [ -J-'flata were not required to derive the findings. ( j Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed ['t~~°f ° not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. L(ttle,f£h.D.V Date7 ' Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number MS OCx5»© f 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, (] this property should be excluded, or (] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 'ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number VA S ° ° 2>^> f 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion (] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date t 4 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO S1502 rjAI! 1 P 1931. Location Number: HS00598 Location Address: 49 Mountain View Drive Monticello. Utah 84535 Date of Issue: January 1991 Survey Date: August 29. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987). This prdperty is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP- MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): •Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*) 13-15 /iR/h 17 uR/h 15 /iR/h None -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): 12-14 /iR/h 16 /iR/h 14 /iR/h None Soil Sample Sample Depth 226Ra Concen- Sample Area Net Estimated Number (cm) tration m2 Area-weighted (pCj/g) (pCl/g) SI 0-15 0.94 >100 <1.5 Comments: '^In^usio'n i purvey Contractor DOE Evaluator t SHED 111' 70' 13-15/uR/h SINGLE STORY FRAME AND BRICK W/CS WITH ATTACHED GARAGE 5- 55' 1* L S1 7 80 \ 13-15/zR/h 50' HOG FEET 5 10 20 METERS MS00598 49 MOUNTAIN VIEW DRIVE MONTICELLO, UT. Figure 1. Property Map CKS/SMT S/2E/S0 JL V'; - fl tf v., ^ .v. Figure 2. Location MS00598, looking east at the front of the prope Location Number OOS-i VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY VALUATION AND FINDINGS 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS SUMMARY EVALUATION Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100.m2 [] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [ ] 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] n [] [j n [] [) [] n [] n i] [] (] • 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number f/gOOt&f' Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 UL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 UL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 VL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 VL Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO Yes No Not Taken* [] [1/ (] [) I) U I) I) I) [] I) U [ i / [ ] [ ] U.S. Department of Energy (DOE1) Yes No Not Taken* [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] (] 0 [] u I] n [] [] Other: *Data. vere not taken because: [ /f/])ata vere not required to derive the findings. [ j Property ovner did not authorize access for interior sampling. • Location Number MSOOSff 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the/LSC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed \f\ do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A/ Little, Ph.D. Date' Inclusion "Survey Contractor -I • Location Number //-S^"^*" 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a • determination. DOE Evaluator . 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number fa5&&^ 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Eased on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] Inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 W. E. Murphie FEB 0 5 1991 Chief, Decontamination & Decommissioning Branch Division of Eastern Area Programs Office of Environmental Restoration and Vaste Management U.S. Department of Energy (EM-423) Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [X] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [X] indoor [X] outdoor screening measurement criteria, (] indoor [X] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [X] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Other: Sincerely, Location Number: Location Address: MS00265 133 East Center Street Monticello. UT 84535 Property Owner: Owner Address: Tenant Name: Juniper Tree Restaurant Location Number V\ SCC'itj? VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISO of Energy (DOE^ Yes No Noc Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 ra2 226Ra is >5 ?Ci/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m: 226Ra is >15 ?Ci/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 in2 32sRa is > Hot Spot Guideline (] [•'] I ] {) \f i ] (] ti . [j ii (] [] [i [i [] Location Number V\«S>Co3-(.0 3. DOE EVALUATION 3ased on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number rr\ScO#-Go 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluacion, including che further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Dace 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number \M SCO 'Z<b S Inclusion Surrey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Departaent of Energy (DOE) Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 VL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 VL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 UL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 UL Yes No Noc Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [J [4 (1 (1 (I [] [] [] [] [] (1 [] [] [ T [] [] [] 0 [] [] (1 [] (1 [] [] (] [) 0 Other: *Data were not taken because: [^f Data were noc required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS 3ased on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels vhich [ ] exceed (-j^ao not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. JJ. C. A. Little, '?blD. Inclusion Survey Contractor -fa- Date —i Location Number MS00265 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00265 133 EAST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-TVC Project Manager D. A. Locke February 1991 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00265 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00265 133 EAST CENTER STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS00265 was conducted on November 14, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a commercial restaurant. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementa- tion Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988), the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS00265 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma radiation scan was performed on this property. General background gamma radiation ex-posure rates were 14-15 uR/h outdoors and 12-15 uR/h indoors. No regions of elevated gamma exposure rates were located. Four point sources were located and removed. The point sources appeared to be pitch blend. Gamma exposure rates were 660 uR/h, 450 uR/h, 230 uR/h, and 150 uR/h (Figure 1). Radionuclide analysis of soil sample SI yielded ^Ra concentrations of 1.9 and 2.0 pCi/g which are less than the DOE guidelines for surface and subsurface soils, respectively (Table 3). Location Number: MS00265 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [ ] EXCEED [x] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is < background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 ^Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 ^Ra is <15 pCi/g above background in subsurface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 ra2 Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Location Number: MS00265 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSinCATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 133 East Center Street Monticello, UT 84535 Commercial, simple 4,800 m2 1 Single story frame and block building, slab-on-grade 1 Block building, slab-on-grade Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Same I Location Number MS00265 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 uR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 17 uR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 14-15 uR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG): 15 uR/h LOCATION OF HOG: General POINT SOURCE •: 660, 450, 230, and 150 uR/h NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: 0 uR/h * Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n 2 **Formula used: GAW = i=l GiAi 100 where: GAW = the area-weighted exposure rate in [uR/h] Gi = net average exposure rate in [uR/h] (Gi = GGross - GBackground) *i = area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 = threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00265 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: All Structures BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 uR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 17 uR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 12-15 uR/h HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG): 15 uR/h LOCATION OF HIG: General POINT SOURCE*: None NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: 0 uRVh *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n 2 **Formula used: x = i=l GiAi 9.3 where: x = area-weighted gamma exposure rate [uR/h] Gi = net gamma exposure rate in [uR/h] *i = area of deposit in [m2] 9.3 = threshold area in [m2] • 1 Soil Sample Summary Location Number: MS00265 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Sample Region Depth Number Sampled (cm) ^Ra Concentration (PCi/g) (Canalysis) Representative (biased) Sampling Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* (PCi/g, CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** (PCi/g) S1A SIB BKGD 0-15 15-30 1.9 2.0 >100 >100 <1.5 <1.5 N/A N/A n 2 •Formula used CAW = i=l CiAiDi (100) (.15) where: CAW = area-weighted ^Ra concentration in [pCi/g] ci = net ^Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and (Ci = canalysis - background) *i = area of region that sample represents in [m2] Di = thickness of sample in [m] 100 = threshold area in [m2], and .15 = threshold thickness in [m] 1/2 **Shg = Sg* (100 m2/A) where: Shg = the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg = the Authorized Limit for a specific site (pCi/g) A = the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A)1:- is the Hot Spot multiplication factor 92' 90' 120' 14-15 fj.R/h 14-15 /zR/h HOG S1 292' 205' < x 0- 00 < U •REMOVED • 1 50 yuR/h REMOVED SINGLE STORY FRAME AND BLOCK BUILDING. SOG 440 /xR/h > '• > ' c REMOVED 660 fiR/h REMOVED BLOCK BLD. ASPHALT 14-15 /iR/h 212' N FCCT Figure 2. Location MS00265, looking north at the front of the property. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. Location Number:, Location Address: Date of Issue: Survey Date:_ GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 8] 502 FEB 0 5 1991 MS00493 117 North Main Street Monticello. Utah 84535 February 1991 August 30. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG Procedures Manual (April 1987). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP-MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): 13-16 /iR/h 17 /iR/h 16 /iR/h 150 /iR/h (Removed) 12-13 pR/h 14 /iR/h 13 /iR/h None Soil Sample Number Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration (pCi/g) Sample Area nr Net Estimated Area-weighted (pCi/g) S1A SIB 0-15 15-30 1.3 1.2 >100 >100 <1.5 <1.5 Comments: One sandstone point source vas located and removed at the owners recjest (Figure 1), Gsmir.a exposure rate returned to background levels after removal . "i.'. Inclusion Survey Contract' DOE Evaluator NORTH MAIN ST. SHED • S1 150/xR/h PT. SOURCE REMOVED —i \ / / . 1 STORY STUCCO W/BSMT STUCCO GARAGE 13-16^R/h PLTR PLTR / • -x- \ I 13-16/iR/h I 13-16/zR/h oo t— oo or o FEET 15 30 1 3-1 6/zR/n HOG 1 42' 3 METERS 10 MSC0433 1 1 7 NORTH MA:!J S UGWTICELLO. UT. oc.nq3 Figure 2. Location MS00493, looking vest at the front of the property. Location Number M VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE^ Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 a2 [] [>4 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 [y] [] 22<Ra is >5 pCI/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 a2 [] [y] 22«Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 U H 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [/] [] [] [] I ] [] (] n I] [) [] [] [] (] [] [] [] (] Location Number •' i.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE^ Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 UL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 UL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 UL Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [] M (] M 0 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] (] (] [] [] [] [] [] [] (] [) (] [] [] [] [] [] • [] (] [] Other: *Data vere not taken because: [X] Data vere not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed ^ do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Little,| Ph.D. Date Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number i-. \ 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number k. '.I (j :j 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC In Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an (] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY "ANO JUNCTION orr.cE P O BOX 2567 OPERATED 3Y MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRANO JUNCTION. COlORACO 81502 APR k 2 mi Location Number: MS00408 Location Address: 149 South 2nd Vest Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Date of Issue: April 1991 Survey Date: March 7. 1991 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey vas conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP-MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follovs: -Ovner Information- Ovner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) 13-15 /iR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 17 pR/h High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): 15 pR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): None •Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Race Range(s): 12-15 pR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 17 pR/h High Indoor Gamma (HIG): 15 uR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): None Soil Sample Sample Depth 226Ra Concen- Sample Area Net Estimated Number (cm) tration m2 Area-weighted <*CUz) fgCj/R) SI 0-15 1.5 >100 <1.5 Comments: In<(lusiLo^ Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator ASPHALT 13-15/uR/n HOG 1 STORY FRAME /TRAILER SI ASPHALT 00 SOUTH 2ND WEST STREET JIL MS00408 149 SOUTH 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO. UTAH FEE^ 0 s 0 I arcs Figure 1 . Property Map oet/sus u/'j/jo Figure 2. Location MS00408, looking east ac the front of the property. • Location Number /V\ 5 Oo VO & VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Noc Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Noc Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20Z above background averaged over 100 m2 228Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in cop 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 228Ra is >15 pCi/g above background In any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 22«Ra is > Hoc Spot Guideline Cl \X [] \A (i [i [] \X [] [} \4 u [i u [i [i [] [i [] [i Location Number SOO^OS' 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Noc Taken* U.S. Department of Energy CD0E1 Yes No Noc Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/bi above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20Z above background in all rooms £rab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.Q2 UL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [] \r^T [} [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] n ti [i [] [] [i Other: *Daca were noc taken because: [^l Data were not required to derive che findings. [ j Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number/if 50 0 QO & 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels vhich [] exceed noC exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilicies Management Program. :. A/. Lifctfle, Ph.D. 0 Date C Inclusion Survey Contractor I Location Number /H S oo Lfo 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on che DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] chis property should be excluded, or [] addiclonal data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Dace Location Number fl]50 cT 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Dace OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 HAY % 1 m\ Location Number:. Location Address: Date of Issue: Survey. Date: MS00401 248 South 1st West Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Mav 1991 March 20. 1991 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP-MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*) -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*) Soil Sample Number Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration (pCi/g) 13-16 pR/h 17 pR/h 16 pR/h None 12-14 pR/h 16 pR/h 14 pR/h None Sample Area nr Net Estimated Area-weighted (PCi/g) SI 0-15 2.1 >100 <1.5 Comments: X SOUTH 1 ST WEST STREET / *s V 1 STORY FRAME W/ BSMT "7" 13-16iuR/h 1 1 4' X o 7' SHED X 13-1 6/zR/h HOG 1 07' -X--X--X- J r MS00401 28 SOUTH 1ST WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH FEET 0 5 10 0 1 METERS Figure 1. Property Map MKJ 3/20/91.ARJ 3/28/91 11 Figure 2. Location MS00401, looking west at the front of the property. Location Number M SOC*L0 ( VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS SUMMARYr EVALUATION Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISC) of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 uR/h above background averaged over WO m2 [] M [] [] [] [] Gamma is < the acceptable t difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 ra2 UK" [J (1 N [) . [) 22SRa is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [ ] [ [] [] [ j [ ] 226Ra is >15 pCI/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [] [<-T~ U N 0 / 22fiRa is > Hot Spot Guideline [] - [] [] [] [] Location Number MSOc4c> I 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 /iR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [] [] tU— [J [] [] [] (] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] (] [] (] [] [] [] (] [] [] (] [] Other: *Data were not taken because: [i-KData were not required to derive the findings. [ j Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. % Location Number M^OC4<5 / 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed [cL^do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Littlej, Ph.D. ~~\J Inclusion Survey C (L. Date irvey Contractor Location Number r1.S>C<"?40l 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] thisr property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. 1 DOE Evaluator 3,1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number M 0 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. / DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRANO JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRANO JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 3BC 3 01991 location Number:. Location Address: Date of Issue: Survey Date:_ MS00681 548 Oak Crest Drive MontlceUo. Utah $4535 Julv 1991 Mav 22. 1991 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey vas conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property Is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP-MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follovs: •Owner Information- Owner Name(s): •Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*) 12-15 pR/h 17 pR/h 15 pR/h None 12-15 pR/h 17 pR/h 15 pR/h None Soil Sample Number Sample Depth (cm) "'Ra Concen- tration Sample Area nr Net Estimated Area-weighted (pci/g) SI 0-15 1.2 >100 <1.5 Comments: jgiclu«i/£ri Survey Contr^rtor DOE Evaluator ¥r-— — —* 105' o CO 12-15/zR/h SHED ONE STORY FRAME AND BRICK W/BSMT. S1 12-15MR/h . HOG OAK CREST DR. N o 1 15 3 METERS 30 10 MS00681 548 OAK CREST DR. MONTICELLO. UTAH Figure 1. Property Mop GKS/SKW/S/V» t .CKS/5/1 s/» 1 Figure 2. Location MS00681, looking north at the front of the property. Location Number ISA S> Cb O (D ( VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISC) of Energy (DOE*) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m' [] M— [] [] [] [] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 [) I) [) I) . [] 22<Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top IS cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [-J [] [] [] [] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [] [^J. [] r] rj 226Ra- is > Hot Spot Guideline [] W r] (]. {] {] • 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number VAS CO ( Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter .concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Noc Taken* [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] {] [] [-4- [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] (1 [] [] [] U [] [] [] Other: *Data vere not taken because: [v_J---Data were not required to derive the findings. [ j Property owner did noc authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number N\ .S O CXc 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed H-"do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Li£tU, Ph.D. y Inclusion Survey Contractor 121 -It Date • Location Number NA^CC(c£> .3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator Date 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Location Number H^Cfe^ 1 3.2 ISC'S- RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: * Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date • OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY STBOX"^" °FF'CE OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 ^ -'-m Location Number: MS00509 Location Address: Vest Center & South 1st W. A0000024003A Monticello. Utah 84535 Date of Issue: July 1991 Survey Date: April 25. 1991 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-D0E/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP-MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: •Owner Information- Owner Name(s): •Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*) 13-15 pR/h 17 pR/h 15 pR/h 66 pR/h -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): 12-15 pR/h 17 pR/h 15 pR/h None Soil Sample Number Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration (PCI/Q Sample Area m2 Net Estimated Area-weighted (pCj/R) SI 0-15 4.0 >100 2.0 Comments: A point source of unknown origin was removed and SI was taken to v?rifv removal. Inci U £43 Inciusio Survey Contra DOE Evaluator 1 1 4' SHED • LU LJ Cd h- 00 CC LU LJ o (— 00 LJ 1 3-15yuR/ri HOG •<a- mn 1 STORY FRAME HOUSE W/CS „ S1 •*66/xR/h I POINT SOURCE. REMOVED I 13-15/iR/h SOUTH 1ST WEST STREET n r MS00509 WEST CENTER & SOUTH 1ST WEST STREET A0000024003A MONTICELLO. UTAH Figure 1. Property Map FEET 15 METERS SMS/DLS V10/S1 • •=5 SOL* POP Figure 2. Location MS00509, looking south at the front of the property. • Location Number /VSOCSO^ VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [} I) [} M (j [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] (] (] (1 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number n^SOCS'd') Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [ ] IX] (] [X] [] [] [] [] 0 [] [] 0 (] [] M [] [] [] [] [] [] [] (] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Other: *Data vere not taken because: [X] Data vere not required to derive the findings. [ j Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number ^Soo^oS INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR.FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed (ft do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. 'Little', Ph/.D. ^ Inclusion Survey Contractor 6 •? f Date Location Number/??5c\5S"~0 ^ 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number /yjSooSTO^ 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on che DOE's review of this evaluation, Including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion (] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. Location Number:. Location Address: Date of Issue:. Survey Date: GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JL'L 1 71991 MS00543 Vest 2nd North Street A0012000028B Monticello. Utah 84535 July 1991 April 24. 1991 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Vork performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey vas conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP-MVP project •based on outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2. Supporting graphics, vievs and data are as follovs: -Ovner Information- Owner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*) 13-16 pR/h 17 pR/h 16 pR/h None Soil Sample Number Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration (PCI/E) Sample Area in- Net Estimated Area-weighted (PCi/g) SI 0-15 1.1 >100 <1.5 Comments: Vacant lot ^nc^usl^ Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator WEST 2ND NORTH STREET 1 6' 6S1 -X- X X- o SI -X 13-16/xR/h / •50'• -X X -X X- 106' 4- MS00543 WEST 2ND NORTH STREET A001200002S3 MONTICELLO. UTAH FEET 15 30 0 3 10 METERS Figure 1. Property Mop SMS */'0/S1 SKM 4/-*/ti 7 5 <N ft* Figure 2. Location MS00543, looking south at the front of the property. Location Number MS DCS'VJ' VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey U.S. Departaent Contractor (ISO of Energy (POE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over ioom' [] [] n ii n Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over i°o »a IX) I) I) I) [) . [] 2S6Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [>] [] [J [] [] 22<Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] {] DO (1 I] U 2SSRa is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [>] [] [} [] [] Location Nuaber M Sco 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISC) of Er.erev (DCS) Yes No Not Taken* • Yes No Net Taken* Cf,Tr-a is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room [] [ ] H-"""' I) I) I) Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms [ ] [) —• [] [] [] Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 UL [] [] — [] [] [] Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 UL [] [] [ c_) [] [] [] Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 VL [] [] [ [] [] [] Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 VL [] [] [] [] [] Other: *Data vere not taken because: t-4-~Data vere not required to derive the findings. [ j Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number toSocS~y^ INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on che ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels vhich [] exceed ^ do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. as c. Indus >/?•?/ Ph.D. U Date on Survey Contractor Location Number /Yl SCOS'V^ 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [J this property should be excluded, or [J additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number fWSo^iTtj^ 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRANO JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 JUL 3 01991. Location Number:. Location Address: Date of Issue:. Survey Date: MS00733 A332302S0612 Monticello. Utah 84535 Mav 21. 1991 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey vas conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP-MVP project based on outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follovs: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) 12-15 pR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 17 pR/h High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): 15 pR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): None Soil Sample Sample Depth "'Ra Concen- Sample Area Net Estimated Number (cm) tration m2 Area-weighted Mi/1) (pCi/g) SI 0-15 1.7 >100 <1.5 Comments: ~>rw J - ti hj^ji Inc His iontf Survey ContrMc Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator r 1 10" —X— -X- 12-15/xR/h in * CM VACANT LOT S1 12-15/xR/h HOG o —) 70 O > MS00733 A33230250612 MONTICELLO, UT s 10 3 «rc«5 20 Figure 1. Property Mop CKS/SKU S/8/II SMS 5/13/V1 j MS00733 i Figure 2. Location MS00733, looking north at the front of the property. Location Number VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (JSC) Yes No Noc Taken* Yes U.S. Department of Energy (DOE5) No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] [vj^ [] [] [] [] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over ioo m2 VJr^U • [] [] . [] 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [ ] [ — [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [ ] [ ] [ LJ [ ] [ ] [ ] 226Ra- is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [J [] (] (] (] • Location Number Y\ S CO "7 3 TS 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Gamma is >20 /*R/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO Yes No Noc Taken* [ ] [] (] [ ] [] [] (] [] [] [] [] [4— U.S. Department of Energy fDOE^ Yes No Noc Taken* [] [] (1 [] [] U [] [] [] [] (I • U [] (] Other: V,1 a Cft T\ ~r~ f c\ ,^ Q\ *Data vere noc taken because: [w^TJaca vere not required to derive the findings. [ j Property ovner did not authorize access for interior sampling. • Location Number H S> CO H '&C^ 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [ ] exceed U^do' not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. tLLxkleJ Ph.D. U Date Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number ft^C-CH ?*3> 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator Date 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: • Location Number PASOCF"? 2>2> 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2S67 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 Location Number:. Location Address: Date of Issue: Survey Date:_ MS00751 West 2nd North St. A33230256602 Monticello. Utah 84535 JulY 1991 April 24. 1991 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP-MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s'): , -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) 13-15 pR/h Background Exposure Rate + 20%: 17 pR/h High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): 15 pR/h Non Mill-related Point Source(*): None •Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): 13-15 /iR/h 17 pR/h 15 pR/h >50 mR/h Soil Sample ' Number Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration fpcl/Q Sample Area Net Estimated Area-weighted (vCi/z) SI 0-15 <1 >100 <1.5 Comments: A point source >50 mR/h was removed from the owner's rock collec tion. IncausioT^/Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator 120' * X- X- X X- X X- X- X 13—1 5/xR/h HOG o oo 1 STORY METAL GARAGE W/SOG -* POINT SOURCE, REMOVED >50mR/h S1 1 3-1 5fiR/h / . / x WEST 2ND NORTH STREET MS00751 A33230256602 WEST 2ND NORTH STREET MONTICELLO. UT rtrr uCTERS Figure 1 — Property Mop. SMS/DLS 4/10/91 ** _ /v/ car FfcP Figure 2. Location MS00751, looking north at the front of the property. Location Number rn ZOO Iff I VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (JSC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE*) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 (] [X] [] (] [] l) Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 [X] [] [] [] [] [] 22<Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [y,] [] (] (] [] 22«Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [] [^] [] [] [] 22«Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [y] [) [} [] [] Location Number /^ZOOlS'l 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Canrrjietor HSH U.S. Departaent of Energy (DOE^ Yes No Noc Taken* • Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 UL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 VL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 VL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 VL (] [] [] [] (XI w 1/3 [] [] [] [J [] [] (] 11 0 (1 (1 [] [] u [] [] I) [] Other: *Data vere not taken because: [X] Data vere not required to derive the findings. [ j Property ovner did not authorize access for interior sampling. • Location Number /» SOO 75 / 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR•FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels vhich [] exceed do noc exceed che DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. LOLL. C. A. LittleTP^iD. Inclusion Survey Contractor 1-23 •? / Date Location Number />! SOO 7 ^~1 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support, a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number /y?SOO~?S~f 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date • OAK RIOGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. Location Number:. Location Address: Date of Issue: Survey Date: GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO E15C2 AU6 2 6 1991 MS00505 96 South Main Street Monticello. Utah 84535 August 1991 April 23 and July 10. 1991 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP-MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s):. Owner Address: -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): 13-15 pR/h 17 pR/h 15 pR/h None 15-16 pR/h 18 pR/h 16 pR/h 17 pR/h Soil Sample Number Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration (pCi/g) Sample Area m2 Net Estimated Area-weighted fpci/e) None taken Comments: The property is covered with asphalt, no soil sample was possible. Point source is the brick facing on the building. Inclusion ^survey Contractor DOE Evaluator SOUTH MAIN STREET / • / ' , / 13-15/xR/H, / / 30' oo to 1' LO LO LO o c X v5\ LO 73 V / 1 3-1 5/zR/h, / CJ1 2' 19" uo 2 STORY BRICK BUILDING W/SOG 18' MS00505 96 SOUTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO, UT or FEET 5 > —I m 73 LO 10 Figure 1. Property Mop 1 METERS SMS/OIS 4/io/»i • "v- • - NYW vri vmM /^S o o so 5 Figure 2. Location MS00505, looking north at the front of the property. Location Number /Y) 500SO S" VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE; Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] M [) [) [) [) Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over ^ 100 m2 [•T (] [] [] [] [] SS6Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [ ] [] [) [) 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [] [ [) [] [} 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [ ] [} [} [) Location Number /7i'5QQSTj^ 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 VL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 VL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 VL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 VL Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOEI Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [] [4 [} [) U [] [] [] [] [] [] [] i) [) [) i) [) [) n (] u [] Other: '.s <Lr^ + r*A /hpAn/+ £e// <,a^p/r. UJa* pr,is,6/r __ *Data vere not taken because: [•-f^Data vere not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property ovner did not authorize access, for interior sampling. Location Number /T7SOO s~oS" 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels vhich [ ] exceed [if do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. 'Little^ Efl.D.7) Date Inclusioij Survey Contractor Location Number /rtSOOSZ)'*' 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator Date 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Location Number 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO.DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRANO JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 OCT 2 41991 A. F. Kluk Defense D & D Program Manager Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Northwestern Programs Branch U.S. Department of Energy (MS-EM-423) Washington, DC 20545 Dear Dr. Kluk: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [ ] XQ°,{X]. -not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [x] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [x] Hot Spot Guideline. This finding Is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] Indoor radon daughter concentration [] Indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Other: Sincerely, Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: Location Address: MS01065 East Highway 666/A33240323012 Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Owner Address: Tenant Name: Same Location Number fTlSO/O&tT VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. ' SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100. m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [uK [] U [] [] [ [] [] [<-r [] i) [] I) [] 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number fflSO/O&S Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Gamma is >20 A»R/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 UL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 UL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 UL Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [] (] [) [] I) [) I) [) I) [] n [] [] [] [] n [] [] K IX Other: *Data were not taken because: ( «-f Data were not required to derive the findings. [ j Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number 0/065" INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR•FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [ ] exceed [Cf do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. ^hncuu. h il).h^ I. 16-13- ?/ C. A. Littlfe, [p.D. h Date Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number /)?30/0&5~ 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, b^this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required co support a determination. ^f€e^€^ t&v&y /t> Ju»*'94- DOE Evaluator Date 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Location Number /7)SO/06S 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS01065 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS01065 EAST HIGHWAY 666/A33240323012 MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-IVC Project Manager A R.Jones October 1991 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS01065 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS01065 EAST HIGHWAY 666/A33240323012 MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS01065 was conducted on June 13, 1991 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a single family residence. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988), the PAG Procedures Manual (October 1990) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS01065 SIGNTPICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma radiation scan was conducted on this property. The general background gamma exposure rate ranges were 12-14 uR/h indoors and 13-15 uR/h outdoors. One region of elevated gamma was detected and labeled Region A (Figure 1). Radionuclide analysis of SI yielded a ^Ra concentration of 2.8 pCi/g. This does not exceed the DOE Hot Spot guidelines for surface soils with areas of 4 m2. Region A is a spillover from a contaminated ditch located on the highway easement (Figure 1). The ditch spills over from the highway easement of MS00989 on the east and crosses Highway 666 to MS00970 on the north. A point source of unknown origin was located in the frame house (Figure 1). The owner stated that it was part of his private collection. Location Number: MS01065 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [ ] EXCEED [X] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: ^Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Location Number: MS01065 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: East Highway 666 A33240323012 Monticello, UT 84535 Residential, simple 3900 m2 1 Mobile home 1 One story frame shed with wood floor 1 Root cellar 1 Coop Owner Information .OWNER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Same Same Location Number: MS01065 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 uR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 17 uR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-15 uR/h EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: A: 17-19 uR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) IN CONTAMINATED REGION: 19 uR/h LOCATION OF HOG: Region A POINT SOURCE *: None ESTIMATED AREA OF OUTDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: A: 4 m2 NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION**: A: <1.0 uR/h * Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n 2 ** Formula used: GAW = i=l GiAi 100 where: GAW = the area-weighted exposure rate in [uR/h] °i = net average exposure rate in [uR/h] (°i = °Gross - background) 'M = area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 = threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS01065 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG): LOCATION OF HIG: POINT SOURCE*: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: All structures 13 uR/h 16 uR/h 12-14 uR/h 14 uR/h General 740 uR/h 0 uR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n 2 **Formula used: x = i=l GiAi 9.3 where: x = area-weighted gamma exposure rate [uR/h] °i = net gamma exposure rate in [uR/h] *i = area of deposit in [m2] 9.3 = threshold area in [m ] Location Number: MS01065 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Soil Sample Number Region Sampled Sample Depth (cm) ^Ra Concentration (PCi/g) (Canalysis) Representative (biased) Sampling Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* (PCi/g, CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** (PCi/g) SI 0-15 2.8 <1.5 25 n S •Formula used CAW = i=l CiAiDi (100) (.15) where: CAW = area-weighted ^Ra concentration in [pCi/g] ci = net ^Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and (Ci = canalysis - background) 'S = area of region that sample represents in [m2] Di = thickness of sample in [m] 100 = threshold area in [m2], and .15 = threshold thickness in [m] **Shg = Sg* (100 m2IA)m where: Shg = the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg = the Authorized Limit for a specific site (pCi/g) A = the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A)1/2 is the Hot Spot multiplication factor o 100' r 1 3-1 5AiR/h ROOT CELLAR [AST HIGHWAY 666 SPILLOVER TO HIGHWAY EASEMENT OF MS00989 oo Lu > < J DITCH 1 40' x S1 ® / 1 7-29yLtR/h 16^R/h H°G CINDERS AND ASHES GARDEN 740//R/h ORE PT. SOURCE 1 STORY* FRAME MOBILE HOME -X 13-15/zR/h X -X- 1 3-1 5yLiR/h 1 3-1 5/zR/h I*-T x L x- x i X -X COOP —X- 00 o CN X 240' N MS01065 EAST HIGHWAY 666 A33240323012 MONTICELLO, UTAH FEET 10 20 30 40 3 6 9 METERS Figure 1. Property Mop PVE/SKU 5/30/9 l.ARJ 6/7/91 Figure 2. Location MS01065, looking south at the front of the property. GAMMA ANALYSIS WORKSHEET LOCATION g _H2§92£k$i. REC RANCE FIELD AVC. /iR/h CAMMA SHIELD CN X 3 Q. O 4. SLAB THICK (cm) REP. AREA (m') ~> /CO BKC. AVC. /iR/h FORMULA b* NET AVC. fiR/h 0 NET CRITERIA 25" 20X of BKC. AVC. 2$L exceodn inclusion critoria yes no < 20% BKC. AVC. RMKS. yea no JL '/06 2$L IS Jr- INDOOR 9- 3 y SOIL ANALYSIS WORKSHEET LOCATION # hi SO/PCS' SAMPLE N8R(S) REGION SMPLD (LAB) RA-220 CONC pD/g SMPL 1 SMPL .2 AVC. RA-22B CONC pCi/g (BKC) RA-228 CON a pci/g REP. AREA SQUARE METERS SOIL SAMPLE THICKNESS IN (m) FORMULA NET RA-226 CONC, pCI/g NET CRITERIA pCl/a RMKS. fOCr •/<r UCN17194 (9/90) CONSENT FOR ACCESS TO CONDUCT SURVEYS AND ENGINEERING STUDIES Nov i B m VICINITY PROPERTY NO.: PROPERTY ADDRESS: PROPERTY PARCEL NUMBER OR DESCRIPTION: /} 3 3 3 t/#3^ ^ ^) / Z^, I (We) acknowledge that I (We) own the property described above, and grant permission to employees, contractor and subcontractor personnel, and other representatives of the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to enter upon the property at reasonable time or times during the next 36 months to conduct radiation surveys to determine the nature and extent of any radioactive material that might be present. In addition, permission is given to perform engineering assessments, if necessary, to evaluate the remedial measures that might be taken, as well as to evaluate the extent of the work required and the cost. I (We) understand that DOE's responsibility for any damage or disturbance to my (our) property caused by its activities shall be any backfilling, seeding, sodding, landscaping, rebuilding or repair of the property required to restore it to a condition comparable to its apparent physical condition immediately prior to entry upon the property. I (We) understand that the Monticello Vicinity Properties are a CERCLA (Superfund) National Priority Listed (NPL) site and the cleanup of contaminated properties in excess of EPA standards is mandated by law. I (We) understand that the DOE and the State have the right to disclose to the public, in the form of technical data and reports, the results of its data- gathering on the above-described property. Signature of O er(s) Date , o OWNER DATA: (Please print clearly) ^ NAMF FwAvloJk f$0£lTS CITY SIGN AND RETURN WHITE COPY EAST HIGHWAY 666 1 40' r X- *3 !5* i x I \ V. >6 GARDEN I 1 > : < or x 100' FRA x J | l/T 1 £4. 15 fe. MOBIL© Mq^E ER £=5 E55EZ5*55 CSS <S» tS5 ft * x ^ f V* MS01065 EAST HIGHWAY 666 A33240323012 MONTICELLO, UTAH Figure 1. Property Mop x ix oo OR o CN 240 N A FEET 10 20 30 40 METERS PVE/SKM V30/81.ABJ 6/7/tl 4 EAST HIGHWAY 666 r ^ \ ^4 ^ v. 5?' 4 1 40' X- /I -^)^ v o 100' r < cr l 1 STO FRA n 0U3 [2- •5 X ROOT CELLER x f*~- f- -X X-—X--X x —X— COOP —X- o CN X N k 240' MS01065 EAST HIGHWAY 666 A33240323012 MONTICELLO, UTAH Figure 1. Property Mop Aw 0 to 30 30 40 0 3 6 » 12 WET CRS PVC/SKM 5/30/81.*RJ 6/7/91 OAZ 1IDGZ MAXIONAL LAHCRAXCR- SUZ $ MS Q/PCS' SOIL SAHPL2 DATA r?^ rOPM STJ27S2 DAIS (o I /3 f7 VIS ISLS SAME.2 DEPTH GAMMA, GAMMA. 225 o_ TXTT.TMT. NU1SE2. (21) icja^ jii/i ?Ci/j SAJGLZ LOCATION: : YISI3L2 0E£ 3 ^S 1 Sarfic» ^ 0 3AG22CUND / ,/ ^ C (/7 ^ AREA 2E?: 0133 DE2C2UTI0N: , ' SAHPLZ LOCATION: 7ISI3LE OSS T9S -O Serf aeg 3ACT2CTJ.ND SA.UH.Z J9S 20 ______ ___ AP** 222: 01221 DESC2IPTI0N: SAJGrLS LOCATION-. VIS2L2 0R£ j^s -o Sarfaeg 3AC3iaT>tD __7«s__ao A2£A 2": CZSC2ZPTICN: SAaPL£ LOCATION: j VT53-2 SRZ v» a _____ Sur-*ics SAiiPLZ TM io .\n-\ 2E?: CTZE2. lESCHPTICN: UCN17193 (9/90)