HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-1990-014578 - 0901a0688053e226OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED EY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO SJ502 FEB 2 7 Mr. W. E. Murphie Division of Remedial Action Projects Office of Waste Disposal and Remedial Action Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE24 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the -property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2 March 1987). This evaluation is based on [x] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U.S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. This' recommendation is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment [x] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [x] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Other: Sincerely, C. A. Little, Ph.D. Inclusion Survey'Contractor Location Number: MS00487 Location Address: Haves Court A0012000037A Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Location Number MS00487 VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 ^R/h above background averaged over 100* m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [] [x] [x] [] [] [J [x] [] [] [] [x] N [] [] [] [) [) [] [] (] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Location Number MS00487 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms [x] [] [] Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL [] [] [x] "Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL [] [] [x] Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL [] [] [x] Annual average radon daughter concentration is <Q.02 WL [] [] [x] [] [1 [] (] [] [] [] (1 [] [] [] [] [) [] [] [] [] tl Other: *Data vere not taken because: [x] Data vere not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number MS00487 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed [x] do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Little, i'Ph.D. / Date Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number MS00487 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number MS00487 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date • Location Number MS00487 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00487 A0O12OOO037A HAYES COURT MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - IVC Coordinator M. K. Jensen February 1990 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 • Location Number: MS00487 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00487 A0012000037A HAYES COURT MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-ovned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. These assessments are referred to as screening and scoping surveys. A detailed investigation is referred to as a "screening" survey and an abbreviated form as a "scoping" survey. A radiological screening survey of location MS00487 was conducted on October 31, 1989 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a vacant lot containing one quonset hut. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA) Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. • Location Number: MS00487 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma screening survey was performed on this property. Background gamma exposure rates ranged from 13-14 /iR/h outdoors and 12-14 pR/h indoors. No regions of contamination were located on this property. A reading of 17 pR/h was located east of the quonset hut. This reading was from an old tarp that the owner stated was from the mine. Status of adjacent properties is shown on Figure 1. Location Number: MS00487 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [] EXCEED [x] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is <background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Location Number: MS00487 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: Hayes Court A0012000037A Monticello, UT 84535 N/A N/A Vacant lot 810 m2 1 Quonset hut Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: Location Number: MS00487 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 /iR/h BACKGROUND +20%: 17 /iR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-14 /iR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) : 17 /iR/h LOCATION OF HOG: Old tarp east of the quonset hut POINT SOURCE *: None NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: 0 /iR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n **Formula used: AW - i-1 GiAi 100 where:^ ^AW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [/iR/h] i - net average exposure rate in [/iR/h] A (^i = ^Gross - Background) i - area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00487 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND +20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG): LOCATION OF HIG: POINT SOURCE*: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: Quonset hut 13 /iR/h 16 /iR/h 12-14 /iR/h 14 /iR/h General None 0 /iR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n 2 **Formula used: x - i-1 GiAi 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [/iR/h] G. i - net gamma exposure rate in [/iR/h] i - area of deposit in [m2] 9.3 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00487 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Soil Sample Region Number Sampled 226Ra Representative Sample Concentration - (biased) Depth (pCi/g) Sampling (cm) (Canalysis) Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* (pCi/g, CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** (pCi/g) SI BKGD 0-15 1.4 >100 <1.5 N/A n S *Formula used CAW - i-1 CiAiDi (100) (.15) where-^, £,AW - area-weighted 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] i - net 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and C C (Ci - Aanalysis- - background) pi - area of region that sample represents in [m2] i - thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 - threshold thickness in [m] **Shg - Sg * (100 m2/A)1/2 where, Shg - the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg - the Authorized Limit for a specific site (pCi/g) A - the area of the Hot Spot in square meters 1/2 (100/A) ' is the Hot Spot multiplication factor X MS00750 0 BE SURVEYED X- 38' X- S1 • 13-14 /zR/h o X QUONSET HUT TARP 1 7 /zR/h HOG X —X-X— MS00548 TO BE SURVEYED M A 1 r-:ET 0 5 '0 MS00487 HAYES COURT MONTICELLO, UTAH i Figure 1. Property Map. GKT/CDS \0/ 6*T i0/* 5 Figure 2. Location MS00487, looking west at the front of the proper OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRANO JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRANO JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 SPR 2 6 1990 W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE-20 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [X] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [X] indoor [X] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [X] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/Al-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [X] 228Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [X] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, '-TY] A. Xittle, Ph. D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number:. Location Address: Property Owner:. Owner Address: Tenant Name: MS00066 417 South Main Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Location Number /Y)S000£& VICINITY TROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AMD FINDINGS I. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey ConLraclor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Tnken* Gamma is >23 /1R/I1 above hnc.kgroiuul averaged over 100 ma ( ] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% ,-ibove background averaged over 100 III2 22r,Ra is >5 pCi/r, above background in trip 15 cm layer averaged over 100 in* [j J2SRa is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 13 cm layer averaged over 100 in2 [] 22fiRa is > Hot Spot Guideline [ ] 1X1 (XT (] [] [ ] [ ] 11 [j (j u ii [] [ i o ii ii I.ocn t ion Number /yi £ O OO Q 6 1.2 TNDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Gamma is >70 /iR/h abovo background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 UL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [ 1 ti 11 i ] i) (XI 11 si [] 0 [] U to (XI [] 11 [1 (1 [] (] (1 [] (] [ ] [] [ ] (1 [] Other: *Data were not taken because; ] Data were not required to derive the findings. ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. 2. Location Ntimber (Y\ $> Q Q o £ £* INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Rased on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels winch | ] exceed pf do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management 1'rogram. Th.!). \J Date urvey Contractor /\. 1 Lt Inclus ion Location Number fY^£>Goo££ 3. DOE EVALUATION Rased on t.he DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [) this property should be excluded, or (] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE ^valuator 3.T ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date » Location Number fy\ £ Q Q Q C C 3.2 ISC'S RESFONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APFROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an (] inclusion (] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00066 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00066 417 SOUTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. 3erven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - IVC Coordinator M.E. Mumby April 1990 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00066 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00066 417 SOUTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. These assessments are referred to as screening and scoping surveys. A detailed investigation is referred to as a "screening" survey and an abbreviated form as a "scoping" survey. A radiological screening survey of location MS00066 was conducted on November 15, 1989 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a single family residence. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PJ£ UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA) Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS00066 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma screening was performed on this property. Background gamma exposure rates ranged from 13-15 ^R/h indoors and 14-16 nK/h outdoors. No regions of elevated gamma exposure rates were detected anywhere on the property. Information regarding adjacent properties is provided on Figure 1. Location Number: MS00.066 FINDINGS SITS CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [] EXCEED [X] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES SELOW: Outdoor gamma is <background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 22SRa is <5 pCI/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Location Number: MS00066 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY:' STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 417 South Main Street Monticello, UT 84535 Residential, simple -1,100 m2 1 Single story frame house with basement Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: Location Number: MS00066 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 15 /iR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 18 /iR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 14-16 /iR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG): 16 /iR/h LOCATION OF HOG: General POINT SOURCE *: None NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: 0 pR/h •Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings' section. n G 2 **Formula used: AW - i-1 GiAi 100 where gAW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [/iR/h] i - net average exposure rate in [/*R/h] G G G . (i- Gross- Background) i - area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00066 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: House BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 /iR/h BACKGROUND +20%: 17 pR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-15 pR/h HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG): 15 /iR/h LOCATION OF HIG: General POINT SOURCE*: None NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: 0 /iR/h •Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings' section. n S -••Formula used: x - 1-1 GiAi 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [/iR/h] G £ - net gamma exposure rate in [/iR/h] i - area of deposit in [m2] 9.3 - threshold area in [m2] • Location Number: MS00066 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Soil Sample Region Number Sampled 228Ra Representative Sample Concentration (biased) Depth (pCi/g) Sampling (cm) (Canalvsis) Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* (pCi/g, CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** SI Background 0-15 2.0 >100 <1 N/A n Z •Formula used CAW - i-1 CiAiDi (100) (.15) where-£ fJiV - area-weighted 22'Ra concentration in [pCi/g] i - net 228Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and (Ci - ^analysis - Ssackground) pi - area of region that sample represents in [m2] i - thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 - threshold thickness in [m] **Shg - Sg * (100 m2/A)1/2 where, Shg - the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg - the Authorized Limit for a specific site (pCi/g) A - the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A) ' is the Hot Spot multiplication factor MS00067 SURVEYED 11/15/89 1 0' MS00171 - REMEDIATED 1989 oo x h- Z> O oo 00 < UJ O 1 4-1 6/xR/h 14-16/zR/h HOG 1 STORY FRAME W/B -K-r /./././ 14-16/iR/h S1 14-16^R/h SOUTH MAIN ST. JL r MS00066 417 SOUTH MAIN ST MONTICELLO. UT Fin MCTEHS Figure 1 . Property Mop JAA 10/3/8* MCM 3/2I/M /IA soc>ob& Figure 2. Location MS00066, looking east at the front of the property. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 HAY 3 11390 W-. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE-20 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [x] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [x] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C. A. Little, Ph. D. r Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00223 Location Address: 164 West 2nd South Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property. Owner: Owner Address: Same Location Susser HSQPgl&3 VICINITY PROPERTY SUKKARY r/ALUAilCN AM) RiCC*GiENBAlION 1. STJHHARY EVALUATION 1.1 CU7DCCR MEASURZHZirrS Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISC) of "r.err^ OC£) fes No Noc Taker.* Yes No Noc Take-* Gsma is >25 ^R/h above background a%'eraged over 100 *3 U bd (1 Cl [j (1 Gaapa is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100^ {*] [] (] (] [] [] 2;4Ra is >5 ?Ci/g abova background in top 15 ca layer averaged over 100 a2 [] N U 11 U 2:4Ra is >15 ?Ci/g. above background in any subsurface 15 ca layer averted over 100 a2 [] $ [] [] [] [] Total activity of depcsit(s) exceeds the total activity of criterion [] JjjJ [] [] [] [] Location Number K\b002.3."V 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* [] [] [] [] [] [] (] [] [] [] [] [] [>r [] (1 [] [] [] [] [] [] f] [) [] [] [] [] n t] [] Other: *Data were not taken because: £>3 Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number hiOOT.z"5 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Litfc C. A. Little,JPhS Inclusion Survey Contractor Date Location Number K\^OOa2-3 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number Hi00Z2_3 3.2 ISO'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00223 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00223 164 WEST 2ND SOUTH MONTICELLO UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - IVC Coordinator D. S. List May 1990 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00223 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma radiation scan was done on this property. The general background gamma exposure rates ranged from 12-15 pR/h indoors and 12-16 /jR/h outdoors. Two regions of elevated gamma exposure rates were found and labeled Regions A and B (Figure 1). Radionuclide analysis of soil samples from Region A yielded a net estimated area-weighted average 226Ra concentration of 3.1 pCi/g for surface soils and 5.1 pCi/g for subsurface soils. These values do not exceed the DOE guidelines for surface and subsurface soils when averaged over 100 m2. Information pertaining to surrounding properties is located on Figure 1. Location Number: MS00223 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [] EXCEED [x] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is <background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is <15 pCi/g above background in subsurface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Location Number: MS00223 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 164 West 2nd South Monticello, UT 84535 Residential, simple 1,100 m2 1 Single story frame house with patial basement 1 Metal shed, slab-on-grade 1 Metal shed, dirt floor Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Same Same Same Location Number: MS00223 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 pR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 17 pR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 12-16 yjR/h EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: A: 16-19 pR/h B: 16-22 tiR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) IN*CONTAMINATED REGION: 22 pR/h LOCATION OF HOG: Region B POINT SOURCE *: None ESTIMATED AREA OF OUTDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: A: 13 m2 B: 2.0 m2 NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION**: A: <1 uR/h B: <1 pR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n G S **Formula used: AW - i-1 GiAi 100 where:^ ^AW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [pR/h] i - net average exposure rate in [pR/h] . - ^Gross - background) i - area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00223 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: All Structures BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 pR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 17 /iR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 12-15 /xR/h HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG): 16 /iR/h LOCATION OF HIG: General POINT SOURCE*: None NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: 0 /iR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n 2 **Formula used: x - i-1 GiAi 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [/iR/h] Q ^ - net gamma exposure rate in [/iR/h] i - area of deposit in [m2] 9.3 - threshold area in [m2] Soil Sample Summary Location Number: MS00223 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Net Estimated Area- 'Ra Representative Weighted Soil Sample Concentration (biased) Average* Sample Region Depth (pCi/g) Sampling (pCi/g, Number Sampled (cm) (Canalvsis') Area m2 CAW) 226T Hot Spot Guideline** (pCi/g) S1A S2A SIB S2B BKGD BKGD 0-15 15-30 8.1 2.1 13 1.5 >100 >100 3.1 5.1 N/A N/A S3 S4 S5A S6A A A B 0-15 0-15 0-15 4.6 0.09 12 15 13 13 2.0 <1 <1 <1 12 12 37 S5B S6B B 15-30 7.6 16 2.0 <1 108 *Formula used CAW n E 1-1 CiAiDi (100) (.15) where-^ ^AW - area-weighted 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] i - net 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and C C (Ci - ^analysis - background) pi - area of region that sample represents in [m2] i - thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 - threshold thickness in [m] **Shg - Sg * (100 m2/A)1/2 where, Shg - the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg - the Authorized Limit for a specific site (PCi/g) A - the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A)1/2 is the Hot Spot multiplication factor SHED ON DIRIT Q UJ >- o> !£UJ 2 CQ O o z Z < UJ cr UJ i— UJ or cj z o o 90' - X- °6 M S3&S4 ® 1 6-19/zR/h 12-16/zR/h UJ > cr Q < x 00 < /I 1-STORY FRAME HOUSE SOG S1 / rSHECf ^SOG UJ cj z: UJ o o m MS00222 TO BE SURVEYED M 1 3-1 6/^R/h S2 S5 S6 WEST 2ND SOUTH 1 6-22/iR/h HOG FEET 0 5 10 0 1 3 METERS MS00223 1 64 WEST 2ND SOUTH ST MONTICELLO, UTAH 'igure 1 , Property Wop Figure 2. Location MS00223, looking north at the front of the property. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 OCT 2 4 1990 W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management U.S. Department of Energy MS - NEM-423 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [X] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [X] indoor [X] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [X] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-D0E/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [X] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [X] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C. A. Little, Ph. D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00254 Location Address: 348 East 1st North Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Mr. Paul Barr Owner Address: P.O. Box 521 Monticello. Utah 84535 Tenant Name: unknown Location Number MS00254 VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 /jR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] [X] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 [X] [] 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [X] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [X] [X] [] [] [] [] [] [] (1 [] [] [] (] [] [J [] [] [] [] n • [] Location Number MS00254 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [] [X] [] [X] [] [) [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [X] [X] [X] [X] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Other: *Data were not taken because: [X] Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number MS00254 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed [X] do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A. Little, FW.D. [) Date C. Inclusion Surve# Contractor Location Number m ^OOX'iH 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator Date 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Location Number rnSOCXZl 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00254 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00254 348 EAST 1ST NORTH MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-IVC Project Manager M. J. Wilson October 1990 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00254 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00254 348 EAST 1ST NORTH MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS00254 was conducted on August 1, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a single family residence. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA) Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS00254 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma screening survey was conducted at property location MS00254. The survey found one region of elevated gamma exposure rates, labeled Region A on Figure 1. Region A is located on the west edge of the property and is likely due to spotty windblown contamination, as the property borders the windblown line. A sample was collected at the location of the highest outdoor gamma (HOG), and analyzed for Ra-226 concentration. The analysis revealed a Ra-226 concentration of 3.6 pCi/g and 5.8 pCi/g for surface and subsurface soils respectively. These values are below the DOE guidelines. Background gamma exposure rates ranged from 13-15 uR/h indoors and 13-16 outdoors. Location Number: MS00254 FINDINGS GUSELIISSIBELO^DIATION LEVELS WHICH l] EXCEED W 3)0 N0T EXCEED THE DOE Outdoor gamma is background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 & innRa»l8 <5 pCi/s above bac^ground in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 mz Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Location Number: MS00254 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 348 East 1st North Street Monticello, UT 84535 unknown N/A Residential simple 890 m2 One story frame house with crawlspace Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Location Number: MS00254 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) IN CONTAMINATED REGION: LOCATION OF HOG: POINT SOURCE *: ESTIMATED AREA OF OUTDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION**: 14 /iR/h 17 /iR/h 13-16 pR/h A: 17 /iR/h 17/iR/h Region A none A: 2.5 m2 A: .08 /iR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings' section. **Formula used: AW n S i-1 GiAi 100 where: gAW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [/iR/h] i - net average exposure rate in [/iR/h] G G G . ( i - Gross - Background) i - area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00254 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG) LOCATION OF HIG: POINT SOURCE*: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE: House 14 pR/h 17 pR/h 13-15 /iR/h 15 pR/h General none 0 pR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. **Formula used: x n 2 i-1 GiAi 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [pR/h] G. ^ - net gamma exposure rate in [pR/h] i - area of deposit in [m2] 9.3 -= threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00254 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Soil Sample Region Number Sampled . . 226Ra Sample Concentration Depth (pCi/g) (cm) (Canalysis) Net . Estimated Area- Representative Weighted (biased) Average* Sampling (pCi/g, Area m2 CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** (pCi/g) S1A SIB A A 0-15 15-30 3.6 5.8 2.5 2.5 .04 .09 34 97 •Formula used CAW - n S i-1 CiAiDi (100) (.15) where-^ CAW - area-weighted 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] i - net 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and C C (Ci - ^analysis - background) pi - area of region that sample represents in [m2] i - thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 - threshold thickness in [m] **Shg - Sg * (100 m2/A)1/2 where, Shg - the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg - the Authorized Limit for a specific site (pCi/g) A - the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A)1/2 is the Hot Spot multiplication factor EAST 1ST NORTH ST. 13-16/zR/h 1-STORY FRAME HOUSE W/CS '.;->:< / Y* '••,•<•'• '••/'•'• v.',; -v. •'•,</• V . / 149' 13-16/zR/h r FEET 0 1 METERS * x x 1 64' MS00254 348 EAST 1ST NORTH ST. MONTICELLO, UT. Figure 1 . Property Map DBE/BJK/8/1/90/DSI/E/6/S0 Figure 2. Location MS00254, looking south at the front of the property. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management U.S. Department of Energy MS - NEM-423 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [X] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [] indoor [X] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [X] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/Al-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 OCT C This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [X] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C. A. Little, Ph. D. * Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00332 Location Address: West 4th South Street A0000005003C Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: t • Location Number fHSOOSS^ VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 j/] 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [ ] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] ] [ [] [] [] [] \A [] [] [] [] [] [] (1 [] [] [] [] 11 (1 (] [] [1 Location Number 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISO of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 UL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Other: *Data were not taken because: Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. [] [ 1 [ 1 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [} [i [] [] [] [] [] Location Number f^S0O33_L 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the IsC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed [ty do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. tea <¥'*- Litftle/ P#.D. \j Date ' C. A. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number mS©C>2>3?2^ 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date « * Location Number rr\3<X)33"L 3.2 ISO'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00332 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00332 West 4th South Street A0000005003C MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-IVC Project Manager D. S. List October 1990 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00332 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00332 West 4th South Street A0000005003C MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP Is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS00332 was conducted on August 8, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a vacant lot. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA) Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. 1 • Location Number: MS00332 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma radiation scan was done on this property. The general background gamma exposure rate ranged from 13-15pR/h outdoors. There are no structures on this property. No regions of elevated gamma exposure rates were detected anywhere on this property. Location Number: MS00332 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [] EXCEED [X] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 Location Number: MS00332 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: West 4th South Street A0000005003C Monticello, UT 84535 N/A N/A Vacant lot -1200 m2 Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Location Number: MS00332 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 pR/h BACKGROUND +20%: 17 pR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-15 pR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) 15 pR/h LOCATION OF HOG: General POINT SOURCE *: None NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE: 0 pR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n G S **Formula used: AW - i-1 GiAi 100 where:^ gAW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [pR/h] i - net average exposure rate in [pR/h] G G G A ( i - Gross - Background) i - area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] WEST 4TH SOUTH ST. 13-15/zR/h HOG S1 tn VACANT LOT to CM X o 00 1 3- 1 5yLiR/h 1 3- 1 5yLiR/h o N. JL nr f£tT 0 1 METERS 83.5" MS00332 WEST 4TH SOUTH ST. PARCEL NO. A0000005003C MONTICELLO, UT. Figure 1. Property Wop €/!/9C/DSL OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC GRANO JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRANO JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 MOV o i m W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management U.S. Department of Energy MS - NEM-423 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FJJSRA?) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [x] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or .[] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] 22<Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration fx] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C. A. Little, Ph. D. " Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00740A Location Address: $48" North Main Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: N/A - Location Number \V\S60'7lj'O VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS • r^';^' -^.STJMMA— EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey . Contractor (ISC) "Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department - of Energy CDOEt Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 22SRa is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m5 22«Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 22«Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline t] [ M [J [] [ t] [] [] [] [] [] U [] [1 [] [] [] [] <:*isJ««r 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Location Number r^Vf 5^_57^_p_^^ _E Inclusion Survey Contractor CISC) Yes No Not Taken* [] [ V C T [] [] [] [] [] [] [] if BPS U.S.. Department^^-vp^^ of Energy (DQgV ^M^>»% Yes No " Not Taken* -• -jf^:'*& [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] U [] tl [] [] [] [] [] [] Other: •Data were not taken because: [H^Data were not required to derive the findings. ( 1 Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. -ft ._r. Location Numb«r_j44.S^7ffe7'3^_|| 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS "<_S 3"^i"J:.'?_if-rr_--'; ...... . , . -, . . ,.• vrj--:>;:<^o Based on the JSC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels'^which— [] exceed [fl/do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities - Management Program. .' C. A. Inclusion Sui h.D. . ey Contractor Date - -v- •^••v:. Location Number - «- — - *<*e»*i Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included,-fn^-tbis ^-i^^^^ property should be excluded, or [] additional data are 'required'' to 'support determination. "'• -.'..v. DOE Evaluator Date 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE - ... . ". -.rr.yj*;. - .•••.-•->"."srClT'-v'-wr* >f • •>.,-. ••"•"'~-"'v-v ^-•*-^ - - Location Nun&ecf 'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00740 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00740 648 NORTH MAIN MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-IVC Project Manager D. S. List November 1990 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00740 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00740 648 NORTH MAIN MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 * and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS00740 was conducted on July 18, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a single family residence with a commercial campground. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG UMTRA Prolect Procedures Manual (April 1987) , the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities CRASA^ Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided In Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS00740 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma radiation scan was done on this property. The general background gamma exposure rates ranged from 12-14 fiR/h Indoors and 13-16 piR/h outdoors. No regions of elevated gamma exposure rates were detected anywhere on this property. One point source of petrified wood with a gamma exposure rate of 44 pR/h was located east of the house (Figure 1). Information pertaining to surrounding properties are located on Figure 1. Location Number: MS00740 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [] EXCEED [x] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 228Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Location Number: MS00740 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 648 North Main Monticello, UT 84535 Residential, simple commercial, simple 7,200 m2 1 Single story block house with basement 1 Metal shed, slab-on-grade Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Same Same Same Location Number: MS00740 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 pR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 17 pR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-16 pR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG): 16 />R/h LOCATION OF HOG: Exterior brick POINT SOURCE *: 44 pR/h NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: 0 pR/h •Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n ••Formula used: AW - i-1 GiAi 100 where:^ gAW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [pR/h] i - net average exposure rate in [pR/h] G G G ^ ( i - Gross - Background) i - area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00740 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG): LOCATION OF HIG: POINT SOURCE*: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: All Structures 13 pR/h 16 pR/h 12-14 pR/h 14 pR/h General None 0 pR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n S ••Formula used: x - 1-1 GLA1 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [/iR/h] - net gamma exposure rate in [pR/h] i - area of deposit in [m2] 9.3 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00740 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary 2 2«Ra Soil Sample Concentration Sample Region Depth (pCi/g) Number Sampled (cm) (Canalvsis) Net Estimated Area- Representative Weighted Hot (biased) Average* Spot Sampling (pCi/g, Guideline** Area m2 CA_ foCi/gj SI REP BKGD 0-15 1.1 >100 <1 N/A n Z •Formula used CAW - i-1 CiAiDi (100) (.15) where-^ ^W - area-weighted 228Ra concentration in [pCi/g] i - net 22aRa concentration in [pCi/g] and (Ci - ^analysis - background) pi - area of region that sample represents in [m2] i - thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 - threshold thickness in [m] **Shg - Sg * (100 m2/A)1/2 where, Shg - the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg - the Authorized Limit for a specific site (pCi/g) A - the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A) 1/2 is the Hot Spot multiplication factor MSA00735 TO BE SURVEYED 240' MS007-39 TO BE SURVEYED SHED * 44/xR/h PT. SOURCE 1-STORY S1« BRICK W/BSMT X) CN 13-16 fiR/h >2 HOG CM CM CO MS00742 TO BE SURVEYED 215' MS00137 SURVEYED AND INCLUDED JL MS00741 SURVEYED AND EXCLUDED 0 0 5 FEET 25 SO 10 20 METERS too MS00740 643 NORTH MAIN ST. MONTICELLO, UT. r If fx' Cx'tx' x s — Figure 2. Location MS00740, looking east at the front of the property. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 mvBsmo - W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management U.S. Department of Energy MS - NEM-423 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [X] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [X] indoor [X] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [X] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-D0E/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [X] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [X] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C. A. Lrtl :tle, Ph. Dp Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00309 Location Address: 265 West 2nd South Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Location Number /v\~>C£> VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 /jR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] fx} Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 f><3 [3 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] tyQ 22SRa is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [] 226Ra Is > Hot Spot Guideline [ ] \yC\ [] [] [) [] [] [] [] [] [] [] (] [] (] [j [] [] [] C3 "N. Location Number ^SO&lOf 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [] [] [] [] [] [] [] N [] [] [] [] tx] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] n [] [] [] [] [3 [] [] [] [] Other: *Data vere not taken because: [y] Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number ^OO^yf 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed J>£ do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Date C. A. /Libtlj^, Ph.D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number ^ i OOl&J 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number \^SCsO~Z&:] 3.2 ISO'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Figure 2. Location MS00309, looking south at the front of the property. Location Number MS00309 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00309 265 WEST 2ND SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-IVC Project Manager D.S. List November 1990 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00309 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00309 265 WEST 2ND SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS00309 was conducted on May 17, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a residential single family. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL- 050601 (March 1988) and the PAG UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA) Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS00309 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma radiation scan was done on this property. The general background gamma exposure rates ranged from 11-13 pR/h indoors and 13-15 ^R/h outdoors. Two regions of elevated gamma exposure rates were detected and labeled Regions A and B (Figure 1). Radionuclide analysis of soil samples from Regions A and B did not exceed background levels averaged over 100 m2. Region A spills over to 233 Abajo drive (MS00310) to the south. Information pertaining to surrounding properties is located on Figure 1. Location Number: MS00309 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [] EXCEED [X] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: 226Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Location Number: MS00309 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: Owner 265 West 2nd South Street Monticello, UT 84535 Residential, simple 950 m2 1 Single story frame and stucco house with basement 1 Metal shed, slab-on-grade ion OWNER: Same ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Same Location Number: MS00309 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results - . Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 /iR/h BACKGROUND +20%: 17 pR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-15 fiR/h EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: A: 16-25 fiR/h B: 45 fiR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) IN CONTAMINATED REGION: 45 fiR/h LOCATION OF HOG: Region B POINT SOURCE *: N/A ESTIMATED AREA OF OUTDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: A: 13.5 m2 B: .5 m2 NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION**: A: <1 fiR/h B: <1 fiR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n G S **Formula used: AW - i-1 GiAi 100 where: Q -AW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [fiR/h] i - net average exposure rate in [fiR/h] ^ (^i - ^Gross - ^Background) i - area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00309 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND +20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG) IN CONTAMINATED REGION: LOCATION OF HIG: All structures 12 /iR/h 14 /jR/h 11-13 /iR/h 15 /iR/h Laundry addition, south end of house POINT SOURCE*: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION/ROOM**: None 0 /jR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings' section. n 2 **Formula used: x - i-1 GiAi 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [/iR/h] G. T. - net gamma exposure rate in [/iR/h] i - area of deposit in [m2] 9.3 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00309 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Net Estimated Area- 5Ra Representative Weighted Soil Sample Concentration (biased) Average* Sample Region Depth (pCi/g) Sampling (pCi/g, Number Sampled (cm) (Canalvsis') Area m2 CAW) 226T Hot Spot Guideline** (PCi/g, SI S2 0-15 1.5 1.3 14 <1 15 SI 0-15 1.5 <1 52 n S *Formula used CAW - i-1 CiAiDi (100) (.15) vhere-£ ^W - area-weighted 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] i - net 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and (Ci - ^analysis - background) ^1 - area of region that sample represents in [m2] i - thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 - threshold thickness in [m] **Shg - Sg * (100 m2/A)1/2 where, Shg - the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg - the Authorized Limit for a specific site (PCi/g) A - the area of the Hot Spot in square meters 1/2 (100/A) ' is the Hot Spot multiplication factor WEST 2ND SOUTH ST. 82' Q LU >- ID LJ o> O 00 CD O © 1 6-25/xR/h SPILLSOVER TO ~X X- MS00310 1-STORY FRAME W/ BSMT DIRT DRIVE S1 S2 / • HOG 1 24' J^7 V / k_/l / / / SHED / — x- 00 u Ou>- X o > oOor oo i- 3 2 oo MS00310 TO BE SURVEYED MS00309 265 WEST 2ND SOUTH ST. MONTICELLO, UT. N. L r FEET 10 20 0 13 6 METERS OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 DEC I s m W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management U.S. Department of Energy MS - NEM-423 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Location Number: MS00252 Location Address: North 3rd East Street A000000F003A Property Owner: Max Halls Owner Address: P.O. Box 1034 Monticello. Utah 84535 Tenant Name: Vacant lot Sincerely, IA C. A. Little, Ph. D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Monticello. Utah 84535 Location Number H § Q Q 2 R VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 10Q m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [*f [] [*f [] M [] [*f [) [) I) [< [1 [) [] {] [) [} [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [) Location Number M S 0 0 2 5 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Yes [] [ ] [] [] No H (] [] [] [] [] [] [] Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [} [] [] [] [] [] {] [] [] Other: \! a Ct, VA V \ ^ ot *Data were not taken because: [ vJ^Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number Jfl g Q 0 2 5 fc. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed [^3o not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. 17 C. A. tittle, Ph.D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Date Location NumberM S 0 0 2 ^ 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number M g 0 0 2 5 @- 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00252 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00252 NORTH 3RD EAST STREET A000000F003A MONTICELLO, UT 84535 * Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-IVC Project Manager D. S. List December 1990 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 • Location Number: MS00252 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00252 NORTH 3RD EAST STREET A000O00FOO3A MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS00252 was conducted on August 2, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a vacant lot. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-D0E/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA) Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victbreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information Is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS00252 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma radiation scan was done on this property. The general gamma exposure rates ranged from 13-15 pR/h. There are no structures on this property. One region of elevated gamma exposure rates was located and labeled Region A (Figure 1). Soil samples taken from Region A did not exceed background levels when averaged over 100 m2 (Table 3). Region A spills over to the south to MS00248 which is to be surveyed by Geotech. Location Number: MS00252 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [] EXCEED [x] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is <background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 Location Number: MS00252 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: North 3rd East Street A000000F003A Monticello, UT 84535 N/A N/A Vacant lot 1,100 m2 None Owner Information OWNER: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: Location Number: MS00252 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 /iR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 17 /iR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-15 /iR/h EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: A: 16-17 /iR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) IN CONTAMINATED REGION: 17 /iR/h LOCATION OF HOG: Region A POINT SOURCE *: None ESTIMATED AREA OF OUTDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: A: 60 m2 NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION**: A: 1.2 /iR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n G S **Formula used: AW - i-1 GiAi 100 where:^ gAW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [/iR/h], i - net average exposure rate in [/iR/h] G G G . ( i - Gross - Background) i - area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00252 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Soil Sample Number Region Sampled Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concentration (PCi/g) (Canalvsis) Representative (biased) Sampling Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* (pCi/g, CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** (pCi/g; SI S2 A 0-15 2.4 3.6 60 <1 N/A n 2 *Formula used CAW - i-1 CiAiDi (100) (.15) where-. £,AW - area-weighted 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] i - net 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and (Ci - ^analysis - background) pi - area of region that sample represents in [m2] i - thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 - threshold thickness in [m] **Shg - Sg * (100 m2/A)1/2 where, Shg - the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg - the Authorized Limit for a specific site (PCi/g) A - the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A) 1/2 is the Hot Spot multiplication factor NORTH 3RD EAST ST. 13-15/zR/h 155' i-S2 13-15/xR/h © 16-17/*R/h HOG ,S1 75' 153' FEET 0 5 10 0 1 WETERS MS00252 A000000F003A NORTH 3RD EAST ST. MONTICELLO, UT. Figure 1. Property Map DBE/BJK/6/2/90/CSL/9/2E/90 Figure 2. Location MS00252, looking south at the front of the property. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management U.S. Department of Energy MS - NEM-423 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [X] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [X] indoor [X] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [J indoor [X] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-D0E/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [X] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [X] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C. A. Little, Ph. D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00302 Location Address: 264 South 2nd West Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Unknown Location Number fMScoJ^ VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [] [] [] [] [] [3 [3 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number [AA/co^oT- Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room [ ] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms [ "f [] Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL [] [] Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL [] [] Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL [] [] Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [] [] [] [] [) i) [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [1 [] [] [] Other: *Data were not taken because: [ <-] Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. » Location Number WSOCJ^O 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the^STJ's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed f-f do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Little, Ph.D. \J Date7 7) ,itt Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number hA.Qc^D~>c>'i^' 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number \jV)SoO~&^~ 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00302 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00302 264 SOUTH 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-IVC Project Manager D. S. List December 1990 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00302 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00302 264 SOUTH 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the .maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS00302 was conducted on August 7, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a single family residence. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL- 050601 (March 1988) and the PAG UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA) Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS00302 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma radiation scan was done on this property. The general background gamma exposure rates ranged from 12-14 pR/h indoors and 13-15 pR/h outdoors. No regions of elevated gamma exposure rates were detected anywhere on the property. Location Number: MS00302 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [] EXCEED [X] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is <background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all * rooms • Location Number: MS00302 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: ^TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 264 SOUTH 2ND WEST STREET Monticello, UT 84535 N/A N/A Residential, simple -1600 m2 2 - single story stucco house with crawl space 1 Root cellar Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: • Location Number: MS00302 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 pR/h BACKGROUND +20%: 17 pR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-15 pR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG): 15 pR/h LOCATION OF HOG: General POINT SOURCE *: None NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: 0 pR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n G S **Formula used: AW - i-1 GiAi 100 where:^ pAW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [pR/h] i - net average exposure rate in [pR/h] G G G ^ ( i - Gross - Background) i - area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00302 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: All structures BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 13 pR/h BACKGROUND +20%: 16 pR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 12-14 pR/h HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG): 14 pR/h LOCATION OF HIG: General POINT SOURCE*: None NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: 0 pR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n S **Formula used: x - i-1 GiAi 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [pR/h] G. i - net gamma exposure rate in [pR/h] i - area of deposit in [m2] 9.3 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00302 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Soil Sample Number Region Sampled Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concentration (PCi/g) (Canalvsis) Representative (biased) Sampling Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* (PCi/g, CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** (pCi/g) SI Rep 0-15 5.4 >100 3.4 N/A n 2 *Formula used CAW - i-1 CiAiDi (100) (.15) vhere-^ CAW - area-weighted 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] i - net 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and C C (Ci - Aanalysis - background) pi - area of region that sample represents in [m2] i - thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 - threshold thickness in [m] **Shg - Sg * (100 m2/A)1/2 where, Shg - the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg - the Authorized Limit for a specific site (PCi/g) A - the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A) ' is the Hot Spot multiplication factor SOUTH 2ND WEST STREET 113' ONE STORY STUCCO W/CS 1 13-15/iR/h 1 13-15/iR/h 0 6 C G GRAVEL DRIVE ROOT CELLAR 1 3- 1 5/zR/h /. /. H • s . . t /. . - s S1 13-15^R/h HOG ONE STORY STUCCO W/CS EOR in r*>. cn JL FEET 0 1 METERS MS00302 264 S. 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UT Figure 1. Property Mop DSL i/iO/iO Sur 7/C/SO Figure 2. Location MS00302, looking west at the front of the property. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAjND JU/ICTIOji£OLORADO 81502 19 1 Location Number:. Location Address: Date of Issue:. Survey Date: MS00532 196 North 1st West Street Monticello. Utah 84535 December 1990 September 11. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division . Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-D0E/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP- MVP'project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*) 13-16 pR/h 17 pR/h 16 pR/h None -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*) 13-16 pR/h 17 pR/h 16 pR/h None Soil Sample Sample Depth 226Ra Concen- Sample Area Net Estimated Number (cm) tration m2 Area-weighted (oCi/g) (pCi/g) SI 0-15 1 >100 <1 Comments: Incluslojz Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator WEST 2ND NORTH ST. 1 1 4' 13-16/xR/h HOG oo 00 LO LY o 1 3- 1 6/xR/h / / / / / / / / / / / / / / GRAVEL S1 13-16/zR/h / / / / 1-STORY BRICK HOUSE W/WALKOUT BSMT ' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / • / • / • / " / * / " / / , •/•><•/•><•;•>•<•/•>•<. / / / / /i / / / / / / / / 1 1 4' 1 3- 1 6/u.R/h MS00532 196 NORTH 1ST WEST ST. MONTICELLO, UT. N. JL FEET 0 1 METERS Figure 1. Property Map EKR/MJK/8/1*/90/DSL/a/52/90 Figure 2. Location MS00532, looking east at the front of the property. Location Number M S 0 0 5 VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS SUMMARY EVALUATION Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 A*R/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] \y] [} Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 [X] [] [] 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [X] [ ] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [ ] [y] 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] fc} [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number M S 0 0 5 3 2 Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* [] [XI [XI [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] KI [XI [X] [X] U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Other: *Data were not taken because: [X] Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number II S 0 0 -S 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR.FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed Jx] do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program, tl/e, Ph.D. U Date Ph mo C. A. Li Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number M S 0 0 5 3. DOE EVALUATION • Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date 1 « * Location Number H S 0 0 5 A 2 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: - Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 DECT9"SSff Location Number: MS00593 Location Address: 48 Mountain View Drive Monticello. Utah 84535 Date of Issue: December 1990 Survey Date: August 29. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-D0E/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP- MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): 14-16 /iR/h 18 /iR/h 16 /iR/h None 12-14 pR/h 16 pR/h 14 pR/h None Soil Sample Number Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration (PCi/g) Sample Area m Net Estimated Area-weighted (oCi/g) SI 0-15 1.0 >100 <1.5 Comments: Inc 14 usjon Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator 108' 14-16 /xR/h HOG \ 100' 141' O ~7. + 1> •y c7> y 14-16 uR/h y / / / 14-16 /iR/h 150' 24' / A JL 1 MS00593 48 MOUNTAIN VIEW DR. MONTICELLO, UTAH FEET 10 20 3 6 METERS Figure 1 . Property Map J 1 *sS^ ^.;™^W^.C5-;^r- Figure 2. Location MS00593, looking west at the front of the property Location Number /iSOOSt 3 VICINITY PROPERTY 5L7KARY EVALUATION AKD FINDINGS 1.1 OUTDOOR KEASUREMENTS SUMMARY EVALUATION Inclusion Survey Contractor OSC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [] I [<<f 13 Gaz-ma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 n,2'. Gar^a is < the acceptable difference cr 20% above background averaged over 100 n>2 J:6Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 in2 (] J!eRa is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 ca layer averaged over 100 m3 2:eRa is > Hot Spot Guideline 0 I) N 13 (3 [3 (3 (3 (3 (3 (3 [] [3 [] [3 (3 Location Nuzber M3°0?>93 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISC) ' of Energy [DQEJ Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* (] vi [) n i) o C&jzaa is < the acceptable difference or 20% above . background in all rooms [/] [] [} (] [] [] Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >Q.04 VL [] [] \/\ {] [) [} Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 UL [] [] [S] [] N I] Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 VL [] (] MT 13 I 3 N Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 VL [] [] n [] (3 [3 Other: vire not taken because: \/f Data vere not required to derive the findings. [ j Property cv-ner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number /^S^O^S 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Eased on the I-SC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels vhich [] exceed [4 do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Littlfe, Pp. Date Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number /l/)S06S'93 3. DOE EVALUATION ssed on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this roperty should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a etermination. DE Evaluator Date 1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Location Number /VJO <3S~<? 3 3.2 JSC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Eased on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 DEC 19 «» Location Number: MS00641 Location Address: 216 Silverstone West Lane Monticello. UT 84535 Date of Issue: December 1990 Survey Date: September 18. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-D0E/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP- MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): 13-16 /iR/h 17 /jR/h 16 fiR/h 20 /iR/h 13-15 pR/h 17 /iR/h 15 /iR/h None Soil Sample Number Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration (pCi/g) Sample Area nr Net Estimated Area-weighted CoCi/g) SI 0-15 1.2 >100 <1.5 Comments Point source is a stack of fire brick (Figure 1). Inclusion Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator 90' LO CD OC Q o < CD < SILVERSTONE WEST ST. / / / / / / . / / / 1 3-1 6/zR/h 1-STORY FRAME HOUSE W/BSMT. S1 13-16/iR/h FIREBRICK 20 R/h JJC FEET 5 10 20 3 METERS MS00641 216 SILVERSTONE WEST STREET MONTICELLO UTAH Figure 1. Property Mop MEM/BJK 9/16/90 SMS 11/26/90 •'•.V i.? Figure 2. Location MS00641, looking west at the front of the property. » Location Number VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISC) of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [ r t) [] \< [] [] [] [] [) i) [] o .ii [] [] [] [] Location Number 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in .any room [ ] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL [] Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL [] Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL [] [] Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [] [] [] [] u [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] N [] [) (] Other: *Data/ vere not taken because: / [v] Data vere not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize' access for interior sampling. Location Numbe 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed [xf do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. 90 ll C. A. Littl'e.^Ph.D. Date Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Numbe DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number 5 ^ 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 U£C 2 1 'ODD Location Number: MS00646 Location Address: 317 Silverstone West Lane Monticello. Utah 84535 Date of Issue: January 1991 Survey Date: September 19. 1990 MVP-ISC CONDENSED EXCLUSION REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987). This property is recommended for exclusion from further consideration by the SFMP- MVP project based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting graphics, views and data are as follows: •Owner Information- Owner Name(s): •Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*): 13-16 pR/h 18 pR/h 16 pR/h None -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Non Mill-related Point Source(*) Soil Sample Number Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration (PCi/g) 13-17 pR/h 18 pR/h 17 pR/h None Sample Area n2 nr Net Estimated Area-weighted (PCi/g) S1A SIB 0-15 15-20 5.9 3.3 >100 >100 3.9 1.3 Comments: zCoO. '2~LU J Liz- \ Inclusion Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator 75' - K-•# X X- 13-16 /iR/h -_r- S 1 A, 51 B »V co < m 73 CO —I o m m I X _> O CD 73 FRAME BI-LEVEL HOUSE t f 13-16 /iR/h HOG i— • -X- -X- 'A -4 91' Figure 1. Property Mop FEET 5 10 20 0 1 3 METERS MS00646 317 SILVERSTONE WEST MONTICELLO, UTAH MEM, BJK 9/19/90. DAL 12/07/90 II 4-r Figure 2. Location MS00646, looking south at the front o f the property. Location Number MSC>0(^(j) VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100-m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 ra2 2J6Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [} [} [] [] [] [] (] [] [] [] [] (] [] [] (] [] (] [] Location Number tAS GO & ul (p 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged In any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [J K U (] (] [] [] (J (I (1 (] [] u 0 (i u (] u (] 0 (i (] [] i) Other: *Data were not taken because: [ /f^Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number MSOOb^Lp 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed ('f'do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Tmojhs 0 - OAMm • JIL till?ho C. A. Little^/ Ph.D. [j Date Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number \MSC3OUJH0 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator Date 3.1. ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: 'I Location Number M, S O O G? H (p 3,2 ISO'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRANO JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. 80X 2567 OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION. COLORAOO 81502 DEC : 1 <?go W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management U.S. Department of Energy MS - NEM-423 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is. based on [x] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: ' This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [x] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C.'A. Xf/tla, Ph. D. v Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00754» Location Address: 197**"North 2nd West Street Monticello. UT 84535 Property Owner: San Juan School District Owner Address: Location Number /TpCC 75^ VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 /iR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 22aRa is >5 pCi/g above background in top IS ca layer averaged over 100 m2 22sRa is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 228Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] lX) [) [] [] [] [] (X! U U iX3 N [] (] [] [] [] [] [J [] [] [] [] u [] [] Location Number /??JC07Z?/ 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor CISC) U, S. Department of Energy (DOE) Gamma is >20 /iR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 UL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 UL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 UL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 UL Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* i o4 i [] [] [XI [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ti [] [] [] [] [] [] Other: *Data were not taken because: )^] Data were not required to derive the findings. \ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. s Location Number ffl5 Qd J^H 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the/ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [ ] exceed p£ do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Little*, Ph.D. I' Date Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number /H5cX7^ 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a . determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number //I^CClS1) 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00754 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00754 197 NORTH 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M J. Wilson - MVP-rVC Project Manager L. R. Lesperance December 1990 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00754 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00754 197 NORTH 2ND WEST STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological, condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS00754 was conducted on August 22, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a school. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities fRASA) Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS Location Number MS00754 A radiological survey at this site revealed the background exposure rates to be 12-14 uR/h outdoors and 13-17 uR/h indoors. Indoors, two point sources, a piece of petrified wood and an ore sample were found to have readings of 150 uR/h and 300 uR/h, respectively. Both point sources were part of classroom rock collections. No other elevated gamma exposure rates were detected during the survey. Location Number. MS00754 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [ ] EXCEED [x] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is < background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 nr ^Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm sou* layer averaged over 100 m2 Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in ail rooms Location Number: MS00754 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 197 North 2nd West Street Monticello, UT 84535 N/A N/A School 40,000 m2 1 single story brick school building with partial basement Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: Location Number: MS00754 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 13 uR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 16 uR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 12-14 uR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG): 14 uR/h LOCATION OF HOG: General POINT SOURCE None NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: 0 uR/h 'Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n 2 *'Formula used: °AW = i=l GiAi 100 where: °AW = the area-weighted exposure rate in [uR/h] °i = net average exposure rate in [uR/h] (°i = °Gross - background) *i = area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 = threshold area in [m2] Location Number MS00754 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG): LOCATION OF HIG: POINT SOURCE*: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: School Building 15 uR/h 18 uR/h 13-17 uR/h 17 uR/h North wing, north side 150, 300 uRft 0 uR/h 'Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section, n * "Formula used: x = i=l GiAi 93 where: x = area-weighted gamma exposure rate [uR/h] °i = net gamma exposure rate in [uR/h] *i = area of deposit in [m2) 9.3 = threshold area in [nr] Location Number MS00754 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Soil Sample .Number Region Sampled Sample Depth (cm) ^Ra Concentration (PCi/g) (Canalysis) Representative (biased) Sampling Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* (pCi/g, CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** (PCi/g) SI BKGD 0-15 2.7 100 <1.0 N/A n 2 •Formula used CAW = i=l CiAiDi (100) (.15) where: CAW = area-weighted ^Ra concentration in [pCi/g] °i = net ^Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and (Ci = canalysis - background) *i = area of region that sample represents in [m2] Di = thickness of sample in [m] 100 = threshold area in [m2], and .15 = threshold thickness in [m] 1/2 •Shg = Sg* (100 m2/A) where: Shg = the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg = the Authorized Limit for a specific site (pCi/g) A = the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A)I/2 is the Hot Spot multiplication factor in o to -X X- 12-14/iR/h HOG S1 • 100' PLAY AREA (ASPHALT) 1-STORY BRICK SCHOOL BLDG W/ PART BSMT 1 3-1 4/xR/h . / ' - / N. L MS00754 1 97 NORTH 2ND WEST ST. MONTICELLO, UT. !(/) H— (/I UJ CN X 'i— i or o z "SET 25 50 0 5 10 20 30 METERS 100 Figure 1. Property Map. S/51/90/0SL Figure 2. Location MS00754, looking west at the front of the property. 4 Department of Energy Grand Junction Projects Office Post Office Box 2567 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-2567 June 3, 1991 Location No.: MS-00754 Address: 197 N. 2nd West Street Monticello, UT San Juan School District c/o Hal M. Jensen Post Office Box 219 Monticello, UT 84535 Dear Mr. Jensen: The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), as authorized by the Atomic Energy Act as Amended (1954), has been directed to conduct remedial action at Vicinity Properties contaminated with residual radioactive material which resulted from the Manhattan Engineer District/Atomic Energy Commission operations at the Monticello Mill site owned by DOE. The Vicinity Properties in Monticello are under the regulatory framework of the comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (Superfund) as Amended (1986). The Monticello Vicinity Properties were formally included on the National Priorities List on June 10, 1986. As a result, cleanup activities at the Vicinity Properties are required and must satisfy the requirements-of the Superfund program. A preliminary surficial radiological survey of your property as identified above has not revealed the presence of-residual radioactive material in excess of standards established the Environmental Protection Agency (40 CFR 192). Therefore, the DOE has determined that your property does not require remedial action under Superfund program. You will be notified if further radiological assessments on adjacent properties identify buried radioactive contamination extending onto your property. Your property does not exceed project guidelines with the exception of collectible ore samples not derived from Monticello mill site operations. If you wish to dispose of this material, please contact a DOE contractor employee, and' they will assure this material is properly incorporated into the final Monticello repository. Should you have any questions regarding the Monticello Vicinity Properties Superfund program, please write to me at the above address, or call me collect at 303-248-6001. Your cooperation in granting access to your property to conduct a radiological survey is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, Michael K. Tucker, Director Grand Junction Projects Office • # r cc: Property File - Geotech T. KIuk - EM-443/Trevion T. Harvey - Weston/OTS B. Everett - State of Utah P. Mushovic - EPA OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 D'fc i 9 tm W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management U.S. Department of Energy MS - NEM-423 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: Vacant land This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C. A. Little, Ph. D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00774 Location Address: Property Owner: Owner Address: A332302572QO Monticello. UT 84535 Tenant Name: None Location Number fV\ ^QO "7 "7 VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISC) of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 /iR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] M- n ll (J I) Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 ]>}•(] [] [] [] . [] 226Ra Is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] P<$ [] [] [] [] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background In any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] % [ ] [) [] [} 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] tyl N N 11 • Location Number /V]5CO ~7"7 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed ^f4. do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. 7£W h • tiiW- C. A. Lit£le', (Ph.D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Date Location Number 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be Included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number /^SOO~7~7 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00774 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00774 A33230257200 MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-IVC Project Manager S. M. Smith December 1990 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DEAC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00774 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00774 A3323025720O MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of "numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its.condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. A radiological screening survey of location MS00774 was conducted on October 10, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of vacant land. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA) Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure L A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS00774 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma radiation screening survey was conducted of this property. The property consists of open pasture and plowed fields. The outdoor background gamma exposure rates ranged from 13-15 uR/h. One region of spotty 16 uR/h exposure rates was detected and labeled Region A (Figure 1). Region A appears to be windblown contamination with an exposure rate range of 15-17 uR/h. Soil samples from Region A yielded a net estimated area-weighted average ^Ra concnetration of <1.0 pCi/g for surface soils. This value is below the inclusion criteria of 5 pCi/g for surface soils averaged over 100 m2. Location Number: MS00774 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [ ] EXCEED [x] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is <background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m ^Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 ^Ra is <15 pCi/g above background is subsurface 15cm soil layer averaged over 100 m 2 Location Number: MS00774 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: A33230257200 Monticello, UT 84535 OCCUPANT/TENANT: N/A -TELEPHONE: N/A PROPERTY CLASSinCATION: Vacant lot TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: 85,000 m2 STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: None Owner Information OWNER: Location Number: MS00774 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 uR/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 17 uR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE -RATE RANGE: 1345 uR/h EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: A: 15-17 uR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) IN CONTAMINATED REGION: 17 uR/h LOCATION OF HOG: Region A POINT SOURCE *: None ESTIMATED AREA OF OUTDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: A > 100 m2 NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION**: A: 1.0 uR/h * Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n 2 •'Formula used: GAW = i=l GiAi 100 where: GAW = the area-weighted exposure rate in [uR/h] Gi = net average exposure rate in [uR/h] (Gi = °Gross - GBackground) H = area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 = threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00774 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Soil Sample Concentration Sample Region Depth (pCi/g) Number Sampled (cm) (Canalysis) Representative (biased) Sampling Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* (PCi/g, CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** (PCi/g) SI A A 0-15 1.7 >100 <1.0 N/A S2A 2.7 S2B A 15-30 3.3 MOO 1.3 N/A n 2 •Formula used CAW = i=l CiAiDi (100) (.15) where: CAW = area-weighted ^Ra concentration in [pCi/g] ci = net ^Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and (Ci = canalysis - background) *i = area of region that sample represents in [m2] Di = thickness of sample in [m] 100 = threshold area in [m2], and .15 = threshold thickness in [m] **Shg = Sg* (100m2/A)1/2 where: Shg = the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg = the Authorized Limit for a specific site (pCi/g) A = the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A)W is the Hot Spot multiplication factor CO —I o -X -X -X X — -X- 14-16 /zR/h Perimeter scan only Plowed and planted field. X x x x T" X -* X X X X- 14-16 /j,R/h X X X X X X- f f O x 14-16 ^R/h 15-17 fiR/h (HOG) /r-tf -x- 14-16 /xR/h 1 4 6*8.5 -X X— —X X X- x X 4 Figure 2. Location MS00774, looking south at the front of the property. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRANO JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. SOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORAOO 81502 W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE-20 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [X] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [X] indoor [X] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [X] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-D0E/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [X] 228Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [X] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C. A. Little, Ph. D. " Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MSQ0814- y Location Address: 580 Nortn Main Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Dave and Neva Christensen Owner Address: 515 W. 3200 S. Street Niblev. Utah 84321 Tenant Name: Kelly Rogers I.ocnU.ori Number ^ <S VI.C1.HITY PROPERTY Jf?IJI1fTAftY KVAI.UATTON AND FIND IHGo I.. SUMMARY EVALUATION OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS rnnlnston Survey {lm\L\:a.cS-o}:^SA$ GJ Yes Mo Not Taken* Yfi U.S. Den.-ui mrnl: of Kite i: ay (DOE) ; Mo Hoi T.ifcnn* G.i'inmn is >7'i /«R/1« nbovo li.'if.kj'rnMii<l .-ivern^ed over 100 m» | ) |XI I I ( 1 O.-iimiin is < lihe ncnepl'.ntvl.e cl i rrpl-'CUCO or 70^ ,-lbovn background avornj^etl over 100 M* h0 ll M (1 *,RRn is >3 above background in Lop ,1.5 cm layer averaged OVRC 1.00 uiJ ( ] [^J | | | ) ,-2R\l.i is >I3 pGt./g above background in any subsurface 1.3 cm Layer averaged over 1.00 [ ] ^ [ | [ ] ""RJI is > Hot Spot Guideline |) [] [] Local: i on Number Al 1.7. INDOOR MEASUREMENTS inclusion Survey Contractor^ I_oC)_ U.S. Department: Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >70 n\l/h above background averaged In any room Gamma is < the acceptal} I.e cf t f Co entice or 20* above background in all rooms Grab sample ration daughter concentration Is >0.0A WL Oral) sample ration daughter concentrat ion is <0.()l. WI, Annual average radon (lauglilror concent rat j on is 2-0.02 WI. Annual average ration claiigbtnr concentration is <0.07 WI. [ I 1X1 0 [XI [ I fl [] [ ] (X) (XI (XI (1 Fl I I (1 (! (i (1 ( I Other: *l)n(.a wrrr not taken because: (Xl Data wr.re not required t:o derive the findings. [ | Property owner did not authorir.n access Tor interior samp I i.np,. Local, i on Number Al SCO 1. INCLUSION SUKVKY aWTNAGTOK I'M MIMNCS |',.ir.p<l on (bo ISO's; nva I ual i on, l.lilfl properly contain.-: wlUl fon Irvclr: wbicli || rxcpofl \A "", esceofl 1.1 in WK jyif.rM I'uns Tor Uie Surplus l'\u: i I i i i nr. M.-uiap/Mnen(. Program . ^o^^A Ulk^ In 1 l^jlO r:. A. iJjj-.l-.leTTH'lj.n. I Do'" inclusion Survpy CJoul.rad.or Location Milliliter ). DOE EVALUATION Rased on the DOE's evaluation, (| this property should lie included, [1 litis property should he excluded, or || additional, data are required to support a tie te mi i.na I: ion. DOE Evaluator 3.1. ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Da i n Local, ion H\m\mrAi V' 3.2 fSC-'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S RKfJUKST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Rased on the DOR's revinw of this EVH I iiaf. i on , 1 nc I.ml I nf» t.lin rurthpr information provifled hy (.he ISC in Sect. 3.7. above, this properly should he an [| inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00814. HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00814 580 NORTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little • Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. J. Wilson - MVP-IVC Project Manager B.J. Krall July 1990 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00814 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00814 580 NORTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO, UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. These assessments are referred to as screening and scoping surveys. A detailed investigation is referred to as a "screening" survey and an abbreviated form as a "scoping" survey. A radiological screening survey of location MS00814 was conducted on April 4, 1990 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a single family residence. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-D0E/AL- 050601 (March 1988) and the £AG UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA) Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided In Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS00814 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma screening of this property revealed background gamma exposure rate ranges of 13-14 />R/h outdoors and 12-14 /*R/h indoors. One region of elevated gamma exposure rates was found outdoors, shown as Region A In Figure 1. Soil samples taken from Region A yielded net estimated area-weighted average 228Ra concentrations of <1 pCi/g for both surface and subsurface soils (Table 3). These values are less than the DOE guidelines of 5 pCi/g for surface soil and 15 pCi/g for subsurface soil averaged over 100 ma. Two petrified wood point sources were located in the west and south yard (Figure 1). No regions of elevated gamma exposure rates were detected indoors. Information regarding surrounding properties is located on Figure 1. Location Number: MS00814 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [] EXCEED [X] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is <background plus the acceptable difference or 202 averaged over 100 m2 228Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 22SRa is <15 pCi/g above background in subsurface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 < Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20Z above background in all rooms Location Number: MS00814 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 580 North Main Street Monticello, UT 84535 None Residential, simple 670 m2 1 Single story frame house with partial basement Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: Location Number: MS00814 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 14 piR/h BACKGROUND + 20X: 17 uR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-14 pR/h EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: A: 17-19 pR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) *IN CONTAMINATED REGION: 19 ^R/h LOCATION OF HOG: Region A POINT SOURCE *: 17 pR/h 22 pR/h ESTIMATED AREA OF OUTDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: A: 2.6 2 NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION**: A: <1 (iR/h •Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n G S **Formula used: AW - 1-1 GiAi 100 where:^ gAW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [/iR/h] I - net average exposure rate in [ftR/h] G G G . ( i - Gross - Background) I - area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] • Location Number: MS00814 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20Z: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG) LOCATION OF HIG: POINT SOURCE*: House 12 pR/h 14 /iR/h 11-13 /iR/h 13 /iR/h General None *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings' section. n 2 ••Formula used: x - 1-1 GiAi 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [/iR/h] Q ^ - net gamma exposure rate in [/iR/h] i - area of deposit in [m2] 9.3 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00814 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Net Estimated Area- 228Ra Representative Weighted Hot Soil Sample Concentration (biased) Average* Spot Sample Region Depth (pCi/g) Sampling (pCi/g, Guideline** Number Sampled fern) (Canalvsis) Area m2 CAW; (vCi/e;) SLA SIB A A 0-15 15-30 10 2.3 2.6 2.6 <1 <1 31*** 89*** n Z •Formula used CAW - i-1 CiAiDi (100) (.15) where-. Q - area-weighted 228Ra concentration in [pCi/g] i - net 228Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and (Ci - ^analysis - background) pi - area of region that sample represents in [m2] I - thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 - threshold thickness in [m] **Shg - Sg * (100 m2/A) 1/2 where, Shg - the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg - the Authorized Limit for a specific site (PCi/g) A - the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A)1/2 is the Hot Spot multiplication factor ***Hot Spot Guideline Area 3 m2 E. 8TH ST. 13-14/iR/h CLOTHESUNEI to < 2 ONE STORY FRAME WITH PART BASEMENT 17/iR/n 22/iR/h PT. SOURCES PETRIFIED WOOO ® l7-19MR/h HOG GRAVEL DRIVEWAY MS00811 SURVEYED AND EXCLUDED 85' Figure 1. Property Map m ao Q LU a 3 -I O in1" oo 22 o< to "*LU >- LU > OC 3 CO JL I nrr 10 0 1 » I MS00814 580 N. MAIN ST. MONTICELLO, UT SWT 6JK S/2S/M Figure 2. Location MS00814, looking east at Che front of the property.